Fine Arts

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Any book The Mughal School of Miniature paintings. of fine art covering the syllabyus of BOSEH Bhiwani Modern Trainds in Indian Art.

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fnlEc j (i)Evolution of the Indian National flag. First1906, Middle- 1921 and final-1947 Stages. (ii)Study of the form and color scheme. 07 02 18

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khrkdkyhu vodkk 22 fnlEcj ls 31 fnlEcj rd Bengal School of Paintings. 10



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Qjojh 3. The Modern Trends in Indian Arts. Study of the following painting: (i) Magician (ii) Mother and child (iii) Women face Study of the following pieces of Sclpture. (i) Trumph of Labour (ii) Sanlhal family Revision and Exam. 06 06 24


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