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Date _____________________

Dear Parent/Guardian,
My name is Mary Donovan. I am a student teacher candidate Irom The University oI Alabama in
Huntsville. Throughout the next Iive weeks, I will be working with Mrs. Rich`s Collaborative
class. I will be taking pictures and/or videos oI a variety oI classroom activities to represent
teaching experiences during my internship. As part oI my teacher education program
requirements, I am expected to develop an electronic teaching portIolio. I would like to include
pictures and/or videos oI classroom activities in my portIolio and webpage. I would appreciate
your permission to use items that may include your child.
The pictures and/or videos would be included in my electronic portIolio to provide evidence oI
my ability to meet state and university standards and would 'bring to liIe the documents I
present in my proIessional portIolio. All students will remain anonymous and all documentation
would remain my personal property only to be used Ior educational purposes associated with the
teacher education program and my proIessional teaching portIolio.
Please check the appropriate statement, sign, and have your child return the letter to Mary
I grant permission Ior my child to be photographed and/or videotaped Ior educational
purposes and Ior the photographs to be included in the candidate`s electronic teaching portIolio. I
understand that the photos, which will be used Ior educational purposes only, will be posted on
the UAH Department oI Education`s website. Access to the candidate`s electronic portIolio will
limited to the UAH campus.
I do not give permission Ior my child to be photographed Ior any reason.
I do not give permission Ior my child to be videotaped Ior any reason.
Student`s Name
Teacher`s Name
Signature oI parent/guardian Date

UAH Student Teacher

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