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88C LdlLorlal Culdellnes

!agvlr 1lwana
88C Lth|ca| Code What Is It? now w||| |t spec|f|ca||y effect your
1ruth Accuracy
1he 88C wanL Lo flnd ouL Lhe LruLh and make lL as accuraLe
as Lhey can 1hey wlll geL dlfferenL lnformaLlon LogeLher Lo
flnd ouL Lhe LruLh
1hls wlll effecL my work because lf someone ls noL
Lelllng Lhe full LruLh Lhen lL can effecL whaL l'm Lrylng
Lo puL across abouL 8hangra
Impart|a||ty D|vers|ty Cf Cp|n|on
1hls cannoL be blased whlch means one slded and boLh
sldes of a sLory should always be shown wlLh dlfferenL
oplnlons abouL Lhe Loplc
1hls wlll effecL my work when l am asklng my vox
pops as somebody can glve a blased oplnlon abouL
Ld|tor|a| Integr|ty Independence
1he source should be lndependenL and nobody else should
have any say on Lhe programme or Lell anyone else whaL
has Lo be done
1hls can effecL my work when someone else wanLs a
say on whaL l should be fllmlng and whaL l should
lnclude ln my documenLary
Serv|ng 1he ub||c Interest
1he publlc should know everyLhlng and Lhe Loplc/sub[ecL
mlghL be someLhlng LhaL effecLs Lhe publlc and may
lnLeresL Lhe publlc
lL can effecL my work when someone says someLhlng
LhaL can effecL whaL Lhe publlc Lhlnk of my
documenLary or abouL a cerLaln Loplc/person
lL ls based on falrness openness honesLy and sLralghL
deallng of conLrlbuLors and Lhe LargeL audlence
1hls can effecL my documenLary lf lL ls noL honesL
and my lnLervlewees are noL belng honesL as l wlll
noL be meeLlng Lhe LargeL audlence
A conversaLlon behavlour or lnformaLlon abouL someone
or a group of people should noL be Lold ln Lhe programme
unless lL wlll effecL Lhe publlc ln any way
1hls wlll effecL my work lf someone says someLhlng
LhaL ls noL meanL Lo be sald and meanL Lo be kepL
narm Cffence
AnyLhlng LhaL ls alred/shown on Lhe 88C channels musL
reflecL Lhe world sLorles buL lL should harm or offend a
slngle person or a group of people
lL wlll effecL my documenLary lf l fllm lnclude vox
pops or one of my lnLervlewees says someLhlng
whlch can offend a slngle person or a group of
1he chlldren have Lo be proLecLed aL all Llmes Lhelr
welfare of Lhe chlldren has Lo be safeguarded aL all Llmes
as well 1he chlldren's rlghL Lo speak ouL and parLlclpaLe ln
Lhe programmes are preserved whlle Lhelr dlgnlLy and
Lhelr physlcal and emoLlonal welfare ls proLecLed durlng
Lhe maklng and broadcasL of Lhe programmes
1hls can effecL my documenLary because l wlll need
Lo be careful of who Lhe ages of my vox pops as lL
can break Lhe 88C LLhlcal code
WhaL Lhe audlence says (Lhe feedback) has Lo be accepLed
aL all Llmes and Lhen you can change lL
l wlll need Lo accepL whaL my LargeL audlence says aL
all Llmes and lf l don'L accepL whaL my audlence ls
saylng lL wlll break Lhe 88C LLhlcal code

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