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A Novel Approach to Detection of Some Parameters

f I dction M or
Prof. Dr. H. Bulent Ertan and Ertan Murat Bari Qolak
Middle East Technical University, Electrical & TUBITAK - Space Technologies Research Institute,
Electronics Eng. Department 06531 ODTU Kampusu,
Ankara, TURKEY Ankara, TURKEY
E-mail: Email:

Abstract-- This paper describes a novel approach for offline speed measurement is also required. In this paper we shall
stator leakage inductance and online stator resistance estimation consider FOC of an induction motor.
that can be used for self-tuning of induction motor drives. The There are two basic models for field-oriented control of
paper briefly describes the theory behind the approach. The induction motors [2]:
proposed methods are experimentally tested on an industrial model: This model requires an accurate
induction motor and also tested on a washing machine motor * eCurrent of theo me constant an accurate
designed for variable speed operation. Test results are given and measurement of the rotor time constant and accurate
the robustness of the approach is illustrated. measurement of mechanical speed of the motor [3];
Voltage model: hThis ismodel
* measement does not require speed
Index Terms-- Induction motor drives, parameter estimation,
however itS acurc depends onqprecse
Inductance measurement.
inductancemeasurement. ~~~~~measurement; accuracy depends on precise
measurement of stator resistance and leakage
I. INTRODUCTION The first approach is advantageous if the additional cost of
Induction motors have broad application in industry due to the speed measurement is not a problem and if a speed
their low cost and easy maintenance. There are many measurement device can be implemented to the motor shaft.
commercialized solutions for driving induction motors, these The second approach is also called "sensorless" in the sense
methods use different kind of control techniques: scalar that a shaft speed measurement is not required. However,
control, field orientation control (FOC), direct torque control below a certain speed FOC is not possible.
(DTC), etc. To obtain high performance from a motor drive This paper addresses two separate issues. In section (II) a
FOC and DTC techniques are commonly used. These new approach is presented for determination of the stator
techniques require motor parameters (stator resistance, leakage inductance of an induction motor for self-
inductance, etc) to be known. The process of determining the commissioning purposes. In section (III), a novel on-line
motor parameters before the operation is called "self- stator resistance measurement technique is presented.
commissioning" or "self-tuning". Once the motor starts
running, motor parameters may vary due to changing II. OFF LINE STATOR LEAKAGE INDUCTANCE ESTIMATION
temperature of the motor or due to other operating conditions, In this part of the paper, we shall concentrate on
such as operating the motor at various levels of mutual flux. I n part
th od of the leakage
Hence, an "intelligent" motor driver is required to measure introducing a method for determination of the leakage
the motor parameters also during the operation [1] of the inductance of an induction motor for self-commissioning.
motor drive. Conventional tests for determining the induction motor
High performance torque controlled drives (FOC, DTC, parameters are not suitable for identifying the parameters of
etc) control the stator currents so that the flux and MMF an induction motor during self-commissioning.
vectors are located at the desired positions relative to each In the literature quite a number of studies exist which
other. This issue is discussed in a number of books and the address the self-tuning problem [3-7]. This paper presents an
details of application of FOC or DTC techniques are alternative method, which may be used for the estimation of
discussed in many papers. Therefore this issue shall not be the stator leakage inductance of an induction motor during
discussed here. self-commissioning. Note that if the leakage inductance is
In general, drives controlled by FOC or DTC have mutual already known, the same approach can be used for identifying
flux and shaft torque references, which they try to meet via a the stator resistance value during operation, in an interval
certain algorithm. Such motor drives commonly measure the where the motor is stationary.
terminal voltage and phase currents of the motor they drive.
In some types of drives the rotor position measurement or

1 -4244-0743-5/07/$20.OO ©2007 IEEE 1626

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The proposed algorithm given here has the following Where, Rs is the stator resistance, Is is the stator phase
advantages over other algorithms, which exist in the current, and 1Vr is the rotor flux.
literature: A typical variation of the phase current after the short
circuit is shown in Fig. 1. A short time interval right after
* Estimation can be performed at rated flux or current, short-circuiting a phase (this interval is much shorter than the
hence its results are realistic [3]. rotor time constant) is called the "sub-transient region". Since
* The region where the estimation is performed is much the rotor flux is a slow changing variable, in the sub-transient
longer then the software control cycle to take enough region, the change in the rotor flux may be neglected and it
number of current samples, thus enabling the may be assumed that the flux stays at the value set by the
automated estimation [5]. drive. Therefore, Equation (2) may be simplified and take the
* This method creates little computational burden for the form shown in (4). aLs (stator transient inductance) may be
microprocessor; thus eliminating need for extra calculated using this equation, provided that the stator
hardware [5, 6]. resistance (Rs) is known and the stator current is measured.
* Current measurement, used for leakage inductance
measurement, is a noise free signal; no filtering, which u = R I + aL dIs (4)
could influence the measurement accuracy is necessary s s s s dt
[3, 4]. (The phase is short circuited during the Suppose that the stator current is measured at every At
measurement and the current measured is DC.) seconds. In this case, dls may be approximated by the
* This method works even for the motors with low stator difference of the two consecutive measurements of current,
phase voltages, for which parameter estimation is namely between 'n'th and 'n-i 'th measurements. Therefore,
particularly difficult. Equation (4) may be written as in (5) and each variable is
A. The theory measured or calculated at every At seconds.
Stator transient inductance term (aLs) refers to the Us (n) =RsIs(n) +(TLs (n)Is (n) -Is (n - 1)
inductance value measured from stator( winding
This teransienineducytanetolwigerm
STator defined by the following equation
term is de aio [4]: [4]ees:terminals.
oteU n)=R1n+ ()
Re-arranging (5), the stator transient inductance is

xL = LsLLr Lm(Ls L)(

+ + calculated at every At seconds (each sample is denoted by 'n')
JLs= Lm + Lr as shown in (6).
Where, Ls and Lr are stator and rotor leakage inductances, OL (n) - (Us (n) --Rsis (n))At (6)
respectively; and Lm is the magnetizing (mutual) inductance. I (n) I (n l) -
With the assumption of Lm >> Lr, usually, stator transient s(
inductance (GLs) is considered as the sum of stator and rotor In the sub-transient region, aLs is calculated "n" times,
leakage inductances. When the machine is not energized and with 0.1 ms intervals using (6). Since the stator resistance is
the initial flux is zero at standstill, the motor equivalent known (can be measured via some well-known method), Ls
circuit may be considered as a series connected resistive- can be found directly from this equation. In the sub-transient
inductive load. region, approximately for 1 ms, Ls is calculated 10 times
The proposed stator transient inductance measurement (every 0.1 Ims) using (5). Just after short-circuiting the the
method relies on forcing a user-defined dc current through the phase, there may still be parasitic effects of the switching that
stator phase windings for short time duration. This current could lead the sensor reading errors, therefore the first few
establishes the flux in the motor. Note that applying a samples are omitted from the measurement to ignore these
controlled current is safer than applying the open-circuit possible effects. The voltage and current measurements are
voltage, which may lead to over currents in the machine and done by using the current and voltage sensors that already
the inverter [3]. exist in the drive.
After the rotor flux is built up to the desired value; the B. The test Motors and The Drive
stator phase windings are short-circuited with the aid of the
inverter, by turning on the lower power switches of the Table 1 and 2 show the properties of the drive and the
inverter legs. As soon as the stator phases are short-circuited, motors used to perform the measurements for stator
stator phase voltages decrease to zero and the stator phase inductance estimation. Motor 1 is a 3-phase, variable speed
currents start to decrease. At this condition, the stator voltage induction motor designed to be used in a washing machine
(Us) and rotor magnetizing current (Ir) are given by the application; Motor 2 is a standard 3-phase 50 Hz induction
following equations [4]: motor. The proposed algorithm is applied for both of the
dI dl motors with the specified driver in Table 1. Motor 1 is a more
U5=R5I +oL5 s +(1- 7)L5 m (2) challenging motor due to low rated phase voltage; therefore
cit cit parameter estimation for this motor is likely to be more
Imr =l/Yr / Lm (3) sensitive to measurement errors and assumptions.


Authorized licensed use limited to: Reva Institute of Tehnology and Management. Downloaded on October 6, 2008 at 6:57 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
TABLE 1 after short-circuiting is very important for these kinds of
PROPERTIES OF TBE DRIVE motors. After the short circuit, Us fall to -1.5 Volts, not 0
volts due to some transient mechanisms occurring in motor
Micro-controller TI DS 1 102 Board windings. -1 Volt is a very important value that could affect
the measured offline parameters.
Inverter 1200 V, 25 A, 3 phase IPM Fig. 2 shows the calculated stator inductance values
Hall effect Current and Voltage sensors between the to and t1 instants shown in Fig. 1. The sampling
Measurement time is 0.1 Ims, therefore the total measurement time duration
(No speed sensor)
in this case is approximately 1 ms. This time interval is long
Modulation Space vector( PWM), PWM frequency 20 kHz enough and even the least expensive processors can handle
the algorithm.
TABLE2 As seen in the figure the calculated leakage inductance
PROPERTIES OF TiE MOTORS UNDER TEST values are virtually constant in the (to, tl) interval, and then
begin to rise as the time progresses, which means that the
1pecification MOTOR
MOTORI 2 assumption that rotor flux does not vary is no longer valid.
This knowledge can be used to start and stop the
Power 1 kW, 3 phase 2.2 kW, 3 phase measurements.
In the implemented algorithm by the authors, if the
Frequency Variable (10 -250 Hz) 50 Hz calculated Ls values change more than a predefined ratio
Speed Variable (500 - 12000 rpm) 1420 rpm towards the end of the measurement period, those values are
not taken into consideration. Similarly, samples to be
Rated Current and 3 25 A, 20 V/ph NA excluded from the first few measurements are decided on the
Voltage @0,10 Hz basis of identifying the sample after which the successive
Rated Current and inductance measurements remain within a predefined margin.
Voltage @50 Hz 2 45 A 100 V/ph 3 1 A 220 V/ph From the data shown in Fig. 2, average value of the last 8
samples is calculated as the stator leakage inductance of
RatedCurrent and 3.2 A 100 V/ph NA Motor 1. The value found from the method in this paper is
Voltage ,250 Hz , 2.67 mH. The value measured with the conventional no-load
and locked-rotor tests is 2.55 mH. The error between the two
C. Results values is less than 5 % (4.7 %), and may be regarded as an
Fig. 1 shows the measured stator phase voltage (Us) and accurate estimation.
stator phase current values (Is) during a test on a commercial The same test is performed with Motor 2 and estimated
motor of 1 kW by the authors. As mentioned above a DC leakage inductance value is 12.4 mH. The measured value
current equal to the rated value of phase current is injected to from the conventional tests is 11 7 mH Again the error has a
the stator phase. The average phase voltage is only 3.5 Volts very acceptable value of 6.0O.
before the short circuit occurs, therefore the voltage values

Stator Curent Is)

C-) 2 -
e Short circuit
>) 1 . AALs is calculated in the
interval (to, t1)

> ._._______ ._* I Stat6rVoltage (USs)

u . , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sad
----X-- -

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Time (inS)
Figure 1: Stator phase voltage (Us) and current (Is) values during measurement.


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0 10
t° 2


'° t-to t=tl

5 10 15 20
Number of samples (n)
Fig.2 Calculated Stator Leakage Inductance values for each sample in the (to, t1) interval

III. ONLINE STATOR RESISTANCE ESTIMATION METHOD The method proposed here promises to eliminate the
Sensorless vector control of induction motor drives is disadvantages of available resistance estimation methods.
receiving wide attention in the literature. The estimation of A. The Field Orientation Control Method
feedback signals (e.g. flux vector, speed, and frequency) for In this paper, the drive with a vector control algorithm
both the rotor and stator-flux oriented vector control methods;
which are based on the "voltage model", becomes inaccurate;
du t due sttrrssac variation.
to stator-resistanc variation wit
uing thethe"tage
requires mel" isand leakage
stator resistance lemend.cthis
inductance mode
to be
estimation error becomes especially important near zero accurately. This section
control method used b the authors
briefly describes the vector
speed, where the stator resistance voltage drop tends to be y
comparable with machine counter-electro magnetic force
(EMF). Therefore, some means of accounting for the a
i well known that i an
function of both the
stator and rotor
machine the torque is
currents, also when
resitanc vaiaio du otmeaueiseta. stator current iS controlled both the rotor flux and torque
One method for correctly estimating the resistance valueval values are affected. Hence, a direct control of torque with
sttrcf'.sbcmsiposbe[I] oee,bby
transforming the three phase impossible
during operation is placing temperature-sensing thermistors m stator currents becomes [1]. However,
system (a-b-c) into stationary (-
the stator winding in a distributed manner and measuring the and sychronously rotating (d-q) reference frames using
average stator winding temperature. Once the temperature of
thewinin is knw esiatn th stto resistancebecomes
y g
Clarke and Park transformations respectively and coinciding
r tq)
a simple matter, given its value at a known temperature [7]. the d-axis and rotor flux (WV); the electrical torque equation
However, the use of such sensors in a sensorless drive is not
acceptable. T p 3 Lm 1U I7)
Another method for online estimation of the stator e 2 2 Lr (7)
resistance, based on the zero-sequence model, is presented in
[8]. The proposed method provides an estimate of the stator Where p is the number of poles, Wd is the d-axis
resistance that does not require the knowledge of any other component ofthe rotor flux and Isq is the q-axis component of
parameter and is independent of the drive control strategy. the stator current.
The method requires the neutral wire of the machine be
available and the measurement of the phase currents and q PAL
voltages. However, in some cases neutral wire is not d
available. d
Ha and Lee proposed a novel online identification method Is
that can be used for estimating both R, and Rr [9]. In this
approach a small magnitude and low frequency AC
component is injected to the flux command. Their
identification algorithm for Rs is motivated from the steady isq c=a
state power flow between stator and rotor through the air gap. ________Se ____.____
This method can be applied only under steady stateI
conditions. Furthermore the injected low frequency signal s
may cause problems at low speed. Fig.3 Vector diagram for field orientation of induction motor


Authorized licensed use limited to: Reva Institute of Tehnology and Management. Downloaded on October 6, 2008 at 6:57 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 3 shows the vector diagrams of the reference frames, calculated with the following equation:
the projections of stator current and rotor flux, and the rotor
flux position with respect to u-axis (Oe). In the steady state, dOe (Usq - Isq Rs ) /sd -2(Usd - 'sdRs )Ysq
namely if the derivative of 1d iS zero, Vd can be expressed as s= (12)
follows: dt

Yfrd = LmIsd (8)

B. Online Resistance Estimation Method
Therefore, Equation (7) can be rewritten as in (9); which
means when the rotor flux is maintained constant, the torque
The stator voltage vector at u-P
reference frame (Us, and
of the motor can be controlled through Isd and Isq1
Usp) is given by [1]:
p3 mj U = 3u2 + U (13)
Te = 2 Isd isq (9) U, = R.I - (14.a)
Fig.4 shows the Field Orientation Control (FOC) scheme U,s = RSI+ ,ws (14.b)
used by the authors. The drive utilizes the voltage control From the above equations the stator resistance is given by:
method without speed sensors; hence the observed parameters U
in the drive are the stator voltages (Us) and the stator currents R - C <Isa
U (15)
(Is). Since it is assumed that the system is balanced, it is '
enough to measure the two of the currents in the three-phase w a
motor withmotrsensors.
wth ensrs.Aftr two sato
After to currents
stator cuf nd voltages are
ets and oltgesareThe only unknown in (15)
explained below. Since Isa=Isa=0 atVs,,
iS the which can be found as
zero cross instant Isa of
measured and transformed into d-q components (isd and Isq), and the total flux linkage (Y5) is the vector summation of the
these values are compared with the reference values, which and q componentsofnthe flux inkage as show abeow:
are calculated from the reference torque and flux values using
(8) and (9). The error is inserted into a Pl regulator in order to s= + = + (16)
generate the voltage references for the PWM generator, which
utilizes Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) where Isq is known and Ysq =JLsIsq
The actual stator (Vs) and rotor flux (Vr) are given by the
following equations: and YVfsd = Yfsd(ref) (18)

= j (Us - R I )dt (10) Where

the Vsd(ref
is the reference
stator flux linkage. value(17)
Substituting forand
d-component of
into (16), Vs
can be found. From equation 14a it follows that;
r= Lr ( 11)
m u
Usa = -CWs s/3 > V s(Ua) (19)
The synchronous speed (wos), which is the derivative of the COs
flux position with respect to a-axis (0e), seen in Fig.3, is

lsq ref Usq re ~~~~~~~~~~~~Usa

re f

;| Invers 3-phase L <

js Park Trans. SV-PWM * 3-Phase +
_( ~~~~~~Regulator N dqtoa#Gnror Inverter Vdc
Isd ref A Usd ref Uso ref

5q <
~~~Park Cak
Tr an sformati on .< Tr an sformati on -_
sd | ~~a-:8 to d-q l a-b-c to a-3#s

Figure 4 Field Orientation Control (FOC) scheme for the motor drive under test

1 630

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a) OM4------
0 a aa
en a m a a
U, ()0.15- - - - ~ - - ===r~


0 1 00 200 300 400 500 800 700 800 900
Time (Seconds)
Figure 5: Estimated stator resistance values versus time

Hence, knowing ~Vs, one can obtain V, and cWs using (16) In section (III) an on-line stator resistance method is
and (12). Finally, stator resistance value (R~) can be introduced. This method is suitable for measurements both at
calculated substituting TP, and cWs into (1 5). steady state and dynamic conditions.
C. Results The test results indicate that both of the approaches lead to
accurate results.
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