Humanities 1 Art Appreciation

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Humanities 1 Art Appreciation Humanities from the Latin word HUMANUS which means human, cultured, and refined.

Art Tree ART IS COMPOSED OF TWO SECTIONS: THE VISUAL ART WHICH IS COMPRISED OF PAINTING, SCULPTURE AND ARCHITECTURE. THE PERFORMING ART WHICH IS COMPRISED OF MUSIC, THEATER, LITERATURE AND DANCE Art as a Language Is charged with feelings and significance, the desire to create a universal language. Concerns itself with communication of certain ideas and feelings by means of a SENSOUS MEDIUM like color, sound, marble, words and film. These sensuous medium are fashioned into symbolic language marked by beauty of design and coherence in form. These symbols appeals to our mind, arouse our emotions, kindle our imagination and enchant our senses. WHAT IS THE COMPONENTS OF ART? Composed of an ARTIST who exhibits exceptional talents or skills in music, design, drawing or writing; and The PERFORMER who interprets the art. THE METHODS OF PRESENTING THE VISUAL ART 1- REALISM the attempt to portray the subject as it is. Realists try to be as objective as possible. 2- ABSTRACTION the attempt of the artist to show only his idea or his feeling; not as objective as the realist. THE DIFFERENT ABSTRACT PRESENTATION 1- DISTORTION clearly manifested when the subject is in distorted condition or twisted out. 2- ELONGATION is when the art subject is lengthen, protracted or extended. 3- MANGLING is rarely used by artist today. Here, the subject is either cut, or mutilated. 4- CUBISM stresses abstract form through the use of a cone, cylinder or sphere at the expense of other pictorial elements. The use of geometrical shapes is common in Pablo Picazzo & Paul Cezanne art works.

5- ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM is a style that is characterized by the use of large canvasses and a deliberate lack of refinement in the application of the paint, strong color, uneven brush strokes and rough texture. OTHER WAYS OF PRESENTING THE VISUAL ART 1- SYMBOLISM the use of a visible sign of an idea to convey to the viewers, readers or audiences the message of his work. 2- FAUVISM the artist use of bright colors which shows pictures of comfort, joy and pleasure. This is the method used by Henry Matisse, Raoul Drify and George Ronault. 3- DADAISM is a protest movement in the art that is playful and experimental. Dada means a hobby horse. Dadaism is most often nonsensical. Marcel Duchamp is the famous painter using this method. 4- FUTURISM developed in Italy about the same time as cubism appeared in France. Futurist painters wanted their works to capture the mechanical energy of modern life. 5- SURREALISM this method mirrors the evils of the present society. Surrealism means super realism, influenced by Freudian psychology which emphasizes the activities of the subconscious state of the mind. 6- IMPRESSIONISM this method presented the artists impression on the art subject, not as detailed as a realist painting. 7- EXPRESSIONISM are art works describing pathos, morbidity chaos or even defeat. Introduced in Germany from 1900 1910.

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