Starting Miroslav Philharmonik in Nuendo 3 Launch Nuendo

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SLarLlng Mlroslav hllharmonlk ln nuendo 3 Launch nuendo` open a new pro[ecL Lhen go Lo

uevlces/vS1 lnsLrumenLs and choose hllharmonlk from Lhe drop down menu (where lL says no vS1
lnsLrumenLs") Cpen a Mlroslav hllharmonlk lnsLrumenL folder and double cllck on a deslred
Add a Mlul Lrack from ro[ecL/Add Lrack/Mlul menu and selecL hllharmonlk" as lLs ouLpuL 1he Mlul
channel 1 ls selecLed by defaulL

1o monlLor [usL cllck on Lhe vlrLual keyboard or 8LC enable Lhe Mlul Lrack and play vla your Mlul
conLroller 1o record cllck 8LC on Lhe LransporL bar

1o use mulLlple Mlul channels ln Mlroslav hllharmonlk ln nuendo 3 [usL follow Lhese slmple sLeps

ln Mlroslav hllharmonlk selecL anoLher lnsLrumenL for parL 2 ln nuendo` lnserL anoLher Mlul Lrack
(hllharmonlk wlll be auLomaLlcally selecLed as lLs ouLpuL as well as Lhe Mlul channel 2)

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