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By: ______________________

Constellation: __________________________________________ Nickname: _____________________________________________ Best months to see it: ___________________________________ Summary of Myth:

Stars in my constellation: Type of Star Distance from Earth (light-years) Apparent Magnitude Surface Temp. (K)



Fascinating Facts about my constellation:

Write the name of YOUR assigned constellation. Research its Nickname (2pts) and the months of the year that it can be seen. (2pts) Find the myth related to your constellation and provide a summary (in your own words) of what its about. As you read your myths, you may find that there is more than one myth associated with that constellation. If there are two or more myths, select one. (7-8 sentences)(6pts) Draw a diagram of your constellation. Label the major stars and provide lines to draw the shape of the constellation. (3pts.) Draw a diagram / find a picture of the mythological constellation. Make sure to show the stars in the diagram. (3pts.)

Provide a list of the major stars in your constellation. Research each to find the information to complete the data table. (3pts.) What else did you learn about your constellation? Write three sentences to share additional information, for example: where it is located, if it is used to point to other constellations and planets, or facts about the stars found in your constellation. (2 pts. each)

RESOURCES: Interactive Sky Chart: The Constellations: Skywatchers Pronunciation Guide: Star Types: Star Magnitudes: Contellation Mythology:
Northern Hemisphere Constellations:

Stock art Space:

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