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Paper 2 SPM Biology Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for General Answering Technique Paper 2 Section A and B @ Teknik

ik Menjawab dan Soalan Lazim SPM Biologi Kertas 2 Bahagian A dan B. FAQ SPM 2010 Biology Paper 2 Section A and B The SPM Biology question Paper 2 Section A: Structure questions (answer all questions from question number 1 to 5) consist of 60 marks in total & Section B: Essay questions (answer two questions from question number 6 to 9) consist of 40 marks in total. There are some key points that students need to take notes with it. 1) What is the first thing students need to do when students see the question paper? I would suggest that students should read through the whole Section A & B and then write down the important point (while your mind/memory is still fresh) that relates to the question (something like a mind map) such as phases in a cell cycle, internal structure of the human heart, circulatory system in humans, structure of stems/roots etc. There are too many points, structures and processes in Biology to be remembered, so students need to keep your noteshandy and easy to read especially before students go in the examination hall/classroom. 2) Can students write in point form in Section A and B? Section A (structure question): The answer is no (same in Chemistry). Students are suggested to answer question in a complete sentence (not in point form). There are some other Biology Teachers also suggested that students must fully used up all the space provided. Section B (essay question): The answer is yes. Students can use point form but it must be in complete sentence. 3) Are students handwriting important in Biology Paper 2? Students handwriting is very important to score in Biology. Students handwriting must be neat and clear. It will help students in gaining a good impression and essential for SPM examiner to detect students points/marks. Students just need to cancel the mistake by drawing a line on it (or crossing out the answer) and not covering it by liquid paper/correction pen/correction tape in the answering script. Furthermore, do not use pencil in answering the questions. 4) Is the spelling important in Biology Paper 2? The answer is yes for the entire biology name/structure/process. You need to spell it correctly, for example chloroplast, Casparian strip, Golgi apparatus, Lysosomes, pancreas, pasteurisation etc. 5) How to draw the labelled diagrams? In Biology, all the diagrams can be drawn free-hands (pencil) and must be labelled clearly. 6) Can students use table in giving explanation/comparison in Paper 2 Section B? The answer is yes and it is highly recommended by most of the SPM Biology teacher. Students need to make sure that every point must be in complete sentence. 7) How to answer operational definition in Biology? Operational definition is the manipulated variable that is related to the Biology theory.

Paper 3 The SPM question Paper 3 (Answer all questions Question 1 and 2 only) consist of 50 marks in total. In this paper, students need to answer all questions. Question 1 consists of 33 marks and Question 2 consists of 17 marks. The marks for each question range from 0 (wrong response), 1 (idea level response), 2 (inaccurate response) to 3 (accurate response) marks for each questions. Paper 3 Biology involves with very detailed criteria of marking. 1) How to state the observation? Usually it involves two criteria. Example 1 State two different observations made from Table 1. (Nyatakan dua pemerhatian yang berbeza yang dibuat daripada Jadual 1). Q1 (b) (i) (3 marks). Idea level response (1 mark):

The time taken is different for each temperature. Temperature influences time taken for iodine solution remains yellowish.

No full marks will be given if students did not meet the 2 criteria of answer and the word different / influence is not specific. Students must try to avoid these words. Accurate response (3 marks): P1: Temperature of water bath P2: Time taken for iodine solution to remain yellowish (Horizontal observation)

At temperature 5C, time taken for iodine solution remains yellowish is 12 minutes. At temperature 37C, time taken for iodine solution remains yellowish is 3 minutes. At temperature 55C, time taken for iodine solution remains yellowish is 15 minutes.

(Vertical observation)

Time taken for iodine solution remain yellowish for temperature 37C is faster than5C / 28C / 45C / 55C // Vice versa

2) How to state inference in Paper 3 Biology? Similar to observation, inference involves 2 criteria. Example 2 State the inference which corresponds to the observations in 1 (b) (i). (Nyatakan inferens yang sepadan dengan pemerhatian di 1 (b) (i)). Q1 (b) (ii) Idea level response (1 mark):

Temperature influences the enzyme reaction.

Accurate response (3 marks): P1: Rate of enzyme reaction P2: Low / High (Reject: Lowest / Highest) (Horizontal inference)

At temperature 5C, the rate of enzyme (amylase) reaction is low / decreases / longer / lower.

At temperature 37C / optimum temperature, the rate of enzyme reaction is high.

At temperature 55C, the rate of enzyme reaction is low. (Vertical inference)

At temperature 37C, the rate of enzyme reaction is higher than the rate of enzyme reaction at 5C / 28C / 45C / 55C // vice versa. 3) How to get full marks in hypothesis for an experiment? Similar to the hypothesis in Chemistry Paper 3, it must always start with manipulated variable and follows by responding variables. Example 3 State the hypothesis for this experiment. (Nyatakan hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini.) Q1 (d) Idea level response (1 mark):

The temperatures influence the enzyme reaction.

Accurate response (3 marks): P1: Manipulated variable (temperature) P2: Responding variable (time taken for iodine solution remain yellowish / rate of enzyme (amylase) reaction / activity) Hypothesis: relationship of P1 and P2 (MV + RV)

The higher the temperature, the higher the rate of enzyme reaction / time taken for iodine solution remain yellowish (until it reaches the optimum temperature) When the temperature increases, the rate of enzyme reaction also increase (until the optimum temperature)

4) How to draw the graph correctly in Paper 3 Biology? SAL or SAP which is S = Shape, A = Axis and L = Label / P = Point. Besides that, student must remember to write the title of the graph. 5) How to explain the relationship in Biology? In Biology Paper 3, it is more specified as compared to Chemistry. Students must provide themanipulated variable first and follow by responding variable and usually for the manipulated variable must have two supporting theories and a brief conclusion. Example 4 Based on the graph in 1 (e) (ii), explain the relationship between rate of enzyme reaction and temperature. (Berdasarkan kepada graf di 1 (e) (ii), terangkan hubungan antara kadar tindakbalas enzim dengan suhu.) Q1 (f) Idea level response (1 mark):

The higher of the temperature, the higher the rate of enzyme reaction.

(Hypothesis statement) Accurate response (3 marks):

Students must state the relationship between the rate of enzyme reaction and the temperature base on criteria: R1 Relationship: the temperature increases, the rate of enzyme reaction also increase. (Theory 1) R2 Explanation 1: at 37C // at optimum temperature the starch hydrolyse (completely by amylase / enzyme) (Theory 2) R3 Explanation 2: at the maximum rate (Brief conclusion)

As temperature increases (MV), the rate of enzyme reaction increases (RV). Atoptimum temperature the starch was hydrolysed (completely) by amylase at themaximum rate.

6) How to answer the last question (Question number 2)? There are 9 sub sections (total 17 marks) that students need to answer. The mark distribution is as followed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Problem statement (Penyataan masalah) (3 marks) Objective (Objektif) (1 mark) Variables (Pembolehubah-pembolehubah) (1 mark) Hypothesis (Hipotesis) (3 marks) List of material and apparatus (Senarai bahan dan radas digunakan) (3 marks) Technique used (Teknik yang digunakan) (1 mark) Experimental procedure or method (Kaedah atau prosedur eksperimen) (3 marks) Presentation of data (Cara data dipersembahkan) (1 mark) Conclusion (Kesimpulan) (1 mark)

1) Problem statement (3 marks) Problem statement must be in question form. i.e. Does (MV) affect (RV) of xxx? How does (MV) affect the (RV) of xxx)? What is the effect of (MV) on the (RV)? 2) Objective (1 mark) It is a statement form: i.e. To determine the effect of (MV) on the (RV) of a xxx. To study the effect of (MV) on the (RV) of a xxx To investigate the effect of (MV) on the (RV) of a xxx 3) Variables (1 mark) The entire variables (MV, RV and FV) must be correct to gain one marks from here. 4) Hypothesis (3 marks) The hypothesis must start with manipulated variable and follow by responding variable (MV + RV) 5) List of material and apparatus (3 marks) Students need to separate the list of material with the list of apparatus. i.e. Apparatus: photometer, stopwatch, cutter, beaker, meter rule, basin, marker/ thread Material: Balsam plant, water, Vaseline/grease, dry cloth 6) Technique used (1 mark) Students need to state the technique used in carrying out the experiment correctly. i.e. Measure and record the time taken for the air bubble to move a distance of 2 cm by using astopwatch. 7) Experimental procedure or method (3 marks) Students are able to mention all the MV, RV and FV in the sentence. 8 ) Presentation of data (1 mark) Students are able to draw a complete table and record the relevant data base on 3 criteria.

9) Conclusion (1 mark) Students are able to write a suitable conclusion for the experiment. i.e. Ther higher/lower (MV), the higher/lower (RV). Hypothesis is accepted/rejected.

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