Western Union Short & Long Tie

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WLS1L8n unlCn SPC811lL !

1he WesLern unlon [olnL ls used more frequenLly Lhan any oLher [olnL lL ls used ln lnLerlor wlrlng ln
[olnlng Lwo lengLhs of wlre Lo exLend Lhe conducLors from ouLleL Lo ouLleL ln ouLslde wlrlng lL ls used

1 Skln Lhe wlres abouL 6 cm from Lhe ends aL an angle of 43 degrees
2 Scrape or sandpaper Lhe bared conducLors
3 lace Lhe Lwo wlres ln x" poslLlon aL dlsLance of abouL 3 cm form Lhe end
4 Pold Lhe wlres flrmly wlLh pllers or your hand aL Lhelr lnLersecLlon and wrap one end a Lurn or Lwo
around Lhe oLher wlre 1hen do Lhe same wlLh Lhe oLher end
3 ConLlnue wrapplng each wlre one agalnsL Lhe oLher unLll you have four full Lurns close LogeLher
When unable Lo Lurn Lhe wlres wlLh your flngers use pllers ln order Lo geL Lhe polnL wrapped LlghLly
6 CuL off any exLra wlre
7 1lghLen and shape wlLh Lhe pllers
8 1he spllce ls Lhen soldered and Laped

WLS1L8n unlCn LCnC1lL !Cln1
1he WesLern unlon Long1le or Lelegraph spllce as lL ls frequenLly called ls used exLenslvely for ouLslde
wlrlng and ls qulLe slmllar Lo Lhe shorLLle spllce belng used for Lhe same purpose 1he only dlfference ls LhaL a
number of long LwlsLs are made before wrapplng Lhe end Lurns 1hls ls clalmed Lo be an advanLage because lL
allows Lhe solder Lo spread ln beLween Lhe wlres more freely

1 1he wlres for Lhls spllce are bared abouL 114 cm
2 1hey are Lhen placed on Lhe form of an x" aL a polnL mldway beLween Lhe lnsulaLlon and Lhe end aL eh
end of Lhe bare wlre
3 llve or slx long LwlsLs are Lhen made and on each slde aL leasL four Lurns
4 ConLlnue wrapplng each wlre one agalnsL Lhe oLher unLll you have four full Lurns close LogeLher
When unable Lo Lurn Lhe wlres wlLh your flngers use pllers ln order Lo geL Lhe polnL wrapped LlghLly
3 CuL off any exLra wlre
6 1lghLen and shape wlLh Lhe pllers
7 1he spllce ls Lhen soldered and Laped

8A11AlLLu !Cln1

1he raLLalled [olnL ls used prlnclpally ln [olnlng conducLors ln ouLleL boxes lL ls saLlsfacLorlly lf
no longlLudlnal sLraln ls lmpressed on lL A longlLudlnal sLraln would cause Lo unLwlsL Lhe [olnL
1 8emove wlLh your knlfe abouL 3 cm of Lhe lnsulaLlon from Lhe ends of Lhe wlres
2 8emove any ragged lnsulaLlon ends
3 Scrape Lhe wlres unLll Lhey are brlghL and clean
4 Cross Lhe Lwo bare wlres aL approxlmaLely 4 cm from Lhelr lnsulaLlon and LwlsL Lhelr ends maklng flve or
slx long LwlsL an
3 CuL exLra ends and cllp lL LogeLher maklng a LlghL [olnL

Lnu llx1u8L SLlCL

1he end flxLure spllce ls used when a flxLure wlre usually no 18 AWC ls Lo be [olned Lo a LermlnaLlng
branch conducLor whlch l mosL frequenLly of no 14 AWC
1 1he blgger wlre ls bared for abouL 3 cm and Lhe flxLure wlre for abouL 762 cm
2 8emove any ragged lnsulaLlon ends and scrape Lhe wlres unLll Lhey are brlghL and clean
3 1hen a 3 cm lengLh of Lhe flxLure wlre ls wrapped around Lhe bared no 14 AWC
4 nexL Lhe end of Lhe larger ls benL back over Lhe [olnL and Lhe remalnlng porLlon of Lhe flxLure wlre ls
wound abouL lL

ACk 1u8n SLlCL

1he backLurn spllce ls used when flxLure leads are connecLed Lo branch wlres aL an
lnLermedlaLe polnL 1hls [olnL wlll wlLhsLand conslderable longlLudlnal sLraln
1 8emove wlLh your knlfe abouL 9 cm of lnsulaLlon from Lhe end of Lhe branch wlre (no 12 AWC)
and 7 cm form Lhe end of Lhe flxLure wlre (no 16 or 14 AWC wlre)
2 8emove any ragged lnsulaLlon ends and scrape Lhe wlres unLll Lhey are brlghL and clean
3 Cross Lhe Lwo bare wlres aL approxlmaLely 1 cm form Lhe lnsulaLlon flxLure wlre and 4 cm from
Lhe lnsulaLlon of Lhe branch wlre and LwlsL Lhelr ends maklng four long LwlsL
4 Poldlng exLra ends of boLh wlres bend lL LogeLher around Lhe branch wlre by formlng Lwo shorL
1he doublewrapped cross[olnL ls used for ldenLlcally Lhe same reason as Lhe ordlnary cross
[olnL wlLh Lhe advanLage of belng sLronger

1 1he maln wlre for Lhls [olnL ls sklnned 38 cm and Lhe Lwo Lap wlres abouL 633 cm
2 Cne of Lhe Lap wlres ls hooked over Lhe maln wlre where Lhe oLher ls placed ln Lhe ushaped
bend alongslde Lhe flrsL wlre
3 1he lnsulaLlon of boLh Lap wlres should be abouL 064 cm form Lhe maln wlre
4 1he ends of boLh wlres are Lurned ln Lhe same dlrecLlon and wrapped parallel Lo each oLher
around Lhe maln conducLor
3 1he [olnL ls soldered

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