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Aim: To demonstrate the difference in the dyeing behaviour of dispersed dyes when dyed by the carrier method. Procedure: Prepare dyeings of dispersed dyes from the four classes of dye, by both carrier and high temperature method. (A) Class 2.0% Serisol Blue BGN300% (B) Class 2.0% Serilene Blue RL (C) Class 2.0% Serilene Blue CBLS (D) Class 2.0% Serilene Navy Blue GRLS Carrier Method 1. Set the bath at 50C liquor ratio 30:1 with: 2.0g/l Dyapol KSA 0.25g/l Acetic acid 2.0g/l Optinol MBF - pH 4.5-5.5 2. 3. Enter the wetted out fabric and circulate for 5 minutes. Add the requisite amount of dye; raise to the boil over 20 minutes and boil for 45 minutes.

High Temperature Method 1. Set the bath at 50C liquor ratio 30:1 with: 2.0g/l Dyapol KSA 0.25g/l Acetic Acid - pH 4.5-5.5 Enter the wetted out fabric and circulate for 5 minutes. Add the requisite amount of dye; raise to 130C at 2.0C per minute. Dye at 130C for 30 minutes. Cool to 80C and rinse. Cut each dyeing into approximately equal portions reduction clear half and enter an equal amount of white fabric back into the dye bath raise the bath back to dyeing temperature and dye for a further 20 minutes. Reduction Clear: 2.0g/l Caustic soda 2.0g/l Sodium Hydrosulphite 10 minutes at 60C Rinse cold, and

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.




Neutralise. 0.5g/l Acetic Acid 5 minutes at 40C

QUESTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Comment on the degree of exhaustion between the two methods. Of the four dyes used which would you consider to be suitable for the dyeing of a polyester fabric for use in sports apparel? Rate the migration properties of each of the dyes using the grey scales, 1 being the worst migration and 5 the best. Which of the dye would you consider to be suitable for application by the carrier method?

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