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Co||ege of Nurs|ng

S||||man Un|vers|ty
Dumaguete C|ty

Iunct|ona| nea|th attern
Usua| Iunct|ona| nea|th attern (Iune 262011) In|t|a| Appra|sa| (Iune 26 2011) Cngo|ng Appra|sa| Cngo|ng Appra|sa|

I nea|th ercept|onnea|th
O MoLher has no problem wlLh her
dellvery and pregnancy wlLh Lhe
O MoLher verballzed okay ra man slya
O ompleLe lmmunlzaLlon
O MoLher verballzed Mga Lwlce a year
nako slya lpacheckup nl ura le
8lsaryo pero depende ra pud og naa ml
O MoLher verballzed regardlng acLlons
Laken when S/S arlses MagamlL ml og
herbal nlya ako slya lpacheckup
O -one of Lhelr famlly members smokes
O MoLher verballzed Amahan [ud nlya
nag magkuha sa lya glkan sa skuylahan
para safeLy pud"
O ulll kayo nako slya padulaon para dlll
madlsgrasya" as verballzed by Lhe
O ood general healLh sLaLus of Lhe

O asy for Lhe moLher Lo follow Lhlng
LhaL Lhe nurses and docLors suggesL
O 9aLlenL ls noL experlenclng dlscomforL
as of Lhe momenL
O uaLe of admlsslon !une 26 2011
O eneral sLaLus ls good
O -o lnfecLlons noLed
O MoLher verballzed" lnlL kayo slya
pagdala namo nlya ganlnang bunLag"
O She also verballzed slge slya ug
reklamo nga galabad lyang ulo
ganlnang bunLag"
O aubo slya pero wala plema nga
mugawas" as verballzed by Lhe
I|ta| s|gns
8 90/60 mmPg
k 108bpm (sLrong boundlng and regular)
kk 22 cpm (wlLhouL Lhe use of accessory
muscle regular)
1emp 381

O lv llne was LermlnaLed and
relnserLed aL Lhe lefL
meLacarpal veln because
lnfllLraLlon swelllng and
O Absence of fever noLed
O -o lnfecLlons noLed
O -oL Laklng 9araceLamol
O eneral sLaus ls good
O Absence of headache noLed as
clalmed by Lhe cllenL
I|ta| S|gns
k 69 bpm (sLrong boundlng and
kk 19 cpm (wlLhouL Lhe use of
accessory muscle regular)
1emp 363

O 9arenLs are wellgroomed Lldy and
orlenLed Lo Llme and place

II Nutr|t|ona|Metabo||c attern
O 9aLlenL ls noL breasLfeed anymore
O MoLher verballzed Mulnom slya og
gaLas or mllo lf naa lkapallL"
O ul slya kayo mukaon og lsda puros ra
uLan og lLlog kay layhan man slya
kaayo" as Lhe moLher verballzed

O 9araceLamol 230/3 3ml q4h 9-
O Amplclllln sulbacLam 730 mg q8h
O u3L 1 llLer 20gLLs/mln sLarLed aL
Lab kesu|ts (6]26]11144S pm)
O J8 43 k/ul wlLh reference of 43
133 k/ul
O Pgb 123 g/dL wlLh reference of
113143 g/dL
O PcL 343 wlLh reference of 3743
O 9laLeleL 140 k/ul wlLh reference of
Leukocyte Iormu|a
O LymphocyLe23 wlLh reference of
O MonocyLe 3 wlLh reference of 0
O -euLrophlls72 wlLh reference of
O oslnophlls 2 wlLh reference of 0
O 8asophlls0 wlLh reference of 01

O 9aLlenL only eaLs 2 Lable spoon of
lugaw for breakfasL and blsculLs for
O uleL as LoleraLed
O She eaLs vegeLables raLher Lhan meaL
O JelghL 24 kgs
O -o scars or leslons noLed

O 8reakfasL rlce and soup
O Lunch rlce banana and
Llnolang lsda
O uleL as LoleraLed
O -o scars or leslons noLed
O Pad u3L 20 gLLs/mln aL Lhe
O lamlly uses herbal medlclne
O 9aLlenL ls Laklng nervon as her
O MoLher verballzed ana ra man slya
sa pagkaon"
O MoLher also verballzed Allerglc slya
og kalabasa lf mag slge"
O -o skln problems such as rashes or
leslons noLed
O Je|ght 24 kg
O 8|rth we|ght 3000 + grams
O Skln ls brown ln color wlLh good skln

III ||m|nat|on attern
O 9aLlenL usually defecaLes once a day
wlLh sofL and brownlsh colored sLool
O uoes noL use dlapers anymore
O 9aLlenL usually urlnaLes 34 Llmes a day
O MoLher verballzed lf panalagsa ra
slya manglhl yellow pero pag slge kay
O 9aLlenL easlly persplre -o odor

II Act|v|tyerc|se attern
O MoLher verballzed kausa ra sa usa ka
adlaw slya mallgo 8lsan unsa ran a
sabon usahay kay bareLa or humoL"
O 9aLlenL changes cloLhes once a day
O 9aLlenL llkes 8arble doll
O kadaadlaw slya magdula nya dlll ra
man pud slya kapuyan" as Lhe moLher
O llenL has brown colored skln wlLh
u3L runnlng aL 20 gLLs/mln ln Lhe
rlghL meLacarpal veln
O MoLher verballzed 9lllan slya kung
magkaun lagmlL lLlog ang ganahan
nlyang kanun"
O She also verballzed dlll man gud ml
Llg kaun ug manok baboy ug karne
LagmlL lsda ra pero dlll kayo slya

O 9aLlenL has defecaLed Lwlce wlLh sofL
and brown sLool
O Pas urlnaLed 34 Llmes wlLh yellow
colored urlne
O -o problem durlng urlnaLlon
O -o unusual odor noLed as verballzed
by Lhe moLher

O Iunct|ona| Leve|s
8aLhlng 1
1olleLlng 1
8ed moblllLy 1
uresslng 1
roomlng 0
eneral MoblllLy 0
lefL meLacarpal veln
O Pad drlnk 910 glasses of

O 9aLlenL was able Lo defecaLe 3
Llmes Loday wlLh sofL
brownlsh sLool
O Pad urlnaLed 3 Llmes Loday
wlLh yellow colored urlne
O -o unusual odor presenL
O -o problem durlng urlnaLlon
and defecaLlon
O 9ersplres easlly because of Lhe

O Iunct|ona| Leve|s
8aLhlng 1
1olleLlng 1
8ed moblllLy 1
uresslng 1
roomlng 0
eneral MoblllLy 0
O MoLher also verballzed kabalo ra man
slya mallgo magllls og magllo sa lya
O Iunct|ona| Leve|s
8aLhlng 0
1olleLlng 0
8ed moblllLy 0
uresslng 0
roomlng 0
eneral MoblllLy 0
O Iunct|ona| |eve|s code
O Level 0 lull selfcare
O Level l equlres asslsLance or
supervlslons by oLher person
O Level ll equlres asslsLance or
supervlslon from oLher person
or devlce

I S|eepkest attern
O 9aLlenL usually sleeps from 9pm6am
O 9aLlenL sleeps ln a suplne poslLlon
O MoLher verballzed MagLakllld Lakllld
slya usahay maLulog llhok slya gamay"
O -o nlghLmares experlenced
O Sleeps conLlnuously
O Sa balay kay plrme ra slyang maLulog"
as verballzed by Lhe moLher

II Cogn|t|veerceptua| attern
O She always play wlLh her frlends
O Dses vlsayan Language
O ood vlslon and hearlng
O hlld ls menLally able
O Iunct|ona| |eve|s code
O Level 0 lull selfcare
O Level l equlres asslsLance or
supervlslons by oLher person
O Level ll equlres asslsLance or
supervlslon from oLher person
or devlce
O She ls wearlng her on cloLhes lnslde
Lhe hosplLal
O She persplres a loL because of Lhe
O 9aLlenL ls ln bed resLlng and
someLlmes play wlLh hls cousln

O Sleeps 9pm7or 8am
O -o nlghLmares
O Sleeps conLlnuously
O Sleeps ln a suplne poslLlon and
someLlmes slde lylng

O 9lays wlLh hls cousln and someLlmes
wlLh her slsLer
O ood vlslon and hearlng capablllLy
O hlld ls menLally able
O 9aLlenL ls coherenL and responslve Lo
O Iunct|ona| |eve|s code
O Level 0 lull selfcare
O Level l equlres asslsLance
or supervlslons by oLher
O Level ll equlres asslsLance
or supervlslon from oLher
person or devlce
O She was wearlng her on
house cloLhes
O 9aLlenL ls resLlng ln bed and
someLlmes slLs down and

O Sleeps aL 9pm6 or 7 am
O -o nlghLmares
O Sleep ls someLlmes
lnLerrupLed buL afLer LhaL she
wlll go back Lo sleep easlly
O Sleeps ln suplne and someLlme
slde lylng

O hlld ls menLally able
O ood vlslon and hearlng
O 9aLlenL ls coherenL and
responslve Lo us
O 9aLlenLs ls comprehenslve and
response Lo quesLlon as verballzed by
her moLher
O hlld ls noL paln or experlences

III Se|f ercept|onSe|f concept
O 9aLlenL ls usually happy and acLlve
O Pave loLs of frlends She ls llked by
O She ls noL a lonely person
O She always play wlLh her frlends
O She ls afrald of Lhe dark
O 9aLlenLs has good eye conLacL speech
and posLurlng

IIII ko|e]ke|at|onsh|p attern
O 9aLlenL llves wlLh her parenLs and her
older slsLer
O She has a good lnLeracLlon wlLh her
O MoLher verballzed Mga problema sa
kwarLa ug uban pang mga glnagmay na
O She also verballzed ul naman na slla
magaway sa lya lgsoon kay dako
naman Lo"
O Magdula na slya sa lya mga amlgo
quesLlons ask
O uoes noL experlences paln even durlng
lv lnserLlon
O Able Lo Lell her name address buL
wasn'L able Lo Lell Llme slnce she
doesn'L know and she doesn'L have a
waLched and she sLlll doesn'L know
how Lo read Llme
O an speak well and can undersLand

O 9aLlenL ls smlllng and happy
O She's a blL weak Lhan usual and she's
been coughlng also
O She ls noL a lonely person
O She geLs annoyed wlLh Lhe nolse of
oLher chlldren
O Pas good eye conLacL speech and

O lnLeracLs wlLh Lhe famlly very well
O Per famlly ls Lhere Lo supporL her
O She's been cared by her mom and her
slsLer And her faLher ls Lhelr also
O She ls soclable and she responds Lo
ask very nlcely

O She was playlng wlLh us
O Pad been crylng because of
Lhe paln felL durlng lv

O 9aLlenL ls smlllng and happy
buL Lhere ls one Llme LhaL she
had been crylng because of
paln felL durlng lv relnserLlon
O -oL a lonely person very
O Afrald of Lhe dark and
someLlmes on Lhe nurse LhaL
wlll ln[ecL her

O Per famlly was Lhere Lo
supporL her
O Per aunL and cousln were also
Lhelr vlslLlng her
O Soclable and mlngles wlLh

usahay kay slya rapud" as verballzed by
her moLher
O MoLher also verballzed MagLuman
slya usahay sa lya gusLo nya masuko
og dlll maLuman"
O 1he chlld ls soclable and responds very
O MoLher sLays ln Lhe household whlle
Lhe faLher ls a kagawad and also dolng
some oLher [obs

Ik Seua||ty keproduct|ve attern
O She ls aware LhaL she ls a glrl
O 1he famlly follows famlly plannlng
speclflcally Lhe calendar meLhod
O -o sexual problems

k Cop|ng Stress 1o|erance attern
O Magdula ran a slya para mawala lya
kasuko Magbalaybalay Lapok Lapok
og sagboL" as verballzed by Lhe moLher
O kadyoL ran a slya maglagoL" as
verballzed by Lhe moLher
O MoLher sald LhaL she wlll advlse her
daughLer LhaL whaL she ls dolng ls
O lf Lhey have a problem abouL money
Lhey wlll sell chlcken goaL or cow and
someLlmes bananas as a way of solvlng

kI Ia|ue8e||ef attern
O MoLher verballzed kwarLa [ud and ako
glvalue kaL kong wala kwarLa wala

O Aware of her ldenLlLy as a glrl

O 1alks Lo her parenLs when she has a
O Dsually crles lf she has problems
O opes sLress when playlng 8arble uoll

O 9resence of famlly helps her ln
O 8elleves ln u

O Aware of her gender ldenLlLy
O 9arenLs has no sexual problem

O Seeks Lhe care of her famlly
durlng Lhe needle relnserLlon
O rles when she has a problem
or ln paln
O 9lays wlLh Lhe aLe or us lf she
has a problem

O 9resence of famlly members
help her fasL recovery
O 9rays Lo u
man pud ml makaon"
O She also sald LhaL she wanLs her
chlldren Lo flnlsh school as whaL she
deslres for Lhe fuLure
O lamlly ls oman aLhollc
O JanLs Lo flnlsh school
O oman caLhollc
O 9rays Lo u

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