Collaborative Unit P Is For Pumpkin

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Collaborative Unit: P is for Pumpkin

Subject: English and Math

Grade: Kindergarten and 1st
Dates: Monday October 17
to Thursday November 3

1.) Exhibit phonemic awareness, including identiIying and categorizing phonemes, orally
blending phonemes into one-syllable words, segmenting one-syllable words into phonemes, and
2.) Demonstrate letter-sound association, including matching letters to corresponding spoken
sounds and blending letter sounds into one-syllable words, using printed materials.
1.) Demonstrate concepts oI number sense by using one-to-one correspondence, counting in
sequence by ones Irom 1 to 20, counting backward Irom 10, recognizing numerals 0-9, and
comparing sets oI objects up to 10 by using vocabulary terms including more than, less than,
most, or least.

Objectives: The students will practice reading Iluency and concepts oI number sense by
engaging in a unit on pumpkins where they will create a pumpkin journal that illustrates the liIe
cycle oI a pumpkin.
Materials: !:mpkin !:mpkin by Jeanne Titherington, LiIe Cycle oI Pumpkin graphic organizer,
Pumpkin Glyph poster, pumpkin cut outs, crayons, markers, pencils, Jack-O-Happy play,
pumpkin Iinger puppets, Active Board, pumpkin webquest (
messnerI01/pumpkin/punpkin.htm), Iour diIIerent sized pumpkins, pumpkin book, Ten Little
Pumpkins song, pumpkin counting sticks, pumpkin seeds, plates, orange construction paper,
white streamers, pieces oI paper with pumpkin carving parts on it, glue, uniIix cubes, pumpkin
measurement graphic organizer, pumpkin booklet, post-test

Procedures: The students were given a pre-test on their knowledge oI counting and pumpkins to
see what they already knew on the Friday beIore the lesson.
Day One
Materials: !:mpkin !:mpkin by Jeanna Titherington, LiIe Cycle oI a Pumpkin Graphic Organizer, pencils, crayons
O The teacher will begin the lesson by reading a pumpkin story that includes Iacts about pumpkins.
O First, the teacher will take the students on a picture walk, then ask questions during and aIter reading.
O The teacher will have students create a liIe cycle oI a pumpkin graphic organizer

Assessment: LiIe Cycle graphic organizer
Day Two
Materials: Pumpkin Glyph Poster, pumpkin cut outs, markers, pencils
O The teacher will begin the lesson by giving the students directions on how to use the chart and the rules Ior
decorating their pumpkins.
O The teacher will hand the students their pumpkins and they will use markers to decorate their pumpkin according
to the chart.
O The students will then discuss their pumpkins, and guess what the mystery pumpkin is.

Assessment: Decorated pumpkins
Day Three
Materials: Jack-O-Happy play, Iinger puppets, pumpkin webquest, Active Board, three diIIerent sized pumpkins,
pumpkin book
O The teacher will read a Jack-o-Happy play with the students and have them participate in a Iinger play.
O The teacher will have students participate in a pumpkin webquest.
O Then, they will be given Iour pumpkins to compare Irom smallest to largest and write a report about them.
Assessment: Participation in play and webquest, answers in pumpkin book
Day Four
Materials: carved open pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin book created Irom yesterday, Ten Little Pumpkin song,
O The students will read and participate in a play with the poem 'Ten Little Pumpkins
O Then the teacher will give each student a pumpkin already cut open and let them look inside and take out the
seeds to count.
O They will Iinish their reports stating how many seeds they had in their pumpkin and then compare the two
pumpkins using the words more than or less than.
Assessment: seed counting and Iinished report in pumpkin book
Day Five
Materials: paper plates, markers, streamers, orange construction paper with carving parts on it, glue
O The teacher will begin the lesson by showing the students the pumpkin carving graphs on the wall, one Ior eyes,
one Ior nose, and one Ior mouth.
O The teacher will have the pieces oI paper Ior the diIIerent pictures oI how to cut the eyes, nose, and mouth on a
table along with two glue sticks.
O The students will be instructed to pick one picture Ior each category (eyes, nose, mouth) to show how they want
the pumpkin carved Ior the class
O They will paste their paper on the graph in the correct category
O Once Iinished, the teacher will explain the graph to the students and ask them how their pumpkin will look
O The students will then create a pumpkin windsock by coloring the paper plate based on how the class pumpkin
will look according to the graph
O The teacher will help the students paste their streamers onto the pumpkin

Assessment: completed wind socks and graph
Day Six
Materials: uniIix cubes, diIIerent sized pumpkins, pumpkin measurement graphic organizer, crayons, pencils
O The teacher will begin the lesson by explaining that the students will be measuring pumpkins today using uniIix
cubes and comparing which one is the heaviest and which is the lightest
O The teacher will model Ior the students how to Ieel which one is heaviest and shoe them how to write it on their
graphic organizer
O The teacher will model Ior the students how to measure the pumpkins with uniIix cubes, count them, and write
down the inIormation on the graphic organizer
O The students will then write on their sheet which pumpkin weighed more than the others, which weighed less,
which was taller, and which was smaller
O The students will color the pumpkins Iound on the sheet iI there is extra time.

Assessment: completed measurement graphic organizer
Day Seven
Materials: Pumpkin booklet, Active Board pumpkin patch webquest, crayons and pencils
O The teacher will begin the lesson by creating a web with the students on the white board oI the things that
pumpkins need to grow.
O Then the teacher will have students use the pumpkin webquest to learn more interesting Iacts about pumpkins.
O AIter this, they will create a pumpkin growing book Iound on the webquest
O The students must add pictures to the already written book and color them

Assessment: web on white board, pumpkin booklet
Day Eight
Materials: pumpkin post-test and learning styles inventory
O The students will take a post-test on the lesson
O The students will be given a learning styles inventory by the teacher
Assessment: post-test and learning styles inventory

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