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My ually AcLlvlLles

ln a day l have some acLlvlLles LhaL l musL do

llrsL l wake up aL 0430 am AfLerwards l go Lo baLhroom and geL wash AfLer LhaL l do Lhe la[ar
l have breakfasL before go Lo campus AL 0643 am l go way l usually rlde Lhe moLorcycle Lo
campus need an hour l can arrlve Lo campus Lhe Lraflc [am so busy ln Lhe mornlng ln !akarLa AL
0813 am l arrlve aL campus
When l ln my classroom l sLudylng wlLh serlously aL 1130 am l have break and geL lunch ln
canLeen wlLh my frlends AL 1200 am l conLlnulng my sLudy unLll 1300 pm
AfLer sLudylng ln campus l go back Lo home usually aL 1630 pm l arrlve aL home lor a mommenL l
geL resL my body and Lake some food Lo eaL AfLer LhaL l clean my home Lhan l go Lo baLhroom for
clean my self and do Ashar pray SomeLlmes l be a Leacher ln my home l Leachlng my llLLle slsLer and
her frlends Lo do some homework When lL's wlll nlghL l have Lo do Maghrlb pray
AfLer pray someLlme l buy some food Lo be eaLen lf my moLher cooked l noL buy foods 1han l do my
homework lf Lhere are lf noL l conLlnue Lo waLchlng Lelevlslon unLll 2100 am afLer LhaL l prepare
my books for Lomorrow and l geL lsya pray and flnally l go Lo sleep
1here are my dally acLlvlLy Lhanks

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