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I. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. Use the word given in brackets.

1. Why don't you remove those wet things and put something dry on? (out) change out of 2. The image on the screen slowly disappeared and I knew it was a computer virus.(away) faded away 3. Let's try your new game and see if it works. (out) test out 4. Did you hear they're thinking of getting rid of identity cards? (away) doing away with 5. We should redecorate Jake's bedroom now he's left home. (up) do up

II. Write the verb in brackets in the correct form, present simple or present continuous, in each gap. 1. My brother is doing (do) a degree at university so I dont see (see) him very often, unfortunately. 2. Darren doesnt usually get (get) home until about eight o'clock. 3. You go (go) to the end of the street and turn (turn) right. 4. Why does ice float (float)? 5. It's lovely now the evenings are getting (get) longer, isn't it? 6. A man walks (walk) into a bar. Ouch! Not a good idea to walk into an iron bar! 7. Are you phoning (phone) me from your mobile? The line's not very good. 8. There's an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman. They are walking (walk) across the desert when one of them spots (spot) a camel in the distance

III. Circle the correct word or phrase. 1. It's only a quick call as I ring / I'm ringing from my mobile. 2. Why don't you play / aren't you playing football, Mark? I thought you had a match this afternoon. 3. Stay out of this, Simon, it doesn't concern / isn't concerning you at all. 4. If you're not watching / you don't watch TV, turn it off! 5. We're having / We have the living room repainted so it's probably best if we go into the kitchen. 6. Right now, my job involves / is involving a huge amount of foreign travel. 7. Have you followed / been following that story in the papers about the elephant that escaped from the zoo? Apparently, they've just caught / been catching it. 8. We've seen / been seeing the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace and Oxford Street, and we've only been in London for three hours! 9. You can't want to go to the toilet already we've only driven / been driving for about ten minutes so far! 10. Most newspapers are usually biased / prejudiced towards a certain political outlook. 11. Please don't baffle / discriminate me with loads of technical terminology. Use plain, simple English! 12. Looking at the damage, I would estimate / deduce that the painting will cost at least 2,000 to restore properly. 13. I don't think you should reflect / presume that lots of people are going to help you with this project. 14. Sonia looks like she's falling / going to fall asleep any minute! 15. Watch out or you're getting / going to get into trouble! 16. Running along the seafront, there was a short concrete pier / quay, where a dozen fishing boats bobbed in the afternoon sun. 17. Quite a few resorts in Britain have long piers / quays, which stick out into the sea, and which often have shows or other forms of entertainment on them.

18. After the accident, passersby / pedestrians described the driver as a middle-aged man with a beard. 19. As I came out of the petrol station, I saw a hiker / hitchhiker with his thumb out, trying to get a lift. 20. A single is 40, but the return fare / round trip is actually only 55. 21. A lorry lost its cargo / load on the motorway and there's white paint everywhere. 22. In a thousand years, can humans / will humans be able to travel faster than the speed of light? 23. 'Did you hear a noise? ''That'll / That must probably be the cat.' 24. Are you fed up with complicated jargon / slang in official documents that's impossible to fully comprehend / contradict? 25. Do you find doctors' handwriting colloquial / illegible on prescriptions? 26. We declare / denounce all uses of language that confuse rather than explain. 27. Let's be blunt / sharp. A lot of people in public life could do much better. 28. If you're about to graduate but are unsure what to do next, why not consider a career in the state/ civil service? 29. Working in the public area / sector provides job security and job satisfaction. 30. We also respect our staff's right to be part of a club /union.

IV. REPHRASE Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given. 1. I started working at eight and I was still working at six in the evening, when you called. Been When you called, I had been working for ten hours. 2. We often went to the seaside with our grandparents as children. would Our grandparents would often take us to the seaside as children. 3. I always disliked karate lessons but now I'm starting to enjoy them. used I never used to enjoy karate lessons, but now I'm starting to. 4. Could you tell me where you were last night, Mr Johnson? account Could you give an account of your whereabouts last night, Mr Johnson? 5. The journalist pretended that she was a parent of one of the children. false The journalist gave the false impression that she was a parent of one of the children. 6. You have to use logic and lateral thinking in equal measure in this job. strike You have to strike a balance between logic and lateral thinking in this job. 7. I didn't tell Angie because I didn't want to hurt Eddie's feelings. consideration I didn't tell Angie out of consideration for Eddie. 8. I'm glad you now see sense and agree that your parents are right. senses I'm glad youve (now) come to your senses and agree that your parents are right. 9. I'm going to have to improve my spoken German before I go to Munich. Im going to have to brush up on my spoken German before I go to Munich. 10. It's a general knowledge quiz so you can't do any revision for it. There's nothing to swot up on as it's a general knowledge quiz. 11. We finally thought of a way to get the band into the hotel without the press knowing. We finally puzzled out a way to get the band into the hotel without the press knowing. 12. I've found out a lot of information about the history of English language teaching recently. I've been reading up on the history of English language teaching recently. 13. You only have a short time to do this work, so don't waste time. clock You are working against the clock, so don't waste time.

14. Would you like to do what the Prime Minister does? places Would you like to change/ swap/ trade places with the Prime Minister? 15. Shona will find out if she has been promoted very soon. just Shona is just about to find out if she has been promoted. 16. Actually, there won't be a general election for a while. verge Actually, we arent on the verge of (having) a general election. 17. Keep this a secret. to You are not to tell anyone about this. 18. It's time we began to sort through these cupboards. start It's time we made a start (on/ at) sorting through these cupboards. 19. Sorry, Alan, but right now I'm rather busy. in Sorry, Alan, but at this moment in time I'm rather busy. 20. They painted the wall very well. made They made a very good job of painting the wall. 21. That medicine was very effective and I started to feel better immediately. magic That medicine worked like magic and I started to feel better immediately. 22. The day started really well when we heard that Bob had been given his own TV series. flying The day got off to a flying start when we heard that Bob had been given his own TV series. 23. I do like this job, but I sometimes wonder if I've chosen the right career path. again I do like this job, but (every) now and again I wonder if I've chosen the right career path. 24. No one nowadays believes in witches, do they? age No one in this day and age believes in witches, do they? 25. I started training to be an accountant six months ago. I've got six more months to go, and then I have to take exams. (in training) By the time I take my exams, I will have been in training as/ to be an accountant for a/ one year. 26. I'll just finish this e-mail and then I'll be with you. second It will (only/ just) take me a second to finish this e-mail and then I'll be with you. 27. I think someone needs to explain this computer program to me. explaining I think I need this computer program explaining to me. ??? 28. Call Lionel and ask him to send the reports up to my office. have Call Lionel and have him send the reports up to my office. 29. It's quite likely that Sasha was lying about what Doug said. well Sasha may/ might well have been lying about what Doug said. 30. Jake, is it definite that they haven't announced the winner yet? will Jake, will the winner definitely not have been announced yet? 31. It's highly likely that Stephen was listening. may Stephen may well have been listening. 32. I assume you've checked your facts carefully. read I take it as read (that) you've checked your facts carefully. 33. You've got to persuade the editor not to publish that story. out You've got to talk the editor out of publishing that story. 34. I would suggest seeing a doctor if it doesn't clear up. You had better see a doctor if it doesn't clear up. 35. It was typical of Jerry to forget to feed the cat, wasn't it? Jerry would forget to feed the cat, wouldnt he? 36. Ahmed will ask the questions and I'll take notes. I'll take notes while Ahmed asks the questions/ is asking the questions. 37. The sales figures will come in and then we'll assess the situation again. We'll assess the situation again as (soon as) the sales figures come in.

38. It won't harm us to see what special offers are on at the moment. We might as well see/ may as well see what special offers are on at the moment. 39. Don't you think you should type that essay, rather than write it in pen? Hadnt you better type that essay, rather than write it in pen? 40. It would probably have been a good idea if you'd asked Dad what he thought. You probably ought to have asked Dad what he thought. 41. Try to stay level with the other runners at the start of the race. fall Try not to fall behind the other runners at the start of the race. 42. The police have put a barrier around the building to keep people out. cordoned The building has been cordoned off by the police police. 43. I just need to finish this work and then I'll call you. way I just need to get this work out the way and then I'll call you. 44. My dad's not happy with me at all because he heard me swearing. books I am not in my dads good books/ am in my dads bad books because he heard me swearing. 45. There's no need for me to tell you that you'll be paid handsomely for this. saying It goes without saying that you'll be paid handsomely for this. 46. Tom and Barbara aren't talking to each other at the moment. terms Tom and Barbara aren't on speaking terms at the moment. 47. I'm sure Jasmin didn't misunderstand, Carol. stick Jasmin can't have got the wrong end of the stick, Carol.

V. CORRECT THE MISTAKE Each of the words or phrases in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly. 1. Tina and Phil still not managed to sell their flat. havent 2. I'm never been to China what's it like? I ve 3. Have you heard? Carol's breaking her leg again. broken 4. You're lucky you caught me I've just came through the front door. come 5. I haven't seen Carol in monkey's years. I wonder what she's doing these days. donkey 6. When I started work here, we didn't have e-mail or even fax machines. That was long before your moment. time 7. I nearly sent that e-mail to Dave by mistake, but luckily I realised in the bill of time. nick 8. The boss might take you out for a meal once in a blue planet, but don't expect it to happen any time soon! moon 9. I invited Graham to dinner on the edge of the moment. I'm sorry I didn't ask you first. spur 10. Let me know if you need help and I'll be there at the drop of a pen! hat 11. The photocopier still worked, but I thought it needed a service. You know what they say: 'a repair in time saves nine' and all that! stitch

VI. CORRECT THE MISTAKE BY WORD BUILDING. 12. I hope I last his previous secretary she only worked here for a week! outlast 13. There were over 100 appliers for the position, apparently. applicants 14. A good business suit is timely it never goes out of fashion. timeless 15. The building looks a bit future from the outside but it's quite traditional inside. futuristic 16. You have to be prepared for every event in this line of work. eventuality 17. Getting angry with your boss is productive because it'll just make a bad situation worse. Counterproductive/ unproductive 18. The situation has been getting unsteady worse for many years now. steadily 19. The heavy snow meant that the mountain roads were passage for over a week. impassable 20. People are being advised not to travel to the area because of the outgoing conflict. ongoing 21. I sat completely motion as the spider crawled along my arm. motionless

VII. Choose the correct word. 1. These aren't even real, important exams, as her GCSEs will be next year. They're just mock(4) exams. Is the work she's been doing really going to make her more knowledgeable(5) about her subjects, or will she forget it all tomorrow? I suspect the latter. a. false b. mock c. fake d. artificial a, knowledgeable b. intellectual c. academic d. intelligent 2. Thirdly, the standard curriculum (6) doesn't give students any tution(7) in developing practical work-related, living and social skills, or in skills necessary for higher education. a. timetable b. lecture c. seminar d. curriculum a. lesson b. subject c. tuition d. tutorial 3. How many students entering university have the first idea what the difference is between plagiarizing(8) someone else's work and making good use of someone else's ideas? Shouldn't they have been taught this at school? How many of them are really able to go about self-study(9) a skill that's essential at university because there are no teachers to tell you what to do in an efficient way? a. writing b. going over c. plagiarizing d. repeating a. reviewing b. revision c. distance learning d. self-study 4. You never used to be so good at backgammon, did you? a. never used to b. got used to c. are used to d. wouldn't 5. I'd love to have lived in the old days, when people would travel to market by horse and carriage. a. have been traveling b. would travel c. got used to traveling d. had been travelling 6. I much preferred it when we used to go to Wales every summer on holiday. a. used to go b. were used to going c. had gone d. have been going 7. The war caused a revolution in British life that completely changed the status quo. a. revolution b. revision c. rotation d. rejection a. social status b. status quo c. status symbol d. high status 8. Britain began to evolve into its present form and many ideas that are accepted today. a. refine b. progress c. substitute d. evolve

9. Must you stand up when the teacher entered the room at your school? a. Had you b. Did you have to c. Must you d. Needed you to 10. I'm so snowed under with work at the moment it's awful! a. iced b. rained c. snowed d. fogged 11. The company's announced it's laying off over 1,000 workers. a. leaving b. laying c. setting d. giving 12. They're planning to wind down their operation in Greece and concentrate on Eastern Europe. a. wind b. tie c. roll d. stretch 13. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, but I'll try to press ahead with it anyway. a. drive b. bang c. touch d. press 14. Something's cropped up, so I'm afraid I won't be able to make it this afternoon. a. shown b. pulled c. cropped d. cut 15. Could you lend me some money to tide me over to the end of the month? a. hand b. tide c. get d. make 16. The government must be seen to be taking strong measures against crime. a. be seen be taking b. see to be taking c. seen to take d. be seen to be taking 17. Mrs. Davies asked me to tell you that she would like the orders sent by Friday at the latest. a. the orders sent b. sending the orders c. that you sent d. sent the orders 18. Why didn't you have Aaron help you when you moved house? a. have Aaron help b. have got Aaron help c. have Aaron helped d. get Aaron help 19. As soon as Dad has got the car started, we can leave. a. has the car starting b. has got the car started c. got started the car d. was got starting the car 20. Hadnt Eliot better tell his mum what happened? a. Mustn't b. Oughtn't c. Shouldn't d. Hadn't 21. It's essential that the documents should be destroyed immediately. a. should b. would c. ought to d. had better 22. Most teenagers go through a rebellious phase for a few years but they soon grow out of it. a. stint b. span c. duration d. phase

VIII. WORD BUILDING. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space. 1. Einstein's brilliance went unnoticed at school. BRILLIANT 2. It's absolutely inexplicable why the council decided to close down the youth club. EXPLAIN 3. I just stood there and listened in disbelief as Ben told me the news. BELIEVE 4. Greg's indecisive to say the least, so I wouldn't ask him to choose a hotel. DECIDE 5. He was found not guilty by reason of insanity and so was sent to a mental institution rather than prison. SANE 6. The concept (CONCEIVE) of 'rhetoric', or effective public speaking, dates back thousands of years. 7. There is undoubtedly/ doubtless (DOUBT) plenty of evidence to support this idea it's practically unthinkable (THINK). 8. It is the combination of clear reasoning (REASON), sound judgement (JUDGE) and effective presentation and communication skills that defines true rhetoric. 9. Towards the end of the century, though, people had to become more adaptable (ADAPT) than ever before.

10. This developments gave people the capability (CAPABLE) to live and work in ways their grandparents could not have imagined. 11. Over the next 30 years, little remained unaltered (ALTER) as the camera, the cinema, the phonograph, the plane and radio all had an electrifying (ELECTRIC) effect on people and society. 12. The weather's been so changeable today that I don't know what to wear. (CHANGE) 13. Jack got in a lot of trouble for persistently breaking school rules. (PERSIST) 14. I really don't think I'd have the endurance to finish a marathon! (ENDURE) 15. We need to rely more on wave power, wind power and other renewable sources of energy. (NEW) 16. I'm scanning my gran's photos onto my computer because they'd be irreplaceable if anything happened to them. (PLACE) 17. He was the man who revolutionised (REVOLT) home computing with the ZX series of computers. 18. Sinclair's products, the ZX81 and its successful replacement (PLACE), the ZX Spectrum, were small, affordable computers that sold in huge numbers in the early 1980s. 19. They allowed people to play computer games in their own home for the first time, and even introduced people to the word processor (PROCESS). 20. However, it was persistently (PERSIST) criticised in the press for being unsafe and impractical in the British climate and production of the C5 was discontinued (CONTINUE) in August, 1985. 21. It is not coincidental (INCIDENT ) that, during her premiership, Britain went through a period of momentous (MOMENT ) change. 22. Those who support Thatcher's policies say he was responsible for changing Britain's antiquated (ANTIQUE ) union laws and smashing union power. 23. Some saw her resignation as untimely (TIME), and wished she would continue. Others felt it could not have come too soon. 24. Even today, historians (HISTORY ) and economists are divided as to whether her legacy was positive or negative overall. 25. Under her fine editorship (EDIT), circulation has increased by 100,000. 26. There's a/an unwritten (WRITE ) rule in this office that we all go out for a drink together after work on a Friday. 27. You are expressly (EXPRESS) forbidden to use a calculator in this examination. 28. Although we do not envisage an all-out strike at this stage, everyone at the plant will continue to refuse to work overtime (TIME) until this dispute is settled. 29. Periodically (PERIOD), we have to make changes to improve efficiency. 30. Some of the working practices at the factory are, frankly, totally inapplicable (APPLY) to the modern world. 31. It's ironic that the very things that are supposed to provide access to the upper (UP) floors of buildings - stairs - often, in fact, make them inaccessible(ACCESS). 32.Getting upstairs can be a daily problem to be overcome(COME). 33. Designs have undergone (GO) many changes over the years and stairlifts have become progressively (PROGRESS ) safer and easier to use. 34. The user controls how rapidly (RAPID) the seat moves along the rails as it travels from the bottom of the stairs to the landing (LAND) at the top. 35. The components are designed to withstand (STAND) constant use. 36. After a successful career, he retired in 2004, but now he's making a comeback (COME) and he's released a new CD. 37. At the back of the cave, there was a narrow passage(PASS) that seemed to lead further into the mountain. 38. The party has a number of progressive (PROGRESS) ideas which should appeal to many undecided voters. 39. The long-running civil war has destabilized (STABLE ) the whole country.

40. Wilkinson went on to become a great athlete, his disability notwithstanding (STAND). 41. She stood there completely expressionless (EXPRESS), so I had no idea at all what she was thinking. 42. That news conference was unspeakably (SPEAK) boring! 43. I'm not very keen on the wording (WORD) of this dictionary definition. 44. The problem with Michael is that he's just so talkative (TALK) he never shuts up! 45. Any actor who becomes known for one role is in danger of becoming typecast (TYPE). 46. Advertising is particularly effective on people who are highly suggestible (SUGGEST). 47. There are so many swear words in this article that I think it's unprintable (PRINT 48. The saying (SAY ) 'never judge a book by its cover' could not be more true. 49. Allen is an outspoken (SPEAK) critic of much of what is taught to native and non-native speakers of English. 50. Take the ridiculous and meaningless (MEAN) rule of never ending a sentence with a preposition. 51. Winston Churchill, well known for his numerous writings (WRITE) as well as for being British Prime Minister. 52. Churchill responded by making the simple yet forceful statement (STATE). 53. The implication (IMPLY ) being that not to end a sentence with a preposition often sounds ridiculous in English. 54. Sadly, Allen informs us that the story is probably mere hearsay (HEAR), and that Churchill may have actually only written 'rubbish!' in the margin.

IX. Some of the words in bold are in the wrong sentence. Write the correct words on the lines. If they are correct, put a tick. 1. I'm in a real hunch because I've been invited to two parties on Saturday and I don't know which one to go to. dilemma 2. Dave said he's got complete guesswork in us, and thinks we're going to do a great job. faith 3. Sarah's a/an intuition when it comes to astrophysics, but she's not very practical in everyday things. genius 4. You often need to use a little educated notion when you're starting a cryptic crossword. guesswork 5. I've got a/an ideology that someone in this office is going to get promoted soon. hunch/ intuition 6. Communism and capitalism are very different types of dilemma. ideology 7. Who gave you the faith for the main character in the book? inspiration 8. Detective Tacker had absolutely no evidence that Roddard was involved, but all his paradox told him that he was. intuition 9. I've got a small inspiration about the exam syllabus. Should I talk to Mrs Jacobs about it? query 10. Paying mothers a salary to raise their children is an interesting genius. notion 11. The fact that more people would come here if the place wasn't so crowded is a real query. paradox 1. The Internet is really a vast console of computers, all connected together. network 2. Since we got resource, we've been watching music videos online. broadband 3. Early computer games seem quite nuclear compared to today's games. primitive 4. It seems to me that primitive power is far cleaner than oil. nuclear 5. These ancient tools have been crafted with an enormous amount of skill. Ok! 6. The next generation of games technique will have better graphics. console 7. There's a network in computing called 'beta testing', which means you test something to see if it works properly before it becomes official. technique

8. This latest breakthrough will mean cheaper, faster internet access for all. Ok! 9. The computer has finished analysing all the broadband data. 10. The sea is a great natural data but we need the right technology to use it. resource

X. Write one word in each gap. 1. I don't know how anyone can sit in front of a computer for hours on end. 2. My exam results should come any day now. 3. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. 4. Imagine being transported around the globe in a matter of hours, rather than the 24 hours which are currently required to get from London to Sydney. 5. Len has already left on foot, but if we take the car then maybe we can still head him off before he gets home. 6. Would you mind moving over so that I can sit here? 7. The area has been cordoned off following a bomb threat. 8. As I leant on the table, it tipped up and I fell over. 9. In the distance, a steam train came slowly into view. 10. Suddenly, the door flew open and there stood Mrs Singh. 11. It's the rush hour, so there'll be a lot of traffic on the roads. 12. My dad's beginning to go grey, and he's only 35. 13. Even when his flight was cancelled, Jake still managed to raise a smile. 14. I can't believe that woman just tried to jump the queue and get to the front first. 15. From our house to the centre of town is about four miles as the crow flies. 16. As soon as we got to the pool, the kids made a beeline for the shop selling ice creams. 17. The soldier shouted 'Halt!' and I stopped dead in my tracks. 18. Cambodia? That's a bit off the beaten track, isn't it? 19. Take the next left, then first right, and just follow your nose until you see the stadium on your left. 20. Wandering the streets of Prague, I lost my bearings, so I had to ask the way to the castle. 21. We were quite lucky because our hotel was only a stones throw away from the beach. 22. It's about 20 minutes longer, but if we take the scenic route you'll be able to take some photos. 23. Turn right here and we'll take a short cut through the side roads. 24. No one's supposed to know yet, so don't let on, whatever you do! 25. The magazine comes out every Friday. 26. News gets around very fast in this town! 27. You'll need to put your views across extremely diplomatically otherwise some people might take offence, everyone except Meg caught on immediately that I was only joking. 28. Obviously it goes without saying that I don't want you to tell anyone else about this. 29. Reading between the lines, it seems that the government's considering tightening media regulations. 30. I followed your instructions to the letter but I still couldn't get the printer to work properly. 31. Even if you've got a great idea for a novel, it's incredibly hard putting pen to paper for the first time. 32. You should know better than to spend all your time playing computer games when you've got exams next week. 33. When you're at/ behind the wheel of the new T4 sports car, it's obvious that there's a lot of computing power under the bonnet, as well as engine power.

34. Since she changed jobs, Anne has really thrown her energy into her career. 35. The workman said that he needed a spanner and asked me to pass him one from his tool kit. 36. A good many underpaid teachers are considering a career change. 37. Swapping the desk for the tool box, many are retraining to become skilled manual workers who are very much in demand. 38. Of course, those who make the break know that if it doesnt work out they can usually go back to their profession at a later date. 39. Dr Fisher told us that Grandad's health had changed for the better, so we could see him. 40. The manager announced that the meeting had been postponed and would be held at a later date. 41. Why do you always leave the light on when you go out of the room? You wait till you start paying the electricity bill! 42. I'm quite happy living at home for the time being, but I guess I'll have to get my own place eventually. 43. It's true that Ralph calls us quite rarely, but most students only call their parents when they need something, don't they? 44. We go to the cinema every now and then, but only if there's something good on. 45. My mum fills up with petrol whenever/ when/ if she goes to the supermarket. 46. I'm staying in for now, but I might go out a bit later on. 47. You really have to have your wits about you when driving through Birmingham. 48. Jim seems to be under the misapprehension that tomorrow's a holiday. It isn't. 49. I'm not against animal testing in principle. 50. On balance, I think the government's doing a reasonable job. Text 1 I read this week that a new organisation called Don't Trust Online Information has been formed. The founder, Douglas Haverford-West, is quoted as saying, 'It's (1) against my principles to trust anything I read on the Internet. I've started this organisation (2) in the belief that there are millions like me who (3) have their doubts about information presented as fact that has not gone through a thorough editorial process. There's no question (4) of us shutting down the Internet we don't want to do that but DTOI has been set up with a (5) view to raising awareness.'1 sympathise with Haverford-West, but I believe he's wrong. I made up my (6) mind long ago not to completely trust anything I heard or read. Whether it's on the Internet or, say, in a newspaper, is irrelevant in my opinion. Text 2 Humans (1) have much in common with other life forms on Earth. (2) Since the very first life forms appeared, all living things have (3) been desperately struggling to survive the harsh and changing conditions of our planet. This has (4) meant/ involved adapting to new situations and, in many cases, has (5) led to either evolution or extinction. We are (6) not alone in making use of the world around us (birds use twigs to build nests, for example) or in being particularly skilful (spiders make intricate webs). Where we (7) do differ from other life forms, however, it (8) is in our ability to record, and learn from, our collective history. In this, it (9) appears/ seems that we (10) are unique. (11) There is still much mankind (12) does not know about the earliest humans, of course, but we are increasingly (13) becoming a species with detailed knowledge about our past. The more we learn, the better (14) are our chances of survival in the future. It must also be recognised, however, that we are also the only species on Earth which (15) has managed to create the means to destroy the planet we live on.

XI. For each question, write one word which can be used in all three sentences. 1. Do all these lights on the stereo serve a purpose, or are they just for decoration? Jerry seems to lack a sense of purpose since he retired. I can't believe that Alfie would've sent you a computer virus on purpose. 2. In this game, you compete against the clock to collect as many gold rings as you can. People in my office waste time surfing the Net and watching the clock until it's time to leave. We provide full technical support for all our products around the clock 3. I was in the process of texting Debbie when my phone rang and it was her! Recent developments mean that there is a good chance the Middle East peace process could be restarted. If the monster isn't behind that door or that door, then it must be behind the third one it's just a process of elimination. 4. She's only eight, but she has the mental age of an 18-year-old. Many mental illnesses can be cured these days. I'm not very good at mental arithmetic. 5. Philip does a very funny impression of Tony. You really made an impression on Pete he hasn't stopped talking about you Why was I under the impression that the exam was on Thursday? 6. Carter was the brains behind the whole criminal operation. Could I just pick your brains about good places to eat around here? We sat there racking our brains trying to think of a place to take Paul and Doug in the evening. 7. Jenny, now you've been here for three years, we need to start thinking about your promotion. I'm sure Harold was here just now, wasn't he? You can share my computer for now, but they'll have to get you your own quite soon. 8. Thanks so much for the flowers they really made my day. My grandparents love going on day trips to towns by the sea. You'd think that, in this day and age, a 25 year old would know what a blog is. 9. We're definitely living in the age of information. This particular wine doesn't really mature with age. It's time you started acting your age , young man! 10. It's just a typical 1960s office block. The media start prying into your private life when you run for public office. You'd better talk to Derek at head office. 11. I began to realise in the course of the meeting that my proposal was not going to be accepted. We're going to have to decide on a course of action to take. All they said was that they'd contact me in due course. 12. I do hope we're going to arrive on time. How anyone could work in that office for years on end I just don't know. Jim bet me that Doug was going to get the sack so I immediately said: 'You're on.

13. We decided to head towards the small town we could see in the distance. Joshua Reed has been appointed to head the committee responsible for promoting local tourism. Which places would you say head the list of most popular tourist destinations in Britain? 14. We need to keep up a steady pace if we're going to get there before it gets dark. Corey and Angela seem to have a very steady relationship, and I can't imagine them splitting up, can you? Kelly gave me a steady look as if to say, 'I know where you've been.' 15. Jacob followed his doctor's advice and went away for a few days. Hannah decided to start wearing earrings and her friends soon followed suit. I followed the speaker's argument up to the final point, but I don't understand where his conclusions came from. 16. All of your managers seem to speak very highly of you. There were no problems to speak of with the printing. As an investigative journalist, I'm a bit of a crusader, so to speak. 17. Do please spread the word about my new website. I think you should have a word with Sue about this. I knew from the word go this book would be difficult to write. 18. No politician ever tells the complete truth in my book. Don't break any rules just do it by the book. I always know what Fred's thinking I can read him like a book.

XII. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box. decay endure kick off shift change around obsolete overdue knuckle down span spell stint knock off provisional seasonal timely while away dive in

1. Sometimes I wonder how many of the changes we see around us will really endure. 2. That's enough TV! It's time to knuckle down and get on with your homework now. 3. I usually knocked off work at about half five so I'm home by six thirty most nights. 4. There has been a real shift in attitudes towards this lately. 5. I've modified the design by giving the car six wheels instead of four. 6. Let's kick off this session by introducing ourselves, shall we? 7. Your essay would make more sense if you changed the second and third paragraphs around. 8. 'It couldn't have happened at a better time! What a timely arrival!' 9. Josh can while away a whole day playing online computer games with his mates. 10. 'It depends on the time of year. It's a seasonal problem.' 11. We can hear Carol typing away at her keyboard from the living room. 12. 'We can't use that software on our new computers. It's obsolete. 13. 'It's the first draft of the text. We can change it later if we want. It's only provisional. 14. 'They should have sent that to us ages ago. It's long overdue. 15. After a short spell of being unemployed, I decided to set up my own business.

16. I did a brief stint/ spell in the navy, and then decided it wasn't for me. 17. I've got a very short concentration span. 18. As soon as the food was brought out, everyone dived in and helped themselves. 19. Don't disturb your father. He's whiling away on some designs at the moment.

all mod cons break the mould change your tune the tools of the trade turn over a new leaf

have a change of heart

stick to your guns

20. 'Do you think they might pick Lisa on Thursday?' It would really break the mould for them to choose

a woman to run the club, but I hope so.' 21. 'I thought you were going to tell Nigel you were angry with him.' 'Well, I had a change of heart and decided to just ignore it after all.' 22. Your son's behaviour in class has improved this term, Mrs Harris.' 'Oh, good. Let's hope he's turned over a new leaf. 23. 'I'm not sure whether to change my mind and let Jenny go to the party.' 'I think you should stick to your guns and show her you're serious.' 24. 'I'm thinking of asking Felicity out on a date.' 'You've changed your tune/ had a change of heart, haven't you? You said she annoyed you.' 25. 'You've got lots of books on computing languages.' 'It's what I do for a living, so they're just the tools of the trade , really.' 26. 'You moved recently, didn't you? What's your new place like?' 'Oh, fantastic. It's got all mod cons and it's handy for the train.' stride clench crawl clutch fumble leap grasp creep dash skip

27. Grace fumbled in her bag for her car keys and finally found them. 28. A man ran from the burning house, clutching a baby in his arms. 29. Lina clenched her fists tightly in anger but managed to control herself. 30. He grasped my hand firmly and I could see that he was trying to thank me. 31. The burglar crept very quietly along the corridor, trying not to wake anybody. 32. When we heard the noise, we quickly dashed round the corner to see what had happened. 33. Before he learnt to walk, my younger brother used to crawl everywhere on all fours. 34. The speaker strode onto the stage and smiled confidently at the audience. 35. When he saw me coming, our dog leapt over the gate and came to greet me. 36. Polly was so happy she skipped along the pavement to school, jumping from one foot to the other. slide drift roam trip wander skid

37. When the men were finally found, they had been drifting at sea in a tiny boat for days. 38. Wolves used to roam this whole area, looking for food. 39. I was bored so I wandered into the centre of town and did a bit of window shopping. 40. This wardrobe is really heavy, but maybe we can slide it along the ground. 41. I didn't see the step and I tripped over it. 42. The road was wet, so when I pressed the brakes the car skidded.

consider contemplate gather grasp ponder

reckon suppose

43. It took me quite a long time to grasp what the aim of the game was. 44. I gather from your tutor that you're thinking of changing course. 45. I'm seriously considering/ contemplating asking for a pay rise tomorrow. 46. How long do you reckon/ suppose it'll take to get to Manchester? 47. I don't suppose I could borrow your lecture notes this weekend, could I? 48. If you've ever pondered/ considered/ contemplated the question Why does the universe bother to exist?', then this is the book for you. 49. Let's not even contemplate/ consider the possibility of failure. hairs leg stock uptake what wood

50. Stop wasting time splitting hairs and look at the big picture. 51. Ask Simon about the sales targets. He always knows what's what. 52. I'm going to go round the bend if they don't turn that music down soon. 53. Let's take stock of the situation before we make a final decision. 54. The problem with Jane is that sometimes she can't see the wood for the trees. 55. It took Dan a long time to understand what was going on. He's usually quicker on the uptake than that, isn't he? 56. Frankly, you're completely wrong and you haven't got a leg to stand on. rave scribble allege quibble rant mull assert utter mumble stutter gist

57. The politician has continually asserted his innocence. 58. Thompson is alleged to have accepted a bribe from a local businesswoman. 59. Don't utter a single word until you've spoken to your lawyer. 60. I stood there stuttering in shock, unable to think of anything sensible to say. 61. Please don't mumble when you're talking to me. Open your mouth when you talk! 62. Linda was raving about that new sitcom on IN. She said it's hilarious. 63. Stop scribbling on the desk! 64. There's no point quibbling over the bill. It's only a few euros more than we thought it would be anyway. 65. When my boss gets in a bad mood, she just rants at everybody. 66. I understood the gist of her argument, but I can't say I understood all the fine points. 67. I'm going to have to mull this over for a while before I make a final decision. anchor blurt out dry up caption coverage shout down talk round footnote spine

68. The title of a book is usually printed on the cover and on the spine. 69. I'd really love to be the main anchor hosting a national, nightly news show. 70. There's usually massive media coverage when a celebrity couple splits up. 71. There's no caption under this photo so I don't know who it's of. 72. If you think I need to provide more detail, I'll add a short footnote at the bottom of the page. 73. I knew it was supposed to be a secret but I just blurt it out before I could stop myself! 74. Rudy was really opposed to the idea at the start, but we managed to talk him round in the end. 75. The Minister was shouted down by protestors angry at the government's proposals. 76. My speech is okay but I just hope I don't dry up as soon as I get to the podium.

I. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. Use the word given in brackets. 1. Why don't you remove those wet things and put something dry on? (out) ________ 2. The image on the screen slowly disappeared and I knew it was a computer virus.(away) ________ 3. Let's try your new game and see if it works. (out) ________ 4. Did you hear they're thinking of getting rid of identity cards? (away) ________ 5. We should redecorate Jake's bedroom now he's left home. (up) ________

II. Write the verb in brackets in the correct form, present simple or present continuous, in each gap. 1. My brother ________ (do) a degree at university so I ________ (see) him very often, unfortunately. 2. Darren ________ usually ________ (get) home until about eight o'clock. 3. You ________ (go) to the end of the street and ________ (turn) right. 4. Why ________ice ________ (float)? 5. It's lovely now the evenings ________ (get) longer, isn't it? 6. A man ________ (walk) into a bar. Ouch! Not a good idea to walk into an iron bar! 7. ________you ________ (phone) me from your mobile? The line's not very good. 8. There's an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman. They ________ (walk) across the desert when one of them ________ (spot) a camel in the distance

III. Circle the correct word or phrase. 1. It's only a quick call as I ring / I'm ringing from my mobile. 2. Why don't you play / aren't you playing football, Mark? I thought you had a match this afternoon. 3. Stay out of this, Simon, it doesn't concern / isn't concerning you at all. 4. If you're not watching / you don't watch TV, turn it off! 5. We're having / We have the living room repainted so it's probably best if we go into the kitchen. 6. Right now, my job involves / is involving a huge amount of foreign travel. 7. Have you followed / been following that story in the papers about the elephant that escaped from the zoo? Apparently, they've just caught / been catching it. 8. We've seen / been seeing the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace and Oxford Street, and we've only been in London for three hours! 9. You can't want to go to the toilet already we've only driven / been driving for about ten minutes so far! 10. Most newspapers are usually biased / prejudiced towards a certain political outlook. 11. Please don't baffle / discriminate me with loads of technical terminology. Use plain, simple English! 12. Looking at the damage, I would estimate / deduce that the painting will cost at least 2,000 to restore properly. 13. I don't think you should reflect / presume that lots of people are going to help you with this project. 14. Sonia looks like she's falling / going to fall asleep any minute! 15. Watch out or you're getting / going to get into trouble! 16. Running along the seafront, there was a short concrete pier / quay, where a dozen fishing boats bobbed in the afternoon sun. 17. Quite a few resorts in Britain have long piers / quays, which stick out into the sea, and which often have shows or other forms of entertainment on them.

18. After the accident, passersby / pedestrians described the driver as a middle-aged man with a beard. 19. As I came out of the petrol station, I saw a hiker / hitchhiker with his thumb out, trying to get a lift. 20. A single is 40, but the return fare / round trip is actually only 55. 21. A lorry lost its cargo / load on the motorway and there's white paint everywhere. 22. In a thousand years, can humans / will humans be able to travel faster than the speed of light? 23. 'Did you hear a noise? ''That'll / That must probably be the cat.' 24. Are you fed up with complicated jargon / slang in official documents that's impossible to fully comprehend / contradict? 25. Do you find doctors' handwriting colloquial / illegible on prescriptions? 26. We declare / denounce all uses of language that confuse rather than explain. 27. Let's be blunt / sharp. A lot of people in public life could do much better. 28. If you're about to graduate but are unsure what to do next, why not consider a career in the state/ civil service? 29. Working in the public area / sector provides job security and job satisfaction. 30. We also respect our staff's right to be part of a club /union.

IV. REPHRASE Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between one and eight words, including the word given. 1. I started working at eight and I was still working at six in the evening, when you called. Been When you called, I ________________________________________________________________ten hours. 2. We often went to the seaside with our grandparents as children. would Our grandparents ________________________________________________to the seaside as children. 3. I always disliked karate lessons but now I'm starting to enjoy them. used I ____________________________________________________karate lessons, but now I'm starting to. 4. Could you tell me where you were last night, Mr Johnson? account Could you ________________________________________your whereabouts last night, Mr Johnson? 5. The journalist pretended that she was a parent of one of the children. false The journalist ____________________________________that she was a parent of one of the children. 6. You have to use logic and lateral thinking in equal measure in this job. strike You have to _____________________________________________logic and lateral thinking in this job. 7. I didn't tell Angie because I didn't want to hurt Eddie's feelings. consideration I didn't tell Angie ___________________________________________________________________Eddie. 8. I'm glad you now see sense and agree that your parents are right. senses I'm glad ________________________________________________and agree that your parents are right. 9. I'm going to have to improve my spoken German before I go to Munich. Im going to have to brush ________ my spoken German before I go to Munich. 10. It's a general knowledge quiz so you can't do any revision for it. There's nothing to swot ________as it's a general knowledge quiz. 11. We finally thought of a way to get the band into the hotel without the press knowing. We finally puzzled ________a way to get the band into the hotel without the press knowing. 12. I've found out a lot of information about the history of English language teaching recently. I've been ________up on the history of English language teaching recently. 13. You only have a short time to do this work, so don't waste time. clock You are ______________________________________________________________, so don't waste time.

14. Would you like to do what the Prime Minister does? places Would you like to _______________________________________________________the Prime Minister? 15. Shona will find out if she has been promoted very soon. just Shona _____________________________________________________find out if she has been promoted. 16. Actually, there won't be a general election for a while. verge Actually, we _____________________________________________________________ a general election. 17. Keep this a secret. to You are ___________________________________________________________________anyone about this. 18. It's time we began to sort through these cupboards. start It's time we ________________________________________________________through these cupboards. 19. Sorry, Alan, but right now I'm rather busy. in Sorry, Alan, but at __________________________________________________________I'm rather busy. 20. They painted the wall very well. made They _____________________________________________________________________________the wall. 21. That medicine was very effective and I started to feel better immediately. magic That medicine _________________________________________and I started to feel better immediately. 22. The day started really well when we heard that Bob had been given his own TV series. flying The day ____________________________when we heard that Bob had been given his own TV series. 23. I do like this job, but I sometimes wonder if I've chosen the right career path. again I do like this job, but ______________________________I wonder if I've chosen the right career path. 24. No one nowadays believes in witches, do they? age No one ________________________________________________________believes in witches, do they? 25. I started training to be an accountant six months ago. I've got six more months to go, and then I have to take exams. (in training) By the time I take my exams, _____________________________________________________________. 26. I'll just finish this e-mail and then I'll be with you. second It ________________________________________________ finish this e-mail and then I'll be with you. 27. I think someone needs to explain this computer program to me. explaining I think I need ________________________________________________________________________me. ??? 28. Call Lionel and ask him to send the reports up to my office. have Call Lionel and ____________________________________________________the reports up to my office. 29. It's quite likely that Sasha was lying about what Doug said. well Sasha ________________________________________________________________about what Doug said. 30. Jake, is it definite that they haven't announced the winner yet? will Jake, _______________________________________________________________________ announced yet? 31. It's highly likely that Stephen was listening. may Stephen __________________________________________________________________________listening. 32. I assume you've checked your facts carefully. read I ________________________________________________________ you've checked your facts carefully. 33. You've got to persuade the editor not to publish that story. out You've got to _____________________________________________________________________that story. 34. I would suggest seeing a doctor if it doesn't clear up. You had ________________________________________________________a doctor if it doesn't clear up. 35. It was typical of Jerry to forget to feed the cat, wasn't it? Jerry ________________________to feed the cat, ________________________ he? 36. Ahmed will ask the questions and I'll take notes. I'll take notes while ________________________________________________________________________. 37. The sales figures will come in and then we'll assess the situation again. We'll assess the situation again as ___________________________________________________________.

38. It won't harm us to see what special offers are on at the moment. We ________________________________________________ what special offers are on at the moment. 39. Don't you think you should type that essay, rather than write it in pen? ________________________better type that essay, rather than write it in pen? 40. It would probably have been a good idea if you'd asked Dad what he thought. You ________________________to ________________________Dad what he thought. 41. Try to stay level with the other runners at the start of the race. fall Try __________________________________________________the other runners at the start of the race. 42. The police have put a barrier around the building to keep people out. cordoned The building ________________________________________________________________________police. 43. I just need to finish this work and then I'll call you. way I just need to __________________________________________________________and then I'll call you. 44. My dad's not happy with me at all because he heard me swearing. books I ____________________________________________________________ because he heard me swearing. 45. There's no need for me to tell you that you'll be paid handsomely for this. saying It _____________________________________________________that you'll be paid handsomely for this. 46. Tom and Barbara aren't talking to each other at the moment. terms Tom and Barbara aren't ________________________________at the moment. 47. I'm sure Jasmin didn't misunderstand, Carol. stick Jasmin can't ________________________________________________________________________, Carol.

V. CORRECT THE MISTAKE Each of the words or phrases in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly. 1. Tina and Phil still not managed to sell their flat. ________ 2. I'm never been to China what's it like? ________ 3. Have you heard? Carol's breaking her leg again. ________ 4. You're lucky you caught me I've just came through the front door. ________ 5. I haven't seen Carol in monkey's years. I wonder what she's doing these days. ________ 6. When I started work here, we didn't have e-mail or even fax machines. That was long before your moment. ________ 7. I nearly sent that e-mail to Dave by mistake, but luckily I realised in the bill of time. ________ 8. The boss might take you out for a meal once in a blue planet, but don't expect it to happen any time soon! ________ 9. I invited Graham to dinner on the edge of the moment. I'm sorry I didn't ask you first. ________ 10. Let me know if you need help and I'll be there at the drop of a pen! ________ 11. The photocopier still worked, but I thought it needed a service. You know what they say: 'a repair in time saves nine' and all that! ________

VI. CORRECT THE MISTAKE BY WORD BUILDING. 12. I hope I last his previous secretary she only worked here for a week! ________ 13. There were over 100 appliers for the position, apparently. ________ 14. A good business suit is timely it never goes out of fashion. ________ 15. The building looks a bit future from the outside but it's quite traditional inside. ________ 16. You have to be prepared for every event in this line of work. ________ 17. Getting angry with your boss is productive because it'll just make a bad situation worse. ________ 18. The situation has been getting unsteady worse for many years now. ________ 19. The heavy snow meant that the mountain roads were passage for over a week. ________ 20. People are being advised not to travel to the area because of the outgoing conflict. ________ 21. I sat completely motion as the spider crawled along my arm. ________

VII. Choose the correct word. 1. These aren't even real, important exams, as her GCSEs will be next year. They're just ________ exams. Is the work she's been doing really going to make her more ________ about her subjects, or will she forget it all tomorrow? I suspect the latter. a. false b. mock c. fake d. artificial a, knowledgeable b. intellectual c. academic d. intelligent 2. Thirdly, the standard ________ doesn't give students any ________ in developing practical workrelated, living and social skills, or in skills necessary for higher education. a. timetable b. lecture c. seminar d. curriculum a. lesson b. subject c. tuition d. tutorial 3. How many students entering university have the first idea what the difference is between ________ someone else's work and making good use of someone else's ideas? Shouldn't they have been taught this at school? How many of them are really able to go about ________ a skill that's essential at university because there are no teachers to tell you what to do in an efficient way? a. writing b. going over c. plagiarizing d. repeating a. reviewing b. revision c. distance learning d. self-study 4. You ________be so good at backgammon, did you? a. never used to b. got used to c. are used to d. wouldn't 5. I'd love to have lived in the old days, when people ________to market by horse and carriage. a. have been traveling b. would travel c. got used to traveling d. had been travelling 6. I much preferred it when we ________ to Wales every summer on holiday. a. used to go b. were used to going c. had gone d. have been going 7. The war caused a ________ in British life that completely changed the ________. a. revolution b. revision c. rotation d. rejection a. social status b. status quo c. status symbol d. high status 8. Britain began to ________ into its present form and many ideas that are accepted today. a. refine b. progress c. substitute d. evolve 9. ________stand up when the teacher entered the room at your school? a. Had you b. Did you have to c. Must you d. Needed you to

10. I'm so ________ under with work at the moment it's awful! a. iced b. rained c. snowed d. fogged 11. The company's announced it's ________off over 1,000 workers. a. leaving b. laying c. setting d. giving 12. They're planning to ________down their operation in Greece and concentrate on Eastern Europe. a. wind b. tie c. roll d. stretch 13. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, but I'll try to ________ahead with it anyway. a. drive b. bang c. touch d. press 14. Something's ________up, so I'm afraid I won't be able to make it this afternoon. a. shown b. pulled c. cropped d. cut 15. Could you lend me some money to ________me over to the end of the month? a. hand b. tide c. get d. make 16. The government must ________strong measures against crime. a. be seen be taking b. see to be taking c. seen to take d. be seen to be taking 17. Mrs. Davies asked me to tell you that she would like ________ by Friday at the latest. a. the orders sent b. sending the orders c. that you sent d. sent the orders 18. Why didn't you ________you when you moved house? a. have Aaron help b. have got Aaron help c. have Aaron helped d. get Aaron help 19. As soon as Dad ________, we can leave. a. has the car starting b. has got the car started c. got started the car d. was got starting the car 20. ________ Eliot better tell his mum what happened? a. Mustn't b. Oughtn't c. Shouldn't d. Hadn't 21. It's essential that the documents ________be destroyed immediately. a. should b. would c. ought to d. had better 22. Most teenagers go through a rebellious ________for a few years but they soon grow out of it. a. stint b. span c. duration d. phase

VIII. WORD BUILDING. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space. 1. Einstein's ________went unnoticed at school. BRILLIANT 2. It's absolutely ________why the council decided to close down the youth club. EXPLAIN 3. I just stood there and listened in ________as Ben told me the news. BELIEVE 4. Greg's ________to say the least, so I wouldn't ask him to choose a hotel. DECIDE 5. He was found not guilty by reason of ________and so was sent to a mental institution rather than prison. SANE 6. The ________ (CONCEIVE) of 'rhetoric', or effective public speaking, dates back thousands of years. 7. There is ________ (DOUBT) plenty of evidence to support this idea it's practically ________ (THINK). 8. It is the combination of clear ________ (REASON), sound ________ (JUDGE) and effective presentation and communication skills that defines true rhetoric. 9. Towards the end of the century, though, people had to become more ________ (ADAPT) than ever before. 10. This developments gave people the ________ (CAPABLE) to live and work in ways their grandparents could not have imagined.

11. Over the next 30 years, little remained ________ (ALTER) as the camera, the cinema, the phonograph, the plane and radio all had an ________ (ELECTRIC) effect on people and society. 12. The weather's been so ________today that I don't know what to wear. (CHANGE) 13. Jack got in a lot of trouble for ________breaking school rules. (PERSIST) 14. I really don't think I'd have the ________to finish a marathon! (ENDURE) 15. We need to rely more on wave power, wind power and other ________sources of energy. (NEW) 16. I'm scanning my gran's photos onto my computer because they'd be ________if anything happened to them. (PLACE) 17. He was the man who ________ (REVOLT) home computing with the ZX series of computers. 18. Sinclair's products, the ZX81 and its successful ________ (PLACE), the ZX Spectrum, were small, affordable computers that sold in huge numbers in the early 1980s. 19. They allowed people to play computer games in their own home for the first time, and even introduced people to the word ________ (PROCESS). 20. However, it was ________ (PERSIST) criticised in the press for being unsafe and impractical in the British climate and production of the C5 was ________ (CONTINUE) in August, 1985. 21. It is not ________ (INCIDENT ) that, during her premiership, Britain went through a period of ________ (MOMENT ) change. 22. Those who support Thatcher's policies say he was responsible for changing Britain's ________ (ANTIQUE ) union laws and smashing union power. 23. Some saw her resignation as ________ (TIME), and wished she would continue. Others felt it could not have come too soon. 24. Even today, ________ (HISTORY ) and economists are divided as to whether her legacy was positive or negative overall. 25. Under her fine ________ (EDIT), circulation has increased by 100,000. 26. There's a/an ________ (WRITE ) rule in this office that we all go out for a drink together after work on a Friday. 27. You are ________ (EXPRESS) forbidden to use a calculator in this examination. 28. Although we do not envisage an all-out strike at this stage, everyone at the plant will continue to refuse to work ________ (TIME) until this dispute is settled. 29. ________ (PERIOD), we have to make changes to improve efficiency. 30. Some of the working practices at the factory are, frankly, totally ________ (APPLY) to the modern world. 31. It's ironic that the very things that are supposed to provide access to the ________ (UP) floors of buildings - stairs - often, in fact, make them ________ (ACCESS). 32.Getting upstairs can be a daily problem to be ________ (COME). 33. Designs have ________ (GO) many changes over the years and stairlifts have become ________ (PROGRESS ) safer and easier to use. 34. The user controls how ________ (RAPID) the seat moves along the rails as it travels from the bottom of the stairs to the ________ (LAND) at the top. 35. The components are designed to ________ (STAND) constant use. 36. After a successful career, he retired in 2004, but now he's making a ________ (COME) and he's released a new CD. 37. At the back of the cave, there was a narrow ________ (PASS) that seemed to lead further into the mountain. 38. The party has a number of ________ (PROGRESS) ideas which should appeal to many undecided voters. 39. The long-running civil war has ________ (STABLE ) the whole country. 40. Wilkinson went on to become a great athlete, his disability ________ (STAND). 41. She stood there completely ________ (EXPRESS), so I had no idea at all what she was thinking.

42. That news conference was ________ (SPEAK) boring! 43. I'm not very keen on the ________ (WORD) of this dictionary definition. 44. The problem with Michael is that he's just so ________ (TALK) he never shuts up! 45. Any actor who becomes known for one role is in danger of becoming ________ (TYPE). 46. Advertising is particularly effective on people who are highly ________ (SUGGEST). 47. There are so many swear words in this article that I think it's ________ (PRINT 48. The ________ (SAY ) 'never judge a book by its cover' could not be more true. 49. Allen is an ________ (SPEAK) critic of much of what is taught to native and non-native speakers of English. 50. Take the ridiculous and ________ (MEAN) rule of never ending a sentence with a preposition. 51. Winston Churchill, well known for his numerous ________ (WRITE) as well as for being British Prime Minister. 52. Churchill responded by making the simple yet forceful ________ (STATE). 53. The ________ (IMPLY ) being that not to end a sentence with a preposition often sounds ridiculous in English. 54. Sadly, Allen informs us that the story is probably mere ________ (HEAR), and that Churchill may have actually only written 'rubbish!' in the margin. IX. Some of the words in bold are in the wrong sentence. Write the correct words on the lines. If they are correct, put a tick. 1. I'm in a real hunch because I've been invited to two parties on Saturday and I don't know which one to go to. ________ 2. Dave said he's got complete guesswork in us, and thinks we're going to do a great job. ________ 3. Sarah's a/an intuition when it comes to astrophysics, but she's not very practical in everyday things.

4. You often need to use a little educated notion when you're starting a cryptic crossword. ________ 5. I've got a/an ideology that someone in this office is going to get promoted soon. ________ 6. Communism and capitalism are very different types of dilemma. ________ 7. Who gave you the faith for the main character in the book? ________ 8. Detective Tacker had absolutely no evidence that Roddard was involved, but all his paradox told him that he was. ________ 9. I've got a small inspiration about the exam syllabus. Should I talk to Mrs Jacobs about it? ________ 10. Paying mothers a salary to raise their children is an interesting genius. ________ 11. The fact that more people would come here if the place wasn't so crowded is a real query. ________ 1. The Internet is really a vast console of computers, all connected together. ________ 2. Since we got resource, we've been watching music videos online. ________ 3. Early computer games seem quite nuclear compared to today's games. ________ 4. It seems to me that primitive power is far cleaner than oil. ________ 5. These ancient tools have been crafted with an enormous amount of skill. ________ 6. The next generation of games technique will have better graphics. ________ 7. There's a network in computing called 'beta testing', which means you test something to see if it works properly before it becomes official. ________ 8. This latest breakthrough will mean cheaper, faster internet access for all. ________ 9. The computer has finished analysing all the broadband ________. 10. The sea is a great natural data but we need the right technology to use it. ________

X. Write one word in each gap. 1. I don't know how anyone can sit in front of a computer for hours ________end. 2. My exam results should come ________day now. 3. Applicants must be at least 18 years ________age. 4. Imagine ________transported around the globe in a matter of hours, rather than the 24 hours which ________ currently required to get from London to Sydney. 5. Len has already left on foot, but if we take the car then maybe we can still head him ________before he gets home. 6. Would you mind moving ________so that I can sit here? 7. The area has been cordoned ________following a bomb threat. 8. As I leant on the table, it tipped ________and I fell over. 9. In the distance, a steam train ________slowly into view. 10. Suddenly, the door flew ________and there stood Mrs Singh. 11. It's the ________hour, so there'll be a lot of traffic on the roads. 12. My dad's beginning to ________grey, and he's only 35. 13. Even when his flight was cancelled, Jake still managed to ________a smile. 14. I can't believe that woman just tried to ________the queue and get to the front first. 15. From our house to the centre of town is about four miles as the ________flies. 16. As soon as we got to the pool, the kids made a ________for the shop selling ice creams. 17. The soldier shouted 'Halt!' and I stopped dead in my ________. 18. Cambodia? That's a bit off the beaten ________, isn't it? 19. Take the next left, then first right, and just follow your ________until you see the stadium on your left. 20. Wandering the streets of Prague, I lost my ________, so I had to ask the way to the castle. 21. We were quite lucky because our hotel was only a ________throw away from the beach. 22. It's about 20 minutes longer, but if we take the scenic ________you'll be able to take some photos. 23. Turn right here and we'll ________a short cut through the side roads. 24. No one's supposed to know yet, so don't ________on, whatever you do! 25. The magazine ________out every Friday. 26. News ________around very fast in this town! 27. You'll need to ________your views across extremely diplomatically otherwise some people might take offence, everyone except Meg ________on immediately that I was only joking. 28. Obviously it goes ________saying that I don't want you to tell anyone else about this. 29. Reading ________the lines, it seems that the government's considering tightening media regulations. 30. I followed your instructions ________the letter but I still couldn't get the printer to work properly. 31. Even if you've got a great idea for a novel, it's incredibly hard putting pen ________paper for the first time. 32. You should ________better than to spend all your time playing computer games when you've got exams next week. 33. When you're ________the wheel of the new T4 sports car, it's obvious that there's a lot of computing power under the bonnet, as well as engine power. 34. Since she changed jobs, Anne has really thrown her ________into her career. 35. The workman said that he needed a spanner and asked me to pass him one from his ________kit. 36. A ________many underpaid teachers are considering a career change. 37. Swapping the desk for the ________box, many are retraining to become skilled manual workers who are very much ________demand. 38. Of course, those who ________the break know that if it doesnt work out they can usually go back to their profession ________a later date.

39. Dr Fisher told us that Grandad's health had changed ________the better, so we could see him. 40. The manager announced that the meeting had been postponed and would be held ________a later date. 41. Why do you ________leave the light on when you go out of the room? You wait till you start paying the electricity bill! 42. I'm quite happy living at home for the time ________, but I guess I'll have to get my own place eventually. 43. It's true that Ralph calls us quite ________, but most students only call their parents when they need something, don't they? 44. We go to the cinema ________now and then, but only if there's something good on. 45. My mum fills up with petrol ________she goes to the supermarket. 46. I'm staying in ________now, but I might go out a bit later on. 47. You really have to have your ________about you when driving through Birmingham. 48. Jim seems to be ________the misapprehension that tomorrow's a holiday. It isn't. 49. I'm not against animal testing ________principle. 50. ________balance, I think the government's doing a reasonable job. Text 1 I read this week that a new organisation called Don't Trust Online Information has been formed. The founder, Douglas Haverford-West, is quoted as saying, 'It's (1) ________my principles to trust anything I read on the Internet. I've started this organisation (2) ________the belief that there are millions like me who (3) ________their doubts about information presented as fact that has not gone through a thorough editorial process. There's no question (4) ________us shutting down the Internet we don't want to do that but DTOI has been set up with a (5) ________to raising awareness.'1 sympathise with Haverford-West, but I believe he's wrong. I made up my (6) ________long ago not to completely trust anything I heard or read. Whether it's on the Internet or, say, in a newspaper, is irrelevant in my opinion. Text 2 Humans (1) ________much in common with other life forms on Earth. (2) ________the very first life forms appeared, all living things have (3) ________desperately struggling to survive the harsh and changing conditions of our planet. This has (4) ________adapting to new situations and, in many cases, has (5) ________to either evolution or extinction. We are (6) ________alone in making use of the world around us (birds use twigs to build nests, for example) or in being particularly skilful (spiders make intricate webs). Where we (7) ________differ from other life forms, however, it (8) ________in our ability to record, and learn from, our collective history. In this, it (9) ________that we (10) ________unique. (11) ________is still much mankind (12) ________not know about the earliest humans, of course, but we are increasingly (13) ________a species with detailed knowledge about our past. The more we learn, the better (14) ________our chances of survival in the future. It must also be recognised, however, that we are also the only species on Earth which (15) ________managed to create the means to destroy the planet we live on.

XI. For each question, write one word which can be used in all three sentences. 1. Do all these lights on the stereo serve a ________, or are they just for decoration? Jerry seems to lack a sense of ________since he retired. I can't believe that Alfie would've sent you a computer virus on ________. 2. In this game, you compete against the ________to collect as many gold rings as you can. People in my office waste time surfing the Net and watching the ________until it's time to leave. We provide full technical support for all our products around the ________ 3. I was in the ________of texting Debbie when my phone rang and it was her! Recent developments mean that there is a good chance the Middle East peace ________could be restarted. If the monster isn't behind that door or that door, then it must be behind the third one it's just a ________of elimination. 4. She's only eight, but she has the ________age of an 18-year-old. Many ________illnesses can be cured these days. I'm not very good at ________arithmetic. 5. Philip does a very funny ________of Tony. You really made an ________on Pete he hasn't stopped talking about you Why was I under the ________that the exam was on Thursday? 6. Carter was the ________behind the whole criminal operation. Could I just pick your ________about good places to eat around here? We sat there racking our ________trying to think of a place to take Paul and Doug in the evening. 7. Jenny, ________you've been here for three years, we need to start thinking about your promotion. I'm sure Harold was here just ________, wasn't he? You can share my computer for ________, but they'll have to get you your own quite soon. 8. Thanks so much for the flowers they really made my ________. My grandparents love going on ________trips to towns by the sea. You'd think that, in this ________and age, a 25 year old would know what a blog is. 9. We're definitely living in the ________of information. This particular wine doesn't really mature with ________. It's time you started acting your ________, young man! 10. It's just a typical 1960s ________block. The media start prying into your private life when you run for public ________. You'd better talk to Derek at head ________. 11. I began to realise in the ________of the meeting that my proposal was not going to be accepted. We're going to have to decide on a ________of action to take. All they said was that they'd contact me in due ________.

12. I do hope we're going to arrive ________time. How anyone could work in that office for years ________end I just don't know. Jim bet me that Doug was going to get the sack so I immediately said: 'You're ________. 13. We decided to ________towards the small town we could see in the distance. Joshua Reed has been appointed to ________the committee responsible for promoting local tourism. Which places would you say ________the list of most popular tourist destinations in Britain? 14. We need to keep up a ________pace if we're going to get there before it gets dark. Corey and Angela seem to have a very ________relationship, and I can't imagine them splitting up, can you? Kelly gave me a ________look as if to say, 'I know where you've been.' 15. Jacob ________his doctor's advice and went away for a few days. Hannah decided to start wearing earrings and her friends soon ________suit. I ________the speaker's argument up to the final point, but I don't understand where his conclusions came from. 16. All of your managers seem to ________very highly of you. There were no problems to ________of with the printing. As an investigative journalist, I'm a bit of a crusader, so to ________. 17. Do please spread the ________about my new website. I think you should have a ________with Sue about this. I knew from the ________go this book would be difficult to write. 18. No politician ever tells the complete truth in my ________. Don't break any rules just do it by the ________. I always know what Fred's thinking I can read him like a ________.

XII. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box. decay endure kick off shift change around obsolete overdue knuckle down span spell stint knock off provisional seasonal timely while away dive in

1. Sometimes I wonder how many of the changes we see around us will really ________. 2. That's enough TV! It's time to ________and get on with your homework now. 3. I usually ________work at about half five so I'm home by six thirty most nights. 4. There has been a real ________in attitudes towards this lately. 5. I've ________the design by giving the car six wheels instead of four. 6. Let's ________this session by introducing ourselves, shall we? 7. Your essay would make more sense if you ________the second and third paragraphs ________. 8. 'It couldn't have happened at a better time! What a ________arrival!' 9. Josh can ________a whole day playing online computer games with his mates. 10. 'It depends on the time of year. It's a ________problem.' 11. We can hear Carol ________at her keyboard from the living room.

12. 'We can't use that software on our new computers. It's ________. 13. 'It's the first draft of the text. We can change it later if we want. It's only ________. 14. 'They should have sent that to us ages ago. It's long ________. 15. After a short ________of being unemployed, I decided to set up my own business. 16. I did a brief ________in the navy, and then decided it wasn't for me. 17. I've got a very short concentration ________. 18. As soon as the food was brought out, everyone ________and helped themselves. 19. Don't disturb your father. He's ________on some designs at the moment.

all mod cons break the mould change your tune the tools of the trade turn over a new leaf

have a change of heart

stick to your guns

20. 'Do you think they might pick Lisa on Thursday?' It would really ________________________ for them

to choose a woman to run the club, but I hope so.' 21. 'I thought you were going to tell Nigel you were angry with him.' 'Well, I _________________________ and decided to just ignore it after all.' 22. Your son's behaviour in class has improved this term, Mrs Harris.' 'Oh, good. Let's hope he's ________________________. 23. 'I'm not sure whether to change my mind and let Jenny go to the party.' 'I think you should ________________________ and show her you're serious.' 24. 'I'm thinking of asking Felicity out on a date.' 'You've ________________________, haven't you? You said she annoyed you.' 25. 'You've got lots of books on computing languages.' 'It's what I do for a living, so they're just ________________________, really.' 26. 'You moved recently, didn't you? What's your new place like?' 'Oh, fantastic. It's got ________________________ and it's handy for the train.'



crawl clutch





dash skip

27. Grace ________in her bag for her car keys and finally found them. 28. A man ran from the burning house, ________a baby in his arms. 29. Lina ________her fists tightly in anger but managed to control herself. 30. He ________my hand firmly and I could see that he was trying to thank me. 31. The burglar ________very quietly along the corridor, trying not to wake anybody. 32. When we heard the noise, we quickly ________round the corner to see what had happened. 33. Before he learnt to walk, my younger brother used to ________everywhere on all fours. 34. The speaker ________onto the stage and smiled confidently at the audience. 35. When he saw me coming, our dog ________over the gate and came to greet me. 36. Polly was so happy she ________along the pavement to school, jumping from one foot to the other.







37. When the men were finally found, they had been ________at sea in a tiny boat for days. 38. Wolves used to ________this whole area, looking for food. 39. I was bored so I ________into the centre of town and did a bit of window shopping. 40. This wardrobe is really heavy, but maybe we can ________it along the ground. 41. I didn't see the step and I ________over it. 42. The road was wet, so when I pressed the brakes the car ________. consider contemplate gather grasp ponder reckon suppose

43. It took me quite a long time to ________what the aim of the game was. 44. I ________from your tutor that you're thinking of changing course. 45. I'm seriously ________asking for a pay rise tomorrow. 46. How long do you ________it'll take to get to Manchester? 47. I don't ________I could borrow your lecture notes this weekend, could I? 48. If you've ever ________the question Why does the universe bother to exist?', then this is the book for you. 49. Let's not even ________the possibility of failure. hairs leg stock uptake what wood

50. Stop wasting time splitting ________and look at the big picture. 51. Ask Simon about the sales targets. He always knows what's ________. 52. I'm going to go round the ________if they don't turn that music down soon. 53. Let's take ________of the situation before we make a final decision. 54. The problem with Jane is that sometimes she can't see the ________for the trees. 55. It took Dan a long time to understand what was going on. He's usually quicker on the ________than that, isn't he? 56. Frankly, you're completely wrong and you haven't got a ________to stand on. rave scribble allege quibble rant mull assert utter mumble stutter gist

57. The politician has continually ________his innocence. 58. Thompson is ________to have accepted a bribe from a local businesswoman. 59. Don't ________a single word until you've spoken to your lawyer. 60. I stood there ________in shock, unable to think of anything sensible to say. 61. Please don't ________when you're talking to me. Open your mouth when you talk! 62. Linda was ________about that new sitcom on IN. She said it's hilarious. 63. Stop ________on the desk! 64. There's no point ________over the bill. It's only a few euros more than we thought it would be anyway. 65. When my boss gets in a bad mood, she just ________at everybody. 66. I understood the ________of her argument, but I can't say I understood all the fine points. 67. I'm going to have to ________this over for a while before I make a final decision.


blurt out

dry up

caption coverage

shout down

talk round



68. The title of a book is usually printed on the cover and on the ________. 69. I'd really love to be the main ________ hosting a national, nightly news show. 70. There's usually massive media ________ when a celebrity couple splits up. 71. There's no ________ under this photo so I don't know who it's of. 72. If you think I need to provide more detail, I'll add a short ________ at the bottom of the page. 73. I knew it was supposed to be a secret but I just ________ it ________ before I could stop myself! 74. Rudy was really opposed to the idea at the start, but we managed to ________ him ________ in the end. 75. The Minister was ________ by protestors angry at the government's proposals. 76. My speech is okay but I just hope I don't ________ as soon as I get to the podium.

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