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Nean, Neuian, Noue: uioup uata (Piesenteu by: Rosaiio u.

Catugas) Page

ExampIe 1: Mean, Median and Mode for grouped data

Question: Find the Mean, Median and Mode for the following grouped data:
Mass(kg) Frequency
41 - 45 7
46 - 50 10
51 - 55 15
56 - 60 2
61 - 65 6
total = 50

To calculate the mean we need to add up all the masses and divide by
50. We do not know actual masses, so we approximate by choosing the
midpoint of each group, Multiplying the frequency and adding to get
the approximate total of the masses as shown below.

Mass(kg) Midpoint Frequency Midpoint * freq
41 - 45 (41 + 45) 2 = 43 7 43 7 = 301
46 - 50 48 10 480
51 - 55 53 15 795
56 - 60 58 2 696
61 - 65 63 6 378
total = 50 total = 2650

Mean = 2650 / 50 = 53
Modal group is the group 51 - 53 (has the highest frequency)
Median group is the group 51 - 53 (25
and 26
terms are in this group)

Nean, Neuian, Noue: uioup uata (Piesenteu by: Rosaiio u. Catugas) Page

Exercises: Mean, Median and Mode for grouped data

. Times were recorded when learners player a game
Time in seconds Frequency
36 - 45 5
46 - 55 11
56 - 65 15
66 - 75 26
76 - 85 19
86 - 95 13
96 - 105 6

Required: Calculate the mean, the modal group and the median of the group.
. The following data were collected from a group of learners
Time in seconds Frequency
41 - 45 3
46 - 50 5
51 - 55 8
56 - 60 12
61 - 65 14
66 - 70 9
71 - 75 7
76 - 80 2

Required: Calculate the mean, the modal group and the median of the group.

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