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Basic Steps in Construction Scheduling and Management

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Steps for Construction Scheduling, Construction Management, Arrow Diagrams, CPM Calculations, Node Diagrams and CPM Calculator.
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Steps in Construction Scheduling


Planning & Scheduling

Planning: Process of choosing the method and order of work Scheduling: Process of determining the interrelationship of associated timings of operations.

Steps in Construction Scheduling

Splitting of the project into work activities Determining logic relationships/interrelationships between activities. Construction of Network Diagrams. Assigning durations to work activities. CPM Calculations resulting in start times, finish times and float calculations of activities. Marking of critical Path Construction of Bar Charts / Time phased diagrams.

P3 Video Tutorials
2. How to create new Project 3. Adding activities & Task Type 4. Adding Successors 5. How to create WBS Codes 6. Grouping & Sorting in P3 7. Calendars & Holidays 8. Relationship & Scheduling 9. Filters & Progress Reporting 10. Customizing Bar Charts 11. Customizing Layouts in P3 12. Coming Soon 13. Coming Soon

An element of work performed during the course of a project. Or An amount of work that can be identified so that we know what it involves and can recognize, when it starts and finishes. An activity normally has an expected duration, an expected cost, and expected resource requirements

Network Diagrams
Any schematic display of the logical relationship of project activities. Always drawn from left to right to reflect project chronology. Usually a combination of arrows and nodes.

Mainly of two types:

1. Arrow Diagram 2. Node Diagram / Precedence Diagram

Arrow Diagrams
Activities shown by Arrows. Relationship between activities shown by nodes / events. Length of arrows does not obey any scale. Start-to-finish relationships. Dummies. Numbering of nodes / events. Milestones
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Basic Steps in Construction Scheduling and Management

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Activity Durations
Activity duration is forecasted by any of the several means, including: 1. Check Past Records. 2. Check Standards and / or cost guides, if available. 3. Ask the workers, who will do it 4. make an educated guess Any time units may be allotted to activity durations like days, hours, weeks, months, shifts, etc. In CPM, a single duration is forecasted for an activity. In PERT (Program Evaluation & Review Techniques), 3 durations are forecasted for an activity and mean taken by weighted average method. Then, Projects Duration or any Event Completion Time is calculated by probability distribution.

CPM Calculations
Calculates the following for each activity EST = Earliest Starting Time EFT = Earliest Finishing Time LST = Latest Starting Time LFT = Latest Finishing Time TF = Total Float FF = Free Float Total Float is Maximum time for which an activity can be delayed without delaying the project. Free Float is maximum time for which an activity cane be delayed without delaying the start of proceeding activity. Total Float = Free Float + Interfering Float

Critical Path
The path (or paths) in the network diagram, from start to finish, on which all the activities have zero total and free floats, is called Critical Path. It is the longest path (or paths) from start to finish in a net work diagram. It gives minimum normal time to complete a project. It is usually marked by double lined arrows in a network diagram. SINGLE SPAN BRIDGE PROJECT (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION)


Basic Steps in Construction Scheduling and Management

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Basic Steps in Construction Scheduling and Management

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Node Diagrams
Activities shown by Nodes, relationship between Activities shown by arrows or links. Easier to construct. Generally no need of dummies. Instead dummies used only to give single start or finish. CPM Calculations similar to Arrow diagrams.


Basic Steps in Construction Scheduling and Management

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Bar Chart
Gives Pictorial Representation of Activities. Activities begin at EST and show their EFT, FF, TF, Durations, etc. Arrows at the relative ends to show dependency. Status Line Concept Unable to show complete interdependency between Activities. Time-scaled Network Diagrams show complete interdependency between Activities.
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