Tropical Tortilla

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1rop|ca| 1ort|||a

Ca|or|es 21S Iat S Carbs 27g rote|n 17g

O 1 Cup lresh Splnach
O 1/4 Cup ulced Creen Apples
O CuL Mlnl 8ell eppers
O 1/4 Cup ulced CanLaloupe
O 1 Servlng laL lree CrouLons
O 1 1bsp Cralslns
O 1 1bsp Almonds
O 1 1bsp laL lree Cranberry WalnuL uresslng
O 1 Medlum Whole Craln 1orLllla

escatar|an |zza erfecto
Ca|or|es 213 Iat S Carbs 2S rote|n 16
O 1 1/4 cups of Lap waLer
O 1 Lbsp Cane Sugar
O 1/4 Lsp AcLlve dry yeasL
O 1/4 Lsp poLasslum salL
O /4 cups unbleached bread flour
O 1 Lbsp exLra vlrgln ollve oll
O oz LomaLo sauce
O oz dlced LomaLoes
O basll leaves
O 1 cup splnach
O 16 oz laL lree Mozzarella Cheese
O arge Cooked shrlmp

1/4 + 1 cups warm waLer
1 Leaspoon sugar
1 packeL acLlve dry yeasL
1/4 Leaspoons salL
/4 cups bread flour
ollve oll

ulssolve sugar ln 1/4 cup waLer Add yeasL and leL bloom for
13 mlnuLes our ln remalnlng waLer salL and a glug of ollve
oll Mlx ln a sLandmlxer wlLh a bread hook lncorporaLe flour
llLLle by llLLle Lhen knead on hlgh speed for abouL 13

1he flnlshed dough should be smooLh a llLLle sLlcky and you
should be able Lo sLreLch lL ouL Lhln enough Lo see llghL
Lhrough lL wlLhouL lL Learlng SpllL lnLo Lwo even porLlons
and roll lnLo balls eL rlse covered ln Lhe refrlgeraLor
overnlghL ( or nlghLs works Loo)


1 ounce can of LomaLo sauce
ounces of crushed LomaLoes (you'll probably have Lo buy a
blgger can)
drled oregano basll splnach cooked shrlmp (ApproxlmaLly
pelces of shrlmp on each sllce
garllc power
sugar (opLlonal)

Comblne Lhe Lwo LomaLo producLs and season Lo LasLe wlLh
Lhe varlous splces Cnly add sugar lf Lhe LomaLoes need lL


AbouL an hour before you bake place rack and plzza sLone on
Lhe second hlghesL poslLlon and preheaL oven Lo maxlmum
LemperaLure AbouL 10 mlnuLes before Lhe plzza goes ln Lhe
oven Lurn Lhe broller on maxlmum


8emove dough balls from Lhe refrlgeraLor and leL warm for
abouL an hour lace Lhe flrsL ball on a floured surface and
Lhen flour Lhe Lop ay your plzza peel on Lop of Lhe dough
and press downpuLLlng your welghL lnLo lLunLll you have a
round pancake abouL elghL lnches wlde 1oss ln Lhe alr unLll
lL's abouL 14lnches wlde

Spread a Lhln layer of cornmeal on your plzza peel and lay ouL
Lhe dough on Lop Apply Lhln layer of sauce (Lhe back of a
ladle ls Lhe besL way Lo geL lL Lhln and even) 1hls reclpe llkely
glves you a llLLle more sauce Lhan you need Apply half Lhe
cheese Shake Lhe peel Lo release Lhe plzza and Lhen deposlL
lL on Lhe sLone

1urn Lhe broller off reLurn oven Lo maxlmum LemperaLure
8ake 7 mlnuLes or unLll Lhe boLLom ls brown 1he crusL wlll
sofLen as lL cools and absorbs sLeam from Lhe oLher
lngredlenLs so lL should feel a llLLle hard and overbaked
when you pull lL ouL eL cool aL leasL 10 mlnuLes CuL lnLo 6

8epeaL wlLh second dough ball

Ca|or|e 6S for 1 1]2 cup 18g carbs 4g prote|n 0 fat
1 SpagheLLl Squash
O epper
O ow Calorle SpagheLLl Sauce
|rect|ons to cook the Squash
1 lerce Lhe squash several Llmes wlLh a sharp knlfe (uo
Lhls especlally lf you're mlcrowavlng lL or you may end
up wlLh a Squash Lxploslon")
bake abouL an hour ln Lhe oven aL 73 l
Mlcrowave 10 Lo 1 mlnuLes Lhen leL sLand for 3
mlnuLes or so afLerward Lo flnlsh sLeamlng
4 8oll for half an hour or so
3 uL lL ln a slow cooker or crock poL wlLh a cup of waLer
and leL lL cook on low all day ( Lo 10 hours)
6 When done cuL open aL Lhe equaLor" remove seeds
and pulp (l use Longs and an oven mlLL lL ls PC1) and
separaLe sLrands wlLh a fork
7 When flnlshed add 1/4 cup of low calorle spagheLLl sauce
and sprlnkle wlLh pepper for flavor
Ch|||ed IapaneseSty|e 1ofu
Serves 4
packages (1 ounces) exLraflrm sllken Lofu llquld dralned
O 1/4 cup mlrln (rlce wlne) or sake
O Lablespoons naLural soy sauce
O 1 Lablespoon fresh glnger [ulce
O 1/ Leaspoon wasabl powder
O lresh cllanLro leaves whole
O Crushed red pepper flakes
O Cucumber dlced
O Clnger graLed
O -orl LoasLed cuL lnLo 1lnchby1/lnch sLrlps
O ea Lendrlls Lorn lnLo blLeslze pleces
O 8adlshes sllced cuL lnLo Lhln sLrlps
O 8ed chlle peppers Lhlnly sllced
O Scalllon greens Lhlnly sllced
O Sesame seeds LoasLed
O Snow peas blanched Lhlnly sllced
O Wasabl pasLe
1 CuL Lofu ln half wldLhwlse keep Lhe pleces sLacked and
cuL lengLhwlse lnLo Lhlrds (creaLes 6 recLangles) and
Lhen cuL Lhe Lofu horlzonLally (sllclng parallel Lo work
surface) lnLo quarLers Lo creaLe 4 cubes each abouL 1
lnch 8epeaL wlLh second package of Lofu for a LoLal of
4 pleces lace Lofu ln a servlng bowl and nesLle Lhe
bowl ln a larger bowl fllled wlLh crushed lce Cover and
refrlgeraLe for aL leasL 0 mlnuLes or up Lo hours
Meanwhlle place dlpplng sauce lngredlenLs ln a small
bowl and whlsk unLll well blended seL aslde
repare flve or more condlmenLs and place each ln a
separaLe bowl or dlsh Serve Lofu famlly sLyle ln lLs
chllled bowl wlLh condlmenLs dlpplng sauce and
lndlvldual servlng dlshes

1ea Sandw|ches w] Cream Cheese and Asparagus
Cooked asparagus ls layered wlLh a mlxLure of poached
salmon horseradlsh and nonfaL sour cream over wholegraln
bread 1he spread can be made an hour or Lwo ahead and
chllled assemble sandwlches [usL before servlng
Makes 4 dozen sandw|ches (71 ca|or|es each)
Makes 4 dozen
salmon sLeaks (abouL 1/4 pounds LoLal)
O 1 1/ loaves wholegraln bread Lhlnly sllced
O 4 cups waLer
O 1 onlon peeled and cuL ln half
O 3 sprlgs fresh flaLleaf parsley
O 3 sprlgs fresh Lhyme
O 1 bay leaf
O 0 whole black peppercorns
O 1/4 cup flnely graLed fresh horseradlsh
O 1 1/ cups nonfaL sour cream
O 1 Leaspoon coarse salL
O 6 spears asparagus (abouL pounds) ends Lrlmmed
1 lace waLer onlon parsley Lhyme bay leaf and
peppercorns ln a medlum pan seL over hlgh heaL brlng
Lo a boll 8educe heaL Lo medlumlow add salmon
cover and allow Lo slmmer unLll Lhe salmon ls cooked
Lhrough abouL mlnuLes 8emove salmon from waLer
when cool enough Lo handle flake salmon lnLo small
pleces and Lransfer Lo a medlum bowl Add
horseradlsh sour cream and salL sLlr Lo comblne SeL
mlxLure aslde
llll a large bowl wlLh lce and waLer seL aslde 8rlng a
wlde shallow pan of waLer Lo a slmmer over medlum
heaL Add asparagus leL slmmer unLll Lender abouL
mlnuLes 1ransfer Lo Lhe lce baLh leL cool 1ransfer Lo
a cuLLlng board and sllce Lhe asparagus ln half
lengLhwlse seL aslde
Assemble Lhe sandwlches Spread reserved
horseradlshsalmon mlxLure onLo each sllce of bread
1op half Lhe sllces wlLh slx asparagusspear halves
Lhen cover wlLh Lhe remalnlng sllces of bread 1rlm
crusLs cuL each sandwlch lnLo four Lrlangles and serve

Chard otst|ckers
AfLer foldlng a couple of Lhese dumpllngs you'll be a pro
LnllsL your frlends and make a parLy of lL Makes 4
poLsLlckers (40 calorles each)
Makes 4
O 1 Lablespoon plus 1 Leaspoon vegeLable oll such as
O ounces Swlss chard (one small bunch) leaves
coarsely chopped sLems mlnced
O 4 ounces shllLake mushrooms sLems removed and
dlscarded caps chopped
O scalllons Lhlnly sllced
O garllc cloves mlnced
O Leaspoons rlcewlne vlnegar
O 1 Leaspoon LoasLed sesame oll
O 1 Leaspoon lowsodlum soy sauce
O Coarse salL and ground pepper
O 4 round dumpllng wrappers
1 ln a large nonsLlck skllleL heaL 1 Leaspoon vegeLable
oll over medlumhlgh heaL Add chard mushrooms
scalllons and garllc and cook unLll chard sLems are
crlspLender and llquld has evaporaLed Lo 4 mlnuLes
Squeeze excess llquld from chard 1ransfer Lo a bowl
sLlr ln vlnegar sesame oll and soy sauce season wlLh
salL and pepper Wlpe skllleL dry and seL aslde
lace 1 rounded Leaspoon fllllng Loward Lhe edge of a
dumpllng wrapper MolsLen one edge wlLh waLer uslng
your flnger 8rlng Lwo edges LogeLher formlng a half
moon and encloslng fllllng lnch a couple of small
pleaLs along Lop layer of wrapper Seal by presslng
pleaLed and unpleaLed edges LogeLher lace on a
parchmenLllned baklng sheeL 8epeaL keep
dumpllngs and unused wrappers covered wlLh damp
paper Lowels whlle worklng
PeaL remalnlng Lablespoon vegeLable oll ln reserved
skllleL over medlumhlgh heaL Arrange dumpllngs ln
pan LlghLly flaLslde down and cook unLll deep golden
brown Lo mlnuLes 8emove from heaL Add 1/
cup of waLer 8eLurn Lo heaL Cover and cook unLll
heaLed Lhrough all Lhe waLer has evaporaLed and
boLLoms are crlsp 4 Lo 6 mlnuLes more (remove Lhe lld
for Lhe lasL 0 seconds of cooklng) Sllde dumpllngs
onLo a servlng plaLLer and serve wlLh dlpplng sauce

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