Handwriting Is Really Brain Writing!

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Handwriting is Really Brainwriting!

Handwriting is Really Brainwriting!

What handwriting can tell you about othersand what it can tell others about YOU!

Handwriting is Really Brainwriting!

What Your Handwriting Reveals...

Your handwriting can reveal a great deal about your personality and subconscious motivations. Over 1400 major U.S. companies use handwriting analysis to screen their employees. Law enforcement agencies use graphology to screen jury members and uncover the motivations of suspects. Some entertainers (me!) use Graphology as a window into the mind of audience members for entertainment and educational purposes. Combined with intuitive skills, Graphology becomes a psychic science on par with Hand Analysis (palmistry). In fact, I use both disciplines when I give a character analysis - a little thought will convince you of how these two fields can and must be closely related. Handwriting provides you with a quick way to do a character analysis on your subject. Once you know his thought patterns and emotional trends, a little intuition can give you a great deal of insight. There are a lot of excellent books available on developing intuition; Ive written a basic guide entitled You Are Psychic! This book is available from me, and you can find many, many other books at your local bookstore.

Fun & Profit

I frequently do Graphology Parties, where I take handwriting samples from audience members and do quick, often humorous readings. Often during this performance, I address some of the issues concerning the individual at that time in their lives. I do this with a combination of the Graphological skills about to be discussed, and my own highly developed intuition, plus years of experience as a psychic advisor. The reason I mention this is that you are about to learn a valuable skill that will

Handwriting is Really Brainwriting!

enable you to get inside a persons personality and see what make them tick. You can use these skills to find out about potential lovers and friends, your boss or coworkers, etc. You can, of course, make money doing this as well. Youre about to embark on a fascinating journey of discovery. Good luck!

Chapter One: Different Strokes for Different Folks!

The emotional intensity of a person can be judged by how much pressure they bring to bear when they write. Heavy pressure can indicate a person who feels things intensely, carries a grudge, and is slow to forgive. They can also, however, be very good lovers. Light handwriting pressure can indicate someone who forgives easy and who is a little passive. Handwriting is really brain writing; if a person loses the use of his dominant hand, hell eventually produce the same writing with his other hand. If he loses both hands and writes with his nose or toes, hell still produce the same writing. This is true no matter how the body is damaged, as long as the brain is still intact. There are three Graphological first impressions at which I always look: Baseline, Zones, and Slant. Baseline The baseline is how the writing actually lies on the paper. A rising baseline indicates someone who, at the moment, is happy, optimistic, and looking forward to the future.

Handwriting is Really Brainwriting!

A falling baseline shows someone is depressed or anxious about the future.

A straight baseline indicates someone who is trying to control their feelings, and who are not inclined to want to share whats on their mind.

Slants Slants are the direction the writing slants. When handwriting slants to the right, it indicates someone who is open, reaching out to others, and fairly well balanced emotionally.

A slant to the left indicates someone who is pulling away from others; not comfortable with their situation.

A straight slant shows someone who is very controlled, disciplined, and detailoriented.

Handwriting is Really Brainwriting!

An erratic baseline, and/or mixed slants, show someone who is experiencing mood swings or emotional turmoil.

Zones The three zones are upper, middle, and lower zones. Upper zone development includes the lower case letters d, t, b, f, h, k, l, and any others that have loops or extensions that penetrate the upper zone. Good development of the upper zone indicates someone who is intellectually and artistically inclined, they will like good books, art, and theater.

Development of the middle zone indicates someone who is concerned with physical comfort and satisfaction.

Lower zone development indicates concern with the more primal, instinctive needs - hunger, sex, and emotional gratification. These letters are the lower parts of g, j, p, y, and z.

Let me point out that, just as the lines of the palm change over time, so does the handwriting change as the individual changes. If you analyze your handwriting

Handwriting is Really Brainwriting!

from a diary or letters from years ago, you will see how much your writing (and attitudes) have changed. These are the Graphological first impressions. As you can see, you can tell a lot about someone just with this small amount of information!

Chapter Two: Dots and Crosses

The way a person dots their is and crosses their ts can reveal a lot about their emotional trends as well. If you dot your i with a small circle, this means you can be a little eccentric and outspoken at times! Here are some more: Firm dot: Loyal and dogmatic. Jerky: Irritable. Arrowlike: Extremely irritable! Jabbed: Explosive temperament. Pointed: Sarcastic. Downward slash: Critical. Upward slash: Optimistic. Light: Weak willpower. Close to stem: Attention to details. Before the stem: Procrastination. After the stem: Impulsive. Missing: Inattentive.

Whew All that from one little dot!

Handwriting is Really Brainwriting!

T Crosses Where the bar crosses the t gives a clue about the writers self-esteem. The higher the bar is crossed, the higher the self-esteem.

A basin-like curve shows a shallow outlook.

A dome shaped bar shows that someone is trying to overcome something through will power like a bad habit.

Bar to the left procrastination. Bar to the right temper.

Tapering stroke domineering. Up slanting stroke optimism.

Handwriting is Really Brainwriting!

The heaviness of the bar indicates willpower; strong pressure shows strong will power, and vise-versa. Looped t and d shows sensitivity. Tall t and d stems denote vanity.

Chapter Three: Detailed Analysis

The SIZE of the handwriting can give you a clue as to the writers powers of concentration. As a rule, the smaller the handwriting, the greater the concentration. Very large writing tells us that the person needs a lot of space, both physically and intellectually, and therefore does not want to be tied down to one subject.

Size is not a fixed trait; it most often reflects mood. So you will encounter wide variety in this area. Sometimes large writing can be an overcompensation for lack of confidence. Double check with the t cross whenever possible! Needless to say, take into account the amount of room in which the writer has to fit the message. SPEED has a lot of connection to size. Its difficult to write very fast and very small. Speed also gives clues as to integrity. When someone slows their

Handwriting is Really Brainwriting!

writing down, theyre carefully thinking through their responses; they have lost their natural expression.

Youll also find large spaces between the words, at the person has to pause and think about their response. It can indicate a false or insincere statement.

Fast, large, and sloppy writing can indicates impulsiveness and sometimes foolishness.

Circle Letters The letters a, o, d, and g can tell us about the persons capacity for secretiveness. The presence of hooks or loops can indicate a person who keeps his own council.

The lack of these characteristics can indicate someone who is frank and who invites the trust of others.

Handwriting is Really Brainwriting!


A circle that begins with a hook denotes someone who is acquisitive. Hooks and loops together indicate someone is deceitful.

Liars tend to stab their circles.

Well-rounded circles indicate an open minded approach, while narrow circles indicate a narrow mind.

Chapter Four: The Signature

In many ways, the signature can be the most revealing piece of writing you can get. This shows the persons public image: how others see him, and how he wants others to see him. It is important to compare the signature with the persons everyday script. Generally, the larger the signature, the more important the person thinks he is - and wants others to feel the same.

Handwriting is Really Brainwriting!


A signature that is about the same as the rest of the writing indicates a person who is not overly concerned about self-image.

Slightly larger signatures shows self confidence. Slightly smaller indicates insecurity.

Very small shows a person who wants attention, but doesnt know how to get it.

A legible signature shows someone who wants to communicate.

A legible signature with illegible writing means he doesnt care if you get the idea or not- he just wants your attention! An ascending signature shows a good public image and confidence.

A descending signature shows someone who is in control of their public image, and who doesnt want to show their true feelings.

Handwriting is Really Brainwriting!


When a signature is placed to the left, this indicates shyness. To the right indicates impatience. A signature close to the body text shows someone who is interested in the subject or the recipient. If the signature is distant from the text, it shows an attempt to distance himself. Scoring: writing through part of the name shows a desire for self-effacement.

Underlining the signature can be a healthy affirmation of our abilities.

Too many flourishes, though, indicates an over inflated sense of self.

Overly large capitals want attention. A large first name can indicate self-love.

Creative flourishes indicate showmanship.

Handwriting is Really Brainwriting!


I hope you have enjoyed this discussion of handwriting analysis. If you would like to learn more, I have included a reading list at the end of the book I wish you all the good luck in the world with your newfound knowledge!

Suggested Reading:
Handwriting Analysis: Putting It to Work For You by Andrea McNichol You Can Analyze Handwriting by Robert Holder What Your Handwriting Reveals by Margaret Gullen-Whur You Are Psychic! by the author. Available from the author. Your Life is in Your Hands! by the author. A Basic Treatise on Palm Reading. Available from the author.

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