KidsCORGPS K-2 12-4

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Come and celebrate Christmas with a Birthday Party for Jesus!

December 4, 2011
We are getting closer, but several kids in Kansas City still need a bag of goodies for Christmas! Please pick up a colored bag outside KiDS COR. Fill it with the items listed and bring great joy to a child in need this Christmas!

Marys baby was almost ready to be born, but it wasnt quite time yet. First, Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem. It was a long trip from where they were in Nazareth. The trip would take them almost three days. Finally, they arrived, but there was nowhere for them to spend the night. Then a kind innkeeper allowed them to stay in his barn. There in the barn in Bethlehem, Jesus was born! Mary laid him on a bed of hay in a manger.

Luke 2:1-7

Practice your memory verse. You can find it in your GPS or in the Bible in James 1:17. How were Mary and Elizabeth related?

This Advent season, find a mealtime each week when you can discuss the different people in the Christmas story with your family. Imagine how each person might have felt. Wonder aloud about how you might have felt if you had been a part of that very first Christmas.

As you run errands with your family this season, pray for those who may not know about the love of Jesus. Help tell others about him by sharing a smile or a hug. Write the memory verse on paper hearts and hand them out.

Spend time in prayer. Thank God for Jesus as a baby. Thank God for the man Jesus grew up to be. Ask God to help you grow to become more like Jesus.

Every good and perfect gift is from above. James 1:17a

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