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1he use of Soclal Medla wlLhln Lhe London 8loLs

Mapplng Soclo1echnlcal lssues

resented 8y
Mark Cannon
?efan Wang
aullne vereker
kaylelgh SmlLh
W A modern phenomenon Soclal medla as a
Lool for proLesL
1he SLakeholder neLwork
W Puman SLakeholders
Mark uuggan
Law LnforcemenLs
ollLlcal llgures
8loL vlcLlms
Cleanup 1eams
Medla Crews
1he SLakeholder neLwork
W nonPuman AcLors
8lack8erry Messenger
CLher medla
W Amazoncouk
W e8ay
Soclo Lconomlc lacLors

ollLlcs of Lhe nonPumans

#A rloL ls Lhe language of Lhe unheard"
MarLln LuLher klng
W As you wlll see ln Lhe nexL sllde Lhe rloLs are
clearly mosLly Laklng place ln Lhe pooresL
areas of London (represenLed by Lhe dark red)
nf deprftn fnd the Lndn kts
1he map ls coloured by Lhe lndlces of MulLlple deprlvaLlon from
blue (rlchesL) Lo red (pooresL)
1he lllLer 8ubble WhaL Lhe lnLerneL ls
Pldlng from ?ou
1he 8eapproprlaLlon of
Lhe 1echnology
1echnologlcal ueLermlnlsLlc approach Lo
Soclal Medla's role wlLhln Lhe London 8loLs
W uavld Cameron's lnlLlal prlorlLy was Lhe conslderaLlon
of wheLher soclal medla can be slmply #Lurned off"
durlng Llmes of unresL
W Mr Cameron noLes
#Mr Speaker everyone waLchlng Lhese horrlflc acLlons wlll be sLuck by
how Lhey were organlzed vla soclal medla lree flow of lnformaLlon
can be used for good 8uL lL can also be used for lll So we are worklng
wlLh Lhe ollce Lhe lnLelllgence servlces and lndusLry Lo look aL
wheLher lL would be rlghL Lo sLop people communlcaLlng vla Lhese
webslLes and servlces when we know Lhey are ploLLlng vlolence
dlsorder and crlmlnallLy"
1echnologlcal ueLermlnlsLlc approach Lo Soclal
Medla's role wlLhln Lhe London 8loLs
W 1echnologlcal deLermlnlsm ls a reducLlonlsL Lheory LhaL
presumes LhaL a socleLys Lechnology drlves Lhe developmenL
of lLs soclal sLrucLure and culLural values
W #Sclence flnds lndusLry applles man conforms" 1933
Chlcago World lalr Slogan
W 1hls sLyle of Lhlnklng Lends Lo lgnore Lhe role of humans as
Lhe lnlLlal problem and LhaL wlLhouL soclal medla Lhls
predlcamenL may noL have ever occurred eg Lhe news of
uuggan's deaLh may noL have spread so far and wlde Lhus
oplnlons and uproar may noL have lnclLed Lhe rloLs ln Lhe flrsL
Soclal ConsLrucLlvlsm Approach Lo Soclal
Medla's role wlLhln Lhe London 8loLs
W When lL became apparenL lL wasn'L feaslble Lo shuL
down soclal neLworks ln conLrasL Lo laylng blame Lo
soclal medla Lhe Lables Lurned Lo concepL of bannlng
rloLers from soclal neLworks
W 1he M announced LhaL Lhe governmenL would
revlew wheLher lL ls posslble Lo halL suspecLed rloLers
spreadlng onllne messages
Soclal ConsLrucLlvlsm Approach Lo Soclal
Medla's role wlLhln Lhe London 8loLs
W 1hls ldeology Lhrows lLself lnLo Lhe oLher half of
Lhe specLrum concernlng soclal consLrucLlvlsm
W 1he Soclal ConsLrucLlvlsm Lheory looks aL soclal
cholce deLermlnlng Lhe esLabllshmenL of a
parLlcular Lechnology
W #Soclal Shaplng of Lechnologles approach falls Lo
Lake lnLo accounL of Lhe approprlaLlon of
Lechnology by users" Mackay and Clllesple
WhaL ls behlnd soclal medla and
Lhe London 8loLs
Where we are?
Some SLaLlsLlcal uaLa
Cne ln every nlne people on LarLh ls on lacebook ( 1hls number ls calculaLed by dlvldlng Lhe
planeLs 694 bllllon people by lacebook's 730 mllllon users)
30 of Lhe moblle lnLerneL Lrafflc ln Lhe uk ls for lacebook More Lhan 23 mllllon webslLes have
lnLegraLed wlLh lacebook
Collegeaged klds (1824) made up Lhe fasLesL growlng segmenL of users on lacebook ln 2010
190 mllllon average 1weeLs per day occur on 1wlLLer (May 2011)
1wlLLer ls addlng nearly 300000 users a day
?ou1ube has 490 mllllon unlque users who vlslL every monLh (as of lebruary 2011)
Wlklpedla hosLs 17 mllllon arLlcles
Wlklpedla auLhors LoLal over 91000 conLrlbuLors

WhaL ls Soclal Medla?
nf medf ls medla for soclal lnLeracLlon as a
superseL beyond soclal communlcaLlon
nf medf shares mosL or all of Lhe followlng
characLerlsLlcs arLlclpaLlon Cpenness
ConversaLlon CommunlLy and ConnecLedness
nf medf Lakes on varlous forms llke soclal
neLworks blogs wlkls podcasLs forums mlcro
8logglng eLc
Why we share
W We share Lo brlng valuable and enLerLalnlng
conLenL Lo oLhers
W We share Lo deflne ourselves Lo oLhers and Lo
recelve soclal valldaLlon
W We share Lo sLrengLhen and nourlsh our
relaLlonshlps wlLh one anoLher
W We share for selffulflllmenL#We en[oy geLLlng
credlL for lL"
W We share Lo advocaLe for causes we belleve ln and
less commonly brands we wanL Lo supporL
1he relaLlonshlp beLween 1echnology SocleLy
W SocleLy ls made up of people of
wldely dlfferlng ablllLles
W eople connecL wlLh people
W 1ool lnLegraLes wlLh Lool
(Lechnology relles on Lechnology)
W eople use Lhe Lool/ Lechnology
LveryLhlng ls bound wlLhln an enLlre sysLem
Pow Lhe neLwork bullL?
1ransmlsslon from
person Lo person
as a medlum of
Some helpful Lheorles
W MeLcalfes law
1he greaLer number of users wlLh Lhe servlce
Lhe more valuable Lhe servlce becomes Lo Lhe
communlLy So does Lhe soclal neLwork
W Croup dynamlcs
8ased on Lhe feellngs and emoLlons members
of a group form a common percepLlon
comes from
people gaLherlng SLars/CelebrlLles
oplnlon leaders


ay aLLenLlon
1alk abouL

WhaL Pappened Lo London 8loLs?
A huge neLwork has already been bullL
lnformaLlon share and spread
8eLurns Lo balance and
consclousness splrals back

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