Final Project Power Point

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Isabella Elya Final Project ISYS 105-005

The Food!
My family loves mashed potatoes, turkey, and pumpkin pie. The turkey takes a long time to cook but I hear is well worth the wait.

The Events!
My Thanksgiving Day began at 6:00 am with my mother and her boyfriend beginning the cooking. At 8:00 I woke up, and ran errands and made sure to get last minute things at the store. Dinner at my moms was at 5, at my grandparents at 6:30. I had to work this year from 9:45pm until 1:00 the next afternoon, which put a damper on my spirit.

The Grandparents
My Grandparents are very important to me. They make my family, they keep everyone sane and behaving properly.

The Cousins
My cousins are also very important to me. We may not always see each other, and may not talk often but when we are together everyone gets along and enjoys themselves.

Louie, My Dog


The Pets


In my family, Pets are just as much of the holidays as any person. They are family. Life without them is incomplete.

My Mother and I
I forgot to take a picture of us together at Thanksgiving. So I got a picture of us at my graduation from high school.

My Siblings and I
I love my siblings, we may not always get along and not see each other all the time, but life is not complete without them. We didnt all end up in the same place together on Thanksgiving but we still spent time with each other.

My Invitation

My Mail Merge

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