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Gallatin Seminars The Image: History of Mass Media II MW 9:30-10:45 Call #14527 Stephen Duncombe Culture as Communication MW -12:15

Call #14435 Vasu Varadhan Psychoanalysis and the Visual M 12:30-3:15 Call #11662 Eve Melzer Occular Anxiety: Visuality in the Nineteenth Century Th 3:30-6:10 Call #14542 Scenic Design in the Performing Arts: Theatre, Film and Television W 11-1:45 Call #17174 Salvatore Tagliarino Innovations in Arts Publications MW 2-3:15 Call #14431 Lise Friedman Other Classes Aesthetic History of Photography TR 11-12:15 Call #7667 Shelley Rice History of the Media W 11-2:40 Call #8061 William Serrin Intro to Digital Media MW 2-3:15 Call #9845 Aras Ozgun

TR 2-3:15 Call #9846 Jelena Karanovic Postmodern Art and Contemporary Art Call #7666 MW 3:30-4:45 Pepe/Joseph Karmel Arts Writing: Rendering Photography Wed 2-5 Call #16933 Melissa Harris Global Issues In Photography Tuesday 2-5 Call #13268 Shelley Rice Curatorial Practices and Museum Studies Thursday 2-5 Call #16945 Erin Donnelly The Making of An Iconic Image Wed 9:30-12 Call #18112 Deb Willis Picture Essay: for Paper and Pixels Tuesday 10-1 Call #13346 Fred Ritchin Science Black Holes, Human Clones and Nonabots: The Edge of Science Becomes Reality MW 12:30-1:45 Ecology and Environmental Though MW 12:30-1:45 Call #11631 Eugene Cittadino Climate Change MW 2-3:15 Call # 7322 Caterina Panzeca

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