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1need of lnLerfaclng and wrlLe dlfferences b/w lnLerfaclng

of mlcroprocessor and mlcro conLroller
2lnLerface 8031 wlLh AuC
3lnLerfaclng of prlnLer wlLh 8031
4WrlLe a program Lo lnLerface AuC wlLh 8031
38oboLlcs and embedded conLrol ln mlcroconLrollers
6Lxplaln lnLerrupL laLency lnLerrupL response Llme and
lnLerrupL recovery Llme ln real Llme operaLlng sysLems
7 whaL ls dead lock? Pow Lo avold Lhem?
8 dlfference b/w mall boxes and message queues?
9 8aslc deslgn prlnclples when uslng 81CS
10 Lxplaln mulLlLasklng sysLem and wrlLe uses of 81CS ln
11 ulfferenLlaLe b/w operaLlng sysLem and real Llme
operaLlng sysLem wlLh examples
12 wrlLe sofLware developmenL Lools avallable for mlcro
13 uraw and explaln archlLecLure of 16 blL mlcro conLrollers
14 ulfferences b/w 16 blL and 8 blL mlcro conLrollers
13 uescrlbe l/C porLs avallable ln 16 blL mlcroconLrollers
16whaL ls page address for dlrecL address of a reglsLer ln
17 whaL ls PSl lnLerrupL? Why do we call lL hlgh speed?
18 !usLlfy prlorlLy orders provlded ln 80196 for Lhe maskable
19wrlLe Lhe feaLures of A8M7 archlLecLure?
20 addresslng modes of A8M MCu
21 Pow a consLanL ls loaded lnLo a general purpose reglsLer of
A8M processor?
22whaL ls currenL program sLaLus reglsLer? Lxplaln Lhe generlc
sLrucLure of program sLaLus reglsLer os A8M core?
23 32/16 blL A8M lnsLrucLlon seL
24 whaL ls barrel shlfLer? Pow does lL lncrease Lhe speed of
execuLlon of A8M processor?

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