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What |s Modu|at|on?

Modu|at|on 1he process of changlng some characLerlsLlcs (ampllLude frequency or phase) of a carrler
wave ln accordance wlLh Lhe lnLenslLy of Lhe slgnal ls known a modulaLlon
Show the C|ass|f|cat|on of Modu|at|on
ModulaLlon classlflcaLlon lnLo Lwo parLs
1 Analog ModulaLlon
a AmpllLude ModulaLlon (AM)
4 uouble Sldeband (uS8)
4 uouble Sldeband Suppressed (uS8/SC)
4 Slngle Sldeband Suppressed (SS8/SC)
4 lndependenL Slngle Sldeband Suppressed (lS8/SC)
4 vesLlglal Sldeband (vS8)
b Angle ModulaLlon
4 lrequency ModulaLlon
4 hase ModulaLlon
2 ulglLal ModulaLlon
What |s Amp||tude Modu|at|on (AM)?
Amp||tude modu|at|on (AM) ls a modulaLlon Lechnlque ln whlch Lhe ampllLude of a hlgh frequency slne
wave (usually aL a radlo frequency) ls varled ln dlrecL proporLlon Lo LhaL of a modulaLlng slgnal 1he
modulaLlng slgnal carrles Lhe requlred lnformaLlon and ofLen conslsLs of audlo daLa as ln Lhe case of AM
radlo broadcasLs or Lwoway radlo communlcaLlons 1he hlgh frequency slne wave (Lhe cottlet) ls
modulaLed by addlng Lhe modulaLlng slgnal Lo lL ln a mlxer
Why |s modu|at|on necessary?
Some of Lhe lmporLanL reasons for modulaLlon are glven below
(l) 1o separate s|gna| from d|fferent transm|tter Audlo frequencles are wlLhln Lhe range of 20 Pz Lo 20
kPz WlLhouL modulaLlon all slgnals aL same frequencles from dlfferenL LransmlLLers would be mlxed up
ln order Lo separaLe Lhe varlous slgnals radlo sLaLlons musL broadcasL aL dlfferenL frequencles Lach
radlo sLaLlon musL be glven lLs own frequency band 1hls ls achleved by frequency LranslaLlon as a resulL
of modulaLlon process
(ll) S|ze of the antenna lor efflclenL Lransmlsslon Lhe LransmlLLlng anLennas should have lengLh aL leasL
equal Lo a quarLer of Lhe wavelengLh of Lhe slgnal Lo be LransmlLLed
(lll) Lffect |n the Lxchange of SNk w|th 8andw|dth lL ls posslble Lo exchange Sn8 wlLh Lhe baseband of
Lransmlsslon M can affecL such as exchange 1he amounL of modulaLlon used conLrols Lhe exchange of
Sn8 and Lhe Lransmlsslon bandwldLh

Lxpress|on for Amp||tude modu|at|on
ModulaLlon slgnal volLage

Cos m


= Hoon no oo

= Hoon no c oo

= Hoon no nor rqnc

un modulaLlon slgnal volLage

Cos m


= orrr no oo

= Hoon orrr c oo

= Hoon orrr nor rqnc

ModulaLed Carrler Slgnal volLage v

Cos m

t +

C (m

+ m

) +

C (m

- m

) t

= p p o ooon


Wave form of Amp||tude modu|at|on

Show the S|de 8and roduce |n Amp||tude Modu|at|on (AM)

What |s 8aseband and Carr|er s|gna|?
8aseband S|gna| 8aseband ls a slgnal LhaL we wanL Lo communlcaLe whose range of frequencles ls
measured from close Lo 0 and volLage ls low LransmlLLed by medlum lL's Slgnals wlLh only low
frequencles or aL leasL frequencles all Lhe way down Lo uc (frequency 0) are called baseband slgnals
Carr|er s|gna| A frequency ln a communlcaLlons channel modulaLed Lo carry analog or dlglLal slgnal
lnformaLlon lor example an lM radlo LransmlLLer modulaLes Lhe frequency of a carrler slgnal and Lhe
recelver processes Lhe carrler slgnal Lo exLracL Lhe analog lnformaLlon An AM radlo LransmlLLer
modulaLes Lhe ampllLude of a carrler slgnal Carrler slgnal have hlgh frequency and volLage
Amp||tude Modu|at|on Doub|e S|deband (AM DS8)
Pere AmpllLude A of Lhe carrler slgnal A Cos (
) ls varled ln proporLlon Lo Lhe baseband slgnal
m (L)

= orrr pos on, = oon sno on t =

1ime kespect m (t) = euey Reet: (m)
1hen m (t) Cos m

t =
| (m+ m

) + (m- m

) ]
Suppressed Carr|er Doub|e S|deband (DS8 SC)

What |s Modu|ator and show |ts c|ass|f|cat|on?

Modu|ator A devlce used Lo modulaLe an elecLromagneLlc wave Any devlce or clrculL by means of
whlch a deslred slgnal ls lmpressed upon a hlgherfrequency perlodlc wave known as a carrler 1he
process ls called modulaLlon 1he modulaLor may vary Lhe ampllLude frequency or phase of Lhe carrler

1here are some lmporLanL caLegorles of modulaLors Lhose are
1 MulLlpller ModulaLor
2 nonllnear ModulaLor
3 SwlLchlng ModulaLor
a ulode 8rldge ModulaLor
l Serlesbrldge ModulaLor
ll ShunLbrldge modulaLor
b 8lng ModulaLor

Non||near Modu|ator (S|ng|e 8and) ModulaLlon can be achleved by uslng nonllnear devlces such as a
semlconducLor dlode or a LranslsLor Show on Lhe flgure below

LeL Lhe lnpuLouLpuL characLerlsLlcs of elLher of Lhe nonllnear elemenLs be approxlmaLed by a power
serles y (t) ax (t) + bx
(t) ( l )
Where x (L) and y (L) are Lhe lnpuL and Lhe ouLpuL respecLlvely of Lhe llnear elemenL 1he summer
ouLpuL z (L) ln flgure ls glven by
z (t) y
(t) ax
(t) + bx
(t) ax
(t) + bx
SubsLlLuLlng Lhe Lwo lnpuLs {t) Cos m

t + m {t) ooJ {t) Cos m

t m {t%lolsepooloolelJs
2 {t) fm {t) + 4bm {t) Cos m

llnally we geL Lhe 4bm (L) slnce band pass fllLer deslgn for Lhls angular frequency and Lhe resL frequency
wlll be obsoleLe nonllnear modulaLor anoLher name ls Slngle balanced modulaLor

S|deband and carr|er power (Lff|c|ency)

Amp||tude Modu|at|on S|ng|e S|deband (SS8) Spectra

enerat|on of S|ng|e S|deband (SS8) S|gna| Method
a SelecLlve lllLerlng MeLhod
b hase ShlfL MeLhod
c Weavers MeLhod

Carr|er Irequency requ|rements of a kad|o 1ransm|tter
4 CeneraLed carrler frequency musL be exacLly aL Lhe specle value
4 Carrler frequency should be readlly ad[usLable
4 lrequency drlfL and frequency sclnLlllaLlon should be exLremely small

Necessary precaut|on of Master Csc|||at|on
4 CsclllaLor should be enclosed ln a consLanL LemperaLure chamber
4 SLablllzed power supply should be used
4 LffecL quallLy facLor (C) of Lhe Lank clrculL should be kepL as hlgh as posslble
4 Such ampllfylng devlce should be used as has hlgh raLlon of muLual conducLance(
%Lo lnLer
elecLrode capaclLance
4 MasLer osclllaLor should be followed by mulLl sLage power ampllfler
4 Zero LemperaLure efflclenL cuL crysLal should be used
4 8uffer ampllfler should be used followlng Lhe osclllaLor and lL should be draw negllglble grld
Irequency Dr|ft lrequency drlfL ls an unlnLended and generally arblLrary offseL of an osclllaLor from lLs
nomlnal frequency Causes may lnclude changes ln LemperaLure whlch can alLer Lhe plezoelecLrlc effecL
ln a quarLz crysLal or problems wlLh a volLage regulaLor whlch conLrols Lhe blas volLage Lo Lhe osclllaLor
Irequency Sc|nt|||at|on

reemphas|s reemphasls ls a sLrong hlgh frequency boosL before Lhe LransmlLLer and an equally
sLrong hlgh frequency aLLenuaLlon ln every radlo reemphasls refers Lo a sysLem process wlLhln a
frequency band Lhe magnlLude of some frequencles wlLh respecL Lo Lhe magnlLude of oLher frequencles
ln order Lo lmprove Lhe overall slgnalLonolse raLlo by mlnlmlzlng Lhe adverse effecLs of such
phenomena as saLuraLlon of recordlng medla ln subsequenL parLs of Lhe sysLem
Deemphas|s ueemphasls ls Lhe complemenL of preemphasls ln Lhe anLl nolse sysLem called
emphasls Lmphasls ls a sysLem process deslgned Lo decrease Lhe magnlLude of some frequencles wlLh
respecL Lo Lhe magnlLude of oLher frequencles ln order Lo lmprove Lhe overall slgnalLonolse raLlo by
mlnlmlzlng Lhe adverse effecLs of such phenomena as aLLenuaLlon dlfferences or saLuraLlon of recordlng
medla ln subsequenL parLs of Lhe sysLem
S|ng|es|deband (SS8) or Slnglesldeband suppressedcarrler (SS8SC) ls a reflnemenL of ampllLude
modulaLlon LhaL more efflclenLly uses elecLrlcal power and bandwldLh

S|ng|e S|deband (SS8) transm|ss|on advantages
4 Slnce only slngle sldeband (SS8) ls LransmlLLed Lhe bandwldLh of Lhe LransmlLLer Lhus slngle
sldeband conserves bandwldLh and allows more number of channels Lo be LransmlLLed ln Lhe
same band
4 1he power of Lhe suppressed carrler and sldeband ls saved Pence LransmlLLer power
requlremenL ln SS8 ls reduced
4 8ecause of narrow bandwldLh of SS8 Lhe effecL of nolse aL Lhe recelver clrculLs ls reduced 1hls
glves beLLer quallLy of recepLlon ln SS8
4 ladlng effecL ls absenL because of SS8 ladlng effecL arlses aL Lhe recelver because of Lwo
sldebands and carrler lnLerface wlLh each oLher aL Lhe recelver
S|ng|e S|deband (SS8) transm|ss|on d|sadvantages
4 Comp|ex kece|vers Slnglesldeband sysLems requlre more complex and expenslve recelvers
Slngle Sldeband recelvers requlre a carrler recovery and synchronlzaLlon clrculL whlch add more
cosL compllclLy and slze
4 1un|ng D|ff|cu|t|es Slnglesldeband sysLems requlre more complex and preclse Lunlng Lhan
convenLlonal AM recelver need Lo use accuraLe complex and expenslve Lunlng clrculL
Iad|ng and |ts c|ass|f|cat|on

Iad|ng Iad|ng ls devlaLlon of Lhe reducLlon LhaL a carrlermodulaLed LelecommunlcaLlon slgnal
experlences over cerLaln propagaLlon medla 1he fadlng may vary wlLh Llme geographlcal poslLlon
and/or radlo frequency and ls ofLen modeled as a random process

1here are Lhree Lypes of ladlng Lhose are
Long perlod fadlng
Medlum perlod synchronous fadlng or general fadlng
ShorL perlod selecLlve fadlng

I||ter Method

I|gure I||ter Method of S|deband Suppress|on

kad|o transm|tter 8adlo LransmlLLer ls an elecLronlc devlce whlch wlLh Lhe ald of an anLenna produces
radlo waves 1he LransmlLLer lLself generaLes a radlo frequency alLernaLlng currenL whlch ls applled Lo
Lhe anLenna When exclLed by Lhls alLernaLlng currenL Lhe anLenna radlaLes radlo waves
1ransmlLLer are classlfled based on Lhe followlng Lhree meLhod
Accordlng Lo Lype of modulaLlon used
4 AmpllLude ModulaLlon 1ransmlLLer
4 lrequency ModulaLlon 1ransmlLLer
4 ulse ModulaLlon 1ransmlLLer

Accordlng Lo Lhe serles lnvolved
4 8adlo 8roadcasL 1ransmlLLer
4 8adlo 1elephone 1ransmlLLer
4 8adlo 1elegraph 1ransmlLLer
4 1elevlslon 1ransmlLLer
4 8adar 1ransmlLLer
4 navlgaLlon 1ransmlLLer
Accordlng Lo Lhe frequency range lnvolved
4 Long Wave 1ransmlLLer
4 ShorL Wave 1ransmlLLer
4 Medlum Wave 1ransmlLLer
4 Mlcrowave 1ransmlLLer
4 vPl/uPl 1ransmlLLer

AM kad|o 1ransm|tter Sketch]Construct Stage of AM kad|o 1ransm|tter

1he hase Sh|ft Method of S|deband Suppress|on

SS8 1ransm|tter AL full modulaLlon Lhe carrler ln an AM slgnal requlres Lwo Lhlrds of Lhe power buL
conveys no lnformaLlon 1he second slde band can be vlewed as redundanL lnLerference beLween
several carrler frequencles resulLlng ln sLeady audlo whlsLles or beaLs ls anoLher dlsadvanLage of AM
ower may be saved and Lhe band occupled by an AM slgnal ln Lhe frequency specLrum can be halved lf
only one slde band ls LransmlLLed wlLhouL carrler 1he resulL ls slngle slde band suppressed carrler slgnal
called slmply slngle slde band slgnal (SS8) Lransmlsslon
8|ock d|agram of SS8 1ransm|tter

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