Motivation REPORT

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Ramos , mark kirby C.

BSN 4-E Motivation-Hygiene Theory Frederick Irving Herzberg (17 April 1923 19 January 2000) born in Massachusetts was an American psychologist who became one of the most influential names in business management. He is most famous for introducing job enrichment and the Motivator-Hygiene theory. Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory (Two Factor Theory "The Dual Structure Theory) Herzberg proposed the Motivation-Hygiene Theory, also known as the Two factor theory (1959) of job satisfaction. According to his theory, people are influenced by two sets of factors: Motivator Factors Hygiene Factors

Achievement Recognition Work Itself Responsibility Promotion Growth

Pay and Benefits Company Policy and Administration Relationships with co-workers Supervision Status Job Security Working Conditions

He proposed several key findings as a result of this identification. 1. People are made dissatisfied by a bad environment, but they are seldom made satisfied by a good environment. 2. The prevention of dissatisfaction is just as important as encouragement of motivator satisfaction. 3. Hygiene factors operate independently of motivation factors. An individual can be highly motivated in his work and be dissatisfied with his work environment. 4. All hygiene factors are equally important, although their frequency of occurrence differs considerably. 5. Hygiene improvements have short-term effects. Any improvements result in a short-term removal of, or prevention of, dissatisfaction. 6. Hygiene needs are cyclical in nature and come back to a starting point. This leads to the "What have you done for me lately?" syndrome. 7. Hygiene needs have an escalating zero point and no final answer Applying Hertzberg's model to de-motivated workers What might the evidence of de-motivated employees be in a business? - Low productivity - Poor production or service quality - Strikes / industrial disputes / breakdowns in employee communication and relationships - Complaints about pay and working conditions

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