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EMILYS SIDE By Ghostface_Fan

INT. HOUSEHOLD - KITCHEN: AFTERNOON. Emily stands in the kitchen - a cup in her hand, she takes a sip, watching the movers bring boxes into the house. Ms. Samuels appears next to Emily. MS. SAMUELS Home sweet home... Emily glances at her mom. EMILY I guess. MS. SAMUELS Why dont you go outside? You know to stay out of the way. Emily sets the cup on the counter and nods - walking off... CUT TO: EXT. SAMUELS HOUSE - YARD: MOMENTS LATER. Emily exits the house, moving to the side too let a mover into the house. Emily furrows her brow and walks down the driveway, kicking her foot back and forth softly against the cement. Emily makes her way to the sidewalk - she gives a sigh. She takes a seat on the edge of the sidewalk, digging her face into her hands. A hand falls onto Emilys shoulder - giving her a jump, she spins her head to face - ADAM. ADAM Ooh, sorry. EMILY [confused] Can I help you? ADAM Wanted to see if you were okay... Emily furrows her brow. EMILY [annoyed] Perfect. With a cherry on top.


ADAM Uh huh, so your new here? EMILY So your a stalker? ADAM I think the moving van behind you explains you just moved in. EMILY [dumbfounded] Oh right. Emily blushes slightly. ADAM Im Adam Grey, and your--? EMILY Emily Samuels. ADAM Nice to meet ya. EMILY Nice to meet ya too. ADAM Say- why are you sitting out here? EMILY My mom wanted me to be out of the movers way. ADAM Ah. Going to school tomorrow? Emily nods. ADAM [CONTD] Hey - how about I show ya around. EMILY Okay then. ADAM Sweet! ADAM [CONTD] So - why did ya move here?


EMILY Tough times... Uh, I rather not talk about it. Adam gives a nod understanding in some way. ADAM Well, I better go. I need to get home before my sister gets back from her Flower Shop. EMILY Nice meeting ya in a strange way, Adam. Adam chuckles. ADAM Nice to meet ya also. See ya tomorrow. Adam gives a smile and walks off the way he came, Emily gives him a soft wave and a smile... As Adam walks off Emily, looks back down - feeling a bit better that she made a friend. She starts picking at her knee figuring out what she should do next... Emily slowly rises to her feet, facing Adam - she watches him. Suddenly she turns back to her new house. She steps off the sidewalk onto the grass. She finds her balance, and frowns at her new house. She knows something bad is going to happen. But she doesnt know when or where...

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