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Table of contents
Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Working principle of the Water level indicator circuit Working principle of the Touch operated switch Working principle of the NOT gate using transistor Working principle of the IR switch Working principle of the Rain alarm Working principle of the Light operated switch Working principle of the Soft switch for electrical appliances Working principle of the UM-66 base melody generator Working principle of the Thermister based heat indicator Working principle of the Direction control for DC motor Page no. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

TEXT BOOKS: EFY project books vol 1-5.


1. Title: Realization of water level indicator on bread board. Apparatus required: S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Apparatus Transistor LED Resistor Buzzer Battery Specifications BC548 220 Ohm 9v Qty. 4 3 6 1 Tolerance NA NA +/- 5%

Learning Objective: Application of transistor as an amplifier.

Circuit Diagram:

Procedure: Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram. Empty the water container initially.

Start increasing the water level slowly.


Scope of result to be reported: Observe the sequential glowing of LEDs as the water level increases, also the ringing of Buzzer at overflow. Cautions: Connect circuit very carefully with all connections tight and clear. Do not short circuit +ve and ve terminals of battery at any point in circuit. Do not give direct supply to LEDs.

2. Title: Realization of Touch operated switch on bread board Apparatus required:

S. No 1 2 3 4 5

Apparatus Resistor IC 555 Buzzer Capacitor LED

Specifications 1K,100k,10M NE555 10uF

Qty. 1 1 1 1 1

Tolerance +/- 5%

Learning Objective : Application of IC 555.

Circuit Diagram:

Procedure: Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram. Touch the plates with finger. The LED will glow.

Scope of result to be reported: Observe the glow of LED as we touch the plates and the ringing of Buzzer. Cautions: Connect circuit very carefully with all connections tight and clear. Do not short circuit +ve and ve terminals of supply at any point in circuit. Do not give direct supply to LEDs. Give proper supply to IC 555.

3. Title: Realization of NOT gate using transistor. Apparatus required: S. No 1 2 Apparatus Transistor Resistor Specifications BC548 Qty. 1 Tolerance

Objective: Application of Transistor as switch.

Circuit Diagram:

Procedure: Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram.

Scope of result to be reported: Observe the voltage at Base and Collector with Multimeter. Cautions: Connect circuit very carefully with all connections tight and clear. Do not short circuit +ve and ve terminals of supply at any point in circuit.

4. Title: Realization of the IR switch. Equipment Required: Wires, Multiple Power Supply, & multimeter. Material Required: ICs (555, SOTP IR Rx), Capacitor (0.1 F, 4.7 F), Resistors (1K, 22K, 330K, 10K, 100K, variable 20K), Battery (5 V), IR LED and LED. Objective: Use of IR- transmitter and receiver.

Circuit Diagram:

Figure 1

Procedure: Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram LED 1 should glow. Interrupt IR light to reach IR Rx.

Scope of result to be reported: Observe the difference on LED 1 while interrupting the path. LED 1 glows when there is no interruption and it turns off when there is any interruption. Cautions: Connect circuit very carefully with all connections tight and clear. Do not short circuit +ve and ve terminals of supply at any point in circuit.

5. Title: Realization of the Rain Alarm circuit. Apparatus required: S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Apparatus IC timer Water sensor Capacitor Resistor Var resistor Specifications NE 555 0.01uF(2),1uF 10K 500k Qty. 1 1 3 1 1 Tolerance

Objective: Application of IC 555.

Circuit Diagram:

Procedure: Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram. Wet the water sensor. The speaker will produce sound.

Scope of result to be reported: Observe the sound of speaker as we wet water sensor.

Cautions: Connect circuit very carefully with all connections tight and clear. Do not short circuit +ve and ve terminals of supply at any point in circuit. Give proper supply to IC 555.

6. Title: Realization of the Light Operated switch on bread board. Apparatus required: S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Apparatus Transistor Var Resistor Relay LDR Bulb Bulb holder Specifications BC548 100K Qty. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tolerance

60 W

Objective: Application of LDR.

Circuit Diagram:

Procedure: Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram.

Scope of result to be reported: Observe the Bulb which turns on when light falls on LDR as Relay switches on the supply to bulb. Cautions: Connect circuit very carefully with all connections tight and clear. Do not short circuit +ve and ve terminals of supply at any point in circuit. Be very careful of AC supply, do not touch bare wires.

7. Title: Realization of Soft switch for Electrical appliances. Equipment Required: Wires, Multiple Power Supply & multimeter. Material Required: Bulb holder,2-ON/OFF switch, IC-CD4027, Capacitor(0.47uF), Transistor(SL100), Relay, LDR, Bulb(60 W) & resistor(47K & 8.2K ). Learning Objective: Application of IC-CD4027.

Procedure: Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram. Press the ON/OFF button and turn on the electrical device. Circuit Diagram:

Scope of result to be reported: Observe the electrical appliance which

turns on when we press soft ON/OFF switch as Relay switches on the supply to appliance.

Connect circuit very carefully with all connections tight and clear. Do not short circuit +ve and ve terminals of supply at any point in circuit.

8. Title: Realization of the UM-66 base melody generator on bread board. Apparatus required: S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Apparatus IC Resistor Capacitor Battery Speaker Transistor Specifications UM 66 0.1uF 4.7K 4.5 v HE8050S Qty. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tolerance

Objective: Application of IC-UM66.

Circuit Diagram:

Procedure: Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram.

Scope of result to be reported: Observe the melodious sound from speaker when we switch on the supply.

9. Title: Realization of Thermister based heat indicator.

Equipment Required: Wires, Multiple Power Supply & multimeter. Material Required: Thermister (DC95Y103W ), preset resistor, LED Darlington Transistor (BC-618), Hair Drier. Learning Objective: Application of Thermister. Procedure: Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram. Switch on Drier and see the LED glowing. Circuit Diagram

Scope of result to be reported: Observe the melodious sound from

speaker when we switch on the supply.

Connect circuit very carefully with all connections tight and clear. Do not short circuit +ve and ve terminals of supply at any point in circuit..

10. Title: Realization of the Direction control for DC motor circuit. Apparatus required: S. No 1 2 3 4 Apparatus Resistor Diodes Transistor DC motor Specifications 10K,2.2K IN4007 Bc 548 12v Qty. 2 each 5 4 Tolerance +/- 5%

Objective: Application of TRANSISTOR as switch.

Circuit Diagram:

Procedure: Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram.

Scope of result to be reported: Observe the direction of rotation of motor as we turn on the switches S1 and S2 alternately.

Cautions: Connect circuit very carefully with all connections tight and clear. Do not short circuit +ve and ve terminals of supply at any point in circuit.

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