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Furs parlsp [plsp'], with indef. art .......·f [....... 'y] wall 114:1. - OIr "pari-epa- from pori Av, (1615 sq.) lspli_ 'to throw', cf pargun; !lIPrthPrs prysp; Arm. Iw, parUip. parist [PIst'J, v, usdis-parist, From

and Covetousness and ~e devils remained slain and finished~destrOyed) 111 470&-7 (8); to be ready wit, to get rid of (lIac): Fistfisp ka hac k Teclir i apak Aritiep pardaxt biit as soo~ as Y. had got to the end of the war A. ios-. [be ,__ to be taken away fr m (hac), to be refused: xlJarisn hac =0 i da,nall be pardaciIt food is taken n"l' from, refused to, a menstruous woman d. HF comm.], - From OIr pari tac-, '. iacilan; _~Y. (625) pairi-tae'to run ound (a p.)'; (Verbum 227: para tac-, otprobnble); Paz. pardazain- 'completion, perfection'; J:>;"P pardaxtan commonly ~pp1ented by the caus, parda:clan, pt. 1f:daxtah eompleted, finished, disengn~d etc.; lIt:Prs v. above.


parlin [plwri', inscr, plwny] on the other, the reverse side; in the other direction Vd. 2J4; camp ........ tar further beyond ibd. 929; on the opposite side, opp. oron pargfin [plg-n'] *wall 935 ( cad, with Dh.: ... -paliniii i domik ; perlin on Harburz ,.._, Y. 53'; - beyond, in the other world, oPP, aron in this world, very often in H. is n wall all around i ). - < "pnrithe Karter inseripfions i plwny 'L yzd'n kana- 'that which is t own up all around' from pari 1>0111' 'to throw', Y. lwny, 'L wtlt'n limy = parallll a yazdcin ronll, 6 vitariiin ranli in the beyond, on apakandan ; ef parisp, the side of the gods, of the departed. pargundnk [Plgndk'] scat red, dispersed < *para.n'in (para v, S. v. par.billan; ron 1092•1 1121. - Pt. of p a kan- 'to 'side', v, s. v.), whence either paron throw' (Verbum 227), Y. pakandan ; 111 through haplology, or porron with synPrs prgn- (8); l';"P pargal' all (the vb. is cope of the second a; a trace of the here parligalldall). latter form perhaps in *ltu-parroll (q.v.), pargnndukah the state of eing scattered parr [PI] feather, wing 3!O. 9~. - Av, 1 11 IS. 112~·5; (8G9 sq., 89,1 sq.) pOr.Jl1a-, p~rima.; MPrs in pr·u:r 'winged' (A-H I), ' pnrgundnklhii [,....,·yh'] in a scattered state 'white-winged' (A-H II); 1\"P por(r). (some parts here and oth 5 there) 10B:n.

par-Bstiitnn [PI l:"IFYIIIIfN-tn'] to go and stand in front of a p. in order to protect him: pM Za tux§t par-i!.stat 4919-2D. - pori Uitafan, cf Av, (1603) pairi.stii 'to check, to pr .ent., to withhold'.

parlstlitnn [plstztri'], parlstitan [plstytn'J parist- to "Worship,to adore, to submit to, to embrace (a religion) 191• 7511• S2U.l~. < pari stu-, v, Estiitan. and cf parestalan; Prth *pori.lta- in ArID. lw, a111barilt 'impious' < Arm neg. all*parilW-, pallalln < *padwun < *pari§tamna- (middle pt.) 'cult, service, office', paft·em 'to worship'; in 8W witb -ft· > -st-i :!IIPrs pres. pryst-, and the info IlSSUlDing the 8Y\T ending -Han (cf MPrth plL"rs'dn: lIll'rs pwrsydl1, etc.): Paz. parastidan paraei- = 1II"P; Verbum 194 sq.


pnrlstlsn [plstsn 'J service 4:~; worship: namiic u ,.._,(JS1~; Y. also u=dfa· ......-ih,


pnrik [plykJ sorceress, mtlh, pl. cas. obl. .....-iin 8714•21• 90~'. - Av, (8 3 sq.) pairikii-; Arm, lw. parik ; lIIPrt pryg; Paz. [ar; (8GV); h"1' pari. parikeh 45H• the art, practice of sorceresses

patrlsn [pISn'J the flying, the twanging: ,._, i kamiillun 25!3.~~ . parritun [plytn'], parrlstun [plstn'jto in the air 925• - !>;"P parridall. fly

Piirs [p'Is] the province of Persis, Persia proper P. 227. 61~. jlD-H. 816.


152 133; ,..." haJ death of .~ ,.,_, j /laxeir by an inf.r for a temp


·Piirsak. pl. cas. obl. Piirsakiin [p'ls1!:'n'] the people of Pars 114H. - In Cat. 12 COITC!ctedto phlwbyg-n = PaMaL'igiin, but Y. UJ LX, 1929, 102. Perhaps a simple mistake for pCi1'8ikCill, but cf iil'unakiill and ll'uspulirahiill. piirs-iiziit [p'ls'z't] a nobleman from Pars, pl. cas. rect, PI: S. - V. ii=iit. pflrsik Persian, pl. cas. obl, [p'lsyk'n', p'lsyli:'n'] 1315• 1I613• *parSDIIl [pIswmy] v, pahlom,

l' Alaksandar after the 1: etc. passim; without hac: ter the hunt 1·P3-H; followed the Y. n. in ·i811(ii11) it stands ral elause : ,.._,hac malan i ... 401S; - ha bE riffrislliih 6516-1" etc. pas . sim ; intro cing a full temporal clause: _ hac Min i ... o:at but 815; ,..." hac hiin. i ka 17~. 9(16. - AY. (S82 sq.] pasea ; UiIr };,y pas (of pa cmanch), S'Y pas, v, Tedesco, Dial. 209, q. - Y. also pasih, pascn.

parrlin (Prth) [QD?lITH] before, in the presence of Haj.A: 5 (= Prs pU). -lIIPrth prw'n, v, Tedesco, Dial. 239. parvllnnkah [plw 'nlcyb] order, permission, commission 7S10-11• - 1\1:' parviillUgi 'the commission of a (royal) messenger', from poriiinak, Syr. lw. parlfallqrJ 'runner, a king's messenger', also in J.·Ar and Mand, Y. Telegdi 251; IIIPrs pnv'ng 'lead· er' (A-H II); 1\jl parviil1ulo 'a messenger'. parrartun [plwltn'] - to nourish 2~o (inf', as an imp.)·2~. 1O~6. au. - < pari bar., v, bw1a71; 1IIFrs prwrdll prter·; 1\jl parvardan.

piis [p's] "fatch, guard 65D, - OP *pii9!l" SW form 01 ptiBra., Y. pahr, -lIIPrs p'sb'n 'watchmaJ. guardian'. pnsell [,d·yb], with -e : poss-e ['I._iL.yc], adv, = p~s: behind 572Z (to be joined with the t·eceding sentence, v. s. Y. liuoron); hac from behind 572~;0 ....... backwards 485 rightabout 5725 twice; pasc·c
H ka inasm~~ BS 67 • - pas the adverbial en·' g ·6 (not identical with the abstract e ding .elI, though confounded with it ~ phically), found 11150 in pese .. [inser. py _ay, SM passim] and others, Y. s, v. pa c.

parrdrtnn [plw 'ltn '] - to serve (food) 76B• - Caus. of parvartan. pns ['J;IL; B'TL 57~6], with -c: pas·ic (,I;lL·c] adv. 1. behind: be raft Mnd ... YalWlIlan pes, ZaTtuxSt pas they went away, V. first, Z. behind 5il~-13; ....., ....., one after the other llOl~; ,_ tuuiarq luixt on her back between her thighs 5i~6j liac r-« from behind 25~D. 2>l17; ij pM •.. o ,..._,forwards ... backwards (lSU-12; hap,.... i prep. behind 319; api-san '" hac ,..._, ehind them i1,-u; b liar; ,.,_, in her footsteps 37H-19• - 2. afterwards, then: ....." 01' 11 ,..._" or ,...,, pursuing a narration, passim; introducing the apo. dosis after a subordinate clause 2·p-5. 2j~-3. 4411-13• 91'-5; ka ras·ic . .. ~ -ic however much .. , yet 911z-13; aplik •.. ,._, in spite of ... yet 116-D; - ,._, hac prep. after: ,.._,hac Min afterwards 43•21• ,

pasen v. tall.





i ....."

passnenkl1ii [psckyh"] in due course llPD.~2. - Adv, of -passacak: 'proper, appropriat.e, conformable', from pat-sac-, Y. sax/ml, sacak, pa.ssCixt. passaud [J¥;nd] lenity, in a juridical sense : reductionjf what the law formally pre· scribes in ny special case, as opposed to diifis/6n ( . Y.), 701• - passalld and diitisliill are symmetrically opposed juridical terms, d~ed and exemplified in the Syriac Go pus iuris of Iso'bi5xt (SYTische Reclltsbucli CT, ed. by Sachau, ill, 1914, 12-14): - Suppose a man owes a sum and equally as much in interest fallen due, but ~nnot pay the sum total because of .overty, illness, or the like; if then, at 1 ._ request, the creditor remits the interel;t and rests content with the capital, t s is pasaana. On the other

or ...

side: though according t~IIlW a daughter only inherits half as muc as her brother; yet, in order to prevent t re fatality that she, as a poor maid, n ust remain at home and suffer the co turnely of not being married, she may be given the same share in the inlleritll.llce as her brother: this is bch-diiqaSf{illEh (Phl : vch-diitistiineh) 'surplus yard'. - Paz. 1\'1' pasand ; < ·pal-Bal1d- Y. next w,



pat ,_, patvae· i31; pat ,_, i 6 Ariax8er kart l1ipi.§t in the reply he made to A. he wrote 41D; ell ,_, 8=Uall i man GVi.§ gab give him the following answer in my words 1320-:1._ < .pati.saxtJall" Y. saxuan; Ann hr. patasxani < ·palo5llxan, the 1\'\V development, v. Bailey, JRAS 1930, 1g; lIIPrthPrs psu-x; Paz. 1\'''P piisllx. pasemiinch [psym'nyh] repentance 1021• 126. 6822• - 1I1Prs p§ym'71(yg) 'repentant' (S); Paz. pa.§emq, abstr, pa§cllliini; 1\'1' pasiman, piBPlJiin, pi.!miin, abstr. patio man!, piSmiil1i. Of 1\'\Y origin: paie the 1\'IV form corresponding to S\V pasc (q. v.) "miilla- 'measure', 'repentance' being understood IlS an "after-meusuring'"; cf [ramiin,

pnssand- [psnd-] pres. to pproye: Ohurmazd .•. hee vattarch u d 6:allclr ne passandi: 793 ..... - < ·pat-sal • from pati AY. (1559 sq.) lsand_, cf hi".s(an.1I1Prth psynd. 'appreciate', Ghilafu 55.

pas5iirl [ps'ht.'], 10SB P~t-Sii:ct [P'iVNs'ht'], accomplishment, peforIIlll.llce, esp. of the var, the ordeal: var ~ D10I 7431~. 7iJ17; hence ~ alone: ord al; ~ gah the place of.the ordeal lOP'; at gobiBII i ~ through the decision of tl e ordeal 10916; _.fturpiit i Mahraspandtin kL patiS pat-siixi i pat. dcn kart, rod i vitiixt <: apar t'ar ri!xt A, jIlL, who accomplisl cd the ordeal upon it (pati.§: in orde to prove its truth} conformably to R ligion, melted metal being poured on I - breast 1 085-G• The ordeal either acquits 01' condemns, either proves or denies t e truth of an assertion, a witness, etc., t e terms being buxton and craxtan (eri an) (Y. these ws.) which are often aSJ detically coordinated so as to form a s IT of thxmdva i buxtan-eraxtan, buxt-iiraxt dicating the alternative decisions of e ordeal. Cf also DkIlI 64417-21. The mlly be used in the sense plish the ordeal', DklII passa;rtall < ·pai-sac., v siixfan. Paz. pasiixt, Skr. Y. mahiidivy 'great oath' (SGY X, 70); lIIPrthPrs 'xin ps'c- 'to arrange', lIIPrth also pszt. passax'' [pshw], Ililsaxu 511w] answer, reply, reponse: 532? (6 to 5621• 1059.2~; ,_, gujfall, pat ~ gujlan, ~ kartan. to answer, to reply, passim; ~ datan. 26~;

*pii.§i.§n [p'ssn'] S9U•25: pudii.§in, Y. piitdiisin_

read p'd'sn'

lliisom-kuniSn [p·swm1.-wo.Sn'] one who works for the (final) renewal of the world, pI. CIlS. obl ...... ·an used as the subj, 10621, v, pahlom, past [pst'] a binding promise 2U (,._, u zinluir hendiadys: promise of safety); 3321• - Bthl,IlIirM II, 3-15, ZsR 1,7-18.
11lllt [Pt'] dignitary, chief 5818. 11410, _4.v. (821) patio; in compounds: her'pat, dahyu-pat, maqu-pat, spiill-pat; of also xUM.

l!pllt[PWN; Prth. inscr, ptyJ A. prep_; not, governing encl. pronouns (in pat-Biill arasa/leh 109:' the encL belongs to the following subst.), I. in a concrete sense : 1. local : in, on, upon, at; (to pass) over (a bridge), through (a passage); (to remain, dwell) with a p. ; passim; 'pn LGLH P\,VN ZJ.l,:~ drky J;lNI;I:TWN = api-n pad pat cn darrakv niMit HajB: 6-7. (12-13), Prth NGRYNpty ZKw:rm I;I:Q'il'lnV-t HajA: 6-7. (11-12); PWN ZK 1'5Y ZY = pat hun ralLy i . , . on the road to . P 1: 4. - 2. tinJe: pat ham lap 162; -patoastak hame pat. sap ka 51; sap i siiikar pat uSbiim lOP~-l~ ;pat ul v=§i.§llEh i nazdeh.

roc 495; asp 2 •.. kiJ pat roc·e 70 [rasanq be ayend.(h)e (v. uma· fan) {}lo-n; pat bavandakelz i 30 sal 561; pat haztirak: sal' 999 etc.; pat hal' za· mall 10422; pat, har gah u zaman 716; pat f bar at one time 32G; pat han yiil'arll ka on the occasion when PI: 2; pat han afterwards; pat [ratomeli, pal avdolllEIi, pat bundaliisneh, pat jraiOm: Y. below II. 9.3. instrumental: PDt clast dullan; pal hall i clasn pad jrac Skast 5311-12; pat .1I=1:0n ." sa.rumJ gobiSnd 10619; pal zajar apac jilUir briton 48G; pat casm tlitan ; pat hiin. i ;1 iiyo::Un rally 519·11; pat ap (i)::.arrllipWak 10i9; with abstract nouns: pat ;:61' u Ii ullar ... hfcaldwGcah ulhi xt 159; personal 7121l-21. - II. in 0. figurative sense: 1. to the benefit of, or to the detriment of: ciS·s pat man llct'akeh vas kart 351; pat [radandiin i man uizandkiir baucnd ]43• - 2. causal: pat :;01'.•• i Sulipuhr kanicak: avd eahist 15B-D; (pat) palmlld because of relationship 1173; api-t pal rIIvon du.§xuariSh el6n baL'et cigon 45~t; - as a reward for: liar kase pat hun and kiir 11 kirpale . • • uiizd patd5.§in dahifnd 10321-25• - 3. concessive: in spite of, notwithstanding, e. g. daniikeh i Zartu:r§t pal hall i apaTlliii diiteh 536• - 4. final: for, e.g, pat en kiir fresfit kii .•. 1319; pat kilr-if sut irstiit 1417; pat pi1ldiHin 9510-13; pat Min i hunu.§7:iill ken 50'-~; pat :r;ue§eh ~j a::.utiih ddlan II i~~. - 5. pat l1ii711 i ... in the name of; in oaths: by: pat xvarral: 1· Oh urmazd bag ..• sokalld xUaret (imp.) 2p7-16; 59'J·Z~. - 6. with regard to: pat dipirifh tl a.. n-ariih cion [raluuxt. kil ...

pat hamal.

pat cCivegiin
dra~/ar pat

cer u niparla!.;


balai u jruxular pat pahllui 3S9-1D; kfi pat tan lUon Va::.UTg but Mild i ... 32~G-Z7; 2 anque: pat Miai 9321; pat llevakell apar-arsanil« 92H-1S• - 7. distributive: pal 10 mart Iliin-e ka xUarelld sagr Mild 8021-Z~.- 8. in a great many expressions and idioms in varying functions, e. g. in such idioms as refer to domination (oyer), struggle, light etc. (with, against), accusation (3714), excuse (413, v. b6~jsll), belief (virrtiyi.sian pat),

and its antonyms (guma'l, ape. gumun, a'J!.gumaneh pat), reliance (upon); - to look n, at (nikerl!an); to consider, regard as 'da.§tan pat); to make a p. such and such "as kartan pat subst., often in the c . obl, sg. ending in -ell); to entrus: (g4mart(].71 pat kas)! to. g~t married (Y. =allc!t) ~etc. etc., v, the jndividual ws.9_ formin adverbial expressions , from adjectives with Orwithout the ending -ell: pat bulan aloud, pat Bihsfilak, pat 7lumci§t; pat bauandakili, pat pifra=e:/I, pat sagreh, p tuzsakiJh; from a subst.r pat jTa::iim, t dokiill; pat hamtixatzih; pat si!tsiileh, DI, b1l7ldahitllch, pat paitiyaraHI!; pat ;tllarilllc!t without food; from adverbs ; at uleTr,pat nikim£ih, pal apiikeh. - 10. co pound expressions: pat '" homiiniik, pat '" 7llaJlfi.keh similar(ly); pDt 1Uudl'e1r i 7415 (pat hiin. i [raskart Ila:dikeh 001); apar pDt Min [amnn. ka 4Pl, adai; apar pat [amiin 6]P i pat ylluat hac; - frame prep.: pat •.. rud (q. v.}. 11. in COI:!p05itionwith a subsb., forming adjecth.e~ with the sense of 'provided, connecte 'with': yam i pat-gohr set with jewels OBi (murvun i) pat-up aquatic 93~a; ::.a11 i 'fJat-f-hr a woman of good birth 699; c:igiil1 and r hilldllkiin pat.vicin bilt, high of station 1 ID-11; - enlarged with the adj. ending -0 land: lza kri§u!!p pat-tanomaltd 11 (pat· )ju?omalld nc but hiili if K. had no t been 'with body (pat-((].rl) and life (pat'Ifll) 34~D. - B. adv. (rare): in addition'lmoreover 9G11; 1£ pat-it: and fUl'therm[B 9015• The proper a dv, be· longing t pat'is palis (q. v.}, - O'Ir +pat! (Skr pralt!, AY. (822 sqq.) paiii, OP patiy; MPrthPr pd, pI; Paz. pa. In all probability t ~pa was since old in common use o.10n,ide of pat as its sandhi form (cf p08soiu, passand etc.}, and on it the spelling o] the prep. W>lS based by analogy with the ~emit.ic prepositions b-, k-, Z-. As however,1 contrary to the Sem, ws., it its character of an independent 01'., ahd independent one-consonnntic moaosyll bles are .unknown in the Aram.


put. orthography the IraniJs took over, it "as necessary to mar~~t in some way as a word unit, For tlUs purpose the €'mling .\\'N, very combon in Ararn. verb ideograms, was chJsen. The form P"lV'N thus created is ~omequent]y e. spurious ideogr. and has root in Arum, as I formerly assumed. TJ1~ transliteration p", adopted by de Menasc ,is an at.tempt to visualize the spelling (but the real sign of abbreviation in B is 'g, originally probably -k : 1;['g, ~.g, p. , FrP 4). - In compounds pat is regular' written phonetically, only in special ases PWN, of above A n, 11 and orne of the following ws. In compo ds the genuine S'V form pai. is somet~es reflected in the orthography. v, p!lirw/ak, pairayak,




pat-npiikcnit [PWN·'p'1.)-Uj~'] pt. = pret. pass. 3d P: sg.: pat apal:cl! ~ brought back with him 4IB: instead of saying pat apfiki!.h burt, the author has formed ad hoc 11 paronomastic den. vb. "patapakfnHan ('1.-. apti'k 2), and thus achieves 11 figllra etYlllologica illustrative of the man's care and tenderness. - Cf patfra::timellit.


piitdiis!n [p'td'sn'], piidiisin [+p'd'iln' 5913.~5] retribution, reward 3B• 5913.~5. 7P-~ (opp. iivelli1n). 80S•ID (opp. paUfrfis). 9510-13.103~5.- < pat· = pat. (as to the lengthening of -ii- cf Verbum 229 sq.) dtiJin (q. v.}: MPrs. p'd'§yn; Paz. pa.. daUn, pudas(a)n (:tIb:). 1\-P piidilsall; Talm.Jw. prdsn' ,prdysn' 'gift on parting, a farewell present' Ci Bailey, BSOS VT, 1930-31, 600; Telegdi 250 sq.

putllcnnbyu [Av.] 651~, nl: found in the existent, Av, texts; proubly, through haplology, < "poti-tacan yo, datv-instr. pl. of *pati.lacant., pt. Pfes. of pati taco (v. facUan and ia.rfa1)' thus 'in an uninterrupted succession of generations'.

pllfiixuilh [ptyhwyh] welfare, prosperity, well-being 6S~. 87'. - Abstr. of pllie.zu 'thriving, prosperous, well-to-do', rendering Av. (805 sq.) erq:!~61l-; < "pati-axva-, from AY. (lOG sqq.) aliu- 'life, existence', V. S. v. pat A n, 11; Paz, plltixUL pnWxuiinitan [ptyhwynytn'] to cause to prosper 8PS. to nourish,

piitan [NTL\'] pa· [1\'~LWN·, p'dt' = puyel 251~] 1. to gu rd, to protect, to watch: tan i ;cIlES be pa ef.: meniill hac dT/oSmat••• guard yourseh s: your thinking from evil thought tc.) 65D; VIl8 IlGmestiir anod pat es(end a great many adversaries I40keepwatch here 7214: pat seems to be an abstr. subs. < OIr *puti. 'watch, guard', cf Arm. v, pat 'fence, enclosure', paf arnlll, gal, at-em, -im 'to surround, to be surround by? - 2. to make a halt, to stay, to .-emain (=lua71' tla]: apiic patan 251~), to last: G~~. 7~o. 10~o. 205• 26~1. 7P~. a vbs. have coalesced here: 1. Av. OP (885 sq.] pay'to protect, to watch', 2. den. of pllda. 'place' (v. piidak): *padaya i > SW puyet, which has borrowed its ,from the homonym puyel 'to wat '. MPrthPrs I only have p'dn p'y. 'to protect'; Paz, ld.; :!\-p puyidan in both s nses, ,

lIiitez [P'tyz] autumn 887• - hlP!'s p'd(y)= (A-H I), Paz. pade::, l\-P payiz. Y. Bailey, TPhS 1945, 13. pllt-Ir1iceh [pWN plcyh] appearance 400 (read: apt-san etoll·as ~ 0 ham iiriisl ' .•. his appearance']. 4010, cf 39"7. - pa: /racelr 52"5 are two distinct W5., Y. frileClt. pat-frnziimilnit [pWN plc'mynyt"] pt. = pret. pass. 3d p. sg., was finished 11GP.l,. - A den. of the expression pat frafam, Y. fra=a1ll and cf pllt.apakCHit. piiti[riis [[P'tpl 'aJ, Ps. piitufriis [p't,,·pl'sy] punishment 99• 12P• 7GIl. SO~-13. lOP"-15. 102H-17.:S• 103"". 128s• -N\Y w.: ],IPrtb p'dyfr'8 pmC), Arm. lw, patuhas, but SW pUlifrah: ]'IPrsp'dypr'h (S}; Paz. pudafriilr. The -u- in pattI" also found in

Jliitifriis the books, is due to the influence of the following labial.

156 as an ad! ..... bulan to meet

patiS 8$; oi pe;;

patlgrlftan [ptglptn', )I~L"'N-],


grultun [ptglwptn'] patir- [l\u('BL"'N-, ptyl-], pt. = pret. P[l5s. 3d p. sg. patigrift [ptglpt.", l\llQ1U\'N-t.'. l\IK:]3L""'N-Xl 2826. 296• all; -x~ 215. 180] patigru/t [ptglwpt'] 5811• 6015: to receive, to accept, to take up, often with the pre". !rae: 1. Bastvar (PLli') pat dast [riie pafigri!t B. caught *the battle-a. x e (just swung by the attacking enemy) with his hand 2825-26; biirok: xuf,§ pat dast [rae patiret he himself takes command of the steed (by grasping the reins) with his hand 29°. - 2. ell den i mii.;;di!slliill hac Ohurmazd patigrijt he received the Mazdayasnian religion from 0. 18M3sq. 1919, etc.; han t~ €eal~ frae patigrijt u apdrrk hac dostauar hiS[ the one (doctrine) he accepted and the other he excluded from the canon 1093-1. - 3. to agree 215i to accept, to comply with 381; g6biln - to receive the (divine) command 5811• 6015. - 4. pat [radandilt ,.._,to adopt as one's son 225; pat ::a71eh,.._, to espouse 161; pat 71ikiihdareh - to take charge of 82ln. 5. ke hac smah hall patiret IlHlrlljeniUlI!? who among you takes it upon himself to slay this man? 4217; 6ifan-ie .•. baxtan rad hac Ghurmazd patigrijt these have received it (the earthly riches) from 0, in order to distribute it 79H-lS• - 6. Ohur1I1a::d ••• hnkaro anakfh 11£ patirit. 0. is never subject to Evil 7720 (cf. Arab lu ya!lbalu); 79M• - From pati Ax. OP grab-, v , grifton j MPrth pdgryflll pdgyrw-; lIIPrs pdyry/tl1 pdyr-, v. Verbum 205, Ghilain 89; Paz. padzrajtaJl padir-, ::-;-p pat5iru/tQI1 paMr-.

l1emak V~lIman ,.._, iiYllxt Y. driving in from in ·ont met him 5017-16; - DS n prep.: -a)li.§n i hac Galliik 11lCmJi immediately before being slain by the Evil Spirit 465~6.-From pati nr- 'to move', Av. (183) paitPar- 'to advance against, to be hos eta', ef (74) a-paiti.srsta'unchecked';1 MI'rs pdyrg 'against'; Paz. pad ira ; paCifrah; cf paitiydrak.


"l'lltiritarasp [ptylytl'spl] the paternal grandIathl,r of Zartuxst 37~6. 38~·15.16. 46~5. - ';mous spellings: BelA p. 23415 p'ytlsp, ~35~ pyltlsp', 23615 pylt'sp; Zsprrn '~' 1 pltl-sp', In my opinion it goes bac to *patilrdiara-aspa-, in which *patilrilta~ - is haplology < *patilriltatara-, corpp. of Av, (821 sq.) patarsta(for *paitrdla-) 'flying': 'whose horses are almos flying' ( ?). patisiir fiptys'l] unbroken succession: thrOUghOlh, from the first. to the last 12025. pat5sar (Skr v. proktira, SGY XV 50); 1\"1' padisar 'taking up and finis . g any business which has already een begun' (possibly a learned w.], - < otiS-BUr < *pati.§a-sara- ("hea.d onward") 'continuous forward movement'.


'plltiS [pts adv. 1. before '(= pM), with hac: ,..._,t c ::iiyisll i ... before the birth I of , .. used instead of pat if it refers ba k to an encl. pron. in the beginning the sentence: ee·m amikifh vas ,..._,kunflliI ('!}1.""D'YN-X1) for they will

3i. - 2.





putlruk [ptylk'] a meeting: bam-e i hac ,._. (a light produced by the meeting i of ... ) a light reflected from, a refiexion of 11215i-mostly combined with a vb. of motion: 6 ~ amaian to meet 8'. 731_~1 etc.,

do mUChllarm to me 951; i ka-t anukeh ,..._,lsuniin for we shall do harm to thee 'j 6~; api-' dellan apasiJs ,._, kunlinil and the devs neer at him 75~6-~7i api-Ian ,.._, ne uirrii In and I do not believe in them 64 ; cigiil! ka-san sir i garm ,..._, 1 andtir d1scnd as if warm milk 'were milked upon them 1 OFI-~2; 422~; SO~l-26; 9823-25• -13. as a substitute for the prep. pat die encl. pron, of the 3d p, eg. -I: DO, t , at (etc.) him, her, it 426_ 321~. 47~s_ 556• G. 63U_I6, 6420•2'. 66H, 80l• 8615_

108&' 11210• 11319; taking p a rel, pron, glb. 20~&-:n, v. i and £; - referring: to an indefinite p.: pat lia kas ~ uistiie» biilan 7016-17• < 01 ·patisah or pati§fL; OP paits may, and probably should, be read pati§a"; c Av. (835-636) prep. paiti§ and instr. pal < ·paiti£a 'towards'. cr aviJ and h cis; these and patis only occur in S"\V, never in 1\"V. Y. s. v, avii. Pntilb:uiirgnr [ptshw 'Igl] a ountain range 11510• 1165• - The last flemEDt is gar 'mountain'; OP "patiS"U1:ara. is attested by the vrddhi adj. P~is"uvari-, the name of one of Dareios" s~aar.bearers (v, Kent); Strabo 727 the name of one of the tribes inha iting the province of Pars. Probably identical with prshwr TVi7Jt', KZSPrth I. 2 = Gr. V. IIp£O'c:ouxp 1ipo~; if so, 0 the range of Alburz can be meant. Cf ' arkwart, Sudarmenien 17..-21 ....



be fulfilled 0521 (cancel the rel. pron_ (i) at the beginning of L 21 and join the preceding clause be kf karr aivap grmg cHyii, 1. 20, to 1. 21: "With the exception of the deaf and dumb, the religious duties must be fulfilled by everyone'). - Ps. p'(l!s'dy; Paz. padi§alr, ~'P 1,adsii(h), cf next w.; cf lIfPrth vb. pdyx/i'h- 'to rule'; from pati AY. (551 sqq.] x.say- = OP; v, 'Verbum 229 sq., BBB 95 sq.; Bailey, BSOAS XII, 1948, 326 sq.


pufit [ptytl] penance, c1mprising confession of sins and suffeting a penalty 356; pat _, biitan to under a penance. 662• 07D• lOP - Av. (829) pait a-; Paz. palit and other spellings. patitau [ptytn'] 1. to fall 4 G-23.-2.tofly: 'l11 patit Mild they starte up 439•11•13• Av, (819 sq.) 'Pat•. palitik [ptytyk]


piitWiiyeh [p'thS'dyb] domination, dominion, power, supremacy, kingdom 25.I~. 511•2&. 591& etc. - Paz. pildisahi; ?UPrs p'dyx§'IlY (A-H 1 .'rIy, but corrected in A-H ill to -'IlY = BBB}; MPrth p'd8'ny/t. plitlsSiiyiimnnd [p'thS'd'"I'I'Illtld] possess· ing power: kaii]: ,._, the master of the house 951• piitiyiimnd [p't~'wnd] mighty, power· fnl, dominant, camp. ,.._,·tar with hac prevailing upon 3210. 3312-13• 80lB• - Paz. pudyiivalld. pBtkiiftan [ptk'ptn'] patka!. to let fall. to let loose, to shoot off (an arrow) 1006-7 (patka/om). - Cnus. of .pati-ka/·, cf MI'rs phykf· 'to fall down', Verbum 173; Ps. phk'pty 'spread out, founded'. Cf kolnxm, patknr [ptkly,Prth ptkr]iruageSPrs:3.14. Prth:4. - OP pati.kara.j IIfPrs phyT.·r; Arm. lw. patker ; 8y1'. Talm. lw, pta!:-rii 'an idol', Maud. 1",. palikril; l\"P paiJ,.'ar. pe1kiir [ptk'l], pltkiir [pytk.'I] quarrel, controversy, dispute 4510•U [pit-]. 70'. 10Sl. - 1IIFrs pliyk"r (A-H II; meaning quite clear); Paz. patl;{ir; 2\"P pC1ikiir; v, ~karlal1 and uskiirtan, patkiiriSn [""".5nl] discussion, disputation 10915• patklirlt ["..,'] altercafion, quarrel 572&. patkiiritun ["..,..ytnl] to dispute, to dis. cuss: they quarrelled li =aye.l1iUiriin with her parents apar biirlin kartari about



(q. v.),

J!liUxsiii [p'thS'y;419, 513• 2 26etC.;SL1:""T'] 1. ruler, commander, SOY eign, pl. cas. obI. patixsiiyii1t [-'d'n'] mart i ::all ,..._, married man 100:6-2; a - adj. dominating, sup. piitiX§ii.lar 85~ . SOu. - 2. empowered, authorized; as impel's. vb, in a neg. sentence: nil ,..._, ka it is not authorized, lawful except when = it is necessary that: ne "'" be ka saviJl it is not lawful except when 11 goes = he is compelled to go, he mus needs go, cf Bthl, ZsR I, 29, n. 2~ 1113 ...... be ka krmihet (it is not lawful except WIlen it [i. e., the sum of the religious dutiesn is fulfilled =) the chief religious duties rrlust absolutely


pntkiirItnn putting (her) out 37u-15; with 0: to delib-



Hate with a p. 391.P. - Cf lIIPrth pdk'r'to question, to object', Ghilain 73.

patkoftun [ptkwptu'] palkop/f- to knock; to encounter, of two armies 225; har ce-i palkojt whatever it (my foot) knocked, wherever my foot alighted on the ground 321H-lU• - From pat kof/an, },'-p kojtan kab- 'to break, to bruise', whose -b- may represent an earlier -fl- < -PO. As to BP, k6ftan is registered in FrP 21 as a synonym of ::afan and kiista 11, but only one lIIS (Us in Junker's ed.) gives the pres.: kwbyt' = kabiJl, kwbym = J:oocm, which may be influenced by I\"P. Cf', on the other hand, ]\""1' kill 'the weaver's sley', which is certainly derived from the pres. stem of this vb., and ui.§kojlaIl1:i§1:01- (q. v.] which probably belongs to the same root,

patmfienn [ tmwcri'] garment 217. 171• Arm. lw. p tmu~all; 7Iil'rth pdmiccn; 111 Prs pymWCJ ; v, next w.

trnwhtn '] patm6c- to dress oneself, to ut on one's clothes 2tE. 8515• - cr Av. (~7 sq.] paiti.lmu:rta'shoed'; MPrth pdm '.Ttn pdmux/j- (1IIHC); ?l1Pl·S. pymu;;r/1l p mwc-; Paz. ptulmiixtan padJlIo::-;}>;"P pai11lo;r/all paimirz-,
+patlliiSik~' emendatio framalv pat to read it 4. - OP p Prth pdbwr Verbum 19 +ptrr'syk] 4IZ an abortive restore ptsyk = paUiihik. to read: api-nv
ur8i!t and I ordered (someone)


patpursitun [ptpwrsytn']

I ordered it to be read P 2: ti ·prs- (Kent s. v. fraO-); 1\1 -; 7Iil'rs paltypwra-, pltybwrs-; . 228. V. pllTBifan.

piitkust [p'tkwst] district, province PI: 8. - The reading is unambiguous and already established by Herzfeld. The form commonly met with in BP is p'tkws = palk6s; 1lIPrthPl'S p'dglL"S, l\il'rs also p'ygws; Paz. pag-l:os PIx P5). Cf 1.:1Isi, kustak, "'pnt-kllst [p\VN kwst '] 511 is possibly the irregular spelling of the pt. of a. vb. "'patlwsian =to come into contact, with, to join side by side with (liar): api·s hac Fahrom 11 Anc1hrt ......., and it (the planet Jupiter) has joined side by side with 1\1nr5and Venus; but the construction is strange, and this guess is only proposed

pntriin [pi n'] resistant, refrnctory, of the boar 2 2\ - Corresponds to the Av, (828) epith t of the boar paiii.erena- (var. paitirclla-) which has been remodelled under the influence of riin 'side' (q. v~ .

TtlZ11I. _

'tIcm] counterattack 2719, v, • 1w. paterozsn 'war, battle'.

piitriic [P,llWC] "'splendour: '!Jel! ,._, of good sple~our 2719• - Ps. ptluik: renders Syr :ilL'a fs 96G; AT v. (US7) paiii-raokcaus. 'to dake flame up'. pal-san

I Df'"N


v, passiixt.

[auie de mieux.
patmiin [ptm'n'] measure 915; contract 775; moderation, modesty jO!9.~I. 8517; maturity 225 (opp. arasch). - ?llPrth pdm'n; :!'Iil'rs pym'l1; Paz. paElllq(n);}>;-P paillliill; from pari Av, (IHi5 sq.) flliiy- 'to measure' = OP.

syn'] breast bodice 5715• apar-ic ii tii, Zarill;rit, draz be dT:urel ntitab-korp, =arrcJl-paf.scll (kii pis/fin-pal durel), v. pis/till. - FrP 31 Eellak, }."P BIlla11 'bosom, breast'. pnttiihlk ,t'syk: this rending is to be restored in consecut.ive order, one after the her. - FrP, S! XIV, 5; palisiir (q. v.) glos ed ~y NP_pat.uhi ':".PhI paWhik: patml! alt!.platrng with paUcH (,:. the ne~-t w.] accordlng to the common SW phoneti o role; -s- iln;erse spelling of -11- as in 1'15 = riih, g's guh, etc.

pat-sun [P DB16351


pntmfinuk dimension 931• pntmiinik moderate, restrained 691R• 7027•

pntmiinikihii proportionally, in due proportion 89:°. - Paz. pafmqHihii.




pnttiii [Pt'y] lasting, ciJable, v. da[Jr- Pres. stem pWy-: pattliy- < *pattav- according to thL SW rule, info ptwtn', pt'dstn': pattfita,1 pattayisiau 'to last'; l\IPrs pres. pt'y-; lIIPrth pt. piuid 'to endure, to bear', hwlpi'W 'possessed of good endurance' (A H ill); sideform patti1k < *pati-tur ka-; from pati Av. (638 sq.) 1tav-. S r. Gloss.); Verbum 209; Ghilain Ti . cr ext w.

sert P,"\"N = pat before ~); ,..._, riiycllitun to form fnmily connections 631a; ,..._,karian id. (apak with) 70G, ,..._, u tbhm extrnetion, descent 025• 032; descendants (j3~; ~ u tiihma]: i va::urg high lineage 72~; ......, ens. recto pI. offspring 941G• - 1I1Prs pytt·1j. = paivanll; Paz. pacL'alld; }.-p paieand. From patvaston, pntrastuk [ptwstk'] larly 51; subsequently continually,

ty 10,118, because of family ties 1173 (in-


pattiin [pt'n'] continually uninterrupted. ly, right on to (0) 20IS [ka Guyomart hac XUe [riic but dit ... rpihr 0 YGrti§n, xuarlet u malt 0 rat'isn flit u ~ nelld when G. woke up from . sleep he saw that the vault of heave had begun to turn, and Sun and 11100 to move, and they are still (in turnin and moving) BdA. p. 44 5-9; possibly wlitten PWN ZK KnS "VI, 4, but the text is bot sure]. - < *pati.Uivalla- from pati ~ lall-, v. the preceding W. Parallel +'th the series pattai, paUuk (Y. this W." patlan is the series with the prev, * ti-: *attiik < "ati-taiaka-, Ann. 111'. [ak 'capable': attii]: < "ati-tuuakaid. aua» < *ati· tavana· 'solvent' (aUlinik Dk..c\I 139-140, opp. an-attiin. 'insolvent'). Of Bth!., illiri\I ill, 15, ZsR III, 53. Cf ham-ttik, tiihe.kur, tlik, iliyIian, tltviil .

patrustun paivand-, to bind, to attach, to join: Tir potoost 77-9 meaning not clear: (joined to [the planet] TIr =) being in conjunction with it (1); hiin hOm tnular hiin draxt be. pakast this haorna W!lS attached to this tree 4015; ee. riid ka me110yiin It [Je.tlkrill dani§n u kCir-Cih-filtiih har 2 band a to patiast i 8811-12 (v. S. v, baltd); 12017-15• - < pati band-, v, baslan, :MPrs. pywst; Paz. pac· vaslan; 1:\1"1' pai-


pntmst-llXUi!h [ptwst,' 'hwyh] the quality of having unit-ed minds, concord, unanimity 10615• - V. S. Y. ax". Piif-:xiisriii [p'th\TsI\Tg'] n. pro 22u. 239• 249_ - Called the brother of ViStiisp; the name could mean 'Protector (pm < l}{itil nom. of "piitar-, v, pa/all) is Khosroi'; Justi 1>."--:8 246a, thought it meant 'instead of, counterpart ofKh, '. Possibly, however, it is only one of the numerous Irnnizations of the name Nebuchadnezzar, v, s. V. Baxt - IOSTO.

[Pi'l'N tn' • d] corporeal, endowed with a body 34 D. - V. S. v ~pa! A II, 11.

puttulc pttttiin, [ptwk'] capable 552•


V. s. v.

p1it-uzTiin~h [p't'"I>Zw'n:\ ] control of one's own tongue 7111. V. pu/an and pab'iie- [ptw'c-] pres. to nswer 73~·2~. pati Av, (1330 sqq.)~t.ak-; lIIPrth pdlL"c-; !lIPI'S pyw'c(B B), certainly borrowed from :!'\,V, as v c- belongs aJmoat exclusively to the V area; Paz. pudlJiEet;j.

[ptlrwl] *pn.sture 42~~_-

< "patiq. v,

xUara-, v, xUartan and cf iixvar.

poty'ak (inscr.) [pty'k]


patvand [ptwnd] relntio ship, kindred, parentnge, descent: -pai r-« through affini-

*pUYlllll- ["'P'Y]]l-] pres. *to consume: Jriie •.. pat gah $pCiyamU(y) (opt.) thou shalt "ecnsume it (the roasted meat) on the spot 441 (divine order), cf the continuation 1. 9-10: api-s cion kart; cigon x~art drusjist bin thus she did; as soon as she had eaten she got well again, - Rending and meaning hypothetical. I think it




must go back to *pati-yam. 'to take hold of', from Av. (1262 sq.) '!lam-, chiefly with proverbs. I lind *payam as a v, n. in two passages: 1. Dk}\1 285 ak6ma1l ... mClliSll payam 'A. holding lIlind in his grasp'; 2. ibd, 5012 payam helm andar mel1i§1I 'iVrath taking Mind in his grasp' ( ?). - Zsprm VIII, 4 has a somewhat divergent, perhaps 1U0re original version of the story 441-8: 'L 'ZLWN 'L y't",k'o, :!Illi·t L' I:IiYR·nd bYSznyt'l, BR' L"'1;IL 'L h'nkl 'ZL1VN, YDH B"YN m 'I PWN ZY T\YR' ZY lIIDlII 'thS l."DLWN.e: hysme bwd m'pJ PWN 1'.?i:lH·tnJ zhk' lIlli"lY·t PiYN 'skmb' = mii lal' i5 yCitukii/l, ce·t !Iii lielld bMa::ani. tar, bii apac i5 zanak: .fa u, das; andar mill pat rogll i gav i apar atau burt, hiism -fc bOd vitiip pat :rUM·tan zahak: ke..t pat as· kamb 'do Dot go to the sorcerers, for they cannot heel thee, but go back home, rub thy band with ox- tallow which has been set on fire, and burn fragrant fuel for the benefit of thy offspring which is in thy womb'.

t~la 'inversely' (from ~pajlyal1k. paitik.) citall (g. v.): "'pa!icti ..citanai 'to lay a t (e. g. a rope) together in such a way t t it returns to its stnrt ing-point a) on ~ tl same le v el: to form a loop of it, b) in laters: to coil it' :> *payic(aJeitan > *~ccifall > peeHan (·c· preserved beClitse it had been doub1ed); pres. pic- is a . econdary formation for *pec!n"



(pym] milk 42~-1~.~5.431. 533.543-11.-

(817) paeman-;

Paz. pim,

perrmull [pyltmwn", pylrnwn"] 1. adv, all

ab1ut 39~. 93'. 9623.981,. 2. prep. round abf..' with the i+1ifat, PB. 8722• 8912; ref ring back to IlD end. pron.: 7 deft i'8 1!i£ast lIelid 47Ia; api'8 ... gjrt~k (g'r-l ,_ xUarrah uyiit and 011 around It, 92 < *pari·yiIma.van·, derived from *pari·yt1ma. < pari Av, (1202) yamr cf 5. Y. piiyam-.

1,-19. -

pnzziimenItan [pz'mynyt.n'] to cause to ripen, to mature 885• - Caus, of prn::iim·. v, next w.

ripening, maturing S9G• prn=ilm· < *pati.tiimaya-, caus. of pati Av, (493 sqq.] flam·; Verbum 190 sq.

[pyr'\\'!lyhyt'] pass. pt. .stirted up: api·s hamal.: damik: ... --- kart and e (the Wind) stirred up the whole 316-17• - Rending hypothetical. I it from pari i'l van·, OP van· 'to throw, to spread out', v. Benve . e, BSL XVII, 1951,25-20 (differing




pnzdltan [pzdytrr'] to blow, to play: niii [v, s. v, nud) pa::.dcnd they play the flute 2010. - l\rPrs ll'yp:d 'flute-player' (A-H II, BBB). Seems to be another vb, than Av. (884 sq.] pasdapa- 'to chase, to fright. en', 1IIPrth pres. p::d· id. pmO), subst, p::.d 'expulsion (A-H Iil). pazdiik [pzdwk'] a noxious insect 581• A,'. (885) pazdu-; ef 1\"'1' pazdak 'weevil'. pecitnli [pycytk'] distracted, crazy 8028._ Properly 'twisted', :t-."1' piicidall 'to twist, to distort, to wreathe, to wind in a serpentine form'. I maintain my etymology proposed in 1110 x_.."Y, 1931, 198.· 199: from *patica. = Av, (S39) iustr. pai·

periiz [pylwc'] victorious, victor 271D• 12P~ pl. cas. ob1. -·an 2g9•16, - SlY devel pment < ·pari·aujah·, v. vi; 1\1 Prs p~rlL'::; lIIPrth pryw£, prywg, prywi"n '''ictOJY~'; Paz. perul, KP peru::. Periiz son of Snhpuhr 1151 cf Cat. 81 sq. E.Z~Pl'th 1. .21. we :find twice the st,ange spelling prgu::: of this name = Prs pryll-Zy 1. 2Q (Gr. v, l1'I)?W~()\J and IhlPw:;, Periiziin patron. of Peru:: llOW. 11712• victory


lIeriiz~ ar

[........ '''"1\'1J bringing iiourtan,



21. 2915. 6p3. 7S1.

[",,·kl], perfiz-gar [,_,.gI] workry, of the sacred Fire 9~5. 12~ j




:;:::~:::::"::'::~:~Jl :::::::


pesit [pysytl]


lIP. - Derived from 'ornament', from Av, pais., v. nipiilall.


. 7411•15• 10S1D. (818) paesaOP

( 17) paes-,

pe~ [pys; L'1:""N1, inscr, and Ps. L'l~""Y] 1. adv. before, earlier D7D; first, opp. pas, in a sequence 5713 hac before: gl~. 12~t. 38~~. 39~. 49J• 6 ~, with a v. n, or an info instead of a mporal clause 4613• 5423; ,._, kii 81• 1317 ...... hac han-tiii [ZK 'D] ka 986-'1 conj. bdfore; dviiri,fu D ,...._, run forwards, OPp~dvari§11 D pas to to run bach-wards 6Su; D ,..._, arar, maian, Bulan, ~uosiall, Y. hese ws.j fj .-.. rajt, tacit went, ran abe ,to the front 491S•1D; en i a ...... gobam w at I am going

pe~iiITlir [PY5'lw'l] kartan to urinate 6916• - 'Excretion-water". - var is in all probability identical with Av, (1410) var· 'rain' (Skr v6ri·; l\IiIr caron, :NP biiran 'rain'); pCifar < ·paiSar < ·par,f{i.r (ef Verbum 227) through dissimilation of the first 'T· because of the second, < ·pari.§aTl5a., S,V form of "pari-Ior:a• 'discharge , excretion' from pari harz. (v, lii,§lall), cf _4 ..... (1793) poiri-harez- 'to :filtrate', pairi-jrii-hamz'to ejaculate (sperm).' - Paz. substitutes pCifiaT, Skr. v, pUTa~ miitraprasriiva (for .prasrava).

Pes-eliIt [pysd't']

honorary title of tbe first king, ... -iz. Hosang 4710. - Renders AY. (854) Para-Stiia- 'put at the head', 'the first of his dynasty'. pesilnik [pysynyk] predecessor, pl. cas. obI. .....·an ancestors 11115. 11216; the troops of the front-line 181J• - Derived from pME, v, S. v, pCif. !lIPrs PY§Yll 'earlier', pl. pyliyng'n; Paz. pI. pMfnagq; l\-P pcsfll(aJr), pl. pMinagall, pUiniyiill. pes.karp [py.s klp'] of conspicuous shape 567, with the gl, kii pat ian calm tar biit. pilli-nilrak [......ndwk'] foremost in bravery 5131,with the gl. kii pat har cis pM biil. pesiiplii [PySwp'y] walking ahead leader 1121•7•11, - :!IIFt·s py§wb'y Paz. pMauoii (8GV); l\-P pMva. pes-nut UOI. [pyshlt'] of supreme 49t; (S):

19 to say presently 517 •2. prep. before, regularly Iollowe by the i?,B.fat: 7 sol pM (i) Min 7 years earlier 403; before, in the presence of 3.15. 521• 7021• 9S26; for tbe protection 491; without the i;1ifat HajB:5; 26~-9;lreferring back to an encl. pron.: api.§ Jj6s ,...._, estet and T. will stand before hln! 1001; - with . I v bs. of motion, address¥!g etc., oft€Il 6,....,: 610• 101fi. 1115.1D. 1316.:lIl. 1510-11, etc.»-


,..._,llemak, hac,._, Tlemak1v' 71emak; as first element of compount s, v, below. OP prep. C. ace. pai§iya' fore' Beh, IV, 91, according to the lastf'ision of the text (v. Kent; his etymo gy is scarcely possible) = inser. and P . py§ydy, read pMe(i) = IIIFrs py!yy ( -H II), also py§yli; - I1IFrs py§, paz,tl\-P. pM; only S'iV. pesilk [pysk'] class, profe sion 559• 5816, 6015. 10923• - Paz. pUa; _ pfSah; from the same stem as Av. (90 piitra. in the same sense. llcsak·klIr [pysk'l] craftsm ,pI. cas. obI. ,._, 8117-19• - Paz. p- agar, Skr. v. ·an
11 Nyberg

wisdom su-

pes:D'lltillt the quality preme wisdom 1101°. pll [pyl] elephant In chess 11911•

of possessing

2011• 1189;

the rook, as an

plliimund [""""wmnd] big, strong elephant, of a bull 493•

pH-riin [,_,.w'nl] elephant-keeper 20ll. Probably 'elephant-tamier" ,from OPAv. (1350 spp.) vall· 'to subdue. l\-P pil.ban. pist [pst'] flour, or something pounded or crushed 921.~5.~G. - ~-p pist 'bruised

com; meal of wheat, barley, or vetches, especially when toasted = Arab sawiq'; SW form for *piit, from *pis., SkI" pilla~ti 'to grind', Av. (907) pt. pi§ant •. llistiin breast pisliill. [pst'rr'] bodice, female v. s, v. breast patsen.


purr post

.....,.piin - NP

[P~·st'] skin 5420; pl. pcistihii [pwstyh-] 1079• - OP pal'asW 'clay envelope a tablet', Benveniste, BSL XL\'"1I, f951' 42-49 (thus also Kent); ?lIPrs pu· t (A-H II), Paz. },-p post.


l'iSiS1iiIlD [pyg,\i:n'] n. pro 59~1.11017• Av, (908) PiSi.lyaof)lia-.

p1istlyiin [pwsty-n'] leather, pl. ...... -ihii [.yh'] Derived from past: l\"'P pDstiyiin a kind of leather'. P1isang wsng] n. of a town Yiiqui. 1,1758 Bidanj, 114fi•7•


pit ['B'; pt'], cas. obl. pltar ['By-tl; ptl 143], pl. cas. obl, pitariin ['BY-tPn'] fatber; the difference between pit and pilar is fading: pit is the subj. of the sentence 22'. 3216. 37la• 63~, but the cas. obl. in the majority of cases j the cas. obl. pilar is much restricted in use, and stands for the cas. reet. 271l.28~lj voc, pit 10018, pilar 27~; - pl. parents 2712• 3BlB. 4p5.2G. 5P (all in the function of CIIS. obl.l. - OIr pitar-, nom. pita> Milr pit; pilar is a secondary formation. };"P old pid, commonly pidar. - MPrthPrs pyd, pydr indifferently used. Y. also ape-pit. pitik [Ptyk] belonging to the father, is the better reading, instead of pafitik, 4P pat ,....-mandak: for a lapse affecting the father; thus AntiS. and two of Sanjana's 1I18S. p1ie [pwc'] excuse, apology: ci.f andarjpat ........ hast a tho serves as an excuse 1021•z• - NP poddan 'to apologize', pads. pi'iluTiltiln [pwl-ptyn'] (made) of st-eel 2PB. 120~'; steely, of one of the cosmic periods 110]5. - From pcilavat 'st-eel', !lIPrs pwl'u;d, Henning, BSOAS XII, 1947,45; Arm. Ill'. polopat,polot'i1t; Paz. adj. puliidin ; };-p piil.fid. p1irr1itk~s [pwlywtkys] adherent, teacher of the primeval (Zoroastrian) religion 11ps; pI. cas. obl, ",-,·an the first Zoroastrian believers 621. lIP. 112'·]8. - Borrowed from Av. (877) paoiryo.lkaUa., cf kU. p1iry1itkil~ilh the creed 64H• B6~4. primeval Zorosatrian

pouruSiis~ [pwlws'sp'] ZarfuxSt's father 38-53, p sim, - Av. (903) Pourusaspa-, pwbly] bridge F: l. B917• 1147. - Av. (892) p'i1 ~tU-, (897) pasu(cf arsta-, ·~rata·: a a < rla-); 1IIPrth pu'rt (MHC); Paz. pull all; l\-P pul; - Cf S.V_ il[GhUU' ,inscr.
.~,;.26. 742~.

pub! [p 6412• 721

lpuhr [p bl; Prth BR1:l son HajA: 3. SPrth: 6 v. also apiik-pullr, apii-puhr, puhrEpul • - The form of Av. (909 sqq.) pu G-; cf pus. 2puhr

alD. -.



punishment, penance (B92) p'i1r.J8a- 'penalty'.


puhre-p . r (Prth) [pwhrypwhr] grandeon Hajt: 4. SPrth: 7, corresponding to Prs 7lap . q. v.), - Y. puhr. purr [Pll; 1i'LH] full: ,..._,up full of wat-er I I j ,...... tigr full of arrows 2013; 542•7•11• 81; often united with the following subs . so as to form a compound, from which abstr. subst, may be derived: ,.." xua~L full of splendour 482~: ....., xuarra7l€ 377• 10616; ",-,·marg full of death 1 /19: ,.......margeh 645; (,..,,-xrat full of "'isd ): ,....-.xratiih 90~3; ,..._,·ncrcik full of powel 502D; - before an adj.: fully, thorouglily, perfectly: ,....-llEt'Gk i iivum the per~ctly brave man of the C\Vorld)era, "th perfect hero of the generatiOns", of the ropbet 55~, whence the abstr, subst, ,.....·nEvakf.h 11010; - ....., hac •.. kartati t fill with 121B. 12B15-10. - Av. (894) p~ snn-j MPrthPrs pWT; Paz. };"P




[pwl T\V1P] nj pro 47~. plenty of cattle'.

pust [pwst"; Ps, pwstyJ the back IP:.25:1• 293 -, 6513• 1287; pal,....., tacitan to run
after, to pursue 3 pD; pat ....., biitan to protect, to he the protector 31e; ...., kartan 6 to protect 87:D; - pl. cos. obI. ....,·an: pat puslan i Vi.§tiispiin for the (acts of) protection of the YiStilsp dynasty 95H• mrs pu:st, NP puSt, < ·prsti-; Av. (878) parsta-, parhi-, Y. s, Y. puStlpfilI. ·pu.§t.a.spiin [pwst'sp'n'f U18, v. next w,

pnrr-kfimnkiih [pwl k'mh-y ] the quality of being tpurr-kiimak: hafg his will wholly directed to (0) 555• - Y. kiimak, purr·marg, ·eh; purr·nero -eh; -purr-xvarrah, -ell; pu v. purr. purr-nevak, ·xraiilh: v, 5.

purslsn [pwrssn'] question 1315• 1055•1P• 1116·s; as R det. v, n, ,.....,·f.h:pat den ,.....,·ch in order to put questions a out Religion 10Sln.

pursltan [pwrsytri'] to ask followed by

ku introducing direct SF ch 3:!:1 and paesim ; with a dir, obj.: to consult 48H• 63~1;to ask a p.: fj 68-S8 pas 'm, elsewhere hac; - about: apar 481(·$. 4912, or pat 7615; - [rakn, or 8czxUon,..._, lac to ask a question, questions :n14-1~. 74~·fi-1. 766; with a rel, pron. as its . obj. 761~. 1055_9; - fj ham r-« to delio~ate 577, cf hanrpursitan ; hakant» ham ur8cl1d the:' "ill converse, communicat with each I other 1061,-18. - Av, (991sgq.) [ras-, pres. psresa-, OP fro8-, Wes. p(a)rsa(Kent); MPrth pwrs'dn 1ELTS-; MPrp pwrsydn pELTS; Paz. ~-p puriidCln. pws 2218. 2615 •• 77] son, cas. rect, and cas. obI., passin; secondary cas. obI. pU8ar [ERR-I] 51tZl.~t . .523.9; pI. cas. obI. pU8fin (BRR-'h'] 18B, secondary form pu.sariin [p1\~l'n I] in the enumeration opfilL pusariin btmoran (etc.) 185• 2P. 2.. ,1-5.- < OP pUf1!" SW form 1 of pu8ra- (v. Ipuhr); lIIPd puis (cas. rect.), pwsr (cas. obl.). - pusa is modelled on the pattern of pitar, b iitar, miiwr, tluxtar ; ~-p pus (old), pu ar; modern pisar infiuenced by pidar,

pus [ERR;

pusti!piin [pwstyp'nl] "protector of the back" = life-guards, pI. cas. obI. in ""'·iin sordiir the commander of the life-gusrds ll911• - pu.§te cas. obl. of puJi (g. v.l piin; the Sass. title is transcribed in Arm by p'u.§lipallap (gen. pl.) (or p'u-siipan) salar ; besides, Ann has the Prth, Iw, post·pan 'protector, defender < "'porltipuna- (Y. 5. v. pu.§t); ~-p pusiibdn, pu.§fvall. - pu.§l-a.span lpB is an old misreading (Paz. pu.§ta.spiin lib:) of pllslepan, certainly due to wrong association with asp 'horse', as is suggested by the spelling pwst'sp'nl; moreover, in the BP writing the ligature -yp. is very often formed so as to coincide with -sp-. Read consequently UlB pusiiSpan sardiir = the Arm. form just quoted.

Pustelliinakeh protection, defence SSlt. Paz. pu.§taspiinf, v. above, put [+Pwtl] putrid matter 761~. - )IS pll'n, hut Paz. pud, Skr. v. durqandhi ; Av. (909) puLi. 'putrescence'. pufakeh 112~. [pwtkyh] decomposition, decay

pus-kflmak [ERE k'mk']

48~1. 49,.:1.-5011•

]0 _.

g her son

Piltlk [pwtyk] the name of a lake, "the Purifying" S6IO, - From pu., v. piik. Ax. (909) puitika- 'purifying', ::.rClYo pUitik~m 'the purifying Jake'.





(,u;) [I'd] comprehension, intelli- R 'be dir, obi. which grammatically gence, intellect, is to be restored, with ought to the formal subj. of a pret. the 1\1S, 4813, instead of +L': ke (for kil) pass. (miked act ..pass. construction): ,.._.<i) Pourusiisp hac l-·jRjpi.!in i ltacia Saltpllllr ~rZff,kar ,._, frac xuund 15~7sq.; apEciir bavet (better but) for P.'s intelliapi.s hun 11 -ne ozat 10~:; wnd daslava· gence fails (failed) to grasp the destrueran ... 11 'dallukiin i Briin sahr ,.._. be ku.§t tion emanating from him (gl.), - !I1Prth 10713-14• OP rad- 'reason, cause' in r'd 'reason'; MPrs r'y 'insight, intelliTiidiy poslpos. 'on account of', avahya. gence' (A-H II; S, 97d IS, not recognized rad,iy 'for this reason'; MPrth r'd, MPrs by S who was, however, very near to r'y; paz'f' rii, hitting upon it); 1\"P riii 'knowledge, wisdom, belief', which is not borrowed from raltnn [8 ITN-tnl; lptn'] rau- [8G'YTN-; Arab ra'y- (on the contrary, the meanlwb-, cf r~,j,§n; Iw-], imp. rau [SG1:'"T1'I,] 3S~ etc., J-v11 [SGYTN-yg] 441: pres. 3d ing of this w, is influenced by the IranTf ian one); etymologically identical with p. p1. SG N-nd = ravend, e. g. 8725, but lwnd = t.and 201:: to go, to 'Walk, to the following 'W.j cf 7likeriii. proceed, assim; with prep.: apiik: kurtik{illsU pal -n raft he lived among the slave :!riid [I'd; inscr, and Ps, Pdy] postpos. shepher 19-10 (cf s. v, kurtik); apiik: 1. for the sake of, because of, for, on .. _ rajta to keep company with, to behalf of, in favour of (7220-:1), conate with 70~·B; - apar en zamik cerning (377. 2910 etc. passim); ham eim aves on this earth 3313; apar ,.._.for that very reason 51:-13• 671-2; Min cim ,.._,34:, ilt ,.._, 795• 96:&. 9S20 for that ::ani{n ro hEll'll they went to slay (him) 4515-1&; - hac from 6~~. 566.809; - 0 to reason; ilt ,._, ce because (conj.) 773-1; 11• 795; iii ke ,._, for whom 37~&. 385.» etc. passim j - pat gi!Jran *hamiii ce ,.._,why? 35 raft 110m roamed the world all about 183; - preceded by an info or a v. D.: in 315-9 (llii e would not suit the contexte order to, for the purpose of, because: dUa71 i Zartuxlit ,._, (in order) to see Z. cf 95:0 lIamiik)j - with prev.: a11dar 47:1. 5216-10; vM aviS maiiiTe!! i XTat ...... ~ : ka 8T ••• vi (prep.) mart (i ... ) al1dar raft esfat when the report had reached because more wisdom bad been allotted that rna (who ... ) 44:~-:G; dosaz" ... to him 9011-lZ; - forms together with andar 6 [K}>l ravet will move, roam hac or pat a frame preposition: hac Mill i Ariax§iir ,.._, for fear of A. 1525; 3710. freely in Hell 347-B; - apar r-« : a ai ket 461:-13; hac hiin aim 11821; kirpak i apar raft triilld they went off to the soothsayer 376, 3SH-1S• 416, etc. - be ,.._, : Ira. pat diit ,._, kart for the sake of Law 6410; pat ornEt i ... in hope of 1211&-17; pat tom a apar raft, aL-dom M raft (he hlin cim , because (conj.) 104~1-2!!. was the : st to step in there) and the last to tep out 49&-7.:oj 57H-l&; pas 2. used as in ~-P: a) 'to, for': wlriirpiidan patvand 1 c OMan be raft tben offspring ,.._.up hamii dlit 1410; Piipak ~ hec [radtnul 7!e but P. had no child 1fi; 3~·4. 4~~; proceeded from them 9410; very often be mellam tii ,......nevakeh 47z1, v. s. Y. mii7li· only inalcates the aspect: eton saxt be tan; 427; fra=alld i xU€S ,..._,kar 1/ kirpak be· ralt went ahead 50 vehemently that 3315 be rau! 6010; adak iii.§an be raft amoxtan 65::-2:1 - b) denoting the dir. j obj. of the pres. tense: hakar ne han ,.._, Mind 571Q, - frac ,_" : [riit: raft Pouru.§Cisp ... apar v up iDliiti P. went off to the <apac) diirel if you do not abjure that waters of the D. river 40::-~'! hinn. frac (religion) 191; 25:0-:1; 453; - c) denoting








J' .

rattan I



raft hac .. , Iian-tai ij tbe Haoma moved from .. _ to ... 415; 501v. E. v, hast; [riic ravel (imp.) apar ri 711 i Vi.§f.fisp go ye immediately forth to t e house of V. 587; - pCB ,__ : pCB raft pU cc got ahead of 493•18• - SW only (l\-W /tn rf- is another vb.}: :!IIPrs rptn -: Paz. 1\i""P rajtan rrnr-. +rnfienitnn [SGYTN.tynJ IJ *to form flocks: han i =ivrmdak 90sfand [mhis: ri ham *rajtenit *bas brOaht flocks of living cattle together in the greatest number 3810-1]. - If co ctly handed down, it may be explain d as a den. of "raft 'drove, flock', froJ rattan. rag [lkl] vein 605• - MPir9 (A-H I)j Paz. ray, l\""P rag; lIIPrth lIg (l\fHO, v. Gloss.). name of a istrict and a town: ?Ie ka iitar har 2 ri !lam rasiind. ,__ u Notar not (even) "ben the two, Rug and Notar, come togetber bere (i. e., never) 4315-17• 5017; trata' hac axil l' asiiimarui andar ,__ u Not as the first of terrestrial beings betwe R. and N. (= far and wide, tbrougho t the world) 531'-lB• - A proverbial say g using opposites to symbolize eithe absurdity or comprehensiveness. The sapng is meaningless unless it refers to nEal RDd well known geographical facts. ·Notar, otherwise unknown as a place-a e, can only refer to the country of ViStiispa, who derived his origin Naotara tbe son of !lIanuscihr, thus symbolizing Eastern Iran (the Notal'S ounded Tfis, 114~-S). Bag must then be be OP Raga mentioned in tbe Behistup inscription (2.0• 3:) as a district in 71tedill (,Pa.j'D;l, called zwpo~ by Arrianos 20, 2), thus representing ·Western Iran. That this district had, already in Achae enian time, II capital of tbe same nam can scarcely be doubted, and is not co tradicted by Strabo's notice (0 525) tha Alexander's general Niknnor founded, esides other

Rug- [l'kl]the

Thg !r0i

towns in the district, "Rhage itself": here some sort of "New Rbage" must be meant, which he himself called Europos and the Parthians Arsakia. At all events tbe existence of a Median Raga is confirmed by tlie book of Tobit, dating from the beginning of the 2nd c. B. 0.; that this was the forerunner of tbe Islnmic RflY may be taken for granted. This much may be said against Gnoli, Hicerche. storiche Bill Si.stiin antieo 1967, 60. I maintain my opinion (Religionen 342 sq.) of the prominent part played by the Median Raga in the primary history of Western Zoroastrianism. On the other hand, the saying 4316-l7• 5017 presupposes full contact with East-ern Iran; as it stands it is, so to say, tbe old Zoroastrian counterpart of Kipling's ''East is East, and 'Vest is 'Vest, and never the twain shall meet. tt It must, therefore, be of pre-Sassanian, at least Parthian origin, as is all the main material of the T'it{l Zoroostris handed down in Dk VII, for Sassanian theology bad fully adopted the total. transposition of the holy geography of Zoroastrianism from East to ·West (Rag and Notar are both villages in Azarbaijnn, Oecist is Lake Urmia, etc.), which makes the explanation of the saying given by Zsprm (X, 15) void of sense. Of also the Phl commentary of Vd. 110 (P5 Geldner). - Forms; Av. (1497) Rai'a (EtW: Rayay.), OP Ragaj PhI translation of Y. 1915 li' (as the figure 1000); commonly I'k; BdA p. 207]5 l' the old form or"the letter d with two dots below = Riii; Yd. Jl~ l'k = Ray and Iyg = Be; l\""P Bay.


riih [Ps , inscr. and Ps. Psy] road, way: ke pat ell ,..._,ayet whoever travels on thia road F:4; pat el! i apar Staxr andar i5 Sakistiin on the road to Sakistan over Stakhr P 1 :4-5; '" ij Pars, ,.._,i PiiTS the road to Pers 61:. 71:.H; diir u draxt i·§ apar ......,oiit tbe trees which were in his way 33H; 3317; the path, orbit, of a

riib celestial body 877.1;;; - in a metaphorical sense, of religion and its doctrines 62°. 63~5-!7;- in a psychological sense 05HO; - pat r-« i by means of 6216. 671~-13; ptit r-« i riis(fiJ in the wny of righteousness 7010; ,...... 11 ballun means and motives 8313, MPrth~rs r'h ; Paz. ]\""1' rail; OIr *raBaderived from Av. (1506) retia- 'car, chariot'; cf rally. Rnbiim [lli'm] n. Pl'. 11522, v. Cat. 84-85. rfih-dflr [l'sd'l] highwayman, recto 3220. 33". 5827• ,.._,pl. cas.

,!Prs ). riimBn isfaction rem- 'to (1524) rii 'peace'. ruml5nik delighte

'to bring peace'

msn] pleasure, joy, peace, sat. 4719• 6323 etc. - AY. {1511} epose', caus. Tamaya. 'to calm', nnn- 'peace'; l\IFrtbPrs r'mysl1 pleasant, sup. satisfied 1202~. ......,·(ar 10412;

rnhlk [lhyk] youth, young man 271M,. 28~·H. - 1\IFrs rhyg 'servant' (A-H IT), 'child' (BBB); ]\"'1' roh; '8 slave'. FrP 13 LPH (for RBH): lsyk, lhyk, which seems to evidence a 1s-viT form rasik; but this may as well only be the inverse spelling of raliik: (d next w.), thus not elucidating the etymology. Cf Bailey, BSOS VIT, 1933, 71. - Coincides in spelling with the ideogr, LHYK (for RJ.IYQ) = duro ruhlk ell adolescence 21 u; [lsyky hy] 12Su.

mazd [l'm 'whrmzd] a town in Khuzi tan 1101B. - 'Delight of Ohmrnazd' ( reat King 272-273); Cat. 95-96. rum-sallr [I'mstr'] (ruler) whose realm is peace, w a maintains peace in his realm, epithet a Vistiisp 24~. riin [I'n'] Av, (152 thigh', translate likely to cf next


he thighs 2818; side 5421• Opo.) lrana- 'the outer part of the 2ra71a·, "rqna-, which Bthl 'combatant, champion', is more gnuy, at least originally, 'side';

rahy [lhd] car 5P,ll. 541U6• 5810. l\IFrs rhy, pl. cas obI. rh'll, ryh'n '"e· hicle'; l\IPrth ryll 'car'; < Ofr "'raByii (Skr rathya 'road'), cf s. Y. rail. "The name of the car is rayy in Persian", Yaqut 2, 893, 1. 9.
rm [l'g] heavenly splendour 5126•27• 5-11• 58H j richness 5915• - Av. (1511sq.) 52 rayi·; V. also riiy6malld.
ram [lm] crowd 61s. - IIlPrth rrn 'herd, community'; Ann. 1",. cram 'troop'; Paz. 1\""1' ram.

[Pnynytri'] to throw, fling aside: a 6 pa.siSh gal! tipiit: ranenit his thrown aside (and flung) buckhandw with the gl, kii aptic O§kan ward 48 (q.v,). rang [lng] colour 891D• I); Paz. NP rang.

MPrs rnfl (A-H

run] [!ncb trouble, toil, grief 1313• 5626•

etc. - l\Ifrth rnj ; l\1Prs rnz (A-H IT). rn::WT 'dI...'htressed' (S); Paz. rani, rani; 1\""1' raxtall. ~~~.ali


rnmnk herd 50~r..- Arm lw, eranuik ; }'"'P ramah, ramak, Y. hu·ramak. Rnmak-gfiv [,......T,YR'] n. pro 478• ',Yhose cattle is (in) herds'.

rUlljalieh iredness, exhaustion 9~3; labour, pain 5621 Jra c ......, 5 G~~. rUDjenItup [lncynytrr'j to weary, to hurass r aspiin. 1111- ralljiSniSt! 812• rtIujihist" [lncyhstri'] to be exhausted, to tire 0 eself out, to strive in vain for (pat) 461 • - Pass. of the preceding vb,

",·treS5Cd, exhausted,



riiwilnitiir [] one who brings joy, peace, satisfaction (etc.), pl. cas. obI. ,_,·iin of near relatives, "my dear ones"




rllpnk-kariih [l'pkklyh] , for help 751• - MPrs r'b 'supplication' (8, BBB); ]>,:""}' Uib(ah}, lliv(ah) 'reques supplication, prayer'; cf Skr lapati to chatter, to lament'; abstr, of *rapak kar.

_ _ _ rasend. the souls of the Righteous reach salvation 88~5.~6.- SW only: OP pres. rnstr- from ar- 'to move, to go or come toward' (Av, [183J 1ar.); I1IPrs. rsydn; Paz. ~"P rasidan, riist [pst'] right, righteous, true. fair; subst, the truth; epithet of Raln (q. v.j , vimalld .•. ...... 1limiU indicated the boundary justly 4510-11; the balance "" dura gives the accurate weight 72~~i ki!.·s kirpak tl t'illas hukanin "" whose virtue and sin weigh equally 79~5; hlin kiJ-s har 2 ~ are equal 93~O. - I1IPrth r'lt (8. A-H ill); I1IPrs r'st (A-H n, BBB); Ps. Z>sty; PIlZ.l\""}' riist ; 'Verbum 1B7; Ghilain 69. riisteh, riiste [l'sty 9213] righteousness, fairness, truthfulness. truth 666• 7015•U etc.; passim. - I1IFrs r'styh, r'styy; Paz. NP rii8ti; I1IPrth r'styft. riist-giibgn [......gwbsn'] whose speech is true, is the truth 687• riistihii [....... h"] adv.: tl=viin ~ diiltan to y keep one's tongue to the truth 6414; ,_. baxiall to distribute justly, equitably 7911, rastak [1stk'] free 919, from

riipak-knrihii [.-...yh'] ad -. with cry for help, clamourously 74~7. rapltfak [lpytpk'] south ,sup. -c-tar southernmost 566• - Borfwed from Av, (1509) rapifJwii- 'noon, uth', adj. rcpi{Jwilla., rapi{Jwi(l1a)taTa 'southermost'j MPI's rbyh < rapi(Jwii. (ALE I). rasiki!.hll 12B~·6,Y. rahiki!.h

rnsiSn [lJ;ThITWN.rm'; Is '] L pred.: it is to be (attained to =) und out 575• 2. Y. n. the coming, atta . g 5519. raslSnilll [l~ITWN-5nyl] n. preceded by a qUalifi*: the assault of the Drug 38 '; through (the coming [in the same v. druZ apar-r-s pat mails; .-.. operation] of'

: t

t]~e Hol~: Word. =~ thrt~gh :he H~]y T\ord being carried into ffect D4u, with the gl. pat dtltisUi1l0malljh (q, v.), rnsit [lsyt') subst. the From rasTiall i of the sam 'seat', sr6t 'rumor' etc., Cllitan.


357.1~. type as 1lilast cf s. v. raft-

rasitan [lsytn"; 1:1pI1TT\V\-tn', ....... ytn'] ras-, pres. 1st p. sg. rasaml[l~-m 2917], Lst p. pI. rasem £:J;IMTWN.ym 6~. 197] etc., subju. 3d p. . rasiit [1:~I. lTI'N·'t' 41~G]i pt. = Ret. 3d p. sg. rasH [lJ;ThlTWN.t', YJ;' (coinciding in spelling with prJs. 3d and 2nd pI. in .tt)]: to nrri"~, to attain, to reach, to come (6, be 6, 6 tM i at, to); to full to one's lot (6); passil; - andar rasit came to the place 31P; hiin. i asar r6SIliih . " opar rosit he as ends up to tbe Endless Light 73~7 sq.; ra iii apar 0 haft· kihsar damik will exten all over the sevenfold earth 5P; apar ~ to fall upon, to come upon, to assault 197• 726-7;a ham come togethe , to meet 4317• 5017. 61~·~5j - TUvlin i ahl vlin pat buxtan


rastan [Istn '] rah- to escape: hac d6Saxu ,_, B59.1~;the pres. has pass. form: hac ba7ld rahihi!.t [lhyhyt.'] 341, be rahiyet [Ib:IQyt'] 98!2 "Will get loose from his fetters. - 1';"P rastan rah- both trans. 'to let go' and intrans. 'to escape'; similarly AY. (1517 sq.) rali- 'to apostatize' and 'to seduce into apostasy'. As for rahiyiJi cf s. v, apasihistsm, rostiir one who escapes: .-.. karian bring about an escape, to rescue, deliver 113.5·G• - 1\"P rasiiir, to to

Riist-Siihpuhr [Pstshpwhry] a town in Eastern Iran P 2 : 2. - 'Righteous 8h.' RII~n [Ifu'] the god of Justice: ,.._,i riist 7216. 74~3.- Av, (1510 sq.) TaSIlU- 'just', also tbe name of the god.

Rasn-eln Ra~n-cin [~ cyn'] the epithet, ofa brother of Yam 101~ (his name was Narsalte, BdA p. 2288; it WEIS his brother Spett'ar, Av. Spiisnira- who, in alliance with Dohiilc, i. e. AidaMik, killed Yam by sawing him in two, Yt. 1946, Bd.o\.l.c.l. 12). - 'Deciding righteously', cf cffan; Av. rasllu., v, the preceding w, rut. [1tl] "genius", div inity or tutelary spirit presiding over one of the categories or classes into which all beings and things of the good creation are divided: api.san ,_, Gopet and their genius is G. 86:4-:5; Zartu..xst is a.§okal1 ,_, the genius of (all) the Righteous 1061; he is in .Avestan terminology the ahii and ratu of the world, hence the abstr, ahii-u-ratii-Bh. i gehiin 55:0• - Av. (1498 sqq.) !ralu·; l\-P Tad 'intelligent, learnd', 'a high priest of the Magi'. As to the doctrine, v, Modi, Ceremonies 330-334. rut. [1't'] generous, bountiful: Dahman ajrin (q. v.) '""" i raste u ,_, i ahliiyeh the generous bestower of Justice and of Right-eousness 921~-14.- l\IPrth r'd, KP rad 'liberal, munificent'; < *Tata, nom. sg. of *riUar·, D. nct. of Av. (1518) rii· 'to bestow'. rutilh liberality, generosity, 5P. 7013. S3H• 8517• ratil·eh [ltwyh], v. 5.



rIlTiik-kiiJnkilh [...., k'mJ,.·yh] prevailing 12. -Abstr. of raviik·kamak dominanC!105 'he whose will is (everywhere) valid'.

rariinltnn [SG):~N.ynytn'] to let go, to let loose, ·0 convey, to drive : hiln iillod
amahrasp "dan [riic ravenit hac hall i alwgr r08I1Fhhe was brought there hy the Amahrn5~ds from the Endless Light 39~1-2~;0 oUrin un'at apar TClvcnzt Pouru. $asp G gal P. sent out six cows (to pas· ture) on hess plants 4p6-~1; api.s han giill apric aviillit POllru.§iis? and P. took them ho. e 42~; giivan 1 va8 pat Min vi!arg ravfllitGn to drive a great many cows tbr0rgh this passage 4S!l5-2S:3000 sril HC Ta~. nit was not allowed to budge 9515-19.- aus, of rajtan. rarlfn [lw Sui] 1. pred.: apar-ip-im ...., I must ase d 40:s. - 2. v. n. motion: esti.§n 11 i swrakan station and motion of the stab 57; motion of the sun, of the moon an:drof the stars 87:·!!!!.88'. 891~; pat...., est4t was in motion 9315-19; nihan-



rnvilk [lwb'kl] running, going on, current : ......., kartan to put into circulation, to dis. seminate SOlS. 107:. -From rajtan (g. y.); Paz. rava, Skr. v. :provaTiam{ina (Mx), :pravrtta (tiGY); l\:-P ravii 'current (coin), lawful, admissible'; Arab, Iw, TClt'aj < rav{ig 'current (money), vendible (goods); use, custom'. raTiikch progress: hamal: xue._<kiirch hac im be (for pat) .....,bavet the whole moral law will proceed frOID, originate with him 370-10 (gl.). rElTiikenitun [.....,.ynytnl] to set going, to give rise to 100:3•

niluin-r-« he act of going to a hiding. place =) e act of concealing oneself 1g ; wi hami: t hami: ,.....,(until going on for ever and -er =) for ever and everlasting 74l5• 775, rendering Av, (1266) yavaeca yavaeUilaiI ,"Where...., is the PW. rendering of th Av. abstr, ending ·tat., as is often the ase ; Skr. Y. satlii 8ada pravrt·

::;;:::' :l'~d:::m:,:~~:~ t~:~:;'

~.yh'] adv.: hami: ..... 741G hame TUvi.§lleh •

ravlsnlhfl tai home

rartan [lh .n'] ranj- [lnc-] to vex, to grieve, to e.. haust: pi. pass. raxt exhausted 3310. x - Ps. lhtynd = raxtelld 'they endeavour'; . I\J? raxi 'shdness, grief', raxtal: 'wounded, sick, di5Bted" cf ranjidan 'to be sad, vexed', 't fret'; MPrs rxtnlZ (= raxtram:) 'tro bles, pains' (A-H II), v. also ranj, ralljA,:, ra1ljeniian and cf croxton.

raxu [Ihw"] the rook, or ttwer, 1191°.- :NP ruz; in chess


Rnxvat [lhwt.'] a town 115 ". - According to Cat. 84 < Av, (li8S) faraxuati-, OP Haroruuati-; Ruxxaj Yfiqit 2, nO? riiyelliik (l'dyn'k] manaker, furtherer 7j22. - I'tIPrs T'yn'g (A-H Paz. raillii.

raziir [lewl] forest, woodland: Hulose '" the forest of H. 19~D-~1. Av. (1515) ra::ura·; Herzfeld, A~II TI, 72-i4j Bailey, BSOS VI, 1931, 591 sq. rilclSn [lyesn'] the act of flowing, streaming S5~~.867• - V. ralan. repiis [lyp'e] a plant 95~~-~5,}.:-p ribiie, riviis, rlvai or rivani 'a sour herb, sorrel'; generally taken as 'rhubarb', }.:-p rirand.


riiyeniSn [Pdynsn'] the ac~ of arranging, of managing, or of caring fr: xrat. har·2. axuanik ~ 'Wisdom means raring for both forms of existence (the spn-itual and the material) 0613; ke L·iniis drirel be who considers Sin worth Iris care S3D; kiir u. ,..._, (hendiadys) mission, task, 3• function 872; - directions

Plzt ,._,

,g [lys] beard 26:7• ly§y.

329. -

= NP;



rliyi!nitull to arrange, t manage, to organize, to further: 13:f2. 881B• 9pD j to dispose of = to make Rfay with 5010; to distribute 89:0; - as R rrridiclll term: to carryon a lawsuit, qf every legal procedure in its entirety (BthI, SRb 22), hence patoand i ge.teh ...... !to settle formally (by juridically valid ontract) one's Iamily-ties in this world 6 ·6; to contract a marriage 104 ; sturej....... 84:, 'v. sturch. - Paz. rriillidall; as to the etymology cf 5. Y. pairastak.

rl!Silnitnn [Iysj'nytn ']to damage 56lo.-Den. of res, Av. (US6 sq.) raE..'l1(lt). 'injury, damage', Paz. re§ = NP 'a wound, sore", V. also a·rUitiirihli, from rMitan = "'.

res.galiitak [lysglwtk'] the head of the exiles, the exilareh, title of tbe head of all Jews in the Sassanian empire, accredit-ed at the Sassn.nian court, end responsible to the Great King for the Jewry of the empire 116:0• - Borrowed from Aram re§ griliilli. retak [lytle'] a young man 1617•19• - 1-1"1' raidak: or ridak 'a beardless youth, a servant boy" v, Bailey, BSOS \,1I, 1933, iO-i9. Re,·millriin [lywmtrtn'l P 1: 'l patron. of Rtin-mihr, Gr 'P£QfL[8P1j~ < *raiva· 1IIj(Jra- 'splendent Mithra". Av, (1484) raeva· = racuan/.·, Y. s. v, ri'iyo1l1olld. ri!rtan [lyhtn '] TeC- L to flow, Y.§l1; ~lIlih hac Kaivrin 11 rahriIm recct 0 Ohur11IQzd the ]Ioon is proceeding from Saturn and Mars to Jupiter 77 (astrological). - 2. to pour 108~.- Av. (14i9) rack-; ],!Prth pt. ryn, :ruFrs pres. ryz-, both 'to flow'; Paz. pres. ref·; l\T riixian re::· 'to flow. to pour, to diffuse'. Verbum In. rlmnn [lymn'] impure, pollut-ed 14~~; sup . .......,·(0171 767• - Av. (1529) irimani- < *irima-mant· 'full of dirt'; UPrth rymn 'filth, filthy' (MHC); ]!Prs rym 'dirt" ryymn 'impure' (S).

riiyenitiiri!h management, organization, accomplishment, 1003; lefal procedure iOll. ss=. siiir ...... 82B, V'1ur. riiyomnnd [Pdwmnd] spl ndent, full of heavenly splendour 4423• From riii (q. v.}; the PhI. equivalen of Av. (1484) raiiiant-, riiz [Pc] a secret 21S• - _·h (1514) ta:;ahaz. }.:-p ra:;; 'solitude'; ~IPrthPrE 1"=; Armv Iw, eraz 'a dream'; rrowed by all Aram. dialects. rnzm [lcm] battle, 21-30 ssim; pl. cas. obl. '"-'·{in 201l. 291l; ,....,u. blitra:::m (q. v.) 2ilD; pM·'" soldier of the line 11913• - Av. (1513 sq.) tasman-I 'battle- array, phalanx'; MPrthPrs 1'=711; Paz. l\"T ra::m.


rlst [1yst'] the dead, the bodies of the dead 10015•17• 10P-9.~~. - Borrowed from Av. (1480 s. v. race.) irista-; Paz. rial, Skr. Y. sUl'a. V. ,....,.fjxez, ·a::r:~i§lleh. +rlstuk adj. dead: ,....., tan 1001~.



!!ristllk [lystk', Istk'] 1. custom, rule, law: - 2. adj. firm, reliable, truthful 11017; sup. ---.lom 591, ef riatake· nilan. - From Av, riid-, v. s. v. pairfisfak and cf rliyenItan; l\IFrth pt. ryst 'exact, correct', Ghilain 60; Paz. subst, (BGY) raatua 'law, element' (= Gr o-;-oll.dov, thus de Menaseel ; l'I"'P rast 'firm, steady', rastah. 'rule, institute, market'; Ta1m lw. rys(q' 'market-place", Telegdi 255.

v. yuvu(·ristak.

mhi§t. 4 .. Jnllrerar. 5. Spalldarmat. 6.l!aruadat. 7. 't:murdai. 8. Dadv pat Atur. 9. _4/11r. '0. _.fpan. 11. XUar. 12. 2I1a1l. 13. Tir. 4. Gas. 15. Dadv pat Nihr. 16. Millr. 17. 8rM. 18. Rcdn, 19. Fravarano 20 T'arhrall. 21. Ram. 22. Yfif. 23. Dadv pat Den. 24. Dell. 25. Arl. 26. A Mat. 2i. Asman. 28. Ziimdiit. 29. Nal1raspa~a. 30. Anagrfi11. - Av. (1489) raocah- subst. 'light'; OP rallcah- 'day' and thusln all1YIr languages; 1\"'P r6z:.

rorak [I"t']:

,_, sapiiH,


the preceding



v. yuvat·,..._,.

rlstakenltan [lystkynytn"] to make firm, to fix, to secure, pt. pass. ri.stakcnit 11215. - Den. of ~ristak. rist·iixez [lystzhyc'] the resurrection of the dead 12~5. 6411•13• 7ps. 761D• 8326• ssn. gP. 1057• 120~~.- From rist (q. v.) a:ce::, pres. st. ofax-fslan (q. v.); Paz. risl-iixez (and other spellings); :rs"'P rastiixC:: 'day of resurrection', 'tumult'.

rorenitiire [lwcynyt.tlyh] the act of making light, illuminating 884• - From the den. vb, cenifall, from rac (q. v.}: IIIPrs T1L·cyn·. P . substitutes r081lidiiTi, from a den. vh roillilan, V. 1'0811.


roc-kiir [I1'ck'l] time, date, season: ,._, i

uicitak at chosen date 12P. - Properly 'daily 1"0 r, cf :rs"'P ro=g{ir 'labour; earning, fortu!e; the world; time, season'. [1W~face n=. 125.:1. 1511• - Av. • pl. 'appearance, looks'; Ps, lwdy; II T1L'y (A-H I); },;"'P ril!l' lrod
(1495) ra

rist-iixeziSneb w., 10611•

["""'5n),h] = the preceding Paz. ad 1.

!!riid [lwdl metal, copper 1086• - IIIFrs rwy 'coPIf.r' (A-H :]1); Pn:z. riii (~;GY); 1\"'P roy; clf Av, (1495) raoibita- 'reddish'. r1idi!n [1wjyn'] adj. copper, cupreolls 23:7• 243• -l'1 r'll'yn (A-H II) j l'I"'P riiyi?l. rodenitnn [Iwdynytn'] to make grow 9216. 931• - Ca ~. of rustan (q. y.)

riYllllrel! [1y'Wyh] scorn 7527•

nan, Skr. v, anllkara~lU; !lIFrs ryl (= rel < "'riyahl) 'haughtiness, scorn', List 8i. roc [l.'\'\'1tI; lwc] day, pl. cas. obl, ,.....,·an
[lwc'ri'] 27~D; contrasting with sap 'night' 45• 2023; ka,.._, but when day was dawning 6!5; im ~ to-day 1011, etc., fratak ,....., ot morrow, v. [rai/ilc ; nem ,._, half a day 3pD, v. also 11 em ·roe; hac im ,._, tiii 3 ,.....within three days counting from to-day aU; ~ sapan 329. 726• 7417 [all lwc]. 980-1°. 120~ (1:,\:nI sp'nl], rocok sapan 74!0. 10111: the astronomical day of 24 hours (Swed dygn, Russ Blitki). - The names of the days of the month are in BP: 1. Ohurmozd, 2. Fa7l11moll. 3. Art-(Urt.)

=ayiSll{i1l ,._,·un all (li..-ing things) which are to be orn and to grow 885• - 2. abstr, ~ 11 t'aX81 It i lITVarUIl growth and increase of the pI ts S9V-10• - Paz. riii§ll.

rodisn [I dsu'] 1. (li..-ing thing) which is to grow: . pl. cns. obl. ,_.·iin: harvisun

J. .....

rogn [lIIHSY'] butter, or tallow 44~ (not gloss, cf *piiyam). -A v, (1488) raoi'110'; paZ rGoga71 (]'b:); l'I"'P rauyan; v, also riiua • ron [1\\11' side, direction: 15en kustal: ..... in the . tion of this district 715• - A v.

ron (1512) Tavan- '(course orja) river' j :!IIFrs (A-R I); Paz. }.o-P (J\"P 'cause, reason').





rop [1wpl] pillage, plun ering Cf }.o-P rujtan rob· 'to sw ep'.

lD8~O. Paz. lI."P





{~. -

rolin [lwsn'] 1. adj. ligh bright, luminous, spl en dent, brillian , compo <-tar 372:. 66s etc. passim. . subst, light: tiii 50 roc ,._, 1l e bavf!t (pr~s. hist.) during 50 days it did not light 201B j ,...... bavalldak 574 j bun,..... rimeval Light 11p·21.1l219j 965• - Av. 488) raoxsna-; 1IIFrthPrs rw§n; Paz. ro (a)ll; }.o-P Tal/Jan.

rotllstiik [lwtsr'k], riistiik [lwst=k] district, province 37:'. 8615• - In FrP 2 it is the first subdivision under sahr 'dominion, kingdom', and placed above dEll 'village' and xiinak: 'house', cf Nyberg, By;;alltioH x..>:._\:V1II, 1968, 114-115. - lIIPrth rwdyst'g (A-H III); Paz. roslii, pl. ros/fi9er; 1\"'P r08t6(i) 'any inhabited place; 11 market-town, a village", Arab. lw, rlls/fig, ruzdtiq 'arable land'. rOTan [Iwbn'] butter, gbee 74p•u. - < Toran, the SW form of rCign (q. v.); as to r > v, cf mllTV < 11l1lr}', etc, rustan [lwstn'] [lwd-] to grow 619• 40:1• 4l:!!. 92lE. 95lE•23• - Av. (1492 sq.) =raad-; :MPrs pt. rW8(, Y. n. rwyysl1 (A-H I), Verbum 183; Paz. rustall rodeg. (Mx 6235), pres. pass. Tovilzuj (BGY XVI, 35, dubious); ]I."'Prllstan roy-; cfBailey,BSOS YII, 1933,84. rurlin [lwb'ri'] soul, the immortal part of the human being: F:2. gu. 12~. 13:9 (Y_ 5. Y. vart). 31-3-! passim. 72-76 passim, etc. passim; Y. also anidolc, - Av. (1537 sqq.) UrL'Il7l-; K.ZBPrtb 'rw'lI; 1IIPrth 'rw'n, rw'n (A-H III. BBB); IIIFrs rw'n; P5 lwb'lI; Paz. ruer; },-p rtuiiin, Ryiiniin [1\\"'n'-'nl, and Paz.] patron.: 'of the Evan clan' 3il.~,v. Friiltim Ru;unC(



RMn n. pro 9525• Rosn-ca~m [........C5m] n. pro 106p•12• 'Bright-eyed' .


light (subst.] 11 and passim; apar- ~ 371P; hiin. i allagr ~ the Endless Light 3616• 39n- han i asar 7327 sq. 94:6; five species of - 1201:-10• rosniHl
ri ;

riit [1Wt'; 1.""1I1'J river P : 3. 56:·H•IB._ OP raufall-; 1IIFrthPrs rwl; Paz. }.o-P rod. [1wtsthm] n. pro 116~. - }.o-P Rustam i Old Sogd rw'my, Reichelt, Sogd. HalldBchr.-R. II, 63 Rfitastuhm


sac- [sc-] pres. st., impers, is convenient, suitable, proper: cf! Bacet bf'an ? what can it be? 7:G• 1115-16; saeet rtpnisfall kii it is proper to know, one 0 ght to know 6217. - From sak-, Skr .sal: oti 'to be able' [Av, (1552 sq.) +sak- in a specialized sense]; lIIFrth sc-, Ghilain 50; I1IFrs s=-yd 'shall' (A-R II); Paz . .saii all or l1aills/an (8GY) sa;;- or 8at- (lib:; ~-p sa;;idan sazad, V. also san and sn all, passii:rt. saciik [sc-k] suitable, Paz. l!Ia=Ci, }.o-P sazii, con enient 46:4,

sneilklhii [~-yh'] 803•


fittingly becoming


suciik-vilr [--w'l] seemly, 311• - l\-P sa=orar.

*Sllciilarm [seyd'Im] n. pro of an Indian sovereign 11B5. 119 passim. 12P·s. - I believe it renders a Skr. name "Satya· tlharma-, sllcisneh [sesnyh] the act of passing away, of elapsing (of time), v, a-ITiic-saci'§lleh. Av, (1553 sq.) ~sak·, OP Oak- in Oakafu

so.cisnch used in indicating dates; lIIPrth pt. sxt in the same function (A-H m, BBB). sngr [sgl] (ser) satiated, satisfied S6~2. Ps, sgly; Paz. :l\"']? ser; ·at'r· > ·er· according to the common S"\Y law, cI Ber. sogrell 7216• (Berell) satiation,


~o~ grie3·e ~51~i ha~ar emuh baylin saMt if It pleas Your MaJesty 19-27, passim; - gave . g clause with kii: api·mlin etij~ sal: iS kii it seemed to _ that 86-7; 381_-1~.56 ~.IS~-I. - Av_ (1009) lsand-, pres. sada OP pres. (Jadaya-; 1tIPrs pt. s7lyd. vert SGV) giv

repletion 501~.



+sahsn [+lIIDMHn.yn'] splendid, wonderful, compo -c-tar 392D• - My conjecture, based on lIU'rs adv, sl!Yllyll'h 'in 11 wonderiul form' (A-H I). Doubtful. The traditional text lIIDM gwntl = apar· gontar 'of the most excellent kind (or colour)' also giVES sense, but seems a little pale. From eahistan, sllhikiib [s'hy1..·yh] resplendence, magnificence 105~.- Abstr. of sa7l'ik 'resplendent magnificent', also 'showy', Y. PR 3212, PT IOGl1; 1\"']? salii. 'fresh, young; erect (of n cypress)', v, Kapga in a (typed) paper on the PT passage, 1953, p. ] 1. From sahistan, sahist [shsr'] splendid, magnificent 311, Pt. of


rn, the Pazandists (!lIx, for lIIDMHn· the equivalent I· (of obscure etymology),

salnn [sl:uh] terror 91, - :N"'P sah(i)m; 1tU'rs adJ~ EhmyJt 'terrible, dreadful'; from OP alima, nom. of *fchman., SV{ Iorm of * ah'71!ml-, from Av. (802 sqq.) Brah-, Y. ,sitan. Slll1mnkIlDI[,....,·l;;n'l awful 72~.

1SIlk [KLB'] dog 101• 727. 94~1.~. -


OP «sakj< *stz-ka. < the zero degree of *Ban·, be S"\Y form of Av. (1610sqq,) span-, 0 d Bvan·; "the Mede;; call the dog adz 'Her. 1,110 (the ]\,\Y form of *soka-); N~ sag. :!sllk [sk'] stone 10221. - Ps. sky; MPrs sygyn 'of one' (A-H II) suggesting eik, 2\,V fonn fOP (JiM 'gravel'. (lsak [sk'] Saka-rnan ; pl. the Sakas, the Saka peate, cas. rect. ,..._, 8:7; pl. cas. 5 obl.: ,_,. !l·§iill PI :2. P2:4.6. - OP Saka-, siik [s'k']. Sii! [s'y] tax, impost: ,..._, biii tl 177. 58:'. llss.21. 12P; 2 biirak,..._,double impost 119:. - MPrth s'g 'number, part' (1IffiC; H~g, BSOASXII, 1947, 308); Arm. Iii'. sfl:~KZSPrth 1. 9 hmys'k 'in all, all told' = PJ's 11 ult. 'lilly ( .•. ), Gr. Y. OfLGU i N Ba, suv 'tribute", cf MPrs S'glL'l1Wd calculable', 's'g 'innumerable' (A-H II). Saklstiin [ tst'n'; inscr.skstn] the country of the S 'as: PI: 3.5. 6. 116~. - Medieval Ara form SiiislUll, modern SiBtfin. sat-iiziit S. -

sah-; subj. 3d p. sg. stihiit 35l~, opt. salle [nIDMHn-:nn 4027, to appear, to be visible, to seem, to please: 1. with a subj.: -poitiik: schist pat hamkarpeli i amahraepandiin he was manifestly seen in the same shape as the Amahraspands 38:·; all oj sakis: T'"alwman pM.karp V. appeared to him conspicuous in shape oG6-7; an mall eahis! Spandarmat hu·6roll S. appeared to me beautiful in front 5720-21; ruuiin •.. hall i vfh saiJin? whose son] seems (to thee) the best? 31~-~; ce ... hiimtar Bahe? what would seem more haoma-filled •.. ? 40~7; 11e sahet (Evil) does not occur to his mind 77:~-~I. 2. impers, with an indir, obj.: aslin avd sallet it will seem marvellous to them 9721-:5, v. s. v. avd; ArdaVlin lkuft soliist (it seemed surprising to A. =) A. was stupefied 7~1; Zartu:dt garun saliis: Z. was grieved 3010; ·t fila yarun sahat do

sahlstnn [l\ID!lIHn.stn']


v. a

,sk'z't] the Saka nobility PI: -to

sill, Prth s~r (SNT] year i indating : apar ~ 2 bayll 8iibpul!(r)1J in the year 2

of His Mezdnyasnian :!illesty Sh. P }: 1; apar ,...., 68 [this se~s to be the

'agitated, anxious', Paz. NP sabuk:


cI Skr tppra-


correct re .. ding] in the [of tho "ign of King Shopur II] P2: ; ~ 58, iiiur" i Arla.dcr ,..... 40 etc., . s. Y. iitur; ,....,pat r-« year by year 19 ; pat liar 40 ,.._, every 40th year 8622; pal 3 ,.....,pat 6 ,._" pat 9 ,._, in three, six, . years 931n-~I; 10021-2~; pat 3000 ,.._, i menoi iUitUniih within the 3000 years of heavenly existence 3S~n-~I; 3113; ka OOOO,.._, geli! iisti.§ni!h (bilt), (111aibigati 330,..... apac but when it was the 3000 years' (period) of material existence, 330 years of the unassuiled period still remained 39~6-~7; - hac en and ,._, aptic so many years ago 1624, - Av. (IS66) sarsd-, OP Bard-; lIIPrlhPrs s'r; 1\"'1' slil.


sfipukihii swiftly. rapidly 274• 119zz• sur [sl ; L'YtlH] 1. the head of the body, passim. - 2. the chief: ",_,.xUatai (q. v.) the supreme sovereign, - 3. k6fe ,_, :W19, kaf...., 24-25. 27. 20 passim: the mountain peak; ...., i roh the kerbstone of the well 1415. '154• - 4. beginning 7115_ S8lB• 9S8• 999; 3SZ1 and'393 Y. aibigatik and anaibigatik. - Av. (1565) sarah-; lIIPrthPrs sr; Paz. :N""P sar, Cf also apac-8areh, nignesar. snrdfir [srd''I] the chief, leader, commander, manager, the obj. of the leadership etc. being always placed before (if a pl., in the cas. obl, ....,.all): axtarmarun ,...._, the chief of t.he astrologers, the chief astrologer 59. 73.6; ariestaran ....... the commander of the warriors, the general 108 etc.; iixUar ,...._, the stable-master 2616-18; - pl. cas. obl. .....,-iin: asp """·iin u pal! """·iil1 the managers of horses and the managers of cattle 4415; alldar ,.._,.iin 7P-Z; - ATdavan ....... . the sovereign }4; pit 11 miit A u ,.._, 66~4; haeis-mas pat ,...._,u ,._, pat :r;ua(iii dar J 08.-6; ra:;urg-mihr apar 6illin ,..._,kart V. was made general oyer them 12P~. - lIIPrs 8'r'r (s'l'r BBB); Arm. 111'.solar; 2\"'1' siiliir, sllrdiiri!b chieftainship, leadership 704• 71'. Btirch [s'Iyh]


siilak [s'lk'; Sls"T-k'] adj. ~f the preceding w, used in composition ith a numeral: duxt-i: .•' 3,,...., a three year 0 d daught-er 146; diit i 15·,..... the age of 15 ears 31 etc.; ka Zartux.§t 7-....., biit 5211-15 7-,.... liomiiniilc about seven years old 65; - in repetitions the suff. -ak may e added to the lost sal only: hac 10 sal -i 90 ,.._, 20'; used for sal: hac 7 ~ since seven years 1626; cf, slll·siilak, lill.saleh.


Snli'ik [slwky] n. pro P2: 1 - Gr Seleukos. Siimiin [s'm'n'J patron. of Slim 1064• - Av, (1571) 2Sama .

instigation 37~~, from

siimfinak [s'nr'nk'] limit 10·ps. - I1IPrs s'm'llwnJnd 'limited', '05' l'n 'unlimit-ed' :N""P siimiin; Arm, 1". (Prlh) eahman, siimiinibii [s'rn'nyh"] adf,I.: iuvtin ,.._, in proportion to their pow s, Dr capacity 8J1~. - siimiin (Y. the pr ceding ".J also 'measure, proportion'. HZ. tllq snmanaiha, Skr. Y. Aakia.onuTpataya.

siircnisn [a'Iynsn']

Sumarkand [smlkndJ ll3t

saptlk [spwk'] light, b isk ; unst-eady, shallow, compo ....,.tar 018• - < OP *fapu.ka< OIr ·flrap -ka-, from IE "'(rep" Gr ,pball 'to tdn!', Let trepidus

siirilnitnn [S'IYllytn'J to egg on, to incite, a to: 489• 55z6• 6P. - Cf Paz. mardum yak awar dit sarillom 'I will stir up men against each other', SGY XIV, 27 (allussian to Jsa, 19: 2; misunderstood by de Menasce); BdA p. 58 hakar artik nil" Barene 'if thou dost not provoke war'. V. Verbum 205 and BSOAS TI, 1943, 61. snrgiiu [slgwu'] dung 942. - Also Bargin [slgyn'] PR 644 = 1\'1'; cf Ivv, (1567) sairya- 'dung'; the last element is not clear.

siirigllr "siirjgnr [s'lygl] n bird of prey 94:1.:J• sur i gar Bd.A p. 155ll (with a marked g, in three words) = BdJ 4il~ (g not marked): 'the siir of the mountnin' (v. gar), 'the mountain kite" (Anklesaria ad BeL~). In 1>;J' sar is 'starling', but this bird cannot be meant here.

174 logical SE'ns" not the wording (ae 'three', dD§ 'night'] Since the Mnnichean vooabulary has ceme to light it seems possible to give a s,isfactory explanation of the term, I dit;de it into 8at·0§, the 2nd element bemg ij§ 'death' (q. v.) and the Ist sat, p1 of satan sall- 'to rise, to ascend' (AIH ill, BBB, :lIIHe; Ghilain 55; also in£Ogd.), CIIUS. 8'11- 'to lead up'; 1I1Frs 'brsd . 'to come on' (of enemies) (A-H II), us. s'n- 'to bring forth' (AHI), v. Klingenschmitt, lIISS 1970,

sart [sltl] cold 8614• - Av. (1566) sarsta-; 71IPrth srd (MHC); lIIPr5 subst srd'y (AH I) j Paz. l\-P sard,

[s1hm'yJ v.


v. xlJatdi.

Susiin [5's'nIJ the ancestor of the Sassanid dynasty F. 211. e=, siistiir [E'st'l] ruler, tyrant, of infidel (non-rnazdayasnian) sovereigns, pI. cas. ob1. ~-all 614• - In this sense probably borrowed from Av. (15i3) sasiar-; III Prth s'st'r 'master, lord" (A-H ill, BBE).

il-i4; sallS thus 'Death having risen, (just) com on'. Ann. 1\\-. eatak 'corpse, carcass' (of animals and infidels) may be an abbrevi ted form of this compound. of the kihiar 86s; 106n• Av, (1502) Savahi, which signifies the casternmos ki8var, v. s. v, Ar:ah. Savuh

unifrse: ........

the westernmost.


sii.stiirilh bad domination,



Satlstiln [ststwny] the Sassanian name for Persepolis Pl:5. P2:2. - 'Having a hundred columns', v, stiinak.

sut·os [stW5] the stat-e of one just deceased;

theological term expressing the state of the deceased from the moment his life (jiin) expires, the soul (ruvun) remaining at the head of the corpse, until the morning of the fourth day when the ruviin Ieaves this world and, niter having been examined, passes across the Gil1vat bridge to the other world, "the rhree-nights-interval" (between the existence in this world and the entrance into the beyond) 64Il, described 725-761l• - The literal meaning of this term was lost early, as shown by the ;-SIT varying Paz. transliterations: sadu!, sadis, 8adis(a), sf-dis, sadas etc. (Mx ; 'I'avadia, SnS 12). Anklesaria gives in his ed. of M.,,-: (not yet published) seaM, which Tavadia (himself reading the Phl form satui) seems to reject. At all events swo§ is an attempt to harmonize the Paz. reading with the Skr. v. triratra, -rrn, rendering the termino-

san [s>htl, sht"] fum, strong, violent ; rich, abun t 53l; emphatic, compo ,_,. 19;_ a~y. firmly, •tar 4 strongly, violently, fast s:. 33]:;. 65'. 6621• 851• - 1\IPrs Bxt az. l'lJ' saxt; pt. of sak- {v. t. tIakta- 'able, strong'. 086: v. passiixt. [5'h nl] sac· to form, to prepare, a build, to make: asp :CI1 ........ he horse 25H-l~. 20G• 2Sll; o prepare a meal 4216• 53~j hallbarak to build a·storehouse 97l-S•10 [sht.' for 5'lit'I]-11. - Caus, of sec- (q.v.); Av, (1552) siir:ayo· 'to teach', MPrth s'c'dn s'c· 'to prC!pare, to form' (A-H III); Paz . ..l sfJxtal1 sa::-; v, also passaxt. sii:rtiirilh [5 ht-lyh] industriousness, sedulousness t :5. - '''hat the Skr. v. means by the tra slation Bi~~yiipallii and 'Yest by ·.fiElttel1is not clear to me. siinno

su1illl [slit h] violence 91• 1IIRY'] word, speech, passim j ,......, lJaci§ purselld they ask him 742•6-7• 70~ . -AY. (1569) sQXUar· 'device, Paz. 8QXlm; 1\""1'

siiyak siiynk [s'clk'] shadow 1 _0. - < OIr *siiya-ka-, cf SkI' clliiyu-, AY. (208 sq.) a-saua- 'throwing no shad w'; lIIPrs s'yg (S), Paz. saeaa (SG"V); N sayah. semen [symyn"] silver 195 = ascmcli (q. v.), - The initial a- may ell have been already dropped in lIIiIr, ecause it was mistaken for the alpha p~ivativum; the origin of the w. was, of, not known to the Persians. sen [syn'] a mythical bird of prey, probably the eagle; scne [sy Iy, cas. obl.] murvak, dimin. of sfn(e) murv = J\-:P Simury, 262~: alai! S£11e-71 nxilc btirak-it. woe! thy (dear) Simurg a a courser! Av. (1548) lsoli11a- i m~rai'o ae110 Yt. 14u; . .1. a rmrac ul ous eag Ie nesting ill a ..._ tree called 'Jieldingl: sorts of medicines' Yt. 121,. l\"P Simury ]\"\'1' form, s. murv. silz-dnbom [sycdhwrn] the in other passages 13-wm.

175 hypothesis

5Th-sUlak that


. eenth 845

sili [syel] distress, embar assment 3712• 44~. 1037• - Borrowed frtm Av, (799) iOyajah-, iOyejoh- (i- epentBetic). sezomnnd full of distressf,or adversity, woeful 74~. - Skr. v. mrty nat. lsib [figure resembling lk

+ a dwarfed

b] thirty 8 etc. - SW fO~: MPrs syh < OF *ciOqs nom. sg. of ciiiant-; X\V: Av (810) Brisant-, :MPrth 1 yst; NP sf. *~sIh: restore in 717•24• 87 til reading 1k+1 of the :i\I88 instead of conj tured w1k+l
(= varrak-e) and 7: • 8 of the 11188 instead of conjectured uil 1 (= varrak), and read lk as tile figure 3 = sih, 1k+1 as 30+1 = sili-i; It is no advisable to emend a reading so persist ntIy repeated and so unyieldingly main ained by all 11188, in spite of its enigm1tic character. Of course, it cannot be ther-eral tltirty; the context requires a 11" signifying a supernatural being which S finally unveiled as the Glory (:rlla . li, x"arallall) of the Kayanian kings. venture the


we have to do with OP 1645) sri- (Bthl sriiy-) 'beauty, splendour' = SkI'sri- 'splendour, majesty', also personified as the goddess of beauty, of fortune, or of sovereign power; :!IIiIr *si(y) alternates freely with sill according to the common rule. This divine power is apparently materialized in some animal which is said to be Ycry stout plE), the most beautiful imaginable (ilS-1S), yery big and brisk (87-8). In the Sn, where the episode is told at length (Book 21, v, 231 sqq., Tell!' 4, p.16979B =},Iohl "V, p. 28B), it is said to be a ram (}'UTlll), but described as a quite mythical, mysterious being: "I have not seen its equal painted in any palace", one of the witnesses says, "with wings as Simurgh, with a tail as the peacock, like a flash of lightning, bold of head and ears and hoofs, purple-coloured, swift as the wind, in its way it does not remind of a ram at all". The conjecture uarrak, adopted by Noldeke and Antin, robs the narration of the air of divine mystery essential to it. Sunjanu.'s remarks are worthless. - OP "'fi- is also attested in l\-:P sfy 'beautiful, elegant, excellent' < l\IiPrs *8lik < OP *fayaka- for 1>I"\V *srayakofrom Av, (1638 sq.) eragan'beauty' and 'beautiful'; in a pejorative sense in l\"P sihali 'harlot' < l\liPrs *sillak; possibly also in ls"P siyub, whose meaning is, however, somewhat uncertain [v, . Steingass and B Q). - It is not all too difficult to guess why the scribe chose such a strange way of >lTiting this w.; by spelling it phonetically he would have got a very ambiguous and polyphonic graphic symbol. His spelling 30 guaranteed safe reading. Certainly this is bewildering for us who read with our eyes, but in antiquity all texts were intended to be perceived by ear. Cf also 5. v , 7Ii,st.

J\T"\Y (Ay.

sfh-siilak [+syhs'lk'] 9610• 98S, sib-siiliih [+syhs'ly11] 9910 the age of thirty years. The various spellings of sill in the M8S

are illustrative of the difficulty of writing the phonem sili phonetically. *Silli-dilpnhr [symdyphl] *of horrid wrath 2222. - Hypothetical. Av, (1580) sima. 'terrifying, horrid'; depahr 'wrath" (q. v.] suits the context. well, but it ought to have been spelt dyp'hl. As it now stands the 2nd element looks Iike spI = spiir, but I fail to see what this would mean here. Simliin [sml-n", marked I] 11627. 1171, Simra [syml '] 1109 (beading) the old name of South Arabia, v. Nyberg, Unvala YoL, 105-107. As my translation of 11627 sq. was unfortunately mutilated there I give it here in full: "Tbe town of Simlan was built by Faridun of the _~th"iYIl family. He killed lIIex-vBr, the king of Simlan, and be brought the country of Simlan bnck underthe sovereignty of'Eran-shabr, and he conferred the A.rll b steppe on Baxtxosro, the Arab king, as his very own feud (v. s. v. xUe,seh), by virtue of [insert (pat)] family connections, for his own subsistence" . SlnjilllIk [sncypyk] the Khakan of the Western Turks, contemporary of King li.hosroi I, 1132~. - Cat. 38 sq. sltiknr [stykl] the third 3820. 391 and passim. - < OP *r;itiya.krlTa-, SiY form of "'Oritiya-, Av, (807 sq.) Oritya-; IIIPrs sdyg (S, A-H II) < *r;itlyaka-; KZSPrth 1. 9 hrtyk = hriiik < *Oritiyaka-. but Prs 1. 12 stykl = sitikar ; Paz. and old l''-F sidigar. sirii [~'] black 2212. 2B2~ etc. - Av. syiiva-i MFrth By'W, sy'wg; Arm; Iw, secu i Paz. Byah, 1\"1' siyiih.

· - -~j ~ SlYUYn.u.1lll patron.


th e prece di mg w,

113 • ll~ slzd [sad] orce, violence 1076• - Cf IIIPrth sy=dyn' ghty, powerful', ey=dyft 'power' (l\IHC); 50 Av, (15Bl) pres. sfidya. 'to drive ba " repel', (1030) syazd- 'recede, retire'. sniih [sn s] weapon, pl. ......,·iltii 90z~. Borrowe from Av, (1027 sq.) sllaifJii-. [snwsnyh] 40~3 uncertain: went down to the waters of the Daiti river pat 7Ilenoi kamaki5h (q. Y., with aliI., Y. 5. Y. opiiyisfan) 11 (pat) mi5lloi *srrnvi.§l1i5h with the g1. kii menoyiil1 hm;lc slit, the gI. is intended to explain snal.'i§nch the very common w. sut 'use, advantng' is little' appropriate; most probably t should be emended do *snut. For a v1:l_ "'sl1uf~n *sllav·, however, no other su~ort can be found, at least for the preseAt. than the isolated hapaxlegomenon SIl~S, n. sg. of snut, FrO XII, with the PhI ~. s5ki5nct 'he does useful work, serves'. Btbl (1030) regards this as a parallel fArm of (559) :/",81111- (xlIlGv,) adj. 'satisfyin'" sub st. 'fulfilment of one's duty' from (557sqq.) X.i'110V- 'to satisfy" and 'to satisfied', and translates it 'giving (Another) what belongs to him by right, atisfying (another)'; he thinks the n, p Sllooya- (Yt. 1396) belongs to this roo (1627). Thus *snuton snav· (most pr bably a l\,V vb.) possibly 'to fulfill one s (religious) duty': 'in fulfilment of his d "y towards Heaven' with the n 'he ful:iilled his duty toheavenly beings' (??).




Slrii-giiT [-.Tim'] n, pr. 477. - 'Having black cattle'. Slyiimnk ['_'-mkIJ n. P"- 4710. -_4,.\,. (1631) Syiimaka- the name of a mountain. SIyii;nDi [,_,-whS] n. pro 1135• - Av. (1031) Sylivar§an- 'having black stallions'.

s(ibiir [s 'IJ a counsellor, an adviser, or expert, p. CIIS. obl. ......,·an II dynasty of petty -' s among those called kalidariin (q.,,), 1151~.- FrP, Cod. P fo1. 27b with the Paz. Bobiir and the KP g1. daslur, < OP "'~va(lI).biira., S,\y form of *sra· t'ah·bara- 'bearer of words, doctrines, pre· cepts' (Y. Brau), whence MPrs BTlcbr (2\,Y form!) 't ncher' (BBB, referring also to




A-H II, l\l36R~1, where er w]br"ll should

be read). suiJiir· pres., erate 81• 1st p. pI. d:irectio 11. to Ike -em, to delib41:£. 11211. - V. soxtml burn 48~~. to

spiih [sp'h] army 712• 1811•17 etc. possim; ,__, glllld (q. v.] 815•19; 201D v. s. v, ham. u Av, (16ti) spada-, spiida- = OPt ?1Pl'th 'ep'd, ef also s. v, spah.pol; Prar l\-P sipiih, sipiiyah, Arm. lw, spall and spay. Spiihiin [sphtn'] Isfuhan 13. - 'The mili-

sulJiiriSn advice,

siienk [swck'] burning and ef xuat·socokeh. sucerutlln [sweynytn']

tary camp', from spiih, spjili-pnt [sp'hpt'] army leader, general, p08sim; pl. cas. obl. ,...,·an 2s• 1113;-12,__,
twel v e leaders, of the twelve signs of the zodiac 77!!. 79u; {' ,_, the seven planets lilD. 7916. - Arm. 1 from Prth w, sparapet < *spado-poti-, Y. s. v. spah; NP sipahbad, spiihllntilh the rank of a general. generalship 263• 1149• Spandarmat [spndrmt'], Spandmat (inscr.) [spndmt]] one of the Amahraspands (q. v.), the goddess of the earth 391D• 57u-~:. 633• 9517-le. 10P~. 1165.G. 1203; - the name of the twelfth month of the year PI:!. - Av. (336 sq.) Sp~lI/ii .4rmaiti-; spmta- < spanta- < *sllallta.; hence 1\1\'" *spolliO-, SiY *sallia- (ef s. v. lsok), both represented in Arm.Jws.: 1. sptmdaramet in Christian usage rendering Dionysos, 2. sal1daramct < *sal1io aramaii 'abyss, Hell'; }\;-p name of the 12th month Islandiar, -aMlIu5, -iirnted }, Spandl-dilt [spndd-t.'] n. pro 23n-30~ passim. 1132D• - Av, (1022) Spmto.dala-; 1\-P Isjalldiyar. Spnndidiitiin patron. 115~!. of the preceding w.

suciSn the act of burning: be burnt 11P~. lsiik [swlc'] side 3~1; 4...... cardinal points of the war 12011•

ii ...., matan


the four (North etc.)


sil, suy.

2sok advantage, profit 70' - AY. (1549) sookti-; }\;-p su 'eznolumen , profit'. Paz. substitutes sug, but some have eauck: - Anotber swk' to be read uk, v. this w.


siiknnd [swknd] oath;,.._.:r rlan to swear an oath (pat by) 2pS.:3. 2' :5. 23:2• - Ps.




MI'rs swglld; sauqand,



Soknndnr [swkndl] = Ala andar, 11313• 1145. - Probably the Arab. [skandar with elision of i- and inserting Of an auxiliary vowel between s and k, el Sikandar < Iskandar, Siisiins [5ws'n5, 6wkS'ns] t e lest of the three unborn sons of Zartlxst who will nppear at the end of the woJ!d's existence, "the lest Saviour", preSi g oyer the Resurrection of the dead d the Renovation (jra§kart, q. v.) of t world: 12:5. 64D•12• 7ps. 882D• 99-100,posfim.102~.~£-:7. 10610•U• Ll O!". - Av. (1551 sq.) saosyallh pt. fut. of (1561) scu-j Paz, !-ao§yos (etc.);


cf sut.

s1irllln [swhtu'] siic- 1. trans, to burn 30~. 4816• 10712-13• 11313.- 2 intr, to 375 (v. xuat.socakeh). 962~ 981H• (1548 sq.) saok-; MPrs p s, swcllwcy§n, adj. BWC'gYll (A-H I); Paz. < socak; }\;-p siixtan SO=-.
12 Nyberg

191• burn

(8), so::ii

spannilk [sprr'k] ru~DUI 656, spilniik [spyrr'k] menUi 106:1 speniii [spyn'y] meDiil 10215•17. 10312: the Effective, Good Spirit, the creative power of the world, as opposed to ganiik meniii (q. v.). The PhI rendering of Av. (1137 sqq.) Bpdl1fa- maillYu-; SPIl'!. may be epanntik < "eptsnta- enlarged with the suff. -ak and with -l1t- > -nn-, or spaniik: with the same suff from the abstr. (1612) sptuush-'; llpf!lIiil,; with the same suff.

spaunllk from the compo (1012) 8pal!yah., spainyah. (.ii.1. through influence of the contrasting gcmak menoi).



(cf n. pro I:77:BF!Z·lH71j~). Henning identifies . it (List ~1; JRAS 1942, 239 sq.) with ~IPrthP~f '~pyr (= espiir) which accordmg to IS borrowed from Gr CHjl!Zrp:x. spalir [sp-hl] V. spihr. However in this case ·h· in epihr would be an in rganie insertion, which is quite spur [spl] shield S515• - Paz. spar, 1'>""P improba e. or course, the sense of spihr eipar. may hn e been influenced by CiIjl:xrp!Z, spiis [sp's] 1. thanks, gratitude 12!3. 70~n. but its f al independence is proved by 90~D. 2. service: vasiil! razurg ~·iin (cas. :l\""P sipil which belongs to the living obl. us a subj.) many men ser-ving in language - As to the alternation ·ill· : high positions (bahuvrihi] 1061; V. also -ah- cf s. V. mahmul1iih. SIH'iS. - lIIPrth 'sp's 'service', Arm. Iw. spinjiina i!b [spnc'nkyh] the act of Iodgspas id.; :MPrs 'liP'S 'service' (S), 'sp's V. aspinj. Paz. a.spanfanai. ing 855• 'thanks' (A-H IT); Paz. spii.s with the SOS VII, 1933, 74-76. Bailey, bizarre Skr. Y. tridkii-prohoroka 'threefold watch' based on a popular etymology (se pyt'm] the progenitor of the 'three' pall, q. v.}, XP eipas 1. 'grace, hich ZartUISt belonged 471• favour', 2. 'praise, thanksgiving'j from ) Spiti1ma •. Av. (llH4) epas- 'to observe, to att-end'. 1. pI. cas. obl, of Spiuim : "the - V. an.ispiis. " the men of tbe Spitamu clan, spiis-dilr [,_,.d'l] grateful, praising 6511• O~I.44,16. - 2. patron.: Zartu.xit 661• i '"""', ,.._, ZartllX§t, passim; Zartu.x§t or hom ....." am Z., of the Spitama clan spiisiliireh gratitude, thankfulness (alldar 56~o. to) 17~. 6511 etc.


spo.z£, [spzg] slanderer:

(1615) spazqa-

......, mart 705•






V. spiJxtan.


spllzgeh slander 689-1~. 83~. S4~1.

spilt [spyt,'] white }I5. 294• 4P;. 92B. 931!.!7. 120~. - MPrth 'spyd; I1IPrs 'spyd(A-H IT); Paz. absbr, spidi.; 1\"}' sapoo, saled; cf Av. (1623) epita-qaona-; Skr sv61a·. Spetal, spitalc pound cf the [,.....,.k'JD. pro 10SI~. - Cf Arm. lw. 'white'. Short form of a comn. Pl'. with spe! as its 1st element, following w,


[-.It'l] he whose work is to


a repudiator, pl. cas. obl. aman i :rua/iii ,....,.·iin those who the orders of the sovereign 1210.

spfirtun [spwhtn'] 8piJi. [spwe-] to throw, to dri\,effi2921_25;be ....., to defy, to disregard 3 (cf spiJf-kar); to drive out 661.]. - Prth: _ Iw, spuf.em 't-o postpone, to delay to procrastinate' j l\IPrs (lw.) 'epioxi ( -H I) i Paz. pres. spat.; J'.I""P SiPaxtallliPiJ-:' •. spram p1m] flower 1051• - l\IPrth tsprhmg A-H III, ?IIE:C); MPrs "sprlun; Paz. spa ham (Mx}; J'.I""P siparhatn, sipari'a')I, si aram 'sweet basil'; Tahn Iw, 'sprlJlq' TeIegdi 231 ; Mand, v. \Videngren;

Spi!t-gily [,.._,T\YR'] n. pro 477. - 'Hav-mg white cattle'. splhr [spyhl] 87Z], spuhr [sphl] 695• 120a, the vault of heaven, the Celestial sphere. - Paz. spihr, spihar, speliir etc. (l\h:, ~GY); J'.I""P sipihr, I maintain the old etymology: O'Ir *8piOru. (Skr sui/ra.) 'brightly shimmering' and then 'heaven'

ISK 10i2SQ.
spurr [s. wl] full 3Gi. l081~. 109~Z. - For ;Jspurr uspurr, V. uspurrik ; MPrthPrs 'splcr; P . spurr ; from *us·p[11a., Y. purr.

spurr-Iikiihihii [~ 'k'SYh'l adv.r in a state of being full of kn· wledge, fully instructed 10Su-H, from s urr-iikiih. full of knowledge, cf };-p pll dall(i) 'wise, prudent'. spurrik


['"-'-yk] perfect 110 . - lIIPrthPl's IS, BBB). perfectness 55lt• . pass. 3d p.


spurtnn [spwltri'] spar-, pr

sg. sparihiJt [splyhyt'], tltramPle (to death) 4S~G.4911·H.~. - Av (Hil3) spar-; J.i-p sipurdan sipar-: srad (sriii) [sl'd or 51'y] pula e, house 37~1. Prt·h "sr ,"With suff, *srfidak in Mand. 1". srfdg' 'curtain, pavilion, tent-roof', A.rab.llw. suriidiq 'large tent'; Prs sray alt~ating with srtih. according to the c mmon rule, whence J.i-p sartii ; Ann. 1. erab 'hall', 'curtain', srahal: dimin. j J.·Pers sr'h. 'forecourt'; v, HiibSChmJ 241, Widengren, 18K 101.

Srus [slwsJ one of the ya;:dan (q. v.), the special guardian angel of the Zoroastrian community 60S• 7217. 73~2. S6!!5;regularly called r-« ahlni Pious S.: 721>·27.3~3 74~~. 7_ 7711; written together 509;....., ahlau 10315; - the name of the 17th day of the month. - Av. (1034 sqq.] sraota- 'obedience'; as a god Sraosa- asya-: 1I1Frth Brws'w a name of the primordial god (A-H III): lIIPrs erws !try for srws!tr'y (S); ~"P Baros often designating the angel Gabriel. Srus-Ilhliiych [....-'hl'dyh] (v, above) 1031,.


- OIr *srada-:

srot. [slwt.'] hearsay, rumor 45G• - Av, (1633) sraota- 'the hearing (of a prayer)'; 1I1Frs sruid 'song'; v. sriifall.

sril-bnr [slwbl] horned 3ps. - Av, (1050)

srvaraStuv. for sru·vara-




sriitllk [sl'tk' 4014• 55~~; sIt I] kind, sort, species 41:!l etc. passim. Paz. sarda from Gr cr,pi,ct (borrowed from Lat 'stratum, -c) 'road', J.-A. s y', Arab. lw. sirii], v, de Menasce ad is y X, 44 (p. 110). srav [slwb'] word, message :4. 454• 5524, - Av. (1643 sq.) srauah-, cf obar. sriSk ['; s1Sk'J drop 214 4po. S9~o.Av, (1045) sraska- 'tear'; lIIPrth srsk (List 87); 1>,:-psirisk, srihiitllk [slysw 't.k', s15,,'t I, slswtk'] a i third 415. 10212-19. - BOfro"ed from Av. (S12) Brisua- 'a third' dolal'ged with a PhI. element {tak 'leap, q. v., = length covered by one leap = distance 1l. V. also catrusufital.:. Srit [slyt'] n. PI'. of a warri 4517, called haftom 45~2 because he was .he youngest of seven brothel's, v. Zsp IV, 13. Av, (S07) Brita-, sriiak [slytlc']

srutan [slwtn'] sray- [sPd} to sing: tambitr zai U Briit vacik played the lutc and sang vocally (sang a chant to the music) 4~5; to recite by chanting 59B• Av, (1639 sqq.] erGV- 'to hear', caus. 'to recit-e (the holy texts, singing them)'; lIIPrlh Br'w-, 1IIPrs sr'y- 'to sing'; 1\-P suriidall siray-; v, srat. [slwb'] horn 3p8. - The K\V form of Av, (1650) srva- (for srllva-), V.S. 'v. Siiigiiv and siik. !\"P surii, suriiy.

stnlnn [sthm] violence, oppression 738.1>.Paz. stal. (a)1II; },;-p sito m. stahmnk [sthmk'] violent, fierce 3il2; compo ,..._,-iar 7PB. gO~E. 9S~o. stnhmnkeb violence, impetuosity: tan to use force 82~. ,.._,liar-



stumbukeh [st'mbh-yb] impetuosity, tyrannousness 32~.- Ax. (1006) etsinba- 'contention, litigation'; Arm. 111'. etambak 'refractory, rebellious'; 1I1Frs 'stmbg 'tyrant' (BBB), 'stmbgyh 'tyranny" (A-H II); JI.;-P sitambal: 'strong, litigious'. The spelling is perhaps meant as sihmbk», and influenced by slohtnak:

star lstllr

stii.YiSll jt'dsn ]

praise, worship

[Btl] coll. the stars, the sphere of stars 2025• 331• 36~D.:1.93:-0. 104:..:1. lOgs. - AY. (159S) star-; v. also stiiral:. 60::. - Y.


!!star torpor, unconsciousness start, ds/arlan, visturtan,

stiiruk [st.'lk'] a star ; ......, Oliurmazd Jupiter 510; ,._. i Vanand 871~; ,._. i Haiioirillg 87]7; pl. cas. rect. ,.._, 871.B-ID. 12013; pl. cas. obI. "'"""'·an5'. 87u.16.:7• - Y. star; Av, star- alternating with star- in the declension; MPrs 'St'TY, pl. cas. obl. 'st'rg'n; l\-P siuirah, start [stlt'] knocked down, senseless, swooning 101. 54:,G.10. 9p·a. 1031B• - Pt. of Av. (1595) lstaT-: starsta- or etsreta-.' (whence sturt, v. sturteh) 'to spread, to disperse; to knock down'; Paz. Biard; v. also vistartan, viS/Urian. stllrtl'li, sturtfih [stwltyh] 54u.12• 10319 (cf lsfaia1l

Btlly- [st'd·]. imp. stiii [st'y] 5 s. 99~;. 1005; pres. 1st p. sg. s/iiyihn [t'dym] 64:5; 2nd p. sg. staYB [sPy!;}] 5p6; 3d p. sg. stayet [st'dt'] 9927• 1007; 2n~ p. pl. stiiYft [st'dyt'] 601; subj. 2nd p. sg. Btfiyu [st.'d '] 100B; pt. = pret. pass. P. sg, swy1t [st'dyt'] 6F: to praise. t profess (the religion). - Av. (1593sq .] stat··; MPrth 'st'w'dn '8t'W-; IIIPrs 'st uln 'st'y; Paz. stiiidan, pres. 3d p. sg. st¥- (SGY); 2'II""Pslilfidan or BitiiyI. dan siiiiY;.

stiiyitnn st'dytn']


stiiyitiir lnfe.ssor of the true religion, believer, cas. obl. ",,·an 10324• stil:lllk [f:IYCk'] strife, quarrel 41~.- l\""P sit&(ah), ef IIIPrs 's/yzgr 'contentious' (8), Paz. 8l~idan 'to contend' (!:lGY). Av, (1607) stf 'fight'. stub (st~b'] powerless! - kartan to de· feat 331 856•12• 115:4; ,._, to be defeated 9P. - NW form: lIIPrth 'stwb'to enfeeble, to annihilate' (A-H II. 302 n, 4r.~evidently a denom. of the adj. 'stwb =. tab (i. e., estoP), taken over by BP as st ·bl (the originall\:-W form 'BIwb' is still fquod in FrP, Cod. P foI. Gb) and developed to *stow > *stoi alternating as usunl(mth stoh, which prevailed: Paz. stall, BiU~ l\:-P sutiill. (The reading stwb' = *stav -hich I gave in liP was wrong, as show by the lIIPrlh form; the spelling -leb· for -v- is unknown in lIIPrth). The authenti SIV form is 'stu! = esta» (also in Prth:' IPrih 'Bt'W· caus. 'to annihilate', 1Y.-L. 1·2, II R 3b) attested in 'stwyovercome" 'BilL'Y.bwdn 'to be defeate (List Bl, cf s. v, dhasi), also attested by FrP, Cod. P foI. 2B", in the form Bt I (erroneously read in Paz. stun, but glcs ed by suiilh, Anquetil Duperron 'foible, pauvre'). I derive it from *ustauaht of force, powerless', from _<1,.". (G39) ta ah-, lIlPrth esUib may go back to *u8i va(h)-bii. 'being powerless', cf SlY 'stu -bwdn just mentioned.

+ irao).



stutan [l""NSI;'] siiin·, to take, in all senses; imp. 1:""N8~WN = stiin. 2827• 709; ....... -1 (ending written in Paz.t) = sial1i 6013; the forms with the endings -Xl and -x: function a) as imp. sg. = BtanB 911 ('Xl)' 443 (-X:)j b) as pres. 3d p. sg. 2515, 281S.29: (·x1); c) as pret. pass. 3d P: sg. 2813• 12P (-Xl)' 428. 48:1• 495.::. 5015. 601P (-X2); info 1:""NS~'v"N-tn' 775• 7917. 8910. - FrP 21 both YN8B1VN- and YNSBiVN-, Ir. equivalents ysttn' yst'nyt' - yst tnym = istatan - 1sl<'il1et istanem, some 11188'sttn' - 'st'n- etc. = astaiaii - aslan-; Paz. stadan stan- (IIh), stan- (Aog.); MPrlhPrs pt. 'std, pres, 'strn-, v, Verbum 189, Ghilnin 71; l\-P eitadan sitiin-, strong, sturdy 718; camp. Av, (1592) stawra-; lIIPrth Prs 'stbr, Y. Sogd 18; Paz. adv, slat'ariliii 'thickly, firmly' (lIIx); l\-P sitabr ; from the same root Ps, stpty, IIIPrth 'stil 'strong, firm'. starr [stpl]

-c-tor 4918•

Starr [sVhl; inser. st'hly) the capital of Piirs PI: 5, 16. 1071D• 1161Z• - Av, (1591) staxra- 'strong, finn'.


sHibcnitnn stiibcnlfnn ['_"'-:.\'1lj'in'] to




stur [stwl] horse, coll. 20 . 321~; pI. cas. obI. ,..._,-iill 4,·5 etc. 'bovine animals'; lIIPrt 1\"'P sutUT id.

..1'1 (1590)

'stu» 'horse',


ship S4~ (a meritorious act); - sum reserved for the maintenance of another: pal r--.- mfil1iikeh i hac hiin vazlIrg bun like a maintenance taken from this vast capital (viz. the Avesta) 112~o. slurtil: [stwltyh] v. startih,

Sugud [swkwd] Sogd, Sogdiann: this is the only possible reading 113u (swknd = sokand, q. v., gives no sense, still less dil1karl, Cat. 3). - Av. (1582) SUraa- (Gr stilnnk [stwllk'] pillar trunk, of L0i'00t), Arab Budd or $udd; the coincithe human body i27. - A. (160S) stt'hw-, dence with OP Suquda- must be fortuisll/nil·; MPrth rstwn 'm t' (MHC); 111 tous, -kusl being a graphic attempt to Prs '(y)slwn 'pillar'; Paz. stun 'column', keep the sounds and distinct. stullaa 'trunk' (iSGV); 1\"'1' utiin 'column', 8m-guy [swd T\VR'] n. pro 4i&. - BdA, sutiinah. 'pivot'. p. 229t-5 swk-TWR' [but BdJ ii17 sy'k sHir [stwl] juridical term:utor, curator, TWR' = 8iyii(k).gfiv; DklIf 75a swdk 'dy a man who has taken up n himself the = sui'gui]. - 'Having horned cattle': sui, duty to administer som part of the Ps. swdy 'born' < OP "'fuva- < *(Jrllva-, property of a deceased man for the Av, (1647) srii, srvfi 'nail, horn', Y. 8rUV. benefit of someone who " all propagate As to Bd.4. siok-, v. next w, the name of the deceased (a capital sin suk [swk'] horn 49~. - < OP *ruva-ka-J is committed by him) kB ,..._,rfiyenitfirelL Y. above. skenet who breaks his tutor al engagement siikiimnnd [~-'wmDdJ haying big horns (to administer the prope!T for the fos49~. terling) 826,Paz. star, Skr .• stara- (simply sHir-puD [.....,.p'n'J equerry ~~6; equestrian, pl. cas. rect. ....... 011. 2

sHir-guh [.....,g's] stable 4$.


taken oyer from Paz.] - avrtti-kfiritii1fl bhanakti, with the e:!..-plination: kila:
kascit apatya.lLillall svargrjbhavati,


dravye~lG iall.llfima-kirialll:1fja vrddhaye-ca kam-api


'that is: somebody havin died without progeny, he [the other m is charged to provide fpralifthiyate 1] fo a human being, "whoever it mny be, b_ means of the property of the deceased in order to preserve the name of the In ter and propagate his family'. The p ocedure does not in itself imply adoptio but the term seems to have been extende to this meaning too, cf Bd.4. p. 236~.1i; besides, it occurs in a great variety .f legal transactions, Bth}, ZsR I, (v. Indices), Pagliaro, RSO xxnr, '948, 62-65; etymology: ibd. 02 n. 2.

sUliik [swlrk] hole, aperture, gnp 4419.~~, 49~;. 102~2. l0317•lB• - Cf Av. (1585) sUTa'hole'; Paz. sulii (SGV); 1\"'P suTiix, eurfix. As to the .final-x of s, v, sak. sumb [swmh'] hoof of a beast 49u.15• 94,16-19; iisellen-~ iron-hoofed (or ironshod 2212, 2Su.:!.'I.- Arm. lw, smbak: < "sumbak ; 2\"'P slwb.

sumbjimnnd hoofs 4917•




sut [swt.'] use, advantage, benefit 621D. 63ltt.~1etc.-~IPrs euid; Paz. sud, 2\-P sud, from AY. (1561) snu- 'to benefit'. h"avtlsarah- '(eternal) welfare', cf Bostins. siitnk [swtk'] torn to rags 11213• to t-ear', siitllk1!h [swtkyh] utility, salvation - V. But. 100:3•



Pt. of

siitan = 1\"'1' sudan sliy- 'to "rub, to wear,

kc,._, rfiycllct

stnreh tutorship, curatorslfip, v, above: he who administers a tutor-


= sutakeh


(Paz. sudan.

sute-ko.rilh siitil-kllrilh [swtyklyhy] supplication, entreaty 128~. - siite· probably < OF "l'lItifrom Av, (1648) sn'tti-, v. s. Y. srutan and cf smv nnd sobar.


SlITI' swh'l] red 9~5. 1185; 1215 read ..., nstead of dyn'l. - Av. (1582) suzrn-; ! P cf n. pro 0uxro-j Paz. suhr (Aog.}: -1lIurx.


-~ encl. pron., cas. obl, of the pers, pron. 3d p. sg.; regularly attached to the first "IV. of the sentence, preferably to particles: api-I, adak-if, be-i, eigon·as, ka-s, etc., or to a pron., v. ec, i, ke, sometimes to a w. in the interior of the sentence (40B, Y.5. v, pat-/racel!; 489• 914, v, be.low}: if it is attached to a subst, it never depends on it as its poss., but refers to another W. in the sentence; it is never governed by a prep. (single exception 54~', . 5. v, apar); Y it has an independent form as (q. v.), It expresses 1. the gen. his, her, its: api·s bar xrtii and its fruit is Wisdom 6613; [raoohr i Zartuxst api.s tan gohr Z.'s fravashi and his corporeal substance 42~6-~7; i-§ his, her, its: wi 71la(all i·§ 0 ... 4714 j - 2. Ior, to him (etc.): api-s ... 0 patirak ayend go to meet him 741-~; api-s viit·ic hayyar bavet 253: - 3. dir. obj.: api·s ullod be barem 3916; l.:e.svirroyetxllaTethe who believes in it eats lOO~3; (he said) kil-"; man be 6 valList l1C liilom" 34~5 (dir, speech as); - 4. the agent, passim: cigonoj dit as soon as by him was seen 1912; 1.:a-8 lnil! saxllall alniit 2219; Pourusiisp hac Zarlu.t·st, pal '1.'i§opi§n i lwci§, -(a)8 §l_,ujl tarsiinit P. was terribly frightened by him (the Karap) because of Z. that he should suffer destruction by him 48s-9; still unexplained is the construction in api-s ... somber 'J:ID'iVN_yt' [commonly for pres. giret) u tak 'frYTI'iYN-x1 (comrnonly for kunit, but cf In"sfall) 22~D-~I. Proleptically, antlcipating a subst.: cigolla.s au kauical: as soon as she, the girl, saw 159; adak-is menit Pourusiisp' kii then he, P., thought 40~5; api.§ gu/f, opal' apac ra}t, POHTliSUSP and he, P., returning said 5P7-18; - annphoricul, taking up a lengthy digression: OJumlla::d, apa]: (q. v.], -(a)5 hiimorien dUll! II lisn ... /rae kart 91 '-5, -(0)8 referring b ck to Ohurmazd ; in this case the independbnt form as would have been more apdropriate, as in api.§ hamiil.: dam ik, 1~'S I par rrih but, a.s ['s] perrivanillit (q. v.) 1.: 3316-17• - If it belongs to a prep. thi changes to an adv., in a special adverbia form if there is one, which is placed at erwards in the sentence : (-s alldar:) a i-8 .. , mllst" (q.v.) 11 drag andar 11€.9t F: 6 ; - (-s - apar:) api.s Fldrals 1i.H71et V. gets on it (the horse) 2515; ce· opal' baxt &tet dll§man o::anet 27u, Y. v, box/an; - (.s - hac pas:) api.s ha nihiin hac pas /rrie dvarft from behind I . 25u-~D; - (-s - avis, adv, of 0): wi hall Hamal.: •.. pat ::oneh avi.§ dahom t him 261-~ (285 without aviJ); 26~; bc· at,is baret ••. ! 76;-8; - (·s haci1:) obet kil-s mii saxUan lwe"; pllrse.t 7 6-7; - (-s - paUs:) api.s ii/rill pati§ l.:uAct ('~1."IYiYN'Xl) 2710-17: api.§ deviin a1a8011 11 riyahreh polis kuniind 75~G-~7: this construction is regular in relative lauses, Y. s. Y. i and kif. - The adverbs avii, hods and patis may be used ulone as substitutes for 0, hac, pat B, v. 1fuese'1\'5. - Attached to a prep., but bClf.1ging to the governed subst.r 6·5 =ayis . until his birth 441~; in apak-as pat asp li;as! esliit 8a .; belongs to the whole 5 tence, cf 8D {.B aptik pat asp, and its lace after apiik is fortuitous. OP -sai ; common :MiIr and }.:"'P; v.'


ka Ahri~Oll



SIlg.-[sgl lion; the constellation Leo 511• - MPrtl §rg (MHO); lIrPrs sgr (A-H I); 1I"'P





suh [sh; :!lILli', PI'S insc4 :!IIRK'] king, ruler, regent; placed after the name of the king or the ruler: Diirf."_' OlD; Piipak: ...... ajB: 4; Yistiisp,.._ (0' .en ·§h written R in one word with the arne], passim; after the name of the gfl.erned people, country, or town: Sakal! Pl:2. P2:4; Kapul ,...- B~l; 116~-1l/3, passim; iiiuriin ,..., the supreme reli . ous authority during the reign of Artnxier 12~~-23. 1; 13 Sahpuhr i iiiuriin ,._, SPrs12-3 (SPrth:3: iihypwhr 'trwn lIILK'); tile king in chess 119D; V. also ariSll; - §ahtll §ah [lIILK'· 'n' MLK'; inscr, lIILK'·n MLK',lIIRK'·n lIIRK'] the Icing of kin;! , title of the emperor of Eran, passi i Fi§tasp ,..., SO~o; Artaxlahr ,..., Rnj : 3. SPrs: 0-7 (+ Eran); 1091• llP~; Sqlipulir ,.._,P 1: 1. 10. P 2: 5-10. SPrs: 4-~ 12 (+ Eran~' Ancriill); 109,·11; Ohum!a:::d ,._, P 1: 3 (+ Briin u Aneriill); XOfoi ,._, l09!1:101B +lIffi¥:"'n' = Sall!17l,'JV. 5. v, jani'.S71. - OP x§iiyafHya., :diiyafJf_a. :diiyaBiyii. 'liim; 1'I'P llill, Jahlin·§alli also :dall.

Brrin.sahr, Y. this w.: andar hamiik ,......i Erfin 26z i ......X iOllli1t I B15 etc.; :rUala· i yan i ,._,,._, the rulers of the different kingdoms 58; ,._, i m1inoi the realm of Heaven 601; P 2: 6 Y. s. v. yiivi!i; ,.......1i karlin, v, s. v, klir. - AY. (542) :r§afJra·, OP X§afO-; .Arm.lw_ asxarh 'country; the world' < ·a:dahr with a prothetic a i KZSPrth Mir = xIallr (cf s. v. xsahridiir and Artaxlahr) = PI'S ifry, Gr. v. &6\1o~: JlIPrthPrs Shr 'world, kingdom, neon'; Paz. lahar i 1\"P saltr. ~llbrllP [strp, Prs inser.] the vice-rcy or governor of a province PI: 7. - KZSPrth Mirp = x§ahrap, Gr. lw. cr:t--:pza7jJ;, < *X§a(Jra.pti. from pat{l71, q. Y.; OF nom. sg. xlar-a-pavu from xS'afa.pli.va71.; contracted *X§afJra.panain Aram, lw, '?Isdrpn·, wrongly vocalized (in pl.) labaidarp'/layyii Dan. 3: 2 etc. (for *axladrapun-). SUhreysr [fu'ywr, stlyw!] one of the Amnhraspands 3910• IOP6. l02z~. - In the calendar the name of the 6th month and of the 4th day of the month. Borrowed from Av, (545) xla(Jra- vairya •. sahridiir [str'j1:gl], str'd'l, PI'S inscr, Stldl.] ruler, of Papak ns the Arsacid sub- regent of pars IS; of the emperor of Rome [Byzance) 179; of the high officer sent by the Indian king to the Sassanid court 11B5. 12J5 i pl. cas. obl. ...... ·iin of the highest class of the Sassaman society, the governors, or vice-roys HnjB: 5. Prth, official language ldtrtlr-, v, :dahr· idar; Ps §tld'l 'king'; MPrth §hrd'r; llIPrs §l!ry'r; Paz. laharyiiT; :N"P sahriyar. snhridiirch dominion 19'. -nIP!'s lhry'ryy, ·yh; lIIPrth lhrd'ryjt. lahrik,


~iihiin-~iibilb [lIILK"'n' f,ILK'.yb] the dignity of being the Gre t King II 813. 1193• siihlkik [shykyk] royal, 001\'. - Derived from iiillik ki! 1H'imikt{lrJ hun i lahikt 'who is the most famous J most kingly and the rna PT 901• ~iibIkIkeb kingliness 1510• Biibpllbr [shpwhl ; PI'S. . cr. shpwhry, shpwhly], Prth Siihi!puh [shypwhr] n. pro 1. Siihpuhr I (241-272 son .of Artaxsahr: Haj, S; 1O~~-17, ssim; 1097•12• 1146-110:2, passim. - 2. r:;fi:bpullrII (3093,9), SODof Hormizd II: j1' P 2 i 10914.3. the name of the Sakin sah P 1. - Of also s, v. ValaX§ and ;tUa all. Siibpuhriin patron. of the p eceding name: 163 ••• 11417• 115-110. bbr [str' ; PI'S Inscr, stly] ominion, kingdam, empire, realm, pl. ",·iha 10B2n; .f royal blood 'royal, kingly': I' 11 aparvEitar He who is the t triumphant'


snbristiin [str';;t'n'J town, city I:P~. 113117 passim, pl. ,....ihii. -Inscr. strclstn = lallr1i'8Uill; .d. in the function of .y. in the PI'S inscriptions Deeds a special inquiry. MPrthPrs SlLrySt'11 i :N"P sahrisfan.

lliill-1'iir silh-yiir [shw'lJ suitable for a king,.regal 1218. - l\IPrth 8'ltw'r; l\T §iilll:iir. siik [s'kIJ branch ape; pl. cas. obl. 8alian (or saxan) [S'iml] 401~. - l\T siix; an alternation -k: ·X, ·It is found in several ws: BP sUlak (q. v.}: l\TP siilax; BP malak (FrP B): :!'iT molax 'locust.'; Av, (1114) ma6axa., Arm. lw, 11larax id.e l\'"P maig < *maoaka·; BP zanak (q. v.):?>.T ::anax. - Bal §iih 'horn'. (Not identical with Skr siikhii). Siim [8'm] Syria 11515. - Arab al·8a'm.



pat lIamt in the some night 10~; hami: pat k every night when 51-2; lIamiik turist (q v.l ~ throughout the whole night 50 0; antlar ,._. in the night Ill'; (alldar) ,....,ka in the night when 520-:1• 06; TOC....... -Cilli v, roc. - Av. (548 sq.) xIap. xsapCi, x§ipan. (x§aln.); OP xlap.; lIIPrth Prs .fb; P . lav; 1\1:' sab.

~apak ad] of sap at the end of compounds: (after th moment of death) 74D•


[smsdl] sword G'. 2p8 etc. - ]_\;T cf, also si/§er.

~apistiiD spst'n'] harem 1141&_ 1l0:s. KZ8prth 1. 28 spySIH = Prs ZY I'psiJl, Gr. Y. £,j ijZ!J~. ~arm [Slip] shame Iii·_ 43D-U•H• - Av, (1029) flo/allla.; ilIPrth .frlll·fd 'ashamed' (A-H ill); !lIFrs 'by-irm "shameless'; lI.;l? §arm ~iirs- [5'1.] pres. to be put to shame: subju. a p. pl. .....-iind [-'ndy] 12811• !lIFrs pr s. §'rs- 'to be ruined', cnus. §r'syn- (! 'to destroy', Verbum 191 sq. ~nst [sst.'] drooping 4p3. - Pt. of next w, Probably identical with 1\1:' Bust 'soft, weak, fee le', with assimilation of 8'. to the foIlmvng -B» and labialization.

-siin ['5'nl; Ps., inscr .. su] encl. proD., cas. obl. of the pers. pron. 3d p. pl.; independent form a,sall (q. v.); follows the same rules as 's, of which it is the secondarily formed pI.: 1. gen. their: api-Ilin paitiylirak damieuin BG14-15; 2. for, to them: adak·i.sCin garlin dulxu{jreh bavilt 1810; - 3. dir. obj.: api.Ian '" aplir;;0 do§axu apakanclld 10111; - 4. agent: r;;e.Ilin Zar€re·r;; o=at 2613. - Belonging to a prep., which is changed to an adv, and placed afterwards in the sentence: api.sun patis lIe virroyam I do not believe in them 64~5; cigoll ka·sCin ... ayo§uJJt aviS ltili!(71d) as if they pour molten metal on them 1 01 ~D-:l; cigoll ka·stin sir i garm paUl andar dosend 10Pl-::; exception: governed by hac: hac-isan lOP, v. s, v, haefs; attached to a prep. but belonging to the governed subst.: oi·Mn dell for (oi) their village 50:l; - in opar-siin pustIl kart» piitujriisIJ 1287-8 the encl. ·Srill is the agent of kart (an awkward construction); with two enclitics 'pmyffi = api-rn-isiin. 1286• siinz-dubom 84g• [s'ncdln,m] the sixteenth

~np [sp'; L1:"'LY'J night, with the indef, art. sap-e [L1:"'LY'+ IJ one night P'; opp. roc 20~~; roc _ .. ,._. by day ... by night 215-6; roc u ,_ night and day 45;

last [SK1fi WN·seJ nasiii he lay prostrate as a corpse 6021; [(Ganiik.menOi) 3000 sal pal slhrteh .fas/ lay senseless during 3000 ye~1 ECL-\ p. s:]; 3 rue mUTt satcnd they wil lie dead during three dnys 1016; - P _ last v, the preceding w, - FrP 19 gives as equivalents of SKEI;HVN. the secon ary info satifall and pres. saW salflll. This vb. was forgotten by the later Dnsrrs, as shown by the additional e~-plallatifns given in the l\ISS. Bthl and his fOll~' ers - whom I unfortunately joined in HE - tried to extract other vbs. fro the lemma by rearranging the strokes d hooks given in the FrP text, inspired y a thorough distrust of the reliability of the Fr. text tradition in

~l1staD [~:e:Vi'N.stnl], santan [SKB. l;£V\'N!~~at., to lie down, prostrate:

liaslnn general. Bailey (BSOS 1935, 777 sq.) was the first to take Ithe traditional forms seriously, acceptUig them as authentic and trying to explain them etymologically. His attempican be carried on more fully. OP has a-esata- (Dar. Pers E, 1. 23) 'unbroken', the negative of *:data- 'broken, disturbs " also attested in Arm by a8xat < *ajta< *xsata-, with a protbetic n-, in be expressions a.Linel 'to be, or become, ainting, weary' {e. g., Ep. ad Hebr 12:3! and then 'to trouble oneself' (Luc, I: 6), 'to toil' (Luc. 5: 5), trans. a. aTI! 'to molest, to trouble' (e. g. Marc. 5: 5), besides the denom . vbs, a8xat·em, -i 1. The original concrete sense is probabl , found in Av, (1080) ni-:data adv, 'bel ',pointing to *x8at{l- 'lowered'. J:'a1iom [sswm] the sixth §§wm; MPrth §wlncm, [h sut [S,tl] glad, happy 216. :pz. 255• - Av. (li16) syata-, §{Ua-; OP 81 tita- 'peaceful, happy', liyati'peace, 1 appiness"; Ps, a'ly; MPrthPrs 8'd; Paz. §. rJ; 1'\"P lad. sutch joy, happiness, mirt 1212°; 4po join - with reading the cas. obl. sg. §'dy/t; 1IIPrs §'dyh, -yyj P



I vs.

P 1: 9 (S't)-hy). re following i, - -ii, - lIIPrth . §'tyhy.

Siit-FnrrnJ.:u-Xosro! [s'tl !lhwl hwslwd] the name of a town: 'Ha1fPY is Glorious Kh.' 11420-22; Herzfeld,ApI 137, emends: +gyh'n' plhw" <krt) hwsh\1 ('ps dst)krt' ~l\I:Ill>;""HTWN-t' = Ge'jl-/arraxu-kartXosriii ('Kh. made the orld glorious', the foundation-name of K .'5 fifth town] api·s Dust-kart ?lam nihiit ~nd he gave it the name D. suycnduki!b [S'dYlldk-yh] suitableness, worthiness 691, Skr. 'v, san -ahana. From siiyislnn [s'dstn'], 89~ sii. 3d p. eg. §ayet [s' [iPdyt'], pl. §iiyend [s'd) sayem [s'cim]; subju. 3d [+s'd 'J 341~; pt. = pret. 3

tan [il'dytn'] tl], 135 §ayet ], 1st p. pl. P: sg. +§aya p. sg. §ayisl,

310 §iiyit [il'dyt'], condo 3d p. sg. (111:) siiyit Mt 'ips, to be able, capable, 1. with n pers. subj.; kad [ayem gri/tan 1 when shall we be able to catch him? 75; 8~; - i 111arUimall sayella ayiijtall 88,-5; Susfins apiik: Kai-Xosroi ., _ kartan Bayend. 88~o-~2;90B; - 2. with 11 non-pel's. subj.: tuniih. gariilt =iyiin •.. ltacil §iiyct biitan serious harm must necessarily arise for us from it 191-~; CM·e ke :=iyiill HC /laci! Bayis! bulan from which no harm could arise 411-1:; kii iit-axl haci..§ 71 e [ayet vexlall that is: the fire cannot break forth from it 951 (gl.); - 2. impers.: it is possible, in varying modal senses: it can, may, might (be), it is proper, suitable, fitting, permissible; 'perhaps it "ill ... '; it is predestined, necessary, must, ought to, should, passim ; the difference between sayel and tutiin. may be illustrated by 710-11: hakar Wi 3 roc qriitan 7le §iiycl, pas hac. han qrijtan. f1e tllviin if he cannot be caught within three days it will be impossible to catch him; s{j yet lcii perhaps 81• 24:; mii hakar-am ... ne briM!lIil £!stet ku Bran-sahr pat cv-xuatayeh be §{jyet VllUlrisian it is perhaps not predestined for me that I should bring E. together into one kingdom 137-8; layel bulan ka §ayel butan "it is predestinated to happen "hen it is predestinated to happen", it must happen when it must, Fate will necessarily be accomplished 231-2 (cf Skr yad bl1avi~yati [ad Mavi~yati); lcii yiIm etOn llettak pat xuaUiyf!h §iiyet kartan that is: so beautiful a bowl must, be made for royal persons 6015 (gl.); fill ori xuariin Bayet ;z:uartan it is permitted to take food here 7612, V. S. v. frayiBI; [ai f!mahap ;z:Uartallne .sayet during one whole month it was not possible to drink of the water 2017; - if the real subj, is a person the pret. § has regularly impers. construction: asviiran ... hixtan nc .sayist the equestrians could not haul up 153..,1 (cf 887-5, above sub 1); kf! [indir, obj.) cim i Min catranq vicartan § who could solve the problem of this game of chess 11817-1S; without

to nny definite person burtan. 12p5-17. - The info serving !\.S the complement of ~ is placed before or (commonly) after it. - Av, (551 sq.) :r;§iiy- 'to have power'; 1\IPrs s'yd 'it is possible' (A-R II); lIIPrth lIt- 'to be able'; Paz. 8iiyasian; l\'T siiyisian, §ayidan.




be e~-Pla~ed in the same way as mill (a )rg (q. v.], YlZ. < ot<Sifrka- with secondary developm nt -rka- > -(aIry; probably from A... (563) xh'iwra'swift', Skr ksipra-, 5If~er [sJ sy]] n double-edged axe 9621• Explains the w, dii-briii Fl'P 14 (from flgurativ

belonging to Bec, the name given by the "~e5tern Zoroastrians to Lake Urmia.: gani ,._, the (royal) treasury on Lake 10StG• 1091~_ lllD·H•22, referring to the town Ganjale (q. v.) SE. of this lake, later called Biz « Bec), V. Yiiqut 3, 353 sqq.; it had the most prominent fire-temple of the whole Eriinshahr, no doubt long before the Sassanids. V. Cat. 108-110. - Bec through dissimilation < *Cec, an abbreviation of Ciicist (g. v.); another abbreviation (through haplology) is Cyse = Cist, Zsprm X, 15, whence the form Jis quoted by Yiiqut (I. C. 354, I. 1).

Secikiin [sycyk'n']

q'l")' cr.


§am§er. Arab. 1\\,. sifsir


sihr (Prt ) [:"yhr, shr] = Prs cihr (q. v.) RajA: 2. 4. SPrth: 7.12. - c> § characteristic of the KW language, cf §iti!. sir [5y]] milk lOP1. - SkI- ksira-; cf Ps. 'hSyl1.-y ! a-xiirak» 'weaned child'. SIr;nn~ (IYlynk'] sweet, pleasant, gentle 1710.- ]~rs §!1ryn (A-R II);}.;-P §iri7l. Smn-du daughter

names and SiMi, Justi 303b sq_ Cat. 19-21. 9G-98 emends without suffl ient reason to Solan).

i:ftV1j~' i:tGtwlD;

[Sysyndwht'] n. pr, fern. 'the of 8.' 1161g, Ilill. - Cf the

Sep~ [+syp-] pres., to be mixed, stirred

up: trpii]: ap be +§epi5l1d dirty (a-piik 1) water was stirred up (tip cas. reet. pl.) 20U-17 (?). - !\"P sibidan 'to be mixed, to mix, to tremble', §Ib 'wet ground made uneven and rugged by the trampling of men, afterwards hardened by the influence of i;he sun'; Paz. fct'r:Isll 'intermingling, confusion' (IIIx); cf1lIPrs pdliyb~ 'to be in nn uproar' (of the sell), h§yplg 'confused', Verbum ISO. sCi [syt'] shining, radiant. bright: ,mii the radiant arrow 2PS-19 (Prth construction, v, s. v. melloi)i Yam i r-> 1052~. J\-p Jamkid, - Av. (541) XSr:IcW-; l\-P si5d; v, also xlIar-x§ei.

site (Prtl 1 [syty] a cairn RajA: 7. 9.10. 13 = Pr c:itiik with Prth 8- for C-, v, s, Y.
§ihr. -

T e ending -15 here and in


(q. v.) is~rObablY spurious, at all e~·en:s not knox from other Prth, nouns (akas!, q. v., is a special case) nor explicable from aPfh. point of view. Most probably the sas~~ redactor of the inscription _ simply . ok over his habitual Prs, spelling of su stantives with a silent final -yo ~kllrt [§l!pt'] terrible, dreadful, rough, harsh, 11hrd. or the corresponding adverbs, 3 115. 43~1. 4015• 489• 551~. H2°. Av, (15 6) skapta- 'wonderful' (Skr. v. adbhllta) Paz. s7:aft, Skr, v. g!toraWrr:I. sa-camat iiirt: (!:iGY). camatkiiriii (IIh); v. also skul. ~knUnk rang, intense 461• 1iknsinn [skstn', TBLWN-stn'] §1~ell[TBL w~ .] to break down, to crush, to smash: 4221-::. SiH. 943• 10i16; iimiir +apiio Efst cut off the scourge 4222 (uncertain; .rIS 'pr'c = a-frae for apCic; gl.: kil-s pr:It § apiic kart estlil); ,._, i deviin

~G"un [sywnl] lamentation so~o. ,nlla < '*§evallak; J\-p §ivan, cf also
'a kind of pipe'.


'*sif(a)rg [splg] of doubtful meaning, perhnps: swift arrow, ,..._, Roiasir:Ihm swift i Rustam-arrows, arrows swift as those shot by R. 2013• - The form is to


skllsin.n S9~5-~ bO~G-~7; pat Min •. it with his right foot and cr ed it 5311-12; lkast was broken, burs 54~0; v. also E. Y. slUr. - AY. (15865 ) skand-; !lIPrs '.slm- (Sogd. 3114. 33. 59; Paz. tkasfan, seldom §l:a!ldan, Ikan~"'P likastan likan-. kiil pad i gfiiihfk



i daln pad [riic frasl traJpledon

sniiylsn [sn'dful] propitiation, praise, homage 361• - From Av. (559) xlnav'to propitiate', the BP vb. is commonly BlIiiycnitaJl. siiu [swd] husband 225, 1012. - Paz. [iii, ,§iii; NP loy, l-uuharj V. also ape-lad. ~iidiimnDll 227. [swd>'nTInd] having a husband

skOh [film-h] majesty, m gnificence 1614• - Paz. §1:a1l,Skr. Y. s;;Xa (in pl.) SGV I, 39; J-Prs lkll:h 'rna . enea' (e. g. Isa, :)10.19). [To be distinguiLhed from another lka/r, l\1Prs 'lkWliY 'poverty' BIT), OP skautii- 'poor' " likuft [skwpt,'] strange, stupefied 1 P'. - llIPrth'




[swnl] kind, sort, way, manner: pat hiin. i nattar ...... Ulldet 7421-22• - < >4olavana·, b from §Ilian: Bailey, BSOS "VI, 1932, 947 n. 1.

surprising 7 'ylt 'wonderful,

amazing, immensetly), ~rY'; l\:-P Iiki!! 'anything wonderful', §i uft 'a prodigy, magnificence', sjgift, liguj 'wonder, astonishment'. The etymologi al relation between skapta- and *sku ta-, +skipta- is not clear, but their me ". gs cross. likuftill1 embarrassment

S1istnr [5,,"511]he well-know town, ment tioned together with Sus ll619• - Cat. 97. Gr !:wa.p!l'., Syr Sostre, Arab T'ustar (with dissimilation of the initial) Yiiqut 1,B47 sq., where also the form Sfis(ar is mentioned.
~upiIn ~-iin prum-, lIIPrth [!§p'nl] shepherd 17; pl. cas. obl. po. - Av, (1029) f§ll- 'sheep' = v. S. V. p{ih, piinG-, V. punak; 8wb'n; 1\:""1' subfin, laban.


smiill [LK"\Vl\I] pers. pron. 2nd p. pl., cas. recto and obl., you your: 2 biirak: i """' sq.; daniikiin i 620 UBH; Vazurgmihr i .....,22• - AY. ( ·304) yusmiika-, 119 xtmiika-; §m{ih < OP x§miixam with -zn- for -ka- as in ahm am, v, amtih ; l\!Prs '§m >(11); l\IPrth ' 11>71; Paz. l\:-P §umii. snits [so's] pres. st. of I iixlan ; in COIDpounds: spiis·ll1iisiil1 (pl. CRS. obl.) those understanding service = having sen-ice as their profession 711, v spfis. snii51lk knowing, learned ;niiseh knowledge 7po,


[5Ws] Susa 11610•

Susan, Bab. BIl·sa·an; yaqut 3,18B-190.

OP 9usti, Elam. Arab al-Siis, v,

sniixtlln [S11 'htn'] lniis-, I t p. sg. lllii.'!om [sn'swm] 5722, to wlderstrfud, to know, to i recognize BIb; be ~ 71b. 9 '.10015; 5722 hakar 'whether'. - AY. ( 59) ;dnii-, pres. :rl/liis- = OP (Skr. i1 -oj; 1IIPrlhPrs '[11 'xtn 'llla.'!-; Paz. [11- an l)liis" ~'"P .§illii:riGn linii.'!-.

susr [swsl], [swhl] sperm, the male generative substance 4121 ('v, 5.v. and). 54~0 [Ewsl, but in the following gl. swhl = Bullr]. 94;·6.2~.951;.~1; aptsr pat ,.._,through propagation 40u. - Borrowed from Av. (555) xBudra-, xSw5ra- 'liquid'; the pronunciation was §uhr, -s- being only the inverse writing of -ll-, cf S. v. Jlalilah (ill fine) and pahloll1.As to the etymology cf s. Y. BlI.stan. ~usri!ll the state of being sperm: in the state of sperm 9521. pat ~



SUStllU [511"5tnl;I;ILLWN-tn'] Bad- [!;ILLWN-] to wash, with the prev, apar 4P,'; - with [riic: [riit: dast ....., hac to wash one's hands of a p. = to break off' all relations with him 3814• 443.9; - with til 4F. - Av. (555) pt. xSllsta- 'liquid' (from *xlaod-), cf aya·;duSI; MPrth 8wstll lwwd-

susilm Ghilain 64; !lIPrs pt. Slcst, pres. 8wyy. (A-H II, Verbum 183); },-p sus/an suy,. modern sur· (possibly from a denorn, of suhr, v, susr).



[{wall] read Bostar q. v.

sutan [''] sav- ['ZLWN-], forms v, I, 177, to go, opp. {almoian to come: hac kit mat hom 11 apoc 0 kfi sal'om? whence have I come and whither shall I go? 62~~; pot druyist §lIfi!ll u iimatan that they may go and come safely 87~3; ka han damieuin sut when this winter has gone 972~; hac man sal'iii thou shalt go (fly) off from me 2719; - regularly be ,...., to go away, tpassim ; be 0 •.. ,....,to go (away) to; be ,...., to disappear, vanish 9416, to escape 2415-16; be-sulak baxt whose luck is gone, who is off his luck 52; andar ,...., : tigr !iii parr pat aska7llb andar iut the arrow penetrated right up to the feather into its belly 320; to enter 1819, also all dar-ron 18ln, audaron 191:-1J; 75:~. 10223; - apiic ,...., to go back, to T -t encl. pron., cas. obI. of the pel's. pron. 2nd p. sg.; attached to particles beginning the sentence; independent form at (q. v.}; its syntacticnl functions are the same as those of -711, -8 (q. v.), it expresses 1. the gen. pass. = thy: ka-t cahn 0 =rdi o/tet 6:2, etc.; - 2. for, to thee: kii-t . __ ;;iyan 11 pa.§emiil1eh 1Ie raset 6S!1-2~ (similarly 68-72 passim); hakar-at hambUIl-ia mihr i amah hast 98; xanak i·t nest ... i·t luist the house that does not belong to thee ... that belongs to thee 53!0-Zl.~;-:6; as the logical subj. of an info or a v. n.: kiJ·t ... lie apasilicnftan that is: it is not up to thee, thou "ilt not be able to annihilate 46B gl.; ce·! 1Ie apar torsisn for thou shalt. not. be afraid 5S:1; adak-it en tigr palkii/om then I shall shoot off this arrow against thee 1006; 3. the dir. obj.: ki'i-L4z dev Jle jrepfl 6S13; (leu ... ) api-t •.• dev 0 dofaxu ?le kMalld

return 54 ~tc. j - apar ,.._, : 0 hiin i oisan 11IcIlisn afar But !tend they "descended upon theiaminds" = they inspired them 403-4; OC"" to walk, step forward 25l0.:D• 28 .H·::-~;jriicegiyak ....... gather to together lone spot 981:; - /rot ,.._,to go down (of 1he sun) 86D; - 0 na:zdfkf!h i ... , o pM i.. to appear in the presence of, befori a p. 53•4• 1115•19; - ul ,.._, to rise, to fe carried to a higher level 103:6-:7. 1S~~etimes added ~"yndetieally, emIfba.."1Zmg vb. of motion: apiit: a I:orl sav fa back! 13zo; [riic a pes Jlii dt'iirel sav t ••. hac pas [rae dvaret savet (pres. hist ) 25lB-:D• - In 1\lib- ,.._,is not yet an auxilia -vb., but a passage Iike 96 shows it in th stage of transition to this 'ZL\VN-t'mIlY he, slain, pass be read savat as the old injunctive - the sense of a subju., cf hat S. V. h·, a possibly defective spelling of laViil). V. (1714 sqq.) syav-, lav·; OP liyav·; n .rthPrs :rs-p etc.

1 ,....,

(lest ... ) d the devs should drag thee to Hell 6 17-l8; - 4. the agent: cim ka-t •.. diill7 law is it that thou hast held? 16:!>-:6 sq ; M·t jilt 5012; u ka-t dit •.. adak ta ... 737 sq.; adak ta ... api-t gult 7311• - 5. 'nnnot be governed by a prep.; in such ses the prep. is changed to the on ding ad". placed afterwards in he sentence, -t being referred to it. (ef V. ~s): -f - pati§ against thee 763; -t vis on to thee {j8°; ·t - apar down upon thee 726; seldom as in 1 03~: ce-( be llOr-0 dum kart became a creation has been ade outside thee 103~. - PI. -tiin, q. Y - A"I'. tiii, te; OF .taiy. +Tiib [t'bD the name or the title of the king of K&bul179• - Of riibiin, the capital of the eoubtIj' of Kabul, Yiiqut 3,454, Y. Eran.§ahr "99. Another possible reading would be TM [t'g], Chinese t'ai 'great'


Tub in the royal title t'ai-kQJi used by Turkish rulers, v. Cat. 39. 43 ;]iJhrot 47. tue [tc'] a pass, defile 1417. - V. tacitan, Ci :J\-p taz, tat 'the w . s of 11 key'. tncenitnn [tcynytn'] to use to run 49u.



tiicik [t'cyk] Arab, sub t. and adj., pI. cas. obl, ,..._,-an 11P~. 1 55. 1176; 117~,3, 120~5. - :J\-p ia:;i; Ann. lw, tacik 'Turk, Arab'. tnciSni'ib [tcsnyh] the ac of running, Y. n. of the next vb.r pa be .....when came running 4417-15; at apar, 0 ,..._,when they had run back and assembled 44~0-2l; be·.......a stride, a 56~·H. det. they ham were lenp

(out of a set of items) = 'sum totn1', This cannot be the rendering of Syr Bwkylzwlt = saukaihon 'their branches"; in all probability it goes back to a variant (or corruption) swykhwn = suyyalfhcm 'their sum total', from sayyeJi, 'to bring to an end, to limit, to contain, to comprise' • tnhl [t'W] bitter OP9. - }\IPrth !xl; lIIPra thr (List S8); Paz. tahal (SGY); 1\'P falx. tahm [thm] brave, valiant 1915• 22-28 passim. - Av, (626 sq.) taxma-j lIIPrthPrs thrn ; l\'P lah(a)m; < "tak-ma-, v. tak and takik, tahmak
= tahm 1911•

tucltan [tcytn'] to run: i·m cand i nem roc pat pu§t hame tacit 11 III (for taclt·om) almost half a day (he l as run after by me =) I ran after him ~ps (cf s. v. kartan); be tacit pat O§ hiIntmat *cautiously (Y. s. v. os) his mother Ian to him 48:0• ~1.7·49 5010 i pes tacit ran refore, got ahead (of the others) 49~·IO.- AY. (624) tak- i 1\1 Prth te·; 1\IPrs tz- (S) Paz. fJaja for laiak (tajakj Aog, 77) Verbum 169; Ghilain 50. Cf tiixtan, tiiHnn [t'ptn'] tap" opt. 1. trans. razm sti up, to excite a battIe 221o.1a.16; pat iita» ,.._, o roast, to t grill 446. - 2. intrans. to . e pl. 37~. tap-, Pf" tapa·, caus. tapaya-; lIIPrth t'b'dn t b- 'to burn, to shine', Ghilain 72; :J\-p an tab- 'to set on fire, to shine'; Y. also tap. tiig [t'k'] crown 5610; 1 -n i xros ,._, a cockscomb 560• - Syr, tliga; Arab. lw, tiii and hence again :J\1P Wj; cf Ann

*T{ii [t'g] v, *Tab. tiil ['D] a) until, b) as long 115, 115 far as: _~. prep., local and temporn1: .......[Yl'IP =] rot danb» as far as to the bank of the River PI: 3; ,.._, nazd bam until daybreak 53; ,._, nun until now 7ID; ,._, sar carm be hax; stripped his skin up to his head 321l-1!; ,._, ke? up to whom (does) Right. eousness (reach)? (= who is the originator of Righteousness 1) 571 i also governing an inf.: 4711• jig; .....- 3 roc, within three days 710; ,._, zivandalc drahnai duro ing the whole lifetime 6514; hac ••• ,._, from ... to: hac pus r-« brat from son to brother, both sons and brothers 2215 i all men hac 10 siil r-« 80 siila]: from ten to eighty years 201 j passim; - also ,._, 0: .....6 drayap 621; .......6 3 bar until three times 530-10; ,._, be asmal1 9215; etc.; «han-tdi, Y. this w., - except(ed): sak ... II diilman ,._, aptirik: 0 apayet xuarian dogs ... and eagles excepted, all the other (animals) may be eaten 9421-~~; in frame prepositions: be man......., an ka« 71e except myself no one else 1527; be ZarluX§t ......,Z. excepted 931:1-14; apar 3 sap,._, three nights ago 5P..:I. - B. conj. 1. final: in order that, with pres. ind. passim j with subju.: ,._,rasiit 41 ~:6; ,._, ... baviit 457; governed by a vb.: Ira miiyet ,._, pfiti/r{is . _ . ku nend

Av. (631sq.)


t 'aqa-oor 'king'. ~; tiibi!-knr [t'hyk1y] *SUlDotn1, the whole account 12810• -· for :aye (.y- haling been dropped, and -lz.. serted in the hiatus) from tiii, :J\-p ta(i), talL 'a ply, a fold, a unit', v. also UlyUan and tak. Thus *tiiyiJ-kar 'that whiclli makes a unit




12~-IO;the vb. in opt.: framiit ]:u ,.._, das; i yiimak ... aviS iiuurt lte [l;['l'H-d] that a set of clothes should be brought to him 217-18; - 2. temporal: ,.._,a dm i 7 saraT. mat until he attained the age of seven years 1026-27; ,._, 6 lIall giyak ra.slt ku .•• 2620; as long as, as far as, with a nominal clause: ,.._, yaulan hayyar as long as the gods are helpers F: 7; - enlarged by other elements: ,.._,ka, ,.._,hiin. i ka until, 50 that; hamii >« ka ••. apar Bust always, as long as he was washing 41'; 4P:-1U; with an inf.: htnni: ,.._,ka ..• akiir kartan. 4216; v, also han-tiii, - Notice the following idioms: im rac 7 wahakiin hast iiii apuslall hom to-day there are 7 months going on during which I am pregnant = to-day I am in the seventh month of pregnancy 1011-1~; 3 roc apac bilt tiii pas be z{it three days were left until he was born = three days before his birth 4416; 30 sal but tiii htnniii [thus to be read] rajt. thirty years elapsed until (= before} he had gone over the whole (creation) 9519-:°; t-iii e mall during a whole month 2017; wi 3 roc·sapiin ruviin •.• llWllet during three days and nights ••• 727-11. - cand ,.._,diiniil:an 119lD, Y. S. v. tiik - < OIr *tiivat, [v. s, v. han·lui} > '*tav > Wi according to the common rule in SW.lIIPrs d' < au: its final .1' is probably dropped for sandhi reasons, and t > d due to its proclitie and unuccented position in the sentence - provided d' is not abstracted frOID anda (Paz. < han-tail which is, however, not attested in MPrs. - lIIPrth t', certainly identical with lIIPrs d', thus ta < *tiiv with loss of -u for sandhi reasons. 1\"P iii. [}-TB. lIIPrs 'lldlt'1l1 d' in the sense of han-uti (A-H II} contains andom < *ontama·, SkI- 'the last.', sup. of antcra-, Ay. (134) all/mla- 'tbe innermost'; ondaJII as adv. 'down to the end' A-H I]. tak [tk'] assault, attack 22~1. 2'~'. - Av. (£i26) taka- 'leap, run'; Paz. (Jag (for tag}; 1\""1' tag.

tiik [t'k'], ['D] 11919: unit, piece, after nurnerals i 16 ,._,hac u=muburl tl 16 ,._, hac ya1dlld i sllxr sixteen pieces of emerald and sb..-teeJ of ruby 1187; garliinuk ii ,.._, one (piece f) die 120~; cand modii -- ... ne not a h irbreadth ,2~2; cand dona· karr i hindu tiin some Indian learned men 11919-2°. - Paz. tiik (!\Ix), syn. with 1'1"P ta(i), Y. s. r, iaMi·kar and tayHall. The form tiii 1 lIIiPrs is attested by the wrong ideo . 'D, Y. tiii,


tnkik [th'r ' strong, brave, heroic, comp. '""-'.tar 6Il 21. 10-16• - Paz. Mx 41Z.D. Bagi-tar, Slir. v. suratara; Bagi Aog B4 .renders A I. (598) drya •. Derived from tak (q. v.), cf 1071111. tukIkeh st ength, bravery, heroism 8817• 9013.


[tn'] b dy, passim, stalk of a plant 95~~;,.._, an body lind vital spirit 15~3. u 6422 (tbe c nstituents of human physical nat.ure); '"""'"I iun 11 hir 11- xua.stak 418; t kallis;l ii' It visopisll i '""-' destruethe tion of th vitnl spirit and the decemposition oLhe body (= the physical death) as opposed to the immortal soul, rUlJiil 6£i~~. 68~O. 0927• 761~.17-15; - ,._, also refers a the human individual as n whole, wit all its physical and spiritual qualities, 653sqq. 0611• 84H• 8621; har ,_,·e Tad h mgohr, [rauahr ei i :r;ug,§ paiWk it is reveu11d that every human individual has its [racahr (g. v.] of the same substance,E itself 883; :r;Ui!..§.,..., and e-> i, :r;Ucs v, :r;up; - ,_, i pasen the ultimate form of ex:istence the Universe will be gi v en ait the now running cycle of millenia 1as elapsed, the next world, Eternity- 'ery often nstiixez (q...... 1( ,._, ) i pasen: 6411-13• 7P5-19. ,OlD. S3~6. 8821• 91°; ,.._. i pasen alone 5212-13• 069• 07'. 93~. 041~.- Ay. (033 sqq.} tanu.; common .



-tun [t'nl; Ps. -tn] encl. pron. of the pers. pron. 2ndp. pI. you, your; pl. of -t whose rules it fdlJows; ka-tan [llvan 911; adak-

-tUn tan ... paristiim adak-tal daltiim _.. vas ::arr . _. 193-l; u api-tan .. 1:6.r [ramiiycm 195; Wi-tan mall zi . II i gat pat !IIiytill kUl10m G7t-5; agen : ka-tan pursit hiii 2115; Hi·tan ... dU ... ? 391; vinas i-t/in kart fstet (.i7s; referre to by a following prep.indv.r a/rill-Wn i xUaiiii apiil: the benediction of the ord (be) with you 12816-10; - indepen nt form at/in.

191 to be spoiled tabiih, 8F~. - Paz. 4515•

tnriizUk tauiih ; NP

tllpiil!~!J annihilation

taplihflnltnn to destroy, to kill 55~~. tiip [t'p'] fever 43~3. - From iiijtan (q.v.): cf lIIPrs tb 'fever' (S), 1\"P tab; 1\"P tab, Uiv 'heat, warmth, burning'. 'Fever' is in Av. (G32) tajnah-, tajnu-; 1\I' tal 'heat'. tiipisfiin [t'pst'nl] summer tiivasion ; :NI' tiibist6.ll. BOH. - paz.

tnnilpuhrnk [tn/pwhlk'] g9.i1ty of a taniipuhr sin, i. e. of a deadl~' sin which can only be atoned for by h rd flogging or (later) by a very high e, and which involves the excomm~cation of tile culprit until he bas Su.ffe~d his punishment; applied to Hesm, he demon of Wrath: the originator of endly sin Opo. - Adj. of taniipuhr, the!lli . adoption of Av, (636 sq.) tallu_p;mfla'IW!lose body is forfeit-ed', thus an adj. whereas BP taniipuhr is used as a subst. for the sin itself. tanbur [tnbwl] cf Sogd. 48. a lute 4:!S -:NI' tanbilr,

Itnr [prth, Prs L$D-r; tl] 1. prep. beyond HajA:7 (L$D L· = far oj. B: 7; through 103~3; via, by way of 3{]lO. 3816• 4p5. - 2. adv, aside, secretly 4215 [tl]. - V. also tarist, turist, hu-tarist. - Av, (641) tara ('secretly' Yd. 1510); OP tarah; nIPrs tr, try (S); Ps. L';iD-r and flyly (ei 'ay = BP had!). 2tnr [tlJ 1. subst. arrogance, contempt: ,.._, 11lenitan to treat with arrogance, with contempt 33H• - 2. adj. contemptible: ,.._,kartan to make contemptible, to dishonour 736; --- '11 alliiiarmik kartan 7513-11, Skr. V. h'ina; [paz. Bar :z:Uiir kard made contemptible and mean sov XI, 56; hast i Bar xUiir u anii1arm kard some of them were made contemptible, mean and dishonoured, ibd, XII, 40; Skr. v. also here hilla]. - That v-« is used in BP as an independent noun, subst, or adj., is beyond doubt, but etymologically it is identical with the prep. and prev_ tar, and secondarily abstracted from the Av, (1123 sq.) taro man· 'to dishonour' and (641) tars.mati- 'obstinacy, recalcitrance'. V. also tar-niinisnih, tnriIziJnitiireh [tl'cynyt'lyh] the act of weighing 7215• - From tarii=cnitan 'to weigh', den. of tnriiziik [tl'cwk'] balance, scales for weighing 7215• - OIr "tarii = Skr tulii 'balance, scale of a balance' Av, (223 sq.) cz- 'to convey, to conduct' (Lat ague).

tang [tng] narrow 4B:!S. 'distress' (MHO); :!IIPrs til fangell Tansllr distress, straits [tnsl]

n. pro the £gh

Arta.;:sel' 109~·3. 111 This is the traditional reading; but Ire translit-eration ticer in Arabic letter is also found, and this reading seems t be confirmed by the patron. tuisrkn KZ 'Prth 1. 24 = Prs tws7k'll; the correct fOI1lll would then be Tosar, Y. Boyce. A.M., N-S. V, 1955, 50 n. 3.

66 .

1tIPrth tl1(n)g (S);:NI' (allY_

Priest of


[tn"mnnd] PI' ;ded with body 104~1; V. also pat-tar amand.


[tnwk'] senrce, rar 97lS.:!!. - :I\:I' 'sl en del', thin'; Slir tanu-, Lnt

tennis. fapah [tpth] spoiled, ruin to kill, to destroy, to spoi 813;,.._, biUan


1IIPrth fr~- (l\IHC) Ghilain


tiirik [t'lyk] dark 37:°. 70:. 85g·1~. - 111 PrthPrs l'ryg, deri ved from Av. (650) t([Ora. 'darkness', 1IIPrthPra t'r; :rs1:' tar 'dark, obscure'; tiirik: < ~tq_Oriya.ka-, A,-_ t({Orya- 'dark'. tiiriki!l1 darkness, tbe quality of being dark 3317• 341• 021~. 03lt• 641. 1031G. iarist [tlyst]


= 1IIPrs; Verbum

109; 58z1•

tllfTeUHiil'lOrvi8P'~ tusom 80m, witl < OP '" ca~liir. cr of 0 dlill dirham), square s land'.

[tjITll] the fourth

turist. [tlmynsnyh] arrogance, 471~. S3~. - V. s. Y. 2tar.

tor-menisni!h overbearingness torr [tIJ Probably

5Qu. - < *eadissimilation of e- (ef 5. v. cis) ~ama-< O.-b- *caOrama-, V.S.V. )T. I",. iassiiga 'the fourlhpart Ii' (itself the fourth part of a Arab. lw. lassilj id., also 'a tlement, n village, a tract of

humid, moist 31l20•25• 4016• < *tarna-, cf perhaps Av. (643) (auruna'young', Skr iarlll) a- 'young, fresh'; Skr tarna-ka- 'calf, young animal in general'. :rs1:' tar. . tnrruk [flwk'] tender 482• - From as to the ending cf s. Y. lle(va)kok.

tii;;iSnilh 'ssnyh] det. Y. n. of the following vb.: ZartuX§t 0 ham ,..... the act of erea ting . by putting together (the different ele4nts of which he consisted) 391-~. tiisitan t create b) elements (644 sq.) fnst [tst'

tars [tls] fear, fright 522~; cas. obl, tarsih [tlsyh]: hac Min be tarsih-ic for fear of this 4812• tarsenitan [tlsynytn.'] to inspire a p. with dread, t.o intimidate: Pourusasp hac ZartUX§t pat vi.§6piln i hacia-as skaft tarsenit 48s•9, Y. S. Y.

create 3811• 7621; ij ham ,.._, to putting together the different rap. or a tho 38~3. 3919• - Ay. a§.; Paz. tiisidall.

bowl 531~. 60n.ID• - Av, (640) Arab, lw. fast; Fr tasse = German Tasse; Telegdi 245.

2';1' tait;




n. pr. of the

[tlssn'] the oct of fearu1~: be as pred.: cir-t 11e apar - for thou must not fear 5820, cf s, Y. -to turslsn

tarsltan [tlsytu'] imp. mii tars 618• 152~. 5820; pret. 3d p. sg. iarsit hiih 3po, to fear, to feel fear for (hac); .....,Hi 711ii hakar lest 615; lea pat fruceh Min i aile aparlliiylk [riic tarsit Mild when the lads ran frightened helter-skelter 52~5; 3 hiim. kii-t ij mall tarsi: three we are whom this house of thine fears 59! (0 cos. recto of the pron., v. a, Y. iii; ke the dir, obj. of tarsiii, instead of I;;e-man .•• hads 'we for whom').-OAr *fras·, "tare- :Av. (802 sqq.] Orah-, pres. idrdsa-; OP pres. trsa-; lIIPrt Prs tyrs-; Paz. NP iarsidall; Y •. also sahm, tOrYenItan [tlwynytrr'] to injure, to defeat 77~o. - Av, (639 sq.) taro, pres. taurvaya-;

Grand ,rlIier of an Indian king llS10. ll9'·17. - take the letters as tbey stand, seeing in the w, a purely Indian name "tetra-qat -vala- 'he who desires to go to the be) nd', "Longing-far-Paradise". True, _to a ought to be represented by -w; = •.,as(a), but the spelling may well hnve been influenced by Greek names ending mJ-os. My reading'is n mere guess, but not lorse than thnt of Tavadia, Siir Saxuall IV-18. who proposes Dharnuuiosa, WhiCh8e ms to me wholly impossible to conjure p from the BP shadows. Kat better w re the conjectures proposed by Salem as quoted by Tavadin, 1. 1. (lYhy m st foreign names in BP script neceSS~T be a priori regarded as corrupt ~ast recognition und treated as vile corplts1) The historical autbent.lcity of the ~ry is not worth-while wusting words u~on.

Tnnnk "TIlHak [twpk'] a town *6ln• - Cat. 94; Schwarz,lranII,_ 66sqq.; ~iiqiit 1,890sq.; Arab 1'awwaj, Gr TWr.1j'J TrL6:~1j; as to -iop- for ·v· cf s. Y. lislavan.

193 tigr-iiby arrow, "iipya., cf next (inser. Prs] [tgl'hy] RajB! 1. - < figr from Av. (71) iipw.

tii range of an "ii/ya. < <a ap-;

taxtnk [t'htk']

tablet, P ,_,·ihii us», board for the game of tri trae 120u5. l'U'laxtah. tii:rtan [t'htn'] tac- [t'c·] tf·· run 319• 2819• 9817• - Av, tiicaya· inte s, of tak-, Y. lncilan; 1\"P taxtan iii::-; v also viWxtan.

tigr-ariill [tgly'p'] range of an arrow 2127. 222. - Ligr ayiip, Y. ava/tan.

timiir [tym'I] grief, anxiety g •. 142~. lIIPrs tym'r (A-H I); Paz. 1\"1' tlmar.
T'll' [tyl] the name of the planet Mercury

tiiyiLlln [t'dytn'] to be cap ble, to suffice! api.m.iSiin 1le Wyft zor (ana as-to-me-forthem power did not suffict =) they did not prevail agninst me 1~8S-7, a lit-eral translation of Syr ur-la ?fm'.,iw bail (i) (Barr). - lay· < tiin-, df lIIPrth [>wg 'mighty'; alternating wit taliiS· in tiihiS· kar (q. y.); v, further pa ahik and s. v. patiiin. teb [tyh] , til [t'y] 1. ray splendour, of the sun 71G• - 2. point, of he lance 2019, of the foot 112. 3211. - 3 blade, of the sword 22!!5. 96~0. - S'" fat of tel' > lei >. te with dropping of -y, or > tell with a secondary -hi Paz. felt - J'ol\"V form lei'! Ann. lw. t~g 'pike'; N tel' 'sword, razor; point of a spear; a of the sun'; Ea1. i'fg 'sharp, swift'. Av, (963) bi· iaeya- 'double-edged", cf 22~5. Y. also leI, ligr; as to teh Dr. I cf kr tejas.

ll51• - Originally a god Tir, whose name is attested by the OP n. PI'. '"T'ira-data-, Gr TlPllliTIjt;, and by the AY. (651) n, pr_ Tirii.nakaiiua-; not identical with Tislrya(v, TiSir). In the calendar the name of the 4th month of the year and the 13th day of the month. Tisifiin [tyspwn] Ktesiphon 114:t.

tlsnnk [tysnk', tsnk'] thirsty g20. 255• Av, (644) tarsna- 'thirst": lIIPTs tyallg 'thirsty' (S); MPrth {Y§IlY 'drink' (Henning, BSOAS XII, 1947, 43 n. 2); J'ol"1' tisnah, tahiah: ti;nnkeh thirst MPrth t$Ylldyft 14::. 895• (MHC).

Paz. tiSna'i;


TiStr [trEtI] a constellation, generally identified with Sirius 875•7• - Av, (Gal sq.) TiJtrva-.








.....-tom 4323• 96:°; adv. 51B. 60:t.~G.6p:·!!5.

- The palatalized parall form of the preceding w., "taiga- al~rnating with "toija-; Paz. teI 'swift, "ihement' (Mx, Aog); Av, (973) braillra.ta9a- 'with sharp edge', (653 sq.) !iIi- in com:\?ounds 'sharp'. lIIPrs {vj 'sharp', LV:: 'quick', l'>\"1' tf:; 'sharp, impetuous, ~'. (Henning, BSOAS XII, 1947, 45,sfparates 1I1Prs
tyz, l'>\"1' tez 'swift.' from tif!, deriving the former from tck-; I d not agree).

[LK; tw 5Ita], with -e : tii-t: [LK-c], toy·ic [LK-ye], pers. pron. 2nd p. sg., ens. rect. and cas. obl., thou, thee, thy: 1. subj. passim; emphasizing the subj. 2nd p. sg. inherent in the vb.: to xUg§
danf!h 417;
11C .- ••

10 [riic

yaze, han

.• _


tlgr [tgl] arrow 319-:°_ 20H etc. passim. AY. (651) tiyri-; OP tigrq- 'pointed' = Av, (ibd.) tiyra-; Paz. J'ol"1' &ir (SW form).
13 Nyberg

shalt perform my sacrifice 53P; with an imp.: to paitiike11 giyiik 395; t{j mfi lav 26]°; in nominal sentences together with the copula: to, J am lisp, dfillfik .•. hah 2 r:--<l; to kc ltii •.. 7 73~. 75!>-6; ut the copula may be missing: b to ham yiilfik 22~2; hac liar dam 11 dalli§1l -to pfitiyavG1;dfar 331l-12i to pfra;;. 'Ii ve.h patroc 2719; to I{ai-Xosrai .•. 1 9917; he may also be missing in the pret. pass. haying to as its subj.r to xUafai i

C ya:;1!t it is not thou that




Piirsikiin. ..• /restlt thou hast been sent by the Persian king 1318-lD (for /reslIt llC); ce-iiill to-e kll,§t 27· (for lwit he; or perhaps an absolute clause: after thy haying been slain by them); but k€ tri dat hE? by whom hast thou been created? 5i;-~; coordinated with another pers. pron_: man u. tii ii::mayiSn k1l11em 41; to all [LK ':!\""H] ••• barom (for barem) 'thou and I (we) shall .. .' 531s-~n'(~'J,V. 5. v. ar::iinikcnlian; - 2. dir, obj.: nc toy-ie pat dilpahr durem 21~'; il xi6n ..• to o:allelld m 261Z• 291~; tiii to giram (v, gIr-) 35~; etc.; - 3. to, for, against thee: liar val kas to 71C lut'-iin kartan is not able to do thee any harm G19-~U; tii ee vinas eslet1 what sin has befallen thee? (v. iastall) 1211; 5317; ne to u. nc Me dum i man astisn ne bilt hiil: there would have been no permanence for thee, Dar for any creature of mine 3515-18 ; beginningtbe sentence and taken up later by the independent form of the encl. pron.: tiiy-ic kc vat hiil! at far mellet 3314 j - 4_ agent: to nc diiniikihii kart 410-1]; to atniih-ic dm hiim 39'; to zat mar i Tilr 99z~; etc.; - 5. gen. a) diim i to 335; b) det, reI. attr.: 0 iii i to pl1~ar 5P'; ift i to pl1~ 521:1-H.15; etc.j c) to brat 2211 etc.j to mat 22~2; ta pu.s 5pe; - 6. with prep.: apar to, hac to, 0 to, pat to, to riid, - 5P3 ZK-p tw: read an-ip (,ij as a sort of ethic dat.: 'thou mayest understand' or the like, with an emphasizing to, v, lan B; Y. further s. v. -p. < lava, _,\Y. (7B7) gen. of (iBG sqq.) Ou'a-, OP Ouvo-; the cas. recto Av. (661) tIJ~m < tm:a1ll = OP, which would have developed into *tu in l\liIr, has been absorbed by to, as far as we can judge. MPrtIU?rs tw, with -c: t1L'Y(Y)c; Paz. Bo, Ou, tu (6 has no etymological value}; NP tii. Cf -t and at. t(igeh [twgyh] account: ,._, dahift 0 devun he will settle an account with the devs 4610-11• - FrP 30, Cod. K has (not recognized by Junker) twg.lull '1. tIll 'I, Paz. tug. lUliar. Smur, that is in BP: tiig: hmiir,

imar, the lemma signifying:

'tOg = account, re coning'. Paz. hmiir represents the 1\'"\Y onu of S\Y iimiir, q. v.; Arm. lw. toil *tauia· 'fine, penalty', tugan < *taugana- id., V. further s. Y. tartan and b0111-tQi,ik - Coincides in spelling with tallglh, b t 4610-11 must refer to the
Last JUdrment, thus to the last settle-

ment of a counts.
tiihm [tw traction, descend (623) tao Paz. l\"P (auma- 'f Arm. lw. V. Benv

u], Him [twrn] 893; seed, exdescent 625. 63~; sperm 893; t 63'_ - L 1\"\Y "'iauxman-; Av, 'man-; MPrth twxm (MEC); tuxm; 2. SW *tallhma-: OP mily' (thus spelt for tallhma-); iohm; l\IFrs tlL'hm); Paz. Bum_ iste, BSL 31, 1931, 76-79; Henning, BSOAS XI,

47, 1951l37_39; 1946, 710 tfihmnk digree 46 trious re cas. obI. house (= ancestor) 2B3; Jl.lih 1\U'rth P 'relatives

rtraction, parentage 3911; pe'; patcand u ,._,i va:::urg illustionship and lineage 72'; pl. ""'-1211 relatives 8~~; - family, the descendants of a common dynasty 16•11• 615• 1018• 13~·:6. ak i gariin ,._, u aniik ,._, 141• twxmg'I1, l\IFrs twhmg'n, both ; Paz. t lIX771a, illxmaa (SGV);

};'"}' luxmah

tiixtaIl [tj.htnl] to~· [twc-] to pay a debt, a fine; 1fJ give back, return anything (borrowed): ken toW be will take his revenge J5~~. - Cf (Paz.) men hom _.fdinii i

Xill-XlJu;i U xin·Biii
[arza dq


:dn for obada

Adoniii, revenge, upon th tions' S 20: 5. Ghilain piation'; tiiz-, kin dissension


11 ::111 i hait-anbiidaa 6iiio771 (Adina for Adol1ai, anbiidaa faulty reading for


Y. I, XV n. 2) 'I am desiring revenge and taking and I shall revenge myself children during seven generaV XIY, 5-7, reproducing Ex. twj- 'to pay, to atone for', 3; :!IIFrs tw;:y§n 'penalty, exPaz. Biixtan Bii~-; 1\''"}' tartan ii;: 'bellicose, one who foments and lawsuits'. - V. also tog.


trUtnkilh triftnkilh [tlpt.kyh] ste~g:

U .......



71i!lt 11 burtaril:

tarsp- 'to steal', snbju. itfyilt (Y.1 P; a hapnx] < *trpyui with secondary development of -r- to -ra- (tr- is bn1y secondary in OIr). Ci l\-P tarb, Por/and 'deceit, fraud, lie'_ As the BP deJivatives of this root semantically agree w4h Av., whereas the derivatives outside tins group have other, non-technical 5i~cations, the former must be regnrde~ as borrowed from Av., and conseque]IY t7pt is best interpreted as trijt, not tirtt as Bthl has it. This is confirmed y the parallel form tluipi = irujt with rio > -ru- because of the lubiul, I gi\ here the BP forms known to me: 1. . • ilurptn' = trujtan DkllI 36411 (+ b irtan, cf 112H just quoted); 2. !lpt'l = trijtiir Phl, Y 291; 3. tlwptk = trujtak: BdA. p. 24u; 4. tlptkylz = tri/t{1keh, v, above; 5. tlpt}/Ilytnl = trijtiinitan. "to commit theft' PhI Y. 1 is (translation of lrafyut); 6. tlpt = trijt 'theft' explaining v. (638) (Clya-. BrUnk [paz.]

112f4_ - Av.

apac kunis(643)

Till [twl] the name of the hereditary ioes of the old Iranians, the Tar, Turian, the Turians: 1. of an individual: Friisyii '""" vas varciivQlId 4616; 99~:!-:!li.11318• i 116a• 11719; Brat{lTorr.s 51~D; Piil€cak 11411; Aep-varcvar 1152~; Arvandasp 1171°. - 2. in plural sense, of the people: ,.....cas. recto 4513; ,._, used as cas. obl, 451~ (pat ~); cas. obl. ~·iin 45D•n, used as cas. recto 4515• - AY. (650) tum·; MPrth twr'n (S); Paz. tiir; v. further Turiin. Tiirnk n. PI'. of a Khakan 17D• Tiiriin 1. [twl'n'] pl. cas. obI. of Tilr (q. v.], - 2. Country and people between Sakist1in (now Sisiun) and Makuran (l1Jukrun, now ~lIQ1:raf1) 'down to the shore of the River' (i. c. Indus), forming together with Hind and Sakistiin the dominion of the Sakiin-iiih PI: 3. Identical with the modern province KaIfit in Baluehistan,wbose cnpital is now.Kalat, formerly Qu,~dar or Qu;;dar (Yaqut 4,86. 105, nowadays pronounced Khuzdar}; attested in the Sassanian inscriptions in the following spellings: 1. RZSPrth 1. 2 twgm, Prs and Gr equivalents destroyed; 2. ibd. 1. 19 ticrqstn, PI'S tuirsin, Gr TcuF1iV7j; 3. P 1: 3, slightly damaged, but only the next last letter really indistinct: Herzfeld read twrst, which is epigraphieilly and linguistically unacceptnble; I ventured the reading tu:grn based on RZSPrth 1. 2. However, a fivefold enIargmenf of this name on the excellent photo taken by Professor H.L1l5chey, (in fact the best-lighted and the most sharp, cut photo so far known; s. V. !lEv), revealed beyond doubt the letters tgu:l{']n, thus eliminating the reading tuirstn given by Frye (AO :XXX, 1900, 84). The actual pronunciation was already in the 3d century taro, as shown by PI'S tuir-, Gr .oup· j confirmed by Arm TUTan [PslIIosKhor, Omayynd epoch) and A1'3b Tiirun (ill the old geographers; Yaqut 3,557). Prth tu-gm, tUTg- are historical spellings rendering the original form


pro 473•


*Tuciip [twa'p'] n, PI'. Iran 113~'. - Cnt. 39 re Sn. Tuiuv.


(807) Brita-,

g in East Taciip; 1\:""!'

*tugriill P 1: 3: ilie correct reading is not twgm, but tgwl[']n, histor eel spelling of tarun, v, Tiiriin no. 2. tullikilil [twhykyh] emptiness, vacuity: the Vacuum in 11 cosmii sense 92D. From iuhil: 'empty', from v. (624) taos-, pres. tusa-; :IlIPrs tU:h~; Paz. (Jihi (SGY); J.·Prs. tit'''!!; 1>;""!, iu. t, ui«, tahl ; V. Nyberg, Geiger Vol. 1931 214 sq., and against him Gershevitch d Mayrhofer, v. lU~JTI~ofer:. Osterr, Ak. 1YjS5., _~z. d. phil-rust. RI. 190B, So. [p.15 (dubIOUS hypotheses).

turubnk [twmblc'] drum, I' kettle-drum 2010. - Ann. Iw. t'mbu < "tumbuk 'drum'; l\-P tanbak, (CllIbu , ianbik ( BQ also run-) 'bagpipe', 'drum




tllgran, or turglin 'with the same Prth, I turfin [tw 'nl] 1. adj. mighty, powerful, metathesis as in tyrg = tirg < tiqraenergetic -56. GOlD; subst. what one is 'swift' (A-H ill) or in the Arm.Jw, turt able to d v. s. Y. sfillliillilili. - 2. impers, 'penalty' < *tu::rcz- (Y. t6g, to:dall). Prs vb.: it is possible, one can, is able to; tgwl'lI shows the inverse Soqdian spelling the subj. - an encl. pron., or a subst, in -gw· for -wg- (Henning, BSOS IX, 1938, the cas. a 1., or a form felt as a Cas. obl.j 548-550), thus represeutingtugrdn, whence construe with an inf., which is generally turlin according to the common S'Y placed b are, less oft-en after ...... pret. ; phonetic rule. For ruran, and designating ,..._,but; a} without a subj.: 6 x"ii§ kartan the same country, YilqUlt (3,554) quotes llC,..._,3~7; riftanllc,.....711 (ef s. v. Br1yistan) the form ruwiiran, which evidently goes etc., - b) ith a logical subj.: man =atan ?Ie ,.._, I c at slay him 99t; man ;:ivis(alt back to *tugariill. [1>113: no attention has been paid here to the East Turkistani 11e ,..._, 10~~-6; api-tiin grijtan ne ,..._, 7:D; etc. i ka- n,..._, when it will be possible ?Iames 6xyoupm, Sogd iu,l'ry, MPrth twr'n s'h (S), lIrI'rs ch'r iwgryst'n, etc.j I have for you 9~1; ['mr1lt X"CS Tiid 11e ...... xUastall 452-:1, Y. axur1yilllch; pad i man ... no competence to meddle in the learned apar dast n nt ,..._, ilt he was not able to b discussions inspired by Pelliot's article ••. 3315- ; r:i8-e i-s uiclirian ne ,..._,11 91-Z ; Tokhnrien el Koutchicll, JA 224 1934, diitan as much as they pos23-106, and carried on between Bailey: 79~o; apao diistan kf. ,..._, 2·P; 1 BSOS VTII, 1936, 8B4-917, TPhS martcimiil '" ayiijtan u tliinisian. ?Ie ,...., 1947 (1948), 126-153 (cf also BSOAS mankind cannot ... 80'-5; l09~G-21; dl/sXlII, 1950, 403 sq.} - and Henning: man pat usman hiin 11£ ...... karian. i ... BSOS IX, 1938, 545-571, A. :M., N. S. 41(-15; 6 -:0 i Me kas tJiciirian nil ,.._, bilt I, 1949, 159-lG2. This much may be 11921. rom Av, (63S sq.) tav-; lIrI'rs stated: all the tuiqrti etc. dealt with in the tw'n; Ps. twb'TI-; Paz. tuq, tV£t; l'o.'P tuviilt, present article ar~ quite distinct from taviin i c tayftan and taM-kar. the Tokharians: ruxarlin and ruxiiristsn, whose capitol Was Balkh. V. also tm'iinIke [twb'ny1..'-yh] powerfulness, enTarn 515-519]. pability turist [twlysb'] throughout: hamiik: ,..._,Bap tUTun-k~iih [,_,-klyh] opulence, wealth , 5010. - Through dissimilation < *tiris·t < *tiras < *tirasccz = Skr !irasca; -t is 9]1:. - Jrom iuvan·kar, tuvlin-gar 'rich, well-to'; MPrs tw'ngr; Paz. tuq.gar. inorganic and due to analogy with the



sup. ending -ist (cf Mimisi, no. 2). Av, (G,1O sq.) tarasca, reflected in BP by the more common tarist (v.llll-larisl), rendering Av. (6,11 sq.) taro. Tiis [tws] 1. a mythical hero 1001•7• 10BG. 114,7·D.~5. - 2. the town founded by him (now.Mrdhad) l1,17-A,". (657) 'I'usa-; rU8 Yaqut 3.560 sqq. tu~n [twsn'] silent, quiet 419. - AY. (G5i) tuhii-, also in compounds: tuhui-mati-, tu§ni-8ad (658). tust [twstl] = tusn IB13, apparently secondary formation of it. a

tuvfinlst n [_.stni] to be able to, pt. = pret. 3d p. sg, tlWiilli8t 175• - Secondary vb.; not in old BP texts, t1U:siik twhs'k] industrious, assiduous, laboriou ly striving for (pat) 6317. G62.1~ etc.; Y. lso tux8ital1. - MPrs twX§'g (S); Paz. t!lxiii, :KP iax&i. ~iikeJ effort, endeavour, striving, aspiration' 556• 562~.~5.69u.~. 843• B.51S.The p~~age 556 runs as follows ID 111: tuvlin i ·akihfi u patiA, where u cannot be just' ed, unless we assume that it is the re ant of a mutilated text. If it is

turliiiki!b eliminated as a fault, t~van tllx8iikihii paliS would mean 'powe ul in striving for it' [i. e., for ahliiyell) ~.\s, however, the following epithets artlut in abstract form (aparfareh, hucihreh, etc.) it seems better to correct the text 0 tuviln tu:diiki!lt paUl 'powerful stri ...· for it': thus


i den ... apar tUx8i!t (imp.) strive yeto attain religious learning Gill; with prevo apar and corroborated by tUX§dk: vU apar tuudk iux§cm let us strenuously display still more zeal 10 9U-~D; - 3915restore the reading i1l:l:8C1l1 ([twhSym] instead of +Ui§iim): an amiili u ['w] oi 0 ham iu.r.§em andar iip, andar dtnnik, andar tlnar, the passage is given in mtl~text. andar gospand we and he will labour tuxmn [twhssn'] the a of striving, together in water, in earth, in plants, in making efforts, etc. 1211~ 5. cattle 3915-lD (Y. s. Y. an). - Av. (i93) llwau· 'to move, to be strenuous'; MPrs tm:~itan to strive, to m se efforts, to twu- (A-H II), caus. twuyu(BBB); labour, to work strenuo ly, to display zeal, with pre\T. apar and IT. obj.: a/riiJ! , MPrth twU· (A-H ill, not quit€ certain).

u lw: 'w 3915] and, passim have handled it rather as the copyists arelessly it is

difficult to discern in d tail the rules

valid for it: this much may be stated: 1. if two subst, are coorwJated u is often missing, in most cases ~robably only graphically, though the d:istence of real deandoae cannot be dJued: roe(ak)sapan (v, 5. v, Toe), gospmliIan 'L'frlin 41 ~1, imitating the Av, dvandva pasu·vira; analogously marian za1H'i111531~.l!; on two coordinated subst, ex.. res¥ng one notion p (71endiadys) Y. s. Y. kar, cf Llso diir 1/. draxt 3315, and the like; - 2, if i ore than two . subst. are coordinated tl ey may e) all be connected by 11., e. g. I 5. iSl-:. S96-4. 901~, b) be put together asyndetically, E'. g. 3F. 3910• 551B, c) tal, u only before the last w., often emphas ed by adding -0 to it, e. g. 3ill-12• 4011•1 -lB. - 3. u may introduce the apodosis after a subordinate cluuse, e. g. 18;. 341~; tarupg up, through an anacoluthon, B sentence again after a preceding digression, e. g.l9~. 24~~. 1031" cf s. Y. ap-. - Encl. pron. Je not attached to 11 in BP; instead apis used : the original expression 11 api. 'and moreover (by him etc.)' occurs n t infrequently (e. g. G~o. 30~. i9S), but J, a rule ap- is used alone. - AY. (3845 q.) 1lia OP


'wd = tid (written 'W1 in MPrth texts only) and 11.' with two dots above: ii, = 11, with encl. pron. 'w- : 'w·rn '!L·-t, 'w-of eto, = u-rn, 1I·t, u-k, No doubt :Mill' had double sandhi forms: *llt before a vowel and 11 in other positions. A trace of *ut in the official Sassaniun language is found in the Arm. rendering of-the set phrase Eran u Aniiral1: Bran ellt Al1eran (11188 eu Tancran adopted by the Arm. text editors), v. Hfibsehmnnn, _o\G 39 (eut for ut through influence of Ann ell), but 1t very early prevailed, as shown by the frequent confusion of 11 and the prep . o visible already in the 3d century :KRjb inscription, 1. 30: Tl'lhl'n 'L 'w7mu;;dy mgwpt 'the Mobad of Varhrfln and ('L = o instead of u) Ohurrnazd'; w = u instead of 'L = 0 10116• 102H• ]039• roa= (perhaps also SOl~: +0 miiniijj instead of 'U m.). Assuming *ut, as the normal form of the copulntive conj. in BP, as do modern Iranists, cannot be justified, still less the alleged forms with enclitics: *lIt-ai, *utam etc., for which there is not the slightest support in any lIIiIr. linguistic tradition. The form u was also very frequent in MPrthPrs, and it alone was used with enclit.ies ; the choice of tid ['wd] may partly have had graphic reasons, be-

t1i6; JlIPrthPrs

u cause a form *'w would have coincided with the prep. 'w = jj (for that reason a special spelling had to be adopted for u). - Paz. 11; the forms 'with enclitics: vaem (for v€m. vim), vat, vas t,asq may well be shortened allegro forms of the coexisting forms avam (avem), lIava§ etc., v. s, v. ap-, "ud(a)riil [*'wdl'y] some kind of noxious reptile 581• 987• - Seems to be a shortened or mutilated form of the BP w, by which Ax. (387) Vd. 145 is rendered: uOra.[pnz.] (~kl =)'ka§ak: ul8riiyisll, with the explanation ef kit pat a§kem [sic = askamb] dl:iiret, cf Skr udara- 'belly'. All the noxious animals mentioned 5S1 are also found in Yd. 14~, except pa:.dok. lily first reading 'wyl'y cannot be maintained.



urrar [,"~WlJ plant, generally coll. plants, 'I!.a~~im; cas. rect.~ ..-..._ TUSt Mud 41=2; o or§Cln~, Y. 5, ..... OJ, 0; pl. cas. obI. ........ -ii11- 21 . 8910. 93~; pI. ,_,-ihii 1051. Av, (401 qq.) urvarii.; l\!Prs 'wrwr.


urrur-e ak [....,.cyhlk1] containing the seed of ite plants 8iS• - V. eilir and cihrak; and ~f iip-cihriiak,

4PD.- Ffl m adj. UTl'ii:r:7I1: :!IIPrs 'u:rw'lmry

k'l] consideration, deliberation: 11 to take into consideration, with info 10913; speculation 10915. uskfir





(S), cf 'u: w'hmy·gr (BBB); Paz. hurctixm (!IL ); II' x OP *lITviioman= Av. (1545) urvii::~m 1-, urniisman-,

a ,._, kar


uJ [L'L'] adv. up, used as prey. 1. in a purely local sense together with iimafan, i!8Ii1Um, handtixtan, llange£ellita n, liixian, ka§itan, nikcrUan, oswfall, patita», rajtan, 8utan, VClx§ifan, vii=enitan, v, these vbs, j - 2. in a more abstract sense denoting, the start of an action: ul sust he set about washing 417; ul nipast hiilld they lay down 436•D•11; ul ziitan to be born 4423•27, the literal translation of Av, (1658) us ::.iiy-. - < 011' "rOt-a- (Skr firdlwa- < *[dlqJa-). Av, (350) araOwa· 'turned upwards'; lItIPrs 'rd (S); Paz. (a)l'Ul, probably a misreading of '11."1 (but cf J·Pl's. U,T!).
uleh (L'L'.yh], nUl [+ -c , L'L'y-c] upwards, above: put uliilr emphasizing the preY. til in pat ulih. ul nikerIt 5P2.~6; pat uUh ttl vii::cnem 60l; - ulii-t: on high 421,. - Cf Av, (351) lac. ~rar1vaya 'in upright, standing position'; cf also 1likiilleh. *lIpadW HajA: 10: read al'dr'.!(an. Urt-noliist ['\\TtwhSt1]

["""'_5n1] theoretical speculation 109~~·~7;as opposed to apf!cakeh 1101 [eonside tion: pat ~ kii ... considering that, ta.ldng into account that yd. i~G, comm. ( 255). 752 cornrn, (279)]. to consider, to deliberate, to piil: spahputiin lIskart u carak: -erit he deliberatcd with the d examined the means for '"1,20; Burzak 11 Bur-·d(ur a xuast, ap k uskiirt he summoned B. and B. end de iberatcd with them KnS VIII,2 j lrar 1-s. . pal kirpak uskiirt. il8lei . , . Min +i-§ put "iUS uskar! f.stiit everyone who bas (ref! cted upon =) got an idea of virtue ... of sin Vd. 3~2 carom. (p. 99); api- put kirpak an-iskiirit ['nsk'lyt'] £oStetand (if) he has not got any idea of virtue d. 340 carom. (p. 94). Belongs bdoubtedly to Av. (448) ~kar-, Y. 2kartla, ~l:artall, hangarfan, Ii ikerita1i, paildirfta . - 'u:s- can only be the old pre,'. us- which would, it is true, appear here as a -; There are, however, some ws, which h .e preserved 118', either because they wete learned WE. or because the pre,-. had lost its original character. Paz. xuaJl,ardlr, xUa§kfiriiin, where ;ruas- can scarcely e phonetically es. plained from r 'u's-. Po ibly an aspirated pronunciation discuss:






Urugaduspl [paz.] one of Zartuxst's ancestors 4623. - Bd.A wanting, BdJ 79· Uruadasp [pa.z.]; as to Zsprm, Y. I, IB9.


taciir, !lIFrs

'u:::dysc'r (A-H TI), Paz.

*huskar· led to association tith hu- 'good, well', for which xlJa§ (q. .) was substituted (but notice also :r. al- for O§- in Ob7llUrtan, altailall).]:\;-P ikal, sigal < eskiir 'thought', 'who wis es, or inquires after', bad.sigal 'of evil t ought, malignant', ]IPrs u'dy-sg'r (S). uspurrlk ['wspwlyk] pe ect, absolute, whole-hearted Ipo. - < Av, (B94) p~ralla- 'full'; OA~'am ( 'carefully' < us·pama-; 'entirely' < aspaf < uspa 'spier, !IIFrs also 'spwryg.

uzd eziir, .tar. uzdes-parist ['wcdys plst '] idol-worshipper 7117_ -lIIPrs 'w::.dyepryst (A-H TI). V.

uzdcs.parIsti~neh idolatry 7]12. [~-5nyh] idol-worship,

uzjin ['wcyn'] expenditure, e;\,.-penses BO~. *u::-ayana-, v, next w •• -'\1;;0 uziinak: lib: 15', Talm. lw, 'u::ynq'.



uspurriklhil [wspwlykyh? in a perfect, consummate manner 10615, - It ought to be spelt 'It'S, but cf u:: ii/tan and 5. 'v, u::iian, also ysl'tn' for 'yet-, v. s, v. estatan. us-biim ['wsb'm] dawn, daybreak 729• 10113• - Av. (415) us( 1)- 'dawn' *bc'ima- 'light', whence ( 54 sq.) bamya'luminous' (v, br'imik); lilPrs 'u:lyb'm (A-H I), Paz, ho§biim.

ustur [GuIR'] camel 9410. (420 sq.) u§tra-; NE «stu


uzdaes-taciir ['-wcd'ystc'l] emple of idols, heathen temple 1131°. - Av, *lI::r1afsa(not attested in our tex ) 'menstruous phenomenon, monst-er, i aI', from Av, (Oi3) daesa- 'sign, omen';L+ OP tacara-

of being exiled 91• - A tr. of w:r1ehik or uxdahik, derived from 1::r1iSh or uzdali, Av, (412) ue-dohyu- 'a foreigner', l\IPrth '::dyh (S); 1I1Pr;; ,u:::.dYh'i,w::ah (S) 'expelled'; v. diSh. uzilehikenitan ['wedyhyk ytn'] to ban. ish, to drive into exile 3S . uzdes ['wzdys] uzdais-taear, idol 7p2.

:;;::~··[:~:::h:Of~: :,::~~::~
uzdes-ciir ['-wzdysc'l, 'we 'se'l] temple of idols 7113. 9915.- < uzdiis- car, v. u::daes-

['wzytn'] to go out: pt. ttzit the dead, the deceased 8·pa. - A". (150 sq.) us + ay- (i-); l\lPrth (List S9, Ghilain 47) pres. '::yh. with normal development of initial 11- > e-, and with insertion of .hin the hiatus before the endings; lIIFrs pt. 'u'Zyd, pres. 3d p. sg. 'w::.yhyd, subju. 'wzyh'd (S), Ist p. pI. 'w=yh'm (A-H TI) with tlte same secondary -IL-, but 'With u- preserved, certainly because uzit{ln was thought to be a primitive vb, in -Han, the simplex ay- having been lost, and uz"ih- its pass.; from l1Z- the cans. '=yn- 'to cause to go out' was derived, whence 'u:=yny§n 'redemption' (A-H TI); Y. Verbum 167 sq. - BP pres. 1st p. ag. (ttl) uzam ['wcm] Y. 409; 2nd p. sg. (ul) uze ['wcnD Vd. 2P, 3d p. sg. (ul) uzet Yd. ibd, and 192s,boili of the sunrise; imp. (ul) u:; ['wc] Y. 43H, the vb. having been entirely transferred to the common -itan vbs.; but also (ul) uzihii; ['wcyh}-t'] Y. 43B• Ps. 'u:eynsllyh 'issue'. PIlZ. pt. xlJa::H, pres. 3d p. sg. xUa:Wwj (!:iGV "VITI, Ill. 117. XI, IS6) lind xl!a£CIj (ibd. XI, 177), all for u::U, uzihet, 1lzet. "'uzmuburt ['wzmbwlt'] emerald 1187• < *zmavurd < *:::1I1agard with metathesis < *zmaragd, Gr u!l.!iP!:tyOOI;; SYl' ;:marg1du, e.::marg'da; Arab ::u71IuTrug; cf Russ i::umrud, *uzruftak [wzlwptk'] "'decayed, ruined 1 112u. - Seems to be uz- (written 1L':!instead of 'IL'Z-, Y. uspUTTtkihii) + rujtak from *rup-, Skr lup- (lu71lpati, Lat rum·

po) 'to break, to destroy', perhaps to be connected with IIIPrth pdrub-, prirwft 'to throw into disorder' (A-H III, Ghilain 65). [It cannot be identified with ]IPrs hricb-, Verbum 184, cf BBB p. i9, nr, 649]. uZiiihIk ['wzw'hyk] brought out, spread abroad: yazdiin ••. andar gchun ~ 8rUO burt the message was announced to the world by the gods 552~, v. next w. llZTiihistnn ['wzw'11stn'] to be brought out: era v ••. uzvallist the message was brought out, spread abroad 454-'. Pass. of *uz·vudaya. 'to carry away', v, Ghilain 71. - Vd. 195 uzva&1ayat is rendered in Phl by uzuiis: with the gl.



patist bull 'he retorted, rebuffed', which is also :aha true sense of the Av. vb, (131i), ~ shown by Benveniste (as against Btlll). JA 243, 1955, 330 sq., by compartfn with the corresponding vb, in Sogd:] QWZ1l-'nIJ tongue, language 45s• 55~ etc. fA v. (1815) hizii-, (1816) hizVfi-j Ps, 'u:= "11: Paz. llUzvq (SGV); also hyzw'n FrP, Cod. P fol. 19(1), Paz. hizl:q (alio M.x , Aog.) j 1\IPrth 'zb1n (AR nIl; rs '=w'n (A-H IT);},'P zaban.




v. pfit,u!!vul1eh.


nd ['wzw'n'wmnd] possessing the fncul y of speech 38~~. 3912•lt•

Tue [w'cl] a low and suppressed tone to be used when reciting certain prayers, or some portions of a prayer or a ritual; such prayer itself: ....... kartan. to say grace before meals g~O-~l. 14Z6• - Paz. baj; v. Modi, Ceremonies 354-3iO, esp. 35i sq. Av. (1332-1330) oak- 'voice', before endings vdc·: of lvax8. vaeeak [wclc'] foal, colt Ip·5. vaI8a·; :r-.;-p baecah, Cod. K . 22P. 22713; DkM (book IX) 79-i9-U• ~ Y. in Vd. 196 is an apostate ruler of e heroic age there must have been a onfusion with another name; this nam we find in BdA p. 2292 'wtl~ = Dki\I 81 10 sqq, designating a woman who sed ced and spoilt Yam (BdJ 7ilS in Paz. aye < *urial'e with -I'" > -y. to the SW rule, thus original '1'-, not k-, betraying influence of Va· oai'an). In all probability we have to recogniz here the Sum-Akk. uiukku 'demon, gho t'. Tabari (I, 203) has the same confusio telling after the Magi that wdk = T' ag was the daughter of Yivang. han and he mother of -PaMluk. - The "adulterj]" of Dabiik's mother evidently consisted in the fact. that she had sexual intercour e with her son without the authoriza :011 of her still living husband, not in t e incest itself, which was prescribed a one of the foremost religious duties of Zoroastrianism in the law of xUCt6dm ( . v.),



Tiiegnilh [w'dinyh] the act of speaking, speech, det. v. n.: me116i ....... 1102, - Av, (1330 sqq.) t.'ak-; lIIPrth w'x!n w'o-: v. Ivaxs and cf palvac-. Vndngan [wtkn'] n, pr.: hall i - hauandd: bavet 7IIargeh the expiation of (the) Y. (sin) shall be death 4525• - .-1"\'. (1344) l'Gl50i'a7lVd, 19s, v. next w.: according to the Phl. tradition she was a woman, the wife of Aurvataspa and the mother of .4..idahiik; she had sexual intercourse with her Eon Dahalc without the authorization of her husband, though he was still alive, thus vitiating her whole progeny. In this way she is the prototype of adultery, one of the deadly sins, v.DD, cb. 71. 77 init. =

cig6n Ii

wtk-n'] patron. or pl. cas. obI.: 00 sal xllal.iiych i gehiin dalwm dahyupat DaMik dat then I "ill


201 Tnhimk belonging ruse 91£. to, destined

to Para-

give thee the 5Upremncy~o"er the world for 1000 years, as it w given to the Yadagiin sovereign D. 9 ~::-~~,Paz .... CUll 0 Vadagq dahevarJ.p jiik drirj, Skr. Y. yaUl/I l'adagarii}11e l)ahat'iiya tlaiiam, A reproduction of Yd. 19 (ef the preeeding w.}: Ahriman says 0 Zarathustru : "abjure the Mnxdayasni religion, that thou mayest win fByo!r yafia vindat l:aaayano daiy~,pali'§: ~tthe ~oyereign Vadagan W01] 1t , thus Bt I, taking Vaaai,!mo as the secondary n . of Va(iai'an. whose correct nom. Va(iJya is found in FrO "TIl, whereas Darmtst-eter assumes a stern Vaoayalla· with i ,. normal nom. Evidently the author of ~~ has taken Vaoayano as a patron. 0 T'aoai'0 on the analogy of Vivauhalla- '0 the l'ivalwantfamily' = Ph! Fit'augM, which affords the meaning 'the soverei of the Vadaga family (or tribe)', this so.~reign being, in his opinion, none other 1ihan Dahiik. laediSt [paz.] n, pro the~ther of Spitam 471• - BtL<\. p. 2351 w'dit, BdJ 797 (Paz.) Flda§t; cf A\,. (1321) t.1O- Ula- 1. 'he who I knows best', 2. 'he who CBIl best procure'. Tiir [w'py] sheaf 12816• - "irs b'th (Barr), from *viiftall Viii·, l\'P ajtan M/- 'to weave'. Tiifiin-cin (properly: [w'p'ncyny] e who binds gathers) shea1es 12817• - v.

'Vahriim [w'hl''m] later form of TTarhrdn, Varhrdm (q. v.): 1. the god V. 720; iitax! i,_. 203-', Y. Yarhriin; the planet Mars 511• 77. - 2. n, pro the Sassanid king V. V, son of Yazdekirt, I (420-438), 1144. 1150• 1l71~-13. with the surname Gar 11 O~l; 11 town Yahram-Gor founded by him in Media 1150• - 1IIPrs uihr'm the name of the 20th day of the month (S), as with the Mazdayasninns ; Paz. Vahrqm, Fillrqm, Vahirqm; }.o"}' Bahram, YahriimiiTIlDd [w'hl'rn'wnd] the name of a fortress in Media 1158• - Haplology of Fa7ml111-amiillOud 'Strong (is) Y.', cf



s. v, l'ahriim.

Vabuman [whwmn.'] one of the Amahraspands [q, v.}, in the Phl. literature occupying the first place next to Ohurmazd : 394.1D.~ 404•19• 5011• 5P, •• 56-57 •. passim. 586• 593• 655• - The name of the 11th month, and of the 2nd day of the month. - AY. (1129 sqq.) Volw- 7Ilanah-; I1IPrs wlml7l (S j the 2nd day of the month A-H I); Paz. Vahman j }.o"}' Ballman.

[w'y] bird

727. - AY. (1356) away by



vasjo-uant- 'possessing birds', (1359)


myo.-barataPaz. vaiL
,._, 1: veIL



ratr [wpI] snow 9715. - A . (1347) vafra-; :\IPrthPrs wfr (S, 1Ime); 1\"}' barf.

vuhiir [wlr'I] spring sse - Av. (1348) t'aV'lOr-; 1IIPrthPrs wlt'r ( ,A-H I); 111"1' bahar, 3riil woe!: ,.._,0 marlalll baviit woe be to mankind! U6• - Av, (1359) vayil.bi1r"ttnhlst [whilt I] 1. the best ,._,~. Urlvahi.§t 'crying woe'; 2.IPrth w'y pme); Paz. 3910; ,..._, ros/Jeh 03~5; with econdary sup. !:OC (SGY). ending vahi$tom [whstwm] 1 Hi~. - 2. Pa9•Z7• 3 rndise, passim; ,._, u Garo man 33 34 ,alax!; [wlhs] n. pr.: ,_, i A§kalliin V. of twice; without u 32!!S.Y. (1399 sqq.) the Ailkiin (= Arsacid) dynasty 10818; vahista- sup. of vallU- ( .5. Y. veil); 111 --Sahpllhr the name of a town 1227. PrthPrs whys! 'Paradise'; ~"}' bihi,§t. KZSPrth 1. 25 wlgsy, PI'S 1. 30 u'rdMy,

:!¥iii the 'Yind as a mythic cosmic power: 72°, ,..._, vaitar 7210; ,..._, i d!!rangi xtlatiii (q. v.) 991~.U. 1065• - Av. (1357, 1358) rayu-, vaya-; OInd viiy!!'; Paz. va!!.

Val ax!! Gr. v.!Ju (gen.) jcf Lat Y. also Gulaxsun

:202 Av, (I35A) ~an-; W'11ysl (B'tB).

1IIPrs pres. w'n·; pt.

van [wri'] tree 409.11.~6. 4J5. - Av, (1353) 01' (1354) vawi-; Paz. vall, gall (lIh:)j !\,'"P 'L'all 'wood, forest' (probably lw., but cf liur-bull, 71iil"-vull, 11Ur·t!all 'the pomegranate tree').


Van n. Pl'. fem.: ~ i GuiaxJiil1 V. daughter of Guiax8 = T'alaxS (q. y.), probably a prince or king of the Arsacid family; ......, Tiipnrikiil\l!h [w'plyk'nyh] truth, trustthe name of her town llil4. - Other worthiness 361• - Two ws, of kindred explanations Cat. 100 sq. meaningslhave intersected here: 1. "va· VUlland [wnnd] one of the flxed stars S713; t·ara· 'cl oice', 'adoption of the true regarded as the ruler of the Western faith', h ee 'conviction, belief, faith', celestial sphere, v. Mx 4912-14• - A.-. from Av. (13GO sqq.) 2par., pres. vavar·, (1354) Vallallt-. vallr·; 2. papara· 'fulfilment, realization of the e nviction or the faith chosen', VnD!liii·Siillpuhr [wndwd-shpwhl] n. PI', hence'th reamed faith: truth, validity', of a town, later form GU1lde.§apiir 11021• from Av. (850) 2par- 'to fill, to fulfil, to - Originally Vahy-A11diyok.Siihpuhr 'betperform ( . g. an act of piety)', pres. pa/r-, ter than Antiochos 8iihpulll' (built)' E.ZS the zero- tage of "piiptir •• Original ·paPrth 1. 20 = PI'S 1. 32 init. j Gr. v. rOUE para- be e ·vupara. through dissimiAV-;LOz. !::t~(iJp; Arab JU71dai,sabiir, Yiiqut lation, c rtainly prompted by the in· 2,130, where also TYami'I·sabur is quoted fluence 0 "viivara· whose meaning falls after Ibn al-Faqih. within t same semantic range. In Prth Viine1-xunrr(ah) [w'nyt' GDHJ n , PI'· viivara-, in PI'S *viipara' prevailed: lOGlo.n. - 'The Khwarenah will gain lIIPrth 'lL'r, w'rc:ry/t 'faith', 'w'wryg victory', cf s. v. xvarrah, 'unbeliev 1" [lc'lL'ryg'll 'the believers', Ohilain 7 , is an error]; Arm. Iw. vawcr, Vnn·"'Friisn [wn' plwsn'] n. Pl'. 475• t'au'eraka < *vavarya(kana)- 'true, valid, BdA p. 2297 um' plwk§Il', BdJ 7710 (Paz.) authoriz ' (thus in the sense of "'va· ran-/ri'~slli (but ·le· in -irk- is certainly para-); - 1I1Prs w'br, U"bryg 'faith', only orthographical, warranting the prow'bryg'll true', possibly also pl. ens, obl, nunciation '0- of -u-). 'the beli 'ers'; 011 the other hand 1I1Prs Tling [w'ng, Ps. w 'ngy ; li_'L'] voice, u"u'rydll 'to believe', in all probability sound, shout, cry: ...... kartan to give a borrowe from Prth; Verbum 195, Ghishout 16)6; to shout; to sound, of a lain 79, , Gloss. s, v, te'bryg'lT. - BP musical instrument 2010; of a horse's nlwnys +pl-, mostly in the sense of call: to neigh 28~G; ,.__ burton. to shout 'true, tru h', seldom 'belief": Ps. lc'plyk'll 460; ,._, be burtan 6 to shout to a p. 3S8, 'true'; pAz. 'L'au'ar 'truth', but Vt'ijril1gq1l1 43~o; ~ xriistcn: to yell, of Hesm 615; (SGV) tijough confusion with a/rillaka11 ; 23; - war-cry 25 invocation (Christian) 1\"1' bii» < iiipar both 'belief' and 12B~; - pat buland r-» be grist burst out 'credit', at'aridall both 'to believe' and crying loudly 1l1:-13. - MPrs w'ng; ~'"P 'to credi •

Tnnj· [~-] *to hold exactly, pres. pass. as p. s~.: del: i catruhsitck: voniiliet [wnoyhyf], restore the rending of :M] a pot in w ich is contained (which holds) a quarte1 (1) 426-°. - lII'"P gUlljidan 'to be contained or held; to hold exactly, to be filled'"l -

Tiinitnn [w 'nytn'], pres. 1st p. sg. vallom BP, to vanquish, to defeat lOB~, 1092~. -

Tiiparikiinfhlstnn [........ k'nyhstn'] made a eliever, to be eonverted

to be to the

true religion 366, - Pass, f *vi'iparikiillcnilan, v, the preceding w


and piJro:gariih 1191H; almost a synonym of xUarrah 4~O. - Av. (130i) lvarolcah-; :1IIPrth. !L'Te (S, A-H ill); !lIFrs wrc, wr=; Paz. (osmqll,)var;: (SGV); KP uar], varenk heavenly brightness: ,._, i hac

l.,ur [wI] breast lOS&,- A, (1365) carak-; 1I1Prs wr (A-H I); Paz, l' T; l\TP bar,
defences, fortress: ....., i 'Yam-kart [q. v.] 971B;....., Tiiciklil1 1155• 1178; ,.._, i VaTlromovalld (q, v.) 1I5s• Av, (1363) 5var-; Paz. t'ar Bailey, BSOS 1930-31, 591 sq.:~"'_'

2yur enclosure,

asntiin. oyiJt I 201~,

vureiivuml possessing supernatural power: of iitur !arroblig 9~J; of riiaxs Vurhriin. 1139.~J; of ataxI i Karkiii 11 (It; - subst. a man endowed with supernatural power, of Zartuxst 36t; mart i ~'a=lIrg xvarrah i Yam U G7j.1'C '" 44:!S; p1. ens. obl. .....011 455• - :IlIFrs !L'TC'IL'Ylld (S), vareilrnndihfl in a supernatural, culous way 38~. mira-




~fnr lake 1921; 99lS. - Probably vari·.

i Cee et. (g. v.) illa• 1\\".fro A". (1364 sq.)

[wl 'g] raven 94~l,:!!I.- Bd...4... 155G-7 p. ell·ic gobel kit 711T/Tl' hanJi'ii zirak 11 vari'ig ziraktar bav£i = BdJ 47 D, where .g is written with the original rm of k found in the Ps. (= Paz. i'l; rdJ 4713 wl'k, ai» (Paz.) t·ariiy. desire, concupiscence allays varUll on less perspicuous grounds ~(Skr. v. klima, but Aog. bhriinii 'doubt, for'); formnlly :identical with Av. (1371) rana- var;ma·, but the meanings [Av. 'faith, creed') agree badly.
£55• 6G~. S4ll. - Paz.

vnre-knrtlk ["_'-krtyk] miracle 3810, "Supernational power realized in work",


[wln'] lust,

vard- (Ps.) [wld-] = vart-, v. valtan; subju. 3d p. pl. t'ardrind [wld 'ndy] opiiron may they turn backward 128ll• T8rg [wlg] leaf 95z4• - Av. (1307) varaka· j :IlIFrth 'wrgr (Sogd. 4); Paz. varg; NP barq. [wlhl'm] 1. the god: filaxI V.n 1227. 95s,lO. 1045. lI3B•Z1, iitax« i F-m 82B, the fire found in every fire-temple, v. Christensen, Sass. 162 sq., Modi, Ceremonies 210 sqq. - < OIr *FarOragJla-, Av, (1421 sq.] YaraOraYl1a-; Arm Vahagl1; -111 secondarily < -11 j later fonn Faliram (g. v.).

Varhriin [wlhl-n'], Turllrfim

Turfin [w'l'n'] rain; ....., lIjarkilslin (q. v.) i a downpour, a deluge 97l - Av, (1410) '!)i'ir-j lIIFrth W'T 'a rainjP' (A-R mi, w'r'n 'rain' (MHC), 1 rs w'r'71 (S); 1\TP baron. Tllrllnikilll [wlnykyh] Ius ulness, lasciviousness: ,..._, ii kiln 6S~1. Paz. varllni, m Skr. v. kiiniacintii, Tariiz [w1'cl] boar; hero 2' 5-6. 26~3, - AY. (1360) varo=a·; KZSPrth . 23. 25 wr'e = Prs, Gr. v, TO~tt~, T'ou tt~; 2'I"'"P guriiz; cf Garazak, Tariiziin patron; of n. pI' Varuz: PI :7.

rurhrilneh 955, Tahriimeh

as Varhrdn-flre

951~.14: pat ,._, = as universal fire.

Tare [wlc'] a supernatur power given to man by the gods 901~; arc·e given by the gods to the bull of KAyos 458; mentioned together with xuaJaJt. amomndiih

Tllrisn [wlsu'] conduct, way of living: ....., llcmk 9019, ,,_,·e (sg. cas. ob1.) [riiriin 90~~righteous as to his conduct. - Perhaps to be derived from Av. (1302 sq.) 3var- 'to turn'. Arm, 1'1'1', uar-Ie' (pl., stem varu·) 'conduct, habits', adj. rarml 'beat- . en (track)'. Tnr-kns [wlks] the lake Fourll.kasa S610• - Borrowed from Av. (1429); cf Friixukart.

TurOm Turom [w'hnn] mind, conscience 94~5. From Av, (1360) !!var- 'to choose'; Bthl (zAir1'i'b 222) identified it with Av. (1411) vlir.ama = vliram ii 'according to one's wishes; arbitrarily'; Bailey, ZP 103 n, 1, derives it from ·vlirma- from the same ~var.. Darmesteter had found the l\;-P gl. dil for it (ad Y. 10It). rurr [LBW~Y>] garment 5617• < "varna- from Av, (1360) Ivar- 'to cover, to wrap', +varrak [wlk'] 717.~~.~6. 87•9: restore reading lk = 30 and Y. 2sih. the

204 TBrm:neb Jet. Y. D.: hac tan biid bc ......the departurejof the COru;CiOU5IlCSS from the body (= eoth) 642~.
lYnn [Wl~'] farming: ...... 11 iipfiiiillch farming and cultivation 63~. 8Pt. 901; ~ i kirp~ cultivation of virtue 669• Av, (I3iS varaza-; lIIPrs wrz 'farming' (A-H TI): 1->"P var;: 'a sown field, ngriculture', I t also 'gain, profit', cf Arm. varj 'Sf'arY'. !!Tarz [wIi mace 3po. vazr with metathesis, gllrz,



9621• 1003• this w.;



- Av, (1374) varilsa.; Paz. vars (SGV); Arm. lw, vars-k: (pl.); l\;-P gurs 'curled hair'.

vars [wls] hair 2621•

Tone-knr i xuMklire

Jwlcykll farmer 14,,·s,l1. 15IP.:'. 635•


varzisn ['\'4csn'J the act of performing: ......

Tarzi~neh det. v. n.: YUTlle ,..._, 4316,

Tart [wln'] captive = the next w. 1: _Uillrak i "'_'·ruvtin M. whose soul is (to be) captured (?) 13:&, cf 651~-lB.- MPrth u:rd 'captive' (MEC).

rurtnk captive 19 Ps. wldky; MPrthPrs

8• -

Av, (1368) 2varata-; u.,'rdg;}."P bardah,

rartsn [wItynt] wheel: and calld variiill·i! [....... y] as large as a wheel 3PB; war-chao > riot 2012.:!:I. - From eart-, v. vasian. Hen. ning, List 82, reads 3pe vaTic/lai and identifies it with lI1Frs grd(y)n'g, which seems, however, to be the pi. of gardenand only to refer to the Zodiac. Tfirten-diir [wltynd-I] Tfirtilni~n [wltynsrr'] 9921.:5, v. n. of charioteer 20

vlcytn'] to work, to practise, to cultivae: 1. with a coner, obj.: damik ,..._, ultivate the soil 6315; goapand to ,..._,to br d cattle 6310; jra::alld ...... to beget chi en 67E; - 2. with an abstr, obj.: to p ctise: dosteli 55~7; kirpak 64~o; bii§ti8P 69 , bii.slisp kii11lak 8416 to "practise" lira -iness, to be addicted to slothful sleep 0 sonmolence r-t vel! cUill kUl1iin var::ii tho hast acted well in doing 50 99~O.2'. AY. (1374 sqq.) vaTil::-; l\"P var::idan ' 0 sow a field',



t.ransf ormation

Tarzitiir one who (by habit, or by duty. ~~l~.On5tltly) practises a th.: ,..._, bilten 69~1.

vurtflnltan to change, to alter, to transform 7625• 77u.:G•27• 782•4• 79l.3. - Caus. of uart-, v, vasian; Paz. vardinidan. rartlsn [w1tsn'] the act of turning: 1. hlin i avdolll ,.._, the last turn, of the end of the world and the jl'a§kart (q. y.) 4610; ,_ i axtariin 11 gartiln i spohr the revolution of the fixed stars and the rotation of the sphere 1205-E; ,..._, gariisn i muhrak 11 the moving and transposing of the draughtsmen 1201G• - 2. pred.: turned, became 41~~. V. '!Jastan. -

YllfZitiirehjpractiee, varz-kurtlir artisan 2D




TIlS [inserl and Ps. KBl"R, books KED for KBYIJ; WE 7611] 1. adj. many, much, regularly ~laced before its 5ubst.:,.._, hir u xUfi81ak 1 passim; ,.._,kas many 11ODe loU; ~ 71 -I many a mother 22E; II DODpersonal bst. remains in Bg. by analogy with the c dinals: .....ciS'avd mnnywonderful things 10-11 ; ....., sal mnny years 6l0; ......


vas jrasang many parasangs ......simiin, ...., asp 11iivak 1

l-S; .......


Tii5trlyii~ elucidated in the most brilliant way by Annhit Perikhanian, to whose paper in REA, N. S. V, 1908, 9-30. reference is made here once and for all. lyiisJluhrukiin used as pl. cas. obl. of vuspuhr: the heirs of body, in the royal family: the princes of the blood royal: apii]: [radandiin. u. ,._, 37•13; spiihpatiin 'U vazlirgiill U iizlitokiin u ,__,P~; apiik I apUT!lfii ziit.akfin ,._, i Artaxser 168-7: apii]: puslin briitariin 1l ,._, u hiimluirziin. 188 (18~ uispuhra kiln in the same series 1; bunaki i Vi,sliisp u apiirilz ,.., 115~B. - Paz. easpuhaTgq, viispihiragq, Skr. v. uikhyiitimcz!1t in pl. (Mx Fl. - As to the correlation sg. viispuhr: pl. cas. obI. viispuhrakfin, cf apunloi: apunloyakiill (but sg. also apur· 'loyik): ii=lit: a=iitakiil1 (pl. also cUollin); Eran: Eriinakiin (q. Y.: also Mx 21~): Tilr: Tilrakiin (lib: ibd.j commonly Tilron); (Hrollliiy-ik:) Hromoyakiin (Mx ibd.}: raM/d: Yczhiidakiin (v, these ws.}; cf also vczzurgakiin and vispuhrakiin1,.


with 11 personal subst.: ,_",-un ma om (cas. obl.) 415, but also,...._, raziinak ma tom (cas. obI.) [ 45'; ,.._,aziiUin u t·a::urgiincas. obl.] l(}D; ---an vCZZltrg-splisan (for cf' rect.) IO!P; - less often placed niter its rubst: without or with the i:;ulaf: !.lEvakeh~ 3iP; aniikCh ,...._, 5l (as against pat,...._, aniik1lh 7611): 9 hesm i,_", 48n: gurU!l i,._, 6!!5-~8; nspiin. i,.._, 4913. - 2. as a pred.: D erous, great ,Po 201~ sq. 871: - in a cofupound: hUm ......quick to anger 1O~1. subst. pl. cas. obl.: ii ...... -iin to marv people 36,0 and passim. - 4. adv. ye~i ,...._, va::lIrg 87: ,.....,pahrec 553; - ka ,_,-ic lowever m.uch 463. 8p2-23. 9P2. - OP va iy: :MPrthPrs ws; Paz. vas; ls"P bas,


vns-uniikilh [ws'n'kyh] much harm 743• vasllrli [KBYR-yh']

haL' g, affording iously 109~'.


Tasikiir [wsyk'l Tlsiriir [waY'l] numerous: much (= vas) 6. -1\'P bisyiir: from vasiy (v, vas), but tb forms are not clear. TIlS-iiz [KB1:"13. 'wei] very owerful 96~D, Y. iit. - Renders Av. (240· al.aajalL-. TiisJluhr [w'spwhl] belon~g to the class of uispuhr (q. v.], i. e. t~ lawful heirs within the dan or fnmilyl [1. adj.: pllS i ,...._, i suhlin [arraxutom (t!e son entitled to share the patrimony, fJremost among the princes = 1 the crown W-ince, the heir to the throne SS 10.] - 2lsubst. (royal) heir:,._, i Vi8tiispiin the (foremost) heir of the Yistiisp family 267• 2711' of Frasdvart, the crown prince and co-;rrgent (2217). < "viiispuOri-, vrddhi driyath-e from "vi,spllfJra- (v. 1:ispuhr), v Bthl, ,VZDI 25, 1911, 251-254; in Ba rlonien cuneiform script u-11la-su- (VI11". CIS-)pi-it-Tll-11 = "tv!ispWri- < ·wiispllf)r -, v. Eilers in 'I'aqizadeh Vol., 1962, 55- 3. The meaning and' juridical purpo of this term and its derivatives, as of the basic w, uiepuhr and its deri vat ea, have been

2,iispuhrakiin adj. of viispulLr: belonging to, or characteristic of, a member of the clan or family entitled to share the patrimony (chiefly people of the upper or highest classes of the society): 1. subst. the patrimony itself; tiar-handarzpat i ...... 1119, Y. handarzpat. [- 2. distinguished, prominent, comp. ,..,_,-tar, sup. ,.._,·tom DkM 2921-17; adv . .--.ihii especially, particularly, e. g. DkIlI 413~1.]- Corresponding to Arm sephakan, v, s, v, »ispuhr, TiispuhrakiinIk adj. = ~!Jii8puhTal;ii71 2, compo -c-tar 1066• vastarg [wstlg] clothes 41=·4.7 [47:D read

vistarg]. - Av. (1385) eastra- 'clothing'; inscr _ 8M 1. 50 wstIg; Paz. !JosiaTg; oastrq:
Mand, 1'1\. bastirqii, Tiistt [w'stl] pasture, (cattle) food 9411•lC• - Borrowed from Av, (1414) vii.stra-. Tiistriyiis cas. obl, Sassunian from Av.

[w'stlyws] cattle-breeder, pI. the third class of the society 20. 8],·14. - Borrowed (1028, 1416) vusiryo.l§uyant-.

'·ii.striya~l!h Tii.striyaseh call. , breeders 5510. the class of cattle-

i oouar vita vattarall ev opp. vCha MPrthPrs varl, varliar read l'ada
pat Iran

TBstlln [wst.n'] uart- (Ps, udd-, v. llard-) to turn 1. intr, to return, to go back 101~; hamMak hac 7Iom lip vast· always water came out from the H. 3925, mth the gl. "it [viz. tha tree where the Haoma dwelt] was humid [ = always bad humidity]"; luunii]: rarund they have all their being 12016, v. villil£-; varlet andar Vizak it (the pedigree) turns, starts from another side, with V. 473; - with prev.: aplic; ....,to turn back, to return SB. 13~0; apar apak: vaSt be went back precipitately 5 pB; - apar 0 azU i a.stomand be vait hiind they went down (from Heaven) on to the material world 401; - (taroziik ke) cand mode tiik: be ne 'llariet (the balance that) does not deviate a hairbreadth 722~; - frot var!! turn round (and bend) down! in::, more explicitly drut 0 pa.seh frat vast 57:b-~G. - 2. trans. to turn: kii diivan .•. hac han dar u vilarg uarttind. that they should keep the devE back from this gateway 8714-15; a.sp apiic vaSt be turned his horse round 111; a.sp apar rally varlet! harness the horse to the chariot! 5413-14, with the gl, kii alldar balldiit; pa.s be 0 martom karpch vaSt Mild then they were metamorphosed into human shape 95:6; api-t [rii» vast a ltiin i u.§tllr karp and thou turnedst him into a camel's shape 9915• - AY. (1368) var~t-; MPrthPrs wltn '!LTd-, 1IrPrth also pres. wrt- (?IHO); Paz. va§lan uartl-, ef ga§tan. V. also vartfnUan and the next w. 1'ustllD [w'stn'J caus. of valtan, to turn (trans.}: adak-i.i frat vust then he drew it [the earth] down 933-4. Tat [SLY'; wt.' 619J evil, bad 610. 78~~. 70u; dast i ,.._, va=itan to play the game badly 12111; more common is the cornp. (= sup.) uattar [SLY-tIl 70~1 SLY'-tIJ worse, the worst, generally used as an emphatic pos. instead of vat (cf vel!); bence the sup. vaitartom [SLY-tlt=] 7(}B; viii i vi)/r. •.• viii i eattar 729-10;

'attar loll. 7421-~:; pat hall i 76°; - subst, pI. cas. obI. beings, evildoers, the wicked, 5511-1~. 625-9 etc. passim, sd; Arm. Iw, vat, oat: 'ar; Paz. valar; l';""P bad. - wtk'n' 90!!!:

q. V.

Tiit [w't'; :fs. w'ry] wind 7l7•23• 253• 21P'. 4110• n20 1OOIn. 1281£; - personified as=«, -lhe Dame of the 22nd day of the month - Av. (1408) vata-; lIIPrthPrs w'd; Paz.. iiq, N"P bad.


rat-bart [~bht'; SLY' blrt'] haying bad luck, lUl:!kllSS 9:.10• ior». ynt-dos1irnmch [wtdws-lmyh] the quality of having t ad affection, coldheartedness, unfriendli S5 849• - Skr. Y. l1ikr~/aviillabhya. Tntcll [my] abstr. the evil 6212. Tnt-gahr [ -tgwhl] of evil substance, sence; ill- tured, ill-disposed 70S• Tnt-gollrch the quality substance [": vnt-hunar ful, camp. £ulness 47 vat-knrt es-

of being of evil


of bad skill, unskilill will, spit-e4523• evil,

-tar 156•

Tut-kiimllk h [wtk=mkyh]

[f' krt'] evil deed


vattnreh jSLY'-tlyh, SLy-tlyh] mckednesl 63H• (}4~·7-5 etc. passim. vut-xem pered 9111




Vnurubnrs [w'wlwblst'] the name of the north-wes rn continent (kiJvar, q. v.) 10(}u. orrowed from AY. (1430 sq.) "ti-, Vnurujurst north-east from Av, [w 'wlwclst.'] the name of the rn kisvar 10(}u. - Borrowed 430) IOllru.iar~sa-.

:1ynxS [wh] word, message 44~~. - Av, (1339) ~v la-. On the psychological notion va V. de Menasce, SGV p. 75. Y. vaxi-va •

Tnxs 2ya:t~ [wh5] flame, blaze


207 7u, with tile


TILz-Tar 'to

gl. hiin. i ataxl paitiik rOSl h. - V.

Tax5ilnitnn [whsynytri'] t light 37~~·~3. Caus. of 4:a:riital • Tnx~gn

vazidan (Aog.); 1\'"P vazidan, bazidan blow'. V. also vaz-var.




TR:tSi.snelt det. Y. n. of ~v uitall: the flaming up, the shinin forth, dawn 441~. ITaxsitan to grow 4017• lvau-, v. also vax§iln.

Tiizitan [w'cytn'J caus. of the preceding v., to move: 1. trans. catrant; ,._, to play at chess 11916• 121H. - 2. iritrans. to travel, to ride (= vo=Hall) SID·H. 601D• From Cf I1IPrth pdw';:. 'suite, followers', pres. prw'z- 'to cause to fly" Ghilnin 70; lI:"'P ul ,....., biizidan, bii;rian 'to play ; to fly'. of the T8zr [wzl] mace 8516• - Av. (1392) vazra·; a fire Paz. vazr(a); 1\"P gUTZ; also, with metathesis, var:: (q. v.). RB'; "cwrg. inser. wclk-] great, big, high, lofty, passim; regularly placed before its headw., seldom after (4P. 724); in titles great, ehler:..-.J jra1l1atfir (q, v.); ,..._Ialtridfir (q. y.); subst., pl. CBS. obl. ,.....,-iin the magnates HajA:6 [RB'-n]. B:6 [wclk-n]. 41:. llID. 16B [wcwlg-n'], V. Christensen, Sass. 100. 110sq. - OP vo=rka-; MPrthPrs w;;;rg; Ann. Iw, v':lIrl., t:::ark, v.:ruk; Paz. gu=.urg, gllzarg; ~"'P buzurg. No camp. and sup.; for these forms mell, mahisi nrc used; v. 5. V. ma8. Tllzurgllkiin [LB'-k'n'] pl. CBS. obl. of vazurg: (0) Gol xiikiin u the Khakan of C. and his magnates 113z3• - Cf »aspuhr: lViispullrakii71 (q. v.), vazurgilh [wcwlgyh, 517.~B; size 151, LB'-yh] greatness

v, (1337 sq.)

vnzurg [LB', Prth

2T8xliitan to flame, to bl e PD. - Av, (1338) ~vaX§- 'to sparkle' (of fire), 'to spurt' (of water); MP !L'U 'to be kindled, blaze' (MHC); Y. ~!Ja.:d, vax§ilnell, t'a.rSenltan.

message", Tiiyendak [w'yndk'] f1yin creature, pl. CBS. obl, ,_,·an, enumerate after muTt!un 80~. - Pres. pt. of Av. (I 356) lvay_ 'to fly'. TiizilnItan [w 'cynytn'] to ring, to take a p. to a place (andar) ;1 ~7; to lead (a borse) up to (0) a p. 5·p3.1 ; ii to pat ulch ul vii.::enem we shall carry bee up in the air 603• - Caus. of viizitan.

TRXS-'VRr whswl] prophet 'IE - 'Bearer [

Tiizilnitiir one who draw pulls: a chariot-horse 58})?

Tiizgn v, n, of vu:zrtall (g. pred. 12117: das: i vat llC'_' it is necessJr;. not to play the game badly. ~~zi~a~_ [W~yt~'] t~ travel, a rid.e: to ... ke vo=o1£ [subju, _od p. s . = ind.] pat viii i de.rang-xUaiiii thou. . who ridest on the long-dominating illind 9914-15• Av. (1386) vaz-; lIIPrth. pres. uiz- 'to blow' of the wind', 'to move to go' (!lIBC); Ghilain 52.70, cf Verb 170; Paz.


asp i

[LB' kwnsn'] of great achievements, executor of grand achievements; pl. cas. obI. ,...,·iin 1060• Ynzurg·mihr [wcwlgmtr'] n. pro the famous Grand Vizier of Khosroi I (531579): 118-12!. vazurg-spils [LB' sp's] of lofty sen-ice, performing high duties, pl. cas. obl. ....... ·iin 1061, v, spiis.


vazurg-xvarruh [LB' GDR] of great. glory, of Yam 44~5.



[wcwl] safe for traffic: V. vazi(an.

pultZ i ,._,

[Yccak [wyck'] lot, share, portion: combat (as if it wore a casting of lots between the combatants): rasnik,..._, pitched battle Fl'P 14; v, 11em-vircalc. - From IvCxtall; Arm. lw, vicak 'lot (e. g. in casting of lots), portion; position; fate, possession, diocese'; Ps. wyc 'priest', wycyhy 'clergy']. Yi!cisn [wycsu'] decision 1141, v. - Cf 45.-14, the OP passage D~a and al-Biruni, Ohron, 220.

wyhyh, WhY~' wltyy 'goodness', renders tl:e notion ae9b: (S, A-H II. BBE); paz.
Villi, valli,

Tcb.Siihpuh [wdh ... J a town in Pars 110B. - CIl" 94; Yaqut 3,5 s. v. Sabilr. Tem (Prt [wym] rock HajA: 0.11 da rak). - Av. (1836) t:aema-; Arm. Iw, l:C 1; 1I1FtS (!) wym (S).
(= Prs



Tcnuk ditan.

ych [wdh ; i:;P1:""L] good, better, best, of Ohurmazd's creation; sometimes placed before its headw.: 2719• 73!. 7511-1~. llO!; hun i ....., 564-5•14; Dtiiti regularly placed after; vai i ....., menOi i ...... etc.; 729; 6515 ya::dan ,_,-an 5511; together with dcn, v, this w.; as a compo with hac 'than' 1411• 411. 6617-18; as apred_passim i-as asubst.e ,..._, the good men, coll, of the Zoroastrians 611s; pl. cas. obl. ...... -0.11 the good ones, the believers of the Zoroastrian religion: 5526• £i411 etc. passim; neutr.: ,._, kartan to do good 925• 99~D.~,; - adv. well 1419• 691; better 69~D. - Av. (1405 sq.) vahyahto do good 925• 99~a.~,; - adv. well 1419• 691• - Av. (1405 sq.) vahyah(t.aVhah.) compo of (1395 sqq.) t'ohu-; Arm. lw. vch; 1t1Frth why- in compounds (A-H ill); 11Frs why 'better', also wyhdr (A-H II); Paz. vah, vahl!, »eh, ·dh etc.; ~-p bih; sup. vahUt, q. v. [wdh 'Ith5dl], Ych-Artasllr town Seleucia on the Tigris, rebuilt by A. 11 G11. 117G• - Cat. 102; Yaqut 4.44G_ Yi!l!-Artax~er




- V.

TeDiikeh cle TCDiSnthe

U ii§lla!.'isl1

vision 595• ct, the faculty of seeing: ...., 4,15; basiiJIl (q. v.] i ....... i ca§m 926; 0 l' into the presence pat obviously 50H•

B6~;; sight of 76=. 8519

TcniSneh d'1.~' v. n. = the preceding W.: 7Ilfnoi,__ hehvenly enlightenment nos.a• Tg [wys] Adj. and adv. more. longer, more frequ~ntly, p!l8sim, - 1I1Frs wy§ (A-H II. BBB); Paz. ves, gM;};-rp M!i. Te5llk [wrsJ'l - ::-,-rp bMah·1 reed. bunch of reeds 9327• .

[.......'ItsdlJ the

Teh-diik [SPYL d'k'] well-yielding, bounteous 591~. - Of Av. (1825) hudah-, Paz. liudoha, Skr. v, uttamadiinin (SGY). veh·den [wdhdyn', wdh dyu', SP1::L-dyn', ~PYL dyn'] Y. s. Y. den. Tcheh [wdhyh, SP1:""L.yh] goodness, that which is good; the quality of being good (in the Zoroastrian sense), the inherent goodness of the Zoroastrian man 6314• 715. 7S2l• 79~. 847 8GIB.~3. 96', - :MPrs

otTet-Tllteh E'D-twlyh] *(the act of) healing; COmf0i' , consolation £i£i5. - Abstr. of vet.var;he form bytwlyh PT 15411, reflecting t e later (but probably fairly early) development of initial v- > b(cf bahan),lelirninates the reading nytproposed bl G. Ito (JLSJ 14. 1949, 2829). This~' and its derivatives were dealt with y Bailey BSOS v-rI, 1934, 290-298, d exhaustively by Dhabhar, Essays (195 ), 153-156, and Honnazdyar K. :Mirza in Un .. ala Vol. (1964). 154168, who tote all relevant passllges so far observes where they occur. Meaning and readin have long been regarded as 'uncertain ( yen the existence of the w, has been dpubted: Parsi scholars have often emeclIed it to *gad-var-, which I followed mhelf in HP); Bailey "vit-var 'grieved' f m *vita'excited', pt. of Av, (1407 s .) vay- 'to pursue, to chase';

Dhabhar velvar, withe t etymology, m the sense of 'content , contentment, forbearance, patient, onsoling oneself ('consoling' already Yi" st], resigned to the will of God' (~da 11 'to console'); Hormazdyar with the arne etymology as Bailey, but giving tl same senses as Dhabhar ('one who e dures grief, enduring, patient, canso' g, persevering'). Both lay stress on the close parallelism with xUclIlsal1d (xUarsa1 d), of which it sornetrrnes seems to be mere synonym. :S:0wever, the original ~dea underlying It must be looked for from another unzle. I read it., with Dhabliar, vet-var ~d derive it from OIr *vaiti-rra'the willowbr~~er [Av, (131~) tloeti-, ,IT' bed, 'willow'] originnlly an epithet. a Airpaman, the god of healing, and gomg back to the myth told in Yd . Aliuramazdah, badly wounded and st ek 'with 99999 maladies by .n his first onslaught on the heavenli creation, promised 1000 horses, 10 a camels, 1000 heads of cattle, 1000 eep and "the beautiful Benediction 01the Righteous" (~ahma ii/ria) .to the go who could h~nl him. _W declined exce Airyama isyo "Airyaman the desired( )": he brought (barat) hair from 9 hor stallions, hair from 9 camel stallions, h~ir from 9 bulls, hair from 9 rams, and lrought 9 tl'mOTll twigs (nora vaetayo ba at) and drew 9 furrows - the PhI v. 8· ds: "and made a nirallg (q. v.)", a mBgif spell intended to heal the wounds and stop the maladies. Apparently the willow t¥.1 played the igs chief part in 'this nira'lg of whose pnrtieulars we know of cours nothing), thus it was quite natural to fo out of it the epithet *vaiti·baraof _ raman in his quality of the healing an relieving god. Later, Airyaman having ded away, the usage took a wider rang and developed secondary nuances, bu the original meaning 'healing' is still airly transparent in many passages, e. g. DD 3627 (quoted both by Dhabh and Hormnzd14 N"rberg

TClinD not quite satisfactorily trans-

yar, but lilted).


lTex-flm [*1sJ)):""l;I\VN-tn'] vee· (villj-, v. below) to detach, to separate, to sift, to remove: iii vixt slisr his sperm was detached from him, with the gl. Hi-s suhr pat post ul iimal that is: Jus sperm broke through Ills skin 5410-20; iit<U;§ hacis 7lii iiiyet vexian the fire (bidden in the plant) cannot brenk forth (from it) 951 (gt); api.s l!ii§ak vfu:t 11 haset and its ears having been torn off (by the wind) it withers 12814-15 (uncertain, v. note below); Y. also veci§n. - Av, (1312 sq.] vaek-, pres. mec~-; SkI" vie-, pres. »inakti 'to sift, to winnow, to separate; to inquire, to consider'; Arm. lw. vic-em 'to dispute, to debate', vec 'discussion', vitak, Y. l.ecak; Bal g&.ag 'to sift' < vee-, gccin, gMin 'sieve' (Makrani, v, Geiger); 1'-;L' biixtan biz- 'to sift'. The pres. uinj- is only attested by Cod. K in FrP 18: U'YllC-, but read t:ij- = the other MSS; as this vb, :is always written ideographically in the texts the existence of villi- in BP is not fully ascertained. However, Psht has winj~l 'to wash, to cleanse'; traces of oinj- in 1\L' are perhaps bunjak 'carded cotton' « ·billjak < *l'in/ak); banjidan (for *binj-) 'to cut to pieces' (Steingass); possibly bani 'one of two women who share a common husband' < "'vinca-, cf v[cak and 7lem-vi!cok. - [Note: - The PhI translation of 12gB-ls is based on a Syriac text. which is quite as obscure ItS the Hebr. original: 'grass on the roof which, as soon as the wind blows upon it, sale/ and it withers'. The vb. SLP means 'to extract, to pull, to draw a sword', 50 the senses 'to dry up, to languish' and 'to shoot up, to form blades and ears' seem to be simply conjectured from our Ps. verse. Evidently the Prs, translator' took Syr SLP in its ordinary sense 'to extract, to pull', and tried to make sense of its Phi. equivalent vixtan to the best ofhis ability. He needed an obj. for it,

!!10 and fell on l!o§ak 'ears' which were extracted find torn away (Barr's 71I1Sk 'dry' is out of place here), thus giving the metaphor a new turn]. ;!-rennn [wyhtrr'] vei- [wyc-] to swing, to fling, to sprinkle 254• 2825• 8920• - Av. (1313) vacg-, (1428) t'Dii'lla 'inundation' (Skr vijriie, veja!e 'to totter, to :fluctuate'); Arm. Ill'. vi::-em 'to flow, to miscarry' (v. n. vi:fcm-k'), vi:fak 'curtain', veg 'debate'; Bal (Geiger) gejak, J:\J3al gCiar 'to swing, to miscarry'; (Longworth Dames) ge:fay gixla 'to bring forth', but with a note written by his own hand in his personal copy: "appears to have its original meaning 'take out, extract, expel', etc. Thus a confusion with tvi!xtan must have taken place. There were several puints of contact between them, cf, e. g., Arm vi£ak: veg. In ~-p bixtan, bez- both have coalesced. +-ribllrisn [+w-YDLWN.snl] *the net of

Cod. K hn wel 8P, is wanting for M.-..; 271D, the a her lIISS have weyl = vicir in both pla es, accepted by S and A. BQ quotes 1\-P ajar, vacar 'judicial decree' from the 1 al language, probably from Zoroastri usage. OIr *L'j-cara- from t:i+car· (v. the preceding w.] which also signifies in kr'to perform, to accomplish' (caus. !:i·cil ayaH 'to deliberate', Y. viciirtail). From this vi-car· also info vicurtan 'to perfo to bring about' Dk.:.II 834]5, pt. vieurt, icart •v·aIid, authentic, true', Y. Dhabha , P"YV, Gl. 177. Cf also 1\"1}> gtt=ar, gtl:.i 'remedy, help', also glt=ard; gu:ardalt' apply a remedy'. Arm. lw. rcar 'paym nt., achievement', vear-em 'to accomplish « vicar- or vicilr·). t!iciir [we'



of vicarian,


carrying all about: titin i ca§m .....,the act of looking around; the range of Eight 3825, v. 1mar. - 2\1y conjecture; :!\IS wddlw§n'• Av. (941) ui-bar-, +TibllriSneh det. v. n. of the preceding w.: bCill huci§1l ..• be ....., rad in order to bring out (into the world) this conversion 5715• - The same expression in Dk1I1 62612• In both places we have only Meherji Rana's transcript to relie on, and in both this w. is corrupted: 1. w/nl ky1.§llyll, 2. w/ll/kylwsllyh; it seems that the vb, nikiirHan has been present in his mind. I think w-):'"I)L\YN-snyh, from vi·bar·, is meant here too. vl-earthrough, vi.5karmove', v, next [wcl-] pres. to get on, to get ~nd p. pl. vicaret 417. - Av. (450) 'to move about'; Skr car- 'to vi-cur- 'to go apart, to spread', w.

TiciiriSD [ 'ISn I] Y. n. 1. as a pred.: has to decide, [' decide (the case) 19:::. 2. e. cplana on 1151; 12PI. - 1\-P gtl::.iirn. x From Ticiirtan [ e>Itnl] pres. 1st p. sg. viciirem, to decide; ·0 explain 11815-23• 119M1.:3; to transla e into (0) another language 11115. - C us. of vi-car· (q. v.); Verbum 192. J:\'P g ~urd(lll 'to pay, to discharge'; gu.zarah 'e;nJlanation; the interpretation of dreams' TicehItan wcyhytn I] to teach: Gnukeh viciihit be nnounced ill fate 482; hun i t'isp t'iciihi ilzruneh the universal knowledge of 1 guages 54~7.- Av. (425) kaiif}-, pres. cae - or cinaO-; MPrth wcyh-; Ghilain 62 v. also cihfinitan. I] 1. pres. stem of vicitall (q. mpound: hiin i har-vicin •.• xrat the -discerning reason i'i5~. - 2. subst. dis iinction : pat-e-« distinguished, excellent 811• 120~6,v, 5 ...... pat A: 11. Tielr [wcyP decision: the decisiI of these ions Ills. delete the From ei- r- (q. v.). hall bUll "-' fundamental questfollowing i:;o/at). The Arm. lw. vi5if

vtcar decision, decree 815•

- Paz. va:ar, Skr. v, uiciira ; lIL~2i10 PhI. brih u :amallak . u vicir i orin but Paz. breh u [amqna u. vawr i bari1l (Skr. Y. nyaya for t'azar).

Ticir 'decree, judgment, seJtcncc' Shows through its -f- < -mthe fonn was ·vieirna- < *viCTlm- cf Skr cir~la-, « *ciua-) pt. of car-, - ]\o-p 'help, remedy'. [Av. (1 8) Vlelra- 'he who decides' does not elong to this group.] Hence the den vb. viciriiall 'to give a decision', fro which impers. vieiret ('it can possibly b decided thus' =) 'it is possible' DkM 5 7~o. 5582D, and ]\o-p guzirad 'it is neoessart(sn); further Ticirtiir [weylttl] he who akes the decision, he to whom it· PE~ninS to decide questions, the authoritatl ve interpreter of the doctrine 62I~. - Thi is the rending of the old !lIS written b)~ the very able expert MihrEipfin; vicitd{ adopted by J -A, Freiman and myself in HE (and unfortunately also by E:Jnga in his ed. 19(0), is an inferior reiding of later


TilJilzak Tlgriis- [wgl's-J pres., to rouse a p. from sleep, from the dead: apac dgrii,~eI1d 10F·Oj 6(lt) vigrii,scl1d lOP. - Av, (511) Igar-, Y. gultrayel1i1all; 111Prth lllygr's 'to awake',I1IPfs 'to rouse from sleep'; Verbum 196; Ghilain 82, 92-93.

rut all'

*vihCc, *vihi:cak: read viMi-,





[wlrylyh]e read Y. I.:iyijtan.


II vihcv-

vieltak [wcytk'] special 524; from selected 1811•17• 12P;

vicltun uiein-, to separat = to pull off 29~; to distinguish 03u; * o-cin [dwcn 1J IlC vicinend they do not eyen distinguish between the two 103" [? cflA.v. (595) cillaand (762) dua-; cf PY 3~U1]; to choose 69B• 11215 (hac from). -.Av (441) vi.kay-; lIIPrth wjyd (pt.), wjydg, 'cydg 'chosen'; !lIPrs weydn w::y- (! A-H ); Paz. vajfdan vajin- or va::idall t'a::ill; 2\ gu::rdan gll;;;fn_A.. rm. Iw, veil 'clear, lini id', Verbum 181-182; Ghilnin 85. TicItiir one having chosen, TiciidisIl [wcwdsu'] inquiry investigation 1091". 11212. - From vicast )] vicod-, Paz. vajostall, va::iistall 'to inqui e, to examine' (~h:). VIdutuf!i [wydt'psJ the n western continent (kisL'ar
(14-42) ndaoajsil-.

of the south1001J• - Ay.

Tihez- [whyc-] pres., to move forward, or in every direction: pat 7 u 12 humii]: t'Orielld u vihetcud through the Seven (planets) and the Twelve (zodiacal constellations) they all have their being and move on 12018, cf T:ailml. - I1IPrs 1L'hyzwith ul 'to move upwards', an astrcnomical term (.A-H I), as is also BP dMialc, v. next w, The original sense is 'to move, to pass from one place to another', cf the following instances: subst. t,ihC£ Zartuxst's 'departure' from this world to Heaven D~'\I 04615; 'expansion' of the true religion over the world, ibd. 59411; eaus, vb, vihC1cl1fian 'to remove, to transfer': (at the time of the Garodman] rot 0 star piidak: 11 damik 111 0 al10d vihficnift He will let Paradise down to the star sphere and lift the earth up to it, ibd. 824II-I~, cf here 931--4. - Another form of this vb. appears in a similar context: :r;llarslt hac han gah apiu: 6 Tavis!! wdycynyt' He will rem aye the sun [which He had stopped during the apocalyptic battle] from that place [where it had stopped] and set it in ruotion again, DklIl 392~·e: read viye£cnct = vihel- with the "Well nown alternation k of intervocalic ·71·and .y-, cf viyift. (q.v.}: vihiip •. Withdrawing my former etymology (TIm:: 60) 1 derive viyiIi- from *vi-vel· (with dissimilation of the second 11 > y) < vi ~vcxfan (q. y.); ville!through the alternation -y-: ·71-. Not acceptable Verbum 178.

Tj"drufS [wydlps] n. PI'.


Yihezak [wyh-] an extra spaoe of time inserted in the ordinary calendar either every

Yibezak year,or certain years only; intercalation:



~ i x"arset u mal! the solar and the lunar

intercalation 8Ss• - The solar intercalation consists of the insertion every fourth year of an extra day obtained by accumulating the minutes by which every day of the three preceding years exceded *,'ikastan [wkstn'] *to disappear: "vikas: its 24 hours fixed by the calendar. Such she *disa peared 583• - Uncertain. It an intercalated year is called =a1l1allcould be t,'i AY. (459 sq.) kOB- 'to vjh~akik sal 'a year which has got its perceive', -_s. Y. iikasi, n S'iY form with intercalation through hours'. The lunar -st instea 'of; the 1\\Y form would be intercalation, is based on the fact that *vika.§t. erhaps better *vifnifkist 'she the lunar year, comprising 12 lunar pieces, she split' < .*11i- or months of 30 days, lags 5 days behind ni-kirst vi or ?Ii*krsia- from Av. the solar year of 3B5 days; these 5 days (452 sqq.) karst-, Y. kirrenitan, are inserted every year afterthe 12th lunar frontier 45P•10 month (the gliltanbfirs). "I'his year is called Toc-t·iMiaHk slil 'a year which has got its intercalation through days' _ V. Dk:.ll 'Timnr [, '1] ill, pl. cas. obl, ,_,-iin 85t• 402:1-40510, transliterated, read and transm'r (BBB); Paz. !,'imiir, ~-p - MPrs lated in TMK 30-39 (commentary 60bimar. 75), where several ameliorations are now Timnrilh' ass S6~o. 906• - ::'IIPxs wym'ryh needed. The act of intercalation is called (S)_ viMi (DklIi 40416), properly 'the act of Timiirilnifln to make a p. ill -i3!!!!. moving, or pushing, forward'; this sense is apparent in the expression (ibd. 403') Tinllftakipi [wynptkyh] "'aberration 80:6• riic hac hangiim vil!e!ihiit·'a day is displac- Paz. vJW/f.(Ji (Skr. Y. iilokallatva must ed from its season' (because of the disbe due tOWonfUSion with viillaftak. 'clear, crepancy which has arisen between the apparent, visible'). 'iYest 'cutting off, calendar and the revolution of the sun). dismembe ent, disunion, disconnection' Hence vihiiiak 'the intercalated timeand the . e. I derive it from ri nam-, unit'. Paz. ad SSs vaMia, Skr Y. navaroja Y. S. Y. ayra/ian. borrowed from ?lOUra;:, because the New Yiniirihistr [wyrr'Iyhstn'] to be arranged, Year's Day followed immediately after etc., pass f the next vb.: pt. = pret. 3d the 5 gliltallbiirB. p. sg. I'll rihii (he was} equipped, pre· pared 5516; , Tibirell [whylyh] change 109B• - Bailey,

Qiimii8 ~11hiibua: info guheirtin. Henning adds l\TP gaulwridan which is, in his opinion. perverted form of gulll/r-! quhar- d to the influence of gauhar. I add ga1rii!idan or gaMili kartan 'to exchange, to barter'.

ZP 82 n. 5, with untenable etymology. To be combined with MPrth wlryrd 'confused, changed' (A-H ill, 1'Imc) , ]lIFrs whwryd id. (A-H II) j Henning, BSOAS X, 509, quoted by Boyce (MHC, gloss. 5. Y. wllyrd). Henning compares these ws. with Kurd goh6.rJguhur 'to exchange', of which the following forms are known to me: 1. Kurdoev: info gulwrtitl, pres. !Juher- j 2. :Qiyii 'ud-din PiiSii, al-Hadiya: info gilliarin, pres. de-guhari-: 3. Giy ]Iukriini,

nniiristlln r"YIl>lstn'],1iniirtan [wyn-ltri'] pres.: rea~ t'il1iiriilld 100:: for virliyend, to put intraer, to arrange, to array, to organize 3a (-isiaJ1),zZ(-rian). 85~~. 864 {-rl}. - 11 rth u'!lll'r'd, t~·!lll'r· (MHC); :!IIFrs WYErdn w(y)ll'r-; Paz. viniirdoll, liinarosi{1, Bailey, JRAS 1953, 106; Henning, hS 1954, 175 n. 1. Pass. Y. above Tiniirgn angement, ordering',manage. ment 85:3 899.1:. 921D•1:.

Tiniirtiir ,'jniirtur manager, obl, ..... -an lI01G• ndminitrator,


213 pl. cas.

bazak 681,.


• Inils [wn=s] sin, pas.~il1l; 7410; ......,l' andar dast tl pa hand and feet are involv kirpak 631J.:~. 79:5• 8po. Arm.Tw. t111aa;1I1Prs wry), Paz. :NP gUllah; Arab, Iw. Tiniisi'll sinfulness .iniisi~n destruction,

Ph] rendering of Av. pasu viTa; pat han i dTan gobiin 58:0, -Av. (1453) vrra-; IIIFrs u:yr, Y. Sogd. 52 .

sins in which 651B-~O; opp. - l\"\Y form. 11 (8, A-H I); jllllall-.

2m [wyl] a mental faculty, reason, intellect 3922• 551• - Av. (1454) ~VrTa·; Paz. (Mx, SGY) vir, SkI'. v. smrti.
nriistnk [wyl-stk'] curried, tanned 1079• Tiriiston [wy]'stn1] viray[.,yl'd.] to prepare, to arrange, to adorn: apac ...... to restore, to renew 7 p6 i pt. vlTiist well executed 12027; - 10B~: read with the l\1SS viniircnd instead of viriiycnd. - Av, (1514) rcc- and (1520) riid- have intermingled in SW where ra:;- > rad-, MPrth u'yr'§tn wyr'z(S, A-H ill). cf drfiz-; IIIPrs wyr'sin wyr'y·, cf Arm. lw, raraaviray 'hair- dresser' (Dk1II 7573 w!swyl'g); Ps. wyl'sty, wyl'd-, cf iirastan, pairii.sfak, riiyc.nftall. Verbum 187; Ghilain 52. 69. Viraz [wyl'c'] n. PI'. 107. - Av, (1454) T'ira.:-, more correct T'iraza·. In BP trnditionally read Viral. which is now generally regarded as a misreading; defended by de Menasce. JA 237, 1949, 3-6. TIriiz- [wltc-] pres., to arrange, about, opt. 2nd p. ego virii::M in rogative clause 355• - Probably with l\"\Y wyr'sin u'yr'=- (v. s, v. in spite of w· instead of uy-. ,Irek [wlyk'] flight

annil ' ntion 109B•

Tiniisitnn to destroy 50:°. 74:5; lIIi!ni§n i . .. ..... to spoil a p.' thoughts 01' intention: to seduce a p. 812, to put a P: out of countenance 52: . - Av, (1055) 1,1 as'to disappear, to blast'. (105G) vi-nas'to be subject t destruction'; 1IIPrth wl1itg 'destroyed' (1IIHC); 1I1Prs lL'II'stn uni'h» 'to damage, ·0 injure' (8); Verbum 191. V, also villa taki!h. TluasUar




, obl,

...... ·Crn

vlnlls-kllr [-k']] sinner, sC1undrel 7'. 8:~. 912; pl. cas. obl, ~-aIl12D.-lIIPrs um'lIg'r


crime. offence

4:4. 43'.


vlnnstakeh [wnstkyh] dec y 1128. - Derived from the basic vb, f;[l.nas_. Y. villasitan; S'Y form 'with -nast for -ncdt-: [vludak [wndk'] shot, in vitav [wtw'] shooting range, exp]nined uitiiran (q. Y.) FrP 25. - Evidently rom the pres. stem of vision (q. v.) which is not attested elsewhere in phonetic spel] g].

to bring an interidentical


821, from

vlndiltnn, vlndltan [Wnd'~" wndyto 'j I;I~Kl:IWN-tn'Jvilld-. to find 2015 (-at); to gain, to win 9011•13 (i eogr.); to aequire, to get 115\z.15 (-at); piic ...... to win back. to regain 112lt (.ft.). Av, (1318 sq.) :!vaiid·, pres. I.·ind-, 'I!in .; MPrthPrs umti'dn. wynd-; Paz. valld all valld-. Cf avinll, nivinn-,

merinn ['L Yh,\VN -tn'] vircc·, to flee, to run away 51,.22.:G. 72•P• - vi A,'. (1479 sq.) raek-; IIIPrth wryxt, Ghilain 94; Paz. varexUm (lIL ); l'Io"'P quriatan, x qurix-,

ltir [w)'l] man, pI. cas. 0 I. ....... al1: gasvirCrll cattle and en 401 the ZI,

Y"rriii-pahr [wyh,g p>bl] n. PI'. "the Gruzinian Guard", the old name of the fortress Darband at the pass with the same name 11415. - In Syr the name is Tririipahrag, in Ann Iwroy parhak, from Arm vir-k'; Gr "I~1jpf:~,'I~f;?wt; KZSPrth 1. 2 and 25 wyrsn (= Vir§fin or ViraJiin for T'irac.fin) = Prs 1. 30 end ll~lW~>lI (= T'luC:.fin, hence Russ Grm:iya), Gr.


abandone!. abolished 11213. - The sense must be tought for within this range, but I hat·a. no hold at all as r[!gal'ds reading a d etymology. Possibly an ndj, derived f m rlsun 'pence, repose, still. ness' (Ps, u's'ny) from the vb .• viEiitall, visay- (P . tcs'd·) 'to repose', hence 'having me to a stand.still, having ceased to unction', whereas I can make nothing 0 an adj. in ··undak.

v. 'I~7j?!iX.Y. Erun§ahr 99-105; Henning, JGIS XI, 85-90, BSOAS XII, 1947, 49 n. l. YirriiylSlI [wlwdsu'] faith 6312• SOH.21. 1082• - The -i- of the first syllable is confirmed by the spellings wylwdsnl DkM 95P• lOP, wylwd§nyh ibd. 4951• 550· etc., v. also the next w. 1I1Frs 1LTwy§n (A-H I, BBB); Paz. garOi81l. Tirriiri~n-Tiir [wylwdsnw 'I] pl. cas. obl, ,._,-an 110B applied to Jesus and lIIani; meaning not clear. If -var is the wellknown 1.Iilr and 1'\"P final element of compounds in the sense of 'resembling, like' (cf sah-viir), ,._, could possibly be explained as a bahuvrlhi : 'having a semblance of faith, a sham faith', but I know of no other instance of -riir being used in this pejorative sense. Tirriiyistan [I;IYlITh'lY (N)-stul] to believe (pat in) 04~5. 8017• 821~. 10023• Av, (1360) 2var·, pres. !'-immaV-, OP vrllavwhich has furnished the base of the lIf.iIr vb. As to the second syllable I follow the Paz. forms of SGY and Mx , L griii.stan (for "'gura-), gar6i.stcll, grai§n besides variiisni (SGY); 2. pres, g(a)riJi!tj, gariiieq, garaheq. g(a)riii§ni (l'fh); they are best in keeping with the phonetic spelling of virr6yi§1l (q. v.]. FrP IS gins the Paz. readings viravista II, t'arvistcll, uaruidan, t'arviq; 2'I"P giravidall is due to the coalescence of this vb. and the den. of girat', BP grav 'pledge' and has the senses of both. - lIIPrth pt. 'ltTw'd pmC); )lPl's wrwystn (Iuay be uirriiyistan or uirravi.slan), pres. subjn. 3d p. sg. v:rw'd. - As to virn:w-: virroy- cf meniJi < ""mainya· aya-. (A reading u-urr- is excluded; 1.'11· always> gu., in NP also> bu-). Yis [wys] manor-house with adjacent v ilIage; village: 3'i~. 3SD-U• 3917. 42~1. 4417-ZI. 5219• - Av. (1455) visA; OP dO'royal house'; MPrs wys (S, A-H I). "'yisfinik [ws'nyk, but Cod. K ·ws'ndk with a marked dJ probably *given up,.

YisenlUkill [wsymk 'n'] a ka/idar (q, v.) dynasty' the Dam1i vand region 11513. lean, Y. Cat. 70.

1 all, in attributive position subst.e ,_ giyak ev erywhere om vis, S,Y form of OA.r t'iBl'O" 0 uisa-; Av. vi8pa- v. s. v, uisp ; as to v' visen v. s, v, 71 r.uak, - FrP Cod. Sz _ VII, 10 has ";;('>nl, ws'n11.i:
= Vi8fn. vi8iinak (?) with the ]I,:"P g1. uis], wB/aT


vlslstakilh [wsstkyh] the state of being broken a ay (from its keeping-place)

vlslstun t
r.llittlll, luircisp,

break off


< vi


(1547) sar. -;2'I"P gllsistan gll.sil·; cf apasih-

ap sistan and [rasinn-,

all 3il:. 54:7. 11 P; v. also Av, (1400 sqq.] t'i,spa· j ~IPrth Prs wysp; cf also visen. omniscient 100~~. all-embracing universal, nII-

rlsp [ws

Tisp-ilkiih [~-'k's]

l'isp-iikiih;b universal, know}edg] 30l..:!. Tisp·diiniiJieh ,Isp-siit [" 114~O.-" [--d'n'k'yh] 1081 embraCintJea.ming



-Xiisrlii the name of a town -glad is Khosroi"; Y. ,~ot.

vlspuhr [~.spwhl; wspwtr", BRB1.'T' vi.spiir Fr P 11] "a son of the clan, or of the drna~y", a member of the foremost families 0 the kingdom, if of the royal family: a prince, otherwise a nobleman of the hi . est classes; pl. ens. obl. r-s-iin [BRBYT n] tile princes, ranking second




only to the sClhridi1riin at vice-rays of the provinces RajA:!l. ~:6; [lI'areshxu BRB):-"T' KZSPrth 1. 21 - NClrSahe ZY BRB1."'T' Prs I. 26, v, N:xpc;:t!ou Toi) E-.! !3~aLi.Ew'J]; lWspwtr'] "the Prince", title of one of re kalidar dynasties 11513 (badly Cat. 71). - Av, (1455 sq.) vi,.qo.puBrCl.; I1IPf:hI'l'S wyspwhr 'prince'; _4= 1w. 'nobleman, equestrian' < "useapurh. *visya (adj. of vis)·puhr (differently . enning, Mor_, ~ genstierne Vol. 96 n, 4, nqt acceptable to


Yistii:J;;:U [wst'hwl] trusting (pat on), confident 97• 2822• 7017• 71-72 passim. Ann. Iw, usiah ; MPrth wyst'! List 89; ]\,"'1' gustiix 'arrogant'. Tist1b.:uihii confidently, fearlessly 161~. rtst [figure] twenty, ordinal Yistom twm , 20-wm] the twentieth. [wys-



me). Schaeder, BSOS 1737-49; against him Renning, B B 73 no. 579; Ben.yenis~e, REA 9.,_ 1 29, 9-10; A. Perikhanian, v, 6. v, uasp hr. vlspulirakiin 1. used as i1. cas. obI. of »ispuhr 185• 241.5.2~, v, iispulirakan.[2. adj. proper, special, particular, in Arm. lw, sephakan < ·vsc uhakan; cf also the BP derivatives va,.qpu rakiinik (q. v.), V{ispuhrakiinilrii etc.], yistan [8D1:""TN-stn'; Pr . tiDY-] "oind(v. s. v. vindak) to shooi; pt. = pret. pass. 3d p. sg. vi,.qt, written SDY-t RajA: 5.6, SD1:""TN Haj~: O. 6; lopt. 3~ p. sg. hyp SD"YW RaJA: 'yw SD"l"TN HajB: 14, both probabl:r = vindl (v. also liep and ffv); lIe bUllam I do not know how to shoot 2819-10• - Av. (1318 sqq.) ~vCled., cf Villdatalj cf Av, (1320) Zm/iaa- 'arrow-shot', th name of a weapon of attack. Th pres.vstem is however not gh-en in Frl' 14 where the ideogr. is listed; nor is l·he Prth equivalent of 8DY- explicityjestablished,


,g [wyil] poison 769, cf also vis-§itli. Av. (1472) viJ-, dSCl-; 1\:"'1' biS a poisonous
plant; T!siitnn (w5'tn'; ~L i'TN-tnl] vi§tiy· or dB-, to open, to let loose, to release; to hiin. i har 2 brtitar i bastal: vi§(ay)1i [SLYTNd, with final -d for -y as often occurs in tbe inscriptions after an ideogr.] thou wilt release thy two captive brothers 91~; pt. vUfft loose. running without its rider, of horses 225; Y. also the next w. vi AY. (ISOO) hay-; l\IPrth pt. wy§'d, pres. u:y.Ph-, pt. also gw§'d, Ghi1nin 88; FrP 21 pres. in most :MSS wliyt' ws{y)m, but Codd. U~ U4 we'dtl w.Pdm = vi§iiyet, ciBaycm; Paz. ku.sudan kuSdelld (but sub st. t'a§lidaf < 'IJiSatakeh 'open space'); ]\,"'1' gu.sadan guliiy·.



YBiit-dYiirisuilb [W5't' dwb'lSnyh] the act of running "loose", that is: with only the sacred garment isudreh, in PhI Yd. §apIk) on, but without the sacred thread (kusH) 6912. Y. Bharneha in Skr I\Ix, n. 8, and :Moru, Ceremonies 181-190. +,i5~k [wsyk] distressed, to be read in this way 191~ instead of my "'Ily'dk'; distressful, tormenting, or the like: 71ipart (i) +!Ji§ek 1076, thus to be read instead of nplt' til g'dk' ("West: dahil.:). This w. has not been recognized by Indian text editors though it is found in the I1ISS; of alldar billleh hac limiiT u tars ""'"in fright of the Reckoning and tormenting fear DD cb. 27: (p. 49). where Anklesaria has ·wylzyk' in the text, but quotes in the critical apparatus w§yk from Cod. K 35 and still another MS. This form is now confirmed beyond

Tistnrg [wstlg] bed cove let 47~o. - < OIr "vi-star-ka-; v, the ext w. and cf tastary; Ps, wstly, 1>1"'1' b4tar 'bed, mattress'; Talm. Iw, byslrg', Telegdi 235. vlstartan [wstltrr'], 'l'istujtnn [wstwltri'] »istar-, to spread 456 (-urt)' 11110 (-artan); ~uss.:. ka-s [ratain Iri1§mti,.qtar~het when Its (VIZ. the sun's) first awn 15 spread, shines forth 441~. - < vi W star-, Y. start; 1>1"'1' gllsiardan, .Tidan; Ve bum 206.

doubt by the inscription SM 1. 41 in a passage which is fragmentary but offers w§yk in a coherent piece of text and in unambiguous spelling and meaning. < 011' "vi·sajka.; etymology? TiSkofton [wskptn '] to crook, to pervert: mCl1iSll i I'1.ayos apar hun guv T..'i8ka/t pre" jucliced K. against this bull 4516-17• - KP §ika/tml. TiSkufton [wskwptrr'] vi§ki5/- to open; to blossom 2P-s. - Bd.A. p. 11';< w§kwpyt' but BdJ 6·,1,20 8kwpyt; subst. w§kwpk' = vMki5jak BelA. p. 117' and BdJ 6418, but in the same context also 8kwpk; 1\""1' bi§kftjah 'a. flower', sukfijtall 'to open, to blow, to blossom', sil.:ii/ah 'blossom', .sukiif 'cleft, fissure', T!S0P [wswp'] pres. stem ofvi§u/tall, in compounds: mClloi ,._, one who scatters the heavenly possessions 71~6. T!S1iplSndissolution, disorder, destruction 48B•H• 6410• i n«, ll!F. - l'tIPrthPrs w§wbysn (l\IHC, A-H TI). V. ViJlIjt{JlI. Tg-~inj [wysnc'] venom-spurting 1026.< vM (q. v.) Bini, the composition farm of the pres. st. hine- from Av, (1i2i) lhaek· 'to pour aut', Y. iihan] and


1IIPrs U'(y~wb. (A-H TI), Verbum 1S4; Paz. all va.§iiv- (lUx, SGY); NP kUBa//all /§iij. 'to scatter, to dissolve'. The oriei labial at the end of the st. is tmcertafu: SkI' lzeubh- 'to tremble, to be excited', OIr "x§aub· or *x§aup(*x8au/.- +bably through influence of the pt. < ·x§upta.)_



Tguta]. [ swtki) progeny, brood, of Ahrimanie eings, pl. cas. obl. ~-all 762~. Ti", From TISutan to roduce progeny, to breed. of Ahrimanic beings i6~a, 77 . - vi _-\Y. ' (liS2) 311a ; Paz. 1Ja§iidall.

THarg [wtlg] narrow passage 4S2;.28 j pass, defile ~.iha).15.19; path 2016 • 76'. - < "vit{Jr·J.·a-. v. next w.; PIl.~. mdary; cf, !PI'S usir (A-H 11).


yIStiisp [wst'sp'] the protector of Zar-

tuxst : Eai- ~ ·§ah 21 9-10.

245.~1,2Z; bur-

:avrmd Kai- 5S1,.~1; dahYllpat bllr. ziivand Eai- "" 60~O.ZI.1119; - .§fill [.sh] 18-30, passim. 354• 11310-11•11• 115~; 5• lose; ,..._, [-MLK'] 36 saMn Bah [lIILK'n l\ILK'] SO~D. - Av, (1473 sq.) FiStcspa., OP VisliiBpa-; Paz. :t-.-""1' Gu§/asp; as to the etymology cf Bailey, JRAS 1953, 101-103. Tilltiispiin patr. of the preceding 21-30 passim. 95B• 11321• ,'guftaii [wswptn'] viiophair) 26!7; to derange, ravage 7917• 82'. 107s• xiu/8a· (with the 8- suffix)

vlturtan [wtwltri'], Ti[wtyl-] to pass: . andar dast e uitart passed over the plain 31e; pat ku tal: i del! oitart passed outside the village 61B-11; to pass by iH•lS•22; be m· drov ahead i1'; to cross a bridge 72~5.~;; to go through a stream 10116. l03~3; ke vitirelldJl the passers-by 1281B; - pt. l'ita~, viturt deceased: uitart call. the dec east 837• 8413; t'ituriiin marlomun 10517• - Ai (640) ui-tar- = OP; 1\IPrth u-(y)drdll (y)dr- (S, l\IHC); MPl"S pres. u.'dyr- (8); s. pt. U1lty, pres. u-tyl., uitl-; Paz. t"adar4an vadirdcn, pres. uadar-, va· der-; t·adiTJ NP gWJa,ftal1 gttoar-. Verbum 206, Ghi1ain 57.





']. viiir-


Titiirenitanl[wt'lynytn'] to cause a p. to take a p. l~ay from: Kai-Xosroi kf hac viii i derall -xlJaliii vitiirellii K. whom he (Saosyant) take down from the Long. dominntin 'Wind (who had been transformed in a camel on which K. is vltfirtun [0; 'ltn'] 1. caus, of »itartan, to cause to pass; diiUir Min i Zartux.§t
xtlarrah ta miiti§t iira]: 0 Zartux§t vitiirt

to rufTIe (a p.s to dissolve, to Av. (542) pres. 'to be excited":

the Creato sent Z.'s xUarrah (q. v.) down

TiHir!aD to z. through the line ~ his maternal grru:dmother _3GIO-U,_ cf ~81r-lS. - 2. iritens, of uitartan i uitdrtan 7, Gmt' t puhl to cross the Ch. bridge 641~; the a ow ditikar sak be vitiirt pierced throug to the otherside 321, pat pllsl be vitii I (pres. hist.) pierced through and CUl out through the back 292-.'1, pat dil be oit riit penetrated into the heart 2521-~2.- M:P hPrs 1Lyd'rdn w(y)d'r-; IIIPrs also pt. ,d'§t, Verbum 192; 1>o-P guoarda1l or guo 'tan, guoiir-_ TitiiTflOe (inser. Prth) [wt my] shooting range RajA:1 = PI'S t. grfilzy (q. v.}; FrP 25 = vindak-citau (q. -.J. - < vi *wvanq- from tav-, Y. sv v tllviin; as to the ending -c v. s. Y. §fie. vltlixtnk [wt'htk'] 101;°, from molte lOpo. 10223•



(1451) vivangliana-, from (1452) T'ivahuani-, the old Aryan name of Yima's father (RV T'lvosva71t).

+Yiriin [+w~cn'] tent; ,....,kartan. to pitch the tents 20~-~4. - In the ]ISS the initial w· is wanting; corrected by Henning, BSOASX, 1942,951 n.l.Ps.wyrl'n ;IIIP11h u'd'lI 'tent', Arm.Iw. VTaIl; NP kiyiin misreading of giyiin. FrP, Cod. S~ XVII, 9: wyd'n [Phl.] kTmond [1>o-P]. ITiyii]liin [W):Q' p'n'; 4~GwY'p'n'] deluded, seduced 90~5; charmed, enamoured (pat) 42&. - Paz. vyiivqn,vUivq,Skr. 'v, vimuqdha, vimohita (SGV), cikala (M.,,); < "ui-dtipana-, middle. pt. of vi caus. of "dap-, identical with Av, (679 sq.) dab- 'to deceive', which has got its .p from the pt. dapta-; pass. viYlipihiatan v. below. Hence viyiipiin'ik 'magician', Bailey ZP 27 n. 2.

Tltiirlun viUic- trans. to eIt: M vifiiciit 10117• -- Caus, of vi Ay. 024Sq.l tak-; NPrth uidxin, uslc- and 'd'e- (lIIHC), Ghilain 50; nIPrs" wdc- (S) Verbum 169 j Paz. vadfixian (SG1); l\-P gudaxtan qudiiz- 'to Iiquify .

,IUr [wryly] thoroughfare TitIriin pt. of »itartan,

yeti! ,..._, at'elld b

passing away: hac cor, ptibility 669_





desert, v. 1>o-P biyii. Mn; < *viviipiina. (with dissimilation of the second -v- > -s-. cf s. v, viliC£) middle pt. of .Av. (1346) uap-: viviipat 'he dp.· vustated"; cf Junker, ",YuS XII, 1929, 143 sq. :!Yiyiipiin [wyd'p'n'] waste,



Tiyiipiineb seduction, from Iviyiipan.




yltirisnilh det. v. n.: be ithe away, decease 6511i-17• 7412 3. Tltist [wtyst"] a linear me 12finger.breadth 9P.-Av viturt [wtwlt.'] v. uitartan,


Tiyiipiinenltan ["""'Y11ytn'] L to seduce, next w. -- 2. to devastate 107°, from ~viyiipiin.

e, a span = (1440)vitosti-

Yiyiipibistlln [----yhstn'] to Jet oneself be seduced 901~, Y. Iviyiipiin.

. Tlriftan [wdyptri'] viJrep. [wyhyp-] to seduce: kf.viyijt vihepet he who seduces a Tiyiik [wy'k; Prth 'TRH] place: iii ___ seduced 825 according to Cod. K; it kit on the spot where jB: 8; space could also be translated: he who, himself RajA:8. B:9. - P2:6 wy' - B1:""N: read being seduced, seduces (others), cf Arab wy 'wyt = u ylivet (q. v.]. -, *vi-viiba-ka qaITo uia-adalla, The passuge deals with from AY. (1394) ~vah· 'to litay' • Junker, the sin of male homosexual intercourse, ",YuS xrr, 1929, 148; elsewBere gyw'k = for which the basic text is Yd. 832: arsagiylik (q, v.), ~ co vaepyo arSa·co vaepayo a male who is TiYanghiiniin [wywngh'n-n' patr, of Vithe passive partner, and a male who is ttangliiill the father of Y (Yiroa) 479• the active partner in tile intercourse. lOP. - Vivanglifin is in itse a patr., Av. The PhI. translations show a remarkable




embarrassment in dealing with these terms. The translator of Yd. 832, who quite correctly felt that vaepyo is a pass., borrowed the Av, vb. (1322 sq.) vaiip(otherwise not attested in Mill as for as I know) and formed from it the pass. pt.. vi/lak, then, likewise correctly interpreting vaepayi5 (raiipayant-) as an act., formed from vi/tal; the caus. vb. vi/iiin-, but, by assimilating it formally to cijtak : vifteliitak, created a bizarre mixture of act. and pass. The same curious contradiction is found in DD, purs. 71G-7 which is, however, closer to the Av. original: uijta]: and vepenitak. Our passage 825 has chosen a mitigating vb, 'to seduce', "'vidip-: MPrth pres. wdy/s- 'to be cheated', wdyby§n 'error, aberration', wdyb-gr 'imposter", wdy/fgyft 'deceit', Ghilain 81 sq.; Ann. lw. vrep < *viMp 'oblique, perverted; fault, error, depravation"; 1IIPrs pres. wyyb· (viyeb- < ·vidiip-), also contracted llIyb-, pass. wyfs., pt. !L'yjt(g), abstr, wyyjtgyh = viyijtagch (also wyj-), wdyb 'deceit' certainly borrowed from J!o.'1V; v. Verbum 173. 198; Ps. wydyptk'n 'those who have gone astray'. BP wdypt >

viyi/! or t:~' Iijt, abstr. t,]7dftakiih 'sodomy' BdA, p. 2'75, pres. *l'idep- > riyep- > vilJ[p- wit the alternation of mtervocalic -y-: -h-, is vb. has a so well defined Ablaut·se ~ ~ and ends so clearly in -p thnt it c !l[Jt be combined with Av, (670 sq.) 1 ab- 'to deceive' (against Verbum, L e.) - Anklesaria's second 1I1S'hns 'IL'dyptk U' 'yhYPYllytk = viyi/tak ~I villepiillHak = Paz. t'eld!/ta u. velret'nida, thus with two oordinated predicates (against Cod. K) the _,\1-. text has it, but not with the 47
3 •



. ancestors

Yiznk [pn .] one of Zartu.ili's

-vizand [wpd] injury, damage 2u. Ip •. 371l etc . .J MPrthPrs 'IL'"~Ylld, !\""P guzalld. -ViZllnd_kIl [_kIJ causing injury, destruction, dest yer l1013.H. Tizund-kii [-k'll whose work harmful ( at) 14~.

nZllrll ['1ilil a de,', who pulls the soul of the '1:1;:ed to Hell after his denth 7421.:~. 7 • - Av, (1471) Vizarasa- Vd. 19~a.



xiik [h'k] dust 11213,


xiikiin [h'k'n'] the Turkish title of the King 179• 113~3. 11513.:4• - V. Barthold in EI s, v, ]i{hii~=iin. XiitlllK [h-nk"; B)'""T'} house 920. 101• 205 (ideogr.). 3621• 44~3. 5320•25• 109U• - l\""P x{inah. xantlitun [hndytn"; YJ;U;;II;[\VN-tn'} to laugh 151~. 1 G~~ (ideogr.). 471O-~l. 5ps.1G. - :'IPrth xnd+dn (8); l\""P xalldidall_ xnr [:J.pIIR'] donkey 2415. 30l• - _4,x. (532) xara -; 1';""P xar. xiiyuk [h'dk'J egg 86~-7.9220. - Av, aya< "'iiya- Yt. 13~, v. Henning, Weller Vol. 1954, 291; 1\""P :riiyah (now 'testicle').

xiiynk-de s. v, des.

[Ars] egg-shaped

86:~. - V.


[h;:l ] nature, disposition, temper s, 1~.~3, also rat-xiim. - or Av. (17S1) TlOya-, 11 a- 'peculiarity' ; hence all' "haimcn- or the like. Paz. }oj? :rim.


XHin [hy '] Turkish peoples in Central Asia and East Iron, pI. cas. obI. ...... -011, 18-30 pa .~jlll.6P-~. - Av, (1S58) hyao1Ia-; Paz hayun SkI'. v, iuruska-samillui (Aog.); c 1\""P lwyiill a dromedary used by expre - messengers; Chin Hillllg'llU = Huns.
*0 ring, or the like: 20~~. *:drs [hl Both rea ing und meaning are quite unab has xir§-, xur§· 'a ring certain.

running round the low t part lance', also other sorts a of mail', which is possi this is a mere guess. of the

219 xrat [hItl] reason, intellect, intelligence, wisdom, understanding, paesim ; mC/Joyc '-', iien xrai: Y. 711enOi, lisll; menoye OS1l ,-, 7614, - Av, (535) vatu-; lIIPrthPrs xrd; Pnz. xa Til, x( i)rag'; l\'X' eirad. :nos [hlws] cock 560• - l\X' xuros form] and xllriilr (SW form); from [KW

XiisriH [hwslwd , hwslw _ HOIQ III, but hwslwd Cod. K 43 b] n. pro A. the 3d king of the Kayanian . asty, mostly known as Kai·Xi5sroi [kdlnvshYd, -1\1'9.1] 7113• 113e•17; with the patton. Siylivax§lill 116'; eschatological hert 8B~D. 99-100 passim. 106s; - ,.._. i founder of five cities 11419 sqq., is p obably the old Kayanian king of the h oio saga. - B. the Sassanid kings from Bahram I (27327B) onwards assumed t~l title kai (q.v.) and regarded themselves as Kaynninns: Kai-Kaviil (488-531), son 1m bag X6sr5i §aMin sah i Katfotan (531-579) 109~1, known as anp§akJuvall 118~; on Baxt-r-« Y. this w, - Gf Xoap6lj~, l\X' Xusrav; AY. (173B) ~haosrf,ah" The spellings are: 1. on coins: h 'Bllt'd, hwslwdy (already Prthj , hU1Sl!L'y (p -edominant under Khosroes II 590-62 ); once hwslw' and once hwslwty (!), , Paruek 380384. 380-390; Hansen, Gftrcmg 18--19;2. in the inscriptions: EZSiPrth lncsn», Gr. Y., Prs hwslwb, which is also the spelling in three of tb cities mentioned 11419 sqq., certainly to be pronounced Xosrov = Arm Xosrov ( ut Syr KOSTa). In my opinion the BP f rm liwslwbl reo presents in reality liwslw ,·b- being, as often at the end of the ., the cursive form of the letter d as 11', tten in the Ps.


:niistlln to cry, to shout: 5 oi§lin diiv{jn apar be xriist 437-ln; vang xrost 61~. IIIPrlh xrlL'stn, XrIes· (8, A-R ill) 'to call', MPrs xncstn, xruh» (S); l\'"'"P xurp§ 'a loud cry', xllr6§ida1l 'to shout'; Ghilain 64; Verbum 185; Schaedel', IB I. 254; Bailey, BSOAS XIII, 1950, 399. "niih [1.ILK'J the Prth form of §alL, to be read HajA:2-4. SPrlh: 3.S.11. - The preservation of :d· .in Prth is warranted by the following 1". which is phonetically written. x;nhridiir (Prth) [hstrdr] = PI'S §ahridar (q. v.), pl. cas. obI. ,-..J-ill RnjA: 5. xuHlln [hwptn"; ~llr\vN-tnl] :tua/s-, to sleep, to fall asleep 5Z• BG. 32%4. - AY. (1862) zUap_, pres. :r;ua/su-; lIIPrthPrs xwftn; Paz. zua/tan, pres_ xvajt-, xIJa/s_; ]\;-p xujtan, zuspidan, pres. xUiib-. :rup [hwp'] good, excellent, agreeable 916• 391D• 5919; ,-..J kartan to put in order 13s; ndv. well, perfectly 7022• 8p·E.:n. - MPrs xwb (8), not in llIPrth., where xU'.: {S}, xwj (A-H ill) corresponds; Paz. },-p xub. npilh comfortable circumstances

Xiisriii-musiiilliit [hw::n'~ mwst'p't] the nnme of a town, otherwi e unknown, in the ViTo quarter of Iran 1 4~D, Y. Cat. 58 sq. - 'Kh.'s merry settletent': lipfit v, iipiiUil1; must < mueta-, of all' *maud-, Skr modale 'to be deligbt~" whence Av, (1109) maor'iuno.kara'a ording sensual pleasure', (280) a-lIiimu ta- < +hammusia. 'delighted'.

xiipihii well, in a perfect manner 7(j1s. xurdru~ [hwldlws] carrying a bloody, cruel weapon 7:!l~,15. 1031• - Borrowed from Av, (5·10) xrm·drIt·, nom. -drus, an epithet of Aesmu; Paz, arui.draoi, Skr. v.


xrarstr [hlpstl] Ahrimani , noxious animals 769• - Borrowed am AY. (53S) xraletra-,

xlJiihisn [hw 'ssn'] supplication, complaint 7426• - Paz. x"iilriJn, Skr v, yacanii. From xUal!iall, xUfilr- (q. v.), with inverse spelling of ·11- by -so.

220 ;tUiihr [hw 'hl] delightfult, delicious 104~1. - Av. (iBiG) xua6ra-; v. also z.:z;uCir. ;tUiibriib bliss 84lD. 89

;tUnnm [hwrnn] sleep, dream

Av. (18G3) xua/lla-;

less'; 1\1Prs xwmn

P~. 22.,. 'sleep(Hen.). V. also xUarm.

:s:uapnr [hw pl] 1. blessing, protecting: bag i 381 - 2. blessed: roc i ,._, 7~o. 5 Av. (1877) xUlipara-; MPrs xw'br lSI; Paz. x"fivar



xUiipnri!11pI" tection 8921• lsuiir

xviihr, q. v,

:xunmn·,·iciir [,.._,-wc'IJ interpreter of dreams, pl. cas. obl. "'-all 2~·4, v, dcartall.

agreeable ioi«. - < ·f l'IIFrs n. pro rtc§I1'n xw'ryst 'the most b ssed of the Lights' (A-H I); v. also xua~!.1i and xllarillii. [hw' contemptible, sup. ;""-tar 4215 (g1.). al, u:har 'dirty, foul, spoilt' (Langworth Dames) leads us back to an original "'Ii -vara-'swinish': Av. (181i) hii-, MIr l\-P xfik 'pig, swine'; as to the formation §iih-"L'iir. l\-P :r;lJtir; Y. also

[hW'lt· easy,

Paz. xtliivari.

:s:uan-iisi!n [hwn-syn'] blazing iron 781f• Borrowed from Av. (1861) xUaCl1a- ayahand adapted to lIIilr; Paz. xiinahill, Skr. v. tr~nalCJ7dl; cf tiscn. xUiiudnn [KL'YTN-tn','] to call (by a name) 122;. 18'. 1109• 114U• 1157•9• 11721 ; to summon 1 Gl (frilc xutilld)·~I; to read 182z• 110'. - ].IF1"sPaz. l\;P; cf Av. (1804-) XUal1al.caxra'with roaring wheels'. ",:xuaudriii ["hwndl'y] "'pleasing, agreeable 10515. - :My guess. I recall Av, (18G5) xvandra-kara'doing what is pleasant to another p., pleasing' Vd. 13'6.16 (but the PhI. translation has xuanak·kar, which Jamasp corrects to x"al1drak·kar). xvnnlruh [hwnyls] the name of the central continent (kiSt·ar) situated in the midst of the six others, the mythical name of Iran and adjacent countries: 475• lOGH.2~. 1081~. - AT. (1864) XUalliraiia-, xvnn-sand [hwnsnd] contented, happy with what one possesses, "not jealous of other people's greater prosperity" (cf FrP 30), magnanimous 1312• 3725• 001• MPrth hWllsl1d-yjt (S); !lIFrs Iiumsnd (BBB). From xUall- = xllar- 'sun' (Y. S. v, xtlar-x.§ct) and [Av, 1559) Band- 'to be, become visible', v, 5. Y. sahistan and passand, thus 'having a sunny look', 'of sunny disposition' (Benveniste). Also xtlar-sand = Paz. NP. :s:uansllodfJb contentedness, modesty 00'. 71'. 83lg; personified menoye .-J 85u.


:s:uarg 01\\'1


consuming, of the fire s ....... -ii miinoi.


ai=i 92~, ~'th the same ending -ii as in

'I11cnoyc, v. vi MPrth xwr






of Cf

dg or u.7:Tyndg.

;tUar-iisiin J"ld's'n'J the East 1137• 12011• - 'Sunrise': from xUar 'sun' (v. x"ari§cl) tistin pt of Prth lis- 'to come': 'the coming sun , Ghilain 49.

xuar·bariin [hwlhl'n'] the 'Vest 1142£. 12011• -' -et' < zUar-pariln, l\IPrs xu.'rpr'n {Sf from xUar partin pt. of Av. (B51) 'to pass', of appurtan. and 'FuM; also itrS xwrUlpr'n 'evening (A-H I) < xllar 'ir at'a·par- 'to go down'. Another w. ~ XlL'TlIW'r = xUar-niviir 'the 'Vest' (BB~, on which v. van ,Vindekens, .Museoll 02,p949, 12G-12i. It is very uncertain wh her any of these WE. should be iderrtiea with 1\1' xiivar.


XUllr-cnsmhw!csmJn. pr_ 1009.1~. - 'Haying a ~ .' eye', cf Av. (lB.19) 1JUar". darssa-,

:s:uiireh [1n1'1)'h] bliss, felicity, delight 4'j!!2. 741•lG• lOO~o.~l.. - From lxUtir; 1'IIPrs xw'ryy (A-H TI). xuiirilnitlln frac ,__ 001<
~O. -

w'lynytn'] to give to drink: V_ x"arlan.

221 J:Ujjribii [hwtIyh"] easily From 1xUtir. l1S~3. 119~~.x"arrahifh [GDH-yllJ

Y. 5.

v. purr.

xllnrisn [hwlsn'] the act eating; nourishment, food, drink 2~O. 9l!.!: etc. passim; pl. cas. obl, ~·iin 7 19; hence xllnriSn~h det. v. n. theillct of eating: patmanik ,._, 70!;; gost ...... 10,121. xlliiritan [lrw-lytn"] to gi, xutirit 432• - Another cf x"arenitall.


J:ullrrnhiimnnd [GDH-'mnncl] full of clivine splendour, comp, '"-'-lar 3721• 668. 7319• 876• x"ar-sand Y. xOlan-sand syt'J v. x"ar-x8Ct.


x"ar-§c{ [hwl-


to drink: jrac of xllartall,

xllartnk [hwltk'] small, insignificant, sup. - -tom 72!3. - :'IIPrs xwrdg; Paz. xurdak. i l\""P x"ardah; P5. without; oak: hwldy. x"llr1an [hwltn'; 'STHn-tn'] L to eat, passim; be ,...., 1O!. 8213, frilc ,...., (l05 to deyour, consume; to earn one's livelihood 69!D.21. 8217•- 2. to drink 1421 etc.; sokand (q. v.) ,.._, at to swear fin oath by 211&·:3. p 22:5. 23:~. 19!O 'STHn-y-tl: read 'wlyt' and Y. avar and hiinch. - Av. (1865 sq.) x"ar-; l\IPrth WXT- and xwr-; :!IIPr5 xwr-; Paz. };-p xuar-. - V. x"arg, xUari§ll, xUii1'rian, x"ilrcn'itan and the next w, J:"nrliirell [hwltelyh] the act of eating, taking food 10513• of

XUiirizm [hw-lcm] the couptry of Khwarizm 95l!. 1148• - Av, (ISr) XUiiiri=am-. J:llnrm through lIlHe) , milation [hwlrn] sleep 321•



metathesis, lI£h xwmr (S, < xuamn (q. v.) through dissiof ·n- > -r afte -711-.

J:uiir-miin [hw'Im'n'] whos house is dirty. contemptible 4522• - Frodt !xuar miin.

(qv v.).

J:Unrrnh [GDH] a divine e ence, a special form of the Eternal Lighi, a. splendour, a glory I. manifested inltbe gods: one swears by (pat) ,.._, i Ohu11la::d bag udell i mii::dfisn iin 2111.22-23 (withtut bag). 2321-22 ; ::01' 'U ,._, i '1JiBp-iikiih spel~k menoi diitiir Ohurmazd 106~3-2t. - 2. a cosmic essence 9215•1D• - 3. Zartuxsb's divine essence 36-38. 43-45 passim; th elements constituting his individuali • are his ...... , [ravahr and ian gohr 433• ; his riii 'U ,._, 51-52; v, also s. v, purr. 4. the splendour, "glory", of the King of the dynasty, of the priests: ,._, i x"a -yeh 721• (81); ...... i kayiin 'U tiiuTan Bah 222; kayiin,._, u hiin. i herpat ,...._, 4; ya diin ,.__,i Briin 55 sahT 5~7-61 i in a. more ge eral sense 421. 11916; in names of toWll~ 1161S.2~. - 5. fate 1311• - Av. (1870 sq~ x"ar;mah-, in Old Median [arnah- in "'proper names: Vinda-farnah-, also in O:~r TtCiCi~-I;I!~PV7jC; < "tifa- (SlV form of ci6(a-) [arnah, 'Ap'~?EPV1jC; etc. i MPrlhPr5 [rh, hlPr5 also prh, pl. [rhrn ; Paz. areh, x"arahc, xurahe; 1I;-P :!:ur(r)ah, fa ah, - Y. also zat-xvarrah,

J:ullr-rlilt [lrwlhsyu'] 869• 87:.15• 884•8• 89H• 903, elsewhere x"ar-liiit [hwlSyt'] the SUD. - Av. (1848 sq.) hvaril.x8acia- from huar-, x"an- (1847 sq.] 'the sun' (541) x8aeia- 'splendent"; :!IIPrlhPrs xwrx§yd; Paz. xUar§Crj,XllrS€tj; :l\'P xUar§ea, x"ar§ild.

XU jjstnk [hw'stk'] property 416 etc.: often hir u ,._, 11!3 etc. - hlPrs xw'stg (A-H II). FrOID x"wian, q. v,

J:ullstun [hwstn'] to trample pat piid under the feet 271; pt pass. xvast. pat trained, practised in the use of 261Z• 2911 • - AY. (1875) xvoh- 'to drive, to press', (1874) xUas{a- 'thrashed'. V. also xUaBUir. J:Qilstan [hw 'stn'j B'YJ;I\\"'N-stni] xUilh[B'1.7J;IWN-, cf also x"iihi§n and xlliiyi§n] 1. to wish, to will, to desire: api-san xUtiat xuahCm and what they [the Mobads] will (i. e., decree) we also will 1101; kif marg pat ayiijt hame :z;Ufil1elld who are longing for death as a benefit 913-4_-2. to call, to summon; to implore: a dar x"iist was summoned to the court 1092; 0 pM ,..._,



to summon a p. to one's side 2~-3.U. 5". , xvat [B};-piH; 11'w1,' 122] himself, herself, 101 etc.; without 0 pes 6~5. 73• 315; Oliuritself: (asp ) cvak,.._. u t.l'ak kanicak apar nisas! the lne (horse) he mounted him. mazd ast hac damik ... x"altifl O. "ill call up the bones from the earth 1001~-13; ms other the girl mounted 61:; xUii.71Un (q. v.) i riipak·kr;lTillii xuallct he karnp himself 4812; i ,._, his (her, one's) own, or proper 100H. 12115; elnmourously utters many implorations -rn ,_, my elf 12:; .sun ..... themselves 74~5-:7. - 3. to ask, to demand: pat =an 10!11. - A . (1801) x"a(o adv. 'of one's ..., to marry a wife 675; pat ::aneh - to self, vol . arily'; MPrth wxd; :lIIPrs ask in marriage 1165-5; hac Ptipak: past (q. v.) u ::inhiir 2u; 3 roc iaman xu:d; Paz. "arJ. xliiI; };-p x"ad (xod). Cix"M. he solicited a time of three days for consideration 11810; 1216; mi::d diitihii ,__ x"lltiii [h 'y; 1'IIRl\1J;IT Ps.], pl. cas. to demand reward righteously 8pO-:l; obI. ,._,·iin used as cas. reet. pl. 170•10• hac xvat karap 11lrITgch i Zartux§t x"iist, 13 U 90 . ) L :l.~zerain in a political sense: apar ce iiivellak margenifan he asked the _, 11 daliyll at 122~. 72:3; 11£ ......,·o.nTiid u karap himself about the manner of Z.>s 11[-C an dal: upatan i2z1; ..... u dahyupat tl death, how to put him to death 481:-13; sardiir u da tavar i dEll ukah 1081-2; ~ -ii u so.i u. bai ......, ac to exact tribut-e from h patixsuy.ii i13; pe.s i ......11 piitix,Wyalt ·011 171• 58~5; Pourusiisp han hom hac Dugdav 70:1; with Ii gen. of the governed people optic xUiist P. asked D. to give hun back or C{luntrY~."_'i Piirsikiin 1319; Xi611a1l ,._, that Hacma 42~1-:5 .-4. to search ,to 18-29 pas 111; Eriin u Alleriin"_' 11919; look for, to ponder, to strive to attain: [radandiin. ',._, -unI211; ganj i ,_,-an api-sun hiin hom x" they searched for nOn - of minor rulers: properly that Haorna 400; pai r-« i han i of xvarrali 'ruling as. re head of a family', prince, u, more in striving to attain his Glory 46 vice-roy, sar-r-s-tin. i Eriin 13'; fully an inf: api-s hiin. xvarral: be sar-r-i-tin. i kustak kustak: the vice-roys ayu/tall x"{fst 4615; - with' an abstrv subst, of the diffe errt territories 1 7~-6.10; in the as its obj.: v, ciirak, diiriSI1, d6siiram, same sens katak-r-: l~, properly 'the hllcasmeh, ken, panah, ::ivisll, etc.; cf master of t e house'. -::!. of the heavenly also s, y. cn"uyi.sl1eh. - OIr *lw{f:;:.,lIIPrth beings: r-.> Lord O. 12:~; wx>st, pres. wx'::-; 1'IIPrs xw'stn, xw'h-; Ohurmtud ......,740 and pas8im;""" alone: Paz. }oo-p xUiistan x"iilt-; Verbum 1 8 i; the Lord P amount 10411; ..... u putix8iii Ghilain 69; Bailey, BSOS V1,1930, 74. of Srosh [1IR\'Il;TI:l God in the Y. also xUlisUir, -ell, x"o.yi§lI, -eh, Jewish-Cur stian sense 12S9.U.~O. - Prth x"U5tiir [hwst'l] one who tramples down, inser. luct 'y (PI'S always lIIRWJ;IY); crushes: dui i ,._, 7• - Y. zvastan, 58: lIIPrth XIL 'WIl, xu:d'y; :lIIPrs xwd'y, xll'd'wy (ATH L), xwdy>(h), pl. xwdy'h'lI ;S:Uiistiir [hw'st'l] a seeker, one who strives (S, A-H ill; Paz. xuadiiE, :z;"adaic; :r:-.-p for nth. 5620• - Y. x"ii.siall. xlldii 'God ;imaster, owner'. lIIeillet, !I1SL ;S:Uiisiiirehthe act of striving for 6612• 7P. rr, 1911,199 sqq.; Btlll, lIlirM ill, 1920,





XUIlS [BSYM] beautiful, nice, pleasant, savoury 2S~o; sup. ~-tam 746•13. -1'IIPrth WX8; lIIPrs xws; Paz. J',"]? xUa§; etymology v. Pagliaro, RSO XII, 1929, 166.

v. !ndex;
141; Scha AOi 24,

'Junker, WuS 1929, ~45T er, UJ X\, o tOn.; Eilers, 50, 185. - Y. also derallgw'1] worthy of a ruler, regal


xUllseh [BS'lll'[-yh] beauty, 8910• 9410. 10422• 105:.


xUlltiii-Tiir, 217


. uye ion, dQl!llIllon, reign 1- -h domina t' 6:°. 7:7. 13ll•H.:I etc. v. also zUt.xualiiyeh, du.§.xUatiiy-, ev-x"atayiill, evak-xu.; KZSPrtb hu'w:y y, Gr ..... limXUIl


I ..


xunt-diiseh [hwtdwsyh] elf-will, selfconceit, capriciousness S :!5, Paz. xuatj. dosi, Skr Y. 8vecchiiciiritpa Il5 to do! ef s. Y. dost. xunt-siitisnilh [hwtswcsny ] the act burning by itself 375• - Y 8oxtan. of

xUiiyiSn [hw'dsn"] Y. rr, of uiistan 1. Il5 a pred.: api-miin. hiin hiim ,._ te must search 5• for this haoma 2. ds an inf.: the act of searching, research 121:; request 11710. - < x"iidi.§ll (the S\\t form with ·d< ·Z-. Y. s. v. xUiistan) mfl the regular ehange of ·d- > -y-; parallel form to xUiihifn with -h- inserted lin the hiatus after -y- had been dropped.


xUiiyiSnilh ~et. Y. n. of th:'preceding pat pus ~ In order to eear;t for. or bring forth, a young one bMii:ehe "'-' riid in order t remedy 43:4•


apispiirt 1 p-G; .......,-tanvare your own glory (honour) 4~n;81:.:°. IP·~ etc. - 2. proper, 0'lTIl: i5 ,_, kartan. to make a th. one's own, to acquire, to appropriate 3~'. 915. S2:!S. 856-1!; as a pred.r kg ~ hom? whose property am 11 62'. answer : Ohurmazd ...., hom I am 0.'5 property, I belong to O. 6215; vehiin .......,hom ait'iip vatlariin t do I belong to the good folk or to the bad 1 625-9; et!'. j fraium pero:ch Ohurmazd _, the final victory is reserved for O. 7727 sq. - 3_ subst, pl. one's own family or people, only cas. obl, ,_,·iin: }t--PSH->n' 824; (j\--PSH->n' Dk1I1 732 but hwys'n' = xUUiinl. 4); often written with the wrong ideogr. 'LH.s'n'. hwyJ'n' having been misread as >"J~5'n' (= 'aillin). 38~·D.14. 4V·t (corrected in the text). - Av, (18Gl) xUafpaiOya-, adj. derived from (lBGO) xuaepati- 'master of his own'; OP uvaipa§iya'one's 0'lTIl possession', lIIPrth wxybyh, wxybYYi MPrs xwyM (A-H il), xwys; Paz. 1\'--p xuM. xuesiinnd [hwys'wnd] belonging to one's own family, p1. CIl5. obl, ......,·iin members of one's own family 99• xueseh [hwysyh] L cas, obl. of xUM: pat,._, by himself = personally 4514. - 2_ abstr. possession 1171; pat ,._, u ii=iiich (with possession and feudal benefit =) as his very own feud 117:-3. Y. ti=ateh (I). xues-kiireh [hwysk>lyhJ L the performance of one's own work: one's tusk, mission, function 4710.77°. BP_l~-U._2. the performance of the proper, right and righteous work: the whole system of religious duties incumbent on a Mazdayasnian, the morn! law 378: it comprises numerous different activities, 076, which' are called kirpak (q. v.) 69:1: - moral virtue 702D. 7111• xuet [hwyt,'] humid; what. is humid, fresh 19', opp. husk. - The same contrasting pair also in MPrs: xwyd - lIwfk (A-H I, v, GIoss.): MPrs also xu-ydg 'fresh. succulent and green' (8); },"T xaved 'Il.


61 son • :: search for a


xues [NPSH; hwys] 1. r . pron. self. valid for all persons, a) r~erring to the agent = the logical subj : -s - Meak hac ciih. ui hixt he himself I uled up 1510; b) as an obj.: - hac ranj lisiin kartan to relieve oneself of trouble 1;13-14; c) after a prep.: vil1iiskiireh andar ,..._, e guft 34:l; b (fmiill) .......,riid 45°: d) a a refl. pass. pron.: i .....,. passim, e. g. Iiac xUatui i xCes 517: ruviin i ......., : 2; hac hir rudY i ~ F:3; or ~ alone, or tiin. i.......,. both placed before their subst. pat >« Ca871l SOB; hac ~ ;t'ul1ak SPrs: 10: api-s ......., iifrll1l1 karts and he praise himself PI: : 0-:-11; hiin. i --- xua~a~ 5~1 ; ~lso _fraval~ t ...., SSn; liar kas fh f dit {In dast bauet cig6n i ,.._, everyone "ill be Il5 friendly to the other as to himself 1 . :-13: e) as an attr.e ,..._, Zartu:dt 52:G; phatic form -c-tan or (659.92&) tan i - ,·.tall): ....,-f{J!l 11 asuiirun ranja k mii diirfl S • ....,-tan i5 marg

224 sown field; green corn or wheat (etc.) not yet ill ear'. xuUtiidilt [hwytwkd=t'] 827. 841, rendered by modem Parsis by "next-of-kin marri~ge", but originally sexual intercourse between members of the same family. By popular etymology connected with ddt 'law', but the better BP form is hwytwkd8 = xllliridah (-8 inverse spelling of -Ii; silent -k- indicates that the preceding letter is -te-) borrowed from _o\. 'v. (1860) xUaltvadaBa< *Xllaetu-vadaBa'family marriage'. The texts are WIambiguous as to the true character of this custom. It was, we are told, one of the basic elements of Zart="t's first preaching, prescribing, as the most blissful religious virtue, the ,..._,between "father and daughter, son and mother (burUir), brother and sister": Dlu'\l_7310-11• 6261P-~D(the editor has purposely corrupted the text of the MS, which we now know in photographic reproduction) and PR, the whole ch. VIII, pp. 9-21, esp. p. 17, 2nd sect. (purposely distorted text). Hutcs, the consort of ViStiL"P, is expressedly called his sister 24~~-~. The Riuiiyat of Hemet i A.§auahi.ritin (lOth cent. A. D.), ed. Anklesaria 1962, deals in Pursisn. x..X'-VII and XXVIII with the juridical implications of the kluL'i!lridah, In the persecutions to which the Magi of Iraq exposed the liatholikos


Mar .:;_bii 139-552) the question of the k71l1:ef6dah'1 nrriages, which he found widely spr d in his Christian communities, playe a prominent part (Y. his Fila in Bed~an, Hisioire de Mar-Jobolaha, 1895, 206-' 87). The lUagi tried to extort from him declaration that those who had mnrri the wives of their fathers, or their sis ers, Or their daughters-in-law before his atriarchete should be permitted to in this status, pointing to the fac that this form of marriage was legal the official state religion (op. cit. P'j254). 1\lar Aba refused, howeyer, any compromise and prescribed that all m rriages in forbidden degrees should be Jnnulled within one month or at the Intet within one year (p. 282). V. Brun, Bue der Syn7tadoB, 1900, 93-145; Sachau, Sy . Rechl,gbl1cher III, pp. x..XII-


L\:VII; 3l35, 365-368. Only the tolerance of th Great King Khosroi Anosirvan saved the life of the Katholikos. Needless t say, in later epochs the original kli efridah has been totally abolished by t~ Parsis. xuihl [bWY~] 3:01101 'crooled, curly 2621• bent'.



xiln [hwn']iblood 229. 2.55• 50H• 606• 7814• 10012• xwn; l\"'P xiin; from Av. (1434) vol: Ii, Verbum 226 sq.


xiln-recisn· [-lycsnyh] bloodshed, bloodbath 1313• 1v. re.Ttan.

y yabb(u) [ybb] a Turkish royal title 113:~. 115~'. - F. "\V. K. ~1iiller, Mahrnsmag 1, L 93 ya{1"/u,1. 77 ;;aPj'u; Ibn Xordiidbeh, BGA ·VI, 16e.401o; jabyuya1l; al-Xuiirizmi, }.fa/fiii!r al-'lIliim 120; iabbiiyah;Eriinsahr, v. Index; Bailey, BSOS VI, 1930, 63-64; Unvala, The trallslation of an extract from .Ma/dtill. al-'uliim 0/ al-Khwt1razmi (The K. R. Cama Oriental Institute, s, 6..) 20, n.50. yiid [y'd] ,. Ya::el-yM. Ynlliid [yl vt,'] Jew, pl. ens. obl. "'-tin 1l79, cf als next w, - :lIPrs pl. ens. obl. yhlVd'll; az. Zuhfidaa (= Adak), pl, Zuhiidq (13 V); 1>1""1' J1I1Iiid (Yahud is borrowed jom Ynhfidnkii origin or Arab).

[yhwtktn'] 1. adj.: of Jewish mill' 1143. - 2. pl. cas. obI.

Yalliidakiin of the sg, Yalliid; Tesg1iitak 116~o, cf s. Y. vasPllllrakii .

i ....., sah
YY=', adj.


yiiklnt [y 'knt.'], yiikin [y'knd] the precious stone hyacinth ....., suxr 1216 (read suihl, not. *dYIl'l! I). 187• - Borrowed from Gr M%.w(:h;; Arab yuqiit due to a misreading of Y'knt as 'kut. Yam [ym] one of the p' eva} heroes, son of ViVllDghiin, 3916• 44~. 455• 47B• 781• gOl~. 1014. 11316• 11 ~7; ,.._. i sei = Js-p Jam§ed 105~4,v. set. AY. (1300 sq.) Yima Jam j (OInd Yama.); Y. Yam·kart. [. z, Jim; 1\-P

yItg, Verbum liD (evidently borrowed from the Zoroastrian terminology), lIIPrth y§tn 'to worship', Ghi1ain 99. The authentic Prs form is yad., v, Ya::e(·yad. y~tiir [yst'l] worshipper, he to whom it belongs to perform religious service 5311 j pal is (= pat dell) var::itiir u .......brilan 6311-1!!, cf dell ya§tan (Y. above). - Av. (1280) ya§lar.;

yast.!raTllhr [.plw'hl] he whose /ra~,a.§i is

worshipped, of deceased holy men; of Zart=st IIp·'. - ya§t < Av, pt. yalta.; v. [ravahr, riit [.r't'] share 982•4• - Av, (1283) lydia.; Ps. y'ly 'heritage'; ?lIPrs i!dg (A-H II). Y. also yfit.Gl1gok. yuBu-abu-niTro [yt'k ·hw)..-wylywk] the most holy prayer of the Zoroastrians 582• - Y. Benveniste II.T I, 195i, 77-85. shape: ,..._,i llevak good fortune 1133; vihireh change of form 1099, in the Aristotelian physics ~:r.IT£I1!!cl:~lIJL~, Bailey, ZP 82 and n. 5. According to Bailey derived from .Av. (1202) yam· 'to hold, to sustain', [The SW form *jatak is found in MPrs tdg, which only occurs in the expression Edg 'y hunn 'ywn '!tulllii·like shape' of a bishop (A-H II, with unsatisfactory explanation). Hence 111t'£dg 'of good shape' = !!:c!:fFl!J~ (A-H II). exactly corresponding to lIIPrth hwydg in the same sense (A-H ill, MHC). which accordingly is to be read huyadag and not *huvidag as did Henning, comparing OInd (RV) surita- < Sll ita- - a typical "RoutineEtymologie", to use the expression he himself coined.] - V, also yat·v,

yiim [y'm, :l\1'l\r:H] cup, oblet 6g• 9~&. 15• 60 Av, (1264) yama·1 'glass', (1280) 'furnace for fuming glass'; lIIPrs E'm (A-H II); l\-P


riimnk [y'mkIJ clothes, gaqnent 211. 57,·lB. 1189• - 577 y'mk' I, read y'mk' B(R'), with BR' = be pre,'. of Y WN = dah (the first BR' is the adve ative conj.) I\lPrs £'mg (A-H II); l\-P ·iima!t.

D=] Arabia 11518.


= Arab


Tlltak D,-fkJ] form,

' amon,


Yam-kurt [ymkrb'] made, by Yrun. 9719, of the var or fortress m which Yima saved the Irving beings Jam the Great Inundation (Vd. 2); ,._,is lmost used as the n. pro of this 'L·aT.


rast [ystl] worship, invoc tion, religious ceremony 6519• 7010 (,.._. nfyiiyj§n u
i::i§n u a::biiyi.§n) j 100~.U-l"etc. passim; v, also - Borro,-ed from Av. (1280) yalti-. ya~tan D·Stnr; YZBJ;IIYN- nl] ya:· [yc-] to worship; to perform or conduct the religious service : magl,c,,~art kif up u iilaxs i Vallriim yac_cnd 11 p hriicclld 20~-I; dell ,.._, to perform worshi according to the [Mazdnynsnian] religion 115~s-~6; riio [ en i man ya::! conduct thiworShiP (the prayer) for me! (replacing e, who ought to do it myself, being thel father of the family) 535, v, the whole eijisode 531-15. Av, (12i4 sqq.) ya:·; :r. rs pres. Y:',
15 Nybl!l"g

yiitungo(k) D,·tngwk] solicitor 7015, Paz. jddango; < *yiitana. = *yiita. (v. s. v. yiit) go < gov from gujtan (·k is spurious, ef, s. v. xUetodiit). Common1y yiitak·gob from yiitak = yiUj Arm. 1w. jatagov (Hbschm.],

yat-f [yt'w'J (Prth) till, until 27~3. MPrth yd 'w or yd alone, v. Henning, List 89; BSOAS XII, 1947, 52. I cannot accept any of his etymological attempts. In my opinion, yat < ya(am*, pt. of yam. (v, s, yatak), 'held on' (ava 'to') used adverbially, cf Hom. crl..~86·J (from £-I.w) gen. 'close by'. Cf yume.

226 y~T~t:k etral:

71iim i ..... 915.


YIlTetllll eternal: '" rCiciin eternity 27 0. - :l\1Prth y'wyd'n, 'w y'wyd'n 'eternally', :hll'rs ='yrl'l1 (8, A-H II), j'yd'll (B ); Paz. jrivadq (SGY); ~-p jiiddiin. YiiTetiiUUktfor all eternity ioa=.



yiitiik [y'twk'] sorcerer, wizard, of the enemies of the Zoroastrian religion, pas. 8im; pl. cas. obI. ,.._,·an 46~. OOlS. 8721• 9021; sorceress laD; sorcery 4324• 442• -~Y. (1283 sq.) yatu·; Paz. jadlq 2\-P juau. yiitiikilh sorcery, dm (q. v.) 371G. witchcraft,


[yl', 'n'] v, ya:ct.

gl. to ape.

Ynzdekirt _dykrt,'J, Yazd.kirt [yz:dkrt'] Sassanid (Y. I, Eon of Shapur ill, 399-4:10) 11417. 115&-7. 11619. 1171°. cr :1IIPrth t:dygyrd 'divine'; Arab Ya:· dajird.


yiitiikillii through sorcery 48

Ynzdekirtii, Yuzdkirtiiu, patr. of the preceding YahTiim (q. v.) i ..... 114'. 1159• lliu• .


yiiTur [y'wl; Prs inscr. y'v.-ly] time, occasion: pat Min ,..._,ka on the occasion when PI: 2; [ratotn ditikar u sitikar ,.._, first time, a second time, a third time 4617-1B; ......ij [y'wl IJ once and for all 1016• - :MPrth y'wr; MPrs £'r (A-H II), f'r (BBB); Paz. fiivar: < ·yiiva·vara., v, next w,

yiiTiit [y'wyt';

inser. Y'wyt] perpetuity:

yat·o roc ,..._, or all time, in perpetuity f

2723; - P2:5-6 rend ... 'nwsky (6) wy'wyt stly = al1asakV (6) u yiivel.§altrV immortal and with eternal rule (bahuvrihi ; thus justly Frye, AO XXX, 1900, 86 i clear on the photograph of Professor Luschey , my reading was that of Herz. feld, who put at my disposal a photo. graph of small size and his own transcript; the correct reeding was confirmed on my personal visit to the monument 10.10.1971). - l\IPrth y'fL'yd in the expressions 'w Y'fL'yd y'wyd and 'w Y'wyd y'wyd'n (8), yltm y'u:yd y'wyd'n (A-H III, BBB) 'in secula seculorum'; Av, (1264 yav· and 1:166 yavaeUit.) yava€ca yat'CZ€lritaiScaid.; yrivet < the nom. ·yavaitas from ·yiivaiUit. (in Av, short-en. ing of ·au· > -mz- and -tii- > ·ay· before a- vowel is the common rule). ~-p jrivrd.

rnzet [pr inser, and Ps. yzdty, BP ndt'], pl. as. obl. ya::atiin [yzt'n] HajB: 2. 4, co~only ya:dan [inscr, yz.d'n, BP nd'n'], P~h yazatan [y'ztn] HejA:3.4. SPrth 5.7. 2, god: AtilT"'_' 25~; Gosurvan ..... 34~5-~7; 'erasang ..... 609; Miltr,.._, 9611; hiit: '" (so. Zartu:ut) vanom 61&; ,.... agod, or p&.siblY already (as in the Ps.) God 1191Bl':" ..... as pl. cas. rect.: lunnak: ,.._,l04~ (to~:ther with pl. cas. obI. amah· raspalldfill d martiimiin used as pl. cas. rect.); - pl cas. obI. ya::diin (etc.) a) gen., often before its subst.: pat y~diiJl hayyareh 14-15. 121' (but pat hayyii. Tell t~ y. OS) ; ya::r!iill xUi!§ hom 6219;


. .. i passim; - b) det.: ya::da7lu Su.hpuh xiip sallat it mey seem good to '" P 2: 7. 8-9; api.,§ kiimak ..• apart!'; ya dan it is the will ..• of the other gods 5911; - c) after prep.: andar ya~dan 17~. 7010; apak mElla· yiin ya~da~ i415. i9~:; pat ya::.diilt 84,17; hac ya::dii inscr. passim; - d) agent: 382• 456.017• 10311; - e) instead of cas. rect. pl. 8816• - Borrowed from Av. (1279 sq.] a:aia·, hence the irregularities of the for, -: ya::a cf Syr n. pro ra=iq· pallah; < ya:ad, cf i:.i§n < ya~i§/I. 1\ rthPrs y::d, pl. y::d'n.




(Ynz)c1-yiid (Tnz)iiH·iid n. Pl". of thJ scribe of PI, v, 1. 12. - "Worshipper the god": -yad from yad-, the Sl\' form ~tya;;-, v, yaslan.



rnzlSo [ycsri'] performnhce of religious service, worship, sRcri.lict 5314• 95 •.7 etc. possim, - Y. Yr:I,sfan. yu-!1riin [ywdlwny] yo- < Av, (1265 sq.) "ester

12 B16.

2\J? duriidall

yud- [ywd-] pl'es., 3d p. . yOdet [ywdty] (the wind) blows 1281• - OP yaud'to be in commotion', Av, (1231 sq.] yaoz-, v. uyik-, of ahoye.1 ttall. yujiyust [ywcy'st'] a me sure of distance 50~. 5418• - Av. (1301 sq. yujyasU-. )"Umc [ywrnyd, yum'y] gather:,...., var;;z"ineh sexual intercourse 4310 j jointly uo=, - Paz. iume, Skr, samaviiya (SGV IV, 101); Bailey, ZP 154; from yam-, of s. v, yatak; ef : 0 yat·o.

3. camp. yuvat·tar [y"wgtl] differently: ...... kartan to act differently 77g-1D, to disobey 3D; ...... hac than, together with a compo 40~7j - ka ,_, otherwise 991 lIIPlth ywd; Paz. jafl, iuij, jitj, vafl, compo [udtar; Xl' [uz < [ud-az; In my opinion < *l'ulIala (with dissimilation of It· > y-) < *!.liUa/ii, *vivafii instr, adv. of "ui-uat- It'separation, dispersion', derived from the prep. vi as are Irot (q.v.) < *Iravatii inste, of *Ira-vat- (OInd pravato 'mountain slope', pravdtii "down") and OInd ni-uat- 'depth' from ni-, udt'al- 'height' from ud-, {i. vat- 'vicinity' from a. - In compounds the antonym of ham- j examples v, below.
0 -


YUTlltiik separated, detached 631D• 6i7. i·E 76G• - Paz.l\'P iudii. Probably formed analogieally niter its antonym hamtik, yu-rnt-diitistiin [-D'YN'] of diverging decision, or judgment: pat »iniie r-« Dot consenting to sin in his decisions 6527, opp. pat kirpak hamdati~liin (q. v.). YUTnt-diitlstiineh [-d'tst'nyh] ness, anarchy 108'; perverted 11023• lawlessjudgment

+yumbisneh [+ym:nbsnylJ det. v, n.: star ,..._,the motion of t~e stars 1098• Paz. [unb- 'to move', v. n. jUllbaJIl; [unbii 'mover' (!sGV); NP [unbidan.; of
l\IPrth YIL'b- 'to lamentl to mourn'. Text; ynb§llyh; it would ~ave been better to correct it to YWllb- =Ipaz. :t-.J?

yiiniiniiyIk [ywn'n'yk] - OP yauno- 'Ionian'. yu-riin joined



Greek 11114. with ag

- v.

yu-rnt-kiis [·h-ys] having a differing religion, unbeliever, pl. cas. obI. ,.....,·un 64~5. kef.




to the left] youtII a young man 12000 lJlr:Irt ......12 20. - Av. (1305) yuan-, yavan-; Ps ..abs:,r. y ·b'llyhy, ?I.rPrth yw'llglt (S), Paz. ]lIqm (A· g). -J\-p 1aoon. _ eIling of the i;erently: 1. kiJ Pr:It liar haziiral: so. hac oi§Cin crak ravel of whom each in urn will come nt the beginning of eJery millenium 7P5-H; ,..._, each of theb 814. 113s, in ,._, every direction 5P:l-~~. 5210. - 2. .....,hac without 4,17. 682~; pat hac e. cept x 649; ...... hac hiin. i besid what 10413• '>". .....,

yu-rut-rlstnk [- lystk'] having different, di v erging customs, heterodox 10918• 17 restore 109 the reading ywbt' slytk'n', Y. Ylll;at.srUak. ruTat-ristnkeh [- Ist-] heterodoxy 1083•

YUTnt [ywgt', cf the preceding w.] separately,

yurnt-srltak [- slytk'] *te:~.-tnot handed down (in the common traditicnal wily): opal: hamtil: (jiJan ~-iin 110(7.:) nask: os11l1lrt (together with =) including all these texts which were not handed down in the ordinary way he reckoned the nasks anew 10917 (restore the te.-t of x the JUS and Madan l]. - Av, (1637 sq.) sray- 'to lean'; FrO XIIc srita = apispurt (v, this w.). The secondary texts

alluded to here are probably inserted the Pad nask (no. 6, DkM 682-B84). in


[YWht} a pail': e-yuxt [];IN> ~, for v-yuxt, a bahuvrlhi ; haying, implying on pair (playing a game) = a Ylwattar Lv-whtl] Y. yllvat. game l1S7'1119~O. 1201• - AY. (1301) plTuttari!h contrariety, adversity 121.771&. ylb;ta. 'a t m of horses'; 1>i""P jll/t < YUTut-Tengniib [-wynsnyh] perverted "jllxt 'a yoie, a couple, a pair', from sight 1102'. yaog-, v, apiyuxt.
V. 5. Y. e]



zafnr [zpl] mouth, of Ahrimanic beings Z ,_, lunuliix; e (the astrologer) calculated 401%. 48fi• - _,\Y. (1657) =a/ar-; cf dahan, the time 7° '~Ie dagr ~ battet ka it will not be long be re 2511• 29~5; variin ,_, the zahr [z'hl] poison 910-~1. 103_ 2516• 2814• rainy season 97~; iayi.§n u :::amiin (i) D 76 • - l\IPrth [hr ; Ann. lw, ;faTlr; MPrs bril lCm",1l T~ '1< (b eeause 0 f F·0·rtun e, an d n :71r (A-H I) ; l\"'P ::alIT; < "iaOra- 'means for the sak of Destiny's time =) by for killing', Y. S. V. ::atall (because of -ltr Prs ~ Fortune, an because the time appointed zolir must have been borrowed from ~'V). by Destiny as at hand 141~[the i;a/at zabyiil [zhy-y] depth 92P• 935.- < ·;.a/yai, after zamtit is necessary; ,._, brihcni§n V. zujr ; Ps. : [wp]l'dy ; 1IIPrs :wp'y (List cannot me . 'the predestination of Time; 90) ; Paz. :lIlae (SGY); cf pahnni: in that cas *brihcl!isnch would be indlspensable-! - adverbial: oe,_, be citart t zjlm- (Prth) [z'rn- to let go, to shoot l' at which t~.e did they pass? 715; hce off (an aITOW): ke tigT {j hO ,§ft~ [;r;'mywd] mii piii do t stop a single moment 10~0; "zdtncd whoe v er (shall shoot off his dagr,_, 763, crany,_. 913 for along time; arrow on to this cairn =) shall hit ham ,_, immediately 1020; - together this cairn with his arrow HaJ-_A.:13-14. ! ... mth other !emporal W5 •.: 3 roe ..... x"ast - A ..... (496 init.) iamayeiti caus. of (493 he pondere 'for three days 11816; 12P;sqq.) gam-, pres. jam- (etc.), v. 5...... with prep.r naar,._, in due time 221 etc.; dmalan; MPrth i'm'dn j'm· 'to convey, tindar ham at the same moment 1220; to conduct'. Ghilain 72. The optative andar han at that time, then 971D. in "-evd is still unexplained (wanting in un-ic ,._, 7le never 9i16; han l\fPrth). _o\s the Aram. alphabet used in the and ~ can as long as 997; adak apar officialPrth. script had no special sign for f. and j the letter::: had to serve also for pat (han) about that time 4210. 6iD; pat har g. 1t .., 716; apar pat 11dn these sounds: jam-, :tam- could only be '" ka nt .he time "hen 41~. _ ..... spelt ;;'m·. In Prs i-. ;:had changed into c, as a. metal. hysical entity 1095; pat ,.." but a secondary i- had developed from i akaniiruk (q. v.) 775• - MPrth jm'n; initial y, which was maintained in the . Arm. lw . .: ·11, ':amanak (v, next w.); 111 spelling in spite of the new pronunciation PI'S :m'll; az, jamqn (SGY), :::amqj l\'J? (in books a point is often placed beneath :amdllj zm an and ::aman loaned into it); this Y', now pronounced i-, could •Aram and ,\rab. From gam·, v, iimaum. then if necessary be used to render a and :iim-. Prth j-. A fine example is the Prth. n. pro '11..1;:'] period, epoch 10513. zamiinak z'hyn KZS Prth 1. 24 = PI'S 1. 30 y'dyn, 10611• Gr. v. flLE1j\l (ct· for i-). Cf next w,

zamiin 972•lC•1;.

[zm 'n '], lamiin [ym'n'; 'DN' 997• 103~~. 10422J time, passim;

zan [NYSR;

pl. cas.


ZOI] woman, wife, passim; ,_,-an [NYSH-'nl] 8~. 91~

zn.n (.t1sed as cas, recto pl.). ~ -all marriageable age to marry 63l6, ~ x"astal1


resemble Z1\~' FrP 13 ult. (for G2'>13')= duzd 'thief',


i kasq 'to (other) people's woman', sing the S!UDe expression as 6925 whe e adultery is meant: (Phl) hac ,..._, i san paTirfu:tar bas 'keep away from (pe Ie's =) other men's woman'; ,Vest refeved both passages to adultery, translating in both places 'wives of others', ~ut the Skr V. differentiates: 6926 Siritali. ally~am prayatnal-.,ari bhava (, but S3' yo nari11 k~a7J1cit prayati (fo~cation). This being so, :al1 i ktiriin. S31 must be the original reading, only it ,hould be read :a71c-kc'iran, pl. cas, obl, of "':one-ki'iT, a bahuvrthi 'having (e.-"erclsing) women's profession' = 11 prostituttV' s. v. kiir, (003) [ani-; MPrth i', pI. illyn (S); l'I!Prs zn, pl. :71'YII, ;;71yn; az. zalli, jan; 1\"'1' :a7l.

i kiiran savet 834: Paz.


53n; dat i 4~; ~ kartan. d. 67s; kg {j ,.....

zandikiih [zndykyh] gnosticism, gnostic heresy S2!!. - From zandik, v, the preceding w.; Arab. 1'11'. zindiq. [NYSH-yhJ marriage: pat x"{i.s(an to ask in marriage 1165-6 et.c.; pat ~ patigra/tan to wed, to take in znneh marriage 101; pat - matan to get married 3S:, etc. zang [zng] ankle, shank 33~. 4611• 9S:D• 1025_ - Av. (1660) zanqa-, ;;anga. 'ankle'; Y. do·:ang and cahar-:a71g. znngn [znsn '] Y. n, of zaian : the act of slaying, striking, etc.: bowshot 32:.:~; fight, battle 3 t ID. 45H, etc.; stroke 292(; v, also janiSn • Zllrilr [zIyl] the brother of YiStasp and the hero of the battle "WithArjEisp 19-29, passim; 114~ (twice). - _4..;:. (16S2) Zairi. vari·, Paz. Zarqar (8GV X, (7). Y.Boyce, BSOAS ),.'7]I, 1955,463--477. Znriiriin 1. pI. CIlS. obl, of the preceding w.: "the Zarers" 18'. 252,. 2S3. - 2. patr, 26'. 1l52S. znrik [zlyk] sorrow, grief IpG.:I. - Av. (1669) zer- 'to annoy, to "ex'; lIIPrth ;;ryg (lIIRO); MPrs ::ryg (borrowed from 1>oIV);Paz. ::an 'despondent' (8GY), but }"rp diriy (SW form). znrikiimnnd [- >mnnd] sorrowful, grieved


1zIlnnk [znk'] jaw 50°. - krth ]1,:"'1' zana»,

:lzllnak (Prih) [znk] kind, sort; ha [Ll;!kii. in such a way ... that RajA: S = Prs ogi5n ••• kll' - OIr "'=ana= Skr [ana- 'race, man, tribe": OP oispa;;allo -'containing nll kin~S of men', pOTU;;a110'having many kin of men'; Av. (1650) STvO.::a71a- 'of the rned species'; MPrth ;;ng (1IIHC); _ • 1'11'. ;;al1ozon 'different'.




wl ,.__,.. .

zund [znd] knowledge, relibous doctrines 65~~;esp. the comment and explication of the Avesta text (in PhI) 1078• 10S1S•lB• l102D. 112'. - AY (1660) zanti-; cf S. V. dunisian. *znudi(k) [zngy] 11719 nc rding to Cat. 110-112 "the Heretic" = Iazdak. - The correct form is zandik V. next w.), derived from zand (v, abosje), and corresponding exactly to Gr ·(lVwc;-;~it6;. The spelling here is, however, very strange, and it would seem that .he scribe has purposely dist-orted the . 50 as to

zurmjin [zlm-n'] [the demon) Old Age 1039; karkiie i ..... mcnibt the vulture whose mind is that of this demon, likeminded "With him, having the same intention as he (inasmuch as he lives on dead bodies furnished by Old Age] 00'.N:P :anllt1n 'an old decrepit man'; abstr, MPrs ;;rm'nyyh (A-H I).


znrr [ZJp3'J gold 19'. 295 etc. pa8sim. (leS3) ::oranu-, (16iS) zaratnja-; :t>,:jl ::ar; but OP daraniga-,

zarriln [zlyn ; ZI;rn'-yn\ Zl;IE-ynl] golden 6~·e. 20~7, etc. - Av. {16Ti} =aranaena-i MPrth ==s» (MHO); !'IIPrs ::ryn; Paz. ::arrll; J:\TP=ar(r}in.



"'Zarrlstan [zlstri'] n. pr.f. 25~.-''''HEl.ying golden breasts', v. s. v. Behistan,

znrtak [zltk'] yolk 80B• next w. 491•• ;:;ard.

From zart, v:

zart-gii~ [zJtgws] baying yellow ears 4127. - Av, (16B1) zairita'yellow', ~-p Zartu~t [zltwsb'] the


Prophet 3p·4.7 and passim (-lIit 11310 and v. next w.). - Av. (1670sqq.) Zara81Ilira-; lIIPrth :TlIWSt; l1IPrs ::rdrw§t (AH II), adj. :rdrw§lg'l1 (8). As to -x§t, Y. Benveniste, BSL 29, 1929, 107. Of the discussion of the name by Bailey, TPhS 195B, 40-41.

gor zat be spot an arrow at the onager 310-:0; paTTi pist =at its wing struck (the bowl with) t emea11)2:'-:Sj oi (= 0) [rtuiahr i Zariuxst a zajar [riic zai threw open its mouth tow . ds Z. 401~-13; iii (= til guru zat zanak tl e wolf's jaw was struck 50~, with the dohiin. lirak aplik dit frat 5§l:all (q. v.), Vidra/§ pat dil zat stabbed Y. in the eart 29~; 2521 (cf S. Y. ~iid 2 b)]; 333; ~ lvak a dil ,...._, knock toto gether 120uf2o; ka §am§iir trae zanet when the sword makes a stroke forward 254 (opp. apiic v, =vextan); to drive (a peg) down bto the soil 20~6; tanbiir r-.J to play on~te lute 426• - Av, (490) 19a1l-, pres. jall-;' rth [dn [n-; ],IPrs zdn zn-; Paz.J:\-P zad n =an-. Y. also ianisn, ;:;alli';lI, zatak, :r.aiar;j cf apa-Iand, O::ata11.



ziitan [:Z:'tnl11.~Y.Q"'N_tnlJ =iiy· to bring forth, to gi'T birth to: ka zamiin i ,_, [riic
mat when: the time had come (for her) to bring fotith (bel' child) 1O:~-~; KaiXosroi anOdal K. "as born there lI3s-v; with 11 ac 'of : Siisall hac tiihmak i Diiriii .•• ziit estet kac (q, v.] ka man hac miilar lIii:a ham 211l-1~ Artax§i!r haci,§ i ziit. 22:; hac' pus .•• :r.iit 1O~; - the pres. is act. or pas .: fiii hiin i ka be :uyet until she brings fortli! her child 1017; [rasatui (pI.. cas. rect.) (jUiin :ayi!lld children are born of them 10514; hac zan·e u mart-ii fTazalld.ii =.:fyet of one single couple one child is bom 86~~_~3;- til .......copied from , Av.(165S) tk.::aya-, 37~·1S. 4~1.5P.-Av. 4 (1657 sq.) zAn-, pres. pass. zaya-; lIIPrth


[zltwst>n'] patr.

or cas. obl,

pl. of the preceding w., in the name lIIurv i ....... 19~1.

zastan [zstu'] to beg a thing of (liaG) a p.: pt. = pret. pass. 3d p. sg. +::asl 571B._ Av. (487) gad-, pres. iadiya., jair5ya., pt. [asta-; MYrs =stg 'bride' (A-H II). ziit [z't'] born, pt. of ziiian
i pl. cas. obl. ........ used as gen. part.: ,.....,-iin[arraxvtom (in


the most glorious of those born 36 47 (ki! .•• ) ....... a-,...._,·iin-iG (which belongs) ·a1l to those born and those unborn 4G~0; nok ,..._, newborn, pl. cas. obl, tliik-~·iin 12H.
5• 13;

ziitnk [z'tk'; l.Ll.·1)Vi''] pt. born, pred. 611·; - subst, offspring 109; pI. cas. obl children 105• - lIIPrthPrs z'dg 'son'; :r-.o-p ziidah,

Prs z'tin, :adan wy·



Paz. ziidan :ilErJ; NP Cf iiziil; :ayiillitiir, ;:;iiyi§ll, urderer ll013; from zatan. ctiveness, violence 89:3•

zutak [ztk '] pt. of =atall, slain: ,.._,:atak whose offspring may be slain (an imprecation 100• zatan [ztn"] M:e:YTN-tn'] =al1-, imp. :an [MJ;IYTN] 9gB, ;:ane [!IlJ;I1'"TN-yg] 4522; condo 3dp. sg. =aUlali 9921;fut.pass. zat baviit 192~; opt. pass. zat lavat 96: to strike, to slay, to kill, pa.9sim; tigr-e 0

zatlir [zt'l] zatiireh des


[ztl GDE] "hose


(heavenly ubstance] is guished 661 • - V. ;z;uarrah.

"glory" extin-

ZiiTiilistiin ~'w'lst'n'] country in Eastern Iran, Arab ZiibuUsUin, Yaqut 2,904 sq.; it extended rom Balkh in the north, and

Zii-riilistiin its capital country of VI, 1931, sul Sillfiin was Ohazna : i~Was the native Rustam. Cat. 8 ; Bailey, BSOS 590; Gnoli, 'cerche storiche antico, Roma 1 67, v. Index.

231 cf =iYiill. Paz., I. c., substitutes





ziiTar [z 'wl] strength, orce ; military forces, fighting men 237•d.17• 24:°. 251, -

w.: lIIPrth z'wr as~gainst SW· ziir (q. v.] < *=tivar; KZSP ;1 z'wry = Prs Z11.'ly, Gr. v , OUV:>;!-ll~ or cr'F ,::!a;;.Arm. Iw, zaur < *;;a!!ur; AY. (1689 sq.) zavar-_
ziiyenitiir [1_""LY1;HVN-ynyt'l] one who causes to be born, pI. Jas. obI. ,......,.iin i pll~e_nts 3715, - From ZlYiil1uan, caus, of ..aian. ziiyisn

zin-hlir [zynh'l]· security :pt. 1523.24. 16'l'l·!!:I. Best etymology by Bthl, WZKlII 25, 260 sq.: < OIr *jr1'ana·hiira. 'preservation of life' (SIYphonet.ic development) with -hiira- from Av, (1787) liar- 'to watch"; as to "jfvrma- v. s. v, ziuandak and ;:fvistal1. ZiSnk [Paz.] one of Zartuxst/s




36B• 44-47

passim, etc.: - subst. and who is to be

born, pI. cas. obI. ",·lin 8~~, ziiylsnik who is to be bod

zen [zyn'] weapon, armt armour 67•9• 14; 85 - trappings, of a h rse: '""-' kartan 61:. 2019• 2715, ,..._, llii.Ttan 2 H. 260_ 2811-1~

zlraudak [zywndk'] Iiving 2323 etc, pas· sim ; subst, human being, _. pI. cas. recto 2415; - used as the pred, of a nominal clause: hakar uii sap ~Zarer if Z. remains alive until nightfall 2511 i 20B. 28.-8 i wi .......draliniii during his whole life 65u. From ziv-istal1 (q. v.}; lI1Prth iywndg, borrowed in BP, but witb the SW change of j. > c- [Ps. zywlldky); lIIPrs zyndg = zfndag with contraction < zivand.: Paz. zindaa (SGV) i NP zindah, zI,andnkilh life, lifetime 344.5917.691• 72G.

(twice) to saddle a 110rSl~ gurtviir ........ 281, Y. gurtviir. - Av, (1651) zacllu, 'bandolier': lI1Prth zyn' our', Arm. 1",. :;;en (gen. ::fIlU); borro ed very early in Arn:m: OA.rnm zyn', 8 Talm Mand zainii: 1:1.7 zfn 'saddle'. - . also a·zen.
zilniimndlliii [zyn 'wndyh'] ~c.igilantly 6713• - From ::e!1iivand, AV'~16 1) ;:aellahvant· 'vigilant' . zen-diin [zynd'n'] prison 9 116~5 (twice). - "Keeping-place of ., = 'arsenal', also used as prison. lIIPrt zyud'n, Paz. :N"P zindiin, zil~t [zyst' ; GNY'] ugly, . gusting 3P·l~. OPI. 756:a: 5714 zylli gl. the ideogr, Gl\'Y' not kno-wn in the FrF. - lIIPrth ;:yslyft 'nastiness'; Paz. 1\'; cf Av. (1693) =i5iidisla· 'the mo loathsome', (1051) zaesa. 'hideous'.


zlrlstan [zy-wstnl; inscr, ·YI.I1P.] to llve: SiihpulIrll salsm Btih dagr *;:ivftt [Yl;fW'·t] long live Sh. the King of the Sakas l P2: 6; dya [zyd 'J mayst thou Iive I 1195 « *::Iva): aptic zivend they "ill be restored to life 1051B• - AY. (502) gay·, pres. jfva.; lIIPrth pres. iyw- i lIIPrs pres. =yw-; Paz. zimslan; l\T zistan, ;;iyad. zi,isn [zywsn'] v. n. Iiving, life 3P. Ojt. Hence zidsnell det, V. n.: dagr ~ long Jiving, longevity 18~: t'el1 ....... good living 64~~. 891; vU ~ a prolonged life 04:!l1, zlyiin [z~'nIJ injury, harm, damage, opp. 214. 411• 191• 6210 etc. passim, - Av, (1700 sq.) =yiillii-, zyfini. (from :yii., Y. ::ill'); Arm, lw. zeall: Tnlm. lw. ::yy'J1', Telegdi 242. The spelling zyd'n is attested by the inscriptions.

zest-:xuaiiiyeh [-lnrt'dyh] domination, of _-'\rjiLsp 6Il zm-

f abominable

zi7let 82P•

[zyn-] pres. to dam e: 3d p. sg. - Av, (liDO) zy " pres. Zi1ll7';

zlyiinnk [zyd'nk'] (young) woman, of Ardavan's daughter (even after she had



authentic ~W w. being OP drasjah-, BP dru]liip (ql"); Paz. zrih, zre7q },-p zirih, sarah, - BP ::riii < the cas. rect. =rrr.y(rr.h) with len~ening of ·U· after the final syllable d been dropped (then -ay alternatin with -{iTt according to the common r e); :riih < cas. ob1. :Tuyaha (or late <t<: ayah e) > *zrayah > zriih, Zrang (z ; inser. zIngy] the old name of SnkiS~- (before the invasion of the Sakas);' PI: 7 it has its 0"\)0 satrap and seems to designate a subprovince of Sakistiin; 163 the name of the town called by Yiiqut 2,926 Zurul1j, which was the eapit of Sakistan. - In the OP inscriptio Zranka-; but Gr Ap:tT(t:tv1j, Lat. Drat ian(Z with the SW development of z- > do. Zrnngnkii recto PI:8 a Dative of Zrang:

been married to Artaxser) g!7. 1011 (twice). - Wikander, J1Jb 9-21. A love scene between a bridegroom (merak, q. v.), twenty years old, and his bride (ziY!1l1al:), fifteen years old, is told in PR 91 sq. :iyii [zyd"] v. ::ivi3iall.

ziihr [zwhl] water consecrated for the ritual, holy water 9319-~1. 941. - 9415 fault for ziir (q. v.). - Av, (1654) :ao{Jrt1-. Y. Modi, Ceremonies 316 sqq. Ziig [Paz.j zwys] the mother of Zartuxst's mother 3621; her husband was Fri'ihim (q. v.) rwi'inan 371•5• - In all probability is originally not eo n. pr., but some form of Av. jahi (v. jf-h) , of jaea FrO 15, in this case used of a pre-Zeroastrian woman without any contemptuous ring. Of also FrO 2 f: (::al1 •• _) 1..'0 vat, ie, [alu: u [ahi ; hast giyi'ik kil. mrritik ka prr.t sad nii datak 'if a woman is bad she is iii, [ahe or iald; in some places these W5. signify a girl that has not yet been given to man'. This being 50, 1\'YSH = ::a71 372 init. is to be regarded as a g1. to zeu, I. 1. Ziigiin [zwys'nl] patr. of the preceding w. taken as a n. pro 5011•10; Dughdhiiv, ZartlL'i:st's mother is meant. ziir [zwl, Ps. zwly; erroneously zwhl] strength, power, vigour 1410. 159•15• 897• 1062n; zwhl (v. ::ohr) for :or 9·p5; as to 1287, V. 5. Y. fiiyiian. - lIIFrs :wr, the SlY form corresponding to J\"\V ziiuar (q. v.): 1'I-P zar, which in later pronunciation coincided with ::iir 'lie', OP ziirah'deceit', ;.iira -kara- 'evil-doer'. - The orthographical confusion of zar with :6ltr is .-eIT frequent. zflrlk [zwlyk] powerful 52~l. zriih [zl-h], zriii [zl'y, zPg] sea 622• 3212-ID. 4617• 86D•lO• 8919• 9316.21.27. - AY. (1701 sq.) :rayrr.h-; lIIFrlh :r]lh, :ryy, adj. zrhyg; MPrs zryh (S) borrowed from },"""\Y, the

pl. cas.

zrilb (zlyl , zre (zlyg] armour, harness 6D.2013·H. 515• l!!O~7. - Arm. Iw, zrah-k"; Syr. lw. :a d{i 'coat of mail', Talm :rd', Telegdi 24l.Axab.lw.zarud_;paz. ;:(a)reh; J\-p zirih, arah.: all these forms presuppose *;;rii - and do ?lOi tally with AY. (!i03) :::rri u- (Vd. 14° without variant , Phl. Yd. as :::rai evidently through the influence f the Av, form). Some importnnce ould perhaps be attached to the curiou gen. :ara.5vehe (!i03) quoted from a fr gment preserved in the Ph1 Yd. -1\-P irih, Paz. zreli perhaps < cas. obl. "':ruo zutr [zwpJ! deep 1921• - 1I1Prs :w(w)pr (A-H It BBB); Paz. zujr, AY. (603) [aira-; l\-P =ur/ *falr (l\\Y form); Bal. juhl <


ZUrTiin [71'yl""n'] the god Time: ~ i alamtirak: Et~rnity 77a.~.l1. - Av, (1684) :uurvan-lld age, decrepitude'; MPrlh Prs :Mv'n. Paz. zuruq. Cf :arman ziit [zwt'] wift, prompt, quick 7~; ad v. quickly 18~. 1912, - MPrs :wd; 1\'1' ziid,


,\Yords and terms (Abbreviations abstr, ace. act, adj. ad". app. Arab Aram Arm B.-_4r, Bal Bd BP cas. obI. cas.rect. caus, Cod. Codd. co11. camp. compos. condo constr, ill co on use in English: erc., esp, and the like, are omitted) Gr Or.v. Hebr Greek Greek version Hebrew hapax legomenon ideogram Indo-European imperative impersonal indicative indefinite article indirect object infinitive inscription(s) instrumental adverb interrogative intransitive Iranian Jewish Aramaic Judea-Persian, Jewish Persian Khwarizmian Latin loan-word lIDddle Jranian Middle Persian Manichean Persian 1>Ianichean Parthian Manichean Parthian and Persian manuscript pI. manuscripts (v. also sub II) noun, ill quotations = 'nora' nomen actoris nomen proprium (= proper name) nominative New Persian nort.hwest(ern)

abstract accusative active adjective adverb apposition Arabic Aramaic Armenian Bible Aramai Baloehi ~ Bundahisn Book Pahlav casus rectus causative Codex



(plural) collective comparative composition conditional m d. construction


imp. impel's. indo Indir.obj, info inscr. instr.udv, interr. intrans. Ir J.-_4r J.-Pers Khwar. Lat lw. MiIr MiPrs j\IPrs lIIPrth lIIPrthPrs MS IIlSS n. n.aet. nom. 1\-P NW

dat. dative dat.eth. dativus ethic def.reI. attr. definite reIati e attribute (v, Grammar) dem.pron, demonstrat.iv pronoun den. denominative det., v.n. determined v bal noun dir.obj. direct object ed. Ell'. cne!. foI. fut. gen. gl. GJ., Gloss. edition, edite East Iranian enclitic folio future (tense) (by)

genitive gloss., glossed Glossary

OAr Old Aryan OAram Old Aramaic obj. object OInd Old Indian 011' Old Iranian OP Old Persian opp. opposite, opposed to opt. optative (1st, 2nd, 3d) p. person pap. pass. papyrus, -rl passive patronymic Pilzand personal pronoun Puhlav-i plural positive possessive postposition preceding prefix preposition present tense preterite preverb pronoun Persian Parthian Psalms participle recto (of a folio) relative adverb

234 sg, Skr Skr.v, st. st. nbs. subj. 5Ubju. sub st.

singular Sanskrit Sanskrit version stem status absolutus subject subjunctive substantive suffix superlative (sub voce) under specified southwesttern) synonym Syriae Talrnud(ic} thing transitive (in ultimo) in the end of the page verso (of a folio) various reading, variant verb, pl. vbs, = verbs "~est Iranillll (yjdelicet) namely word, pl. ws, = words

sup. s. v,

the word

Paz pers.pron. PhI pl. pes, poss, postp.


trans. ult.

pref. prep. pres. pret. prey. pron. PI'S Prth Pa. pt.

var. ,VIr





Authors and Book-title Adjarian [A6ahanJ, Armenisches etymologischcs \Yul' elworterbuch, Armenian title: Hayeren armatakan bafaban I-VI. Erevan 1926. ~ . Afrillgiin = Phl. text according to Dhabhar, ZlihA . v.], pp. 141-147. A·H 1= Mitteliranisehe Manichaica aus Chinesich-T cestan 1. Yon F.C.Andl'eas(t) aus dem NachJa13 herausgegeben von ,Yalter Hem ng. Sitzungsberichte d. Preufi, Akad, d. 'Viss., Phil.·hist. xi. 1932, X, pp. 175-2 1 2 Tafeln. A·H II = same title II, Sitzungsberichte etc., Phil.· st. KI. 1933, VII, pp. 294-303 1 Tafel. A·H III = Mitteliranische Maniehaica aus Chinesi ch-Turkestan ill. Yon F. C. Andreas (t) aus dem Nachla13 herausgegeben YO Dr. W. Henning in Berlin. Sitzungsberichte eto., Phil.shist. Kl, 1934, L"\..'\' , pp.848-911. _otirWb = Bartholomae, Christian . .AltiTanisches \Yo erbuch. Straflburg 1904; only quoted by a figure indicating the column of it, an parenthetically inserted after Avtestan). e.g. Ay. (1262).


Ankl. = Anklesarla Antin, Paz, T. = Pazend exts collected and collated by Ervad Ednlji Keriaspji Antin. Published by tl. Trustees of the Parsee Punehfiyet. Bombay 1909. Aog. = Aogemadaeca, ein Parsentractat in Pazend, Altbaktrisch und Sanskrit herausgegeben, ubersetzt, erhliirt und mit Glossal' versehen yon Dr. "\Vilhelm Geiger. Erlangen 1878. Also in~Antia, Paz. T. pp.348-357. ApI = Herzfeld, Ernst, tpersisehe Inschriften. Erster Ergdnzungsband zu den Archdologischen 1I1itte' ungen aus Iran. Berlin 1938. Ar. Pup. = Aramaic PIl.P~'i' v, Cowley. Asadi = Asadi's neupersis es "\Vorterbuch Lughat-i Furs naeh del' einzigen vaticanisehen Handschrift hera sgegeben von Paul Horn. Berlin 1897. Abh. d. ken, Ges. d. Wiss. zu Gottingen. Phil.shiat, Kl., Neue Folge Bd. I, Nr. S. _-'\Y. = Avesta; the figures following in a parenthesis refer to the Air"\Vb. AV = The book of Arda Y' . The Pahlavi text prepared by Destur Hoshanji Jamaspji Asa, Revised and collaied with further MSS with an English translation and introduction, and an appendix containing the texts and translations of Gosht-I Fryano, and Hadokht-ziask by Martin Hang, assisted by E. "\Y. "\Vest. London &, Bombay 1872. Glossary and Index of . e Pahlavi Texts of the book of AIda Vil'af, the tale of Gosht-i Fryano, the H okht Nask, and to some extracts from the Din-kard and Nirangastnn, preparedi:0m Destur Hoshangji Jamnspji Asa's Glossary to the AIda Viraf Naruah. an from the original texts, with notes on Pahlavi grammar, by E. W. West, revised y Martin Haug. London & Bombay 1874. V. also Paz. AV. AZ = Ayyiitkfir i zareran£, :r.rP I, p. sq.





Bailey, ZP = H. W. Bailey Zoroastrian problems in the ninth- century books. Ratanbai Katrak lectures. Oxfor 1943. Barthelemy GA = Gujast . - Abalish. Texte pehlvi publie pour III premiere fois, avec traduction, comrnenta~ et lexique par A, Barthelemy. Paris 1887. Bibliotheque de l'EcoJe des hautes etuiles, sciences philologiques ethistoriques, scixante-neuvieme Bet- und Beichtbuch von Dr. W. Henning. A115den Abh. d. preull. Ak, d. "\Yiss. ahrg, 1936. Phil.-rust. Kl. Nr. 10. Berlin 1937. BdA = The Bundahishn. eing a Facsimile of the TD Manuscript No.2 brought from Persia by Dastur p_'irandflz and now preserved in the late En-ad Tahmuras Library, ed, by the late En'ad Tahmuras Dinshaji Anklesarle with an introduction by Behram Gore Talllllllras Anklesarin. Bombay 1908, In The Pahlavi Text Series ... to commemorate ~.h Jubilee of Her late Majesty the Queen Empress of India in 1887 held by the tees of the Parsi Punchayet, Vol, III. BdJ = Del' Bundehesh, um ersten Male herausgegeben, transkribiert. und mit Glosser versehen YOU ~rdinand Justi. Leipzig 1868. Benveniste, GS = E. Ben eniste, Essai de Grammaire Sogdienne. [Deuxierne partie de Robert Gauthiot, E sai de Grammaire Sogdienne I, Paris 1914-1923). Paris 1929. Mission Pelliot Asie Centrale. Serie petit in-octavo, Tome ill. Benveniste, 'I'itres = E. Benveniste, Titres et noms propl'es en Iranien ancien, Travaus x de l'Institut iraniennes de I'universite de Paris. 1. 1966. Bharucha, Sanskrv Mx. = Collected Sanskrit writings of the 'Parsis ill: :Mainioi Khard. Bombay 1912. Biruni, Chronologie' = Chronologie orientalischer Volker yon _<Uberimi.Herausgegeben yon Dr. C. Eduard Saehan. Leipzig 1B78. J3 Q = Burluin-i qii(i' by Ib~ Xalaf al-Tabrtzr Muhammad J;fusain, ed. by 1IIu.I}ammad 'Abbast 1336 (Persian cit!.) 1957. Tehran.

Barr. GI.: Y. Ps. Gloss. BBB = Ein rnaniehfiisch






BUll. = BnrthoJomae, Christian. SRb = Uber ein sasanidisehes Hechtsbuch, Sit=lsber. d. Heidelb. Ak. d. Wiss. 1910. V. further Air1Vb, l\1ir1lI, ZAirIfb, ZsR. Byt = Bahman YEiSt: 1) The text of the PaW v i Zmd- Vohfunall Yasht with transIiteratlou & translation into Gujrnti and Gujrati tr slation of the Pahlvi :MinD-iKhirlld, with notes, by KaikoMd Adarb8d Das~' Nosherwan [1899]. 2) Zalld-i Vohuman Yasn and two Pahlevi fragments with xt, transliteration and translation into English by Behramgore Tahmuras. esaria. Bombay 1957. Cat. = J. Markwart, A Catalogue of the provincial Jpitals of Eran·shahr (Pahlavi text, version and commentary) ed. by G. ]Iessinaj Roma 1931. Christensen, Arthur: Le premier homme et Ie premiej roi dans l'histoire legendaire des Iraniens I-IT. In: Archives d'studes Orientales publ. par J.-A. Lundell, Vol. 14, 1918, and vol, 14: 2 1932. Uppsala. ~ - Iranier = Die Iranier, in: Hnndbuch del' Altert -issenschaft, begriindet von MUller, hrsg. von Walter Otto, 3. Abt., 1. Tail, 3. B d, pp. 203-310. Miinchen 1933. - Sass. = L'Iran SOllS les Sassanides. 2nd ed. copefageu 1944. Christensen Vol. = Dst og Vest, Afhandlinger tllegn de Professor Dr. phil. Arthur Christensen paa halvfjerdsuarsdagen d. 9 Januar 945 af Nordiske orienta1ister . og Folkmindeforskere. Kobenhavn 1945. Christensen & Barr = Iranisehe Dlalektaufzeichnung 1 aus dem NachlaI3 yon F. C. Andreas. Zusammen mit Kaj Barr und W. Hennin bearbeltet und herausgegeben yon Arthur Christensen I (all out). Abh. d. Ges. d Wiss. z. G{ittingen, Phil.-hist. K1. 3. Folge Nr. 11. Berlin 1939. Cod. P, Cod. S1' Cod. Sz: v. FrP; Cod. K, v. :i\Lx. Cowley, A1".Pap. = A_ Cowley, Aramaic Papyri of ; e fifth century B. C. Edited, with translation and notes. Oxford 1923. Dan. = the Book of Daniel in the QT. Danielsson Vol. = Svmbolae O. A. Danielsson I togenario dicatae, Upsaliae Mm.1X.'\:..lQI. • i DD = Diitistiin i denik: 1) The Datistun-i Dinik art I, Pursishn I-XL, ed. by En'ad Tahmuras Dinshaji Anklesariu. Bombay, n date. 2) A critical edition of the inedited portion of the Dddestan-I Dinfk, Do tor thesis by Ervad Peshotan Kavashaw Anklesaria (a stenciled MS, 201p., no da e). 3) Cod. K 35 (Copenhagen), pp. 53, ].10-167,1. B. Dhabhar, ZKhA = Zand-I Khiil'tak Ayistiik, edited y Ervad Bamanji Nasarvanji Dbabhnr. Pahlavi Text Series Published by the tees of the Parsee Panchayet Funds and Properties No.3. 1927. Dhabhar, Flv = Pahlavi Yasna and Yispered. E . with an Introduction and a Glossary of Select Terms by En-ad Bamanji Nas vanji Dhabhar. Pahlavi Text Series •.. Nr.8. 1949. . - ErS = Essays on Iranian Subjects by [the late] rvad Bamanji },Tussern-anji(!) Dhabhar. Published by the Society for the motion of Researches in the Zoroastrian Religion, Bombay 1955. V. also PRo Dhalla, The Nyaishes: The Nyaishes or Zoroastrian :Litanies. Avestan text with the Pahlavi, Sanskrit, Persian and GUjara.ti yersions~ed_ by Maneckji Nusserwanji Dhulla. Khordah Avesta. Part I. Columbia Uniersity, Indo-Iranian series ed. by A. V. Williams Jackson, Vol. VI. ]\e', York OS. l,)iya' ud-din PaSii, al-Hadlya = al-Hadiya al-l;fllmidiya fi I-Iuga al-Kurdiya, by alShaikh Yiisuf l,)iyii' ud-din PiiSa al-Xalidl al-M!qaddasi. Istanbul 1310 H. = 1892/93 A. D.





DkM = 'TIle complete te1~ of the Pahlavi Dinkard. Published by "the Soeiery for the promotion of the lJ!'!searche5 into the Zoronstrian religion" under tho supervision of Dhanjishnh ~eherjibhai Madan. I-II, Bombay 1911. DklIIS = Denkart, A Pahlav! text, Facsimile edition of the Manuscript B of the K. R. Cama Oriental Institje, Bombay. Edited by 1\1..T. Dresden. Wiesbaden 1966. (Quotations refer to t bracketed figures beneath the text, e.g. [196]) DNa = Dareios, Naqs i ustam inscription a, according to Kcnt's edition (q. v.). Dresden, Y. Dk MS. Driver, Doc. = Aramaic I10cuments of the fifth century B. C. Transcribed and edited with translation and n tes by G. R. Driver. Oxford 1954.

Edmonds = Taufiq Wyand O.:f. Edmonds, A Kurdish-English Dictionary. Oxford 1966. EI8 Dhabhar. Elise, Hist. of the Vardans = N ahatakut/iwn Vardanane, in: EliSei Vardapeti Matenagrut'iwn", Yenedig 183 , pp. r-rrs. £riinsahr = .T. Marquart. rii.nSahr nach der Geographie des Ps. Moses Xorenac'I.


E};1h:':;o:b~; :~:l'
F: ~:t~Iriizebiid

C~. d. ""~.


G'ttm,en, PbD.·hi,t.liJ .. NF. Bd. m

inscriJPtion, y.:!'IIP I p. x...'LIIsq.; lines are quoted after a colon:

Fayyum Pap.: v, Driver. Fihrist = Kitiib al-Flhris herausgegeben yon Gustav FIGge]. Leipzig 1871. Fraenkel, Aram. Fremdw. = Sigmund Fraenkel, Die aramii.ischen Fremdworter im Arabisehen, Leiden 1S 6. FrO = the Prabang i DIm: Del' Frahang i Oim. Inauguraldissertation yon Hans FrP FrP Reichelt. Wien 1900'~ = the Frahang i P avfk ed. by Heinrich F. J. Junker. Heidelberg 1912. Cod. P = Cod. Pers. 417, Suppl. 24978, in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, v. I, p. 174 n. Fr P Cod. SI' Cod. 8~: pu 'ished in: lJber eine Parsenhnndschrift der kniserliehen offentlichen Bibliothek u St. Petersburg, yon Carl Salemann, in: Vol. IT of the 'Iravaux de la 3rne eessifn du Congres international des Oriantalistes. Leiden 1878. Gauthiot, v, Benveniste, 48. Geiger, Wilhelm, Etymologie des BalliN. Abh. d. k. bayr, Ak. d. Wiss. I. 01. XIX. Bd. 1. Mfinchen 1890. I Geiger Vol. = Studia Indb·Irnnica. Ehrengabe ffir Wilhelm Geiger zur Vollendung des 75. Lebensjahres 18i6 - 21. :fuli-193!. fusg. von ,Valier W'fist. Leipzig 1931. Oershevitch, J., Gr1lI80gd F A Grammar of !lIanichean Sogdian, Publications of the Philological Society. OHord 1954. GF = GQst i Friyan, v, the edition of E. W. West in AV (q. v.), text pp.205-246, translation pp. 247-266! Ghilain = A. Ohilain, Essai sur la langue Parthe, Eon systeme verbal d'apres las textes manicheens du TFrkestan oriental. Bibliotheque du Museon Vol. 9. Louvain 1939. I Gilbertson, BL = Georgeraters Gilbertson, The Baloelli language. A grammar and manual. 1923. Giv I1Iukriytini, QiiIDfis M abad, (Kurdish title: Ferhengi Mahiibiid.) Irbil (Kurdish: HevIer) 1961 A.D. K+,sh-Arabic dictionary. Goldziher, 1I18t. = I. GoIdi.iher, Muhammedanische Studien I-II. Halle 1889-1890.




GrIvPh = GrundriB del" iranischen Philologie, GdlI8 v, Gershevitch. GlII v, Benveniste, Hansen, Catrang = Olaf Hansen, Zum mittelpersis hen ViCiidsn i catramr. In a publication "Den Teilnehmern der Sektion 4 a XL":. Internationalen= Orientnlistenkongrefs in Rom (23.-29. September 1935 iiberreieht. Yom Verlag J. J. Augustin in Gluckstadt", pp. 13-19. RajA = the Parthian inscription of Shapur at Hajj iibad, Y. }lIP I p. x.."'ilI. Lines quoted thus: HajA: 1, HajA: 2 etc. HajB = the same inscription in Sassanld (Pe:'sinn) version: quotation as in the preceding one: HajE: 3 etc. Hen. = Ein manichdisches Henochbuch von Dr. '17 Iter Henning. Sitzungsber, d. Preufl. Ak, d. Wiss., Pltil.·hlst. ill. 1934. Henning, Iranistik = W. E. Henning, Mitteliranisch in: Handbuch del" Iranistik, 1. Abt., 4. Bd., 1. Absclmitt: Linguist.ilc, pp.20-129. Leiden 1958. V. also A-H I, A-H II, _4..-Hill, BBB, Hen., Li~t·,;Sogd., Verbum. Henning VoL = B. Henning l\Iemorial Volume. _ in Major Library, Lund Humphries, London 19;0. Hoffmann, Ausziige = Ausziige nus syrisehen Akten i rsiseher Miirtyrer. lThersetzt und ... erliiutert von Georg Hoffmann. Leipzig 1 80. Halma, ~-n:t= Harri Holum, Die Namen der K6rperte e im Assyrisch-Babylonisehen. Leipzig 1911. Horn, :Is"!' Et. = Paul Horn, GnmdriB der neupersisch n Etymologie, Straffburg 1893. V. also Asadi. HP II = H. S. Nyberg. Hilfsbueh des Pahlevi II. GI SSRI'. Uppsala 1931 (1. Texte, 1928). Hiibschm. Prs. St. = H. Hfibschmann, Persisehe St ien. Strafiburg 1895. - AG = Al'meniSC~e .Grammatik. Leipzig 1897, ~leriinderter Nachdruck 1962.


Ibn Rhordadbeh: Bibllctheca geographorum Arablcctum Ibn Rosteh: Bibliotheca geographorum Arabicorum Isa. = the Book of Isaiah.



J.-A. = Jamnsp-Asann, Y. PT. . Jackson Vol. = Prof. Jackson Memorial Volume. Papers on Iranian Subjects written by several scholars in honour of the late Prof. A. '''illiams Jackson. Published by the K. R. Cama Oriental Institute, Bombay 1 54. IN = J1i.masp-namak: 1) Jamii~i, Pahla v i, Pazend id Persian texts with Gujariiti Transliteration of the Pahlavi Jiimaspi. English ud Gujarli.ti Translations with Notes of the Pahlavi Jiimiispi. Gujarfit i Translati .n of the Persian Jiim1ispi, and English Translation of the Pazend Hmfispi. by Ji~al1ji J amshedji Modi. Bombay 1903 (Pahlavi Translations, Part III) , 2) Oiusej e Messina, Libra apocalittico Persian a Ayiitkiir i Zii..miispik, Biblica et Oriental a N. 9. Roma 1939. Justi, ]1.;13= Ferdinand Justi, Iranisches Namenbu . Marburg 1895.

KarJgren Vol. = Septantrionalin et Orientalin. Studia NOll. Oct. Anno lIIc:lILL~ dedicatn, KWlgL Vitt Akademiens Iiandlingar 91. Stockholm 1959. Kent, Roland G., Old Persian Grammar, Texts, Lexi Connecticut 1953. KnA = Karnamak ed. Antiii, v, !lIP I, p. XI. RnS = Kiirniimak ed. Sanjana, v. hlP I, p. X sq.

ernhardo Karlgren A. D. ill. hets Historie och Antikvitets . n. AmeriCRll Oriental Society.




l\:PF = KtrrdiSCh.perSiSc1E Forschungen von Oskar Mann. Abt. I-II, Berlin 19091910; Abt. IV, Bd. m, eil I-II, Berlin 1906-1909; fortgefuhrt yon Karl Hadank: Abt. III, Bd. I-II, BCl';'l1 HJ26-1930, Bd. IV, Berlin 1932. Kurdoev, K. E., Kurd~kO[U551dY Slovar' (also with Kurdish title). Akadernia Nauk SSSR, Institut Vostol« vedeniya. lIIoskva 1960. KZ8Prs = the Inscriptior in Middle (Sassaman) Persian of King Shapur I all the so-called Ka'ba-yi Zar usk; EZSPrth = the same ins iption i lIIiddle (Arsacid} Parthian; KZSGr = the same inscriition in Greek version; these three texts according to the photographic reproductions in Martin Sprengling, Third century Iran, Sapor and Kartir, Oriental Instittfte, University of Chicago, 1953.

List = W. Henning, A lisi of Middle-Persian and Parthia~ words. BSOS L"'\:, 79-92. Lokotseh, Karl, Etymologjsches W"orterbuch der europiiischen W6rter orientalischen Ursprungs. H eidelber~192 7. Longworth DW?es, TEL I A Textbook of the .Baloc1_ll anguage consisting of miscell laneous stones, Iegends.jpoems, and a Balochi-English vocabulary (also a grammar]. By 111.Longworth DaIS' Lahore 1891. 1IIa11.'1 Hadank, v. KPF. & :1IIar?ii..~ = Klt1ib Farh ug-i Mardux (Kurdish-Persian-Arabic dictionary], by Ayatullah SaL~ ~Iubn ad Mardii..~ al-Kurdistanl. 21'015. No date [1956, v. GiY lIIu]rriyiini, p. 10J, Cfipliine.yi Artis ['Printing office of the Army', evidently in Tehran; I acquired a~py in 1960]. Markwart, Josef, 'Vehrot d Arung. Untersuchungen zur mythischeu und geschiehtIichea Landeslcunde YO Ostiran. Hrsg. von Hans Heinrich Schaeder. Leiden 1938. [Also Marquart, J.] Y. also Cat., Mas'Iidi, Tanbih = Biblio heca geographorum Arabicorum VllI. Mayrhofer, Rek. Med. = Iayrhofer, lIIaufred, Die Rekonstruktion des 1I1edischen. In: Osterr. Ak. d. Wis;!, Anzeiger d. phil.-hist. lil., Jahrg. 1968, S. 1. de Menasce, Feux = J. de :Menasce, Feux et fondaticns pienses dans Ie droit Sassanide, Paris 1964. ITravl!ux de l'Institut d'etudes Iraniennes de I'universite


!IHC = Mary Boyce, The 'lanici1aean Hymn-cycles in Parthian. Oxford University Press 1954. l\Iirl\1 = Christian Barthel mae, Zur Kenntnis der mitteliranischen Mundarten I-B. SHdbAW, Plill.·hist. Ell. 1916-1925. Modi, Ceremonies = Ji\'a~i Jamshed]i :1IIodi.The religious ceremonies and customs of the Parsees, Bomba - 1922. lUodi Vol. = Dr. Sir J'iva ji Jamshedji :1IIodiBirth-Centenary. Bombay 1954. lIIorgenstierne, Ev-P = Ge. ~rg Morgenstierne, An etymological Vocabulary of Pashto. Oslo 1927. Skrifter ut t IlV Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo II. Hist.Filos. Klasse 1927, No 3. Morgenstierne Vol. = In o-Iranica, Melanges presentes D. Georg Morgenstierne D. I'occaslon de SOil sob,a~te.dbdfune anniversaire. "Wiesbaden 1964. 1IIPI = this Manual of P~hIa\'i I, 1964. lib: = 1I1en6ye xrat, v, MF I, pp. X"V1:rr-XL~. - Cod. K = Cod. K 43 tn Copenhagen, pp.6-77, published by F. C. Andreas, Y.

Y. also SGV.

de Paris 2.

!lIP I, p. XIX.

Nir. ed. Sanj. = Nirangus . A photozineographic Fuesimile of a MS belonging to Shams ul-ulama Dastur Dr. Hoshangjee Jumaspjse of Poona edited ... by Darab Dastur Peshotan Sanjnna. Bombay 1894.



rituellen Vorschriften, hrsg, nisohe Forschungen, heraused by Sprengling, v, KZSGr. snisehen Kalender, Uppsala

Nil'. 'Yang = Nirangistan. Del' Awestatraktat fiber di und bearbeitet yon Anatol Waag. Leipzig 194J. Ir gegeben yon Hans Heinrich Schaedel', Bd. 2. NRjb = the inscription of Karter at Naqs.i Rajab; edi NSt = Nihn Sta)i5n, v. Dhabhar, ZKh .. pp. 25-29. 4.. N. T. = Nm," Testament. :Nyberg, TlI1K = H. S. Nyberg, Texte zurn mazda)' . uni v ersitets _-hsskrift 1934. Program 2. Nyberg Vol. = Dorrum natalieium H. S. Nyberg obla Suec. vol. IV and V.)

m. Uppsala

1954. (Also Or.


Old Testament.

P2 = the Persepolis inscriptions in Pahlavi, v. lIIP I, p. LTIII; as to the new photographs of them put. at my disposal by pro!i~_1or H. Lusehey v, Gloss. s. v, 1lev and Turon. Quotatiou of lines: F1:2, F2:3 e . Pagliaro, Antonino, Le iscrizioni Pahlaviche della Sin goga di Dura-Europo. Reale Accademia d Ttalia, Rendiconti della elasse di sci e rnorali e st oriche, fasc, 12, Ser. VII, v 01. II, 1914·XL"'\:, pp. 5iS-616. Roma 19~~' Pagliaro 1701. = Studia elasslca at orientalia Anton a Pagliaro oblata. 3 \,015. Roma 1969. Paik., Paikuli = Ernst Herzfeld, Paikuli, Monument and inscription of the early history of the Sasanian empire. In 2 .. olumes, Bel" 1024. Pap. Kraeling = The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic paJ. yri, New Documents of the Fifth Century B.C. from the Jewish Colony a.t Ele hantine. Edited ... by Emil G. Kraeling. New Hayen 1953. P'aust, ~uz., Patm. = P~ustos, Buza~l.drac;i, Patmut'fVIl Hayo{l, Yenedig 1914. PazAV - Pazand Arda "\ iraf, v, Antla, Paz. T. pp. 3 8-3S0. Paz'I' v. Antill. Pedersen Vol. = Studia Orlentalia Joanni Pedersen eptuagenario A.D.ld. Nou. anno lIICMLill n collegiis discipulis amieis dicata. Copenhagen 1953. PhlY, Ph11:'Y: v, Dhabhar, PYV. FE = The Pahlavi Rivayat, v. hlP I, p. XIII (Quot . ions: page and line).

::'P~~;::i :::::.':;~:~. :::;:~::in::: Ik::,

page and line.)


Reichelt, Soghd. Handsehl ....Resto = Die soghdischen Handschriften·Resie des Briti· sehen Museums in Umschrift und Ubersetzung hlsg. yon Hans Reichclt I-II. Heidelberg 1028-1931. RY = Rig.Yedn.


S = Carl Salemann, Mauichaeisehe Studien I: Die mi de I'Ae. imp. des sciences de St.-Petersbourg, CI. hi quotations marked S generally refer to the GlOS~'; referred to by S.'s 0\111 signs = those given by F. Sal 111 ill-IV = Carl Salemann, Manichaica ill-IV. Nauk (Bull. de 1'Ac. Imp. des Sciences de St.·Pe Salemnnn, Gr(ammatik) = Mittelpersisch, yon Akade (q. v.) I. 249-332. ~ Schaedel', m·I = H. H. Schaedel', Iranisehe Beitriige Gelehrten Gesellschnft, 6. Jnhr, Geisteswiss. ill.

Texte, lIIemoires no. 10. (The the texts are, if necessary, . K. Miiller: 111 etc.) 1S Izvestiya Imperatorskci ...11:. rsbourg) 1912. . ter Dr. C. Salemann. GrIrPh
t ... phil. vol, VIII


. Schriften del' Konigsberger ft 5. Halle 1930.




- Hans Heinrich Schaed!r, Iraniea. GGA, Phil.·hist. RI. 3. Folge Nr. 10. Berlin 1934. Schwarz, Iran = Paul Scl'lwarz, Iran im :Mittelalter nach den arab ischen Geographen. 9 Bde, 1896-1969. In tern Band Hildesheirn-New York 1969 Ergiinzungsband 1970. Siddheshwar Varma Vol. = Slddhs-Bharatt or The Rosary of Tndology being the Dr. Siddheshwar Vanpa Presentation Volume. Hashiapur 1950. SM = the inscription of ~ar lIIa.Shad, reproductions: 1) Corpus Inseriptionum Iranicarum Part III, 1701.][: The Inscription of Sar-Mashad, two portfolios; London 1955 j 2) a drawing on fcanv as executed by E. Herzfeld and now in the possession of tile present author,lv, BSOAS x.."'UII, 1960, pp.43-46. Sogd. with a following figure: Sogd. 18 (etc.) = W. B. Henning, Sogdica. James G. Forlong Fund, Vol. xxr, 194.0. SS = 1) sUr Saxuan. A lDinner Speech in Middle Persian by J ehangir C. TavadiaJournal oftheK. R. Oriental Institute No_ 29. Dec. 1935.-2) Same author: Eine 'I'isehrede nus d Zeit der Sasaniden, in the same publication as Hansen. Catrang (q. v.), pp. 1-' O. Steingass, F., Persian-En ish Dictionary. SGV = Skand.gwniinik ciir: 1) Shikand Gfunanik Vij!ir. The Pilzand-Sanskrit te,..:t together with a fragrne t or the Pahlavi, ed. by Hoshang Dastur Jamnspji Jamasp_"'nn and E. W. ';~ Bombay 1887.2) Una apologetique mazdeenne du IX' sieeler Skand.gumVicar. La solution decisive des doutes. Text pazendpehlevi .• _ par Le P Pierre Jean de Menasce O. P. Collectanea Friburgensia, Noy. Ser. Fasc. X-"'\:-"'I[ Fribourg en Suisse 1945. Sn = Siilmiimah 1) Tehr = ed. by Muhammad Dabir Siyiiqi, 6 vols, Tehran 1335 Pers. cal. = 1956/57 _4.! D.; 2) ed. Mohl (reprinted as pocketbooks. 6 vols, the Muqaddimah, Tehran r45 = 1966/67 A.D.); 3}ed. VuIlel'sj 4) ed. Moscow, 9 vols., 1960-1971. SuS = Siiyast-ne.siiyast. _ Pahlavi Text on Religious Customs, edited, transliterated and translated with In!-oductioll and Notes. Dissertation by Juhangir C. Tavadia. Hamburg 1930. SPr;; = the inscription oft e city of Shapur, Persian version, y.lIIP I, p. L'UI, no.12. SPrili = same inscription, Parthian version, v.T;c, Quotntion: SPrs: 3, SPrth: 5 etc.


Tavadia: Y. SS and SuB. Tam, iY.W., The Greeks in Baetria &, India. Cambridge 1951. Tedesco, Dial. = Paul T desco, Dialektologie del' westiranisehen Turfant exte, 110 AV, 1921, pp. 184-258 TeJegdi = III. S. Telegdi, Essai sur 10.phonetique des emprunts irnniens en arameen talmudlque. JA 226, pp. 177-256. .



Yolo = Dr. J.lII. rm-ala

Memorial Volume, Bombay


Vd. = Vendidad. Avesta Te:!.."i ith Pahlavi translation and commentary, and glosw sarial index, ed. by nristoor Hoshang Jamasp. 2 .... ls, Bombay 1907. o Glossary of Pahlavi Vrdidad by Dinshah D. Kapadia. Bombay 1953. 'Yeller Vol. = Asiatica. 1i'estschrift Friedrich Weller zum B5. Geburtstag. Leipzig, Hurrassowitz, 1954. I Yerbum = W. Henning, Das Verbum des lIIittelpersischen del' Turfanfragmente. ZII Bd. 9, 1933, pp. 1v 253. Wang: v. Nir. Wnag. Xen. Anab.
16 lirberg



Abhrevlutlous Y = YIlSDa, Yiiqiit


al-buldan. Geographisehes 'Vorterb


= Mu'jam

eh hrsg. von 'Viistenfeld. und Vor-

ZairWb = Ch, Bartholomae, Zurn alfiranischen 'Vorter ueh, Nacharbeiten arbeiten. Bellicf! zum XL~. Band der IF. StraJ3b g 1906.

'Widengren, 18K = Irunisch-semitische Kulturbegegn in parthischer Zeit. Arbeitsgemeinschaft fUr Forsehung des Landes N'ordrh in-Westfalen, Geisteswissensehafteu Heft 70. Koln und Oplnden 1960. - Der Feudalisrnus irn a1ten Iran. Wif;sensclllutlich Abhandlungen der Arbeitsgemeinsehaft fiir Forschung des Landes NOrdrhel' Westfalen Bd.40. Roln und Opladen 1969. 'Vikander, Mb = Stig 'Vikander, Der arische Manne undo Lund 1938. - Feuerpriester = Feuerpriester in Kleinasien und Ir . Skrifter utgivna av Kung!. Humanistiska Vetenskap5samfundet i LU11d XL. td 1946. .

ZP: v, Bailey.
Zsprm = Ziitspram according to an edition, in all pro has 110t yet been published, but of which there e. a copy was given to Professor H. W. Bailey, who copy of it for the present author. Title: Fichi(aki ZukoYskiy, Mat. = V. A_ Zukoyskiy, lIIaterialy dl'a iz Sanktpeterburg 18SS. rr-rn. Petrograd 1922. ability by Anklesaria, which sts a complete set of proofs; kindly procured Il photostat {z·i Zci/Bparam; 165 p. l!eruya persidskix nareciy. I.

ill. Reviews, Periodicals, etc

MO = Archiv fiir Orientforschung, A.M., N. S. = Asia Major, New Series. AlIIT = Arohaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran. AO = Acta Orientaliu, Copenhagen. AOi = Archiv Orientalnl, BSL = Bulletin de la Societe de Iinguistique de Pari . BSOAS = Bulletin of the School of Oriental and Afri an Studies (from 1940). BSOS = Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies ( til 1940). Bull(etin) de l'Ac(ademie) Imp(eriale) des sciences d St.·petel'sboW'g. EI = Encyclopedia of Islam (2nd edition). Eranos, Acta philologicu Suecana. FuF = Funde und Forschungen. GGA = GOttingische gelehrte Anzeigen unter ufsicht del' Gesellschaft 'Vissenschaften. GGN = },Tachrichten der k. Gesellschaft der Wisse haften zn GOttingen. IIJ = Indo-Iranian Journal. IF = Indogennanische Forschungen. JA = Journal Asiatique. JAOS = J'ournnl of the American Oriental Society. JGIS = Journal of the Greater Indian Society. JLSJ = Journnl of the Linguistic Society of Japan. JRAS = Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. MO = Le Moude Oriental. MSL = ]Iemoires de Ia Societe de linguistique de Paris.


Abbrcl'ill tlons



!lISS followed by :6gu:res indieating a year = Miinehener Studien zur Sprnchwlssan, schaft, Im Auftrage Jes Miinchener Sprachwissensehaftlichen Studienkreises hrsg . v. Karl Hoffmann .. 1 Or. Suee. = Orientalia Suecanll. REA = Revue des etuaes Armeniennes. ROS = Rfvista degli Orientali. SHdbA IV = Sitzungsbei chte der Heidelberger A.kademie der "\Vissenscbaftell. TPhS = Transactions 0 the Philological Society. UJ = Ungarfsehe Jahrbt cher, 'YuS = 1\ 6rter und Soc en. "\VZK]! = "Wiener ZeitsWhrift feU" die Kunde des lIIorgen1andes. ZDlIIG = Zeitschrift de Deutsehen Mcrgenlandischen Gesellschaft. ZII = Zeitschrift fiir In ologie und Iranistik,



Old Persian nbi-jnvnya i apa-ztltan abiy : avis ada-: uivup ndakty: adak (parjugmata-: iimatun lall-: haita: le, eb aiva-: ~e aiva-: evak a-xsata-: sastan amaxarn r amah aniya-: lan antamh : andar anuv- han-tfii apa: apfie api-r ap apiy: aparasni-: arisn Ariya ; er artiiyii: artiii artii v an-: ahlav Arta-xsaca-: Arta_'"ser asa-bara-r Ilsvur aspn-: asp 8...-11-: oi Babiru : Bii...-el baga-e bag bliji-: biii band-s bastan bandakn-: bandak bratar-: briit bfuni: bfun -ca, -eii: [-c], -el oisciy ; cis eiy: -c, -01 dahvu-e deh dah:a-: dey dun-: danistan daraniya-: zarr Ddrnye-vahue Diiriii dnrga-: dngr dasta-: dust (dnstak)rta-: Dast-kart daustar-r dost didu . diz dipi-: dipivar draug-: druxtan draujana-: drozan drauga-: drog drayah-: zriih duruva-r druyist duvara-r dar duvittya-r dit fratuma-: fratom fraB-: pursltan Fravarti-: fravahr fravatab: frot ga8u-: giih gaieii.: gehii.n a gam-e iimatan ham gam-: hanjam gausa-: gas grab-s griftan, patigrift gaub-: guftan x5iiya8iya.: ima-: im SiiJl

mada-: l\Iiid magu-: magii manii: man martiya-: mart Margu-: Marv mayiixa-: mudriiya-:

ni-may-: nimutan
mex muzraylk

naiba-: nev naiy: ne pais-e pesit paiSiya: pes pnru-zana·: ~zElnak pati-kara e putkar pati-prs-: patpnrsrtan patis , Patisbuvari·: PatisxUiir·

bacii: hac ha-karame hakar hama-r hum Hangmatana-: Hamdan ham-: hamiik hamieiya-: hllmist HarllbUYati·: Raxuat haraiva-r Radii haruva. bar hauv : h6 hindu-s Hind huska-: huSk hva-r i abi.jii.Yayn.: apa-ziitan vi-!!kan-: gukiin kar- (kunnv}: lkartan kiira-: karecar kasakaIDa- (kiisaka·): kiisaken kasciy: ~kas kaufa-r k6f ii-xSnay-: iiSniitnn xSa¥a.: sahr xilar;a.pii.\'an-: sahrap xilap-: sap

pafiy . pat pavastfl-r post pfiy-: piitan pur;a-: pus rad, rudiy: ~rad Raga: Riig rusa-: rasltan raucah-: roc rautnh-: rot saka-: Jsakskaufli-; 5k5h stu: estiitan Suguda-: Sugud -saiv: -5 siyita-, siyiiti-: sut sivav-: Sutan



-taiy : -t vi-tar-e vitartan

tarllb: ltar

Old Perstan
trsa-: tarsitan tigra-: rigr tuvarnr to Oadnya-. sahistan 8ak-: sacisneh 8ard-: sill
Buxra-: suxr

245 upariy: zapar uvdi-paslya-: xUes vaina-, ditan van-e periivanihit vasiy: vas vazrka-r vazurg vi8-: vis visa-; vis en vispa-zana-r ~znDnk

Vistiispa-: Vi5tiisp Vrkana-: Gurgiill ya-: i yauna-, yiiniiniiyik yaud-: r6d-, iiy6z-

zrankn-r zrang ziiralt} zfira-kfira : z5r

upn : Bpac

ii: ii

a-burjha-r rnang abda, abdo.tama-: avd ada, non: aiviip noaixi: adar aoara-: adar ae8rapati-: herpat aesmn-: hesm aesmB-: hMm aeta-: Ie, fit aeva-: ze, {ivak evak-diit aevA.: ·e aevlt pi: hep afs-ci8ra-: iip-cihrak A:Yl'ae-ra8a-: Agrel'nt lah_: hahamusta-: mustiipiit iihita-, ahiti-: *ahoyenitan ahmiikam: amiih nhu-,aJJhu-:IDL"U,patexueh ahfi-r ahfi Ahura- Mazdah-: Ohmmazd iii: ~e aibi, aiwi : avrs uidyti : hayyul' nipi: apairya-: er Airyanom vaej6: Eriinvej alwi.gama -: iivam aiwi.gat.i-: aibigat uka-: ak-dsneh alcana-: kan-tigr Axriira: A.."\:rUrng fixsti-: iiSteh ama-: amfivand Amaratat : Amurdat

amasa-spantu-e aruahraspand an-a-ra-: an-agr Aniihitii: Anill:tit an-aosa-: an-osak angra-mainyu-, 8I]1'amainyu-: Ahriman antara: andar antaraca ; nndarg antama-e tiiirum: han-tiii anya-, ainya-r lan anya8ii: enyii aojah-: 02: ap-: apam ap-, iip-, avi-ap-z ayiiftan iip-: iip lip < ii ap-: t.igr-ahy apa : apiic apaxtara-. apaxtar a-paranayu-: a-purnai a-paranayiika-r apurniiyik a-puyant-r apohisn lar_: rnsltan paiti-lar-: patIrak araska-: arisk Braoa-: arak arajah-: ru'Z Arajat_aspa-: Arjarasp, Arjasp arata-: Art-vahist ara8na-: arisn arazahl-r Arzah Ast5.yi"lllitu, -yi06tu-: Astvihiit, annae-stii-: axmest asman-: asman liisna-: iisn aspa-: asp

ast-z ast asta-: pah-ast astvant-r asUimand as.aojah -: VIl5·0Z nSava-: ai36k vahista-: AxcvahiSt a1i1ivan-, aSayl1: ahlav aSilmaoya-: ahramog ll1Hsyaljuhl: Ahrisvang asta-: astalc aStra -: aStr atar-: ata::;:s Atarapiita-: _.Ifur-pat aSt"l: ah aS1'avan-: iisron A6"J'aru-: Aspikiin aurvant-z arvand Aurvaj-aspa: Arvand-asp ava-: 5i Ilva-hisioyat: apa-sistan avara, a,ara: ii"ar a-varata- *iivartiik avis kiix: iiSkiirak O\'TIl-: avr upo ay-: llpiiyistall ay-: iiruatan aya-: ::;:iiyak ayoxsusta-, ayaoxsusta-: ay5Sust . azda: azd azam r =an, ane

azi-: liz

aii-: azi-dahaka: _,ui-dabiik srodvnya-r uleh araowll-: ul (paiti.}arana-: patriin erata-s Art-vahist erazuya-: iiluh a-vindan-r avinn


biiSa baioistam: bfistfin baesa~a-: besazeh baevar-, baevan-: bevar bag-s baxtan baga-, bara-: bag. farrob:'\g La ;'obaxtn-: bltgo-ba:!l:t haxaora-: bahr Baxtrt: Baxl biimyii: bam band-s bustan bnndu-: band bangha-, barjha-: banjak buo Sah-, baodi-r bod baog-: buxtan ii-bar-: iivurtan barag-: bu.rl.itan barasman-r barsom barazan-e balen barezlsta-e biilist

246 cirya-: cer, takfk c{a)vant.-: cand • Idii-: dlitan (ni- )dli-: nihatan (fra- )dab-: freftan dao\-ah-: dadv daenii-: den daes-: desakah daeva-: dev daevn-yasna: devesneh daeva-yaz-. dev-avvas daez-: diz -dag-: dazdaheka-: Dahuk

dvar-: dar dus-mainyu-. dus-msn dus-muneh-s dus-rnan dus-mata-: dus-mat duS-;s:uaranah-: dusxUarr(ah)

du:idq.fadro: duSdEift duz-daena-e dus-den duz-diiy-: dui, duzd duz-vaenh-r dus-gobisn dus-varstn-: dus-huvarst, dui-ii--:ta-: dus-hilxt, dvaesah, !bne5ah: Ibes dvar-, dvdristan

dahyu-r deh

Bastavari-: Bastvar

bawra-, bawri-: bavrak buzu-: bii.~iik barag-, borsjyastama-: burfitan barazant-r buland bi-taeya-: teh bitya-e bitax.s, dit bi-zangra-r dd-zang briltar-: brat bray-, brin-e britan braz-, braza-: brah br6i8ro,taezn-: tel. bfuni-: biim bi\.nn-: bun biisYllstu-: biis1isp -ea, -efi: [-e], -ci caecastn-r Cecist ciirii-: car cariiiti-: caratik caraman-: carrn casrnan -: cam cat-: CM caflru-: caher en 8rn-dasa: cahnr-dahom ca8wiiro: cahiir caflwara.znngra-r cahfirzang -cina, eina-r a-vinn, dui -cit: [-c], -ei ei8ra-: ow

daibitya-: dit daiTjhu-pati-: dahyupat daitika-: dat Diiity1i-: Daiu da.xlliira-, daxsta: daxsak dami-: dam daos-: IdM daozahva-: dosaxu ldar-, daranii-: dritan 3dar-: diistan darega-: dagr darayo,xuaoiita: derangxUatiii

frabdo.drnjah . fravd fraca, futs: friic fradaoafsii: Friidatafs Frada!;-;S:Daranah- : Fradat-xvarrah fraesta: frnyist Frarjrasyan; Frangruai-

fra-pad-r frabd, fravd ii-frll5-: mas ii-friiy-: iimtan FraSaostra-: Frasostr Fras.ham, varata e fraSa· vart fraSna-: frasn fraSo.karati-: fras-kart, fratoma: fratom fra-viika: Fravak fravasi-: fravahr, frayaS fravaSmiim: fravartur friiyah: Friiy-zist frazanti-: frazand Frazdanu-r Frazdjln

diita-: dat ldiiy_: diiyak ~diiy-: dltan dawra-raaesl: davr doiara-: doisr drafsa-: drafs drajah-: driiz ldrang-: dranj :d.!·ang-: dranjisn draojina-: drozan draog-: drnxtan draoga-, draova-r dreg dragvant-, drvant-: druvand drigu-, drrru-r drigfiS drug-, druxs, driijo: drus drva-: druyist drvatiit-: drot dugadar-, duvdar-: duxt Duyda.vii-: Dugdav duma-: dumb dura-: diir diirae-sriitn-: Diir-asrav

ga1lii-: gad gae8ii: gehiill, getah fra-gam-s frazaftan giiman-: giim Gandarawa.. Gandarv ganti-e gandakeh Gao-ci8ra: Gi5cihr 19nona-: gonak 19aona-: cigon gaospanta-: G05palld gaoyaoti-: gii\"iyot gaosa-. goil

19ar-: *gllhrayenitan ~gnr-: "'gir, gariimik (nibi.Fgar-: iiiarm, =apaiirisnik 4gar_: gl'iitn.n garama-v. garamu-r garm garaz-: girzitan garl-: gar Ign,,-: gaviikeh 4gav-: gay 5gav_: gii.Y Gayo.maraten-e Gayo-

247 haxay-r *hamiU.:akeh (vi-jhay-: YEiitan hnya-, hya-r xem hazaijra-s hazar hazmjro.ayam-. hazangro-zlm ham, ham. hamak hindu-, handu-: Rind hixra-: hihreh hizfi, hizva: uzvan hudiih-: hu-dahak, veh-diik hu-: ~xuiir hu frliSmo.diiti-: frasrn huxta-r hfixt humata-r humat humdyii-: Hamiik hunara-: hunar hunivixta-: *hu-va.xm hunu-r hunusk h(u)vira-: diir-huvireh hura: hur huskn-: husk Hutaosii-: Hutos hutMta-: hu-tastak hvara-darasa-: xuar-eaSm hvara-xsanta-e xtlar-xset hvarsta-: hnvarst hyaona-: xion irna-r im i8yajah-. i8yejah-: Eez irimant-r rim an irista-: rist jahi-: je jiiroayeiti: ziimJiimiispa.: Jiimiisp fra-jasaiti i fraiaftan ka-: ce ka- (kata-}: kiitak kadii: kad kaenii-: ken kaes-: nfim-cist kaeta-: ket kae8; cihenltan kahrkiisa-: karkiis kahrpuna-: "karbok kainya-, kaini: kanik kiima-: kam kamara-. kamar kamaralia-: kamiir kambiStam: kern

(vi-)!!kan-: gukiin knmna-: kam kaofa: kof fra-kaos (-kuSa): kustan lkar_ (1..-aranu-): lkartan !!kar-: Gariim.lli.-kirt 'kar-: kistiir SJi::ar-: kiireciir karan-: kaniir kara-vant-s kar karana-: karr karat- (karantaiti): kirrenitan karata-: kart kars: ka.liitan karsvar: kisvar kasci~: ~kas kasu-. lkas kat: ka kat: "kaS kii.ta-: kiitak katnma-. katiim katjlrn- (l;;atarnscit): katarcihe Kavarasman-: Karazm kavsta-: kaviit kavi-: kai knvi-: kayak kavi-jusan-}. Kayo5 kayo: ertan kahrp-: karp Krisiisp kii (1..-u8a): ku kutaka-: kotak xrafstra-r xrafsbr


galls urvan : Gos-urvn.n gouru-: garan grab-: griftan grh-ii-: grl v haed: hac halia.mEl8ra-: hiit-miinsr Ihaek-: vis·sinj haenii-: hen hak-r haxtan hakaraj : hakarc lhBm: hfimen ~hama: hamak hamaestar-r hame5tiir ham-myase hamestak1in h!im.rae8"ayeiti: "hlireftan hangata-r hangateh hanjarnanu-: hanjarnan han-karati-: haugirtfkeh han-karayeiti i hangartan haos-: hositan Hao3YR1Jha-: Hosang ~hao!;rayah-: xosr6i haoya-r hoi hapta karsVEln: haftki5VRI' Hapto.irlnga-: Haft6iring har-: zin-hiir Barii bsrszaitt: Harburz HaraxUati-: Ra.xuat harallis-: halak haraz-: histan haroivar Rarai hiiSra-: hiisr han: hiin haurva-e har haurvatat-. Harvadat (Vi-)Dhav-: vistttan hiiviSta-: hiivist

xratu-: xrat

xrvidru-: xurdrus ni-xsata-r !'instan sahr xSa8ra-vairya-: sahrevar puti-xsay • piiti.xsiii xsmiika-: 5mii.h iliii.-; snii).i;an xsnav: i'iniiylSn (aya/ayi-) xsnav-: osnutak x.susta-: Sustan x.:,"viwra-: "sif(a)rg xUaena-ayah-: XUan-ii5E!n xUaepaj8ya-: xUes xuafnu-: xvamn xUiiirizam-: xuarizm xvanaj.casra:

xllandra-kara-: "'xuandrai xuanira8a: xllanirah xvap-: xuftan xlliipara-: xlliipar xvar-: xllartnn xvar-Ixvan- )sand: xvansand xuaranah-: xvarrah xvaranahvant.. farrax" xvasta-: xvastan
xUat6: xUat

ham-spar-r hanbiirisn
par1i-: par-but an para-: piirak Para-Bata-. Pes-diit parana-, parena-r parr parasu- (perasu-): pahluk parsta-, parsti-: PuSt pasca: pas pasu-: piih (ava-)~par-: 5piir

miSwana-: "'mutfan :mIZda·: mizd morn-tbis-: magii mrilra-: mirtak

naerna-r nem
naeza i nezak niiiri- (nairikii·): niiirik Nairy6.sBl]ha: Narsah, Nerosang apn-nam·: ayaftan fra-nam-. franaftan nilman-e niim namra.viixS-: *a-namrtom napat-e nap nas-r anil-vinast lnas·: vinasltan =nas-: panah naska-: nask nasu-s nasai (ava- )nay-: 5nitan nazdista-: nazdist nazdy6: nazd

pat-: patitan
(av a-jpat-:




patarata-: "Patiritariisp
paflana-r pahan pa8ra-vant: pahr piiy-: piitan pazdaya-: pazdltan pazdu-r pazdok parana-. purr us-perana-: uspurrik paratu-, pasu-: puhl para8a-: 2puhr pisant-r pist Pisi-syaoflna-. PiSiS6tan pistra-: pe5nk Pourusaspa-: Pourusasp pititika-: pG.tik pfiti-: pilt pu9ra-: lpuhr rii-: riit Tiid-: =ristak ii riid-: iiriistaD pati Tad-: pairiistak raek-: rexian (abi] raek-: eraxtan ...-i raek-: vir~-tan Tae8n-a-: "'hareftan hqlll.ra119wayeiti: "hareftan raesa{h): resenltan raevant-: riiy5mand ra8ae·star·: arte:,"iiir rah-: rastan ram-, riimase-, riUuan: rfirnisn raman-: hu-ram lrana-: ran =rii11a-, rqna-: riin raocah-r roc raoaa-: lr5d raoisita-: ~r6d raoy-, raoyna-: r6gn

mae8ana-: mahmaneh mahrka-r marg Mahrknsa: :Markus mniByana-: miyan maioy5.zaramaya: maiBy5zann . mninyaoya-: men5i mairya-r ~mar, merak maxsi-: *macah lman-: menitan, 6met ~man-: milndan manah-: hesm-maniha Manus-cibra-: Manueihr maoBan5.kara-: mustiiplit lmar- (mirya- mereta-}:

namata-: namnt niBiiti·: nihan n6it: ne pad-r pad paoa: padak paSa: piidak paeman-: pem paesa-, pass-: pesit pairi-haraz-s pesiirviir pairi-fra-haraz-: pesiirviir pairikii: parjk nl-pais-: nipistan paiti: pat paiti-tar s patirak paitiea : peeitek paitis: patis paitistanu. paitistan paityank-: paitiik paityara r paityiirak pana .. : piinak panti-, pae.: pand.niimali peoir)·5.tkaesa: P6r =par-, pafr-: viiparikiine =pn.r-: hanbfirisn 4par: appurisn, XUBl'bariin

~max-: iim!i.T ~maravis: osmurtan maraz-: mnrzihistnn marazapana-: marzpiin !lIaryu (!\I5uru.): Marv marso.kara: *maSkar

+ + +

mas-, masan-: mas

masya-: miihik masya-: mart m!l8ra-: mansr m!l8ra-spanta: muhraspand (fra- )miiy-: framatan (ill- )miiy-: ni-rnfitan (pati-)may: patmiin mazdayasna-: mazdesn mazga-: mazg marazdii-, marazdika-: limUTiitan miSao:!l..-ta- (mi86:!1..-ta): mitdxt. miflra-: mihr



(ii- )ro.ok-: *ii.rok (paiti-)1'aok-: piit1'oO raoxsna-: 1'osn rllpi9wa-: rapitfak rapiflwina-, 1'Ilpi8wi(na)tara-: rapitfak rqrsma-: *hiireftan rasman-: razm rasnu-r Rnsn, Resn-cln ~l'atu-: rat ravan-: ron riiz-, riid-: virastan razah-: riiz

249 spanta-mainyu-r spannfik menoi ," Spitlimll: Spitiim spita-gacna-: spet sraosa-: Sros sranta-r srot sraska-: BriSk srav-: apa-sos srav-: sriitan sravah-: srav (ni-Isray-: msiii srayan-: ~sm sri-: 2sm srlIti-: siit£!kariili srii-, srva-: Siii-gay
srvara-r srfi-bar

AwsJan tap-, tiipa-, tiipaya.:

(yi-ltar-: vitartan tarascae turist tarsna-: tiSnak taro: Itar, turist

tnS-: tiiSitlln tasta-: faSt

tq81'a-: tii1'ik tIJ.8rYIl-: tnrik tauruna-: tarr tav-e tuvsn (pnti-Ptav-. pnttai, pnttiin tavah-: stob tiyri-: tigr Tiro.naka9wa-: Til' .TiSt1'ya-: Ti5tr Hzi-: tei !kaesa-: kes toi, to: -t t&a-: TUr Tusa-: Tus tusni-: tusn (frn )-9Illlg-: frahaxtnn Braetaona-: FrHon Brah-: sahm Brah-, terasa-r tarsrtan 9risant-: Ism 8riSva·: sriSvAtak 8ritn-: Srit Britn-: Britrur 8ritya.: sitikar Bwa-r to Bwaxs-; tuxsltan udaro.Brasa-: *ud(a)1'iii upniri: ~apar upara-, upara, upararn r. lapar upard.kairya r apar-gal' urvara-r urvar urva es-: arves us(ah}-hamn: us-bum us zay-: ttl ustra-: ustur uz-dnhyn-: uzdahikeh *uz-vndnya-: uzvahistan
ya: ap-

Siicaya-: SB.:!I.iall saed-; fra-sinn (apu- )saed-: apa-sistan (vi- )s8M-: visistan sah-, pt. siSta- etc.: a-sistak sairya-: sargiin lsak-: sac ~sak-: saeiSneh lsand-: passand sadaya-: sahistan ~Siima-: Siiman saok-: soxtan saoka-: ~sok saosyant-r S5siins sarah-: sar sarah: apae-sarih sarad-r sal lsarada-: mes-siir sarata-: sart sastar-: sastar 58V-, sayi1, savahsiit Savahi : Savala saxvar-: saxvan sima-: *sim.depahr slzdya-, syazd-: sizd skand-: skll5tan skapta-r skaft snl1i9is: snah lSpa: pnrisp spa8a-, spada.: spiihspano: lsak spar-r spurt-an spas-: spas spazga-: spazg Spanta _~aiti-: Spandarmat . Spandi-dat

5I'VO_ZRllIl-:~zanak (abi-j-sta-: esUitan (ava-jstfi-: avistatan, ostiitan (pairi- )stii-: par-estii tan 51:80ra-: stor star-r a-star-: iistiir IEtar, starata-, stsrsta-: start Etiiro.kararna: kirrn stav-e stayitan (ii-lsta,,-: iistaviin staxra-: Staxr stamba-: stambakeh stig-: stezak stiinll-, stWla-: stfinalc Suy8a-: Sugud siira-: siiliik Syiimnkn: Siyiimnk syBva·: siyii Syiivarsan: Siyiiyaxrs paiti-smuxta-: roiik paiti.smuxta-. patmoxtan syata, gatn: siit syav-, sav-: sutan pairi-tac-r pardaxtan tiicaya-: tn:\·tan tafnah-, tafuu-: tiip
(vi-jtak-: v.itfixtan

taka-: tak taxma-: tahm tnnii-: tan tanu.psrsda-r taniipuhrak taos-, tusa-: tuhikeh

va-: "'dus·yiyUk Va8aya, Vn8ayalla: Vadagiin

AyesillD ~~-aed-:vindatan, v, a-v inn ~yseda-: vistnn vasdistn-: Vaedist vaeg-, yoiynii: ~yextan vaek-, vaeca-: lyextal1 vaema-. vsm vaena-: drtan vafra-r vafr ~vah: viysk vahistn-: vahisb vahvah-: veh v ak:: v ii.c, Yiicisneh pnt.i Ivak-: patvae
l v UXS:

250 vastro.fsuyant-: vast1'iyos vata-: viit lvay-: viiyendak 3,'ay-, vayavant, vaydbarata-. lYiii vayu-, vaya-r 2,'iii vayfi.barat : 3'-iii vuz-r vazttan Va2:1'a-: vazr vahrka-: gurg vahrkiino[.sayana-] :

_<\:rest an
yama-r yiim {ii-lynog-: iiyu..'\.-tan [api-jyaog-r api-yuxtan yaoz-: iiyoz-: yodya,,"tn-: yast-fravahr yastar-: yaStii1' Yllsti-: yoSt yiitu-: yiitUk yava-r :ro·mful ),02-: yastan, iziiln yazata-: yazet Yima: Yam yujyasti-: yujiyast yfu;:ta-: yuxt yilliniika-: smuh yvan-, yavan-. yuyiin zaenahvnnt-j z8nii\'al1diM zaenu-: zen zafan-, zafar-r dahiln zafar-r zafar zairita-: zart-gos Zairi.vari-: Zarer zan-e ziitan zanga, zanga-: zang zanti-r zand zaoerA-: zohr zaos-r dost zaoSa-: dosdram (ii- )zar-: liizii.r Zara9ust1'a-: zaranaena-: zarren zaranu-, ZIl1'allYU-: zarr zaranu-mani-, dalrnnn zasta -: dast ziitll, ii-zuta: iiziit zaurvan-: zurvan zav-: nzbayisn ziivEll'-: ziivar (ii}.ziiy-: iiziit zarad-, za1'aoaya-: dil zoii.dista·, zaesa-: zest zl'uoa·: z1'eh zrayah-r dmyap, zriih zya-: zlnzyam-, zam-r damistan


~vaxs: Osiin 2\"8..:..:1\-: vaxsitan



vjdaoafsu-: Vidatafs vikaya-: gukii i vira-; ~viI'a: :,-ir Yiriiz(a)-: Viriiz


van-, vanii: van lyan-: Yiinitan Vanant-t Van all d vaijhar-: vahar vfita-; viit 1,-111'-: varr IvaI': aspan-var 2yar-: varisn 2\'ar-: varom 3vnl'-: ham-var s,-ar-: 2yar yfir-: yiiran varah-: lvar varana-, varana-: varan varflza -: yariiz varocah-r yare varaon-: gul varekn-r varg Yara9rayna-: Varhl'un varama-: varom varasa-: v-ars

vis-: vis

vlspa -: visen vlspa-: visp Yispo.biima-: biim Yiso.pu91'1l: vispuhr viS, viSn-: vis Yii1tiispa-: Vistiisp vitasti-: vitist Vivnnghiin, vtvanghana V~\-ahvant: Yivanghlnan Yiza1'asa-: Viz aI's Vohu-manah-: Vahuman Vouru.barasti-: Vaum· barst Vouru.jarastf-; Vaurujarst Vouru.kasa-: Var-kEiS VOliTU.namE!h.: KiimakvaxSiiill Vouru.savah-: Kiimak· yyiina-: jiin vyiixana-: hanjamanik ya-: iyah-, yaesa-: as yam-: *piiyam (pari -)yam-: periim5n

varot-: vastan
~val'ata-: vnrtak varaz-: varzltan vnraza-e Ivan YI11'i-: 3"ar varsni-; gu.En vastra-: vastarg


yiistra-: vastr

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