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Table Structure - hospital Management System

Hospital Managem System ent

Table Nam e Table Description # 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Field Nam e

Data Type Integer VarChar VarChar VarChar Datetim e VarChar VarChar VarChar DataTim e Datetim e

Length 4 30 50 50 8 15 6 5 8 8

Patient Master To store The Details Of Patient Nullable Constraints No No No Yes No yes No No No No Identity Colum n

Patient ID Patient Nam e Patient Address1 Patient Address2 DateOfBirth Phone Sex Blood Group Age DateOfRegistration Table Nam e Table Description Field Nam e DoctorID Doctor Nam e Doctor Address1 Doctor Address2 Specialist Gender Date Of Birth Phone Table Nam e Table Description Field Nam e FeesId DoctorId Fees for Out Patients Fees for In Patients

Default Value - Male

Default Value - Todays's Date

# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Data Type Integer VarChar VarChar VarChar Varchar varchar Datetim e Varchar

Length 4 30 50 50 50 6 8 15

Doctor Master To store The Details Of Doctor Nullable Constraints No No No Yes No No No No Prim Key, Identity Colum ary n

Default value - Male

# 1 2 3 4

Data Type Integer Integer Money Money

Doctor Fees Master Maintain the Fees for Doctors (InPatients and OutPatients) Length Nullable Constraints 4 4 8 8 No No No No Prim Key, Identity Colum ary n

# 1 2 3 4

Table Nam e Table Description Field Nam e Room Id Room Type Num of Beds ber Room Description

Data Type Integer VarChar Integer VarChar

Room Master Maintain the list of all beds (room in the hospital s) Length Nullable Constraints 4 30 4 50 No No No Yes Prim Key, Identity Colum ary n

# 1 2 3

Table Nam e Table Description Field Nam e Room RateId Room Id Room Rent Per day

Data Type Integer VarChar Money

Room Rate Master Maintaining the rate for each roomtype Length Nullable Constraints 4 4 8 No No No Prim Key, Identity Colum ary n Foreign key Ref: RoomMaster

# 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ID

Table Nam e Table Description Field Nam e

Data Type Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer DateTim e DateTim e varchar Varchar varchar

Patient Details Table to create a record for each InPatients Length Nullable Constraints 4 4 4 4 8 8 1000 1000 1000 No No Yes No No No No No No Prim Key, Identity Colum ary n Foreign Key Referencing Patient Master Foreign Key Referencing Doctor Master Foreign Key Referencing Room Master Default value- Todays Date

Patient ID Patient Type(In patient or Out patient) Doctor ID Room Id(Only For In Patient) DateOfVisit DateOfDischarge (For Out Patient date Of Discharge Should Be null, For In patient if the patient is not yet discharged then it should be null) Sym ptom s Disease Treatm ent

# 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 8

Table Nam e Table Description Field Nam e Fees ID Room Id Patient ID Doctor Id No of days Room Rent Per day Doctor Fees Total Am ount

Data Type Integer Integer Integer Integer decim al Money Money Money

Fees Details for In Patients Storing the fees am ount paid for the patient w hile discharging Length Nullable Constraints 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 No No No No null No No No Prim Key, Identity Colum ary n Foreign Key Referencing roomm aster Foreign Key Referencing Patient Master Foreign Key Referencing Doctor Master Default Value 0.00 Default Value 0.00 Default Value 0.00 Default Value 0.00

# 1 2 3 4 5

Table Nam e Table Description Field Nam e Fees ID Patient ID Doctor Id Doctor Fees Total Am ount

Data Type Integer Integer Integer Money Money

Fees Details for Out Patients Storing the fees am ount paid for the patient w hile discharging Length Nullable Constraints 4 4 4 8 8 No No No No No Prim Key, Identity Colum ary n Foreign Key Referencing Patient Master Foreign Key Referencing Doctor Master Default Value 0.00 Default Value 0.00

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