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HIV vaccine: Clinical trial on human shows its effectiveness up to 90% (Dan tri): Spanish researchers say that

22/24 strong persons (92%) got immunization response to HIV after vaccinated with MVA-B vaccine. Prof. Mariano Esteban, project leader of National Biological Technology in Madrid, says: It is similar to showing a picture of HIV so that the body can recognize if the body meets it again. This vaccine contains 4 genes HIV stimulating T and B leukocyte. B cell creates antibody to attach viruses before they infect cells, while T cell detects and destroys infected cells. The study found that almost of trial subjects have got HIV specific antibody after vaccination 11 months. More than 1/3 of subjects have developed a type of anti HIV T cell, called CD4+, while over 2/3 of subjects have developed another type of cell called CD8+. Overall, 92% subjects had immunization response. However, it does not mean that the body will be protected from HIV. Immunization response may not enough to protect the body. Prof. Esteban acknowledges that this vaccine is now only at the initial step of trial and shows promise. Next step, the researchers will test this vaccine on people who is already infected with HIV if it helps to reduce viral load or not. Scientists are optimistic that MVA-B vaccine is proved that it is effective as many other HIV vaccines are being studied, or even more Some being studied HIV vaccines as HIV-v vaccine has been developed by British scientists, can help reduce 90% of virus in HIV infected people. However, most of the trials are small so far.

Expanding A/H5N1 influenza vaccine trial Ministry of Health says that they approved to expand the A/H5N1 influenza vaccine clinical trial on human These trials will be conducted on 1.000 healthy volunteers. A/H5N1 influenza vaccine manufactured by The No. 1 Vaccine and Biological production Company has passed the 1 and 2 phase of trial, starting in 2008. Trial results of those phases showed its good effectiveness and safety. With 2 shoots of vaccine, protective effect is over 90%, no adverse reaction. H5N1 virus strain has been modified but not significant compared with the strains used to manufacture vaccine. When trials are finished and licensed to use, the vaccine is still capable of protection against A/H5N1 influenza virus which is virulent, high mortality rates.

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