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Ind|an Lconom|cs Serv|ces Lxam|nat|on Sy||abus

CandldaLes wlll be requlred Lo wrlLe an essay ln Lngllsh CLher quesLlons wlll be deslgned Lo LesL Lhelr
undersLandlng of Lngllsh and workmanllke use of words assages wlll usually be seL for summary or
Ceneral knowledge lncludlng knowledge of currenL evenLs and of such maLLers of every day observaLlon
and experlence ln Lhelr sclenLlflc aspecLs as may be expecLed of an educaLed person who has noL made a
speclal sLudy of any sclenLlflc sub[ecL 1he paper wlll also lnclude quesLlons on lndlan ollLy lncludlng Lhe
pollLlcal sysLem and Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla PlsLory of lndla and Ceography of a naLure whlch Lhe
candldaLe should be able Lo answer wlLhouL speclal sLudy
Ak1 A
1 1heory of Consumer's Demand Cardlnal uLlllLy Analysls Marglnal uLlllLy anddemand Consumer's
surplus lndlfference curve Analysls and uLlllLy funcLlon rlcelncome and subsLlLuLlon effecLs SluLsky
Lheorem and derlvaLlon of demand curve8evealed preference Lheory uuallLy and lndlrecL uLlllLy
funcLlon and expendlLurefuncLlon Cholce under rlsk and uncerLalnLy
2 1heory of roduct|on lacLors of producLlon and producLlon funcLlon lorms ofroducLlon luncLlons
Cobbuouglas CLS and llxed coefflclenL Lype 1ranslogproducLlon funcLlon Laws of reLurn 8eLurns Lo
scale and 8eLurn Lo facLors of producLlonuuallLy and cosL funcLlon Measures of producLlve efflclency of
flrms Lechnlcal andallocaLlve efflclency arLlal Lqulllbrlum versus Ceneral Lqulllbrlum
approachLqulllbrlum of Lhe flrm and lndusLry
3 1heory of Va|ue rlclng under dlfferenL markeL sLrucLures publlc secLor prlclngmarglnal cosL prlclng
peak load prlclng crosssubsldy free prlclng and average cosLprlclng Marshalllan and Walraslan sLablllLy
analysls rlclng wlLh lncompleLelnformaLlon and moral hazard problems
4 1heory of D|str|but|on neo classlcal dlsLrlbuLlon Lheorles Marglnal producLlvlLyLheory of
deLermlnaLlon of facLor prlces lacLor shares and addlng up problems Luler'sLheorem rlclng of facLors
under lmperfecL compeLlLlon monopoly and bllaLeralmonopoly MacrodlsLrlbuLlon Lheorles of 8lcardo
Marx kaldor kaleckl
S We|fare Lconom|cs lnLerpersonal comparlson and aggregaLlon problem ubllcgoods and
exLernallLy ulvergence beLween soclal and prlvaLe welfare compensaLlonprlnclple areLo opLlmallLy
Soclal cholce and oLher recenL schools lncludlng Coaseand Sen and Came Lheory

Ak1 8
uant|tat|ve Methods |n Lconom|cs
1 Mathemat|ca| Methods |n Lconom|cs ulfferenLlaLlon and lnLegraLlon and LhelrappllcaLlon ln
economlcs CpLlmlsaLlon Lechnlques SeLs MaLrlces and Lhelr appllcaLlonln economlcs Llnear algebra
and Llnear programmlng ln economlcs and lnpuLouLpuLmodel of LeonLlef
2 Stat|st|ca| and Lconometr|c Methods Measures of cenLral Lendency anddlsperslons CorrelaLlon and
8egresslon 1lme serles lndex numbers Sampllngand Survey meLhods 1esLlng of hypoLhesls slmple
nonparameLrlc LesLs urawlng ofcurves based on varlous llnear and nonllnear funcLlon LeasL square
meLhods andoLher mulLlvarlaLe analysls (only concepLs and lnLerpreLaLlon of resulLs) Analysls
ofvarlance lacLor analysls rlnclple componenL analysls ulscrlmlnanL analyslslncome dlsLrlbuLlon
areLo law of ulsLrlbuLlon lognormal dlsLrlbuLlon measuremenLof lncome lnequallLy Lorenze curve and
Clnl coefflclenL

1 Lconom|c 1hought MercanLlllsm hyslocraLs Claslcal MarxlsL neoclasslcalkeyneslan and
MoneLarlsL schools of LhoughL
2 Concept of Nat|ona| Income and Soc|a| Account|ng MeasuremenL of naLlonallncome lnLer
relaLlonshlp beLween Lhree measures of naLlonal lncome ln Lhe presenceof Lhe CovernmenL secLor and
lnLernaLlonal LransacLlons LnvlronmenLal conslderaLlonsCreen naLlonal lncome
3 1heory of emp|oyment Cutput Inf|at|on Money and I|nance 1he Classlcal Lheoryof LmploymenL
and CuLpuL and neo classlcal approaches Lqulllbrlum analysls underclasslcal and neo classlcal analysls
keyneslan Lheory of LmploymenL and ouLpuLosL keyneslan developmenLs 1he lnflaLlonary gap
uemand pull versus cosL pushlnflaLlon Lhe hlllp's curve and lLs pollcy lmpllcaLlon Classlcal Lheory on
MoneyCuanLlLy Lheory of Money lrledman's resLaLemenL of Lhe quanLlLy Lheory Lhe neuLrallLyof
money 1he supply and demand for loanable funds and equlllbrlum ln flnanclalmarkeLs keynes' Lheory
on demand for money
4 I|nanc|a| and Cap|ta| Market llnance and economlc developmenL flnanclalmarkeLs sLock markeL
glfL markeL banklng and lnsurance LqulLy markeLs 8ole ofrlmary and Secondary markeLs and
efflclency uerlvaLlves markeLs luLures andopLlons
S Lconom|c Growth and Deve|opment ConcepLs of Lconomlc CrowLh anduevelopmenL and Lhelr
measuremenL characLerlsLlcs of less developed counLrles andobsLacles Lo Lhelr developmenL growLh
poverLy and lncome dlsLrlbuLlon 1heorles ofgrowLh Classlcal Approach Adam SmlLh Marx and
SchumpeLer neo classlcalapproach 8oblnson Solow kaldor and harrod uomar 1heorles of
LconomlcuevelopmenL rosLow 8osensLeln8oden nurske Plrschman LelbensLlen and ArLhurLewls
Amln and lrank (uependency school) respecLlve role of Lhe sLaLe and LhemarkeL uLlllLarlan and
WelfarlesL approach Lo soclal developmenL and A k Sen'scrlLlque Sen's capablllLy approach Lo economlc
developmenL 1he PumanuevelopmenL lndex hyslcal quallLy of Llfe lndex and Puman overy lndex
Internat|ona| Lconom|cs Calns from lnLernaLlonal 1rade 1erms of 1rade pollcylnLernaLlonal Lrade
and economlc developmenL 1heorles of lnLernaLlonal 1rade8lcardo Paberler PeckscherChlln and
SLoplerSamuelson 1heory of 1arlffs 8eglonal 1rade ArrangemenLs7 8a|ance of ayments
ulsequlllbrlum ln 8alance of aymenLs Mechanlsm ofAd[usLmenLs lorelgn 1rade MulLlpller Lxchange
8aLes lmporL and Lxchange ConLrolsand MulLlple Lxchange 8aLes
8 G|oba| Inst|tut|ons un agencles deallng wlLh economlc aspecLs World 8ank lMl and W1C
MulLlnaLlonal CorporaLlons

1 ub||c I|nance 1heorles of LaxaLlon CpLlmal Laxes and Lax reforms lncldence of LaxaLlon 1heorles of
publlc expendlLure ob[ecLlves and effecLs of publlc expendlLure publlc expendlLure pollcy and soclal
cosL beneflL analysls crlLerla of publlc lnvesLmenL declslons soclal raLe of dlscounL shadow prlces of
lnvesLmenL unskllled labour and forelgn exchange 8udgeLary deflclLs 1heory of publlc debL
2 Lnv|ronmenta| Lconom|cs LnvlronmenLally susLalnable developmenL Creen Cu un MeLhodology
of lnLegraLed LnvlronmenLal and Lconomlc AccounLlng LnvlronmenLal values users and nonusers
values opLlon value valuaLlon MeLhods SLaLed and revealed preference meLhods ueslgn of
LnvlronmenLal ollcy lnsLrumenLs olluLlon Laxes and polluLlon permlLs collecLlve acLlon and lnformal
regulaLlon by local communlLles 1heorles of exhausLlble and renewable resources lnLernaLlonal
envlronmenLal agreemenLs CllmaLlc change problems kyoLo proLocol Lradable permlLs and carbon
3 Industr|a| Lconom|cs MarkeL sLrucLure conducL and performance of flrms producL dlfferenLlaLlon
and markeL concenLraLlon monopollsLlc prlce Lheory and ollgopollsLlc lnLerdependence and prlclng
enLry prevenLlng prlclng mlcro level lnvesLmenL declslons and Lhe behavlor of flrms research and
developmenL and lnnovaLlon markeL sLrucLure and proflLablllLy publlc pollcy and developmenL of flrms
4 State Market and |ann|ng lannlng ln a developlng economy lannlng regulaLlon and markeL
lndlcaLlve lannlng uecenLrallsed lannlng

1 n|story of Deve|opment and |ann|ng AlLernaLlve uevelopmenL SLraLegles goal of self rellance
based on lmporL subsLlLuLlon and proLecLlon Lhe posL 1991 globallsaLlon sLraLegles based on
sLablllzaLlon and sLrucLural ad[usLmenL packages flscal reforms flnanclal secLor reforms and Lrade
2 Iedera| I|nance ConsLlLuLlonal provlslons relaLlng Lo flscal and flnanclal powers of Lhe sLaLes llnance
Commlsslons and Lhelr formulae for sharlng Laxes llnanclal aspecL of Sarkarla Commlsslon 8eporL
llnanclal aspecLs of 73rd and 74Lh ConsLlLuLlonal AmendmenLs
3 overty Unemp|oyment and numan Deve|opment LsLlmaLes of lnequallLy and poverLy measures for
lndla appralsal of CovernmenL measures lndla's human developmenL record ln global perspecLlve
lndla's populaLlon pollcy and developmenL
4 Agr|cu|ture and kura| Deve|opment Strateg|es 1echnologles and lnsLlLuLlons land relaLlons and land
reforms rural credlL modern farm lnpuLs and markeLlng prlce pollcy and subsldles commerclallzaLlon
and dlverslflcaLlon 8ural developmenL programmes lncludlng poverLy allevlaLlon programmes
developmenL of economlc and soclal lnfrasLrucLure and new 8ural LmploymenL CuaranLee Scheme
S Ind|a's exper|ence w|th Urban|sat|on and M|grat|on ulfferenL Lypes of mlgraLory flows and Lhelr
lmpacL on Lhe economles of Lhelr orlgln and desLlnaLlon Lhe process of growLh of urban seLLlemenLs
urban developmenL sLraLegles
Industry SLraLegy of lndusLrlal developmenL lndusLrlal ollcy 8eforms 8eservaLlon ollcy relaLlng Lo
small scale lndusLrles CompeLlLlon pollcy Sources of lndusLrlal flnances 8ank share markeL lnsurace
companles penslon funds nonbanklng sources and forelgn dlrecL lnvesLmenL role of forelgn caplLal for
dlrecL lnvesLmenL and porLfollo lnvesLmenL ubllc SecLor reform prlvaLlzaLlon and dlslnvesLmenLs
7 Labour LmploymenL unemploymenL and underemploymenL lndusLrlal relaLlons and labour welfare
sLraLegles for employmenL generaLlon urban labour markeL and lnformal secLor employmenL 8eporL
of naLlonal Commlsslon on Labour Soclal lssues relaLlng Lo labour eg Chlld Labour 8onded Labour
lnLernaLlonal Labour SLandard and lLs lmpacL
8 Iore|gn 1rade SallenL feaLures of lndla's forelgn Lrade composlLlon dlrecLlon and organlzaLlon of
Lrade recenL changes ln Lrade pollcy balance of paymenLs Larlff pollcy exchange raLe lndla and W1C
9 Money and 8ank|ng llnanclal secLor reforms CrganlsaLlon of lndla's money markeL changlng roles
of Lhe 8eserve 8ank of lndla commerclal banks developmenL flnance lnsLlLuLlons forelgn banks and
nonbanklng flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons lndlan caplLal markeL and SL8l uevelopmenL ln Clobal llnanclal
MarkeL and lLs relaLlonshlp wlLh lndlan llnanclal SecLor
10 Inf|at|on ueflnlLlon Lrends esLlmaLes consequences and remedles (conLrol) Wholesale rlce lndex
Consumer rlce lndex componenLs and Lrends
11 8udget|ng and I|sca| o||cy 1ax expendlLure budgeLary deflclLs penslon and flscal reforms ubllc
debL managemenL and reforms llscal 8esponslblllLy and 8udgeL ManagemenL (l88M) AcL 8lack money
and arallel economy ln lndla deflnlLlon esLlmaLes genesls consequences and remedles

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