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Probability Using Counting Techniques MDM4 U

REVIEW: # of ways to arrange n distinct objects = # of ways to arrange r distinct objects from n objects (order matters) = # of ways to choose a group (order doesnt matter) of r distinct objects from n objects = When order matters we use _________________. When order doesnt matter we use ________________. Example 1: Find the probability of tossing exactly two heads when a coin is tossed three times using a tree diagram

Example 2: Nine horses are entered in a race. In an attempted to predict the finish of the race, three horses are selected by lot to finish first, second, and third. What is the probability that the choice is correct?

Example 3: The numbers 1 through 15 are painted onto balls and put in a jumbler before being drawn for a lottery. The order that the balls come out does not matter. If five numbers are drawn: a) b) what is the probability of drawing 5 odd numbers? what is the probability of drawing 2 even numbers, and 3 odd numbers?

Probability Using Counting Techniques MDM4 U

Example 4 (The Birthday Problem) What is the probability that two or more students out of a class of 28 will have the same birthday? Assume that there are no birthdays on February 29th.

Example 5: A committee of five people is to be selected from ten males and eight females. a) What is the probability that there are exactly three males on the committee?

b) What is the probability that the committee is all female?

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