Measurement N Instrument

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Measurement MeasuremenL ls Lhe process or Lhe resulL of deLermlnlng Lhe raLlo of a physlcal quanLlLy

such as a lengLh Llme LemperaLure eLc whlch ls obLalned by a parLlcular devlce

C|ass|f|cat|on of Measurement
1here are Lwo meLhods of measuremenL (l) ulrecL meLhod (ll) lndlrecL meLhod
(|) |rect Measurement ln dlrecL meLhod Lhe unknown quanLlLy ls measured dlrecLly such as
measuremenL of currenL by an ammeLer volLage by volLmeLer reslsLance by ohm meLer
power by waLLmeLer eLc
(||) nd|rect Measurement ln Lhe lndlrecL meLhod of measuremenL Lhe unknown quanLlLy ls
deLermlned by measurlng oLher funcLlonally relaLed quanLlLles and calculaLlng Lhe deslred
quanLlLy raLher Lhan measurlng lL dlrecLly wlLh an lnsLrumenL lor example reslsLance of a
conducLor may be deLermlned by measurlng volLage across Lhe conducLor v and currenL
flowlng Lhrough Lhe conducLor l and Lhen calculaLlng lL by

nstrumentat|on lnsLrumenLaLlon ls deflned as Lhe arL and sclence of measuremenL and conLrol of
process varlables wlLhln a producLlon or manufacLurlng area A devlce whlch ls measured any physlcal
quanLlLy LhaL process ls called lnsLrumenLaLlon
C|ass|f|cat|on of |nstrument
1here are many ways ln whlch lnsLrumenLs can be classlfled 8roadly lnsLrumenLs are classlfled lnLo Lwo
caLegorles (l) AbsoluLe lnsLrumenL (ll) Secondary lnsLrumenL
(|) so|ute nstruments 1hese lnsLrumenLs glve Lhe magnlLude of Lhe quanLlLy under
measuremenL ln Lerms of physlcal consLanLs of Lhe lnsLrumenL 1he examples of Lhls class of
lnsLrumenLs are 1angenL CalvanomeLer and 8aylelghs CurrenL 8alance

(||) econdary nstruments 1hese lnsLrumenLs are so consLrucLed LhaL Lhe quanLlLy belng
measured can only be measured by observlng Lhe ouLpuL lndlcaLed by Lhe lnsLrumenL 1hese
lnsLrumenLs are callbraLed by comparlson wlLh an absoluLe lnsLrumenL or anoLher
secondary lnsLrumenL whlch has already been callbraLed agalnsL an absoluLe lnsLrumenL
as|c c|ass|f|cat|on of measur|ng |nstruments
1 Mechan|ca| |nstruments 1hey are very rellable for sLaLlc and sLable condlLlons 1he dlsadvanLage
ls Lhey are unable Lo respond rapldly Lo measuremenL of dynamlc and LranslenL condlLlons
2 L|ectr|ca| |nstruments LlecLrlcal meLhods of lndlcaLlng Lhe ouLpuL of deLecLors are more rapld
Lhan mechanlcal meLhods 1he elecLrlcal sysLem normally depends upon a mechanlcal meLer movemenL
as lndlcaLlng devlce
3 L|ectron|c |nstruments 1hese lnsLrumenLs have very fasL response lor example a caLhode ray
oscllloscope (C8C) ls capable Lo follow dynamlc and LranslenL changes of Lhe order of few nano seconds
Iunct|ona| e|ement of nstrument system
1he varlable LhaL you wanL Lo measure ls menLloned here lL ls called as Lhe Measured"
r|mary ens|ng L|ement rlmary Senslng LlemenL as shown ln Lhe block dlagram lL as llrsL Senslng
LlemenL 1hls LlemenL of an lnsLrumenL whlch makes flrsL conLacL wlLh Lhe measured ls called Lhe
prlmary senslng elemenL lor example ln AmmeLer Lhe coll carrylng Lhe currenL Lo be measured ls Lhe
prlmary senslng elemenL
Var|a|e convers|on L|ement 1he ouLpuL of Lhe rlmary senslng elemenL may noL be sulLable for Lhe
acLual measuremenL sysLem lor example ln ammeLer Lhe ouLpuL from Lhe coll ls currenL so Lhere we
place a magneL Lo geL a deflecLlon due Lo Lhe currenL passlng ln Lhe coll So here Lhe magneL acLs as a
varlable converslon elemenL converLlng currenL lnLo physlcal movemenL whlch ls Lhe deflecLlon and by
measurlng Lhe amounL of deflecLlon we can measure Lhe amounL of currenL
Var|a|e Man|pu|at|on L|ement 1he level of Lhe ouLpuL from Lhe varlable converslon elemenL may noL
be enough for Lhe nexL sLage lor example ln case of ammeLer lf Lhe amounL of currenL Lo be measured
ls so small lL may noL be enough Lo cause any deflecLlon ln Lhe magneL So here a Lransformer can be
used Lo lncrease Lhe volLage Lo geL enough deflecLlon So ln Lhls case Lhe Lransformer wlll be Lhe uaLa
ManlpulaLlon LlemenL
ata 1ransm|ss|on L|ement 1he elemenLs of Lhe sysLem are physlcally separaLed lL ls necessary Lo
LransmlL Lhe daLa from one sLage Lo Lhe oLher So we need Lhls uaLa 1ransmlsslon elemenL 1he daLa
condlLlonlng and Lhe uaLa Lransmlsslon are LogeLher called as Lhe lnLermedlaLe sLage of an lnsLrumenL
ata resentat|on L|ement 1o presenL Lhe daLa ln a sulLable Lhe uaLa resenLaLlon LlemenL ls used ln
case of our AmmeLer Lxample lL ls Lhe olnLer and Lhe scale arrangemenL LhaL acLs as Lhe uaLa
presenLaLlon elemenL lf Lhe ouLpuL daLa ls Lo be monlLored a vlsual dlsplay can be used and lf needs Lo
be recorded Lhen magneLlc Lapes recorders or hard dlsk drlves can be used
Lffect of temperature change |n Vo|tmeter 1he mulLlpller reslsLance used ln serles wlLh Lhe movlng coll
ls usually made of magnanln havlng a negllglble negaLlve reslsLance coefflclenL slnce Lhe serles
reslsLance of Lhe mulLlpller ls very such greaLer Lhan Lhe coll reslsLance Lhe varlaLlon of reslsLance of Lhe
(movlng coll reslsLance) due Lo LemperaLure change are swamped be Lhe reslsLance k
changes has no effecL on Lhe readlng of Lhe meLer lf Lhe mulLlpller has low LemperaLure coefflclenL
maLerlals LhaL ls Lhe LemperaLure change are swamped ouL by Lhe mulLlpller
Lffect of temperature change |n mmeter 1he LemperaLure error can be ellmlnaLed when Lhe shunL
and movlng coll are made of Lhe same maLerlal and kepL of Lhe same LemperaLure A swamplng
reslsLance of magnanln havlng reslsLance 20 Lo 30 Llmes Lhe coll reslsLance ls connecLed ln serles wlLh
Lhe coll and shunL ls parallel 1he proporLlon ln whlch Lhe currenLs would dlvlde beLween Lhe meLer and
shunL would noL change LemperaLure
ro|em A movlng coll lnsLrumenL whose reslsLance ls 23 Chms glves a full scale deflecLlon wlLh a
currenL 1mA lf magnanln shunL Lo exLend lLs range Lo 100mA calculaLe Lhe error currenL by 10C rlse ln
LemperaLure when
(l) Copper movlng coll ls dlrecLly connecLed across Lhe shunL
(ll) A 73 Chms magnanln ls used ln serles wlLh movlng coll
MulLlply facLor of shunL

kes|stance of hunt

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