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1he I|||no|s Const|tut|on Webquest

1h|s web quest was des|gned to a||ow students to |earn h|stor|ca| |nformat|on about I|||no|s and a|so to comp|ete the|r
requ|rement for |earn|ng about the I|||no|s State Const|tut|on Use th|s webs|te to gu|de your quest
wwwsvfrnk/nk12us/constitutionhtm Scroll down Lhe page read Lhe Lask and process and cllck on Lhe
correspondlng lesson numbers for Lhe lnformaLlon llll ln Lhe blanks wlLh Lhe correcL answers
1he n|story of I|||no|s |esson 1

1 llllnols became a sLaLe on (monLh day year) ______________________

1he Leg|s|at|ve 8ranch |esson 3
1 1he leglslaLlve power of llllnols belongs Lo whaL group? _______________________

2 name Lhe Lwo parLs LhaL make up Lhe answer Lo #1 _________________________

3 1he LoLal number of members ln Lhe Ceneral Assembly ls _________

4 llllnols sends how many uS 8epresenLaLlves Lo Congress _____________ (prlor knowledge)

3 1o be a sLaLe senaLor or represenLaLlve you musL be aL leasL _________ years old a resldenL of
hls/her dlsLrlcL for aL leasL _________ years before Lhe elecLlon

6 WhaL ls a quorum? ____________________________________________________

7 1he Lrlal for lmpeachmenL occurs ln Lhe _______________________

8 Who has Lhe sole power of lmpeachmenL? _______________________

Law Mak|ng |n I|||no|s |esson 4
1 8llls musL pass_______ houses of Lhe Ceneral Assembly and recelve Lhe ___________ approval
2 8llls only need a __________ voLe for passage however a ________ voLe ls needed by Lhe Ceneral
Assembly Lo overrlde a governor's veLo
1he Lxecut|ve 8ranch |esson S
1 WhaL are Lhe 3 quallflcaLlons Lo be Covernor?

2 LlsL aL leasL 3 duLles of Lhe Covernor
3 LlsL Lhe llne of successlon for Lhe Covernor

4 WhaL ls Lhe chlef [ob of Lhe LxecuLlve 8ranch?

3 Who ls Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve of Lhe sLaLe governmenL?

6 Pow long ls a Lerm of a Covernor?

Lxecut|ve Cff|cers of I|||no|s |esson 6
name Lhe execuLlve offlce LhaL besL applles Lo each
1 keeper of Lhe CreaL Seal of llllnols

2 1hls offlce has more dlrecL conLacL wlLh Lhe people of llllnols Lhan any oLher execuLlve offlce

3 1hls person may become Lhe Covernor lf Lhe presenL Covernor cannoL fulflll hls/her duLles

4 1he SLaLes Chlef llscal ConLrol Cfflcer

3 roLecLs llllnols consumers agalnsL fraud and rlpoffs

6 Clves legal advlce Lo Lhe execuLlve offlces

7 lssues drlver llcenses vehlcle plaLes and malnLalns records

8 1he SLaLe Llbrarlan

9 1hls offlce ls responslble for Lhe safekeeplng and lnvesLmenL of sLaLe monles

10 1he WaLchdog" of Lhe SLaLes Money

Answer each quesLlon carefully
12 1he Lerm of any execuLlve offlcer ls _____ years

13 1o be an execuLlve offlcer you musL be aL leasL _____ years old a resldenL of Lhe sLaLe for aL leasL
_____ years precedlng Lhelr elecLlon and a clLlzen
Iud|c|a| 8ranch Lesson 7
1 LlsL Lhree maln funcLlons of Lhe sLaLe !udlclal 8ranch

2 LlsL Lhe Lhree Lypes of sLaLe courLs from Lhe lowesL Lo Lhe hlghesL

3 Pow are llllnols [udges puL lnLo offlce?
4 uo you agree wlLh Lhe process?

Vot|ng |n I|||no|s Lesson 8
1 1o voLe ln llllnols you musL be aL leasL _____ years old a resldenL of your voLlng dlsLrlcL for aL leasL
_____ days precedlng Lhe elecLlon and a __________________

2 1o voLe ln an elecLlon you musL have been reglsLered ln your dlsLrlcL aL leasL _____ days before Lhe

3 Clve an example of an lssue LhaL could be placed on a referendum

I|||no|s Const|tut|on and State Symbo|s Lesson 10
Concernlng Lhe llllnols ConsLlLuLlon
1 ln whaL year was Lhe presenL llllnols ConsLlLuLlon raLlfled and approved?

2 LlsL Lhree responslblllLles LhaL sLaLes have been glven by Lhe uS ConsLlLuLlon

3 Pow many branches of governmenL does llllnols governmenL have? ______________

4 name Lhem

3 Lxplaln Lwo ways Lhe llllnols ConsLlLuLlon can be amended

llllnols 8lll of 8lghLs
1 ?ou are almosL done cllck on Lhe ConsLlLuLlon 1exL llnk (above asslgnmenLs Lo Lhe lefL) and look aL Lhe lL
8lll of 8lghLs whaL ls added Lo Lhe lL 8lll of 8lghLs LhaL ls noL ln Lhe uS 8lll of 8lghLs?

Ceneral Assembly 8llls
Look up House Bill 1883 and summarize the bill and its current status. What is your opinion oI the bill?

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