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Culck noLes LAn

WhaL ls carrler sense mulLlple access colllslon deLecL (CSMA/Cu)?

CSMA/Cu descrlbes Lhe LLherneL access meLhod ln CSMA/Cu many sLaLlons can LransmlL on Lhe same
cable and no sLaLlon has prlorlLy over any oLher 8efore a sLaLlon LransmlLs lL llsLens on Lhe wlre Lo
make sure no oLher sLaLlon ls LransmlLLlng lf no oLher sLaLlon ls LransmlLLlng Lhe sLaLlon LransmlLs
across Lhe wlre CSMA/Cu ls all abouL devlces Laklng Lurns uslng Lhe wlre

WhaL are MAC addresses?
lor compuLers Lo ldenLlfy each oLher on Lhe daLa llnk layer Lhey need a MAC address (hardware
address) All devlces on a LAn musL have a unlque MAC address A MAC address ls a 48blL (slx ocLeL)
address burned lnLo a neLwork lnLerface card 1he flrsL Lhree ocLeLs (24 blLs) of Lhe MAC address
lndlcaLe Lhe vendor LhaL manufacLured Lhe card 1hls ls called Lhe CrganlzaLlon unlque ldenLlfler (Cul)
1he lasL Lhree ocLeLs of Lhe MAC address are Lhe unlque hosL address An example of a MAC address ls

WhaL are Lhe Lhree Lypes of LAn Lrafflc?
1he Lhree Lypes of LAn Lrafflc are

WhaL are unlcasL frames?
unlcasL frames are Lhe mosL common Lype of LAn Lrafflc A unlcasL frame ls a frame lnLended for only
one hosL ln unlcasL frames Lhe only sLaLlon LhaL processes Lhe frame ls Lhe sLaLlon LhaL has lLs own
MAC address ln Lhe desLlnaLlon porLlon of Lhe packeL

WhaL are broadcasL frames?
8roadcasL frames are frames lnLended for everyone SLaLlons vlew broadcasL frames as publlc servlce
announcemenLs All sLaLlons recelve and process broadcasL frames ln large neLworks broadcasLs can
brlng Lhe neLwork Lo a crawl because every compuLer musL process Lhem

WhaL ls Lhe desLlnaLlon address of broadcasL frames?
1he desLlnaLlon address of broadcasL frames (Layer 2 broadcasL addresses) ls llllllllllll or all 1s
ln blnary

WhaL are mulLlcasL frames?
MulLlcasL frames address a group of devlces LhaL have a common lnLeresL 1hese frames allow Lhe
source Lo send only one copy of Lhe frame on Lhe neLwork even Lhough lL ls lnLended for several
sLaLlons Cnly sLaLlons LhaL have a card LhaL ls conflgured Lo recelve mulLlcasL frames process Lhem All
oLher sLaLlons dlscard mulLlcasL frames

WhaL devlces can you use Lo segmenL a LAn aL Layer 1 Layer 2 and Layer 3?
1hree devlces you can use Lo segmenL a LAn are
Pubs/repeaLers (Layer 1)
8rldges/swlLches (Layer 2) physlcal addresses
8ouLers (Layer 3) loglcal addresses

WhaL happens when you segmenL Lhe neLwork wlLh hubs/repeaLers?
8ecause hubs and repeaLers operaLe aL Lhe physlcal layer of Lhe CSl model segmenLlng a neLwork wlLh
Lhese devlces appears as an exLenslon Lo Lhe physlcal cable Pubs and repeaLers are LransparenL Lo
devlces 1hey are unlnLelllgenL devlces All devlces LhaL connecL Lo a hub/repeaLer share Lhe same
bandwldLh Pubs/repeaLers creaLe a slngle broadcasL and colllslon domaln

WhaL ls Lhe advanLage of segmenLlng a neLwork wlLh brldges/swlLches?
8rldges/swlLches operaLe aL Layer 2 of Lhe CSl model and fllLer by MAC address Lach porL on a
brldge/swlLch provldes fulldedlcaLed bandwldLh and creaLes a slngle colllslon domaln 8ecause
brldges/swlLches operaLe aL Layer 2 of Lhe CSl model Lhey cannoL fllLer broadcasLs and Lhey creaLe a
slngle broadcasL domaln lor Lhe CCnA LesL remember LhaL swlLches creaLe more colllslon domalns and
fewer colllslons

WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween brldges and swlLches?
8rldges and swlLches funcLlon Lhe same way Lhe only dlfference ls ln how Lhey are lmplemenLed
8rldges are lmplemenLed by sofLware and usually have a couple of neLwork porLs SwlLches are
lmplemenLed ln hardware by ASlC chlps and have many porLs

WhaL are Lhe advanLages and dlsadvanLages of segmenLlng Lhe LAn wlLh rouLers?
An advanLage of segmenLlng Lhe LAn wlLh rouLers ls LhaL each lnLerface on a rouLer creaLes a slngle
broadcasL and colllslon domaln 8ouLers operaLe aL Layer 3 of Lhe CSl model and do noL propagaLe
broadcasLs Some dlsadvanLages are LhaL rouLers are noL LransparenL and are lmplemenLed ln sofLware
Lhus lnLroduclng laLency ln Lhe neLwork

WhaL ls Lhe Maxlmum 1ransmlsslon unlL (M1u) for an LLherneL frame?
1300 byLes ls Lhe M1u for an LLherneL frame ?ou wlll noLlce LhaL some publlcaLlons sLaLe LhaL Lhe M1u
for LLherneL ls 1318 byLes 1hls ls correcL also 8uL whaL ls Lhe Lrue answer? 1he M1u for LLherneL
lncludlng Lhe header source and desLlnaLlon address daLa and C8C ls 1318 byLes 1he M1u for Lhe daLa
porLlon of Lhe frame ls 1300 byLes

WhaL Lhree ma[or funcLlons do Layer 2 swlLches provlde?
1he Lhree ma[or funcLlons LhaL Layer 2 swlLches provlde are
Address learnlng
ackeL forwardlng/fllLerlng
Loop avoldance by spannlng Lree
WhaL are some advanLages of swlLches?
Some advanLages of swlLches are as follows
1hey lncrease avallable neLwork bandwldLh
1hey reduce Lhe number of users per segmenL
1hey provlde dedlcaLed bandwldLh Lo each segmenL
1ransparenL brldglng (swlLchlng) provldes flve brldglng funcLlons Lo deLermlne whaL Lo do when lL
recelves a frame

WhaL are Lhese flve processes?
1he flve processes are

ln LransparenL brldglng whaL ls Lhe learnlng process?
1he flrsL process a brldge goes Lhrough when lL ls powered on ls Lhe learnlng process 1he MAC address
Lable on Lhe brldge conLalns no enLrles and Lhe brldge goes Lhrough Lhe learnlng process Lo record all
worksLaLlons on every lnLerface ln Lhe learnlng process Lhe brldge records Lhe source MAC address and
source porL number ln Lhe MAC address Lable every Llme lL sees a frame

ln LransparenL brldglng whaL ls Lhe floodlng process?
When a brldge ls flrsL Lurned on lL has no MAC address ln lLs Lable When a swlLch recelves a unlcasL
frame lL knows Lhe source address and porL from whlch Lhe unlcasL frame came buL no enLry exlsLs ln
lLs Lable for Lhe desLlnaLlon address 1hls ls called an unknown unlcasL frame When a swlLch recelves an
unknown unlcasL frame lL sends Lhe frame ouL all forwardlng lnLerfaces on Lhe brldge excepL Lhe
lnLerface LhaL recelved Lhe frame 1hls process ls Lhe floodlng process

ln LransparenL brldglng whaL ls Lhe fllLerlng process?
1he fllLerlng process occurs when Lhe source and desLlnaLlon addresses reslde on Lhe same lnLerface on
Lhe brldge 8ecause Lhe brldge does noL need Lo forward a frame ln whlch Lhe desLlnaLlon and source
addresses reslde on Lhe same lnLerface lL fllLers Lhe frame and dlscards lL

ln LransparenL brldglng whaL ls Lhe forwardlng process?
1he forwardlng process occurs when a swlLch recelves a unlcasL frame and has an enLry of Lhe
desLlnaLlon address ln lLs MAC Lable 1he swlLch Lhen forwards Lhe frame Lo Lhe lnLerface where LhaL
desLlnaLlon address resldes

ln LransparenL brldglng whaL occurs durlng Lhe aglng process?
Lvery Llme a brldge learns a source address lL LlmesLamps Lhe enLry When Lhe brldge sees a frame
from Lhls source lL updaLes Lhe Llme sLamp lf Lhe brldge does noL hear from Lhe source for a speclflc
amounL of Llme (called Lhe aglng Llmer) Lhe brldge deleLes Lhe enLry from lLs MAC address Lable 1hls
process ls Lhe aglng process
WhaL ls Lhe defaulL aglng Llme ln LransparenL brldges?
1he defaulL aglng Llmer ls 3 mlnuLes

WhaL ls Lhe Spannlng1ree roLocol (S1)?
S1 ls a loopprevenLlon brldgeLobrldge proLocol lLs maln purpose ls Lo dynamlcally malnLaln a loop
free neLwork lL does Lhls by sendlng ouL 8rldge roLocol uaLa unlLs (8uus) dlscoverlng any loops ln
Lhe Lopology and blocklng one or more redundanL llnks

Pow does S1 malnLaln a loopfree neLwork?
S1 malnLalns a loopfree neLwork by
LlecLlng a rooL brldge
LlecLlng a rooL porL on each nonrooL brldge
LlecLlng deslgnaLed porLs
uLLlng ln Lhe blocklng sLaLe any porL LhaL ls noL a rooL porL or deslgnaLed porL

ln spannlng Lree whaL ls a 8rldge lu (8lu)?
A 8lu ls an 8byLe fleld LhaL ls composed of Lhe brldges 6byLe MAC address and a 2byLe brldge prlorlLy

WhaL ls Lhe defaulL brldge prlorlLy ln a 8rldge lu for all Clsco swlLches?

ln spannlng Lree whaL ls paLh cosL?
aLh cosL ls a calculaLlon Lo deLermlne Lhe llnks bandwldLh lL ls a value asslgned Lo each porL LhaL ls
based on Lhe porLs speed

WhaL ls Lhe spannlng Lree paLh cosL for each of Lhe followlng?
10 Mbps
100 Mbps
1 Cbps
1he paLh cosLs are as follows
10 Mbps 100
100 Mbps 19
1 Cbps 4

When calculaLlng a loopfree envlronmenL whaL foursLep declslon sequence does spannlng Lree use Lo
deLermlne whaL wlll be Lhe rooL brldge and whlch porLs wlll forward or block?
1he foursLep declslon sequence LhaL spannlng Lree uses Lo deLermlne Lhe rooL brldge and whlch porL
wlll forward ls as follows
SLep 1 1he lowesL rooL 8lu
SLep 2 1he lowesL paLh cosL Lo Lhe rooL brldge
SLep 3 1he lowesL sender 8lu
SLep 4 1he lowesL porL lu

Pow do brldges pass spannlng Lree lnformaLlon beLween Lhemselves?
8rldges pass S1 lnformaLlon uslng speclal frame called 8rldge roLocol uaLa unlLs (8uus)

Pow ofLen do brldges send 8uus ouL acLlve porLs?
1he defaulL Llme LhaL brldges send 8uus ouL acLlve porLs ls 2 seconds
noLe All porLs on a swlLch llsLen for 8uus ln case Lhere ls a Lopology change

ln S1 how ls a rooL brldge elecLed?
ln S1 Lhe brldge wlLh Lhe lowesL 8lu ls elecLed Lhe rooL brldge All porLs on Lhe rooL brldge are placed
ln Lhe forwardlng sLaLe and are called deslgnaLed porLs
noLe 1he 8lu ls a 6byLe fleld LhaL ls composed of a defaulL prlorlLy (32768) and a MAC address
8ecause all Clsco swlLches use Lhe defaulL prlorlLy Lhe swlLch wlLh Lhe lowesL MAC address ls elecLed
Lhe rooL brldge As a rule of Lhumb lower wlll always wln ln spannlng Lree
AfLer brldges elecL Lhe rooL brldge whaL do Lhey do nexL?
AfLer elecLlng Lhe rooL brldge swlLches elecL rooL porLs A rooL porL ls Lhe porL on nonrooL brldges LhaL ls
closesL Lo Lhe rooL brldge Lvery nonrooL brldge musL selecL one rooL porL

Pow do nonrooL brldges declde whlch porL Lhey wlll elecL as a rooL porL?
nonrooL brldges use rooL paLh cosL Lo deLermlne whlch porL wlll be Lhe rooL porL 8ooL paLh cosL ls Lhe
cumulaLlve cosL of all llnks Lo Lhe rooL brldge 1he porL wlLh Lhe lowesL rooL paLh cosL ls elecLed Lhe
brldges rooL porL and ls placed ln Lhe forwardlng sLaLe

WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween paLh cosL and rooL paLh cosL?
aLh cosL ls Lhe value asslgned Lo each porL lL ls added Lo 8uus recelved on LhaL porL Lo calculaLe Lhe
rooL paLh cosL 8ooL paLh cosL ls deflned as Lhe cumulaLlve cosL Lo Lhe rooL brldge ln a 8uu Lhls ls Lhe
value LransmlLLed ln Lhe cosL fleld ln a brldge Lhls value ls calculaLed by addlng Lhe recelvlng porLs paLh
cosL Lo Lhe value conLalned ln Lhe 8uu

lf a nonrooL brldge has Lwo redundanL porLs wlLh Lhe same rooL paLh cosL how does Lhe brldge choose
whlch porL wlll be Lhe rooL porL?
lf a nonrooL brldge has redundanL porLs wlLh Lhe same rooL paLh cosL Lhe decldlng facLor ls Lhe porL
wlLh Lhe lowesL porL lu (porL number)

AfLer Lhe rooL brldge and rooL porLs are selecLed Lhe lasL sLep ln spannlng Lree ls Lo elecL deslgnaLed
porLs Pow do brldges elecL deslgnaLed porLs?
ln spannlng Lree each segmenL ln a brldged neLwork has one deslgnaLed porL 1hls porL ls a slngle porL
LhaL boLh sends and recelves Lrafflc Lo and from LhaL segmenL and Lhe rooL brldge All oLher porLs are
placed ln a blocklng sLaLe 1hls ensures LhaL only one porL on any segmenL can send and recelve Lrafflc Lo
and from Lhe rooL brldge ensurlng a loopfree Lopology 1he brldge conLalnlng Lhe deslgnaLed porL for a
segmenL ls called Lhe deslgnaLed brldge for LhaL segmenL ueslgnaLed porLs are chosen based on
cumulaLlve rooL paLh cosL Lo Lhe rooL brldge
noLe Lvery acLlve porL on Lhe rooL brldge becomes a deslgnaLed porL

lf a brldge ls faced wlLh a Lle ln elecLlng deslgnaLed porLs how does lL declde whlch porL wlll be Lhe
deslgnaLed porL?
ln Lhe evenL of a Lle S1 uses Lhe foursLep declslon process dlscussed ln CuesLlon 30 lL flrsL looks for
Lhe 8uu wlLh Lhe lowesL 8lu Lhls ls always Lhe rooL brldge lf Lhe swlLch ls noL Lhe rooL brldge lL moves
Lo Lhe nexL sLep Lhe 8uu wlLh Lhe lowesL paLh cosL Lo Lhe rooL brldge lf boLh paLhs are equal S1
looks for Lhe 8uu wlLh Lhe lowesL sender 8lu lf Lhese are equal S1 uses Lhe llnk wlLh Lhe lowesL porL
lu as Lhe flnal Llebreaker

WhaL are Lhe four spannlng Lree porL sLaLes?
1he four spannlng Lree porL sLaLes are
8emember LhaL rooL and deslgnaLed porLs forward Lrafflc and LhaL nondeslgnaLed porLs block Lrafflc buL
sLlll llsLen for 8uus
lmporLanL noLe 1here ls anoLher porL sLaLe ulsabled (no frames forwarded no 8uus heard) lf lL
shows up ln Lhe answer opLlons selecL lL along wlLh Lhe oLhers

WhaL ls Lhe S1 blocklng sLaLe?
When a swlLch sLarLs all porLs are ln Lhe blocklng sLaLe 1hls ls Lo prevenL any loops ln Lhe neLwork lf
Lhere ls a beLLer paLh Lo Lhe rooL brldge Lhe porL remalns ln Lhe blocked sLaLe orLs ln Lhe blocked sLaLe
cannoL send or recelve Lrafflc buL Lhey can recelve 8uus

WhaL ls Lhe S1 llsLenlng sLaLe?
orLs LranslLlon from a blocked sLaLe Lo a llsLenlng sLaLe ln Lhls sLaLe no user daLa ls passed 1he porL
only llsLens for 8uus AfLer llsLenlng for 13 seconds (lf Lhe brldge does noL flnd a beLLer paLh) Lhe porL
moves Lo Lhe nexL sLaLe Lhe learnlng sLaLe

WhaL ls Lhe S1 learnlng sLaLe?
ln Lhe S1 learnlng sLaLe no user daLa ls belng passed 1he porL quleLly bullds lLs brldglng Lable 1he
defaulL Llme ln Lhe learnlng sLaLe ls 13 seconds

WhaL ls Lhe S1 forwardlng sLaLe?
AfLer Lhe defaulL Llme ln Lhe learnlng sLaLe ls up Lhe porL moves Lo Lhe forwardlng sLaLe ln Lhe
forwardlng sLaLe Lhe porL sends and recelves daLa

WhaL ls S1 forward delay?
1he forward delay ls Lhe Llme lL Lakes for a porL Lo move from Lhe llsLenlng sLaLe Lo Lhe learnlng sLaLe or
from Lhe learnlng sLaLe Lo Lhe forwardlng sLaLe 1he defaulL Llme ls 30 seconds

WhaL ls Lhe hello Llme ln S1 Llmers?
1he hello Llme ls Lhe Llme lnLerval beLween Lhe sendlng of 8uus 1he defaulL Llme ls 2 seconds

WhaL ls Lhe Max Age Llmer?
1he Max Age Llmer ls how long a brldge sLores a 8uu before dlscardlng lL 1he defaulL Llme ls 20
seconds (Len mlssed hello lnLervals)

WhaL ls Lhe defaulL Llme a porL Lakes Lo LranslLlon from Lhe blocklng sLaLe Lo Lhe forwardlng sLaLe?
1he defaulL Llme a porL Lakes Lo LranslLlon from Lhe blocklng sLaLe Lo Lhe forwardlng sLaLe ls 30 seconds
20 seconds for Max Age 13 seconds for llsLenlng and 13 seconds for learnlng

WhaL does S1 do when lL deLecLs a Lopology change ln Lhe neLwork due Lo a brldge or llnk fallure?
lf spannlng Lree deLecLs a change ln Lhe neLwork due Lo a brldge or llnk fallure aL leasL one brldge
lnLerface changes from Lhe blocklng sLaLe Lo Lhe forwardlng sLaLe or vlce versa


1he Lhree WAn connecLlon Lypes avallable are leased llnes clrculLswlLched and packeLswlLched
ueflne Lhe dlfferences beLween each connecLlon Lype

Leased llnes are dedlcaLed polnLLopolnL llnes LhaL provlde a slngle preesLabllshed WAn communlcaLlon
paLh from Lhe cusLomers neLwork Lo Lhe remoLe neLwork Leased llnes are usually employed over
synchronous connecLlons 1hey are generally expenslve and are always up
ClrculLswlLched connecLlons are dedlcaLed for only Lhe duraLlon of Lhe call 1he Lelephone sysLem and
lSun are examples of clrculLswlLched neLworks ackeLswlLched connecLlons use vlrLual clrculLs (vCs)
Lo provlde endLoend connecLlvlLy
ackeLswlLched connecLlons are slmllar Lo leased llnes excepL LhaL Lhe llne ls shared by oLher
cusLomers A packeL knows how Lo reach lLs desLlnaLlon by programmlng of swlLches lrame 8elay ls an
example of a packeLswlLched connecLlon

ueflne cusLomer premlses equlpmenL (CL) and glve an example
CL ls equlpmenL LhaL ls locaLed on Lhe cusLomers (or subscrlbers) premlses lL ls equlpmenL owned by
Lhe cusLomer or equlpmenL leased by Lhe servlce provlder Lo Lhe cusLomer An example ls your rouLer

WhaL ls Lhe demarcaLlon polnL (demarc)?
1he demarc ls Lhe polnL where Lhe CL ends and Lhe local loop beglns lL ls Lhe lasL responslblllLy of Lhe
servlce provlder and ls usually an 8!43 [ack locaLed close Lo Lhe CL 1hlnk of Lhe demarc as Lhe
boundary beLween Lhe cusLomers wlrlng and Lhe servlce provlders wlrlng
WhaL ls Lhe local loop?
1he local loop ls Lhe physlcal cable LhaL exLends from Lhe demarc Lo Lhe cenLral offlce

uescrlbe Lhe cenLral offlce (CC)
1he CC ls Lhe Lelco swlLchlng faclllLy LhaL connecLs Lhe cusLomer Lo Lhe provlders swlLchlng neLwork
1he CC ls someLlmes referred Lo as a polnL of presence lL ls Lhe polnL where Lhe local loop galns access
Lo Lhe servlce provlders access llnes

WhaL ls Lhe Loll neLwork?
All Lhe Lelco swlLches CCs and Lrunk llnes lnslde Lhe WAn provlders neLwork are Lhe Loll neLwork

WhaL are synchronous llnks?
Synchronous llnks have ldenLlcal frequencles and conLaln lndlvldual characLers encapsulaLed ln conLrol
blLs called sLarL/sLop blLs LhaL deslgnaLe Lhe beglnnlng and end of each characLer Synchronous llnks Lry
Lo use Lhe same speed as Lhe oLher end of a serlal llnk

WhaL are Asynchronous llnks?
Asynchronous llnks send dlglLal slgnals wlLhouL Llmlng Asynchronous llnks agree on Lhe same speed buL
Lhere ls no check or ad[usLmenL of Lhe raLes lf Lhey are sllghLly dlfferenL Cnly 1 byLe per Lransfer ls senL

LlsL some Lyplcal Layer 2 encapsulaLlon meLhods for WAn llnks
PlghLevel uaLa Llnk ConLrol (PuLC)
t olnLLoolnL roLocol ()
t Serlal Llne lnLerneL roLocol (SLl)
t x23/Llnk Access rocedure 8alanced (LA8)
t lrame 8elayt Asynchronous 1ransfer Mode (A1M)

uescrlbe PuLC
PuLC was derlved from Synchronous uaLa Llnk ConLrol (SuLC) lL ls Lhe defaulL encapsulaLlon Lype on
polnLLopolnL dedlcaLed llnks and clrculLswlLched connecLlons beLween Clsco rouLers lL ls an lSC
sLandard blLorlenLed daLallnk proLocol LhaL encapsulaLes daLa on synchronous llnks PuLC ls a
connecLlonorlenLed proLocol LhaL has very llLLle overhead PuLC lacks a proLocol fleld and Lherefore
cannoL encapsulaLe mulLlple neLwork layer proLocols across Lhe same llnk 8ecause of Lhls each vendor
has lLs own meLhod of ldenLlfylng Lhe neLworklayer proLocol Clsco offers a proprleLy verslon of PuLC
LhaL uses a Lype fleld LhaL acLs as a proLocol fleld maklng lL posslble for mulLlple neLworklayer proLocols
Lo share Lhe same llnk

8y defaulL Clsco uses PuLC as lLs defaulL encapsulaLlon meLhod across synchronous llnes (polnLLopolnL
llnks) lf a serlal llne uses a dlfferenL encapsulaLlon proLocol how do you change lL back Lo PuLC?
1o change a serlal llne back Lo PuLC use Lhe followlng lnLerface command on Lhe serlal lnLerface you
wanL Lo change 8ouLer(conflglf)#encapsulaLlon hdlc

WhaL ls Lhe olnLLoolnL roLocol ()?
ls an lndusLrysLandard proLocol LhaL provldes rouLerLorouLer or rouLerLohosL connecLlons over
synchronous and asynchronous llnks lL can be used Lo connecL Lo oLher vendors equlpmenL lL works
wlLh several neLworklayer proLocols such as l and lx provldes auLhenLlcaLlon Lhrough A or

uescrlbe x23/LA8
x23/LA8 ls an l1u1 sLandard LhaL has a Lremendous amounL of overhead because of lLs sLrlcL LlmeouL
and wlndowlng Lechnlques LA8 ls Lhe connecLlonorlenLed proLocol used wlLh x23 lL uses Lhe A8M
(Asynchronous 8alance Mode) Lransfer mode x23/LA8 was used ln Lhe 1980s when WAn llnks were
noL as errorfree as Lhey are Loday x23 ls a predecessor of lrame 8elay x23 supporLs boLh swlLched
and permanenL vlrLual clrculLs

WhaL ls lrame 8elay?
An lndusLry sLandard lrame 8elay ls a swlLched daLa llnk layer proLocol LhaL uses vlrLual clrculLs Lo
ldenLlfy Lhe Lrafflc LhaL belongs Lo cerLaln rouLers lL provldes dynamlc bandwldLh allocaLlon and
congesLlon conLrol

Culck noLes ln1L8nL1WC8klnC
WhaL are Lhe Lhree layers of Lhe Clsco Plerarchlcal Model?
1he Lhree layers of Lhe Clsco Plerarchlcal Model are 1
Lhe access layer
1he dlsLrlbuLlon layer
1he core layer

ln Lhe Clsco Plerarchlcal Model whaL ls Lhe funcLlon of Lhe access layer?
SomeLlmes referred Lo as Lhe deskLop layer Lhe access layer ls Lhe polnL aL whlch users connecL Lo Lhe
neLwork Lhrough lowend swlLches Some funcLlons of Lhe access layer lnclude
ConnecLlvlLy lnLo Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon layer
Shared 8andwldLh
MAC Address fllLerlng (swlLchlng)

WhaL ls Lhe funcLlon of Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon layer ln Lhe Clsco Plerarchlcal Model?
1he dlsLrlbuLlon layer ls also known as Lhe workgroup layer lL ls Lhe demarcaLlon polnL beLween Lhe
access and core layers of Lhe neLwork lLs prlmary funcLlon ls Lo provlde rouLlng fllLerlng and WAn
access 1he dlsLrlbuLlon layer deLermlnes how packeLs access Lhe core so lL ls Lhe layer aL whlch Lo
lmplemenL pollcybased connecLlvlLy Some funcLlons lnclude Lhe followlng
CollecLlon polnL for access layer devlces
8roadcasL and mulLlcasL domaln segmenLaLlon
SecurlLy and fllLerlng servlces such as flrewalls and access llsLs
rovldlng LranslaLlon beLween dlfferenL medla Lypes
lnLervLAn rouLlng

WhaL ls Lhe role of Lhe core layer ln Lhe Clsco Plerarchlcal Model?
1he core layer ls Lhe backbone of Lhe neLwork lLs maln funcLlon ls Lo swlLch Lrafflc as fasL as posslble
1herefore lL should noL perform any fllLerlng Lo slow down Lrafflc
1he lSCs CSl 8eference Model conLalns seven layers WhaL are Lhey? lnclude Lhe layer number and
name of each layer ln your answer
1he seven layers of Lhe CSl model are as follows
Layer 7 AppllcaLlon layer
Layer 6 resenLaLlon layer
Layer 3 Sesslon layer
Layer 4 1ransporL layer
Layer 3 neLwork layer
Layer 2 uaLa llnk layer
Layer 1 hyslcal layer

WhaL are some reasons LhaL Lhe lndusLry uses a layered model?
Pere are some reasons why Lhe lndusLry uses a layered model
lL encourages lndusLry sLandardlzaLlon by deflnlng whaL funcLlons occur aL each level
lL allows vendors Lo modlfy or lmprove componenLs aL only one layer versus rewrlLlng Lhe whole
proLocol sLack
lL helps lnLeroperablllLy by deflnlng sLandards for Lhe operaLlons aL each level
lL helps wlLh LroubleshooLlng

WhaL does Lhe appllcaLlon layer (Layer 7) of Lhe CSl model do and whaL are some examples of Lhls
1he appllcaLlon layer ls Lhe layer LhaL ls closesL Lo Lhe user 1hls means LhaL Lhls layer lnLeracLs dlrecLly
wlLh Lhe sofLware appllcaLlon 1he appllcaLlon layers maln funcLlon ls Lo ldenLlfy and esLabllsh
communlcaLlon parLners deLermlne resource avallablllLy and synchronlze communlcaLlon Some
examples lnclude Lhe followlng
1C/l appllcaLlons such as 1elneL llle 1ransfer roLocol (l1) Slmple Mall 1ransfer roLocol (SM1)
WWW and P11
CSl appllcaLlons such as vlrLual 1ermlnal roLocol llle
1ransfer Access and ManagemenL (l1AM) and Common ManagemenL lnformaLlon roLocol (CMl)

ln Lhe CSl model whaL are Lhe responslblllLles of Lhe presenLaLlon layer (Layer 6)? Clve some examples
of Lhls layer
Also known as Lhe LranslaLor Lhe presenLaLlon layer provldes codlng and converslon funcLlons Lo
appllcaLlon layer daLa 1hls guaranLees LhaL Lhe appllcaLlon layer on anoLher sysLem can read daLa
Lransferred from Lhe appllcaLlon layer of a dlfferenL sysLem Some examples of Lhe presenLaLlon layer
Compresslon decompresslon and encrypLlon
!LC 1lll Clll lC1 Culck1lme MLC and ASCll

WhaL are Lhe funcLlons of Lhe sesslon layer (Layer 3)? Clve some examples
1he sesslon layer ls responslble for creaLlng managlng and endlng communlcaLlon sesslons beLween
presenLaLlon layer enLlLles 1hese sesslons conslsL of servlce requesLs and responses LhaL develop
beLween appllcaLlons locaLed on dlfferenL neLwork devlces Some examples lnclude SCL 8C nlS x
Wlndow SysLem Zl neL8lCS names and Apple1alk AS

WhaL ls Lhe LransporL layer (Layer 4) responslble for? Clve some examples of LransporL layer
1he LransporL layer segmenLs and reassembles daLa from upperlayer appllcaLlons lnLo daLa sLreams lL
provldes rellable daLa Lransmlsslon Lo upper layers LndLoend communlcaLlons flow conLrol
mulLlplexlng error deLecLlon and correcLlon and vlrLual clrculL managemenL are Lyplcal LransporL layer
funcLlons Some examples lnclude 1C uu* and Sx
noLe waLch ouL for endLoend on communlcaLlons on Lhe exam! 1ransporL layer

* Lrror correcLlon does noL apply Lo uu connecLlonless unrellable

WhaL ls flow conLrol and whaL are Lhe Lhree meLhods of lmplemenLlng lL?
llow conLrol ls Lhe meLhod of conLrolllng Lhe raLe aL whlch a compuLer sends daLa Lhus prevenLlng
neLwork congesLlon 1he Lhree meLhods of lmplemenLlng flow conLrol are
CongesLlon avoldance
AlmosL cerLaln Lo be on Lhe exam

uescrlbe Lhe funcLlon of Lhe neLwork layer (Layer 3) and glve some examples of neLwork layer
1he neLwork layer provldes lnLerneLwork rouLlng and loglcal neLwork addresses lL deflnes how Lo
LransporL Lrafflc beLween devlces LhaL are noL locally aLLached 1he neLwork layer also supporLs
connecLlonorlenLed and connecLlonless servlce from hlgherlayer proLocols 8ouLers operaLe aL Lhe
neLwork layer l lx Apple1alk and uu are examples of neLwork layer lmplemenLaLlons

Are neLwork layer addresses physlcal or loglcal?
neLwork layer addresses are loglcal addresses speclflc Lo Lhe neLwork layer proLocol belng run on Lhe
neLwork Lach neLwork layer proLocol has a dlfferenL addresslng scheme 1hey are usually hlerarchlcal
and deflne neLworks flrsL and Lhen hosL or devlces on LhaL neLwork An example of a neLwork address ls
an l address whlch ls a 32blL address ofLen expressed ln declmal formaL 19216801 ls an example of
an l address ln declmal formaL
Pow do rouLers funcLlon aL Lhe neLwork layer of Lhe CSl model?
8ouLers learn record and malnLaln awareness of dlfferenL neLworks 1hey declde Lhe besL paLh Lo Lhese
neLworks and malnLaln Lhls lnformaLlon ln a rouLlng Lable 1he rouLlng Lable lncludes Lhe followlng
neLwork addresses whlch are proLocolspeclflc lf you are runnlng more Lhan one proLocol you have a
neLwork address for each proLocol
1he lnLerface Lhe rouLer uses Lo rouLe a packeL Lo a dlfferenL neLwork
A meLrlc whlch ls Lhe dlsLance Lo a remoLe neLwork or Lhe welghL of Lhe bandwldLh load delay and
rellablllLy of Lhe paLh Lo Lhe remoLe neLwork
8ouLers creaLe broadcasL domalns Cne lnLerface on a rouLer creaLes a slngle broadcasL domaln and
colllslon domaln Powever an lnLerface on a swlLch creaLes only a slngle colllslon domaln
ln addlLlon Lo learnlng Lhe remoLe neLwork and provldlng a paLh Lo Lhe neLwork whaL oLher funcLlons
do rouLers carry ouL?
8ouLers perform Lhese Lasks
8ouLers by defaulL do noL forward broadcasLs or mulLlcasLs
8ouLers can perform brldglng and rouLlng funcLlons
lf a rouLer has mulLlple paLhs Lo a desLlnaLlon lL can deLermlne Lhe besL paLh Lo Lhe desLlnaLlon
8ouLers forward Lrafflc based on Layer 3 desLlnaLlon addresses
8ouLers can connecL vlrLual LAns (vLAns)
8ouLers can provlde quallLy of servlce for speclfled Lypes of neLwork Lrafflc
WhaL ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe daLa llnk layer (Layer 2)?
1he daLa llnk layer provldes funcLlonal and procedural means for connecLlonless mode among neLwork
enLlLles and for connecLlon mode enLlLles lL provldes Lhe esLabllshmenL malnLenance and release of
daLa llnk connecLlons among neLwork enLlLles and for Lhe Lransfer of daLa llnk servlce daLa unlLs 1he
daLa llnk layer LranslaLes messages from Lhe neLwork layer lnLo blLs for Lhe physlcal layer and lL enables
Lhe neLwork layer Lo conLrol Lhe lnLerconnecLlon of daLa clrculLs wlLhln Lhe physlcal layer lLs
speclflcaLlons deflne dlfferenL neLwork and proLocol characLerlsLlcs lncludlng physlcal addresslng error
noLlflcaLlon neLwork Lopology and sequenclng of frames uaLa llnk proLocols provlde Lhe dellvery
across lndlvldual llnks and are concerned wlLh Lhe dlfferenL medla Lypes such as 8022 and 8023 1he
daLa llnk layer ls responslble for puLLlng 1s and 0s lnLo a loglcal group 1hese 1s and 0s are Lhen puL on
Lhe physlcal wlre Some examples of daLa llnk layer lmplemenLaLlons are lLLL 8022/8023 lLLL
8023/8022 packeL Lraller (for LLherneL Lhe lCS or C8C) llul PuLC and lrame 8elay

1he lLLL deflnes whaL Lwo sublayers of Lhe daLa llnk layer?
1he Lwo sublayers of Lhe daLa llnk layer are
1he Loglcal Llnk ConLrol (LLC) sublayer
1he Medla Access ConLrol (MAC) sublayer
1hese Lwo sublayers provlde physlcal medla lndependence

lor whaL ls Lhe LLC sublayer responslble?
1he Loglcal Llnk ConLrol (8022) sublayer ls responslble for ldenLlfylng dlfferenL neLwork layer proLocols
and Lhen encapsulaLlng Lhem Lo be Lransferred across Lhe neLwork An LLC header Lells Lhe daLa llnk
layer whaL Lo do wlLh a packeL afLer lL ls recelved

WhaL funcLlons does Lhe Medla Access ConLrol (MAC) sublayer provlde?
1he MAC sublayer speclfles how daLa ls placed and LransporLed over Lhe physlcal wlre 1he LLC layer
communlcaLes wlLh Lhe neLwork layer buL Lhe MAC layer communlcaLes downward dlrecLly Lo Lhe
physlcal layer hyslcal addresslng (MAC addresses) neLwork Lopologles error noLlflcaLlon and dellvery
of frames are deflned aL Lhls sublayer

WhaL are some neLwork devlces LhaL operaLe aL Lhe daLa llnk layer?
8rldges and swlLches are neLwork devlces LhaL operaLe aL Lhe daLa llnk layer 8oLh devlces fllLer Lrafflc by
MAC addresses

WhaL ls Lhe funcLlon of Lhe CSl models physlcal layer (Layer 1)? Clve some examples of physlcal layer
1he physlcal layer deflnes Lhe physlcal medlum lL deflnes Lhe medla Lype Lhe connecLor Lype and Lhe
slgnallng Lype (baseband versus broadband) 1hls lncludes volLage levels physlcal daLa raLes and
maxlmum cable lengLhs 1he physlcal layer ls responslble for converLlng frames lnLo elecLronlc blLs of
daLa whlch are Lhen senL or recelved across Lhe physlcal medlum 1wlsLed palr coaxlal cable and flber
opLlc cable operaLe aL Lhls level CLher lmplemenLaLlons aL Lhls layer are repeaLers/hubs 8!43

1he LLherneL and lLLL 8023 sLandards deflne whaL Lhree physlcal wlrlng sLandards LhaL operaLe aL 10
1hese physlcal wlrlng sLandards operaLe aL 10 Mbps
WhaL are colllslon domalns?
ln LLherneL segmenLs devlces connecL Lo Lhe same physlcal medlum 8ecause of Lhls all devlces recelve
all slgnals senL across Lhe wlre lf Lwo devlces send a packeL aL Lhe same Llme a colllslon occurs ln Lhe
evenL of a colllslon Lhe Lwo devlces run a backoff algorlLhm and resend Lhe packeL 1he devlces
reLransmlL up Lo 13 Llmes 1he flrsL sLaLlon Lo deLecL a colllslon lssues a [am slgnal When a [am slgnal ls
senL from a worksLaLlon lL affecLs all of Lhe machlnes on Lhe segmenL noL [usL Lhe Lwo LhaL colllded
when Lhe [am slgnal ls on Lhe wlre no worksLaLlons can LransmlL daLa 1he more colllslons LhaL occur ln
a neLwork Lhe slower lL wlll be because Lhe devlces wlll have Lo resend Lhe packeL A colllslon domaln
deflnes a group of devlces connecLed Lo Lhe same physlcal medlum

WhaL are broadcasL domalns?
A broadcasL domaln deflnes a group of devlces LhaL recelve each oLhers broadcasL messages As wlLh
colllslons Lhe more broadcasLs LhaL occur on Lhe neLwork Lhe slower your neLwork wlll be 1hls ls
because every devlce LhaL recelves a broadcasL musL process lL Lo see lf Lhe broadcasL ls lnLended for lL

WhaL devlces are used Lo break up colllslon and broadcasL domalns?
SwlLches and brldges are used Lo break up colllslon domalns 1hey creaLe more colllslon domalns and
fewer colllslons 8ouLers are used Lo break up broadcasL domalns 1hey creaLe more broadcasL domalns
and smaller broadcasL areas

Pow do Lhe dlfferenL layers of Lhe CSl model communlcaLe wlLh each oLher?
Lach layer of Lhe CSl model can communlcaLe only wlLh Lhe layer above lL below lL and parallel Lo lL (a
peer layer) lor example Lhe presenLaLlon layer can communlcaLe wlLh only Lhe appllcaLlon layer
sesslon layer and presenLaLlon layer on Lhe machlne lL ls communlcaLlng wlLh 1hese layers
communlcaLe wlLh each oLher uslng proLocol daLa unlLs (uus) 1hese uus conLrol lnformaLlon LhaL ls
added Lo Lhe user daLa aL each layer of Lhe model 1hls lnformaLlon resldes ln flelds called headers (Lhe
fronL of Lhe daLa fleld) and Lrallers (Lhe end of Lhe daLa fleld)
WhaL ls daLa encapsulaLlon?
A uu can lnclude dlfferenL lnformaLlon as lL goes up or down Lhe CSl model lL ls glven a dlfferenL name
accordlng Lo Lhe lnformaLlon lL ls carrylng (Lhe layer lL ls aL) When Lhe LransporL layer recelves upper
layer daLa lL adds a 1C header Lo Lhe daLa Lhls ls called a segmenL 1he segmenL ls Lhen passed Lo Lhe
neLwork layer and an l header ls added Lhus Lhe daLa becomes a packeL 1he packeL ls passed Lo Lhe
daLa llnk layer Lhus becomlng a frame 1hls frame ls Lhen converLed lnLo blLs and ls passed across Lhe
neLwork medlum 1hls ls daLa encapsulaLlonAppllcaLlon layer uaLa
1ransporL layer SegmenL
neLwork layer ackeL
uaLa llnk layer lrame
1here ls also Lhe hyslcal Layer 8lLs

WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween a rouLlng proLocol and a rouLed proLocol?
8ouLlng proLocols deLermlne how Lo rouLe Lrafflc Lo Lhe besL locaLlon of a rouLed proLocol Lxamples of
rouLlng proLocols are 8l LlC8 CSl and 8C Lxamples of rouLed proLocols are l and lx

WhaL 3 devlces are used Lo segmenL a LAn?

Culck noLes CA8LlnC 1LCPnCLCC?
WhaL ls a sLralghLLhrough cable and when would you use lL?
A sLralghLLhrough cable ls Lhe same aL boLh ends A sLralghLLhrough cable uses plns 1 2 3 and 6 1he
send and recelve wlres are noL crossed ?ou should use a sLralghLLhrough cable when connecLlng
dlsslmllar devlces Lxamples lnclude connecLlng Cs Lo swlLches or hubs or a rouLer Lo a swlLch or a hub

WhaL ls a crossover cable and when would you use lL?
A crossover cable ls a cable LhaL has Lhe send and recelve wlres crossed aL one of Lhe ends Cn a
CaLegory 3 cable Lhe 1 and 3 wlres and Lhe 2 and 6 wlres are swlLched on one of Lhe cables ends ?ou
should use a crossover cable when connecLlng slmllar devlces such as connecLlng a rouLer Lo a rouLer a
swlLch Lo a swlLch or hub a hub Lo a hub or a C Lo a C
lmporLanL Llp 8ouLer (Lhlnk of lL as a C) Lo C vla 108ase1 (nlC) uses a crossover cable (conLradlcLs
Lhe rule)

Pow do you seL up a console sesslon Lo a Clsco devlce?
1o seL up a console sesslon Lo a Clsco devlce you connecL a rollover cable Lo Lhe console porL on Lhe
Clsco devlce ?ou Lhen connecL Lhe oLher end Lo your C and conflgure a Lermlnal emulaLlon appllcaLlon
Lo Lhe followlng com seLLlngs 9600 bps 8 daLa blLs no parlLy 1 sLop blL and no flow conLrol

WhaL ls Lhe maxlmum cable lengLh for each of Lhe followlng?
1he maxlmum cable lengLhs are as follows
108ase2 (LhlnneL) 183 meLers
108ase3 (LhlckneL) 300 meLers
108ase1 100 meLers
108aselL 2000 meLers (400 meLers ln a shared envlronmenL and 2000 meLers ln a polnLLopolnL
1008ase1 100 meLers

WhaL does 8ase sLand for ln 108ase1 and 1008ase1?
8ase ln 108ase1 and 1008ase1 sLands for baseband 8aseband ls a neLwork Lechnology ln whlch only
one carrler frequency (slgnal) ls used

WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween baseband and broadband?
8aseband ls a neLwork Lechnology ln whlch only one carrler frequency ls used (such as LLherneL)
8roadband ls a neLwork Lechnology ln whlch several lndependenL channels are mulLlplexed lnLo one
cable (for example a 11 llne)

Culck noLes ACCLSS LlS1S
8esldes named access llsLs whaL are Lhe Lwo Lypes of l access llsLs?
1he Lwo Lypes of l access llsLs are sLandard and exLended

WhaL crlLerla do sLandard l access llsLs use Lo fllLer packeLs?
SLandard l access llsLs fllLer packeLs by Lhe source address 1hls resulLs ln Lhe packeLs belng permlLLed
or denled for Lhe enLlre proLocol sulLe based on Lhe source neLwork l address

WhaL crlLerla do exLended l access llsLs use Lo fllLer packeLs?
LxLended l access llsLs fllLer packeLs by source address desLlnaLlon address proLocols and porL

ln whaL Lwo ways can l access llsLs be applled Lo an lnLerface?
Access llsLs can be applled as lnbound or ouLbound access llsLs lnbound access llsLs process packeLs as
Lhey enLer a rouLers lnLerface and before Lhey are rouLed CuLbound access llsLs process packeLs as
Lhey exlL a rouLers lnLerface and afLer Lhey are rouLed

Pow many access llsLs can be applled Lo an lnLerface on a Clsco rouLer?
Cnly one access llsL per proLocol per dlrecLlon per lnLerface can be applled on a Clsco rouLer MulLlple
access llsLs are permlLLed per lnLerface buL Lhey musL be for a dlfferenL proLocol

Pow are access llsLs processed?
Access llsLs are processed ln sequenLlal loglcal order evaluaLlng packeLs from Lhe Lop down one
sLaLemenL aL a Llme As soon as a maLch ls made Lhe permlL or deny opLlon ls applled and Lhe packeL ls
noL applled Lo any more access llsL sLaLemenLs 8ecause of Lhls Lhe order of Lhe sLaLemenLs wlLhln any
access llsL ls slgnlflcanL

WhaL ls aL Lhe end of each access llsL?
AL Lhe end of each access llsL an lmpllclL deny sLaLemenL denles any packeL noL fllLered ln Lhe access llsL

WhaL are Lhe number ranges used Lo deflne sLandard and exLended l access llsLs?
1he number ranges used Lo deflne sLandard and exLended l access llsLs are as follows
t SLandard l access llsLs 1 Lo 99 and 1300 Lo 1999t LxLended l access llsLs 100 Lo 199 and 2000 Lo

When lmplemenLlng access llsLs whaL are wlldcard masks?
Wlldcard masks deflne Lhe subseL of Lhe 32 blLs ln Lhe l address LhaL musL be maLched Wlldcards are
used wlLh access llsLs Lo speclfy a hosL neLwork or parL of a neLwork Wlldcard masks work exacLly Lhe
opposlLe of subneL masks ln subneL masks 1 blLs are maLched Lo Lhe neLwork porLlon of Lhe address
and 0s are wlldcards LhaL speclfy Lhe hosL range ln wlldcard masks when 0s are presenL Lhe ocLeL
address musL maLch

WhaL ls Lhe lCS command synLax used Lo creaLe a sLandard l access llsL?
Pere ls Lhe command synLax Lo creaLe a sLandard l access llsL
accessllsL accessllsLnumber permlL deny sourceaddress wlldcard maskaccessllsLnumber ls a
number from 1 Lo 99
lor example
8ouLerA(conflg)#accessllsL 10 deny 19216800 000233

Pow can you dlsplay all access llsLs on a Clsco rouLer?
1o dlsplay all access llsLs on a Clsco rouLer use Lhe show accessllsL command 8ouLerA#show accessllsL
SLandard l access llsL 10 deny 19216800 wlldcard blLs 000233LxLended l access llsL 101 permlL Lcp
any any eq www permlL udp any any eq domaln permlL udp any eq domaln any permlL lcmp any any
deny Lcp 192168100 000233 any eq www8ouLerA#

Culck noLes l8AML 8LLA?
WhaL proLocol does lrame 8elay rely on for error checklng?
lrame 8elay does noL rely on any cerLaln proLocol for error checklng lnsLead lL relles on upperlayer
proLocols Lo provlde error checklng lor example lrame 8elay relles on 1C Lo provlde error checklng ln
an l neLwork

AL whaL layers of Lhe CSl model does lrame 8elay operaLe?
lrame 8elay operaLes aL Lhe Lwo lower layers of Lhe CSl model (daLa llnk and physlcal)

WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween swlLched vlrLual clrculLs (SvCs) and permanenL vlrLual clrculLs (vCs)?
SvCs are vlrLual clrculLs LhaL are dynamlcally esLabllshed when daLa needs Lo be Lransferred and LhaL are
LermlnaLed when daLa Lransmlsslon ls compleLe SvCs conslsL of four sLaLes call seLup daLa Lransfer
ldle and call LermlnaLlon vCs are permanenLly esLabllshed vlrLual clrculLs LhaL operaLe ln one of Lwo
sLaLes ldle or daLa Lransfer When Lhe vC ls ldle Lhe connecLlon beLween Lhe u1L devlces ls sLlll acLlve

WhaL ls a uaLa Llnk ConnecLlon ldenLlfler (uLCl)?
A uLCl ls a number LhaL ldenLlfles Lhe loglcal clrculL beLween Lhe rouLer and Lhe lrame 8elay swlLch lL ls
Lhe lrame 8elay Layer 2 address 1he lrame 8elay swlLch maps uLCls beLween each palr of rouLers Lo
creaLe a vC lor l devlces aL Lhe end of each vlrLual clrculL Lo communlcaLe Lhelr l addresses need Lo
be mapped Lo uLCls lf you are runnlng Clsco lCS 112 or laLer mapplng ls done auLomaLlcally uslng
lnverse A8 uLCls have local slgnlflcance 1hlnk of uLCls as Lhe MAC address of Lhe lrame 8elay

WhaL ls Lhe commlLLed lnformaLlon raLe (Cl8)?
1he Cl8 ls Lhe commlLLed lnformaLlon raLe by Lhe servlce provlder ln blLs per second aL whlch daLa wlll
be Lransferred 1he servlce provlder sends any daLa ln excess of Lhls raLe lf lLs neLwork has capaclLy aL
LhaL Llme

Pow does lrame 8elay use lnverse A8?
lrame 8elay uses lnverse A8 as a way Lo dynamlcally map a neLwork layer address Lo a uLCl WlLh
lnverse A8 Lhe rouLer can dlscover Lhe neLwork address of a devlce assoclaLed wlLh a vC

WhaL ls Lhe Local ManagemenL lnLerface (LMl)?
1he LMl ls a slgnallng sLandard beLween a CL devlce (a rouLer) and Lhe lrame 8elay swlLch LhaL ls
responslble for managlng and malnLalnlng sLaLus beLween Lhe devlces lL ls auLosensed wlLh Clsco lCS
8elease 112 and laLer

ln lrame 8elay whaL ls lorward LxpllclL CongesLlon noLlflcaLlon (lLCn)?
1he lLCn ls Lhe blL ln Lhe lrame 8elay header LhaL slgnals Lo anyone recelvlng Lhe frame (swlLches and
u1Ls) LhaL congesLlon ls occurrlng ln Lhe same dlrecLlon as Lhe frame SwlLches and u1Ls can reacL by
slowlng Lhe raLe aL whlch daLa ls senL ln LhaL dlrecLlon

WhaL ls 8ackward LxpllclL CongesLlon noLlflcaLlon (8LCn)?
1he 8LCn ls Lhe blL ln Lhe lrame 8elay header LhaL slgnals Lo swlLches and u1Ls recelvlng Lhe frame LhaL
congesLlon ls occurrlng ln Lhe dlrecLlon opposlLe (backward) LhaL of Lhe frame lf swlLches and u1L
devlces deLecL LhaL Lhe 8LCn blL ln Lhe lrame 8elay header ls seL Lo 1 Lhey slow Lhe raLe aL whlch daLa ls
senL ln LhaL dlrecLlon

ln Lhe lrame 8elay header whaL ls Lhe dlscard ellglblllLy (uL) blL?
lf congesLlon ls deLecLed on Lhe lrame 8elay neLwork Lhe uL blL ls Lurned on ln Lhe lrame 8elay header
1he uL blL ls Lurned on for frames LhaL are ln excess of Lhe Cl8 1he uL blL Lells a swlLch whlch frames Lo
dlscard lf Lhey musL be dlscarded

WhaL ls Lhe defaulL LMl Lype for Clsco rouLers LhaL are conflgured for lrame 8elay?
1he defaulL LMl for Clsco rouLers conflgured for lrame 8elay ls Clsco lf you are runnlng Clsco lCS
8elease 112 or laLer Lhe Clsco rouLer Lrles Lo auLosense whlch LMl Lype Lhe lrame 8elay swlLch ls uslng
lf lL cannoL auLosense Lhe LMl Lype Lhe rouLer uses Clsco as lLs LMl Lype 1he Lhree Lypes of LMls
supporLed by Clsco rouLers are

When a rouLer recelves LMl lnformaLlon lL updaLes lLs vC sLaLus Lo one of Lhree sLaLes WhaL are Lhese
Lhree sLaLes?
1he Lhree sLaLes LhaL a vC uses Lo updaLe lLs sLaLus are as follows
AcLlve sLaLe 1he connecLlon ls acLlve and rouLers can exchange daLa
lnacLlve sLaLe 1he local connecLlon Lo Lhe lrame 8elay swlLch ls worklng buL Lhe remoLe rouLers
connecLlon Lo Lhe lrame 8elay swlLch ls noL worklng
ueleLed sLaLe lndlcaLes LhaL no LMls are belng recelved from Lhe lrame 8elay swlLch or LhaL Lhere ls no
servlce beLween Lhe rouLer and Lhe lrame 8elay swlLch

Pow do you enable lrame 8elay on a Clsco rouLer?
1o enable lrame 8elay on a Clsco rouLer you musL flrsL enable Lhe serlal lnLerface for lrame 8elay
encapsulaLlon wlLh Lhe encapsulaLlon framerelay lnLerface command

8ouLer8(conflg)#lnL s 0
8ouLer8(conflglf)#lp address 19216811 2332332330
8ouLer8(conflglf)#encapsulaLlon framerelay

1he defaulL encapsulaLlon for a serlal lnLerface conflgured for lrame 8elay ls clsco lf you are connecLlng
Lo a nonClsco rouLer how do you change Lhe encapsulaLlon Lype?
lf you are connecLlng Lo a nonClsco rouLer ln a lrame 8elay neLwork you need Lo speclfy leLf as Lhe
encapsulaLlon Lype

8ouLer8(conflglf)#lp address 19216811 2332332330
8ouLer8(conflglf)#encapsulaLlon framerelay leLf

lf you are uslng Clsco lCS 8elease 111 or earller or lf you do noL wanL Lo auLosense Lhe LMl Lype how
do you deflne Lhe LMl Lype on a Clsco rouLer?
1o deflne Lhe LMl Lype on a Clsco rouLer use Lhe framerelay lmlLype ansl clsco q933a lnLerface

8ouLer8(conflglf)#lp address 19216811 2332332330
8ouLer8(conflglf)#encapsulaLlon framerelay
8ouLer8(conflglf)#framerelay lmlLype ansl

lf lnverse A8 ls dlsabled on your rouLer how do you reenable lL?
lnverse A8 ls enabled by defaulL on a Clsco rouLer lf lL ls dlsabled reenable lL by uslng Lhe followlng
8ouLer8(conflglf)#framerelay lnversearp proLocol dlcl
SupporLed proLocols lndlcaLed by Lhe proLocol opLlon lnclude lp lpx decneL appleLalk vlnes and xns

lf a remoLe rouLer does noL supporL lnverse A8 you musL deflne Lhe addressLouLCl Lable
sLaLlcally Pow do you creaLe Lhese sLaLlc maps?
1o deflne sLaLlc maps on a Clsco rouLer use Lhe followlng command
8ouLerA(conflglf)#framerelay map proLocol proLocoladdress dlcl broadcasL leLf clsco payload
compress packeLbypackeL
t proLocol deflnes Lhe supporLed proLocol brldglng or LLC
t proLocoladdress ls Lhe remoLe rouLers neLwork layer address
t dlcl deflnes Lhe remoLe rouLers local uLCl
t broadcasL speclfles wheLher you wanL Lo forward broadcasLs over Lhe vC permlLLlng dynamlc
rouLlng proLocols over Lhe vCt leLf clsco ls Lhe encapsulaLlon Lype

WhaL Clsco lCS command dlsplays Lhe LMl Lrafflc sLaLlsLlcs and LMl Lype?
1he show framerelay lml command dlsplays Lhe LMl Lrafflc sLaLlsLlcs and LMl Lype
8ouLerA#show framerelay lml
LMl SLaLlsLlcs for lnLerface Serlal0 (lrame 8elay u1L)
LMl 1?L ClSCC lnvalld unnumbered lnfo 0
lnvalld roL ulsc 0 lnvalld dummy Call 8ef 0
lnvalld Msg 1ype 0 lnvalld SLaLus Message 0
lnvalld Lock ShlfL 0 lnvalld lnformaLlon lu 0
lnvalld 8eporL lL Len 0 lnvalld 8eporL 8equesL 0
lnvalld keep lL Len 0 num SLaLus Lnq 8cvd 1748
num SLaLus msgs SenL 1748 num updaLe SLaLus SenL 0
num SL Lnq 1lmeouLs 0

Pow do you dlsplay Lhe currenL lrame 8elay map enLrles and lnformaLlon abouL Lhese connecLlons on a
Clsco rouLer?
1o vlew Lhe currenL map enLrles and lnformaLlon abouL Lhe connecLlons use Lhe show framerelay map
8ouLerA#show framerelay map

Culck noLes 8Cu1lnC
Pow do CSlenabled rouLers bulld ad[acencles and exchange Lhelr rouLlng Lables?
CSlenabled rouLers bulld ad[acencles by sendlng Pello packeLs ouL Lhrough all CSlenabled

lf Lhese rouLers share a command llnk and agree on parameLers seL wlLhln Lhelr Pello packeLs Lhen Lhey
become nelghbors lf Lhese parameLers dlffer Lhen Lhe rouLers do noL become nelghbors and
communlcaLlon sLops
CSl rouLers form ad[acencles wlLh cerLaln rouLers 1hese rouLers are deLermlned by Lhe layer 2 (daLa
llnk) medla Lype and as soon as Lhe ad[acencles are formed each rouLer sends LSAs (Llnk SLaLe
AdverLlsemenLs) Lo all ad[acenL rouLers 1he LSAs descrlbe Lhe sLaLe of each rouLers llnks 1here are
mulLlple LSA Lypes and a rouLe LhaL recelves an LSA from a nelghbor records Lhe LSA ln a llnksLaLe
daLabase and floods a copy of Lhe LSA Lo all lLs oLher nelghbors
When all daLabases are compleLe Lhen each rouLer uses Lhe Sl (ShorLesLaLh llrsL) algorlLhm Lo
calculaLe a loopfree Lopology and bullds lLs rouLlng Lable based on Lhls Lopology
lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL Lhe Pello proLocol ls bldrecLlonal and ls Lhe means by whlch nelghbors are
dlscovered and acLs as keepallves beLween nelghborlng rouLers lL also esLabllshes and malnLaln
nelghbor relaLlonshlps and elecLs Lhe u8 (ueslgnaLed 8ouLer) and 8u8 (8ackup ueslgnaLed 8ouLer) Lo
represenL Lhe segmenL on 8roadcasL and n8MA (nobroadcasL mulLlaccess) neLworks
noLe Pello proLocols are senL perlodlcally senL ouL each CSlenabled lnLerface uslng l mulLlcasL
address 224003 1he defaulL lnLerval on n8MA (nonbroadcasL mulLlaccess) neLworks ls 30 seconds
1he defaulL lnLerval on 8roadcasL olnLLopolnL and polnLLomulLlpolnL neLworks ls 10 seconds

WhaL are LSAs (llnksLaLe adverLlsemenLs)?
LSAs are senL ouL all CSlenabled rouLer lnLerfaces descrlblng Lhe sLaLe of Lhe rouLers llnks 1hey are
also packeLs LhaL CSl uses Lo adverLlse changes ln Lhe condlLlon of a llnk or oLher CSl rouLers

name Lwo LSA (llnksLaLe adverLlsemenL) Lypes?
1ype 1 LSAs are rouLer LSAs and are generaLed by each rouLer for Lhe area Lo whlch Lhe rouLer belongs
1hese LSAs descrlbe Lhe sLaLes of Lhe rouLerllnks Lo Lhe area (area 0 for example) and are flooded wlLhln
a slngle area (area 0 for example)
1ype 2 LSAs are neLwork LSAs and are generaLed by Lhe u8 (ueslgnaLed 8ouLer) and Lhe 8u8 (8ackup
ueslgnaLed 8ouLer) 1hey descrlbe Lhe rouLers aLLached Lo a parLlcular neLwork and are flooded wlLhln a
slngle area (area 0 for example)

WhaL ls Lhe rouLlng meLrlc CSl ls based on?
lormula CosL 100000000 / bandwldLh ln blLs per seconds
1he cosL of a 100 M8bps connecLlon would be
1000000000 / 100000000 1
8ased on Lhe schema above lf ad[acencles are esLabllshed wlLh only wlLh Lhe u8 (ueslgnaLed 8ouLer)
and 8u8 (8ackup ueslgnaLed 8ouLer) whaL ls Lhe clrculL counL?
2(n 1) where n ls Lhe number of rouLers ln Lhe neLwork
2(3 1) 8 clrculLs
A clrculL can also be LhoughL of as an ad[acency or connecLlon
CounL four golng lnLo Lhe u8 and 4 golng lnLo Lhe 8u8 for a LoLal of 8
noLe CSl avolds synchronlzlng beLween every palr of rouLers ln Lhe neLwork by uslng a u8 and 8u8
1hls way ad[acencles are formed only Lo Lhe u8 and 8u8 and Lhe number of LSAs senL over Lhe neLwork
ls reduced now only Lhe u8 and 8u8 have four ad[acencles and all Lhe oLher rouLers have Lwo
Cn an CSlenabled rouLer whaL ls Lhe rouLer lu and where does an CSlenabled rouLer recelve lLs
rouLer lu?
1o lnlLlallze CSl musL be able Lo deflne a rouLer lu 1he mosL common and sLable source for a rouLer
lu ls Lhe l address seL on Lhe loglcal loopback lnLerface LhaL ls always avallable lf no loglcal lnLerface ls
deflned Lhen Lhe rouLer recelves lLs lu from Lhe hlghesL l address on Lhe physlcal lnLerfaces
noLe lf Lwo loopback addresses are deflned lL wlll use Lhe hlghesL loopback address 1hlnk hlghesL
loglcal or hlghesL physlcal lnLerface address
name flve CSl neLwork Lypes
8roadcasL neLworks LLherneL/1oken 8lng CSlenabled rouLers on broadcasL neLworks elecL a u8
(ueslgnaLed 8ouLer) and 8u8 (8ackup ueslgnaLed 8ouLer) All Lhe rouLers ln Lhe neLwork form
ad[acencles wlLh Lhe u8 and 8u8 noLe CSl packeLs are mulLlcasL Lo Lhe u8 and 8u8
n8MA (nonbroadcasL mulLlaccess) neLworks lrame 8elay/x23/A1M n8MA neLworks can connecL
more Lhan Lwo rouLers buL have no broadcasL funcLlonallLy 1hese neLworks elecL an u8 and 8u8 noLe
CSl packeLs are unlcasL
olnLLopolnL neLworks A physlcal uS1 (11) for example
olnLLopolnL neLworks connecL a palr of rouLers and always becomes ad[acenL
olnLLomulLlpolnL neLworks olnLLomulLlpolnL neLworks are a speclal conflguraLlon of n8MA
neLworks ln whlch neLworks are LreaLed as a collecLlon of polnLLopolnL llnks olnLLomulLlpolnL
neLworks do noL elecL a u8 or 8u8 noLe CSl packeLs are mulLlcasL

vlrLual llnks vlrLual llnks area speclal conflguraLlon LhaL Lhe rouLer lnLerpreLs as unnumbered polnLLo
polnL neLworks 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor creaLes/deflnes vlrLual llnks

WhaL ls rouLlng?
8ouLlng ls Lhe process ln whlch lLems are forwarded from one locaLlon Lo anoLher 8ouLlng ls a hopby
hop paradlgm
A Clsco rouLer performs rouLlng and swlLchlng funcLlons uescrlbe whaL each funcLlon does
8ouLlng ls a way Lo learn and malnLaln awareness of Lhe neLwork Lopology Lach rouLer malnLalns a
rouLlng Lable ln whlch lL looks up Lhe desLlnaLlon Layer 3 address Lo geL Lhe packeL one sLep closer Lo lLs
1he swlLchlng funcLlon ls Lhe acLual movemenL of Lemporary Lrafflc Lhrough Lhe rouLer from an lnbound
lnLerface Lo an ouLbound lnLerface

WhaL are Lhe Lhree Lypes of rouLes you can use ln a Clsco rouLer?
1he Lhree Lypes of rouLes are sLaLlc rouLes dynamlc rouLes and defaulL rouLes

WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween sLaLlc and dynamlc rouLes?
SLaLlc rouLes are rouLes LhaL an admlnlsLraLor manually enLers lnLo a rouLer uynamlc rouLes are rouLes
LhaL a rouLer learns auLomaLlcally Lhrough a rouLlng proLocol

WhaL ls a defaulL rouLe?
Also known as Lhe gaLeway of lasL resorL a defaulL rouLe ls a speclal Lype of sLaLlc rouLe wlLh an allzeros
neLwork and neLwork mask 1he defaulL rouLe ls used Lo rouLe any packeLs Lo a neLwork LhaL a rouLer
does noL dlrecLly know abouL Lo a nexLhop rouLer 8y defaulL lf a rouLer recelves a packeL Lo a
desLlnaLlon neLwork LhaL ls noL ln lLs rouLlng Lable lL drops Lhe packeL When a defaulL rouLe ls speclfled
Lhe rouLer does noL drop Lhe packeL lnsLead lL forwards Lhe packeL Lo Lhe l address speclfled ln Lhe
defaulL rouLe

WhaL ls a rouLlng proLocol?
A rouLlng proLocol deflnes Lhe seL of rules used by a rouLer when lL communlcaLes wlLh nelghborlng
rouLers 8ouLlng proLocols llsLens for packeLs from oLher parLlclpanLs ln order Lo learn and malnLaln a
rouLlng Lable

WhaL ls admlnlsLraLlve dlsLance?
AdmlnlsLraLlve dlsLance (Au) ls an lnLeger from 0 Lo 233 LhaL raLes Lhe LrusLworLhlness of rouLlng
lnformaLlon recelved on a rouLer from a nelghborlng rouLer 1he Au ls used as Lhe Llebreaker when a
rouLer has mulLlple paLhs from dlfferenL rouLlng proLocols Lo Lhe same desLlnaLlon 1he paLh wlLh Lhe
lower Au ls Lhe one glven prlorlLy

WhaL are Lhe Lhree classes of rouLlng proLocols?
1) ulsLance vecLor 2) LlnksLaLe 3) 8alanced hybrld
WhaL ls Lhe Au for each of Lhe followlng?
ulrecLly connecLed lnLerface 0
SLaLlc rouLe 1
LlC8 90
lC8 100
CSl 110
8l 120
LxLernal LlC8 170
unknown 233
Pow do dlsLance vecLor rouLlng proLocols funcLlon?
Also known as 8ellmanlordlulkerson algorlLhms dlsLance vecLor rouLlng proLocols pass compleLe
rouLlng Lables Lo nelghborlng rouLers nelghborlng rouLers Lhen comblne Lhe recelved rouLlng Lable wlLh
Lhelr own rouLlng Lable Lach rouLer recelves a rouLlng Lable from lLs dlrecLly connecLed nelghbor
ulsLance vecLor rouLlng Lables lnclude lnformaLlon abouL Lhe LoLal cosL and Lhe loglcal address of Lhe
flrsL rouLer on Lhe paLh Lo each neLwork Lhey know abouL

Pow do dlsLance vecLor rouLlng proLocols keep Lrack of any changes Lo Lhe lnLerneLwork?
ulsLance vecLor rouLlng proLocols keep Lrack of an lnLerneLwork by perlodlcally broadcasLlng updaLes
ouL all acLlve lnLerfaces 1hls broadcasL conLalns Lhe enLlre rouLlng Lable 1hls meLhod ls ofLen called
rouLlng by rumor
Slow convergence of dlsLance vecLor rouLlng proLocols can cause lnconslsLenL rouLlng Lables and rouLlng

WhaL are some mechanlsms LhaL dlsLance vecLor proLocols lmplemenL Lo prevenL rouLlng loops and
lnconslsLenL rouLlng Lables?
Pere are some of Lhe ways dlsLance vecLor rouLlng proLocols prevenL rouLlng loops and lnconslsLenL
rouLlng Lables
t Maxlmum hop counLt SpllL horlzon
t 8ouLe polsonlngt Polddowns

WhaL ls spllL horlzon?
1he rule of spllL horlzon ls LhaL lL ls never useful Lo send lnformaLlon abouL a rouLe back ln Lhe dlrecLlon
from whlch Lhe orlglnal updaLe came

WhaL ls convergence?
Convergence ls when all rouLers have conslsLenL knowledge and correcL rouLlng Lables

WhaL ls rouLe polsonlng?
WlLh rouLe polsonlng when a dlsLance vecLor rouLlng proLocol noLlces LhaL a rouLe ls no longer valld Lhe
rouLe ls adverLlsed wlLh an lnflnlLe meLrlc slgnlfylng LhaL Lhe rouLe ls bad ln 8l a meLrlc of 16 ls used
Lo slgnlfy lnflnlLy 8ouLe polsonlng ls used wlLh holddowns

WhaL are holddown Llmers?
Polddown Llmers prevenL regular updaLe messages from relnsLaLlng a rouLe LhaL mlghL have gone bad
Polddown Llmers also Lell rouLers Lo hold for a perlod of Llme any changes LhaL mlghL affecL rouLes

WhaL are Lrlggered updaLes?
When a rouLer noLlces LhaL a dlrecLly connecLed subneL has changed sLaLe lL lmmedlaLely sends anoLher
rouLlng updaLe ouL lLs oLher lnLerfaces raLher Lhan walLlng for Lhe rouLlng updaLe Llmer Lo explre
1rlggered updaLes are also known as llash updaLes

WhaL ls l 8l?
l 8l ls a Lrue dlsLance vecLor rouLlng proLocol LhaL sends lLs compleLe rouLlng Lable ouL all acLlve
lnLerfaces every 30 seconds l 8l uses a hop counL as lLs meLrlc Lo deLermlne Lhe besL paLh Lo a remoLe
neLwork 1he maxlmum allowable hop counL ls 13 meanlng LhaL 16 ls unreachable 1here are Lwo
verslons of 8l verslon 1 ls classful and verslon 2 ls classless l 8l can loadbalance over as many as
slx equalcosL paLhs

WhaL four Llmers does l 8l use Lo regulaLe lLs performance?
Pere are Lhe four Llmers LhaL l 8l uses Lo regulaLe lLs performance t 8ouLe updaLe Llmer 1lme
beLween rouLer updaLes 1he defaulL ls 30 secondst 8ouLe lnvalld Llmer 1lme LhaL musL explre before
a rouLe becomes lnvalld 1he defaulL ls 180 secondst 8ouLe holddown Llmer lf l 8l recelves an
updaLe wlLh a hop counL hlgher Lhan Lhe meLrlc recorded ln Lhe rouLlng Lable Lhe rouLer goes lnLo
holddown for 180 secondst 8ouLe flush Llmer 1lme from when a rouLe becomes lnvalld Lo when lL ls
removed from Lhe rouLlng Lable 1he defaulL ls 240 seconds

Pow do you sLop 8l updaLes from propagaLlng ouL an lnLerface on a rouLer?
SomeLlmes you do noL wanL 8l updaLes Lo propagaLe across Lhe WAn wasLlng valuable bandwldLh or
glvlng ouL valuable lnformaLlon abouL your lnLerneLwork 1he easlesL way Lo sLop 8l updaLes from
propagaLlng ouL an lnLerface ls Lo use Lhe passlvelnLerface global conflguraLlon command

Pow do you dlsplay Lhe conLenLs of a Clsco l rouLlng Lable?
1he show lp rouLe command dlsplays Lhe Clsco rouLlng Lables conLenLs

WhaL ls lnLerlor CaLeway 8ouLlng roLocol (lC8)?
lC8 ls a Clsco proprleLary dlsLance vecLor rouLlng proLocol lC8 has a defaulL hop counL of 100 hops
wlLh a maxlmum hop counL of 233 lC8 uses bandwldLh and llne delay as lLs defaulL meLrlc buL lL can
also use rellablllLy load and M1u

Pow do you enable lC8 on a Clsco rouLer?
1he way you enable lC8 on a Clsco rouLer ls slmllar Lo Lhe way you enable 8l excepL you speclfy lC8
as Lhe proLocol and add an auLonomous sysLem number lor example
8ouLerA(conflg)#rouLer lgrp 10 (10 ls Lhe AS number)
8ouLerA(conflgrouLer)#neLwork 19216800
8ouLerA(conflgrouLer)#neLwork 19216810
8ouLerA(conflgrouLer)#neLwork 19216820

WhaL four Llmers does lC8 use Lo regulaLe lLs performance?
1he four Llmers lC8 uses Lo regulaLe lLs performance are as follows

t 8ouLe updaLe Llmer 1lme beLween rouLer updaLes 1he defaulL ls 90 seconds
t 8ouLe lnvalld Llmer 1lme LhaL musL explre before a rouLe becomes lnvalld 1he defaulL ls 270
t 8ouLe holddown Llmer lf a desLlnaLlon becomes unreachable or lf Lhe nexLhop rouLer lncreases
Lhe meLrlc recordlng ln Lhe rouLlng Lable Lhe rouLer goes lnLo holddown for 280 seconds
t 8ouLe flush Llmermd1lme from when a rouLe becomes lnvalld Lo when lL ls removed from Lhe
rouLlng Lable 1he defaulL ls 630 seconds

Culck noLes SWl1CPlnC
WhaL are Lhree Lypes of LAn Lrafflc?
unlcasLs lnLended for one hosL
8roadcasLs lnLended for everyone
MulLlcasLs lnLended for a only a subseL or group wlLhln an enLlre neLwork

WhaL are unlcasL frames?
unlcasL frames are Lhe mosL common Lype of neLwork Lrafflc A unlcasL frame ls a frame lnLended for
only one hosL 1he only sLaLlon LhaL processes Lhls frame ls one sLaLlon LhaL has lLs own MAC address ln
Lhe desLlnaLlon porLlon of packeL

WhaL are broadcasL frames?
8roadcasL frames are frames lnLended for everyone SLaLlons vlew broadcasL frames as publlc servlce
announcemenLs All sLaLlons recelve and process broadcasL frames ln large neLworks broadcasLs can
cause serlous performance degradaLlon ln neLwork hosLs (broadcasL sLorm)
1he desLlnaLlon address of broadcasL frames (uaLa Llnk / Layer 2 broadcasL addresses ls llllllllll
ll or alLernaLlvely all 1s ln blnary (11111111)

WhaL are mulLlcasL frames?
MulLlcasL frames address a group of devlces LhaL have a common lnLeresL 1hese frames allow Lhe
source Lo send only one copy of Lhe frame on Lhe neLwork even Lhough lL ls lnLended for several
sLaLlons Cnly sLaLlons LhaL have a card LhaL ls conflgured by sofLware Lo recelve mulLlcasL frames for a
parLlcular mulLlcasL group can process a frame Lo LhaL mulLlcasL address all oLher sLaLlons dlscard
mulLlcasL frames
WhaL Lhree ma[or funcLlons do uaLa Llnk Layer / Layer 2 SwlLches perform?
Address learnlng
ackeL forwardlng/fllLerlng
Loop avoldance by spannlng Lree

WhaL wlll occur when you aLLempL Lo segmenL a neLwork wlLh hubs and repeaLers?
8aslcally hubs and repeaLers become exLenslons of Lhe physlcal cable planL All devlces LhaL connecL Lo
elLher a hub or a repeaLer share Lhe same bandwldLh and by deflnlLlon hubs and repeaLers creaLe a
slngle broadcasL and colllslon domaln
1hlnk of boLh devlces are passLhrough devlces much llke a elecLrlcal powersLrlp Pubs and repeaLers
reslde on Lhe hyslcal Layer / Layer 1 of Lhe CSl model where Lhey pass 0s and 1s along Lhe wlre or up Lo
Lhe uaLa Llnk Layer CSus / Channel Servlce unlLs fall lnLo Lhe same caLegory All are regarded as
unlnLelllgenL devlces no addresslng Lakes place on Lhe hyslcal layer
WhaL Lhree devlces are used Lo segmenL a LAn?
8ouLer loglcal addresslng l address
SwlLch physlcal addresslng MAC address
8rldge physlcal addresslng MAC addres

WhaL ls mlcrosegmenLaLlon?
Lach worksLaLlon or neLwork devlce on Lhe neLwork has lLs own dedlcaLed segmenL also known as a
Colllslon uomaln Lo a swlLch Lach devlce geLs Lhe segmenLs full bandwldLh and does noL have Lo share
Lhe dedlcaLed segmenL wlLh oLher devlces Colllslons are reduced because each segmenL ls lLs own
Colllslon uomaln
lmporLanL lullduplex Lransmlsslon ls achleved by mlcrosegmenLaLlon Lach devlce can send and
recelve aL Lhe same Llme whlch doubles Lhe amounL of bandwldLh beLween nodes
WhaL are Lhe Lhree swlLchlng meLhods ln Clsco CaLalysL swlLches?
1he Lhree frame operaLlng modes Lo handle frame swlLchlng are

WhaL ls Lhe Clsco CaLalysL sLoreandforward swlLchlng meLhod?
ln Lhe sLoreandforward swlLchlng meLhod Lhe swlLch recelves Lhe enLlre frame before lL forwards lL
1he swlLch reads Lhe cycllc redundancy check (C8C) Lo make sure Lhe frame ls noL bad lf Lhe frame ls
good Lhe swlLch forwards lL 8ecause Lhe swlLch sLores Lhe frame before forwardlng lL laLency ls
lnLroduced ln Lhe swlLch LaLency Lhrough Lhe swlLch varles wlLh Lhe slze of Lhe frame

WhaL ls Lhe Clsco CaLalysL cuLLhrough swlLchlng meLhod?
ln cuLLhrough swlLchlng mode Lhe swlLch only checks Lhe frames desLlnaLlon address and lmmedlaLely
beglns forwardlng Lhe frame ouL Lhe approprlaLe porL 8ecause Lhe swlLch checks Lhe desLlnaLlon
address ln only Lhe header and noL Lhe enLlre frame Lhe swlLch forwards a colllslon frame or a frame
LhaL has a bad C8C

WhaL ls Lhe Clsco CaLalysL fragmenLfree swlLchlng meLhod?
Also known as modlfled cuLLhrough fragmenLfree swlLchlng checks Lhe flrsL 64 byLes before
forwardlng Lhe frame LLherneL speclflcaLlons sLaLe LhaL colllslons should be deLecLed durlng Lhe flrsL 64
byLes of Lhe frame 8y readlng Lhe flrsL 64 byLes of Lhe frame Lhe swlLch can fllLer mosL colllslons
alLhough laLe colllslons are sLlll posslble

WhaL ls Lhe defaulL swlLchlng mode ln Clsco CaLalysL 1900 swlLches?
1he defaulL swlLchlng mode for Lhe CaLalysL 1900 ls fragmenLfree

WhaL ls halfduplex Lransmlsslon mode?
Palfduplex Lransmlsslon ls Lhe defaulL mode LhaL LLherneL funcLlons ln ln halfduplex Lransmlsslon a
devlce can only send or recelvenoL do boLh aL once ln halfduplex mode sLaLlons are suscepLlble Lo
colllslons and efflclency ls raLed aL 30 Lo 60 percenL
WhaL ls fullduplex Lransmlsslon mode?
ln fullduplex mode a sLaLlon can send and recelve aL Lhe same Llme ln fullduplex mode colllslon
deLecLlon ls dlsabled 1hls mode offers 100 percenL efflclency ln boLh dlrecLlons
Cn a Clsco CaLalysL 1900 swlLch whaL are Lhe defaulL duplex seLLlngs for 108ase1/1008ase1 porLs
defaulL swlLchlng mode and defaulL proLocols?

WhaL are dynamlc addresses on a CaLalysL swlLch?
uynamlc addresses are addresses LhaL Lhe swlLch learns abouL dynamlcally Lhrough Lhe learnlng process
lf Lhe swlLch does noL see a MAC address for a cerLaln amounL of Llme lL drops Lhe MAC address

WhaL are permanenL MAC addresses on a CaLalysL swlLch?
ermanenL MAC addresses are enLered manually by Lhe admlnlsLraLor and are noL aged ouL

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