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Date 4Lh Aprll 2011

Un|t unlL 4 CanLeen uay
1heme World of knowledge
Ma|n Sk||| 20
Integrated Sk|||
Curr|cu|um Cutcomes l 21 speak clearly by pronounclng words accuraLely
ll 12 llsLen Lo and repeaL accuraLely Lhe correcL pronunclaLlon of words and Lhe correcL lnLonaLlon
Spec|f|c Cb[ect|ves l 211 ronounce Lhe words wlLh Lhe followlng sounds lnlLlal blends
ll 121 llsLen Lo and repeaL Lhe pronunclaLlon of 2syllable words
8ehav|oura| Cb[ect|ves 8y Lhe end of Lhe lesson Lhe puplls wlll be able Lo
l read clearly aL lesL 4 words whlch sLarLs wlLh l and r
rev|ous know|edge
Language Iocus
1each|ng A|ds]Mater|a|s
SeL lnducLlon Clvlng a general ldea on Lodays lesson l 1eacher Lells puplls LhaL Loday Lhey are golng Lo learn
10 Lhrough sLlmulaLlng puplls comparlng Lwo more word blends
mlnuLes skllls ll 1eacher dlsLrlbuLes packeLs conLalnlng puzzle pleces of
a plcLure of a flower Lo each group
lll llrsL group Lo flnlsh wlll geL 3 polnLs
lv 1eacher ask puplls from Lhe plcLure puzzle LhaL you lv uzz|e Game lane and
have already done whaL can you see? ropeller
v 1eacher asks puplls how Lo spell plane? v 1ells puplls LhaL f ls Lhe
shorL form for ff
vl 1eacher wrlLes Lhe word lane on Lhe board vl plane
vll 1eacher asks whaL do you call Lhe Lwo fans whlch are lx propeller
mounLed on Lhe planes wlngs?
8eadlng wrlLlng
?ear 3
40 puplls
Spell 4 ouL of 6 words whlch sLarLs wlLh pl and pr
answers correcLly 4 ouL of 6 of Lhe quesLlons ln Lhe worksheeLs glven
lnlLlal blends from prevlous unlLs
lnlLlal blends and pronunclaLlon
1exLbook worksheeLs (level 1 2 3) puzzle game MyCu powerpolnL
Content 1each|ng]Learn|ng Act|v|t|es kat|ona|e ]kemarks
xl 1eacher wrlLes Lhe word ropeller
SLep 1 1eachlng pronunclaLlon sounds and l
1eacher shows owerolnL presenLaLlon
l owero|nt pl and pr ppnL
presenLaLlon glvlng examples of Lhe blends ll
Lxplalns Lhe pronunclaLlon pl /p//l//ppplll/
WrlLes 2 examples of words for pl
lll plaLe play
mlnuLes lv
Lxplalns Lhe pronunclaLlon pr /p//r//ppprrr/
WrlLes 2 examples for pr
v prlnce prlze
1eacher asks puplls Lo glve more examples for each
1eacher shows MyCu conLenL
vll MyCD l and r (pg49)
1eacher geLs puplls Lo follow Lhe pronunclaLlon Lhe words
as accordlng Lo MyCus pronunclaLlon
SLep 2 assoclaLlng newly learned knowledge l ask Lhe puplls Lo Lurn Lhelr LexL book Lo page 49 and read LexL book pg49 no22
pracLlce wlLh slmple LexLs aloud 8eglnnlng sounds pl and pr
ll geL Lhe puplls Lo repeaL Lhe readlng a few Llmes
lll ask Lhe puplls Lo ldenLlfy Lhe words whlch beglns
wlLh pl
lv ask Lhe puplls Lo ldenLlfy Lhe words whlch beglns
wlLh pr
v geL Lhe puplls Lo glve Lhelr own example of words LhaL
sLarLs wlLh pl and pr
SLep 3 execuLlng newly learned knowledge l dlsLrlbuLe Lhe worksheeLs Lo Lhe puplls l worksheeLs
roducLlon and pracLlclng ll lnsLrucL Lhe puplls Lo do Lhe worksheeL and do 1 quesLlon
LogeLher wlLh Lhe puplls before Lhey proceed on
lll lnsLrucL puplls Lo do Lhe exerclses ln Lhelr acLlvlLy book lll Act|v|ty book g47 AcLlvlLy
13 AcLlvlLy 14
SLep 4 recap lesson l recap on Lhe lesson learnL Lhe sounds made by pl pr
closure ll wrlLe on Lhe whlLeboard several words whlch sLarL wlLh
pl and pr and geL Lhe puplls Lo read ouL Lhe words

Mentor ] Lecturers Comments
Date 4Lh Aprll 2011
Un|t unlL 4 CanLeen uay
1heme World of knowledge
Ma|n Sk||| 20
Integrated Sk|||
Curr|cu|um Cutcomes l 21 speak clearly by ronounclng words accuraLely
ll 12 llsLen Lo and repeaL accuraLely Lhe correcL ronunclaLlon of words and Lhe correcL lnLonaLlon
Spec|f|c Cb[ect|ves l 211 ronounce Lhe words wlLh Lhe followlng sounds lnlLlal blends
ll 121 llsLen Lo and repeaL Lhe ronunclaLlon of 2syllable words
8ehav|oura| Cb[ect|ves 8y Lhe end of Lhe lesson Lhe puplls wlll be able Lo
l read clearly aL lesL 4 words whlch sLarLs wlLh SL and Sk
rev|ous know|edge
Language Iocus
1each|ng A|ds]Mater|a|s
SeL lnducLlon Clvlng a general ldea on Lodays lesson l 1eacher Lells puplls LhaL Loday Lhey are golng Lo learn
3 Lhrough sLlmulaLlng puplls comparlng Lwo more word blends
mlnuLes skllls ll 1eacher dlsLrlbuLes packeLs conLalnlng puzzle pleces of
a plcLure of sLamps Lo each group
lll llrsL group Lo flnlsh wlll geL 3 polnLs
lv 1eacher ask puplls from Lhe plcLure puzzle LhaL you lv uzz|e Game SLamps
have already done whaL can you see?
v 1eacher asks puplls how Lo spell sLamp? v Lmphaslze on Lhe slngular and
plural of sLamp
vl 1eacher wrlLes Lhe word SLamp on Lhe board vl sLamp (s)
SLep 1 1eachlng pronunclaLlon sounds and l
resenLaLlon glvlng examples of Lhe blends ll
Lxplalns Lhe pronunclaLlon SL /s//L//sssLLL/
Spell 4 ouL of 6 words whlch sLarLs wlLh SL and Sk
answers correcLly 4 ouL of 6 of Lhe quesLlons ln Lhe worksheeLs glven
lnlLlal blends from revlous unlLs
lnlLlal blends and ronunclaLlon
1exLbook worksheeLs (level 1 2 3) puzzle game AcLlvlLy book
Content 1each|ng]Learn|ng Act|v|t|es kat|ona|e ]kemarks
8eadlng wrlLlng
?ear 3
40 puplls
5 lll
WrlLes 2 examples of words for SL
lll SLar SLop
mlnuLes lv
Lxplalns Lhe pronunclaLlon Sk /s//k//ssskkk/
WrlLes 2 examples for Sk
v Sky Sklnny
1eacher asks puplls Lo glve more examples for each
SLep 2 assoclaLlng newly learned knowledge l ask Lhe puplls Lo Lurn Lhelr LexL book Lo page 49 and read LexL book pg49 no22
racLlce wlLh slmple LexLs aloud 8eglnnlng sounds SL and Sk
7 ll geL Lhe puplls Lo repeaL Lhe readlng a few Llmes
mlootes lll ask Lhe puplls Lo ldenLlfy Lhe words whlch beglns
wlLh SL
lv ask Lhe puplls Lo ldenLlfy Lhe words whlch beglns
wlLh Sk
v geL Lhe puplls Lo glve Lhelr own example of words LhaL
sLarLs wlLh SL and Sk
SLep 3 execuLlng newly learned knowledge l dlsLrlbuLe Lhe worksheeLs Lo Lhe puplls l worksheeLs
roducLlon and pracLlclng ll lnsLrucL Lhe puplls Lo do Lhe worksheeL and do 1 quesLlon
10 LogeLher wlLh Lhe puplls before Lhey proceed on
mlootes Lhemselves
lll lnsLrucL puplls Lo do Lhe exerclses ln Lhelr acLlvlLy book lll Act|v|ty book g48 AcLlvlLy
13 AcLlvlLy 16
SLep 4 recap lesson l recap on Lhe lesson learnL Lhe sounds made by SL Sk
Closure ll wrlLe on Lhe whlLeboard several words whlch sLarL wlLh
SL and Sk and geL Lhe puplls Lo read ouL Lhe words
Mentor ] Lecturers Comments

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