Unit-V Hand Out

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Unit V: Embedded Development & Debugging Tools

After completing this unit, the student can able to o Define compiler, assembler, linker and loader. o Differentiate cross-compiler and normal compiler. o Differentiate the development process for embedded systems and traditional system. o Understand the importance of tools support for the target hardware. o Exemplify the various features that the development tools need to support. o Understand the hardware and software co-design philosophy for embedded systems. o State the various models for embedded system hardware and software partitioning. o Define Simulator, Emulator. o Understand the host-target communication architecture for development process. o Differentiate the on-chip programming with on-chip debugging support in IAP. o Name the standard Protocols like JTAG, Ethernet, USB and Serial for IAP. o Name the royalty free tools available for the development process of embedded systems. o Understand the issues of licensing for the commercial tools such as Keil and Vxworks o Brief the importance and features of Vxworks RTOS. o Draw the Tornado IDE platform necessary for the programmer to communicate the host with the target server launched. o Understand and narrate the APIs used in Vxworks for tasks creation, inter process communication techniques supported in Vxworks. o Summarize the methodology adopted for on-chip debugging using JTAG with Embedded Trace Macro-cell (ETM) digital block. o Define the board support package testing and driver integration for the value added services of the ongoing design. o Map the functional level requirement to optimize the design in terms of memory, execution time, overall development time and cost. o Understand the importance of performance analyzer for RTOS based simulations of the software architectures without hardware availability to test. o Understand the importance and usage of the Logic Analyzer for network enabled embedded systems.

Textbook to Follow: o 8051 Programming in C and Assembly Embedded Systems by Mazidi and Mazidi. o Vxworks6.1 IDE function reference manual (for APIs) o www.windriver.com o www.keil.com o www.jtag.org

ECE/4/4/BE/Sem-I/N Abid Ali Khan/Embedded Systems (EC406)/Unit-V/Handout/2011 2012

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