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Book Review

You Can Win by Shiv Khera

Winners don't do diIIerent things.
They do things diIIerently.

This strong introduction itselI explains the purpose oI writing this book. II we want to achieve a
liIetime success by leading a happy and blissIul liIe, then this inspiring book surely is a guideline
Ior us. It helps us in establishing our goals and developing the action plans to attain those goals.
All the eight electriIying chapters oI the book will guide us in achieving our ultimate objective.

The Iirst chapter emphasizes the importance oI attitude and helps us in building a positive one
towards liIe because iI we want a desired position, it is important to be sanguine and have a
positive attitude Irom within. This is the Iirst step oI achieving success and applies to all areas oI
liIe. It is a Iact that our optimism will generate a positive energy which will have a positive
inIluence on our surroundings and eventually things would shape up the way we want. In order
to build a positive attitude it is important that we become good Iinders i.e., we should Iocus on
the good things in our lives and avoid criticizing and Iinding negativities. There are some things
that are beyond our control so there is no point in pondering and repenting on those rather we
should be working on the things which are in our control. Also we need to get rid oII the habit oI
procrastination and start living in the present. By doing this, we will start observing noticeable
diIIerence in our personalities and also in our surroundings.

The second chapter deals with Success which is the result oI adopting a positive attitude. The
deIinition oI success is diIIerent Ior diIIerent people but in order to generalize it, we can say that
success is the attainment oI ultimate goal in our liIe. We need to believe in ourselves in order to
be successIul. Success is continuous progression which requires great zeal, responsibility, hard
work and perseverance that can only be attained through optimism.

Motivation makes the third chapter oI this book. Motivation means to encourage and inspire our
motivating attitude will inspire and encourage others to adopt the same attitude. A pessimist
person lacks this quality which is one oI the building blocks oI leading a euphoric liIe and the
only reason is the absence oI a positive attitude which results in internal motivation, whereas,
external motivation comes Irom outside Iactors. But despite these external motivating Iorces,
unless we have the inner zest and sanguineness we will not be able to make appropriate use oI
these Iactors. Motivation is said to be contagious because our positive emotions and optimistic
approach will automatically aIIect other people and they too will start exercising it.

The Iourth chapter deals with building a positive selI esteem and image. SelI esteem is the
degree to which we like or dislike ourselves. Our opinion about ourselves critically inIluences
everything, Irom our perIormance at work, our relationships and our role as a parent to our
accomplishments in liIe. It`s a Iact that our actions depict what we Ieel about our selves. A
negative person, having a low selI esteem, will always end up in castigating others which will
have an adverse impact both at personal and proIessional level. People with high selI-esteem
grow in conviction, competence and willingness to accept responsibility. The key to building
high selI esteem is to turn obstacles into stepping stones. We should not let Iailures tug us rather
we should learn Irom them and keep moving with a positive Irame oI mind.

Strong interpersonal skills are also important Ior climbing the ladder oI success. Chapter Iive
guides us in building a pleasing personality, through sound and inspirational interpersonal skills.
We can never have a pleasing personality iI we are Iacing emotional or cognitive dissonances
because an attractive personality is the combination oI positive attitude, behavior, expressions
and emotions. We get back what we do to others so it is important to have charisma with the
character. Positive personality is built by avoiding blame game, having a considerate attitude,
thinking win/win, being a good listener and evading the habit oI reprimanding others.

AIter learning the strong interpersonal skills, the next step in building a strong personality is the
role oI subconscious mind and habit. Chapter six oI this book deals with the same. Most oI our
behavior is habitual. It comes automatically without thinking. Character is the sum total oI our
habits. II a person has positive habits, then he is considered a positive character. Habits are a lot
stronger than logic and reasoning. Our conscious mind has the ability to think. But the
subconscious only accepts, it makes no distinction regarding input. II we Ieed our mind with
thoughts oI Iear, doubt, and hate, the auto-suggestions will activate and translate those things
into reality. We must not Iorget the GIGO principle which is Garbage in, Garbage out i.e.,
negativity in; negativity out, positivity in; positivity out, good in; good out.

Chapter seven tells us about setting and achieving goals. Goals are dreams with a deadline and
an action plan. It is important to keep an eye on our goals so that we can work hard in right
direction with determination, dedication and discipline. Stumbling blocks in goal setting are
negative attitude, low selI esteem, lack oI ambition, procrastination and Iear.

Chapter eight emphasizes the importance oI values and vision. It teaches us doing the right thing
Ior the right reason. Clarity oI our values and value system is important iI we want to enjoy the
rewards we are getting as a result oI our hard work. And goals cannot be set or achieved until we
have a clear and deIined vision. Ambiguous visions lead us to nowhere and we end up in
demotivation and negativity.

To conclude, we can say that this book is a step by step tool Ior top achievers and is not intended
Ior those who do not have the will and determination oI leading a happy, prosperous liIe and
achieving what they want. The crux oI this book is that adopting these precious characteristics
will take us to a new level in our lives where there will be success and happiness everywhere.

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