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SEISHIN TEKI KYOYO Spiritual refinement is a strange thing, you either believe in it or you don't.

If you are a believer then you will quickly increase your internal energies, if you are not a believer then the path is a long and winding one (but not impossible). Below I will give you instructions in increasing your CHI (internal energy). I will assume nothing and begin as if you are a new student. Before you start these exercises you must be sure that you will not be disturbed. (later this will not be so important.) You should be relaxed and not under time pressure. The first exercises take only 5 minutes. (but will seem more like 5 hours).

FIRST 2 WEEKS This is just a way of practicing the exercise so that you will be relaxed and comfortable with it. Sit comfortably on the floor, you may use a mat or cushion if you wish but your back must be straight. You may close your eyes or keep them open. Place your hands in front of you (palms towards you) with the fingers of the left hand resting in the palm of your right hand. Press your thumb tips lightly together. Think of some nice things that have happened to you. Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Breathe slowly, each inward breathe should take 7 seconds. Holds breathe in for 7 seconds. Each outward breathe should take 7 seconds. Repeat this for 5 minutes.

You may find it hard to manage even 5 minutes at first but do your best and you will find each time that it is getting easier. Also you may find that you get excess moisture in your mouth, and that it is hard to keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth, this is quite normal. By the end of the second week you should feel very relaxed with the exercise, you will feel like you are walking taller, that your head is clearer when you think and that you feel much better inside.

WEEKS 3 AND 4 In the next 2 weeks just repeat the first exercise but instead of thinking nice things try to clear your mind of everything.

Try to increase the time you meditate to between 10 and 15 minutes. Imagine that you are looking up into a black night sky. You may see stars or just the blackness. Marvel at how much there is contained within nothing. Look into the blackness at its beauty. Feel the path of your breathe as it journeys through your nose, down your back under your body and up through your chest and out of your mouth, taking with it all the cosmic energy of the universe. By now you should find your tongue automatically goes to the roof of your mouth and that your mouth is dry.

WEEKS 5 AND 6 Now it is time to increase your inner strength fully and without fear. By now you should be able to empty your mind. You should not be distracted by unnecessary thoughts or feelings. It is time to feel within. With your mind empty you can concentrate on your Spirit.

Within each of us burns a fire, a globe of light and heat. We will now focus on that fire making it burn bright and warm. Increasing its radiance throughout the body. As you meditate try to imagine this ball of fire deep within you, somewhere between your sternum and your groin (It is different for everyone). As you breathe your breath will be like the air through bellows, fanning the fire, making it flare and glow. This heat will begin to expand outwards from the ball of fire through your body, a little at first, then further and further until it reaches your finger tips. This may take many weeks but you should feel something within days of beginning this training.

Soon you find that you can perform the breathing exercise without the need for sitting and in any environment such as in the car or at work. You will feel warmer and need to wear less clothes in the winter. You will feel confident and alert. Your hands may feel warm and when you touch others they may comment on this. You may even be more resilient to illness.

To increase the speed at which you develop your Chi there is another way. This exercise must be done for 15 minutes. While doing the breathing exercise for 5 minutes cup your right hand to your left ear, for the next 5 minutes cup your left hand to your right ear, and for a final 5 minutes cup your right hand to your left ear and your left hand to your right ear. This increases the flow of energies around the body.

These exercises should be carried out at least 3 times every week for the greatest effect, although even once a week will work.

You will not be able to learn Ninjutsu from reading these pages but you should get a good idea of some of the stances and techniques and terms used.

The Kamae No Kata (series of postures) is an excellent way to practice your stances and balance. Introduced into Europe by Bo Munthe it is rarely seen in American Dojo. The stances should flow from one to another in a continuous series of movements

SHIZEN natural stance, feet shoulder width apart, knees unlocked, arms relaxed.

Ichi Monji, left leg forward, right leg back (taking 60% of body weight) with foot at 90o to body.

Doko, left leg forward, right leg back (body weight 50/50 on each leg) with foot at 90o to body.

Fusets, left leg forward, right leg back (body weight 55% on back leg) with foot at 90o to body, index and little finger pointing outwards on both hands.

Ryusui Fusets, Left leg forward, right leg back (body weight 70% on front leg) with foot at 90oto body, index and little finger pointing outwards on both hands.

Hicho, back leg slightly bent with front leg just in front of knee

Kosei, left hand as if shielding eyes from the sun, left leg forward, right leg back (taking 80% of body weight) with foot at 90o to body.

Jumonji Henka, left leg slightly back (taking 70% of body weight), arms crossed but NOT touching .

Jumonji Kihon, legs shoulder width apart, knees unlocked, arms crossed but NOT touching .

Ihen Migi, long right facing stance, similar to ichi monji but leading arm straighter and stance longer.

Ihen Hidari, long left facing stance, similar to ichi monji but leading arm straighter and stance longer.

Hira Ichi Monji, arms and legs slightly bent, this is a "wide" stance.

Hoko, hands shoulder width apart above head, this is a "tall" stance.

Kongo Gassho, legs slightly apart with hands together as if in prayer.

Suwari Gata, to go down into a seated position

Seiza, kneeling down with hands resting lightly on thighs and a straight back.

Fudoza, left leg folded under body (you sit on this foot), straight back and hands resting lightly on thighs.

Seiza, return to this position for finish. Chi (Earth) Sanshin Ken (Three Finger Strike)

Sui (Water) Jodan Uke (High Block) and Omote Shuto Kubi (Outer Strike) Ka (Fire) Jodan Uke (High Block) and Ura Shuto Kubi (Inner Strike) Fu (Wind) Gedan Uke (Low Block) and Boshi Ken (Thumb Strike) Ku (Void) Gedan Uke (Low Block) and Meysubushi (Distraction) and Keri (Kick)

Chihayaburu kami no oshie wa tokoshie, tadashiki kokoro, mi wo mamorunan.

The teaching of the mightiest gods shall eternally protect those who are right in heart and body. SHINKIN HARAMITSU DAIKOMYO

The sound of the words in our reach for enlightenment creates the divine cosmic light. In every encounter experience, there is the potential for gaining our enlightenment, the possibility of finding that one missing piece of the puzzle that brings about illumination. It is our own mind that determines the experience to be positive or negative."

-Masaaki HatsumiRIN STRENGTH OF MIND AND BODY At first this may appear to be physical strength and mental intellect but maybe we can think of this as being physically well and having a positive outlook. Middle fingers extended, others interlocked


DIRECTION OF ENERGY To begin this may seem to refer to directing your energies into work but later it could be that you see it as a way of directing your internal energy to increase your inner power. Index fingers and thumbs extended, middle fingers curled over index fingers. Others interlocked

TOH HARMONY WITH THE UNIVERSE This can work on many levels from learning to live in peace with mankind and the animal kingdom to being at one with yourself. Last two fingers extended to form a V (tips touching). Thumbs extended, others interlocked

SHA HEALING OF SELF AND OTHERS The ability to heel is more powerful than the ability to kill.When you sense your inner power you will no longer succumb to viruses and other ailments.A word to those that would use their powers to harm others "It is easy to kill a man, but could you watch one die?" Index fingers and thumbs extended, others interlocked

KAI PREMONITION OF DANGER If this cut is fully achieved you may find that you can feel the emotions of others (even at a distance) which can aid in knowing how others will react in a given situation. All fingers interlocked

JIN KNOWING THOUGHTS OF OTHERS I believe that this cut increases your ability to "feel" the thoughts of others. When your are adept at this power you can hide your thoughts and feelings from others.

All fingers interlocked inwards

RETSU MASTERY OF SPACE AND TIME Think of this...Have you ever noticed how the day has passed quickly for others but has taken an age for you? Everybody has the ability to control their own "time" With this power one could use it to easily defeat an opponent. Index finger of left hand pointing up, and with the fingers of the right hand curling round it. The thumb of the right hand should be pressed against the outside edge of the nail on the index finger of the left hand).

ZAI CONTROL OF THE ELEMENTS OF NATURE Can one truly control nature? Maybe the real answer is that a Ninja understands nature and works with it. Fingers outspread, palms out. Index fingers and thumbs touching

ZEN ENLIGHTENMENT Know yourself before you ask "Who are you?" Right hand covering Left hand. Thumb tips touching

Footwork/Balance/Agility 1) Over and Under - Set up a rope or long pole about 18 - 24 inches off the floor. Starting on one

side of the pole jump up and over it, when you touch down immediately flatten out and scoot under the pole. You should end up on the same side that you started from. You can also do this drill with a partner as in leap frog and then go between their legs and repeat.

2) Bob and Weave (aka: The Rocky drill) - Set up a rope or pole at a height comfortable for you to be able to bob and weave under. Each time coming up with two uppercut punches. 3) The Dice - Place 5 spots on the floor in the pattern you would see on the #5 from a die. Standing on one leg, hop from spot to spot. This is a great drill for leg conditioning, cardiovascular work as well as footwork.

4) Dragons Teeth - Another great drill to enhance your footwork. Start by placing a series of sticks on the floor in alternating forward and reverse triangle patterns, each tip touching the next in line. Now start at one end, and use forward and reverse footwork zoning patterns while moving down the line. Step over the end and return back on the opposite side. 5) One legged stand - This is a very basic drill in which you stand on one leg. Now to gain more from this drill close your eyes and count to 30 then repeat on the opposite side. 6) Mogul jump - Place a line on the floor about 6 - 8 feet long. Keeping your knees slightly bent, jump from one side to the next as if you are skiing down a mogul run. This is a great leg conditioning and reflex enhancing drill.

7) Box Jump - Utilizing a small box (I use a milk crate), place your feet slightly apart and leap up

onto the box. Immediately hop down and then leap as high into the air as possible. Great for explosiveness in your movements.

8) Directional change - Have an opponent stand 5 - 6 feet away from you. Charge forward toward him and at the last moment before you crash together, use triangular footwork to avoid hitting him. You can add a weapon or striking portion to this drill to make it more exciting.

9) Balance beam - Place a 4x4 or 6x6 beam on the floor. The first drill is to be able to walk it without falling. Make this more difficult by having to walk quickly or run down the length. Of course, you can elevate the beam to make it more difficult. 10) Balance beam #2 - Place a 4x4 or 6x6 beam on the floor. In this drill two opponents try to push each other from the beam. Weapon drills such as single stick and double stick flow applications; also can be performed on the beam. This simulates narrow or restricted area fighting.

11) The clock - Place a 4 foot section of tape on the floor, then cross this one with another to form a "T". Add two more sections to overlay an "X" on to the "T". When complete you should now have eight lines on the floor in a clock like fashion. You start in the center move to each angle utilizing proper footwork. Always assume your opponent is attacking you and you are countering. In Budo Taijutsu we call this drill "shinobi no happo sabaaki.

12) Slippery surface training-(Beware this can be a dangerous. Especially if you do not have proper falling skills) Training on frozen surfaces, powder covered wooden floors (while wearing socks), even wet grassy slopes, allows us the opportunity to train in an environment, where balance and agile movement are critical for success. Do not try any sparring or fighting drills until you can safely land on a hard surface without injury. 13) Strike avoidance - In this drill your opponent will throw various strikes at you in slow fashion. You must avoid by only using body motion. This can also be implemented with weapons. As you increase the pace add footwork to the drill.

14) Tire drill - Most of us are familiar with this one from football and soccer practice. Place a series of tires, out in two rows. You must place one foot into each tire as quickly as possible. 15) Kip up - From a backwards fall or roll, immediately push off with your hands behind you to a standing position. The key here is both in the explosive push off and when landing the correct placement of your body weight to prevent you from falling back again.

16) Hand Stand - Another great balance enhancer. Some key ideas are don't throw your weight too far forward as you will fall over, relax and continue to breathe, watch out where you are going to land if you fall. 17) Cartwheel - Place one hand down on the floor quickly followed by the other as you push your legs out and over your hands in a straight line. 18) Sit outs - From the referee or turtle position, place your right hand on the floor and shoot your right leg through the space between your body and arm. Then turn over to the starting position again and repeat with the opposite side.

19) Turtle/Bag position drill - Have your partner or a place a heavy bag on the floor, now you start by lying on top of them in cross body position, while maintaining contact move to other floor dominating positions.(Such as Scarf hold, four corners, reverse scarf hold etc)

20) Flip flops - From a standing position, leap out as if you are going to do a hand stand, when your hands hit the floor immediately push back into the standing position. Conditioning 1) Basic pushup - Hands shoulder width apart, back remains straight bend your elbows until you are 2 - 3 inches from the floor and return to the starting position 2) Modified pushup - Hands shoulder width apart, back straight, knees on the floor. The remaining movements are the same as #1. 3) Elevated pushup - Place your feet on a chair, and assume the basic push up position, the remaining movements are the same as #1.

4) Quad pushup - (This can be done with as few as three people in a triangle shape also.) Each person places their feet on the back of the others doing this drill. The remaining movements are the same as #1. 5) Hands together - This push up position starts with the hands place directly in the middle of your chest in a triangle position. The remaining movements are as in #1. 6) Down and hold - Assume the normal starting position on the call, go down and hold yourself 2 -3 inches from the floor until the up is called. 7) Wheel barrow - You partner picks up your feet and you go forward on your hands for 3 4 movements, then go down for a single push up. Then repeat the action until the end of the drill.

8) Handstand push up - Using a wall for support, move to a handstand position. From there do pushups against your bodyweight. 9) Pushup and clap #1 - Assume the starting position for a regular push up. Go down and on the up movement your hands leave the floor and you clap once before your hands go back onto the floor. 10) Pushup and clap #2 - Assume the starting position for a regular push up. Go down and on the up movement your hands leave the floor and you clap once behind your back, before your hands go back onto the floor. 11) Pushup and reach - Assume the starting position for a regular push up. Go down and on the up movement your hands leave the floor and you reach out in front of you for a target. Then repeat with the opposite hand.

12) Neck Bridge with hand assist - Place your hands behind your head and arch your stomach to the ceiling with your head remaining on the floor and your feet flat on the floor. Roll your head back so that the weight of your body is now supported on the forehead and feet. 13) Neck Bridge no assists - Same as #12 but use no hands to help support your weight. 14) Neck Bridge and body rotation - Same as #13 but rotate your body around your head. 15) Extended push up - Lie face down on the floor and place your hands out directly over your head shoulder width apart. On the start you "pop" off the floor in one smooth motion. You will end this position only supported on your hands and feet.

16) Hercules chair - Lean against a wall or your partners back. Now move your legs so that your thighs are parallel to the floor, and your feet are perpendicular to your thighs, hold this position. To make it more difficult put one leg on the thigh of the other. 17) Hindu squat/baithik - From a standing position feet shoulder width apart, bend your knees so that your butt almost touches the floor. Swing your hands back and lift your heels on the downward position, immediately reverse the position and come to a standing position again, then repeat

Strength, flexibility, and overall fitness were a big part of the ninja's training. The ninja always had to be above the average; otherwise he could have been caught or killed. The ninja had to have a good diet also, to stay in shape. The ninja's junan taiso kyuho nine fundamental stretching and limbering exercises give one the flexibility and suppleness for the speed needed to perform the techniques of the nija's unarmed combat method, taijutsu. Muscle conditioning was also important. Exercise 1: Rotate the head in circles from where it meets the neck and then from where the base of the neck meets the shoulders.Next, tilt your head from side to side and forward and backward as far as it will go.Keep your teeth clenched throughout the exercise.

Exercise 2: Turn your shoulders from side to side without letting your hips turn.Do this several times.Go a little further each time.Next, do the same thing, but this time go as far forward as you can as you turn.Last, do the same thing, just going as far back as

you can as you turn.Do these several times, seeing each vertebre loosen in your mind.

Exercise 3: Lift and rotate each arm, one after the other.(Stephen K. Hayes,an author of many Ninjutsu books, described it like elbowing your way through a jungle)Next, roll your arms as though swimming.Next, reach over your shoulder with one arm and reach up under your other shoulder with the other arm and clasp your hands together.Move your your arms and shoulders as much as possible, and then do the same thing, just reverse it.

Exercise 4: Spread your feet as far apart as you can, but keep your feet flat on the ground and maintain balance.Don't spread your legs like a split.Put your palms on your thighs. Twist from side to side.Next, rock gently from side to side, going as low as you can, while still keeping your feet firmly on the ground.Next, roll your toes up as you rock from side to side.Do several repititions of each.Keep your body upright throughout the stretch.

Exercise 5: Push your fingers and wrists back against themselves.Bend your wrists down, back,

and from side to side.Push your fingers back and down over your palms. Exercise 6: Slide your feet out to the sides .Spread your legs as far as you can and use the pull of gravity to help you go farther each time you do the stretch.Next, lower yourself onto the ground.From this split position lean forward and then lean forward over each knee.Keep your back straight during the exercise.

Exercise 7: From a sitting position pull your feet in toward you as far as they will go, and push your knees down as far as they can go.Next, lean forward keeping your back as straight as possible.Go a little farther each time.Do this several times.Next, shift forward to bring your torso up over your joined feet.Flex your knees several times while keeping your back as straight as possible.

Exercise 8: From a sitting position put your feet straight out in front of you, side by side.Lean forward over your legs, reach over your toes, and and pull yourself down as far as you can go.Do this several times, going a little farther each time.

Next, lean back with your arms extended straight back.Keep your arms lined up behind your shoulders as you lower them.Repeat this several times.Next, lower your back to the ground and roll onto your shoulders. Your knees should be next to your ears.

Exercise 9: Sit in the seiza kneling position, with your hands in your lap.Close your eyes or keep them in an unfocused state.Slowly take a deep breath.After totally filling your lungs hold your breath for as long as comfortably possible.Next, gently release the breath, letting it fall out from the center of your body.When all the air has been released, tighten your stomach muscles to force the last bit of air out.Next, relax your stomach and pull it in by flexing your ribs without taking in any air.Stay this way for as long as comfortably possible.Last, relax and let the air rush in naturally.Do this two more times, with one normal breath cycle in between.Lastly, breath normally and spend a few moments in concentrated awareness of building up and channeling the body's physical strength energy. The ninja also needed strength to help provide power to thier punches and kicks.The following are some overall

muscle conditioning exercises.

Upper Body

Shoulders Push up: A standar push up works well to condition the shoulders, chest, nd upper arms, except when doing push ups, do them with your legs and arms spread farther apart, and do not drop, catch yourself, and then push up. Instead, slowly lower yourself to the ground and then push up.You won't be able to do as many, but you'll get more out of it.

Wooden blocks or posts can be used to raise the hands to make the push up more effective.

Pull-ups with the hands placed shoulder width apart or wider also work on the shoulders.As with the push up, pull yourself up and let yourself down slowly and controlled.Do not jerk yourself up and then let yourself fall back down.


The upper arm can be exercised by sitting between two posts,raised wooden blocks, or chair arms, with

your hands on the posts, wooden blocks, or chair arms, keeping your butt above the ground, with your legs extende out in front of you, but still keeping your body between your arms.

Lower yourself as far as you can go without touching the ground and then push yourself back up.As with the other exercises, do this in a controlled and exaggerated manner.

Underhanded cane rolling exercises the forearms. Grip one end of a 3 ft. cane(Hanbo) with a reverse grip.Extend your arm out, with your elbow bent slightly and swing the cane in a figure eight pattern.

The entire arm can be exercised by doing a vertical push up with the assisstance of two other people.Stand on your hands and have one person hold one leg, and the other hold the other leg.Then, lower your face towards the ground and then back up. Lower Body


Sit-ups can be used to condition the stomach, but instead of doing a normal sit-up lay down,

(without your knees bent) and bring your right elbow up as you bring your left knee up and touch them.As you bring your left leg down keep both of your feet off of the ground and keep them that way throughout the exercise.Repeat this 9 times, alternating sides.(Right to left, left to right, right to left, etc.)After nine repititions, relax and rest for a moment.Then do 9 more and rest, and continue that way till you can no longer do the exercise.

You can also do the sit-up suspended from a bar.Make shure your feet and ankles are firmly between two bars, and have someone spot for you. Leg

You can exercise your leg by putting it against a tree and coling it, and then uncoiling it by pushing back, while resisting with your back.

You can also have two traing partners, help you by having each one lean on a leg, while you lie on the ground.Your feet should be against thier chests. Straighten out one leg and then bring it back, then do the same with the other leg.


Weights can also be used to build strength, along with any standard form of exercise, such as push ups, sit-ups, etc.

Aerobic Training

Because the ninja's method of combat was very relaxed, you need aerobic exercise to stay in shape.Some suggestions: Run around,run through the woods, and run on ice(This also helps you to gain balance). Taijutsu is the unarmed combat of the ninja.It is very different from other martial arts, in that it has no stances,no blocking*, and is not in any way a sport.

*I Shouldn't say that there's no blocking in taijutsu, but you seldom, if ever block, and there are no specific blocking techniques.Rather than blocking you usually attack or strike your opponents moving limb, such as thier wrist as they punch at your face. I'll into this more later.

Taijutsu uses body angling, distance, coordination, movement, and the relation of you to your opponent to create a victory.Though the ninja is not aware of, or thinking about these

things when fighting, because in a life-or-death situation everything must be spontaneous.

Taijutsu can be broken down into three categories: Taihenjutsu(body movement), Dakentaijutsu(Striking Methods), and Jutaijutsu(Grappling Methods).Each one is part of the Shinobi Warrior's method of unarmed combat. Taihenjutsu is the body movement of the ninja's unarmed combat method.Taihenjutsu includes ukemi(breakfalls), kaiten(rolling), tobi(leaping), and footwork.

Ninjutsu was not only meant to be a form of self-defense against an attacker, rather, Ninjutsu is the art of survival, so techniques such as breakfalls, rolling, and jumping are crucial to Ninjutsu.

Which is more likely to occur?A man walking down the street pulls a knife out and tries to kill you, or you trip and fall down the stairs?Most people would say you are more likely to fall, so as you can see, it is important to learn to protect yourself from attackers, but also from accidents like the one above.These techniques could also be used to survive a car accident or explosion of some sort.

Proper body movement and cooordinatin is what forms the backbone of taijutsu, and allows the ninja to move out of the way

of an attack, and puts him in a good position to counter attack. Ukemi means breakfall.Breakfalls can be used to drop out of sight if spotted when trying to be unnoticed, or used to prevent injury from a force that forces you to the ground.When using ukemi or kaiten(rolls) do not throw yourself to the ground, allow gravity to pull you.

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