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What aie the cuiient policies that the

woilu implementeu.
Cne of Lhe currenL pollcles ls LargeL seLLlng 1he local governmenL esLabllshes a LargeL (goal) for
some fuLure level of renewable energy 1he LargeL can be for governmenLonly consumpLlon or
lnvesLmenL or apply Lo all or some classes of energy consumers wlLhln Lhe local governmenLs
[urlsdlcLlon 1hls ls a volunLary acLlvlLy LhaL ls ofLen Lhe sLarLlng polnL for adopLlng pollcles and
acLlons 1here are many dlfferenL Lypes of LargeLs LhaL clLles can adopL Many LargeLs are for
fuLure emlsslons reducLlons of CC2 Lo be meL by a comblnaLlon of energy conservaLlon energy
efflclency changes ln energy demand paLLerns (such as LransporL modal shlfLs) and lnvesLmenL
ln or purchase of renewable energy
Is tbe world adopting tbese policies?

CurrenLly mosL counLrles ln Lhe world are adopLlng Lhe LargeL seLLlng pollcy AlmosL all clLles
worklng Lo promoLe renewable energy aL Lhe local level have esLabllshed some Lype of
renewable energy or CC2 reducLlon LargeL Cf Lhe 180 clLles and local governmenLs ln aL leasL
140 have some Lype of fuLure LargeL for renewable energy and/or CC2 CfLen clLles seL LargeLs
based on analysls of energy consumpLlon and reducLlon poLenLlals Some of Lhe ploneerlng
clLles ln LargeL seLLlng have even meL Lhelr goals or are now seLLlng sLronger LargeLs based on
accumulaLed experlence

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