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Boy Scouts of the Philippines

Cebu Council
Cebu City
Rank/Badge Rating Sheet
Name:________________________________Sponsoring Institution:____________________________
Age:_____ Outfit No. _______ Address:___________________________________________________
Pottery Requirement/s
1. Describe the purpose, preparation, and manufacture of




various articles of pottery. Be able to tell the different kinds of clay.

Name the best kinds for making pottery.
2. Draw two pottery forms, one of which must be decorated.

______ _________ _______

______ _________ _______

3. Design and mold by hand five pottery forms, such as:

a. an ordinary cooking pot

______ _________ _______

b. a water jar

______ _________ _______

c. a water pitcher

______ _________ _______

d. a bowl

______ _________ _______

e. a flower vase

______ _________ _______

f. a frying pan

______ _________ _______

g. a plate

______ _________ _______

h. a drinking mug

______ _________ _______

i. a basin
4. Describe the methods of firing and glazing pottery.

______ _________ _______

5. Tell something about the wares of one of the following people or places:
Ilocos, Pasig, Greece, Delft, Damascus, Sevres, Luca dela Robbia,
Josiah Wedgewood.

______ _________ _______

I herby certify that the above Scout has satisfactorily completed of the above requirement.


Signature of the Outfit Advisor

(over printed name)

1.) E Excellent = 96-100 2.) O Outstanding = 91-95 3.) VS Very Satisfactory = 86-90 4.) S Satisfactory = 81-85
5.) F Fair = 76-80 6.) G Good =71-75 7.) P Poor = 50-70

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