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Class SL uaLe21102011
All SL sLudenLs are requesLed Lo geL Lhere programs downloaded from glven webllnks
rograms should have Lo be wlLh ouLpuL and for each program you should wrlLe an explanaLlon
of program loglc1wo more programs are noL lncluded ln Lhe zlpflle" and some programs are
dellberaLely kepL wlLh errors whlch you all have Lo flnd ouL by execuLlng Lhem and Lhen Lake
Lhe ouLpuL prlnLed on page
http]]www4sharedcom]f||e]dhLs0sG]ACLhtm| or

Lecturer |n Charge nCD(CSL dept)
Mr awar Mr Adekar A n

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