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-AAdept O.C.C.

By: Matthew L Jinkerson As a result of one of my players taking a firm grip into the magical aspect of MAGE, I developed a new magic O.C.C. more suitable for what he requested. In the course of development I tried very hard to create a new mage aspect without going beyond the bounds of equality amoung the initial three magic character classes. If for your game you wish to make changes to this O.C.C. or have any questions, feel free to make those changes, or write me at: P.P.E.: P.E.+(2D4*10)+2D6 per level. O.C.C. Skills 2 Languages +15% Wilderness Survival +10% Pilot: Hover Craft +5% Lore: Demons & Monsters +10% Math: Basic +10%, Literate +10% O.C.C. Related Skills: Plus 7 other skills (req. 1 science,1 technical) available areas are: Communication: Radio only Electronics: Basic Electronics only Medical: First Aid only Physical: any except Wrestling and Gymnastics. Pilot: any +5% Pilot related: any +3% Rogue: any Science: any +10% Technical: any +5% W.P.: any Wilderness: any +5%. Secondary Skills: Plus select five secondary skills (without bonuses). Powers: 2D4 spells initially. 1. Sense ley line and magic energy - This power is somewhat similar to the psi-stalker and mutant dogs. The line walker can see and feel the presence of magic. Sense ley line nexus - The walker is able to feel whether there is a ley line within the area of his sensing abilities, 10 miles (16 km) per level of experience, and can tell whether it is near or far. He can also follow the feeling to locate the ley line at a skill level of 30% +5% per each additional level of experience. Sense a rift - The mage will automatically feel the sensation of a rift opening anywhere within a 50 mile area (80 km) +10 miles (16 km) per each additional level of experience. Although he can not tell exactly where this rift is, the walker will know whether it is near of far and whether it is big or small. Sense magic in use - The expenditure of magic in the form of a spell, rifting, or techno-wizardry can be felt, up to 100 feet (30.5 m) away per every level of experience. The will not know the location nor be able to trace it, but he will feel its energy and know that magic is being used in the area of his sensing range. 2. True Sorcery - This unique magic user invents new spells as he/she needs them. Creating spells that may or not be similar to those spells listed in the books, if not similar, the GM will have to deterime the P.P.E. required, range, damage (if any) and description for the spell. Step 1: Character determines the desired effect that he or she wishes to accomplish. Step 2: The GM determines what power, spell, etc... best accomplishes the desired effect, and assigns rank (level) to the given power (record and save for future reference). Step 3: Character rolls dice to determine the length of time needed to invent the spell. The creation time of the spell is directly related to the level of the spell wished to be created. Creation time is 2D4 melees + 2*(level of the spell) melees extra. For example if an Adept wished to create a spell of 5th level it could take anywhere from 12-18 melees depending on the roll. When the Adept begins the creation, he/she goes into a meditative trance. While in this state the character cannot take any other action other than a slow walk (no dodge, parry, etc...). However, the Adept is aware of his surrondings and can cancel the meditation at any time, resuming action normally. If the meditation is broken at any time the Adept shall have to resume his -1-

meditation from the beginning, as the spell is not imprinted upon the Adept's memory until the end of the meditation. This does allow the Adept to create new spells as he/she needs them, provided all spells have not yet been chosen, but finding the time to do so in combat can be tricky. Step 4: The Adept casts the newly acquired spell for the first time ever. This initial casting requires two times the normal amount of time to cast the spell. If the Adept chooses he/she can negate the penalty of the double time in casting the spell, by expending 10 P.P.E. extra for the first spell. All spell casts after the initial time can be accomplished at the normal rate of time. Normal casting time for spells: Levels 1-6: 2 spells per melee. Levels 7-10: 3 spells per melee. Levels 11-15: 4 spells every melee. Step 5: Add the spell to the Adept's personal list of spells for future reference which can now be called upon like any ordinary spell cast by most magic users. Limitations: 1. The character can never learn magic like a normal mage, instead he/she must develop a similiar one. 2. These spells are all personal, they cannot be taught to other magic users. 3. Can only create 2 spells a week plus one per each level of experience. 4. Can only create 4 spells per each level of experience plus one for each level of the Adept, per year. For example if a 1st level Adept had not advanced for two years he/she could have up to 10 +2D4 spells available to him or her. Bonuses to Save: +2 vs Horror Factor Weapons: Standard Equipment: Standard Vehicles: Standard Credits: Standard Xp table: Same table as a Mystic O.C.C.

Alien R.C.C.
By: Nick Hanson I wanted to do an Alien (as in the movies with Sigourney Weaver) campaign for Rifts, but couldn't find the material. So I created the characters as I saw them on the movies. The top three are the aliens seen in the movies (stats for males, for females add 1D6 to PS, PP, & PB and 2D10 MDC). The next few are ones that would result if a face hugger got a hold of some races in Rifts world. In my opinion, the Aliens are a matriarchal society. That is, females are bigger, stronger, and more intelligent. Aliens, although they didn't seem this way in the movies, are very technologically advanced. They do know how to use all Rifts weapons, same as everyone else. Must choose WP's for bonuses. Alignment: 95% are miscreant/diabolic but remain loyal to their race. If other alignment, loyalty to race isn't always there. HTH: Martial Arts, start with 4 attacks Natural Abilities (for all aliens): Impervious to cold/vacuum (can live indefinitely in arctic planets, and space. full damage from all weapons) Resistant to heat (can stay in molten materials for 1 melee without taking damage, after that full damage) Chameleon Invisibility: Superior Infravision 1000 ft (One way they see, also see normal vision like humans) Telepathy (only way they can communicate, can't talk around the mouth) If enough damage is done to the alien (-20% MDC of main body), there is a 75% chance the blood will splatter on opponents within 5 ft -25% for every 5 ft after that. The acid does 1D4x5 MDC every half melee and lasts 1D4/2 melees. Claws 2D6 MDC (+1D6 MDC per level) Tail 1D6 MDC as blunt weapon, but is prehensile and can hold weapons, etc. Mouth extension bite 1D4x10 MDC! (the acid drool does most of that damage) Other extensions of body. There are 4 prehensile tail-like protrusions about 3.5 ft long on the back of the alien. These can also be used to carry items (natural backpack), hang on to ceiling pipes, etc. Sixth Sense -2-

Magic: don't get spells, but instinctively know how to use all magic, psionic, and technowizard items. Psionics: Considered major psionic. Equipment: None. Start out by punching out of a creatures stomach. Life Expectancy: 600 years. Warrior Alien This is a alien incapable of reproduction. When reaches level 15, it metamorphose into an adult King/Queen alien. Metamorphosis takes 2D4 days in a cocoon with 5000 MDC) Attributes: IQ 3D6, ME 3D6, MA 4D6, PS 5D6 (supernatural), PP 6D6, PE 10D6 (aliens are "The perfect animal" according to the synthetic dude on Alien, and they lived in space and molten lead), PB 2D6 (PB of 1 to all other races), Spd 6D6 P.P.E.: 3D4x10 (+1D6 per level) M.D.C.: 2D4x50 (+1D4x5 per level) I.S.P.: 1D6x20 (+1D4x5 per level) Size: Average height: 6ft Tail: same length as height. Average Weight: 200 lb R.C.C. Skills: Pick 9 from any category, plus 3 every level Alien Queen (NPC) The Queen Alien can only be chosen at level 15. Add 3D6x10 MDC, double all attributes accept PP & Spd which are reduced by half. Size is doubled. Scorpion Alien Attributes: IQ 4D6, ME 4D6, MA 4D6, PS 3D6 (supernatural), PP 8D6, PE 10D6, PB 3D6, Spd 8D6 P.P.E.: 3D4x10 (+1D6 per level) M.D.C.: 2D4x50 (+1D4x5 per level) I.S.P.: 1D6x20 (+1D4x5 per level) Size: average length: 12 feet tail to head (tail is half total length) Average Weight: 150 lb Alien King (NPC) The King wasn't seen in the movies, but he was there. How else were the eggs fertilized? The King Alien can only be chosen at level 15. Add 2D6x10 MDC, double all attributes except PB & IQ. Size is halved. Face Hugger (NPC) These nasty little creations implant eggs into their victim by attaching themselves to the face of their victim, inserting a depositor down the throat into the stomach and laying eggs. Only one egg develops into an alien. This takes 1D4 days. The victim has no memory of a facehugger, but an alien will not kill the victim (senses the alien embryo and won't kill the host of it's own kind). Once the facehugger implants the eggs, it detaches and dies within 2D6 melees unless it attaches to a new host. When the facehugger implants in a humanoid creature, a warrior alien results. When the facehugger implants an animal-like creature (dogs, cats, lions, etc.), a scorpion alien results. When the host has special abilities, like shape-changing and the like, the alien might have those abilities. M.D.C.: 1D6x10 IQ 2D6 (animal intelligence), PP 4D6, Spd 4D6 -3-

These below are some new aliens I've come up with. They are what results when an alien gestates in the race named. (Note: races that are similar in attributes and abilities follow the stats above. So an alien from a wolfen is the same as the alien from a human) Changling Alien These are identical to the warrior alien with one exception. They have limited shape changing ability! They can make themselves look like any humanoid race for 1D4 hours at a time. When the 1D4 hours is up, they revert to alien form but can shape change again after resting for 5 seconds. Size: 1/2 the warrior alien. Dragon Alien GM's Note: These are very powerful and very rare aliens (dragons tend to destroy the little bugs before they can implant the eggs)! They consist of less than 1% of the alien population. Attributes: Same as Scorpion Alien, +1D6 to all attributes, +2D6x10 MDC Teleport ability: same as Great Horned Dragon Hatchling. <B.SIZE:twice to three times that of the Scorpion Alien Breath Weapon: (Same as the race of dragon they originated in).

Alien-Hybrid R.C.C.
By: When the Aliens first came to Rifts earth, they were little more than a momentary distraction. But when they started appearing en masse, the CS, among others, realized that the bugs were a lot more dangerous than anyone every realized. That was when the CS had a few dozen of these creatures captured, of all types. In a controlled environment, people were infected using face-huggers from Queen eggs. The results of the testing showed that the humans that were infected gained great strength, endurance and physcial prowess, especially in the time shortly before the chest burster popped out. The experiment here was clear. Find a way to combine human and Alien DNA to create a more perfect warrior. It took time, and a great deal many experiments failed, or went haywire. However, the scientists at Lone Star did find the key, it lay in experimental cloning technology and genetic combining. Taking the DNA of a human on the verge of "giving birth" and from that of a queen alien, they managed to grow a clone of the infected person, alien and all. Then they removed the alien from the hybrid, and after the first two experiments nearly killed them, destroyed the burster. The hybrid, however, was spectacular. It proved to be in every way, the thing they hoped it would be. The first batch was shown to Emperor Prosek, he immediately ordered them executed and that all the research be destroyed. Mainly because the things weren't human, on the outside yes, but inside they were monsters, to him anyway. Obviously this did not sway their scientists all that much. They continued refining the process long after the first ones were killed. It is now seven years later (104 or 105 P.A.) and the hybrids are still being created at Rifts Lone Star, however, several were relased (or escaped) and remain at large. The CS has encountered a few, but has never succesfully captured one alive, so they don't know their own creations are attacking them. The Hybrids are nearly as deadly as their Alien progenitors, though far more cunning. Generally, these are beings who have been grown from the cells of a human infected with the Alien seed. Alignment: Any, except Principled. Due to their Alien heritage, they follow the instincts of a predator/killer and would very rarely follow the strict moral code of the Principled alignment. Attributes: I.Q.:3d6+3, M.E.:4d6+2, M.A.:2d6+1(they aren't real friendly), P.S.: 3d6+12, P.P.:3d6+9, P.E.:4d6+3, P.B.:3d6-1 (Due to the Alien DNA), Spd.:3d6+10. Hit points: Base is P.E. + 1d4x10, +2d6 per level. S.D.C.: 4d6x10 plus OCC bonuses (something like natural juicers) I.S.P.: 1d4x10 +1d4 per level of experience. Considered a major psionic, this was an unexpected side-effect of the alteration. Choose any 4 sensitive abilities, and 2 physcial abilities. (Optional) At level 4 the Hybrid can choose a Super Psionic Power (most typically, some sort of offensive psi-power). P.P.E.: 1d6, for some reason it's extremely low. Another effect of the mutation is their tolerance to magic (includes healing and curing -4-

curses, etc. etc.) O.C.C.: Typically play adventurers or mercenaries. Some have become Mind Melters or Mind Bleeders. The only real restrictions are no magic classes. For some reason, they are unable to perform magic of any sort. Another restriction is they cannot be Crazies, Borgs, or Juicers. Their acid blood and immune system makes implants and drugs almost impossible to be in their system. Also, will usually not choose Glitter Boy or similar classes requiring power armor use on a regular basis, prefer hand to hand combat. Natural powers/Abilities: Natural regeneration of 4d6 SDC and 1d6 HP per fifteen minutes. Can completely regenrate missing limbs in 1d4 days. (No, the head cannot be regenrated.) Have acid blood similar to that of their progenitors, it does 1d4 MDC to whatever it hits per melee that it's on the object (lasts 3 or 4 rounds), 3x as much damage if the character explodes, or a massive amount of blood lands on one object. Alien Abilities: Alien Sensing power--Can sense other Aliens within 50 feet of the Hybrid, 100 feet if the Queen is near. Alien Empathy--Able to understand what the Aliens are saying and has a limited control over drones. Unaffected by the seed of face huggers and their ilk. Bonuses: +1 initiative, +1 to strike, parry, and dodge (add this to P.P. bonuses), +1 attack per melee, +4 vs. horror factor (unaffected by the HF of Aliens), +4 vs. magic, but is vulnerable to psionics (meaning, -1 to save) Insanities: Typically feels a driving hatred against all Aliens (similar to undead Slayers and Azverkhan Warriors) and is hostile towards other insect-like creatures and other Hybrids (except when they are mating). Note: Most Hybrids are barren and are able to "mate" only with other hybrids. The Hybrids can have sex with other humanoids all they want, but having a child is almost impossible (02% chance) because the hybrid blood is acid and will destroy the fetus in transit. Disposition: To strangers they'll be cold, callous, distant. To friends they'll be whatever the normal disposition for humans the character decides. However, they are fierce fighters, they don't have very many enemies, as they usually kill them first. Those who do have Hybrid foes know them as bringers of death.

Angel R.C.C.
By: Lane Many centuries ago, before the Coming of Rifts, even before man walked the earth, there lived two godlings. Polar opposites, one was good and pure, the other tainted and evil. They had long been enemies and their clashes were long and violent. When man evolved to the point that they could think and speak for themselves, the good deity concluded that it could not rightfully endanger these new creatures, and so fled to a pocket dimension, taking its patron race with it. Enraged by this "cowardice", the evil deity followed, also taking its patron race. The two beings have never been heard from since...until now. Recently, the evil deity has been on the losing end of the struggle, and has returned to RIFTS earth so that he may bolster his ranks. Seeing this, the good being followed, hoping to divert any trouble. These are his warriors. Angel RCC/Halo Rune Item v1.4 These beings are the patron race of the good deity. They are nearly identical physically to humans, except for the large feathered wings sprouting from their backs. They have all been trained since birth to battle their deity's enemy, as well as all other supernatural evil. They are also equipped with a halo holy weapon (see description below). Most of the Angels have been sent by their deity in search of his counterparts minions. Because of their nature however, many have also become adventurers, helping the weak and innocent. These wanderers would be what a PC is. Attributes: IQ:4 d6+6, MA: 3d6, ME: 3d6, PS: 5d6+6 (considered supernatural), PP: 4d6+6, PE: 4d6+6, PB: 6d6+6, Spd: 4d6+6 while running 100+2d6x10 km/h while flying! Alignment: Must be principled P.P.E.: 5d6 I.S.P.: 6d6+10 plus 10 per level of experience M.D.C.: 6d6x10+10 -5-

Average life span: 1d10x100 RCC Bonuses: +2 attacks, +3 to parry/dodge, +2 to strike (All because of their phenomenal PP) Natural Abilities: Nightvision 150ft. Flight(with wings). Regenerates 3d6+6 per hour. Note: even though these Angels seem amazing, they are mortal and still need to eat and sleep and breath. Psionics: Major psionic (only because of psi-sword). Knows exorcism, impervious to fire, and sense evil at first level. Gains psisword plus three other powers at level three, two at level six, and two at level ten. (All from any category but super) Magic: knows globe of daylight, float in air, charismatic aura, words of truth, and purification. Does not gain any others per level, but could learn them (rarely does) R.C.C. Skills: Prowl (no bonus because of wings) Athletics Lore:Demons and Monsters (+15) Languages and Literacy: all 98% (just 'cause it's easier) Boxing Wilderness Survival (+5) Tracking (+5) WP:blunt WP:sword HTH:Expert (Higher level characters may learn Teng-jutsu because the Tengu find it amusing to see a creature with the same physical characteristic (wings), or first level characters may pay 4 other skills to learn it). R.C.C. Related/Secondary Skills: Choose 10 other non-mechanical or non-technological skills . +10 to all physical, espionage, rogue, wilderness, lore, or domestic skills that apply. All WP's must be ancient. Standard Equipment: Set of white robes, rope belt, a satchel with two weeks worth of rations (They still have to eat). Also, each angel has a... Halo Holy Weapon: This item is not a weapon in the usual respect, in that you don't hit people with it. It is in reality an iron ring about seven inches in diameter. It glows with a bright nimbus of white energy (-10 to prowl), which surrounds its wearer. The halo hovers about six inches above its wearer. The halo can cast elemental air magic (as per Atlantis "Greater Rune Weapons"). The halo also has the healing abilities under Greater rune weapons in Atlantis except multiplied by three. The halo also has ALL the abilities available to holy weapons, plus two detailed below: 1. Energy Nimbus Force Field: A force field with 200 MDC that regenerates completely each morning at dawn. The Nimbus is actually an air tight field that provides breathable air at all times making the Angel look as if it doesn't need to breath in hostile environments. 2. Holy Blast: A blast of "holy" energy that is flung through the wearer, and is shot from the hands. It inflicts 6d6 to mortal beings, double to vampires and to supernatural evil things (like demons and oni) and intelligences, and triple to minions of the evil deity.

By: Dan Hicks These beings are similar, in that they are able to simply negate magic! Alignments: Any Attributes: All 3D6 O.C.C.'s: No practitioners of magic, tend towards fighters Hit Points: Standard S.D.C.: Normal as per O.C.C. Horror Factor: 13 to creatures of magic when they realize what they're fighting P.P.E.: 3D4*10+40 to start, +1D4*10 per level Natural Abilities: -6-

Unless noted, these powers cost no P.P.E. to use. 1. Negate Magic The Anti-Magic can negate magic at a rate of 1 of his P.P.E. to 4 outside P.P.E. 2. Impervious to Hostile Magic Just like it sounds, hostile magic directed at the character either fizzes out, misses or some else happens 3. Negate I.S.P. The Anti-Magic can negate I.S.P. at the same rate as P.P.E. (see above) 4. Negate Magical Creatures By directing his P.P.E. towards a magical creature he is touching, the Anti-Magic can do 3D6 damage/ P.P.E. point/round to a supernatural creature, such as vampires, were beasts, dragons, faeries. Generally anything which can't survive without magic is effected by this. 5. Change Magical M.D. to S.D. Any magical attacks which do M.D., such as a dragon's punch, a rune sword, is done in S.D. to the Anti-Magic. 6. Negate Magical Attacks This is like #1, #2 and #4. Any attack which couldn't exist without magic but isn't physical, dissipates upon hitting the Anti-Magic, doing no damage. Example: A dragon breathes fire at an Anti-Magic and his friends behind him. The fire strikes the Anti-Magic and dissipates, doing no damage to anyone. Example 2: A basilisk tries to petrify an Anti-Magic. The beams strike and dissipate, doing no damage. Attacks per Melee: As per combat Damage From Special Attacks: See abilities Average Life Span: 90 years Value: 80 billion credits Habitat: Anywhere Language(s): Any as per O.C.C. Enemies: Supernatural beings Allies: Weak humans Size: human Weight: human XP Table: Use dragon experience table Notes: This is my first R.C.C. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send them to Also, don't tell people you made this. After all, this is my first.

The Archangels
The race of beings that the 'Kryst' Intelligences uses as 'Angels' is actually a supernatural race from another dimension (big surprise in Rifts). They were originally an extremely warlike race, and sadly... in their own sector of the universe seemed to be the only living beings.. so they fought themselves.. and it was great sport for centuries until a few noticed that their numbers seemed to be dwindling... now a few were so combat oriented that the call for a cease in hostilities went unheard... and once again they battle among themselves.. except this time not all of them were in it for fun.. now it was Aggresives vs. Passives... and they would have eventually been wiped out if not for the timely intervention of a 'Kryst' intelligence. The being spirited away a large number of the less destructive members... and from space watched in sadness as the remaining 'angels' tore their race, history, and world to fluffy little bits. In thanks, the remainder of the race pledged eternal servitude to the 'Kryst' intelligences... this disturbed the intelligence as it seemed a lot like slavery... but why look a gift angel in the mouth... in this act... the precedent for 'Kryst' accompaniment by 'angels' was born... typically 4-12 per intelligence. Throughout the multiverse these beings gradually became known as Angels. The intelligences had no other word for them, and the angels themselves had never really THOUGHT about what they were... In appearance the 'Angels' are very reminiscent to humans... a strange coincidence. However the Angels are approximately 12 feet tall and surrounded by a strange nimbus of energy.. that they often shape into the image of wings.. the nimbus is however insubstantial, and the 'wing' images have no substance, this is potentially the source of the misconception of Angels having wings of fire. Their hair is very long, but seems to grow only on the head of the creature, it too is affected by the nimbus (oops) and can be manipulated at will be the being (they often choose a windblown look) For the purposes of generating a random Archangel use the following. -7-

IQ, ME, MA, PB: 4d6+7 PP: 2d6+12 PS,PE: 5d6+10 (supernatural) M.D.C.: 1d4 x 100 + 600 MDC (avg is 800) P.P.E. & I.S.P.: 500 Horror Factor: 12 (the being can project either awe or fear.) Combat: 7 attacks +7 to Strike/parry/dodge, init, roll w/impact. +3 to pull punch, +4 on saves, +8 vs horror factor. restrained hit: 5d6 sdc normal hit: 3d6 mdc power punch: 6d6 mdc Magic: 15th level warlock (can choose water, air, or earth) Psionics: possesses all healing and sensitive powers PLUS: Empathic transmission, Group mind block Mind block auto defense, and a permanent, no cost PPE shield. considered major psionics. Natural abilities: The abilities of the angels are largely defined by the following HU superpowers. 1. Invulnerability: avg 700 mdc, regenerates d6 x 10 mdc per 4 melees radiation, gases, drugs, poisons have half effect. magic has full, as do psionics. 2. Energy Absorption: The angel is completely immune to all forms of energy attacks (ions, flames, particles, lasers, lightning, etc.) and can drain by touch the equivalent of 10 E-clips. 3. Wingless Flight, at approximately 500 mph. 4. Energy Expulsion: Plasma (special) The plasma expulsion power, while largely useless against their own kind, is an ability instilled into them by the 'Kryst' intelligence. Damage is d4 x 10 mdc. works like any other expulsion power. The 4 most 'famous' archangels have been brought back to Rifts earth along with the 'Kryst' intelligence. They are. Micheal, the Warlord-- aka Shardis Gabriel, The Word-- aka Eollen Raphael, God's Health-- aka Zaihen Uriel, the Angel of Death-- aka Hunter The primary difference between these 4 beings is their chosen 'mission' for the 'Kryst' intelligence. Micheal attempts to spread his master's word through deeds of rescue and retribution... Gabriel works miracles (magic)... Raphael performs healing for the needy... and Uriel... Uriel just does his job. To aid them in their missions, the Kryst intelligence has equipped each angel with certain items of power. Micheal: The Breastplate of 'Kryst' This Techno-Rune device projects a 500 mdc force field about it's wearer, and regenerates MDC at a rate of d4 x 10 per melee round, it cannot be destroyed.. even if vaporized the breastplate will once again be worn by Micheal the next day. Righteous Fury This weapon combines the abilities of a flaming sword and a rune weapon.. though it's power is distinctly limited by its rather direct nature. Righteous Fury inflicts 3d6 x 10 MDC from it's holy fire. The blade does double damage to all supernatural creatures and fully effects vampires and vampire intelligences. The weapon is linked to Micheal and will burn any other being attempting to wield it for full melee damage. Gabriel: Kryst's words Gabriel wears no armor, and packs no armament... he instead wields his masters most powerful gift.. knowledge. The Book of Kryst acts as a link to the accumulated knowledge of the Kryst intelligence... the book is also linked to, and will function for Gabriel alone, it is of Techno-rune construction and can breach dimensions to maintain contact with the Kryst intelligence.. it provides the following. 1. Access to any desired spell available to. ley line walkers, Shifters, Necromancers, Biomancers stone masters, and Rune masters. Access to Rune and Necromantic magic is rarely granted to Gabriel.. and he rarely asks for it. 2. Knowledge to perform any known skill at 88% 3. Complete Lore on all known Monsters, Faeries, and other intelligences (The Kryst intelligences don't know everything about most intelligences, but they know a lot more than most other beings...) 4. Racial History by contact: Gabriel can 'dig' up memories of a races past by keeping the book within 30 feet of a willing and reflective creature, the creature will fall into slumber as the powers of the book probe back in time. Gabriel has acquired knowledge -8-

on. Humanity, Dwarves, Elves, Titans, and strangely enough the Brodkil. Raphael: Raphael is the manifestation of healing... his natural abilities are aided by a biowizard construction that makes his hands appear golden. By touch Raphael can: 1. heal 6d6 SDC or hit points 10 times per day. 2. Heal 3d6 x 10 MDC 10 times per day 3. Remove Curses at 98% ability 4. Cure any natural illness at 98% ability 5. Remove any mental affliction at 98% ability (like psychosis) 6. Cause the body to expel any foreign item while not damaging the patient. 7. Instill bioregenerative ability for one day. (regenerates 6d6 sdc, MDC, or HP in one day.) By Desire Raphael can: 1. Turn 4d6 x 100 undead per day. 2. Control 3d6 creatures of animal intelligence once per day. 3. Restore to Prime: this ability allows Raphael to take a being's back to the point in time that it was in it's healthiest condition, this however costs Raphael 5000 PPE.. hard to come by. Uriel: Uriel has had instilled in him the added major superpower of intangibility... this was done to keep with the 'Unavoidable' motif of the angel of death. Robes of fear: This slightly ragged garment is in truth a Rune device that can provide Uriel with a horror factor of 18 upon command, as well it provides an added 1000 MDC force field that completely regenerates over night. Uriel's Blade of Silent Passage: This rune blade inflicts a minor d6 x 10 mdc per strike, but has a boosted soul drinking capacity. The Blade of passage can drink 30 life essences per day... as well the death blade functions equally well on all creatures, except intelligences and God's.. who are beyond it's power. Anaheim: Are you ready for the second coming? :) (he's next)

The Asper Juicer O.C.C. (Based on The Spawn commics)

By: Vulgr one Child of the Damned During the last few years the emergence of the Splugorth Maxi-killer juicer has hidden the emergence of a new bio-wizard juicer the Apser. Spring the first few years of its existence it was thought that this juicer was nothing more than a maxi-killer with additional bio-wizard implants. Recently however the evidence that this Symbiote is not the same as the one used by the Maxi-Killers, has lead to the emergence of several agencies attempting to better understand this symbiote so that they may use it for their own purposes. One such agency the Apser group from Wormwood (Wwd) has done extensive research and has actually managed to make a viable process by which the symbiote may be introduced to the host. It is interesting to note that even though the Asper Symbiote can be found on Wwd it is not indigenous to the planet and therefore does not die when removed from the living planet. Bonuses & Benefits of Asper Conversion: 1. Super endurance: Becomes a mega-damage being with 2D6x10+60 MDC and an additional 2D4+2 per level of experience (also see #7). Also +2 to P.E attribute. 2. 3. Supernatural strength: Add 2D4 to P.S. attribute; minimum 21 (supernatural). Super speed: Add 5D6 to speed attribute

4. Super Reflexes: +3 on initiative, +3 to roll with punch, auto parry or dodge on all attacks even from behind or by surprise. Add one attack per melee (also see #8). And add 1D4 to P.P attribute (no minimum). 5. Saving throw Bonuses: +3 save Vs. All magic, +1 save Vs. Psionic attack , +7 save Vs. Poison, and +2 save Vs. Horror factor.


6. Enhanced healing: The Asper can regenerate 1D4x5 MDC per hour, plus can regrow severed limbs and organs in 2D6 Days +30% to save Vs. Coma/death. 7. Grafted Armor: The Symbiote also serves as a suit of armor with 80 MDC that regenerates at a rate of 1D4x5 per hour. If the MDC of the armor is reduced to zero it withdraws into the body. Until it can regain 30 MDC, the Asper cannot regenerate and suffers 3D6 MDC per hour until the symbiote feeds on his/her body to restore it's MDC; Every point the Asper Suffers Goes into the symbiote whose regenerative powers do not work until its MDC reaches 30 at which point both the Asper and the symbiote regenerate normally. Armor reduced to zero will grow back completely in 12 hours after hitting the 30 MDC mark. Note: If the Asper dies before the symbiote hits 30 MDC both he/she and the symbiote will die. 8. New Appendages: The Symbiote also provides its host with added Apendages. 1. Cape: The provides the Asper with several abilities. i. The cape grows to an incredible 30 square feet and gives the Ability to leap 50 feet across or 20 feet high(+1 foot per every point abouve SPD 25),

ii. Shadow meld (same as spell), Chameleon (same as spell)(both can be preformed three times per 24h (considered Lvl 4)) iii. The cape also provides the Asper with the ability to heal others at a rate of 1D6 SDC and 1D4 HP or 2D6 MDC ( this ability is only available 2x per 24 hours.) 2. Chains of Might: The chains provide the following bonuses. i. The ability to entangle an opponent, the 50' chains can wrap round an opponent and entangle his arms (loses all attacks) as well as crush the adversary 4D6 per Melee(PS of 60 is needed to break free)

ii. Additional attacks, the chains can act independently of the Asper with one attack each. (note if the asper uses the chains they lose their attacks) iii. A 2D6 whip attack, and a 3D6 spear attack. 3. Spikes: The ability to grow 2 feet of spikes per level up to a maximum of 6 feet, which can be divided up between as many spikes as wanted, Dmg is +1D6 Per Spike per foot or several small ones can be used as knucle spikes increasing punch dmg by 1D4 Note: The Asper can not use his/her new powers with full acuracy till third level chance of success is based on 50% +25% per lvl (this roll is used to determine wether or not the attack/action goes as planed) All of the appendages have an MDC of 40 per square foot and regenerate at a rate of 1D4 per hour and 1 foot per hour will completely regenerate/regrow in 24 hours. 9. Penalties: In addition to the usual juicer anxieties, The Asper becomes so infatuated with his new power that he begins to believe that he is a god. Life expectancy is dramaticaly reduced (1/2-3D6 Months.). Also Roll Once on the following insanity table. Asper Insanity Table: 01-40 No insanity 41-50 Claustophobic 51-70 Fear of being seen (will do any thing to hide his/her face) 71-90 Phobia believes appearance will get him in trouble 91-100 Obssession with Danger, takes needless risk.

10. Racial Limitations: The Races that can benefit from the Asper augmentation include. Humans, Orcs, Human like D-Bees, and Elves.
Attribute requirments: None other than a good or shelfish alignment O.C.C. Skills: Language dragonese and American 98% Intelegence +10% Tracking +10% - 10 -

Land Nav +15% Climbing 90% W.P five of choice Hand to Hand:Expert **Hand to Hand Expert can be changed to Martial arts at the cost of 1 other skill. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 7 other skills plus one more at levels three, six, eight, and two more at levels ten and eleven. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Radio Basic only (+5) Domestic: none Electrical: none Espionage: Any (+10% see also Cape Above) Medical: None Mechanical: None Military: Any (+10%) Physical: Any (+4% where aplicable) Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Science: None Technical: Lore, and Language (+5%) Rogue: Any (+5%) W.P: Any Wilderness:Any Standard Equipment: Typicaly Three modern wepons of choice, three ancient weapons of choice, a hooded coat to hide face, geiger counter, gas mask, tinted gogles, various personal items, three weeks rations. Money: Start with 3D4 x100 and 3D6x 1000 in black Market items Cybernetics: None, The Symbiote regrows the lost limb and rejects the implant.

Asternogs R.C.C.
_By: Mike Moses _ Born of the stars, beings of pure cosmic energy, no fear, no emotions, and no friends. One continual message, passed down throughout there existence, gives them reason to live, DOMINATION!!! Asternogs or Asteronians, as somtimes called, feed off of the energy radiating from the stars of the universe. They reproduce sexually and offspring are placed in the interior of a star. There they grow and mature until they unleash themselves on the universe. Domination of all beings seems to be their main instinct and they rarely have an feelings toward any other being. Usually they travel alone searching for prey to either conquer or digest. Food is there only means of survival, and somehow it uses the gases from the breakdown of food particles and gives their bodies any particular gas needed to function. They need to feed every human week and any living or non-living tissue can be consumed. Their appearance is very intimidating. The average Asternog stands 10 feet 6 inches. They can fly at velocities of up to 1,000 mph and sometimes faster when pissed off. Their physical build is that like a humans, they have two arms and two legs. The head is large with one eye in both the front and the back. Ears are relatively small but still have remarkable hearing skills. Their skin is green for males and blue color for females. Both sexes are equally powerful but the females seem to be a bit stronger overall. And fight ferosiously. Attributes: IQ 6, MA 5, ME 4, PS 7, PE 5, PB 1, SPD 6 (or 7 if female). P.P.E.: 5D6x10 Mega-Damage/Hit Points: 1D6x100 + 10 M.D.points/level Armor Rating: Skin is M.D. substance and is impervious to all normal weapons. Magic and Psionics inflict 75% effect/damage. Natural Abilities: Fly 1000m/h, see invisible, and bio-regeneration 1D6x10 M.D, hit points every three minutes. Eye Incinerator beam: 6D6 MD, range: 1000 feet. Atom dismanteler: 6D10 + 10 MD, range: 80 feet. Note: (When used, the dismanteler collects all stored power from own body losing amount of damage inflicted) Claws: 3D6 MD - 11 -

Bite: 4D6 MD Photon Detonator: 5D10 MD Note 1 : (When attached to target it explodes after 3 melee rounds) Note 2 : (When the bomb is on its specific target the target character can attempt to disarm it by rolling a 20 sided dice. 1-7 Disarm successfully 8-10 Disarm but lose 10 MD points 11-14 Lose 1D4x10 MD points 15-19 Disarm successfully 20 Bomb goes off and lose 2x MD points inflicted Psionics: Master Psionic: player can choose up to ten psychic powers from any category. Select an additional five at 5th level and 10th level. I.S.P.: 2D10x10 Magic Knowledge: Full understanding of magic. Can sense ley lines and nexus points; range: 100 miles. Spells: Can learn all spells by usual means beginning at 1st level. Combat Abilities: Equal to hand-to-hand basic, + 2 melee attack. Average Life Span: 40,000 years.

Astromancer P.C.C.
By: Necromancer Bob

"Look to the future, my boy- we are the watchmen on the towers. We failed once, but no more of that; we must not shirk our duties. Perhaps if there had been more of us, we should have warned the world away from the Dark Ones." -Cannes T'dan, Watcher of the Third Court
Astromancers...Seers...Prophets. They have been with mankind since his dawning, those who, like the other bards, could read the Winds of Change, and hear the whispers of things to come. In days of old, Dagda set the four bardic orders of the world. The astromancers were to be the Watchmen of the world, the Third Court of Bards, those who are both blessed and cursed with the ability to read the future and to sense great events in the making. As the bards remind man of his past with tales of valor and the memories of the earth, the astromancers foretell its future. The "true" bards can get a vague sense of the future from the Winds of Change; but the astromancers read the Winds more precisely. To the astromancers, the future is like a book where they are reading two or three pages ahead. The content is clear but malleable, at once set in stone and rife with possibilities. The future can be changed, but it is not an easy task, and these prophets must live with that knowledge every day of their lives. Also given to the astromancers was their supernatural sensitivity. Through their link with the Winds of Change, these prophets can seek out those who are being searched for. They have the gift of the An-da-shealladh, the Second Sight, the ability to see spirits and into the spirit realms. They can see when life is kindled, and see into men's hearts. The diviners are not omniscent, but their psychic Third Eye is open much wider than most people's. When a young one with the aptitude for being a bard (of any kind) is found, their minds and souls are searched, to find what course the youngster's awen has set. Those with a knack for prediction and divining are given their training by other astromancers, most of them recluses and "crazy" hermits. Unlike the "true" bards, who are a part of society, most astromancers are not people persons. While a bard would be found hanging out in an occult bookstore in Greenwich Village, an astromancer would be found in a cabin on top of some unnamed mountain in the Appalachians. Like the other bardic orders, the astromancers have survived the centuries due to their secrecy and small numbers. They are perhaps the fewest of the bards, and the oddest. Astromancers only regularly meet with others of their kind (the bards), often shunning contact with mundanes. There are a few, however, who make their living in "normal" society, often making a living as a palm-reader, fortuneteller, spiritual counselor, or (no joke) phone psychic. Like the "true" bards, these social astromancers try to use their powers to enlighten and help mankind, much as their ancestors did so many centuries ago. Their methods, however, have had to change with the times. In a society as cynical as the modern world, they're lucky to find anyone who believes what they have to say. But for all their power, the astromancers are a cursed lot. With their ability to read the future comes a responsibility and, yes, even a madness brought on by their abilities. Most astromancers realize that, even though they can read the future, avoiding it is like trying to change the course of a river- a difficult task, as the river is constantly trying to correct itself. The realization of this has made most astromancers of modern times more than a little fatalist. Time is a beast, hunting us down, preying on us every day, and we cannot - 12 -

avoid it, they say. This has extended itself into a long apathy that makes these diviners unwilling to get involved in anything, most especially any war with the Nightlords. Yes, the astromancers saw the coming of the Dark Day; like the other bards, they read the ill winds that blew in the months and years preceeding it. They knew well in advance that dark forces were gathering, and that the world would soon change for the worse. Some even knew where the trouble would come from- the blighted land of Arcadia, now known to occultists as the Nightlands. But the astromancers, like the others of their kind, were powerless to stop the Coming of Night. Always few in number, some of the astromancers and their brethren tried to convince the public of the dangers that lay ahead. Most of these modern-day prophets were dismissed as the usual doom-sayers that haunted the turning of the century. Who knew that they would be right? After Dark Day, it seems as if visions of the future have become clouded. Astromancers have told of futures where the world is a deserted waste-land, inhabited only by creatures of the night, who make war on each other. They have seen times when mankind is in literal chains, little more than fodder to be shuttled off to be mechanically executed. More than a few astromancers who have seen this future have commited suicide rather than live with the madness they have seen. Interestingly enough, visions such as this have crystalized and changed the astromancer's apathy. Astromancers have now embraced both the secret wars for freedom, and the darkness of quiet waiting for death. One camp has now jumped in on the side of trying to change the future, to join with the Seekers and the Spook Squad to try, even futily, to prevent mankind from fading into oblivion. The second camp, perhaps more practical, has become jaded and nihlistic; if the world is going to end like that, what does anything matter? Alignments: Any, but usually selfish. Evil astromancers will usually be aberrant. Most astromancers have become jaded and nihlistic, only interested in themselves. Attribute Requirements: A bard of any kind is born, not made, so there are no attribute requirements. However, most astromancers have an I.Q. and M.E. of 11 or higher. P.C.C. Powers/Abilities: 1. Sense Winds of Change: Much like the "true" bard, the astromancer has the innate ability to sense changes brewing in the world, only much stronger. This is similar to the psionic power of clarvoyance, but, in the case of the astromancer, the images are much more powerful and solid. To do this, the character must be alone, and in a quiet place, and meditate for a few (1D4) hours. Being closer to the natural earth, such as on a high mountaintop, or in a place heavy with mystic energy, increases the link between the astromancer and the Winds, making it easier to divine a future from those images. Being in places of foul spirits, such as the Nightlands or an astral domain controlled by an evil being, makes it more difficult to contact the spirit winds. Using this ability costs no I.S.P. or P.P.E.. Base chance of successfully gaining a vision from the Winds of Change is 35% +4% per level of success, but can be changed by the following (all are cumulative): The astromancer is on a mountaintop/hilltop, where he can look over the land, etc: +20% Character is on a ley line: +10% Character is at/near a ley line nexus: +10% Character is in the Dreamstream or in the Inner Plane (of the Astral Plane): +15% Character is away from nature/in a city: no bonus/penalty Character is in the Nightlands or the astral/dream domain of an evil person/being: -20% Character is in the Void: -25% The insights gained from communing with the Winds are solid and, to the character, almost real. The vision of the future is like a dream unfolding before them. The astromancer will see clearly what is to happen occurring around them, but will be unable to interact with anything. The character will even see themselves, as if another person, in this vision. The future will most often be immediate, to occur within the next few (1D4) months, but isn't definite. Visions can show a possible future even years in advance, and the astromancer can never know exactly how long it will be before the future they have seen occurse. Often, the Winds give an astromancer insight subconsciously, without the character even willing it (great way to start an adventure). GM's Note: This ability can be hard to run (obviously). Be careful of giving too much away, and try to emphasize to the character that the future is very difficult to change, and that even an astromancer can only see so much of what is to come. Don't be too hard with it, or the players could lose interest, feeling like their characters can't change anything, or use it too much, or the players will feel as if they're being force-fed the plot. 2. An-da-shealladh: Astral Vision: Astromancers are gifted with the ability to see into the spirit realms. This includes the ability to see the invisible, astral travelers, ghosts, and other spirits. Also, whenever the astromancer looks at a person or spirit, they are outlined by a faint version of their aura. This gives the astromancer a basic sense of the person (alignment, general level of experience, the presence of magical or psionic ability, etc). This ability is automatic and requires no I.S.P., and cannot be turned off. 3. Sense Life: Like the Yhabbayar Bubble Makers and the Grey Seers (see Rifts World Books 12 and 16), the astromancer can innately sense the presence of life, birth, and creation. This means he can sense when an animal or humanoid is pregnant within 72 hours after conception and tell whether it is a girl or boy (in the case of animals that give birth to litters, he can tell - 13 -

how many will be born). This ability also enables the astromancer to sense whether a person is a healer or defender of life, or a destroyer of it (assassin or killer). The astromancer can also recognize great good in an individual through close contact. No I.S.P. cost. 4. Divination: Astromancers are not only masters of conventional divination (as described in Through the Glass Darkly), but also have some unique abilities to divine things. The astromancer can, if told of a person and given an article of clothing or personal item (ie, a favorite toy, etc) of that person's, divine their location and general state of health (ie, alive and well, dead, sick, etc). This ability is often used to help people find missing loved ones, old friends, etc. This ability also works no matter how long it has been since the item was worn or used; it can be years or days. Distance, too, is no factor to the astromancerthe Winds of Change circle the entire Earth. The person's location will be sensed by the astromancer and can be narrowed down to a range of 2D4*10 miles. Using the ability involves a long (1D4 hours) session of meditation with the person who is searching for the target (ie family, friends). It also costs 15 I.S.P. 5. Ripples of Events: Events make waves, the old saying goes- every event causes a subtle change throughout the Winds, a ripple that "touches" everyone who can feel it. The astromancer, the master of picking up these ripples, is so in-tune with the Winds of Change that he can sense when major events/disturbances are going to occur. This includes floods, earthquakes, political coups, and almost anything else that has major ramifications on the world around them. The range of this ability is unlimited, but is most likely to happen when something is going to occur in the astromancer's vicinity (ie, his city). The ability is nothing to rely on, however. It works on a subconscious level and can't be called upon willingly. The character simply knows when something big is about to happen (usually within the next 1D4 months, but can be more than that). Also, this ability deals more with impressions (that of impending danger, etc) than actual visions. However, the feeling can be enhanced by communing with the Winds (see #1, above). 6. Sense & Read Ley Lines: Fundamentally the same as the ley line walker ability. 7. Other Psionics: The astromancer also has the conventional psionic powers of sixth sense, sense evil, presence sense, psychic omni-sight (see Rifts World Book 12: Psyscape), astral projection, empathy, and two other sensitive powers of note. Super/Master psionic powers that are sensitive in nature may be chosen by the astromancer, but count as two powers. The astromancer gains one new sensitive or physical power every three levels of experience (ie, levels 3, 6, 9, etc...). The astromancer also saves as a master psionic (10 or higher). P.C.C. Skills: Divination (see Nightbane World Book 3: Through the Glass Darkly) (+10%)- The character is an expert in conventional divination, such as cartomancy, as well as their clairvoyance through the Winds of Change. Speaks & literate in native language (usually English) 98% Lore: geomancy/ley lines (+10%) Lore: psychic (+10%) Basic & Advanced Math (+20%) Astronomy (+15%) Detect Concealment Two technical skills of choice (+20%) P.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10 other skills (two must be from the science category) with the same limitations and bonuses as the Sorcerer O.C.C.(see Nightbane RPG, p. 116) Secondary Skills: Select 6 secondary skills, again, with the same limitations as the Sorcerer. Equipment: Usual stuff; the character might work for, or have access to an occult bookstore or similar establishment, allowing him to borrow research materials (or buy them cheaply). In addition, the character starts with a car that's 2D4 years old and a few basic things, etc. Most astromancers are leery of technology, even to the point of thinking technology will kill the world. They abhor technology that alters the body, such as cyberware and Juicer augumentation (interferes with their link to the Winds). Money: 3D6*100 dollars/credits in cash (savings) and 2D6*1000 in possessions. Money and possessions mean little to these cursed prophets. Experience Table: same as the Sorcerer (see Nightbane RPG, p.233).

Astromech R.C.C.
By: hidari kiki Note: This is a subset of the Droid R.C.C. I probably shouldn't be writing this at all - I will most likely make a generalized Droid R.C.C sometime and make this and Protocol Droids and varies other things (Assassin Droids... mmmm...) have different skill packages or something. But for now, this is meant for use with the X-Wing conversion provided by scaramouche. Astromechs are non-humanoid robots built for the purpose of interfacing with ships' computers (or any computer for that matter). Their primary funtion is the ability to calculate store ten hyperspace routes in their memories, but they also carry a multitude of tools - 14 -

which can be used for maintenance and repair. In other words, they are very useful critters to have around. Astromechs generally do not speak language as we know it, using some sort of machine language. It is usually possible, however, to get a general idea of what they're talking about. Physically, they are about three to four feet tall. Locomotion is provided by two "legs" with wheels plus a retractable third "leg" which provides added stability. Standard procedure dictates that the memory banks of Astromechs (and all other droids) be wiped every six months, but it has been found that if this is not done, they begin to develop unique personalities. They are not, however, regarded as sentient beings, and no one seems to have ethical problems with performing the memory wipes or outfitting them with restraining modes, which in humans would be seen as lobotomizing and enslaving them, respectfully. Alignment: Any. Alignment is dictated by programming, which begins at Principled in most cases, but this has been known to shift, and some droids have gained the ability to rewrite their own code. Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 2D6, P.P. 2D6, P.E. n/a, P.B. 2D6, Spd 2D6. Size: Three to four feet high, two to three foot diameter. Weight: 150 to 200 pounds. M.D.C. by location: * Legs (3): 20 each ** Head - 30 Main Body - 90 * Destroying any leg except the retractable third one will cause the droid to fall over and become immobile. ** Destroying the head eliminates all sensory input and output capabilities, but as the CPU is inside the main body, the droid can still be repaired with no permanent damage. Note: this is the only exposed part of the droid when it is in an X-Wing. P.P.E.: None Average Life Span: Indefinite Natural Abilites: Average Experience Level: Psionic Powers: None Magic Powers: None Combat: Usually none; this is not a combat droid. Damage: By weapon only (rare) O.C.C.s: All Astromechs are effectively Operators with the following O.C.C. Skill alterations: W.P. Blunt replaced by Navigation: Space (98%) and Weapon Systems (+10%) Hand to Hand: Basic replaced by Astrophysics (98%) And the following O.C.C. Related Skill alterations: No Domestic skills are available No Medical skills are available No Military skills are available No Physical skills are available Rogue: Computer Hacking only (+10%) Science: Any (+5%) Technical: Any (+10%) W.P.: None Equipment: A large variety of tools or various sorts are built onto swing-arms and telescopic arms, including but not limited to screwdrivers, arc welders, socket wrenches, cutting lasers, etc. Standard Astromechs also come equipped with radar (5 mile range). Cybernetics: Astromechs are very much customizable. Owners have been known to do things ranging from installing a voice - 15 -

synthesizer to replacing the legs with a hover system.

Atlantean Blade O.C.C.

By: Thomas Locke and Llama Slayer Productions. Description: The Atlantean clan "Cuchanto" has created a special class of Atlanteans. These, blades as they are called, are people skilled in the use of ancient, edged and blunt, weapons. Preying on the belief that ancient weapons are relatively weak, a seriously out-ranked Blade has been able to defeat his opponent with a single, critically aimed, strike. Blades are trained from birth (thus can't become one after being something else), and thus learn to focus their energies to the development of their prowess, and not strength. This ability has only been exhibited in people in the "Cuchanto" clan. In their training, Blades also lose some of the more magical abilities possessed by True Atlanteans (such as operate dimensional pyramids). Blades always play a musical instrument and sing, for sometimes, weapons are not the only solution to a problem. The Blade can use these abilities to increase the morale of friendly troops, and sway enemies reactions from a hostile one, to a more friendly one. All Blades are skilled in the ways of a thief, and will usually supplement their crusades against evil by 'borrowing' money from more well off individuals (this is true of any good aligned Blade, he will always find a way to pay the person back). Blades will rarely use armor heavier than medium, and that even sparsely. Blades will only pilot robots and power armor in the rarest of cases, and when nothing else is feasible (everyone else is, and the Blade wants to keep pace with the party), but will always look for the first chance to get out of it. Alignment: Only good or selfish, never evil Attributes: IQ- 3d6 + 4, ME- 4d6 + 4, MA- 3d6 + 4 (never less then 18), PS- 3d6, PP- 4d6 + 4 (never less then 20), PE- 3d6 + 6, PB3d6 + 6, Spd- 4d6 + 6 (never less then 18) Hit Points: PE + 1d6 per level S.D.C.: 50 + bonuses (tattoos) P.P.E.: 10 + tattoos H.F.: 12 Most sentient beings are awe struck when they realize they are in the presence of a True Atlantean. Special Abilities: 1. Can attack with an ancient weapon in each hand, receiving normal bonuses in the strong hand, and no bonuses or penalties in the off-hand. If both hands are attacking the same target, the Blade receives double his normal attacks. If each hand is attacking a different target, the Blade receives 1.5 his normal attacks(rounded down), divided evenly between each hand, with the good hand getting the more, in cases where it doesn't divide evenly. 2. Ambidextrous- can use any weapon(has to have a profiency in that weapon) in either hand with normal bonuses. 3. Can attempt to catch small weapons thrown at him, with a successful parry roll, receiving half the normal bonuses. 4. Can fight blindfolded, blind, or in the dark, with only a -2 to strike on hand-held weapons (sword, knife, clu, etc..), and a -4 on ranged weapons. 5. Offensive Spin- this ability is used to intimidate enemies. The Blade must spend one melee action/attack setting up the spin. If the Blade is hit within this period, he loses the spin, and must start over again. The Blade cannot parry or dodge during this period. If he does, he must start over. If the Blade makes a successful hit on the next attack, the enemy must make a success save vs. horror factor, with a -1 to the roll per three levels of the Blade. If the enemy does not not save, the enemy must stay at least 10 feet away from the Blade, and cannot engage in HtH combat with the Blade for the duration of the battle. This ability only works on creatures with more than animal intelligence that can understand the use of a weapon and such. 6. The Blade can parry and dodge energy and bullet attacks, as described in Rifts Conversion Book One. 7. Once per day per level, the Blade can give party members an additional +1 strike, parry, and dodge, with an additional +1 for every four levels of the Blade. This ability requires a successful 'Play Musical Instrument roll, and must be done during periods of relative inactivity (i.e. walking through hostile areas, preparing before a battle). 8. These additional abilities, as described in Rifts World Book Two: Atlantis: A. Magic tattoos denote heritage. B. Increased SDC from magic tattoos(already taken into consideration). C. Increased PPE from magic tattoos(already taken into account). D. Increased PPE recovery. E. Cannot be physically transformed by any means. F. Continue to grow as adults. - 16 -

G. Sense vampires. Bonuses: +5% trust/intimidate; +2 parry and strike w/ knife and sword; +4 save vs. horror factor O.C.C Skills: Play Musical Instrument (+20%) Sing (+15%) Disguise (+5%) Pick Locks (+10%) First Aid (+5%) Acrobatics (+5% on all skills) Gymnastics Pilot (pick one, except for Robots & Power Armor) Palming (+10%) Languages (pick one at 98%, pick two more +15%) Identify plants and Fruits (+10%) Land Navigation (+10%) WP Knife WP Sword WP (pick two ancient, one modern) HtH: Expert -as an additional skill selection, the Blade can upgrade this to HtH: Martial Arts O.C.C. Related Skills: Select ten other skills, but two must be from espionage, and two must be from rogue. Plus select three more at level three, one at level six, one at level nine, and one at level twelve. Communications (Radio Basic only) Domestic (any, +10%) Electronics (Basic Electronics, +5%) Espionage (any, +15%) Mechanical (Locksmith only, +5%) Medical (none) Military (none) Physical (any, except body Building, Boxing, and Wrestling) Pilot (any, except Robots and Power Armor) Pilot Related (any) Rogue (any, +15%) Science (+5%) Technical (any, except Computer programming and Operation, +5%) WP (any) Wilderness (any, +10%) Secondary Skills: Select seven more skills from the above list. These skills do not receive the OCC bonuses listed after them. Standard Equipment: Set of normal clothing, set of dark clothing (night operations), first aid kit, several short pieces of cord (for tying things), 20 ft of lightweight rope, 1d4+1 daggers, 1d2+1 vibro-knifes, 1 vibro-sword (optional, one ancient sword), 1d4 silverplated daggers, wooden cross, 1 storm flare, 1 globe of daylight flare, 1 flare gun, 1 modern weapon (according to WP), 4 clips for weapon, 1d4 small sacks, set of lock picks, backpack, binoculars, survival knife, and passive nightvision goggles. Armor: Light MDC, prefer light armor because of mobility, dislikes medium, and will only wear heavy when totally necessary. Vehicle: none to start out with, prefers small, quiet, and fast vehicles. Money: 3d4 * 1000, Black Market Items: 3d4 * 1000 Cybernetics: none, will only get natural looking cybernetics, and only when necessary (lost limb, for example). Will NEVER get bionics. Xp table: same as Undead Slayer

The Awakened
The Awakened is a term for a person who has successfully learned to develop and channel a force known as 'kundalini,' a powerful - 17 -

and dangerous psychic energy. Believed to be housed in the chakra (Sanskrit for wheel) located at the base of the spine, it lies dormant in almost all people. Kundalini is sometimes thought of as a snake that travels up the spine when awakened. Those in who it arises commonly report a sharp pain or spark at the base of the spine that crawls up to the brain along the spinal cord. On some occasions,it is temporarily and involuntarily awakened, allowing a person to lift a car off a loved one or fall from a great height without suffering severe physical damage. This energy does have it's dangers, though. A person whose kundalini has been awakened and has no understanding of it can die. Common food and drink becomes unpalatable and undigestible, and the body strives to adapt to the energy by becoming super-efficient. If the person cannot control and shape it, their body will fail from it's strain. The Awakened have learned to conciously direct the flow of kundalini, and so have turned their quest for enlightenment inwards. It purifies their body, strengthening it to metahuman levels. It also allows them to develop vast psionic abilities. They have trancended the human condition and become truly spiritual beings. The vast majority of Awakened are of a good alignment, though evil ones do exist. In general they are very calm, wise, and insightful individuals who try to use their abilities and understanding for the common good. The source of their power is primal and spiritual. It is a product of the highest level of conciousness. Special Abilities: I.S.P.: The Awakened has a base I.S.P. of 1d6x10+90 in addition to the M.E. attribute. The character gets an additional 15 I.S.P. per each additional level of experience. The character saves as a master psionic. I.S.P. recovers at 2 per hour of activity or 8 per hour of sleep. In Rifts worlds the character gets a bonus of +50 I.S.P.. P.P.E.: The amount of P.P.E. posessed is minimal - roll 1d4. Bonuses: The character gets a bonus of 2d6 added to the M.E. and the P.E. attributes. If after adding the bonus they are less than 20, increase to 20. Also add a bonus of 1d4 points to the P.S. and 4d6 points to the Spd. attribute. The player also gets a bonus of +2 vs. magic attacks, +2 to Perception, and +8 vs. Horror Factor. Initial Psionic Abilities: The character posesses the psionic powers of Astral Projection, Mind Block, Death Trance, Levitation, Speed Reading, Total Recall, and Bio-Regeneration. They also posess all abilities from one category of psionic abilities (sensitive, healer, or physical). At each odd numbered level of experience the character can select three abilities from one of the other minor categories. In Rifts these characters gain the super psionic abilities of Bio-Regeneration, Group Mind Block, and Mind Block Auto-Defense (with no deduction of I.S.P.), and can select one power from the super category at each even numbered level of experience. Astral Vision: Constant and automatic, and can be turned on and off at will. This is a derivative of the See Aura psionic power, with elements of See the Invisible and Presence Sense. The range of this ability is equal to the line of sight of the character. The character can see all astral travellers, invisible creatures, entities, ghosts, and all other kinds of energy patterns including magic energy in addition to any areas where the astral realm intersects with the physical. The psychic can determine the general nature of the percieved life forms (human, entity, vampire, mutant, psychic, etc...), their general alignment (good, evil, or selfish), and their true form (useful against shapeshifters). The use of psionics and magic creates a surge in the user's aura just before use and is easily percieved by the psychic. This grants the person using Astral Vision an extra +2 vs. psionic and magic attacks and a +4 bonus to dodge and parry the psychic attack if it is physical in nature, allowing a person a better chance to escape a physical assault like telekinesis, fire ball, mind bolt, magic net, etc... Physical Abilities: The flow of kundalini has greatly strengthened the physical body and made superhuman feats possible. An Awakened can jump six feet straight up or ten feet lengthwise from a standing position, double those numbers with a running start. The character is also effectively a supernatural being - all attributes are considered supernatural. The character gets an S.D.C. bonus of 2d6x10+80 and has an A.R. of 8, and their H.P. increase by 1d4+2 every level of experience. In Rifts, the character has 1d4x10+40 physical M.D.C. instead and gains an additional 1d6+4 per level of experience. Physical Control: Kundalini has also refined the body's natural processes and purified them. The character is immune to all forms of physical and disorders and alterations. This includes disease, magic curses, metamorphosis spells, bio-wizard alteration, petrification, and psionic bio-manipulation, among others. Against mental attacks such as magical domination, hallucinations, psionic mind trip and empathic transmission, the character gets an additional +2 save throw bonus. Toxic gases will affect the character, but are half as effective. Besides, the Awakened can hold their breath for one minute per P.E. point. The character need only eat one light meal a day and drink 8 ounces of water, and can survive a week without water and a month without food with no penalty. To keep their bodies working at peak efficiency these characters drink pure water and are usually strict vegetarians, possibly even vegans (won't even drink milk). Meditation: A more powerful kind of meditation than that known to most psychics. In the trance the character draws in prana (breath/air/vitality) and uses that energy to restore his own. These characters do not sleep, but meditate. An hour of meditation is equal to two hours of sleep for them. I.S.P. is recovered at an incredible 20 per hour of meditation. While in the meditative trance, the character also recovers 1 hit point - 18 -

and 1d4 S.D.C. per hour (or 1d6 M.D.C.). Psychic abilities used while in the trance see an increase in range and duration of 50%. Abilities such as Clairvoyance and Exorcism gain a +20% bonus to success. There is no limit to how long a trance can be maintained. Attribute Requirements: An M.E. of at least 14 and a P.E. of 14 or more. A high I.Q. is also beneficial, but not required. P.C.C. Skills: Choose two languages at 98%, literate in one at 98% and the other at +30% Dance (+20%) Wilderness Survival (+5%) Lore: Religion (+30%) Athletics Mathematics: Basic (+30%) Identify Fruits & Plants (+10%) Hand to hand: Basic Hand to hand Expert can be selected at the cost of one 'other' skill, or Martial Arts (or Assassin) at the cost of two 'other' skills. P.C.C. Related Skills: The player may select eight other skills from the categories listed below. At levels three and eight the player can pick another two, which begin at base level. Communications: Radio Basic only Domestic: Any (+15%) Electrical: Any Espionage: None Mechanical: Any Medical: First Aid or Paramedic (+5%) or Holistic Medicine (+10%) Military: None Physical: Any (+10%) Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any Science: Any (+10%) Technical: Any (+10%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: The player can choose six secondary skills from the above categories but does not get to apply the stated bonus. Standard Equipment: Contemporary characters will have a place to live, a car or motorcycle 1d6 years old, and posessions worth a value listed under the money section. Rifts characters have a few sets of travelling clothes, sleeping bag & one-man tent, back pack or knap sack, canteen, sunglasses, a knife (1d6 S.D.C. damage), an air filter, and personal items. Weapons: Prefers to rely on their natural abilities, but do occasionally use weapons. None initially unless bought with money/credits. Money: Conteporary characters have 2d4x100 in cash, 1d4x1000 in posessions, and savings of 1d4x1000 dollars. Rifts characters will have 3d6x100 in credits and 1d4x1000 in reasonable posessions. These characters are not particularly interested in material gain. Cybernetics & Bionics: Will NEVER consider bionics. Bio-prosthetics will be considered only for medical reasons.

The Awakened OCC - For Beyond the Supernatural

By: Friday night, after dark, Jake pulls his car into the gas station. As he climbs out to get the gas pump he senses that someone's watching him, someone not quite human. He glances around, into the car at his girlfriend, at the attendant inside, but sees nothing out of the ordinary. As he reaches for the pump he hears it. A low guttural growling, light footsteps, heavy breathing, then he feels it. Claws rip into his back rending his flesh. He falls to his knees, then onto his back. The last thing he hears is the sound of his girlfriend screaming as the unknown attacker rips into her. He loses conciousness...His eyes shoot open, he isn't sure how long he was out. His body is cold and feels strange. He sits up and sees the beast that did this to him inside the station, it's on the counter swinging at the attendant. As the creature rips off the mans arm, Jake climbs to his feet, and runs to the door. He has no idea what's going on, but his body is on - 19 -

automatic as he kicks in the glass door, and gazes coldly at the inhuman monster. The creature turns to see it's next victim. It's jaws and claws drip blood. Jake is not afraid, though he knows he should be. He seems to know the creature and it's weaknesses, but he has no idea from where. The creature jumps at him, but he dodges with great ease, before connecting with a side kick. Then he grabs a shard of glass from the broken door and drives it into the side of the beast. After a few more strikes it keels over and dies. It's body fades into nothingness, and Jake, exhausted from the ordeal slides to his knees as the truth sinks in. He was/is dead. The creature killed his girlfriend and the store clerk. Jake goes home, he begins to remember things, things he never learned before. He senses that his destiny is to be a hunter of the hunters. A protector of mankind. He has become one of the awakened. The Awakened are victims of an attack by a supernatural being. An attack that actually killed them. Something about the event however, brought them back. When they died, the PPE released mixed with their departing soul and the energy that the supernatural creature exudes. They are few, perhaps one in a thousand deaths by supernatural creatures actually returns, but they are powerful. Their main power however, is knowledge. They know the monsters they hunt, all too well. Attributes: Same as before the exp. Alignment: Any except Miscreant and Diabolic, most are aberant, and then Unprincpled Hit Points: Unchanged S.D.C.: Ignore previous SDC, Instead has 3D4x10+2D4 per level A.R.: None P.P.E.: Becomes a natural battery of PPE - Has 4D6+6 Natural Abilites: 1. Knowledge - Knows the in's and out's of the supernatural world. Knows about monsters and their weaknesses. Know about magic, ghosts, vampires, and all he needs to know. Can recognize monsters on sight. Has the equivalent skills of: -Lore : Demons and Monsters 98% -Lore : Ghosts and Faeries 98% -Lore : Geomancy and Lines of Power 98% -Lore : Religion 98% 2. Combating the Supernatural: The Awakened are natural fighters of the supernatural. Their kicks and punches do damage even if the creature is normally immune to the attack. This means vampires, werewolves, even creatures that normally take no damage from non-magic attacks take full damage. The character is also adapt at fighting the creatures as well. Receives: +1 Attack vs. Supernatural Foes +3 Strike +2 Parry/Dodge Resistance to the Supernatural: The Awakened is also resistant to supernatural beings attacks. +6 vs. Magic and Psionics used by Supernatural creatures. +2 vs. Magic and Psionics used by Evil characters. Immune to Horror Factor Cannot Have PPE siphoned by anyone without consent. Extra Training: Awakened remember things that they never learned. Skills that help in their trade. Tracking (Only on creatures) HtoH Martial Arts WP Knife (Additional +1 Strike) Choose One more Ancient WP Other Abilites Can sense supernatural beasties within a 1 mile range. Can sense other awakened within a 1 mile range. Can sense a D-Rift or Alien Intelligence within a 20 mile range. On a called strike the Awakened does 1.5 damage, on 17-20 nat. does 2xdamage. Immune to Vampires Bite and similiar enchantments. - 20 -




Weaknesses 1. When the Awakened senses a monster, the monster also sense the awakened. Weaker creatures will be afraid, but will still attack, like a dog backed into a corner. Strong or arrogant creatures will be confident in their ability to take him out. 2. Good creatures (Princpled or Scrupulous) do double damage to the Awakened if they hit with spells, psionics, or htoh attacks. 3. When caught in the sun without shades or other eye protection, they suffer a penalty of -4 Strike with ranged weapons and -1 Strike and Parry with HtoH weapons. No penalty with HtoH attacks. 4. If an Awakened is created by a Boschala attack, then the Awakened gains 1D4 random insanities. Skills and Training Retains whatever they had before, plus learns an extra 8 secondary skills from practice. Often includes a modern WP. Gear: All Awakened develop their own little aresenal for dealing with supernatural threats. This includes one Modern Firearm with several clips of ammo and silver ammo. 2D4 Wooden stakes. A regular knife. A silver knife. Also has an apartment in their city, and a motorcycle if they can drive it. Otherwise they walk. Has a wardrobe consisting of black clothes, they have a thing for the color black. Also, several pairs of nice sunglasses. Notes on the Awakened and Society: The Awakened are withdrawn from society. They slip out of society when they become Awakened, and live a life seperate from their past. They have no need of food or drink, but do so for the pleasure of it. They need 4 hours of sleep per 24 hour period. They decorate their homes in black, and wear it. They don't work, and spend little time in the society that they fight to protect. Ironically, they feel like outsiders to the system that they protect. They slip out to the occasional concert, where they can blend in with others similiar to them, but not the same.

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-BBanshee Dragon Hatchling R.C.C.

By: Iain Description: Banshee dragons are incredibly deft at manipulating sound. They love to cause mischief by imitating people or animals. It is not uncommon for one to metamorph into a pet and lead people to believe that it and other pets are talking animals. The tricks human ventriloquists play are nothing when compared to those of a playful banshee dragon. Attributes: The numbers indicated under each attribute is the number of dice to be rolled for each. I.Q. 4 M.E. 5 M.A. 5 P.S. 5 P.P. 4 P.E. 5 P.B. 5 Spd 4 These attributes stay pretty constant until the dragon reaches full maturity at about 600 years old. At that time the physical attributes increase dramatically. Skills: At first level the Hatchling can select six skills, but is automatically literatein dragonese and one additional language and also knows basic math. Each of these skills are at 98% proficiency. At fourth and Eighth levels an additional four skills can be selected. Available skill categories are limited to: Communications: Any Domestic: Any(Singing: +10%) Physical: Swimming only Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any Technical: Any Wilderness: Any The hatchling is too busy testing his natural abilities, instinctively developing magic skills, and learning about the cosmos to concentrate on mundane human skills. Mega Damage/Hit Points: 1D4 x100 +20 Natural Abilities: Fly 70 mph (113 km/h), Nightvision: 90 feet, see the invisible, immune to the effects of sound(sonic booms ect...), and can bio-regenerate 1D4 x10 M.D.C. every five minutes. 1. Imitate Sound: The dragon can imitate any voice or sound. This includes telepathic transmissions and memories or dreams. The imitation is perfect and flawless. The dragon can even attempt to recreate a voice/sound based on the account of another. The base skill for this indirect imitation is 50% with an additional 3% per level. 2. Throw Voice: Range: 180 feet (54.9 meters). The dragon has the ability to make any location within a 180 foot (54.9 meter) radius appear to be source of a sound. Sounds are limited to those which the dragon can make using its body. it can alter the origin of a hand clap, but not the banging of two sticks. 3. Hear Wider Spectrum of Sound: Range: 1000 (305 meters) +100 feet (30.5 meters) per level of experience Estimate the distance of sound: 50% +10% per level Estimate speed of approach/departure: 40% +10% per level Recognize the type of sound: 50% +10% per level Pinpoint the exact location of the sound: 22% +8% per level Minuses to strike, parry, and dodge while blinded or attacking the invisible, are all reduced by half. 4. Emit High Pitched Whine: Range: 180 feet (54.9 meters); see Throw Voice above. Area affected: 60 foot(18.3 meters) radius Damage: 180 decibels: 2D6 S.D.C. to S.D.C. creatures and M.D.C. to M.D.C. creatures has no effect on non-living things. 200 decibels: 4D6 M.D. to everything within the radius. The dragon emits a high pitched whine (at 180 or 200 decibels) which will hurt, deafen, and distract all who fall prey to it. Victims are -6 on initiative, and -6 to strike, parry, and dodge during the melee round in which the attack took place. The only defense is to plug both ears. Methods of plugging: Fingers will reduce damage and bonuses by half, but no attacks are possible using those hands. Cotton, tissue, or cloth will reduce the damage by half and the minuses by 1. Ear plugs will prevent all damage and reduce minuses by half. Note: - 22 -

While body armor may come with it's own air supple, it is not designed to prevent a character from hearing, and offers little or no protection from the sound (reduce damage by 1). Sonic Boom or Blast: Range: 300 feet (91.5 meters) Duration: Instant Damage: 1D4x10 S.D.C., 2D6x10 S.D.C., or 1D4x10 M.D.; all damage is x2 underwater Attacks Per Melee: Equal to hand to hand. Sonar: Range: 400 feet (122 meters) +100 feet (30.5 meters) per level of experience Used underwater! Interpreting Shapes: 50% +8% per level Estimating Distances: 60% +8% per level Estimating Direction: 50% +8% per level Estimating Exact Location: 34% +8% per level Metamorphosis: Is another natural ability. The dragon can completely alter his physical shape, transforming himself to look like any living animal, from a human being to a raven. There are some limitations; the dragon can not metamorphosize into inanimate objects or insects. The minimum size is about the size of a cat and maximum size cannot exceed his own. The transformation can last up to two hours per level of experience (an adult dragon can maintain the transformation for 48 hours). If on or near a ley line/nexus point (within two miles), the time is tripled. Note: Regardless of his shape, a dragon is a dragon, with all it's natural powers and abilities. So a hatchling metamorphed to look like a bunny rabbit can still talk, cast spells, and kick with the strength of a dragon. The metamorphosis does not instill any of the abilities of the animal, only it's appearance. Teleport: 30% +2% per level of experience. Teleportation is a special power common to most dragons. The character can teleport, at will, up to 5 miles away. At the hatchling stage, he can only teleport himself. The percentage number indicates the likelihood of being able to activate the teleportation. A failed roll means the teleport does not happen. The hatchling can attempt a teleport once every other melee round. Only a mature dragon can perform a dimensional teleport without using a ley line nexus. A banshee dragon generates a sonic boom whenever it teleports. The sonic boom causes deafness for 2D4 (1D4 if character has some protective headgear) minutes, -8 on initiative and -3 to parry and dodge, shakes buildings, and shatters S.D.C. windows within 300 ft of the boom. Note: The origin of the boom can be altered using the throw 'voice' ability. Psionics: Minor Psionic; player can select a total of six abilities from sensitive, physical, or healer. An additional one ability may be selected at level 3, 6, and 9 with two selected at levels 12, 15, and 18. I.S.P. base gains 1D6 per level of experience. I.S.P.: 1D6 x 10 Magic (spells and knowledge): Full understanding of magic, but knows no spells yet. However, can intuitively use all types of types of Techno-Wizardry devices without instruction, can read magic, use scrolls, and recognize magic circles and enchantment. Can also sense ley lines and nexus points and other dragons; range: 20 miles. Note that this sensing ability can not pinpoint specific locations, only nearness and general direction. Learns three spells at level four and an additional one at each level. The level of all spells learned is equal to or less than the current level of the dragon. P.P.E.: 2D4 x10 Combat Abilities: Equal to hand to hand basic, +1 attack per melee Average Life Span: 6,000 Enemies: None per se. Allies: Varies. Maximum Size: 20 to 30 feet (6.1 to 9.2 meters) tall, up to 60 feet (18.3 meters) long, wing span 95 feet (30 meters). Maximium Weight: 20 tons

Bard O.C.C.
By: Joshua I. Sanofsky Note: This O.C.C. is designed for Palladium Fantasy, but can be used in Rifts and BtS (with a bit of imagination). If someone has already written up a bard O.C.C., sorry! I was asked to convert my oldest AD&D character (a 1st Edition elven bard, something which can't exist anymore according to their rules) into Palladium Fantasy to give a bunch of newbie adventurers some subtle help. <g> Who better than a bard to give subtle help? ;) - 23 -

So, anyway, here's my attempt to create a bard class for Palladium Fantasy. I'd like to dedicate it to my cousin Seth, who dragged me kicking and screaming into my first RPG all of 14 years ago... Wow...Time flies...And to my first character, Revis Qel-Eissen, who is now so much a part of me that some people wonder whether or not I'm schizophrenic. :) Comments are welcome! The Bard O.C.C. is similar, in some ways, to the Scholar O.C.C. (PFRGP2E), but is even MORE of a Jack-of-all-trades than even the most adventurous Scholar. There are no organized bardic communities, nor schools where bards can be trained. To become a bard requires either a great deal of personal discipline, or an older bard to apprentice oneself to. Most bards prefer the freedom of the open road, singing for food and lodging at taverns, private homes, etc. They may be inclined to stay a few days if someone in the household wishes to learn the rudiments of something the bard knows (literacy, musical instrument, cooking, etc.). Some bards attach themselves to a Lord, acting as tutor, confidante, spy, or any other role asked of them. Bards, rather arrogantly, tend to consider themselves the saviors of knowledge and culture, struggling to learn and remember as much as they possibly can. Bard Abilities: 1. Magic Knowledge: Bards are nowhere near as proficient as Wizards with magic, but 75% of bards have an innate talent with it. As such, they can learn spells as they go. If the bard was trained by another bard who had magical knowledge, he starts with the following spells: Blinding Flash Cloud of Smoke Decipher Magic Ventriloquism Charismatic Aura Fool's Gold Bards do not automatically gain spells as they increase in level, but can purchase them, learn them from another bard, or even from a generous wizard. Note: Bards cannot learn to use wards or magic circles. 2. P.P.E.: If the bard is a magic user, he is (like wizards) a living battery of mystic energy. Permanent P.P.E. base: 2d4x10+10, in addition to the P.E. attribute number. Add 2d6 P.P.E. per each level of experience, starting at level two. The bard cannot draw P.P.E. from other people, but can from ley lines and nexus points (per standard). 3. Bardic Voice: Bards have the ability to put a great deal of force and authority into their voices. Doing this adds +25% to their Charm/Impress rolls, and may (50%+5%/lvl) cause people within the sound of his voice to stop whatever they're doing and listen to him. Alignments: Scrupulous, Unprincipled & Anarchist ONLY Attributes: I.Q. 12 or higher, M.A. 11 or higher, P.B. 11 or higher; A high P.E. and P.S. are helpful but not a necessity. O.C.C. Skills: Basic Math (+15%) Literacy: Native Tongue at 98% Literacy: Two of choice (+20% each) Lore: Three of choice (+15% each) Cook Dance (+10%) Sing (+15%) Play Musical Instrument: Harp (+20%) Play Musical Instrument: Two of choice (+10% each) W.P. Sword W.P. one of choice Hand to hand: Basic. Expert can be selected at the expense of two other skills or Martial Arts for three other skills. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 12 other skills at level one, plus two additional skills at levels three, six, nine and twelve. All new skills start a level one proficieny. Communications: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Espionage: Any except Sniper Horsemanship: General or Exotic only Medical: First Aid only (+10%) Military: Any except Field Armorer Physical: Any except Forced March (+15%) Rogue: Any except Use & Recognize Poison Science: Any Scholar/Technical: Any (+10%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) - 24 -

Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select five secondary skills from the previous list at level one, and one additional skill at levels three, six and nine. These are additional areas of knowledge and do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Starting Equipment: Two sets of clothing, one set of fancy clothing, a pair of boots, hat, belt, bedroll, backpack, one large sack, a water skin, 2d4 sticks of charcoal or graphite (for writing or drawing), two quill pens, a bottle of ink, 4d6 sheets of parchment paper, a 100 page note/sketch book, small mirror, and a tinder box. All bards start with a harp of some sort (usually a lap harp) and one or two other small instruments of choice (nothing larger than a guitar). Note: If the bard is a Rifts character, replace the charcoal sticks with pencils, and the quill pens with their modern equivalent. Armor: Any light or medium weight armor. Bards tend to avoid heavy armor because they value their mobility. Weapons: Starts with a sword and one other weapon of choice. If in PFRPG2E, the weapons are basic S.D.C. weapons of good quality. If in Rifts, the weapons can be whatever the bard wishes to carry, though generally nothing larger than a simple laser rifle (no C-17 Plasma Cannons or gatling guns). Money: The character starts with 50 in gold (or whatever). Additional money will come from payment for jobs and/or booty.

"True" Bard P.C.C.

By: Necromancer Bob Author's Note: This is an adaptation of a bard class I created for a series of fantasy stories I wrote, set around the fallen country of Starhaven. In the Starhaven world, the bards were a fraternity of advisors and leaders for the native tribes of Dwellers (as they later came to be called) before the white invaders came from across the sea. The invasion wiped out most of the bards, leaving only a few to carry on the traditions. By the time of most of the stories (1500 years or so after the invasion), there is only one "true" bard left, Ira Tower. Eventually, after the Hegemony Wars (returning to the white invaders' old homeland), he begins to train another in the ways of the "true" bards. This was also (very) loosely inspired by Stephen Lawhead's Song of Albion trilogy. I wanted to put something close to it into Nightbane because I thought it'd be fun. Really created for Nightspawn/bane, although it would fit well into Palladium Fantasy RPG, Beyond the Supernatural, or even Rifts. "The Winds of Change are blowing. The Winds of Change are blowing. Dagda Swift Sure Hand, Lead us, flow in us, teach us." -ancient Celtic chant The bards are of an elite order, one that is almost dead in the world of the early 21st century. It is they who are to serve as the soul of the world, the voices of the gods and long-dead heroes, to warn of impending danger. Perhaps if there were more of them around, the Dark Day might not have occured; possibly, people could have been warned in time. A moot question now. The Winds of Change The life of the bard revolves around the Winds of Change. Ancient bardic lore has it that the Winds were set into motion by the World-Singer, Dagda the Swift Sure Hand at the creation of the world. These psychic "winds" encircle the world with the ley lines, gathering impulses from the world's minds via the Dreamstream and their waking hours, shaping and twisting the worlds awen, its spirit or soul. In the Winds of Change, the world's history can be read as a book, with the names of the fallen recorded there. Also, in the Winds of Change the future is written, although, like the mystic energies of the earth, a living thing, always fluid and changing. Only the bards can "see" the Winds; only they can "smell" the changes brewing therein. And only the bards can read the long memories of the Winds, delve into the Earth's youth. The Winds of Change have been equated by parapsychologists and other researchers with ley lines. But the Winds are more than that, for the bards can see the Winds flowing even where mystic forces are at their smallest. The magic energy of the lines of power only serves to enhance and clarify the bards' visions; the lines are not the focus of them. The Making of a Bard The bards are an enigma; they are at once psychics, yet have few "normal" psychic powers. They sense and use the ley lines, but they are not mages. The bards tell and study the old tales, and yet are not scholars or parapsychologists. They are all these things and more. It is said that, like a mystic, a bard is born, not made. Youths who are deemed to have the potential to be a bard, who uphold the love of history and tales of ancient valor, are chosen by elder bards to begin training. Usually, training is a one-on-one experience between the teacher and the student; the most students a bard will teach at a time will be 3 or 4, and even then, there will usually be someone else (another bard or a scholar or mage) around to aid in the training. There have never been many of the "true" bards on earth, at least not since the Middle Ages. The bards were once, many years ago in Europe, the most respected of professions, second only to being a king or noble. They, like the monks in their cloisters, kept alive the rare skills of literacy and kept legends of heroes and villains alive by singing them to all who would hear. Some called the bards fools or regarded them as just minstrels; as always, there were "false" bards in the world, those who sang the old songs but never believed

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them, and could not read the Winds of Change. But among them, there were the true ones, the bards who watched, helping those who they could. But it seems that fewer and fewer are there to help now. The number of bards in the world have dwindled with each new generation. There are probably only 100-150 "true" bards in the world at any time. Ill Winds: Bards After the Dark Da Most of the "modern" bards of the late 20th and early 21st centuries were not exactly reclusive individuals- eccentric and private, perhaps, but not reclusive. "True" bards are sworn to be a part of society, not apart from it. The average bard was almost indistinguishable from the average person; most worked in museums or occult bookstores. Most "smelled" the ill winds brewing as the Nightlords prepared for their invasion; as a result, they were able to get away the few times they were discovered. It was their anonymity and secrecy (their abilities only known to other bards and select others) that were their greatest weapons. As it is now, most bards have joined the Seekers faction. This group of mages and scholars has long been a sort of kid brother to the older order of bards. Their goals are really the same: to watch and learn. But whereas the Seekers can be exploitative of both other people and the earth, the bards instead seek to gain knowledge without harm. The bards have long seen the Coming of the Night, and want to help overthrow the Nightlords' hold on Earth. Alignments: Any, but usually (90%) good or selfish. Evil bards will usually be aberrant. Attribute Requirements: A bard is born, not made, so there are no attribute requirements. However, most bards have an I.Q. and M.A. of 10 or higher. P.C.C. Powers/Abilities: 1. Sense Winds of Change: The bard has the innate ability to sense changes brewing in the world. This is similar to the psionic power of clarvoyance, but deals more with impressions and feelings than real images. To do this, the character must be alone, and in a quiet place, and meditate for a few (1D4) hours. Being closer to the natural earth, such as on a high mountaintop, or in a place heavy with mystic energy, increases the link between the bard and the Winds, making it easier to gather impressions from the winds, even inducing visions. Being in places of foul spirits, such as the Nightlands or an astral domain controlled by an evil being, makes it more difficult to contact the spirit winds. Using this ability costs no I.S.P. or P.P.E.. Base chance of successfully gaining insight from the Winds of Change is 20% +4% per level of success, but can be changed by the following (all are cumulative): The bard is on a mountaintop/hilltop, where he can look over the land, etc: +20% Character is on a ley line: +10% Character is at/near a ley line nexus: +10% Character is in the Dreamstream or in the Inner Plane (of the Astral Plane): +15% Character is away from nature/in a city: no bonus/penalty Character is in the Nightlands or the astral/dream domain of an evil person/being: -20% Character is in the Void: -25% The insights gained from communing with the Winds are limited and vague. If trouble is in the works, the bard will have an uneasiness in him (ie, "I've got a bad feeling about this."). If something bad is going to happen, there might also be some sort of psychic indication of who/what is its cause. Often, the Winds give a bard insight subconsciously, without the bard even willing it (great way to start an adventure). 2. Memories of the Earth: The bard, with his link to the world's awen, can tap into the memories of the earth's past, stored in the Winds. This is similar to the paradox shaman's ability (see Rifts: Spirit West). The bard has a clear but limited knowledge of the Earth's history, most major events and people, etc. However, the character is not likely to use these memories to hurt anyone, mentally or physically. Instead, this knowledge will only be shared to illustrate a point or to help guide someone, or to help a cause. The base chance of successfully calling up an appropriate memory is 20% +4% per level of experience. This ability is also enhanced by such things as being close to a ley line, close to nature, etc (use same table as #1). Interestingly enough, these memories are limited to the history of the Earth itself, not the Nightlands or any other dimension. 3. Sense & Read Ley Lines: Fundamentally the same as the ley line walker ability. 4. Story-Weaving: All bards are innate storytellers and entertainers. The songs of a bard are welcomed among most people, whether for their intristic value, some valuable history lesson, or just as an entertaining story or ballad. In places such as the Palladium World, many people will honor the bard and freely give him food and a place to sleep in return for a song. The character knows many tall tales, myths, histories, etc., both normal and arcane- everything from the Appalachian "Jack tales" to classical mythology. To recall a story or ballad might require a roll on the proper lore skill; to tell it or sing it will require another skill roll for performance or singing. 5. Dream Travel: Bards have the ability to explore and enter the world's subconscious via the Dreamstream. This ability is used in the bard's role as explorers of the human mind and spirit potential. Same as the Dreamdance: Minor ability (see Between the Shadows). 6. Other Psionics: The bard also starts with the psionic powers of empathy, mind block, presence sense, and two other sensitive or healer abilities. I.S.P. is M.E. attribute +3D6. Gains 1D6 I.S.P. per level of experience. The bard saves as a major psionic (12 or higher). The bard also gains one new sensitive or healer power every three levels of experience (ie, levels 3, 6, 9, etc...) P.C.C. Skills: - 26 -

Speaks & literate in native language (usually English) 98% Performance (see Rifts World Book 10: Juicer Uprising) +20% Play one musical instrument of choice +20% (professional quality) Sing +10% (professional quality) Divination (see Nightbane World Book 3: Through the Glass Darkly) Lore: ancient history +20% Lore: modern history +20% Lore: demons & monsters +15% Lore: geomancy/ley lines +10% P.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10 other skills (two must be from the technical category) with the same limitations and bonuses as the Mystic O.C.C.(see Nightbane RPG, p. 118) Secondary Skills: Select 6 secondary skills, again, with the same limitations as the Mystic. Equipment: Usual stuff; the character might own, work for, or have access to an occult bookstore or similar establishment, allowing him to borrow research materials (or buy them cheaply). In addition, the character starts with a good to fair quality musical instrument of choice (pertaining to selected skill), personal computer (laptop or at home), a car that's 2D4 years old (bards seem to prefer fourwheel-drive vehicles so they can get back to nature), etc. Most bards are creatures of the environment; they want to live as a part of society (technology is part of our culture), and so have few compunctions about using technology. The only exceptions are technology that alters the body, such as cyberware and Juicer augumentation (interferes with their link to the Winds). Money: 3D6*100+200 dollars/credits in cash (savings) and 4D6*1000 in possessions. Experience Table: same as the Mystic (see Nightbane RPG, p.233).

Battle Angel O.C.C.

By: The Battle Angels are mysteries wrapped in enigmas. They are from a D-Bee world, which appears to be an alternate Earth. All of the Battle Angels have no memory of who they were before. All have been found as damaged cyborgs, at least several hundred years old, but with still living brains. They are rebuilt, but can not recall who created them or who they were. The tech of the Angels is at least 20 years in advance of RIFTS Earth in some areas, and even further in others. Most often, after the Angels are reactivated, they become Headhunters (literally!); they feel drawn to a life of combat and battle, wanting to prove themselves the best. A few have arrived in RIFTS Earth and have been quickly proving themselves formidable combat machines. Alignment: Any Attributes: Identical to human PPE: 1d4 ISP: 1d4 Model Type: BA-101 Class: Cyborg Hunter Crew: 1 M.D.C. by Location: Hands (2) -- 12 (8) Arms (2) -- 45 (15) Legs (2) -- 60 (15) Head -- 50 (25) Main Body -- 95 (30) *Destroying the head will kill the character. However, the head is a small and difficult target to hit. The attacker must make a called shot to hit the head. ** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will effectively shut down the main body. The nano-repair system will remain operative and rebuild the body, given enough time, unless the body goes over -100 M.D.C. Over this in damage, the nano-repair system is rendered inoperative. Life support systems will keep the brain alive until the head goes to -75 M.D.C., allowing transfer to a new body. The life support system has a maximum of 144 hours of support. ***Depleting the M.D.C. of a limb does not utterly destroy the limb, but reduces it to fused junk. A limb can go to -15 M.D.C. before being blown off.

Running: 90 mph (148 km) without armor or 45 mph (72 km) in armor Leaping: The cyborg can leap up 35 feet high or lengthwise. A running leap adds 40 feet. Flying: Only with the aid of a jet pack

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Statistical Data
Average Height: 4 feet, 10 inches Weight: 280 lbs Physical Attributes: I.Q. +4, M.E. +3, P.S. 18, P.P. 26, P.B. +6, Per +5, SPD. 132 Power System: Cold-Fusion, average life 100 years Standard Bionic Features 1. Gyro-Compass: +5% to piloting of flying vehicles 2. Radiation Detector 3. Universal headjack: If linked into vehicle: +10% piloting, +1 to strike with ranged weapon systems, +2 to parry/dodge, +1 attack 4. Amplified hearing and sound filtration 5. Multi-optic eye 1. - Telescopic: 8x magnification, range 6000 feet (1830 m) - Magnification: 40x magnification, range 3 feet (1 m) - Passive night vision: range 2000 feet - Thermo-imaging: range 2000 feet - Polarized filters: - Targeting display: +1 to strike with any weapon 6. Bionic lung with gas filter and storage cell 7. Built-in speech translator: 15 languages 8. Laser targeting system: +1 to strike with ranged weapons 9. Radar detector: 84% accuracy 10. Wrist needle and drug dispenser: 20 doses 11. Internal comp-calculator: 98% basic math, 98% advanced math

Special Features
1. Nano-Repair System: The Battle Angel has an onboard nanite system for in-field repairs. The nanites are unstable over time, so only a limited amount of repair can be done by the system. The nanite repair system will repair 5d6 MD to a single section at a time. There has to be something there for the repair nanites to work; if the system is totally destroyed, then the nanites can not rebuild it. The repair system can be activated 5 times before running out of stored nanites. The system produces 1 new "dose" of repair nanites every 12 hours. The nano-repair system takes 5 minutes to repair a single section at level one. At each additional level of experience, the nanite repair time is reduced by 30 seconds as the cyborg learns to direct/disperse the nanites only on the systems that need repair, instead of just dumping them in a section and letting them go at it. Nano-Modification System: This is a second nanite system, integrated directly into the head of the Battle Angel, so that as long as the Angel is alive, this system is functional. The nano-modifier system adapts and modifies any replacement parts/cybernetic systems on the Battle Angel to the original Battle Angel blueprint. All differences between the replacements and what was originally there will be eliminated. This means that, even if installed in a VX-2020 Monster body, the nano system will change it back to the original Battle Angel form. Replacement limbs will be modified in 1d3 weeks (1-50% chance that limb will freeze up and lock in combat during this time -- use robot critical damage rules). Small systems (cybereye, gyroscope, etc.) will be modified within 2d4 days. If the head has been integrated into a new body, then modification takes 1d4+1 months. During this time, the replacement body will be at half M.D.C. and bonuses due to ongoing modifications. No other cybernetics than what were originally installed in the Battle Angel are allowed by the system. Power System: The Battle Angel cyborg has an extremely advanced cold-fusion reactor, capable of powering the cyborg in excess of 100 years before needing replacement. The core power system provides all the power needed for standard activities/combat, but there are 8 additional power cells, which provide power for the special systems. The power cells store power from the main reactor, absorbing 1 charge for 1 cell every 2 hours. The cells can hold a maximum of 10 charges each. The power cells are the only cybernetic implants which can be added to the cyborg; the modifier nanites will not destroy them. However, the power cells can not be added until the cyborg has enough experience to handle new power loads, and not burn themselves out. A max of 2 power cells can be added per level. OverBoost System: The Battle Angel has normal robotic strength most of the time. When it needs additional power, the OverBoost system is activated. The OverBoost system channels additional power from the power cells to the actuator/myomer muscles assemblies of the cyborg, to give it supernatural strength for a short time. It takes 10 charges to activate the OverBoost system. As the cyborg gets more experience, they learn how to manipulate power flow in the system to extend available power. The cyborg can maintain the OverBoost 1 melee per level. By overloading the system even more, the Battle Angel can increase their PS by 1 point per 1 charges, to a maximum safe increase of +10. If the situation is truly desperate, the Battle Angel can override the safety systems, and increase their strength even more, but at a cost. For each additional point of PS increase beyond 10, the cyborg take 1d6 M.D.C. to all sections of the body internally. If more M.D.C is taken than the section normally has, then that section is locked in the position it was in. Tactical Computer: The Battle Angel cyborg has an onboard tactical computer integrated into their brain. The computer track up to 38 targets within a range of 1 km. The tactical computer records data from battles, learning from mistakes, and - 28 -





integrates useful knowledge into the combat programming of the system, to improve its chances in later actions. How this improvement occurs, depends much on the nature of the cyborg. At each level, the cyborg gets either +1 to strike with all weapons, +1 pull punch/roll with impact, OR +1 to parry and dodge. The tactical computer also has additional memory to record video and audio. The cyborg can record 6 hours of video, or a virtually unlimited number of snapshots, and 4 hours of audio. The computer is integrated directly into the brain. This gives the cyborg an increase in intelligence, not because they are smarter, but because they can think faster and access memories/skills faster. 6. ForceField Reinforcement/Penetration System: The Battle Angel class cyborg has an integrated forcefield (the second set of numbers under M.D.C. -- these are in addition to the main numbers). The problem with the forcefield system is that while it is up, no other special systems can be activated. It takes 20 charges to bring up the forcefield. The main purpose of the forcefield system is not protection, however, but penetration of enemy forcefields. The hands of the cyborg have a special phase-emitter system designed to cancel out other forcefields they come in contact with. For each 2 additional charges beyond the initial 20 used to activate the forcefield system, the cyborg can negate 10 M.D.C of any (non-magical) forcefield they hit in melee combat. The forcefield system can stay active for 1 melee round per level of experience. The penetration system is active for a maximum of 1 melee round only. 7. VibroBlade/Electrical Blast System: The Battle Angel cyborg has a vibroblade built into each arm. The concealed vibroblades extend out from concealed ports in the back of the hands. For every 3 charges, the cyborg can do an additional 1d6 M.D.C. in addition to normal hand to hand damage. The cyborg vibroblade system has a maximum damage of 5d6 M.D. per level. The cyborg can also use this power as an electrical blast, doing 1d4 M.D.C. per 5 charges, to a maximum of 5d4 M.D per level. For 1 charge, the cyborg can act use their hands as a neural mace, stunning the target. Damage: Restrained Punch: 2d6 S.D.C Power Punch: 1d2 M.D Punch: 4d6 + P.S. bonus S.D.C Kick: 5d6 + P.S. bonus S.D.C Ocean Depth Tolerance: Maximum Depth: 350 feet Maximum Depth with Forcefield Active: 600 feet Battle Angel BattleStaff Length: 6 feet Width: 2.5 inches Weight: 19 lb M.D.C: Staff sections (2): 60 (40) The staff is composed of 2 separate sections, both 3 feet in length. The sections can be used on their own, but have access only to the power cells within those sections, or power fed through the cyborg. The two sections must be combined to access the EM pulse, but otherwise all functions are possible. 1. Power System: The battlestaff issued to the Battle Angel cyborgs is designed to integrate fully with the cyborgs own systems through palm induction system. This allows the cyborg to feed power into the staff for it's systems, or in an emergency tap the power available in the staff. The staff contains 4 power cells (2 in each section) that must be recharged by the cyborg, or tied into a recharger system. 2. EM Pulse: For 10 charges, the staff can emit an EM pulse. The victim of the EM pulse must save vs psionics or be rendered inoperative for 2d4 melees. For each 100 M.D.C. the target has, it has a +1 to save (0-99 M.D.C. -- no bonus, 100 M.D.C +1 bonus, 400 M.D.C. +4, etc). Shielded circuits also give a +2 to save. The cyborg can increase the power to the EM pulse to increase the chances of it's functioning. For each additional 10 charges, the straight save shifts up 100 M.D.C. For example, 30 charges are pumped into a EM pulse. 10 charges go for activating the pulse, the additional 20 increase the power. Now, a target with 200 M.D.C. must make a straight save, while targets with more M.D.C save at a +1 for each additional 100 M.D.C. The other end of the spectrum is that the targets that have less M.D.C., make their saves at a -1 for each 100 M.D.C. below the straight save range. In the example, a target with 85 M.D.C. would save at a -2. Range: Touch or 3 feet. 3. ForceField Reinforcement/Penetration System: Identical to the cyborg system, except the reinforcement can be active with any of the other staff systems. The reinforcement is activated by 3 charges in the individual sections, or 5 charges when combined into one staff. The forcefield can stay active for 30 minutes maximum before having to be repowered. 4. Ion Blasts: The two staff sections can fire ion blasts, using 1 charge per 1d6 M.D.C of the blast, to a maximum of 5d6 M.D.C. When connected together, the staff can fire ion blasts up to a maximum of 1d6x10 M.D.C. Range is 800 feet as staff section, 1400 feet in full battlestaff mode. 5. Homing Beacon: Range: 400 miles 6. Damage: 1. Restrained: 4d6 S.D.C + PS bonus. Power: 2d4 M.D.C Regular: 1d4 M.D.C. 7. Bonuses: +3 to save vs magic, Autododge in melee, +1 parry +2 dodge, +3 initiative -- from amplified hearing, +6 to S/P/D from P.P of 26, +4 to save vs HF, +3 roll with impact, +2 save vs psionics, +1 attack. Psionics: None - 29 -

Magic: None O.C.C. Skills: Native language 98% Another language 96% Radio: basic +10% Literacy +20% Pilot: hovercraft +20% Prowl +20% Climbing +10% Pilot: jetpack +10% W.P. Energy rifle W.P. Energy pistol W.P. Knife W. P. Blunt Tracking +20% Detect Ambush +10% Hand to Hand: Expert (can be changed to maschine klatch for 1 "other" skill, to panzer kunst for 2 "other" skills) O.C.C. Related Skills: The cyborg can select 8 "other" skills from the list, with bonuses. Communication: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any (+5%) Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanical: Automotive only Military: Any Medical: First Aid only Physical: Any still appropriate Pilot: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Math only Technical: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) W.P: Any Secondary Skills: The cyborg can select 7 secondary skills without benefit of bonuses from the previous list. The character gets 2 additional secondary skills at 3, 7, 11, 15 level. The additional skills start at first level of proficiency. Starting Equipment: BattleStaff, 2 changes of clothes, 3 knifes, 1 vibro-knife, 1 energy weapon of choice, 1d6+1 e-clips, rations, light MDC armor, canteen, binoculars, some personal items Money: As the Battle Angel is a D-Bee cyborg, they usually do not start with money, but are carrying 3d6x100 credits in barterable goods Cybernetics: All are rejected or modified to match the original cybernetics of the Battle Angel form within a few days to months.


Requirements: ME 9, MA 9, PS 12, PE 10 SDC: 3d6 OCC Skills Math: Basic 98% Literacy (Native Language) 98% Native Language 98% Skill Programs Medical Program - Biology, Criminal Sciences/Forensics, (Chem, & Chem: Analytical prerequisites not necessary) Paramedic, Pathology. +20% to all skills Police Program - WP Auto Pistol, WP Shotgun, Hand-to-Hand: Basic, Radio: Basic, Pilot: Auto. (+20%) Select 1 other skill program, excluding Military, Espionage, Pilot: Advanced, or Stage Magic. +20% to all skills. Secondary Skills: Select 10, +2 at 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 OR Math: Basic 98% Literacy (Native Language) 98% Native Language 98% Biology (+20%) - 30 -

Criminal Sciences/Forensics (Chem, & Chem: Analytical prerequisites not necessary) (+20%) Paramedic (+20%) Pathology (+20%) Radio: Basic (+20%) Pilot: Auto (+20%) WP Auto Pistol WP Shotgun Hand-to-Hand: Basic Other Skills: 5 Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Espionage: Any (+10%) Electrical: Basic Electronics Mechanical: Basic, Auto Mechanics, Locksmith (+5% on Locksmith, Mechanical Engineer prerequisite not needed) Military: None Medical: None (see skill programs) Physical: Any Pilot: Any ground, air, sea. No Power Armor, Robots, or spacecraft. Pilot Related: Any Science: Chemisty, Chemistry: Analytical, Math: Advanced, Psychology (+10%) Technical: Any (+5%) WP: Any Secondary Skills: 10, +2 at 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 XP: Use the Nega-Psychic from Beyond the Supernatural

Betazoids R.C.C.
By: Tim Santa Cruz Betazoids are a race of humanoid telepaths from the Federation planet Betazed. Most Betazoids develop their telepathic abilities in adolescence, although a few individuals are born with their telepathy fully functional. These troubled individuals generally require extensive therapy to survive in society, since they lack the ability to screen out the telepathic noise of other people. Betazoids are, however, incapable of reading Ferengi, Breen, or Doptherian minds, possibly as a result of the anomalous 4-lobed construction of their brains. Betazoids are considered minor Psioncs Alignment: Any Attributes: IQ 3d6, ME 5d6, MA 4d6, PS 3d6, PP 3d6, PE 3d6, PB 4d6, SPD 3d6. Hit Points: PE + 1d6 per level. SDC: 20 P.P.E.: 2d6 I.S.P.: ME + 5d6 +10 + 1d6 per level Natural Abilities: None Combat: two plus those gained from hand to hand training and/or boxing. Bonuses: + 1 to Save vs. Magic, +2 Save vs. Psioncs, +15% to Trust/Intimidate. Psionics: Empathy, Telepathy, plus two sensitive Average life span: 120 years O.C.C.: no Coalition military, priest, psionic R.C.C., Cyberknight, or mystic O.C.C. - 31 -

Skills of note: All Betazoids will speak and be literate in both Betazoid and English at 98%. Size: Five feet + 3d6 inches Weight: 100-250 lbs.

Beyond Cyber-Knights OCC

By: DaBeechMan Believe it or not, once a Cyber-Knight (NOT Warriors, Rangers, or Ninjas, just Knights) reaches Level 15, the game's not over. It is possible to advance still further, but it is not easy. First, there are 3 paths to choose from : Cyber-Paladin, Cyber-Avenger, or Defiler (which, as any Cyber-fighter historian knows, was the original group from which the Cyber-Fighters sprang). The following applies to all of the "Super-Cyber-Knights": -After reaching Level 15, the Cyber-Knight must spend 2 years in training in whichever new path is chosen. -All of the paths use the Ancient Chiang-Ku XP Table. The difference in XP is gained through the training so that the new SuperCyber-Knight begins anew at Level 16. -Gains 1 secondary skill each level due to heightened concentration and mental abilities. In addition, all restrictions on skills are lifted. -Gains the following bonuses: Add 1 to all mental attributes, add 3 to all physical attributes except PB, and cannot become a vampire. Also gains an awe fact or of 10. -At the end of the 2-year training period, the Cyber-Knight goes into a week-long trance. During this trance Lord Coake appears to the Cyber-Knight in a vision. When the Cyber-Knight awakes, all cybernetics, bio-sytstems, and bio-wizard ENHANCEMENTS (if a new limb, eye, or whatever was simply cloned because it had to be, it is not affected) are GONE with the exception of Cyber-Armor with full MDC restored. In place of the cybernetics are normal, living, human parts. From that point onward, the Super-Cyber-Knight may NOT get any more enhancements. If such an enhancement is necessary (to replace a lost limb, for example) it is allowed under the following conditions: it may NOT be enhanced (a perfectly normal version of what was lost,) it MUST be bio-wizardry or a biosystem (though the latter is somewhat reduced in efficiency; -1 to all physical atributes for that limb,) and its attributes cannot be above those of the original.) Cyber-Paladin: Requirements: PS 20, PE 18, Good or Unprincipled Alignment Magic: At Level 16, starts with no spells, but may purchase and learn any spell s/he wants. Gains 2D20 PPE immediately and 1D10 every level thereafter up until Level 26. Psionics: Choose 1 from Super (except, of course, for Psi-Sword) and 2 from Hea ling. Gains 1d10 ISP and is considered a Master Psionic. Powers: 1) Psi-Blast: The Psi-Sword of a Cyber-Knight becomes a new, terrifying weapon. While it cannot be kept "up" like the Psi-Sword, it is deadlier. A column of glittering psionic energy fires from the Cyber-Paladin's hand, first going out and then back in like a psionic yo-yo. This counts 2 melee actions. Damage: Unchanged from Psi-Sword at Level 16, add 1d6 MD at Levels 17, 19, 22, 24, and 26. 2) Can use the psionic Healing Touch the same as the psionic power WITHOUT using ISP. This may only be done once per 24 hours, and it temporarily drains1d4 SDC from the Cyber-Paladin. Cyber-Avenger: Requirements: 20 in all physical attributes, anarchist or evil alignment (this includes Aberrant) Magic: See Cyber-Paladin Psionics: Gains Bio-Manipulation and 3 of choice from Physical. Gains 1d6 ISP and is considered a major psionic. POWERS: 1) Physical Psi-weapon: The Psi-Sword can become a psionic version of any weapon the Cyber-Avenger wants, but it must have a physical core (a Psi-Chain must have a real chain, a Psi-Pistol must have a real pistol.) This physical core may not be changed once chosen, and the core must be used in conjunction with the weapon (if the core is stolen, TOUGH!) The advantage to this method is that any weapon with ammunition no longer needs it to shoot (a big plus for energy weapons.) Damage: Same as for Cyber-Paladin. 2) Gains the ability to incite fear in any creature (horror factor 19) once per 24 hours. Like the Cyber-Paladin, this action drains 1d4 - 32 -

SDC from the Cyber-Avenger. Defiler Requirements: At least 20 in all attributes, any alignment Magic: At Level 16 gains 10 spells of choice from any level 1 to 6 and gains 1 new spell per level. Gains another 6d6 PPE. Psionics: 2 Super psionics (once again, not Psi-Sword) and 5 from any other cat egory. Gains 2d20 ISP, master psionic, +4 to save vs psionics Powers: 1) Can use both the Psi-weapons of any Cyber-OCC (except for the Paladin and Avenger's weapons; those weapons are unique to those OCC's.) Damage: Unchan ged at Level 16, add 1 die of damage (D6 for sword, D4 for bow, and so on) every other level. NOTE ON PSISWORD: A Defiler's Psi-Sword can be thrown 15 feet and it will return. This does the same damage as the Psi-Sword, but it costs 2 melee actions to throw it 2) Gains Nightvision 50 feet


By: David Rich (Note: The Races from Jolsun are very powerful, but they work!) Alignment: Any, but typically good or selfish. Attributes: I.Q. 3d6+2, M.E. 4d6, M.A. 3d6+4, P.S. 16/28(base), P.P. 12/14(base), P.B. 20(base), Spd. 132(base) +3d6 discretionary points to divide between P.S., P.P., and P.B. Points must be divied by each individual score in the cases of P.S. and P.P. the first is the upper humanoid torso, the latter for the equine portion. For each point not spent in this manner the player may opt to spend it on a 1d4x10 per point basis(thus 2=2d4x10, 3=3d4x10 and so on.) Spd=Mph can be found on p.252 of the RIFTS sourcebook. Size: Approximately 7-8.5' from hooves to topknot and around 9-11' long. Weight: Roughly 1 ton. Description: A BIO-ORGANIC race that hails from a dimension called Jolsun that is near to all others. Being this close had caused a lot of RIFTS that pulled samples of many races into it. These races took this as a sign from their gods that this was their new home and to live with it. Thus it began, the races had lived quite peacefully for a while and as usual the humans got bored and started wars. The Elders saw this happen-stance and were shocked, yet sickly amused. These Elders watched their people slay each other and began to take sides. Then a wise young God named Auhms (pronounced all-ms), who was Lord of machines and Dwarves, introduced BIOENGINEERING and enhancements. Soon everyone had been "enhanced" and peace eventually restored with the Wisdom that sometime comes with advancement. (Note: Being BIO-ORGANIC they may still reproduce) Appearance: Think of a powerful robot horse that has a flesh humanoid body that attaches to the neck of the horse at the waist of the afore mentioned humanoid torso. M.D.C.: The Enhancements increased everything including their stamina, and the energies involved make them Major Mega Damage Creatures. Horse Body: 450 Torso: 320 Horror Factor: 12 (Awe do to extra-ordinary looks, wears off in 1d6 melees.) Enemies: Non per se. Allies: Any one else in their Clan. Special Abilities: 2(base)attacks for torso and 2(base) for horse. Gallop double speed for P.S. in minutes. Nightvision 60'. Can carry P.S.(horse)x300 lbs on horse back. - 33 -

Hooves front: 1d6 MD, Buck: 2d4x10, Trample:Spd/3+1d4/lvl (Gallop for full efficiency!), Charge: Weapon Dmg.x3 if piercing, x2 for slash and blunt. Psi-Bow same as Psi-Sword(p.126) 10 I.S.P. 2,000' range. Eagle like vision. Heals 3d6 MD Per Portion per day. Metallic parts regenerate and powered by sustenance as is the rest of the body. May use Rune Weapons, and Techno Wizardry. Special Disadvantages: Size causes difficulty in hiding Weight causes a -30% to Prowl. Must take individual fighting styles for each half. Must have Robot Mechanics, Electronics, and an MD in Cybernetics to conduct at least First Aid, unless of course they're from the same clan then First Aid is all that is neccessary.. Equipment: Backpack, 2 saddlebags, Tunic, 1 Weapon, Clan Medallion. Money: 3,000 Credits R.C.C. Skills: Dollanthian (Jolsun's Common) (98%) Knows two other languages (+15%) Tracking (+20%) Robot Electronics (+20%) Robot Mechanics (+15%) Land Navigation (+25%) Horsemanship (100%) Well isn't it Ironic? Torso: HTH: Basic may be increased to ASSASSIN, or MARTIAL ARTS for one "other " skill. Horse: HTH: Basic may be increased to ASSASSIN, or MARTIAL ARTS for one "other " skill. W.P. any three ancient Secondary Skills: 6 "Other" skills from any category except Pilot. No Modern Weapons until level advancements are made: 2 at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, & 15 Psionics: All BIO-ORGANIC CENTAURS are major psionics with 2 from Super (except Psi-Sword), Any 4 from the remaining categories. I.S.P.: M.E.+2d4x10, then +1d8/lvl. Saves as: Techno-Wizard Spells: None Cybernetics: Special (I shall send their types last.) Xp table: As a Techno-Wizard

Bio Wizard Half Elf

By: Matt "Redrum" Walsh In the dimension of Nycor, where humans and elves both dominate the universe (occationally peacefully), there existed a splugorthian intelligence by the name of Korgyk. However, he was not faring well against the humans and the elves. He was falling short on minions and could not turn his slaves into T-men because he could not find many humans that would be loyal to him. So he turned to his bio-wizards and asked them to come up with a creature that had the best qualities of both humans and elves, but would be 100% loyal to him. They came back with the Half-elf (aka Mutie-elves, dark-elves, and half-breeders). The Bio wizards results exceeded his expectations in the fact that this creatures could reproduce and create more of themselves. Alignment: 90% of the half elves are of selfish or evil alignments and 100% loyal to Korgyk. This was where the bio-wizards fell short in his expectations, usually the elves not loyal to Korgyk are killed before they become a nuisance, but some do escape. Renegade half-elves are killed without mercy by all of Korgyk's minions.

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Attrubites:IQ 3D6, ME 3D6, MA 2D6+3, PS 3D6, PP 3D6+4, PE 3D6, PB 4D6, Spd 4D6 (Note: even if the attributes have pluses after them, the still get an extra die roll like if they did not have the pluses there. i.e. if a 14 was rolled on the dice for pp you would add 3 to make it 17 and then roll another dice. ) Hit points: Standard PE+1D6 per level S.D.C.: 15+plus those gained from OCC and other stuff P.P.E.: 4D6+6 Natural abilities: Nightvision 90ft Psionics: Roll Percentile dice: Major: 0-14 Minor: 15-35 Average life-span: 150 years O.C.C.'s: Virtually any OCC (by discretion of GM, of course) Can even be T-Men!!!! With slight penalties.: Damage from getting tattoos is the same as humans Duration of penalties is doubled. Each Power tattoo reduces PB by one and ages them 5 years. Must spend extra PPE to activate tattoos. Simple weapons and animals: add five PPE to cost Magic Weapons and Monsters: add ten PPE to cost Power Tattoos: add fifteen PPE to cost Height: 5'10" + 1D6 Weight: 130-250lb Note about appearance: Look like elves, this was one of the pluses of these creatures they can infiltrate elves bases and reek havoc.

Birdman R.C.C.
This race is from an unknown planet, even to them, that is said to have been destroyed. They are very aggressive, and lethal fighters. These creatures resemble a man with large leathery wings. Most of them will use magic and telekinesis. To allow them to fly faster and without strain. They are above average size of a normal human and can grow to be 15 ft tall. Because of their aggressive tendincees they rarely back down from a fight unless their M.D.C. is reduced to 10. Although they don't use magic too often they do use psionics alot. Attributes: I.Q.:2D6+3, M.E.: 3D6, M.A.: 3D6+2, P.S.: 5D6, P.P.: 4D4+1, P.E.: 5D4, P.B.: 2D4 Spd. running 4D6, flying 1D6x10 M.D.C.: 4D6x10 P.P.E.: 4D6 +2D6 every level I.S.P.: 2D6x10 +1D4 per level Spell Knowledge: All level 1 and 3 from level 2 at first level, every level they can select 3 spells from any level of their equal or less. If the character survives till level eight they can select any spell his P.P.E. allows! Psionics: Starts out with 5 psionics any category, knows all physical at level 2, and can select 2 each level after that in any catagory. R.C.C. Skills: Speaks: Dragonese 98% Speaks two additional languages (20%) Literate one language (10%) Basic Mathematics (5%) Lore: Monster and Demons (15%) Climb: (15%) Land Navigation (10%) Wilderness Survival (10%) Identify Plants and Fruits (10%) - 35 -

Holistic Medicine ( 15%) Palming (5%) Cook (10%) Preserve Food (15%) W.P. Archery W.P. Sword Hand to Hand: Expert R.C.C. Related: Select 6 "other" skills. Plus select 2 additional skills at level two, three, and four, three at level five and six. Gets a plus 5% on all selected, can not select any power armors without a -10% penalty. Equipment: Loincloth, robe with a rope belt, 30ft of rope and a sack, canteen, mirror, survival knife, vibro sword or knife, a bow with 30 arrows any kind. Money: Starts with 10,000 credits and has 100,000 credits worth of black market items! Cybernetics: Can start out with one, but it will lower the P.P.E. 10%, and if the character gets five or more they will loose all P.P.E., roll twice on the random insanity table. Vehicles: Starts with none but can purchase any kind, (with certain penalties for some described earlier).

Blacksmith O.C.C.
By: FlashFire Well, here it is. The only thing I could get to a postable level for the GPC. I'm not sure if its covered in a book or not (probably is), and even if its not others have probably done it to death, but here's my version of a Blacksmith in Palladium Fantasy. Thoughts and criticisms greatly appreciated. "Groovy." Iron and steel. These two elements (okay, one element and one alloy) are absolutely essential to the formation of any advanced society. They are the most useful metals in the world that can be easily acquired and processed. The uses of these metals and their place in an even mildly advanced society are obvious. Nails, horseshoes, weapons, axles, hinges, and gates all require metal in their construction. And who makes these modern miracles of invention? The blacksmith. A blacksmith is a person who works iron and other metals into useful shapes, such as latches and morningstars. This requires long hours of backbreaking labor over a blazing hot fire, giving Smiths a high tolerance to pain and heat. They are skilled laborers and essential to any community or kingdom. Who else is going to keep the kingdom's swords or the village's plows in good repair? Smithing is also a difficult trade to learn properly. Making a horseshoe isn't as easy as it might appear. Students may spend years learning in an apprenticeship, practicing the techniques used by masters to make even simple objects. Once trained, though, can make a decent living wherever they may go. Some people also may have a knack for making things, a natural talent for pounding metal into a workable shape. If training is added to this talent, the result can lead to astonishingly strong items and tools. Becoming an adventurer may seem difficult for a blacksmith, but not overly difficult. The usual methods of getting the character on the road work, such as having the local priest send him on a quest or burning down his village. Alternately, the Smith could work for a travelling mercenary or military group, repairing their weapons and armor. Perhaps they are travellers, packing up their shop and going from town to town, selling their wares like merchants do. Or just make the character a Dwarf and have him toss back some moonshine in the local tavern (all kinds of trouble will result...). Attribute Requirements: PE 12 or higher Attribute Bonuses: +1D4 to PE and is slightly more resistant to high temperatures. O.C.C. Abilities/Skills: 1. Forging: Forging, also known as smithing, is the practiced art and skill of creating metal items by hand. This is accomplished by heating the object and then pounding, welding, or otherwise shaping the metal into a desired shape. Common objects made be smiths include horseshoes, nails, hinges, latches, harnessess, and metal weaponry. Base Percentage: 50% + 5% per level - 36 -

Object -------Nail Horseshoe Small Latch Medium sized Latch Large Latch Hinge Large Hinge Chain Axle Harness Armor Chain Mail Plate Mail Scale Mail Full Suit Barding Arrowhead Spearhead Dagger Short Sword Long Sword Large Swords (Claymore, Bastard, Broadsword) Pole arm Iron Ball (for maces, flails, cannonshot, and shotputs) Miscellaneous Parts/Tools

Time Required --------------10 min 2 hours 4-5 days 1 Week 7-10 days 2-4 days 3 Weeks 1 Week 3 Weeks 3 Weeks 1D4x2 months 1D4 months 1D4+2 months x1.5 of type Same as above 30 minutes 1 hour 6 hours 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks 1 week 3-4 days 10 min and up depending on complexity

Average Price --------------1/2 gp each 5 gp 10 gp 20 gp 30 gp 15 gp 30-50 gp 15 gp per foot 60 gp 55 gp See Book See Book See Book See Book See Book 1/2 gp 10 gp See Book See Book See Book See Book See Book 30 gp 1/2 to 50 gp

Cast Iron Objects (plows,anvils, 1-4 weeks depending on size 50-200 gp crappy swords) Unusual Designs (depending on how x1.5 to x3 of above +40 to +1000 gp complex the design) 2. Enhance Object: Only about 5% of all blacksmiths exhibit this ability. Those that have it are capable of ehancing a weapon or object they make by infusing it with their own PPE. These objects are more resistant to damage, sharper, last longer, and are just generally better than their normal counterparts. Smiths with this ability can command at least twice as much as a normal smith for their products, with exceptional items gaining as much as Dwarven items. Each point of PPE infused into an object grants an additional 5% to all positive stats; meaning SDC, damage, range, and life span; or -5% to weight. Stats cannot be increased or decreased more than 50% of their original values. Alternately, the smith can expend 10 PPE and decrease the time it takes to forge an item by half, with no detriment to the quality of the item (no increase/decrease are possible in this case). Additional Bonuses: +10% to all skills of a mechanical or repair nature +4D6 to PPE O.C.C. Skills: Language: Native + one of choice (98%) Basic Math (+20%) General Repair (+20%) Cook (+10%) Field Armorer (+10%) Recognize Weapon Quality (+15%) Sculpting/Whittling (+10%) HTH Basic *HTH Basic can be traded for HTH Expert at a cost of two OCC Related or Secondary skills or Martial Arts at a cost of three. Assassin is not available. - 37 -

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select Seven other skills. Gets two more at levels 3, 6, 8, 11, 13 , and 15. Communications: Language and Public Speaking only Domestic: Any Espionage: Detect Concealment/Traps and Pick Locks only (+10%) Horsemanship: General only Medical: Animal Husbandry, Brewing, and First Aid only Military: Heraldy only Physical: Any but Acrobatics and Gymnastics (+10% where applicable) Rogue/Thief: Streetwise, Locate Secret Compartments (+10%), and Prowl only Science: Archaeology only Technical: Any (+10% to Gemology and Masonry) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+10% to Boat Building and Carpentry) Secondary Skills: Select five from the previous list. No bonuses. Standard Equipment: A selection of hammers, chisels, and tongs. Also has a knife sharpening kit (whetstones, oil, rag, ect..), a handful of steel wool, and personal items Presumabley, the character will also have a shop somewhere that contains a number of anvils, furnace, a greater assortment of tools, iron stock, and a number of premade sellable objects on hand. Adventurers (or ex-adventurers) will also have two sets of travelling clothes, a hatchet, survival knife, 100' of cord or rope, tent, bed roll, backpack, 1D4 sacks, a water skin, emergency food rations (two weeks worth), a and a tinder box. Armor: Will start out with a suit of studded leather armor (AR: 13, SDC: 38). Weapons: Starts with a short sword, a dagger, his hammers, and one other weapon of choice. All are presumably made by the character or the character's master, and are medium to high quality. Magic weapons and other equipment must be made or otherwise aquired later. Money: Has 4D6x100 gold in ready cash, plus will usually have a small assortment of sellable items worth 6D6x10+40 gold. Cybernetics: What do you think this is? Army of Darkness? Experience Table: 1 0 2 1,901 3 3,901 4 8,001 5 15,901 6 24,901 7 36,701 8 50,501 9 71,001 10 96,001 11 131,501 12 180,751 13 241,501 14 285,001 15 330,001 1,900 3,900 8,000 15,900 24,900 36,700 50,500 71,000 96,000 131,500 180,750 241,500 285,000 330,000 391,000

Blood Knight O.C.C.

By: Russell M. Howard This OCC was developed by the Thorn Elves of the BloodWood. The Blood Knights are guardians of the BloodWood that was transferred to Rifts Earth. The nature of blood knight power is through sacrifice, as much of the Thorn Elf magic is based off of this principle. The Knights sacrifice part of themselves to power their combat abilities. Only elves may be blood knights. The Blood elves were originally the guardians of the Blood Wood. However, several of them decided to rebel against what they perceived as a hopelessly insane Queen, and left the wood. With such incredibly powerful magic abounding in the Rifts world, they originally attempted to find a way to remove their thorn stigmata. When they found they could not, several committed suicide, but the survivors decided to pass on their training, to give themselves a reason to go on. - 38 -

The blood is the life applies equally to blood knights as well as vampires. A blood knight gains their power by sacrficing a bit of their own blood everytime they need to use their abilities. This leads to an extremely pragmatic existance. They are perfectly willing to sacrifice one to save many -- "the good of the many outweighs the good of the few." Alignment: Any Attribute Requirements: PS of 14, PE of 14, ME of 14 Attribute Bonuses: PE: +2d4+1, PS: +2d4, PP: +1d4 Hit Points: PE +2d6 base becomes MDC S.D.C.: 1d4x10 + skill bonuses becomes MDC M.D.C.: SDC + HP Base, +5d4 per level Special Abilities: 1. LifeSense: 200' diameter, Regeneration: 2d4 MDC per hour, immune to life draining spells/effects, immune to vampiric abilities, including vampiric bite, pain resistant (1/2 normal pain penalties) . 2. Blood Powers: Each of the blood powers involves the character sacrificing some MDC to activate the ability and the blood to power the ability. The blood knight loses 1 P.B. every 2 levels due to scarring, but gains 1 M.A. every 3 levels (They've got to be some sort of fanatic to do this to themselves -- and this gives them a bit of "presence" to back them up when talking (If he does that to himself, what will he do to us? :-). Supernatural PS: Take 1d4 MDC Bonus to Strike: +2 to strike for every 1 pt MDC (Max of +6 per level) Bonus to Damage: +1d6 MDC for every 1 pt MDC (Applies only to melee weapons. Max of +5d6 MDC per level) Blood Healing: Transfer MDC on a 1:3 ratio BloodField: 1 MDC per 10 MDC forcefield (Maximum of 50 MDC per level) BloodCall: 1 MDC to telepathically contact any other Blood Knight within range (10 miles +3 miles per level). BloodFury: The Blood Knight takes 3d4 MDC damage as they strike themselves repeatedly with their hands or weapons to incite themselves into a berserker fury. The Knight gains +4 S, -3 P/D, +3 Initiative, +10 PS, +3 save vs magic, HF, psionics, immune to possession/mind control, +2 attacks. BloodCurse: The Blood Knight picks his target and utters a mighty curse upon the target's head. The target will then take 1d4 MDC damage per MDC that the Knight has at maximum. However, the knight will die from the effort of the curse. The body then explodes into a blast of flame, doing 1d4x10 MDC to everything within 10 feet. This means after the curse, the knight WILL die, with no hope of resurrection. Blood Vision: The knight takes 1d4 MDC, but temporarily gains clairvoyance and clairaudience equal to his level, usable at will, for 2 minutes +1 per level. Blood Luck: +1 to a save for 1 melee for 2d4 MDC. BloodFire: The Blood Knight can fire bolts of flame from their hands, doing 1d6 MDC per MDC sacrificed. Magic: None all Blood Knights are latent mages whose powers are being channeled through their bodies. P.P.E.: 3d6 Psionics: Select 3 total from healing, physical, or sensitive. +1 every 2 levels. I.S.P.: 4d6 +2d6 per level Combat Bonuses: +1 init, +2 Roll with impact/S/P/D, +5 save vs poisons/toxins/gases O.C.C. Skills: As a Royal Knight (Rifts: England) Standard Equipment: As a Royal Knight (Rifts: England) Money: 3d6x1000 credits, 1d4x100 black market items Cybernetics: Can never receive cybernetics - 39 -

Board Rider O.C.C.

By: Tim Santa Cruz The board riders are members of an exclusive society that is akin to the skateboarders of the 20th century. It is more of a religion in that the leader of the society takes care of the members spiritual needs. Each board rider uses a modified hover board that follows the users mental commands via a cybernetic implant. The riders also favor the use of one or two bionic limbs and/or implants. Any more and they would be expelled from the society for impurities of the soul. They are extremely paranoid of government, but will be more trustworthy of individuals or small groups. They are becoming more common in the areas near the CS and the NGR. They will almost never enter the actual nations themselves, but know their limitations and will rarely venture into the unknown. They are tolerant of D-Bees and may befriend them, but none are allowed to become members of the society. Attribute Requirements: ME of 10. The cybernetic implant adds 1D4 to PP with a minimum of 14. O.C.C. Skills: Language of choice - +20% Pilot: Hoverboard - 98% Land Navigation - +10% Pick Pocket - +5% Escape Artist - +5% Prowl - +10% Running Athletics O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10 related skills. Communications: Any Computer: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Any Mechanical: Any Medical: First Aid Only (+5%) Military: None Physical: Any (+5%) Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any Technical (Any +5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skill: 2 at levels 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 Standard Equipment : 1D4 Rider Uniforms (A.R. 10, S.D.C. 50, Weight 5 lb.), Knife, Backpack, Two weeks of rations, canteen, binoculars. Armor: Board Rider Body Armor M.D.C. 45 Weight: 15 lb. Weapons: One Non-Energy Weapon of choice, One Vibro Knife, One Energy Pistol of choice. Vehicle: Hover Board M.D.C. 20 Speed. 100mph Combat Bonuses +2 to Dodge +1 to Initiative The Hover Board has a self destruct mechanism that is enabled by the rider. Once enabled the rider can not switch it off. He may give - 40 -

any time interval that he wants between 1 second and 20 minutes. Cybernetics: Board Riders may take up to two bionic implants of any kind except for ears. They may also take any cybernetic implants but start out with only the board control mechanism. Board Control Implant: This implant is what enables the board rider to control his board. It transmits an inaudible radio frequency that only the board can hear. Someone can listen to this frequency but it cannot be disrupted. Someone listening will only hear jibberish since it is processing the brain waves of the rider. Someone with a radio transmitter cannot give commands to the board since it is programmed to only understand the commands of it's rider. If the implant is removed, the rider will die within 1D4 hours.

The Borg
Several centuries ago, there was a civilization of humanoid beings called the Gervase. They were an extremely noble and honorable race whose achievements included advanced cybernetics, interstellar travel, and even the secret of matter transmission (a technological equivalent to the Teleport spell.) They had conquered many of the mysteries of science, but they never once abused there incredible intellect or the power that came with it. The few times in their history that they ever resorted to violence, were always the result of other races that have coveted the incredible technology of the Gervase and have tried to take them over. The result of such attacks was always consistent, the would-be invaders were repelled. The Gervase then came up with a brilliant plan for advancing the cause of knowledge. They would use their incredible skills in cybernetics to connect their minds to each other! With instant access to all the members of their race, discoveries would be made in leaps and bounds! The project, called Project Borg, was instantly hailed as an immense success. One thousand test subjects were implanted with cybernetic implants, and the results became evident immediately. The only flaw which was detected early in the experiment was that with the new communal mind, the "collective," if one person experienced intense emotions, all of the subjects would. This mass of conflicting emotions would quickly overwhelm all of the subjects in the experiment. To counter this, emotional inhibitors were installed in the cybernetic systems. Despite the loss of humanity, a number of the scientific elite within the Gervase quickly volunteered to join the collective, while only a few of the Gervase voiced any concern. The scientific breakthroughs that followed quickly became unparalleled. It was roughly a year later when the standing military of the Gervase began serious inquiries into developing Project Borg for the purpose of planetary defense. After all, it is not hard to imagine how much more effective a military force would be with all it's members acting as one coherent unit. A special branch of the military was formed using the technology of Project Borg. The young conscripts into this new branch of the military were often selected on the basis of family life. People who had no families and truly desired one were the most quickly accepted into it. If they had no family before, they quickly gained a large one in the collective. Calamity finally struck the Gervase when they were attacked by a neighboring star system. To further enhance the impressive unit of Borg soldiers, the soldier collective was put in contact with the scientific collective to help them more effectively combat the enemy. The results were incredible. While the Borg soldiers were extremely effective, they were also hopelessly outnumbered. They suffered horrible losses in the first 47 seconds of the battle, losing half of their force. After those first few moments of battle, the scientific collective was able to adjust the harmonics of the shields of the Borg vessels. The enemy laser fire was thus rendered ineffective. With this sudden change in power, the battle quickly changed. The entire enemy armada was wiped out within 4 minutes 32 seconds. No further losses were suffered by the Borg soldiers with the exception of an enemy ship that engaged in a suicide run against one of the Borg vessels. All of the Borg soldiers on the ship were destroyed, but it was still an impressive victory considering the overwhelming odds against them. This is when the Borg was truly born. For once the enemy armada was destroyed, there was no real need for the scientific collective and the soldier collective to maintain their connection. As the Gervase tried severing the connection between the two collectives, they discovered this to be impossible, for the two collectives had effectively become one. In a panic, the Gervase tried to pull the plug on their creations, meanwhile, the Borg ships simply remained in orbit to ponder their purpose. After deliberating for 52 seconds the Borg came to a number of conclusions: Their primary purpose was to serve sentient beings with their own race having the highest priority. After that, their next priorities were to advance scientific learning and ensure peace. They could most effectively accomplish these goals by assimilating all other sentient beings into the Borg. There would initially be resistance, but in the end, when they were part of the collective, they would understand, and be grateful that they had become one with the Borg. The war that ensued on the Gervase home world lasted three weeks. The armed forces that had not given over to conversion were no match for the collective. Each time a member of the Gervase was captured, a new member of the collective was born within twenty minutes. The Borg remained on the Gervase home world for one month after it's conquest, totally assimilating all of the inhabitants and technology that their world had. During this month, two things of major importance happened. The first was that the off-world colonies of the Gervase - 41 -

prepared to combat the Borg. The second was that the Borg used the resources at their command to construct a ship that was made entirely by the Borg, not their Gervase ancestors. The ship was fearsome and awesome all at once. It was a giant mechanical cube! Totally devoid of any aesthetic design, it was completely functional without an inch of wasted space. Many people say that a spaceships design will speak volumes of the people who designed it, this can surely be said of the Borg. Their ship was cold, efficient, and totally functional. With their new ship finished and operational, the Borg turned their attention to the off-world colonies of the Gervaise. Despite the valiant efforts of these colonists, the results always followed the same basic pattern. The Borg would show up demanding that the colony surrender and submit to assimilation, the colony would resist and be defeated within a matter of days. After that, only one thing was left to happen, the population and technology of the planet would inevitably be assimilated into the Borg. With each planet assimilated, the Borg grew stronger and stronger, building more and more ships. Within two years, the entire Gervase civilization, which spanned 18 planets over 16 star systems, was assimilated. The Gervase no longer existed, all that was left was the Borg. Once the Borg had assimilated their former civilization, they turned their attention to other sentient races. After all, their purposes in life should not be limited to only their own race, they seek to raise quality of life for all species. If there was any resistance, it would be of no consequence. They too would become one with the Borg. The Borg spread across the galaxy like a plague, nothing seemed to stop them. Occasionally, exceptionally shrewd or powerful civilizations could repel the Borg, but the Borg threat has remained. Indeed, the Borg realize that with each new conquest they become more powerful and will return to these civilizations when they are confident that a subsequent assimilation will succeed. The only reason the Borg have not conquered the entire galaxy, is that they have not had enough time. The Borg have only been in existence for a few centuries, but if they are not stopped, eventually, they will spread their quality of life throughout the universe, and possibly, the megaverse. Alignment: Abberant Attributes: Because individuality is not practiced among the Borg, they all have identical attributes. I.Q. 32, M.E. see powers, M.A. 3, P.S. 20, P.P. 22, P.E. 15, P.B. 4, Spd. 10 Hit Points: See M.D.C. M.D.C.: 20 plus force field (see powers) Horror Factor: 13 P.P.E.: 1-2 (roll 1D4 divide by 2) Magic: NONE! Psionics: See Powers Powers: 1. Link to the collective: This is the one strength that gives the Borg an edge over their enemies. This is where all of there other powers come from. This is also where the Borg have the greatest potential for being exploited. In essence, all Borg within a ten lightyear radius share a communal mind. It is maintained through a new technological breakthrough called sub-space communication. Whenever a collective comes into contact with another Borg collective, they download all files to each other as part of their standard operating procedure. This keeps the entire Borg collective informed about itself. It should be noted that this interconnection is the Borg's greatest strength. As a result, whenever someone attacks and defeats the Borg, one can be sure that the Borg will have some counter measures for the next encounter. For example, if the players manage to defeat a party of Borg using heavy rail-guns, some new defense against rail-guns will be employed by the Borg. To sum it up, this connectivity should terrify the players as they realize that this enemy will become better and better the more that they are encountered. If the cybernetic implants that provide the connection to the collective are tampered with while the connection is still active, then the Borg will self destruct. However, if some other method of cutting off the collective is used (for example, destroying all other Borg in a ten light year radius, or somehow jamming the subspace signals) and the implants are then removed, the Borg will not self destruct. In any case, once the connection to the collective is severed, that particular Borg can potentially become an individual. 2. Force Field: While force fields are fairly common place around the megaverse, the Borg force fields are unusual in the great amount of adaptability they have. A Borg force field will only stop 10 M.D.C. of damage. The strength lies in the fact that when an energy weapon is used against it, it may kill the Borg that it's used against, but it also tells the Borg what the frequency of the weapon is. From this information, the Borg have a 60% chance of adjusting the force fields of all other Borg in that collective so as to render that particular energy weapon totally ineffective. Thus, while the first couple of Borg that are met may be easily defeated, the rest will be much more difficult. 3. Tractor Beam: The tractor beam is a form of force field which can be used in a similar manner to Telekinesis. A favorite tactic of the Borg is to immobilize their target using a tractor beam, and assimilate them. Many would think this would take a lengthy conversion process, but the most basic implants needed to assimilate someone can be implanted in only ten minutes. Of course, full conversion with enhanced P.S., P.P. and P.E. requires 45 minutes, but once the initial implants are installed, there is no more resistance. 4. Matter Transmission: A technological equivalent to the Teleport spell! The range on the matter transmitter is 1500 miles. The area to be transported into must be scanned prior to the attempt, but the Borg have very good scanners. 5. Collective Mental Endurance: Psionic abilities are not effective against the Borg. The collective provides a great strength against outside influences. Any psionic abilities that will try to affect the thought process of the Borg won't work. This includes Hypnotic - 42 -

Suggestion, Empathic Transmission, and Bio-Manipulation. Some sensitive powers will be of some use. For example, empathy might give indications of what the individual Borg in question feels, but unless this particular member of the Borg has only recently been assimilated, there is very little chance of their being any emotions from that individual. Using telepathy against the Borg is a dangerous proposition at best. Trying to establish a connection will cause the telepath to make a save vs. insanity. Failure results in the telepath going into a catatonic state for 4D6 minutes with an 80% chance of developing some sort of insanity. A similar effect can be established by someone with a cyber-jack if they can figure out a way to establish a connection with the Borg. If the initial save is successful, then the telepath can read information from the Borg collective. A person with a cyber-jack will have similar access, but they can also effect low-level changes within the collective... assuming they can get past the security measures put in place by the Borg. 6. Other abilities: All Borg have the following standard implants: Collective Transmitter (the component which connects the being in question to the collective. It's removal will result in the immediate self-destruction of the being. It also acts as a homing beacon and allows for matter transmission without error.) Sensor hand, universal headjack, multi-optic eye, oxygen storage cell, and wrist needle & drug dispenser. Combat: Three attacks per melee. Bonuses: +5 to strike, + 4 to parry, + 4 to roll, and +2 to initiative. Damage: 2D6+5 S.D.C. on a restrained punch. 1D6 M.D. on a full strength punch. 2D6 M.D. on a power punch. O.C.C.: None. The Borg are inhumane monsters with no individuality whose only purpose is to assimilate any and all sentient life forms. Skills of Note: All skills except physical skills at 98% (They have access to the collected knowledge of the collective. Average Life Span: The Borg are in many ways similar to humans physiologically. They also have medical capabilities that are superior to anything found on Earth. As a result, the average life span of a Borg is 160 years barring death in combat. As a side note, the Borg gave up the normal means of reproduction several years ago, it was too inefficient. Instead they reproduce via cloning. Value: Are you kidding? The technology may be impressive, but they are too dangerous! Habitat: Anywhere sentient beings can be found to be assimilated. Enemies: Any sentient being that values individuality and freedom. Any being that is capable of sentient thought will be considered suitable for assimilation. If the being proves to be causing too much damage to the collective, then it is destroyed for the good of the collective. It should be noted that the only sentient beings that will not be considered suitable for assimilation will be vampires. This is because their incredible regenerative abilities prevent any and all attempts to implant cybernetics. Still, a confrontation between the Borg and vampires will result in instant war. After all, the Borg will realize that these creatures are a threat to the well-being of the collective. Allies: The only allies the Borg have are those that have been assimilated, and those that are willing to undergo assimilation. Description: The Borg look like partial conversion borgs. This is in essence accurate because that's exactly what they are. Unlike most borgs, whoever, they make no effort to hide their inhumanity. Looks are irrelevant. Aesthetics are irrelevant. One notable difference about the Borg is that they lose their color when they join the collective. Aliens that were once vibrant colors become dim and faded. When humans join the collective, their skin turns a somber gray. Size: The humanoid Borg average abut six feet tall. Of course, humanoids are not the only creatures that are assimilated. Weight: About 220 lb. for humanoid Borg. Note: Borg equipment is totally functional. It has no aesthetic design unless there is a need for it. For example, a Borg land skimmer will be sleek and aerodynamic, but not because it looks better, because it's more efficient in an atmosphere than the typical cube shaped ships they employ in space. All Borg are automatically armed with a laser pistol that does 3D6+3 M.D. This however, is not the only thing that they can be issued. Equipment is issued according to the mission at hand and will always be what's best for the collective.It should be further noted, that generally, the most effective defense against the Borg is the one that is the most unorthodox. They are creatures of logic, and will always go under the assumption that the means of defense used against them will be the most effective.

Borowitz Giants R.C.C.

By: Dustin M The Borowitz are giant psychic humanoids from another world. Yet while they are massive and powerfully built beings, they are not supernatural in nature. Despite what most smaller folk may think, the Borowitz are not plodding, dim-witted brutes. They are very intelligent and have keen minds, even though they are not very charismatic and tend to speak brutishly. All Borowitz have an intrinsic love for games, both - 43 -

mental and physical. Disputes even between mortal enemies are handled through gaming competition, whether it be athletic, intellectual, or psychic. They often view other races as being "uncivilized" because others are so quick to strike up arms against both friend and foe alike, when the entire matter could be so easily settled in "Personal Gaming Competition." Worshiping no gods, the Borowitz have an almost religious devotion toward their Elders. Their society is organized around a familyunity type of structure. Each of the scores of different Orders are lead by a council of twelve Elders. Each Order is composed of dozens and dozens of Clans, all of which headed by their council of Elders. By tradition, every Clan in the Order has a specific occupation. Every Order has its own Clan of merchants, warriors, engineers, etc. The bitterest of competitions arise from clans competing with similar occupational clans in other orders. Every fifteen years, the occupational Clans from dozens of Orders will hold great Olympic-style competitions, each trying to out do the other. Alignment: Any, however the vast majority are anarchist, unprincipled, and scrupulous. Regardless of alignment, all Borowitz are 100% loyal to their Order. Attributes: The number of dice rolled is as designated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 4D6+10, P.P. 3D6+2, P.E. 4D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 3D6. Their P.S. and P.E. are considered to be at the supernatural level on magic supercharged environments such as RIFTS Earth and Wormwood. Hit Points: P.E.*5 +2D6 per level of experience. S.D.C.: 2D4*100 on RIFTS Earth plus those gained from O.C.C.s and physical skills, making the giant an equivalent light megadamage structure (every 100 S.D.C. equals one M.D.C.). Horror Factor: 11 P.P.E.: 6D6 Natural Abilities: Exceptional long range vision, night vision 40ft, heals ten times as quickly as normal, and is naturally resistant to both magic fire and magic cold (does half damage). Additionally, these giants's natural psychic abilities are made even more powerful on RIFTS Earth. Bonuses: +3 to save vs Horror Factor in addition to those gained from attributes, O.C.C., and skill bonuses. Damage: Restrained punch does 4D6 S.D.C. plus P.S. bonus Full strength strike does 2D6 M.D. Power strike 4D6 M.D. (counts as two attacks) Kick does 3D6 M.D. Magic: By O.C.C. only. Psionics: All Borowitz giants are considered major psychics. Select five Physical psionics and any three additional psionics from the categories of Healing, Physical, and Sensitive. At levels three, six, nine, twelve, and fifteen select one additional psionic from those categories. At levels four, eight, and twelve select one super psionic. O.C.C.: Virtually any O.C.C. (except Glitter Boy), including the CS Military (equivalents). Skills of Note: Speaks and is literate in Borowitz, and Troll, and speaks Gobblely, all at 98%. Knows one extra ancient W.P. in addition to O.C.C. skills. Also add +5% skill bonus to all Wilderness skills due to their natural aptitude in that area. Average Life Span: 250 years. Habitat: Can be found anywhere. Considered a monster or D-Bee on RIFTS Earth. Enemies: Generally indifferent to most, however they view most short folk with disdain. Allies: Non per se. May associate with anyone. Physical Appearance: These beings are massively built humanoids. Their skin color varies in shade from a dark golden honey to a light brown. Their limbs are unusually long, resulting in a more gangly appearance. The most noticeable difference that separates them from most other giants is the fact that they are not cannibals! Size: 12ft (3.63m) plus 6D6 inches. - 44 -

Weight: 400 to 900 lb. (180 to 410 kg). Notes: Borowitz tend to be surprisingly civilized, although they are more aggressive toward smaller or weaker beings. They have quickly adapted to RIFTS high technology and have a passion for vibro-blades and other weapons that show the full extent of their skills.

Bronids R.C.C.
By: Tim Santa Cruz The Bronids are a D-Bee from a dimension that has been cursed with war for thousands of years. The Bronids are hideous looking creatures with long animal-like snouts, sharp teeth, and red eyes. They have a muscular build and are extremely agile. However, despite their beastlike appearance, they are a peaceful race who was driven from their homeworld by the viscous Draykle. They are somewhat of an anomaly in their own universe. And on Rifts earth as well. The Bronids are trained from birth to be able to defend themselves from attack. However most of them are Farmers or Glep-herders. But, those that do take up arms are among the best warriors in their Galaxy. Using ancient Martial Arts, they can quickly incapacitate or kill any that are foolish enough to attack them. They are not aggressors however, and will not attack an unarmed foe. They will fight with one, but only in self-defense and then only to incapacitate them so the proper authorities can arrest them. The one thing that really sets off the Bronids is an attack on a family member (Friends and adventure partners are considered family). When such an attack is staged, Bronids go into a frenzy, usually killing the aggressors. Needless to say, Just because they are peaceful, doesnt mean you can piss them off. The Bronids are simple people and do not invent high tech items, like spacecraft, and modern weapons of war. They are however, quick to learn, and can adapt to an environment like Rifts. Especially if they have some kind of purpose to be there (i.e. Family was killed by CS, enslaved by Splugorth, etc.). Alignments: Any, but usually good. You do run across the occasional evil Bronid, but they are as rare as a mailing list with no offtopic posts. Attributes: I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 5D6 (Considered Supernatural), P.P. 5D6, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 1D6, Spd. 3D6 H.F.: 12 MDC: 4D6 x 10 PPE: 3D6 Average life span: 90 years Natural Abilities: Nightvision 60ft, Claws on hands and feet do 2D6 MD plus Damage from punch, Heightened Sense of Taste (See HU), +3 Strike/Parry/Dodge This is in addition to hand to hand bonuses. Combat: Hand to Hand Martial Arts Psionics: Upon arrival to Rifts earth, MAY develop 1d4 sensitive Psionic Powers. 20 % chance. Magic: None R.C.C. Skills: Language: Brono 98% Language: Two of choice +20% Basic Math: +10% Horsemanship +20% Wilderness Survival +15% Track Animals +10% Hunting +20% - 45 -

Dance +30% W.P. Knife W.P. Two Ancient of Choice W.P. One Modern of Choice R.C.C. Related Skills: 10 plus 2 at levels 4, 7, and 11. Communications - Any (-5%) Domestic - Any (+5%) Electrical - Any Espionage - Any (+5%) Mechanical - Any Medical - Any Military - None Physical - Any (+10%) Pilot - Any Pilot Related - Any Rogue - Any (+5%) Science - Any Technical - Any except Computers Wilderness - Any (+10%) Secondary Skills: 4 at levels 2 and 6. Standard Equipment: Set of Wilderness Clothes, Backpack, Food rations for 3 weeks (Bronids eat food similar to earth food), A knife, Some kind of music player (PC's choice). Weapons: B'ting Blade Does 1D6 MD, One Energy Weapon. Money: 1D6 x 100 Cybernetics: Starts with none. Ends With none.

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-CCab Driver OCC

By: Dave Oughton Attribute Requirements: IQ of 10 Alignment: Any, but most lean toward the selfish. OCC Skills: Radio: Basic (+15) Math: Basic (+10) Pilot: Auto (+15) W.P. Any (2): Generally, cab drivers want something small, or easily concealed. OCC Related Skills: Select 10 other skills at level one, add two skills at levels 3, & 6, two at level 8, and one at levels 9, & 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Secondary Skills: Pick 7 of the above listed without bonuses inside ( ). Money: 2d8 x 1000 Standard Equipment: A months worth of rations, 3 map-books of choice areas, flashlight, "jumper cables", knife, 2 (E) clips of selected weapon (if applicable), mega-damage armor (non-elemental) Vehicle: Auto only, NOTHING BIGGER. Comes painted with custom logo. I.S.P.: Base 2d30, or 3d20 plus 1d6 per level. Special: Telemechanic "cab-light"; when placed on any vehicle gives the character a 50% chance of operating that vehicle successfully. When this light is removed, all bonuses are gone. Vehicle Special: Glovebox of holding: 2000 lbs. capacity. Whatever is placed inside this glovebox has to fit inside the parameter of the actual glovebox. Vans that are made into cabs have the option of an additional "box" under passenger seat.

By: Beecher Greenman Based on a character in Final Fantasy II, this lesser practitioner of magic can do some amazing stuff. Requirements: ME 16, IQ 15, must start training as a child (All Callers start at Level 2 except in a few special cases. For example, in Final Fantasy II, Rydia would start at Level 1 because of the Mist Dragon's defeat). Alignment: Contrary to popular belief, most are Unprincipled or good. Many tend to perceive them as Miscreant or Diabolic, as the most famous (and nasty) are evil. Bonuses: Add 1d6 to all mental attributes Spells: Choose 1 from Level 1 (no spells yet in the case of a Level 1 Caller). Add two per level of XP, up to a level equalling that of the Callers. At every 1,000,000 XP above Level 15 may choose 1 Spell of Legend or 5 normal spells or 2 temporal spells. May learn spells normally, but do not like summoning magic (would rather use their own powers.) PPE 2d20 plus IQ plus ME. (only 1d20 for Level 1.) Add 2d12 per level. Psionics: Telepathy and Empathic Transmission (only works on animals and monsters.) Good, Unprincipled, or Aberrant Callers also have Healing Touch while evil or anarchist have bio-manipulation. ISP 50, add 10 per level (starts with 25 if at Level 1) Tattoos: Choose 3 animal and 1 monster. These are bestowed by the Caller's parent, who can only bestow the tattoos that he or she was given and will not bestow them upon anyone else unless they are to become Callers. May get any new tattoos later, but double effects and duration of damage to the Caller for Weapon (simple or Magic) and Power tattoos. Skills: - 47 -

Language: Dragonese (96% plus literate at 80%, drop literacy if at Level 1.) plus 1 other at 90% HTH: Expert (may become Martial Arts at cost of 1 other skill or Assassin (evil only) at the cost of 2 other skills) Horsemanship (+20%) Acrobatics and Gymnastics WP: Blunt +2 other Streetwise (drop if at Level 1) Athletics General Sing at Professional quality (often used to calm animals, which it can do at a percentage equal to 3/4 the normal percentage. Can also calm people at full percentile chance) MD, but only works on animals (veterinarian, so to speak.) OCC Related: Choose 2 more plus 1 at Level 5, 10, and 12 Radio: Basic Domestic: Any Espionage: Escape Artist only (+20% if a tattoo can be reached, but must make a roll to use the tattoo and another to get the animal do get the Caller out, and it only works on things the creature can break) MILITARY: NONE PHYSICAL: No types of fighting other than OCC skill, but WPs and athletic skills like running are allowed) Rogue: So long as it doesn't involve computers, any PILOT: Forget about Robots, PA, and APC's, but anything else. Same story for Pilot Related (no robot, PA, or APC stuff allowed) Science: Any but MD in Cybernetics Technical: Same story as for Rogue, no computers, but anything else WP: Any, but tends to use ancient weapons Wilderness: NO hunting or fishing (the nature of Callers causes them to absolutely HATE eating meat; they won't comment on others eating meat though) but anything else. POWERS: Can tame any animal (and, if caught at a VERY early age, like just born or hatchling, monsters) at a proficiency of 60% plus 2% per level. Can summon any creature or monster PPE: total possible damage in m.d.c./2+M.D.C armor/10=p.p.e.cost to call the creaturetechnique for calling monsters is learned the same way as spells, with a different technique for each creature. The Caller MUST defeat that type of creature at least once before it can be summoned. only need a memento or a tattoo of the creature {more often a memento}. the monster if sentient must be of that alignment or gave consent . they start with 3 animals ,1 monster and, 2 lesser monster below . calls May have a familiar link like a Shifter . speaking of shifters a caller and a shifter can open a rift to an unknown plane or planet [in case someone is making some thing on espers and FF3] witch people other can people can go though. There's many creatures on this place {plain or planet}that know about callers and are willing to help. [note:there could be a natural rift open to that place.] Limitations: If a called monster or creature dies, so does the Caller who summoned it. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE! Same story for familiars, but the familiar will otherwise live as long as the Caller A caller must be a human or true atlantean. Enhancements: No Cybernetics OR Bio-Systems! Bio-wizardry is allowed, but a Caller will still only get this when ABSOLUTELY necessary, and ONLY to replace something that was lost, NO enhancements. Even trying to get an enhancement will kill the Caller, though new things like arms may be added safely if used to replace a lost one. Also, something peculiar: If an enhancement is added against the Caller's will (such as being turned into a Slave-Borg for the Coalition) the Caller will survive. Money: 2d20x1000 credits, 20d6x100 in black market items Gear: light armor (most often Crusader), 1 ancient weapon, one energy pistol, several sets of travelling clothes, rations for 2 weeks, and a pet (most often a bird which may be used as a familiar.) XP: Xp of a shifter Calls: Chocobo: Calls a Chocobo, who bites and kicks 1 person, doing 2D6 damage. 10 M.D.C. armor Costs 7 P.P.E. Level: 1 Mist: Calls a Mist Dragon, who blows a cold wind at 1 person doing 5D6 damage. 50 M.D.C. armor Costs 20 P.P.E. Level: 6 Titan: Calls Titan, quake 5d6 to 3 ground things , on water it can be used to make a tsunami wave 1d4+1m.d. 100 M.D.C. armor Costs 55 P.P.E. Shiva: Shiva comes and casts a cold wind on up to 2 people. Does 6D6 damage 90m.d.armor and costs 45P.P.E. Level: 7 - 48 -

Indra: Indra hits up to 4 people with lightning, doing 3d6 m.d. 90m.d.armor Costs 45 P.P.E. Level: 7 Jinn: Jinn comes and creates a fire, doing 12d6m.d. 90m.d.armor Costs 45 P.P.E. Level: 7 Special Calls: Asura: By defeating Asura, Queen of the Summoned Monsters, a Caller can call Asura for a healing a group of nine on up to repairing 60m.d.armor. 200m.d.armor Costs 50 P.P.E. Levia: By defeating Leviathan, King of the Summoned Monsters, a caller can call Leviathan, who creates a huge wave doing 1D6x5 damage to 5 people. Costs: 80 P.P.E. Odin: By defeating Odin, a caller can call Odin 50% of the time, who comes and kills enemies by cutting through them.200m.d.armor Costs 70 50+per extra enemy P.P.E. Sylph: By doing a favor for the Sylph fairies, a Caller can call 3 Sylphs, who do 1D6x10 points to 1 person and give the points back to 1 person. 50m.d.armor per sylph. 17 P.P.E. Bahamut: By defeating Bahamut, the most powerful summoned monster, Caller can Call Bahamut, who does 3d6x10 600m.d.armor.

Cambion RCC
The Cambions are a human-like race from fairly deep within the Thundercloud galaxy. They are the main force in a group of planets known as The Collective of Free Planets. The Cambion home world is situated in a stange solar system. The only thing that is contained in this solar system is the sun, Cam Solim, the planet Cambi Prime with its five moons, and a spacial anomally much like a black hole or worm hole. The hole, which has been named the Vortex, is the only thing which orbits the sun. This means that the planet of Cambi Prime orbits the Vortex! More precisely, the planet is caught in the Vortex, but surprisingly seems to be stable and in no trouble of falling in. From the earliest records of the Cambions it seems that the planet has always been there, or it has been there at least since the Cambions arrived. The Cambions were probably humans once, but millenia of living on the edge of the vortex has altered them making slight differences. Note: Cambions make up almost 45% of the Collective. See "The Collective" for more information. Cambions are almost identical to humans in appearance, except their skin has a dusky grey tinge and their ears have a slight point. Hair colour is normally black, dark brown, or white, with other colors existing but very rare (red hair is considered a bad omen, and usually coloured). Alignment: Any, but typically good. Attributes: I.Q. 3d6+1, M.E. 3d6+3, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 4d6+3, P.E. 3d6+1, P.B. 3d6, Spd. 4d6 Size: Five to seven feet tall. Weight: 100 to 250 pounds. M.D.C.: By armour or magic only. S.D.C./Hit Points: Standard+30, and double normal hit points. Horror Factor: None. P.P.E.: 4d6, unless magic O.C.C. Average Life Span: 180 years. Natural Abilities: Nightvision 40 ft and immune to radiation. Also have near perfect hand to eye coordination when piloting vehicles, add +10% to any piloting skills. Psionic Powers: Standard; basically the same as humans. Magic Powers: Only if a magic O.C.C. is selected. Combat: Normal; varies with skills. Vulnerabilities/Penalties: None. O.C.C.s: Virtually any! Most lean towards fighter pilots and other pilot classes. The Cambions discovered magic about fifty years ago from a highly magical race that the FWDC discovered (actually elves). Cambions have taken well to magic, and are especially favoured towards Techno-Wizardry. The Cambions also have a special class, known as the psi-pilot. These are people with ambient psionic powers, that develop a highly specialized form of telemechanics for the use of interacting with vehicles. In the last 25 years the Cambions have shared this knowledge with other races, and it has recently appeared among pilots in the CCW, making Turbo-Jockeys very jealous. - 49 -

Alliances and Allies: The Cambions work well with all of the races in the collective, and are also friendly with most of the races near the colective that were not destroyed by the insectmen. They are also forming a treaty with the CCW, and are friendly with any race< with a "goodly" disposition.

Cardassians R.C.C.
By: Tim Santa Cruz Humanoid race that has been involved in a bitter, extended conflict with the UFP that has just recently been resolved. The Cardassians annexed Bajor and striped it of it resources. The Bajorans are very resentful of this occupation of their planet and hate Spoonheads as a result. Alignments: Any Attributes: IQ 4d6, ME 4d6, MA 3d6+2, PS 3d6, PP 2D6+2, PE 3d6+1, PB 2d6, SPD 3d6+1 Hit Points: P.E. + 1d6 SDC: 4d6 + those from O.C.C. and Physical Skills P.P.E.: 4d6 Horror Factor: 8 for those who have never seen a Cardassian Natural Abilities: The Cardassians have the innate ability to sense deception in others. It may be some kind of latent psionc power but no one knows for sure, and Cardassians will not appear as psionc. Cardassians have a 60% chance of detecting deception, even from Psioncs. Bonuses: +1 vs. Poison, toxins, and drugs; +4 Save vs. Psionics. Psionics: None O.C.C.: any but Coalition. Skills of Note: All Cardassians will speak and be literate in both Cardassian and English at 98%. Combat: two plus those gained from hand to hand training and/or boxing. Size: Five feet eight inches +3d6 inches Weight: 120-250 lb.

Care Bears R.C.C. NPC Villain, Optional PC {For those Really sick GM's}
By: Attributes: IQ: 1D6+8 (Average to Mid), ME: 2D4+12 (Necessary to keep happy under pressure), MA: 2D6+6 (To make other people happy too), PS: 2D6+2, PP: 3D6+6 (To dodge Those "Mean People"), PE: 2D6+8, PB: 3D6+6, (They're so Durn cute), Spd: 2D6+4 P.P.E.: 3D6 X 10 I.S.P.: 2D6 H.F.: 8 (if you know what they are), 0 (Otherwise) Description: The care bears are 3-4 foot tall pastel colored bears. Almost cartoonish in appearance, and insufferably cute, they tend to waddle instead of walking. Their fur is soft and their general disarming attitude almost makes you want to cuddle them. On their chest - 50 -

and stomach is a white patch of fur, with each bear's personal symbol on it. Always something harmless, E.G. a friendly sun, a rainbow, a heart, etc. Though not skilled athletically, the bears are masters of friendship and happiness. Just being in the presence of a CB will induce a sense of well-being (recovers PPE/ISP at twice the normal rate, heals 1/3 faster than normal) At least for the first couple of days. (Less for less "Tolerant" people) After that, the CB's incessant need to "Blow sunshine where the sun don't shine" will become grating and annoying. However killing the CB is difficult at best. For their main defence mechanism is the Care Bear "Stare". Simply by expending 50 PPE The furry little being can cause a ray of happiness th emanate from their chest. If struck, the attacker is filled with overwhelming feelings of love and happiness. Not just for the bear, but for everything in general. The assailant is powerless to resist. No save allowed (unless the GM is feeling nice, but do GM's ever feel "Nice? ; ). The effects of this power last for 3D6+6 hours, which the bear uses to escape or summon others. After the effects wear off, the assailant is drained of energy (1 day to recover). Multiple bears can hold hands to increase the effect, or area of effect as follows: 2 Bears add 1D6 to duration 3 Bears add 1D6+6 to duration 4 Bears add 2D6+4 to duration and alignment shifts closer to the good end of the spectrum by 1 5 Bears add 3D6+10 to duration and alignment shifts closer to the good end of the spectrum by 2 6 Bears add 5D6+10 to duration and alignment shifts closer to the good end of the spectrum by 4 7-10 Bears, the target becomes a happy, drooling idiot for 3D6+6 Hrs, alignment shifts 6 10-15 Bears As above but duration increases to 2D6 days 15-20 Bears As above but duration increases to 2D6 weeks 20+ Bears As above, but shift becomes permanent (Allow save vs coma/death to avoid) All durations double when within 1 mile of a nexus. These messengers of happiness wander the multiverse to enlighten people and generally make the world a happier place to be. Singing happy traveling songs, the bears are generally found where strife is prevalent. Ridding worlds of pain and misery is their mission in life. They Mean Well, and they don't believe that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Other Special defences: 1. Regeneration: The CB can regenerate 3D6 HP/SDC each melee. Alternatively they become minor supernatural creatures in a PPE rich environment. Gaining (3D6X10)+PE+50 MDC 2. Awe Factor: They can use their cuteness as a defence mechanism. Anyone targeting a CB will have to save vs. Awe factor. Awe factor is determined by taking PB and halving it. Bonuses are added by applying 1/4 MA, and the known actions of the CB in question. For example: Saving a puppy from a burning house +10, Drinking a glass of milk and getting a milk moustache (Just cute) +1. Anyone failing to save vs. Awe factor canot pull the trigger, swing the bat, whatever. Effects wear off after 1 melee round. 3. Summon CB: One CB can summon others at the rate of 1/melee round. The summoned CB can immediately attempt to summon another. This can lead to a building infested with CB's in a matter of minutes. PPE cost:30/ attempt. % chance to summon is determined by the GM.

By: Kendra The Cat-girl, a beautiful humanoid female with a dual set of ears, one human in the regular spot and a pair of cat-ears on the top of her head, is the product of Pre-Rifts genetic engineering in Japan. With the genetic coding of a cat, they are all fast, agile, and have enhanced hearing and vision, and even have slightly elongated canine teeth, like their more domestic counterparts, as well as a slight increase in Physical endurance. If a cat-girl mates, the genetic information of the cat is dominant in the child, and if female, will be another cat-girl, if male, will be completely human. (NOTE: 75% of all cat-girl children are female) They seem to have a genetic need to look for the biggest energy weapons they can find: They'll frequently forego using a more accurate energy weapon for one that's more powerful. Not wasteful thou, they'll keep their old weapons until they need money to get new weapons, armor, or other needed supplies, but they'll sell the weapons weakest first, then second weakest, and so on. This need for energy weapons stems from one of the designing team watching too much Japanese Animation as a child, but was such a useful skill to have that the rest of the team let it stay. They have instinctive dislikes of Dog boys ONLY, and like all other canine races regardless of the feelings being returned. Dog boys can smell them from a rather long way away and will hunt them down to do battle unless restrained; it's instinctive for dogs to hate cats. Cat-girls are very intelligent, and if taking care to cover her cat-ears, will pass for a completely normal, or slightly cybered human (To account for the agility, reflexes, hearing, and eyesight) Cat-girls and children of cat-girls are put through training with swords from a young age, as well as basic medical, computer hacking and mechanical training. Cat-girls are rather promiscuous, and will often flirt with complete strangers, sometimes unintentionally. Most are bisexual, but by no means are all of them. Cat-girls are very cheerful and happy beings, often singing to themselves as they work at something unless under stress, playing with cat-toys in their spare time(The genetic engineers tried to remove this - 51 -

characteristic from them during the testing stage of their development, but failed.) and generally laughing and smiling at people unless worried about something, sad, or under stress. Contrary to most domestic felines, they LOVE the water, and swimming comes naturally to them. The Cat-girl has a VERY ADVERSE REACTION TO CATNIP! One good sniff of the stuff will send her into a slightly hallucinogenic state, although also very...aroused sexually (She'll give everyone that she likes big kitty kisses (She licks their faces)) She is basically berserk and uncontrollable for 2d4 Melees after a catnip attack(Self-contained air-supplies on armor make them immune to this), thou she rarely gets violent during this time...she's just too horny! NOTE: Because she bounces around during the time she's under the spell of the catnip, she gets a +2 to dodge in addition to all other bonuses. The dodges are automatic, she doesn't even notice what's trying to hit her unless it actually manages to hit her, in which case she'll temporarily come out of the catnip spell and attack what hit her ONCE with whatever's in her hand(If nothing, she'll leap kick it) then resumes her bouncing and cavorting and basic stonedness :) (Note when rolling a male cat-girl child: Males are fully human, use human rolls except for PB, which is the same roll as a cat-girl.) Alignment: 90% of all cat-girls are of good alignments, the rest are shades of everything else. Male children of cat-girls are any alignment. Note: The below tables are used in character creation. All bonuses are IN ADDITION TO the skills and abilities listed further down and chosen. The domestic version of the cat-girl is by far the most common, composing about 80% of the entire cat-girl population, so genotypes of other felines species are a rarity. Domestic genotypes are also less inclined to be evil for some unknown reason (Possibly due to the fact that domestic cats like to be around people more than the wilder versions do) ---------------------Domestic, Lynx and bobcat: IQ: 4d6 PB: 5d6, min. of 16 PE: 3d6 PS: 3d6 ME: 3d6 +2 PP: 4d6 +3 Spd: 5d6 MA: 4d6 +1 Initiative Bonuses for skills: +5% climb +5% swimming +10% land navigation +10% all tracking skills (genotype is by GM's choice, if GM doesn't allow it, use the above table) ----------------------Tiger genotype stats are: IQ: 4d6 PB: 5d6, min. of 16 PE: 3d6 +2 PS: 3d6 +4 ME: 3d6 PP: 4d6 +6 Spd: 5d6 MA: 4d6 +3 initiative Bonuses for skills: +20% swimming +10% prowl +5% on all tracking skills ----------------------- 52 -

Cougar and Mountain lion genotype: IQ: 4d6 PB: 5d6, min. of 16 PE: 3d6 +2 PS: 3d6 +4 ME: 3d6 PP: 4d6 +3 Spd: 5d6 +2 MA: 4d6 +1 initiative Bonuses for skills: +10% climbing +10% swimming +5% prowl +10% land navigation +10% all tracking skills ----------------------African lion, Leopard and Jaguar: IQ: 4d6 PB: 5d6, min. of 16 PE: 3d6 +2 PS: 3d6 +4 ME: 3d6 PP: 4d6 +6 Spd: 5d6 +2 MA: 4d6 +2 initiative Bonuses for skills: +10% climbing +10% swimming +10% all tracking skills ----------------------Psionic: Same chance as human Magic: Same chance as human P.P.E.: Same as human Natural abilities: Night vision at 100 feet, enhanced hearing and day vision, the ability to prowl (starting at 80%, goes up by +5% per level like normal) and hunting, she can just let her feline side take over when she's in need of food.(Can only hunt for herself and only in places safe for her; she's away from any comrades she's got) Language: English (98%) Literate (98%) Japanese: (+30) can read Japanese, 50% chance of being able to write it too (Roll percentile or flip a coin or something :) Skills: (NOTE: Male children of Cat-girls automatically have all of the below skills except prowl and energy pistols, they can be chosen however). (Remember, skills are subject to the genotype bonuses listed in the char creation section) Gymnastics (+20%) Prowl (80%) hunting Mechanics: (+20%) PA mechanics:(+20%) Basic math (98%) Advanced math (+10%) WP: Swords (Due to training in Japan, best with katana and other oriental-style weapons) WP: Energy Pistols - 53 -

Basic medical (Can bind wounds with the proper medical kit) Hacking Swimming (75%) Other skills and stats according to Dog Boy tables with the exception of magic/psi-sensing unless OCC. Pilot Hovercraft becomes Pilot Power armor or other vehicle, chosen by player. O.C.C.: Any except CS military and OCC's that require them to cyber themselves visibility. Do well as power armor pilots. Males can be any OCC (including CS if they lie about their mothers) Cybernetics/Bionics: May take limited cyber and bionics as long as they don't significantly alter her appearance; Bionic replacements looking exactly like her old limbs, wired reflexes, headjacks are allowed as long as on the back of her neck or just behind her ears. If other cyberware installed against her will, PB goes down -5 (ONCE, not per replacement/enhancement) and she will have them replaced with biosystems at the earliest chance (As soon as she gets enough money), regaining her normal PB. If possible she may even go so far as to have the limbs replaced with cloned flesh limbs, thou few are that obsessive about their appearance. There are no full-conversion cyborg cat-girls to date, they will do it ONLY if it's the only way to save their life. -10 PB on fullconversion (PB can go no lower than 7). Ironically, if full-conversion they will go all-out, upgrading whenever possible, turning her into a deadly foe. (NOTE: Male children of cat-girls get cybered as any human would; if he wants it, he'll get it(If he has the money) Cat-girls have a 25% chance of being covered with a fine layer of fur, either brown, golden colored, or black. If fur-covered, will have the set of cat-ears only, and another 25% chance of having a tail of about 2 feet long. Hair: Any color! It's not unusual to see a cat-girl with purple or even green hair. Eyes: Usually green but can be of almost any color Height: 4'8" to 5'8" (If domestic cat table used, add a foot to max height if other feline genotype used) XP table: Use the Dog Boy experience table

Caveman R.C.C.
_By: Ghoul A Visit From the Prehistoric Past Most learned people on Rifts Earth know of the famous "Dinosaur Swamps" in North America's southeast. In these wetlands and bogs, creatures from the planet's prehistoric past roam the land once more. Furthermore, due to the mystical nature of Rifts Earth, these beings are now mega-damage creatures! However, the dinosaurs get undue attention. The fact of the matter is, there are lots of creatures from the distant past in those swamps! Some areas, called Lost Worlds by the few scholars who know of them, are practically like an area of prehistoric Earth. However, due to the chaotic nature of the rifts, beings from different times are all brought together in the one environment. There is a large population of neanderthals in these swamps. There are hundreds of early homo sapiens, eking out an existence in those southern marshes. They are evolved enough to be considered human, but are still quite stupid yet tough by modern man's standards. In fact, the mystical powers of the ley lines have increased their physical powers greatly, to the point where they can withstand limited mega-damage! These beings are called Cavemen (That's just what they're called, there are Cavemen of both sexes. Males and females respect each other equally, the men going out to hunt, and the women gathering food, rearing children, and protecting the clan's current home.) by the few who know of them, although most do not live in caves. They live in nomadic clans, staying in an area while the hunting and the weather are good, then packing up their few belongings and moving on when things become less pleasant. The majority of the Cavemen seem doomed, however, because in the danger-filled swamps they are easy pickings for predators like dinosaurs, and because the clans often engage in savage tribal warfare which invariably leads to the utter destruction of one or both of the warring groups. There is also a group of Cavemen called The Clanless by scholars. They have no tribe, and live by themselves. A typical Clanless may have been born to Clanless parents, may have been kicked out of a clan for committing a great crime, or may be the last member of a clan destroyed in war or by monsters.

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While most Cavemen stay in the swamps which they have become accustomed to, in recent years, many have been migrating north or to the west. Some entire clans have been captured by Splugorth slavers (Cavemen make good, obedient slaves), and others have been captured by vampires. A few of The Clanless are rumored to have become great heroes and adventurers, but nobody knows for sure. (Note: I am presenting the Caveman in the format given in Rifts Conversion Book 1, with a few minor changes.) Alignments: Any except principled or abberant, both of those alignments are too reliant on concepts like honor and law, which the Cavemen don't really understand yet. Attributes: IQ: 2D6, ME: 3D6, MA: 2D6, PS: 5D6, PP: 4D6, PE: 4D6, PB: 2D6, Spd: 5D6. Hit Points: PE+20+1D6 per level of experience. S.D.C.: 1D4x100. Natural Armor Rating: None. Horror Factor: None. P.P.E.: 2D6. Natural Abilities: Track by Smell: 10%+2% per level of experience. Combat: One attack plus any gained by Hand-to-Hand or Boxing skills. Damage: Punch does 2D6 SDC damage Bite does1D4 SDC damage. Both get any PS damage bonuses. Bonuses: +2 SDC damage in unarmed combat, +1 on initiative. Psionics: None, their brains aren't developed enough for it. Average Life Span: Normally 30 years, but can live to be 80 if not killed by monsters or disease. Habitat: Normally found in the southern "Dinosaur Swamps" but have some clans have migrated as far north as Washington DC or as far west as Texas. Enemies: Dinosaurs, vampires, Splugorth slavers, and each other. Allies: None, but have learned to domesticate dogs and chickens. Physical Appearance: They look like bulky, muscular humans. Their skin is tanned and thick, they have lots of dark hair, and they have big, thick bones. Size: 4 to 6 feet tall, and very stocky. Weight: 190 to 300 lb. Notes: The Cavemen fear magic, technology, and most everything strange and unfamiliar. Their kneejerk reaction is to kill any sentient beings not of their clan. They speak a strange, guttural language called Caveman, which has no written form. OCC Skills of the Caveman PC: Track Animals (+10%) Land Navigation (+5%) Hunting Skin and Preserve Animals (+10%) Identify Plants and Fruits (+5%) WP Blunt WP Archery and Targeting Wilderness Survival (+10%) OCC Related Skills: Pick 4 other skills at level 1, 3 other skills at level 3, 2 skills at level 6, and 1 skill at level 9. There is a special limitation on the technical skills, Languages. If the character has been living among normal human civilization or with normal humans, he may have the American skill at 25% proficiency. If not, he only speaks Caveman, and can not get the American skill until spending at least a year among normal humans. The same is true of the Modern Weapon Proficiencies. Communications: None Domestic: Any (+5%) Electrical: None Espionage: Detect Ambush and Detect Concealment only (+10%) Mechanical: None Medical: Holistic Medicine only. Military: None Physical: Any except SCUBA (+10% where applicable) Pilot: Horsemanship only (+5%) Pilot Related: None Rogue: None Science: None Technical: Art and Demon Lore only WP: Ancient only Wilderness: Any (+10%) Secondary Skills: The character may select 4 secondary skills from the above list. These skills start at the first level of proficiency, without the bonuses listed in parenthesis. Starting Equipment: Fur Cloak, Leather Shirt, Cloth Pants, Leather Boots, Quiver, Wooden Bowl, Belt, 1D4 pouches. Weapons: Bow with 20 Normal Arrows, a Knife, and a Spear. Money is unknown to the Cavemen, but they do treasure pretty things, especially shiny objects, and often use the barter system. The character has a collection of semi-precious gemstones, usually worth about 1D4x100 credits. - 55 -

The Cetra
By: Jeremy David Balsley

"Since the dawn of time, the Life Stream has flowed. We live and grow surrounded and nurtured by its wonderous energies. When we pass on, we return to its loving embrace. Then shall we find the Promised Land..." -A quote from Kaerin Kinshiro, a Cetra on Rifts Earth.
The Cetra are a rare and unusual type of humanoid beings. They are powerful in the area of magic, and enjoy a unique link to Ley Lines and Mystic Energies. Alignment: Principled, Unprincipled, or Abberant prevail. Scrupulous is not as common, but still present. Anarchist and Miscreant are rare, Diabolic is almost unheard of. Attributes: IQ: 3D6+3, ME: 4D6, MA: 3D6+3, PS: 3D6, PP: 3D6, PE: 4D6, PB: 4D6+3, Spd: 3D6 Awe factor: 4 (washed over with a since of calm, projected by the Cetra) Average Size: Human normal. Average Weight: Human Normal. P.P.E.: 3D6 * 10 + PE (+3D6/Level) Hitpoints: PE+1D6 (+1D6/Level) (concidered Megadamage) S.D.C.: 3D6 * 10 in SDC Environments (AR:12) M.D.C.: 3D6 * 10 in MDC environments Natural Abilities: 1. The Link to the LifeStream: Due to the Cetra's link with the LifeStream, certian powers surface during the Cetra's childhood. 2. Sense leylines and magic energy: The Cetra is capible of sensing the presence of a Ley Line within 15 miles (+5 miles/Level), and can tell about which direction and how far the leyline is. To pinpoint the source of the feeling requires a percentile roll of 70% + 2%/Level. 3. The Cetra is also capible of sensing any Leyline Nexus in the area with the same abilities as above, but with a +10% bonus. 4. The Cetra can sense a Rift within an area of 60 miles (+10 miles) 5. The Cetra can feel the use of Magic energy in his/her sensing area (100') 6. Read Ley Lines: The Cetra can sense what direction the line extends and how far it extends, and where the nexi are. She can also feel the presence of any type of disaster or bad goings on along the line. 7. Leyline Rejuvenation: The Cetra can absorb leyline energy to double his natural healing. If he concentrates, he can restore 4D6MD / Minute. 8. Healing Touch: The Cetra can heal by touching anyone but herself. Cost: 2 PPE for every 1D6 MDC/SDC/HP. 9. Psychic Purification: The Cetra can focus on helping a being clense him/herself of poisons/toxins. The effects of a toxin are arrested at the beginning of her meditation, and are negated at the end of a 1D4 minute trance. 10. Induce sleep: The Cetra can induce sleep as per the psychic ability for 4 PPE. 11. Clairvoyance: The Cetra can use the psychic power of Clairvoyance for 4 PPE: 12. Create Materia: See Materia rules. Spell Knowledge: A Cetra will typically not know any spell magic, but uses an alien magic based on crystalized PPE. A Cetra will typically start with 4 of these crystalized PPE orbs, each loaded with up to 4 spells each. A Cetra will cast spells equal to one level higher than her current level of experience through her crystalized orbs. To find out more, see the post on Materia. Magic Bonuses: A Cetra has the following bonuses: - 56 -

Save vs. Horror Factor: +4 Save vs. Magic: +1 Save vs. Psyonics: +1 Save vs. Possession: +3 Spell Stregnth: +1 Through Materia Save vs. Mind Altering Psyonics, Magic, and Drugs: +3 Any spells cast by a Cetra through a Materia functions as if she were a level higher than she actually is. For every 3 levels a Cetra is carrying Materia, she is +1 to save vs. Magic (At Levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15) For every 4 levels a Cetra carries Materia she is +1 to spell stregnth. (At levels 4, 8, and 12). Available O.C.C.s: A Cetra can take any O.C.C. he or she chooses, though most simply roll on the education table in Beyond The Supernatural and choose skills from there. If a Cetra chooses a Psychic Character Class, the base PPE is reduced by 2/3. The rare Cetra who takes a Magic O.C.C. combines the base PPE from the class with his base PPE, and does not require the services of a mage to create any Materia of his magic class. Skills that most Cetra take: These skills can be taken regardless of O.C.C. limitations. Lore: Magic Lore: Demons and Monsters Lore: Geomancy, Lore: Cetra (Base 35+5/Lev, Technical Skill). Terms used by the Cetra, and the terms that most Rifts mages know them as. Makou: Potential Psychic Energy Life Stream: The collective Ley Line network of the Planet. Materia: A small orb of crystalized PPE.

Changeling Shifter P/RCC

By: Mark Hall Some changelings, especially the young of Noah's Paradise (Palladium FRPG VI, Island at the Edge of the World), have become fascinated with their abilities, both psionic and physical, pushing these to their limits. They learned, through practice, the true grandeur of being a changeling, overcoming their bodies with their minds. P/RCC Abilities 1. Psionic Powers: All shifters are master psionics, though they have fewer standard abilites than the title would indicate. At first level, a changeling shifter knows: Meditation Alter Aura Impervious to Poisons/Toxins (useful for hiding weaknesses to alcohol and salt) Resist Fatigue Mind Block: Auto-Defense One additional power from any of the three minor categories can be chosen at every odd level, beginning with level 3. One Super-psionic can be selected at levels 5, 9 and 15. 2. ISP: 2d4x10 + ME. Each level of experience adds another 8 ISP. 3. Enhanced Shifting: The changelings who have followed this discipline have learned to push their bodies to the maximum. While the restrictions against regrowing limbs and the limits of size still apply, their control of the ability is much finer than that of Joe Changeling. This is a difficult process, requiring a roll under the Enhanced shifting Skill, which has a base percentage of 20%, with 5% additional each level. IQ bonuses are applicable. Note that each attempt to change shape, whether succesful or not, takes a full melee round. While the limitations of this ability are unknown, some documented abilities are listed below. 4. Limited Immortality: Once a shifter has reached ninth level, he has gained sufficient control over his body that he no longer ages in the normal fashion. While they have no special defense against death from other causes, they never suffer any further effects of age. 5 Bonuses: Save vs psionics at 10 (plus bonuses) or better +2 vs any kind of mind control +4 vs possession +4 vs Horror Factor 09 5. Bioregeneration: With concentration, a shifter can actually heal his body by shiftiing it into a less damaged form. This allows them to heal at a rate equal to Treatment by a Professional at the rate of one day of healing each melee concentration can be maintained. This process is as painful as normal healing can be, so a save vs pain (12+ME bonuses) must be made to - 57 -

continue. If the save is failed, the shifter must begin again, at the slower initial rate. Skill modification: Automatic. Aside from the save, this requires no skill roll to preform. Reattach limb: While limbs cannot be regrown, the changeling's own recently severed limbs can be reattached if attended to within 1 melee round per level. This is a painful process, requiring a save vs pain at 16 (+ME bonuses). Skill modification: -20% Enhanced Senses: By altering his sensory organs, a shifter can increase his physical senses, or change them so they percieve things differently. Each sense must be enchanced separately, but there is no skill modification. Olfactory enchancement:20 Track by Smell 30% +4% per level Recognize Scent 65% +4% per level Recognize Person by Scent 25% +4% per lvl Tactile Enhancement: Add +10% to skill requiring a delicate touch (art, picking pockets, etc) Aural Enhancement: Can detect sounds of 1 decibel at 75 feet Whispers are clear at 150 feet Normal conversation is clear at 360 feet Sounds can also be ID'd and located at 35% + 5% per level The amplified hearing will also provide +1 to parry, +2 to dodge and +6 to initative, but loud noises will deafen the character. Aural Alteration: The ear can also be made to hear sounds of higher or lower frequencies than normal, giving them hearing similiar to a dogs (for higher) or an elephants (for lower)

Vision Enhancement (note that in this case, all require a separate roll to use):
Long range vision similar to a hawks, recognizing a face at 2 miles Passive Nightvision Infrared Vision Ultraviolet Vision Polarized Vision Vision adapted to seeing underwater 6. Respiration: A changeling shifter can alter his respiratory system so he can breath in foreign enviorments, or even respire anaerobically. While the modification takes 1 melee, they can be maintained indefinitely (save the the anaerobic respiration, which has a limit of 15 minutes per level) Skill Modification: +5% water, -10% other Extremeties: One of the first things a shifter learns to alter is his extremeties, as changes here are easy to both observe and reverse. A truly skilled shifter is never without a weapon or means of transportation, and this list covers only the barest beginnings of their power. Webbed fingers and toes: +5% to swimming x2 to swimming speed Skill Modification: +20% Flipper replacing arms and legs: +15% to swimming x4 to swimming speed Skill Modification: -6% Flying-squirrel-like glider membranes: maximum glide ratio of 10:1 (for exceptionally long and lean changelings) Skill Modification: -10% Wings Replacing arms: Bat-like or feathered Flying speed is equal to 1/2 PS, for no more than half of PE (modified by Resist Fatigue, natch) Skill Modification: -20% Combat Claws: +2d4 punch and +2d6 to kicks Skill Modification: Automatic Climbing Claws: Hand claws: +1d4 to punch and +5% to climbing Foot claws: +1d6 to kicks and +10% to climbing20 Skill modification: -0%


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Digging Claws: +1d6 to punch damage and allow for Digging (no tunnel) at a Spd of 4, or tunneling at a Spd of 1 Skill Modification: -5% Other options being explored include fangs, tails (by elongating the cocyx), natural armor (either outgrowth of bone, chitin, or matted hair) and prehinsle feet. Those above are merely the most common. A changeling is limited only by his own imagination and the inability to grow new limbs, exceed a certain size, and a need to remain strictly organic. P/RCC Skills: Language: Elf 98% Language: two of choice (+15%) Literacy: Elf (+10) Biology (+20%) Math: Basic (+5%) History (one race must be changeling) (+10%) WP: One of Choice Hand to Hand: Basic* *Hand to hand: Basic may be improved to Expert at the cost of one skill, or Martial arts (or assassin, if evil) for two. P/RCC Related Skills: 5 at level 1, +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12 Communications: Any Domestic: Any Espionage: Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment & Traps, Disguise, Escape Artist and Imitate Voice & Impersonation only +20 Horsemanship: General or exotic only (generally none, however) Medical: Any Military: Surveilance only Physical: Any Rogue: Any Science: Any (+5%) Scholar/Technical: Any (+10% on Lore, Language, and Literacy only) Weapon Proficiencies: Any, save those forbidden to certain classes Wilderness: Any09 Secondary Skills: 4 at level 1, +1 at 4, 8, and 12th levels, with all the usual restrictions on Secondary Skills Starting Equipment, Armor, Weapons and Money: As Psi-Mystic Experience Table: as Mind Mage

The Children of Domhain Dorcha

By: Necromancer Bob ____________________________________

The Children of Domhain Dorcha

The Children of Domhain Dorcha are somewhat akin to dream ghouls, in that they like to haunt the dreams of children and, in some ways, feed upon their psychic energies. But in other ways, the Children are more like the Nightbane, in that they were once humans, themselves children who have become enamoured with the Shadows, drawn into the Night. But if they are related to the Nightbane race, few (if any) can tell what that relationship might be. "Once you have spent a night here, child, you will become one with Domhain Dorcha, to live in this place of dreams and lost things. Beware that you do not become one of us, those who fear the light, play pranks from the shadows. Go home, pass through the Ceiling before the sun rises, and take care not to fall through again." -Marathon of the Narcelesti Imagine that you are a child again. You are perhaps 5 or 6 years old, lying in bed, awake because you are afraid to go to sleep. Afraid of the monsters living under your bed. Or in your closet. Or in the cellar, where you hear noises your parents tell you are just the water heater, but you know are really some beast's stomach growling as he prepares to snack on child's flesh.

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Now you are an adult again, and you know for sure that those monsters in your closet were never really there- it was just your imagination. But then again, you also once "knew" that it was impossible for the entire world to go dark for a day. You also "knew" that things like Bigfoot and UFOs and supernatural beings from the other side of the mirror weren't real either. You know different now. You've seen monsters strolling down Broadway, looking to the marks like just another human being. You've seen psychics that tap into the human mind's infinite power, Immortals that duel each other to the death, powered by the world's new magic energies. So why are those monsters in the closet so hard to believe in? The goblins and the Children of Domhain Dorcha are those creatures under your closet and in your bed. Among them are the BoogeyMan and the Jack of the Whills. They, in reality, don't live in those places, but instead are from another plane of existance called Domhain Dorcha, or the Under-Realm. It is in those dark places, where we can't see if they exist, that the monsters can slip through the cracks in realities and haunt not just your dreams, but your real life too. Domhain Dorcha- a Special Part of the Dreamstream The Under-Realm is a special place within the Dreamstream. It is perhaps the part of man's subconscious that is closest (psychically speaking) to the physical world. It both exists and doesn't exist in the places of our childhood fears- the dark cellars, the closets, and under our beds- those places where we imagined (or thought we imagined) monsters, ready to spring out. The ancient Celts knew of this place and called it the Under-World, where the Dark Fey lived. In some ways, Domhain Dorcha might be considered some sort of Nightlands mirror of the Dreamstream; it is, but not exactly. While Domhain Dorcha and the Nightlands share some elements, Domhain Dorcha (as part of the Dreamstream) is more intimately linked with Earth (more people to dream there). The main feature that distinguishes Domhain Dorcha, the Under-Realm, from the rest of the Dreamstream is its portals to the physical world, similar to windows into the dream-world. Every closet, the space under every sleeper's bed, is a potential portal into (and out of) Domhain Dorcha. The Children, who have been seduced into spending a night and a day in the Innocent's Dreaming, all can access and use these dark spaces as portals to and from their world of dreams. There they think they are safe, for few others can follow. Few, but some; dream psychics have in the past managed to find their way into Domhain Dorcha, and anyone accompanied (willingly or unwillingly) by one of the Children or goblins can pass through the floor and into the shadows. Also, a pure innocent who has seen the Children with his own eyes can occasionally pass through; usually a child looking to confront his nocturnal fears. Also, interestingly enough, anyone that enters Domhain Dorcha, willingly or unwillingly, can get out through these portals in closets and under beds. Another aspect of these portals is that they can also be used to enter straight into the dream pools of the person sleeping in that bed or nearest to that closet. In game terms, treat this as normal dream combat (see Between the Shadows), but the dream pool is -2 to save vs. intrusion. The trick is, all of the portals to Domhain Dorcha are only accessible during the night! This means that the part of Domhain Dorcha that can be escaped or entered shifts with the day, gradually moving from East to West. Only the most powerful dwellers of the Realm, such as the Boogey-Man, can "force" open a portal under a bed or in a closet during the daytime. And any human trapped in Domhain Dorcha during the day will begin their slow permutation into one of the Children! Accessing the Under-Realm from within the Dreamstream is easy; it is known to most experienced dream travelers (5th level and higher). All passage to and from Domhain Dorcha from other parts of the Dreamstream is not restricted at all, whether it be night or day- dream travel isn't restricted by the portals. When you enter Domhain Dorcha, you find yourself passing through the ceiling, as if entering into a dark attic. Around you, the world is eternal twilight, as if you were in the Nightlands. Above you is what appears to be a solid wood ceiling. You are standing on the top of a long staircase, and around you a multitude of other stairways rise, some elegant, Victorian staircases with elaborately carved railings, others rickety wood steps, still others just rope ladders, and everything in between. Each stairway leads to a spot in the wooden Ceiling that, if you attempt to pass through, will lead to a different bed or closet. Like in the rest of the Dreamstream, distance is distorted in Domhain Dorcha. The space between two sleepers is still determined by their emotional links, but, in Domhain Dorcha, physical places also have dark counterparts as in the Nightlands. But instead of the sprawling, gothic cities of the Ba'al, there are instead only small dwellings of Children and goblins that gather there to prey on the inhabitants above them. The cities appear to be nothing more than run-down wooden buildings, like ones that were built 150 years ago or more. Most of their windows are broken, out of sheer spite and mischief. Space is distorted in Domhain Dorcha to the point that an average person could cover the distance between the Under-Realm's equivalents of New York and L.A. in the space of a few hours! This means that the Children and the goblins that live there can (and often do) use the Under-Realm as a quick means of traversing from one end of the material world to the other. Their range of preying is wide, but still limited to the nighttime (but remember that which portals are open at any time shifts as the sun rises and sets in new places). Interestingly enough, despite (or perhaps because of) the differences in space between the Under-Realm and the "real" world, time runs at the same rate in both worlds. This also means that once a human spends a night (8 to 12 hours) in Domhain Dorcha, they begin the slow metamorphosis into one of the Children! This brings up yet another strange aspect of the Under-Realm. Any human being caught overnight in Domhain Dorcha begins a slow, sometimes painful mutation into one of the Children of the Under-Realm! The poor victim finds himself changing, his features shifting to any of a myriad of freakish forms. Some are unwilling, children kidnapped and held in the dark of the Dreaming, but most others have become seduced by the lure of the freedom of the Dreamstream and the Under-Realm, and wish for this change (see the character stats for the Children, below). For centuries, Domhain Dorcha was relegated to myth and fantasy, as were most kid's reports of monsters under the bed or in the closet. For most people, the thought of real monsters existing was absurd. - 60 -

Then the Dark Day came, and the world's nightmares swept the Dreamstream. The dream storms themselves shook and darkened Domhain Dorcha. The world's magic energies burst into fury, and the goblins and Children found themselves awash in new power. It then became apparent, both from their excursions in the Dreamstream and the real world, that an influx of supernaturals had happened. The leaders of the real world were no longer human; the number of Nightbane had exploded, and vampires walked the night. The Boogey-Man has seen his chance, and he is readying his Children and the goblins for war! The Goblins, The other inhabitants of Domhain Dorcha are the goblins. No one knows where these Fey come from; some have suggested they were a race spawned in the Dreamstream of man's dark fears and nightmares. Others have pointed to the Nightlands, a place strangely linked with Domhain Dorcha. But there is another legend about the goblins, connecting them with Dagda, the World-Singer. It is said that the goblins were chosen by the Singer of Worlds from among the Fey to become the Gatekeepers, guardians and patrons of gateways, portals, bridges, and the like. The Gatekeepers were to keep forces of evil from gaining passage through such places, keeping the balance of the Life-Maze, the Mor Cylche. It was after the creation of the goblins (or Gatekeepers as they were called then) that the Dark is said to have cursed them. The once smart and handsome Gatekeepers were warped and twisted by the Dark's malevolent intent, becoming cunning, ugly, and greedy. Interestingly enough, the goblins (as they came to be called) kept their original charge of guarding dimensional gates, standing stones, cairns, bridges, and underground passages. But now they exacted a large toll, often to be paid in gold, but more often in human flesh. No matter their origins, the goblins are the other half of boogey-man legend. They are the trolls under the bridge, waiting to exact their toll. They are the guardians of the caves leading to the underworld. They are those who reside in Domhain Dorcha. They are amphibians, in a way- creatures born of both the Dreamstream and the material world, who straddle two realities, so therefore it is logical that they were given the charge to guard passages from one place to another, whether it be the Mirrorwall or a bridge over a river. It is those places between the places in which the goblins are most at home. Over the centuries, as the Earth's magic energies waned, many of the goblins left, fleeing to the Nightlands or staying in Domhain Dorcha. The tales of trolls hiding under bridges, of semi-human creatures haunting the fairy mounds and cairns, became nothing more than legends. Now, the goblins of Domhain Dorcha have allied themselves with the King of Nightmares, the Boogey-Man, and are readying themselves to declare war on the material world. These reprehensible little monsters have even dared to challenge the Nightlords! They think to control the world via its dreams and nightmaress, no longer allowing themselves to be left to myth and legend. Since the Nightlords have little direct influence over the Dreamstream, the Boogey-Man thinks it to be their Achilles Heel. Little does he know... Goblins: Optional Player Race The goblins of Domhain Dorcha can be found not only in the Dreamstream, but also on Earth and in the Nightlands, usually lurking in places like caves, sewers, under bridges, and similar places (they love hiding in cities, right under humans' noses, because there are a lot of children to scare and neat trinkets to steal). Goblins can be an optional player race, but note that a PC will usually be a rogue, as most goblins are evil. Basic stats are the same as the goblin race in Palladium Fantasy RPG or Rifts Conversion Book 1, with the following exceptions: P.P.E.: 1D4*10 P.P.E. +1D6 per level of experience. They use this innate energy to fuel their limited dream and dimensional shift talents. Special Abilities: In addition to those mentioned in the book: 1. Dreamdance: All goblins have the psionic ability to enter the Dreamstream, the same as the psychic ability Dreamdance: Superior (Between the Shadows, p. 113), except that the power is fueled by P.P.E. instead of I.S.P. (same cost). 2. Mirror Walk: Same as the Nightbane power, but costs 10 P.P.E. and the goblin can only carry 50 lbs. of material/equipment. 3. Fey Banes: The goblins have their roots in the Fair Folk; as such, they are vulnerable to such fey banes as salt (goblins can't cross a line of salt, and throwing it on them causes severe itching) and cold iron (iron filings act as acid on a goblin, and all pure (75% pure) iron weapons do damage direct to the goblin's hit points (regular, not doubled). The goblins' major weakness is like that of the Children: sunlight will bring an end to their existance. When a goblin is caught in sunlight (not Globe of Daylight), they will immediately turn to stone, permanently. Only a stone-to-flesh spell can release them from this; if the goblin-statue is destroyed, the goblin is killed (no chance of resurrection). Cobbler goblins (who still keep their Fey heritage) also exist, and are slightly more common than in other worlds (perhaps 1 in 10 goblins). Also, cobbler goblins can elect to become Dream Dancers or Dream Makers, gaining all the abilities of one of those P.C.C.s instead of the traditional cobbler powers. The Children "We're the monsters under your bed, the boogey-men in your closet. We're the ones who move your things from where you left them, steal the remote and hide it in the couch cushions- I love doing that. We're your nightmares, kid." -Maurice, one of the Children of Domhain Believe it or not, all of the Children were once human. They were born as humans are, of mortal coil (without the mysterious origins of the Nightspawn), and became seduced into the Shadows. Most like living in the shadows, popping up in people's homes to play notso-friendly pranks, such as frightening children by making subtle noises, clanking chains, moving around in the corners of a darkened room, and even making the occasional direct appearance (letting the child see them and start screaming, then dive back under the bed). They also occasionally venture into sleepers' Dream Pools, causing nightmares and draining away their psychic energies little by little. - 61 -

Most of the Children are pawns of the Boogey-Man, drawn into his lust for dominating people's dreams. They follow his orders out of fear of him, rather than any loyalty or love for the Nightmare King. It is under his guise that the Children comb the world, causing people to lose sleep and worry about what may or may not be happening while they sleep. Only the Narcelesti faction (see below) remain relatively free from the Boogey-Man's control (and even then, only relatively). Without exception, the Children all began life as humans. They were drawn into the Under-Realm, and stayed there through the night, whether by choice or by force. It was with the dawn of the new morning that the lost soul began to transform into something no longer fully human, a twisted shape out of man's dreams and nightmares. Once a Child is born, they will invariably discover their greatest weakness- light. Any bright light (normal lighting) will cause one of the Children to shrink, disappearing inside of their clothes to protect themselves. They will be trapped, barely able to move (can shuffle along at a Spd. of 2; cannot use any skills or other abilities), until the lights are dimmed. This is also, interestingly enough, a great way to hide, as nobody will think a pile of laundry is really some boogey-man in disguise. This, unfortunately, also means that sunlight will kill the Children of Domhain Dorcha! The Children are, for the most part, pranksters, enjoying their powers and nocturnal life. Most of them chose their fate, out of a desire to escape their lives, out of mischief, or other reasons. The few that didn't were trapped by accident; most of these loathe their very existance and would do anything to be human again. The Children of Domhain Dorcha: Optional Player Race Note: The Children of Domhain Dorcha can be player characters, but, like vampires, are limited to nightly excursions. During the daytime, the character is confined to the Under-Realm (and the rest of the Dreamstream). Common Alignments: Most (94%) of the Children are unprincipled, anarchist, and miscreant- for the most part, they are only out to have fun at someone else's expense. A few genuinely enjoy causing trouble for people, and even outright torture; these generally fall into the diabolic alignment. Scrupulous Children can exist (5%), and will probably be members of the Narcelesti faction. Highly honorable (principled and aberrant) Children are rare in the extreme; less than 1%. Attributes: Normal human; all 3D6, plus any possible bonuses from appearance (see below). Hit Points/S.D.C.: Same as human + any possible bonuses from appearance (see below). P.P.E.: 1D4*10 P.P.E. +1D6 per level of experience. They use this innate energy to fuel their limited dream talents. R.C.C. Abilities: 1. Monstrous Appearance: Once a person begins to become one of the Children of Domhain Dorcha, they gain a new, twisted appearance, usually influenced by their subconscious (much in the same way as the Nightbane themselves). Roll on the Nightbane morphus tables, or choose the characteristics you want. The character does not get any of the other Nightbane R.C.C. powers or abilities, just the appearance and bonuses/abilities associated with it, nor can they learn Nightbane talents. Also note that this change is permanent; the Children do not have a Facade form. 2. Dream Travel: All Children have the psionic ability to enter the Dreamstream, the same as the psychic ability Dreamdance: Superior (Between the Shadows, p. 113), except that the power is fueled by P.P.E. instead of I.S.P. (same cost). 3. Nightvision: All of the Children of the Under-Realm have nightvision to a range of 1000 ft. (plus possible appearance bonuses). 4. Supernatural Lifespan: The Childrens' lifespan is greatly increased; on average, they live about 500 years. 5. Vulnerability to Light: The Children's greatest weakness is to light. They can only endure half normal lighting; turning on a lamp nearby will cause the half-human creature to shrink into their clothes and have to remain there, unable to move, until the light is turned off (they don't take any damage; they're just trapped there). Sunlight inflicts 2D6 damage to the Child per melee, (note that they are trapped inside their clothes while this is happening) and the Globe of Daylight spell inflicts 1D6 damage per minute (too weak to do more). Fire and light expulsion attacks (ie, Guardians and lasers) do double damage to the Children and may (50% chance) cause them to retract into their clothes. Darkness-based attacks (ie, Shadow Bolt) and even hand-to-hand attacks from creatures like shadow beasts do half damage. Skills: Same skill packages as Nightbane R.C.C.; however, most will have very minimal skills (high school equivalent). Can also elect to be of a magic O.C.C. or P.C.C., but at half "Related" skills. Money: Usually has about 1d4*10 dollars; money doesn't mean much, except as a pretty. Equipment/Other Stuff: Again, stuff is pretty meaningless to a nocturnal prankster. Assume typical kids'/teenage stuff. Experience table: Uses Nightbane xp. table.

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Cheetara R.C.C.

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The Cheetara are a race of tall, slim feline humanoids. Dispute their animal appearance, they are highly intelligent and have built a fairly advanced civilization. They resemble a Cheetah in the surface, but their culture surprisingly closely resemble those of the wolfen world. They respect honor and will fight for goodness. One of the reasons is that wolfen were those that "discovered" them. Before then, the Cheetaras were still at middle age level, somewhat because of their Psionic abilities. When the wolfen first found them, they were already highly respectable beings, and the wolfen taught them their code of honor, together with space flight ability. From then on, Cheetara has improved dramatically in science, and starts to contribute to the matters of the Three Galaxies. Alignment: Any, but tend toward principled and aberrant; both alignments have a strong personal code of honor. Attributes: IQ 3D6, ME 4D6+6, MA 4D6+6, PS 3D6, PP 4D6+8, PE 3D6, PB 3D6, Spd. 4D6+6. PS and PE are considered to be supernatural. Size: Six to seven feet (1.8 to 2.1 m) tall. Weight: 100 to 160 lb (45.5 to 72.5 kg). M.D.C.: Natural M.D.C. creatures. 1D6x10+10 M.D.C., plus 2D4 per levels of experience. Horror Factor: 12 P.P.E.: 3D6 Average Like Span: 200 years. Natural Abilities: Nightvision 40ft (12.2m), superior sense of smell and hearing, recognize common/known smells 50%+3% per level of experience. Track by smell alone 20% +4% per level of experience. Psionic: All Cheetara have the following powers: Bio-Regeneration (6), Resist Fatigue (4), Resist Hunger (2), Resist Thirst (6), Sixth Sense (2), and Telekinesis (varies). I.S.P.: 5D6 plus ME attribute at first level, plus 1D6 per level of experience. Considered to be major psionics. Magic: Only if a magic O.C.C. is selected. Combat: Three (two plus tail) hand to hand attacks without combat training, or two plus those gained from hand to hand combat and/or boxing. Damage: Prehensile tail does 1D4 M.D. (+1 to strike and parry with tail, the tail has +5 to dodge. +20% to climbing), and retractable claws does 2D4 M.D. in hand to hand combat. Vulnerabilities/Penalties: None; roughly equivalent to humans in environmental requirements, diet, and chemical tolerances. O.C.C.s: Virtually any non-restricted O.C.C.; they lean towards wilderness and highly skilled warrior occupations, or to magic. However, science types are usually avoided. (Native Language: Chicar + Trade Three) Alliances and Allies: The cheetaras always respects and honors the wolfens, and had sworn never to fight against them. They also share common allies and enemies with the wolfens. Money: Per O.C.C. Weapons and Armor: Vary with O.C.C.; most Cheetara favor ancient styles of weapons and W.P.s. It had not been many years since the wolfen bought them high technology, and they always carry a sword as a symbol of honor. (2D6 M.D. vibro-sword, slightly decorated) Cybernetics: Per O.C.C.; but prefer not to have any. Experience Level: Varies.

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ChemTek Headstim O.C.C.

By: Robert J Allan In the search for the ultimate soldier, a ChemTek scientist by the name of Stephen Delapore began experimenting in chemically stimulating the human brain. Using captive subjects, he surgically installed incredibly delicate sensors, electrodes, and injection rigs INSIDE the brains of test subjects, monitoring brain activity and injecting a variety of endorphins, stimulants, and hormones directly into the recipient's brain tissue. Early tests almost always resulted in insanity, brain damage and/or death, but Delapore soldiered on, refining his technique and adding a variety of microscopically small electronic components to aid the monitoring and stimulation of the brain. Eventuall, three years after his first subject went under the knife in 2001, Delapore managed to sucesfully implant his device into the brain of one John Averson, ex-soldier and "volunteer" patient. The results were astounding. Although Averson seemed to suffer a severe degradation of sanity, his mental faculties went throgh the roof. Suddenly he could calculate incredibly complex mathematical functions in seconds, his memory was phenomenal, and his reflexes were far superior to those of normal human beings. And then there were the unforseen psychic abilities. Specialists in the paranormal from the Pandora Project confirmed that Avery's mind was now brimming with mystic energy, and that he was now capable of performing feats of psionic ability. :Unfortunately Avery killed Delapore and escaped a month after his conversion, using his abilities to force his way out and kill three guards in the process. Fortunately, Delapore's notes and equipment were largely untouched, and the Headstim project was able to continue. Today a little over thirty succesful conversions have been performed. Psychics, mages, and normal human beings have all been converted in order to see the effects that this form of augmentation has on existing paranormal abilities. Regardless of the gifts of the recipient, only two things are a certainty, all recipients are gradually going insane, and the variety of powers granted is incredibly diverse. Powers and abilities of the Headstim OCC 1. Increased mental faculties. Add 1d6 to IQ, and 1d4 to ME and MA. Also, every skill receives a one time bonus of 2d6% to every skill (roll seperately for each), and takes half as long to perform any skill which doesn't involve physical work. Also, the brain has no need for sleep, although the body still does. Will need only 5 hours sleep a night, and during this tme the brain is still fully concious and able to use any spells or psychic abilities it may have. 2. Increased reflexes. The entire nervous system is now on a twenty four hour a day high. Add 2d4 PP, and +2 to all combat actions except damage. 3. Increased PPE. Add 3d6+PE to PPE base, plus another 2d6 per level of experience. It appears that as the treatment continues, more and more of the mind's energies are unleashed. Mages merely receive an additional 2d6 PPE, plus 1d4 per level in addition to their own reserves. ChemTek speculates that this is because much of a mage's energy has already been unlocked. 4. Psionics and increased ISP. Non psychics effectively become master psychics. Base ISP is ME+1d4x10, and an additional 2d6 ISP per level. Those with existing psionics receive 4d6 ISP, plus an additional 1d4 per level in addition to their own reserves. 5. New Psionic Powers. The enhanced individual undergoes a spontaneous flowering of psionic abilities. ALL recipients receive the following: See Aura, Sense Evil, Speed Reading, Total Recall, and Presence Sense. Speed Reading and Total Recall are automatic and require No ISP. Those with existing psionics receives one new Super ability and two new abilities form each other category. Non psychics roll on the table below to see what manner of powers are awakened. 01-10% Astral psionics. See table A 11-20% Dreamstream. See table B 21-45% Physical. See table C 46-70% Sensitive. See table D 71-95% Healer. See table E 96-00% Jackpot! Super Brain. See table F (but you probably already guessed F) A. Astral Psionics. The character has gained access to and some control of the mysterious astral plane. He spends much of his time either in a trance or bodily within the astral plane and can easily move between Earth and the Atral Plane, testing his powers and savouring his freedom in a place where ChemTek can't reach him. Gains the following powers: Astral Projection (Double duration, only requires 2 ISP), Astral Reconfiguration (as per Astral Lord power 5, but costs three points per pound). Plus two powers each from physical and sensitive at first level, and one power from ANY lesser category every level thereafter. About 10% can also perform Astral Transferral, and frequently use this power to bodily escape the Chemtek - 65 -

complex. B. Dreamstream. The psychic can enter and leave the Dreamstream with relative ease. He/she uses this as their own personal domain where they can escape from Chemtek and all the demands it places upon them. Gains the following powers: Minor Dreamdance (only requires 2 ISP, double duration), Dream Dancer Abilities 2 through 6 (all at double ISP cost). Plus to powers each from healer and sensitive, and one power from any lesser category for each level thereafter. C. Physical. The headstim conversion unlocks incredible psychic abilities, allowing the recipient phenomenal control over the physical world. Recieves the following powers:8 physical powers of choice at level one, and a choice of one master psychic power from the following list (PPE Shield, Psi-shield, psisword, Supercharge, TK Force Field or Telemechanics). Every level thereafter the character receives one new physical power, except at levels 3, 7, 11 and 15 where he may pick one master power from the above list. D. Sensitive. The headstim conversion unlocks incredible psychic abilities, allowing the recipient phenomenal control over his mind and te minds of others. Receives the following: 8 Sensitive powers at level one, and one master ability from the following list (Block Breaker, Mind BLock Auto-Defense, Mind Bond, Mind Wipe, Possesion, Superior Psychic Mirage). Every level thereafter the character receives one new sensitive power, except at levels 3, 7, 11, and 15 where he may pick one master power form the above list. E. Healer. The headstim conversion unlocks incredible psychic abilities, giving the psychic phenomenal powers to both heal and abuse his own body and the bodies of others. Receives the following: 8 Healer abilities at level one, and one from the following list (Super Bio-regeneration, Group Mind Block, Mind Bond, Mind Wipe, PPE Shield). Every level thereafter they may pick one healer power, except at levels 3, 7, 11, and 15, where they may pick one master power from the above list. F. Jackpot! Super Brain. Incredible amounts of psychic energy have been released by the conversion, turning the recipient into an incredibly powerful psychic. Receives the following powers: 3 powers from EACH category including master at level one, and one power from master or two from any lesser category each level thereafter. Bonuses: Automatic parry. +6 vs psionics, +3 vs magic, +3 vs mind control of any kind. Penalties: Although the chemicals involved in the process have remarkable affects on the mind, they have incresingly debilitating effects upon the body over time. At the same time, the character's mind starts to deteriorate, so although he is now a genius, he becomes increasingly deranged and has more and more trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality. Note: these guys are designed to be even less stable than crazies, to represent the more primitive nature of the conversion. level 1 -5% vs coma. -1 Spd. -1 PE. -1d6 SDC. Gains one phobia (likely to be of scienists, psionics, the astral plane/dreamstream, level 2 supernatural beings, or juicers) level 3 -1 PS. -5% vs coma. Roll once on Obsession Table level 4 -2 Spd, -1 PP. Roll once on Psychosis Table level 5 -1 PS. -2 SDC damage. -1d4 PP. -1 All combat bonuses (reflects the physical deterioration starting to erode former bonuses). Roll level 6 once each on neurosis and phobia tables. level 7 -1 PE. Halve SDC. Roll once on obsession and affective disorder tables. level 8 -1d4 Spd. -1 PP. -1 all combat bonuses. level 9 -1 ME. -1 PS. roll once on phobia table level -1 PE. -1 vs posion/disease. 10 level -1 PS, -1 Spd, -2 strike, parry and dodge. Roll one random obsession. 11 level -1d4 PP. -2 initiative. -1 attack per round. roll on Random Insanity table 12 level -2 IQ. -2% all skills. -2d6 PPE and ISP. Brain is starting to burn out. Roll again on random insanity table. 13 level -1 IQ, PS, PE, Spd. -1d6 PP. -10% vs coma, -5% all skills, -1 all combat actions. Roll on obsession, phobia, 14 and random insanity tables Physical vegetable. reduce ALL physical attributes to 6+1d4, reduce IQ by 1 and ME by 2, -5% vs coma, -5% all skils. Roll on Random insanity table. Character is in a near comatose state for the 3d4 hours a day he level can remain physically awake, and remains physically inactive for the rest of the day. However, his mind is 15 alert 24 hours a day, and he can still use ALL his powers, including spells if a mage. Dreamstream and astral travellers are likely to spend less than 6 hours a day in the physical world. Any character who makes 15th level WILL be dead within 2d4 weeks, no saving throw. Inevitable Death Note: Due to the physically harmful nature of the many drugs involved, death is an inevitability. - 66 6. 7.

Headstims have a lifespan of 6 years plus 5d6 months from the time of conversion. For some unknown reason, those with existing psychic or magic powers die sooner, with only 5 years plus 2d6 months of life to look forward to. Chances of detox are as per usual, except instead of becoming a physical wreck, surviving ex-headstims become mental wrecks. Reduce PP to half it's enhanced level and all mental attributes to 8+1d4. Also, the absence of the headstim drugs causes a major psychic burnout. Non-psychics lose all ISP, and psychics are left with half the amount they had before the conversion. All characters will have their PPE levels reduced to one half it's pre-conversion level. Alignment: Any Attribute Requirements: None. Candidates are chosen from a wide range of physical and mental strengths to better determine the effects of this treatment. Must be human. P.C.C. Skills: Exactly the same as the Psychic PCC from Nightbane main book. Most headstims are ordinary people. Standard Equipment: Those still residing within Chemtek don't own anything, although they are given good food and accomodation, with all the creature comforts. Astral and Dreamstream headstims are likely to have accumulated a small treasure trove of trinkets kept in a safe place in their otherworldly haunts. Escaped headstims are likely to have virtually nothing. The clothes on their back and perhaps a knife and a stolen wallet. Experience: Use the Mind Master Xp table from Nightbane Sourcebook One. GM and Player notes: For most campaigns, any Headstims are likely to be NPCs. The most likely form of contact with a headstim will either be by contacting one in the Astral Plane/Dreamstream, being ordered by the Spook Squad to hunt one down, or meeting a headstim on the run. PC headstims should note that their supply of drugs is limied to about 3d6 months worth, and that ChemTek will go to extreme lengths to take them back in. Also, former escapees are unlikely to be killed unless their insanities make them too hot to handle. Astral and Dreamstream Headstims are the least likely to attempt a physical escape, as they already have access to an entire other world where ChemTek has no control. Also, keep in mind that ALL headstims so far created have not been volunteers. However, this is likely to change in a year or two. Either ChemTek will develop safer drugs, or more likely, the Spook Squad will be more desperate. Either of these two scenarios could result in volunteer headstims being used to fight the Ba'al, despite the hideous side-effects the recipient inevitably suffers. Spook Squad would be especially likely to use Astral and Dreamstream Headstims, as these are two realms where the Spook Squad has little or no influence.

Chi-Symbiote R.C.C.
By: Brian Green Alignments: any Attributes I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 4D6, P.P. 4D6, P.E. 4D6, P.B. 3D6, SPD. 3D6 P.P.E.: 2dD6 (Gets drawn by the Armor) I.S.P.: 2d6 ( " " " " ) Skills: depends on O.C.C. HTH: O.C.C. restricted Natural Abilities: 1. Symbiote: A suit of nano-technology which feeds off the characters ISP, PPE, and CHI and augments it into a cocoon of energy which surrounds him when he concentrates (like a bubble). This field prevents him from damage. Does not need to eat or drink while surrounded. color of the shield depends on the character but cannot be changed. Shield can be formed into any melee weapon and does 5d6 MD (cannot leave characters hand) Bonuses: 300 MDC Regeneration: regenerates 1d6 x 10 every 20 min. Penalties: -2 s/p/d/r - 15 % all skills * Note:when around undead creatures: eg: vampires,zombies, concentration is a little harder - 67 -

5 undead : - 4 s/p/d/r 10 undead : - 5 s/p/d/r 11+ undead : - 8 s/p/d/r Can stay in suit for 1 hour + 30 min per lev of exp. After that character feels sluggish and tired reduce attacks and speed by half and character has no bonuses to S/P/D/R . Eyes: The color of the characters eyes change depending on the mood of the character. somebody seeing the eyes change color for the first time roll vs a horror factor of 8. Happy: Blue Angry: Scarlet Shame: Pale Blue Jealousy: Dark Green Lust: Gold Rage: Black Sad: Faded Grey Terror: Royal Purple Excitement: Constantly Changing Shock: White Calm: Yellow Love: Pink

Chronogean R.C.C.
By: Greyw1200 Chronogeans is a race of time travellers who stumbled onto Rits Earth during a major leyline storm. It temporarily knocked the alignment of their chrono-anchors, and caused their timeship to "crash" here. Seeing that Earth was much like the Chronogean homeworld, they decided to start a colony and study the variety of creatures present on here. Understanding that their presence might disrupt the normal time continum, the Chronogeans have worked hard to advance ahead of the technology level they found on Phase World. Using cloaking technology to hide themselves, only a few venture to the cities; when they do, however, they have never been detected by any scanners. One reason is that Chronogean physiology can mimic any size or shape, Brain waves can also be copied superficially, but that takes years to master. The Chronogeans have yet to discover how their natural time traveling ability works. However, they have created bio-organic chips that when activated, coordinate a massive time shift within an area of up to 200ft. By amplifying the affected area, the whole colony (pop. 100,000) can bring their ship with them by time shifting a maximum area of 10,000 miles. That is barely enough to bring the entire transport through the temporal stream. The energy required for this is 10 million P.P.E. or 2 years of exposure to the sun. The colony transport can absorb the P.P.E. at arate of 3000 a day from any leyline within a 100 mile radius. The absorption rate increases x2 with every leyline nexus within a 50 mile area. A leyline can provide adequate energy within a year, and a leyline and a nexus point nearby will make it 6 months. Danger is involved in mass time-travel because of the leylines tendency to open a rift during a massive energy use. The chance of a rift occuring in the fabric of time increases by 2% for every year the colony transport travel through the temporal stream. There is a 50% chance that a time hole will open in a leyline within a 5 mile radius. Roll 2D6 for number of years the time hole expands to. There is also a 70% chance that a dimensional rift will occur within 20 minutes of landing and takeoff. Chronogean technology has advanced to the level where they can control the opening and closing of rifts(as to not attract any attention), but there is still a tendency for there devices to fail (save vs. magic). The Chronogean colony ship though unrecognized is considered a magnificent work of art as well as an excellent example of high technology. It has been seen for many ages by different races. The cave paintings made by some of the Neanderthal tribes resemble the Chronogean ship and was later described by the acient Egyptians as a "vehicle of the Gods." North Americans coined the term, "E.T." and "flying saucer" to describe the physical appearence of these creatures and their disc shaped space ship that occasionally passed though American airspace. Many cultures, however, have reguarded the alien transport as threatening. One example is that because the Chronogean ship has been present at human kidnapping by the Splugorth slavers. Although the other races are not aware that these are time traveling beings, the ship is still associated with the disappearences and is viewed with fear on post-apocalyptic Earth. Alignment: Any, but predominately of a good alignment Attributes: I.Q.: 4D6+2, M.E.: 3D6+5, M.A.: 4D6, P.S.: 3D6+2, P.P.: 4D6, P.E.: 3D6+10, P.B.: 4D6 (P.S. and P.E. are considered supernatural) M.D.C.: 1D4x20+20+P.E. attribute + 3D6 per level experience Horror Factor: 8 (awe) P.P.E.: 2D6x10+10

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I.S.P.: 1D4x10+10+M.E. attribute + 1D6+4 per additional level experience (major psionic) Average lifespan: 10,000 years (may be longer, but for game purposes, this is the temporal shift span for any Chronogean) Appearance: In his/her natural form, the Chronogean look like a transformed star child. They also have the ability to metamorph. (see below) Magic: as per magic O.C.C. Psionics: see #11 below Natural Abilities Natural Abilities 1. Energy form: The Chronogean's natural form is that of an energy being in a state of temporal flux. This means that they are impervious to energy and can absorb any blast of plasma, electricity, and fire, then transmute it into extra M.D.C. Take the damage that the shot does and add it to the M.D.C. This absorption lasts for 10 minutes per level experience. Note: Absorption can only take place while in energy form. 2. Leyline Boost: Leyline energy has a subtle effect on the Chronogean physiology. It increases strength, endurance, and height as well as enhances the intensity of the Chronogean's light aura. Duration: 1 hour + 30 minutes per level experience. Length of Trance: 2D6 minutes Note: Chronogeans can only access the leyline boost power while in energy form. Within 1 mile Within 400 ft Within 1 mile Within 400 ft of a leyline of a leyline of a nexus pt. of a nexus pt. M.D.C. P.P.E. I.S.P. P.E. P.S. Height Range Duration Aura Damage Spell Strength 3. Raise by 1/3 Raise by half Raise by 1/3 +1 +2 Add 1 ft Increase by half Increase by 1/3 +1D4 +1 Raise by half Double Raise by half +2 +3 Add 2 ft Increase by half Increase by half +1D6 +2 Double Triple Double +3 +4 Add 3 ft Double Double +2D4 +3 Triple Triple+1/2 of b. P.P.E. Triple +4 +5 Add 4 ft Triple Triple +2D6 +4




Light Aura: Each Chronogean creates an intense bright light around them. It causes 2D6 damage to vampires and shadow beasts every melee exposed to the light. It extends a maximum of 50 ft and can be dimmed to a 2 ft area. When used against attackers, they are -5 to strike within 30ft and -2 to strike beyond that. During metamorph, however, the light can only be detected through see aura. Note: As a result of this aura, the Chronogeans can see up to 250 ft as if it were normal daylight in total darkness. Metamorphosis and Brainwave mimicking: The Chronogeans are masters of disguise through morphing and the manipulation of their brainwaves to mimic other lifeforms. This is used often when they visit areas of civilization. a. Metamorphosis: The duration and limitations are the same as the Chaing-ku dragons. Also, Chronogeans can also attempt to shape-change into any person or animal they've seen. Base Skill: 35% + 15% per additional level of experience b. Brainwave mimic: After a period of 1D6 hours of concentration, a Chronogean can disguise his surface thoughts with those of other people. Base Skill: 30% + 10% per additional level of experience . While this technique is used, the character cannot be discovered with telepathy, empathy, detect psionics, or sense magic. See aura will detect them; however, alter aura will make detection impossible. The brainwave mimic can be taught, though only to master psionists who are at tenth level. Cost: 30 I.S.P. Range: Self Duration: Varies Temporal Shift: Every Chronogean has the ability to perform a temporal shift with the same limitations as leyline teleportation. The range of this shift is limited to the Chronogean; however, through millenia of development, the Chronogeans have created a bio-organic chip which amplifies the temporal shift up to 200 ft. The range can be adjusted and modified to include persons and items of the Chronogean's choice to a maximum of 1200 lb. The saving throw for unwilling travelers is standard at +2 save vs magic. Time traveling range: Chronogean's average lifespan (which by the way, is 10,000 years) Automatically senses the opening and closing of dimensional rifts, envelops, mystical portals, dimensional teleportation, and time holes within 1 mile. - 69 -


Can see dimensional envelopes and pockets, as well as characters transformed into fourth dimensional beings, two dimensional beings, astral travelers, and the invisble energy essence of alien intelligences and entities. 8. All Leyline Walker powers 1-7 9. Leyline Regeneration of all M.D.C./P.P.E./I.S.P. 2 times a day 10. Total bio-regeneration of lost limbs, including the head within 1D4 hours of losing them. 11. Psionic Powers: Most Chronogeans are major psionists, although there are a few master psionists among them, such as mind melters, bursters, and mind bleeders. Pick 6 powers from any of the three lesser catagories at Level 1. Level 3: the character gains mind bond and telemechanics. Level 5: the character gains psi-sword and psi-shield. I.S.P.: 1D4x10+10 + 2D6 per additional level of experience 12. Bonuses: +4 save vs horror factor, +3 save vs magic and psychic attacks, +2 save vs poisons, drugs, toxins, and disease, +1 spell strength if a magic O.C.C. is chosen (+2 if temporal O.C.C.), +2 strike, +1 parry and dodge,+2 initiative R.C.C. Skills: Language/Literacy: Chronogean 98% and pick 3 additional lang/lit +20% Computer Operation +20% Computer Programming +15% Computer Hacking +10% Math: Basic +10% Math: Advanced +5% Disguise +20% (10% added to metamorph roll if disguise skill is used successfully) Concealment +10% Detect Concealment +15% Detect Ambush +15% Anthropology +10% Intelligence +12% Prowl +10% Escape Artist +5% Streetwise +5% Imitate Voices and Impersonation +15% WP: pick 2 from any catagory Hand to Hand: Any of choice R.C.C. Related Skills: Select 5 other skills from the catagories below Communications: Any +5% Domestic: Any +5% Electrical: Any +5% Espionage: Any +15% Mechanical: Any Medical: Any +7% Military: Any +5% Physical: Any (+10% where applicable) Pilot: Any +10% Pilot Related: Any +5% Rogue: Any +12% Science: Any +5% Technical: Any +7% (10% to languages and writing) WP: Any Wilderness: Any +2% Secondary Skills: Select 4 secondary skills from the above catagories plus 2 at Level 2, 3, and 5. At Level 8, 10, and 13, select 1 additional skill. Secondary skills do not get the bonuses listed above, and they start out at first level proficiency. O.C.C.: Any O.C.C. except Borg O.C.C.'s, Coalition O.C.C.'s, Juicer O.C.C., and Crazy O.C.C. Leans toward temporal O.C.C.'s and special forces O.C.C.'s. Note: Chronogeans suffer no penalties for being a temporal O.C.C. Cybernetics: None, they interfer with the temporal energies within the Chronogeans' physiology and would kill them a few minutes after surgery. Money: 2D6x100 credits and 1D4x1000 credits worth of black market items. Equipment: (In addition to O.C.C. equipment) Hand-held computer with TW modem (has powers of telemechanics and telepathy at Level 5 proficiency built into it; modem range: 200 ft, range can be extended with a transmitter. Cost to activate: 30 I.S.P. or 60 P.P.E.), Standard Chronogean chronometer (keeps time for 2D4 dimensions and can be aligned for an additional 1D6 different - 70 -

dimension(s), Tracking gem (homes in on fellow Chronogeans and the colony ship no matter where or when they are), 4 universal computer disks, 2 energy weapons of choice, light body armor with 4 Techno-wizard features at Level 3 proficiency, and teleport crystal (Same as teleport spell Lvl 10, can be cast 3 times every 24 hours) Experience Table: Use Chaing-ku experience table

Chupacabra R.C.C.
By: Joshua-Aaron Haskett The subjects of Mexican mythology are very real indeed, but they are nothing like what the legend suggests. These are intelligent and fearful creatures, and no one knows their true reason for being on earth. For hundred of years, the Chupacabra have been sending scout ships to Earth to research the Terran way of life. For this task they had used specially designed cyborgs, who's appearance is what spawned the Chupacabra legend. The reason they built these cyborgs was the fear that their appearance would startle the humans more, causing hate and anger between the two races. The cyborgs were designed to be more human (at least what the Chupacabra originally thought humans looked like) in appearance. The cyborg plan failed and did in fact scare the citizens of Mexico, the land the Chupacabra researched, so they stopped sending the scout cyborgs to Earth. Years later, a Chupacabra prophet foretold the coming of the Rifts to Earth and said that once this P.P.E. energy was released, Earth was to be the Chupacabra promised land. So the Chupacabra waited, and when the Rifts came, so did enormous amounts or the Chupacabra. The Chupacabra that believed the prophecy migrated to the northern regions of the land known as Mexico. Here they set up small villages for their kind, and any other races they deemed friendly enough. Originally, the Chupacabra appeared as tall, six armed, semi-pedal creatures with bronze skin, lizard like tails, and heads resembling that of a bull's, sans horns. But when migrated to Earth, their children began developing "abnormalities". They were being born with white, smooth skin, segmented tails, and heads that were almost human, with two huge black eyes, and only a small fang lled mouth as facial features. Also, they were developing a strip of black hair, running from in between their eyes, behind their heads and down to the middle of their backs. These offspring were originally thought to be mutants, but when all the Chupacabra being born on earth were looking like this, they realized it was an accelerated form of evolution, and this is what they were meant to look like. But looks weren't the only things that changed. Before, they were asexual, laying 2-8 eggs every few years. But now, male and female variants were being born, and instead of laying eggs, they were giving live births. A Chupacabra female, once impregnated, will go through 3 months of pregnancy, giving birth to a single Chupacabra afterwards, which the parent will "mother" for about 5 years, before letting the young Chupacabra off on it's own. As being highly intelligent beings, most Chupacabra end up being scientists and scholars. Very few become warriors. The average Chupacabra will live for 200 years before dying. Despite having a strange weakness to magic, the Chupacabra are fascinated by it, and have been known to use Rune and TW devices. Most Chupacabra can be found in small villages scaling the Arizona-Mexico borders, and also around the New Mexico-Mexico borders. They are wanderers by nature and have been seen as far north at North Dakota, and as far east as he Ohio Valley. They will befriend almost anyone, if they deem the person worthy. They have also been known to be found in the company of Rahu-Men, as the two races are very fascinated by each other. Alignment: Any. Majority lead towards Aberrant. Horror Factor: 12 Size: 10-14 feet (head to toes), 14 foot long tail, 24-28 feet long while in running stance. Weight: 700-1000 lb Average Life Span: 200 years. P.P.E.: 2d4 Attributes: I.Q. 4D6+1, M.E. 5D6, M.A. 4D4+1, P.S. 3D6+4 (supernatural), P.P. 4D6+1, P.E. 3D6+3 (supernatural), P.B. 1D6+4, Spd 4D6 running, twice that ying. (I.e. Spd 20 running would be Spd 40 ying.) M.D.C.: Base M.D.C. is 1D6X10+10. Add 1D4 M.D.C. per additional level. Combat: 4 attacks per melee (without hand to hand bonuses), +2 to parry, dodge, and strike, +1 on initiative and +1 to pull/roll with punch, fall, or impact. Natural Weapons: Claws (1d4M.D.), Tail (2D4+5 M.D.), and Psionics (see below) Chupacabra Abilities/Penalties: 1. Psionic Powers: The Chupacabra has the following psionic abilities. Psionic ight (takes no I.S.P.), Alter Aura, Clairvoyance, Empathy, See Aura, See the Invisible, Sense Evil, Sense Magic, Total Recall, and Telemechanics. I.S.P.: 5D6+10, add 1D4X2 per level. 2. Imitate sounds: The Chupacabra can imitate any sound it hears almost perfectly (95%), it can even mimic the volume and force. 3. M.D.C. Recharge: The Chupacabra can "recharge" his lost M.D.C. by grabbing onto something (trees, power armor, the earth, other M.D.C. beings, etc.) and draining it's energy, causing equal Mega-Damage to the victim. Can absorb up to 1D4M.D. every 6 hours.

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Weakness to Magic: For an unknown reason, magic inicts double damage when cast upon Chupacabra. They are also at a -3 save vs any magic. 5. Blood Drinker: The Chupacabra cannot survive unless it drinks warm blood. It's blood of choice is that of farm animals (goats, horses, cattle, etc.). It will NEVER drink any avian, amphibious, or reptilian blood. It can last up to one week (7 days) one just one pint of blood. 6. Commune with Avians: The Chupacabra can "speak" with any kind of bird or bird-related creature. This isn't actually speaking at all, it's more like the Chupacabra and the avians can read each other's thoughts (90%). 7. Saving Throw Bonuses: +1 save vs Psionics, +7 save vs Mind Control (psionic, magical, and chemical), +40% save vs Coma/Death. 8. No Magic: The Chupacabra cannot cast spells but are extremely fascinated by and will use Rune and TW devices. R.C.C. Skills: Literacy (+10%) Radio: Basic (+15%) Computer Operation (+10%) Computer Programming (+8%) Computer Repair (+5%) Basic Electronics (+10%) Read Sensory Equipment (+5%) Mathematics: Basic (+15%) Language: Chupacabra 98% Language (select three additional languages; all are +20%) R.C.C. Skills: Select seven other skills. Plus select an additional two skills at level 4, two at level 6, one at level 9, one at level 12, and one at level 14. All new skills start at level one prociency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Any (+5) Espionage: Wilderness Survival only. Mechanical: Any (+2%) Medical: First Aid or Paramedic only. Military: Any Physical: Any Pilot: Any (+10%), as long as it's a vehicle the Chupacabra can t into. Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any Science: Any (+15%) Technical: Any (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The Chupacabra also gets to choose six secondary skills from those listed above. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get any of the bonuses in parenthesis. All secondary skills start at the base level. Equipment: Anything they can steal from victims and other people, or whatever they can buy with the money they gather from the victims. Weapons: Natural attacks or energy weapons. Cybernetics: None. O.C.C.s Available: Any except Coalition and Magic. Tend toward highly scientic and technical classes. Experience: Uses the Dragon's Experience Tables (See RIFTS page 17)


Civilian Martial Artist O.C.C.

The Dedicated Martial Artist is a pure scholar of the arts, and the Worldly Martial Artist is more of a transient scholar. But the Civilian Martial Artist has little experience with the monastic lifestyle, having grown up surrounded by the arts as part of their everyday existence. These persons grew up as part of another martial artist's household; usually as the child or fosterling of their sensei. Their training starts long before puberty, and often continues into their college years. In fact, these martial artists often start their own satellite schools of their art, if not actually inheriting the sensei's own dojo. Attribute Requirements: None Starting Age: 8 Base S.D.C.: 35 - 72 -

Super-spy Modifications: None, and will probably never even KNOW about them, let alone get them. The character would consider modifications not required medically as repugnant. Martial Arts Forms: Choose one Primary form (and its automatic skills), plus three physical skills. Also, choose two domestic skills from the Cultural skill list (i.e. ones found in the household). For example, the skills Cook and Sewing can be found in most households, but more esoteric skills such as Bonsai, Calligraphy, Gardening, gaming skills (such as Go), Floral Arrangement, Poetry and/or Singing vary in availability, generally from culture, the school's martial art and/or the teacher's own knowledge. Basic Minimum Skills: Native Language (with literacy) and Basic Mathematics. Educational Level & Skill Programs: Varies, based on final age (after training) or culture, if no other factors used. Will almost always have at least the equivalent of a high-school education. Choose (with GM's approval), or roll on the following table (percentiles): 01-20 High School Graduate: Physical Program, plus two other Basic skill programs. 21-35 Military: The character joined the military after finishing training and high school. Basic Military Program, Physical Program, plus two other Basic programs and one Military program. 36-48 Vocational School: Physical Program, plus 3 Electrical skills (no engineering or robot skills, but can include Computer skills), the Mechanical Program, and one other Basic Program. 49-68 Associate Degree (two years of college): Physical Program, plus three other Basic skill programs. 69-88 Bachelor Degree (four years of college): Physical Program, plus four other Basic skill programs. Two of the nonphysical programs may be traded for a Gizmoteer or the Basic Military programs. 89-93 Special Training: As High School, plus Basic Military and choice of Professional Thief or Guerilla Warfare programs. Very Rare. 94-97 Masters Degree: As Bachelor Degree, but with +5% to non-physical skills. 98-00 Doctorate: As Masters Degree, but with +10% instead of +5%. Can trade two Programs for Medical Doctor program, Holistic Medicine skill (from Rifts), and six science and/or medical skills related to (or required by) a medical degree. Secondary Skills: Choose any eight. Receive one additional skill at each level evenly divisible by four. Also, can use the rules for learning additional skills from page 36 of Heroes Unlimited. OPTIONAL: "Second Edition" Skill format. Actually, this is for skill selection in the format of Rifts, Nightbane, PFRPG (2nd ed.), etc. This will require a good, comprehensive skill list (I suggest the one on my web site). O.C.C. Skills Martial Arts Form: Choose one Primary form (with its automatic skills) Choose three physical skills (+15% where applicable). Choose two domestic skills (as in old-style description above) (+15%) Native Language (with literacy): 98% Basic Mathematics O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 12; four must be physical skills. Communications: Any, except Electronic Counter-Measures. Domestic/Cultural: Any (+5%) Electrical/Computer: Basic Electronics and Computer skills only. Espionage/Military: None. Mechanical: Aircraft, Automotive and Basic Electronics only. Armorer (up to 20th Century technology only) can be taken, but costs triple. Medical: Any 20th century skills, but Medical Doctor costs 3 skills and has many requisites. Holistic Medicine costs only one skill, however. Physical: Any (+5%). Pilot: Any non-space conventional skills, but military vehicles, aircraft, and high-tech water craft cost double. Pilot-Related: Any non-space. Rogue: Any, but the truly criminal skills cost double (whereas those useful for subterfuge or stage magic cost normally). Science: Any, but add 4 years to character's age for every skill over 3 taken. - 73 -

Technical: Any, except demolitions. Lores are at the GM's discretion, but Geomancy/Ley Line lore is the most likely to be possessed. Weapon Proficiencies: Any, but tends toward ancient weapons, and especially to those used in the martial art (i.e. those with bonus or available katas) Wilderness: Any (+5%). Secondary Skills: Choose any eight from those choices above, but without the listed bonuses. Receive one additional skill at each level evenly divisible by four. Also, can use the rules for learning additional skills from page 36 of Heroes Unlimited. Special Martial Arts Bonus: The character can select one additional Martial Arts Power from those available through his martial arts form at level one and level six. At level ten, select a Zenjorike power. Money: $3D6x1000; depending on character background, may be in like to inherit a dojo, but would never consider selling it or the land. Income: $250 per week as a martial arts instructor working for someone else (such as a family member). If actually running the dojo, income is $50 per week per student, and may have class sempai (high-ranking students; younger siblings?) helping teach classes under him (lower level classes, or as temporary substitutes while he's away). If so, then income is split 3/1 between the character and the sempai, in favor of the character. Social Contacts: As Worldly Martial Artist, but not from travels. More likely, the knowledge/contacts come from years of other, traveling martial artists boarding, training, or visiting at the character's home dojo. 18% chance of Recognizing a major martial artist (5% chance of having met, or at least having that person recognize the character as someone they last saw as a child). 30% of tracking down another, known martial artist.

Coalition Centurion O.C.C.

By: The Coalition Centurion is a combat specialist who is trained to work with Inquisitors. Primarily, they aid the with investigations, although they are also used as a highly visible police force. Centurions are an elite group, numbering even less than the Sea Wolf oceanic units. They are usually arrogant and ruthless in fulfilling their duties, especially when dealing with non-humans. Centurions will occasionally be deployed as members of regular fighting groups, but will mostly serve with the Inquisitors. Inside the Coalition States, the sight of a Centurion will often bring some fear and uneasiness into the hearts of criminals. The sight of a Centurion is usually the first sign of a major crackdown of Coalition law-enforcement. They are part of the Coalition police forces, but are principally the enforcers of the will of the Inquisitors. Centurions begin their career at the rank of Sergeant, although they are not bound to obey orders from superior officers unless they have been assigned to a regular soldier's unit. Although it is not a requirement, at least 55% of all Centurions are minor and major psychics. Telepathic individuals are valued highly and placed with psychic sensitive Inquisitors. Attribute Requirements: P.E., P.P., and I.Q. 12 or higher O.C.C. Skills: Radio: Basic (+15%) Literacy (+15%) Intelligence (+15%) Robot Combat: Elite (with two separate robot/armor types) Read Sensory Equipment (+15%) Weapon Systems (+15%) Prowl (+15%) Detect Ambush (+15%) Detect Concealment (+15%) Running W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Expert (can be changed to Assassin for 1 "other" skill) O.C.C. Related Skills: in their duties, Centurions are given more leeway and access to knowledge than most Coalition soldiers. - 74 -

Centurions may select 10 skills, of which 2 must be Espionage and 2 must be either Science or Technical. Gain additional skills as follows: 2 at level 3, 2 at level 6, 2 at level 9, and 1 at level 12. Communications: any Domestic: any Electrical: any except Electrical Engineer Espionage: any (+10%) Mechanical: Automotive and Locksmith only Medical: First Aid or Paramedic only Military: any (+5%) Physical: any Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rogue: any (+5%) Science: any Technical: any Weapon Proficiencies: any Wilderness: any (+5%) Secondary Skills: The character may also select six secondary skills from the previous list. These additional areas of knowledge do not get the bonuses listed in parentheses. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: Coalition "Dead Boy" body armor, energy rifle and sidearm of choice with five extra E-clips for each, six grenades, survival knife, distancing binoculars, robot medical kit, pocket computer, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, combat boots, canteen, and two additional energy or non-energy weapons of choice (may include a light rail gun). Conventional military vehicle of choice (motorcycle, jeep, hovercycle, etc) for daily use. Centurions are also issued a standard Legionnaire's suit of power armor. Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Centurions are allowed to commandeer any vehicle in the execution of their duties, but they are typically assigned a modified Coalition Sky Cycle which has 35% more armor, and have an integral jet pack on their body armor. Money: Centurions are given a roof over their heads, food, clothing, and all other basics provided as part of their pay, as well as access to all Coalition facilities. They also receive a monthly salary of 2350 credits, beginning with one month's pay. Their quarters are identical to those for military specialists. Cybernetics: None to begin with, but implantation is not restricted. Xp table: same as CS Military Specialist

Coalition Combat Artist O.C.C.

By: soulcatcher Sergeant major Rawls turned to his newest charge, not sure wether to scowl or encourage, he decided to be aloof, dusting off his Dead Boy helmet. 'Corporal Graddeesh, in today's Coaltion States, Emperor Prosek needs good people, good soldiers, to portray our valiant and noble warriors and the hideous creatures that would take out cities and ruin us. You have been trained by the Department of Propaganda Ministries to portray our heroes in the best light possible. Today, you will be on the battlefield, you will record and represent the Coalition States for the glory of Humanity and our Emperor. Do you understand, Corporal?' Without hesitation, without a hint of fear, the Combat Artist squared his jaw and looked up at his commanding officer before leaving the bunker. 'Yes, Sir!' 'Very good, Graddeesh, carry on.' Adjusting the video eyepiece, Corporal Graddeesh stepped out of the bunker and into an early morning warzone, small portable computer and art pack on his back, C-12 laser rifle in his hands, a dark grin on his face behind the helmet. Glory to Emperor Prosek burning in his mind.

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In preparation for Coalition citizen's waning interest in war, the Department of Propaganda Ministries trained an elite group of artistically skilled soldiers to help give the people visual aides to remind them just what the Coalition was protecting them from. These soldiers begin at Corporal rank as any technical division of the military. Uses same experience table as Coalition Ranger/Scout. Attribute Requirements: IQ 13, PP 13. O.C.C. Skills: Math:Basic +20% Radio:Basic +15% Language:American at 98% and one of choice at +20% Literacy:American at +30% Computer Operation: +15% Computer Programming: +10% Computer Hacking: +10% Computer Imaging (New!): +20% Intelligence: +10% Technical:Art +25% Lore: Demon/Monster +20% Climbing: +10% Prowl: +10% Land Navigation: +20% W.P.: Energy Rifle W.P. Ancient Hand to Hand:Basic, can be changed to expert at the cost of two occ skills, to martial arts at the cost of three skills. O.C.C. Related skills: Select seven other skills. Plus select two additional skills at level three, six, nine and twelve. New skills begin at level one profiency. Communications:Any +10% Domestic:Any at +10% Electrical:Any at +5% Espionage:Any at +5% Mechanical:None Medical:First aid and holistic health only Military:Any +5% Physical:Any Pilot:Any +10%, except robots, power armor and combat aircraft Pilot related:Any Rogue:Any Science:Any Technical:Any +10% WP:Any Wilderness:Any +10% Secondary Skills: Player gets to select four secondary skills from the list above at no bonus, i.e., starting at base level. Standard Equipment: A suit of light or heavy Dead Boy armor, uniform, dress uniform, tinted goggles, pocket laser distancer, video and audio recording equipment, pocket mirror, binoculars, vibroblade, portable computer, portable airbrush and paint/stencilling equipment, paper tablets (note, video equipment can scan painted/recorded images into computer for records/enhancement), binoculars, backpack, sacks, spikes, 100 feet of mdc rope. Equipment available on assignment: Vehicle (according to any piloting skills), rations, portable tent, radio. Money: Starts at 1700 credits per month.Outstanding combat artists can make a great deal more by catching the eye of the rich. Cybernetics: Starts with none, but may get basic systems, tends to try to be 'all natural'. Experience: Same as CS Ranger/Scout

Coalition Commando O.C.C.

By: - 76 -

The Coalition commando is a highly trained, combat-oriented specialist whose job is to act as counter-insurgent and counter-terrorist. These soldiers are deployed under the command of Coalition military specialists, and are used extensively as members of long-range patrols outside the borders of the Coalition States. They are also deployed as members of reactionary units within the Coalition States to quell uprisings or other threats to the Coalition States. Due to the speed and efficiency that Coalition commandoes carry out their assigned tasks, they are known as "Swifts" both within and without the Coalition States. All commandoes begin at the rank of corporal. Attribute Requirements: P.E., P.P., I.Q., and M.E. 10 or higher. O.C.C. Skills: Radio: Basic (+10%) Literacy (+10%) Intelligence (+10%) Robot Combat: Elite Read Sensory Equipment (+10%) Weapon Systems (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+15%) Prowl (+15%) Running W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Expert (can be changed to Martial Arts or Assassin for 1 "other" skill) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 12 other skills. 2 must be Espionage, 2 must be Physical, and 2 must be Weapon Proficiencies. Gain additional skills as follows: 2 at level 3, 2 at level 6, 1 at level 9, and 1 at level 12. Communications: any Domestic: any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: any (+5%) Mechanical: Automotive or Locksmith only Medical: Paramedic only Military: any (+5%) Physical: any Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rogue: any Science: Math, Chemistry, or Anthropology only Technical: any Weapon Proficiencies: any Wilderness: any Secondary Skills: The character may also select eight secondary skills from the previous list. These additional areas of knowledge do not get the bonuses listed in parantheses. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: Coalition "Dead Boy" body armor, energy rifle and energy sidearm of choice, four extra E-clips for each, four grenades, survival knife, distancing binoculars, robot medical kit, pocket computer, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, combat boots, canteen, and additional non-energy weapon of choice. Conventional military vehicle of choice (motorcycle, jeep, hovercycle, etc.) for daily use. Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Vehicles include SAMAS power armor, Spider-Skull Walker, Enforcer UAR-1, other robot vehicles, conventional military vehicles, hovercraft, jet pack, tank, APC, and aircraft. Any weapon types, extra ammunition, surveillance equipment, camera equipment, sensory equipment, optical enhancements, and food rations for weeks. Also has access to vehicle and equipment repair. Note: All weapons and equipment are given out on an as needed basis, with the commanding officer deciding whether or not the item(s) is really necessary or not. If the officer doesn't like the character(s), the availability of items may be extremely limited. Money: The commando gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as access to military facilities. Plus a monthly salary of 2000 credits, starting off with one month's pay. The quarters for the commando are the same as those for the military specialist. Cybernetics: None to start with, but implantation is not restricted. - 77 -

Xp table: same as CS Military Specialist

Coalition Commisar
The Coalition's propaganda was a double edged sword. While it kept the public in order and justified the genocide of D Bees, it has also instilled the population with a permanent fear of them. This has reached even the dedicated soldiers of the Coalition. During a recent campaign against a D Bee outpost half the men had gone AWOL in fear of the D Bees, due to the lies they were fed as children. It was decided that a new specialist was needed to deal with the morale and dedication of the Coalition army. What was needed was a soldier who would lead by example. He himself must be fearless and utterly dedicated to the army. It was thus that the Coalition Commisar was formed. The Coalition Commisar are the most respected figure in the armies. They act as a bond between the commanders and soldiers. To the higher ranking officers they are advisors; they speak the views of the troops and other personnel info. To the grunts they act as figures of inspiration as well as a trusted counselor. As such they step outside the normal boundaries of rank; a general may overrule the suggestion of a Commisar major, but the Commisar has the side of the army with him, so that the general has to have a pretty good excuse as to prevent a mutiny. However, all Commisars are extremely dedicated to the Coalition; however, their loyalty ultimately lies with the men. Many have a political career; some retired commisarss are high level states men. Sometimes a Commisar may be used to spy on their own troops, in case of a mutiny. The commisar would join a squad disguised as a grunt and report to a commanding officer of the goings on. Role playing note: this is great fun. One of the players is a commisar, disguised as a SAMAS pilot or otherwise. If the squad ie. the other players decide to go AWOL, the commisar is faced with a major decision; rat on the PC's, remain silent and go AWOL with them, or reveal his true rank and beat them all up by himself. The Commisar also wears a distinct uniform. Like all other soldiers he has a suit of "Dead boy" armor. On top of this he wears a long coat, usually covered in badges of bravery and so on. He seldom wears a helmet; they use eye contact to invoke trust. Instead, they wear their uniform hat as part of their armor. The Commisar is many things; he is a preacher, inspiring men even in the face of oblivion; a war leader, charging into battle with the rest of the soldiers; and above all, a dedicated soldier, following orders without question. Many have become national heroes, charging into battle with a personalized suit of armor or a "trademark" weapon (see below.) The Commisar symbolizes the loyalty, the dedication and the honor due to the Coalition. They are known throughout the Coalition states and beyond, as the most noble soldiers of the Coalition. (The Commisar is considered an officer, starting at the rank of lieutenant.) Attribute Requirements: I.Q., M.E., P.E. 12 or higher. M.A. 17 or higher. Bonuses: a few receive experimental treatment. See below. All are extremely dedicated to the Coalition and get a + 5 save vs. HF. O.C.C. Skills: Radio: Basic (+15%) Radio: Scrambler (+15%) Literacy (+15%) Intellegence (+15%) Interrogation Techniques (+15%) Robot Combat: Elite Read Sensory Equipment (+10%) Weapon Systems (+10%) Detect Ambush (+15%) Detect Concealment (+15%) First Aid (+10%) Sniper W.P. one archaic of choice W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Expert (can be changed to Martial Arts or Assassin for 1 "other" skill) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 15 other skills. 2 must be Espionage, 2 must be Physical, and 2 must be Weapon Proficiencies. Gain additional skills as follows: 2 at level 3, 2 at level 6, 1 at level 9, and 1 at level 12. Communications: any Domestic: any - 78 -

Electrical: Basic only Espionage: any (+5%) Mechanical: Automotive or Locksmith only Medical: Paramedic only Military: any (+5%) Physical: any Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rogue: any Science: Math, Chemistry, or Anthropology only Technical: any Weapon Proficiencies: any Wilderness: any Secondary Skills: The character may also select eight secondary skills from the previous list. These additional areas of knowledge do not get the bonuses listed in parentheses. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: Coalition "Dead Boy" body armor, energy rifle and energy sidearm of choice, four extra E-clips for each, four grenades, survival knife, distancing binoculars, robot medical kit, pocket computer, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, combat boots, canteen, and and SDC weapon of choice. Commissars also get a few more personalized items, such as a distinct SAMAS suit, a special uniform, the Commisar long coat (see below) and anything else a GM can allow. Conventional military vehicle of choice (motorcycle, jeep, hovercycle, etc.) for daily use. One "trademark" weapon or item of choice. Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Vehicles include SAMAS power armor, Spider-Skull Walker, Enforcer UAR-1, other robot vehicles, conventional military vehicles, hovercraft, jet pack, tank, APC, and aircraft. Any weapon types, extra ammunition, surveillance equipment, camera equipment, sensory equipment, optical enhancements, and food rations for weeks. Also has access to vehicle and equipment repair. Note: All weapons and equipment are given out more freely to the Commisars than to most soldiers, as they are trusted individuals.will most likely choose a Coalition vehicle above all else, showing his confidence in Coalition technology. Some have personalized APC's, so that when they ride down in the midst of battle to raise the troops's morale. Money: The Wolf-guard gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as access to military facilities. Plus a monthly salary of 3000 credits, starting off with one month's pay. The quarters for the Commisars' are the same as those for the Officers'. Cybernetics: Up to 4 cybernetic implants Xp table: same as CS Military Specialist A few Commisarss have also received treatment to enhance their physiology. However, this is extremely rare. The Commisar must have a PE of 20 or above to endure the treatment. These rare soldiers are genetically engineered so that they become more and more powerful. They get the following bonuses: Gene Engineered bonuses: +4 PS, +4 PE, +2 PP, +4 SPD, +50 SDC, +1 attack per melee, can lift 2x person of normal strength. Needs only 6 hours of sleep. Can stay alert and ready for up to 3 days.

Coalition Death knight OCC (Elite Infantry)

By: Capt MJB (Mike Best) During Prosek's improvements in the army, he came up with an idea. Take the best Raw recruits and put them through a year of training that would make hell look like fun. There is an amazing 54% fatality rate in the training! Nonetheless, it has created the ultimate unit. Dedicated, trained, and most definitely lethal. If that wasn't enough, they are given a DNA modifying virus that enhances their attributes (as if they weren't high enough all ready). Note that Prosek has made this OCC available only to men. This is following with his idolization of Hitler, who didn't like women in his spec ops units. Note: Because this unit is new, no member is currently above 3rd level, and none are older then 19. Attribute Requirements: IQ:14, ME: 17, PS: 17, PE: 20, PP: 17, SPD: 14 Training Bonuses: - 79 -

+3 PS, + 6 PE, +2 PP, +2 SPD, +40 SDC, +1 attack per melee, +2 save vs. Horror Factor +1 roll with punch/impact, +1 dodge, +1 strike (hth and ranged weapon), +3 save vs. psionics, +5 save vs. Mind Control, +1 save vs. Poisons Gene Engineered bonuses: +4 PS, +4 PE, +2 PP, +4 SPD, +50 SDC, +1 attack per melee, can lift 2x person of normal strength. Needs only 6 hours of sleep. Can stay alert and ready for up to 3 days. PPE: Standard Magic: None ISP: 2d4 Psionics: Because of their unusually harsh and training, they have the natural ability to, twice daily, do either Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Fire, Nightvision, or Summon Inner Strength. They can also use the powers Resist Fatigue, Resist Hunger, and Resist Thirst indefinitely. These are not true psionics, so they require no ISP to do. It is possible because of the ultra-intense nature of their training. All of these are the equivalent of a third level psionic. Healing: Because of their DNA modification, they recover 2d6 SDC/HP every 2 hours. Power Punch: The Power Punch of a Death Knight does 1d4-1 MD (if zero, its still the equivalent of 50 sdc damage) Senses: The Death knight has senses that are as good as a human can get. Even if they had an impairment before, the DNA modification changed that. This is represented in their training bonus. OCC Skills: Language: 2 of choice at 98% Literacy: 1 of choice at 98% Radio: Basic (+30%) Basic Electronics (+30%) Detect Ambush at 98% Detect Concealment at 98% Escape Artist (+10%) Intelligence (+40%) Sniper Tracking (+20%) Wilderness Survival at 98% Basic Mechanics (+35%) First Aid (upgradeable to paramedic at the cost of two occ related skills) (+30%) Hollistic Medicine (30%) Demolitions at 98% Demolitions Disposal at 98% HTH: Expert AND Assassin!!! (gets the bonuses of both at the same level) Athletics: General Body Building and Weight Lifting Boxing Climbing (+20%) Gymnastics (+10%) Prowl (+60%) Running Swimming (+15%) Scuba (+5%) Wrestling Drive: Automobile (+25%) Drive: Tanks and APCs (+15%) Read Sensory Equipment (+30%) Math: Basic (+30%) Computer Operation (+5%) 3 Ancient W.P. of choice 5 modern W.P.s of choice Land Navigation (+25%) OCC related Skills: (pick 5) Communications: Any (+10%) - 80 -

Domestic: Any Electrical: Any (+10%) Mechanical: Any (+10%) Medical: None Military: Any (+15%) Physical: Any (+15%) Pilot: Any BUT Robots and PA or Robot Combat (both types) Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Math Advanced (+20%), Biology, Chemistry Technical: Any (+20% language/literacy, +5% others) WP's: Any Wilderness: Any (+15%) Secondary Skills: Choose 2 from the list above without the bonuses. Choose an additional 2 at levels 2, 6, 9, 13, and 15 Standard Equipment: 3 Energy Weapons (literally ANYthing the player wants) of choice with 5 clips for each, 1 vibroweapon of choice, 1 ancient weapon of choice, 1 sd gun of choice with 3 clips. Suit of Death Knight Heavy Enhanced Armor (see below), Dress Fatigues (Patch is a Skull with a Broad sword sheathed in energy pointing downward in front of skull), Camo Fatigues, 2 pairs of boots, regular clothes, black 'Ninja' style outfit (complete with shoes) for sneaking and prowling, Binoculars, Tinted Sunglasses, Gas Mask, Survival Knife, Pocket Computer, walkie-talkie (2 mile sending range), two canteens, 14 MRE's (one days meal in each), Vehicle of choice (can opt to share a Modified Iron Maiden APC with 3 other soldiers). Equipment Available upon Assignment: Anything but Robots or Power Armor. Money: Has all the same benefits as a Military Specialist OCC, but gets paid 3500 a month salary. Has 1d4x1000 Credits to start with. Cybernetics and Bionics: Player can have up to 2 bionic implants (excluding limbs, but including hands), and/or 5 cybernetics implants. Note: This is an EXTREMELY powerful OCC, and pound for pound they're probably the best trained soldiers on the planet. Exp Table Level Exp 1 04,500 2 4,5019,000 3 9,00112,000 4 12,00123,000 5 23,00140,000 6 40,00190,000 7 90,001- 150,000 8 150,001- 190,000 9 190,001- 250,000 10 250,001- 500,000 11 500,001- 830,000 12 830,001-1,000,000 13 1,000,001-1,300,000 14 1,300,001-1,600,000 15 1,600,001-2,000,000 Death Knight Heavy Enhanced Armor Realizing the Need to give these new troops their own unique armor, Prosek allowed the creation of a suit of armor that almost borders on being a full PA. MDC: 120 Weight: 75 lb. (supported by exoskeleton) Fair Mobility: (-10% prowl) Exoskeleton Bonuses: +6 PS, +10 Speed, +5 feet jumping distance (up and across), +5% climb, reduces fatigue by 50%. Also Allows character to punch for 1d4 MD and Power Punch for 1d6 MD. Penalty: Takes 2x longer to suit up. Black Market Cost: NOT AVAILABLE! If for some reason it would be become available, we're talking 2 to 3 million because of its - 81 -

scarceness. Colors: Solid Black Note On Death Knights These characters, including PC's, are 100% LOYAL TO THE CS. There are NO exceptions. You're probably saying "Why, surely one of them would want to defect." Let me explain something. Neither myself nor any of you out there could possibly understand the bond between Death knights. We have neither the honor, nor the experience required to realize just how strong this bond is. We're talking a bond that, in all likelihood, could transcend even Death itself. There is no such thing as a traitor. This is, admittedly, part of their genetic code, but it goes beyond even that. GM's take note, THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS! This means there alignment is ALWAYS aberrant.

Coalition Entertainment Specialist O.C.C.

By: Coalition entertainment specialists are a small and select group of people who couldn't quite cut it as soldiers, but are still dedicated to the cause of the Coalition. Rather than not use these men and women at all, someone had the bright idea of creating a new position for these people. Thus, Coalition recruits who are better suited for fun and games instead of combat are intensely trained to become entertainment specialists. They are sent to remote outposts to help bolster the morale of front-line personnel, and are occasionally sent to help "break the ice" when the Coalition is negotiating to annex new areas. The entertainment specialist has gained the nickname of "Gomer Boy" from fellow Coalition troops, and this is the name that outsiders tend to refer to them with. Cruel officers will sometimes assign a Gomer Boy to a SAMAS RPA Elite officer, just to see the Sam suffer under the attention of the Gomer Boy. Note that Gomer Boys can be either male or female, and are pretty much permanently stuck at the rank of corporal, much to the dismay of the Coalition Grunts, who sometimes take orders from the Gomer Boys. Attribute Requirements: P.P. 10 or higher. O.C.C. Skills: Radio: Basic (+10%) Pilot Hovercraft (+10%) Robot Combat: Basic Read Sensory Equipment (+10%) Weapon Systems (+10%) Running Acrobatics Juggling Sleight Of Hand (+15%) Disguise (+15%) Imitate Voice (+15%) W.P. Knife W.P. Energy Pistol Hand to Hand: Expert (can be changed to Martial Arts for 1 "other" skill) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8 other skills. Gain additional skills as follows: 2 at level 3, 2 at level 6, 1 at level 9, and 1 at level 12. Communications: any (+5%) Domestic: any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: any (+5%) Mechanical: none Medical: First Aid only Military: any Physical: any Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rogue: any (+5%) Science: Math only Technical: any Weapon Proficiencies: any - 82 -

Wilderness: Land Navigation only Secondary Skills: The character may also select six secondary skills from the previous list. These additional areas of knowledge do not get the bonuses listed in parentheses. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: Coalition "Dead Boy" body armor, Gomer Boy beanie helmet, various inflatable things, various stage magic items, energy sidearm of choice, four extra E-clips, survival knife, robot medical kit, pocket computer, utility belt, uniform, combat boots, canteen, and additional non-energy weapon of choice. Gomer Boys invariably use a flashy, multi-colored, garish-looking hovercycle that catches the eye of everyone and everything it passes. Usually has a few wind-driven noisemakers attached as well, for that added touch of the absurd. Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Vehicles include conventional military vehicles, hovercraft, and jet packs. Most weapon types, extra ammunition, camera equipment, sensory equipment, and food rations for weeks. Also has access to vehicle and equipment repair. Note: All weapons and equipment are given out on an as needed basis, with the commanding officer deciding whether or not the item(s) is really necessary or not. If the officer doesn't like the character(s), the availability of items may be extremely limited. Money: The entertainment specialist gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as access to military facilities. Plus a monthly salary of 1900 credits, starting off with one month's pay. The quarters for the entertainment specialist are the same as those for the SAMAS officer. Cybernetics: None to start with, but implantation is not restricted. Xp table: same as CS Grunt

Coalition Inquisitor O.C.C.


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Within the ranks of the Coalition States is a secretive band of internal police known as the Inquisitors. They are the shadowy figures in the background who appear from nowhere to deal out justice to wrongdoers. An inquisitor is an extremely well-trained and highly motivated individual who operates slightly out of the normal chain of command. An inquisitor answers to no one in the military hierarchy, and instead follows only the commands of the highest echelons. Likewise, they cannot legally issue orders to the military, but their soft-spoken "advice" is usually followed to the letter. However, they are commonly allowed to commandeer units up to squad size to aid in the capture of criminals. The inquisitors serve as a preventative measure against insurrection and unrest among the populace, as opposed to the more reactionary stance of the military. Their mission is to search out rebels and eliminate the threat they pose to the survival of the Coalition States, and thus to the survival of the human race. Inquisitors are not restricted in the methods that they may use to roust terrorists. Indeed, they are highly rewarded for creativity in their pursuit of dangerous criminals. They also command a special military cadre known as Centurions, who aid them in their investigations. It is a unique phenomenon that the inquisitors actively recruit psychics. Their paranormal abilities allow them to discover bad elements in Coalition society that much easier, and add to the fear and mystique that accompanies their profession. As a result, 75% of all Inquisitors are major psionics, and are so heavily indoctrinated into Coalition beliefs that they would never consciously betray the Coalition. Attribute Requirements: I.Q., and M.E. 14 or higher. O.C.C. Skills: Radio: Basic (+15%) Cryptography (+15%) Literacy (+15%) Intelligence (+20%) Interrogation (+20%) Investigation (+20%) Psychology (+20%) Mathematics: Basic (+15%) Escape Artist (+15%) W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (or Assassin, at player's choice) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10 other skills, of which at least 2 must be Espionage. Gain additional skills as follows: 3 at level 3, 2 at level 6, 1 at level 9, and 1 at level 12. Communications: any Domestic: any Electrical: any Espionage: any (+10%) Mechanical: any Medical: any Military: any (+10%) Physical: any Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rogue: any Science: any (+5%) Technical: any (+5%) Weapon Proficiencies: any Wilderness: any Secondary Skills: The character may also select six secondary skills from the previous list. These additional areas of knowledge do not get the bonuses listed in parentheses. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: Coalition "Dead Boy" body armor, energy rifle and energy sidearm of choice, four extra E-clips for each, four grenades, survival knife, robot medical kit, pocket computer, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, combat boots, canteen, and additional non-energy weapon of choice. Also has full ceremonial Inquisitor outfit, including unique personalized uniform, Inquisition staff, and a full range of interrogation devices. Has a conventional military vehicle of choice (motorcycle, jeep, hovercycle, etc.) for daily use. Other Available Equipment: Vehicles include power armor, robot vehicles, conventional military vehicles, hovercraft, jet pack, tank, - 84 -

APC, and aircraft. Any weapon types, extra ammunition, surveillance equipment, camera equipment, sensory equipment, optical enhancements, and food rations for weeks. Also has access to vehicle and equipment repair. Note: Due to their special status, inquisitors may commandeer virtually anything that aids in the pursuit of terrorists. Money: The inquisitor gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as access to all Coalition facilities. Plus a monthly salary of 2500 credits, starting off with one month's pay. The quarters for the inquisitor are the same as those for the military specialist. Cybernetics: Any two cybernetic implants to begin, and additional cybernetics or bionics are not restricted. Xp table: same as Techno-Wizard

Coalition States Postal Worker O.C.C.

By: Manuel Haendler The CS used a postal service similar to that of pre-Rifts Earth for years after its founding. The CS Post Office delivered packages, letters, and messages to anyone within CS territory, for a relatively low charge. However, with new advents in communications technology and the messenger skelebots, a few months ago the agency was deemed wasteful and unnecessary. Emperor Prosek disbanded it. Bad idea. All of the postal workers had been given training in armed combat. This is because they often were alone in highly hostile territory surrounded by D-Bees, bandits, and the like. In addition, many of them were weirdoes anyway, with psychotic tendencies, who had been building their own stockpiles of weaponry for years. In short, Emperor Prosek fired a large army of mad dog killers. Fortunately, many of these weirdoes were caught before they snapped. Some were thrown into maximum security mental institutions, and are now on their way to becoming productive members of society. Some were enscripted into the Coalition Special Forces, where they serve as assassins and extra firepower. But a few managed to slip through the fingers of the Coalition police, and ran off screaming and cackling into the night. Now, the former postal workers are an unstable and heavily armed force of lunatics. They always travel and work alone. About half of them travel the major roads of North America, bushwhacking innocent passerby and stealing food and ammo. The other half engage in terrorist actions such as bombing or sniper warfare against any target which suits their fancy. Strangely enough, few of these maniacs bear a huge grudge towards the CS. They were thoroughly indoctrinated during their training, and so most of them remain loyal (in their own strange way) to Prosek and the Coalition. No, these lunatics are far more likely to commit acts of violence upon D-Bees, men of magic, and innocent passerby. They are becoming a growing nuisance in Tolkeen (nobody knows how the bastards keep slipping in), and are a great plague to small towns bordering the CS. One postal worker, Dave Maxwell, has been engaging in a guerrilla campaign against the Xiticix for months. Rumor indicates that he singlehandedly blew up a small hive city. Alignment Require of lunatics. They always travel and work alone. About half of them travel the major roads of North America, bushwhacking innocent passerby and stealing food and ammo. The other half engage in terrorist actions such as O.C.C. Skills: Radio: Basic (+10%) Detect Ambush (+5%) Sniper Wilderness Survival (+10%) Demolitions (+20%) Prowl (+20%) Pilot Truck (+10%) Navigation (+5%) Read Sensory Systems (+5%) WP Energy Rifle WP Submachine Gun WP of Choice Hand-to-Hand: Basic O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 6 skills from the following list. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: None Electrical: Any except Robot Electronics Espionage: Any (+10%) - 85 -

Mechanical: Automotive and Weapons Engineer only Medical: First Aid only Military: Any (+10%) Physical: Any Pilot: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Pick Locks only Science: None Technical: Any WP: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: Pick 6 skills from the above list. All secondary skills begin at the base level of proficiency, with no bonuses. Standard Equipment: CS Energy Rifle of Choice with 4 extra clips, Energy Pistol of Choice with 4 extra clips, 6 Grenades, 5 lb. of Plastique Explosive and Assortment of Detonators, Assault Rifle of Choice, Vibro- Knife, Survival Knife. Backpack, Binoculars, Air Filter and Gas Mask, Utility Belt, Camoflague Fatigues, Postal Uniform, Street Clothes, Tinted Goggles or Sunglasses, Compass, Maps of North America, Combat Boots, 1D6 x 100 credits. MDC Armor of Choice (usually repainted Coalition armor). Vehicle: The vehicle will be either an automobile or a hovercycle. At the first opportunity, the character will probably want to steal a military vehicle (provided he or she knows how to drive one). Postal Workers like using power armor, but hate being cooped up inside it for too long (they get claustrophobic easily). Cybernetics: None to start. Xp table: Uses the Crazy experience table.

Coalition Psi-SAM OCC (also known as Psykers)

Attribute Requirments: IQ:12, PP:10, ME:12 OCC Skills: Radio: Basic (+10%) Pilot: Hovercraft(+15%) Robot Combat Elite: UAR-1 Pilot: Robot's & Power Armor (+20%) Read Sensory Equip(+15%) Weapon Systems (+15%) Running W.P. Energy Rifle W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons HTH: Martial Arts Boxing OCC Related Skills: Select 7 at lvl 1, 2 at levels 3 & 6, 1 at levels 9 & 12 Communications: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any (-5%) Electrical: Basic (+5%) Espionage: Any Mechanical: Basic % Auto (+10%) Medical: First Aid Military: Any (+5%) Physical: Any Pilot: Any (+15%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Streetwise - 86 -

Science: Math Basic, Adv Technical: Any WP: Any Wilderness: Land Nav & Hunting Secondary Skills: Select 8 Standard Equipment: Same as SAM OCC, except UAR-Pysker replaces SAMAS Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Same as SAM OCC Money: Same as SAM OCC Cybernetics: Not likely, prefer natural abilities. Bonuses: +2 save vs. Psi., +1 save vs. Magic, +2 PE, +1D4 ME, +1D6 PP Psionics: Roll D100 01-30: Minor Psionic: Select 2 from any one category except Super -ISP: 2D6 + ME + 1D6/level 31-40: Major Psionic: Select 6 from any three categories except Super -ISP: 4D6 + ME + 1D6+1/level 41-50: Major Psionic: Select 8 from any one category except Super -ISP: 4D6 + ME + 1D6+1/level 51-70: Master Psionic: Select 2 from any one category including Super -ISP: 4D6 + ME + 2D4/level 71-80: Master Psionic: Gets telemechanics at first level -Select 1 additional power from any category at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 & 15 -ISP: 10 + ME + 5/level 81-99: None: Roll again on this table at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 & 15 until a psionic type is aquired. -Cannot pilot UAR-Pysker -When character does get a psionics, multiply ISP by 2 and select 1 (possibly additional) Super power 00: Master Psionic: Select 2 from every category at level 1 including Super -Select 1 from any category (except Super) at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 & 15 -Select 1 Super power at levels 4, 10 & 14

Coalition Special Service Commando O.C.C.

By: Christopher "Big C" Ferguson With the increasing numbers of enemies of the Coalition forces and the greater need for elite men to fight Prosek's battles comes the need for an elite fighting force that is not as expensive to operate as others. While his Swifts are excellent soldiers they are not quite as elite as Prosek wants them. The answer to that was his Death Knights. His Death Knights are without a doubt the absolutely best trained troops in the entire world. There is quite possibly no mission existing that they cannot finish. They can complete any mission versus any opposition under any circumstances any where, and any time. But, he found himself continually frustrated by the expense of the Death Knights. With their special Powered Armor and training, they were also pound for pound the most expensive troops on the planet. And the fact that half of the men he paid a million credits a piece to train didn't even live through it just made things worse. Effectively, he paid two million per troop. But one thing was certain, they were worth what he paid. The only problem is that he cannot afford to expand his Death Knights. He decided that he needed some commandos that would be much cheaper to train and supply, but would nevertheless be elite. The result is the SS. The Special Service are given very little training indeed. Their primary means of training is field operations. Recruits are heavily screened to ensure that they are fit for training, all but eliminating the possibility of training deaths. There are still many who drop out, but they are always given the opportunity to tryout for Centurions. This certainly cheapens recruiting costs. The training regimen is fast paced and intense. The entire training sequence lasts a mere 45 days, with classes in mental and physical hardening every day. Reveille is at 4 in the morning. Students are herded directly into classrooms where they begin their studies. They receive training in piloting, first aid, intelligence, and survival. Their morning meal is eaten during the classes. At 8, when their morning classes end, they are ushered outside and put through torturous dexterity and agility exercises and intense stretching. After a noontime meal they - 87 -

concentrate for four hours on physical endurance, doing hours and hours of impact aerobics until they feel like jello. At 4 the afternoon physical fitness ends, and they take their evening meal with them to their evening classes. Evening classes are marksmanship, mechanics, electronics, and physics. Now, granted, at the end of the 45 day training period they are not all THAT well trained. Their final test is a real mission. Because of their green status they are given a relatively easy mission, but the threat is very real. Those who return from a successful mission are placed in the SS ranks. To simplify their logistical procedures and lessen the expense of equipping notoriously expensive Special Forces, these men are trained to use their enemy's weapons. They typically go very light, carrying only about ten pounds of equipment. They live off the land and their enemies. When they reach their objective, they either salvage assault vehicle parts for demolition, swipe heavier weapons from the armory, steal an enemy hover tank for a direct assault, or something similar. It is not unusual at all for them to return to Coalition territory flying enemy aircraft, or piloting enemy robots, or simply hauling all sorts of artifacts for the Coalition tech-weenies to drool over. Alignment: Aberrant or Unprincipled only Attribute requirements: IQ 14, ME 16, PS 10-14, PP 16, PE 16, Spd 12 Appearance: These commandos are relatively short and thin. Any recruit who is over 6 feet tall, or weighs over 200 lb. is dismissed and encouraged to join the Centurions, who adore large people. The reason for this is that Prosek can't afford to let anybody with a tremendous amount of muscle in. While anyone with a PS of less than 10 would be to weak, anyone with a PS of over 14 would simply be too big. There is a certain amount of muscular bulk that comes with being that strong, and that bulk would slow you down. (Note: I know the rules let someone built like Arnold Schwarzenegger move like Bruce Lee, but realistically I don't think so.) They don't want huge hulking men who need 10,000 calories a day to keep up their muscles, they need men who are relatively small and fast. Someone weighing 170 pounds will typically eat half as much as an avid weight lifter of PS 19 and 250 lb. Special Abilities: Training bonuses: ME +1, PE +3, PP +2. With their special training and equipped with typical starting gear, an SS soldier can trek 50 miles a day without suffering any fatigue. O.C.C. Skills: Because of the nature of their training, they do not receive any OCC Skill bonuses until after their Final Exercise. If the player wishes to begin playing the character after he has completed the mission, then this does not apply to you, but it gives the GM the opportunity to give you a Final Exercise as your first adventure. Basic Electronics +15% Electrical Engineer Detect Ambushes +10% Detect Concealment +10% Land Navigation +10% Intelligence +15% Wilderness Survival 98% Basic Mechanics +15% Mechanical Engineer First Aid Acrobatics Gymnastics Prowl +15% W.P. Energy Pistol starting at level 3 O.C.C. related skills: Because they spend so little time in training, they have few skills to start out with. But they learn them very fast. Choose 3 additional skills, 1 must be Piloting, and one must be Mechanical. Choose one additional skill with each increase in level. All new skills begin at 1st level. The additional skills chosen are not limited by the below, which reflects training limitations. Rather, the new skills are limited to any skill which the character attempted on a mission during the previous level. The character need not have succeeded. For example, if a character tried picking a lock at 3rd level, whether he was successful or not, he may choose that skill when he reaches fourth level. The only exception is Physical. The character may not choose any skill which will bring his PS over 14 at any time. Communications Any Domestic Any Electrical Any (+5%) Medical Paramedic only Military Any (+10%) Physical Any that will not bring PS above 14 Pilot Any Pilot Related Any - 88 -

Rogue Any Science Any (+5%) Technical Any (+5%) W.P. Any Wilderness Any (+15%) Secondary Skills: None. They are reflected in the above OCC related skill choices later. The nature of their missions, being long treks over land treks prevents them from having much free time, and limits their hobbies. The hobbies they do take up are the skills they choose as they progress. Psionics: Under no circumstance will Prosek allow any psionics in the SS. There are many reasons for this. High ISP levels are much too easy to sense, Psionic powers are much too unreliable, and Emperor Prosek doesn't want any of his SS troopers to become reliant on anything other than their own target. Starting Equipment: The SS is typically supplied with nearly nothing. What little they are equipped with is commonly available. The lack of equipment allows Prosek to supply them without much hassle. Small amounts of weapons that are assigned to them can easily be accounted for in inventories as stolen or missing without much question. Average SS operative will be issued a canteen, two grenades, a vibro-knife, an E-pistol with two extra E-clips, and cheese and crackers as survival rations. Anything else they steal from the enemy. One of the general assumptions is that if the enemy has no heavy weapons, then if you have hauled a bunch of heavy weapons 300 miles, you have essentially done it for nothing. Equipment Available: None. They are expected to equip themselves. Money: They are given a modest barracks room, 4 meals a day, and full access to recreational facilities. In addition, they have a 24,000 credit salary, 2000 a month. Each additional level of experience warrants a promotion, and each promotion gives them a 200 a month pay raise. So while a 1st level SS would receive 2000 a month, a 3rd level would be paid 2400 each month, and a level 10 commando would get 4000 a month. Races allowed: Because of Prosek's intense hatred for anything not native, only humans are allowed. However, because of the fore mentioned reason that he doesn't want them reliant on anything but their target, he does not even allow any sort of enhanced human in. This includes cybernetics. Cybernetics might be traced to the Coalition. Cybernetics are also detectable, and they give the SS something besides the enemy to rely on. This also includes genetically engineered or drug-enhanced humans. Enemies: Because of the nature of their operations, they really have no enemies. This is mostly because nobody knows who they are. These men are loyal only to themselves, other Special Service members, and Prosek. They answer directly to Prosek. The total lack of administration or paper work allows them to work in secret even within the Coalition. When they are sent on missions, they take generic, commonly available weapons and equipment so that if one is caught there will be nothing to implement the Coalition States. Allies: None. See above. Experience table: 1 0- 5,000 2 5,001- 10,000 3 10,001- 20,000 4 20,001- 40,000 5 40,001- 70,000 6 70,001-110,000 7 110,001-160,000 8 160,001-220,000 9 220,001-290,000 10 290,001-370,000 11 370,001-460,000 12 460,001-560,000 13 560,001-670,000 14 670,001-790,000 15 790,001-902,000

The Coalition Wolf-guard

By: D B Chow - 89 -

The soldiers known as the Wolf-guard are the mechanised arm of the Wolf-skin division. It was seen that while were excellent for lightning attacks, a more powerful force was needed for a massive assault from the Coalition borders. The Wolf-guard are designed especially for combating in the wild, especially in forests, where they could make use of the natural cover. The Wolf-guard also adorn their suits with the hide of wild animals, giving them a fierce image. Attribute Requirements: I.Q., P.E., P.P., M.E. 12 or higher. O.C.C. Skills: Radio: Basic (+10%) Literacy (+10%) Robot Combat: Elite Read Sensory Equipment (+10%) Weapon Systems (+10%) Detect Ambush (+15%) Detect Concealment (+15%) Tracking (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+10%) First Aid (+10%) Running W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Expert (can be changed to Martial Arts or Assassin for 1 "other" skill) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 12 other skills. 2 must be Espionage, 2 must be Physical, and 2 must be Weapon Proficiencies. Gain additional skills as follows: 2 at level 3, 2 at level 6, 1 at level 9, and 1 at level 12. Communications: any Domestic: any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: any (+5%) Mechanical: Automotive or Locksmith only Medical: Paramedic only Military: any (+5%) Physical: any Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rogue: any Science: Math, Chemistry, or Anthropology only Technical: any Weapon Proficiencies: any Wilderness: any Secondary Skills: The character may also select eight secondary skills from the previous list. These additional areas of knowledge do not get the bonuses listed in parentheses. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: Coalition "Dead Boy" body armor, energy rifle and energy sidearm of choice, four extra E-clips for each, four grenades, survival knife, distancing binoculars, robot medical kit, pocket computer, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, combat boots, canteen, and and SDC weapon of choice. Conventional military vehicle of choice (motorcycle, jeep, hovercycle, etc.) for daily use. And of course, the infamous Wof Guard power armor. Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Vehicles include SAMAS power armor, Spider-Skull Walker, Enforcer UAR-1, other robot vehicles, conventional military vehicles, hovercraft, jet pack, tank, APC, and aircraft. Any weapon types, extra ammunition, surveillance equipment, camera equipment, sensory equipment, optical enhancements, and food rations for weeks. Also has access to vehicle and equipment repair. Note: All weapons and equipment are given out on an as needed basis, with the commanding officer deciding whether or not the item(s) is really necessary or not. If the officer doesn't like the character(s), the availability of items may be extremely limited. Money: The Wolf-guard gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as access to military facilities. Plus a monthly salary of 2000 credits, starting off with one month's pay. The quarters for the Wolf-guard are the same as those for the SAMAS pilots. Cybernetics: Up to 4 cybernetic implants - 90 -

Xp table: same as CS Military Specialist The Wolf-guard armor was built around the core of the SAMAS suit. The flight system was removed, as that would be of little help in a forested area, and replaced with the following systems: 1.) Extra SAMAS rail gun and targeting system: especially designed for fighting in forests. With the trees acting as a barrier, repeating rifles, like the rail gun, were considered ideal. The Wolf-guard has an extra rail gun for increased efficiency; the difficulty in wielding two rail guns is compensated for by the "smart gun" system. The system does several things in addition to targeting. It can synchronize both rail guns to fire at the same target, become self independent firing (with no help from pilot) for one of the rail guns, and track the target. Synch firing: the pilot fires at a single target, rolling to strike once for both guns. + 3 to strike in addition to the pilot's bonuses. Independent firing: this is usually for the rail gun for the pilot's bad hand. The pilot tells the computer to lock on to one target and fire repeatedly at it. The computer has a + 3 bonus to strike. If the target is moving too fast, the computer may lose it. Also, the rail gun continues to fire until commanded not to. Tracking target: this is mainly to conserve ammo. The computer estimates the target's speed and movement so that it could predict its movement. With the guidance of the pilot the rail gun could track a target if it is moving in and out of cover, and fire a controlled burst. + 4 to strike, in addition to the pilot's bonus. 2.) Extra grenade launchers: on the back where the engine should be are the grenade launchers loaded with 24 grenades. The pilot can choose the types of grenades. They will fire volleys of 1, 2, 6, 12, or all 24. 3.) radio, radar, and locker: below the grenade launchers are located the radio system, the radar, and a locker for the pilot's survival kit and personal items. Roleplaying note: The Wolf-guard nicely complements the Wolf-skins, giving them extra cover fire and fashion tips on the wolf culls they both wear. Here's an few example. The Wolf-skin scouts may booby trap an area with trip wires and mines. When an enemy approaches they may set some off. Realizing that the Wolf-skins are around, they make a hasty retreat, only to find the Wolf-guard blocking the way, and become surrounded. The speed and agility of the Wolf-scout, also helps the Wolf-guard relative clumsiness. A typical "Wolf pack" consists of the following: 1 Coalition Commissar 7 Wolf-skin scouts 3 Wolf-guard pilots They also make great OCC's together, being specialized in different areas.

Coalition Wolf-skin Scout O.C.C.

By: D B Chow

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As more and more D bees crossed the Coalition's borders from the wilderness, Prosek and his generals realized that a new type of defense was needed to safeguard their territories. They would use grunts who had experience surviving in the wild as their first line of defense against "illegitimate immigrants"; these soldiers would become to be called the Wolf-skin scouts. They get their name from the hides of wolves they wear on top of their standard issue armor as well as their ferocity and organization in battle. They would be stationed at the borders of the state for months on end, keeping observations on any possible threat to the Coalition and acting as a watch out and sentry. Since their formation they have been used as hunting parties, escorts, trackers (usually with Dog Boys) and wilderness scouts. The Wolf-Skin scout, known also as plain "Wolf-skins," is a versatile soldier, an expert in guerrilla warfare. In addition to the normal training they get at the Coalition's boot camps they are taught to live in the wild lands. Many were raised in the small villages around the Coalition wilderness in the first place, and already had experience living in the wild. Where your normal grunt could only secure a forest area, your Wolf-skin scout could hold it without assistance indefinitely. Where your normal wilderness scout could find the best possible trail, your Wolf-skin scout would make sure that it was free of any ambushes or traps. The Wolf-skin scouts have earned a reputation as the toughest and most hardened soldiers serving the Coalition. Attribute Requirements: P.E., P.P., M.E. 12 or higher. O.C.C. Skills: Radio: Basic (+10%) Literacy (+10%) Fishing (+20%) Detect Ambush (+20%) Detect Concealment (+20%) Tracking (+30%) Sniper Wilderness Survival (+20%) First Aid (+10%) Holistic Medicine (+10%) Climbing (+15%) Prowl (+15%) Running Swimming (+10%) W.P. Knife W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Expert (can be changed to Martial Arts or Assassin for 1 "other" skill) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 12 other skills. 2 must be Military, 2 must be Physical, and 2 must be Weapon Proficiencies. Gain additional skills as follows: 2 at level 3, 2 at level 6, 1 at level 9, and 1 at level 12. Communications: any Domestic: any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: any (+5%) Mechanical: Automotive or Locksmith only Medical: Paramedic only Military: any (+5%) Physical: any Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rogue: any Science: Math, Chemistry, or Anthropology only Technical: any Weapon Proficiencies: any Wilderness: any Secondary Skills: The character may also select eight secondary skills from the previous list. These additional areas of knowledge do not get the bonuses listed in parentheses. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: Coalition "Dead Boy" body armor, energy rifle and energy sidearm of choice, four extra E-clips for each, four grenades, survival knife, distancing binoculars, robot medical kit, pocket computer, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, combat boots, canteen, hunting rifle and shotgun of choice, nightvision goggles and sights. Conventional military vehicle of - 92 -

choice (motorcycle, jeep, hovercycle, etc.) for daily use. Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Vehicles include SAMAS power armor,Spider-Skull Walker, Enforcer UAR-1, other robot vehicles, conventional military vehicles, hovercraft, jet pack, tank, APC, and aircraft. Any weapon types, extra ammunition, surveillance equipment, camera equipment, sensory equipment, optical enhancements, and food rations for weeks. Also has access to vehicle and equipment repair. Note: All weapons and equipment are given out on an as needed basis, with the commanding officer deciding whether or not the item(s) is really necessary or not. If the officer doesn't like the character(s), the availability of items may be extremely limited. Money: The Wolf-skin gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as access to military facilities. Plus a monthly salary of 2000 credits, starting off with one month's pay. The quarters for the Wolf-skin are the same as those for the grunts. Most are currently stationed in the borders. Cybernetics: None to start with, but implantation is not restricted. However, some may dislike cybernetics as they are unnatural. Xp table: same as CS Military Specialist I see these scouts more as outdoors men then regular grunts. They are like the really cool and silent scouts and green berets in those army movies, who could see a broken twig and identify who went where when and for what reason. As I said, they could survive in the wilderness indefinitely, by hunting any game nearby. Though they only get 2000 credits a month for their dangerous duty they make additional money selling furs and trophies to the black market. They may not be as loyal to the Coalition as other specialists, but Prosek has chosen to overlook this as they are such useful soldiers.

The Collectors R.C.C.

By: Argh23 The Collectors are mysterious beings who began life as mindless probes sent by a forgotten race over ve millennia ago. Only a few hundred years after their initial release, the probes were caught in a massive solar radiation storm that sent them careening thousands of light years off course and directly into a cluster of meteors. Most of the simple machines were destroyed in the violent waves that washed over them, but those who survived drifted across the emptiness of space for almost a thousand years, trapped in stasis as a result of their primitive programming. When they awakened, they had developed human-like sentience and abilities far beyond their original design. The memory of their origin was lost, but their mission remained; to gather information, to explore the many worlds of the universe. As they traveled from planet to planet, their numbers grew as did their knowledge. Eventually, they made their home in the fourth moon of Tatstan, where the High Watcher sent forth the youngest of the Collectors to spread across the galaxy to complete the mission. After ve hundred years of exploration, the Collectors will return home to share all that they have learned. The Collectors have developed a number of defenses as well as tools to help in their exploration of the many worlds of the Megaverse. They have developed some minor psionic powers, as well as a highly advanced multi-tool system. This system started as a basic repair system that was part of their original design, but has grown into a vastly superior function. All Collectors are born with the basic tools, but must use the Channeling, a form of meditation, to use the other devices. This involves lowering the internal power systems to allow the Collector to search it's programming for the command codes to access the tools. To them, however, this is a religious rite, as they don't fully realize what they are. When they use a tool, it slides out of a small doorway in their skin. These doorways remain after the tool is used, and is how the Collectors determine age. The greater number of marks on the skin, the older and therefore wiser the Collector. All Collectors' tool commands are different, with the exception of the ones they are born with. However, on rare occasions, a Collector may discover that the command is common. This is revealed not by a message or a feeling; the Collector will just know. The tools vary from a gripping hand to a laser torch. The Collectors are oating, metallic spheres roughly the size of a basketball. They vary in color, although all are a dull metallic, with most being a dull copper. All Collectors look pretty much the same, aside from color and tool pattern variation. They refer to themselves as "Collector (inset name)," and use the third person when communicating with others. They travel alone, but will gladly come to the aid of other Collectors whenever needed. There are about 400 Collectors currently exploring Rifts earth. They are very curious about the Coalition and will often openly ask how such a narrow minded group can lead so many. They will also want to examine the nexus points and ley lines. The nature of the Collectors' internal systems is a mystery. The metal they are composed is impervious to anything found on Rifts Earth. Close inspection reveals that their bodies are made up of ve separate pieces of this metal with paper-thin seams between them. Coalition scientist theorize that the Collectors are surrounded by a eld of quantum energy controlled by some internal mechanism. This would explain the fact that the Collectors can be harmed; it is the energy eld and not the being itself that takes the damage. - 93 -

When a Collector "dies", the metal parts fall to the ground to reveal an incandescent orb of energy that invariably charges into space, presumably back to its place of birth. The metal shards left behind are only 1 inch in thickness, and the inner side is covered in highly advanced microcircuitry beyond the understanding of any scholar on Earth. The Coalition has also discovered that the energy eld is only regenerated when the Collector absorbs energy from an outside source, be it from an E-clip or a human's ISP. The Coalition sees theses creatures as another alien threat that must be destroyed, but they also see in it the potential for a powerful weapon if they can control it. It should be noted that the Collectors see themselves as observers and therefore do not believe they can be judged by human laws. They are intensely dedicated to acquiring knowledge and will often become impatient when kept from the unknown. They will not, however, harm or kill to obtain information. They do not think of themselves as higher beings and will treat others kindly and fairly and are eager to assist those in need as long as it doesn't keep them from their main goals. Alignment: Typically good, seldom selfish, and almost never evil Attributes: IQ 4D6, MA 1D6, ME 2D4, PS Sorry, no arms or legs, so NA, PP 2D4+10, PE 4D6 PB 16, Spd-Flight:2D4x10, Land: NA Size: 1 foot diameter Weight: 165 pounds M.D.C.: 4D6+50 Horror Factor: 5 P.P.E.: 2D6 I.S.P.: ME+3D4x10 Average Life Span: Effectively Unlimited R.C.C. Skills: Speaks Binary (complex language using a series of 0's and 1's to relay data quickly and efficiently. A speech that would take an hour to speak in English takes only a few seconds in binary) 98% Literacy 98% Land Navigation 55% Basic Math 98% Advanced Math 80% Tracking 45% Locksmith 30% Detect Concealment 35% Intelligence 75% Radio Basic 45% Basic Electronics 50% Track Animals 45% Natural Abilities: 1. Levitate-up to 50 feet off the ground 2. Sense Psionics or Magic Energy up to 100 feet. 3. Doesn't Breath, so immune to gas or suffocation. 4. Doesn't Eat, so immune to poison 5. Multi-tools (Special)-takes 1 melee to load a tool, can use up to two at one time. Player begin with the basic tools as well as three from the Minor list 6. Channeling (Special)-Can Channel once every day; loses 5 MDC for every hour of Channeling; Player can roll on the Minor list once for every 3 hours of Channeling at level one. At level three, the player can roll once on the Major list for every 6 hours; At level 6 the player can roll on the Minor once for every 2 hours, or the Major once for very 5 hours. Because of the complex nature of the energy eld that keeps the Collector alive, they cannot heal without absorbing energy of some kind. 7. They can convert their own ISP or PPE into MDC at a rate of 2 ISP or PPE for 1 MDC. See the Energy Absorption tool for rules on external energy sources. Basic Tools:

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Energy Absorption Tool: Able to absorb most forms of energy (ISP, PPE, electricity..) Range: 20 feet Rate of Absorption: 1d4 ISP or PPE per hour, can be used to recharge ISP or MDC-1 ISP to 1 ISP or 4 ISP to 1 MDC; Electricity works differently, converting the power directly to MDC, 1d4 MDC per hour Energy Detector: Detects energy and determines what kind it is. Range: 1 mile Flight Adapter: Allows the Collector to y with a speed of 25 mph, unlimited range Language Translator: Translates language for the Collector. Requires 2D6 hours of calculation and at least 1 hour of observation of the language to translate; Collector will start with the language at 70% Utility Arm: A small arm that extends 1.5 feet with a three ngered claw at the end. Equal to PS of 15 Ambient Energy Collector: This unit absorbs ambient energy and converts it MDC. Rate: 1 MDC per hour in most areas, 4 MDC per hour near or on Ley line Energy Pistol: Small pistol that feeds of internal power systems. Rate of Fire: 1 per melee Range: 50 feet Payload: Unlimited (uses own internal power system) Damage: 2D6 MDC Replication Systems: These systems are essential to the reproduction of Collectors. Each Replication system contains one of the ve pieces of metal that make up a Collector. The reproductive process involves ve Collectors joining in a pyramid-shape and expending 2/3 of their energy over 100 days time. In that time, the metal shards slowly separate from the ve globes as they each give up a portion of the quantum energy eld that surrounds them. At the end of the nal day, the Collectors will separate to reveal a new, sixth Collector. The reproduction process is a sacred rite to the Collectors, and has little to do with love. Collectors reproduce after they have nished their ve hundred year journey and have returned home. Sensors of Note: Full 3-d vision, able to see infrared and ultraviolet light, nightsight up to 200 feet; hearing equal to that of the average human Psionics: Telekinesis (Super), Telekinetic Force eld, Electrokinesis Magic: None Combat: Two Attacks per melee; attacks only with psionics or tools Bonuses: +2 initiative, +3 to dodge, +2 strike, +5 save vs. horror factor Damage: Only that done by psionics or tools Equipment: none except their tools; they view anything else non-essential and a waste of time, but will, however, use guns or other external weapons if they think it is needed Money: none; see above Equipment: Just about anything can be used. Below is a listing of some other tools used by the Collectors. Allies: trusts most humanoids Enemies: Coalition

Collectors: Tool List

Heres the Tool lists for the Collectors. Its kind of small right now, but I'm working on a larger list. A note about the Collectors and their tools: Collectors use the tools mainly to assist in exploring and not as weapons. however, if faced with a threat, they will resort to force. Some of these might seem unbalanced, but they were designed as construction devices rather than weapons. Minor 1-8 Cloaking Device: This device bends light so that the Collector becomes invisible. it only affects light, though, so the Collector will still show up radar or any other sensor that doesn't rely on light. 9-17 Holographic Projector- Projects an exact duplicate of any image the Collector has scanned. It can be used to imitate a person or animal, equal to Impersonation skill 45%. The unit can be used with the Cloaking Device to allow the Collector to disguise itself. (Note- the use of a Cloaking Device for disguise is needed only when the Collector is too big to be covered by the holograph) Range: 5 feet The largest possible image is 50 feet tall by 10 feet wide Duration: Up to Five hours per day - 95 -

18-27 Buzz Saw: A buzz saw mounted on a small arm. Range: 2 feet Damage: 4D6 SDC 28-36 Bio Scanner: Scans area for life forms. Can detect and locate life as small as an ant. Range: 1000 feet 37-45 Chemical Analyzer: Analyzes and identies chemical compounds. Equal to Chemistry skill 60%. Range: 20 feet 46-54 Targeting Computer: Adds +5 to strike, adds 300 feet to optics range Motion Detector: Adds +1 to initiative, +1 to parry and dodge. Range: 100 feet 55-63 Computer Interface Port: Adapting interface port that can hook up to most computers. Equal to Computer Operations 50% 64-70 Force Shield: An invisible shield that adds 40 MDC Duration: 2 hours 71-79 Small Laser Torch: A small torch capable of cutting through most SDC materials Range: 5 feet Damage: 4D6x10 SDC Payload: Effectively Unlimited 80-87 Additional Utility Arm: Same stats as the basic utility arm 88-93 Spotlight: Think about it. Range: 2000 feet 94-100 Mini ECP Launcher: A smaller version of the ECP Launcher. ECP stands for Electrically Charged Pellets, highly-energized particles red at high speeds to stun threats. Range: 600 feet Damage: 1D6 MDC, plus the victim must make a Saving Throw vs. Non-lethal poison or be paralyzed for 1D4 melee rounds. Payload: 10 shots; requires one full day to replicate 10 more shots at a cost of 5 ISP Major 1-10 Particle Accelerator: A beam of magnetic charge that causes molecules to speed up to point that they dissipate, effectively disintegrating an object. It has two settings- organic and inorganic. If combined with the Chemical Analyzer, the beam can be set to affect specic substances; for example, the Collector could set the beam to a tumor without harming the patient, or destroy the sugar in food while keeping the rest intact. Range: 20 feet Payload: 5 shots per day 11-20 Particle Decelerator: A beam of magnetic charge that causes molecules to slow down to the point that they no longer move at all, causing the object to become solid to the point that the object shatters with a mere touch. It has two settings- organic and inorganic. If combined with the Chemical Analyzer, the beam can be set to affect specic substances. Range: 20 feet Payload: 5 shots per day 21-30 Magnetic Field Disrupter: A beam of magnetic charge that either increases or decreases the magnetic pull on objects. The beam has three settings: light- the gravitational pull of the object is increased or decreased by 1/3. If increased, those affected loss 1/3 of their speed and gain 1/3 of their PS/ if decreased, they gain 1/3 of their speed and lose 1/3 of their PS; medium- the gravitational pull of the object is increased or decreased by half. If increased, those affected loss 1/2 of their speed and their PS is doubled/ if decreased, their speed is doubled and their PS is reduced by half; heavy- the gravitational pull of the object is either too great for the object to move or reduced to nothing. Those affected will either be stuck at on the ground or oat away, completely at the mercy of the wind. Range: 50 feet Duration: 2D4 hours Payload: 3 uses per day. 31-40 Micro-replicater- Can replicate small, uncomplicated weapons (normal MDC swords or knives..), small foods, even clothing. The Collectors often use this to gain help from other beings Payload: Can replicate up to 200 pounds before it needs a recharge; recharge requires two full days Rate: Each 1/4 pound requires 1D6 melee rounds to replicate. Requires 1 ISP per 2 pounds replicated. 41-50 ECP Launcher: Electrically Charged Particle Launcher Range: 1200 feet. Damage: 4D6 MDC plus victim must roll Saving Throw vs. non-lethal poison with a -3 modier or be paralyzed for 1D6 melee rounds Payload: 10 shots; requires one full day to replicate 10 more charges at a cost of 10 ISP 51-60 Advanced Cloaking System: Same as the Cloaking System above except this system leaves no energy traces of any kind; the Collector is totally invisible (with the exception of magic or psionic sensors) Duration: Up to 5 hours 61-70 High Powered Laser Torch: Able to cut through most MDC materials. Range: 5 feet Damage: 4D6x10 MDC Payload: Up to 10 hours per day 71-80 High Powered Buzz Saw: A buzz saw made of super-tough MDC metal mounted on a small arm Range: 2 feet Damage: 4D6 MDC 81-90 Null Force Field: A eld of null for that stops all physical attacks, but not magic or psionic assaults Duration: up to two hours; requires 30 ISP to recharge before further use. 91-100 Storage Compartment: An internal storage compartment. The compartment is 15 feet high by 10 feet wide by 20 feet long. There is no air or communication with the outside world within the compartment, so transporting living beings inside isn't a good idea. When I first created the tools, there were a bit more than this. However, while play testing, some of the tools turned out useless or insanely unstoppable. I just haven't taken the time to come up with more tools for the time being; however, creating tools is rather easy and leaves the character a lot of room to be creative. Enjoy.

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Combat Joker O.C.C.

By: Joseph W House The Combat Joker came about along with the coming of the Rifts, as there were some unnusual occupational hazards that had suddenly arisen with travelling accross the country. Bumbling Brothers and Rally's Circus would have been decimated by the Rifts and hordes of monsters, not because of the monsters but because of all of the pansies that kept running off because they were scared of the monsters - "you're a girly man." The only ones who had been nuts enough to stay and protect the circus from the hordes of angry, hungry, and generally unhumerous monsters were the clowns of Bumbling Brothers (don't touch this one. I'm gonna make this one later - so just step). After about the rst four months of general chaos all of those who'd run away from the circus eventually came back, much to the chagrin of the clowns. Many times the strong man or the acrobats would return and treat the clowns just as they had before, second rate, second string, sloppy seconds clowns. Of course this pissed alot of the clowns off so the head clown Sir Pepsee gathered the clowns of the circus together and they had a ultra secretive high tech GATHERING OF THE CLOWNS... all of the clowns in the area crammed into the one and only outhouse that remained from before the coming of the Rifts. At this ultra secretive high tech GATHERING OF THE CLOWNS <thunder> it was decided by the clowns that if they were to be the true protectors they would have to leave for a short time to train together and master their newfound combat abilities, but rst theu'd go and beat some respect into those damn strongmen and acrobats. After they'd felt that both the strongmen and the acrobats were signicantly beaten they headed off into the local pubs and strip joints (those women clowns were a bit strange like that) none came out nor went in for three months. None know just what happened in those pubs and strip joints, but what they did know is that those damn clowns came back with a vengeance (and they had these wierd powers) ready for anything to come and try and destroy their circus - or take their beer and pornos. Since then they will not let any call them by the lesser term of Clown as some had now left to the courts of rulers of the world new kingdoms. Those clowns were clowns no more, now they were COMBAT JOKERS! <eat popcorn in fear evil!> Attribute Requirements: P.P. 12, M.A. 16, and a P.E. of 12 (for all of the alchohol) O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses: 1. Super Sobriety: it akes about one fourty (a fourty oz. of beer) per level of the Joker to get inibriated. Once inibriated the Joker may make a save every other melle against the possible coming hangover. (Shoot you'd drink too!) 2. Funky Little Dance: The Joker knows how to do the super duper Funky Little Dance of Joker fame - you know the one, that damn little jig they do. For the dance to work they must rst make a skill roll to see if they are succesful (if they aren't they fall to the ground in a hillarious jumble). If succesful the victem (the audience) may then make a roll to save (if they so choose to do so) against the Funky Little Dance. If a save is either not attampted or is failed the victem falls straight to the ground in gut busting bouts of laughter and is reduced to one attack per mellee and is -2 to strike. The Funky Little Dance is at 30% +5% per every level thereafter. Note: This can be attempted only twice per level per day. This can also be attempted during combat and the victem is at -2 to save since it's unexpected. 3. Talk Sh!t: this skill is perhaps the most dangerous of the Combat Joker's repretiore. The Joker must rst make a roll to get the targets "buttons" (what pisses them off), if this roll is failed the target just sits and laughs along with the rest of the crowd. If the roll is successful then the Joker may make another roll to nd something humerous to others about this (if this roll fails the crowd just sits there looking at the Joker because he just bombed the Joke) if the second roll is succesful then the target is now in a complete rage (and looking like an @ss) trying to attack the Joker, and the crowd is busting up. Bonuses: this is +1 to attempt at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15 4. Goof Ball: The Jokers basic Charm/inimidate is either +20% or 60%, whichever is higher. the joker can also go ahead and say whatever pops into their head attempt to make a charm/intimidate roll and if succesful then the victem is laughing. If it is unsuccessful then they just seem wierd. 5. Enhanced Healing: Heals three times faster than normal +10% to save versus coma/death. Each fourty onces of beer consumed will heal 1D6 hit points and will grant a bonus of +5% to save versus coma/death. Heavy Weapons: These guys just love big guns and cannons and sh!t like that. Due to their extreme love (they're freaks) for heavy weapons they suffer no penalties while using a heavy weapon and have a +1 to strike with a heavy weapon. Horror Factor: When dealing with circus personel (anywhere on Earth) they have an effective HF of 10 plus one at levels 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15. In other areas of the Megaverse (like phaseworld) this is an awe factor. Falling/hits: due to their always falling and getting hit they have a bonus of +4 to roll with fall or punch Low Life Span: These guys tend to make juicers and Crazies look sane (shoot these guys'll pick a ght with a Juicer or a Crazy) O.C.C. Skills: Speaks American 98% Speaks one other 98% - 97 -

Speak one language (+10%) Acting/Impersonation (+15%) Acrobatics (+10%) Juggling (+15%) Gambling (+10%) W.P. Blunt R.P.G. Design (+20%) Offensive Driving (+15%) Begging (+15%) H2H Basic O.C.C. Related Skills: Select four other skills from the choices below. Plus one at levels two, ve, ten, and eleven. Communications: any Domestic: any (+5%) Electrical: Basic only Espionage: any (+10%) Mechanical: Basic only Medical: any Military: Demolitions, Find Contraband (+5%) Physical: any (+10%) Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rogue: any (+10%) Science: Math Basic only Technical: Lore and Art only (+10%) W.P.: Any (tend to like big guns) Wilderness: any (+5%) Secondary Skills: none at rst may choose two at second level, one at fth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh. Standard Equipment: Three tenpins (with silver bases do 2D6 S.D.C. as clubs), a vibro weapon of choice, a pistol of choice (energy or nonenergy), and a heavy weapon of choice, suite of light M.D.C. armor, clothes, two Jester's suites, goggles, oxygen mask, portable translator, survival knife, a knapsack, four wooden stakes, two supersoakers XP-250, and a hoverbike. Money: depends on what circus they're with. Usually 2D6x100 per month, plus room and board. If the circus needs a protector then the pay will be 500$ higher if they know the player is a Combat Joker. Cybernetics: three to start (legal or not, it don't matter)

Combat Mage OCC

Roll up stats as normal for a human. Humans are the only race allowed for this OCC. The Combat Mage is a man of magic OCC. The combat mage must be male. Sort of like a Valkyrie must be female. Remember to get your GM's approval before using this powerful OCC. This class can be of any alignment, but only rarely are they evil. Requirements: IQ: 12, ME: 10, PS: 12, PP: 10, PE: 12, Spd: 8 Bonuses (Special) +3 to save vs. Horror Factor at Level 1 +1 to save vs. Horror Factor at levels 3, 5, 8, and 12 +1 to ME +2 to PS +2 to PP +2 to PE +1 to SPD +5 HP +3d4x10 SDC Psionics: A Combat Mage has the following Psionics: Healing: Bioregeneration Physical: Impervious to Fire, Impervious to Cold, Summon Inner Strength Sensitive: Mind Block, See the Invisible. Plus: Choose 2 more from the Physical category and 1 from the Healing category. At Level 5, the Combat Mage gets the Psi Sword super psionic,but it costs 2x the normal amount of ISP and lasts for only 3 minutes per 4 levels of experience. At Level 7, the mage gets the Psi-Shield ability, but it only lasts for 1 minute per 5 levels of experience and it only ever has 45 MDC. I.S.P.: 2d4x10+ME at level 1. Add 2 per additional level of experience. Saves as a Master Psionic.

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Magic: Base P.P.E.: 2d6x10+PE. Add 3d6 per level of experience. At first level, the character has the following spells: Thunder Clap, Fear, Befuddle, Turn Dead, Armor of Ithan, Energy Bolt, Invisibility: Simple, and Fire Bolt. Also choose 3 first level spells and 1 second level spell at first level. At every Level, a character may chose as many spells as his new level. He may chose them from the level 1 below his current experience level. X.P Lvl 2 3 4 and so on. # of Spells 2 3 4 Max Lvl 1 2 3

Other Bonuses +1 to save vs. Psionics at levels 2, 3, 5, 7, and 13 +1 to save vs. magic at levels 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, and 14 +1 to parry and dodge at levels 2 and 7 +1 attack at levels 3 and 10 +1 to HTH damage at level 5 The Combat Mage and Vampires A Combat Mage may never be turned into a vampire. Vampire MD attacks to SD if they are in direct contact with the Combat Mage. This means vs. Armor and MDC protection spells and psionics, the attacks are still full MD, but against the skin of the mage, they're only SD. Finally, by using all his melee attacks, a Mage can permanently remove 1d6 HP/SDC from a vampire. This damage is never healed back by the vamp., and it can kill a vamp. If the vamps HP falls below -30, but it would take to long unless the vamp. is properly restrained. On the same hand, if the vampire that the Mage harmed by this method kills the Mage, it gains back all the previously permanently lost HP/SD The Combat Mage and Dragons When a Combat Mage is fighting a dragon, the dragon's MD attacks on the mage's skin react just as the vampires MD attacks do, they convert to SD. The Combat Mage and Other Supernatural Foes When other supernatural foes but the above 2 fight a combat mage, they're attacks against the skin of the C. Mage are reduced by 1/2. The are not converted to SD and the minimum for a MD attack is 1. OCC Skills: Radio: Basic (+10%) 2 Espionage of choice (+15%) First Aid (+10%) Demolitions (+20%) 2 Physical(+10% if applicable) 1 Pilot of choice, excluding Robot and Power Armor (+5%) Math: Basic (+15%) 2 Languages (+45%) 1 Literacy (+20%) 2 WP Modern 2 WP Ancient HTH: Expert OCC Related Skills: Chose 5 from the following list. Chose an additional 2 at levels 3, 5, 7, and 13: Domestic: All (+5%) Electronics: Only Basic Electronics (+5%) Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanics: Only Automotive mechanics (+5%) Military: Demolitions Disposal (+10%) Physical: Any (+5% if applicable) Pilot: Any but Robots or Power armor Pilot Related: Any (+5% on Weapon Systems) Rogue: Any (+5%) - 99 -

Science: Any but Archaeology, Botany, and Chemistry: Analytical Technical: Any (+5% on Lores) WP: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Choose 3 from the above list, without bonuses. Choose 1 additional skill at levels 2 and 8 Equipment: Suit of LIGHT megadamage armor. Energy Pistol with 3 clips. Ancient Style Knife, Sword, Staff, or Club (SD ONLY). Canteen. A pair of sunglasses. Regular everyday clothes, a 2 piece suit, and a black ninja-type outfit complete with Tabi Boots for Prowling. A pair of combat boots for everything else and a backpack. Credits: 2d6x10 Cybernetics: Will never willingly get cybernetic or bionic implants. They are also rejected by the body and fall off 2d6x10 hours after being implanted. If a stump is left, so be it. Levels of Experience 1 03,500 2 3,5015,000 3 5,0019,000 4 9,00130,000 5 30,00150,000 6 50,00190,000 7 90,001- 140,000 8 140,001- 190,000 9 190,001- 250,000 10 250,001- 350,000 11 350,001- 500,000 12 500,001- 700,000 13 700,001-1,000,000 14 1,000,001-2,000,000 15 2,000,001+

Combat Psionic OCC

Sort of like my combat mage, only this time it's a psionic. They tend to be heroic, with less then 4% in all the megaverse being evil. Attribute Requirements: IQ 9, ME 13, PS 8, PP 7, PE 10, SPD 7 PPE: 3d6 ISP: 4d6x10+10 (add 10 per level of experience). Regains 4 ISP per hour of activity, 9 per hour of sleep/meditation Bonuses: +4 to save vs. Horror Factor Considered to be a Master Psionic +3 save vs. Psionics +2 save vs. Magic +2 save vs. Insanity +1 save vs. Poisons +1d4x5 SDC, +1 PS, +1 PE, +1 ME Natural Abilities: See the Invisible is automatic (like a dragon) Psionics: The following is a list of Psionics available to the character automatically: Bio-Regeneration, Deaden Pain, Exorcism, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Fire, Levitation, Mind Block, Nightvision, Resist Fatigue, Summon Inner Strength, Telekinesis, Sixth Sense, Bio-Manipulation, Mind Bolt (costs only 1/2 normal ISP), Psi-Shield, PsiSword (treat as if it where at third level up until 4th level), Telekinetic Force Field Also Chose 1 additional power from all categories (including super) Thats a total of 4 more psionics powers. - 100 -

Chose 1 additional Psionic from any category at levels 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, and 15 Magic: None Note: The Combat Psionic CANNOT be turned into a Vampire. OCC Skills Chose 2 Languages each at 85% Wilderness Survival (+15%) First Aid (+5%) Athletics: General Chose 1 pilot (+5%) excluding Robots and PA W.P. Sword 1 modern W.P. of choice 2 Ancient WPs of choice HTH: Basic (Can be upgraded to Expert at cost of 2 OTHER skills, assassin and martial arts not possible) Other Skills: Chose 4 from the following list. Chose 1 additional at levels 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, and 14. Radio: Radio Basic (+5%) Domestic: Any Electronics: Basic Electronics(+5%) Espionage: Any (+10%) Military: Any (+10%) Physical: Any (+5% when applicable) Pilot: Any but Robots and PA Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Math Basic Technical: Any (+5% to Lores, Languages, and Literacies) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+5% when applicable) Secondary Skills: Chose 3 skills from the above list without the bonuses. Equipment: Traveling Clothes (Blue Jeans, T-Shirt,Underwear, etc.), Combat style Boots, Tinted Sunglasses, Canteen,backpack, 5 MRE's (each one has 1 days worth of food energy). Armor: Chose one armor from the following: Urban Warrior, Plastic Man, Huntsman. Weapons: Chose 1 Vibro Blade (including Neural Mace) of choice and 1 Ancient SDC weapon. Does not start with any MD blasters/Guns. Would rather use a Mind Bolt anyway. Xp table: Use the Dog Boy experience table.

The Comquere
The Comquere are a race of humanoids from a planet in the Alpha Centauri system who were chased off of their homeworld by the viscious race of cyborgs known as the Mechanoids. The Comquere are, or were at one time, one of the most technologically advanced races in the galaxy, having produced clean burning energy sources, devices that cleaned and restored their once polluted atmosphere back to normal. They have produced devices of such wounder that most other races could not even comprehend their most basic function. They have created living, sentient machines/computers, and traveled through the stars in massive spaceships capable of leaping across the galaxy in moments. The Comquere have explored every aspect of their nature, they have mapped their minds, stamped out disease, and made their world a utopian paradise. But nothing warned them of their impending doom. One fateful day they watched in disbelief as the clouds of invaders swarmed in on their world and began to destroy everything in sight, their only contact was a radio message saying simply "Humanoids must be destroyed!" The following months were a living hell for the Comquere as they were hunted by the mechanoids, hunted and slaughtered. Finally they made a plan to escape their now hellish world. - 101 -

They transported themselves to their fleet of ships and made a run for the open space beyond their system, with their superior engines and craft, they easily outran the mechanoid terrorists that persued them. The Comquere now wander the galaxy, searching for a new place to live, a new place to rebuild their fallen society. In their attempt to build the perfect, utopian society the Comquere had ruled out the possibility of needing weapons to defend themselves with, this mistake cost them their entire world, now they are among the finest weapon designers/builders in the known galaxy, if you want a good weapon, or any other piece of technology, the Comquere are the people to see. Attributes: I.Q. 4D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 3D6+4, P.P. 4D6, P.E. 3D6+6, P.B. 4D6, Spd. 3D6+5 Hit Points: P.E. + 1D8 per level) S.D.C.: 1D4*10 M.D.C.: By armor only P.P.E.: 3D6 or by O.C.C. (whichever is greater) I.S.P.: 2D6 or by O.C.C. (which ever is greater) Magic knowledge: The Comquere can learn to use any type of magic, the same as humans. Psionic Abilities: Standard chance of having psionic abilities. Natural Abilities: All Comquere have the super power of Location Bridging. It is not known how or why they have this ability but they all have it. There is also a 10% chance that any individual Comquere will have more powers (roll on the table for number and type). All Comquere have the ability to sense their exact location in the universe at all times. This is not useful for giving directions or coordinates, but the individual will remember exactly where they were if they ever need to transport themselves there again. A very few Comquere (1%) have a heightened Location Bridging ability, the same as that of Shifter, that allows them to traverse not only space, but time and dimensions as well (remember that this power only allows the individual to go to places that they have all ready been). In other words they can travel to any time period they have already been. Imagine fighting one of these guys who suddenly have sixty duplicates appear who attack at once then shift out!!!) Combat Abilities: Most Comquere do not train for combat, however, those that do train in a type of combat that closely resembles Ninjitsu (use the Ninjitsu Martial Art). Bonuses: +5% to all skills +1 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge Allies: Anyone, Comquere do not have any instinctive allies. Enemies: The only instinctive enemy of the Comquere is the maniacal race known as the Mechanoids. Appearance: The Comquere appear to be totally human except for their hair color which is sometimes not a color that native humans have, roll on the following table: 1-10% Green 11-20% Brown 21-30% Blue 31-40% Blond 41-50% Purple 51-60% Black 61-70% Orange 71-80% White 81-90% Red 91-100% Silver (metalic) Life Span: 250 years

The Condemned O.C.C. Men of Armsa Optional O.C.C.

By: Lord VorTEx

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Prologue #1 "You can't do this to me! I'm innocent dammit! Fuck you this is a big mistake! You guys are gonna be in for it! Let go of me!" "Please! There's no point in struggling, you're only making this more difficult." "I'm innocent dammit!" "Please, we've been over this. Just lie still." "You guys are gonna burn for this!" "Would you like me to read you your last rights my son?" "What? Shit. This is stupid I didn't do anything." "My son, please, do you wish for me to read your..." "Shut the hell up!" "Very well. God bless." "This is not happening. This is not happening." "Syringe ready sir." "Oh-my-god!" "Do it." "Get away from me! No. No! No! Ahhhhhh!" "Little bugger!" "Uhhh. I'll see you... in hell!" "Is he?" "Yes sir." "Time of death, sixteen forty-three. Lets get him out of here." Prologue #2 "Don't bother kid." "What? Who are you?" "Epsilon Six. I mean don't bother trying to remember. It doesn't really matter anymore who you were. Whoever you were you aren't anymore." "But I don't even have a name dammit!" "Right there on your shirt boy. Omega Nine. You're the last one in our battalion it would seem." "I don't understand." "You're not supposed to. If you were they'd of told us long ago. I've been here for three years, believe me, you're supposed to be in the dark, that's the way they like it." "Three years? And you still don't know who you are?" "I don't know who I was. Listen, around here its not who you were, its what you are, what you do that matters. I've been through over a hundred engagements and I'm still alive. I'll tell you what I am. I'm a survivor, and a damn good soldier. That's what matters." "But why? Who are we fighting? What's with all the training? All the secrecy?" "Dammit don't ask questions. There aren't any answers. We train and we fight, and we do it because they tell us to." "But why do what they say?" "Open your shirt." "What?" "Just do it... You see that scar on your chest? That's why. There's an implant in there, they put it there before you even wake up for the first time. They can use it to track you anywhere within a hundred miles of the nearest base or plane, they know where you are every second of every day. They can also use it to give you a pretty nasty jolt if you get out of line. If you push it too hard they can fry 'ya with the push of a button. That's why we do what they tell us to do." "I don't believe this! What did I do to deserve this?!" "Who cares. They certainly don't, I don't, you shouldn't either, cause once you're here you don't leave until you're dead. You're a nobody, just a number on a sheet, a statistic. The best thing to do is do your job and do it well. You screw up you die, you do your job you live. You keep the big guys happy everything'll be fine, you piss 'em off and you'll regret it." "Well I'm not going to just sit by and let them screw with me." "Listen kid! I've seen a lot of guys tougher than you come through here with big ideas! You know where they are?! They're all six feet under or in a bizillion pieces on some god-forsaken planet god-knows where! You hear me? There's no room for heroics here kid. The sooner you get your ass in gear the less painful its gonna be... There's the bell. Time for practice on the range. You just remember, don't be a smart-ass, you're here for one thing and one thing only... Good soldiers are hard to come by and casualties in war can quickly diminish the ranks of any army. In ancient times on old earth the armies of a nation were often filled with criminals since no one in their right minds wanted to be in the army and risk being killed. Recently the government of a fairly major insterstellar power has decided to recommence the practice of admitting condemned - 103 -

criminals into their ranks, effectively killing two birds with one stone. Conscripting heinous criminals guilty of such crimes as murder, rape and torture into the military would be intolerable to the general public and extremely dangerous on the battlefield, so a solution had to be found... Criminals who have been sentenced to death and display the desired physical strength and skills are selected for the reorientation process. The criminals are taken to a standard looking execution. The standard lethal injection however is replaced with a metabolism reducing drug that from all outside appearances makes the victim appear to be dead. The body is carried away, supposedly to be buried or cremated, in reality the sedated criminal is taken to the government labs and the process of "reorientation" begins. This deception satisfies the victims and hides the terrible truth of what has just begun. The criminal undergoes several medical procedures including neural surgery, injections, and sensory input in the procedure of erasing the memories of the criminal and reinforcing a sense of duty, responsibility and submissiveness in the subject. They are then implanted with a small computerized chip about the size of a quarter in their chest. This implant can be used to track the exact position of the new soldier anywhere within a hundred miles of a special sensory device carried by supervisiors and mounted on most military vehicles. The implant can also be used for discipline, delivering a nasty electrical shock directly to the soldier's nervous system inflicting great pain and stunning them for one melee (-3 to strike, parry and dodge). If the soldier persists in undesired behavior the implant can put the soldier into a coma or even kill him/her. Once the criminals have been reoriented they are sent to join a company or battalion of other reoriented criminals like themselves. They are assigned a designation consisting of a greek letter (alpha, beta, omega) and a number from one to ten. The troops are expected to participate in daily grueling training and excersises to refine and maintain their combat skills. Insurrection or refusal to work is met with immediate punishment. There is no tolerance for poor behavior. Most reoriented soldiers never come face to face with any non-reoriented personnel with the exception of their commanding officer. The ex-criminals are deployed independently of the regular forces and isolated from the outside world at all times. They have gained the nickname "The Condemned" from both their superiors who knows who they were and they have adopted it for themselves since they're destined to die one way or another. Be it on the battlefield or from their implants for disobeying their superiors. Most Condemned despise their superiors and their predicament but have broken spirits with no will to do anything about it. They fight because if they don't they'll die. Attribute Requirements: P.S.: 12, P.E.: 12 or higher. Alignment: Any except good. O.C.C. Skills: All the old O.C.C. skills are frozen at whatever level they were when "killed" and "reoriented". A total of five new secondary skills may be selected from the categories of communication, domestic, physical, pilot, rogue, technical, W.P. and/or wilderness. Only these five new skills continues to increase with experience (no bonuses). All "reoriented" soldiers are required to learn the following skills; W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. Energy Pistol, and Running. If they do not have these skills from their previous O.C.C. they must select them as part of the five skills above. Standard Equipment: GR-15AR Assault Rifle, HI-10 Heavy Laser Pistol, CAF Battle Armor or equivalent, field uniform, additional ammunition, two weeks of field rations and a medical kit containing 6 BTB tubes, an RMK and an IRMSS. Additional Equipment: Weapons, armor, explosives, optics and military vehicles. The more loyal and trustworthy the soldier the more likely he/she will get requested equipment and may even get to use said equipment on a frequent basis. Money: Gets 500 credits a month. Is provided with all lodging, food and clothing by the military. Cybernetics: All have the tracer/pain implant described above. Some may have other cybernetics to replace lost limbs or as a reward for loyal service. Conversion Notes: Rifts: While the Coalition would be more than likely to implement a program like this it is unlikely that they have the technical knowledge or time to do so. Triax would almost certainly not participate in such a program. W.P. Automatic Rifle and Automatic Pistol become W.P. Energy Rifle and W.P. Energy Pistol. Palladium Fantasy RPG: While the technological aspects of the process are obviously impossible in this setting they could easily be replaced by psionic or magic equivalents. Characters are likely to have been mercenaries, pirates, assassins or thieves. Robotech/Macross II: The world governments in either of these games are unlikely to be involved in such a program. This leaves either aliens or other, smaller governments such as the E.B.S.I.S. Ninjas and Superspies: Any major world government could run such a program. W.P. Energy Rifle and Energy Pistol become W.P. Automatic Rifle and W.P. Automatic Pistol. Beyond the Supernatural: Basically unchanged from above. Any major world government could run such a program, or could be sponsored by supernatural/alien beings. - 104 -

Nightspawn: This could be a project under the War Room or Spook Squad before or after Dark Day. In the alternative it could be a Nightlord sponsored operation. Heroes Unlimited/TMNT: Basically unchanged from above. Any major world government could run such a program, or could be sponsored by supernatural/alien beings.

The Courier and the New Pony Express

By: Rodney Stott The Courier O.C.C. based in part on the Pony Express Riders, and Truck drivers. Please feel free to comment, in fact I would appreciate any comments on the courier and related material.. Hadrian The courier is a adventurer who has a natural tenderness to explore and wander. The courier is a pilot/driver rst and a warrior second. The courier is a skilled pilot preferring small fast vehicles, in the American west some couriers prefer real and robot horses. The courier lls an important roll in the post rifts world with its intermittent communications limited by lack of orbital satellites, ley line storms and mystical energy interfering with radio trafc. Only large empires such as Triax and the Coalition States could afford the infrastructure required for microwave and laser communications base and relay stations within its territory. Outside these area magic can ll in the need, but not everyone has access to the magic, let alone trusting a practitioner of magic. Out of this rose the need for men and women to carry messages and packages from one town to the next. The job of courier is a tough job, and a code of honour has developed between them (this code is detailed below and is similar to the code of the west). Couriers tend to get to know a specic area, but are quite willing to explore the world, are a major conduit of news and ideas throughout North America. Why a Courier O.C.C.? Any character can deliver messages from one point to another, but the courier is a dedicated professional, trained in the arts of piloting. Couriers in the New West Couriers in the New West prefer to ride real and robot horses, but those closer to the coalition territories tend to ride hover cycles. For bigger jobs some couriers operate big transports, but these are pretty rare. The transport couriers prefer to call themselves Truckers than Couriers, messengers, or express riders. The New Pony Express The New Pony express was set up by a group of Courier Riders based out of Silvereno about 50 years ago, to provide communal support and protection for their members. The people who work for the Pony Express call themselves Express Riders, and the majority (85%) ride Robot and Real Horses on their errands. The Express has set up small way stations throughout the West, with the old American states of Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas. The way stations are small family places also acting as coach hoses and inns along the major trail routes. These way stations are supplied by the Pony Express and many run at prot. The way stations keep a supply of several fresh horses for Express Riders (see below for Rosie's a example Way Station). Eastern Couriers The couriers of the east have not formed a coalition like the express riders in the west and operates in small businesses. Most offer courier services to nearby communities but some offer delivery to other parts of North America. Eastern couriers prefer fast All terrain vehicles, hover cycles and even light aircraft, though some operate larger transport aircraft. They do not prefer to use real or robot horses, preferring in modern technology. Couriers and the Coalition The coalition sees couriers as a possible threat, and inconvenience, but also as a useful tool for propaganda purposes. The threat from the couriers is that they bring new and foreign ideas with them, and as such could pollute the idealism of the average CS citizen (e.g. bring in a copy of Erin Tarn's latest book of word of life outside of the CS). The CS does use the courier network for propaganda purposes though, for without it the recruitment of Juicers as part of Operation Phoenix Rising would have gone a lot slower that originally planned without the courier network spreading word or the treatment. Couriers around the World Couriers also exist in other parts of the world, I will only be covering published world books here, but is should be easily extracted to other places as they are published. England and Europe Couriers in Europe prefer light fast vehicles, and are generally restricted to the NGR and New Tarnow. Those who operate in England prefer using horses (both real and robotic) but some use magic. Africa No known courier networks are known to exist in Africa, but Non-human couriers may operate out of New Phoenix. Atlantis Inhuman couriers operate in Atlantis, and several known groups operate out of the Dimensional Market in Splynn. - 105 -

South America In South America couriers tend to use small fast bots and light aircraft operating down the eastern coast. The most numerous courier networks exist in the Silver River Republics. Japan The emergence of the Republic of Japan is pretty recent, but it did bring with them there own courier and postal services. These companies had reached out into the New Empire offering a non-technological based courier service. Underseas There are no known courier services operating in the Pacic and Atlantic oceans, but some Dolphins carry out some message delivery services. Couriers in other Dimensions Phase World Courier services operate throughout the Three Galaxies, and generally consist of small operators in fast ships contracting out their services to freight companies. Phase World couriers could be best played by playing Runners Wormwood Couriers could be considered a life line throughout the kingdom of light, bringing news from remote settlements to the main cities, and bringing the news back again to the small settlements. Couriers also spare the need for knights of the Temple and Hospitallers to act as messengers for all but the most important of military messages, allowing the soldiers to be placed where they are most needed.

Courier O.C.C.
Base S.D.C.: as per adventurer Alignment: Any generally a honourable alignment Attribute Requirements: P.P. 12 and a P.E. pf 12 or higher O.C.C. Skills: Speak Native Language (98%) Literacy Native language (+20%) Basic Maths (+10%) Radio Basic (+15%) Land Navigation (+25%) Read Sensory Equipment (+15%) General Repair/Maintenance (+10%) Horsemanship: Cowboy Pilot Hovercycle (+20%) W.P. Revolver W.P. Energy Pistol Hand to Hand: Basic The Eastern Courier can trade in Horsemanship: Cowboy for any of the following skills aat +10%, Pilot Automobile, Pilot Hovercycle or Pilot Airplane. Hand to Hand: Basic can be upgraded to Expert for 1 O.C.C. related skill, and to Martial arts for 2 O.C.C. related skills. O.C.C. Related Skills: At rst level the courier can select 7 "other" skills, plus on additional skill at levels 3, 7, 11 and 15. Communications: Any Cowboy: None Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic Electronics only Espionage: Any (+5%; +10% on Detect Concealment and Wilderness Survival) Mechanical: Basic and Automotive Only (+5%) Medical: First Aid or Paramedic only Military: Any Physical: Any, except acrobatics Pilot: Any (+15%) Pilot Related: Any (+15%) Rogue: Any Science: Maths and Astronomy only. Technical: Any (+5%; +15% to all lore skills) - 106 -

W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character gets to select four secondary skills from the list, excluding those marked "None,o/oo at level one, plus 1 additional skill at levels 3,4,5,6,7,8. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parenthesis. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Standard Equipment (Western Express Rider): Suit of light M.D.C. body armour, Riding clothes, Saddle bags, Bedroll, Leather boots, High quality saddle, Spurs, Holster, 2 canteens, Sunglasses, Cowboy hat, A small hatchet, Survival knife, Vibro-knife, Utility Belt, Binoculars, Laser Distancer, Flashlight. The Express Rider can choose either a Horse or a Hovercycle. Weapons include a S.D.C. six shooter (revolver or automatic pistol), a M.D. energy Pistol. The S.D.C. revolver comes with 48 rounds, and 24 silver rounds, and the pistol with 2 spare E-clips. Standard Equipment (Eastern Courier): Suit of light M.D.C. body armour, suit of clothes, back pack, boots, utility belt, canteen, sunglasses, survival knife, vibro-blade, binoculars, laser distancer, ashlight. The Eastern Courier can select a Hovercycle, motorcycle, or hover vehicle. Weapons include a Energy pistol with 2 spare e-clips, and a energy rie with 2 spare e-clips. Money: Starts with 3D6x10 credits in universal credits, and 1D6x1000 credits in trade goods or black market items. Cybernetics: Starts with none. Most couriers do not rely on cybernetics, and will only get them for medical replacements, and then they prefer bio-systems. The Trucker Variant is a modied Courier, who instead of piloting small fast vehicles and horses they drive the big transport rigs. Truckers provide a necessary service transporting valuable materials to remote communities. Truckers operate as independent operators, or sometimes work directly for a government or company. Replace the following skills: Horsemanship: Cowboy Pilot Hovercycle (+20%) W.P. Revolver With the following: Pilot Automobile (+25%) Pilot Truck (+20%) Pilot Tanks and APC's (+10%) Standard Equipment (Trucker): Suit of light M.D.C. body armour, Travelling clothes, Bedroll, Leather boots, Holster, 2 canteens, Sunglasses, A small hatchet, Survival knife, Vibro-knife, Utility Belt, Binoculars, Laser Distancer, Flashlight. The Trucker has their own truck , generally capable of being a all terrain vehicle (like the Mountaineer A.T.V.) Weapons include a M.D. energy Pistol. And either a large bore shotgun or energy carbine The pistol has 2 spare E-clips, the rie or shotgun will have 3 complete reloads if magazine feed or 30 rounds id single or double barrelled. Experience Point Table: Use the Cowboy experience table from New West. Code of the Courier The couriers, especially those who are express riders have adopted a code, or creed that has become synonymous with the courier services in the post-rifts world. The creed adopted by the Express, and other couriers is based on a creed found in a book dating back to pre-rift times on the U.S. Postal Service. This creed changed slightly to that found in the book "Neither snow nor heat nor demon nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds" Those couriers who work for the Express live by this creed, as well as many other independent couriers and courier businesses. Couriers who do not at least attempt to get their deliveries through are looked down upon by others. The worst couriers though are those who throw their parcels away and run, or hand them over to bandits without a ght. In the express couriers who abandon their parcels are thrown out of the service unless they can prove extenuating circumstances (like magic). Rosie's Way Station Rosie's is a typical Pony Express way station in the American New West, and is run by a middle age widow of Asian descent with the help of her 5 children. Rosie's way station consists of 3 wooden buildings, a stables, Inn, and the Express house. The stables hoses the Pony Express horses (generally about 5 or 6 horses), as well as fodder and grain. Attached to the barn is a operators workshop, containing a small nuclear generator that provides power to all the buildings in the complex. The resident operator (Mark) offers basic repairs and energy clip recharging services for reasonable rates (book price + 5%) as well as offering - 107 -

recharging of electric vehicles. The Inn building is a two storey building, with a tavern on the lower storey, and rooms for rent on the top oor. The tavern on the ground oor is divided into several sections, a bar, restaurant and kitchen. The prices at the tavern and restaurant are standard (as per New West) and accommodation is 40 credits a night. Both the Inn and operators workshops accept NGMI credits, Black Credits, CS Credits as well as Barter goods. The Express house is a single storey house, and is the family home, it is also here that the Express riders stay overnight. Rosie operates the Tavern, and is the head cook, her eldest son Mark is a qualied operator/blacksmith and works out of the stables. Donna the eldest daughter looks after the accommodation, and helps out in the kitchen. Anne is a Express rider, based out of the Way Station, who acts as a courier for the local district, and is responsible for delivering parcels to the next station in the line. Frank the second eldest male, is a gunfighter and is responsible for the defence of the Station if it comes under attack (he took over this role after his father was shot by bandits in a unsuccessful raid). Kerry and John are coybows and look after the small cattle herd and farmland belonging to the Station. They also look after the Express horses stabled there and any coach traffic.

Creature Containment and Elimination Specialist O.C.C.

By: Andrew Brookins The Creature Containment and Elimination Specialist (now referred to as the CCES) is a different kind of Parapsychologist than the Ghosthunter and Psychic Detective. The CCES is primarily focused on investigation, and elimination of supernatural beasties. He has a big heart and cares for the innocent. He lives to see the lives crushed out of monsters that terrorize humans. These men and woman are often laughed at by most universities. To combat this common problem, the CCES usually uses normal Parapsychological research as a front for his more "exotic" studies. So, for example, Duke University (supposing they have a Parapsychology research department) is financing John Smith (a renowned parapsychologist-and secretly a CCES) for the study of DMILS theories and human behavior, while he's actually planning a trip to Tibet to investigate the disappearance of three villagers and claims of a "three-eyed snake-beast" sleeping quietly in the bowels of the villagers water well. He would have his colleagues setup a small "mock" experiment back at Duke to show the relation between DMILS (which, for those of you who don't know, stands for Direct Mental Influence on Living Systems) and human behavior-which will usually do very well, but somehow will be kept low-key and un-published. While, for the duration of the experiment, Smith will be fighting demons and atrocities with a couple of his team members. Of course, the CCES will know a few rogue skills (hey, if someone has a record that John Smith was in Tibet AND Duke at the same, his funding is screwed and he'll never get a job again-so he's going to need a few identities). He'll also probably have some kind of secret laboratory dedicated to the study of the anatomy of supernatural creatures and a large library of books and ancient mythological teachings. But now, without further interruptions, here it is. CCES OCC Special Abilities and Bonuses: 1. Recognize Supernatural Species on Sight: This skill gives the CCES the ability to recognize what apecies a monster is, on sight. This ability is similar to the Lore skill group, although it is much more powerful. Because, as the Lore skill group divided into about five different skills, this ability encompasses all forms of supernatural beings. Base Skill: 30% + 4% per level of experiance. 2. Determine Species Weaknesses: This skill fits hand-hand with the Recognize Supernatural Species on Sight skill. With this skill, the CCES can discover the weaknesses a certain species of supernatural creature has. Before he can do this, however, he must make a succesful identification of the creature using the Recognize Species skill. Then he must follow the beast arround for 1d4 days, logging his every move. After these things are done, the CCES is set to prepare a hypothesis on the nature of the creature's weaknesses. Of course, this is very risky, because the CCES will not know if his hypothesis is correct until properly tested (usually in the middle of combat with the beast). Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experiance 3. Distinguish Factual Information from Non-Factual Information: With this ability, the CCES is able to seperate the false claims or reports of supernatural beasts from the truly significant ones. Without this skill, the CCES would be risking his life and his career often times for nothing more than the wild ramblings of an old woman. Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experiance 4. Recognize Hidden Supernatural Terrors: With this skill the CCES can, with a little investigation, see past a story or report that may be more than just a triple homicide with no suspect. He can gather information about the area that the murders were commited and cross-reference the place with any other significant happenings in the past 50 years. He may discover that the homicides have been happening like this for a long time, only nobody has ever noticed that the murders always occured on Red Ridge road at 3:00 am on a Sunday, July 24th and always involved a young woman with blond hair. Just as they might have overlooked that every 5 years the same kind of murder happens again. This is just one example of the use of this skill. The CCES can also, with the use of this skill, recognize supernatural beings that may be hiding under human faces. Like say on his trip to Tibet, John Smith sat next to a man with white eyes that seemed to stare into him. Smith realizes something is wrong with this man after sitting with him for 4 and-a-half hours and decides he may be a vampire-slave of some sort. He uses his Recognize Supernatural Species on Sight ability to determine what kind of creature the man really is, and discoveres that he is actually a Wempyre. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experiance.

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Calm Others: The CCES can calm others when they are frozen in fear (by the use of verbal calming techniques, the CCES can reduce the horror factor of some form of Monster or Supernatural creature by 1 per level). The ability can work on 1 person per level of the CCES. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience Knowledge In The Use of Weapons Technology and Combat: The CCES has trained himself (or taken part in classes) in the use of firearms and some basic martial arts moves that help him combat the supernatural. The character gets to pick 2 WPs of choice at 1st level. He gets an additional WP at levels 6, 10 and 15. Bonuses: +2d6 SDC, +1 PP, +1 ME, and +1 PS The character is also skilled in HtH: Basic. Knowledge In the Use of Scientific Equipment: The CCES is trained in the use of all the scientific equipment he uses to track, study, and kill supernatural predators. This includes imaging systems (infrared/ultraviolet, thermal-imaging, passive night goggles, etc.), special cameras and recording equipment, atmospheric condition analyzers, etc. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experiance: Bonuses: +1 save vs. possession, +4 save vs. HF, +2 save vs. psionics, +1 save vs. magic

Alignments: Any, but most tend to be of a good alignment, with some that lean towords selfish. Evil CCES are virtually unheard of, but there's always some guy who wants to rule the world :) Minimum Attribute Requirements: IQ: 15, ME: 16 O.C.C. Skills: Native Language of choice at 98% Literacy: One of choice 98% Math: Advanced (+20%) Radio: Basic (+15%) Computer Operation (+10%) Research (+15%) Note: this skill is in BtS. Psychology (+30%) Parapsychology (+30%) Email me for this one. Pilot: One of choice Forgery (+20%) Note: Special combat stuff is listed above in special ability #6. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10 other skills, but at least four must be selected from Science. Communications: Any Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Disguise, Forgery, and Tracking only Mechanical: Basic Mechanics or Auotmobile Mechanics only Medical: Any (+10%) Millitary: None Physical: Any Pilot: Any, except millitary vehicles Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Any (+15%) Technical: Any (+15%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The CCES also gets to select 6 secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the bonus listed. All secondary skills start at first level. Also, skills are limited to Any, All, and None. Standard Equipment: The usualy CCES who is funded by the Parapsychological Research area of a university or private organization will have the following items (or will need to buy them): 1d4 fake IDs, utility belt, 100 ft. light rope, sunglasses or tinted goggles, 1 or 2 small sacks, a backpack, flashlights and extra bulbs/batteries, petrie dishes, 35mm Cameras, Video Recorders, a transportation vehicle, Infra/Ultra optics systems, thermometers, portable temerature/humididty recorders, a laptop computer, portable magnitometer, all-weather matches, notebooks, tape measure, extra pair of clothes, travelling gear, and personal items. Note: see that post about Parapsychologist's Equipment for more ideas on equipment. The CCES is more of a rogue Parappsychologist than the others, and can acquire certain "special" equipment through underground connections. The GM should determine what to let the PC be able to get. Weapons: include one handgun of choice and 10 reloads (however many bullets/clips that may be), one laser pistol of choice if in - 109 -

Rifts or any other MDC world and 2d4 e-clips for it, and each CCES will usually have some junky old illegal heavy weapon like a LAW Missile launcher in a secret compartment of the company van. This weapon will usually only have one or two shots left as a payload. Also, other weapons can be purchased, but they will have to be bought out of the CCES's salary. Money: 2d6x100 credits or the same ammount of dollars. Cybernetics: None to start, may get optical enhancements or whatever he needs to get the job done.

Crimson Warrior O.C.C.

By: Jonathan Willis Crimson Warriors are the elite shock troops of the city state of New Picton The power armor is a holy relic, far superior in design to anything Triax or the CS have produced, and completely irreplaceable. All known suits of CW armor are accounted for by NewPic. Renegades exist, but these are rare and generally hunted down. In general Crimson Warriors are much like GBs, except much more patriotic. They are proud, brave and noble, the defenders of their people. Alignment: Any but generally Good. NewPic military forces cannot have a criminal record so most are good or Unprincipled. Attribute Requirements: P.P. 12, I.Q. 10, P.E. 12 or better Appearance: Crimson Warrior armor is described below. The pilots must be< healthy and fit. Enemies & Allies: Same as NewPic. They have neutral relations with the CS, friendly with Traix and hate demonic legions like Atlantis Starting Equipment: Crimson Warrior power armor with full weapons, Any light body armor, Energy rifle and 4 E-Clips, 6 signal flares, survival knife, utility belt, air filter & gas mask, walkie-talkie, three uniforms, dress uniform, boots, canteen, first aid kit, and personals. Money: 2d6 x 1000 in credit. CWs get top money and luxuries. OCC Skills: Languages ( English, Japanese ) +20% Literacy ( English, Japanese ) +10% Land Navigation +8% Radio: Scramblers +10% Demolitions & Disposal +15% Robot Combat Basic Robot Combat: Elite ( CW and one of choice ) Read Sensory Equipment Weapons Systems Intelligence Boxing Basic Electronics W.P. Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Martial Arts OCC Related skills areas/Secondary skills areas: Same as GB # of OCC related skills: 4 # of Secondary skills: 6 Cybernetics: Starts with a universal headjack. May get other cybernetics later, but avoids bionics, since Borgs can't be pilots. Races available to: Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings and any other mortal humanoids. No race with natural magic. Experience table: Same as GB Crimson Warrior Power Armour

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This type of power armor is depicted on the cover of Aliens Unlimited. It stands about 8 feet tall, fairly short and squat compared to other PA. Its armor is a dark crimson colour (due to the construction, and this can't be painted over ) with four gray spheres on the chest, and two gray cones protruding from the back. Model Type: Gamma Technologies GT-4 Class: Heavy Assault Power Armour Crew: One pilot M.D.C. By Location: Main Body - 820 Head - 350 Legs(2) - 350 each Arms(2) - 300 each Reinforced Pilots Compartment - 100 Phase Rifles(2) - 120 each EMP Mines(4) - 60 each Speed: Running: 45 mph maximum Leaping or Flying is not possible Statistical Data: Height - 8 feet 4 inches ( 2.5m ) Width - 5 feet ( 1.5m ) Length - 6 feet ( 1.8m ) Weight - 1.4 tons fully loaded Physical Strength - Equal to a P.S. of 35 Cargo - Space for all the pilots possessions, but little more. Power Systems - Unknown, average energy life is unknown but greater than 20 years Black Market Cost: Not available. If a CW armor was to become available it would go for 200 million or more, plus NewPic would go to great lengths to retrieve it. Weapons Systems 1. GT-4.1 Phase Rifles: These characteristic weapons of the CW armor fire high volt, phased electrolasers. Duplicating these weapons is the subject of much research at NewPic. Primary Purpose: Assault and Anti-Armour Secondary Purpose: Defense Weight: Built into the armor Mega-Damage: Inflicts 1d6 x 10 M.D. to mechanized opponents, plus pilots suffer 4d6 S.D.C.! The electrolasers are conducted straight through even M.D. insulation and protection.< Fires straight through force-fields (magical, psionic or otherwise ) inflicting damage only to the physical body. Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilots hand to hand attacks. Bursts and sprays are not possible. Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet Payload: Effectively Unlimited 2. EMP Mines The CW also carries a set of mines on the shoulders. These mines operate on a similar principal to the phase rifles. Mega-Damage: 1d6 M.D. plus pilots suffer 6d6 S.D.C. Same as Phase Rifles. Blast Radius: 120 feet! 3. Hand to Hand Combat Same as a GB. 4. Sensor Systems of Note The CW uses a virtual reality interface. The pilot must have a universal headjack, and once plugged in can use any of his normal senses, including touch, taste, smell, sound and sight. Also get equivalent to multi-optics, radar, motion detection, and all the normal robot features.

Crystal Dragon Hatchlings R.C.C.

Jonathan Willis

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Otherwise known as Diamond Dragons or Glitter Dragons, these magnificent beasts are incredibly beautiful, and hunted for their priceless skin. Crystal Dragons are fairly rare. They resemble normal dragons, except their skin is a brilliant reflective surface like a diamond, giving them the benefits of Laser Resistant armor. This skin is usually white/translucent but can be blue, red, green, black and virtually any other non-metallic color. Crystal Dragons aren't as tough as other species of dragon, but still very powerful on a human scale. Attributes: I.Q. 6D6, M.E. 5D6, M.A. 5D6, P.S. 3D6, P.P. 4D6, P.E. 4D6, P.B. 7D6 Spd. 5D6 P.P.E.: 1d4 x 10 + 20 M.D.C.: 1d6 x 50 Armour Rating: Skin is a mega-damage substance that is impervious to normal weapons. Magic, Psionics and most mega-damage weapons have full effect.The shimmering skin of a Crystal Dragon is laser resistant, so lasers and any light based attacks do halfdamage. Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 ft, see the invisible, resistant to fire and cold, can bio-regenerate 1d4 x 10 MD every 5 minutes, and is never blinded by light regardless of intensity. Fly: 50mph ( 80 kph ) Wings are laser immune ( no damage from laser attacks ) and can be used to parry such attacks ( +3 to parry ) Aura of Light: The dragon can generate a bright blindly white light around itself. No damage ( unless Vampire or similar, then 4d6 ) but opponents within 40ft are -8 to strike, parry and dodge while the light is in effect and 1d4 melees afterwards. Opponents within 120ft are -4 to strike, parry and dodge while the light is in effect. Super-Nova: as a last resort the dragon can explode in an intense thermonuclear fireball, inflicting 2d4 x 100 MDC on everyone within 200 ft and 1d4 x 100 MDC on the dragon itself. Psionics: Major Psionic, select any 8 powers from healing, physical or sensitive, and 2 super psionic powers except Mind Wipe, PsiSword and Possess Others. I.S.P.: 3d6 x 10 Magic: Full understanding of Magic, but can cast no spells until 3rd level.

CS Anti-Juicer OCC
By: Manuel Haendler Shortly after the Juicer Uprising, Emperor Prosek and the heads of the CS military truly realized the destructive powers which those doomed warriors wield. Their perceptions and assessments of the Juicers changed greatly, and with it, their fears of the chemical warriors intensified a hundredfold. It became clear that Juicers could not be allowed to exist within the underworld anymore. Their presence seemed too great a risk to take. So, the specially trained Anti-Juicers were created to destroy this menace or at least lessen its power. Anti-Juicers are volunteers who are specially trained in the tracking and assassination of Juicers. They are ruthless, loyal, and very effective. The most important thing to remember about the Anti-Juicers is that they are unaugmented humans. They have no MOM implants, no bionic implants, no bio-comp systems, nothing other than their training and perhaps a few minor cybernetic implants. This is for two reasons; first off, Emperor Prosek did not feel comfortable having the "monsters" police their own, for fear that his assassins might turn against him. Secondly, the Juicers have a tendency to greatly underestimate humans, a fatal flaw which these lethal squishies can exploit very well. All Anti-Juicers are extensively trained in terrorist and sniper tactics. It is clearly suicide for them to go against Juicers in hand to hand combat, so they use bombs, long-range rifles, poisons, and other such tools of assassination. If the Juicer catches wind of their presence and tries to attack, the Anti-Juicer will almost always flee (they are instructed to always have an escape plan ready). In fact, Anti-Juicers are encouraged to use remote control bombs, so that they are not at the scene of the deaths and will not be identified or attacked. Juicer bars are a great place to leave such lethal packages. If that tactic can not be used, then the Anti-Juicer is trained to attack when the target is alone or vulnerable, and always from a distance. They typically aim for the head. More than a few Anti-Juicers work undercover, getting jobs at local chop-shops, and then hunting down the customers or arranging for their Juicer conversion to go horribly wrong. The moment they fall under suspicion, they quit the job, kill the cyber-doc who employed them, and torch the clinic. Then, they move onto the next nearby chop-shop. Currently, there are only 250 Anti-Juicers in the ranks of the Coalition. 75 of these live in Chi-Town and the Burbs, 50 are in Lone Star, 50 are in Iron Heart, 50 are in Free Quebec (trapped behind enemy lines), and the remaining 25 wander the smaller towns, tracking down individual Juicers. - 112 -

So far, the Juicer community is oblivious to these assassins. Some have noted that Juicers (especially those who were leaders during the Juicer Uprising) have been dying or disappearing at a phenomenal pace and that Juicer bars and clinics keep getting torched, but nobody has linked these to the Coalition. Those few Juicers who have survived assassination attempts have not guessed the identities of their attackers, and any who have vanish within a week or two. Violence and sudden death are very common for Juicers, so nobody is really paying much attention to the sudden rash of murders. However, the sporting community has been in a state of shock for the past few months, due to the recent deaths of so many of its finest Juicer athletes. The entire El Paso Assassins Juicer Football team was recently wiped out by a gas leak and cigarette spark in their hotel room, and famous gladiators Hans Mulman and Zeke Anthraxis recently died (the former an apparent suicide, the latter a drug overdose), and more than a few minor-league Deadball and Murderthon players have simply vanished. Notes to the GM: These characters would make very good NPC villains, and are an excellent way to spank Juicer PCs. They might make for good player characters in a Coalition-based adventure, having turned against their Coalition masters or helping a CS squad hunt down Juicers and bandits. Attribute Requirements: IQ: 12 or higher, PP: 12 or higher. Bonuses: +2 to strike on an aimed shot, +1 to initiative. O.C.C. Skills: Speak American: 98% Literacy: American (+20%) Three Languages of Choice (+10%) Streetwise (+14%) Streetwise: Drugs (+14%) Prowl (+15%) Demolitions (+15%) Demolitions Disposal (+15%) WP Sniper WP Bolt-Action Rifle WP Energy Pistol Hand-to-Hand: Expert O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 6 skills from the list below. Communications: Any Domestic: None Electrical: Basic only (+5%) Espionage: Any (+20%) Mechanical: None Medical: Forensics and First Aid only Physical: Any (+5% where applicable) Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: None Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Any (-5%) Technical: Any except Art and Faerie Lore WP: Any Wilderness: None Secondary Skills: Select 6 skills from the above list. Remember, secondary skills start at the first level of proficiency, and get none of the bonuses listed in parenthesis. Standard Equipment: Triax Plain-Clothes Armor, 30-06 Rifle with Telescopic, Thermographic Scope and Two Clips of Ramjet Ammo, CP-30 or NG-45LP Laser Pistol (Player's Choice) with 4 extra E-Clips, 2D4 lb. of high explosives and an Assortment of Detonators. Several suits of clothing, Dress Uniform, Distancing Binoculars, Utility Belt, Backpack or Suitcase, Flashlight, Lockpicks, Gas Mask, Portable Telephone, Phone Taps, Laptop Computer. The character's vehicle will be nondescript and easily replaceable. Typically either a hoverbike or an automobile. Money: 1D4 x 1000 credits for personal and living expenses, as well as a salary of 2500 credits every month. The CS will provide special equipment when needed. - 113 -

Cybernetics and Bionics: Anti-Juicers get only minor cybernetics, nothing that they can become dependent upon. It is always their own skills which are their strength, not any cyber-doc's enhancements. All Anti-Juicers start out with a Drug Dispenser (great for faking overdoses), Motion Detector, and Type AB-2 Cyber-Disguise. They may get medical prosthesis later, but anything more is frowned upon. Xp table: Use CS Special Ops experience table.

CS FASSAR-70 Skelebot R.C.C.

Recently, a Coalition squad operating in the Eastern United States cameupon a strange, apparently D-Bee robot. The thing was very powerful, and hadbetter armor or weaponry than any CS droid or borg had ever been given. After a long, hard battle, the squad managed to overwhelm and capture thebizarre robot. It was taken back to Chi-Town, where it was vivisected andstudied. The robotics geniuses working there came to the conclusion that thealien robot had been a self-aware, sentient being, by studying its programming and memory banks! Actually, the robot had been an experiment of ARCHIE 3 and Hagan Lovonovich. They had decided that they wanted to spy upon the inner workingsof the CS, so that they would be aware of and could prepare for any Coalition actions which might affect them. Their robot had a small, almostmicroscopic implant located in the central core, which would transmit whatthe robot saw back to ARCHIE. The Coalition scientists had recently been trying to create a new typeof Skelebot, which would be sentient, but totally loyal to the CS. Theseintelligent robots could lead Skelebot squads into regions believed to betoo dangerous for humans, but where sentient judgement or emotion would be needed. Predictably, the CS tried to make a Skelebot based on the capturedtechnology. So far, a dozen of these new, improved robots have been created.Of these, three are still in basic training, two are being tested at a secret military base, and the others are all leading squads of standardSkelebots on scouting missions around Free Quebec. These FASSAR-70 Skelebots are transmitting everything that they see andhear back to ARCHIE, although they do not realize it. ARCHIE 3 and Haganare generally satisfied with the results. While the spies have not transmitted back any useful information (yet), at least watching the waragainst Quebec is good entertainment. FASSAR-70 Skelebots look pretty much like the normal "new style" Skelebots, but there are a few minor changes. To begin with, the sentientrobots have heavier armor plating, resulting in a slightly bulkier appearance. Also, their heads are a tad more elongated, to store the large programming core. They are capable of wearing modified body armor, but can not wearpower armor. So far, the ones in the field have been instructed to wearDead Boy armor at all times, so that people will think that they are merely humans. It is important to remember that these robots each has an individual personality and mindset. They have to be taught most of their skills (although Basic Math, Languages, and any skill involving science or electronics can be programmed in before the robot's activation.) FASSAR-70 Skelebots have only two major commands in their programming, otherwise, they have totally free will. The prime directive is to remain loyal to the Coalition, not deserting or defecting, and following orders well. The secondary directive (one which the CS is unaware of) is to never, ever fire upon any of ARCHIE's robots. They do not have any programmed opinions on D-Bees or men of magic,but in basic training, these robots are taught that non-humans are evil. However, like regular troops, some Skelebots may learn the truth (none have yet). While these enlightened robots know of the Coalition's evil, they are helpless to desert or disobey orders, due to their programming. Sometimes they have their programming changed by their new friends, or sometimes they manage to rationalize the decision to desert enough so that their programming doesn't act on it (Well, there's an evil dragon a few thousand miles away who could be a danger to the CS, so I'll help these guys defeat it, then return to my post). This is tough, though, requiring an ME everyday. Failure means that the FASSAR-70's mind is subverted by the programming, and it tries to travel back to its headquarters. If the FASSAR-70 manages to desert, no Skelebots under its control will follow it. Their simple minds can not handle any deviations from the original plan, and they will just continue on to their mission, leaderless. Emperor Prosek is of two minds on the FASSAR-70s. On one hand, he isdeeply disturbed by the concept of a sentient robot. But on the other, herealizes that the FASSAR-70s could be used to safeguard valuable humanlife, and that their presence could make Skelebot squads almost totally independant. He may leave the ultimate decision up to his generals, who are passionately arguing the matter among themselves.

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With a Robot Electronics roll at -30%, another person can rewire theprogramming in 1D4 hours. This can erase the existing programming, but cannot write in new programming. Failure means that the FASSAR-70 Skelebot self-destructs, doing 2D4 x 10 MD damage to anything within 10 feet, and killing the Skelebot instantly. Alignments: Any. Many of them are abberant, but the full spectrum ofalignments and personalities is represented. Attributes: PS: 30, PP: 18, PE: NA, PB: NA, IQ: 3D6, MA: 3D6, ME: 3D6,Spd: 23. MDC by Location: Hands (2): 30 each Arms (2): 55 each Vibro-Blades (2): 25 each CV-213 Laser Rifle (1): 30 Legs (2): 85 each Head: 90 Main Body: 195 *Destroying the head or main body will instantly kill the character. Statistical Data: Height: 7.5 feet Width: 3.3 feet Length: 3 feet Weight: 425 lbs. Cargo: None. Most FASSAR-50 Skelebots wear backpacks or utility belts. Power System: Nuclear, average energy life is 10 years. At the end ofthat time, the power pack can be replaced. CS Cost: 30 million to build. This will be cut in half if mass-production ever begins (50-50 chance). The Black Market has not even heard of these top-secret robots yet. Weapons Systems: FASSAR-30: C-200 Dead Man's Rail Gun: This is the same gun used by typical Skelebots, and is standard issue to the sentient robots. Some FASSAR-70s dislike this gun, and use a different weapon instead. Primary Purpose: Assault Secondary Purpose: Defense Weight: Gun: 45 lbs, Short Clip: 10 lbs, Light Ammo Drum: 30 lbs, or Heavy Ammo Drum: 100 lbs. Mega-Damage: A burst of 20 rounds does 4D6 MD, a single round does 1D4. Rate of Fire: Equal to the bot's hand-to-hand attacks per melee round. Maximum Range: 4000 feet. Payload: Short Clip: 20 bursts, Light Drum: 30 bursts, Heavy Drum: 100 bursts. Special Features: Laser targeting provides +1 to strike. Hand-to-Hand Combat: Restrained Punch: 3D6+15 SDC Full Strength Punch: 1D6 MD Power Punch: 2D6 MD, but counts as 2 attacks Kick: 2D4 MD Tackle: 1D6 MD Head Butt: 1D6 MD Vibro-Wing Blade (2): 2D6 MD. Alternatively, the Skelebots may use practically any hand-held weapons,or can even pilot robot vehicles! Bonuses: Impervious to biological attacks, and are +6 to save againstmagic or psionics affecting the mind. +2 to dodge and parry. Sensor Systems of Note: Optics: Full optics program, including visible light, infrared, ultraviolet, polarization, passive nightvision, laser targeting, and telescopic sight. Radar: Can track up to 20 targets simultaneously, with a 2 mile range. Motion Detector: 100 feet. Radio Communication: Long-range radio (40 mile range), with a 70% chance of being able to listen in to enemy communiques and track transmissions. A radio network set up between the Skelebot and its squad allows it to silently communicate with and order around the non-intelligentrobots under its control, and to take orders from headquarters. - 115 -

Speech: FASSAR-50 Skelebots can speak in any language they understand, although their voices sound inhuman and mechanical. O.C.C. Skills: Hand-to-Hand: Expert American: 98% Two Languages of Choice (+25%) WP Sword WP Knife WP Energy Rifle WP (One of Choice) Pilot Automobile (+20%) Pilot Hovercycle (+15%) Pilot Jet Pack (+15%) Pilot of Choice (+10%) Read Sensory Equipment (+20%) Intelligence (+10%) Basic Math (+5%) Land Navigation (+20%) Demon Lore (+10%) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 7 skills from the following list. Communications: Any (+15%) Domestic: None Electrical: Any (+15%) Espionage: Any except Pick Locks (+5%) Mechanical: Robot Mechanics and Weapon Engineer only (+10%) Medical: None Military: Any (+20%) Physical: Prowl only (+5%) Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: None Science: None Technical: Any WP: Any Wilderness: None Secondary Skills: Select 4 skills from the above list. Remember, these skills get no bonuses and start at the 1st level of proficiency. Cybernetics: None, and can never get them. Equipment: C-200 Dead Man's Rail Gun with Ammo Unit of Choice, Energy Pistol with 2 E-Clips, 6 Grenades, Utility Belt or Backpack, Modified Dead Boy Heavy Body Armor. The vehicle will be a CS jet pack. Since the character can run at speeds of up to 90 mph, land travel usually doesn't require a vehicle. Xp table: Uses the Borg experience table.

The Cursed Psychic R.C.C.

By: James Calder The cursed psychic is a person who is frequently forced to sense the supernatural unwillingly. Nightmares, sensings, and haunting visions persistently plague this character. Whether it is clairvoyance, precognition, or telepathy, the character feels that the powers s/he has been granted are more a curse than a blessing. Sometimes the supernatural abilities manifest themselves randomly or when the character is in danger. Either this serves to help the - 116 -

character or helps him go insane. A disadvantage of the cursed psychic is the apparent lack of control over his supernatural abilities. There is one spectacular advantage of this class. Since the character does not have control over the powers, he does not "register" as a psychic. P.P.E. vampires and See Aura will not reveal the cursed psychic as a psychic. Determining P.P.E.: Figuring out the character's potential psychic energy points is quick and simple. The total P.P.E. is 1D8. This is because the cursed psychic does not need the P.P.E. to select psychic abilities. Determining I.S.P.: All psychic powers require the expenditure of psychic inner strength points (I.S.P.). With the case of the cursed psychic, there is no willing expenditure of I.S.P., but there is still the expenditure. The cursed psychic's I.S.P. is 4D6 plus 10 per level of experience beginning with second level. Determining Psychic Abilities: The cursed psychic's abilities are slightly different from other psychics. The character does not choose the abilities. Instead, the character randomly rolls the abilities and then determines how they manifest themselves. Powers Manifests (roll percentile): 01-20 Randomly The powers and abilities appear at seemingly random times. It is left to the GM when and if the abilities manifest themselves. The powers and abilities surface when the character needs them most. Not by choice, just when the subconscious needs them. 21-40 Subconsciously Controlled These experiences may explain some guardian angel phenomenon. The powers and abilities manifest when the character is under strong or severe emotion. For instance, when the character is 41-60 In Times of Duress severely frightened (maybe when the character fails a horror factor check), a cursed telekinetic will suddenly throw a rock at a fiend. The powers and abilities manifest when the character or his 61-80 In Times of Danger compatriots are in danger. For instance, a cursed clairvoyant will sense an oncoming car when his dog steps out onto the road. The powers and abilities manifest when the character is at rest, 81-00 In Times of Relaxation meditation, or sleep. Visions and/or nightmares plague this character constantly. 1. Power: The character now decides with which power the cursed psychic is "afflicted." The player may choose a power that is apropos to how the power manifests itself. For instance, if the power manifests whenever the character is at rest, the player may want an ability that conveys information. The player may select any physical, healing, or sensitive ability. The power itself is a stronger version of the original ability (but at twice the cost). Double duration, range, and any effects. The player may select one psychic ability at levels 1, 4, 7, 10, and 13. 2. I.S.P. Expenditure: Because the character has no choice in the execution of her abilities, I.S.P. is expended a little differently. The character can actually use their abilities into the negatives. If this occurs, after the ability is used, the character drops into unconsciousness and will not awake until the I.S.P. level is brought back past 0. 3. Psychic Invisibility: The cursed psychic does not register as psychic. That means see aura will not reveal the cursed psychic as a psychic and P.P.E. vampires will not deem the character worthy to feed upon. These characters are not psychic beacons. Bonuses and Vulnerabilities: Special: Needs a 13 or higher to save vs. psychic attacks. +2 to save vs. horror factor +1 to save vs. possession The character has a 5% chance of developing a random insanity (usually a phobia or may develop alcoholism or drug addiction) each time the power manifests. Only one insanity will be developed. The character may or may not have control of the effects of his abilities. They could be beneficial or detrimental.

Cyber-Farie RCC
By: Carl Backstrom Here is Doctor Articulus's (Rift's Sourcebook #1) newest creation's. - 117 -

How he talked a band of faries,close to 500, to be transformed into mystical cyborg's is unknown. He was fascinated by using the faries inhertant P.P.E to power their mystical cybernetic implant's. By sacrificing their magic powers and some of their natural powers the faries have been changed into powerful, if small, cyborg's. Even though most these faries enjoy their new powers some have been having second thought's about their transformation and are searching for Doctor Articulus to have him change them back (these are the most common to be found on Rift's Earth). Basically these faries have been changed from happy go lucky pranksters to serious little tank's. M.D.C.: 15x1d6 Note: To completely destroy must be taken to -50 or they will regenerate) Alignment: Any But most are Unprincipled Horror Factor: 10 (by people who know faries and see what these have become) Size: 5 to 9" Weight: 4 pounds P.P.E: 1d6 Age: Unknown (suspected immortal) Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 3d6+6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 2d6 (supernatural), P.P. 4d6+4, P.E. 3d6, P.B. 2d6, SPD. 3d6 Disposition: Are more serious than normal faries, except when they are in the company of normal faries which is when they act extremely foolish. Magic Powers: Regenerates 1d4x10 MDC every thirty minutes. Limb's grow back in an hour Chameleon at will for 1 hour per day Globe of Daylight (equal to level) 4 times a day Sense Magic (automatic) Teleport:Lesser (equal to level) 2 times a day Psionic Powers: None Natural Powers: Flys at 2xSPD Attribute Attacks per Melee: 4 Bonuses: +6 to dodge, +4 vs. all poisons, +4 save vs. psionics, +3 to roll with punch Cybernetics: All of these are magical and will regenerate if destroyed. Sensor hand, Multi-optic Eye, Wrist or Palm Needle with farie sleep serum (same as the farie sleep arrow), Magical Forearm Laser Blaster 2D6 M.D Range 200 ft (609m) 10 blasts recharges at 1 shot every 2 minutes Weapons: Sometimes fairy bow or a specially designed weapon. Skills of note: Same as Vagabond O.C.C. Description: Basically the look like a tiny cyborg with metal lace wing's. Xp table: Same as Vagabond

Cyber-Ranger O.C.C.
80 Years ago the Cyber Knights appeared. 60 Years ago the Cyber-Warriors appeared. A mere 20 Years ago (Circa 83 P.A.) the Cyber-Rangers appeared. A sort of super wilderness scout, the Rangers are the stealth and senses of the Cyber trilogy. They are silent and can make normal wilderness scouts seem as natural as Chi-Town. Training: The Cyber-Rangers have probably the hardest training of any of the three Cybers. Their training begins at age 10, and continues until age 20. They must be taught by a Cyber Ranger of at least 7th level. Word has it that Lord Coake himself encouraged this branch's creation and helped in its separation from the Cyber-Knights. Alignment: Any good or selfish. Attribute Requirements: IQ 9, ME 12, PS 10, PP 6, PE 14, Spd 7 Psionic Powers: Roll a 1d10. On a 1-8 The character has no psionics (With the exception of the choices provided later), only 1d6 ISP, and is considered a Minor Psionic. On a 9-0 (10) the character is a Major Psionic and may chose 5 powers from the following list at level 1 and 2 more at levels 3 and 7: Bio-Regeneration, Deaden Pain, Healing touch, Increased Healing, Alter Aura, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Fire, Impervious to Poison/Toxin, Resist Fatigue, Resist Hunger, Resist Thirst, See the Invisible, Sense Evil, Sense Magic, and Sixth Sense. Powers: Chose 2 from the following 5: - 118 -

1. Psi-Bow: A bow that shoots MD arrows up to 500 feet away. This is like a Psi-Axe/Sword in that it can be used indefinitely and costs no ISP/PPE. It does 1d4 MD at level one, 1d6 at level 3, 2d6 at level 6, 3d6 at level 8, and 5d6 at level 13. Effective range is 500 feet. If character chooses this, he automatically receives WP Targeting. 2. MDC Being: Drop all HP/SDC and the character becomes a MDC being with 3d6+1 MDC. Add 1d4 MDC at levels 5, 8, and 1. All physical skill SDC bonuses are DROPPED. They do not become MDC. 3. Enhanced Senses: Character automatically has nightvision to 200 feet, see the invisible to 500 feet, sense magic, sense evil, sixth sense, see aura, and can hear as well as a dog and smell as well as a Crazy. 4. Super Stealth: The character can, 3 times a day with each time lasting 2 hours, become totally Invisible to ALL methods of detection. This means not even see the invisible will detect him. He cannot be heard (unless he wants to be), and cannot be smelled. He still appears on Radar, and can be felt and has weight. 5. Enhanced Abilities: Add 2D6 to PE, 2d4 to PS, 1d6 to PP, 1d4x10 to SPD, 1d4 to ME and IQ, 1d6 to HP, and 1d4x10 to SDC (These latter two become +2d6 MDC if choice 2 is chosen). Special Bonuses: Add a one time bonus of 2d6 to PE and SPD, 2d4< to ME, 1d6 to PS and PP, 1d4 to IQ. Add 1 attack per melee. Add +3 to parry and Dodge. Add +4d6 to SDC. Saving Throw Bonuses: +2 save vs. poisons, +1 save vs.insanity, +5 save vs. Horror Factor, +1 to save vs. Magic. Cannot be turned into a Vampire. P.P.E.: Permanent 4d4 OCC Skills Language: 3 of choice (95%) Literacy: Chose 1 from the above 3 languages (85%) Cook (+5%) Fishing (+15%) Sewing (+5%) Detect Ambush (+20%) Detect Concealment (+20%) Intelligence (+15%) Tracking (+20%) Wilderness Survival (+40%) First Aid (+10%) Holistic Medicine (+15%) Athletics: General Climbing (+20%) Prowl (+30%) Horsemanship (And riding animals in general) (+15%) Math: Basic (+10%) Lore: Demons and Monsters (+15%) WP 3 ancient of choice WP 1 modern of choice Hunting Identify Plants and Fruits (+30%) Land Navigation (+50%) Track Animals (+20%) HTH: Expert (Can be changed to Martial Arts at the cost of 3 Other Skills) Other Skills: Chose 5 from the following list. Chose 1 more at levels 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, and 15 Communications: Radio: Basic (+5%) Domestic: Any (+5%) Electrical: None Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanical: None Military: Any (+5%) Physical: Any (+10% when applicable) Pilot: Any but Robots and Power Armor & Tanks and APCs Pilot Related: Any Rogue Skills: Any but Hacking (+5%) Science: Biology and Botany (+10%) Technical: Any but the 2 Computers. (+10%) WP: Any - 119 -

Wilderness: Any (+15%) Secondary Skills: chose 4 more from the above list without the bonuses. Gear: One set of light or medium MDC armor. One MD rifle with 3 clips, Vibro Knife, Combat Fatigues and Combat Boots. Blue Jeans and T-Shirt, Backpack, Canteen, 1 Protein Healing Salve. Do not like vehicles and prefer riding animals. Money: 1d4x25 Credits Cybernetics and Biosystems: CANNOT RECEIVE THEM. Some strange force will not let a doctor implant a bio or cybersystem on a Cyber Ranger. The object being placed will not go with in a 1/2 inch of the character. No matter how hard or fast it is being pushed/going. This does not affect other characters cybernetics or biosystems. Only ones that are being put in the Ranger. Code of Honor: Defend the Weak. Protect the Innocent. Help the Needy. Slay Evil. Protect INNOCENT animals (this does not include intelligent species, they fall under the Help Needy clause). Xp table: Use the Dragons table.

By: DaBeechMan Designed For Use As An NPC Villain None of the -Runners likes or even respects the Cyber-Runners, or CR's. To call any other -Runner a CR is an incredible insult, and will likely get the one who said it killed. CR's are ruthless, uncaring souls who seek only to destroy the other types or -Runners and anything that stands in their way. Their powers are gained by way of a techno-wizard cybernetic implant so powerful that even the hyper-phobic Coalition has looked into these. Alignment: The C-Runner will have eight personalities, one of each alignment. To see which one comes out at any one time, roll 1d20. On a 1-19, the diabolic personality will surface, On a 20, roll 1d8 and consult the table Surfacing Personality Table 1=Diabolic 2=Aberrant 3=Miscreant 4=Anarchist 5=Unprincipled 6=Scrupulous 7=Principled 8=Diabolic The number that is rolled corresponds to the personality that surfaces. Note that only the Diabolic and Miscreant personalities can use the CR powers, but each personality is only aware of the other (the Diabolic personality will NOT let the Miscreant personality out because "he's a wuss." The Miscreant personality won't let the Diabolic personality out because "that guy's crazy.") The other personalities, however, are aware of all the other personalities and usually (50% likely for anarchist, automatic for others) will feel guilty for the havoc the evil personalities bring about. NONE of these personalities will let the Diabolic or Miscreant personalities surface if they can help it. Requirements: none Bonuses: +3 to all attributes Psionics: Psi-Sword, Psi-Armor, Bio-Manipulation, all kinds of -kinesis, Hypnotic Suggestion, Telepathy, and Death Trance. I.S.P.: 500 Permanently Magic: None. P.P.E.: 6d6 Skills: As per former OCC, but gains Pilot Robots & PA (what's honor to a CR?) Money: These guys are greedy beyond all human belief. Often, the typical CR (which, I will stress again, is a VILLAIN and should NEVER be used as a player character,) has at least 20 million credits and 100 million in black market items. Gear: Varies from CR to CR, but ALWAYS has: a suit of power armor, various kinds of rune weapons, usually several robots, and a whole lot of other valuable stuff. - 120 -

Allies: Evil personalities: Splugorth and Coalition Other personalities: Anything else (note that Aberrant counts as an "other" personality) Enemies: Evil personalities: Anything that could be considered a friend of the other personalities Other personalities: Splugorth and Coalition Enhancements: Any

Cyber-Warrior O.C.C.
About 80 years ago, the Cyber Knights emerged. What no one knew was, about 60 years ago, an off shoot of the Cyber Knights occurred also. Called the Cyber-Warriors, they are similar to the Cyber-Knights, but more concerned with raw combat. They were also mostly Unprincipled. Their numbers remained few (less he 100) up until 5 years ago. Their numbers have since tripled and are still growing (Only nowhere near as fast). The Cyber Warriors are all good, but a good comparison between the Cyber Warriors and Cyber Knights would be the Knights of Camelot and the Rival Cavaliers. The Warriors are a rowdy bunch who love a good scrap and never back down. But their nowhere near as civilized or intelligent as the Cyber-Knights. Training: Unlike the Cyber-Knights, all the Cyber Warriors have do is train with a high level Cyber Warrior for 2 years. He teaches them all they need to know. This warrior must be of at least 5th level. The PC will always start at first level. Alignments: Any, but only .5% are ever evil. If evil, the character loses the Psi-Axe ability. Attribute Requirement: PS 12, PP 6, PE 11, Spd 6. Psionic Powers Roll a 1d10. On a 1-9, the character has no psionic powers but the Psi-Axe, and has only 1d4 ISP and is considered a Minor Psionic. On a 0 (10), the character gets the Psi-Axe AND chose 1 power from each of the categories (Not including Super). ISP is 1d4x10 +2 per level of experience and the character is considered a Major Psionic. Powers: Psi-Axe: Similar to the Psi-Sword, the Psi Axe is more powerful. It follows the same rules of it looks reflect its user. The starting MD is 2d6. Add 1d6 at levels 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, and 15. Special Bonus: Add a one time bonus of plus 1d6 to PS, PE, and Spd. Add a 1d4 Bonus to PP and ME. Add 2d4x10 to SDC and 1d6 to HP. Add a +1 to roll with punch and a +5 to SD damage from HTH. Add a +1 save vs. Magic and Horror Factor. Heals 2x Normal Human Speed. P.P.E.: 4d6. OCC Skills Language: 2 of choice at 80% Radio: Basic (+10%) Detect Ambush (+15%) Detect Concealment (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+20%) First Aid (+10%) Demolitions (+15%) Demolitions: Disposal (+15%) Body Building and Weight Lifting Boxing Climbing (+15%) Prowl (+15%) Wrestling Pilot: Chose 2 (+10%) WP Axe (I am not sure which book this is in, but if you can't find it, use WP Blunt.) WP 2 ancient of choice WP 2 modern of choice Lore: Demons and Monsters (+10%) Land Navigation (+15%) HTH: Expert (Can be changed to Martial Arts at the cost of one Other Skill.) Other Skills: Chose 4 at level one, and an additional 2 at levels 3, 5, 7, 8, 12, and 14. Communication: None - 121 -

Domestic: Any (+5%) Electrical: Basic Electronics Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Automotive Only (+5%) Military: None Physical: Any (+10% when applicable) Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue Skills: Any but Hacking (+5%) Science: Math: Basic Only (+5%) Technical: Any (+5%) WP: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Chose 5 skills from the above list without bonuses. Gear: One set of MDC armor (usually Heavy), One MD Rifle with 4 clips, A set of Dress Clothing, Gas Mask, tinted sunglasses, 2 quart canteen, 2 Protein Healing Salves, Combat Fatigues and Combat Boots. Has no vehicle to start with. Money: Starts out with 1d4x100 Credits. Cybernetics: Starts with Cyber Armor identical to Cyber-Knights and chose one type of cyber eyes if you want. May get cybernetics later, but after three types (Not including Above eyes and Armor) reduce PPE and ISP by half. Never below 1 and round up. Cannot receive Bionics. Code of Honor: Follows the code of the Cyber Knight. Xp table: Use the Cyber Knight table.

Cyborg Reporter O.C.C.

By: BJ Despite the secrecy surrounding their Cybog modeling, these folks are usually good people. They're helpful, nice, and, while they're first priority is a story, they do do that whole "heroics" thing and help others. They also share the company's open-mindedness to NonHumans, magic, mutations, psionics, and the whole bit. But, the only belief which they all hold and will NEVER betray is their secrecy over their alien cyborg model. Nobody learns anything about it, except trivial stuff like it's origin, the company's reason for secrecy (which is perfectly good and legitimate-no secret agendas), and other such unimportant information. Note that this is a bit of a combat oriented reporter, sort of like a beserk Rogue Scholar on Steroids. Attribute Requirements: IQ 12, ME 7, MA 13, and a willingness to submit oneself to bionic conversion. O.C.C. Bonuses (NOT including Cybernetics): +2 to Initiative, +1d4 to MA O.C.C. Skills: Cryptography (+10%) Radio: Basic (+30%) TV/Video (+20%) 2 Espionage Skills of choice (+10%) First Aid (+5%) 1 Pilot Skill of choice (+15%) 3 Rogue Skills of choice (+20%) Streetwise (+25%) Literacy: 2 of choice (+20%) Language: 3 additional (+30%) Writing (+40%) WP Energy Pistol Hand to Hand: Expert. Can be upgraded to Martial Arts at the cost of one "other" skill. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8, and an additional 2 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, +15. Communications: Any (+20%) - 122 -

Cowboy: None Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Any Medical: Any, except the two MDs Military: None Physical: Any, except Gymnastics and Acrobatics Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+10%) Science: Any Technical: Any (+20%) WP: Any except Heavy and Heavy Energy Wilderness: Land Navigation only Secondary Skills: Select 6, +2 at levels 4,7,10,13 Standard Equipment: Portable recorder/player and headphones, portable language translater, notebook, 3 pens, backpack, set of TX11 "Plain Clothes" body armor of choice, suit of light body armor of choice, energy rifle, 2 energy pistols, and vibro-blade of choice, 2 extra E-Clips for each weapon, and a hover vehicle or ATV of choice. Money: 2d4X1000 in credits Cybernetics: See CB-1 Recorder 'Borg model, and select 3 implants of choice. Experience Table: Use 'Borg Experience Table.

-DDaemonite R.C.C.
The Daemonites are a race of evil alien creatures who came into this world before the time of rifts. There was originally a mistake in sending the Daemonites and Kherubim (their arch enemies) were sent to earth. It was a small number of each race transported. Both integrated into the earth society and prospered. The Kherubim had good intentions, while the Daemonites sought to conquer the earth. They slowly built their numbers and sought out a way to bring their kin to earth in order to conquer it. The Daemonites were not very successful in their quest until the time of rifts. The Daemonites are magical creatures who gained strength and confidence with the rebirth of magic on the earth. With this new found strength and power, the Daemonites set their plan in full gear. They utilized their unique power to gain strong warriors and to discover ways to find their home world. The Daemonites continue to work to find their home world. When and if they do, they will call forth all of their forces to conquer earth and all the connecting realities through the rifts. The Daemonites are not super powered or super strong creatures. It is there amazing ability that sets them apart and their devotion to the cause that motivates the entire race to succeed. The Daemonites can possess and take control of any being. This process is painful and destructive for the victim, while quite rewarding for the Daemonite. The Daemonite gains all the abilities and skills of the victim while retaining its own psyche. The only ways to remove the Daemonite are through exorcism, or by killing the Daemonite and victim. The frightening part about the Daemonite's ability is that they may possess any person that they want. They can possess the regular "Joe" or a Splugorth. Any person that they possess is under their total control. The only limitation is that they may possess only one - 123 -

being at a time. They must also possess intelligent life forms.The Daemonite race as a whole has a sick obsession with the conquering of worlds and the destruction of other races or complete control over them (especially the Kherubim). Throughout the world, Daemonites are driven by their obsession and live with no code; merely to conquer. *Information based on ideas and characters of Jim Lee's "WildC.A.T.s," Image Comics Typical Daemonite All Daemonites fall into the same general class. There appears an unspoken hierarchy of strength and intelligence who step up to lead the mass destruction. Alignment: All of evil alignment, possibly anarchist. Attributes: IQ: 3D6+2, ME: 5D6+2, MA: 3D6, PS: 6D6+2 (supernatural), PP: 4D6+4, PE: 4D6+6, PB: 1D6, Spd: 4D6 MDC: 1D4x100 Horror Factor: 14 P.P.E.: 1D6x10 I.S.P.: 1D4x10 Weight: 250 to 400 lb. Height: 8 to 10 feet Average Level of Experience: 1D4+4 Natural Abilities: Possession- the Daemonite may possess any intelligent creature. By doing so, it gains all the abilities and skills of that creature. The Daemonite knows all magic, psionics, powers, etc. associated with the victim. The Daemonite retains its own psyche and doesn't know the memories of the victim, only his skills etc. The Daemonite can only be removed through exorcism or by killing the victim and Daemonite together (usually the Daemonite will abandon its host before it dies). _ Exorcism of the Daemonite causes 5D6 MDC damage to the creature and temporarily stuns it (loses one attack, no initiative). Night vision- 400 ft. Note: The creature's strength does not come physically, it is in its ability to take over powerful beings and control them. Most often when left out of its host, the Daemonite will run and fight at a later time, with a powerful host. Combat: Five physical attacks, or number of attacks of host body (only if greater). Damage: Claws do 3D6 MD Bite does 2D6 MD 5D6 on power punch Critical strike on a roll of 19, or 20. Bonuses: +4 to dodge and parry, +2 to strike, +4 vs horror factor, +2 vs psionics. Invulnerable to a vampire's bite, or other forms of transformation. Magic: None. Psionics: Bio-Regenerate (self), Mind Block, Alter Aura, Sixth Sense R.C.C. Skills: Basic Math (30%) Radio Basic (+20%) Cook, Disguise (+10%) Tracking (+15%) Intelligence (+10%) Prowl (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+10%) Piloting select one WP's select two Science select one Physical select two Also any skills of the possessed victim. Physical Appearance: A tall pinkish-gray humanoid. It is hunched over and has an elongated head with large sharp teeth. Large hands with big claws on each finger are connected to long strong arms. A small pair of arms is located underneath the first pair. These are extra claws for damaging foes. The two legs are thin and quick. Daemonites are very hideous looking. They are seldom seen in their natural state, for they are usually in possession of someone else's body. Seldom will wears body armor in natural state. Average Life-Span: 3000+ years Insanity: Multiple exorcisms can lead to insanity. Each time it takes< place, after the initial time, roll on the following table. 01-20 Frightened, will run from the chance of being exorcised, when it feels its losing. 21-40 Frightened of psychics, will never possess one and will not ally with one. 41-60 Never will possess someone again, would rather die. - 124 -

61-80 Loves it, will almost invite exorcism upon itself. 81-00 Frightened of Daemonites, will hunt them down to kill them, still evil.

The Dakota
The Dakota was an American Indian nation that was thought to have fallen victim to genocide. In the late 1800's the Dakota were targets for American settlers moving through their northern territories. Being a warrior's nation, the Dakota fought back against the advancing hordes of white men. The battles were fierce with the Dakota refusing to give ground to an enemy that had him outnumbered and attacked with superior firepower. The conflicts and skirmishes lasted for years. Knowing the native ground far better than the Europeans and settlers, the Dakota were able to stave off attack after attack and repel what they considered white man invasions. The Dakota attempted to rally support from surrounding tribes, but were unable to generate allies. The other local tribes had learned to profit from their associations with the white man and were unwilling to believe that the newcomers would take over the entire continent. _ In the early half of the 19th century, the Dakota were feeling the impact of the long fighting. Their numbers had dwindled and their resolve was collapsing. In despair the tribal Shaman turned to the great spirits and asked for advice. In a ceremony that involved two weeks of fasting and peotey induced visions, the Shaman eventually came into contact with the spirits of his ancestors who advised him to collect the tribe and to leave the white-man infested lands. The spirits also granted the Shaman the ability to accomplish this task. The Shaman emerged from the ordeal with his magical prowess increased one-hundred fold. He was able to tap into the life all around him and to use the magic of that life in order to empower his mystic spells. Collecting all of his tribe together over several months, the Shaman learned more about his new powers and taught some of his more accomplished apprentices the ways of this new magic. Finally with every last living member of his tribe present, and an Army regiment bearing down on them, the Shaman conducted the ceremony of the Ghost Dance, in which he transported all of his tribesmen and women into an alternate dimension. The Shaman was unfortunately unable to follow his kin to their new home, but he continued living in the north for several years. Whether or not he actually died is a matter of contention. His magical ability was thought to have been sufficient for him to survive for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years. In their new dimension, the Dakota found that many things were totally familiar to them. The world was virtually the same as the one that they had just left, except that they were the only humans on the planet. The terrain and the wildlife was exactly as they had remembered it, untouched by human hands. Whether this was simply an alternate earth where man-kind had never evolved, or this was a planet that the great spirits created specifically for the Dakota, was a discussion that was never fully answered. This new world was very rich in magic as the wildlife was unprotective of their inherent magic energy in a world ruled by the natural order of life. The young Dakota shamen learned how to tap this energy and use it for the benefit of the tribe. They also learned how to contact spirits outside of the realm of the Dakota with greater ease and efficiency. To their shock however, they were unable to reach the spirits of their ancestors and only the most intensive ceremony could gain the audience of the great spirits. The animal spirits were everywhere though. These spirits assisted and aided the Dakota because the tribe sought to blend in to the natural flow of life, rather than to upset it by gaining dominance over their animal brethren. Every Dakota, upon reaching the age of 'ability' (somewhere between 13 and 18) travels into a lonesome part of the world and begins his/her search for a totem animal. The search is taught to be impassive in that the animal should seek out the Dakota and welcome him/her into the animal's spirit world. Every animal spirit is different but oftentimes the Dakota is required to slay the animal and drink of its blood as it is pumped from the heart. Likewise the Dakota spills his own blood and allows the dying animal to drink of it. In this communion of blood and souls the Dakota and the animal spirit are forever bonded. These communions also indicate which Dakota shall become warriors and which shall become shamen. The shamen are usually not contacted by a spirit but connect themselves to the flow of magic in the world. In this way they allow the currents of magic(ley lines) to guide their path. The warriors gain the ability to transform themselves into extensions of the sponsoring animal spirit, gaining its abilities and skills. The invocation to call the spirit is simple but different for each Dakota, oftentimes requiring as little as touching the bone of the animal worn on a necklace and declaring the spirit's name. The Shamen gain mastery over spell magic and learn how to contact spirit forces. For over a century the Dakota lived in their new world acclimating themselves to it. By so doing the Dakota became minor megadamage creatures. The novelty and the joy of the new world began to wear off after a time however. Lacking the ability to contact their ancestors, some of the Dakota felt that their traditions and history could not be accurately recorded (remember, these are hunter/gatherer people who do not write books or take pictures). This sense of loss prompted some shamen to attempt to find a way to return to earth and regain their heritage. Every attempt failed - 125 -

because of the inability of the shamen to break the dimensional barriers that a magically drained earth created. With the coming of the Rifts however, the shamen suddenly found themselves able to craft spells and conduct ceremonies capable of bridging the gap between worlds. Only a few of the more adventurous Dakota (warriors more often than shamen) traveled to earth in order to find their heritage and perhaps to regain the land that they once lost. It is estimated that there are fewer than 1,000 Dakota on earth with about 10% of those being shamen capable of making the return trip. Dakota society is still very suspicious of the white-man and any other kind of D-Bee or alien. As such they never reveal to an outsider their tribal name as that would give anyone some power of 'bad magic' over the Dakota. When encountering strangers a Dakota will simply refer to himself as Dakota. That makes about 1,000 people named Dakota running around in North America. Also no arrival location will ever be willingly revealed to a stranger as those are sacred places. In Dakota society men are the traditional hunters and warriors but some dynamic women have transcended tradition and assumed positions of great warrior status. The male to female ration in the ranks of the shamen is about 50/50. Both sexes are equally as adept at controlling the forces of magic. Shamen tend to have positions of leadership within any smaller tribal unit even though it is the Warrior Chief who has the actual power. Attributes: Warrior--IQ: 3D6, ME: 3D6, MA: 3D6, PS: 4D6, PE: 5D6, PP: 4D6, PB: 3D6, Spd: 6D6 Shaman--IQ: 4D6, ME: 5D6, MA: 4D6, PS: 3D6, PE: 4D6, PP:3D6, PB: 3D6, Spd: 6D6 Skills: Choose 12 skills from Domestic, Wilderness, Physical (except boxing and acrobatics) and any ancient WP. Special Abilities: Warriors roll on the following table to determine what animal is their totem symbol: 1-5% -Grizzly Bear 6-12% -Deer 13-19% -Weasel 20-26% -Wolverine 27-33% -Eagle 34-40% -Wolf 41-47% -Porcupine 48-54% -Falcon 55-60% -Polar Bear 61-66% -Cougar 67-73% -Rabbit 74-80% -Coyote 81-87% -Bison 88-94% -Ram/Big Horn Sheep 95-100% -Lynx -A warrior's personality can be determined from his sponsoring spirit. He will show characteristics that are often connected with that animal. -Totem transformations require a specific item for the warrior to use. The items are usually different but must always represent their totem animal. The items can be claws or feathers or something actually taken from a totem animal. The warrior also takes on physical characteristics of their totem. Transformations last 1 hour per level and there is a two hour rest time between a full hour of use and the next transformation. -Grizzly: +5D6 PS, +1D6 Spd, +3D6x10 MDC, Claws inflict PS damage +5D6 MD/hand, grows 1D4 feet in height and 1D4x100 lb in weight, bite dows 4D6 MD, +2 strike, +4 save vs. magic, +4 vs horror factor. -Deer (white tail or mule): +3D6 PE, +1D6 PP, +2D6x10 Spd, +1D6x10 MDC, butt w/ horns 4D6, kick 6D6, +2D6x10 lb to weight, +1 strike, +2 initiative, recognize by smell 55% -Weasel (mink, ferret, otter): +1D6 PS, +1D6 ME, +2D6 PP, +1D6 Spd, bite does 2D4 MD, size and weight decreases by 1/2, tunnel 2D6 ft/minute, track by smell 65%, +1 strike, +3 dodge, +1 initiative, +1D4x10 MDC. -Wolverine: +2D4 PS, +2D4 PE, +1D6 Spd, claws do PS damage +3D6/ hand, bite does 3D6, all magic attacks do 1/2 damage and duration, +1 strike, +1 dodge, track by smell 70%, +2D4x10 MDC, +2 save vs horror factor. - 126 -

-Eagle: +1D4 PS, +2D4 ME, +2D4x10 MDC, winged flight - 120 mph, superior vision 1500 ft, claws +2D6 MD, +2 strike, +5 dodge in flight, +2 initiative, weight decreases by 1/2, can carry up to normal weight. -Wolf: +1D6 ME, +1D6 PS, +2D6 PE, +5D6 Spd, +2D4x10 MDC, track by smell 90%, claws +1D6 MD, bite 4D6 MD, nightvision 100 ft, keen hearing, run at spd for 2D4 hours, +2 strike, +2 dodge, +2 vs. horror factor, +1 initiative, prowl at 75%. -Porcupine: +1D4 PS, +2D4 x10 MDC, AR of 16, Physical attacks do half damage even if over the AR, bite 1D8 MD, slash w/ quills 4D6 MD, tunnel at 1D6 ft/min, +1 strike, +2 initiative. -Falcon: +1D6 PS, +1D6 PE, + 1D6x10 MDC, winged flight - 150 mph, superior vision 2500 ft, claws + 1D6 MD, + 2 strike, +7 dodge in flight, +2 initiative, reduce height and weight by 1/2, can carry 1/2 of regular weight. -Polar Bear (Alaskan Brown Bear): +7D6 PS, + 3D8x10 MDC, claws inflict 7D6 MD/hand, grows 2D4 ft in height, + 2D4x100 lb in weight, bite 5D6 MD, + 3 strike, + 4 save vs. horror factor, cold attacks inflict 1/2 damage(even magic). -Cougar (Mountain Lion, Puma): +4D6 PS, +1D4 PP, +1D4x10 Spd, +2D6x10 MDC, claws 5D6 MD, bite 5D6 MD, nightvision 100ft, prowl 85%, +2 strike, + 2 initiative, +3 horror factor, + 2 save vs. magic. -Rabbit: +2D4 PP, + 1D6x10 Spd, + 1D4x10 MDC, kick 2D6 MD, leap 25 ft, chameleon like the spell, super keen hearing, + 3 dodge, + 1 initiative, + 2 attacks/melee. -Coyote: + 2D4 ME, + 1D6 PS, +1D4 PP, + 2D6 PE, + 3D6 Spd, + 1D6x10 MDC, claws + 1D6 MD, bite 4D6 MD, nightvision 60 ft, run at Spd for 2D4 hours, prowl 65%, resist fatigue, eat anything for sustenance, + 1 strike, + 1 dodge, + 1 horror factor. -Bison (Buffalo): + 4D6 PS, + 2D6 PE, + 1D4x10 Spd, +3D6x10 MDC, ran with horns 1D4x10 MD, stomp 4D6 MD, gains 2D4 x100 lbs, + 1D4 ft in height, + 1 strike(+2 at speed), + 2 save vs horror factor. -Ram (Great Horned Sheep): +2D6 PS, +2D4 PE, +1D6 PP, + 2D4 x10 Spd, +1D6x10 MDC, full speed ram 2D4x10 MDC, kick 5D6 MD, +1 strike, + 2 dodge. -Lynx: +2D6 PS, +2D6 PP, +1D4x10 Spd, +2D4x10 MDC, + 1D6 ME, claws 3D6 MD, bite 2D6 MD, nightvision 60 ft, prowl 90%, + 2 strike, +4 save vs. psionics, + 2 save vs. magic, +3 dodge. Shaman: A shaman's powers are exactly like those of a shifter on Rifts Earth except that any connection that a shaman makes to a supernatural being will be to one of the spirits of his ancestors. Don't forget though that not all ancestors are good and benevolent. The six extra spells taken from a connection to a spirit can also be selected from dimensional spells levels 1-8.

Darkchilde R.C.C.
By: Jeremy Puckett With the advent of Dark Day and the increase in mystic energies on Earth, it is inevitable that the fallout of the great, secret war currently being fought would infect innocent victims. As with any terrible war, the victims are almost always the most innocent and vulnerable. And humans are rarely as vulnerable at any point in their lives as in their childhood. This makes this war doubly terrible-not only are the good beings of Earth being murdered left and right, but the next generation is being corrupted by the nature of the murders. Since so many of the battles between Nightbane and Nightlord minion take place in inhabited areas, most often ghettos or slums, it is a given that there will be witnesses. It is just as given that a percentage of these bystanders will be children. Because children are so much more sensitive (both emotionally and psychically) than adults, they are much more prone to mental trauma from witnessing such struggles. Also, because of their high psychic potential, they are more receptive to the energies released by the loser of the struggle. This can be for good or for ill, depending on the loser of the conflict. If the deceased was a warrior of justice, the spiritual energies released will be imbued with his sense of good and right; if evil, the energy will be tainted with the reek of destruction and the screams of his victims, resulting in even worse trauma. Sometimes, this has the reverse effect--that light nearly blinds the child, making it hate good; or the screams scare it so badly that it runs to the light for protection. The beings created from the melding of a supernatural life essence with a child's spirit are known as Darkchilder (the plural of Darkchilde). Sharing human origins with unnatural ones, they are most assuredly not human, but neither are they supernaturals. Scholars (the few that know such things exist) argue about their nature and almost never come to the same conclusion. Theories

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include that the Darkchilder are humans imbued with great powers, supernatural beings attempting a permanent possession, half-breed demons, and any number of other things. Not even the Darkchilder themselves know what they really are. Because of the rarity of supernatural beings and magic before Dark Day, only a tiny percentage of Darkchilder are older than ten or fifteen years old. Those few created before Dark Day seemed to continue aging as normal until puberty, when they simply stopped. Some Darkchilder have survived in this state for hundreds of years. It is unlikely that they are immortal, and more likely that they are instead just extremely long-lived, like Nightbane or Guardians. Much like Nightbane, all Darkchilder have different appearances, some seeming quite normal, while others are monstrously deformed. Unlike Nightbane, their powers also vary greatly from one individual to the next, ranging from simple magic and psionics to super powers and Talents. Darkchilder can be player characters or NPC villains, depending on the needs of your campaign. Alignment: Due to the nature of their creation, Darkchilder tend to have very polarized views on the world. Darkchilder may not be Unprincipled, Anarchist, or Miscreant. Such alignments are too wishy-washy in their views to be acceptable. This may be modified by certain subtables. Attributes: See below. S.D.C.: See below. Hit Points: Standard; PE +1d6 per level. This may be modified by the tables below. Natural Abilities: All Darkchilder have a few common abilities:

Nightvision (50 feet, unless a power makes it farther); impervious to possession and mind control; recognize supernatural beings on sight (50% +5% per level). Roll on the following table (1d100) to determine the source of the Darkchilde's powers.
Rol ource l 1- Superhero/villain: Guess super powers weren't enough to save 'em, huh? Roll on 10 the Super Powers subtable 11- Guardian: The Lightbringer passes into darkness. Roll on the Guardian subtable. 20 21- Vampire: Bloodsuckers' revenge. Roll on the Vampire/Wampyr subtable. 30 31- Nightbane: The race of a thousand shapes. Roll for appearance on the standard 45 Nightbane Morphus tables, but that's what you look like all the time. See below for standard powers. 45- Minion of the Nightlords: Mu-ha-ha-ha-ha! Your essence is fused to a grotesque 60 mockery of Earthly life--have a nice day. Roll on the Nightlord Minion subtable. 61- Wizard: Demons worry when the wizard is near... but apparently not enough. Roll 75 on the Magic Powers subtable. 76- Psychic: Something's coming--I feel it... aaagh! Sixth sense didn't give nearly 90 enough warning. Roll on the Psychic Powers subtable. 91- Geomancy: Nothing died to give you your powers, and that's gotta be good. The 95 surging of the ley lines mutated you in a drasticaly different fashion than the deathtainted Darkchilder. Your powers are somewhat less than theirs, but you may be of any alignment, and you know that your powers aren't from some inhuman beast. 96- And now for something completely different: Some unknown force has merged 00 with the child, producing a Daekchilde that does not know its own limits. Have the GM roll on the Unknown Powers subtable.

Super Powers: These are the powers from Heroes Unlimited and its supplements. If you do not have those books, then it is suggested that you replace this table with one of your own devising. Base SDC for super-powered characters is 30, modified by power bonuses and physical skills. Attributes are standard human, modified by powers. PPE is 1d6.
Roll 1-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-00 Number of Powers One major ability and one minor ability One major and three minor abilities Four minor abilities Five minor abilities Two major abilities

Super powers may be chosen from among the following:

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Minor Powers Major Powers Adhesion Alter Metabolism Alter Physical Body Animal Abilities Bend Light Animal Metamorphosis Energy Expulsion (any) Chameleon Energy Resistance Control Elemental Force (any) Extraordinary Attribute (any) Create Force Field Flight: Wingless or Glide Darkness Control Healing Factor Disruptive Touch Heightened Sense (any) Energy Absorption Impervious to Fire and Heat Gravity Manipulation Multiple Limbs Intangibility Nightstalking Invisibility Super Vision (any) Karmic Power Mimic Shape Change Sonic Flight Sonic Speed Teleport

For every minor super power or twice for every major one, roll once the following mutations table.
Roll 1-30 3135 3640 Mutation No unusual features Large or pointed ears

Odd skin color (if this is rolled more than once, treat it as stripes or patches) 01-10 Yellow 11-20 Green 21-30 Red 31-40 Grey 41-50 Blue 51-60 Albino White 61-70 Purple 71-80 Coal Black 81-90 Orange 91-00 Metallic (any) 41- Odd hair color (treat multiple rolls on this table as streaks) 01-10 Green 50 11-20 Blue 21-30 White streaks 31-40 Bright red 41-50 Solid white 51-60 Purple 61-70 Orange 71-80 Metallic (any) 81-90 Two different colors 91-00 Three different colors 51- Glowing eyes (roll on the hair table for color) 60 61- Scales: The body is covered with green or yellow reptilian scales. Add 25 SDC. 70 71- Claws: The character has claws 2-4 inches long on each finger. 2d4 +PS bonus. 80 81- Horns: These can be small, demonic horns (1d6 from head butt) or curving, ram90 like horns (2d6). Player's choice. 91- Roll on the Nightbane characteristics table, substituting 00 "Animal Form" for 81-90, "Stigmata" for 91-95, and ";Unearthly Beauty" for 9600. Guardian: The Lightbringers are the symbol of good and purity in the world of Nightbane. Characters rolling on this table must be Good or Aberrant in alignment. - 129 -

Base S.D.C.: 2d6x10. Attributes are human, modified as follows: +1d6 MA, +1d4 PS, +1d6 PP, +1d6 PE, +2d6 PB, and +2d4 Spd. PPE is the PE attribute times three. Roll Lightbringer Feature 1-13 Guardian Senses: The character has powers #1 and 2 from the Guardian RCC. 14- Guardian Healing: As per power #3 of the Guardian RCC. 26 27- Light Powers: As per power #4 of the Guardian RCC. 39 40- Null Magic: This differs from the Guardian RCC in that the character cannot negate magic selectively, but is 52 continuously null to magic! This means that the character may not be the target of magic spells, rituals, wards, incantations, etc. Magic weapons inflict only standard weapon damage and supernatural creatures inflict damage as though they had normal strength. Only spells that create a physical effect (like fire ball, call lightning, etc.) can target the character. This has a downside, though: while the character cannot be harmed by magic, he cannot receive beneficial effects either. PPE is only 1d4. 53- Guardian Life Functions: The character can hover and fly, as per power #6 of the Guardian RCC. Also, the 65 character does not breathe, eat, or drink, but requires sunlight to stay healthy, just like a Guardian. Life span is tripled or quadrupled. Strength and endurance are supernatural. 68- Guardian Psionics: The character is a master psionic, with the following powers: Empathy, mind block, 78 presence sense, and see aura. For each new level of experience, add one power from either the sensitive or healing categories. ISP is the ME attribute plus 1d6x10, plus 10 per additional level of experience. PPE is only 1d6. 79- Guardian Attributes: Ignore the first paragraph of this subtable. Roll attributes, SDC, hit points, and PPE as per 91 the Guardian RCC. Bonuses, appearance, and horror factor are identical to that of the Guardians. Strength and endurance are supernatural, but no other powers are possessed. 92- Full Guardian! Use the Guardian RCC for all stats, powers, bonuses, etc. In essence, the character is a 00 Guardian! However, use the Darkchilde RCC for experience table and skills. Vampire/Wampyr Subtable These bloodsucking creatures of the night are among the most romanticized and feared supernatural predators in existence. They are also powerful beyond belief. Those that roll on this table must be Scrupulous, Aberrant, or Diabolic in alignment. Stats are normal human except where otherwise noted below. Roll Vampiric Powers 1-13 Vampire Strength: The character's strength and endurance are supernatural. Raise PS to 3d6+14 and PE to 1d6+16. SDC is increased to 3d4x10, plus physical skill bonuses. Hit points remain normal. Damage is done as per a vampire's attacks. Has the equivalent of Hand to Hand: Expert. 14- Vampire Speed: Vampires are renowned for their grace and unnatural quickness; so is this character. PP is 27 3d6+8 and Spd is 3d6+10. Use the selected hand to hand skill for bonuses only; the character has five attacks per melee, plus one at levels 5, 10, and 15 28- Vampire Toughness: Some of the vampire's incredible healing and invulnerability powers have been developed 41 by the character. Normal weapons and forces have no meaning to the character; while they may pierce his clothes, they will not leave a mark on his skin. Wood and silver weapons inflict full damage, as do magic, psionics, and the attacks of supernatural creatures. Sunlight burns the character, inflicting 3d6 points of damage directly to hit points per melee exposed. Crosses and garlic will repel the character, but neither water no holy water have any effect. A wooden or silver stake (or silver bullet) through the heart (called shot at -6 to hit) will immobilize the character, leaving him vulnerable. Hit points and SDC are recovered at the rate of 1d6 per melee, but the character still enters coma and dies as a regular human. The character must still eat, breathe, and sleep. SDC is 2d4x10 and hit points are normal. 42- Vampiric Charisma: Vampires are reputed to be attractive and charismatic; this character actually is. MA is 55 3d6+12 and PB is 2d6+16. The character also has the psionic power of super-hypnotic suggestion for those pesky people that won't obey their every whim. The character is a minor psionic with ME+2d6 ISP. 56- Vampire Metabolism: This character does not eat, drink, or breathe, but must supplement his diet with blood! 69 Unlike a real vampire, the blood need not be human; animal will suffice, but the creature must be warmblooded and the blood must be fresh. Two pints are required per 36 hours. Sleep is required, but in greatly reduced amounts, only 3 hours out of every 24. Hit points recover at the advanced rate of 2d6 per hour. 70- Metamorphosis and Summoning: The character can become a bat, wolf, or mist, just as a true vampire. 83 Vermin, canines, and fog may be summoned at the usual numbers and duration. The character has 1d4x10 PPE. 84- Vampire Psionics: The character is a major psionic with 2d6x10 ISP. The following powers are possessed, and 95 no more are ever gained: Death trance; alter aura (self); empathy; mind block; hypnotic suggestion; presence sense; sense evil; deaden pain; induce sleep. All powers are used at the character's normal experience level. 96- Wampyr: The essence of the vampire bonded to the character in such a way that he has actually become a 00 wampyr! Roll up stats, bonuses, etc., as per the Wampyr RCC, but use the Darkchilde RCC for experience - 130 -

table and skills. Nightbane Subtable Roll on the Nightbane creation tables to find this character's appearance and abilities. The Morphus os the character's only form, and it cannot be changed. SDC, hit points, PPE, horror factor, and bonuses are identical to the Nightbane RCC. Use the Darkchilde RCC for skills and experience table. Nightlord Minion Uh, oh... This character's spirit has merged with one of the grotesque minions of the despicable Nightlords. The character's human will has managed to eliminate the Nightlords' control from his mind, but the trauma resultant is severe, as is the struggle to stay in charge of his own mind. Roll on the random insanity table at first level, and again at levels 4, 8, 10, 12, and 14. Roll Minion and Powers 1-20 Hound: The most common minion of the Nightlords, Hounds are the foot soldiers of the Nightlands. This character has developed some of the more notable powers of these metal-clad warriors: Immune to illusions and concealment powers; nightvision 2000 feet; tracking (animals and humans; 80%); track supernatural beings (60 feet; 50% +5% per level; supernatural strength and endurance. Bonuses: +2d4 PS; +2d4 PE; +1 attack per melee. Penalties: -1d4 IQ; -1d6 MA; -1d6 PB. Base SDC is 2d4x10; armor rating is 10 against mundane attacks. 21- Ashmedai: The creeping horrors... This character has the shape-shifting powers of the terrible Ashmedai (see 40 the Nightbane RPG, page 166). Base SDC is 15. 41- Necrophim: The character is essentially a material plane version of a Necrophim. Ignore the Astral Form and 60 Materialization powers, but all other abilities and bonuses are as per the Necrophim RCC. Skills and experience table are as the Darkchilde RCC. 61- Great Hound: This character has been fused with the essence of the huge, even more dangerous versions of 80 Hounds called Great Hounds. Roll stats as human, with the following adjustments: -1d6 IQ; -1d4 ME; -2d4 MA; +20 PS; +6 PP; +8 PE; -2d4 PB; +1d4x10 Spd. Strength and endurance are considered supernatural. SDC is equal to 4d6x10 +200, and hit points are doubled; armor rating is 12 against mundane (non-magical) attacks. Regenerates damage at the rate of 1d4x10 per hour; immune to illusion and powers of concealment; nightvision 2000 feet. The downside to this power is the character's great size, standing well over ten feet tall (10' +4d6") and weighing close to half a ton! 81- The Beautiful People...: For good or ill, the character has been bonded to one of the vain, self-serving Beautiful 00 People. Unlike other Darkchilder, this character may be Selfish; in fact, the only alignments possible are Selfish and Evil. Attribute Bonuses: +1d6 MA; +1 PP; +9 PB. Penalties: -1d4 IQ; -1d6 ME. Base SDC is 2d6+10. Wizard Subtable The source of your powers was the demise of a powerful wizard. While you don't rival his skill (yet), you have picked up some of it. Roll on the following table to determine what class you are treated as for the purpose of spells and PPE. You have no true knowledge about the theories and practice of magic, and still advance on the Darkchilde experience table and use its skills. Roll Magic Class 1-20 Sorcerer: Not an apprentice, but the full-blown thing! 21-40 Shadow Warlock: Ad noctum. 41-60 Fleshsculptor: By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. 61-80 Mirrormage: The Mirrowall separates here from there... wherever "there" is. 81-00 Astral Mage: When bad places happen to good people--on the next Geraldo. Psychic Subtable A psychic backwash flooded the child's mind at the moment of death, triggering the activation of the child's own powers. The trauma almost destroyed the child's mind, but imbued him with vast mental prowess. All characters rolling on this table gain +1d4 to both ME and PE, but must roll twice on the random insanity table. 01-10 Psychic: As per the class in the Nightbane RPG. Ho, hum. 11-20 Astral Lord: We're the princes of the universe... 21-30 Dream Maker: Get them a lava lamp and these guys would be all set. 31-40 Dream Dancer: Let's just hope that it isn't "Dirty Dancing." That movie sucked. 41-50 Mind Master: Master of the mind, or mastered by the mind? 51-60 'Kinetic: Heh, heh. We like to break stuff. Breakin' the law! Breakin' the law! 61-70 Natural/Genius: "You run at the football, and I promise that I'll hold it still until you kick it." 71-80 Psi-Mechanic: They may be crutches, but they're pretty useful crutches. 81-90 Mystic: Is that magic I see on the psychic table? Oh, bite me, it's fun! 91-00 Latent Psychic: Your powers still haven't fully developed. Too bad! Use the Latent Psychic PCC from Beyond the Supernatural. - 131 -

Geomancy While geomantic Darkchilder are slightly less powerful than the others, they are much more in control of their own lives and destiny. They may be of any alignment, gain more skills (more time for mundane learning), and never have to worry about another life essence merging with their own. Attributes are rolled as a normal human (3d6 for all), but strength and endurance are supernatural. Base SDC is 30. The character can sense ley lines within ten miles, nexuses within twenty, and open dimensional portals (not counting breaches in the Mirrorwall) within fifty! By standing on a ley line, the character's healing rate is doubled; at a ley line nexus, it is tripled. Also while on a ley line, SDC is +30 and PS is +5. The character has a small selection of spells. He may select two spells from each level 1-3 (six spells total), gaining one new spell at each additional level from a spell level equal to or less than his own. PPE is 2d4x10 plus the PE attribute. Extra PPE may be drawn from ley lines as per the Sorcerer OCC. If truly desparate, the geomancer may convert his own body into PPE, with every hit point "burned becoming two PPE points. Bonuses: +3 vs. magic; +4 vs. horror factor Unknown Source This table is for the GM's eyes only! Players, do not read this section, or you may find that some of the fun has gone out of your character. The whole point of running a Darkchilde with an unknown power source is the mystery and paranoia behind it. Who am I? Where do my powers come from? Am I being used somehow? All these are good questions for the "unknown" Darkchilde to ask about himself. Roll on the following table, but only tell the player his obvious stuff (attributes, SDC, hit points, etc.). Do not tell him his special abilities--activate them for him without telling him you are doing so, and let him try to guess the nature of his powers. Every time he goes up a level, tell him the true nature of one of his powers. (ie: Tell him the game stats for it. Instead of "a blue energy field protects you from your opponent's strike," let him know that he's been unconsciously casting Armor of Ithan and give him control over that spell.) Roll The Truth Is Out There 1-10 Spirit of Nature: The character's powers come from the rape of the natural world and the death of one of its spirits. Attributes are normal human; base SDC is 15. For no cost, the character may telepathically communicate with animals, often doing so unconsciously ("The squirrel's talking to me! I swear!"), and can also speak to plants. Try to remember though that most plants know nothing about what goes on beyond their general vicinity (except grapevines) and that most animals aren't terribly intelligent. The character also has magic spells relating to the natural world. These spells are used unknowingly, but still require PPE; the character has 2d4x10 PPE. The following spells are possessed, and no more can be learned: Globe of daylight; thunderclap; climb; extinguish fire; fingers of wind; fuel flame; ignite fire; negate poisons/toxins; night vision; repel animals; swim as a fish; call lightning. 11- Deific Power: The powers the character believes that he got from a killed being are actually from the god or 20 supernatural intelligence that was the being's master. It has decided not to reclaim the power yet for some obscure reason of its own (GM's call). Roll on another table for the actual powers, but keep in mind that the deity may be able to impose its will upon the character for tasks (often without the character even knowing he's being manipulated). Roll on any subtable except Nightbane, Guardian, Vampire/Wampyr, or Nightlord Minion. PS and PE become supernatural and base SDC is doubled. 21- Ancient Master: The spirit of a powerful martial artist has bonded with the character, giving him all the abilities 30 and skills of either the Ancient Master (Heroes Unlimited) or the Dedicated Martial Artist (Ninjas and Superspies). Experience point table is the same as any other Darkchilde. This character is fast, strong, and adept at a specific martial art, but ignorant of the teachings behind it--he may not even know how he does what he does (think Jackie Chan if he had partial amnesia). 31- And Now For Something Completely Different...: The character gained his powers from the death of 40 something not of this Earth. Virtually any class with "unnatural" powers from any of Palladium's games can be used. Options include the Earth and Star Children (from Rifts England), Mind Bleeder (Rifts Africa), Stone Master, Undead Slayer (both from Rifts Atlantis), or Pneuma-Biform (Rifts Underseas). The character gains all of their innate powers and uses their attributes and bonuses. Not gained are bestowed or granted powers, like the Atlantean tattoos or Pneuma-Biform Whale Singer spells. Skills and experience are used as per the Darkchilde RCC. 41- Double, Double, Toil and Trouble: The character has gained the powers of a Witch, without the side effects of 50 being linked to a supernatural intelligence! Look up the Witch OCC in Rifts Conversion Book (One) and design a character using one of the three "gifts," and then eliminate the necessity for a pact. The character also does not have a "devil's mark." Besides the powers, the character conforms in all respects to the Darkchilde RCC. The supernatural being that created these powers in the first place (presumably for another being) knows about the character and is really pissed. While it won't send hunters after him at all times or in large numbers (intelligences have a lot to do), it can be assumed that at any given time, there is at least one such hunter on Earth looking for the character. Hunters can be any of the usual minions of supernatural intelligences (goqua, sowki, dybbuk, etc.), there can also be specific minions, depending on the intelligence's species (ie: send - 132 -





Kittani and Kydians for a Splugorth, vampires for a vampire intelligence, or even Chaos Priests of the Old Ones if you aren't feeling particularly generous). Bestiality: Whatever it was, it had an animalistic side that has become all too obvious in the character. Roll on the Nightbane Animal Characteristics table for the animal and how it has fused with the character. Roll attributes as a normal human, modified by the animal's abilities. Strength and endurance are supernatural. 61-70 Item of Power: Nothing has actually bonded to the character except for an item of great power that believes it has found its new owner. Use the Sword Bearer OCC or the Enchanted Weapon/Item power category from Heroes Unlimited to design the item and its powers. The character has normal human attributes, 10 SDC, and 3d6 PPE, modified by the powers from the item. Lightning Never Strikes Twice: This character is different from other Darkchilder in that he did not gain his powers through any death but his own. Some major injury killed the character, but he came back, possibly after seeing a "tunnel of light." However, he came back changed. Give the character psionic, magic, or super abilities based on the force that killed him. (ie: struck by lightning, gains electrokinesis or energy expulsion: electricity; drowned in a flood, gains hydrokinesis, control elemental force: water, or water warlock abilities; etc.). Normal human attributes, modified by the power(s) gained. Base SDC is 5d6 and base PPE is 2d6. If the powers gained are psionic, the character is a major psionic with 1d4x10 ISP. If they are magical, increase PPE to 1d4x10. Childe of the Dark: When a Nightlord's minion died near the character, it opened a direct link to the entity known as "the Dark." While it empowered the character, it has also taken a terrible toll on his mind; roll once on the random insanity table at first level and again at levels 4, 8, 10, 12, and 14. Characters so empowered are likely to be Aberrant or Diabolic, but any allowed to the Darkchilde RCC are allowed to this character. Bonuses: The character's attrbutes are supernatural; raise PS, PP, and PE by 1d6. Base SDC is 2d4x10 and starting hit points are doubled (but new ones are gained at the standard rate). Nonmagical weapons inflict only half damage. The character has 1d4x10 PPE and all spells of levels 1-3; no more are ever gained. Finally, the character is able to Mirror Walk with little difficulty; there is no PPE cost, but a full two melees of concentration, plus two for any other person brought along, are required to use the Mirror Walk. Penalties: Reduce MA and PB by 1d4. Psionics, the attacks of supernatural beins, explosions, and laser/energy weapons inflict full damage. Magic and magic weapons do double damage to the character! This can be really bad if he comes into contact with a Dark Destroyer. Minions of the Nightlords (Hounds, Hunters, etc., but not Ashmedai or Namtar) can sense the character at a distance of 100 feet; this sensing is very precise, like a blip on a radar screen. They will detect him as an extension of the Dark, and will either report his presence to their commander or approach him to determine the cause for his presence. They will not automatically attack him like they would any other creature, but will attack in self-defense, if ordered to do so, or if the character is obviously an enemy of the Nightlords (has Nightbane and vampire companions, leads a platoon of Guardians, etc.). The Hell If I Know: The character really has been bonded to something demonic, gaining its appearance, physical attributes, SDC, and natural abilities. Mental attributes remain human and can be any alignment. The character may be bonded to any of the lesser demon types presented in Nightbane World Book Two: Nightlands, but not a Demon Lord. This can cause confusion on the part of other characters, enemies, and even real demons.

R.C.C. Skills: Language/Literacy: Native (98%) Basic Math (98%) Computer Operation (+10%) One Domestic skill of choice (+15%) One electrical, Mechanical, Science, or Technical skill of choice (10%) WP: one of choice Hand to Hand: Basic Hand to Hand: Basic may be changed to Expert for two "other" skills or Martial Arts (or Assassin of evil) for four. RCC Related Skills: Select ten other skills. Gain two additional skills at levels two and five, and one more at levels eight, twelve, and fourteen. Communications: Radio: Basic only Domestic: Any (+10%) Electrical: Any Espionage: None Mechanical: Any (+5%) Medical: First Aid only (+5%) Military: None Physical: Any Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Navigation and Read Sensory Equipment only Rogue: Any - 133 -

Science: Any Technical: Any WP: Any "civilian" weapon Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: Choose six secondary skills from the above list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not receive the bonuses in parentheses. Equipment: The character is allowed to have 2d4x100 dollars in equipment, plus whatever personal items the GM allows. Money: 1d4x100 dollars in cash and 1d4x1000 in a bank account/trust fund XP Table: Use the Hound Master experience table

Dark Dragon - The Mist Dragon R.C.C.

By: Robert J. Trotter The Mist Dragons are a part of a kind of dragon known as the Dark Dragon's. They like the other Dark Dragon's draw their powers from the force known as the Dark. They are the oldest of the four Dark Dragons having made their connection with the Dark millions of years in the past. How they or the other Dark Dragons draw their power from the Dark is not known, but what is known is the Elder Dark Dragons, any of the Dark Dragons who live for over 10,000 years of age, are greater in power then the Night Lords them selves! There are only 10 Elder Dark Dragons known in all the Megaverse at this time. The Mist Dragons were at one time a powerful race who ruled over dozens of worlds and numbered in the hundreds of thousands. But like all great and powerful races they to would fall. On the Palladium world long ago in it's past known as the Age of Chaos the Mist Dragon's tried to invade that world and destroy all other dragon's on the planet and clam the world as their own. They appeared in the hundreds of thousands and would have one if it were not for a group of dragon's known as the Elemental Dragon's who fought the Mist Dragons in a thousand year war known as the Fang and Claws war that end in the near destruction of both powers. The Mist Dragons envious of others of power and will plan their destruction with great delight. Often playing with their enemies before they destroy them. They also love treasure and can be "bought" with large sums of gems, in the millions, and will let their targets live for a short time. Alignment: Any selfish or evil. Attributes (adult): I.Q. 2d6 + 10, M.A. 2d6 + 10, M.E. 2d6 + 10, P.S. 2d6 + 18, P.P. 2d6 + 10, P.E. 2d6 + 10, P.B. 4d6, Spd 1d6 x 10 + 10 running. Attributes (hatchling): I.Q. 2d6 + 5, M.A. 2d6 + 5, M.E. 2d6 + 5, P.S. 2d6 + 10, P.P. 2d6 + 5, P.E. 2d6 + 5, P.B. 3d6, Spd 1d4 x 10. Size: 20 feet long (6 to 8 m). Natural A.R.: Adult 14 and hatchling 10. M.D.C. (in MDC-worlds): 1d4 x 1000 Adult and 1d4 x 100 hatchling. S.D.C. and hit points (in S.D.C.-worlds): Adult: 3d6 x 100 S.D.C. and 4d6 x 100 + P.E. hit points, hatchling: 3d6 x 10 plus 2d6 S.D.C. per level of experience and 1d4 x 100 hit points. P.P.E.: Adult: 1d4 x 100 plus P.E., hatchling: 2d4 x 10 plus 10 per level of experience. Horror Factor: Adult: 15, hatchling; 10. R.C.C. Skills: Lore - Demons and monsters and mystically speak all languages at 98%. They also have 10 - 20 other skills in any other area with just I.Q. bonus. The Hatchling gets Lore - Demons and monsters and mystically speak all languages at 96% and 5-10 skills in any other area with just the I.Q. bonus. Natural Abilities: Nightvison 100 feet (30.5 m; even in total darkness), see the invisible, turn invisible at will (unlimited duration), bio-regeneration 1d4x10 SDC/HP (MDC in MDC-worlds), impervious to poisons, toxins, and disease (does no damage, not even magical or psionics), metamorphosis at will (duration: 4 hours per level and 2 hours per level for the hatchling), teleport 66% at will, dimensional teleport 24% plus 4% per additional level, astral travel 98%, and all other dimensional powers, magic spells and knowledge common to most "true" dragons. Spit Poison Mist: Range: 100 feet and 50 feet radius with a damage of 1d6 times 10 plus 10 points of damage to anyone who breaths in the poison mist. - 134 -

Create Astral Domain: This power is the same as the Astral Lords. Most Mist Dragon's have large Astral Domains that they share only with their mate. Any others are destroyed on sight! Vulnerabilities and Weakness: None! Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): Adult: +4 on initiative, +3 to strike, +3 to parry & dodge, + 4 pull punch, +4 to roll with impact, +6 to save vs HF, and +4 on all other saving throws. Hatchling: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +2 pull punch and roll with impact, +4 to save vs HF, and +2 on all other saving throws. Attacks per melee: Adult: 7 physical attacks per melee! Or 4 by breath weapon and 3 physical, or 2 by magical spells. Hatchlings: 4 physical per melee. Or 2 physical and 2 breath, or 2 by magical spells only. Damage: Varies by supernatural strength. Magic (Adults and hatchlings of 100 years or older): 1d6 + 6 level Astral Mages with all spells level 1-10 plus 1 spell from each level from 11 to 15. Magic Knowledge of Pearl Dragon hatchlings: Starts with no spells but has full understanding of magic and advance at the same rate as a Astral Mage at later levels starting with 2nd level. Psionics: Adult: ALL sensitive and physical psionic powers! ISP 2d6x10+30. Hatchlings: The player (or GM) can select a total of six powers from the sensitive and physical areas plus chose 2 more at levels 3, 7, & 12. ISP 1d6x10 + ME attribute number. Habitat: The Mist Dragon can be found only in the astral plane. Average Life Span: 6000 years but the oldest are over 30,000 years old. Enemies: Pearl Dragon's and the other Elemental Dragons plus any beings of good alignment. Allies: The other Dark Dragon's - the Nether Dragons, Nightmare Dragons, and the Necro-Dragons. Description: They are small for a dragon, and have fine mirror like scales and they look like they are covered with chrome. They also have a short mane of white hair that float in the air around them.

Dark Dragon - The Nether Dragon.

By: Robert J. Trotter The Nether Dragon is an ancient species of Dark Dragon that clams a large dominion in the Night Lands on the east coast on the land mass in what would be North America on Earth. But like all other dragon's their influence far exceeded their numbers for no Nether Dragon bows to the Ba'al but they support the Ba'al from the background. Most dragon's have an area of control of about a 20 mile radius and will fight to the death with any other dragon invading their area of control. Nether Dragon's are free agents in the Night Lands hierarchy and are to come and go as they please so line as they do not disrupt the Ba'al's control over the Night Lands. They are powerful supernatural being who are psychic vampires that feed off the death-energies of other living beings (which double at the moment of death). Many Nether Dragons enjoy hunting Nightbane and they do form the main "past time" of the dragon's when they find them in their area of control all dragon's stop all other activities go after the Nightbane. The monsters can survive for a few (1d4) weeks with out any "food" and my survive indefinitely on ley lines and the like. Some of the dragons have moved to Rifts Earth in small numbers, mostly hatchlings, in and around the New York area but they can be found in other areas as well but are very small in number (about 1 in 2000 miles at the present). They have no knowledge of technology and can at first be taken by surprise by this new "magic" but they with learn quickly to use it them selves but with rely on their own powers. The most elder of the Nether Dargon's are equil to the Night Lords in power and draw their power from the Dark it's self. Only they have the power to create a powerful minon know as a Lightbane. They are created from two or three nightbane fused to gether with a powerful spell of legend known as the Create Lightbane spell. - 135 -

Alignment: Diabolic (Evil) Only! Attributes (adult): I.Q. 2d6 + 10, M.A. 2d6 + 10, M.E. 2d6 + 10, P.S. 2d6 + 30, P.P. 2d6 + 10, P.E. 2d6 + 10, P.B. 2d6 + 10, Spd 1d6 x 10 running, Flying 2d4x10 + 100 Attributes (hatchling): I.Q. 4d6, M.A. 4d6, M.E. 4d6, P.S. 5d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 4d6, Spd 4d6 running and 2d4 x 10 flying. Size: 20 to 30 feet tall (6 to 8 m) and up to 70 feet long (21.3 m), wing span of 120 feet (36.6 m). Natural A.R.: Adult 14 and hatchling 10. M.D.C.(in MDC-worlds): 1d6 x 1000 + 1000 Adult and 1d4 x 100 hatchling. S.D.C. and hit points(in S.D.C.-worlds): Adult: 4d6 x 100 S.D.C. and 1d4x1000 + 1000 hit points, hatchling: 4d6 x 10 plus 3d6 S.D.C. per level of experience and 1d4 x 100 hit points. P.P.E.: Adult: 2d4 x 100, hatchling: 2d4 x 10 per level of experience. Horror Factor: Adult: 18, hatchling: 14. R.C.C. Skills: Occult lore (or demon and monster lore in Rifts-Earth) and speak all languages at 98%. They also have 10 - 20 other skills in any other area (but at the moment no technology but this will change as they get in more contact with Earth (both Rifts and Nightbane)) with just I.Q. bonus. Natural Abilities: Nightvison 200 ft (61 m; even in total darkness), excellent colour vision, see the invisible, turn invisible at will (unlimited duration), bio-regeneration 1d4x10 SDC/HP (MDC in MDC-worlds), impervious to fire and cold (does no damage, not even magical or psionics), metamorphosis at will (unlimited duration), teleport 88% at will, dimensional teleport 32% plus 4% per additional level, and all other dimensional powers, magic spells and knowledge common to most "true" dragons. Hell Fire Breath (Special): Range: 200 ft. (61 m), 15 ft. wide (approx. 4m), inflicts 1d6x10 damage. Blue fire that does damage even to beings immune to fire! Vulnerablities and Weakness: Takes double damage from magic but not magic fire or magic ice/cold. Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): Adult: +3 on initiative, +4 to strike, +3 to parry, dodge, and pull punch, +3 to roll with impact, +7 to save vs HF, and +3 on all other saving throws. Hatchling: +1 on initiative, +2 to strike, +1 to parry and dodge, +2 pull punch and roll with impact, +3 to save vs HF, and +1 on all other saving throws. Attacks per melee: Adult: 9 physical attacks per melee! Or 4 by breath weapon and 5 physical, or 2 by magical spells. Hatchlings: 5 physical per melee. Or 3 physical and 2 breath, or 2 by magical spells. Damage: Varies by supernatural strength. Magic (Adults and hatchlings of 100 years or older): 1d4 + 6 level sorcerer with all spell magic (no rituals) of 1 to 10 level plus 1d6 plus 1 higher level spells. Magic Knowledge of Nether Dragon hatchlings: Starts with no spells but has full understanding of magic and advance at the same rate as a sorcerer at later levels. Psionics: Adult: ALL sensitive and physical psionic powers! ISP: 2d6x10+20 + ME attribute number. Hatchlings: The player (or GM) can select a total of six powers from the sensitive and physical areas. ISP 1d6x10 + ME attribute number. Habitat: They can be found in the Night Lands along the east coast on the land mass the area that would be north america, but can be found anywhere. Average Life Span: 6000 years but the oldest are over 30,000 years old, but they are very rear and powerful (drawing power from the Dark and are more powerful then the Night Lords!). Enemies: All good beings and other dragons (other then mates). Allies: Their mate and the Ba'al and their minions. Also the other Dark Dragons. Discription: A dark grey dragon with a spiny row of horns that run down the dragon's back. Nether Dragon 1997 by Robert J. Trotter. I give permission to copy and transmit by electronic or other means provided nothing in this document is changed except format and that no money changes hands.

Dark Elf R.C.C.

By: Gil Jyhaud Dark Elves Discovery Eons and Eons ago before the fall of the Old Ones, the animosity was beginning to be felt. As a precautionary measure the old ones create a race of Half Elves. They were a Hybrid of the first elfs and of Dragons, they appeared to be normal elves. They became the Avatars and Knights of the Old Ones. They were the Purest of all the races. They knew they had power, but they couldn't harness it because of there masters -- The Old Ones. As the Animosity and Tensions grew, so did the daringness of the Dark Elves. Then without warning the Dark Elves turned there backs on the Old Ones. They did this Hours before there slumber, it is rumored that the Dark Elves may have been there true Killers. They will never talk about that time. The years that followed proved to be the Golden Age for the Dark Elves. They Built Mighty Empires and became a major force, but - 136 -

there numbers were small, only perhaps 100,000. Then came The Great Awaking when their Evil Finally Began To Leave Them. This only Happened to Three-Quarters though, they called them selfs' the "Dea Simil'rians" which is Translated to "High Elves". This started a great war Between the Mor'drow Simil'rians and The Dea Simil'rians. This almost destroyed both races. The Mor'drow's have learned to accept the Dwarven nations due to a certain trait they share with a majority of them, Elven Hatred. Now The Mor'drow number may be as high as 15,000. But no matter how many there are they are Evil. Ala'raz Azure Tek'laus Scribe of the Arcannus Notes Taken By Ala'raz about 10 years ago in a dimension that was up For Arcannus takeover. Day 25 of Observation I write from a Dimension we will call De'Alps it is a fairly advanced dimension. They are composed of 7 Kingdoms all Under there own Kings, but they answer to a head of Dimension, they call him De'alps Lucard Di' Dead' Dor. He is a powerful Priest and Mage of an Unknown Religious order, it appears to be an off shoot of the Dragonwrite religion. Day 35 of Observation I write now from a hidden Elven alcove in a forest just 25 miles north of Lucard's Palace. I was hunted down the last 7 days. Some how or another Lord Lucard has a copy of my first Note. My Inquiries to the Arcannus Circle still say the take over is still going to happen. Day 48 of Observation Battle!!!! The Invasion has started i now fear for my life knowing that within the first day of battle the death count ratio is 10:1 favoring Lucard. This appears to be the first down fall of the Arcannus. Day 50 of Observation After a Discussion with some of the rebels on our side i have come to the conclusion that the Arcannus Must leave, I fear Lord Lucard and his Noble men are Dark Elves. My guide Treador Kaldean was once a slave for Lucard he explains, "After some years i notices a change in my master his evil ways have begun to show, an aura of Darkness fills his Black Marble Palace." Dark Elves Alignment: 95% are evil, But any are acceptable Attributes: I.Q. 4D6, M.E. 4D6+3, M.A. 3D6+3, P.S. 5D6, P.P. 4D6, P.E. 5D6, P.B. 4D6, SPD 4D6+2, All Attributes are Supernatural M.D.C.: 3d6x10 + P.P.E., + Every level add 1d6x10 and any P.P.E. bonus. Plus any gained from Magic or Skills. P.P.E. Base: 4D6x10 + 1D4x10 per level, or if a Dark Elven Wizard 2D6x100 + 1D6x10. I.S.P. Base: 2dD4x10 + 2D6 per Level Horror Factor: 12 radiate evil Natural Abilities: See in absolute dark, See the Invisible, Ta-Itaik -- i highly focuses outburst of P.P.E. similar to a Chi blast does damage equal to P.P.E. expenditure x 10 (P.P.E. X 10) range is limited to 200 ft, they can also defend at the same rate but they must declare amount before damage is taken., Change form to regular elves, just a color change, may not use powers in this form, absolute no detection of trueness in this form, Shadowmeld, They may also heal using P.P.E. at P.P.E. x 5. Bonuses: +4 vs magic, +3 vs Elven Magic, Immune to Illusions, +6 vs Horror Factor O.C.C.: Any magic, Tattoos, no Rift Military OCC, any Psionic Special Skills: Language: Mordrow 98% Select two other languages and Literacies at 98% Lore:Demon +20% W.P. Throwing Claw (use the Knife Table) Equipment: Mesh Armour similar to the netting that the Predators wear, magically adds 200 MDC to body, Cloak of Drudane 100MDC, Talisman of Moriquendi (shows clan), TK Flame Pistol 1D4 x 10 2000ft rang take 20 to recharge, Any type of Sword usually a Katanna or Flamberge 1D6 x 10 Money: About 1D4 x 100,000 in Gold and another 3D6 x 10,000 in Gems

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The Dark Ones R.C.C.

By: Malcolm Edwards This is the first race for Caldera, the rulers of most of the planet's cities. The Dark Ones have been the rulers of most of the cities of Caldera for as long as recorded history. Their race seems to take naturally to controlling other species and using them to their own ends, however they seem to lack the conquering spirit to form a galactic empire such as the Slugorth or Kreegor have. The Dark Ones are left with only one world, due to this and their lack of space travel technology. The race evolved on Caldera, and has been the dominant race for as long as recorded history, long before space travel ever touched the planet. The Dark Ones are used to using lesser races to do their bidding, they consider themselves natural leaders and will never willingly give up control of anything (even to another Dark One). Physically they appear as a patch of darkness, this is all anyone has ever seen of them. They usually wear a simple robe (without arms) as a garment, with elaborate decorations depending upon their station. This apparent lack of physical manifestation does not appear to hamper them in the least, they use telekinesis to manipulate objects and have excellent senses. 90% of the intergalactic trade on Caldera comes from metals taken from the system, and items manufactured from the metals. The Dark Ones have completely monopolised this trade by the simple expedient of making it illegal for anyone other than a Dark One to own a mining company, and illegal for anyone other than a mining company to collect or sell ores or metals. Thus the Dark Ones in general have a huge income, although some are wealthier than others. The pastimes of the Dark Ones are generally intellectual, they seem to love hatching plots to gain themselves more power, which makes their politics continually unstable. However, they never used physical violence upon one another to this end, and even the lowest Dark One has a ruling position within a city. Struggles between the Dark Ones usually take the form of political maneuverings, espoinage, sabotage and sometimes assasination of minions. The Dark Ones are also very adept scholars in general, and it is not unusual for them to learn 4 or 5 languages, and learn much about science and technology. They also love vehicles, the most prominent on Caldera being the anti-gravity skimmer. Dark Ones also keep slaves, although usually they treat them well (as long as the slaves please them), so that their conditions are actually very similar to hirelings. Gender between Dark Ones is very easy to distinguish, females are on average about a foot taller than males and they usually wear very heavily decorated robes. There are very few females (about 10% of the population) and most of them are powerful magic users. They appear to mate for life, although they do not have the same concept of "marriage". Mates appear to form some kind of mind bond, and can communicate empathically at any time. Mated males appear to have some kind of dominance over other males, it is very difficult for an unmated male Dark One to acheive a high office. Thus female Dark Ones are sought after, courting often involves masses of presents being heaped upon the family of the prospective bride, as well as visits in which the suitor attempts to prove his worth and power. Female Dark Ones thus have a lot of power even though they never hold public office, some will remain unwed for up to 50 years, taking part in politics and advancing their family without holding office themselves. As for sex, the method of reproduction of the species is unknown, new Dark Ones are produced by a couple at most once every 20 years, it seems the young ones are never seen by anyone until they are at least 10 years old, the females appear to take care of and educate them. Their start in life is provided by their family, they will start working in the families business and political affairs immediately, but may not move out of their parents home(s) for many years. The race is divided into "Scientists", "Psychics" and "Mages", although these do not determine their station or prestige in any way. Dark Ones of the highest offices tend to be Scientists or Psychics, as Mages spend a lot of time studying magic. Scientists gain 4 extra related OCC skills and gain a bonus of +10% to and two of the categories: Communications, Electrical, Mechanical, Medical, or Science (extra 10%). This bonus is for related skills only. Psychics gain ME + 2d6x10 + 10 / level ISP, and gain 3 powers from each section as well as one extra power per level. They _cannot_ gain the following super powers: Bio-Regeneration, Group Mind Block, Mentally Possess Others, Psi-Sheild, Psi-Sword. Gains +1 to psionic strength every 3 levels. Mages gain 2d4x10 + 2d6 / level PPE if male, 3d6x10 + 4d6 / level if female. They begin with 2 spells from levels 1 to 3, and can learn other spells normally. Gains +1 to spell strength every 3 levels. The approximate distribution between these is as follows: Males Females Scientists 62% 25% Psychics 24% 3% Mages 14% 72% Biomechanists can come from any background, they are apprenticed to an existing biomechanists for about 20 years before they begin practicing for themselves. Alignment: Any except Principled. The vast majority are Miscreant or Unprincipled. Attributes: IQ 12+3d6; ME 6+3d6; MA 6+3d6; PS 3d6; PP 4d6; PE 2d6+4; PB **; Spd 10+3d6 ** - it appears The Dark Ones have no difference in physical beauty, and do not take it into account when dealing with each other. MDC: 1d4x50+100, gains 3d10 per level PPE: Normally 4d6, if a mage has 2d4x10 + 2d6 / level if male, 3d6x10 + 4d6 / level if female - 138 -

ISP: ME + 2d6x10 + 10 / level if psychic Horror Factor: 12 + 1 / 2 levels for males, add 2 for females. This is actually an aura around the creature, and can be controlled by them. Weight: Unknown Height: 5 to 5.5 ft for males, 6 to 6.5 ft for females. Allies and Enemies: Varies wildly. There are no particular races or people the Dark Ones like or dislike in general. Average Lifespan: Over 1000 years. They have been known to die of old age, but this is not common. Natural Abilities: All Dark Ones always appear to be floating at least 1 foot above the ground. They do not sleep, and feed from PPE (usually from slaves / hirelings), at least 200 per week. A dark one can also feed on PPE to replenish theirs if they have been casting spells. They automatically have prowl, this starts at 50%. They can also "Meld with Shadows" as per the spell at will, if they are not wearing robes. Natural telekinesis, equivalent to their strength. Range 15m plus 5m per level for males, double this for females. Their "vision" requires no light, and is effective to 300m. They can distinguish colour perfectly and also see in infrared. Immune to kinetic attacks, including punches, kicks, slug-throwers, explosions, railguns, etc. Cannot be held, can pass through a passage down to 10cm square if they wish. Lasers do double damage. Mega-damage fire, including magical and plasma does half damage. Can withstand temperatures up to 400 degrees but only down to 0. Below this they begin to slow down, about half speed at -5 degrees, by -15 degrees they will be unable to move. Below -15 degrees they will take 2d6 MDC per minute. Pieces of ice can be used as weapons against a Dark One, inflicting 1D6 damage. RCC Bonuses: +4 vs. Psionics; +8 vs. HF; +4 to Dodge; +4 to initiative; 5 attacks per melee RCC Skills: Language: Dark One (98%) Literacy: Dark One (98%) Language: English (98%) Literacy: English (98%) Mathematics: Basic (+10%) Computer Operation (+20%) Intelligence (+10%) Pilot: Skimmer Navigation Read Sensory Equipment RCC Related Skills: Select 8 from the following list at first level. Choose one more at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Communications: Any Domestic: None Electrical: Any Espionage: Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, and Forgery only Mechanical: Any Medical: Any except Holistic Medicine Military: Any Physical: None Pilot: Any except Horsemanship (+5%) Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any Science: Any (+10%) Technical: Any (+10%) WP: Any except Archery and Targeting Wilderness: None Secondary Skills: 5 from the list above. Equipment: Will have a home in the upper tower of a city, at least one skimmer and a larger vehicle. May have several homes, including places in other cities. The house of a Dark One will usually be dimly lit (they do not require light) but will usually have artworks prominently displayed (another indication of status), statues are preferred. The house is usually kept at a higher temperature than is comfortable for other beings (about 40 degrees), but is not particularly humid. Each Dark One owns at least a dozen slaves or hired underlings which run their household and assist them, and the same number again as bodyguards or goons. Dark Ones which are higher in status will own more powerful slaves, they often recieve them as "presents" from trading partners or other Dark Ones. Personal belongings will include a large library, household items, works of art, computers and perhaps some kind of laboratory. Will

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very seldom own personal weapons, may have a few powerful weapons which their most trusted henchmen use. Dark Ones will almost never engage in combat themselves. Money: Depends upon their current station, but always rich, the riches are often part of a family fortune. from 2d6x100,000 cr for the beginning "councilor" to billions for the ruler of a city. Experience: Use the dragon table in the Rifts main book.

Darter R.C.C.
The Darter race has earned it's name for 2 reasons. One is their incredible speed, which they use in their chose roll as adventures, scouts, and messengers. 2 is the power that allows them to shot MD darts from their hands (see powers later on). They look like bald humans with blue-green, red, or silver skin. The one thing different is that their skin looks thicker and their arms look weaker. Their legs, however, are always very muscular. Alignment: Any, but most are good (40%), or selfish (35%). Attributes: IQ 3D6+1, ME 6D6, MA 3D6, PS 1D6+2, PP 4D6, PE 4D6, PB 3D6, Spd 3d6x10 M.D.C.: 3D6 +1 per level of experience. Base P.P.E.: 3D6+2 Base I.S.P.: 2d4x10 Magic: Character may chose 2 spells from first or second level. Psionics: Considered a Major Psionic. Psionics include: Deaden Pain, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Fire, Levitation, Nightvision,, Resist Fatigue, Resist Thirst, Summon Inner Strength (SDC bonus becomes MDC), Astral Projection, Object Read, Sixth Sense, Speed Reading, Total Recall. Powers Recovers 1d6 MDC per 6 minutes See the Invisible up to 200 feet away Cannot be turned into a vampire Dart Launch: Once every other melee, the Darter can launch up to 20 darts from his hand traveling at high speed. Each dart does 1d4 MD. Multiply as needed. Range: 150 feet (+20 feet at levels 4 and 7), Bonus: +2 to strike. Other Bonuses +3 to save vs. horror factor, +2 to save vs. magic, +2 to save vs. psionics, +3 save vs. Insanity, +1 to save vs. Poisons and other drugs, +4 to dodge, +2 to parry and roll with punch, +4 to initiative, +1 attack per melee Habitat: Darters can live in temperatures up to 130 degrees and down to 10 degrees without discomfort. They prefer dry, low altitude climates. They like temperatures from 70 to 90 degrees. Needs to eat and drink only 1/3 what a normal human does. Prefers high protein foods. Darters are sexual and mature just like humans. They even look similar to humans. Darters have no home planet, and it is believed their are only around 1 million left in the megaverse. There are an estimated 600 living in the Rockies. Perhaps a total of up to 5,000 are on Earth, but probably not more. Most are kindhearted and help a soul in need. It is believed the Darters may have been created centuries ago by the true Atlanteans as one of their first attempts at modifying humans. Average Life Span: 70 years Size: Humans size Weight: Humans weight RCC Skills: 3 Languages of choice at 97% Literate in the above languages 90% - 140 -

Radio: Basic (+30%) Sing (+10%) Detect Ambush (+15%) Intelligence (+20%) Tracking (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+10%) Running Climbing (+15%) Swimming (+20%) 2 Pilot of choice (+5%) Read Sensory Instruments Math: Basic (+20%) 2 WPs of choice (Ancient or Modern) Land Navigation (+20%) HTH: Basic (Can be changed to Expert only for 3 OTHER skills.) Other Skills: Chose 5 from the list below. Chose an additional 1 at levels 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, and 14 Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic Electronics Espionage: Detect Concealment or Escape Artist (+5%) Medical: First Aid or Paramedic (Paramedic costs 3 OTHER skills) (+10%) Physical: Any but Boxing, Wrestling, and Gymnastics (+10% when applicable) Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue Skills: Any Science: Mathematics: Advanced, Biology, Chemistry, Botany, and Astronomy (+5%) Technical: Any (+5% on Lore, +15% on Languages) WP: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary skills: Chose 4 fro the above list with out the bonuses listed. Gear: Light MD body armor of choice, light MD pistol of choice or vibro weapon (excluding sword and claw{s}), Running Clothes (Sweat Pants, Sweatshirt, and Running shoes), Normal clothes (Jeans, T-Shirt), Canteen, 3 food rations, light backpack (2 MDC). Money: 1d6x100 Credits. Cybernetics: None. Cannot receive Cybernetics or Bionics of any sort. Xp table: Uses the Juicer experience table.

Data Pirate
In the age of computers, machines, and super technology, information is fast becoming one of the most valuable commodities on the open market. Corporations, and governments have risen and fallen on the basis of the information they obtained and or lost. Corporate espionage has become big business, and government espionage can bring about the downfall of entire areas of civilization. With all of this information transferring going on it stands to reason that there should be someone to move that information from one lace to another, enter the Data Pirate! The Data Pirate is an individual who has dedicated his/her life to the cause of profit! This individual will transfer valuable information from one location to another for a price. These individuals are usually concerned with nothing but themselves, and will do almost anything that will gain them something they want. They demand high fees, and live fast paced lives. A Data Pirate will pick up information and carry it to the ends of the earth for the right price. They are quick thinking, fast lane individuals that love the thrill of being followed and sought after by everyone. If you are looking to have a non stop adventure, hang out with one of these guys, turmoil is sure to follow. Data Pirates tend to be quick thinkers, who have grown up on the streets, and want something more. These individuals are almost always suave people who buy only the best and accept nothing less. These people usually have some form of cybernetic implants, and some have a few bionic additions. With the advent of QI's Memory Management system, the Data Pirates have become more involved in the cybernetics industry, everybody wants one! With this system in their head the Data Pirate is capable of transferring information, hands free, and with no knowledge whatsoever of what they are carrying! This protects all parties involved from any unfortunate "complications" that have cost many Data Pirates their lives. - 141 -

Attribute Requirements: A high ME is preferred but not mandatory. Alignment: Almost always selfish, but can be any. O.C.C. Bonus: +1 to save vs. mind control of all kinds. O.C.C. Skills: Literacy: Two of choice (+10%) Languages: Three of choice (+15%) Computer: Operation (+20%) Computer: Programming (+15%) Computer: Hacking (+15%) Streetwise (+15%) Disguise (+10%) Pilot: Automobile (+30%) Radio: Basic (+15%) T.V./Video (+10%) W.P. Energy pistol W.P. Ancient: One of choice Hand to Hand: Basic Hand to Hand: Basic can be change to Hand to Hand: Expert at the cost of one "other" skill or to martial arts (or assassin if an evil alignment) at the cost of two "other" skills. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10 other skills, at least two must selected from Espionage and two must be from Rogue. Two more skills may be selected at levels 3, 6, 11, and 15. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Any except for Robot Electronics Espionage: Any (+10%) Medical: First Aid or Paramedic only Military: Any Physical: Any Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any (+15%) Science: Any Technical: Any (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select eight secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the benefit of the bonuses listed in parenthesis. All secondary skills start at level one proficiency. Standard Equipment: Black fatigues or jump suit for moving at night, in addition to a small, fairly expensive wardrobe. The Data Pirate also starts with a portable language translator, a Pocket digital disk player, Flashlight, Backpack or brief case, Sunglasses and/or Tinted Goggles, Small two way Radio, Air Filter, Gas Mask, and Lock Pick Tools (where appropriate), and a portable computer work station. Weapons: Survival Knife, Energy Pistol of choice with four extra clips, plus two S.D.C. weapons of choice. The Data Pirate will also start with a set of light or medium mega damage armor, such as the Urban Warrior, or Huntsman armor. Money: Starts with 3D6*1,000 credits cash, and an additional in 5D6*1,000 credits worth of black market saleable items/information. Cybernetics: Character may have 1D4+5 cybernetic implants of choice, usually including the QI-MM 12.4 system for data storage.

Death Dragon RCC

By: Sean Background: The Death Dragons are the rarest and most mysterious of all Dragons known to mankind. They have been seen only a few times in the last 5 years. When Death Dragons are seen it is usually over a battlefield or over a town that will be destroyed. That is how Death - 142 -

Dragons got their name. They seem to be harbingers of destruction; wherever they go death seems to follow. This makes Death Dragons look like evil beasts that kill people and suck their soul into a hellish imprisonment. These rumors are somewhat true, but due to people's fear have grown out of proportion. It is not entirely impossible to hear tales of villages leaving at the sight or rumor of a Death Dragons nearby. If you ever managed to talk to a Dragon about Death Dragons, they seem indifferent and won't answer your question. The Death Dragons are from the unknown planet Dragii. The planet is nearing extinction due to the overpopulation of Death Dragons. Fortunately for the Death Dragons, a Shifter happened to come across Dragii through a Create Rift spell. The Death Dragons killed the Shifter immediately. The Death Dragons, using the last of their PPE, were able to keep the rift open long enough for a few hundred to escape to Earth. The Dragons they left behind will probably die within 50 years unless they are able to find a way to get off the planet. Alignment: ANY but usually selfish or evil; some are good. Attributes: IQ: 2D6+4, ME: 10D6, MA: 9D6, PS: 5D6, PP: 4D6, PE: 5D6, PB: ?, SPD: 7D6 PS is supernatural. 85 mph FLYING PPE: 1D6x10 (+3D6/level) ISP: 1D10x10 MDC: 1D4x100+100 Horror Factor: 20 Natural Abilities: 1. Mesmerize: This power is sort of like the spell the King priest of Istar uses in the Dragonlance Legends series. People remember the horror and fear of seeing the Dragon but won't remember the exact details of the Dragon. 2. Death Sense: The Dragon is able to sense, through the use of PPE, where there is going to be major amounts of deaths occurring. This sense does not tell exactly where or when it is going to happen or who is going to die. It is more like a force that pulls the Dragon to the place of oncoming death. 3. Soul Trap: This is not what the rumors make it out to be. Instead of entrapping the soul, it absorbs the released PPE that creatures emanate upon death. This is different that most other creatures that use PPE to function, instead of only using a small amount of that released energy and having to use it right away, the Dragon will store all the released energy and can store for up to 2 months. Their is a limit to how much PPE the Dragon can store, the limit is 800 PPE. There are two ways the Dragon can use this PPE: PPE Discharge: This is the release of all the stored PPE at one time. This discharge inflicts 1D6+10 MDC to the Dragon itself. Once it leaves the Dragons body if forms an oddly shaped 50 foot ball of energy that can only go in a straight line for 2,000 feet: 1st 500ft. is 3d6x10 MDC to anyone hit 2nd 500ft. is 2D6x10 MDC 3rd 500ft. is 1d6x10 MDC 4th 500ft. is 4d6 MDC PPE Withdrawal: The scales can hold the PPE for up to 2 months, and while this the Dragon can use the PPE anyway it wishes. Once a Dragon reaches 5th level it is able to manipulate PPE even better than before. It is able to mold PPE into a solid object that resembles anything the Dragon wants it to look like. The object can walk and do simple tasks. But the creation is actually a shell of what it is made to resemble, it can't talk or think, and it shall die out after a month. The Dragon has total control over his own creation. Cost to create one is 100 PPE. 4. Smoke of Anger: If the Dragon is running low on PPE or hasn't come upon any deaths yet it will probably resort to this attack in order get more PPE. If a character fails a roll vs. spell at -4 then they fall into a rage, attacking anything it sees except the Dragon. The smoke cloud is actually a very fine mist that covers a 100ft radius for 1D6 rounds. 5. Feed off PPE: When people die their PPE is released from their body. PPE is doubled at time of death. The dragon is able to absorb any PPE within a 100ft radius. Death Dragons don't like ley lines or Nexus points. This is due to the fact that their scales overload in their attempt to absorb all the PPE If the Dragon is to close to a ley line (500 ft) it will eventually die. 1st minute: Dragon is slightly dizzy -2 to strike, parry, and dodge 2nd minute: Burning sensation on Dragons scales 3rd minute: Pain increasing Dragon takes 1D6x10 MDC 4th minute: Pain intense take 3D6x10 MDC 5th minute: Roll vs. unconsciousness take 3D10x10 MDC 6th minute: Roll vs. Death take 6D10x10 MDC 7th minute: Dragon explodes If dragon dies at any stage his PPE will be released at triple the range and damage of the PPE Discharge ability. Also blast is not in just one direction it occurs in all directions, their is no chance to dodge this blast. 6. Nightvision with a range of 1000 ft. Skills: Same as all other Dragons (see page 98 of Rifts book). Psionics: Dragon considered a minor psionic due to their inability to manipulate their powers so that they can gain powers. The - 143 -

powers that they had at birth are the only ones they can have. Pick 7 from the following list: Deaden Pain Detect Psionics Induce Sleep Alter Aura Mind Block Telekinesis Astral Projection Empathy Clairvoyance See Aura Sense Magic Sixth Sense Telepathy Empathic Transmission Hypnotic Suggestion. Spells: At 1st level knows all 1st and 2nd level spells along with the following spells: Energy Bolt Paralysis: Lesser Blind Fire Bolt Life Drain Call Lightning Agony Fire Ball At 2nd level can learn 10 new spells from 3rd and 4th level At 4th level can learn 5 new spells from 3rd through 5th level At 6th level can learn 3 new spells from 3rd through 7th level At 8th level can learn 3 new spells from 3rd through 8th level At 10th level can learn 2 new spells from 3rd through 9th level 11th through 15th level can learn 1 new spell between 3rd and 12th level. Note: The Dragon ABSOLUTELY cannot learn any teleport spells or any spells that have to do with rifts or dimensional travel. Physical Description: Dragon is all black when fully charged with the exception of a white skull shaped blotch on its chest. When either empty or not totally charged the color of dragon will be different shades of gray. Length: 25ft. Height: 15ft. Weight: 6 tons. Wingspan: 70ft. Physical Attacks: Bite: 1D6x10 MDC Punch: 5D6 MDC Tail: 2D6x10 MDC Stomp: 6D6 MDC Body Ram: 2D6x10 MDC Claws: 6D6 MDC Dragon considered an expert in HTH combat with +1 to strike and +2 to parry and dodge. Average Life Span: 10,000 years. Achieves adulthood at 1,000 years of age. Allies: None Enemies: Fellow Dragon, besides that nothing considered a threat.

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Death Seeker O.C.C.

_By: Morpheus This is a special OCC that replaces the former one, not by player choice but by the choice of the GM (If you're a player and you really want to play one... you know how to bug the GM ;) * Note this OCC's main purpose is for Role Playing, and redefines the course of a characters development dramatically. All skills, experience, cybernetic options etc.. remain the same however if the character does not already have psionics the character gains minor psionics in the sensitive category. ISP starts out a ME + (3d6 X 10) A Death Seeker is a character that has had a traumatic event happen to them during the course of the game, ie: a lover murdered, their village torn to shreds while they were away etc.. The Death Seeker then starts to see visions, and these visions reshape the characters life, maybe add powers, but in any case the Death Seeker has a specific task to accomplish whether or not they realize it, but the GM knows. Unfortunately for this character this task will mean certain (unavoidable?) death to the character: this is known as the Death Bond. The period of time between this event and the creation of the character can be determined by the GM... it could happen at level 3 or level 13, the longer the period of time that elapses, and the more the character develops the visions become clearer and the steps, people, and resources the Seeker needs to accomplish this task become defined. A Seeker may need a specific character to help accomplish his or her final task, in which case the seeker will first offer to help the other character to accomplish their goals. Or the Seeker may need a specific Item that is across dimensions.... etc... these are ways to incorporate the seeker into your campaign easily. When a death seeker dies, the character is reincarnated. Time is not a factor for this reincarnation, meaning that the "soul" of the character can travel into the past or the future. It is entirely possible for the new character to be ready to join the party soon after the Seeker dies... It also sets a stage for so many possible twists involving the seeker in his or her first form interacting with the reincarnated one, in fact a seeker might be avenging the death of his or her reincarnated form! The new character will have some memories of his or her past life as a seeker, but new OCC's/RCC's are chosen for the reincarnation, and the character starts out at a level between one and three. If the seeker had any special powers than those powers might be tranfered over to the reincarnated character. * Note the Death Seeker only gets reincarnated IF he or she can accomplish the specific task they need to do. The Death Seeker gains the following powers: 1. Sense upcoming death: A death seeker is attuned to death so strongly that the seeker will know if someone in the vicinity is going to die in the next hour. The Death Seeker however stays very calm about it, feeling death is the normal ending of life and will in most cases do nothing to prevent the occurrence from happening. This death that the Seeker feels is by no means assured, intervention on the part of another party often throws the seekers sense off kilter, and the seeker does not know who is going to die unless the Seeker has physical contact with that person. 2. Visions of tomorrow: A Death Seeker is sensitive to the mystical patterns in the universe many call fate. The Seeker's dreams are tormented, yet always give the Seeker some cryptic information on the forthcoming events of the next day. As time goes on the seeker learns to better interpret the dreams but the dreams become more and more cryptic... with one exception. As the Seeker approaches the time of the "proper" death those dreams become extremely clear. The Death Seeker may see his or her death as it actually should happen, or they might see something completely off, or anywhere in between. They just clearly see how they want to die, it is their subconscious effecting their visions that brings about this amazing clarity. 3. Final Sacrifice: A Death Seeker may heal and revive a person who has been dead for less than 3 hours and has at least 60% of their body left. The Seeker does this by transferring his or her own life energies into the corpse, and this kills the Death Seeker. This may or may not be the Seekers proper death, if it isn't the Seeker is reincarnated (and may rejoin the party...), but not free of the Death Bond. 4. Feign Death (Meditation): Seekers can control their bodies mentally so to all people examining the body are fooled into thinking the Seeker is dead. This is a very relaxing state for the Seeker, and while in this state, the Seeker heals at 3 times the normal rate, and is completely rested in 4 hours. The disadvantage of this is the fact that the Seeker does not know what is being done with his or her body and will not wake up until ready to do so. After 8 hours in this meditation, the Seeker dreams heavily and comes out of meditation with a resolution or plan of action for matters currently at hand. 5. Speak with the Dead: This power enables the Seeker to communicate with "spirits" of dead beings, however it requires the Seeker to be at the location of the death, and for the seeker to meditate for 5 minutes uninterrupted. This is dangerous for 2 reasons, the first one would be false information the spirit gives to the seeker that might mislead and harm the seeker, and secondly a particularly powerful spirit might posses the Seeker's body. The Seeker and the Spirit now fight for control of the body... the rules for this are at the discretion of the GM... The spirit also might play a "parasite" tagging along in the body, letting the Seeker do the acting, but during this time the spirit feels, hears see's, and tastes just as the Seeker does.

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The Deimaire R.C.C.

By: Da Harlequin The Deimaire is a race of unknown origin, possibly from some distant rift. They are a dimunitative people with exceptionally large, bald heads and powerful psionics. They currently number in the thousands and more are being discovered. They have their own corporation too, called KonstruX, which they make incredibly cool stuff with. Aligment: Any, but usually good. Attributes: IQ: 2D6 + 18, ME: 4D6 + 6, MA: 3D6, PP: 3D6, PS: 2D6, PE: 2D6, PB: 3D6, SPD.: 4D6 + 6 O.C.C.s Allowed: They favor the Operator and the Cyber-Doc, although some without psionics are Techno-Wizards, and a few are Men of Arms O.C.C. (except Juicers, Crazies, or Borgs). Avg. Height: 4' plus 2d4 inches Avg. Weight: 100 + 2d4 x 10 lbs. Life Span: 200 years. Genders: Male and Female ISP: M.E. x 10 + 100! They are powerful psionics but are limited in offense. They get +6 to save vs. psionics and M.E. bonuses don't apply. So to save vs. psionics, they need a 4 or higher to save! Psionics: Gets Resist Fatigue, Resist Hunger, Resist Thirst, Telekinesis, Telekinesis(SUPER), Object Read, Speed Reading, Total Recall, Electrokinesis, and Telemechanics plus an additional 3 from each category (except Super) and gets one additional power from any category at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Unfortunately, any offensive powers are at 1/2 damage and duration. Magic: Not usually wizards, although 10% of the Deimaire are born without psionics and usually become Techno-Wizards (double PPE but when using spells to attack, they are at 1/4 damage and duration unless they channel it from a TW device). Skills: Advanced Math (+30%) Basic Electronics (+50%) Basic Mechanics (+50%) Literacy (+40%) Optics Systems (+20%) Robot Electronics (+30%) Robot Mechanics (+30%) Plus those from their O.C.C. but +10% to technical, mechanical, electrical, communications, pilot, and pilot related. All others are same, except *no* HTH to begin with! Basic costs 2 skills, Expert 3, and Martial Arts/Assassin cost a whopping 5! Also, -1 to all combat skills. Secondary Skills: Add on 6 but otherwise the same. Everything Else: Same as class.

Detective O.C.C.
Requirements: IQ 12, ME 11, PS 10, PE 10 SDC: 3d6 OCC Skills Math: Basic 98% Literacy (Native Language) 98% Native Language 98% Biology (+25%) Criminal Sciences/Forensics (Chem, & Chem: Analytical prerequisites not necessary) Paramedic (+25%) Pathology (+25%) Radio: Basic (+25%) Pilot: Auto (+25%) WP Auto Pistol WP Shotgun Hand-to-Hand: Basic Skill Programs: Medical Program - Biology, Criminal Sciences/Forensics, (Chem, & Chem: Analytical prerequisites not necessary) Paramedic, Pathology. +25% to all skills Jouralistic/Investigation Program - Computer Operation, Intelligence, Photography, Research, Writing (+25%) - 146 -

Police Program - WP Auto Pistol or Revolver, WP Shotgun, Hand-to-Hand: Basic, Radio: Basic, Pilot: Auto. (+25%) Select 1 other skill program, excluding Military, Pilot: Advanced, or Stage Magic. +20% to all skills. Other Skills: 5 Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Espionage: Any (+15%) Electrical: Basic Electronics Mechanical: Basic, Auto Mechanics, Locksmith (+5% on Locksmith, Mechanical Engineer prerequisite not needed) Military: None Medical: None (see skill programs) Physical: Any Pilot: Any ground, air, sea. No Power Armor, Robots, or spacecraft. Pilot Related: Any Science: Chemisty, Chemistry: Analytical, Math: Advanced, Psychology (+15%) Technical: Any (+10%) WP: Any Secondary Skills: 10, +2 at 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 Xp table: Use the Parapsychologist from Beyond the Supernatural

Devil Hunter O.C.C.

By: Devils, demons, and other supernatural creatures have plagued mankind since long before the coming of the rifts. Many of their efforts went unhindered by human-kind... but not all. In ancient Japan, before the birth of Christ, there was a noble family. This family was granted special powers by an unknown deity, a Champion of Light! This family, which has since gained the name of the Devil Hunters, has gained infamy among the forces of Darkness. Their battle cry is terrifying to demons, and causes many of them to turn tail and run... such is the grief caused by the Devil Hunters on their supernatural foes. Those people that have had the opportunity to meet with Devil Hunters, have often commented that they are as noble as any CyberKnight they have met. Unfortunately, there are not very many Devil Hunters about. The reason for this is two fold... first, in order to be a Devil Hunter, one must be descended from the original line of Devil Hunters. Second, until a Devil Hunter gains their legacy of powers, they must remain pure of body and soul... too many time have a prime candidate for the legacy been cut short by a "teen- age indiscretion." Luckily for the line of Devil Hunters, once they have received their legacy, they no longer need to remain pure of body, only soul (in other words, they can have sex and children.) There are two things which will often indicate the presence of a Devil Hunter. The first is that they all have an ornate ring which is given to them by the Devil Hunter that initiates them into their legacy. This ring is not the source of their powers, but it is a focus that is necessary to use their powers. If it is lost, it will take 1D4 weeks to create another and will cost at least 25,000 credits in materials and labor. The second, and more obvious way to discover a Devil Hunter, is by their battle cry. The battle cry serves as their warning to Devils as well as initiates their battle transformation. The battle cry does not have to be something rehearsed, and can be different each time it is uttered, but it MUST contain the Devil Hunter's name, generation number, and the fact that the person is a Devil Hunter. Many Devil Hunter's will even include a little spiel about the history of Devil Hunters, or the Devil Hunter's purpose in battle. A common battle cry goes like this:

"I hold no enmity against those coerced into evil... But to those vile beings who toy with the hearts and souls of men... We, since the time of ancient gods, have been your destroyers. Now, the 125th generation Devil Hunter Tanaka is here! Beware!"
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Attribute Requirements: None. The only thing that is required is that you are a member of the family and that your alignment is good. If your alignment changes to anything other than a good one, you will lose your powers! Bonuses: Often, Devil Hunters are trained from early in their youth to prepare them for their legacy. As a result, they are often stronger and more resilient than the average human. As a result, they get the following bonuses: +1D4 P.E. +1D6 P.S. +1D6 P.P. +2D6 M.E. +2D6 Spd. +1D4x10 S.D.C. P.P.E.: 1D6x10 plus P.E.x2. Add 3D6 P.P.E. per additional level of experience. The Devil Hunter can not draw P.P.E. from ley lines, nexus points, or other people. Powers: 1. Battle Cry. By yelling the battle cry, the Devil Hunter activates several startling powers. The first is that the Devil Hunter gains a Horror Factor of 16 against supernatural evil. Further, any supernatural evil creature that rolls a modified 5 or lower on their Horror Factor check will flee from the Devil Hunter as quickly as possible. The second is that the Devil Hunter becomes an M.D.C. creature in the magic rich environment of Rifts Earth. The Devil Hunter's strength is also considered supernatural. The third is that the Devil Hunter's clothing changes to a functional but elegant dress with the Devil Hunter signal across the breasts for women, and a martial arts gi with the Devil Hunter signal across the upper right breast for men. 2. The Weapon of Your Soul. This magical weapon is created by the Devil Hunter focusing on all that is good within them. Unlike a psi-sword, this is a solid object that the Devil Hunter summons! It is formed out of thin air, can be knocked from the Devil Hunter's hand, and even used by another. When the Devil Hunter is through with it, it disappears. This weapon can be created as often as desired, but only one can be formed at a given time. The weapon can be any ancient Hand-to-Hand melee weapon of the Devil Hunter's choice, but once the choice is made, it will always be in that form. The weapon has the following abilities: 1. Indestructible 2. Damage: 1D6x10 vs. supernatural evil (including vampires) 4D6 vs. all others 3. Return to the Devil Hunter on command. Takes one melee action. 4. The weapon can be used to parry energy blasts. It is done without the benefit of any bonuses or penalties. 3. Powers: The Devil Hunters are not spell casters, they are soldiers... yet they do have certain powers that closely resemble spells and do draw on the Devil Hunter's P.P.E. These powers include: Dispel Magic Barrier Cost: 20 P.P.E. Fire Bolt Cost: 7 P.P.E. This version of the spell draws on the fires of goodness and as such will do 4D6 MDC against normal foes, but 2D6x10 MDC against supernatural evil foes. Globe of Daylight Cost: 2 P.P.E. Exorcism Cost: 30 P.P.E. This version of Exorcism will also free a victim from any form of mind control. This power can be used instantly and without a long ritual. Armor of Ithan Cost: 10 P.P.E. Banishment Cost: 45 P.P.E. This version of Banishment can be used instantly and without a long ritual. 4. Immune to all forms of mind control and possession. One of the most frustrating things for the various enemies of the Devil Hunters is the fact that they can not be possessed. Hence, they know they will always have an enemy... They also receive a bonus of +5 vs. all forms of psionics, +8 vs. horror factor, +1 vs magic at levels three, seven, ten, and thirteen, and +1 to "spell strength" at levels five, ten, and fifteen. 5. Sense Supernatural Evil. This ability is automatic and instinctual. It is more akin to a chill that goes down the Devil Hunters back when supernatural evil is near. There are also times when the Devil Hunter will get supernatural visions, but the Devil Hunter has no control over them. (Note: This is a great plot device for GMs to use...) O.C.C. Skills: Language: Japanese and Native Language at 98% Literacy in both First Aid (+10%) or character can take Holistic Medicine (+20%) at the cost of one other skill. Acrobatics (+10%) Prowl (+10%) Lore: Demons & Monsters (+25%) Lore: D-Bee (+15%) W.P. Sword Hand to Hand: Martial Arts Any three additional W.P. Any two domestic skills (+20%) Any two pilot skills (+10%) Any three physical skills (+15% when applicable) - 148 -

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10 other skills. Plus select two additional skills at level three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one at level twelve. Communications: Any Domestic: Any (+20%) Electrical: Basic electronics only Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Automotive and Basic Mechanics only Medical: None Military: Any (+5%) Physical: Any (+10% when applicable) Pilot: Any except robot and RPA skills (+5%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+15%) Science: Any Technical: Any (+10%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select six secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonuses listed in parenthesis. Standard Equipment: Extra set of traveling clothes, and boots. A set of mega-damage body armor (generally light), hat, sunglasses or tinted visor, air filter, backpack, bedroll, a couple of sacks, utility belt, several short pieces of cord, 100 feet of lightweight rope, 6 iron spikes, 10 wooden spikes (generally for vampires, but not exclusively), a hammer, hand axe, and utility knife. Weapons: Can include just about anything, but Devil Hunters generally rely on their Soul Weapon for any combat. They will usually have a silver knife, an energy weapon of some sort, and S.D.C. fire arm of some sort. Vehicle can be any non-military means of transportation, and some Devil Hunters just prefer to walk. Money: 3D4x1000 in black market items, and 1D6x1000 in credits. Cybernetics: Devil Hunters will not get cybernetics except in the most dire of circumstances (such as imminent death.)

Diabolist O.C.C.
By: The Alchemist (12-17-94) The Diabolist was originally a magic class from the Palladium dimension, brought to Earth by dimensional travelers/magicians. The art of wards and runes is a secret to most, due to the exhaustive study it requires and the mastery of magic forces it takes to use. But of late, several Diabolists have begun to teach Earth natives the ancient art, and enough Earth-based Diabolists have popped up to warrant the class usable by all (or, phrased differently, the class is an open O.C.C.). Diabolist Abilities 1. Can read runes. The Diabolist knows how to read and interpret runes of all make and form. The rune language/symbology is a jealous secret, and carefully guarded. It will NEVER be taught or shared with anybody who is not a Diabolist. 2. Knows all symbols, power words, and wards. This knowledge is essential for the functioning of the Diabolist's wards. On Rifts Earth, the materials necessary for the creation are not really required; it is the idea, power words, and the design of the ward that are important, the physical composition only lends itself to remembering the exact workings. The Diabolist knows not only how to create the ward/circle, but the power words for it, and the symbols used. 3. Deciphering Circles. The Diabolist is so skilled in magic wards and cryptography that he or she can attempt to deduce the function of a magic circle when encountered. The Diabolist makes notes about the design, materials, and other clues, and then studies it. When the Diabolist wishes to discover if his knowledge is enough for a successful invocation, he must try it and then roll under his percentage. If he fails, the P.P.E. vanishes (used up) and the player is knocked unconscious for 1d4 hours. There is also a small explosion, which causes 4d6 S.D.C./H.P. damage to the Diabolist and those around him in a 20 ft. radius. The Diabolist's skill in deducing the function of a circle is 20% +5% per level of experience. His skill in deducing the invocation necessary for the circle is 15% +5% per level of experience (I.Q. bonus is applicable to both skills). 4. P.P.E.: 2d6 x 10 + P.E. and 2d6 additional P.P.E. points per level of experience. 5. Bonuses: +2 save vs. Horror Factor at level one, with an additional +1 at levels four and eight. +1 to save versus magic at levels two, five, eight, eleven, and fourteen (includes all ward and circle magic, as well) - 149 -

6. Other bonuses: +10% to recognize magic items, +15% to recognize enchantment. Diabolist O.C.C. Skills Languages (native, 96%) Languages (three additional, +30%) Literacy (three, +40%) Mathematics: Basic (+20%) Forgery (+10%) Cyrptography (+10%) Land Navigation (+5%) Wilderness Survival (+5%) Lore: Magic (+15%) Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%) Hand to Hand: Basic can be selected at the cost of one "other" skill, Hand to Hand: Expert as two, Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (or Assassin, if evil), at a cost of three "other" skills. O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose six from any available category below. Plus, select two at level three, two at level seven, one at level ten, and one at level thirteen. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Radio Basic only (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Intelligence only Mechanical: Basic only Medical: First Aid only (+5%) Military: None Physical: Any except acrobatics, boxing, and gymnastics Pilot: Any (+2%) Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any Science: Any (+10%) Technical: Any (+15%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+2%) Secondary Skills: The character can also select five secondary skills from those listed. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses (). All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Standard Equipment: Robe or cape, two sets of clothing, one set of traveling clothes, light M.D.C. personalized armor, knapsack, backpack, 1d6 small sacks, 1d4 large sacks, a dozen wooden stakes and mallets, canteen, binoculars, sunglasses/tinted goggles, air filter and gas mask, flashlight, 200 feet of rope, pen and pencils, note pad, sketchpad, various other drawing utensils (such as erasers, colored markers, paints), 35mm camera with 12 discs of film (48 exposures each disc), two blank books, and a portable hand-held computer (if proficient in it's use). Weapons: One energy rifle with 1d4 extra clips, one other energy weapon of choice (1d4 extra clips), survival knife, automatic pistol, and a hand axe. The vehicle of choice of the Diabolist tends to be either a horse or motorcycle. Diabolists also like TW items. Money: The Diabolist starts off with 2d6 x 100 credits in cash, and has about 1d6 x 1000 credits in saleable Black Market Items. Most of his/her money has been spent of art supplies and paper/books. Cybernetics: Starts with none and avoids them unless necessary for medical reasons (though not every Diabolist is opposed to them). Bio-system replacements will be considered, if necessary.

Digoshi O.C.C.
By: Kevin CL Sullivan

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Here is a new martial arts OCC that kicks ass. This may seem a little munchkin, however, you must realize that this occ CAN NOT and WILL NOT learn modern or futuristic weapons!!! This OCC is really mean when it comes to HtH, but that is because it knows nothing else. Well here it is. This has been revised and makes a lot more sense now. I left some questions that were asked in the Disruptions to better explain there answers. Please comment. Requirements: Must be of good alignment/ ALL mental attributes must be 10 or better. Chi: P.E.+1D6 (see MA powers) Disruptions: Tend to be casual. Can very from loan wolf to talkative friend. All are likeable and easy to make friends with. Almost always do the Digoshi stay in the background, or at least until the fighting starts. Normally the Digoshi will disguise themselves as entertainers, however some have been known to disguise themselves as weapons\armor smiths of ancient weapons. All are part of the Digoshi intelligence service, and all know how to find one another by looking for patterns in designs or decoration. They will wear armor that has NO prowl penalty. Will also wear loose fitting, easy to move in cloths. The ONLY modern weapons they will use are vibro-blades, plasma-blades/whips, and high tech arrows (the high explosive, armor piercing exc.) Using these weapons the Digoshi do damage as per weapon (in other words if the weapon does MDC damage they will only do MDC, if it is an SDC weapon it will still do MDC to MDC objects). Stance: They have many stances. One is a casual stand stance with hands free of pockets or with thumbs in pockets and legs are never locked. This can also be used while leaning up against a wall or chair. They are ready to fight from any position. This includes sitting down with feet resting on a table. The last stance is laying down as when asleep. Note that all Digoshi sleep in ruffly the same position and it is nearly impossible to sneak up on them (-20% to prowl) when they are sleeping. Stances snipped, meaniless to me. I put that in for the sake of the GM that's in a bad mood and says it is a surprise attack because you were sitting down and not expecting it. Which I can see if it is coming up from behind. MA Exclusive to the Digoshi Warrior OCC. Who teaches it to them and only them? Why? What if I change classes and start teaching it to others? I really hate things so restrictive. Because I haven't gotten around to making the MA yet. The Digoshi can teach it to others, but it will not be exactly the same. For instance they will not be trained in using the chi. If a Digoshi teaches a student for the full 16 years you have a first level Digoshi. Note that to teach the full OCC you have to be at least 9th level. Character Bonuses: Add +2 to P.E. Add +1 to P.S. Add +1d6 to P.P. Add +1d6 to S.D.C. WoW, that high!! A full 6 to PP!! That's to much!! Its only a full 6 if you are lucky. It could just as easily be a full 1. Combat Skills Attacks per Melee: P.P divided by 4 rounded down. Example: A 17 P.P. gives you 4 attacks in addition to the 2 for being a P.C. Escape Moves: Roll w/punch/fall/impact, Somersault (Normally a back or forward Somersault over the opponent Using his body for support) can be used as an attack.(You can do it with out need of escape). Basic Defense Moves: Dodge / Parry / Auto Dodge / Auto Parry Auto dodge! This seems to be more aggressive, and auto doge is for the highly defensive MAs. This uses your own momentum against you, so I can dodge and you have to step out of stance to catch your self and I have an opening. Advanced Defense moves: Parry Strike and Dodge Strike What the hell are those? You are punching me with your left hand. I am going to parry it to your left with my right arm and knee you in the crotch at the same time. That is an example of parry strike. Dodge strike?? You are in a boxing stance and are punching me with a right hook. I am going to dodge down and past your left side punching you in the stomach as I pass. What type of strikes can you do? Normal punch\kick or somersault kick (say you dodge backward over a table, you can somersault backwards over it to dodge and kick them at the same time). Does it count as an attack? YES it counts as an attack, you can not use it with the auto dodge. Hand moves: Strike (Punch) / Guide This is a type of parry (the ability to move the opponent's punch or kick aside to give you an opening to attack and not get hit. This throws the opponent off balance because he never lost any momentum and never hit any thing.) The opponent looses his next action do to having to correct his balance and that leaves him wide open. Just a natural roll higher then their strike or do you get bonuses? You must state you are doing it, and you roll to parry with half your bonuses. - 151 -

Foot Attacks: Kick, Jump Kick, Somersault Kick, (can be done from some ones back or on the ground, across the table, exc.). Somersault Kick does 1d8 damage. Spacial Attacks: Death Blow, Disarm, Penalize limb (must be done on a called shot) Duration 15sec., Penalize opponent (must be done on a called shot and is -5 to strike) Duration 1d4 Minutes. Spacial Defense: Blade Catching. This is the ability to catch a swung or thrown blade weapon by the flat of the blade, stopping it before it hits the intended victim. If the weapon is swung the move is followed by a disarm. If the disarm fails the Digoshi looses his hold on the blade, but gets away without a scratch!!! This move can be done with MDC weapons as well. Note that plasma will still hurt unless it is only on the edge of the weapon. GM I leave it to you to decide if the plasma is only on the edge or if it is on the flat as well. Again how does this work using game mechanics? Roll a parry w/PP bonuses for swung and thrown, but strait roll of the dice for arrows and such (they are travailing at a much faster speed). Natural rolls or PP bonuses? Does this apply to arrows and such? Weapon Katas: WP Blunt, WP Staff, WP Whip, WP Sword, WP Knife, WP Sherkin, WP paired weapons Swords, Sword and knife, WP Bladewhip (optional) Modifiers to Attack: Pull Punch, Knockout/Stun, Penalize opponent (1d4 minutes), Critical Strike, Critical Strike From Rear How does this paralyze work or is it a repeat of the one listed above? Repeat, sorry. MA Powers: All Digoshi have the ability to do damage as is taken. In other words, if you punch an SDC object it takes SDC damage, if you punch an MDC object it takes MDC damage. This also works with ancient weapons that are SDC, the SDC weapon will do MDC to MDC objects and not be harmed it self. This is do to the Characters Chi, and is the only way the Character can use his chi. Interesting idea, go for some game balance. The Character still cant take MDC. Level Advancement 1. P.P. divided by 4 = the number of HtH attacks, +2 to Roll/Dodge/Parry 2. + 2 to Strike/Parry/Dodge/damage 3. Critical Strike on a natural 19-20, +1 to initiative 4. +1 Attack per Melee, Death Blow on natural 20, +2 to damage 5. Critical Strike on a natural 18-20, +2 to Perry/Dodge +2 to Strike 6. +3 to pairilize limb, +1 to initiative 7. +3 to pairilize body, +1 strike 8. +1 Attack per Melee, +2 to Parry/Dodge/damage 9. Critical Strike on 17-20, +1 to initiative 10. Death Blow on a natural 19-20, +2 to Strike/Parry/Dodge/damage 11. +1 Attack per Melee, +2 to Roll 12. +1 to initiative, +2 damage 13. +1 to Strike/Parry/Dodge/Roll, +3 to Pairilize Limb and Body 14. +1 Attack per Melee, +2 damage 15. +1 initiative, Critical Strike on natural 16-20 O.C.C. Skills: Read, Write, Native Language 98% Read, Write, and Speak 3 additional Languages (+30%) Advanced Math: 98% Pilot Automobile +10% Acrobatics +20% Prowl +10% Climbing +20% Select one of the following programs: 1. Mechanic - all skills at +20% Basic Michanics Automotive Mechanics Aircraft Mechanics 2. Merchant - All skills at +20% Streetwise Concealment Palming Recognize Quality (same as weapons quality, but for general items) Entertainer - All skills are at +20% Disguise Forgery - 152 -


Storytelling (same as singing) Singing Dancing Palming 4 musical instruments O.C.C. Related Skills: 3 additional skills can be selected from any category except Modern Weapons. Secondary Skills: 6 other skills can be selected from any category except Modern Weapons, but have no bonuses. +2 skills at levels 3, 6, 10, and 1 at levels 12 and 15. Standard Equipment: Two spare sets of cloths, a first-aid kit, two weeks of food rations, dark hardened oak staff, two swords (SDC only), 1-100 sherkin (roll 2d10), two other weapons of choice (ancient weapons only), 100 ft of lightweight strong rope with grappling hook, backpack, knapsack, canteen, and some personal items. Money: 4d6X100 credits and 1d6X1000 in gold coins. Cybernetics: NONE and WILL NEVER GET ANY, may have bio-systems if they are necessary to sustain life. History: The Digoshi were rifted here from there own world for some unknown reason. In there own world they were the eyes and ears of the king. They were loved by the people because they did not show themselves or flont their power unless they were attacked. Thief primary purpose is to guard the towns against attack. However, as the kings eyes and ears they listened to the people and there responses to new laws, reasons for going to war, and the like. Also the Digoshi are used to hunt down highly wanted criminals and to keep peace among the people. Every where a Digoshi goes he makes contacts and establishes safe houses for himself and others of his choosing. All Digoshi now how to find these safe houses and any one is allowed to use them. The houses will provide food and a safe place to rest up from a long jerny or a safe place to hide if the Digoshi is being hunted himself. The Digoshi will often take others in need of help to these houses. The last purpose of the house is to get information of the serounding aria to pass on to any one who knows how to use the houses. There is a greeting ritual to identify the Digoshi or one they are helping. There are currently over 2000 safe houses in North America and 950 in Europe (2 are in Lundon and 3 are in Munich).

Diplomat O.C.C.
By: Steven Trustrum The lifeblood of any government, especially ones as turbulent and conflict oriented as those of the Warspheres, the diplomat is a master of manipulation and double dealing. Filling the roles of staffers, dignitaries and ambassadors, these characters are essential to interfaction relations and are often the difference between two factions settling their differences or going to war. Perhaps not the most glamorous or exciting of the jobs one can have in an environment such as the Warspheres, it remains a vital one none the less. Bonuses: +2 to M.A., gets two attempts to make any trust/intimidate rolls and diplomacy rolls. Attribute Requirements: None. O.C.C. Skills: Diplomacy (+30%) Bureaucracy (+20%) Lore - Law (+15) 2 additional Lore skills (+10%) Literacy and Speaking with 3 languages of choice (+15%) Hand to Hand Basic costs one, Expert costs two or Martial Arts costs three "O.C.C. Related Skills" to attain. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 12 other skills. Plus select one additional skill at levels three, six, ten, and thirteen. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+15% on Performance) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Forgery, Intelligence, Interrogation Techniques and Pick Locks only. Mechanical: Basic only Medical: First Aid only Military: Military Etiquette only. Physical: Any Pilot: Any but is very unlikely to take Power Armour/Robot or combat vehicle skills Pilot Related: Any (-10% on Weapon Systems) Rogue: Any (+10%) Science: Any (+15%) - 153 -

Technical: Any (+15%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Hunting and Land Navigation only Secondary Skills: The character gets to select 8 secondary skills from the previous list. These skills do not get the advantage of the bonus listed. All secondary skills start at the base level. Standard Equipment: Many fine sets of clothes, clothes suited to the environ to which the diplomat is assigned, a pocket computer, an armoured briefcase (75 M.D.C.), a small (and easily concealed) weapon, long/trenchcoat (with armoured lining; 25 M.D.C.), video and audio recorder with several extra recording disks, a vehicle suitable to the diplomat's assignment. Equipment Available upon Assignment: Depends upon corporation/government employing the character. Usually includes armoured vehicles for dangerous expeditions, a staff, computer access, spy equipment and other such devices. Money: 1d4x1000 in cash plus 2d6x1000 in valuables Cybernetics: None to start Xp Table: Use rogue scholar chart

The Domovoi Based on Quest for Glory 4 by Sierra Online

By: Crow T. Robot The Domovoi are legendary creatures from Slovic legends, who inhabit houses, inns, taverns, etc. and bring the inhabitants good luck. The mythical creatures do exist, although their populations are few and far between. The creatures appear as a small (2-3 1/2 feet tall) humanoid, with elongated appendages. Their faces resemble older humans, and their nose tends to be long and rough, much like a gnomes. They are covered in a thin layer of fur, which is either blue, green, or brown. Their hair is long and of the same color of their fur, and they often have long beards. Once a Domovoi finds a home, it will settle their, and true to the legends, bring their owners good luck. Once they link with a house or building, they are bonded with it eternally, and will serve as its protector, for as the home goes, so do the Domovoi. Arcanists theorize that the Domovoi may be a male counterpart to the Dryads of the forest, as they share somewhat similar characteristics in regard to their bonding with the buildings. Although the Domovoi will do everything in its power to protect their homes, and to an extent, the inhabitants of their homes (Woe to the theif that attempts to break into a Domovoi's home), they are extremly secretive, and use their magical powers to conceal themselves. They occasionally show themselves, most of the time to small children or in times of need even adults. Glimses of Domovoi may have given rise to many a childrens tales about ghosts and monsters in closets, and under beds. Alignment: Scrupulous or Principled Attributes: IQ: 3d6, ME: 5d6 , MA: 2d6, PS: 3d6 (Supernatural), PP: 3d6+2, PE: 3d6, PB: 3d6, Spd: 3d6 Hit Points: PE + 2d6 per level of experience S.D.C.: 6d6 M.D.C. (On Rifts Earth): 6d6 P.P.E.: 2d4x10 I.S.P.: 1d6x10 Psionics: Pick 8 Minors from any catagories besides super. Magic Knowledge: May pick 2 spells from their level of experience or lower every level. Natural Abilities:

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1. Bond with building - A Domovoi will choose his home carefully, for once he has bonded, it is never reversable. The creature will become tied to the building, suffering penalties described below if he is away too long. When connected to the building, they recieve +6 to all physical attributes, +1d4x10 PPE, +3d6 ISP, +4d6 SDC/MDC 2. Grant Good Luck to inhabitants - If the Domovoi feels the Inhabitants of his building are good aligned, he can bring good luck upon the house. Naturally, all skill rolls are at +3% and combat rolls are at +1, but if the Domovoi spends 15 PPE, they can raise this to +6% and +2 to combat rolls for 1 hour per level of experience. For 30 PPE he can give the inhabitants +10% to skills and +3 to combat rolls, and for 60 PPE he can give +15% to skills and +4 to combat rolls, +1 Attack Per Meele. A Domovoi in a house is a blessing indeed. 3. 4. 5. Weaknesses: 1. Linking to House - The bond does not allow the Domovoi to go outside of the house's yard (Be it a mansion or an apartment), if he does this, he will begin taking 1d4 damage to hit points and begin to shrivel up for every 5 minutes away. Once hit points are gone, the Domovoi shrivels up and goes into a form of stasis, only curable if the Domovoi is somehow hydrated and brought back home. 2. Obsession: Protecting their Home - The Domovoi will also be obsessive about protecting their homes and inhabitants, and will not go along with any plan, regardless of how much the need is, if it damages their home. Bonuses (In House Only) - +6 to initiative, +4 to strike/dodge/parry, +1 Attack Per Meele, +6 Save vs. Magic/Psionics Life Span: Effectively Immortal Invisibility - The Domovoi, once bonded, can render himself totally invisible at will. Nightvision - 200 Feet Doesnt need to eat, sleep, drink, or breath. Impervious to poison

Draconchilde (or, the Draconkind)

By: Spiral **Origins** In 89 P.A., the techno-wizard Regius created the first of a new breed of warriors. These chosen few, originating in the city-state of Kingsdale have since begun to appear all over the North American continent. It has been just over fifteen years since the creation of the first Dragon Juicer. They have made their place in the world, as all juicers inevitably do. As with all juicers, many fade into oblivion, their short lives accented only by the deeds they achieved in life. So they live fast and die young. They taunt death and play gods. They party hard along the way. And they are leaving children as their legacy. Who could have known what their offspring would produce? These men, who became changed creatures through the mingling with potent, mystical blood, have somehow passed some arcane essence to their offspring. The result of this change has created creatures unlike their human parents. In some ways, they are even more alien than the Dragon Juicer, with certain draconian traits and instincts that are second nature to them. **Draconkind** This curious, new race -- Draconkind, as they are called by some -- display varying levels physiological mutations, from merely cosmetic differences to actual supernatural changes. However, even the least of them rival skilled warriors and scholars. They exhibit many of their dragon-like qualities at birth, including some level of cognicent reason. Many practitioners of magic attribute this to the dragon's blood: in much the way that dragon hatchlings are born with skills and abilities, the Draconkind are born with some remnant of the skills of their progenitors. At birth, the average Draconchilde looks human, with no overt differences to the naked eye. They are born as S.D.C. creatures, and need all the normal care of an infant. However, creatures sensitive to the supernatural, including psi-stalkers and dog boys, will instantly recognize the newborn as a creature of magic. See Aura will reveal the Draconchilde's supernatural nature. - 155 -

As the child grows, it's true nature readily becomes evident. First of all, a Draconchilde will grow at four times the normal rate for the first five years of their life. During this time, their body undergoes several physiological changes that result in supernatural abilities ranging from enhanced strength and endurance, supernatural regeneration, and magical and psionic abilities. By their fifth birthday, all Draconkind have reached full maturity (look about 20 years old). At this stage, all inherent abilities are known, and the Draconchilde will have become somewhat skilled in using them. Perhaps it is the solitary nature of dragons that still reside within them, but most Draconkind will leave their parent (or parents, if the Dragon Juicer is still living) and begin a life of wanderlust. They have little tolerance for others of their race (similar to the territorialism exhibited by dragons) and can sense the presence of another Draconchilde within a half-mile for every experience level. To create a Draconchilde, first choose the character's race. Remember that Palladium does not allow inter species offspring, so the character's race must be one of those listed as being compatible with Juicer augmentation (Humans, True Atlanteans, Elves, Dwarves, Ogres, some Wolfen, etc.). Since the Splugorth do not allow Dragon Juicer conversion, their expanded list of compatibility is not applicable. Once the race is chosen, add the following bonuses: I.Q. +2 M.E. +1D4 M.A. +1 P.S. +1D6 P.P. +2 P.E. +2D4 P.B. +1D4 Spd. +2D4 Note that strength and endurance are NOT automatically considered supernatural. See below. Powers common to all Draconkind: Nightvision 25 ft.; +2 to save versus toxins; +2 to save versus magic; +1 to save versus psionics. Add one attack per melee. Next, roll 1D4 times using a D20 on the following table to determine the character's appearance and abilities: 1. Skin discolorations that resemble the markings of a dragon. May sometimes be mistaken for elaborate tattoos. Will cover at least 60% of the character's body. Add 1D4x10 to S.D.C. or 2D6 M.D.C. (this power does not MAKE you M.D.C., but will add to it, if it is already possessed) 2. Body hair has become a porcupine-like substance, resembling quills or spines. This covers the entire body, but is most prominent on the head, back, and forearms. 50% chance of being strong enough to use as a weapon: 2D6 from a backhand punch, 4D6 from a body block. Skin is scaled, like a reptile. This turns the character into an M.D.C. structure with a 20 point base. Eyes are slitted and reptilian, providing Nighvision 90 ft. These can be hidden with reflective sunglasses. Fingernails resemble animal claws and are hard enough to be used as weapons. 2D6 damage. A breath weapon has formed. Choose fire, ice, acid or poison. Does 3D6 damage. Can be used as an additional attack once per melee. Heightened reflexes provide 1D4 to P.P. and an additional attack per melee. Character has a supernatural P.S., and a base M.D.C. of 5. Character's body naturally generates some Juicer chemicals, providing an additional attack; +1D6 to P.P.; +2D6 to P.S., P.E., and Spd.; and +3 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge. Also receives Auto dodge. Life span is about fifteen years (ten years of maturity).

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. Enhanced Healing regenerates four times the normal rate. 11. Enlarged canines can be used for attack. 2D6 damage. 12. Increase any one attribute by an additional 1D6. 13. Eyes are slitted and reptilian, providing See The Invisible. These can be hidden with reflective sunglasses. - 156 -

14. Character adds 2D4x10 to his P.P.E. base. Has a +15% chance when rolling for psionics. These characters will be bent toward magic use or psychic character classes. 15. Character has a tail, 1D6+1 feet long. Can do a whip attack for 2D6 damage. 16. Teleportation (per a Dragon's powers) is possible once per hour, 35% chance plus 2% per additional level. Takes an entire melee. 17. Character adds 15% to 3 skills of choice. 18. Increase height by 1D4 feet and weight by 2D6x10 lb. PS +1D6. Add 2D4x10 to S.D.C. or 4D6 M.D.C. (this power does not MAKE you M.D.C., but will add to it, if it is already possessed) 19. Limited shape-change ability allows the character to appear completely human. Duration: a half-hour for each level of experience. 20. Character possess large, reptilian wings that provide a flying speed of 2D6+10. OR (OPTIONAL) the dragon's blood provided a catalyst for a new mutation. Choose one minor power from Heroes Unlimited, Villains Unlimited, Aliens Unlimited, or Spiral's powers. :) Available O.C.C.'s: Can be any Adventurer or Scholar (including Gypsy classes, Sailor, Gaucho, or any class not overtly combatrelated). Can select any Man-At-Arms except Borg or Crazy. Can select any Magic O.C.C. (see notes on Symbiotes and Tattoos below). Among Juicers, only the Dragon Juicer type can be chosen, but the Draconchilde burns through the achemically treated dragon's blood in ONE MONTH, leading to exhorbant expense or a life of hunting down dragons. In addition, the IMRSS unit cannot be installed due to the Draconchilde's natural immune system, so the standard Juicer regenerative powers are not present. Finally, a Draconchilde will only live a total of 2 years plus 3D6 months as a Dragon Juicer. Less than 0.01% choose this. Cybernetics, Implants, and Symbiotes: All Draconkind possess auto-immunities to implants, and thus, can never receive cybernetics: their bodies will not accept them. Neither can they accept symbiotes. Magic tattoos are ineffective, regardless of the original race (True Atlanteans will possess the marks of heritage, regardless of their uselessness). Psionics and Magic: Same as original race, unless other bonuses are rolled. A note about Lifespan: No one knows how long the Draconkind will live. It has been fifteen years since the first was born, and many show no signs of aging since maturity. Others (like those with natural Juicer abilities) have already begun to die. Roll D6 to determine the approximate life span (GM may wish to do this without the player's knowledge). This is in additional to the five years of growth at the start of life. 1 2D4+5 years 2 2D6+10 years 3 3D6+20 years 4 2D4x10 years 5 3D6x10 years 6 1D4x100 years Xp table: Use the table corresponding to whatever O.C.C. is chosen.

Dragon-Girl R.C.C.
Attributes: IQ: 3d6, MA: 4d6, ME: 3d6, PS: 5d6, PP: 4d6, PE: 4d6, PB: 5d6 (min 16), Spd: 4d6 P.P.E.: 2d4x10+40 M.D.C.: 2d6x10+30, +2d6 MD per level PS and PE are supernatural. Height: 6'7" + 1d8 inches. Weight: 150 lb, plus. Sex: Female only.

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Psionics: Minor psionic; base ISP is ME + 2d6, plus 1d6 per level. Magic Knowledge: Instinctive understanding of magic (vague, general stuff); will not learn spells unless a Practitioner of Magic OCC or Dragon Hatchling RCC is chosen. Can intuitively use techno-magic devices, read magic, use scrolls, and recognizes magical circles and enchantment (still requires Lore: Magic to identify). Can sense ley-lines, nexuses, and dragons within 5 miles (general distance and direction only; no specific locations). Combat abilities: Claws add 1d6 MD to punching damage, does not have a breath weapon. Average life span: 600 years. At this point, the character will reach full maturity and metamorphose into an adult dragon. They cannot bear young until they reach full maturity. Cybernetics: None. Cannot get cybernetics or bionics. Description: Dragon-Girls generally look like amazonian women with strong draconic influences. The body is generally humanoid, with fine silver scales covering the skin, and slender musculature. Luxuriant silver hair grows on the top and back of the head (but not on the sides); otherwise, they are hairless. The hands and feet are longer and narrower than normal; the feet have three equally-sized clawed toes growing from the front, and another clawed toe growing from the heel. The hands have five fingers, each ending in a sharp talon. A long, whiplike tail emerges from the lower back and base of the spine; it can push buttons and pull triggers, and has a PS of 1/3 the character's regular PS (+1 attack/melee). A pair of large, draconic wings grow from the shoulders and upper back. The head and face are very draconic, with reptilian eyes, pointed rear-swept ears, and a flattened nose. Vestigial horns grow just below the hairline. The face is long, narrow, and almost snoutlike. The lips, tongue, and teeth are human. The character's original features are still vaguely recognizable, but only at close range. Despite their inhuman traits, Dragon-Girls are captivatingly beautiful. Origins: When Dolmeris became pregnant, the Beef Baron began worrying about how to deal with several very affectionate, very Mega-Damage daughters (to quote the hatchling from page 6 of Sourcebook One: "Oh!!! These humans are so fragile!). At the same time, he became more enamoured of the draconic form, and resolved to find a way to make himself into a being similar to his mate. During a profoundly bizarre sequence of events, in which the Beefster, his ally Joe (of Joe's Happy Joyous Coalition-Bashing Circus), and far too many Dyna-Bots broke into Lone Star, and made off with two genetic-engineering devices. Another ally, Filthy Harry, recruited two city rats (a male and a female, both human) as experimental subjects (the Beefster was very unhappy to find out that Filthy Harry had recruited them on the premise that they were to be fitted with experimental cybernetics). About a year later (shortly before another very bizarre sequence of events), the male subject was decanted. Unfortunately, the uncontrolled DNA recombination rendered him neuter, with stunted growth and absolutely no mind whatsoever; it had become a mindless predator. Dubbed "Ruprict" (a corruption of the name of Steve Martin's character from the movie, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels), it was released inside Chi-Town (see the Rifts/Robotech Timeline on Scott Hayden's homepage for details). Its "sister's" tube was reprogrammed to slow the transformation, and hopefully retain her higher brain functions. After three years, the other subject was decanted. Her mind is sharp, although her memory was almost completely wiped by the sudden changes in brain chemistry she underwent during the first year. Dolmeris and the Beef Baron have "adopted" her, and named her Artaela. By comparing the logs of the gene-tubes in which Ruprict and Artaela were gestated, their DNA, Dolmeris' DNA, and praxian DNA, the Beef Baron (with the help of a lot of computer-time) has developed a serum, that, when combined with immersion in a gene- splicing tube, will turn any non-supernatural humanoid into a Dragon-Girl (because both the dragon and praxian DNA tend to dominate, he couldn't get any sort of gender variation). Artaela's transformation took about three years; if the same process was repeated using Kittani or Phase World level genetic technology (or possibly Splugorth transmutation vats), it could presumably take less time. O.C.C.s: Dragon-Girls may take any OCC (excepting any that require augmentation: juicers, borgs, etc). A Dragon-Girl who takes the Dragon Hatchling RCC gain the Hatchling's Teleport percentages, psionic skills, and magical abilities. Combat: Hand to Hand skill starts at Basic (one extra skill slot for Expert, two for Martial Arts). R.C.C. Skills:The Hatchling RCC Dragon-Girl begins with twenty additional skills that she can take from any skill area (including Physical). At levels two and three, she gains an additional five skills (gains one skill per level thereafter). Note: A Dragon-Girl who does not take the Dragon Hatchling RCC/OCC must switch to it upon reaching adulthood. Dragon-Girls who do not take the Dragon Hatchling RCC, or someone who finds him/herself trapped in the form of an adult dragon do not gain the adult's natural abilities all at once. Rather, they gain the abilities over the course of ten levels (most dragons reach adulthood between tenth and twelfth level). The table is designed for use with silver dragons, but could conceivably be altered for more generic purposes.

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Dragon of the Lightning Claw

By: Hyper Dragon Hatchling Description: The dragon of the lightning claw is an incredibly hyper supernatural being. They have much less P.P.E. or I.S.P. than other dragons, this is because they have a higher 'metabolism' and the mystic energy they absorb is used to fuel their active nature and extreme speed. In addition to being the equivalent of a human with the 'Crazy-man' insanity, they are incredible dare devils. Often one will see a dragon of the lightning claw rush towards something at full speed and veer off with only inches to spare (full speed is about 670 mph!!!). Players should remember this when playing a dragon of the lightning claw. Attributes: The numbers indicated under each attribute is the number of dice to be rolled for each. Speed attribute is roughly MACH 1. I.Q.: 4, M.E.: 4, M.A.: 6, P.S.: 5, P.P.: 6, P.E.: 5, P.B.: 5, Spd.: 3D6 +1000. These attributes stay pretty constant until the dragon reaches full maturity at about 400 years of age. At that time the physical attributes increase dramatically(except speed). Skills: At rst level the Hatchling can select six skills, but is automatically literate in dragonese and one additional language and also knows basic math. Each of these skills are at 98% prociency. Also the player should choose a hand to hand type, either martial arts or expert. At fourth and Eighth levels an additional four skills can be selected. Available skill categories are limited to: Communications: Any Domestic: Any Physical(no attribute bonuses): Acrobatics, Climbing, Gymnastics, Prowl, and Swimming only Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any Technical: Any Wilderness: Any Ancient Weapon Prociencies: Any The hatchling is too busy testing his natural abilities, instinctively developing magic skills, and learning about the cosmos to concentrate on mundane human skills. Also, because of their hyper nature sonic dragons get -10% on all skills other than physical, piloting and weapon prociencies. Add +10% to prowl, climbing, swimming, gymnastics, and dancing skills. Mega Damage/Hit Points: 7D4 x10 +200 Natural Abilities: Fly 670 mph, Run 670 mph, Leap 60 ft straight up, and 100 ft across, Nightvision: 1000 ft, Vision TEN times greater than a human's(can see an 18 inch object with perfect clarity at two miles away), can bio-regenerate 1D4 x5 M.D. points every ve minutes. Mucus Ejection Range: 60 feet Duration: 1D4 melees Attacks Per Melee: Once per melee, but counts as 2 attacks. The dragon can expel a large, sticky glob of mucus to incapacitate its target. Those struck are incapacitated while they struggle free. A very disconcerting attack, it has a horror factor of 17( The damn thing spit at me?!?!?). Those struck get +2 to save versus horror factor, but only when facing this attack. This bonus is cumulative. Metamorphosis: Is another natural ability. The dragon can completely alter his physical shape, transforming himself to look like any living animal, from a human being to a raven. There are some limitations; the dragon can not metamorphosize into inanimate objects or insects. The minimum size is about the size of a cat and maximum size cannot exceed his own. The transformation can last up to two hours per level of experience(an adult dragon can maintain the transformation for 48 hours).If on or near a ley line/nexus point(within two miles), the time is tripled. Note: Regardless of his shape, a dragon is a dragon, with all it's natural powers and abilities. So a hatchling metamorphed to look like a bunny rabbit can still talk, cast spells, and kick with the strength of a dragon. The metamorphosis does not instill any of the abilities of the animal, only it's cute appearance. Teleport: 35% +2% per level of experience. Teleportation is a special power common to most dragons. The character can teleport, at will, up to 5 miles away. At the hatchling stage, he can only teleport himself. The percentage number indicates the likelihood of being able to activate the teleportation. A failed roll means the teleport does not happen. The hatchling can attempt a teleport once every other melee round. Only a mature dragon can perform a dimensional teleport without using a ley line nexus. Psionics: Minor Psionic; player can select a total of four abilities from sensitive, physical, or healer. An additional one ability may be selected at level 3, 6, and 9 with two selected at levels 12, 15, and 18. I.S.P. base gains 1D6 per level of experience. I.S.P.: 1D6 x5 Magic(spells and knowledge): Full understanding of magic, but knows no spells yet. However, can intuitively use all types of types of Techno-Wizardry devices without instruction, can read magic, use scrolls, and recognize magic circles and enchantment. Can also sense ley lines and nexus points and other dragons; range: 20 miles. Note that this sensing ability can not pinpoint specic locations, only nearness and general direction. Learns three spells at level four and an additional one at each level. The level of all spells learned is equal to or less than the current level of the dragon. Ley lines, nexus points, and any other high P.P.E. phenomenon will cause the - 159 -

dragon to get 'high'. This is because the dragon's "metabolism" will automatically "metabolize" 25% of the available P.P.E. and only 75% will be available. The details of the experience are left up to the player, this can lead to some pretty wild "trips". A dragon of the lightning claw will never become addicted(but can become obsessed see insanity) to ley lines, nexus points, or other phenomenon, this is a completely harmless high. P.P.E. base gains 2D4 per level of experience. P.P.E.: 2D4 x5 Instinctive Combat Abilities: Attacks per melee: 5(+1 at level 3), +1 to strike(+1 in air), +4 to parry(+2 in air), +7 to dodge(+6 in air), +8 on initiative, +10 roll with punch, fall, or impact Fast Punch: 1D6 Fast Kick/Claw: 2D6 Super Fast Punch: 4D6(2 attacks) Super Fast Kick/Claw: 6D6(2 attacks) Fast Bite: 2D4 Super Fast Bite: 6D4(2 attacks) 400 mph ram: 1D6x10(5D6 to self)(3 attacks) Sonic two sted ying ram style punch at 400 mph or greater:1D4x10(3D6 to self)(2 attacks). Average Life Span: 4,000 Insanity: Dragons of the lightning claw are wild, amboyant, and jocular. One might consider them a cross between Daffy Duck, Errol Flynn, and a stand-up comic on speed. Zany, dynamic, caustic, and hyper. These dragons seem to be as cocky and carefree leaping into the jaws of death as they would be at a tea party. They will batter opponents with sarcastic quips, bad jokes, and silly observations while socking it out or facing the barrel of a gun. These dragons are always dgeting. Tapping claws, cracking knuckles, tapping feet, wringing hands, pacing, apping wings, standing on one's head, doing cartwheels, suspended by rope, balanced on one's tail, bouncing a ball, ipping a coin, ect. They are extremely hyper and can't seem to sit still. In combat, they are usually the ones bounding into a group of baddies, hanging out the window, or displaying dazzling footwork. Dragons of the lightning claw seem to have a consistent habit of laughing, giggling, or snickering at the most unusual times. Usually this occurs during combat, under high pressure situations, or when triumphant. Sometimes this can be extremely effective in rattling one's foe. Other times it is downright annoying. They also tend to come up with inane battle cries. In combat, a dragon of the lightning claw usually appears to be fearless, leaping into battle with a joke on it's lips and armed with it's bare claws and a rune sword(that's a joke, son). They tend to be reactionary, believe themselves to be indestructible, take needless risks, and have a complete disregard for personal safety, especially when an innocent life is at stake. Bonuses and Penalties: These dragons tend to be physically and action oriented, thus they are usually too impatient to master skills that require sitting still and/or intense contemplation or study. Note: As a reactionary, the dragon of the lightning claw tends to be naive and a sucker for a sad tale, good cause, or pretty face. Also, roll once on the dragon obsession table.

Dragon Rider R.C.C.

By: Kelsey Seale Dragon Riders are a race of humanoids that have learned to mentally tame and control Dragons for a short period of time. During the waning days of the second magic epoch, a pair of Chinese magicians learned how to use their minds to control Dragons for a short period of time. Persecuted for teaching their "Black Magic," the Chinese magicians fled through a dimensional portal to a world filled with Dragons. The magicians also found a civilization of humans that feared the Dragons because of their might and mysterious powers. The Chinese magicians then felt it was their duty to train these people to be on more equal terms with the Dragons and so the people of this planet were taught the way of the Dragon Rider. After a century of peace with humans and Dragons living together, a horde of evil Dragons found their way to the planet of the Dragon Riders and promptly invaded the once peaceful planet. It was during this invasion that the Dragon Riders were formed into an army to combat evil; also, the properties of Dragon skin were unlocked at this time and the powerful Dragon Rider Combat Armor was created. With the coming of the Rifts, the Dragon Riders have found their way to earth and are continuing their constant battle against evil. Alignments: Any, but tends toward Principled & Scrupulous Attribute Requirements: ME: 10, PS: 12 HP: Standard (PE +1D6 per level) SDC: 3D4*10 PPE: 1D8 ISP: ME+1d4*10 (+1D10 per level of experience); considered a major psionic. Attributes: IQ: 3D6+5 PP: 3D6 ME: 4D6+5 PE: 4D6 MA: 3D6 PB: 3D6 PS: 4D6 Spd: 3D6 Special Abilities: - 160 -

Automatic telepathy & empathy with Dragons: 100ft range. High Mental & Physical Endurance. Impervious to a Dragon's Horror Factor. Resistant to Dragon attacks (1/3 damage). See aura of Dragon through Metamorphosis: 30% +5% per level of experience, -20% to see Chiang-ku. *Mentally control up to 4 Dragons for 1D8 days; Base Percentage: ME% +1/2 ME per level of experience. RCC Skills: Language & Literacy: Chinese(+20%) 2 additional languages(+10%) Paramedic(+5%) Escape Artist(+15%) Tracking(+10%) Wilderness Survival(+10%) **Dragonship(+20%) Land Navigation(+10%) Acrobatics Boxing Three Ancient WP of choice Hand to Hand Martial Arts RCC related skills: Dragon Riders can pick 7 RCC Related Skills from the following categories at level one and one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 Communications: Radio: Basic only Domestic: any(+5%) Electrical: none Espionage: Any(15%) Mechanical: none Medical: Holistic Medicine only(+15%) Military: none Physical: any(+10%) Pilot: any except Robot skills Pilot Related: Navigation only Rogue: Any except Computer Hacking(+5%) Science: Math only Technical: Any except computers(+15%) WP: any except Heavy & Heavy Energy Wilderness: Any(+20%) Secondary skills: Can select 6 Secondary skills from the above categories, but without the benefit of bonuses; can pick one additional secondary skill at levels 5, 10, and 12. Psionics: Select 4 psionic powers from the Physical and Sensitive categories; add 1 power from either category at levels 5, 10, and 15 Saves as a Major Psionic. Bonuses: +1 melee attack, +4 to save vs HF, +3 to save vs Magic Weapons: Select three ancient weapons that are equal to the character's RCC skill WP's and one Light energy Rifle with 1D4+2 EClips. Starting Equipment: Set of Clothing, Set of battle clothing, Tinted Goggles, one large sack, 2D4 small sacks, binoculars, Utility/ammo belt, Thermo-Optic sight, Flashlight, Portable Language Translator, Pencils and Notebook, Canteen, Silver Cross, Dragon Rider Body Armor*** Money: 1D4*100 in credits; 3D4*1000 in Black Market Items Appearance: Normal human Average Lifespan: 100+ years Enemies: Evil of any kind. Allies: D-Bees, Champions of Good Cybernetics: Will only take Bio-Systems to replace damaged parts. - 161 -

Xp table: Use the Dragon R.C.C. EP table. * GM rolls secretly as the player doesn't know how long his control will last. ** Dragonship is a skill exclusive to the Dragon Rider; use it when flying Dragons in Combat and making critical maneuvers. Base Skill: 30% plus 5% per level of experience. ***Dragon Rider Body Armor is armor that been created from the hide of a powerful Dragon, instilling limited regeneration powers into the armor. MDC: 135 Wt: 30 lb Regenerates 5D4 MDC per hour. Penalties: -30% to prowl.

Dragon Slayer O.C.C.

By: Stewart Lane & Ben Wagg On Palladium one of the most misunderstood and feared (some nearly as much as gods!) creatures is the dragon. While some are known to be good and kind, the majority of stories that filter through the songs and tales of bards are of dragons that terrorize people and destroy their homes. The reasons for these actions are many and varied, some are driven by greed, some by a lust for magical knowledge and some even for pure pleasure. Occasionally a hero will emerge to rid the peoples of these menaces but heroes of this caliber are few and far between. As a result of the frequency of the attacks and the rarity of people with the power to combat this menace many churches have utilized the training centers that are used for the training of Holy Crusaders*. The top 1% of all trainees are slated to become Dragon Slayers. The reason for this action is because churches are a prime target for dragons seeking riches and wealth as well as trying to subdue the local population. If the dragon slayers are successful in killing or subduing the dragon then they will gain the lasting gratitude of the peoples. This is a great advertisement for their religion and it might even boost membership which will then lead to more donations. (Which are greatly accepted!) N.B. Dragon slayers are expected to perform the duties of a Holy Crusader* on top of their own. DRAGON SLAYERS & JOB BENEFITS Armor: Because of the dangers inherent with their profession only the heaviest of armors should be chosen. Equipment: Initial equipment includes: A set of armor(Studded leather -Full plate), holy symbol (typically a medallion), backpack, good boots, notebook, grooming utensils, ink, crow quill, pen, three sets of clothes, belt, gloves, boots, 460 gold, 4 doses of dragons breath poison. Horse: A horse (usually a war-horse) will be provided to dragon slayers when they have assisted in the subduing of a dragon. Salary & Booty: The conditions of payment and advancement are identical to the Holy Crusader* with the addition of the following rules: 1:- The dragons body parts must be given to the church and no profit out of them can be made by the dragon slayer. 2:- If the local population, as they usually do, shower the dragon slayer with gifts then 99% of all the proceeds must be donated to the church. Magic Weapons/Items (The Dragon Slayer is given two of the following): Dragonsbane (Holy lance): Damage:- 3D6+4.B 4D6+10 Vs Dragons. +2 to strike. Abilities: Heavy touch 3D6 damage up to two times daily. Healing touch 2D6 HP up to three times daily. Call lightning (6th level) up to three times daily. - 162 -

Far-Reacher(Holy long bow): Damage:- 2D6+6. 4D6+2 Vs Dragons. On a called shot to the dragons heart (-5 to strike) an additional 2D6+6 damage +3 to strike. 24 Holy arrows. N.B. the bow itself is not magic/holy and therefore requires the holy arrows to function properly. Wyrmshield(Large shield): +3 to parry. Indestructible. Wyvernreaper: (Can be any hand-held weapon) Damage:- 2D6+6. +2 Strike/Parry. Abilities:- Immobilize, circle of rain, blinding flash. Any combination up to three times daily. Blessed Medallion: Creates a magical armor (A.R. 20, S.D.C. 40) for 1D6 melees. Can be used up to two times daily. N.B. At no time are these items owned by the Dragon Slayer but are on loan from the church. THE DRAGON SLAYER Alignment: any (except miscreant & diabolic). Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 14, P.S. 15, P.E. 12, P.P. 12. O.C.C. Skills: Hand to Hand:Palladin W.P. Lance W.P. Large sword W.P. Large shield Horsemanship:Knight Religious doctrine (+20) Speak additional language(+20) Read/write (+20) One weapon proficiency of choice. O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 5 at level one, and 2 at levels four, eight and twelve. Electives: Weapon proficiencies: Polearms Axe Hammer Crossbow Longbow Shortbow Short swords Paired(counts as two) Targeting(counts as two) Spear Small shield Running Witch lore(+10) Undead lore (+10) Sniping(counts as two) Medical(+6) Prowl Stalk/capture Wilderness survival(+10) Armor and weapon decoration(+5) - 163 -

Streetwise(+10) Scale walls(+10) Track Disguise(+4) Hunting Secondary Skills: Choose 8 at level one, and 3 at levels five, and ten. Any but the following have O.C.C. bonuses. Faerie lore(+10) Speak additional language(+15) Racial histories(+5) Recognize weapon quality(+7) Dance(+10) Heraldry(+15) Mathematics(+10) Read/write additional language(+10) Recognize precious metals/stones(+8) Sailing(+3) Swimming(+10) Writing(+8) Magic Abilities: Initial spell knowledge: Armour of Ithan, Strength of Utgard Loki, Blue flame, Impervious to fire. Abilitities: Spell strength is equivalent to a level 2 wizard. The spell strength does Not increase. Gains 1 extra spell per level of advancement. Can cast number of spells daily as equal to his experience level. The spells are limited to levels 1 to 6. +6 to save against any magic cast by a dragon. At third level the character gets the heavy touch ability.(See Holy Crusader O.C.C.*). Does Never have to perform a save verses horror factor against dragons. Experience Levels: 1. 0 2. 2,201 3. 4,801 4. 9,601 5. 17,001 6. 25,001 7. 35,001 8. 50,001 9. 70,001 10. 95,001 11. 135,001 12. 177,001 13. 227,001 14. 277,001 15. 327,001 -

2,200 4,800 9,600 17,000 25,000 35,000 50,000 70,000 95,000 135,000 177,000 227,000 277,000 327,000 377,000

Dragon Warrior O.C.C.* for the Palladium Fantasy Roleplaying Game 2nd Edition
By: Canadian Guy Dragon Warriors are highly trained men-at-arms that are hand selected by a Dragon 'liege' to serve them. After selection, the Warrior is put on a strict regime of vigorous training and conditioning. Often the Dragon Warrior's role is adventuring for the dragon (who could not bother to was any of his/her valuable time finding a simple magic item), or protecting the dragons 'interests'. - 164 -

The Dragon Warrior first forges his/her body and soul into a lethal weapon, and then usually begins an adventure to prove their 'worth' to their dragon lord. Failure to do so, usually means death; however, if the Dragon Warrior proves himself worthy he under goes the 'initiation ceremony'. The Dragon breaths on the Warrior with its breath weapon. The result is astonishing: when the Warrior awakes his chest is covered with an image of his Dragon lord in flight. The image is covered with runes (the properties of which the Dragon Warrior learns as his level progresses and at high levels the Warrior gains the ability to cast rune magics). The Warrior also gains the ability to speak 'common dragon'* (high dragonese), this enables him/her to converse with hatchlings in their own language. The Dragon Warrior worships his dragon liege as a 'God' and views it as the only lord with authority in the realm (IE the dragon's word is law and no other). The Warrior is often supplied with magic weapons and armor amongst other items by the dragon; however, the Dragon Warrior must select three weapon proficiencies. After this selection has been made, the Warrior never uses any other weapons. Attribute Requirements: IQ: 12, ME: 12, PS: 12, PP: 13, PE: 12 Alignment: Any, but usually matches that of his/her dragon lord Gender: Male or Female Race: Any O.C.C. Bonuses: +2 Strike, +1 Damage, body runes, ability to cast rune magic, Dragon H-t-H* O.C.C. Skills: Hand to Hand: Dragon WP Unarmed WP Small Shield WP Paired Weapons Select Three Weapon Proficiencies Weapon Crafting (+12%) Armorer (+15%) Armor/Weapons Decoration Horsemanship: General Blind/Night Fighting (+10%) Languages: Native Tongue at 98%, Common Dragon 50% (+5/level), 2 of choice (+15%) Literacy: Native Language (+20%), Common Dragon 30% (+5/level) O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 2 other skils from the military skill category and five other skills at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications/Performing Arts: Any Domestic: Any Espionage: Any Horsemanship: Exotic only (+5%) Labour: Any Medical: First Aid Only Military: Any (+15%) Physical: Any Rogue: Any Science: Math Only Scholar/Techinical: Any Weapon Proficiencies: Targeting and Sniper ONLY (these are refinements not true WPs) Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at level one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the OCC bonuses. Body Runes*: This is a GMdescretion section (be creative its more fun for the player); however, here is the basic one that Iuse. Note that activating runes does not cost the player PPE points but the runs can only be activated the listed number of times. Level 1: Heal 3/day 1d8+5 HP Level 2: Wind Rush (See Air Warlock) 3/week Level 3: Call Lightening 1d6 damage/level1/day Level 4: Increase AR (+1)Duration: 1hr1/day Level 5: Mind Link with Dragon 'liege' 1/day Level 6: Dragon Breath 3d6+6 DamageRange: 150'3/day (counts as 2 attacks) Level 7: Teleport Self 500 yards 2/day Level 8: Dragon FlightDuration: 1 day1/week Level 9: Heal Superior: heals to full HP and SDC 2/week Level 10: Super Strength (+10 to PS) Duration: 1hr2/month - 165 -

Level 11: Level 12: Level 13: Level 14: Level 15: Level 16:

Mystic Portal 1/day Metamorphosis Self (GMDiscretion) 2/day Anti-Magic Cloud 2/year Call Lightening Superior (calls 5 lightening bolts) 2d6/level each 1/month Call/Control Major Elemental1/year ***become Dragon Hatchling***

Level Experience - Hand-to-Hand Dragon Level 1: 0-2,400 - 2 attacks per melee; +3 role, +3 pull punch Level 2: 2,401-4,800 - +3 Strike/Parry/Dodge Level 3: 4,801-9,600 - 3 attacks per melee Level 4: 9,601-17,000 - Disarm opponent 17-20 Level 5: 17,001-25,000 - +1 Damage Level 6: 25,001-35,000 - Critical Strike 17-20 Level 7: 35,001-50,000 - 4 attacks per melee Level 8: 50,001-70,000 - Stun Opponent 17-20 Level 9: 70,001-95,000 - +2 Strike Level 10: 95,001-135,000 - Death Blow on 19 or 20 Level 11: 135,001-177,000 - 5 attacks per melee Level 12: 177,001-227,000 - +3 Strike Level 13: 227,001-277,000 - +4 Damage Level 14: 277,001-327,000 - 6 attacks per melee Level 15: 327,001-377,000 - +4 Strike/Parry/Dodge Rune Spell Magic: When the Dragon Warrior Reaches Level 8- He can be taught how to cast Rune Spell Magic. *The Dragon Warrior OCC is the design, creation, and property of. The Experience table and The Dragon Hand-to-Hand Combat skill was first developed by Dave Anhorn for the Battle Lord OCC and has been given to the Canadian Guy through exclusive consent of the said party. Reproduce, redistribution, or re-publication of this OCC Class without consent is strictly forbidden. This consent is obtainable by me first.

Draykle R.C.C.
By: Tim Santa Cruz This is a follow up to my post of the Bronid. These guys are essentially the antagonists in the Bronids Universe. Again, comments welcome. Many thousands of years ago, the Draykle came to power in their galaxy. The Draykle Empire is evil. The Draykle see other species as nothing more than slave labor. They kill the innocent, torture for fun, and devastate whole world without blinking an eye. In the years of Draykle history it is estimated that they have eradicated over 634 different species and killed trillions. They are without mercy, without compassion. Appearance wise, they Draykle are very similar to humans. The only difference being the eye and hair color. They hair is either blue, bright red, or green. The hair color also denotes a Draykles place in society. The blue hairs are the nobility. They have the most prestige and authority. Red hairs are military. Green hairs are peasants. The eyes are either white or black. They have no pupils so the eye is just one color. The Black eyes are male and the white eyes are females. The other distinguishing factor of the Draykle is that they are born with cybernetic implants. These implants are simply brain stimulants. They increase intelligence and agility. Red hairs are born with, among other things, a tiny microchip that, when activated, cuts oxygen to the brain. This allows the blue hair to keep control of the military. Also the red hairs have an internal compass, that lets them know the direction of north at all times. Since Draykoon's (The Draykle Home World) magnetic poles are very similar to earth, this compass works very nicely. Upon Discovery of Rifts earth (Their scientists perfected dimensional portals a few years ago and they are only now beginning to invade new dimensions), the Draykle have sent an advance scout to find out more about this new world. They were assigned to split off and make good with the locals. 500 Army Groups (50 million troops) are waiting to invade when word comes back from the advance scouts. Red Hairs Alignment: Evil or selfish. Good Alignments are Very Rare. Also Unprincipled is very rare. Attributes: I.Q. 4D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 2D6+2, P.S. 4D6, P.P. 4D6+1, P.E. 3D6+1, P.B. 2D6, Spd. 3D6 - 166 -

HF: None MDC: 3D6 x 10 PPE: 1D6 Average Life Span: 110 Years Natural Abilities: While the Draykle do not have "Supernatural Strength" they can do a power punch that does 1D4 MD, buts counts as 2 attacks. Also they have telescopic sight (2 miles, +2 Strike with Ranged Weapons) Combat: Hand to Hand Expert Psionics: None Magic: None R.C.C. Skills: Language: Dryke (98%) Language: Pick 3 (+20%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Pilot Spaceship: Fighters (+10%) Read Sensory Equipment (+10%) Weapon Systems (+10%) Movement: Zero G (+5%) Computer Operation (+15%) W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle W.P. Heavy R.C.C. Related Skills: 10 Other Skills. Plus 2 at levels 5 and 10. Communications - Any (+5%) Domestic - Any Electrical - Any Espionage - Any Mechanical - Any Medical - First Aid Only Military - (+10%) Physical - Any Pilot - Any (+5%) Pilot Related - Any Rogue - Any Science - Any Technical - Any W.P. - Any Wilderness - Any Secondary Skills: 2 at 3, 7, and 12 Standard Equipment: 3 Military Uniforms (2 Combat, 1 Dress), Binoculars, Wrist Communicator, 3 Weeks Food Rations, Survival Knife, Back pack. Weapons: Standard Military Laser Rifle (See below), Standard Military Side arm (See Below), 6 Plasma grenades. Money: 3D6 x 1000 Cybernetics: Brain Stimulator (+1D6 to I.Q. and P.P., already included in attributes), Gyro Compass, Brain Cutoff device. Experience: Use table for CS Grunt Weapons 1. Standard Military Rifle - REi237 Range: 5000 ft Damage: 6D6 MDC Ammo: 30 2. Standard Military Sidearm - REi236 Range: 3000 ft Damage: 3D6 MDC Ammo: 10

Special Operations Group Drop Commando OCC

By: Chris Curtis - 167 -

Note: this is a rather powerful OCC that was designed more for the Phase World universe, but is fine for the normal Rifts Earth. The Drop Commandos are from an alternate dimension in which the primary human galactic organization is the Terran Confederation of Allied Worlds (TCAW). Approximately 500 years ago the human race had colonies spread throughout a fair percentage of their home galaxy. Different colonies had been founded by varying Terran cultures and thus there was competition and animosity between many of the worlds. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately) there was not a great extent of armed conflict and thus not a need for a large or advanced military. For the next hundred years the worlds traded among themselves. They grew complacent, for they had not found any trace of other sentient races in all of their travels. Finally, an unarmed transport fleet, which had somehow been thrown off course, stumbled upon an outpost of another race. The fleet tried to contact the new race by every means at their disposal, but to no avail. Suddenly, a burst of roaring sound came over their ancient back-up radio system. The Sound was immediately followed by the sight of alien warships racing toward them. The fleet commander, fearing the worst, ordered four of the transports to leave the system and attempt to find their way back to the colony worlds. Only one ship from the entire fleet made it back to a colony world. The news of the race, and their apparent hostility, sent the independent worlds into a panic, and chaos quickly followed. The small defense forces of the independent worlds were mobilized and sent to defend outlying worlds. Soon the most distant colonies began to be attacked and destroyed by the mysterious alien race. It became obvious that a government and military force would have to be established. Hastily, representatives from the different worlds met and discussed the problem. Soon a rough government, the TCAW, was Hashed out. However, there remained a problem just as desperate: the need for a military force. The technology of the new TCAW was highly advanced, except in the areas of weapons and combat technologies such as warships. Immediately, massive research efforts were initiated, but they needed time to get results. There was a need for immediate defense, so they turned to areas in which their technology was advanced: cybernetics, computers, pharmaceuticals, and other fields. The idea was to combine these technologies to make a super-soldier. Scientists had soon devised a way to combine these to create soldiers that were stronger, tougher, faster, and deadlier than any other soldiers known. Training and implementation of the program was quickly started. Due to time limitations, the new soldiers were organized into special forces teams called Special Operations Groups (SOGs). Thus was born the SOG Drop Commando. The Drop Commandos were an incredible success. They bought the TCAW enough time to get other new technologies produced. Eventually, the TCAW fought the invading aliens to a standstill. However, this was not before over 35% of their worlds and billions of people were obliterated. After the war ended the government was finalized and instituted. The SOG Drop Commandos were deemed a complete success and it was decided that the program should continue (though in a more subdued fashion) and be upgraded as newer technologies became available. The current Drop Commandos are the finest soldiers in the TCAW military, and have yet to find their equal. Note: There are only about fifty SOG Drop Commandos in Rifts Earth/ Phase World universe. A combat transport carrying two platoons of Drop Commandos had a Hyper-Jump drive malfunction and was transported into the Rifts Megaverse where they seem to be trapped, at least for now. Alignment: Any, but only 8% are either Diabolic or Miscreant. Attribute Requirements: IQ 13, ME 13, PS 11, PP 11, PE 11 Drop Commando Augmentation System: Note: All Drop Commando (DC) augmentations are rendered out-of-phase (see Phase World) after being installed. This renders them invisible to any means of detection except by those able to sense phase technology. 1. Cybernetics: Each DC's body is enhanced through the implantation of the most advanced cybernetics in the TCAW. Note: These systems are decades ahead of anything that can be achieved on Rifts Earth, with the possible exception of Atlantis. Multi-Optic Eyes: These are the same as in the basic book, but are indistinguishable from normal eyes. Headjack with Long-range Radio Amplified Hearing and Sound Filtration 2. Chemical Drug Dispenser: DCs are outfitted with a drug dispenser which is implanted in the skull behind one ear. The dispenser, when activated by thought, releases a dose of a drug, commonly referred to as "Speed", into the blood stream. Once released, the drug has an incredible effect on the DC's reflexes, speed, reaction and agility. However, the effects only last for one hour per dose and is followed by violent nausea and headaches. The access for the drug port is located behind one ear and is unnoticeable under even fairly close inspection. Note: Bonuses are effective one action after activated. +1 attack per melee +3 to parry and dodge +3 to initiative 3. Servo, Muscle, and Bone Augmentation: At each major joint of the DC's body, power-enhancing servos are implanted. All major muscle groups are augmented with the addition of artificial bio-organic muscle fibers. In addition, all of the primary bones of the body are coated with a carbon- graphite ceramic laminate that effectively makes each bone over 10X stronger than before. +1D6 to PS, +2D4 to PE and PP, +3D4x10 to SDC 4. Nano-Computer and Servo Control System: Implanted in the skull of each DC is an incredibly small and efficient nanocomputer (NC) and a control system/interface for the joint servos. This combination essentially gives the DC computer controlled combat reflexes. It also acts as an interface for all of the augmentations, thus allowing mental control of the - 168 -

cybernetics. Effect: If the DC is in immediate, potentially life- threatening, danger (i.e. being shot at, etc.) and fails to avoid danger by either dodging, parrying, etc the NC/servo system will attempt to save the DC from the danger. The NC/servo system will assume momentary control of the DC's movement and attempt to dodge, parry, or roll with damage, depending on the circumstances. Note: the NC/servo system will attempt to save the DC without his conscious thought whether the DC wants it to or not. The DC has *no* conscious control over the system. 5. Psionic Dampers: Each DC has advanced electromagnetic anti-psionic fields and mental enhancers installed. +1D6 to ME 6. Combat Bonuses: These include bonuses from all of the augmentation systems except the Drug Dispenser. +1 attack per melee +2 to roll with punch, fall, or impact +3 to parry +2 to pull punch +4 to dodge +2 to strike +6 to save vs. psionics +5 to initiative O.C.C. Skills: Lang/Lit: (Native) at 98% Lang/Lit: Any (+20%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Basic Electronics (+10%) Intelligence (+10%) Detect: Concealment (+15%) Tracking (+10%) Pilot: Contra-grav (+10%) Pilot: One of Choice (+10%) Prowl (+25%) Read Sensory Equip. (+10%) Weapon Systems (+10%) Gymnastics (+10%) Boxing WP: E-Rifle WP: E-Pistol WP: Knife HtH: Martial Arts O.C.C. Related: Select 6 other skills plus 2 at lvl3, and 1 at lvls 6, 9, 12. Communications: Any Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanical: Any (+5%) Medical: First Aid or Paramedic Only Military: Any (+10%) Physical: Any (+5%) Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any (+10%) Science: Any Technical: Any WP: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: Select 5 skills as from the OCC related list. These do not get any of the bonuses listed in parenthesis. Standard Equipment: Normal dress, covert op clothing, backpack, utility belt, survival kit (equivalent to the NG-S2), gas mask, air filter, hand-cuffs, 75' of super-lightweight rope and grappling hook, flashlight,sunglasses, personal items, etc. Armor: Drop Commando Environmental Combat Armor. This is the standard armor issued to all DCs. It is suitable for outer space or underwater work , and has all of the standard features. Special Features: All features are built in to the armor. Defensive Phase Field, Language Translator, Contra-grav Pack Survival Kit, Maneuvering Thrusters (for movement in space and water only), Chameleon System (equivalent to the Silver Hawk system) Weight: 30 lbs (13.6 kg) Prowl Penalty: -5% MDC: 80 Weapons: E-Rifle or heavy weapon, E-Pistol, 2 modern weapons of choice, 1 silver vibro-knife (2D4 MD), and 1 other ancient weapon of choice. Each weapon has 1D6 clips. (As an option, in place of the E-Rifle and E-Pistol, the DC may have the Gravatonic Assault Cannon and Particle Pulse Pistol.) Note: The following weapons are the standard issue weapons for a DC. They are incredibly powerful compared to normal pistols and rifles. - 169 -

1. Gravatonic Assault Cannon: The GAC employs the latest discoveries concerning the manipulation of gravity. Weight: 30 lbs (13.6 kg) MD: 4D6 for one rnd, 2D6x10 for a burst of 5, and 3D6x10 for a burst of 10 ROF: Single shot, or a 5 or 10 round burst Range: 5000 ft (1520 m) Payload: 35 rounds per half clip. Every clip is actually 2 clipsconnected facing opposite directions. Note: Targeting systems add a +2 to strike on aimed and +1 to bursts. 2. Particle Pulse Pistol: This weapon uses a recently perfected technology: Confined Charged Particle Pulse Acceleration. Weight: 7 lbs (3.2 kg) MD: 4D6 for a single shot, 1D6x10+10 for a burst of 5 ROF: Single shot or a 5 round burst. Range: 1100 ft (335 m) Payload: 15 shot Energy clip. (Normal Earth-type E-clips, or the weapon itself, could probably be modified to work together.) Note: Targeting systems add a +1 to strike on aimed shots.

Drow Elf R.C.C.

By: Dave Anhorn The Drow Ages past, when the Elven folk were but new to the face of the world, their numbers were torn with discord, and those of moral disposition drove from themselves those elves who were selfish and cruel. Constant warfare between the two divisions of Elven kind continued with the goodly ones ever victorious, until those of dark nature were forced to withdraw from the lands under the sky and seek safety in the realms of the underworld. Here in the lightless caverns and endless warrens of twisting passages and caves hung with their icicles of stone, the dark Elven folk found both refuge and comfort. Over the centuries they grew strong again and schooled themselves in the arcane arts. They were strong enough to face and defeat their former brethren in battle, but no longer desired to walk upon the green lands under the sun and stars. Yet they neither forgave nor forgot and above all else, they bear enmity for all their distant kin--elves and faeries--who drove them under. They are seldom seen by those from above. They still persist and consort with other creatures in order to work out their schemes and inflict revenge upon those who inhabit the world above. Drow are black skinned and pale haired (the few exceptions tend to be bone-white albinos.) Rare Drow have naturally silver or copper-hued hair, although there are those who deliberately dye their hair silver. Most Drow have red eyes, but some others have green, brown, or black. Various shades of amber and rose-hued eyes are not unknown. All Drow eyes tend to grow redder when they are angry or upset. Yellow eyes usually denote illness, disease, poisoning, or the presence of certain detrimental magics. Blue and purple (and all the tints thereof) are the most unusual eye colors, and usually denote human or surface-Elven blood somewhere in the Drow's ancestry. Drow have superior night vision, seeing up to 120 feet in total darkness. They move almost silently and can blend into the shadows with 75% chance of success (only when underground or in a very familiar area however.) They are highly coordinated and ambidextrous. They have a +2 on all magic saves. Drow are slight of build and have delicate fingers and toes. Their features are somewhat sharp and their ears are pointed and large. Drow do not naturally show age until well after their 600th year. The usual Drow garb includes: Finely tailored silks, black boots, ankle length black silk cloaks, and very fine, mesh chain armors of exquisite workmanship. Most usually carry a small amount of personal wealth in a soft leather bag worn around the neck. Because the Drow have dwelled so long in the dark labyrinthian places under the surface of the earth, they dislike bright light. Drow, for the most part, will not venture forth into daylight, except on the cloudiest and gloomiest of days. In daylight the Drow have a -2 penalty to strike/parry/dodge, and it is 75% likely that they will retire from situations due to the light. In addition they are at a -10% on all skills (due to a lack of concentration), and have a -1 to all saves. They are not affected by torches, lanterns, or faerie fire. After one year on the surface world, Drow can become acclimatized to the bright light, and will only suffer half of the above penalty but from this time onward will only have a +1 save vs. magic until 1 year is spent below the surface. After 2 years on the surface the will no longer suffer any penalties save that of the reduced magic savings throw bonus. Drow society has developed along strongly matriarchal lines, with females holding all positions of power and responsibility in government, the military and at home (although this is not always the rule in all Drow houses or cities.) The Drow worship a variety of gods, with Lloth the Spider-Demon Goddess being the most common, although the worship of Nocticula is on the rise in many places. Even among Drow who do not worship Lloth, an affinity for arachnids is strong and the Drow emulate spider-like characteristics in - 170 -

many ways. Their cities, buildings, and cavern networks are often created in a web pattern. Traps among these structures channel creatures to the center of the web. Spiders and similar creatures often dwell among Drow communities, and are prominent in Drow sculpture, art, and fashion. Drow door-carvings and frames for example, are apt to sport a motif of repeatedly crawling spiders. Drow homes are often decorated by translucent, draped, gray hangings that emulate spider-webs. Even games of tag, especially the courting games of hide and seek played at festival times by young Drow, are known as "spider hunts". Any battle or endeavor in which a Drow dies fighting is known as his last bite. The Drow culture is perhaps the most widespread and firmly entrenched of all underground cultures. The Drow make treaties with other races when it serves their interests, but are quick to break these agreements if the terms are no longer advantageous (agreements with lesser races are not considered binding); this of course makes other races reluctant to enter into alliances with them. The long term objective of the Drow is to rule over all other subterranean races, and to control all access to and from the underworld. The secondary goal is the extermination of all other Elven races, including the ceasing of their surface lands and holdings. All of the dark elves can use the following spells once/day: Dancing Lights Faerie Fire Darkness Those above 4th level can cast: Detect Magic Know Alignment Levitate Drow Clerics can cast (at level): 1. Detect Lie 2. Detect Undead 3. Suggestion 4. Clairvoyance 5. E.S.P. 6. Invisibility to Undead 7. Dispel Magic and have a 20% chance each level of improving previous level magics (i.e. cast more times/day, not to exceed base spell-like abilities.) Drow of noble blood or name gain the ability to use all of their base and mature powers more than once per day. An additional daily use is granted at the end of each decade of life. All Drow with I.Q.'s of 16 or higher, and of 6th level or greater, can wield a natural spell-like power and a spell simultaneously, or employ a maximum of two natural spell-like powers. R.C.C. Skills: Sign Language: Drow 98% Locate Secret Compartments and Doors (+10%) Prowl (+20%) Recognize Precious Metals and Stones (+10%) Blind Fighting (+5% to fighter classes only) Weapons (to Fighters and Clerics only.) Hand to Hand Combat: Drow (this is Hand to hand Martial Arts with the following additions and replaces all other Hand to Hands, regardless of O.C.C., with the exception of the Paladin and the Weapons Master. For these classes see Hand to Hand: Spider Weapons Master.) 1. One extra Attack at First Level 2. +1 to strike/parry/dodge at 2nd Level 3. Death Blow on natural 20 At 13th Level 4. Knockout/stun on unmodified roll of 18, 19, 20 at level 15 Hand to Hand: Spider Weapons Master (See Weapons Master O.C.C.) Drow Patrols: There are three types of Drow patrol 1. Male 2. Female 3. Mixed Each are as detailed: 1. 7-10 soldiers of 2nd level 1 soldier of 4th level 1 Knight/wizard of 5th/3rd level 1 Priest of 7th level or higher as leader - 171 -

2. 7-10 soldiers of 3rd level 1 Knight of 5th level 1 Knight/Wizard of 5th/3rd level 1 Priestess of 7th level or higher as leader 3. 4-12 soldiers of 2nd level 1 soldier of 4th level 1 Knight of 5th level 1 Paladin/Priest(ess) of 7th level or higher to lead 11-16 bugbear slaves of 2nd level 2 troll slaves of 4th level 11-16 goblin slaves of 2nd level 4 ghosts of 6 hit dice 7-12 ghouls of 4 hit dice A Drow war party will be made up of: 7-10 type 1 patrols 7-10 type 2 patrols 10-15 type 3 patrols 8-14 wizards of 8th level 8-14 Priest(esse)s of 8th level 12-17 knights of 9th level 1 Paladin or Priest(ess)/Wizard/Noble of 10th/7th/5th level as leader In each of these patrol/war groups all Drow will be mounted on special lizard mounts. Lizard Mounts: A.R. 10 Spd. 30 H.P. 4-40 No. of Att: 2 Dam 2-8 (Claws) Drow Noble's Hunting Party (used to track and kill escaped slaves) consists of: 3-6 Bugbear trackers armed with heavy morning stars and spears 2-4 displacer beasts as bloodhounds 5-8 Soldiers of 3rd level 2-3 Soldiers of Noble standing of 6-8th level 1 Knight/Priest(ess) of Noble standing of 7th /5th level All Drow are mounted on lizard mounts detailed earlier; the knight is armed with a death lance which discharges a negative force that does 5-30 damage in addition to weapon damage and bonuses. Social Organization Social station is the most important thing in the world of the Drow. Ascension to greater power is the ultimate goal in Drow society. Assassination is the preferred tool in this job. It must be used discreetly in the city, for to openly murder or wage war (on a rival House) brings down the merciless might of Drow justice (not because of the act itself, simply as punishment for the boorish act of fighting in public.) Outside the patrol-range of cities, however, might is right, and Houses and merchant clans often battle each other openly in the wild Underdark. There are two major social groupings among the Drow. These are the relatively unimportant (according to the priestesses of Lloth) merchant clans, and the staid, monolithic noble houses. In truth, both establishments are vital to the survival of the Drow. Merchant Clans Merchant clans vary in organization. They are usually headed by an "inner ring" or council of the most experienced and/or wealthy merchant members, and hence are usually led by males (the demeaning and dangerous occupation of trading with outsiders is an almost exclusively male one). The membership of the inner ring of a given merchant clan consist primarily of male wizards, and priests of 4th level (or less). Removed as they are from Drow society at large, the merchant clans have little compunction about dealing with the surface world. In fact, a few of the "second ring," or managers, are non-Drow of various races. The lowest rank in the merchant clan, the "assets," are a mix of Drow, and non-Drow. these are the laborers and soldiery of the - 172 -

merchant house. Together, the merchant clans forge links with the outside world that enables the Noble Houses to survive. Merchant trains consist of: Small Mercantile Train Medium Mercantile Train 1-2 merchants 3-4 merchants Type 1 Drow patrol Type 3 Drow patrol * 5-8 slaves and 1 slave master *9-16 slaves and 2 slave masters 1-2 pack beasts 3-4 pack beasts Large Mercantile Train 5-8 merchants 1 type 1 Drow patrol 1 type 3 Drow patrol *17-24 slaves and 3 slave masters 5-8 pack beasts *Slaves in Drow communities are far less valued than those owned by surface dwellers. To a Drow a slave is but a pair of hands without limits that need to be thought of. If it is killed there are millions of replacements to be had. Types of Slaves: 1. Bug Bear 2. Dwarf 3. Elf 4. Gnoll 5. Goblin 6. Half-Elf 7. Half-Orc 8. Hobgoblin 9. Human 10. Orc 11. Troglodyte 12. Gnome 13. Kobolds 14. Ogre 15. Wolfen 16. Trolls 17. And in some cases other Drow Pack Beasts: A.R. 10 Spd. 20 H.P. 3-30 No. of Att: 1 Dam 2-8 (Bite) Merchant Trains will typically carry normal goods such as cloth, leathers, wood, food stuffs and the like, there is also the following chance of some valuable items on the train--30% for a small train, 45% for a medium train, 75% for a large train. Merchant train treasure types will be as follows (only 2 types will be found in a single merchant train.) 1. Slaves 2. 110-300 silver ingots worth 100gp each 3. 31-50 gold ingots worth 100gp each 4. 5-10 platinum ingots worth 100gp each 5. 2-5 mithral ingots worth 100gp each 6. 1-4 adamantine ingots worth 100gp each 7. 1-100 gems worth 60gp each 8. 5-12 potions 9. 1-4 scrolls 10. Political passengers or nobles 11. Magic items 12. Magic weapons, and/or armor There are 9 Drow merchant clans - 173 -

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The Black Claw: Black iron hook or green enameled lozenge (Sponsored by Baenrae) Sloane: Violet enameled urn or white enameled morel mushroom The Toiled Pleasures: Bronze coiled whip or pink enameled horsetail mushroom (Sponsored by Noquar). The Silver Crescent: Silver crescent or red enameled gemstones The Brown Mushroom: Tan enameled puffball mushroom or lilac enameled pentagram (sponsored by Fey-Branche) The Mystic Prism: Blue enameled prism or pewter bars (Sponsored by Sorcere) The Skull: Russet enameled shelf fungi or white enameled bone. The Flail and Chain: Brass chain links or silver flail Pierced Mushroom: Yellow enameled mushroom or gold crossbow.

Drow Noble Houses Noble houses are led by a matron mother (or in extremely rare cases a patron father, however never in a House that follows Lloth,) the senior priest(ess). In Lloth-worshipping Drow communities, her rule is absolute, enforced by the priestesses beneath her (usually her daughters.) Al females of the mother's blood, in order of their age, follow in rank, although they wield no authority until they are trained and of age (past puberty.) Below the daughters come the male officers of the House: the weapon master (leader of the fighters,) (chief) House wizard, and the patron (current consort of the matron mother.) These ranks may be combined, and even held by the traditional next rank down in the hierarchy: the male heirs of the House. Male heirs are also ranked by age: elderboy, secondboy, thridboy, and so on. the are not allowed to look at the faces of other Drow, or speak unless spoken to or bidden. This treatment teaches them their subordinate place in Drow society. (Of course in cities where other gods hold power this hierarchy is suitably altered.) Below them come the "war-leaders" of the House (veteran warriors, who lead House patrols, attack squads, and guards, under the command of the weapons master,) and the House mages (under the command of the House wizard.) Beneath these "blood" members and officials of the House rank are its common warriors, its crafts people, its servants, and its slaves. All ranks are decreed, and can be changed at the whim of the matron mother. Her position changes at death--often at the hands of her eldest daughter. (Even if freed from the authority of an established House, ruler, or realm, Drow instinctively band together in groups. Survival, to these warlike folk (so often at swords' points among themselves) is often a matter o numbers, trusted battle companions, and tactics.) House Ranks (A - Allies R - Rivals G - God (secretly worshipped in house by at least one.)) (Ruling House)Noquar A-23, 27, 28 R-1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 22, 24, 26, 29 G - Nocticula 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Baenrae A-4, 5, 6, 20 R-2, 3, 23, 27, 28 G - Lloth Barrison Del'Armgo A - 3, 19 R - 1, 3, 17 G - Nocticula Oblodra A - 2, 24 R - 1, 4 G - Lloth Faen Tlabbar A - 1, 5 R - 3, 6, 7 G - Lloth Xorlarrin A - 1, 4, 22 R - 6, 7 G - Lloth Agrach Dyrr A - 1, 7 R - 3, 6, 7 G - Lloth Mizzrym A - 1, 5 R - 4 G - Lloth Fey-Branche R - 10 G - Lloth - 174 -


Tuin'Tarl R - 10 G - Vhaeraun (Eilistraee)

10. Duskryn A - 11, 26 R - 8, 9 G - Lloth 11. Srune'lett A - 4, 10, 25 R - 14, 15 G - Lloth 12. Horlbar A - 13 R - 9 G - Vhaeraun 13. Kenafin A - 12, 19, 29 R - 8 G - Lloth (Ghaunadaur) 14. Druu'giir R - 11 G - Vhaeraun 15. Hunzrin A - 1 R - 16 G - Lloth 16. Shobalar R - 17, 18, 19 G - Lloth 17. Vandree A - 1 R - 2 G - Lloth 18. Symrivvin G - Lloth 19. Rilynt'tar A - 2, 12, 25 R - 16, 24 G - Lloth 20. Everhate A - 1, 22, 24 R - N, 23 G - Lloth 21. Nurboinns R - 25 G - Nocticula 22. Despana A - 5, 20, 24 R - N, 23 G - Lloth 23. Kilsek A - N, 27, 28 R - 1, 22 G - Noticula 24. Aleval A - 3, 20, 22 R - N, 19 G - Lloth 25. Millithor A - 11, 19 R - 21, 40, 41, 42, 43 G - Lloth 26. Tormtor A - 10, 29 R - N, 28 G - Ghaunadaur 27. Godeep A - N, 23, 28 R - 1, 29 G - Noticula 28. Iasta A - N, 23, 27 R - 1, 20 ,26 G - Noticula 29. Eilservs A - 13, 26 R - N, 27 G - Ghaunadaur 30. Arabani G - Noticula 31. Arkhenneld G - Lloth 32. Auvryndar G - Noticula 33. Claddath G - Noticula 34. Helviiryn R - 40, 41, 42, 43 G - Lloth 35. Hlaund G - Vhaeraun 36. Maerret G - Lloth (Vhaeraun) 37. Melarn A - 36, 39 G - Lloth (Vhaeraun) 38. Silver Thorn/Archill'kharkon A - 40, 41, 42, 43 R - 39 G - Nocticula/Styphon 39. Mylyl A - 37, 49 R - 38, 40, 41, 42, 43 G - Lloth 40. Dreth A - 41, 42, 43 R - 25, 34, 39, 48 G - Nocticula 41. Aleanrahel A - 40, 41, 42, 43 R - 25, 34, 39, 48 G - Nocticula

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42. Zauviir A - 40, 41, 42, 43 R - 25, 34, 39, 47 G - Nocticula 43. Celebryl A - 30, 40, 41, 42 R - 25, 34, 39, 47 G - Nocticula 44. Porador A - 46 G - Vhaeraun 45. Felistyr R - 46 G - Lloth (Eilistraee) 46. Gelbalf A - 44 R - 48, 45 G - Vhaeraun 47. Gilfronden A - 48 R - 40, 41, 42, 43 G - Lloth 48. Galeifel A - 47 R - 46 G - Ghaunadaur 49. Chossum A - 39 R - 40, 41, 42, 43 G - Ghaunadaur 50. Syrklist G - Nocticula 51. Membrium G - Nocticula 52. Drannor G - Vhaeraun 53. Simbul G - Lloth 54. Prakis G - Lloth 55. Inglorion G - Vhaeraun 56. Ousstyl G - Ghaunadaur 57. Maaril G - Nocticula 58. D'uranthor G - Nocticula 59. Ledathiss G - Styphon 60. Andahl G - Nocticula 61. Roemossnep G - Nocticula 62. Dellnnaoks G - Ghaunadaur Extinct Houses--Devir Do'Urden Hun'ett Freth Teken'duis Outside the hierarchy is the mercenary band Bregan D'aerthe, led by Jarlaxle (a 17th level Drow mercenary.) Drow Customs - The Drow gesture of peace is crossed arms. Disarming an opponent, and then ceasing the fight is also considered an indication of peaceful intent. - The Drow gesture of surrender is dropping to one knee, letting fall any weapons before the being one submits to (usually performed by a male Drow to a female Drow). - Drow like to give and receive massages; long scented massages involving scented oils, hot water, and steam. - Drow enjoy magic and exalt in wielding its unleashed power; they are fascinated by new spells and effects. - Drow love beauty, the beauty of sculpture and made items (especially weapons), and of the body. Drow of both sexes are proud of displaying their physiques and all children exhibiting any physical deficiency are slain or sacrificed. - Drow like to party. - Drow love to hunt, and use it as a rite of passage. - 176 -

The Ten Attributes Number of 6 sided dice rolled is designated below. Race Dark Elves (Drow) Psionics: Standard Hit Points: Standard S.D.C. Base: 10 Horror Factor: 12 Alignments: Any, but tend toward evil (good alignments are almost unheard of). O.C.C.: Any. Physical Appearance: see above Height: 6' to 7' tall Weight: 150 to 200 lb. Average Life Span: 1000 years Special/Natural Abilities: Night vision 120', Natural Spell Like Abilities (as above) Enemies: Almost every other race, especially Surface Elves. Allies: Demons and evil denizens of the underground world. Favorite Weapons: Darts, swords, and crossbow pistols. Racial Skills: as above I.Q. M.E. 3+1 3 M.A. 2 P.S. 3 P.P. 5 P.E. 3 P.B. SPD. 4 3 PER. 4 LUCK 3

Duster O.C.C.
By: Dusters are mystic warriors schooled in the traditional arts of assassination and equipped with the weapons and techniques of the future. They also study mental discipline and the development of the mind's hidden potential. The Dusters originated as another step in the search for the perfect human warrior. During the emergence of the Juicers and Crazies, certain factions of world governments became interested in creating formidable human warriors without the need of artificial augmentation. The forefront of this movement was ironically located in Japan, one of the most highly advanced technical nations. Researchers discovered a combination of training techniques and disciplines that produced a highly capable warrior, although one that was not as devastating as either the Juicers or Crazies. In the Time Before Rifts, some of the Dusters secreted themselves away and managed to survive the waves of destruction that ravaged the Earth. The training is now passed on from Duster to trainee, just like the martial arts of the ancient Orient. There are no known groups of organized Dusters, although rumors of a monastery located in Japan are still heard from time to time. Instead of relying upon chemical treatment or cybernetic implantation, the Dusters manifest their abilities through physical and mental training. From youth, Dusters constantly engage in training, personally supervised by a Master (level 9 or higher). When a Duster trainee is ready to venture forth on his own (achieving 1st level) he leaves his Master to seek his path in the world. A Master will usually only train one student at a time, although they are able to train two at once. Pairs which are trained at the same time tend to develop a complementary fighting style, and will stay together after their training is finished. These rare Duster warriors are known as Tai Dusters, and are almost never separated from their partner. Dusters live according to their own personal code of ethics (generally determined by alignment), and are not bound to follow the particular code used by their Masters, except by choice. Some might choose to be wandering heroes of justice, mercenaries for hire, or anarchistic killers. - 177 -

Due to their intensive mystic training, Dusters have developed minor psionic abilities, and the ability to use techno-wizardry items. As trained mystics, they are the only Men of Arms whose P.P.E. actually increases as their level of inner consciousness rises. The Coalition views the Duster caste of warriors as useful tools in their expansionist policy. However, a Coalition Duster will never be completely trusted and will typically be assigned to duty with a Psi-Stalker and Dog Pack. Duster Powers 1. Enhanced endurance. Add 2d4 x 10 S.D.C., 3d6 hit points, and 1d4 to P.E. Can last up to five times longer than normal human exhaustion levels. 2. Increased speed. Add 2d6 to Speed attribute. 3. Enhanced reflexes. The Duster's high level of combat training provides the following bonuses. Bonuses: +2 to roll with punch, fall, or impact; +1 on initiative; +1d6 P.P. 4. Minor Psionics. Select any three psionic abilities from Physical or Healer categories. Attribute Requirements: P.P. and M.E. 12 or higher. P.P.E.: P.E. + 3d6. Add 1d4 per level of experience. I.S.P.: 5d6 + M.E. attribute number is the base I.S.P., plus 1d4+1 I.S.P. per level of experience. O.C.C. Skills: Detect Ambush (+10%) Escape Artist (+10%) Acrobatics (+10%) Climbing (+15%) Prowl (+20%) Land Navigation (+10%) Speak Japanese and language of choice (98%) W.P. Sword W.P. Knife W.P. Archery and Targeting W.P. Modern (choice of two) Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (or Assassin) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8 other skills. Add 3 skills at level three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one at level twelve. Communications: any Domestic: any (+5% to Dance) Electrical: none Espionage: any (+5%) Mechanical: none Medical: Holistic Medicine or First Aid only Military: none Physical: any (+5% where applicable) Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rogue: any (except Computer Hacking) Science: Basic Math or Anthropology only Technical: Art, Language, Literacy, and Lore only Weapon Proficiencies: any Wilderness: any Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select six secondary skills from the previous list. These additional areas of knowledge do not get the bonuses listed in parentheses. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: Set of wilderness style clothing suitable for combat. One suit of M.D.C. armor, usually a lightweight and flexible model. Two Ancient weapons and one Modern weapon (including Energy Weapon). Backpack, two sacks, utility belt, two canteens, four week's of rations. Vehicle choices tend toward smaller and faster styles, ranging from horses to hover cycles to wing boards. Coalition Dusters have greater access to a wide variety of equipment which may be issued according to the Duster's assignments. Standard equipment for a Coalition Duster will include "Dead Boy" environmental armor, marked with the PSI insignia, and some sort of vibro-weapon. All Dusters prefer high-tech or magical versions of ancient weapons, especially vibro-blades and flaming swords. Money: Starts with 3d6 x 100 in credits, and 1d6 x 1000 in black market items. Tends to spend on improving weaponry arsenal. A - 178 -

Coalition Duster will earn 1950 credits per month. Cybernetics: Dusters will generally avoid cybernetic implantation except to replace missing body parts, preferring to rely upon their training. Special Note: Tai Dusters Tai Dusters gain special bonuses to their offensive capabilities when fighting as a pair (bonuses apply to both Dusters): one additional attack per melee, automatic dodge, and +2 to strike. Special Note: Martial Arts A Duster or Tai Duster trained in a true monastic environment will receive the Hand to Hand skill of Ninjitsu instead of HTH: Martial Arts or Assassin. However, such characters also forfeit their O.C.C. Related skills and Secondary skills when initially created, but the five W.P. skills may be changed to any other skills allowable to the O.C.C. (gain W.P. skills from studying Ninjitsu). Monastic Dusters also gain the specialized Martial Arts Powers inherent to Ninjitsu. Xp table: same as Mystic

The Dynari (Based on Star Control 2)

By: Crow T. Robot The Dynari is a race that looks like a mix between a toad and a brain. Picture a large bullfrog with complex eyes who's skin is composed of Brain Matter and you will get a good idea of what a Dynari looks like. While physically inept, they are psychics of incredible strength and ability, and have the ability to control and compel other sentient beings to suit their evil purposes.. Milennia ago, in another dimension they controlled a collection of races known as the Sentient Mileu.. For over 8 centuries they controlled this collection, until finally their downfall was engineered. The only surviving races were the insect like Ur-Quan, and the One eyed Melnorme. In the end, the dynari were labotomized and used as mindless translators known to the Ur'Quan as talking pets.. Unknown to everyone, a small ship with a nest of Dynari was lost in a hyperspace accident, and resurfaced in the Phaseworld Universe.. Here the remaining Dynari hope to forge an empire for themselves.. Dynari Stats (Not meant as a PC!) Alignment: Evil, usually miscreant/diabolic Attributes:IQ: 5d6, ME: 5d6, MA: 4d6, PS: 1d6, PE: 1d6, PP: 3d6, PB: 1d4, 3d6 to other Dynari S.D.C.: 5 Hit Points: PE + 1d6 I.S.P.: 4d6x10+ME + 4d6 per level of exp _ Psionic Abilities: Pick 4 From Each Catagory at Level 1 Pick 3 From Any Catagory each aditional level! Special Dynaryi Abilities: Ultra Mental Compulsion: ISP Cost: 100 Duration: 1 day per level of exp Range: 10 miles per level of exp Targets: 250 People/Sentient Beings Per level of expeirience. This amazing ability allows the Dynari to control a large amount of people mentally, and force them to obey orders. All targets must make an initial save (-1 per lv. of dynari), otherwise they will be mentally to do whatever the Dynari asks. If asked to kill a loved one, or do something totally aginst alignment, or commit suicide the target gets to roll an UNMODIFIED save vs. psionics (Roll Above a - 179 -

12), if they suceed they wont do the command, and cannot be further compelled to follow that command (Note they are still under command of the Dynari) The only way to Break the compulsion is pain. Extreme pain for 5 minutes continuously will break the mental compulsion. This is how the Ur-Quan eventually over through the Dynari. Note that people already in a state of pain cannot be affected by this power. Telepathy/Empathy at NO isp charge, natural communication for race. Nightvision Lifespan: 1500 Years Please note that while the Dynari may seem powerful, they are meant to be. They are bad guys and if you are dumb enough to let a player play one. Well you deserve what you get.. Hopefully this will spawn some interesting comments ;)

-EEan/Rune Lord R.C.C.

Alignment: Any, but typically good or selfish. Attributes: I.Q. 3d6+3, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 3d6+1, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 4d6+3, P.B. 3d6, Spd. 3d6 Size: Same as humans (Six feet average). - 180 -

Weight: Same as humans (160 lb. average). M.D.C.: Years of living in the Nexus has changed the Ean into mega-damage beings like the natives of Wormwood (Note they are the exception to the rule that mega-damage beings cannot be rune casters). M.D.C. is 4d6+ P.E. x 2 + 6 per level, in addition to any gained by runes, if any. S.D.C./Hit Points: N/A, they are now minor mega-damage beings. Horror Factor: None. P.P.E.: 1d6x10 for non-rune casters, 2d6x10+20+P.E.+20 per level for rune casters (the Rune Lords). Average Life Span: 250 years. Natural Abilities: Natural mega-damage, plus see runes under magic. Psionic Powers: Standard, basically same as humans. Magic Powers: All Ean have runes inscribed on their bodies at birth including the heart rune and the warning rune, may have as many as three more runes. Most (85%) also have the healer rune. Rune casters have all of the standard abilities, but have four more rune spells/powers/body runes at first level, and gain one additional rune at levels four, eight, twelve, and fifteen, in addition to the standard runes. Otherwise only if magic O.C.C. is taken. Combat: Normal; varies with skills. Vulnerabilities/Penalties: None. O.C.C.s: Any but avoid technology. Very few, less than 100, have ever received bionics, juicer, or crazy enhancements. Most common breakdown is as follows: Rune Caster: 50% Ley Line Walker: 15% Temporal Wizard: 12% Mind Melter: 10% Mystic: 8% Other Practitioners of magic: 3% Other: 2% Appearance: Appear completely human, except they often have unusual eye and hair colors, and they have rune drawn all over their bodies. Alliances and Allies: All forces of good are their allies, but even most of their allies do not known that they possess the secrets of runes. Enemies: All of the forces of evil, especially the Splugorth and other alien intelligences (they remind them of the Old Ones).

Eastern Warrior R.C.C.

By: Allan Harrison Alignment: Any; however no Warrior will EVER do battle with another, and no means of persuasion will convince them otherwise. Attributes: IQ: 3D6 ME: 4D6+6 MA: 4D6+6 PS: 5D6+22 PP: 4D6+6 PE: 4D6+6 PB: 3D6 Spd: 5D6+10 PS and PE are supernatural. M.D.C.: 2D6*100 + 1D4*10/level Note: All Eastern Warriors are totally impervious to magic, but they can ALLOW beneficial magic to affect them if they wish. Magic Knowledge: None; incapable due to invulnerability to it. P.P.E.: 1D4 Psionics: As human, but there are no Master-level Eastern Warriors. Eastern Warriors are a Warrior Race (Phase World, pg. 108) R.C.C. Skills: Detect Ambush (+20%) Detect Concealment (+20%) Tracking (+15%) Wilderness Survival (+15%) Holistic Medicine (+10%) Horsemanship (+15%) Prowl (+20%) - 181 -

Art (+10%) Literacy: Eastern Warrish/Japanese: 98% Writing (+20%) WP Sword WP Archery and Targeting Hand to Hand: Martial Arts R.C.C. Related: Select 10 skills from Domestic, Physical, Pilot (Warr Machines), Pilot Related (Warr Machines), Espionage, WP, and Wilderness. (Any at +5%) At least 4 must be Physical, and all attribute bonuses ARE added to scores, and any SDC bonus becomes MDC points. Can also select from Concealment, Palming, Math (either), Languages (+10%), Literacy (+10%), and Lores (any; +10%) Secondary Skills: Select 6 from the same list as Related, but with only IQ bonus, if any, and the other usual restrictions on Secondary Skills. Standard Equipment: Full suit of Samurai-style, mystic EBA (120 MDC), ordinary Katana and Daikyu, magic Katana (4D6 MD) and Daikyu (2D6 MD and 2x range), rations for 1 month. Usually rides a Warr Horse (coming soon), but can learn to pilot anything at a later date (Base skill + IQ bonus only; only after 3rd level; only applies to non-Warr machines, which can be learned immediately) Combat: +2 attacks, +3 to Initiative, +3 to Strike, Parry, Dodge, and Roll, all in addition to any attribute bonuses. That's all for them. Some of the details (Warr Horses, Warr Machines) will be explained later. Bye.

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Enhanced Biocontrol and Response Soldier (EBRS)

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Sort of a mix between the Juicer and the Crazy, the EBRS is a system installed in the HUMAN brain that enhances the body's abilities by speeding up and organizing the messages sent by the body's nervous center. It also controls cell growth, increasing the density of the skin the person becomes light MDC. The Coalition has just recently discovered this, and has given EBRS's the same treatment as Juicers and Crazies...DEATH ON SIGHT. There is no real way to identify an EBRSer because the only physical difference is the thick skin, and even that isn't very weird. Requirements: None Drawbacks: The change is permanent, and after a month (when the skin starts to thicken and densify and becomes MDC) reduce PB by 2. Removing the system will kill the person. Powers Heightened Attributes: Add 2d4 to PS. Minimum is 13. Increases willpower: add 1d4 to ME and +1 save vs. insanity. Greater endurance and respiratory system: add 3d6 to PE and +1 save vs. Poison Gases. Tougher Body: 1 month after the system is installed the skin becomes thick and increases density. Drop ALL SDC. Keep HP. SDC becomes 2d4 MDC. After one year, add 1d6 MDC. After 5 years, add 2d4 MDC. Improved Immunity: add +3 to save vs. Poisons and Harmful Drugs, +5% vs. Coma and Death. Increased Speed: add 3d4 to Spd. Can leap 10 feet across or 6 feet vertical. Double from a running start. Improved Reflexes: add 1d6 to PP. Minimum is 14. Add +1 to initiative. +3 to Dodge, +2 to Parry. +1 to Roll with punch/fall. Add 2 attacks per melee. Natural Psionic Powers: The device activates certain psionic powers within the character's mind, Chose 1 power from each category except super. Automatically has Mind Block and Nightvision. ISP: 2d6+ME add 1 at levels 3, 7, and 11. Saves as a minor psionic. +2 save vs. psionic. Regains 1 ISP per 2 hours awake, 3 per hour asleep. PPE: 3d6 Other Bonuses: Can lift and carry 2x what a normal person of equivalent strength could. Needs only 3 hours of sleep normally and can stay fully alert, with no penalties, for up to 5 days. Only needs 1/2 the food and water a normal person does. The character NEVER feels pain and never falls unconscious till he has less then 1/3 his HP (Round Up) left. Healing: Until the character becomes partial MDC, healing is 3x normal. After 1 month, the character heals 1d4 MDC/HP per 2 hours. After 2 years, the character heals 1d6 MDC/HP per 15 minutes. The system can repair ANY body system, even brain cells, but takes a long time to do some. Cannot restore entire brain. At least 2/3 of Brain must be left. Same with heart. At least 3 chambers must be left to avoid death. The character becomes immune to all NORMAL diseases. +6 to save vs. all diseases that are extremely powerful, rare, or other worldly. OCC Skills Chose 1 Language at 95% Get literacy in the above language at 85% Radio: Basic (+15%) Wilderness Survival (+20%) First Aid (+5%) Athletics: General Prowl (+10%) Climbing (+10%) Chose 1 pilot at +5% Read Sensory Instruments (+5%) Math: Basic (+5%) 1 ancient WP of choice 3 modern WPs of choice Land Navigation (+10%) HTH: Expert (Can be changed to Martial Arts (or Assassin) at the cost of 2 OTHER skills) Other Skills: Chose 6 other skills from the list below. Chose 2 more at levels 3, 5, 8, 11, and 14. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic Electronics only Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanical: Automotive Only Military: Any (+15%) - 184 -

Physical: Any (+5% when applicable) Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue Skills: Any (+5%) Technical: Any (+5% to languages and literacy) WP: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Chose 3 more skills from the list above without the bonuses. Standard Armor: Character does NOT begin the game with armor. May buy it later. Standard Weapons: Chose 1 energy rifle w/ 3 clips off ammo, chose 1 energy pistol with 3 clips of ammo (The NG-Super and Coalition C-14 Fire Breather take up BOTH the above choices, but you get 3 clips for both the weapon and the GL). Vibrodagger. Chose 1 SDC ancient weapon. Standard Gear: Traveling Clothes (Jeans, T-Shirt, Sweatshirt, etc.), Combat style boots, Backpack, Tinted Sunglasses, Canteen, 1 Protein Healing salve, Black ninja style outfit with tabi-boots for prowling, Gas Mask, Pocket Night Viewer. Cybernetics: CANNOT receive them. The system will slowly destroy them until they are destroyed, then put the character into a coma until it can replace whatever system it expelled. Money: Starts with 1d6x100 Credits. The EBRS soldier can get high pay in most armies. 1d4x10,000 credits a year to as high as 1d4x100,000 credits a year, although the latter is rare. Xp table: Use the Techno-Wizard experience table.

Elemental Blade Master O.C.C.

By: Zach Jackson The three man unit pushes into the forest on standard recon for the city of forces. In the front was Lagoth, a master of the fire element and the leader of the recon team. Behind him in a triangle pattern were Xrisa, a water master, and Aldius, a air neophyte. For three hours, the team made their sweep in the damp forest of the glades. The trees, noble fir and hemlock, smelled of a slight rot from the exessive moss on their sides from the rainfall that was all to often in the land of zelion. The three were wary still, for the demonic forces that come from the eclipse were still numerous. To the left, Lagoth felt a presence. His training made him aware of the slightest variation to his own personal space. A glance showed nothing there, nothing visible that is. Lagoth drew his weapon, a long curved sword specializing in slashing first. His eyes scanned the area, as the others; seeing the leader pause, also drew their weapons. The attack came, not from the left, but the right. A small boulder, easily fifty pounds, smashing into Xrisa, shattering his right arm, and sending him to his knees. The demons came in to finish the others. Dropping their invisibility, the four demons attacked the two standing warriors, confident in their abiilties and thirsting for victory. But Lagoth was not considered a true blade master for nothing. With a cry, he sent a wheel of fire into one of the demons, lighting him aflame. The second demon raked with his claws, only to find a wall of steel in the form of Lagoth's blade in the way. A red flicker appeared around Lagoth, and his aura of fire manifested itself. The demon, unfamiliar with this world, and it's people, attacked with his claws again, only to find it blocked with the blade of the master. The sword lightly tapped out in a X pattern, and the demon fell. A quick thrust, and the burning demon was gone as well. Lagoth turned to see how his friend fared, and saw that his fight was over as well. Aldius had sheathed his twinned short blades and was on his way to tend to the wounded Xrisa. "Now you see why we do this," said Aldius to the wounded warrior. "If we didn't can you imagine what would happen to the normal people who live in the city? As well as some of the mages. Don't worry, you'll be back on your feet in a while, no problem." - 185 -

As Aldius spoke, Lagoth felt another entity enter his field of *touch* and he thought, "here we go again."

The elemental blade master is a invention of a world that is similar to the palladium world in economics and technology. This world, known as Zelion, has the same magical potential as the palladium dimension, with a small difference. Every 100 years or so, a conjunction with the other three planets in the system opens dimensional rifts to other planes for 24 hours. Invariably, several things slip into the world. For the inhabitants of Zelion, this may not be so bad, except that 90-99% of all the rifts lead to dimensions inhabited by minor demonic forces. Individually, the demons are not very tough (see the PFRPG for details on minor demons), but entire armies of them could and have decimated most of the planet. The major bastion of humanity (and Dwarves also) is in a city known as the city of forces. It is called this due to the major religion/way of life/magic style. That style is elementalism. In the days of the first demonic hordes, the warlocks would summon elemental fragments and other elemental minions to desroy the rifted demons, no matter the cost. However, the literal minded elementals often would destoy huge areas in efforts to kill one or two demons. This tactic seemed to the warlocks as being a *scorched earth* style campaign, and one that they could'nt continue forever. In desparation, the warlocks were able to contact spirits of light to help them. The spirits arrived into the city of forces to train a new way of warlock, one who takes much of his magic potential and channels it into a aura of elemental force. This limits their spell powers, however, their fighting abilites were honed by practice in the sword, chosen as the weapon to use against the domonic forces. This creation of a order of warlock-sword bearers occured over 800 years ago, and still keeps the planet of Zelion safe. Alignment: any good or selfish alignment are allowed training. Attribute Requirements: IQ 10 also see specific element for further requirements. Races allowed: currently human. The dwarves of Zelion have a distinct dislike of magic (no one on Zelion knows why) *choose only one element from the four, cannot take two* Fire Blade requirements: PS 12 PP 11 Powers 1. Fire aura. This technique allows a aura of fire to surround the blade master. The name fire aura is some what of a misnomer, as the aura does not burn anything that is touches. It does, however toughen the blade master and give him the capacity to go toe to toe with some of the tougher demons around. The aura posseses a coloration that tends to reds and oranges. Also note for parry purposes, a sword parry does no damage to the aura itself, due to the epecial swords used (covered later). -Aura SDC: equal to twice the SDC of the blade +15 per level. (in Rifts, protects with the MDC equivelent of the SDC and HP combined plus 10 per level) -Aura strength: changes the PS of the blade into supernatural PS -Aura blade damage: when using their special swords, the damage is increased by 1d6 at lv 1,4,8,12. (in Rifts, the sword inflicts MD plus 1D6 at the indicated levels) -cost: 15 PPE -Duration: 5 minutes per level 2. Spell Magic: choose two spells at lv 1 from the first level of fire spells. Every level after that, choose only one spell from any level equal or below the blade master's own level. 3. Sword Technique:Double Slash This sword strike has been developed by the fire school of Elemental Blade Mastery. The fire blade can slash twice in one attack at a enemy (only one roll to strike, either they hit or miss, for speed in combat). This attack uses the normal strike roll, but can only be done once per melee. Add a additional double slash at lv 4,7,10 and 14. This technique can only be used with a katana, no other blade will do. 4. Martial Art Technique: Zanshin The art of constant awareness has been drilled into the fire blade so that they know exactly what occurs around them. -range 6' plus 2' per level. -all other abilities of the N&SS power, Zanshin, including bonuses. 5. PPE: 2D4*10 (+PE) add 2D6 per level 6. Only Speak Elemental and sense Elemental from the Warlock OCC powers. The fire blade cannot summon a elemental. Note that - 186 -

elementals will sense the fire blade in a similar sense as a warlock and will not attack him, as per ettiqute. The fire blade also follows this ettiqute. 7. WP Katana: a special weapon that a Seraph brought to Zelion and taught to the fire blade school. The fire blade has adopted this weapon and is extremly adept with it. starts out at lv 2 with Katana WP. Fire blades are one of the agressive schools of blade mastery. They tend to try and fight their way through several demons single handedly, for no real reason, other than to see if they can. needless to say, several beginners die quickly. The survivors of combat quickly learn to use tactics, but still enjoy challenging the strongest/toughest demon to personal combat. Ice Blade requirements PS 13 PE 14 1. Ice aura: the Ice Blade has a similar aura power as the fire blade, only the appearance is different. The color runs to blues and purples. -Aura SDC: same as fire blade -Aura PS: same as fire blade -Aura sword damage: same as fire blade -cost: 15 PPE -Duration: 5 minutes per level 2. Spell magic: choose 2 spells from water elemental magic level 1. Add one spell per level, at magic levels lesser or equal to the Ice Blades own. 3. Sword Technique: Parry Objects The Ice blade is trained to deflect objects in several conditions and directions. This emphasis on deflection gives the Ice Blade a +2 to parry arrows (and a bullet in other worlds, +1 to parry energy blasts in Rifts). This is in addition to normal hand to hand and WP bonuses. Add a additional +1 at level 4,8,11,15. These bonuses only apply when using the bastard sword 4. Martial art technique: Kime Kata -same as seen in N&SS 5. P.P.E.: 2D4*10 (+PE) add 2D6 per level 6. Speak elemental/sense elemental, same as warlock and fire blade. 7. WP Bastard Sword: Begins at lv 2. This weapon is the primary weapon of the Ice Blade. Ice Blades tend to run battles more defensivly than their fire or air companions. They make for exceptional commanders, and several are leaders who take a secondary role from fighting to assist in the overall battle plan. Lightning Blade requirements PP 14 Spd 14 1. Electrical aura: similar to the fire blades, the aura tends to whites and silver colors. The effects of the aura are the same for the lightning blade. 2. Spell magic: 2 spells from the air elemental magic lv one. at each level choose one spell from magic level equal to or less than the level of the blade master. 3. Sword Technique: advanced paired weapons The Lightning blade is so adept at using two short swords that he can do twin actions without losing his automatic parry. He can do this once per melee, with an additional 1X at lv 4,7,10,14. Only when using two short swords. 4. Martial Art Technique: Iai-Jutsu (sword drawing) gives the lightning blade a quick draw on the blade. -Identical to the N&SS power. 5. P.P.E.: 2D4*10 (+PE) add 2D6 per level. 6. speak elemental/sense elemental: same as fire blade. 7. WP paired short swords lv 2 (use same bonuses as short sword WP) Lightning blades also tend to be front line fighters. Their style involves often getting inside the reach of a opponent and using their short quick weapons to stab several times, before the demon can react. - 187 -

Earth Blade requirements PS 14 PE 13 1. Earth aura: same as above auras, the color of this one tends to browns and greys. 2. Spell Magic: choose 2 spells from lv 1 earth elemental magic. add one spell per level from magic levels below or equal to the current level of the blade. 3. Sword Technique: Overhead Whirl By using their great two handed swords, the earth blade can be at the center of his own mountain, standing resolute, cutting down all who get in his reach. The blade can strike all targets in a 6 ft radius from his hands (the swords' length). He must use a entire melee to to use this technique, his first attack must be to start the whirl. After the first melee of whirl, the first attack of the next round (must be his first attack) the earth blade can strike down with a slash causing a critical strike to his target. (of course, the whirl is over untill the next melee, when the earth blade can begin the whirl as his first attack) The earth blade can continue his whirl for one melee per leveland strike his opponents at -2 in the radius and parry at a -2. Due to the impressive look of the Technique, raise the MA attribute by 2 during the whirl (impress). Again, this technique can only be used with a 2 handed sword. 4. Martial Art Technique: Tamashiwara (the art of breaking) -same as N&SS power; note that if the strike fails when the aura of the blade is up, only the aura takes the damage. This technique can be used with or without a sword in hand 5. P.P.E.: 2D4*10 (+PE) add 2D6 per level 6. Speak/sense elemental: same as fire blade. 7. WP 2 handed sword (or Zweihander according to the weapons book) Starts at lv 2.

Skills (from the PFRPG book) all schools of blade mastery have the same skills. O.C.C. Skills: Speak English (the native tongue on Zelion) 98% Literacy (+5%) Lore: Demon/Monster (+15%) Lore: Faerie (+5%) Land navigation (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+10%) WP Sword (general type, begins at lv 1) one physical skill of choice Hand to Hand: Martial Arts O.C.C. related skills: choose six skills of choice from the list +1 skill at lv 3,6,9,12. Communications: any Domestic: any Espionage: Detect Ambush, Intelligence, Disguise only (+5%) horsemanship: General or Exotic only Medical: any Millitary: Recognize Weapon Quality only (+5%) Physical: any (+10%) Rogue: any (+5%) Science: math skills only Scholar/Technical: any (+10%) WP: any bladed weapons and short bow Wilderness: any Secondary skills: choose three from the list above, with none of the related bonuses. Add one skill at lv 5,10,15 Equipment: same as warlock from PFRPG Armor: Can use any type, but metal armor tends to interfere with magic (same as other mages) starts with studded leather AR 13 SDC 38 Money: 100 gp - 188 -

Weapon: Sword that the blade type has mastery in. The magic of the aura or the blade master requires a special sword to use it's powers. The sword, crafted by the dwarvish weapon smiths of the city of forces has 3% silver and 3% nickel in it's mixture. In fact, silver and nickel must be in the sword to use the aura's damage abilities at all. For the starting sword, choose either +2 to damage or +1 to parry/strike. Katana 3D6 Bastard sword 2D6+2 Short Sword 2D4 2 Handed sword 3D6 Xp table: Same as palladin from PFRPG 2ed.

Elemental Dragon - The Pearl Dragon

By: Robert J. Trotter The Pearl Dragon is apart of the rare breed of Elemental Dragons. They originally come from the Palladium World during it age of chaos before the coming of the Old One's and the great wars that followed. They along with the other Elemental Dragon's lived in peace with each other and most of the different life forms across the Palladium World at this time, but all that changed for the Pearl Dragon's when another race of dragon's came to the Palladium World from deep in the astral plane known as the Mist Dragons. When the Mist Dragons came they at first played the role of the friend to the Elemental Dragons who opened their arms in friendship to the new comers, but the Mist Dragons really came to invade the Palladium World and clam it as their own and destroy all other forms of dragons and hunt the mortals at their whim in great games of "cat and mouse". With small numbers at first the Mist Dragons scouted through out the world gauging the numbers and strength of the of there dragon's the Mist Dragon's found the numbers of the other dragon's were small they believed they could win a quick all out war with the other dragon's with overwhelming numbers. So tarring a hole in time/space the Mist Dragons came down to the Palladium World in the hundred's of thousands in the middle of the lands that would someday be called Old Kingdom. Spiting poison mists and tarring apart with their claws any who they could find the Mist Dragons swept through out the world and came very close to destroying the other dragon's out right. But instead they got a thousand year war called the Fang and Claws War that ended in their near destruction. The Pearl Dragon's on seeing the destruction caused by the Mist Dragons called on the other Elemental Dragons to join forces and defend the other life on the planet from the Mist Dragons savagery. With the end of the war the Elemental and Mist dragons each left for their home planes leaving the Palladium world to the other life forms and in time the Old Ones would rise to power and change the face of the world again as the ancient war had done. The Pearl Dragons are mostly known for their guardianship of the smaller races. Often taking the form of a dolphin along the coast to play with small children time and time again often visiting the same coastal towns over the years and protecting them from attacks by sea monsters and others. Pearl Dragons often form small extend families that stay together their entire lives which is very different then other dragons. The oldest female is the leader 90% of the time for these small family groups, leading them for hundreds of years across the many worlds of the Megaverse. They will take the form of the most powerful creature and live among them for years never letting on they are dragon's often helping them and then leaving that world to help others. Alignment: Good Only! Attributes (adult): I.Q. 3d6 + 8, M.A. 2d6 + 12, M.E. 2d6 + 12, P.S. 2d6 + 26, P.E. 2d6 + 12, P.E. 3d6 + 12, P.B. 4d6 + 6, Spd 2d4 x 10 running and 1d6 x 10 plus 100 swimming. Attributes (hatchling): I.Q. 3d6 + 3, M.A. 2d6 + 6, M.E. 2d6 + 8, P.S. 2d6 + 18, P.P. 2d6 + 8, P.E. 3d6 + 6, P.B. 4d6, Spd 6d6 running and 2d6 x 10 swimming. Size: 20 to 30 feet tall (6 to 8 m) and up to 65 feet long (20 m). Natural A.R.: Adult 14 and hatchling 10. M.D.C. (in MDC-worlds): 1d6 x 1000 + 100 Adult and 1d4 x 100 hatchling. S.D.C. and hit points (in S.D.C.-worlds): Adult: 4d6 x 100 S.D.C. and 1d4 x 1000 + P.E. + 1000 hit points, hatchling: 4d6 x 10 plus 3d6 S.D.C. per level of experience and 1d4 x 100 hit points. P.P.E.: Adult: 2d4 x 100, hatchling: 2d4 x 10 plus 10 per level of experience. Horror Factor: Adult: 15, hatchling; 10. R.C.C. Skills (Palladium): Basic & advanced math 98% Literate in Dragonese/Elven 98% & 3 other languages of choice Speaks 5 additional languages at 98% Demon & monster lore (+20%) Faerie lore (+10%) As well as 13 skills from the following: Communications Espionage Military Physical (but not hand to hand)BR> Rogue - 189 -

Scholar/Technical Wilderness Weapon proficiencies All skills are at a 1d6+6 level of experience. The hatching begins with language and basic math skills at 96% all other skills start at first level. Natural Abilities: Nightvison 100 feet (30.5 m; even in total darkness), sonar 100 feet (305 m), excellent colour vision, see the invisible, turn invisible at will (unlimited duration), bio-regeneration 1d4x10 SDC/HP (MDC in MDC-worlds), impervious to cold (does no damage, not even magical or psionics), impervious to water depth, breath underwater, metamorphosis at will (duration: 4 hours per level and 2 hours per level for the hatchling), teleport 66% at will, dimensional teleport 24% plus 4% per additional level, and all other dimensional powers, magic spells and knowledge common to most "true" dragons. Spit Mystical Pearl (Special): Range: 100 feet. (30.5 m), inflicts 2d4x10 damage. Vulnerabilities and Weakness: Takes double damage from magic fire and magical weapons. Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): Adult: +4 on initiative, +3 to strike, +3 to parry & dodge, + 4 pull punch, +4 to roll with impact, +6 to save vs HF, and +4 on all other saving throws. Hatchling: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +2 pull punch and roll with impact, +4 to save vs HF, and +2 on all other saving throws. Attacks per melee: Adult: 7 physical attacks per melee! Or 4 by breath weapon and 3 physical, or 2 by magical spells. Hatchlings: 4 physical per melee. Or 2 physical and 2 breath, or 2 by magical spells only. Damage: Varies by supernatural strength. Magic (Adults and hatchlings of 100 years or older): 1d6 + 6 level water warlock with all water elemental spell magic from level 1 to 8. Magic Knowledge of Pearl Dragon hatchlings: Starts with no spells but has full understanding of magic and advance at the same rate as a water warlock at later levels starting with 2nd level. Psionics: Adult: ALL sensitive and physical psionic powers plus hydrokinesis! ISP 2d6x10+30. Hatchlings: The player (or GM) can select a total of six powers from thesensitive and physical areas plus chose 2 more at levels 3, 7, & 12. ISP 1d6x10 + ME attribute number. Habitat: The Pearl Dragon's can be found only in the water elemental plane as well as the astral plane and the Palladium world through out its seas and oceans. Average Life Span: 6000 years but the oldest are over 30,000 years old. Enemies: Sea monsters, vampires, and Mist Dragon's. Allies: Other Elemental Dragon's and all fun loving beings no mater what their alignment. Description: The Pearl Dragon is a sleek wingless dragon with mother of pearl skin that radiates small rainbows of light as the move. They have small legs for moving on the land, and swim in a spiral motion underwater. When in dolphin form they often appear as ivory coloured dolphins who sleek bodies are seen jumping through the waves of the sea. The Pearl Dragon 1997 by Robert J. Trotter. I give permission to copy and transmit by electronic or other means provided nothing in this document is changed except format and that no money changes hands.

Elite SEAL
By: Chris Gath Here's an updated version with many minor changes. Enjoy...-The Elite SEALs were designed in the past few years to further fight off supernatural monsters and to be able to succeed on the most deadly of missions. In 103 PA is when the first six man squads of Elite SEALs started to be deployed. They are ussually dropped off behind enemy lines and will have no back-up. They're missions are ussually the most dangerous, the most daring. They can act as spies, assassins, sabatores, as well as an elite fighting force. These young men and women undergo extensive training for two years before they are permitted to go on any mission. The training includes superior fighting abilities (taught only to Elite SEALS), greater knowledge in most fields (there are few skills the Elite SEAL cannot learn), and the continued physical and mental training throughout their carrier. They are considered on call for every hour of their service. Any leave granted can be, and ussually is, interepted for missions. If a skill might have use in the field, the Elite SEAL will have it. Elite SEALS sign on for an initial five years (two of training and three of service) and they can renew their term for three years at a time (most do). Once a Elite SEAL decide to leave the service he/she must choose a new carrier to pursue (Must Change OCC), no exceptions. Teams of Elite SEALs are trained at Salvation and Refugee underwater bases. As of 104 PA the number of Elite SEALs is about 200, with that doubling within the next year. Five teams (30 Elite SEALs) are assigned to each of the four fleets. The rest are divided up between the bases and the five individual Trident Submersible Carrier Subs (the subs have one team each, and the bases can have as many as twenty teams depending on the amount of Elite SEALs availible). A few teams have also been assigned to short and long

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range exploration of the continents. They are mostly equiped with energy weapons only (lighter ammo, easier to recharge), and lots of equipment. Note: Sea Titans can take this OCC with GMs permission, however they will either have no psionics or be a minor psionic. Sea Titans with major or master psionic powers can not be Elite SEALS. Replace the skills found on pg 115 in Rifts: Undersea with the Elite SEALs skills. Sea Titans also get the extra Secondary Skills as they go up in levels as described on page 115 of Rifts Underseas. They use the Sea Titan Experience table and ignore all SDC bonuses. Everything else remains the same. Alignment: Any (98% are Principled, Scrupulous, or Aberrant) Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 12+; P.S. 10+; P.P., M.E. 14+ ; and P.E, 16+ OCC Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to roll with a punch/fall and pull punch, +2 on perception, +2 to HF and if the SEAL misses his HF roll by less then 4, he only losses initiative and does not lose one attack. Limitations: Characters with Major or Minor psionic powers cannot be Elite SEALs. The training for an Elite SEAL leaves no time to also work on psionics. The New Navy is thinking of adding a special branch of Elite SEALs that have psionic powers and are trained to use them as Elite SEALs. Such plans are still on the drawing board and are years away from happening. OCC Skills 1 Major Skill Program (+20%) 5 Minor Skills (+15%) Speak and Literate in American 98% Basic Math (+15%) Radio Basic (+20%) Computer Operation (+10%) Navigation (+10%) Demon and Monster Lore (+10%) SCUBA (+25%) Swimming 98% Military Etiquette (+15%) Choose any 5 W.P. Hand to Hand: Seal Major Skill Programs (choose any one program and Skill programs can only be selected once): 1. Espionage - Detect Concealment, Detect Ambush and Intelligence 2. Demolitions - Demolitions, Demolitions Disposal, and Undersea Demolitions 3. Wilderness - Undersea and Sea Survival, Wilderness Survival, Undersea Navigation, Land Navigation 4. Weapons - Choose two more W. P. Each has an additional +1 to all combat maneuvers (strike, parry, entangle, or throw) and Armorer 5. Communications - Electronic Counter Measures and any three Communication skills 6. Pilot (land based) - Choose any 4 Land Based Vehicles (Note: Pilot Related Skills must be taken as OCC Related Skills) 7. Pilot (Water based) - Choose any 4 Water Based Vehicle (Note: Pilot Related Skills must be taken as OCC Related Skills) 8. Pilot (air based) - Choose any 4 Air Based Vehicles (Note: Pilot Related Skills must be taken as OCC Related Skills) 9. Medical - Medical Doctor, Pathology, Biology, and Chemestry 10. Computer Specialist - + 10% to Computer Operation, Computer Programing, Computer Hacking, Cryptography 11. Linguist - choose any 4 Languages (Note: Literacy may be taken as an OCC Related Skill or as a Secondary Skill)) 12. Mechanical - Mechanical Engineer, Basic Electronics, and any 2 Mechainical skills 13. Electrical - Electrical Engineer, Advanced Mathmatics, Computer Repair 14. Magic Specialist (This offers no spell casting abilities) - Lore: Magic, Lore: D-Bees, Lore: Faerie 15. Science - Any 4 Science skills 16. Sniper - Sniper (+3 on an aimed shot) and Sharpshooting Minor Skills (choose any five skills at level one and one more for each additional odd level (3,5,7 ect)) Strategy/Tactics, Miltiary Intelligence, Camouflage, Parachuting, Underwater Salvage, Escape Artist, Pilot: Advanced Deep Sea Diving, Track and Hunt Sea Animals, Paramedic, Pilot: Water Scooter, Pilot: Warships and Patrol Boats, Pilot: Submersibles, Pilot: Robots and Power Armor, Robot or Power Armor Combat Basic or Elite, Sea Holistic Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Armorer, NBC Warfare(Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare), Radar/Sonar Operations, Interrogation Techniques, Fortification, Recognize Weapon Quality, Trap Construction, Trap and Mine Detection, Field Medic, and Pilot: Motor Boats and Hydrofoils. Note: Strategy/Tactics (30% + 5% per Level) can be found in Nightspawn pg 52. Military Intelligence (42% + 4% per Level) can be found in Ninjas and Superspies pg 42. All other skills can be found in varies Rift books. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select ten other skills. Plus select two more or another Major Skill Program at levels three, six, nine, twelve, and fifteen. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Major Skill Programs can only be learned at base, not in the field. Elite SEALS may choose skills listed in any of the Rifts books provided they have a logical reasoning for learning those skills (a character on Rifts Earth has almost no chance of learning any of the skills in the Phase World book, but a character trapped in Phase World would) Communications: Any (+5%) Cowboy: None (Any can be learned if the Elite SEAL is in the Americian west at no bonus) Domestic: Any - 191 -

Electrical: Basic Electronics and Computer Repair only Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Locksmith only Medical: First Aid only (+5%) Military: Any (+5%) Physical: Any (+15% to Prowl and Climbing; all others +5%) Pilot: Any Except PA or Robot skills Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Any Technical: Any (+10%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+10%) Secondary Skills: Select four from the previous list. These are addition areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonuses listed in parentheses. All secondary skills are limited (any, only, none) as indicated by the list above. Skill note: The Elite SEAL is only able to learn all of these skills if they continuely get to go back to base for additional traing. In game terms this means that a PC must wait to learn all new skills back at a New Navy Base. This is not always possible. For Elite SEALS that are unable to get back to base, they learn one OCC related skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15. They cannot learn any more minor skills until they get back to base. Standard Equipment: SEAL-1 Frogman Armor, an SL-S2, choose of any two SEAL weapons (more may be provided if the Commanding Officer allows), any 6 grenades, a SNARLS Sensor System or a Multi-Optics Helmet (either will be built into the armor), one in each six man squad will be assigned a LAWS-4. Additional and special equipment may be assigned for special missions (see appendix 12). Money: 6d6x100 credits to start and a monthly salary of 2500 (officers get double). Remember food, equipment, clothing, room and board is supplied by the Navy. At the GMs descretion, a player may have a considerably higher amount. The character has spent the past two years in training and getting paid for it. They earned 60,000 credits during that time and the GM can let the PC have a savings of some of that. If the PC is an officier, he/she may have up to 120,000 credits depending how long he/she has been an officier. Cybernetics: None to start. Usually limited to prosthetics after the loss of a limb. Remember, Salvation and Refuge Bases do not have extensive cybernetic facilities, only basic medical systems. Special Abilities: An Elite SEAL can hold his/her breath for a number of melee rounds equal to his/her Physical Endurance. An Elite SEAL also gets an addition +1 to strike (Aimed shot, Burst, or Wild) with a modern weapon of his/her choose. That is a specific weapon, the characters favorite. Any weapon can be chosen despite the maker/designer if GM approves. 95% of all Elite SEALs choose SEAL weapons. A character does not nessicarily start off with this weapon. Hand to Hand: SEAL The following techniques are known at first level: Break Fall, Disarm, Body Block/Tackle, Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Pull Punch, Body Flip (1d6), Punch (1d4), Elbow/Forearm (1d6), Kick Attack (2d4), Snap Kick (1d6), Knee (1d6), and the usual strike, parry, and dodge. Bonuses: +4d6 S.D.C., +1d4 P.S., +2 P.E. and P.P., and + 2d4 Spd. Level: 1. 3 attacks per melee round to start, Critical Strike from behind 2. +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, Karate Kick (2d6), Karate Punch (2d4), Palm Strike (2D4) 3. +1 attack, Knife Hand (2d4), Back Hand (1d6) 4. 1 initiative, +1 Disarm and Break Fall, Roundhouse Kick (3d6), Drop Kick, +1d6 S.D.C 5. Power Punch, Backward Sweep, Tripping Leg Hook, +1 Disarm and Break Fall 6. +1 attack, +1 to strike, Arm Hold, Leg Hold, Body Hold, and Neck Hold 7. Wheel Kick (2d6), Leap Attack, +1 Disarm and Break Fall, +1d6 S.D.C. 8. Critical Strike 18-20, Paired Weapons 9. +1 attack, Power Kick, +1 to parry and dodge 10. Jump Kick (6d6), +1 to strike, Disarm and Break Fall 11. +1 initiative, Knock-Out/Stun and Critical Strike from behind (triple damage!) 12. +1 attack, Knock-Out/Stun 17-20 13. Death Blow!, +2d6 S.D.C. 14. +2 to strike, parry, dodge, Disarm and Break Fall. 15. +1 Attack, +3d6 S.D.C. At the Gms option a character can also learn the following abilities from Rifts: Japan Art of Stealth or Pi Mi Hsing Tung at level one. The Characters gets +10% to Jung Hua Select an additional Art of Stealth at levels 7 and 14 Select A body Hardning Exercise at level 2, 6, 10 (These do not grant the ability for the Elite SEAL to turn into a MDC creature) Experience Table 1. 0,000- 2,300 2. 2,301- 4,600 3. 4,601- 9,000 4. 9,001- 17,000 - 192 -

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

17,001- 26,000 26,001- 38,000 38,001- 55,000 55,001- 77,000 77,001-110,000 110,001-145,000 145,001-200,000 200,001-260,000 260,001-330,000 330,001-400,000 400,001-500,000

Elven WarMaster R.C.C.

By: Lee Casebolt An addition to my Elven version of Nightspawn. "As has been noted in previous encounters, the Elven tendancy is towards magical development. The Elven warrior who lacks this magical talent is frequently viewed with distaste, even contempt, by his sorcerous bretheren. In most cases, he can expect ridicule or abuse from his superiors; at best he may suffer under silent disdain. For the "mundane" warrior, there is little recourse from this treatment. "There is, however, one glaring exception to this rule of thumb. A small group of warriors (perhaps 3%; information is sketchy) who show great physical and psychological potential, but no hint of magical talent, recieve a unique combination of physical and spiritual training vastly superior to the norm. Details on this training have been difficult to discover, but from what we do know, it might be most closely compared to the traditional martial arts training methods of the Orient. Hand to hand and melee weapon combat skills are taught alongside spiritual development and altered states of conciousness. The end result is an elite warrior. Or, as the Elves put it, a WarMaster." - excerpted from Dr. Robert Meier's *Elven Cultural Overview* report, published February '05 After seven years of war, the human resistance forces have gained a number of insights into Elven culture and psychology. Still, it seems that even now new surprises arise. One of the most unpleasant of those surprises was the discovery of those the Elves call WarMasters. It didn't take long for resistance forces to learn ways of differentiating between Elves with magical talents and those without, and to almost universally adopt a policy of directing attacks primarily at the "mundane" forces. One might understand the shock of the soldiers who attempted to ambush a routine Elven patrol, only to discover that not only were the Elves not at all surprised by the "ambush", but they were capable of a number of feats that could only be explained as "magic", despite the evidence to the contrary. So they met for the first time - WarMasters, meet the humans; humans, meet the WarMasters... WarMaster training is rigorous almost beyond description. Their bodies are subjected to tortures (sure, they're *called* "exercises"...) that break more students than they mold. The "spiritual training" methods drive more to madness than they do to expanded conciousness. All in all, only one WarMaster will graduate from a class of ten. Those that emerge believe themselves to be the ultimate biological weapon. Few who have faced them would argue the point. WarMaster OCC Entrance Requirements: A minimum of 13 is required for the ME, MA, PS, PP, and PE attributes. O.C.C. Skills: Lore: Demons and Monsters (+10%) Ghosts and Faeries (+15%) Magic (+10%) Prowl (+20%) Tracking (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+15%) Sylvan Ars Martial (see below) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select a total of six from the following catagories, plus one additional skill at levels 3, 7, 10, and 12. Communications: None Domestic: Any Electrical: None Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanical: None Medical: First Aid and Holistic Medicine (+15%) only - 193 -

Military: None Physical: Any (+15%) Pilot: Horsemanship only (+15%) Pilot Related: Navigation only (+10%) Rogue Skills: None Science: None Technical: Any except Computer skills or Photography (+10%) Weapon Proficiencies: Any Ancient Wilderness: Any (+15%) Secondary Skills: Select 5 from the list above, without the listed bonus. Select one additional secondary skill at levels 4, 8, 11 and 14. At the GM's option, some of the restrictions on available skills may be lifted at these later levels. Sylvan Ars Martial (Unique Elven Martial Arts Form) The Sylvan Ars Martial is a sophisticated body of physical and spiritual techniques, similar in many ways to advanced kung fu systems. As with all things Elven, its movements are graceful and beautiful to watch. Movements appear at once dazzling and effortless. That impression lasts until the brutal applications of those ballet-like movements are realized. Appearances to the contrary, there are no wasted movements in the style; no energy is expended except to destroy the enemy quickly, brutally, and (hopefully) elegantly. A full body of techniques are taught - punches, kicks, grapples, weapons, and spiritual methods. A WarMaster is truly prepared for any situation. Character Bonuses Add 10 to CHI Add 2 to ME Add 1 to PS Add 1 to PP Add 1 to PE Add 10 to SDC Combat Skills Attacks per Melee: Three Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Maintain Balance, Backflip Attack Moves: Leap, Backflip Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry Advanced Defenses: Combination Strike/Parry, Multiple Dodge, Circular Parry, Disarm Hand Attacks: Strike (punch), Knife Hand, Palm Strike Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Snap Kick, Crescent Kick, Tripping/Leg Hooks, Backward Sweep, Reverse Turning Kick (Combination Dodge/Kick) Jumping Foot Attacks: Jump Kick Special Attacks: Forearm, Elbow, Knee, Body Flip/Throw, Critical Flip/Throw, Death Blow Holds/Locks: Wrist Lock, Arm Hold, Body Hold Weapon Katas: WP Sword, WP Staff Skills Included in Training Martial Arts Powers: Select a total of three (3) Powers from Chi Mastery, Martial Arts Techniques, and Special Katas (including Chi Katas) Physical Skills: Archery, Climbing, Gymnastics, Swimming Level Advancement Bonuses 1. +2 to Strike, +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Critical Strike or Knock-Out/Stun from behind 2. +2 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Leap/Back Flip 3. +1 to Body Flip/Throw, +2 to Maintain Balance 4. +1 Attack per Melee 5. +2 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Disarm 6. Select one (1) Additional Martial Arts Power from Chi Mastery, Martial Arts Techniques, or Special Katas (including Chi Katas) 7. +1 to Strike, +2 to Damage 8. Critical Strike on Natural 18, 19, or 20, Death Blow on Natural 20 9. +1 to Leap/Back Flip, +2 to Maintain Balance 10. +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Body Flip/Throw 11. +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Initiative 12. Select one (1) Additional Martial Arts Power from Chi Mastery, Martial Arts Techniques, or Special Katas (including Chi Katas) 13. +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry/Dodge 14. +1 Attack per Melee 15. Select one Zenjorike power

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Elves R.C.C.
By: Lee Casebolt Now that we're back (thanks, Gabe!), I'm reposting a revised version of my Nightspawn elves. Thanks to Jim Cannon and SAMHAIN for their comments, which were instrumental in improving some very rough work. ********************************************************** From the notes of Friar Aldridge... "In this, the Year of Our Lord Twelve Hundred and Seventy Seven, we have won a great victory for Christiandom. The summoned armies of these several Christian lords have, at long last, ridded Europe of the scourge known as the Fey. Their centuries-old menace to the bodies and souls of good men, and likewise to the virtue and well-being of honest women, will now know end as, armed with blades of cold Iron, and supported with the blessings of His Holiness, these Paladins have exterminated those Children of Lucifer to the last. In a spirit of thanksgiving we honor thee, Lord, with our prayers. Amen." Personal Notes, Col James Franklin, Human Resistance Army

"March 13, 1998 - Two years to the day since the Elves popped in; a little over a year and a half since they took over. Five and a half months to take a planet? Dear God, what are we facing? Seems like our weapons don't have the "pop" against Elves that they do against regular people. And theirs... Lord, what are they using? Magic? Since when did my life become a Tolkien novel? I'm definitely too old for this shit. "At least we can operate (more or less) freely during the day. If only we could figure out a way to avoid losing everything we gained the next night... "Damn, I hate Elves."
Elves Attributes: IQ: 3d6, ME: 4d6, MA: 4d6, PS: 3d6, PP: 4d6, PE: 3d6, PB: 4d6, Spd: 4d6 S.D.C.: By OCC Hit Points: Standard PPE: Non-Magical OCC - 5d6 Magical OCC - As per OCC, +10% Natural Abilities: Magical Affinity - The Elvish connection with magic (see appendix 14)is so strong that they both cast and resist magic with greater ease than mortals. Spell-casting Elves subtract their level of experience from the PPE cost of any spell they cast, to a minimum cost of the spell's level in PPE (ie, a Call Lightning spell from a 5th level elvish sorceror costs only 10 PPE, but a Globe of Daylight will cost one). In addition, all Elves have an additional +3 to save vs Magic, +1 for every additional four levels after first. Immortality - Elves are immortal, to the extent that they have no natural limit to their lifespans. In addition, their alien nature reduces their vulnerability to normal weapons. In game terms, subtract one from every die of damage dealt to the Elf from normal weapons or hand to hand attacks. Silver - The metal of the moon cannot harm the Fey. Elves take no damage from silver weapons. Nightvision - Roughly the equivalent of human day vision. Vulnerabilities: Sunlight - Elves are creatures of the night; as such, they are affected by sunlight as are vampires. Cold Iron - Iron disrupts Elvish magic, and severely harms Elves. Merely carrying a pound or so of iron on one's person grants a +3 to save vs Elvish magic, while greater amounts give an even greater bonus (GM's discretion). In addition, weapons of at least 50% pure iron do double damage against Elves, and even scattered iron filings (or similar) affect them as a similar quantity of acid would normal people. Skills: By OCC. Elves are generally either Sorcerors or Mystics (See Nightspawn RPG); those with no talent for magic become Elven Warriors. Elven Warrior O.C.C. The Elven Warrior is, in essense, the "grunt" of the Elvish community. Lacking talent for the greater pursuit of magic, he or she instead follow the lesser path of physical combat. At least, that's how the Elves see it. In fact, an Elven warrior is a capable, skilled combatant, one generally the equal of two "mere humans". O.C.C. Skills: Lore: Magic (+10%) Demons & Monsters (+10%) Ghosts & Faeries (+15%) Tracking (+15%) Wilderness Survival (+15%) Archery - 195 -

Fencing Prowl (+20%) WP Sword Hand to Hand: Expert (may be changed to HtH: Assassin at the cost of one Other Skill) OCC Related Skills: Select ten other skills, plus two at level four, and one at levels 7, 10, 12, and 15. Communications: None Computer: None Domestic: Any Electrical: None Espionage: Any Mechanical: None Medical: First Aid and Holistic Medicine only (+10%) Military: Etiquette and Strategy/Tactics only (+10%) Physical: Any (+15% where applicable) Pilot: Horsemanship only (+10%) Pilot Related: Navigation only Rogue: Any except Computer Hacking Science: Any (-10%) Technical: Any (+5% on Lore skills) Wilderness Any WP: Any Ancient Secondary Skills: Choose five from the above list, without listed bonus (Science penalty still applies) at first level. Choose one additional secondary skill at levels 3, 5, 8, 10, and 12. These additional secondary skills do NOT have the limitations placed on them that initial skills do.

Enhanced Gromek R.C.C.

This R.C.C. is for those Gromek who have undergone Bio-wizard reconstruction, to improve their natural abilities and defenses, including providing Supernatural Strength and M.D.C. skin, and other supernatural powers and abilities. These Gromeks are the chosen warriors and the future leaders of Gromekian civilization and culture on rifts Earth. Alignment: Any tend to be selfish or evil Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+1, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 4d6+12, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd.6d6+6 running , 6D6+6 for Flight M.D.C.: 150 Horror Factor: 16 P.P.E.: 2D6 Natural Abilities: Fly, keen hawk like vision, resistant to fire and cold (takes half damage), extremely aggressive, can breath fire (dragons breath) 4D6 M.D. 30 ft range Combat: 2 hand to hand attacks plus those gained from Hand to hand combat training. Bonuses: +1 strike, +2 parry and dodge, +4 to dodge in flight, +2 on initiative Damage: As per supernatural strength tables (punch damage as listed, kick/clawed feet does punch damage plus 1D6 M.D.) or by weapon (most likely). Magic: None Psionics: None R.C.C. Skills: Hand to hand Expert Wrestling W.P. Sword W.P. Blunt W.P. Energy Rifle W.P. Heavy W.P. Archery and Targeting Language and Literacy Gromek 98% Enhanced Females also know Holistic Medicine (+10%) Language Demongogian (+10%) Language Dragonese Tracking (+10%)

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R.C.C. Related Skills Select 10 other skills, at least 3 skills must be selected from physical and one from physical. Plus select 3 additional skills at level 3, 1 at level 6, 1 at level 9, 1 at level 12. All new skills start at level one. Communications: Any Domestic: Any (+15%) Electrical: Basic Electronics only. Espionage: Any (+10%), except forgery and pick locks. Mechanical: Basic or Automotive mechanics only. Medical: First Aid (+10%) or holistic Medicine (+20%) Military: Camouflage only Physical: Any except Acrobatics, (+10% where applicable). Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any Science: Maths: Basic, anthropology, biology, and botany only. Technical: Any W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+20%) Secondary Skills: Select 8 skills from the above list, they start at the base level, and no bonuses apply (except I.Q.) Average Life Span: 180 years Enemies: Humans and most intelligent life. Allies: Surkreeth, and other Gromeks, still loyal to the Gromek home world. Height: 8 to 10 ft tall Weight: 600 to 800 pounds Equipment and Weapons: Enhanced Gromek Body Armour (120 M.D.C. Wings exposed), Giant Size Vibro-Sword (3d6 M.D.), 2 Energy Weapons of choice (can be from phase world/ Antarctic Federation or knock-offs of Federation weapons which are just starting to be produced from the factories under the Queen Maud mountains), and two e-clips for each weapon. Plus any other reasonable piece of equipment. Xp table: use the dragon table

Emperor's personal Guard O.C.C.

By: Shawn Merrow Stormtroopers when they reach 5 level get the chance to be trained to become a member of the Emperor's Personal Guard. The training is extremely hard and 97% of the class flunk out. If the survive the training then they become the elite of the Emperor's troops. Note the training last for a year and during this time their is no contact with the rest of the universe. Attribute Requirements: A P.S. and P.E. of 12 or higher. Alignment Requirements: None, though most Stormtroopers will start to move to the evil side of the spectrum after a while. Racial Requirements: Due to the Empires extreme Xenophobia only Humans are allowed to join the Emperor's Personal Guard. O.C.C. Skills: If the guard member already has the skills listed below than they get a one time bonus of +10% to that skill. Radio: Scramblers (+5%) Detect Ambush (+10%) Detect Concealment (+10%) Intelligence (+5%) Tracking (+5%) Prowl (+15%) Demolition's (+15%) Demolition's Disposal (+10%) - 197 -

W.P. Force Pike* W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons W.P. Two others of choice Hand to Hand: Martial Arts Hand to Hand: Martial Arts can be changed to assassin if an evil alignment at no cost. * Uses the same bonuses as W.P. Polearm. O.C.C Related Skills: Select two "other" skills, plus one additional skill at levels six, nine, and twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic Electronics only Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: None Medical: First Aid and Paramedic only Military: Any (+10%) Physical: Any Pilot: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: None Technical: Any W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The player gets no more secondary skills. Their time is way to busy for hobbies. Standard gear issued to the Emperor's Personal Guard: Heavy Ceremonial Stormtrooper Armor (the red suit), force pike, standard Stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle and blaster pistol with six extra e-clips, plus any gear any other gear Stormtrooper could normally get. Equipment available upon assignment: They have access to anything they may need or think they may need. Local commanders can say no to their request but very few ever do. Money: The Emperor's Personal Guard gets a roof over his head and all his basic needs provided free as part of his pay. The trooper gets a monthly salary of a 4,000 credits. The Emperor's Personal Guard quarters will vary quite a bit between different assignments, but they will usually be some of the best available. Cybernetics & Bionics: Can select up to four cybernetics and bionics. Experience Table: 1. 0,000 2. 2,121 3. 4,241 4. 8,481 5. 16,691 6. 24,961 7. 34,961 8. 49,961 9. 69,961 10. 94,961 11. 129,961 12. 179,961 13. 229,961 14. 279,961 15. 329,961 2,120 4,240 8,480 16,960 24,960 34,960 49,960 69,960 96,960 129,960 179,960 229,960 279,960 329,960 389,961

Emperor's Personal Guard Gear 1. Blaster Pistol: There are dozens of types of blaster pistols, below is a generic blaster pistol.

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Weight: 4 lbs. Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Standard. Effective Range: 500 ft. Payload: 20 shots per e-clip. Black Market Cost: 10,000 credits. 2. Blaster Rifle: There are dozens of types of blaster rifles, below is a generic blaster rifle. The user of the rifle can chose from a stun setting or a mega-damage setting. Weight: 8 lb. Mega-Damage: 5D6 M.D. Stun Setting: Use the effect of the Neural Mace from the main book to handle the stun setting. Rate of Fire: Standard. Effective Range: 2,000 ft. Payload: 30 shots per e-clip. Black Market Cost: 24,000 credits. 3. Force Pike: This is a pole with an enhanced vibroblade on the end and a power tip that can shock, stun, or kill anything it touches. Their are switches on the side of the pole to control all the functions of the pike. These weapons are used for ceremonial guards and shipboard guards and where weapons may look undiplomatic or endanger the ship. The power tip is in the but of the pole and works like the Neural Mace, except the kill setting will kill anyone who fails the savings throw. Weight: 14 lbs. Mega-Damage: 2D6 + M.D. + P.S. damage bonuse Black Market Cost: 60,000 credits. 4. Heavy Ceremonial Stormtrooper Armor: Has all the properties of body armor described in the main Rifts book. Usually painted red in color. M.D.C.: 50 M.D.C. Weight: 35 lbs. Mobility: Fair, -10% prowl penalty. Black Market Cost: Illegal to own, 50,000 credits. 5. Grenades: Just use the Grenades from any of the Rifts books.

The Eternal R.C.C.

By: Jim Cannon The Eternal, the Blood, the Thirteen, and related concepts are copyright 1997 James M.G. Cannon Author's Note: I've always loved Vampires. First as terrible villians like Dracula, as tragic protaganists in the Vampire Chronicles, and even as heroes like Hannibal King. Being a creative sort, I once drew up my own rules for Vampiric society, complete with lords and factions and quirks. Recently I found the game Vampire: the Masquerade, which I think is a great read, and I was excited to material similar to my own ideas in the book. Of course, they published first, so I have to acknowledge them as inspiration, even though some of the ideas below came to me years before I read the book. Though there is material below that is directly inspired by V:tM as well. Enjoy. Twenty-five thousand years ago, the Earth was a battleground. The lords of the Earth, the Blood, were waging terrible war against the Nightlords, a group of human mages who had wrestled the secrets of magic from their rulers, the Blood and sought to take their place as lords of reality. Despite initial successes againts the usurpers, and the added strength of the Were, the Blood found themselves quickly overmatched by their proteges. The Nightlords and their armies of Hounds and Hunters overpowered the relatively small amounts of Blood and their allies. The Blood scrambled for answers. Some plumbed the depths of their magical skills, seeking the perfect spells to use against the Nightlords. Others unleashed the artifacts of Valusia, and these seemed successful. Yet victory still eluded the Blood. A radical sect of Blood mages thought the answer lay with the Nightlords themselves, and their strange pact with the otherwordly power known only as the Dark. These mages contacted the Dark through an elaborate ceremony, and sought to gain power of their own from the Dark, power they could use against the Nightlords. But the arrogance of the Blood, that which facilitated the rise of the Nightlords from the beginning, proved their undoing once again. The Dark granted them their wishes, but in so doing bound them to

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it, transforming them from Blood into a hybrid of the Kindred and the Nightlords, a terrible white-fleshed creature that would become known as the Vampire. The newly created Vampires stepped into the Nightwar on the side of the Nightlords and their mutual master, the Dark. They proved adept at subverting the Blood and the human population, creating new Vampires through the Dark Gift. A small number of the Vampires retained the fortitude and character to resist the mastery of the Dark, and tried to use their new gifts and abilities in the service of their own species, the Blood. In the end, it was not the Vampires who turned the tide, but a band of Blood mages who were able to exile the Nightlords to the Nightlands. The Vampires would prove as much a hindrance in the Blood Civil War, as their meddling nearly cost the Blood a victory over the Thirteen. Like the Blood, the Vampires found their numbers culled considerably following the banishment of the Thirteen to the Astral Plane. Like the Blood, the Vampires found it necessary to hide within the burgeoning masses of humanity. The Vampires have survived the millenia despite having a legion of foes, and have even prospered while the Were have begun to die out, the Blood remain scattered and weak, and the Nightbane are isolated. Vampires are the ultimate survivors, existing like vermin in the cities of humanity, feeding of the masses and ruling them through carefully controlled businesses and political puppets. Though confined to the hours of the night, many Vampires ruled cities and even whole countries; they found that nobles and wealthy people were easily tempted with the transformation into eternally extant, incredibly powerful creatures. And those who ruled in life found the allure of political power too tempting to resist even in undeath. By the time the Nightlords invaded, Vampires were firmly entrenched in human society. They hunted where they wished, took what they wanted, and protected that which they ruled over. They saw the Were as pests to be eliminated, and the Blood as weaklings whose time had passed. The Nightbane could be made to serve the Vampires, or destroyed as one wished. The Vampires were the lords of the Earth, in all but name. Only a few groups -- the Order of the Grendel for example -- caused them any kind of consternation. Until Dark Day. The Nightlords and their invasion changed everything. Vampires and their servants found themselves thrown out of power, replaced by Avatars, Dopplegangers, and Ashmedai. The mastery of the Vampires was broken in one spectacular day, mostly while they slept, and nothing would ever be the same again. The Vampires realized that the other supernatural races would not help them; millenia of persecution cannot be forgotten in a day's time. So, those among the Eternal who were desperate, who needed to maintain their status as rulers no matter what the compromise, allied themselves with the Nightlords, much as their ancestors did twenty-five thousand years ago. Other Vampires have decided to fight the invasion, to regain their standing as rulers; these Vampires represent a small group who are afraid to ally with the other enemies of the Nightlords. Still others have been able to weasel into the good graces of the Seekers, the Blood, or the Nightbane, and have become capable warriors in the Nightwar. Vampire Factions and Groups "The Ageless? Bah, they cannot match our ferocity. The Were? They are but a pale imitation of our strength. The mortals? Heh. Food, nothing more." -- Azmodeus, leader of the Overlords Despite their posturing, Vampires are as much social creatures as the Blood or humans. They need the stability, comraderie, and comfort that society and friendships bring. But as always, the nature of the Dark and its influence perverts Vampire society into a mockery of Blood or human culture. All the Vampires descend from a small group of Blood mages who summoned the Dark and became something greater and lesser than what they were. As such, all Vampires can trace their ancestry back to those Blood mages, most can recite their ancestry. The longer it takes to a Vampire to recount his ancestors, the less status he has in Vampire society. Thus, those who are closer to the oldest, those who are least removed from the eldest Vampires, are those most highly revered. Because Elder Vampires still create progeny, and have throughout the ages, it is possible for a relatively young Vampire to command the respect of an Elder, simply by virtue of the blood in her veins. There have been fifteen generations of Vampires through the millenia, though nearly all of the first four generations are no more. Because of the great respect accorded the older generations, and the corresponding power they wield, the factions of the Vampires tend to grow around individual Vampires who develop a sort of cult of personality; typically every Vampire in the faction can trace his or her ancestry back to the Vampire Lord who rules it. THE ARCHONS, also known as the Harmonizers: This is a group of about 800 Vampires who, led by a Vampire Lord known as Archimedes, believe that Vampires are just one more part of the Earth's complex ecosystem. They are hunters and predators, and feed on human blood, but they do so in a manner not unlike animal predators. They cull the herd of humanity, preying on the sick, the old, the depraved. Criminals and murderers are favorite prey of these Vampires. Also, the Harmonizers tend to retain more of their humanity than others of their kind, and often show genuine affection for the "lesser" races. They will fight the Nightlords when they can. Archimedes is one of the oldest living Vampires, and claims to be eight thousand years old, born of the second generation. His progenitor was one of those Vampires who resisted the Dark and fought against the Nightlords on the side of the Blood and the Were. Archimedes has tried to maintain his progenitor's legacy throughout the ages. THE CZARIN: also known as the Overlords: Azmodeus the Vampire Lord has ruled this faction with an iron fist from Moscow since the days of the first czar. The Overlords are typical for the Vampire breed; they rule over the masses of humanity, either directly or indirectly, manipulating human history, art, and culture for the sake of wielding power. They were displaced by the Nightlords, but Azmodeus was able to negotiate a peace between the Overlords and the Nightlords. Azmodeus fully expects Moloch to double-cross him in the future, and has contingency plans already set in place for such an eventuality. Indeed, he plans to turn the tables on the Nightlords himself soon enough. - 200 -

Azmodeus is six thousand years old, hoary, incredibly canny and powerful. He is a master manipulator and gamesman, and his progeny are just as slick. The Overlords are perhaps the largest Vampire faction, with enough members to place up to three agents in every major city worldwide -- consider any city with more than 300,000 inhabitants "major." THE TLOTALC: also called the Singularists: This is a small faction, barely a 100 strong, who, like their master, the Vampire Lord Klytus, believe that Vampires are a race separate and apart of the rest of the Earth's inhabitants. Though small, this group includes many of the most powerful Vampires of Earth, those who are old enough to master the Thirst and exist apart from a ready food supply. They will not involve themselves in the Nightwar unless forced to do so. The Nightlords are aware of the Singularists, and are wary of them. There is too much resistence at the moment for the Nightlords to concern themselves with Klytus and his brood, and these Vampires tend to live in out of the way areas like Antarctica or the Gobi Desert, places where the citydwelling Nightlords are uncomfortable. THE SHIVISTS: Named for the Hindu god Shiva the Destroyer, this is a tiny group of about twenty or so Vampires, quite ancient, who not only wish to commit suicide, but want to take the Earth with them. They will actively support the Nightlords, seeing them as the harbingers of greater destruction to come. Indeed, several of them already work for the Nightlords in one capacity or another. The Nightlords use them sparingly, as the Ba'al-ze-neckt only wish to eliminate every living thing on Earth, they don't want to destroy the planet itself. Meanwhile, the Shivists wouldn't mind seeing the Earth perish in nuclear fire. MICTLANCOATL: The Vampires of Central and South America were able to live freely among the people, without subterfuge or guile. They were worshipped as gods, or seen as the blessed of the gods, given eternal life and great power. Most importantly, however, the Vampires served as the surrogates for the gods during sacrifices. The bloody and often monstrous sacrifices of the Toltecs, the Aztec, the Maya, and others fed the Vampires and made them strong and respected. The werejaguars cuased a little trouble, and the Blood hiding among the populace eyed the Vampires suspiciously, but for the most part, the Mictlancoatl, "the serpents of death," commanded respect and reverance. Until the Europeans arrived, and native religions were destroyed. Members of the Order of the Grendel, recognizing the Vampires for what they were, sluagtered them whenever possible. The Mictlancoatl were driven into hiding, and forced to adopt a more Europeantype of Vampiric existence to survive. Strangely enough, the Mictlancoatl never really developed the contempt and hatred of mortals that most European Vampires possess. They had served as gods and priests for the people, and they held the religion they practiced as sacred, and the bond they shared with the mortals as sacred, too. These Vampires see the Thirst and the hunt for blood as part of their holy duty, and they see the oppression of humanity as practiced by European Vampires and the Nightlords as a violation of that duty. Tezcatlipoca, the progenitor of the Mictlancoatl line, perished most spectacularly at the hands of Lilith's avatar during Dark Day. The Mictlancoatl scattered and now lack direction, though most of them advocate resistance to the Nightlords in some fashion. Though they have small numbers, the Mictlancoatl are not to be trifled with; they are dedicated and powerful foes. And their numbers are growing, as the threat of the Nightlords has forced many of the Mictlancoatl to Embrace youngsters to battle the invaders. THE NIGHTRUNNERS: This is a new faction, arisen in the past twenty years, founded by a small group of young rogues. The Nightrunners began as a means for Rogues to protect themselves against the predations of other Vampires, a loose alliance of individualistic Eternals. The discovered that co-operation and solidarity can not only increase the chances of survival, but also increase one's personal power. So the group that banded together for defense against other Vampires began to actively rebel and attack their perceived oppressors, and when they defeated the older Vampires, the Nightrunners took their places as rulers of cities. The Nightlords recognized excellent resources when they saw it, and were able to support the Nightrunners from the other side of the Mirrorwall; when Dark Day dawned, the Nightrunners helped the Nightlords destroy other Vampires. Since Dark Day, the Nightrunners have become influential members of the Cult of Night, and are trusted by their new masters. Nightrunners tend to be among the very youngest Vampires; none of them are older than the twelfth generation. ROGUES: Not really a faction, this is a catch-all term for the rest of Vampire-kind, who do not ally themselves with any of the factions mentioned above. They are often wild, cruel, beautiful, and rather individualistic. Reactions to the presence of Nightlords will vary greatly. Typically, Rogues are looked down upon by other Vampires, considered "clanless" and weak. Rogues are often hunted by other Vampires seeking to increase their Blood Pool, because the need not fear retribution from another faction. The Vampire R.C.C. Alighnments: Typically evil, but any non-good. Attributes: I.Q.: 3D6, M.E.:4D6, M.A.:4D6, P.S.:4D6, P.P.:4D6, P.E.:4D6, P.B.:3D6, SPD:4D6 SDC/HPS: PE x 10 SDC, PE x 2 HPS + 1D6/level PPE: 2D4 x 10 + PE ISP: 1D6 x 10 + ME Natural Abilities: nightvision 200 ft, immune to all diseases and sickness, toxins, gases, poisons, drugs, and chemicals are 1/3 as effective, regenerate 2D6 SDC/HPS per melee, supernatural strength and endurance, limited invulnerability (see below), Aura: all living things possess auras, varying in size and strength with the life-force of the individual. Since Vampires are Undead, they do not possess Auras. However, Vampires can see the Auras of Blood and other living things, and thus recognize their cousins and their own kind on sight. Special Abilities: The Eternal have access to a wide variety of powers and abilities, ranging from increased physical attributes to the ability to use magic or fly. Like a Blood or a Nightbane, the Vampire must permanently sacrifice PPE to gain these abilities. Vampires have a large pool of PPE with which to buy talents, but there are many to choose from and individual Eternal are often quite varied. It should be noted that, since Vampires can absorb PPE through feeding, they can use PPE from the Blood Pool (much as Blood can) to purchase new abilities. Some restrictions apply, however. Abilities purchased after first level can only be bought at levels 5, 10, or 15, and no more than one ability can be purchased at each time, regardless of how much PPE the Blood Pool may contain. - 201 -

Vampires can also choose a new ability every two and a half centuries of un-life. Thus, Elders will be extemely powerful, perhaps even approaching Nightlords in power levels. It should be noted that NO player character Vampire is older than fifty years at first level. Note that any PE gained through these talents does not affect the Vampire's PPE level. 1. Detect Magic [5 PPE]: As the Blood power of the same name. 2. Detect Supernatural Entity [5 PPE]: As the Blood power of the same name. 3. Enhanced Nightvision [7 PPE]: The Vampire's eyes will now give off a noticeable glow in darkness, and will take on a distinct reddish tint. The Vampire's vision can now penetrate the deepest darkness, and the Vampire can see accurately in the dark or at night for 2000 ft. 4. Enhanced Senses [10 PPE each]: With this ability, the Vampire can make one of his senses superhuman, that is, one per 10 PPE spent. Heightened Sense of Hearing: Can hear a one decibel sound at the range of 100 feet; ten decibels at 200 feet, and so on. Can estimate distance of sound at 65%+5% per level, estimate speed of sound's approach at 55%+5% per level, and recognize a voice or sound at 35%+5%. Heightened Sense of Sight: The Vampire has excellent sight, like a hawk's or eagle's. Can read a street sign at a distance of two miles. Heightened Sense of Smell: An excellent ability for a hunter like a Vampire; able to identify smells within 100 feet of the Vampire. Can identify scent at 70%+5% per level, recognize a person, toxin, or poison at 50%+5%, and track by scent at 55%+5% per level. Heightened Sense of Taste: The Vampire has such a delicate sense of taste that she can identify specific ingredients in anything she tastes at 70%+4% per level. The Vampire can usually detect any foreign elements in a prey's bloodstream as well. Heightened Sense of Touch: The Vampire has a finely tuned touch sensation, and can identify substances simply by their texture. Gains a +10% to skills that require a delicate touch. 5. Jump [10 PPE]: The Vampire can leap 10' per level. 6. Spider Climb [10 PPE]: The Vampire can climb sheer surfaces like a spider or fly, clinging to them with her hands and feet. She can move across totally sheer surfaces, such as glass or windows, at half normal speed, a brick or concrete surface at normal speed, and a mountain or other surface pockmarked with handholds at twice normal speed. 7. Enhanced Strength [20 PPE]: Vampire's already have supernatural strength, but choosing this ability makes them a bit stronger than the average Eternal. Raise PS by 2D4+4; The Vampire can carry 100 x PS and lift 200 x PS. Add 1D4 to PE, and 1D4x10 SDC. 8. Enhanced Endurance [22 PPE]: As Undead, Vampires have exceptional stamina already, but choosing this ability enables a Vampire to resist the effects of sunlight one round per PE point. Raise PE by 2D6, and the Blood also gains 2D6x10 SDC, 2D6 HPS, and a +2 vs. poisons and drugs. 9. Enhanced Agility [24 PPE]: As the Blood power of the same name. 10. Enhanced Mentality [26 PPE]: As the Blood power of the same name. 11. Summon and Control Vermin [25 PPE]: The Vampire can send out a silent call to rats, cockroaches, worms, and other types of vermin, summoning 1D4x100 of the beasts from up to 1000 feet away. Vermin do little but swarm, cause a diversion, or freak out enemies (HF 12), but the rats, cockroaches, locusts, and other dangerous creatures can do damage, swarming over people and biting, nipping, clipping, etc. Insects will do 1D4 points of damage per round of swarming over a being, while rats will inflict 1D8 points of damage per round. 12. Summon and Control Canines [30 PPE]: Similar to the summon vermin ability, the Vampire can emit a silent call to canines in her immediate vicinity -- the adjacent 1000 feet or less. 2D6 canines plus 2 per level will answer the call. In a city environment, dogs will answer the summons, while in wild areas wolves may hear the call. 13. Flight [45 PPE]: As the Blood power of the same name. 14. Weather Manipulation [50 PPE]: As the Nightbane Talent, Storm Maker; it costs 50 PPE to acquire, and the effects of the ability require the expenditure of PPE just like the Storm Maker talent. 15. Metamorphosis: [45 - 55 PPE]: The ability to transform the body according to one's wishes is a powerful one. There are three levels of metamorphosis, though Vampires are not as adept at transforming as Blood are. Whichever style is chosen, the Metamorphosis lasts 2 hours per level, after which the Blood reverts to normal. If the Blood sacrifices an additional 10 PPE, they gain the ability to make their transformations "permanent," much like a Dragon. For 45 PPE, the Blood gains the Metamorphosis: Bat ability; 50 PPE grant him or her Metamorphosis: Wolf; 55 PPE gives them Metamorphosis: Mist. 16. Psionics: [50 PPE]: Vampires are able to choose from three psionic disciplines, each costing 50 PPE to acquire. Only one category of psionic discipline can be taken for each character. The disciplines are: 'Kinetic: the Vampire gains all physical psionic abilities; Healer: the Vampire gains all psionic healing abilities; and Empath: the Vampire gains all sensitive psionic powers. Vampires can convert PPE from their Blood Pool into ISP at a ratio of 5 to 1. 17. Mage [75 PPE]: As with Psionics, the Eternal can choose from a variety of magickal disciplines, but one Vampire can choose only one type of discipline to follow. Each discipline costs the same amount of PPE to acquire. Most likely, this purchase and others will leave the Vampire with a tiny amount of PPE with which to become a sorceror. To counteract this, the Vampire gains two-thirds of the amount of PPE for each discipline, as listed under the description of the discipline's OCC. The same rationale for human mages possessing this PPE bank is used to explain how the Vampire acquire it. Any of the Vampire's natural PPE left over can be looked on as a one time bonus. Disciplines of Magic open to Vampires are: Sorceror, Astral Mage, Arcane Detective, Cybermage, Fleshsculptor, and Mirror Mage. Bonuses: +2 save vs. magic, + 6 vs. horror factor. Vulnerabilities: By emracing the Dark, the Vampires of old lost the Blood vulnerability to Darkmetal, and their progeny share this gift. Indeed, there is little Vampires fear at all. They are virtually invulnerable, capable of shrugging off most attacks as if they were nothing. Vampires have a number of easily exploited weaknesses, however. In descending order, those weaknesses are: - 202 -

Sunlight: Sunlight will destroy a Vampire in 1D4 rounds (unless the Enhanced Endurance ability is chosen), no saving throw allowed. 2. Fire: Fire reacts badly with Undead flesh, and the tiniest flame can prove deadly to a Vampire. Any damage caused by Fire must be recovered at a normal, human rate; it cannot be bio-regenerated at all. 3. Wood and Silver: Objects and weapons made of wood or silver not only hurt Vampires, they do double damage. If a sharpened silver or wooden object is driven through a Vampire's heart, the Vampire is placed in a state of suspended animation. 4. Decapitation: Once staked and placed in suspended animation, a Vampire can be slain by decapitation. 5. Magic and Magic Weapons: Vampires take double damage from rune weapons and other attacks that specifically target supernatural creatures. 6. Daily Rest: Vampires must sleep during the day; as the sun rises, the Vampire feels sleepy and increasingly lethargic. She must seek out a safe area to rest as soon as possible, as she will lose conciousness within fifteen minutes of sun rise. While asleep, Vampires are exceedingly vulnerable to attacks from humans and other enemies. This is prime staking time, and Vampires know it. Most of them take care to keep their sleeping areas secret, and may keep a number of them scattered throughout a city. Vampires do not fear water, holy symbols, garlic, or other herbs. They do not require the soil of their homeland to sleep. Average Lifespan: Unknown as yet, as no Blood has ever died of natural causes. Habitat: Anywhere. Typical Allies: like minded Vampires, humans, or Nightlords. Enemies: Lycanthropes, Blood, Nightbane, and most human beings. Size: Human size( 5' to 7' on average) Weight: Varies with size. Standard Equipment: varies from Vampire to Vampire; most rely upon their formidable natural abilities Money: 2D6 x 1000 in gold coins, 4D6 x 10000 dollars on hand. Many Vampires also have access to hidden treasures or caches, typically used only in emergencies, that can number in the millions of dollars. Newly Embraced Vampires are typically much poorer. R.C.C. Skills: Basic Math(+10%) Native Language and Literacy(+15%) Two Domestic Skills of Choice(+10%) Three Technical, Science, Rogue, or Phyical Skills of choice (+10%) Hand to Hand Basic Note: Hand to Hand Basic can be upgraded as per usual Palladium rules. (i.e. Expert costs two skill selections, Assassin or Martial Arts costs three) Note2: for a Vampire with Mage abilities, substitute the skills of the appropriate OCC. R.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10 other skills. Gains two additional at levels 3,6,9,11, and 13. Communications: Any Domestic: Any(+10%) Electrical: Any Espionage: Any(+10%) Mechanical: Any Medical: Any Military: None Physical: Any Pilot: Any(+5%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any(+5%) Science: Any Technical: Any(+10%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: Vampires gain six secondary skills at first level, with an additional two at levels 5 and 10. The Thirst: Vampires come in all shapes and sizes, from all ages and times, with varied powers and abilities, alliances and schemes. But there is one thing that equalizes all the Eternal, one facet of their existence that no Blood can ignore. The Thirst. Though Undead, Vampires require nourishment and rest like all living things. Their rest comes when the sun is high, and their nourishment comes from blood. The Thirst is an overriding need to consume blood (and potential psychic energy as well) on a regular basis. Young Vampires, like player characters, need to consume at least one liter of blood per night; if they do not, they suffer the effects listed on page 183 of the Nightbane main book. As Vampires age, their bond with the Dark strengthens, and their need for blood diminishes bit by bit. Vampires that are 250 years old need only feed once per week, with each succeeding two and a half centuries extending the period between feedings by an additional week. So, a Vampire that hits the millenia mark will be able to survive without blood for an entire month. This isn't an exact method, as those ancient creatures known as Vampire Lords can survive for years without drinking blood, though few Vampires ever choose to abstain from feeding, no matter how old they are. - 203 -


Drinking blood in the modern age is dangerous, even for Vampires. Drugs in a bloodstream can effect a Vampire (though at a much reduced rate), and a Vampire can contract blood-borne diseases through ingestion. The Vampire herself won't be affected by the disease, but they can transmit these diseases through feeding, or allowing another Vampire to feed upon them. The AIDS epidemic in the early eighties was in part facilitated by Vampires. As mentioned above, Vampires feed on PPE as well as blood; indeed, they absorb the PPE they need by drinking blood. They gain the requisite amount of PPE for survival from the liter of blood they drink a night (about 1D6 PPE a night), but when drinking the blood of magic-users, Nightbane, Blood, or other Vampires, Vampires can absorb greater amounts of PPE. PPE which is absorbed, and stored within the Blood Pool. The Blood Pool: One of the remnants of the Blood heritage of the Vampire, the Blood Pool is a finite battery of PPE stored within the Vampire's body, an extra source of PPE that can be used to fuel spells, purchase more abilities, to utilize the control weather ability, or to be converted into ISP for the use of psionic abilities. Once spent, this PPE cannot be recovered, so some Vampires horde it, while others actively hunt the types of prey that provide this extra PPE. Draining half of a victim's blood supply (typically a liter and a half to two liters) will drain the victim of all his present PPE. Draining all the blood will naturally kill the victim, and at the moment of death the PPE doubles, thus creating a hearty meal for the Vampire. Humans have always been and will always be the best prey; human mages are dangerous to hunt, but far easier to kill than a Blood, a Nightbane or another Vampire. There is an inherant danger in killing Blood as well, since at the moment of death they discorporate into pure energy. This makes it difficult for a Vampire to gather the PPE, and only a quarter of the Blood's PPE can be absorbed by the Vampire. Nightbane are also difficult to feed from, for some as yet undetermined reason (some scholars theorize that the Nightbane, being the enemies of the Dark, are resistant to Vampiric efforts to feed from them), and Vampires can only gain one-tenth of a Nightbane's PPE. Despite these hindrances, Vampires frequently hunt Nightbane and Blood, particularly young members of these species that are young and inexperienced. The Dark Gift: The Vampiric bond with the Dark enables them to create more of their kind through the transfer of blood. The creation of an Eternal is similar to the creation of a VI Vampire; a prospective candidate is slowly fed upon for three consecutive nights, until on the third night, the last of the candidate's blood is consumed. As the mortal lies dying, the Vampire opens one of his own arteries (typically in the wrist) and offers it to the mortal. If the mortal takes the offering, and drinks the blood of the Vampire (really the mortal's own blood recycled through the Vampire's supernatural system), the mortal is herself transformed into one of the Undead, gaining the power and majesty of one of the Eternal. This is the Dark Gift. But there is a price. After the initial transformation, the young Vampire is ravenously hungry, suffering the effects of starvation as listed on page 183 of the Nightbane MB. The elder Vampire will usually have a human close on hand to provide sustenance to his progeny. Evil Vampires will often place a family member or loved one in close proximity of the starving fledgling, thus awakening the fledgling's own capacity for evil and binding her to her progenitor all the more easily. Progenitor and progeny share an empathic bond. They can tell what the other is feeling, gauge their relative health, estimate the distance between them, and in what direction they lay. Only the progenitor can control the flow of information; she can read her progen whenever she feels, but the progeny can only detect what the progenitor wants her to detect. Evil Vampires use this as a tool to better control their progeny, while selfish Vampires often allow a more give and take relationship to develop. The Dark Gift is not lightly proffered. Some Vampires have been known to watch mortals for decades before performing the Embrace. Others seek out kindred spirits amidst the teeming masses of humanity and give them the Dark Gift. Most supernatural creatures are immune to the Dark Gift of the Vampires; Nightbane, Lycanthropes, Gargoyles, and Deadmen are all immune to the Embrace. Blood are not. Alternatively, a Vampire may feed her blood to a mortal without first draining the mortal of blood. This will create a bond between the Vampire and the mortal, one not dissimilar to the dominence between a VI Secondary Vampire and a VI Wild Vampire. Regular consumption of the blood is required to maintain the bond, at least one feeding per week, and the mortal will quickly find himself addicted to the blood, and perhaps the domination as well.

Eternal Knight O.C.C.

By: DaBeechMan Anyone who's read the section in the RIFTS ENGLAND book on the Eternal City knows about the Eternal Knights. For those of you who haven't read about them, the 500 Eternal Knights are "official champions of the city." The trouble is, the book never rounded out the Eternal Knights by telling us what exactly they were, so they have often been assumed to be ordinary knights with a name for their organization. However, Mrrlyn's spies recently found out that the Eternal Knights are more. Much more. Requirements: PS 15, IQ 15, PE 17 Alignment: Principled, Scrupulous or Unprincipled. Most are Scrupulous. Magic: Knows none at start, but may learn 1 spell per level. May not learn spell magic above level 5 or any temporal or warlock spells. P.P.E.: 4d6, add 1d6 per level - 204 -

Psionics: An Eternal Knight has the power to send brief telepathic messages in the form of an image to another Eternal Knight or the King, who also has this power (very effective distress call.) This power costs 5 ISP and has an unlimited range (with the exception that the sender and receiver must be on the same dimension.) I.S.P.: 3d6 (a roll below 5 is adjusted to 5), minor psionic. O.C.C. Skills: Select 4 other skills, add 1 at levels 3, 7, 11, 15, and then 1 more every Land Navigation +10% Wilderness Survival +15% Paramedic Speaks and reads Euro, +20% for both. Speaks 2 other languages at +20%. Reads one of these languages at normal proficiency. Acrobatics Gymnastics Escape Artist +10% WP Sword WP 2 ancient, 3 modern Horsemanship HTH Expert. Can be upped to Martial Arts at the cost of 1 other skills Other Skills: Communication: Any Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic Espionage: Any +10% Mechanical: Auto Medical: None Military: None Physical: Any Pilot: Any except tank or spacecraft. VERY few get Robots & PA (dishonorable except in cases of extreme emergency) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any + 20% Science: Any, but must be chosen at Level 1. May not be added later. Technical: Same story as Science. WP: Any Wilderness: Any Choose 3 secondary skills without bonuses. O.C.C. Bonuses: Add 30 SDC in addition to the 1d4x10 used for men of arms. +2 to initiative, +4 to save vs horror factor, lives 4 times as long as normal humans, 240 to 400 years. How this is accomplished is not known (only the king of the Eternal City and perhaps the Eternal Knights know, and no one is telling.) Enhancements: May be gained, but if they are gained the Eternal Knight loses the longevity that gives the Eternal Knights their name. This can be very depressing if the knight is more than the age at which a human knight would retire or worse, older than a normal human lives. Gear: first-aid kit, camping gear, 150 ft. rope, a grappling hook, an IRMSS kit in case of emergency, 2 weeks' worth of rations, and 3 weapons of choice. The exact weapons can vary from Eternal Knight to Eternal Knight, but most have at least 1 ancient weapon or a high-tech version of one (like a vibro-blade) and an energy pistol with another "signature weapon." TW weapons are popular. Also starts out with MDC armor of any type (sorry, no power armor.) Money: The Eternal City pays the Eternal Knights well, 3000 credits per month. Starts with 2 months' pay. Important: Always remember that all the Eternal Knights are employed by the Eternal City as an elite fighting force. An Eternal Knight is a member of this force FOR LIFE, as a rogue Eternal Knight is hunted down and killed for fear of the secret of their longevity being revealed. However, every 4 years the Eternal Knight gets a year "off" to adventure, as the Eternal City knows that adventuring is good for the knights and can be used as training. If this entire year is not used, the time can be saved up. There is a catch: If a war breaks out, all 500 Eternal Knights must fight; those on vacation are called back (see the Psionics section.) Xp table: Use the Royal Knight XP table

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Etherials R.C.C.
(Not intended for PCs)
By: I. Major

The Aliens Background

Millions of years ago, in another dimension, there was an empire whose name has been lost through the passage of time. The founders of this empire were a telepathic race known as the Darcons. When they first began to explore their space, they were much like humans in form, but as the centuries passed, their sun got older and colder. To combat this, the Darcons began experimenting on themselves, in an attempt to save their race. Their major success was in increasing the Darconian's own natural psionics, and then letting their telekinesis take over the roles of their organs & muscles, and then let the body organs and mucles become vestigial. This new subspecies was called the Etherials for their thinned forms. What the scientist didn't know was that a side effect of this experiment was a dramatically increased intelligence and the creation of a group mind between the Etherials. The Etherials hid this development from the scientists who created them, and all of the newly transformed were joined into the mind. When their numbers grew large enough, they took over the minds of the Darconian scientists, and transformed them as well. With their newly enhanced powers and knowlege, they then told the populace they had an answer to the sun problem. Any Darconian who opposed them was transformed into an Etherial. This, however, was not the fate of the general public. A lesser version of the transformation was done to them, giving them a much weaker increase, but still making them a part of the group mind, but subserviant to the Etherials. This group was named the Sectoids. In order to enhance their group mind, the Etherials then created a gigantic organic supercomputer known as the Overmind, which increased their intelligence and powers tenfold. The Overmind soon realized that an element on their planet which had been until then ignored, was actually, when harnessed, was an extremely efficient and long lasting source of energy. This was the element known as Elerium-115. Once they had the Elerium as a power source, the Etherials soon created starships to leave their dying world. They soon discovered other races and easily defeated them. The Overmind transformed each of these races into forms that best suited it's purposes. It constructed an immense army and starfleet, and for 3000 years ruled the spaceways. However, this was not to last forever. As the empire expanded, the Elerium supply dwindled, while the Overminds forces were sent desperately looking for another source of Elerium, as their orginal source, their homeworld, was destroyed. Unfortunately for the Overmind, they failed. With the supply of Elerium rapidly diminishing, revolts broke lose on thousands of worlds. With anarchy breaking loose thoughout the empire, the Overmind sought madly for a solution, and, eventually found one. Elerium is formed over millions of years, deep within a planets core. The solution was that if there was no Elerium now, if they found another planet similar to Darco, then put themselves in suspended animation for the requisite time, then more Elerium would develop. After another hundred years of search, the Overmind located a world of the correct type. It was the fourth planet from its' sun, in an insignificant solar system. The Overmind brought all its' remaining forces to the planet, and went into suspended animation. The requirements for its' reactivation were a high level of Elerium on the planet, and a planet ready for colonization, with a species with industrial level tech base for slave labor and as of food source for their armies. Periodically, a small scout with Sectoid crew was activated, and sent to investigate the nearby worlds, and check the level of Elerium on the planet. The Sectoid were selected because they could work without the full activation of the Overmind. The Overmind underwent a partial activation during the landing of a space probe, causing it to send increasing numbers of scouts. One of these scouts crashed, and was disconnected from the Overmind. However, it was not until the landing of a space probe directly over the Overmind's resting place and its stored Elerium that it was fully re-activated. . The Overmind then began the conquest of the third planet, known to its inhabitants as Earth. The X-COM Program And Rifts The first actual proof that Earth governments had that there were aliens was when a small Sectoid scout crashed near Roswell, New Mexico. A secret program was set up between the heads of NATO to study the crashed ship. However, the differences in technology levels meant that the scientists made little progress researching the ship, and the corpses of its occupents. The scientists had no clue as to the origins of the ship, and assumed it was from outside the Solar System. They had no idea how close the threat was. It was not until the Sojourner caught a passing glimpse of a landing ship that they realized how close the threat came from. The ship was shown landing during a live video, but only a few realized what it was they had seen. The NATO investigation team then informed the United Nations of what they knew. The X-COM program was then conceived as a collective effort by the members of the UN, each nation pitching in as much as they could. Unfortunately, this funding was rather low until the first of what came to be known as Terror raids on New York City on December 25, 1997. Thousands of citizens were slaughtered or kidnapped. This was when X-COM truly got the support they needed. This gave X-COM the support they needed. Elite teams of scientists were recruited from all branches of science. They managed to begin making breakthroughs both with the aliens and terran technology. They developed hand held laser weapons and deciphered the alien's plasma weapons. They were able to construct fighters that combined the best of both Terran and Etherial technologies. Another breakthrough came with the understanding of the Etherial's psionics, and shortly there after, ways to enhance the human's natural psionics through psionic training and the weapon known as a Psi-Amp. Their greatest breakthroughs came first with the discovery of an alien base on Earth, and then, after the base was destroyed, in the interogation of the Etherial Commander, the discovery of the location of the Mars Base and the Overmind. X-COM also discovered that certain humans had willingly joined the group mind. An assault force attacked the Mars Base and destroyed the Overmind, and they believed all was over. - 206 -

Unfortunately it was not over yet. The Overmind, seeing the possibility of its destruction, began seeking an alternative escape route. It had a duplicate of itself be made, to lead the escape. With the addition of the fresh semi-independant minds of the humans, the Overmind discovered there was a relationship between transdimensional energies and the Elerium. It discovered that one of the reasons Eleriums is so powerful is that it is four dimensional. With the discovery of this proporty came the capability to open a rift. Through this rift the Overmind sent the duplicate, a fleet of ships, and half its supply of Elerium. This undirected rift was drawn like iron to a magnat to the strongest source of interdimensional energy, Rifts Earth. The rift opened in the heart of Russia, and a new hive was constructed. Alignment: 60% diabolic, 25% Miscreant, 10% Aberrant, 5% other. Attributes: IQ: 4D6+3, ME: 4D6+3, MA: 2D6 (bonus for intimidate only), PS: 1D6, PP: 3D6, PE: 4D6 (due to telekinetic reenforcement of body), PB: 1D4, Spd: 2D6 Hit Points: PE + 1D8 S.D.C.: 1D6*10 (For non-MDC worlds) M.D.C.: 75+1D10 +1D4 per level P.P.E.: 2D6 I.S.P.: 1D6*10+100 gains 1D20 per level. Natural Abilities: Flight(wingless) 20 MPH; immune to normal heat and cold, 1/2 damage from MDC heat and cold; master psionic; R.C.C. Skills: All Etherials are linked to the Overmind(see Background), thus these characters have highly limited free will and skills, but to supplement that lack, they have access to the Overmind's skills which include: Pilot Spacecraft 40% WP: Plasma Weapons WP: Heavy launcher WP: Small bomb launcher All science except for Archaeology, and Astronomy +10% Radio: Basic and Scramblers Computer Operations Language & Literacy: English(American) & Darconian 98% Plus Occupation bonuses: Soldier: Attribute reqs: PP 12+ +10 to SDC/MDC, +1 to S/P/D. All Physical skill +10% where applicable(except swimming & SCUBA) Tracking +10% Sniper Medic: +1D6 to IQ All medical except Holistic and Forensics (+10%) adds 20% to biology and Chemistry Pilot: +1D6 to PP Navigation Navigation: Space Read Sensory Equipment: Weapon Systems +30% to Pilot Spacecraft(Darconian) Leader: IQ > 14 +10 to MA All military skills +100 ISP Mind-block Auto-defense +2 to HF Commander:IQ > 18 all Leader Bonuses +2 to HF +10% to all skills performed by allies +3 for allied initiative rolls Psionics: Detect Psionics, Mind Block, Panic (see new psionics), Mentally Possess Others (Modified, see new psionics), Overmind Link (mental link with the Overmind always active) Equipment: Plasma Weapon of Choices +2 clips, 1D4 Alien Grenades, 30% chance of having Mind Probe. Medic: Small Launcher + 4+1D4 stun bombs.

The Evolved
By: Crow T. Robot The master race of To'bw-ork - 207 -

When the master arrived in our Arydia, he scoured the outer realms to find the elements of a superior race. He returned to the heavens and in his laboratory labored for decades. We are what resulted, the ultimate in evolution, made to continue the work of our master. The Evolved are a race of creatures created by the renegade Gene Splicer To'bw-ork. His attempt was to create an 'ultimate' creature of sorts, something that he could perfect. His obsession with his new 'children' led him to create 5 versions of the same race, each one a step further on the evolutionary chain. Originally, these creatures resided in an Astral realm in which To'bw-ork had settled, a place called Arydia. But To'bw-ork was not content to keep his 'children' trapped in a small, but safe, astral paradise. He knew that he must test the worth of these creatures, to see if they could survive in the hostile megaverse that existed. Thus he released several batches of these creatures into various portions of Rifts Earth and Phase World. He has inserted into these places bands of Evolved of all stages, and he observes from afar, watching the progress of his children, and seeing if he has, indeed, created a 'perfect' race. First stage of evolution Second stage of evolution Third stage of evolution Fourth stage of evolution Fifth stage of evolution Notes about the Evolved

The Evolved: First Stage

Description The first stage of the Evolved is a roughly 7 foot tall reptilian like creature, with tough, leathery bluish gray skin, it stands upright on two powerful, three-toed (and clawed) feet. The body has two separate pairs of humanoid arms. The upper pair are well muscled with fully articulated hands. The lower pair is a smaller, boney, tough skinned and clawed pair of appendages. Despite the apparent thinness, the crab like claws at the end can cut through the hardest of steel. The also have a short pair of leathery, bat like wings protruding from their shoulder blades (The outside of the wings is a light greenish color, the inside is a dark gray). Along with this, they have a prehensile tail which ends in a tri-pronged boney outcropping. Their head highly resembles that of a human, with pointy ears, larger eyes, and a beak. The skin on the face is a mottled gray, with a touch of flesh tones in it. The creature betrays its reptilian nature in the fact that facial hair can grow, in the same areas as a human being. This seems to further suspicions that the origins of this creature could partially be attributed to mankind. Biology The internal biology of the First Stage Evolved is much like that of a human, with the same basic organ layouts. There are more bones, and muscle mass is greatly increased. The heart of the creature is five chambered, giving them incredible abilities to oxygenate their blood much more efficiently than a human being. Their blood is a brighter tone of red, almost an organism color when oxygenated, and a dark brown when not oxygenated. They are omnivores, instinctive hunters, but they also have the ability to survive on vegetation and are not an overly violent species, unless threatened. The first stage of the race lay eggs, but fertilization is internal. The eggs are roughly 1 foot across, and the creature gestates inside the egg for roughly 5 months before hatching. They lay 1d4 eggs at a time. Intelligence wise they are very similar to chimpanzees, with a very high animal intelligence and the capacity to learn simple communication methods, faces, places, etc. They are a social animal and enjoy their own company, they mate for life. Stats Attributes: I.Q.: 2d4 (High Animal), M.E.: 3d6, M.A.: N/A, P.S.: 4d6 (Consider the strength supernatural), P.P.: 3d6, P.E.: 5d6, P.B.: 1d6 to humans, 3d6 to selves, 2d6 to more evolved members of the race, Spd: 3d6 On Foot, Can fly slowly at a speed of 6d6 (Cannot get above 30 feet ) M.D.C.: 1d6x10+15 Hit Points: PE+1d6 Natural Abilities: Heightened Senses of Hearing and Smell (2x as good as humans) Poor sense of Touch (1/2 as good as humans, good pain tolerance) Increased Healing Rate: If the Evolved gets at least 2000 calories a day (Its digestive system is very efficient), than it regenerates at the amazing rate of 1d4x10 MDC a Day. If it doubles this amount, the creature can regrow limbs in 1d4 days, and regenerates full MDC after a 8 hour sleep. Needs only 6 Hours of Sleep per Night High efficiency Respiration, needs only about 3/4 the oxygen as a human

The Evolved: Second Stage

Description The Second stage is similar to the First Stage, with several distinctly new characteristics. The first of these being that the creature adds 1 foot to its height, due to lengthening of legs and the development of a more distinct neck. Their leathery skins begins to loose the bluish tint and becomes more obviously gray. The upper arms increase in length, and the hands become smaller and better suited to

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handle objects. The crab like appendages on the bottom remain relatively the same, however the outer covering becomes boney, an exoskeleton on that one part of the body. At this stage their wings begin to expand slightly, and at the bottom of each side are newly developed hooks so they can close their wings around themselves like a bat (not comfortably at this stage). The wings are still a bit awkward and clumsy, but they can manage to fly. The inner portion turns a lighter gray, and the outer side of the wings becomes a much darker shade of green. The tail becomes more responsive and articulated, and another spiked protrusion appears from the end, making the tail a more devastating weapon. The head becomes much more elongated at this point, with more pink pigmentation evident beneath the scaly skin.. Their eyes reduce in size and become more slanted, their nose also becomes more like humans. The ears at this point are shaped leathery and bat like, with a green color to match their wings (both are made of the same sinewy material). The head is also slightly larger, due to a more complex brain. Biology The mating process remains the same, however the egg is kept inside for 2 additional months before laying, resulting in only 3 months of the egg being outside of the mother. Internal biology remains relatively the same, although they do have 2 additional ribs, and a more complex reproductive system. The females also develop mammary glands and can nurse their young after hatching, very unusual for a reptilian based species indeed. The bone structure also strengthens, making this stage able to withstand more physical punishment. Their larger size also means they need more food per day then the 1st stage Evolved. At this point the Evolved are evolved enough to speak (although rather gutturally) and learn skills. Their intelligence level is not incredibly high, but they can be taught simple skills, and make excellent soldiers due to an instinctive tendency to be loyal to their own race, especially those of superior stages. Stats Attributes: IQ: 3d4+1, ME: 3d6, MA: 2d6, PS: 4d6+4 (Considered Supernatural), PP: 3d6, PE: 5d6, PB: 1d6 to humans, 3d6 to selves, 2d6+2 to more evolved members of the race, Spd: 4d6+5 On Foot, Can fly slowly at a speed of 1d4x10+20 (Cannot get above 120 feet) S.D.C.: 2d4x10+40 Hit Points: PE+2d6 I.S.P.: N/A Cannot Develop Psionics at this stage\ P.P.E.: N/A Natural Abilities: Fly Slowly (Defined by SPD) Heightened Senses of Hearing and Smell (2x as good as humans) Poor sense of Touch (1/2 as good as humans, good pain tolerance) Increased Healing Rate: If they double their voracious appetite (Which would come out to about 6000 Calories a day, normal diet is 3000 a day. Can live on 1000 a day, but are at 1/2 healing rate. They are genetically engineered not to produce body excess fat) they can regenerate 2d4x10 MDC in a single night. Can also re-generate limbs/organs in a matter of 1d4 days. Needs only 6 hrs of sleep per night to function efficiently High efficiency Respiration, needs only about 3/4 the oxygen as a human

The Evolved: Third Stage

Description The Third Stage develops the features of the second stage, and adds several more. This is a huge jump in the Evolution, and marks the midpoint between the creatures least and greatest stages The basic structure of the Evolved is still somewhat the same, however this form settles at a height between the first two, at about 7 feet 5 inches, which remains relatively standard throughout the race. Their mottled blue-grey skin settles at a light shade of gray, and the skin becomes harder and more rigid in certain areas (more flexible around the joints as not to damage mobility). Their forearms begin to grow solid, boney plates for protection, as do the shoulders, chest, and shin. Their crab appendages are now fully shelled, and the pincers can now secret an acidic enzyme that begins can dissolve through mega-damage materials - a new defense mechanism. The wings are fully developed at this point, and they are much more suited for air travel. The wings fully fold around their bodies at this point as well. The outside wings get to be an even darker green, and the inside is a pale shade of gray, resembling the color of light pencil shading. The tail goes through several changes. At this point it is about half the size as the previous stages, and it looses its spikes. However, this is now fully articulated as another limb, which can be controlled with amazing prescicion. The head becomes even larger, and the face becomes more human like, with more flesh tones evident. They loose their second row of teeth, now having only one, but making up for this is the fact that they can talk as normally as humans. In the middle of the forehead are several ripples, standard throughout the species. In the center of these ripples is a oval shaped patch of dark gray skin, without pigmentation. Perhaps one of the biggest evolutionary advantages is the fact that these creatures become adapted for underwater survival. On their necks form a pair of simple gills, giving them the ability to breath (albeit difficulty) underwater. Biology

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The internal biology changes somewhat. Their systems become much more efficient than the previous stages, requiring less caloric intake to survive. Their heart develops another chamber, a total of 6, granting these creatures amazing ability to pump blood to their large bodies. The nervous system of these creatures develops much more, and has increased regenerative abilities. At the third stage the creatures also no longer lay eggs, they bear live offspring, always in twins (1 male, 1 female). The gestation period is longer in this form (1 year), but the children develop to adulthood by the age of 10, fully mentally capable. The 3rd stage shows amazing longevity, and members have been known to live for up to 300 years. Mentally, the creatures at this page are slightly superior (on average) to humans, and they have the same innate curiosity and drive to learn as humans do. This is the most numerous of Evolved, and makes up most of their society. First and Second stage Evolved, even if in the wild, will show an instinctual submissiveness towards this stage. One quarter of this stage also begins to show Psionic potential. Stats Attributes: IQ: 4d4+2, ME: 3d6, MA: 3d6, PS: 5d6 (Considered Supernatural), PP: 3d6-2 (Boney plates decrease mobility a bit), PE: 5d6+2, PB: 2d4 to Humans, 3d6 to selves, 3d4 to other stages of evolved, SPD: 5d6 On Foot, Can Fly at a speed of 2d4x10+20 (cannot achieve an altitude above 1000 feet) M.D.C.: 3d4x10+20 Psionics: 01-04% Mind Melter Caliber Psionic 05-12% Major Psionic 13-25% Minor Psionic Natural Abilities: Flight (as in speed) Heightened Senses of Hearing and Smell (2x as good as humans) Night vision, 1000 Feet Slightly Impaired Sense of Touch (3/4 as good as human, due to thickness of skin, but is better then earlier stages due to better nervous system) Increased Healing Rate: The third stage heals better than the previous two, and on their normal diet of 2000 Calories a day, they regenerate 3d6 MDC per day. If they feast (About 5,000 Calories) and then go into a regenerative trance for 18 hours, they can emerge 100% healed. (Limbs, organs etc., will be regenerated) Immunity to Disease/Sickness/Poison: Normal Posions/Diseases do not affect the evolved. Only a specially engineered or mutated Bacteria/Poison could Kill the evolved. Needs only 5 Hours of Sleep per Night High efficiency Respiration, needs only about 1/2 the oxygen as a human Can Survive Underwater for up to 6 hours, but must emerge after this for 1d4x10 minutes to refresh oxygen in their system (Gills are not fully functional) Low Body Fat: Obesity does not exist in their race due to metabolism Pincer attacks cause 1d4x10 MDC initially, plus 6d6 MDC per subsequent melee action due to the acid. The acid can be washed off with water, or will wear out one minute after application. Life span: 250+ Years

The Evolved: Fourth Stage

Description The Fourth Stage of the Evolved is physically very similar to the Third Stage, and the two could almost be mistaken for one another, if it were not for a few key differences. The first key difference between the two is that the boney plates become a deep gray color, and offer slightly more protection. They also do not hinder the movement of the creature as much, enabling them to react to situations much quicker. The tail of the creature also gets slightly longer, usually by about 4-5 inches. The gills of the Fourth Stage are more operable, and the creature can indefinitely live under water, if necessary. The most startling difference between the Third and Fourth stages however, is that the patch of light skin on the Third stage has changed into a third eye on the Fourth stage. This third eye has the ability to see into various different spectrums of light, and gives amazing telescopic vision, making it a match for many technological optics systems. Aside from these changes, the Third and Fourth stages are exactly the same, at least physically. Biology As with the external physiology of the Fourth Stage, the internal Biology remains greatly unchanged. The two exceptions to this rule are the Respiratory system and the Nervous system, both of which undergo serious changes. The Respiratory system becomes more efficient, requiring less oxygen to support the bodies. The creatures have the ability to hold their breaths for long periods of time due to this fact. The gill system of the creature also becomes fully effective, and they can remove oxygen from water as easily as any fish.

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The brains of the Fourth Stage go under a startling development - every Fourth Stage is psionic! The psychic portions of the brain are much more developed, giving these creatures several standard powers - along with a startlingly high ratio of Mind Melter class psychics, an amazing 10% of the population! Stats Attributes: IQ: 4d6+2, ME: 4d6, MA: 3d6, PS: 5d6 (Considered Supernatural), PP: 3d6+2 (Boney plates decrease mobility a bit), PE: 5d6+2, PB: 2d4 to Humans, 3d6 to selves, 3d4 to other stages of evolved, SPD: 5d6 On Foot, Can Fly at a speed of 2d4x10+20 (cannot achieve an altitude above 1000 feet) M.D.C.: 3d6x10+30 I.S.P.: (For non Mind Melters): 1d4x10+25+ME Psionics: All Fourth Stage Evolved receive the following powers free of charge: Presence Sense, Sixth Sense, Mind Block: Auto Defense. Plus they can pick 4 powers from any of the minor categories, and 1 additional for each level of experience. They also receive a natural telepathy that takes up NO ISP, but only works within their own race (Yes, this ability can be used to communicate with different stages of Evolved). Furthermore, 10% of the Evolved have powers equivalent to that of a Mind Melter. In this case, use the Mind Melter OCC, but give the player the free Psionics that come with being a Fourth Stage Evolved. Natural Abilities: Flight (as in speed) Heightened Senses of Hearing and Smell (2x as good as humans) Night vision, 2000 Feet Increased Healing Rate: The third stage heals better than the previous two, and on their normal diet of 3000 Calories a day, they regenerate 3d6 MDC per day. If they feast (About 5,000 Calories) and then go into a regenerative trance for 18 hours, they can emerge 100% healed. (Limbs, organs etc., will be regenerated) Immunity to Disease/Sickness/Poison: Normal Posions/Diseases do not affect the evolved. Only a specially engineered or mutated Bacteria/Poison could Kill the evolved. Needs only 5 Hours of Sleep per Night High efficiency Respiration, needs only about 1/4 the oxygen as a human. Can hold breath for 1d4 hours! Can Survive Underwater indefinitely. Low Body Fat: Obesity does not exist in their race due to metabolism Pincer attacks cause 1d4x10 MDC initially, plus 6d6 MDC per subsequent melee action due to the acid. The acid can be washed off with water, or will wear out one minute after application. Third Eye Optics - Can see in Infrared, Ultraviolet, or Thermal spectrums. The eyesight becomes about as keen as a hawk, and underwater they can see perfectly clearly. Lifespan: 250+ Years

The Evolved: Fifth Stage Stage (Not meant as a PC Class)

Description The Fifth Stage of the Evolved represent the pinnacle of evolution. They are a marvel of genetics technology and a credit to the genius of the Gene Splicer To'Bw-Ork. There are few Fifth stage Evolved, due to a biological defense mechanism that has been created by their maker. This mechanism will be described later in the Biology section. Externally, the creatures grow to their maximum height of 8 feet tall. Their wingspan at this final stage is nearly 15 feet, and the wings are more powerful then any stage before them. The Exo-Skeleton becomes black, and is extremely dense, offering great protection for the Fifth Stage. The crab like arms gain the ability to shoot their acidic secretions at a distance of 100 yards, and the tail gains a mouth like opening to do the same. This stage no longer has a beak, it now has a humanoid face, with boney plates running up the back, sides, and between the three eyes, the nose, and the mouth. The top of the head has no hair, but is encased in the boney substance for maximum protection. Biology All of the Biological systems of this creature are completely maximized for efficiency, with one exception - the reproductive system. In fact, there is NO reproductive system, these creatures are 100% sterile, unable to be reproduced without cloning technology. To'Bw-Ork was no fool, he was not about to give a race with the incredible powers of the Fifth Stage Evolved the ability to multiply. If they could, they could become extremely disruptive. Because of this, very few of these powerful creatures are in existence in the Megaverse. Their psionic potential is maximized, and each of these creatures has psychic abilities that rival those of the Mind Melters. These creatures also have the ability to psychically compel other members of their race, except for other members of the 5th Stage. This makes them the ultimate leaders of Evolved society. To'Bw-Ork programmed into their nature the compulsion to follow his orders without question, and to see to the protection of the lesser stages. Thus, the Fifth Stage, like To'Bw-Ork, see themselves as the protectors of their race. Stats Attributes: IQ: 20+2d6, ME: 4d6+2, MA: 4d6, PS: 6d6 (Considered Supernatural), PP: 4d6+2 (Boney plates decrease mobility a bit), PE: 5d6+4, PB: 2d4 to Humans, 3d6 to selves, 5d7 to other stages of evolved, SPD: 7d6 On Foot, Can Fly at a speed of 3d6x10+20 (cannot achieve an altitude above 5000 feet) - 211 -

M.D.C.: 1d4x100+50 I.S.P.: 3d6x10+30+ME, +15 per level of experience Psionics: All Fifth Stage Evolved are amazingly powerful psychics, who get the following abilities automatically: Sixth Sense, See Aura, Mind Block Auto Defense, Telepathy (Free within own species (all stages)), Telekinetic Force Field and Clairvoyance. They also get to pick three (3) abilities from each of the four categories, including super. Along with this, they get 2 other abilities from any category they want. At each additional level the Evolved can select 1 psychic power from each category. The Fifth Stage are such potent psychics, that the effective level is raised by two (So if it is a level 1 Evolved, for all Psychic intents and purposes, it is level 3). The fifth stage evolved use the Dragon Hatching experience chart, or their OCC experience chart, whichever is greater. Natural Abilities: Flight (as in speed) Heightened Senses of Hearing and Smell (4x as good as humans) Night vision, 6000 Fee Increased Healing Rate: The Fifth Stage Evolved has the most efficient healing system of any previous evolved. As long as they maintain 1000 calories a day, they regenerate at the amazing rate of 1d4x10 per minute. They can survive on 1/2 this, and can live for months without food. Limbs regenerate in a matter of 1d4 hours. Immunity to Disease/Sickness/Poison: Normal Posions/Diseases do not affect the evolved. Only a specially engineered or mutated Bacteria/Poison could Kill the evolved. Needs only 4 Hours of Sleep per Night High efficiency Respiration, needs only about 1/10 the oxygen as a human. Can hold breath for 3d6 hours! Can Survive Underwater indefinitely. Low Body Fat: Obesity does not exist in their race due to metabolism Pincer attacks cause 1d4x10 MDC initially, plus 6d6 MDC per subsequent melee action due to the acid. The acid can be washed off with water, or will wear out five minutes after application. The Acid can be shot at 100 yards, and inflicts 6d6 MDC on impact, and 6d6 MDC on each subsequent melee. Third Eye Optics - Can see in Infrared, Ultraviolet, or Thermal spectrums. The eyesight becomes about as keen as a hawk, and underwater they can see perfectly clearly. Cannot Reproduce/No Females of the Species Exist Life span: Effectively Immortal Notes on the Evolved 1. The Evolved can be found almost anywhere a Gene Splicer can be. To'Bw-Ork's ship travels all over to deposit his specimens in different environments. 2. First and Second stage Evolved are likely to act like intelligent animals, form small communities and stay to themselves. However, Third-Fifth stage Evolved have personalities as diverse as humans, and could be travelers, they could set up a town, or they could become conquerors. First and Second stage Evolved can be trained by higher stages to be obedient and to serve if necessary. The possibilities are endless. 3. Fifth stage evolved are RARE! Use them sparingly, and only let them be PCs on certain circumstances. They are very powerful creatures for campaigns where the players are mostly SDC based, and they are ultra geniuses in any circumstance.

Ewok R.C.C.
By: Tim Santa Cruz Intelligent omnivores from the forest moon of Endor, Ewoks helped the Rebel Alliance defeat the Empire in one of the most famouse battles of the galactic civil war. Prior to the Battle of Endor, Ewoks were almost enirely unknown, although some traders had visited the planet prior to the Empire's second Death Star project. Ewoks stand roughly one meter tall and are covered by thick fur; the pattern and color of Ewoks fur varies widely. Individual Ewoks often wear hoods, decorative feathers and animal bones. They have very little technology and are a primitive culture, but during the Battle of Endor these diminutive warriors demonstrated a remarkable ability to learn and follow commands (as well as displaying a fair amount of courage and resourcefulness). Alignments: Any, but usually good. You do run across the occasional evil Ewok, but they are rare. Attributes: I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 2D6+1, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 2D6+1, P.P. 4D6, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 3D6+1, Spd. 3D6 Hit Points: P.E. + 1D6 per level, SDC: 2D6 P.P.E.: 3D6

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Average life span: 40 years Natural Abilities: Tracking by Scent at 30% + 3% per each additional level. Recognize by Scent at 25% + 2% per each additional level. Combat: Hand to Hand Basic Psionics: None Magic: None R.C.C. Skills: Language - Ewok (98%) Language - One of choice (+5%) Basic Math - (+5%) Wilderness Survival - (+25%) Track Animals - (+20%) Prowl - (+20%) Hunting - (+20%) W.P. Bow W.P. Spear W.P. One Additional Ancient of Choice Hand to Hand: Basic R.C.C. Related Skills: 8 plus 2 at levels 4, 7, and 11. Communications - Any (-5%) Domestic - Any (+5%) Electrical - Basic Electronics Only Espionage - Any Mechanical - Basic Mechanics Only Medical - First Aid Only Military - None Physical - Any (+5%) Pilot - Only low tech Pilot skills. Pilot Related - None Rogue - Any (+5%) Science - Any Technical - Any except Computers Wilderness - Any (+10%) Secondary Skills: 3 at levels 2 and 9 Standard Equipment: One outfit made of animal skins, Backpack, Food rations for 3 weeks, A spear, a quiver with 10 arrows. Weapons: Ewok Hunting Bow, Damage 2D6, Range: 200 feet. Money: Several precious gems worth about 1D6x100 credits Cybernetics: None. Experience: Use Experience Table for City Rat

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-FThe Fairie Dragon R.C.C.

By: Background: Somewhere in the vast megaverse there was an alien intelligence that had acquired a race of followers that had technologies that rivaled those of the Gene-Splicers. Non of his followers were supernatural nor were they MDC, thus he had them use their technology to create a race of warriors to fight for the intelligence. Using the genes from a few select supernatural creatures such as dragons and fairies along with the genes from humans and a few other creatures the fairie dragon was born. With the appearance of beautiful humans with wings of various shapes an sometimes tails or body fur, they were immediately put to war. After the race had been at war for some time the sought independence and thus they sent a group of 5 particularly powerful fairie dragons to assassinate the intelligence. After 5 hours of non stop battle the intelligence and all but one of the 5 fairie dragons were dead! Soon after liberating themselves the race began to explore the megaverse and all of its possibilities. Attributes: IQ 5d6 ME 5d6 MA3d6 PS 6d6+20 PE 5d6 PP 4d6 PB 6d6 Spd 4d6+6 Flight Spd =Spd*5 MDC: (1d6+2) times 10 plus 1d4 per level PPE: 2d6*10 +1d6 every other level ISP: see psionics Horror factor: 1d6+8 Natural Abilities: winged flight, 90ft nightvision, fire/cold resistant(takes 3/4 damage), regenerate 1d4*10 MDC per minute, Alter Physical Structure:pick from HU, teleport 100ft per level 40%+2% per level, 2d6 fire breath, pick one other Major(2 minor) powers from HU, Males can metamorph into creatures 3 times their normal size for 24+1 hours per level within a 48 hour period, Females can - 214 -

pick one other Major(2 minor) powers from HU. Plus all have a new power... Bionic meld: Genetically and magically created to accept bionics fully without many major side affects (do NOT lose any of there abilities even if full conversion borg, but for each implant roll on the following chart (only roll once if full conversion) 1-10 gains all attributes of bionics added to his/her own! 11-85 no penalties or additions (attributes are the same as before operation) 86-94 Attributes are same as implants and abilities are halved in power and duration 95-00 character will die in 1d4 weeks. Note that all effects can be canceled if implants are removed. OCC: can pick any OCC par GMs rule (no CS or glitter boy OCC's or such) Bonuses: +1 attack +2 vs magic, HF, and to roll Psionics: roll %; 1-80 the character is a minor psycic with 10 minor abilities or two super(no mix and matching: 5 minor 1 super), and has 3d4*10 plus 1d6 ISP per level; 81-00 is a major psycic with all sensitive, 5 physical, 4 healing, and 4 super, has 6d6*10 plus 10 ISP per level. Magic: all fairie dragon understand and know how to use magic an TK devices. Minor psycics learn/figure out one spell of equal level each level of experience in addition to what they may buy or find, while major psycics must purchase all of their spells. Average life span: 1d6*10000 years Plus! Age as humans till 20 then stop aging till slain! Can regenerate limbs in an hour and can only be killed by decapitation! Size: same as humans Weight: same as humans but +10 lb due to wings Appearance: Look like beautiful humanoids with wings, 30% chance of having dragonoid tail, 10% of having long silky fur except on face, hands, feet, stomach, crotch, and nipples. Eyes, hair, and skin can be of any color! Cybernetics and Bionics: even with their Bionic Meld few will become partial or full conversion borgs. Note: only 10% of the fairie dragon population is male. All Fairie dragons are highly sexual as well as bisexual!

Fallen O.C.C
By: Ross Payton Among campfires, huddled conversations in bars, and other traditional places of storytelling, one legend is common to most of the sentient races of the Megaverse. The tale states that when a great warrior falls from grace, whether from horrific deeds or the betrayal of a trust; evil spirits will seek out the warrior and recruit his soul to the cause of a great evil only known as "The Nameless One". Once recruited, these warriors carry and wield only one weapon, a blade that is said to be a fragment of the Nameless One's soul. This is only a legend of course, and no proof of their existence has ever been found... The Fallen are just that, sentient beings who fell from a state of grace. Most (95%) were warriors either entrusted with the guardianship of a faith (paladins, cyber-knights etc.) or the defense of a people (The knight charged with defending his people from any threat). In any case, the warrior betrays his cause or his people, which causes a great tragedy. If the warrior survives the punishment or escapes it, he or she may be contacted by a fragmented essence of the Nameless One. The essence assumes the shape of a shadowy humanoid shape and gives the warrior a deal; accept ultimate power and immortality in exchange for his undying loyalty and eternal soul. If the warrior accepts, the essence transforms into a melee weapon, often a great sword or blade but not always. What the warrior doesn't realize is that the blade is in control now and will push the new Fallen to new and even more depraved deeds. The blade is a P.P.E vampire, able only to absorb the energy from dying beings. The more P.P.E a Fallen collects with the blade, the more powerful the blade and his connection to the Nameless One becomes. However the blade can only collect P.P.E from a being it has slain, so the Fallen can use no other weapon except the blade. In many ways, the Fallen can be considered part demonic scavenger, part serial killer. A typical Fallen in Rifts Earth, wanders from town to town, killing every sentient being it can get away with. Fallen are known to slay entire villages in a night, through stealth and cunning. Fallen prefer mages due to their high P.P.E base. However mages are usually much harder to kill than an unarmed peon. Hence, old, vulnerable mystics, mages, and sometimes even supernatural beings are targeted by a Fallen, stalked for several days or even weeks, then killed in a brutal ambush. It should also be noted that Fallen are usually cowards and bullies, and value their own existence over that any other being. Fallen work well with other forces of evil, but NEVER with other Fallen. They always leave one another alone and seldom fight. As long as they get to kill, they're happy little evil pawns of the Nameless One. Fallen make great quarry for a bounty hunter campaign or adventure. Several low level players could be hired to find a demonic entity responsible for wiping out several farming villages and a few mystics. Since Fallen work alone most of the time, a mid level Fallen - 215 -

presents a challenge for a group of low level characters but not impossible to kill. Even high level Fallen would fall against a group of mid to high level PC's though. They also make great henchmen, enforcers, and assassins (maybe hired to kill the players perhaps). Fallen O.C.C (NPC only, not for use by PCs) Alignment: Miscreant or Diabolic only! Requirements: None except those mentioned above. Skills: All Fallen were a warrior before they changed to their current state. Use a cyber-knight or similar O.C.C for skills (They still advance in those skills) All have W.P Sword though. Magic/Psionics: NO magic except those granted from blade. Any psionics held before receiving the blade are kept. P.P.E: 1D8x10 + P.E + 2D6 per level. Used to activate Fellblade powers only. Can not be taken or given to others for ANY reason. Fellblade powers: 1. Indestructible: As rune weapon. Disappears when wielder is slain 2. High I.Q (16) but does not communicate to wielder except for empathic flashes. 3. Pitch black in color, appearance varies from Fallen to Fallen, at will the weapon can change shapes. This shape can be as small as a ring or necklace or as large as a robot sized sword. In all shapes, the blade is indestructible, appears to be made out of metal and is pitch black in color. 4. Radiates Supernatural evil. Can not be stolen from wielder. However, if the blade is in a non weapon shape, it radiates *no* evil unless touched by a psychic sensitive. Anyone using object read on the blade in any form must save vs insanity or receives one permanent insanity from the experience (the sensitive sees the thoughts of the alien intelligence for a split second). 5. Stores the P.P.E for all it slays like a battery. Used to improve blade's powers. When a blade's power is improved, remove that stored P.P.E permanently. Every ability marked with a * uses the blade's P.P.E to acquire. *5. Does 2D6 M.D damage at first level. Cost to improve: Damage Cost in P.P.E 3D6 140 4D6 260 5D6 375 6D6 500 7D6 660 8D6 820 9D6 1,000 1D6x10 2,400 6. Wielder has presence sense and alter aura at first level. At 3rd level wielder gets sense magic. At 5th level wielder receives 6th sense. All powers are constant and automatic except alter aura which can only be used when the wielder is not in battle, or hasn't killed anyone in the last 5 minutes. 7. *Wielder may spend 250 P.P.E to get a +1 strike and parry bonus. (250 the first time, 500 the second time etc.) to a maximum for +4 strike and parry. 8. The Fallen may shadow meld at 3rd level at normal spell cost. At 6th level the wielder may cast invisibility:superior. 9. *The wielder may spend 666 P.P.E to instill certain powers in the blade. These powers may be turned on or off at will. Only one power may be activated at a time but can change instantly (between attacks). 1. Fire: The blade does double damage to creatures vulnerable to fire. It may also shoot a small fireball twice a melee (3D6 M.D per blast) 2. Unholy essence: The wielder does double damage to all holy beings including good dragons and cyber-knights. 3. Acid: The Fellblade constantly drips acid. Every time it strikes something the residue of the acid does 3D6 M.D per melee round for 1D4 melee rounds. Results are cumulative. 10. The Fallen receives one extra attack when using the blade at level 1, 3, 5, 8, 12, and 15. 11. At level 5, the Fallen can send a wave of fire, acid, or unholy energy at his foes. The wave costs 25 P.P.E for the Fallen and does 5D6 M.D of the appropriate type. 12. The Fallen may summon a suit of armor by spending 75 P.P.E. The armor has no prowl penalties, and has 12 M.D.C per level. It is permanent until destroyed and resembles a suit of pitch black plate mail.

The Fedaykin Warrior O.C.C.

By: Galahad Background info: The Fedaykin are the death commando trained by Paul Muad'Dib. They are fanatically loyal to the Fremen people and are the most ferocious warriors in the Megaverse. A Fedaykin has never been and will never be taken captive. Attribute restrictions: PP and PE of 12 - 216 -

Alignment restrictions: none, just the unwavering belief in the Fremen way Bonuses: +20 MDC, + 2 to PE, PP, and MA Skills: Radio: Basic +10% Exotic Horsemanship +20% Detect Ambush +10% Demolitions +5% Demolitions Disposal +5% Sniper Prowl +30% Concealment +5% Wilderness Survival +15% Boxing Wrestling WP Energy Rifle WP Knife w/an additional +3 strike/parry 3 WP's of choice Special Skills Language: Fremen Battle Language +20% (learned from Paul Muad 'Dib, this is a signal of language and hand signals used on the battle field for communication.) Hand to Hand: Wierding Way (a martial art exclusive to the Fremen, it uses primarily knives, developed with training from Paul Muad 'Dib. For gaming purposes, use Hand to Hand: Commando as found in The Coalition War Campaign.) OCC Related Skills: Select eight other skills. Plus two additional skills at level three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one at level twelve. All skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanical: Any Medical: First Aid only Military: None Physical: Any except Swimming Pilot: Any land vehicle Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Any Technical: Any (+5%) WP: Any Wilderness: Any (+10%) Secondary Skills: The character also recieves six secondary from the previous list without the benefit of the bonuses. A note on skills: When choosing skills, keep in mind that the Fremen live only in the deserts of Utah, nowhere else, and are therefore not exposed to many things. For example, a Fremen could not get Swimming or Literacy: Euro. Despite some limitations, these characters are very fun to play. Standard Equipment: A stillsuit, a crysknife, a wierding module, one other weapon of choice with two extra clips of ammunition (or it may be a TW converted weapon), and one suit of personalized spice armor with the TW modifications of Invisibility: Superior and an Armor of Ithan forcefield with 100 MDC. Money: Has no currency at all, but has 2D4x10 water rings, each representing one gallon of water. Cybernetics: None and will never have any. A Fremen would rather lose an arm than have a prosthetic.

By: Tim Santa Cruz The Ferrengi are a race in interstellar traders who care about nothing but Profit. They are an economic giant, and a military mouse. While their military does boast some decent ships, the focus of the Space Program is to augment their importing / exporting business. Their role as interstellar profit seeker has earned them a bad reputation in their galaxy. Their race has no political allies, and there are many races which would gladly conquer the Ferrengi, but their economy helps the galaxy to thrive. Their recent negotiations within a - 217 -

deep region of space (which they use a wormhole to travel to) has proven extremely profitable and has only caused to add more lust for profit to the Ferrengi mindset. The Ferrengis are ruled by an individual titled "The Grand Negas". All Ferrengis are butt kissers and will do anything to get close to such an individual. Alignments: Mostly Selfish. Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+2, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 4D6+2, P.S. 2D6+2, P.P. 3D6, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 3D6 Hit Points: P.E. + 1D6 at level one, plus 1D6 each additional level S.D.C.: 20 Natural Armor Rating: None Horror Factor: None P.P.E.: 3D6 Natural Abilities: Superior Mental Affinity. Combat: 2 Attacks, plus those gained from Hand to Hand Combat and/or Boxing. Bonuses: +10% to Trust Intimidate, +1 Save vs. Psionics. This is in addition to any attribute bonuses. Psionics: None Magic: None, The Ferrengi don't believe in Magic. Average Life Span: 60 years ? Rifts O.C.C.s: Any Except for CS Military, and Cyber-Knight. Ferrengi will shy from all Men of Arms OCCs due to a fear of combat. Skills of Note: Speak Ferrengi at 98% Size: 60 + 2D6 inches. Weight: 150 to 200 lbs. Equipment: Ferrengi Disruptor Weight: 10 lbs. Range: 1000 feet Payload: 10 Damage: 4 Settings 1. 1D4 (Stun) 2. 5D6 3. 1D6x10 4. 1D4 M.D.C.* *This last setting is generally referred to as Kill and will vaporize in an instant.

Fighter Pilot O.C.C.

By: Jason Bridgman The fighter pilot is the master of any type of flying vehicle, especially space fighters. They are highly skilled in other vehicles as well, - 218 -

if they so choose. They are also highly skilled in using and weapons on board a vehicle. Almost no one is a match for skill in a dogfight with a fighter pilot. Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10, M.E. 12, and P.P. 14 or higher. O.C.C. Skills: Language: Native language (98%) Language: Select one additional (+30%) Literacy: Native language (98%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Basic Math (+10%) Pilot: Space Fighter (+30%) Pilot: One air/space vehicle (+30%) Pilot: Any two (+20%) Fighter Combat Elite [one type] (+1 to all bonuses) Fighter Combat Basic (+1 to all bonuses) EVA (+10%) Weapon Systems (+15%) Read Sensory Equipment (+15%) Computer Operation (+10%) W.P.: Any two Hand to Hand: Expert Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to martial arts (or assassin) at the cost of one "other" skill. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8 other skills. Plus select two additional skills at levels four, seven, and nine, and one at level twelve and fifteen. Communications: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only (+5%) Espionage: Wilderness survival only. Mechanical: Automotive and basic only (+5%) Medical: First aid only. Military: Demolitions only (+5%) Physical: Any, excluding acrobatics. Pilot: Any (+15%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Streetwise only. Science: Any (+5% on math) Technical: Any (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Land navigation and hunting only. Secondary Skills: The character can select seven secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. Standard Equipment: Space capable M.D.C. body armor suit, two energy weapons and an S.D.C. weapon. Also has ammunition/Eclips for all weapons, knife, hand-help communicator, as well as personal items. Will always have access to some sort of fighter or ship (either owns one or is in military). Money: 4d6x1000 for an independent or 1d6x100 for military pilot. Cybernetics and Bionics: Starts with none, but may get cybernetics and/or bionic enhancements. Fighter Pilot O.C.C.: 1 0,000- 2,150 2 2,151- 4,250 3 4,251- 8,850 4 8,851- 17,000 5 17,001- 25,000 6 25,001- 35,000 7 35,001- 50,000 8 50,001- 70,000 - 219 -

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

70,001- 95,000 95,001-130,000 130,001-180,000 180,001-230,000 230,001-280,000 280,001-330,000 330,001-400,000

Firedrake R.C.C.
Firedrakes are the smallest of the dragons and probably the least mischievous. They tend to keep to themselves but are very outgoing when angered (this is never good). The always keep a treasure hoard, usually equal to that of a kukulcan or basilisk, which is about twice what most dragons have. A firedrake will almost always have his own lair, usually a cave in a mountain or something similar, and it will always have at least one or two other creatures guarding the treasure other than the dragon himself. They have a keen eye for gems, which they make their beds out of. Firedrakes are small and fast, though not as powerful as most other dragons, they are more cunning, and will use whatever means they can to extract revenge or get something they want. Usually, a firedrake will be perfectly content letting someone else do the dirty work, impressing people with the fact that it is a dragon (very high MA). A firedrakes biggest weakness in comparison to other dragons is lack of the ability to metamorph, although many use spells to achieve this effect. They are very avid practitioners of magic and most know a handful of circles of power! Physically, they are anywhere from bright red to a dull orange color, small, for a dragon, with somewhat large wings that are very powerful. When they walk, it is always on all fours, their arms are just as strong and about the same size as their legs. Alignment: Any, but usually very selfish (anarchist) Attributes: IQ 2d6+10 ME 2d6+12 MA 3d6+12 PS 2d6+16 PP 2d6+12 PE 2d6+10, PB 4d6+6 Spd 1d6x10 running but 2d6x10+80 flying! M.D.C.: 2d6x10+100 (1d6x10+50 for hatchlings) Horror Factor: 15 (because they try to look impressive) P.P.E.: 2d6x100 (half for hatchling) Natural Abilities: Nightvision 100ft (can see in total darkness), see the invisible, turn invisible at will, bio-regenerate 4d6 MD per minute (per five minutes for hatchling), teleport self 88% (22% +2% per level for hatchling) Combat: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, plus 2 levels (i.e. 5th lvl dragon, 7th lvl HTH). 3 Attacks per melee by magic. Favorite weapon is magic. Damage: As per Supernatural damage table (Rifts: Conversions pg. 22), fire breath does 1d4x10 MD Range: 300ft can be used 3 times per melee. Bonuses: In addition to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts: +3 to initiative, +2 to dodge, +3 to dodge while flying (in addition to other bonuses), +1 attack per melee. Hatchlings do not receive these bonuses. Magic: All spell magic levels 1-10, plus summon lesser being, dimensional portal, summon greater familiar (Rifts: Conversions pg. 51), and metamorphosis: mist. Roll on the following table. Hatchlings learn magic as normal for hatchlings (Rifts pg.100, Great Horned Dragon, under "spells") but do not get any of the above and do not role on table. 1-40 knows all spell magic through level 15 41-65 1d6+2 level diabolist 66-85 1d6+2 level Shifter/Summoner 86-100 1d6+2 level warlock (fire or earth) Psionics: Select any six, excluding super. Adults may choose 1 super ability at levels 5, 7, 9, 13, and 15. R.C.C. Skills: Same as the Kukulcan. Habitat: Indigenous to an alien dimension. Can be found on Rifts Earth but rare anywhere else.

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Average Life Span: 2000 to 3000 years. Reach full maturity at 300. Enemies: Any who annoy them or invade their lair. Allies: Other protectors of the lair. Will sometimes ally themselves with other powerful forces (hard to impress, they are very conceited). Size: 4 to 5 feet at the shoulder, about 15 feet long (including tail),15-20 foot wingspan. Weight: 1000-1500 lb.

Flesh Peddler O.C.C.

By: SAMHAIN Once again I bestow upon you people yet another character class spawned out of the rotting depths of my corrupted soul... so enjoy :) Parental Warning: Those under the age of eighteen should not read this as it pertains to sexuality, drug abuse, and graphic violence. I do not condone the existence of the character class, but be advised these people do exist and are far more numerous than any dare acknowledge. This is your FINAL WARNING -------------------------------------Game Master Note: The following is truly sick and twisted and not recommended as a player character class, except to the most adult, perverted, and demented of players. This is not a joke. This class was created for one particular campaign that revolved around issues of sexual degradation, fear, and the reflection of the horrors of the world about us. With that being said, I give you.. The Flesh Peddler O.C.C. "Come here little girl, are you lost or troubled. Let me help you, I can take your pain away. I'll be your friend. I'll love you forever," these are the lines of the Flesh Peddler as it sizes up a new potential victim. Bringing in a new ripe young person in to its dark embrace is its first move and surprisingly easy depending on the individual. The favored prey are run always, a naive lot who have usually been abused sexually and/or physically and emotionally. The young person easily gives the Peddler their trust as no one else has every shown them any kindness. Once alone with them, the Flesh Peddler begins to ply his trade. The process of removing any inhibitions about the sexual act and nudity begin. Different Peddlers have different knacks for breaking their victim, some being quite brutal and down right deadly if the youth has enough will to resist. Sadly, most youths willingly submit themselves to their degradation, falling in to old patterns set by whomever they had been with before, feeling that this is the only way they will receive any love or affection. Once broken, the youth will obey any and all commands. The Flesh Peddler, then decides to sell or rent out the new slave depending on the price others are inclined to pay for their pleasures. No one can ask where the first Flesh Peddlers made their debut, as for as long as people have enslaved others the Peddlers have existed. They have evolved over time, adapting to each culture that they find a home within. They traffic along the fringes of highly moralistic cultures and more in the open in societies that are less inclined to stop their trade. Flesh Peddlers often meet with one another, their own subculture being dark but highly sociable. New techniques are constantly being taught and novices to the trade are always welcome as long as their trade does not infringe on the business of others. The potential Flesh Peddler is first introduced to the society by friends or relatives already in the trade. Soon they learn the profit made by the buying and selling of flesh which quells most moralistic opposition that they may initially have. Then the become an apprentice to an already thriving Peddler who chooses them for not only their eagerness to join the fold, but also for their ruthless ideology (a necessity in this business). The tutoring procedure starts with the basics of locating potential victims. This includes the skill of appraisal, which is essential for the Flesh Peddler. The skill allows them not only to identify the price that may be granted for a youth, but also what it would take to break the will of the youth to a point that would make them sellable. Once mastered, the novice can be taught where to look for the different types of youths (runaways, the abused, drug addicts, ect.) and the places where the highest quality of victim can be found. The second stage of instruction is the skill of training. Once found, the youth's will must be broken to the point of complete submission by any owner. This is where the most work of the Flesh Peddler is done and where many end their training, finding a lucrative business in the breaking of wills - they are known as Dominators and Masters who are an important subclass of the Flesh Peddlers. Depending on the actual tutor of the novice, the type of training they will learn will vary. Youth seduction is by far the most common because it involves using charm, intelligence, and the promise of love to win over the youth to obedience and submissive behavior. A youth promised love and affection in return for "favors" will always be loyal to their trainer, but in that fact the problem lies. The trainer may not be the owner and so the youths have a tendency to rebel against being sold, forcing themselves to be retrained in a more direct manner. Overall, seduction is the best method, lacking the brutality and possible bruising and hospitalization caused by other forms of enslavement. Sheer physical dominance is the second most popular form of training. The youth is brutalized in to submission. Negative reinforcement is utilized to break down any will remaining in the youth. The process is very violent, desiring constant beatings and bondage. Novices often ruin (read: kill or maim) any youths that they use this technique upon. Only the very experienced are advised to use this style and even they make mistakes that lower the price of the youths (scars being the most common, death being the least). Once mastered, this dominance will create slaves that of unquestioning loyalty to any and all masters. - 221 -

There are of course other methods of destroying the will of any victim, from mental torture to addiction to narcotics, the above tend to be the best used and the least consuming of time and resources. The Master subclass includes a skill not studied by other Flesh Peddlers, that of torture. The individual learns to break the will of anyone (youth or adult) using a process of physical degradation and humiliation that is intermixed with brutal "strong-arm" tactics. The skill allows the Master to proceed in destroying any willpower over the victim without creating any significant or lasting bruises. Failure in this skill means a bruise develops or possibly the victim still remains some will power. Master's never kill their victims unless they desire to. Once trained, the youth is now put to work. The process of selling someone is not difficult depending on the actual contacts that the Peddler has with the seedy side of humanity. A good sale can occur within 4-24 hours of the merchandise becoming submissive and appraised by the buyer. Of course, some intrepid Flesh Peddlers love to keep their wares to themselves and only rent them out to others. This is a more time consuming task for unless the Peddler is well established they will need to make far different contacts and the difficulty of this for some forces them to take their youths to the streets; prostitution. "Pimping ain't easy," as the old song goes. The Flesh Peddler is forced to become an overseer to its "children", watching their every move. Authorities are quick to frown on youths selling their bodies in the open and many a Peddler has seen its stock sent off to a juvenile home and the Peddler must now be wary for they police may be on to them. In addition, other Peddlers may pass themselves off as mere renters and may desire to steal away youths for their own sales. Only the most desperate or stupid of Peddlers dares to attempt this dauntless task. Much simpler than street whoring is the most endearing of propositions, video and picture sales. The luxury of staying in the privacy of your own home with your stock is something Peddlers have come to enjoy since the advent of photography. A well equipped Peddler can attain a small fortune if the right contacts are had in the pornography industry. Under assumed names and through false or numerous tittles, the "kiddie porn" business has flourished within recent years. The video tapes and pictures are sent out by mail or messenger with none of the authorities the wiser. And of course once a youth has well saturated the market with its image, the process of selling can be begun to make that final profit. Other new skills: Bribery - no dishonest individual can be without this skill. This applies to the knowledge of who can be bribed - using a system of eyeing the possible general alignment of the subject - and then how much to be bribed. Failure to accomplish this skill means that either the person being bribed has taken offense and now the character is in serious trouble, or that the bribe was foolishly too small and now it will take even more money to get out of the predicament. Barely succeeding at a bribe means that the offer that the character has decided on is more than actual amount the subject would have taken (game master prerogative in these instances, personally I favor double or triple depending on how arrogant the player has been with me). 30% +3% per level. Contacts - Buyers - applies to the finding and knowing of those who wish to buy the many products that Flesh Peddlers have. Also includes the necessary knowledge of identifying law officers passing themselves as buyers and entrapment by those authorities. Meeting and finding a buyer often takes place through acquaintances and third parties, though some novices have few contacts and may desire to avidly search for themselves using other means. A successful roll means the acquisition of a buyer, but another roll must be made after initial meetings to determine whether the offer is genuine or not. 25% +5% per level. Contacts - Flesh Peddlers - applies to the knowing of other Flesh Peddlers within a given area. Unlike other skills, the character begins with a rating instead. At level one the rating is one, meaning the character only knows his/her a single Flesh Peddler. At each level, this rating goes up by two (the character knows two more Peddlers). Of course during the course of game play, a character may meet and acquire contacts of numerously more Flesh Peddlers, but this rating represents the given contacts that a character gains automatically (possibly during non-game or down time). Streetwise - Prostitution - applies to the underworld of hookers. The character learns the business of street selling of people, including prices and possible ambushes by more larcenous prostitutes and their pimps. The skill allows the identification of undercover police officers and potential usurpers of territory. The character also knows who owns what prostitutes in the area that they are in, and is able to keep up with changes of owners. 20% +5% per additional level FLESH PEDDLER character class. Attribute requirements: high intelligence and mental endurance, at least average strength for those of the Master subclass. Alignment requirement: Evil alignments only O.C.C. Skills: Youth appraisal 30% +5% per level (+10% bonus for each week of observation) - unavailable to Masters Training 25% +5% per level (at fifth level, a youth can be trained to obey the commands of others) Torture - available only to Master subclass - 30%+5% per level to break will +10% per week spent. 25% +3% to avoid bruising. Streetwise (+20%) Contacts - Flesh Peddlers (novices begin with at level two - three contacts -, one contact being their mentor) Choose one orientation from the following: Streetwise - prostitution - (+30%, the skill is specifically geared to whoring out of individuals.) includes Bribery (+15%) and W.P. automatic pistol or T.V./Video (+30%): includes Computer Operation (+10%), Basic Electronics (+5%), and Contacts - Buyers (+15%) Other Related Skills: Select six skills at first level, at least two must be technical or rogue. Choose an additional Other Skill at levels 3, 7, and 10. Communications: any (+10% to T.V./Video) - 222 -

Domestic: any (+5%) Electrical: any Espionage: interrogation techniques +5% and forgery (excluding Masters) only. Mechanical: any, except weapons engineer and aircraft mechanics. Medical: any Military: none Physical: any Pilot: any Pilot Related: navigation only Rogue: any (+10%) Science: any Technical: any (+10% to photography except for Masters) W.P.: any, except polearm, battle axe, and heavy. Wilderness: land navigation and carpentry (+20% to Master subclass) only Secondary Skills: Select four using the above guidelines, minus the bonuses. An additional two may be chosen at level two. Standard Equipment: Novices begin with an automobile or van that is less than a year old, lap top or table version computer with a/v hardware and modem link, a good quality camera and/or video camera, normal personal affects (television, VCR, clothing, toothbrush, comb, ect.), pair of gloves, stereo system, and a large collection of pornography in the form of photos and video tapes. Masters have also a few durable set of chains and manacles, an assortment of quality whips and black jacks, a taser, gags, and a strong stock with locks and hooks (we will not mention the high quality of other items that they may have, leaving them up to your own incredibly warped imagination). Both normally take homes where the neighbors do not care what goes on, and Masters normally sound proof their dwellings. Money: starting, the majority of the Flesh Peddler's money has been spent on equipping themselves to their lifestyle leaving them with 2-12 x 100 in ready cash. Masters have only 1-6 x 100 in ready cash due to the expense of restraints and other bondage equipment. Table of Experience: as the P.A.B. agent

Fremen O.C.C.
By: Galahad This is a race developed from Frank Herbert's book Dune (which I highly recommend) and the movie. So, just a disclaimer saying that these are not my original ideas, I have just adapted them for game play. Enjoy! --Galahad-Background info: The Fremen are a human-like race of desert dwellers. They know not whether their ancestry is truly human or deebee, but either way they have developed some interesting adaptations to the harsh conditions of the deserts of pre-rifts Utah where they live. With the coming of Rifts, the deserts of the West retook the cities. All water dried up and left a barren wasteland thought to be uninhabitable. Virtually all of the limited ley line activity in Utah is underground so, with a few exceptions, monsters and demons are rare. Some of these exceptions include the various Worms of Taut, the Living Sand, the occasional elemental, and the notorious Makers. The Makers, also known as Shai-Hulud by the Fremen and Sand Worms by most everyone else are terrifying creatures of the sand reaching 600 meters long and 120 meters in diameter (there are rumors that even larger ones exist in the deep desert.) Another anomaly from the Rifts is Melange, or Spice. This cinnamon smelling and tasting spice is found in the sands of the desert and has many supernatural properties. The details are discussed later. The Fremen have managed to survive in the deep desert since the coming of Rifts. They live in scattered communities known as Seitches and have taken Techno-Wizardry to a new level. Description: The Fremen are completely human upon first glance except for their eyes, which are solid blue, with no white in them. (This feature is known as the eyes of Ibad.) Upon closer examination, one will find that their skin is super-tough and capable of withstanding extreme punishment. Other adaptations include extra platelets in the blood to prevent blood loss, and decreased need for water. One reason for these adaptations is the addiction to the spice Melange.

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Alignment: Any, usually selfish Attributes: IQ: 3D6, MA: 4D6, ME: 3D6, PS: 3D4+10, PE: 3D6+6, PP: 3D4+10, PB: 3D6, Spd: 3D6 Average Size: 5' 6" to 6' 4" Weight: 120 to 200lbs Hit Points/SDC: See MDC MDC: 1D4x10+50 (Note: the MDC transformation is the product of the addiction to the spice melange. See section on the spice for details.) PPE: 4D6 plus PE Natural Abilities: Wound healing- doesn't suffer blood loss penalties after one round, limited need for water. Magic: All Fremen know how to use Techno-Wizardry and use it frequently. Other available by OCC. Psionics: Standard. Limited psionics can be attained by using the Spice. OCC: Any, except for Borg, Juicer, Coalition, or Water Warlock. Also, no OCC's foreign to US. Fremen can choose the OCC "Fedaykin Warrior" found elsewhere on this page. Additional Skills and Modifiers: Fremen receive additional skills: Wilderness Survival +15% Exotic Horsemanship (Sand Worm) +15% Prowl +15% WP Knife with an additional +1 strike/parry HtH: Martial Arts

-GGame Hunter O.C.C.

(Scholar/Adventurer) v1.0 By: FlashFire Created: 970727 ----------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: Yeah, yeah. It's just a hyped-up Wilderness Scout. ----------------------------------------------------------------------"I'm going to sort it out." The Earth has been reclaimed by the wilderness. Animals as big as houses and possessing the strength of creatures twice their size roam the countryside. When the local sentient life forms are threatened by these monsters and the people can't kill the beast themselves, they call for the Game Hunter. A combination Assassin/Wilderness Scout, Hunters are practiced in the near-mystical arts of tracking down creatures, intelligent or not, and dealing with them in a precise and definite fashion, killing them. Not satisfied with being just a soldier or woodsman, these trained, and often gifted, killers use their skills in hunting to find and destroy the most elusive prey in the hardest lands. Some will know the villages and customs in the region, as well as having the help of the local Indian tribesmen. But, most importantly, they know the ways of nature and the wilderness. Some Game Hunters make their living leading others on "safari," basically a high-priced field and/or hunting trip for those few rich, or insane, enough to pay for the luxury of such a trip. This isn't a common occupation though, due partially to the fact that few on Rifts Earth are capable of affording such a trip and partially because those who do have the money to set up a safari into the planets more dangerous regions will only hire the best, the "Great White Hunters". The vast majority of Hunters must fare as best they can, hiring themselves out as professional exterminators. While they do this for money, they are not exactly Bounty Hunters. Bounty Hunters track down sentient life forms, the criminal element on the run. Game Hunters specialize in finding animals, rather then civilized prey. They search for predators on their home turf, they seek out the most dangerous creatures in the worst terrain on Earth, often choosing to do so alone. As such, they have become better hunters than even the Wilderness Scouts who freely roam the wild lands. - 224 -

Alignment Restrictions: Cannot be Principled, unless the player can come up with an exceptional background piece on why a person with such high moral standards would go around wasting Bambi. Even in those cases, the character would be limited to hunting evil creatures, man-killer animals or supernatural monsters. They will also avoid taking money for their services, or at least taking only enough to pay for their expenses. Attribute Requirements: IQ of 10, PP of 10 and PE of 12 or higher. A above-average ME is recommended for good or unprincipled hunters, but is not necessary. O.C.C. Skills: Speak Native Language - 98% Language: Choose one (+10%) Land Navigation (+15%) Track Animals (+20%) Hunting (Double bonuses) Prowl (+20%) Detect Ambush (+15%) Trap Construction (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+15%) First Aid (+10%) Running Lore: Demon and Monster (+15%) Sniper WP Rifle WP Energy Rifle WP Choose Two HTH Basic HTH Basic can be traded for Expert at a cost of one, or Martial Arts/Assassin at a cost of two, O.C.C. Related Skills. Commando is not available. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select Ten other skills, but two must come from Wilderness, one from physical, and one from Technical. Select two new skills at levels three, five, eight, twelve and fifteen. Communications: Radio: Basic only Cowboy: Roping only Domestic: Any (+10% to Cook and Fishing) Electrical: Basic only Espionage: None Mechanical: Basic only Medical: Hollistic Medicine and Brewing only (+10%) Military: None Physical: Any, but Acrobatics and Wrestling (+10% where applicable) Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Any Science: Math: Basic and Biology only Technical: Any (+10% to Lore) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+15%) Secondary Skills: Select Seven from the previous list. No bonuses Standard Equipment: Starts with two sets of clothing, probably made out of buckskins or are camoflauge clothes of some type. Alternately the can have a full set of Triax Plain-clothes armor made to whatever design they want. They will watch the weight of their equipment carefully, not wanting to get weighed down by useless items in their packs. Other equipment will include an gas mask and air filter, tinted goggles or non-reflective sunglasses, hatchet, survival knife, 6 wooden stakes plus mallet, walkie-talkie radio, 100' of nylon cord or rope, flashlight, tent, sleeping bag and pillow knapsack, backpack, 1D4 sacks, utility belt, two canteens, small cooking set, fire starter, three small animal snares, emergency food rations (two weeks worth), Geiger Counter, RMK Medical kit, and personal items. Weapons will include one energy rifle, one SDC rifle, and a side arm, preferably all long-range. Both rifles will be equipped with infrared targeting scopes (+1 to Aimed Shot). 2D6 E-Clips and 3 full loads of iron, and 3 more silver, bullets for the SDC rifle. Also carries a dagger or bola. Armor *can* be of any type, but Hunters will always choose whatever armor allows them to move the most silently. Vehicles can be of any non-military type, but horses and hover-bikes will be the choice modes of transportation. Money: Starts with 2D6x100 in credit, plus 1D6x1000 in Black Market items. Cybernetics: Starts with none, but is not normally opposed to cybernetic implants. Prefers items that make them better hunters (advanced hearing, thermo-optic eyes, ect...) Experience Table: Use the Wilderness Scout XP Table.

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Gardener O.C.C.
By: Gerald Minser Note: No real notes, other than if you have a copy of the original posted somewhere (I think Mad Dog's the only one) I ask that you either replace it with this or post this next to it. The Gardeners started appearing in England, predominately among Herbalists and Druids while some appeared among Earth and Star Children. They are a rare breed, having developed their unusual powers from their closeness to the Earth instead of the powers normally found among members of their chosen profession. When they realize their different powers, Gardeners will often give up pursuing the powers of their chosen profession in favor of refining and controlling their own wondrous powers. These incredible individuals have somehow developed the abilities to tap plants and use their powers for their own, and to physically join with plants. How is unknown, and few have sought to find out. Gardener RCC Powers Level 1 Powers: 1. 2. 3. 4. Bonuses: +2 vs. Chemical Mind Control, +2 vs. Horror Factor, +3 vs. Poisons & Toxins. PPE: 3D4x10 + 1D6 per level. Psionics: Select 4 powers from Sensitive. ISP: 1D6x10 + 1D4 per level.

5. Commune With Plants: If the Gardener encounters a plant he is unfamiliar with he can learn about the plant by spending time concentrating on the plant. What the Gardener learns is limited to the amount of time spent concentrating on it. Trance: 1D4 minutes - edible or poisonous, 1D6 minutes - growth cycle, 2D6 minutes - growth conditions, 3D4 minutes - how to grow/transplant plant, 4D4 minutes - medicinal properties, 3D6 minutes - magical properties. PPE Cost - 10 Level 2 Ailities 1. Absorb Plants: By placing plants next to wounds and expending PPE, the Gardener can physically absorb small plants or parts of plants to heal themselves. The downside is that the area where the plant has been applied tends to turn the same color as the plant applied to that area. However, this affect usually only lasts for a few mintues, 1D6 minutes. Additionally, if the plant absorbed had medicinal or magical properties, the Gardener can use those properties for short period of time, typically 15+1 minutes per level. Naturally one of the drawbacks is that the plant either withers, or dies completely. The only exception is the Millenium Tree. While the leaves and bark can be tapped, the tree itself is immune. Cost - 1 PPE per 2 SDC for small plants, 1 PPE per 4 SDC for large plants. Absorbing magic plants cost twice as much. 2. Camouflage - B using small amounts of PPE, Gardeners can create an aura around themselves which changes color to blend in with their surroundings. Works similar to the Chameleon spell. Costs - 10 PPE per 10 minutes. Level 3 Powers 1. Adopt Natural Powers: Having tapped a plant, a Gardener can use the natural abilities common to most plants. These are typically heightened senses. The Gardener can: Sense coming of rain, fire, smoke - 40% + 5% per level; Sense wind direction - 53% + 4% per level; Sense time of day and compass direction - 60% + 3% per level; Sense temperature - 65% + 3% per level; Sense ground vibrations - 2 miles + 1/2 mile per level; Sensor Invisibility - 75%; Breathe through all skin. PPE Cost - 5 for normal plants, 10 for magical plants. Duration - 20 minutes per level. 2. Adopt Medicinal Powers: When a Gardener absorbs a plant, he can use the plant's medicinal properties. He can use these powers to soothe, reduce or cure the afflictions associated with them. The Gardener can also reverse the effort, causing or inflicting the afflictions. The Gardener can use a plant's poisonous or hallucinatory powers on others. PPE Cost - 15 for normal plants, 30 for magical plants. Duration - 20 minutes per level. 3. Adopt Magical Powers: After a Gardener taps a plant, he can use the magical abilities of the plant. He creates a natural version of most druidic potions, teas, and herbs. PPE Cost - Cost is same as that listed in Rifts England. Duration - 20 minutes per level. Level 4 - 226 -

1. Nature Limb: If a Gardener loses a limb, he can attempt to replace that limb with plants, typically with vines. The initial joining process takes 3-18 (3D6) minutes. After this time, the limb does not need to be held in place. However, it will take another 5-30 (5D6) minutes before the new limb is fully joined to the body. For the next 1D4 weeks the limb will be at half strength, after that the Gardener's arm returns to it's original strength. If the plant chosen to replace the lost limb has any medicinal or magical properties, the Gardener can draw on them at half strength. PPE Cost - 30 for normal plants, 60 for magical plants 2. Absorb Physical Properties: After the Gardener taps a plant, he can assume some of the physical properties of that plant. These changes range from growing thorns - small thorns 1D4, large thorns 1D6; a skin thickening Armor Rating 8 for small plants, Armor Rating 10 for trees, increased pain resistance - +20 SDC normal plants, +20 MDC magical plants, increased healing - twice recovery rate, or resisting hunger - same as psionic power. PPE Cost - 15 for normal plants, 30 for magical plants. Duration - 20 minutes per level. Level 5 Powers 1. Plant Meld: The Gardener can physically meld plants to his body to create extra limbs, natural body armor or weapons. Vine-like plants can be attached to the body to form tentacles. 6 small tentacles with a PS of 8, 4 medium tentacles with a PS of 10, or 2 tentacles with a PS of 12 can be attached to both sides of the body and the back. Thin plant armor provides 2D4x10 SDC/MDC while thick plant armor provides 2D6x10 SDC/MDC and -5% prowl. Plants used as weapons will do the same damage and have the same strength as they normally do. If plants are melded to a Gardener for more than 2 days, they will begin to grow into the Gardener, physically harming him until they're removed, doing 2D4 damage daily and all combat abilities are at half of normal. The only exception is when the plant is used as a limb. PPE Cost - 5 for 6 small vines, 10 for 4 medium vines, 15 for 2 large vines; 10 for thin plant armor, 20 for thick plant armor; 5 for each small plant, 10 for each large plant.! After the initial melding, the cost of keeping the plants on is half the initial cost. 2. Metamorphosis Plant/Plant Being: The Gardener can change his shape to match any plant or plant-like being that he is familiar with. Unfortunately, this is only a physical transformation, the Gardener does not get any of his chosen shapes powers or abilities. Gardener's get most of their skills and equipment from the occupation he originally discovered his powers in. 60% are herbalists. 10% are Scathach Druids. 9% are Filidh Druids. 8% are Dryad Druids. 4% are Earth Children, and 3% are Star Children.

R.C.C. Skills: Mystic Herbology +20 Holistic Medicine +10 Identify Plants & Fruits + 15 Wilderness Survival +20 Land Navigation +10 Math: Basic +10 Language: English & 2 others +15 Literacy: English & 1 other +15 Weapon Proficiency: Select 3 Hand to Hand: Basic Related and Secondary skills, Equipment, & Money are from the class chosen. Cybernetics: Gardeners will never get cybernetics unless against their will. They would rather undergo bio-wizardry, limb-cloning, or replacing the limb with a plant, or doing with out. If a Gardener is subjected to cybernetic or bionic limb replacement, they will make *every* attempt possible to get rid of it. Some Gardeners have been seen using a strange brown and green armor instead of normal armor. This armor appears to be a combination of a Mega-Damage jumpsuit made of Millenium Leaves with Millenium Bark used in panels similar to Juicer Armor. Millenium Armor: 120 MDC, -10% prowl, 4D6 PPE which can be tapped by the use.

Gargoric Aliens
By: Edahsetin Created: 970726 This is a creation of mine that I hope you all enjoy. This is a first draft so all critisims are welcome (and in fact I encorage them!). Before we get into this just yet I'll just mention that these creatures are made out pure energy. They appear to be large humanoids that are made of fire and are immune to most physical weapons. Just one more thing, I don't have Phase World (In fact, I havn't even seen the book IRL) so please tell me if I have unknowingly copied anything. - 227 -

Translated from the journal of Vegoth Stolan ". . . they came like a wave of terror over the plannet. Males, females, young ones... all slaughtered. They are like nothing we have ever encountered before. They are able to see us and kill us with something we don't understand. We, creatures that have been on this plannet since it was created will be destroyed if somthing drastic is not done. We must ether fight or flee, but with out any weapons to harm our attackers there is only one option. I write this so that you, my son, will know that what I do is to keep you safe. I must stay behind with the other sentries and keep the way for your escape clear. Only remember this, we will meet again in the Great Orb of Wisdom . . . " An uncountable number of years ago the Gargons suddenly came into existance. For many eons they lived peacefully far from the reaches of all creatures known to them. They had no enemies and had very few weapons. Then came the The Day of Terror. Thousands of primitive beings suddenly appeared on their plannet. The creatures that came were immune to their energy weapons and were able to injure and kill the Gargons. This came as a complete shock to all of their race. They rushed to find a way to find a way to fight these creatures and within a year of Earth time, they had come up with Protect Metal. With this they were able to physically harm their slaughterers and drive them back. Unfortunatly by this time came they were barely able to keep control of even part of their planet. On a planet twice the size of Jupiter, less than 1% of their population survived and only 3% of the planet was under their control. Because of their extremly slow reproduction process (a child is produced only once every century) they had to decide quickly what they were going to do. They decided that they must flee and come back to reclaim their plannet. Going to the one place that they knew their attackers could not follow, they evacuated to the center of their specially created sun. After killing all of remaining Gargons on the planet their attackers left as quickly as they came, unable to retrieve the treasure that they came for. The Gargons mourned for their lost ones and for the first time in their history they felt hatred. Knowing that they could not strike back at their killers they started creating weapons of war. They made many different weapons: The Blood Beast A creature that could appear to be a type of fluid in the body of the host. Once inside the body of the host it would replicate to the point where all of the blood in the target creature was the Blood Beast. The Beast could then take over the mind of the host and steal his memories. The Sand Beast A formless creature that can transform it's body structure to appear to be any type of rock it touched. The size of this creature varies. It could be as small as a human fist to as large as a 100 foot building (It can change it's size at will). Protect Metal Dimensional armor that formes around the host protecting it from physical attakcs. When it forms around Gargons they appear to be large humanoids with wings. The Astroid Cannon A large cannon that would use astroids with a large iron content as ammunition. (Think of a rail gun that uses astroids as amunition). Energy Absorbing/Redirecting Shields Force fields that can absorbe energy attacks to regenerate or can charge those energy attacks and release them at a target The Black Hole Time Alteration Portal Using a black hole, the gargons have found a way to alter time. While in the black hole they can time to appear to slow down or speed up drastically. Time carries on "normally" inside the black hole and things age at the normal rate. Taken from an unknown person's personal log "Although it upsets me deeply that many of our people have died, I am optamistic for the future. We have lived in comfort too long. Our civilization has deeply needed a change. We had stoped learning about our universe and had become un-unique in our thoughts. We must now explore and understand all creatures and forces in this universe. We realise that it will be an endless task, but now The Great Orb of Wisdom now glows with a brightness that hasn't been seen in generations. I believe that the Great Orb had forseen the bleak future of our people and had sent the Primitives to make us thrive again." Forced to travel into the unknown they realised that they must travel in such a way that they could travel great distances and remain undetected. They created a new way to travel. They called this new technology Sun Folding. They were able to travel great distances extremly quickly by using the energy of the sun. Using one of their ships they are able to travel instantly to any prevously charted sun (unless it is within visual range, then it can be done with out the need for sensor verification). Ninty million Gargons, each in their own ship, left for a different star with only sensory equipment for a thousand years. This was named "The Day of Exploration". After the thousand years was up they returned with many stories and discoveries. One of the greatest discoveries was that they discovered how the Primitives had slaughtered them so long ago. It was a thing called Magic. Many of the adventurers had found different types of magic and they saw that it was extremly powerful. They also discovered many different creatures. These discoveries both excited and desturbed them. They knew that they must learn even more about these creatures and their magic. For the next few billion years they're numbers grew and so their knowledge. They were able to acheve many amasing things. They converted an area the size of five solar systems into a gigantic lab where they conducted many experiments. To name only a few: They have catalogued billions of different life forms. They have traveled to countless dimensions. They have saved many creatures from extintion and recreated their worlds inside the Lab. They have a complete understanding most of the creatures that they have encountered.

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They have captured several supernatural beings (including seven Splugorth, 3 vampire intelligences and several other powerful beings. Using their Blood Beasts, they have taken over all of them and released them back into their natural environment. The Blood Beasts will continue to act as the the creatured did before and supply all information that they receve back to the Gargons.) They have a complete knowledge of inertia and gravitionally based technologies (although they do not need to make weapons, with their technology, they could easily do so.) They have achieved a great (but not total) understanding of all forms of known magic and can wield obscene ammounts of magical power. The Lab is equiped with extremly powerful defence systems (both magical and technological ones). The Lab also has many ley lines that surround it. These ley lines are directly controlled by the Great Orb of Wisdom. In addition to this, no being that enters the Lab may use magic or magical abilities without the consent of the Orb (It will allow most magic, except when it is used by evil or for evil purposes). One day the Great Orb grew bright and forever changed the Gargons. Each individual Gargon was no more. One hundred Gargon's were merged into one form and sent through time and space to a place of the Great Orb's choosing. This process continued until all of them were converted. They were beings of energy no longer, but now beings of flesh and blood. Their memories were hidden from them and they were given a new identity. It was choosen that each of them would live a hundred lifetimes. During this "Time of Humility" the Orb will wait patiently for all of his children to return home. Each one of them has been given a belt with 11 jars. Each jar has ether a Blood Beast or a Sand Beast (usually 7/4). The jars are indestructable and cannot be opened except by an Azeel (the name that the Gargons now call themselves by). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Gargoric Aliens (the Azeel) R.C.C. Alignment: Any but evil anlignments (May choose Aberrant but not Anarchist as an alignment). Attributes: I.Q. 4d6+6. M.E. 4d6+6. M.A. 3d6+6. P.S. 5d6+6. P.P. 4d6+6. P.E. 4d6+10. P.B. 4d6+10. Spd. 5d6+10. M.D.C: P.E. x 10, plus P.E. attribute every level. P.P.E.: 2d6 x 15 + P.E, plus 15 per level. Average Life span: Does not physically age, but at 100 years of his last regeneration he will automatically regenerate. Natural Abilities: See the Invisable, regeneration (1d4 x 10 M.D.C per minute), Nightvision 200 feet (60m). Other Abilities: Magic: Knows 4 spells from levels 1-3 at first level. 2 additional spells can be gained per level but the Azeel's level must be equal to or above the level of the spell he wishes to learn. Psionics: Knows 3 healing or sensitive powers at first level. Learns 1 additional psionic power from any area (even super) every 2 levels. Special powers: Regeneration: One day after the Azeel is reduced to 0 M.D.C the Azeel will start to glow brightly for five minutes then it will suddenly be totally healed. Each Azeel can do this 100 times. On the one hundred first time the Azeel will become a Gargon again and travel toward the nearest sun where a ship will be waiting for him to take him back to the Lab. Immunity to all forms of possession, mind control, and non-voluntary metamorphasis. Flight: Can fly at speeds up to Mach one for 24 hours at a time. For each hour of flying, 15 minutes of rest is required. Size control: The average height of the Azeel is twenty-three feet. In order to fit in with other beings more easily the Azeel can adjust it's height. It can shrink to just under 5 feet and can grow to 40. Disrupt Magic: The Azeel can disrupt and control all magic within one mile for one hour. Once the hour is up the Azeel will then feint and go into a coma for exactly one week. During the time that the Azeel is in the coma he becomes an S.D.C creature. At the end of the week the Azeel will be fully recovered (and M.D.C again). Additional Experience: After an Azeel reaches level fifteen he may choose an other O.C.C and learn in that character class until he reaches level fifteen again. He is then able to repeat the process indefinatily. Experience table: 1. 0 5 000 2. 5 001 - 10 000 3. 10 001 - 20 000 4. 20 001 - 40 000 5. 40 001 - 80 000 6. 80 001 - 120 000 7. 120 001 - 160 000 8. 160 001 - 200 000 9. 200 001 - 250 000 10. 250 001 - 300 000 11. 300 001 - 400 000 12. 400 001 - 500 000 13. 500 001 - 600 000 14. 600 001 - 1 million 15. 1 million - 2 million Psionic Powers: As determined above. All Azeel have the following I.S.P: 2d4 x 10 plus M.E. attribute per level. - 229 -

Magic Powers: As determined above, plus add one attack/action per melee. Combat: As per skill. Damage: Supermatural P.S. or by weapon or power. Bonuses: +1d4 on initiative, +1 to strike, parry and dodge, +3 to save vs magic, +7 save vs horror factor. Vulnerabilities/Penalties: None. R.C.C Skills: Knows all languages 98% Advanced Math (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+15%) W.P.'s: 3 of choice. HTH: Martial Arts R.C.C Related Skills: Select ten other skills. Plus select two additional at levels 3, 7, 10, and 14. All new skills start at level two proficiency. Domestic: Any (+10%) Electrical: Basic electronics only Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Locksmith and Automotive only Medical: Holistic medicine only (+5%) Military: None Physical: Any (+5% where applicable) Pilot: Any, except robots and power armor. Navagation: Any except weapons systems. Rogue: Any Science: Any Technical: Any (+10%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: The character gets to select 6 secondary skills (the usual restrictions apply). Body Armor: Wears enchanted clothing with 90 M.D.C. (this clothing can be of any style the character wants). This body armor grows or shrinks to fit the wearer at all times and regenerates at a rate of 1 M.D.C. per 5 minutes. Money and Equipment: Each Azeel starts off with basic survival equipment (including fishing hooks, rope, one week's rations, holistic first-aid kit, a hammock, and a tent) in a backpack, and 1d8 x 1000 + 2000 credits. Blood Beast Alignment: Any, except evil (Aberant may be choosen) Attributes: I.Q. other (See Possession). M.E. 4d6. M.A. 3d6. P.S. as host, or 1d6 (supernatural). P.P. +6 to host, or 2d6 + 3. P.E. +5 to host or 3d6. P.B. as host or 1d6. Spd. as host or 3d6. *The BB causes the host's P.S. to become supernatural M.D.C.: 20 + 1d10 Horror Factor: 16 when true nature is revealed. Average Life Span: The Blood Beast will effectively live forever until killed. Every fifty years the Blood Beast produces an offspring. Natural Abilities: Regeneration: Unless it is totally destroyed it can (and will) regenerate within one day (at a rate of 1 M.D.C. per hour). Possession: The Blood Beast, once inside the body, take over the blood of the victim until the only fluid in the host is the Blood Beast. Once it has reached this stage the BB can at will take over the body at will and steal all of the memories of its host. The BB can act in the exact same manner as the host so not even the host's closest friends or family will realise the change. If the BB wants, it can leave the host in control, but one inside the body the BB cannot be removed without killing the host. The BB starts at 1 I.Q. and each time that it takes over a host it perminantly gains an I.Q. point. until it reaches 15. Then it needs to possess 100 creatures to go up one point. After it reaches an I.Q. of 25 it takes 500 possessions to raise I.Q. by one point. Total Obedience: (It's not really ability, but oh well) The blood beast will always totally follow the commands of it's master (a Azeel or Gargoric alien). Total Recall: The BB can recall all information it has stolen from it's host. Combat: 1d6 + 3 or the # of attacks the host has, whichever is greater Bonuses: +1d6 + 8 to save vs horror factor, +1d4 to iniative. PPE: None. Psionics: 3 from each catagory except super, it gains only one from super (with same restrictions as Mind Melter). R.C.C. Skills: The BB only can gain skills and learn by possessing a host that has a new skill (or an old skill at a new level). Gargoric Dimensional Armor, also known as Protect Metal Protect Metal is one of the few creations that can befound in the possession of someone other than an Azeel (Gargon). It was created to give their weak bodies the ability to protect themselves from several of their primitive enemies. This Protect Metal is a suit of living metal armor that can surround the host and protect him from physical attacks. The PM is stored in another dimension until mentally called into service by the host. In only 5 seconds the PM starts at the feet (or whatever's applicable) and works it's way up to the head (again, whatever body part that's applicable). The Protect Metal only protects the skin of the host (it in fact forms under any clothing) with one exception. The Protect Metal forms wings onto the host ( if he already doesn't have them) and allows the person to glide on the wind ( if he already had wings he can still fly with a 50% reduction in speed). The PM also enhances PS. The person's strength score is now considered to be supernatural. If the strength score is already supernatural add 10 pts - 230 -

PS. This increase in strength does come with a small price. Creatures that didn't have supernatural strength already will have a 20% reduction in speed. MDC 200 Weight 45 lb. Good Mobility: -5% to prowl Cost: None Note: The Azeel can use the wings dodge more effectively while flying. They suffer no reduction in speed and gain a bonus to dodge, and roll with impact of +3. Sand Beast Attributes: P.S. 40. P.P. 18. Spd. 6d6+10 M.D.C.: 1d6 x 100 + 100. Horror Factor: 12, P.P.E.: 1d6 x 100 Natural abilities: Does not breathe air. Nightvision 1200 feet (366 m). Identify all minerals and earth substances. Transform body structure to immitate it's surroundings (It can even immitate stone buildings). Magically knows all languages. Regenerate 1d4 x 10 M.D.C. per minute. Travel through earth at will. Can ooze through cracks and openings. Increase, or decrease size at will. Immume to poison, fire, cold. While in semi-solid form it is impervious to kinetic type weapons (rail guns, vibro-blades, explosions) do no damage. Note: Large explosions (over 50 M.D.) while they do not cause damage to the Sand Beast they do cause it to loose one melee action/attack per round while it reforms itself. Combat: Five HTH attacks per melee or 2 spell attacks per melee. Bonuses: +4 to strike and parry, +5 to save vs magic, +4 to save vs psionics, +14 to save vs horror factor, +14 to save vs possession. Damage: Restrained Punch 4d6 S.D. + P.S. bonuses. Normal Punch 3d6 M.D. Power Punch 6d6 M.D. Body Block/Ram 4d6 M.D. 75% chance of knocking over victim. Elemental Magic: All level one through 5 earth warlock spells. Spell strength is 14 (Opponent need 14 or higher to save). Psionics: None Size: Varies (from 3 inches to 100 feet tall) Weight: Varies (can weigh from 1 pound to 10 tonnes at any size). Note: When in a solid form, the Sand Beast has complete movement capabilities and kinetic attacks can harm it.

The Gelfling
By: David Maika Gelflings are a race of short beautiful humanoids who look somewhat like diminutive elves. Although they may look like elves they have a somewhat surreal look as if they were living dolls. Also they are natural magicians and have befriended the dwarves. The subterranean race does not extend the animosity they feel towards the elves to these smaller look- alikes. Alignment: Any but lean toward unprincipled and anarchist. Attributes: I.Q: 3D6, M.E: 3D6+6, M.A: 2D6, P.S: 2D6+3, P.P: 3D6+6, P.E: 2D6+6, P.B: 3D6+4, Spd: 3D6. Size: 4 to 4 ft 6 in. tall. Weight: 80 to 130 lb. Age: Typical life span of 100 years. Don't fully mature until about 18. S.D.C: By O.C.C and skills only. Hit Points: Standard, P.E.+1D6 per lev. P.P.E: 1D4x10+20+P.E.+3D4 per lev. If a magic O.C.C. is chosen roll up P.P.E. for level one and add it to O.C.C. base. Gains no more P.P.E. other than from the chosen O.C.C. Natural Abilities: Nightvision 80 ft., can master a language quickly (gets a bonus of +10% on all languages), as well as a natural resistance to psionics (M.E). All female Gelflings have small wings which resembles those of fairies but much larger. They do not instill the ability to fly but does allow them to glide for short periods of time. They are of magical make so they can allow the Gelfling and up to 150 lb. of passenger to safely glide to the ground. The female's wings do not manifest until maturity. Psionics: None. - 231 -

Magic: All Gelflings are born with a great affinity for magic. Once a Gelfling matures they begin to exhibit signs of magical ability. For game purposes all PCs are mature Gelflings. At level one the character can select any level one spell. At level two select one spell from each level one and two. At level three select one spell from each level one to three. At each subsequent level starting at four select one spell from level one, two, or three. These are all in addition to any spells learned from an O.C.C. O.C.C.s: Any except P.C.C.s. They tend to lean more to simple occupations such as peasants. Bonuses: +2 to save vs. magic and psionics. Note: Due to their smaller stature Gelfling weapons do less damage than normal. If normal damage is 2D6 or higher reduce it by 1D6. If 2D4 or higher reduce by 1D4. If 1D6 reduce to 1D4, and if 1D4 reduce to 1 point of damage. Long bow is 2D4, short bow is 1D4, and large cross bow is 2D4 damage. Personal Note: All of this is something that I've made up so if it seems a little exaggerated that's because I needed to spruce them up a little or else they'd be little more than cute goblins. If it seems interesting see if it will fit into your campaign. You never know, if y'all like it maybe I'll design the striders and skexies or whatever those dudes are. And my explanation for the two Gelflings in the movie is that they hadn't had much time to develop their magical powers. They were after all the two last Gelflings left on the planet.

Genetically Enhanced Man (G.E.M.) O.C.C.

By: The Reaper The GEM s are a product of an unearthed Pre-Rifts Technology, discovered about 10 years ago but a small kingdom in the middle of what used to be Alaska. This technology was used to engineer genetically perfect men and women for use in war. Now the kingdom sells the transformation for 100000 credits and Military service for 3 years. The Transformation is both painful and dangerous, only about 40% of the recipients survive the process. Major Powers: Choose 1 of the following powers: 1. Genetic Cyborg: The Characters entire body is transformed into an organic steel. The characters entire body , tongue, eyes, teeth, in fact, every thing except the brain and nerves has its cellular structure altered. This steel, while flexible for the most part, is a Mega Damage structure. The character starts with a PS of 30 (not supernatural), and a speed of 132 (90mph). The main body has a starting MDC of 300 and regenerates at double the normal healing rate. Starting Weapons include 1 forearm laser (left arm, uses regular Eclips) and 1 set of Vibro blades (right forearm, retractable) Adverse Effects cost: Basic - 4 Extra Limbs:(Arm&hand, tentacles,etc.) - .5 ec Effective Bionic Features - Multi optic eyes: .5 for a pair -Lungs with all the options .5 - All others .25 each Weapons- Each additional weapon - .5 each Regeneration- 1d8*10 MDC per day and can regenerate a limb or weapon within 3 days. - 1.5 Extra MDC- 1 per 100 MDC Extra PP- .5 for every +5 with a maximum of +20,(not to exceed 45 total) Extra Speed- .5 for a speed of 176 2. Molecular/Atomic Transformation: The Character is given the ability to change their entire bodies shape and molecular structure totally. In addition , they can shift atoms within their body thereby changing the entire molecular structure of about 50% of their total body mass. This means that the character can change them self into almost anything they wish. Basic mechanical items, Solid structures, etc can be duplicated, but computers and the like are impossible. Unfortunately for the character, they can be spotted by a careful scan. You see, the GEM must keep the brain , heart and circulatory system going, otherwise they die. Also the character retains the same total mass, so their ranges of sizes and shapes are severely limited. Along with indoctrination on how to use their powers, they are also trained in how to change their entire bodies into three MDC forms, The first of these forms is Stone. In this form the character can easily be mistaken for an earth elemental. Punches do 3d6 MD, Kicks do 4d6 MD. Speed is halved, weighs 2 times normal,and the character regenerates 1d4*10 MD per minute. This form has an MDC of 200 and can be maintained for 2 hour + 1 hour per level of experience. At the end of that time ,or when the character wants to , the character reverts back to his normal human form and cannot use his powers for half the time he was in it. The second form is of MDC steel. Punches do 4d6 MD, Kicks do 5d6 MD. Speed is halved. The form regenerates 1d4*10 MD per minute and weighs 4 times normal. This form has an MDC of 300 but can only be maintained for 30 minutes + 10 minutes per EL before reverting back to human form. After using this form, the character cannot use his powers for the same amount of time that he was in it. The third form is that of pure energy.This is by far the most deadly and draining of the three. In this form , the GEMs entire body is converted into pure energy that is held together by the force of the characters will. The MDC of this body is only 125, but it is totally - 232 -

impervious to lasers, plasma, and all other forms of energy/cold/heat. Particle beams will actually add/regenerate this form on a point for point basis. All physical attacks only do 1/2 damage. Punches do 6d6 MD, Kicks do 7d6 MD, Blasts of Energy do 1d6 MD +1d6 MD per EL. Time limit in this form is 5 minutes + 1 minute per EL, and after the character reverts, he goes into a coma for twice the amount of time as he was in the form. If the MDC of the characters form is depleted or taken below 0, then the character instantly reverts to humanoid form. The shock of this instant transformation causes 1d10 HP damage and a 1d6 hour coma. Time to change a form is 1 action for the three, or 1 melee for any other. Reverting back is instantaneous. Adverse Effect Cost: 8 3. Superhuman Attributes: Similar to the Juicer but without the drugs and dependency. The entire body is altered to press and exceed the limits of a normal human body. The G-Man adds 1d4*10 to PS and PE, 3d6*15 to speed , 4d6 to PP 1d6*10 to HP , and 1d6*100 SDC or 1d6 * 10 MDC. The character can fall into a restorative trance that will restore 1d6*10 HP and 1d4*10 SDC or 1d6*10 MDC per hour. Adverse Effect Cost: 2, but must choose at least 2 minor powers. Minor Powers: The player may choose up to 3 minor abilities, but only if they want to. Magic Use: The Character can intuitively use Techno-Wizardry, and starts with 4 spells from first level, all at 1/2 range , duration, effect, etc. New Spells can only be learned and they are all at 1/2 range, duration, etc. P.P.E.: PE + 1d6*10 +1d6+1 per level. Adverse Effect Cost: 4 Master Psionic: Choose Two powers from each of the categories, Including Super Psionics. At level five , choose 1 from each of the lists. At levels 9 and 11 choose four from any of the lists. I.S.P.: ME+30+10 per level Adverse Effect Cost: 3 Super Human Attributes: One Physical Attribute per Choice is hyped up. Each one may only be selected twice at the most. Strength: Add 2d6 to PS and is considered Supernatural. Prowess: Add 1d6 to PP, and +2 to intuitive. Endurance: Add 3d6 to PE, +5% on all saving rolls and +10% vs Coma/Death Speed: Add 3d6*10 to speed, and +2 to strike , parry and dodge. Adverse Effect Cost: 1 Each Partial Transformation: This power is somewhat like the major power of transformation, but is limited to only 1/4 he GEMs body at one time. To be effective, the GEM must have touched the material at least once. Duration of the transformation is 1 hour per level of experience. NOTE: any character with the major power of transformation cannot take this power. Adverse Effect Cost: 4 Bio Regeneration: The character can slip into a 15 minute trance in which all HP and 1d4*10 SDC , or 1d6*10 MDC , are regenerated. In addition, physical attacks only do 1/2 damage, (Energy, magic, and psionics do full damage.). Also gives the character +3 vs poisons/toxins and +20% vs Coma/Death Adverse Effect Cost: 2 Increased Mental Powers: No normal people have an organ that can regenerate brain cells, but that is not true with this GEM. This organ can replace up to 75% of the brain cells lost each day. This gives the character a bonus of 2d6+3 to IQ and ME. In addition, the GEM gets 4 total psionic powers from physical, sensitive, and healing.(Sorry, no super psionics). Unfortunately, all that energy being expended on the mind, lowers the other attributes, -2 from PS, -1 from PP and PE, but +1 to Strike Parry and Dodge Adverse Effect Cost: 1 Adverse Effects: The character must pick a number of Adverse effects equal to the total cost of all the chosen powers. The number is parenthesis indicates the number of A.E. it is worth. Excessive Body Odor- The characters glands constantly excrete a foul smelling pheromone. -1d4 from PB and +15% to track the character by smell. (1) Excessive Body Hair- The characters body hairs all grow thicker and darker than normal, similar to true lyncthracopy. -1d4 PB unless shaved daily. (1) Excessive Body Hair and Odor- The character has a combination of the previous two problems , the the combination of hair makes it worse, trapping the smell, like a wet dog. +20% to track the character by smell and halves PB. If the character shaves daily and uses large amounts of deodorant, (cologne just makes it worse), then add 4 to PB,(But it can never exceed the original attribute.) (3) Weakened Intellect- This just lowers the GEMs IQ and ME by 1d4 and MA by 1d8 (Minimum of 4 in each Attribute) (2) Severe Muscle Cramps- The characters muscles start spasming and knotting at odd moments. 75% chance of cramping after 1 hour of sustained activity. The cramps are very painful and distracting,(-4 to Parry and Dodge, -8 to Strike, and -20% on all skills). The cramps will go away after 5 minutes of total relaxation (3) - 233 -

Severe Acne- The character is constantly breaking out in pimples and white heads, making people disgusted at the character. (-2d4 from PB) The acne is permanent and scarring, even plastic surgery will have no effect. (2) Low Resistance to Magic and Psionics- The character perceptions are altered, giving them problems distinguishing reality from illusion, and opening their mind to control from outside forces. -5 to save vs psionics/magic/ and possession, in addition to -3 from ME and -1 from IQ. 55% chance of alcoholism or drug addiction. (4) Permanent Powers of G-Men: Night vision as good as Day vision, Very acute Sight (Like a hawks, can read a sign or ID a face at two miles away.), Normal Healing rate is doubled , along with a tough skin and dense flesh,(SDC weapons do 1/2 damage). The GEM characters are also forever sterile, to prevent the spread of enhanced genes or unfavorable mutations. Also, add 1d6 to all physical attributes except PB, 1d4*10 SDC and 10 Hit Points. O.C.C. Skills: The GEM s are well educated, but most of their time was spent learning how to use their powers. Radio: Basic (+10%) Acrobatics (+10%) Climbing (+5%) Prowl Land Navigation Language and Literacy: Native language only (+15%) Pilot: One of Choice (+5%) W.P. Energy Rifle W.P. Modern (2 of Choice) W.P. Ancient (3 of choice) Hand to Hand Expert. Can be upgraded to Martial Arts at the cost of two OCC related skills OCC Related: Select 7 from the following list at level 1 . Also, choose 2 more at third, sixth, ninth, and eleventh levels. Communications:any Domestic: any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: any Mechanical: Automotive only Medical: First Aid Only Military: any (+10%) Physical: any (+5% where applicable) Pilot: any (+5%) Pilot Related:any Rouge:none Science: Any except Archeology and Analytical Chemistry Technical:any W.P.: Any Wilderness: any(+5%) Secondary Skills: Select 7 from the above list without the bonuses and within the limits (Any, None, Only) Standard Equipment: A set of dress clothing, a set of black of camouflage covert clothes, a gas mask and air filter, a pair of sun glasses, hatchet, 1d4 knives, tent, knapsack, backpack,saddle bags, 2 canteens, 2 weeks emergency rations, Geiger counter, and personal items. Armor can be of any kind, but is usually heavy for maximum protection. Weapons: 2 ancient weapons of choice and 2 modern weapons of choice with 4 E-clips apiece. Vehicles: Can be anything, but are usually either light and fast, or heavy and well armed. Money: G-Men start with 2d8*1000 in credit and a black market item(s) worth 1d8*1000 credits. G-Men tend to live fast and die hard.

By: Da Harlequin Here are the Genestealers, for all of you that have been waiting. and if anyone plays and is interested in some Ork groups or armies made to fight others that work really well, e-mail me. - 234 -

These purplish abominations are feared throughout the Megaverse as for their inability to scare or intimidate them and the fact that they have razor-sharp claws that can rip the average PA apart. They are larger than most humans and can weigh up to nearly half a ton. They have three upper arms, with two forearms coming out of each (for a total of 6 arms). They have sharp, pointy teeth and huge, bug-like eyes. They have only one purpose in life: to consume. They have incredible bio-systems as they can eat any substance at all and be nourished. Their leaders, called Hive Tyrants, command them to a planet, in which they kill all life and eat until the planet is a barren wasteland. Then they move onto the next planet. All are evil and deadly in hand-to-hand; they have no long-range weaponry. Height: 7' - 7' 4" Age: Immortal; until killed Weight: 800 - 900 lb. Gender: Asexual MDC: 3d6 x 10 SDC/HP: Not applicable. In BtS, they have 1d4 x 100 SDC and their PE in hit points + 15. Attributes: IQ = 1*, PP = 2d6 + 10, ME = 3d6, PE = 4d6 + 6, MA = 2d6, PB = 1d6, PS = 6d6, SPD. = 2d4 x 10 *They have little of intelligence; they are controlled by the Hive Tyrant and are not capable of lengthy instructions or big words. "Get so-and-so" would mean nothing but "Eat!" makes sense to them.......... Natural Abilities: 1. Claws do 3d6 MD and bite does 1d6 MD. In BtS, double these and turn them into SDC/HP damage. 2. Keen hearing (+1 initiative). 3. Bio-Regenerate 4d6 MDC/melee. 4. Exoskeleton gives them a natural armor class of 10. This counts only in BtS. 5. Horror Factor 13 6. Can automatically see the invisible and has infrared vision at 500'; gives them limited nightvision of 90 feet in moonlight or complete darkness. 7. Track by Smell (75%) 8. Can regenerate limbs at an incredible rate: one limb every five minutes! 9. Can fight without a head as they have no actual brain. When fighting without a head, they suffer -9 Strike, Parry, and Dodge with no chance of surprise. 10. Never tire or fatigue from long exertions and can lift/carry double of what a *normal* creature with MDC strength could (so a Genestealer with a PS of 25 could lift 2500 lb.. and carry 5000 lb.). Attacks Per Melee: 7. This usually is one claw from each hand and a bite. They never power claw or restrain as power clawing wastes needed melee attacks and restraining is never done (why the hell would they restrain anyways?) Bonuses: +1 Strike, +3 Parry, +1 Dodge, and +5 initiative, including the bonuses from high attributes.

Genetic Cleanser R.C.C.

By: Brian Genetic Cleansers are the newest development from the lone star labs. The ultimate predators, they have powers and abilities that make them the ultimate in genetically engineered beings. Since the Genetic Cleansers are based on a human personality, there are rogue Genetic Cleansers, if encountered they are executed on sight. Currently there are only 5100 Genetic Cleansers in existence and they are used by the Coalition States on search and destroy missions where D-bees, aliens, and mutants are involved. Chi-Town has 1200 Genetic Cleansers. In Missouri, 400 Genetic Cleansers are stationed on the border areas. Lone Star has 600 Genetic Cleansers with 30 more produced each month. Iron Heart and Free Quebec are each home to 1000 Genetic Cleansers. The remaining 800 Genetic Cleansers are divided between the area infested by Xiticix (600), where they may be encountered in groups of 4 or more, while the others are being routed to Tolkeen (50) or scouring the North American continent on various reconnaissance missions. There are presently 100 known rogues. Requirements: ME, MA, PE of 14 or higher. MDC: 6d6x5 PPE: None. - 235 -

ISP: 40 (Does not change.) Psionics: Has the following powers at first level and never gains any new ones: Alter Aura, Sense Magic, Presence Sense, Detect Psionics, Sense Evil, Mind Block, See Aura, See The Invisible RCC Powers Metamorphosis: The Genetic Cleanser can change its appearance to resemble any living thing, a fool proof imitation (90%). Energy Absorption/Redirection: Can absorb any kind of energy (kinetic, laser, etc.) up to PEx5. It then may use the energy to increase its PSx2, MDCx2, sizex4 or reflect the energy back at the attacker for 1/2 damage. Intuition: Can tell when it is facing another Genetic Cleanser. It cannot be tricked by illusions, or Metamorphosis. Techno-Organic Body: Its body is both machine and meat; not like a borg but intertwined. Mass Redemption: The Genetic Cleanser can absorb metal into its body to heal 5 MDC a pound or can add flesh by ingesting (sick but true) humans or human-like D-bees to regain 50 MDC per person plus an extra 5' with each person and/or lb. of metal. Super Endurance: Can go 5 weeks without eating/absorbing. after that looses 2 MDC a day without feeding, down to 2, after that it begins shrinking 1/4 ft a day until its 2 ft, then it goes into a fury until it kills and/or absorbs any metal or flesh that is larger than 50 lb. Weapon Meld: Genetic Cleansers can absorb weapons into them and use their abilities (NO magical weapons). The weapon does 1d6 MD no matter what kind it is. The Genetic Cleanser also provides the power and ammunition, loosing 1' per 4 e-powered weapons. Auto-Pilot: Since the Genetic Cleanser is techno-organic it can automatically pilot any vehicle, alien or otherwise (90%). Appearance: When not morphed the are a 6' fleshy/metal humanoid shape with yellow eyes, no nose and no hair. Flashback: If a Genetic Cleanser receives a considerable amount of damage (only has 5 MDC or less). Its flesh half takes over (brain) and it remembers who it was. at this point it will stop fighting, Resume the shape of its original form and wander off to try and find the remains of its life or do whatever it wants, these are the rogue type. RCC Skills Basic radio +15% Tracking +20% Detect ambush Escape artist Intelligence +25% Prowl Concealment Language: American 98% Language: Spanish 98% Language: any one 96% lit American 98% lit Spanish 90% Track Animals WP Select 4 HTH Assassin RCC Related Skills: Select four other skills from the list below at first level, plus select one more at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, & 15. Espionage: Any (+10%) Medical: First Aid only. Physical: Any Rogue: Any WP: Any Secondary Skills: Select 2 from the list above without the bonus listed in parenthesis at first level plus an additional one at levels 4, 8, and 12. Equipment: Usually doesn't carry any, it can make anything it needs from its body. Weapons: Usually absorbs a large kind of weapon before departing on missions. Money: Same as Coalition Borg. Xp table: Use the Dragon experience table

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U.E.G. Genetically Engineered Fighter pilot

By: Jeremy Balsley [MAXIMUM SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIRED] United Earth Government Project: Overlord Objective: Create a genetically enhansed human for use in U.E.G. StarFighters. Project Overlord was conceived to rectify a growing problem facing the U.E.G.'s space defense force, U.N. Spacey. With the improvement of the various Threat forces (the Zentran/Meltran, the Varunta, the Protodeviln, various Space Pirates), a decision was made to pursue improvements in the genetic structure of humans. The experiment was to precede in three phases. Phase One was a straight computer simulation. Phase Two was the manipulation of a fertilized egg donated by one of the R&D staff and the observation of the resulting Zygote. Phase One and Two succeeded beyond the specifications, so it was decided to seed 4 volunteers with modified eggs. Each family was selected based on criteria such as fertility, location, family stability, and military history. The families and some important data about them are listed below:

1. Max and Jennifer Collins Reside in: San Francisco, North America Gender of Child: Male 2. Hiroshi and Yuuko Hayashi Reside on: Le'grange Point Station 4, Earth Le'grange pt. Gender of Children (Identical Twins:) Male 3. Karl and Gretchen Schwarz Reside in: Frankfurt, Europe Gender of Child: Female 4. Gouki and Emiko Yamada Reside in: Kyoto, Japan Gender of Children (Fraternal Twins, only one GELF) GELF: Female NORM: Male
Results: Baby Collins: Died before birth, Miscarriage Baby Schwarz: Died at birth. Cause: Asphyxiation Baby Yamada: Died at age 12: Cause: Asphyxiation Baby Hayashi: Missing with U.N.S. Nevada, presumed lost/KIA. Conclusions: Due to the subject's vastly increased metabolism, the subject required nearly double the partial pressure of O2, requiring the subject to be raised in a controlled environment. When this misfortunate oversight was found, the project was terminated, and the last living member of the project was released to follow his own goals. U.E.G. Genetically Engineered Fighter pilot Attributes: IQ: 3D6, ME: 3D6, MA: 3D6, PS: 2D6, PP: 5D6 (Min 22), PE: 3D6, PB: 3D6, Spd: 4D6. Alignment: Any R.C.C. Bonuses: Only from Attribs (those actually ARE the bonuses :) If you don't use some kind of bonus to APM (Attack Per Melee) based on high PP, I'd recommend giving this character one extra APM. - 237 -

R.C.C. Penalties: See low PS: Engineered for speed and agility, not Strength High O2 requirements: An incredibly high metabolism requires this character to receive a Partial Pressure of O2 of 6.5 psi (Partial Pressure of O2 in standard atmosphere at sea-level is ~3 PSI. Generally more than 4 to 5 PSI Partial Pressure O2 causes Oxygen poisoning in normal humans [Someone mind checking that one for me?]) Any lower than that, and the character suffers O2 Deprivation: Reduce Strike, Parry, and Dodge scores by 4 points, and reduce to 1/4 APM if the character is exposed to 3 PSI for any more than 1 minute. Also, access a -10% to skills at 1 Minute. Access another -1 S/P/D and -5% to skills per melee exposed, and at 2 minutes past, the character only has 1 APM, is -8 Strike/parry/Dodge, and -40% skills. The character continues to loose -2 S/P/D and -10% per melee as his consciousness continues to slip from him. He will pass out PE melees, and will die in PE/2 minutes. He also has a bigger appetite than your average person. He needs about 4,000 KCals per day in food to remain healthy, and generally consumes about 7,500 KCals (to remain comfortable). Assume the character spends 3 times the normal cost of food. O.C.C.'s: Tends towards mecha pilot, though could be almost any O.C.C. available in the Megaverse (as long as it is likely that O.C.C. can be found in the reality that Macross Plus/Macross 7 takes place in. I.E.: No Coalition Ranger, though that could be modified to fit into Macross Plus/7, whereas a Technowizard couldn't). While there is no game mechanics reason why this G.E.M. couldn't learn Magic or Psyonics, the rarity of this class makes it damn unlikely the character will ever learn magic, though roughly 25% are latent Psyonics (GM's, roll for the characters Psy powers, if they have any, YOU select them, and inform the player only as you see fit)

Genetically Engineered Neoteric Humans (G.E.N.S.)

By: Steve Lombardi This RCC was originally designed for use in a campaign that took place in a slightly altered universe than that of the Rifts RPG. In my campaign the characters originated in the underwater colony of Clarke, on Jupiter's moon of Io. The city was located under the thick ice that covers the entire surface of the moon. When the time of the Rifts occurred the colony seeing what was happening to Earth and the colony on Mars, (see the Mutants in Orbit Sourcebook), decided that a policy of isolation was safest (similar to what the orbital stations were doing). As observation of Earth continued, and the invading hordes of D-bees was let loose on Earth the people of Clarke began what was known as the GENS project. The GENS project was intended to genetically engineer human beings into a more powerful form to battle the inhuman invaders. During the 50 years of research the colony was visited by a number of peaceful D-bees including Atlanteans and Wolfen. It was then decided that not all D-bees were evil and that a number of them were friendly. Suddenly on June 4th 2369, a lone Splugorth (see the Atlantis world book) and a small force of Kydians arrived near the colony and ordered Clarke to surrender. Immediately the GENS were let and the attack began. After a battle lasting seven hours the Splugorth and his minions were destroyed. The battle killed about one-third of the population of the colony but the effectiveness of the GENS was beyond all the colony could hope for. After the battle a movement began in the colony to award the GENS for their heroic actions and they were officially given citizenship and equal rights under the Constitution (the colony was mainly a North American effort). When the colony was finally repaired it was decided by the President and Congress of the colony to begin to send GENS volunteers to Earth to begin to collect information about the Splugorth and other evil invaders and begin the war to reclaim the home world. Warning! - This RCC is extremely powerful! I mean real powerful! It also has some extreme penalties! Check with your GM before taking this character. Character information common to all GENS. Alignment: Principled and Scrupulous Attributes: IQ 3d6+2, ME 5d6, MA 4d6, PS 5d6, PE 4d6+4, PB 4d6, Spd 5d6+4 MDC: 35 plus 1d10 per level. Horror Factor: 14 Weight: 150 lb and up. Height: Start at 5 feet 10 inches and plus 4d6 inches. Age: They appear to be in their middle to late 20's. The natural life span of a GENS is Unknown although it is most likely in the hundreds of years. - 238 -

Sex: Either Appearance: Appear Human with the following exceptions; Hair color can be anything from the normal range in humans to metallic colors. Eyes are the same as Hair. (My character was had Chrome Red eyes and Metallic Blue hair!) Disposition: Usually quiet until the situation demands action. Then will speak or act with both words and actions. Skills: Same as Coalition Soldier (halve the Secondary Skills). Magic: NONE! Absolutely no exceptions to this Rule! (see Special Rules) Psionic: The GENS has the following and CANNOT receive additional powers by any means: Deaden Pain, Psychic Purification, Resist Fatigue, See the Invisible I.S.P.: 50 plus 1d6 per level. Natural Abilities: Punch 1d8 MDC Kick 1d10 MDC Infravasion 100 feet, Natural (not supernatural) MDC body, Extended Lifespan, Can Hold Breath Up to 25 minutes, Cannot become a vampire Special Rules Magic: Because of the way that the GENS is designed the character has basically no natural way to store PPE magic. The Player cannot take a OCC with magic and his PPE cannot be drawn out. There is no way around rule. Bionics: The character can take any bionics that he/she wants. Light: Because of the structure of the GENS eye. The character cannot take bright light. Even normal daylight on Earth gives the player a -5 to hit any light brighter than that gives the player a -7 to hit. You can usually tell a GENS because he never takes off his sunglasses. Friends and Enemies: The GENS usually get along with almost any RCC except for those that serve the Splugorth. Indeed the GENS hate the Splugorth so much that they will usually go out of their way to annoy a Splugorth. They will not attack a Splugorth unless they believe they have a good chance of winning. (And usually a few nuclear warheads in his pocket!!) The GENS love the Atlanteans and usually will help them with anything. Indeed it has been know that a few GENS have started to hunt Sunaj Assassins. The GENS look at normal humans in a very special way. They know without them they would not exist and so they treat humans like a kid brother, always willing to give advice and take action on their behalf. (NOTE: This character can no longer pick an OCC, thus becoming a true RCC, and has its skill set clearly defined.)

Genetically Enhanced Unarmed Combat Soldier (GEUCS) O.C.C.

Being out classed by virtually every other world army in the area of Technology, the Canadians where beginning to lose ground. As it was they had sold over 700 square miles of land to the U.S. to have enough money to buy Juicer and Crazy mercenaries to defend themselves. Then a break through. A Canadian DNA specialist discovered a way to enhance the human body to minor MDC and allow it to harden its nails and teeth and strength to do MD damage. Unfortunately, the Rifts came before this tech could be put to use. Recently, however, a band of mercenaries found the DNA blueprints for the soldier and has sold them to three cities which can now give the transformation. 1. Free Quebec. The State of Free Quebec has created a small army (about 100 strong) to use as a airborne force (they have 4 C-130's converted to light MDC and fusion power) as an experiment. They offer the transformation at the cost of 500,000 Credits. All other Coalition states forbid MAKING G.E.U.C.S., but do not execute them on sight like they would Crazies or Juicers. 2. Los Alamos. Los Alamos does not have an army of GEUCS's, but does offer the Transformation at a cost of 350,000 Credits. - 239 -

3. Tolkeen. Tolkeen currently has 56 GEUCS's in service and offers the transformation for 50,000 Credits and 2 years of Service (receive 500 Credits monthly for food budget, etc. each year). Attribute Requirements: Anyone with a PE under 5 cannot take the changes of the transformation and will die if he undertakes the operation without Psionic or Magic healing being performed at least every 5 minutes (the operation takes 2 hours). Physical Bonuses +2d6 to PS. Minimum is 11. +1d4 to PP. No minimum. +2d4 to PE. Minimum is 12. +1d6 to Speed. Eliminate ALL HP and SDC. Character now has 2d4x15 MDC. +3 Attacks per melee and gets auto dodge like a Juicer +2 Dodge, +3 Strike, +4 Parry Healing The character heals 1d6 MDC every 10 minutes (40 melees). +5% save vs. Coma and Death +1 to save vs. Poisons and Harmful Drugs Damage Punch: 1d4 Kick: 1d6 Power Punch/Jump Kick: 2d4 (counts as 2 attacks) PS bonus for high strength is not applicable. Magic: NONE. P.P.E.: is 3d6. Psionics: Automatically has Summon Inner Strength and Deaden Pain. Chose 1 additional Psionic from physical at level 5. ISP is regained at a rate of 1 per 2 hours of activity or 6 per hour of rest/meditation. ISP never rises. Saves as a Minor Psionic. Permanent I.S.P.: 4d4. OCC Skills Chose 1 Language at 95% Detect Ambush (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+10%) Prowl (+15%) Climbing (+15%) Athletics (General) Pilot: Chose 1 (+5%) W.P. Chose 1 Modern and 3 Ancient HTH: Martial Arts or Assassin (May only select Assassin if of an Evil alignment.) Other Skills: Chose 3 at beginning. Chose an additional 2 at levels 4, 8, 10, and 13. Radio: Basic (+5%) Basic Electronics Espionage: Any (+5%) Automotive Mechanics Military: Any (+5%) Physical: Any (+10% if applicable) Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any Math Basic Technical: Any W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Chose 2 skills from the above list without the bonuses. - 240 -

Standard Armor: None. Usually doesn't wear any, but MAY wear light or medium. NEVER wears Heavy unless ABSOLUTELY needed. Standard Weapons: Chose 1 of the following energy pistols: C-18, Wilks 320, NG-33, Jolt Gun, or TX-5. Whichever your choice, you have 3 clips (unless a Jolt Gun). Chose 1 Ancient SDC weapon. Standard Gear: Traveling Clothes, UV protected Sunglasses, Boots, Canteen, Thermal Imager with 2 batteries, traveling bag (not quite as large as a backpack) Experience Table 1 0- 3000 2 3001- 4700 3 4701- 9000 4 9001- 18000 5 18000- 25600 6 25601- 35000 7 35001- 49000 8 49001- 70000 9 70001- 97000 10 97001-132000 11 132001-180000 12 180001-230000 13 230001-280000 14 280001-345000 15 345001-400000

The Giants of Seareach

By: Jonathan W Rosenberg The giants of Seareach are a race of giants based on a collection of novels by Stephen R. Donaldson. They live in coastal communities, where they construct large cities out of stone. They are adept sailors, stone workers, and know stone magic. They are friendly giants, and enjoy the company of humans or any other intelligent creature willing to sit around drinking and telling stories. They are VERY fond of alcohol, and some of their drinks can knock a human unconscious for upwards of a day. Along with drinking they have a rich tradition of story telling. At celebrations and parties, a storytelling host can entertain his\her guests for days at a time. They have a ritual for expressing grief called the Caamora, which involves plunging parts of the body into a hot fire until the pain washes away the grief and\or anger. Although they feel the pain, these giants are immune to the effects of all fire, including magic and plasma. It is reputed that the legendary Saltheart Foamfollower once swam through a river of lava, and came out relatively unscathed, except for having his scars all burnt off. Sailing and the ocean are a way of life for these giants. They construct giant ships out of solid granite, and sail the oceans looking for new races and new places to roam. A major theme within their culture is the elements of stone and sea. The stone, permanent and ever still,and the sea, permanent yet ever moving are sung of in songs and epic stories. "Stone and Sea are deep in life, two unalterable symbols of the world: permanence at rest, and permanence in motion; participants in the power that remains." They have learned stone magic and have people who devote their lives to the construction and repair of the stone houses, furniture, and ships that are used in their everyday lives. They are called pitchwives, and can mend stone by sculpting it like clay and then setting it with flakes of granite that come from an enchanted rock that is given to each pitchwife. Alignments: Tend strongly towards good or unprincipled, occasionally anarchist or aberrant. Unheard of to be miscreant or diabolic. Attributes: I.Q.: 3d6, M.E.: 4d6+6, M.A.: 4d6, P.S.: 4d6+4 (supernatural), P.P.:3d6, P.E.: 3d6+12, P.B.: 3d6, Spd.: 5d6 Hit points: P.E. + 1d6 per level - 241 -

M.D.C.: 1d4x10 plus that gained from physical skills and O.C.C. Horror/Awe Factor: 10 P.P.E.: 1d4x10+10, in addition to any gained from O.C.C. Natural Abilities: Immune to Fire(including magic and plasma), Cold does 1/3 damage, extraordinary P.E./M.E., Supernatural P.S., keen day vision, not easily intimidated will never lose their cool in the face of danger. Combat: 1 plus those gained from HTH, and/or boxing Bonuses: +8 vs.Possession, +4vs. HF, +4 vs. Pain Psionics: standard, same as humans. Lifespan: 600, although some have been known to live up to 1,000 O.C.C.: On Rifts earth they tend toward sailors, scholar/adventurers, occasionally cyber-knights. Some are trained in the arts of war (see Gaurdian O.C.C. to be posted later). Psionic O.C.C. only by Pitchwife O.C.C.(posted later). The only magic O.C.C. would be the Mystic. Skills of Note: Speak Troll/Giant, Elven Dragonese, English 98% Literate English\Dragonese Pilot: Small boats 86% (that is small for giants, not regular small boats) Sing (+15%) Habitat: Prefer coastal areas, banks of very large rivers, or bays. Can be found anywhere, as many of them enjoy journeying. Enemies: They dislike Brodkill, Gigantes, Gargoyles and other giant sized races that "abuse their power". They generally dislike any mean people. Allies: Titans, and other good "giants". Good beings of all kinds. Especially supernatural ones who "use their power well." Appearance: Their appearances vary as humans do. There are short ones, tall ones, skinny ones, and fat ones. Height: 9 to 13 ft. tall Weight: 500 to 800 lb. Notes: Almost all of these giants are friendly and good natured. They enjoy the company of all good humanoids. There is a large community, Domtar, of these giants that have built a large stone city on Iceland. There is also a smaller community, Newpoint, on the coast of Norway. The total population of these cities is estimated at about 6,000 Seareach giants along with a fair number of other races (Ra-hu men, Elves, Wolfen, Humans, and even an Ice Dragon hatchling).

GI-Borg O.C.C.
"The Synthetic Human" During the D-bee Wars Kajira needed a way to slow down the enemies approach, so the GI-Borg was created. These borgs were given the highest respect in kajira, to try to get more "volunteers". The scientists of Kajira and Galactic Enterprises came together, along with several alien scientists, to create these borgs of awesome powers. These almost match if not beat the power armor pilots. Unlike the power armor pilots, they are a mega damage super warrior. They don't feel claustrophobia of being in the power armor for more than 24 hours. They don't need to eat, drink, sleep, nor do they get fatigued. They run on 100% efficiency most all the time (they don't only when they are damaged). Unlike the traditional cyborg, where they are thick, bulky and overdone, these borgs can produce a false appearance. They are a little bigger than a normal human and have a layer of synthetic skin. This allows them to infiltrate enemy hide outs wearing normal clothes and armor, and at the same time they have all the powers of a borg. With the process of nano-technology they can regenerate the synthetic skin and "heal" themselves making them superior to normal borgs.

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Requirements: Need a M.E. of 12 and high P.E. is suggested not required M.D.C.: 180 M.D.C. Light Armor: plus 70 M.D.C. -5 on prowl Heavy Armor: plus 170 M.D.C. -10 on prowl O.C.C. Skills: Radio: Basic (15%) Surveillance Systems (10%) Basic Electronics (10%) Detect Ambush (15%) Detect Concealment (10%) Streetwise (15%) Intelligence (10%) Pilot: Power Armor Pilot: Robot W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Martial Hand to Hand Martial can be changed to assassin at the cost of one "other" skill. O.C.C. Related: Select six other skills, plus select two at level four, two at level seven, and one at levels ten, eleven and twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: any (5%) Domestic: any (5%) Electrical: any (5%) Espionage: any (5%) Medical: any Military: any Physical: any Pilot: any (10%) Pilot Related: any Rogue: any Science: any (5%) Technical: any (10%) W.P.: any Wilderness: any Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select six secondary skills. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Abilities: Can see in thermo-imager, ultra violet, heat, and can magnify to see 1000 yd clearly, can regenerate synthetic skin in two hours, can regenerate 3D6 M.D. per minute. Standard Equipment: Basic survival pack, several small bags, one back pack, 50 feet of cord or rope, set of clothes and armor, three weapons of choice, Kajiran Armored Jeep Money: Starts with 2D6x1000 credits

The Gifted Ones R.C.C.

The Gifted Ones are the offspring of Kherubim and humans from earth. The name "gifted ones" was given by the Kherubim to describe their awesome powers. Through magic from the rifts and the unlikely combination of human and Kherubim, came the "gifted ones." They are born with amazing abilities and powers. Not all children of Kherubim are "gifted ones," and those that are, are all unique in their powers. The Kherubim try to search out for their descendants, in order to recruit them for the battle waged against the Daemonites. The Daemonites, too search for any "gifted ones" in order to possess and control the mighty powers. The powers of the "gifted ones" range from simple mind powers to powerful destructive forces. Each "gifted one" is different, and is always a powerful being, in some way. Attributes: IQ: 3D6+2, ME: 4D6, MA: 3D6, PS: 4D6+2, PP: 4D6, PE: 4D6, PB: 3D6, Spd: 4D6 - 243 -

Hit Points: PE + 3D6 SDC: 60+ skill and other bonuses P.P.E.: 2D6 I.S.P.: 3D6x10 Weight: Varies, usually human size Height: Varies, usually human size Natural Abilities: The character should roll on the power selection table below to determine the number of powers/abilities. 01-10 Select 4 major and two minor super powers* 11-20 Select 3 major and 4 minor super powers* 21-30 Roll on power selection table* 31-40 Select 4 Super Psionics 41-50 Choose 2 of 3 Psionic categories and take all powers in it. 51-60 Choose 2 super psionics, and 12 others from all categories (not super) 61-70 Choose 2 major and 2 minor super abilities and 1 bionic limb and weapon 71-80 Choose 7 minor super powers* 81-90 Choose 1 major super power* and 8 psionic powers (not super) 91-00 Choose 2 super Psionics and 2 major super powers* *In Heroes Unlimited and extra powers in this supplement. Note: The powers of the "Gifted Ones" are quite unique. Like their Kherubim relatives, when combined with bionics, they don't lose their abilities. Life Span: 100+ years. Appearance: Appear as a normal human, unless powers determine otherwise. 20% have mutant defects or appearance. Roll on mutant table in Heroes Unlimited. O.C.C.'s: Any, but lean toward mercenary and warrior. Few "gifted ones" become mages, crazies, or juicers.

God Machine R.C.C.

My thanks to those answering my question about the Nightspawn in Rifts. Here is another conversion that I use in my Rifts game, the God Machine. It is based on a Hong Kong comic book character. I have put a twist on this character, making it a R.C.C. (Normally, it would be too powerful to seriously consider, unless munkining) The God Machine is a Trademark of Magnum Consultants, LTD. All Rifts references, including MDC, and all other character components, are TM of Palladium Books. In a time of domination and tyranny in another dimension, the God Machines rose up to stem the madness brought upon the world by a group of unearthly marauders. Their final act was to form the Ultimate Machine, a mechanical beast created by the God Machines awesome powers. Though triumphant, the destruction of the enemy also separated the God Machines, reducing their powers, and scattering them throughout the Megaverse. A few have made their way to Rifts earth, where most fight for the Forces of Light, the Outcasts are wandering creatures of destruction, either fighting solo, or allying with dark forces. Alignment: Any, but generally good or unprincipled. Attributes: IQ 3d6 ME 4d6 MA 3d6 PS 4d6+10(supernatural) PP 4d6 PE 3d6+10 PB 3d6+6 (never less than 14) SPD 5d6+10 M.D.C.: 3d4x10 plus body armor. Gains 1d4x10 MDC/level P.P.E.: 2d6x10 Horror Factor: 12 when really enraged I.S.P.: 4d6x10 plus 5d6/level Weight: 200 to 300 pounds Size: 6 to 71/2 feet tall Natural Abilities: Nightvision 120', keen senses (about 50% higher than humans) mechanical manipulation; this power uses ISP points to create objects/weapons out of mechanical bits and pieces lying around (see chart below), does not need to eat, drink or breathe. Note: these characters cannot use ANY machinery made by any being besides themselves or another of their kind. Any attempt will cause the machinery to malfunction, there are no exceptions, and magic cannot help this situation. This means weapons, vehicles, computers, anything that is working, the God Machines infuse their power upon a non-working object, group of parts to make it work. They can use this to their advantage by sabotaging the enemies equipment. - 244 -

Natural Bonuses: Impervious to all types of possession and a vampire's bite. +3 initiative, +3 strike, parry and dodge, +4 to horror factor. Damage: Supernatural, as per the Rifts Conversion Book I Psionics: Levitation, Mind Block, and Telemechanics in addition to Mechanical Manipulation Magic: None R.C.C. Skills of note: Mechanical engineer (of own creations) 60%, Literate and speak their own language and two others at 98%, wilderness survival (basically for making shelter) 65%, two weapon proficiencies of choice. O.C.C.'s: Basically, any " physical" O.C.C., vagabond, city rat, headhunter, etc., except for Coalition/Any other human supremacist goverment's occupation, and Glitter Boy (unless the character has made their own suit) unlikely, but possible. Appearance: A muscular male/female with slightly elven features (pointed ears, no facial hair). Eyes are usually a solid red or blue, glow softly in darkness/shade. Glows brightly when they are angry. Allies/Enemies: None yet. The God Machines are fairly new to Rifts Earth. Notes: Starting equipment will not include any functioning machinery! This must all be created from scrounged parts. Mechanical Manipulation: Through the expenditure of ISP, the character can either bond pieces together or restart a broken item as follows: Minor repair/at least 90% parts scrounged together: 30 ISP Major Repair/Minor Construction/70% parts: 70 ISP Major Construction: 120 ISP GM's are free to flesh out how they define each level of the manipulation and adjust accordingly for the level of technology/intricacy involved. Anything created lasts for 2d6 days per level of character, at which time it will fall apart. Ammunition (e-clips or otherwise) must be obtained normally, character cannot recharge spent e-clips.

Gravity Initiate O.C.C.

By: Zach Jackson Greetings to all who listen to my ideas! This is another of my creations for a cosmic-class order of defenders of the megaverse. The Gravity Initiate (or GI) really should only be used in a campaign that is relativly high powered, that is cosmo-knight level stuff. This is, I think, my second cosmic level OCC that I've posted and I plan to add more to the list. (coming up, the Stormbreaker and Starmaster OCC's and possibly my Galactic Warrior OCC as well) Oh, all of the non-new nouns and copyrights belong to one Kevin Siembieda, so let it be written, so let it be done. *Private log of Thraxus, date unknown* "....Today I have seen another reminder of how varied this universe really is. One of my brand new shipping vessels has hired a new type of engineer, one who has abilities that I have never seen before. According to Captain Danar, this engineer has the ability to boost the top speed of the ship by thirty percent, and keep it there for almost the entire flight time. Also, even better, the man thrives on inanimate matter, allowing the ship to dispose of certain items that are no longer of use to them. This engineer claims to be from a far off place; but by some of his actions that I have seen, I really do not think so. Perhaps there are others like him, somewhere out there?" A Gravity Initiate is a person who is powered by a almost suicidal method. People who wish to become a GI must fling themselves into a black hole, the source of their powers! Despite the almost impossibleness of it all, there are some who survive and go through to the other side. Their memory of the inside of the black hole is usually vague, and cannot be trusted. After surviving the hole, a GI actually has a minature black hole inside of themselves. One that allows them to control gravitonic particles and create gravity fields. When they die, the gravity effect absorbs their body, leaving no clue to their existance. There is a group of Initaiates who station themselves out by the black hole, waiting for the new comers to arrive, back from the abyss. - 245 -

There, the new ones are trained to fight, and to repair things, as a GI as a scientist and warrior. They are excellent explorers and get along with cosmo-knights and Rift Aegises fairly well. Restrictions: Cannot be a demon, god or undead level being. Also, any cosmic powered characters who attempt to enter the great black hole will be crushed to death, no saving throw. Attributes: use these stats or races own, which ever is higher IQ 3d6 ME 3d6+6 MA 3d6 PS 4d6+6 PP 3d6+1 PE 4d6+10 PB 3d6 Spd 4d6 Alignment: most (85%) are good or unpricipled. P.P.E.: 1d6*100 (+PE) add 1d6*10 per level M.D.C.: 3d6*10 add 2d6 per level Life span: 10X the races normal lifespan. Powers (or #1-3 use the power from the HU gravity control ability) 1. Reduce Gravity: same as HU ability, 2X strength (ie, can carry double the normal amount listed, and jump twice as far) Cost: 2 PPE per melee. This power can also add 30% to the max speed of a congravitonic or gravitionic drive. The cost for this ability is 480 PPE per hour. Needless to say, the GI will be eating often. (see power 7 for details.) 2. Increase gravity: same as HU abiity, 2X strength. cost 3 PPE per melee. 3. Zero gravity: same as HU ability, 2X range, power, etc cost 4 PPE per melee. 4. Gravitonic flight: can fly at mach one plus 1 per every odd level (3,5,7 etc) Congravitonic flight: needs 15 minutes to "warm up" this ability, allows for 1 light year to be traveled plus one per every even level of experience. Cost for congravitonic flight is 100 PPE. 5. Gravitonic blade: by focusing gravitionic particles in a constant stream, a blade of gravitonic energy can be fashioned. Damage 1d6 per level of experience. Cost: 5 PPE per melee 6. Gravity Initiate is immune to the harmful effects of space and can exist in normal deep space without harm. (GI does not have the cosmo-knight resistance to energy and cannot fly into/through stars) 7. Matter absorbtion: the GI can absorb inanimate matter into himself. This is usually done through the hands and can be done on any SDC or light MDC material (max MDC is 50 per item and 10 per square meter. No, a GI cannot absorb body armor, it's too close to a organic being). In fact a GI must absorb 100 lbs of inanimate matter daily, in order to satisfy the urges of the black hole raging inside of them. If they do not, they are at -5 mdc and hungry with cumulative effects every day after that. When the GI reaches 0 MDC the black hole inside of them consumes them body and soul (no saving throw). Additional matter after the first 100 lbs for the day can recharge the GI. Every 10 lbs extra can give the GI either 1d6 MDC or 1 ppe point. The max that can be absorbed per 24 hours (relative to the GI) is their MDC*30 plus PPE*10 lbs. Other limitations to this ability: -Cannot absorb enchanted items/materials. (this incudes the skin of Woomwood) -Cannot absorb organic matter. So no eating trees. (or dirt when you think about it) -Cannot absorb matter during combat. (of any type) 8. Particle tracking: GI can trace the gravitonic trail of any thing that has passed through the area. This adds plus three to perception. Also gives the skills of Navigate space (80%) and land navigation (90%) During play, use this power similar to a bloodhounds' ability to track by scent (ie the trail could be old, easy or hard to follow) 9. Advanced Gravitonic Mastery (gains the following abilities at the following levels) -LV 2: Gravity blast attack The ability to push gravitonic particles at the foe in a narrow beam. Cost 1 PPE per 1d6 MD Range: 1000 ft +50 ft per level after 2 Strike roll: standard (HtH bonus only) -LV 4: Gravity aura GI can surround himself in a gravitonic field that protects vs MD. Cost 1 PPE per 5 MDC in aura Range: self only Other effects: magic is affected by field: 1/2 effect and duration. Duration: 20 minutes per level after 4 (ie at lv 7 for 80 min) -LV 6: Gravity compression technique - 246 -

A wider, stronger version of the blast. Cost 1 PPE per 1d8 damage Range: 500' +20' per lv after 6 Width: 6 feet plus one foot per lv after 6 Strike roll: standard. -LV 8: Gravity Wave technique A short, wide blaze of gravitonic particles Cost 1 PPE per 1d10 damage Range: 250' +15' per level after 8 Width: 25' + 2' per level after 8 Strike roll: standard -LV 11: Gravity Well technique a temporatry release of the inner black hole of the GI. Very painfull for the GI as well as devastating. Cost: 150 PPE +50 per additional melee. Also drains GI of 75 MDC Effect: Save vs magic (15+) or be sucked into a mini black hole radiating from the GI (30' radius). Those in hole suffer 1d4*100 MD per melee untill well is cancelled. Duration: 1 melee to start, GI can continue as long as he has the energy. Cannot use power #7 during this attack. -LV 13: Gravity Anti-Matter The last manifested ability of the GI, the power to create anti-matter from his hidden gravity vortex. Cost: 1 PPE per 2d6 damage Range: 500' plus 10' per lv after 13 Strike roll: standard Note: victim must save vs Anti-matter sickness (16+) or suffer the same effects as radiation sickness for the same duration (see AU for details or just forget this save) 10. Bonuses: +1 to strike parry and dodge (from combat training) +3 vs magic takes 1/2 damage from kinetic energy attacks (bullets etc) takes 1/10 damage from gravitonic weapons 11. Vulnerabilities: Double damage from psionic and phase powers (double damage and duration) O.C.C. skills: Speak/Write native language 98% Basic/Advanced math 98% Engineering: electrical and mechanical (+20%) Starship engineering: (+15%) Astrophysics: (+15%) 1 language of choice: (+10%) WP: 2 of choice Hand to Hand: Expert (can upgrade to Martial arts for one related skill) O.C.C. related skills: choose 6 at lv 1. +1 skill at lv 3,6,9,12. Communications: any Domestic: none Electrical: any (+10%) Espionage: no palming or impersionation Mechanical: any (+10%) Medical: First aid only Millitary: none Physical: any Pilot: no robot or power armor combat Pilot related: any Rogue: any Science: any (+10%) Technical: any (+5%) - 247 -

Wilderness: none WP: any Secondary skills: select four Cybernetics: None as the nature of the GI prevents cybernetics (usually absorbed into the body) Equipment: Gravity forged armor (120 MDC non-envionmental), 1 weapon of choice (1d6 clips for a projectile weapon), Tool kit for engineers (with every widget needed for fixing most, stuff) Wt 50 lbs for kit. Money: 1d6*1000 credits Xp Table: Same as Phase adepts.

Green Lantern Corp O.C.C.

By: D.J. Dreded In darkess day in brightest night no one shall escape my sight, those who worship evils might beware my powers Green Lanterns light Long ago the Guardians of the Universe created an intergalactic police force to protect the universe from the forces of evil. They were called the Green Lanterns and if you don't know who they are you better ask someone. All of the G.L. powers and abilities come from their Power Ring which some call the most powerful weapon in the universe. With this ring the G.L. can accomplish many power stunt from flight to force manipulation. The way that they are able to do this, is because of willpower. The more will power you have the more powerful you are. The rings are a combination of Kyle's and Hal's power rings With this I will explain how to create a Green Lanterns and how there abilities work if there any Questions or you think I left something out e-mail me at Green Lanterns are a Trade Mark of DC Comic all Rights Reservered Attribute Requirement: I.Q. 12, M.E. 15, P.E. 12, and loyalty to the Guardians (note 10% of G.L. have Extraordinary ME this roll must be done in front of the G.M.) Alignment: must be of a good alignment(possibly selfish) Skills: most green lanterns are already skilled in there occupation so I would use the heroes unlimited book to make there basic skills. and can throw in some skills form other book if need be. Weapons, POWER RING- The power ring the source of all of the G.L. works off of I.S.P. To know how much ISP your character has that your ME rating and multiply it by 100 the reason why it so high is because Green Lanterns barely ever lose all there power in just one fight and plus they can only recharge there ring by one way their power battery Flight --The Green Lantern eases power to master is the flight power it cost 1 ISP to fly at mach 1, 5 to travel mach 7, and 10 ISP to fly at the maxim speed of 1500 time the speed of light ( note the fastest a GL can travel is Mach 7 in atmosphere and the lightspeed is only used in space to get to one point to another) Green Lantern Sense--With this ability the green lantern can find any Green Lantern in the universe no matter where they are by spending 5 ISP Astral Projection-- A Green Lanterns can travel at the speed of thought any were in the universe by spending 10 ISP Protection-- The ring Protect it's user in many ways 1. The ring give the wearer an A.R. of the characters beginning M.E. Divided by 2 + 1 at level 3,6,9,12 and 15 to a maxium of 18 i.e. Billy a new Green lantern has an M.E. of a 20 so his AR of a 10.this does not 2. A Green Lanterns ring increases there SDC by there ME x 10 i.e. bill has 50 SDC but his ME is 20 so he has 250 SDC ( 20x10= 200+ 50=250) in Rifts it ME X 50 for MDC. 3. The G.L. ring heals there wearer at 1d4x10 every 4 rounds (1 minute) at a cost of 10 ISP. 4. The ring will automatically protect its wearer in any environment allowing a G.L. to flight there space unprotected, surviving on radatiaed planet and so on with no ill effects Ring Intelligence-- The ring is also like a computer that work on voice command the ring stores information and can pull information from the main power battery that can help the Green Lanterns with problem solving and information of alien races villains of the Corp and other things. The ring has an IQ of a 20 and to see if the G.L. ring has the information it ask for the GM should roll for the following chart 01-25 no information 50-00 large amount of information 26-50 small amount of information Understanding-- The ring automatically translate all language for the G.L. so he can speak languages and understand all languages automatically

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Force Manipulation --This ability allow the user to make anything they want to and is their primary offensive and defensive power. Their are certain way to use this ability to use its power that is creation of objects and damage NOTE the ring's Force Manipulation is energy unlike any energy souce the energy actually becomes solid and can't be absorbed unless the GL used it in it rawest form Creating objects-- to create an object you use your ME rating as the maxim point you spend here a Quick list to help with the creation 1 ISP= 5 SDC (NOTE GL you should use this when they plan on using the item for 1 ISP= 1 PS more that one attack. For best result try to make the creature 1 ISP= 1 PP before the game and try to have a set basic for creature made 1 ISP= 10 SPD from the ring.) DAMAGE -- Show how much damage is done. It cost 10 ISP for a low 20 ISP for a medium and 30 for high + ME Rating i.e. Billy does a full power bast that does 6d6 + 20 (because billys ME is a 20) 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36- 40 41-50 51-60 10 3d6 4d6 5d6 6d6 1d4x10 1d6x10 2d4x10 20 5d6 6d6 1d4x10 1d6x10 2d4x10 2d6x10 3d6x10 30 6d6 1d4x10 1d6x10 2d4x10 2d6x10 3d6x10 4d6x10 Omni power-- This ability allows a G.L. to mimic other superabilitys and powers with their ring power at a cost of 25 ISP for 1 round i.e. Brutus the Brawler forces Billy to fight him hand to hand combat Billy deiced to make his PS supernatural so he spend 25 ISP and starts pounding. Another example is a GL see a burning building and decide to put it out with his force manipulation and make it a water like substance so he spends 25 ISP + the ISP he is putting into his force manipulation and make a Giant Bucket of water to put out the flames Training -- After a Green Lantern receive their ring they must complete a 4 week training course that teaches them concentration, show them how to focus on their will and shows them how to use their rings Once they have finish their training the G.L. is officially apart of the Corp and is Given a sector to protect. The training gives you the following bonus +5 to save vs. horror factor +1 every level +4 to ME + 1 every level +1 to PS +2 to PE +5 to strike and parry with ring + those gain in Hand to Hand +10 to concentration DRAWBACKS The G.L. are powerful in many ways but they have many weakness and they are Recharing, Concentration and Yellow. Recharging-- Once a Green Lanterns ring starts to get low on it ISP they will need to recharge it their are only one way to charge their ring and that is their power battery. The power battery is connected to the Main battery that Gives the Green Lanterns their power. The Recharing of the ring take 1 round and during that the character can not take any offensive action. The power battery has enough power to run a City off of forever and if someone was to find a way to tap in to it the result could be disastrous so the G.L. will protect their battery at all cost. Power Battery: AR 15 SDC/MDC 500 Concentration-- The ring works off of will power as I said before so to use the ring you have to concentrate on what your doing that mean if for any reason your concentration is broke your Force manipulation disappears and you have to spend ISP to recreate one. To see if Concentration is broken you must roll your concentration which 50% + 5 every level (+ 10 if the G.L.went thur training) if the G.L. make the roll the object stays if he fails it's gone Yellow-- The only thing a G.L. Ring doesn't work against is yellow that means if a man Dress in all yellow was fighting against a GL the GL is in trouble. 1. the Force manipulation can't hit the man or hold him ie Billy is fighting the Cannery, a man in a YELLOW suit with the sonic power. Bill try to hit him with a Giant boxing Glove but when it connect with the cannery it fades away. So bill try to capture him in a Force field the Cannery simply just walks right thur it as if nothing is there. Also the G.L. takes double damage from yellow attack i.e. Billy is hit by the Cannery's Sonic Blast that happens to be yellow so the Cannery rolls 1D4x10 and get a 40 and x that by two and you get 80 points of damage the GL is in troubles

Grendel O.C.C.
This is an OCC I cooked up after reading *Grendel:Warchild* and is thus based on a character created by Matt Wagner. Grendel, Orion Assante, and so on are copyright Matt Wagner, and are not mine. Hope he doesn't mind. The Grendels are a warrior order that evolved on a parallel Earth. They are totally devoted to their emperor, Orion Assante, and his descendants and are capable of doing almost any service the Assantes request of them The Grendels are the elite of the empire, and though the Assante rule extends across the globe, there are only a few million Grendels. They are known to be utterly ruthless and - 249 -

commonly brutal, capable of feats of savagery and cruelty that would make a normal human shudder in disgust. For this reason, the Grendels, in their slick black garb, are almost universally feared throughout the empire. Now, a few random rifts have brought the Grendels to Rifts Earth, and they are making their presence known there, achieving some mixed popularity as implacable vampire hunters and cruel tyrants. Violence and carnage seem drawn to these mysterious creatures, leading some theorists to claim that the spirit of the first Grendel is somehow watching over/influencing the lives of its namesakes, finding in them a way to affect matters on the mortal plane once more.< Such a belief is circumspect, but who can tell in the world of Rifts? Alignment: Typically Aberrant; any non-good Attribute Requirements: PS, PE 12, ME 15 O.C.C. Bonuses: +6 vs. HF, +2 initiative, +2 vs. mind control O.C.C. Skills: Math, Basic (+10%) Literacy (98%) Languages: 4 additional (+40%) Radio: Basic (+15%) Intelligence (+20%) Detect Concealment (+20%) Detect Ambush (+20%) Tracking (+20%) Computer Operations Read Sensory Equipment Climbing (+15%) Streetwise Weapon Systems (+10%) Navigation (land) Lore: Vampire (+15%) (see Nightspawn) Athletics Pilot: Robot Combat: Basic Pilot: Any 2 Weapon: Any 5 Hand to Hand Assassin or Martial Arts O.C.C. Related: select 5; one more at levels 3, 6, 9 Communication: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Electical: Basic only Espionage: Any (+15%) Mechanical: Basic only Medical: First Aid only Military: Any (+10%) Physical: Any (+10%) Pilot: Any (+15%) Pilot Related: Any (+15%) Rogue: Any Science: None Technical: Any (+5%) Weapon: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Select 3 at levels 1, 4, 8, 12 Standard Equipment: backpack, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, goggles/sunglasses, sleeping bag, 6 wooden stakes, hammer, flamethrower, canteen, rations, few e-clips, radio, pocket computer, rope, small axe, few knives, personal items, some form of transportation, usually a hover-bike or the like. Weapons: Prefer ancient style weapons, but not vibro-blades. Go for energy blades or rune weapons; energy pistol and energy rifle Armor: Suit of light Mega damage armor and an extra suit of heavier armor. Money: 1D4x100 cr in cash, 1D6x1000 in black market items - 250 -

Cybernetics: Grendels frequently have from 1-6 cybernetic implants. A number of them elect for partial conversion, and at least one full conversion Grendal-borg has been seen in the Pecos Empire. Grendel Weapons and Armor: Note: In my campaign, Vampires are NOT harmed by running water. Why? It seems incredibly cheap to me that such powerful villains can be destroyed by a squirt gun. However, like Ricean Vampires, fire is quite deadly -- so deadly, in fact that Vampires heal fire damage at a normal human rate. The only reason I mention this is because the Grendel weapons fire plasma/superheated flame, and are thus designed as Vampire killing machines. Ignore it as you will. Grendel Raypier (energy blade) -- a click of a button creates a three foot long blade of plasma. Mega-Damage: 1D4x10 MD Cost: 30,000 cr The Glaive: Based on the famous weapon used by Hunter Rose long ago. A six foot length of steel tipped by a foot long blade ensorcelled to inflict mega-damage. Mega-Damage: 6D6 MD: 100,000 cr Blaster(pistol) Weight: 2 lb. Damage: 4D6 MD (plasma) Range: 1000 ft Payload: 20 shots Cost: 8,000 cr, clips cost 500 cr Grendel Light Armor: Light, slick looking suit, form fitting with the trademark Grendel mask. MDC: 80 Weight: 20 lb. Good Mobility: -5% prowl penalty Colors: Black Fits: Designed for humanoids 6 to 9 feet tall Cost: 20,000 cr Grendel Heavy Armor: Bulkier, heavier armor with thicker plates. MDC: 120 Weight: 25 lb. Fair mobility: -15% prowl penalty Colors: Black Cost: 60,000 cr Borg Grendels can also wear borg armor (coming soon)

Gryphon Rider O.C.C.

By: Shawn Joiner This is a conversion from the game Warcraft 2 to the Rifts Earth environment. I made up a lot of the stuff involving the creation of the riders, and their bond with the gryphon. The gryphon riders are the elite combat force of the Dwarves that inhabit the cold environment of the Northeron Mountains in the world of Warcraft. Their courage and stamina are legendary in their world. They played a large role in the war against the invading orc horde, especially against the mighty dragons that the warlock Gul'dan had summoned. A gryphon rider must be a dwarf. They are handpicked from the most skilled of the dwarven infantry and then linked to both their weapon and their gryphon in a magical ritual. The stormhammer, a rider's devestating weapon, is molded from a solid piece of granite by a Stone Master. The entire thing, including the handle, is made of a single chunk of stone that was carved out of a mountain side. It symbolizes the dwarves relationship to the land. This make the hammer impossible to use, normally. However, this shortcoming is overcome after the bonding ritual.

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The gryphons used as mounts have been bred for strength and intelligence by the dwarves for hundreds of years. They are handled in huge aviaries by air warlocks. The gryphons are also trained near the aviaries. After the ritual, the gryphon gains a telepathic link to the rider and becomes a powerful ally. The bonding ritual includes not only the dwarf rider, the gryphon, and the stormhammer, but also an air warlock, an earth warlock and the stone master that originally shaped the stormhammer that the gryphon rider would use. The ritual also requires three gems, of all the same type and color. All participants are gathered in the gryphon aviary, and must chant ancient melodies for hours. This continues for half a day, when both warlocks and the stone master take the three gems and infuse them with PPE. Then, at the height of the magic, the earth warlock presses a gem into dwarves forehead, the air warlock presses a gem into the gryphon's forehead, and the stone master presses a gem into the head of the stormhammer. The ritual finishes, and the three are linked. The gems press into the flesh and stone without damaging either. They become imbedded there and impossible to remove. The ritual provides the dwarf with and MDC body and increases the MDC of the gryphon. They are also telepathically linked. They can sense each others thoughts and respond accordingly, making them a lethal team. One of the biggest changes is to the stormhammer. Although the rider's strength is only minimally increased by the magic, he can now wield the hammer as if it were perfectly balanced and the hammer is also imbued with other special properties. The Dwarves first came to Rifts Earth through an alliance with the gnomes of Khaz Modan and the elves of Silverymoon. The elves had been able to create rifts using a sacred monolith called the runestone. The gnomes, dwarves, and elves each provided some soldiers and explorers. The elves had already explored a small portion of the world, but wanted a more thorough investigation. The portal was opened, and the dwarves, elves, and gnomes all entered. The portal was to be opened again in one year, so the party could return. However, since then, the invading orc army attacked and destroyed the runestone. The evil Guldan used the slabs of rock to construct the Altars of Storms, where the Ogre-magi were created. The exploration teams were stranded, and are now trapped on Rifts Earth Race Limitations: Only Dwarves can become Gryphon Riders Powers of the Ritual: 1. Attribute bonuses: +5 PS, +3 PE, +1 PP, +1 attack per melee 2. Telepathic link with their gryphon. This link allows the rider to command the gryphon and to read the gryphon's thoughts. However, there are some limitations. The range of the link is 3 miles. If they are ever separated by more than that for 24 hours, they begin to die, each suffering a loss of 10% of their original MDC each day. They can die from separation. The link is so powerful that if one dies, so does the other. 3. The stormhammer. The stormhammer, while still solid stone, is now a deadly weapon in the hands of the dwarf that it is linked with. The hammer also becomes indestructible. The hammer inflicts 3d6 MDC when used to physically hit something by the dwarf. The hammer can also throw two lightning bolts per melee, each doing 4d6 MDC, to a range of 1000 feet. The hammer still acts as heavy as stone to anyone except the dwarf it's linked with, preventing anyone else from using it as a weapon. 4. MDC conversion. Through the ritual, the Dwarf gains a physical MDC equal to one half that of his gryphon mount. This amount does not change with experience. He also bio-regenerates at rate of 1d6 x 5 MDC per hour. O.C.C. Skills: Demolitions +10% Wilderness Survival +20% Horsemanship: Exotic +40% Lore: Demons and Monsters +10% WP Blunt WP three of choice Body Building Language of choice +10% Prowl +10% Hunting +20% O.C.C. related skills: Select seven from the following categories: Communications: Any +5% Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Any except intelligence Mechanical: Any Medical: First Aid and Holistic Medicine only - 252 -

Military: Any Physical: Any +10% where applicable Pilot: Any except Robot Pilot Related: Any Rouge: None Science: None Technical: Any WP: Any Wilderness: Any +10% Secondary Skills: choose six from the above list For the gryphon mount, use the stats from Conversion Book 1, but change PS to 6d6, MDC to 3d6 x 10 + 250. Also add bioregeneration of 1d6 x 10 per hour, and increase damage by 2d6 MDC. Equipment: The gryphon rider starts off with the stormhammer and a saddle. His vehicle is the gryphon. Each member of the exploration party was given 30,000 credits in gems to use in trading for items in the New World. Cybernetics: Starts with none and will get none. These would damage the link and might kill the dwarf and gryphon. For non MDC worlds, like HU, I'd change the MDC to SDC and reduce it by one third. The rider's SDC would equal his SDC plus one half of the gryphon's. Also, the physical hammer blows would do 5d6 SDC. Getting hit with an indestructible hammer that's solid stone has to hurt.

The Guardian Mystic

By: Basara Nekki I came up with this O.C.C. as sort of a defender of the realm type of O.C.C., that would be (at medium levels) a nice tool to put notnice PCs in their place (especially if he has friends of his own persuasion as backup). It is really overpowered, but I think the ties to a specific area help balance it (How many people do you know who'd take a character out of its home area, where it would have a 95% XP penalty, while using the Vampire XP table?) Guardian Mystic O.C.C. (Primarily meant as N.P.C. ally, but optionally a player character) Not to be confused with the Guardians of Nightbane, the Guardian Mystic is a high-powered variant of the traditional Mystic Magic O.C.C. Their powers are intuitive, like that O.C.C., but are much more powerful, yet in many ways even more limited. Their powers are generally attuned to the specific location where they were born and raised, or where they currently reside permanently. This could be an area as small as a free city (or village with surrounding forest or farm land), to as large as a small kingdom. In any case, the area is at most about 2500 square miles (roughly 50x50 miles), though rarely regularly shaped (generally, natural boundaries and societal boundaries play more of a role than purely political ones). To use an area of the Magic Zone as an example (Western Kentucky), the boundaries for a Guardian Mystic in that area would probably consist of the Mississippi to the west, the Ohio to the north, either the Tennessee or Cumberland river to the east (the latter would include the "Land between the Lakes" area), and natural landscape or cultural borders to the south (possibly extending as far as the Reelfoot Lake area). Within this area, the Guardian Mystic's spells and psychic powers function normally. Outside it, I.S.P. & P.P.E. costs are doubled, and the character suffers a 95% experience point penalty. A new area can be attuned to, but takes 3D6 months of residence before the penalties disappear. At that point, the original (or any intermediate) attuned area is no longer treated as the Mystic's chosen area, but can be re-attuned to (at the cost of abandoning the later area(s)) in 6D6 days, provided nothing major has occurred in the Mystic's absence (flooding of land by construction of a dam and reservoir, depopulation, replacing the population via "ethnic cleansing", ecological disasters, etc.). Guardian Mystics who remain in an area for decades usually have several apprentices. While these are not trained, per se, they do seem to develop spontaneously in societies where Guardian Mystics reside (1D4 potential apprentices born every 10 years, +1 for every mystic present over 8th level). After receiving the training that starts them down this path (1st or 2ndlevel), if there are more than one Guardian Mystic in the area for every 1000 residents, the excess will emigrate to other locations, generally an even mix of veterans and neophytes, with the most experienced Mystic (the local "Master") staying behind with his chosen successor. Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10, M.E. 13, and M.A. 12. A high P.E. is also recommended. Alignment: Any Good, Unprincipled, or Aberrant. Experience Point Progression: As Vampire (Rifts WB 1, page 18). Yes, it takes 5,001 to reach second level, but this class demands such slow progression. O.C.C. Skills: Native Language(Spoken & Literacy) (+20%) Holistic Medicine (+15%) - 253 -

Lore: Demon & Faerie (+10%) Lore: Magic (+20%) History (+10%, +20% in relation to local history) Select 4 Domestic Skills (+10% to each, or make two professional) Hand to Hand Skills must be selected as O.C.C. related or Secondary skills; one slot for Basic, two for Expert, three for Martial Arts (Assassin & Commando not available) O.C.C.-Related Skills: Select six other skills. Plus select one additional skill each level evenly divisible by four (4th, 8th, etc.)All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Performing aarts-style skills & sign language only Domestic: Any(+10%) Electrical: Basic only Espionage: None Mechanical: Basic & Automotive only Medical: Brewing, First aid & Paramedic only (Paramedic costs double) Military: None Physical: Any; Acrobatics costs double. Pilot: Horsemanship skills, civilian ground & water vehicle types only. Pilot-Related: Navigation only. Rogue: Streetwise only (+10% for area first attuned to) Science: Any Technical: Any. Computers cost double, Lores & Languages are (+5%) W.P. Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Select four from the list above, without bonuses. Equipment: As standard Mystic, with additional 1D4 weapons (ancient or modern) and a spare suit of light M.D.C. armor. If the area comes under attack, will probably loan these to a trusted friend who can back him up if his spells and psionics aren't enough. Money: As Mystic. May sell the armor and weapons above for additional funds. Cybernetics: None, unless biosystems are needed for medical reasons. Psionic Powers: Unlike the conventional Mystic, the Guardian Mystic is not as limited in psionic powers. However, the cost of being linked to an area seerves as a limiter in and of itself. 1. Sense Supernatural Evil: As Mystic Magic O.C.C. 2. Opening Oneself to the Supernatural: As Mystic Magic O.C.C. 3. Initial Psionic Powers: Meditation, Clairvoyance, Exorcism, Sixth Sense, 0Gestalt Circle(Nightbane: Between the Shadows), Mind Block, Group Mind Block, and P.P.E. Shield. 4. Spend six slots on the allowed psionics list, at the end of this section. While most non-super powers cost only one slot each, some cost two or more, with Super Psionic powers costing two to four slots each. Four more slots are gained with each additional level of experience, and cannot be saved for later use. However, a number of slots less than the cost of a power can be put into it, but the power does not awaken until the rest of the payment cost is paid. Also, powers that cost 3 or four slots have increased I.S.P. costs. 5. I.S.P. The Character's base I.S.P. is equal to its M.E. times six. An additional 2D4+2 I.S.P. is gained with each additional level of experience, plus the character's M.E. bonus to mental saves. For example, a Guardian Mystic with an M.E. of 20 would get 2D4+5 I.S.P. each level. 6. Saving Throw vs. Psionic Attack: The character is considered a Master Psychic, and has a base save of 10. However, the Guardian Mystic gets an additional +1 to save vs. Psionics, Horror Factor & Possession every level evenly divisible by 5 (5th, 10th, etc.). This is on top of possible M.E. bonuses. Psionic Powers available to the Guardian Mystic Notes: from Palladium Fantasy RPG # from Nightbane ^ From Psyscape (and possibly from one or both of the above as well) (slot cost, if more than one) Powers with a slot cost of (3) cost 1.5 times the standard amount of I.S.P. listed in the power description to activate. Powers with a slot cost of (4) cost twice the standard I.S.P. cost. All other attributes of the powers remain unchanged from the description, unless noted below. Healer Powers: Attack Disease* Deaden Pain Detect Psionics Healing Touch Increased Healing Induce Sleep - 254 -

Lust for Life* Psychic Diagnosis(2) Psychic Purification Psychic Surgery(2) Resist Fatigue Restore P.P.E.^ Suppress Fear^ Transfer I.S.P.* Physical Powers: Deaden Senses^ Death Trance Ectoplasm(3) Float* Impervious to Cold Impervious to Fire Impervious to Poison/Toxin Levitation Nightvision Resist Fatigue Resist Hunger Resist Thirst Summon Inner StrengthTelekinesis Telekinetic Acceleration Attack^(4) Telekinetic Leap^(2) Telekinetic Lift^ Telekinetic Punch^(2) Telekinetic Push^ Teleport Object*(4) Sensitive Powers: Commune With Animals* Commune with Spirits^(2) Dispel Spirits*(2) Dreamdance(minor)#(3) Intuitive Combat^(3) Mask I.S.P. & Psionics^ Mask P.P.E.^ Mediumship# Object Read Presence Sense Read Dimensional Portal^(2) Remote Viewing^(2) See Aura See the Invisible Sense Dimensional Anomaly^ Sense Evil Sense Magic Sped Reading Telepathy Total Recall Super Psionics: Advanced Trance State*(2) Astral Transference#(4) Bio-regeneration(Super)(2) Block Breaker#(3) Catatonic Strike*(4) Cure Insanity*(3) Mental Illusion*(4) - 255 -

Mind Block Auto-Defense(2) Mind Bolt(2) Psi-Shield(2) Psi-Sword(3) Psychic Invisibility^(3) Psychic Body Field^(2) Psychic Omni-Sight^(2) Pyrokinesis (2)(but all attack forms cost double to use) Radiate Horror Factor^(2) Supercharge#(2) Telekinesis(Superior)(2) Telekinetic Force Field(2) Magic Powers: 1. Gaining Spell Knowledge: The spells are gained as per a 'normal' Mystic, but with only a few changes, primarily in how the spells are selected. First of all, the spells are limited to a specific list, which concentrates on defensive spells, with a very good selection of offensive spells as well. Second, many of the spells are higher or lower than their "normal" spell level with respect to the selection method of the Guardian Mystic, with any attendant change in required casting time as per the casting time by level rules from the Rifts main book and Federation of Magic. Third, some casting costs are changed, due to the nature of the O.C.C., similar to how some mage types from Federation of Magic have altered costs for some spells. Lastly, some spells not normally available to conventional casters are available to the Guardian Mystic. These are mostly Elemental spells. 2. Base P.P.E.: 2D4x10, plus the Guardian Mystic's P.E. number. An additional 2D6 P.P.E. is gained with each level advanced, plus the bonus to save vs. Magic from high P.E. Example: a Guardian Mystic with a P.E. of 18 would get a +2 bonus to the P.P.E. roll, each time he advances. 3. Magic Bonuses: +4 to save vs. Horror Factor, +1 to Magic Saves & Spell Strength at levels evenly Divisible by 5 (5th, 10th, etc.) 4. Initial Spell knowledge: The following spells are always part of the beginning spell knowledge of the Guardian Mystic: Blinding Flash, Globe of Daylight, Fear, Mystic Alarm, Turn Dead, Armor of Ithan, Carpet of Adhesion, Energy Field, Magic Net, and Seal. 5. Gaining Spell Knowledge: The Guardian Mystic has a total of 8 additional levels of spells from the 1st & 2nd level spell lists, at first level. With each additional level, roll a number of D6s equal to the new level, for the amount of levels gained to be spent on spells of equal or less level than the character's level. Notes: A. Spell levels can be "held back" for future use, but only as many as the character's current level. In other words, a 3rd level Guardian Mystic could hold back 3 of the levels gained at third level, to spend them at fourth level. Held back levels are not cumulative, and are always the first levels spent on advancement. B. The spell list is subdivided into two categories: Offensive & Defensive/Other. Before any other spells are picked, one spell must be picked from the Defensive/Other list, from the highest level available to the character. Of the remaining spell levels, at least half must be spent in the Defensive/Other category as well. Example: If a 5th level mage has 20 levels to spend, 5 must be spent for a 5th level Defensive/Other spell first. Out of the remaining 15, at most 7 levels can be spent on offensive spells, only 5 levels if 5 of the levels are held back for use at sixth level. C. If 50+ levels of spells are taken that are Elemental Spells (aka Warlock spells, from the Rifts Conversion Book), the Mystic will be treated by Elementals as if a Warlock (as per Warlock O.C.C. Power #10, "The BrotherhoodEtiquette Between Elemental Forces"). It does not matter if the spells are split between all four types. Guardian Mystic Spell Lists: Notes: If a Rifts Spell name seems unfamiliar, it's probably from Federation of Magic () Level of spell as written, if different from Guardian Mystic list from Palladium Fantasy RPG ** from Nightbane # Half normal P.P.E. cost (E) Elemental Spell, from Conversion Book One (*)Conversion Book One, Rifts conversion of Palladium Fantasy RPG Spell ^ Has Equivalent (or similar) psionic power. The Guardian Mystic will tend to take the psionic version first/instead (but not required to do so). Level | Offensive/Combat/Stealth Spells | Defensive/Other Spells -------+---------------------------------+-----------------------1 | Cloud of Smoke | See Aura^ | Thunderclap | See the Invisible^ | Increase Weight* | Sense Evil^ - 256 -

| Fiery Touch(E) | Sense Magic^ | Befuddle(2) | Chameleon(2) || 2 | Concealment | Detect Concealment | Energy Bolt(3) | Extinguish Fire | Invisibility-Simple(3) | Levitation^ | Paralysis-Lesser(3) | The Knowing Candle** | Cloud of Steam (E)(1) | Breathe Without Air(3) Level | Offensive/Combat/Stealth Spells | Defensive/Other Spells -------+---------------------------------+---------------------------------3 | Telekinesis^ | Impervious to Fire^ | Magic Shield^ | Impervious to Poison^ | Life Source | Negate Poison/Toxin^ | Circle of Rain(E) | Purification | Throwing Stones(2) | Protection Circle-Simple(9)# | Dust Storm(E)(1) | Wall of Clay(E)(2) | Fire Bolt(4) | Familiar Link(9) | Shadow Meld(4) | Negate Magic(8)# | Breathe Fire(E)(5) | Watchguard(3) || 4 | Paralysis-Superior(7)*# | Calling(5) | Repel Animals | Escape(5) | Deflect | Heal Wounds^ | Electric Arc | Featherlight(5) | Fist of Fury | Impervious to Energy(6) | Ricochet Strike | Cure Minor Disorders | Blind | Ley Line Transmission | Energy Disruption(5) | Multiple Image || 5 | Rust(E)(4) | Dissipate Gasses(E)(4) | Hail(E)(4) | Chromatic Protection(4) | Horrific Illusion | Dream Senses(4) **# | Superhuman Strength | Circle of Flame | Superhuman Speed | Wall of Thorns(E)(4) | Charm(*) | Eyes of Thoth | Size of the Behemoth* | Invisible Wall(E) | Lifeblast | House of Glass | Mental Blast | Superhuman Endurance || 6 | Charm Weapon(5) | Invulnerability (7) | Spirit Attack(5) | Wall of Stone(E)(3) | Armor Bizarre(5) | Clay to Stone(E)(5) | Death Curse(6) | Distant Voice(5) | Snowstorm (5) | Mend the Broken(5) | Apparition | Mystic Pigeon | Call Lightning | Tongues | Fire Ball | Words of Truth | Ice | Watching Enchantment || 7 | Chasm(E)(5) | Screaming Wall of Flame(E)(5) | Shards of Ice(E)(4) | Aura of Death(5) | Mini-Fireballs(E)(4) | Globe of Silence | Blue Flame(E)(5) | See Wards(*) | Animate Plants(E)(3) | Circle of Concealment* | Constrain Being | Clay or Stone to Iron(E)(6) | Immobilize* | Energize Spell(6) | Dancing Fires(E)(6) | Illusory Wall(6) | Barrage(6) | Heal Self | Power Bolt(6) | Electrical Field(E)(6) || - 257 -

Level | Offensive/Combat/Stealth Spells | Defensive/Other Spells -------+---------------------------------+---------------------------------8 | Animate Object(6)* | Protection Circle-Superior(13)# | Frostblade(6) | Spinning Blades | Mental Shock(7) | Commune With Spirits^ | Ballistic Fire(7) | Eyes of the Wolf | Fire Gout(7) | Luck Curse | Wind Rush(7) | Oracle^ | Sonic Blast(7) | Stone to Flesh | Wisps of Confusion | Expel Demons(*) | Fire Globe | Sense Dimensional Anomaly^ | Invincible Armor | Lifeward || 9 | Lightblade(7) | Wind Cushion(E)(8) | Wind Blast(8) | Wall of Defense | Plasma Bolt(E)(8) | Forcebonds(8) | Lightning Arc(8) | Swords to Snakes | Power Weapon(8) | Armorbane(10) | Speed of the Snail | Beat Insurmountable Odds | Crushing Fist(6) | Banishment(10) | Desiccate the Supernatural | Wall of Not(10) || 10 | Petrification(E)(7) | Flame of Life(E)(4) | Age(9)* | Wall of Iron(E)(5) | Sub-Particle Acceleration(7) | Wards | Monster Insect(9)* | Dimensional Pocket* | Dragon Fire(9) | Illusory Forest | Havoc(*) | Restore Limb | Aura of Doom(9) | Super Healing | Deathword | Remove Curse(11) || 11 | Shockwave(8) | Anti-Magic Cloud | Enemy Mind | Create Magic Scroll | Giant | Summon Fog | Magic Warrior | Illusory Terrain | Meteor | See in Magic Darkness | Speed Weapon | Amulet(12) | Warped Space | Calm Storms(12) | Finger of Lictalon* | Wall of the Weird(12) || 12 | Tornado(E)(7) | River of Lava(E)(7) | Summon & Control Rain | Energy Sphere(11) | Mindshater(11) | Null Sphere | Soultwist | Shadow Wall(13) || 13 | Summon & Control Storm | Talisman | Create Golem | Restore Life | Sorcerous Fury | Id Barrier(14) || 14 | Annihilate | Close Rift | Enchant Weapon(Minor) | Impenetrable Wall of Force | Void(15) | Restoration || Fifteenth Level: Handled slightly different than the other levels. Gains 1D4x15 spell levels to spend on level 1-14 spells (no restrictions), and picks TWO of the Items from the following list (Notes as spell list): Resurrection(*)# Barrier of Thoth(Spell of Legend)(*)# Crimson Wall of Lictalon(Spell of Legend)(*)# Sanctuary(Spell of Legend)*)# Circle Magic: Equivalent of first level Summoner(*); advances with further levels as Mystic Guardian. - 258 -

Ward Magic: Equivalent of first level Diabolist(*); advances with further levels as Mystic Guardian. Additional 90 spell levels from the spell lists (can be taken more than once) Sixteenth Level and Beyond: To advance to each level beyond 15th costs one million experience points, so it's not likely a PC will ever get that far (boy, is THAT an understatement!). But, for purposes of ancient NPC's, etc., choose one more item from the above list, plus 1D6x15 levels of additional spells from the spell list, until all are taken. Once all items above and spells from the lists are taken, the Summoner or Diabolist level can be accelerated by an additional level (advancing two levels instead of one).

Gunslinger O.C.C.
By: Gargoyle [Here's the Gunslinger O.C.C., slightly modified to fit into RIFTS. In reference to the New West, I've been excited about it since it was first mentioned too. . .I just got tired of waiting.] The gunslinger is a phenomenon unique to the American West. They are warriors at heart, highly skilled with their weapons of choice, and quick to face a challenge. Those of good alignment are typically law-men deeply dedicated to justice, but even evil gunslingers can be implacable foes. They face death almost daily, as would-be gun fighters try to prove themselves against a successful gunslinger, and on the trail, which is unpredictable at best and quite lethal at its worst. These gunfighters are notorious throughout the West as capable killers with their own rough code of honor. They tend to be loners, more comfortable on a mountain trail than in even the smallest of towns. O.C.C. Skills: Language: American(98%) Language:Spanish(+20%) Language: Two of Choice(+10%) Horsemanship(+30%) Pilot: Hovercraft(+20%) Tracking(+20%) Wilderness Survival(+20%)Ambush(+10%) Detect Concealment(+10%) Gambling(+15%) WP Energy Pistol WP Energy Rifle WP Sharpshooter: Energy Pistol WP Sharpshooter: Energy Rifle Hand to Hand Basic O.C.C. Related: pick 7 skills, plus 2 more each at levels 3, 5, 8, and 12 Communications: Any(+5%) Computer: Operation only(+5%) Domestic: Any(+15%) Electrical: Basic only(+5%) Espionage: Any(+20%) Mechanical: Automotive only(+5%) Medical: First Aid or Holistic only(+15%) Military: Any(+10%) Pilot: Any(+20%) Pilot Related: Any(+15%) Physical: Any except Acrobatics or Gymnastics Rogue: Any(+10%) Technical: Any(+5%) Weapon: Any Wilderness: Any(+20%) Secondary: Also gets 6 secondary skills, with the above restrictions but without the bonuses; two more each can be selected at levels 6 and 10 Equipment: saddle, saddle bags, boots and spurs, chaps, duster, ammo belt, holster and gun belt, stetson/ten gallon hat, couple work shirts and pairs of jeans, sleeping roll, two canteens, trail rations, 50' rope, 6 wooden stakes, hammer, knife, steel plate and utensils, - 259 -

gas mask & air filter, sunglasses or goggles, suit of light mega-damage body armor, PDD recorder, a few personal items. As for vehicles, the gunslingers prefer, in order: horses, robot horses, motorcycles/bullet bikes, and hovercraft. Weapons: Will include the rifle and pistol of choice, 2-3 e-clips for each, and maybe one or two other weapons. Gunslingers prefer to use the weapons they are experts with. Money: Gunslingers tend to live the seat of their pants, they rarely have more than 2D4x100 cr at any one time Cybernetics: None to start; avoid bionics and heavy enhancement. A gunslinger will consider minor cybernetics, typically along the lines of wired reflexes, smartgun links, or cyber-armor. Nothing fancy. As this O.C.C. doesn't have any flashy abilities like psi-swords or special power armor or anything, you might consider letting them be the only O.C.C. allowed to get the sharpshooting skill. Like AD&D and specialization, sharpshooting allows the gunslinger to compete with more powerful OCCs.

Gunslinger v.2 O.C.C.

By: Gargoyle with modifications by: Chris Hubble The gunslinger is a phenomenon unique to the American West. They are warriors at heart, highly skilled with their weapons of choice, and quick to face a challenge. Those of good alignment are typically law-men deeply dedicated to justice, but even evil gunslingers can be implacable foes. They face death almost daily, as would-be gun fighters try to prove themselves against a successful gunslinger, and on the trail, which is unpredictable at best and quite lethal at its worst. These gunfighters are notorious throughout the West as capable killers with their own rough code of honor. They tend to be loners, more comfortable on a mountain trail than in even the smallest of towns. Note: All gunslingers are ambidextrous (HU,109) and have the the powers of Horror Factor (VU,18) and Alter Metabolism (VU,20). Gunslingers also have the Martial Art powers of Wrist Hardening (N&SS,117), Iai-Jutsu (N&SS,122) and Sung Chi (MC,160). O.C.C. Bonuses: +1D4 to MA;+1D6 to PP O.C.C. Skills: Language: American(98%) Language:Spanish(+20%) Language: Two of Choice(+10%) Horsemanship(+30%) Pilot: Hovercraft(+20%) Tracking(+20%) Wilderness Survival(+20%) Detect Ambush(+10%) Detect Concealment(+10%) Gambling(+15%) WP Energy Pistol WP Energy Rifle WP Sharpshooter: Energy Pistol WP Sharpshooter: Energy Rifle Hand to Hand Gunslinger O.C.C. Related: Pick 7 skills, plus 2 more each at levels 3, 5, 8, and 12. Communications: Any(+5%) Computer: Operation only(+5%) Domestic: Any(+15%) Electrical: Basic only(+5%) Espionage: Any(+20%) Mechanical: Automotive only(+5%) Medical: First Aid or Holistic only(+15%) Military: Any(+10%) - 260 -

Pilot: Any(+20%) Pilot Related: Any(+15%) Physical: Any except Acrobatics or Gymnastics Rogue: Any(+10%) Weapon: Any Wilderness: Any(+20%) Secondary: Also gets 6 secondary skills, with the above restrictions but without the bonuses; two more each can be selected at levels 6 and 10 Equipment: Saddle, saddle bags, boots and spurs, chaps, duster, ammo belt, holster and gun belt, stetson/ten gallon hat, couple work shirts and pairs of jeans, sleeping roll, two canteens, trail rations, 50' rope, 6 wooden stakes, hammer, knife, steel plate and utensils, gas mask & air filter, sunglasses or goggles, suit of light mega-damage body armor, PDD recorder, a few personal items. Vehicles: As for vehicles, the gunslingers prefer, in order: horses, robot horses, motorcycles/bullet bikes, and hovercraft. Weapons: Will include the rifle and pistol of choice, 2-3 e-clips for each, and maybe one or two other weapons. Gunslingers prefer to use the weapons they are experts with. Money: Gunslingers tend to live the seat of their pants, they rarely have more than 2D4x100 cr at any one time. Cybernetics: None to start; avoid bionics and heavy enhancement, a gunslinger will consider minor cybernetics, typically along the lines of wired reflexes, smartgun links, or cyber-armor. Nothing fancy.

Gur-Na-Ton R.C.C.
Imagine a 8 foot tall humanoid. Now put beetle like armor on him. Next, add incredible strength. This is a Gur-Na-Ton. The Gur-NaTon's home world was destroyed by the Splugorth, and since them the Gur-Na-ton's have wondered the megaverse, exploring and extracting revenge whenever they can. Gur-Na-ton have no sex and use asexual reproduction. They create a cocoon, and 1d4 weeks later, the cocoon opens, the character goes about his business, and there is an egg left that will hatch in 2d4 years. When the egg hatches, the Gur-Na-Ton is already full grown and at level 1. This process can only be done if the character is 400 years old or older, and can only be attempted once every 20 years. Use the Dragon experience table. Alignment: Any, but most are scrupulous (87%), and few are Evil (less then 2%). Attributes: IQ: 2d6, ME: 2D6, MA: 2D6, PS: 5D6+4, PP: 3D6, PE: 4D6+3, PB: 2D6, SPD: 3D6 M.D.C.: 2d4x100 +25 per level of experience. Horror Factor: 9 Magic: The may chose 1 spell from level 1 at levels 2 and 4, one spell from level 2 at level 5, and one spell from level 3 at level 8. P.P.E.: All Gur-Na-ton's have 4D6, add 1 every 3 levels of experience. (I.E. One at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, etc.) Psionic: They may chose one psionic from any category but Super at level 2 and level 5. Save as Minor Psionic. I.S.P.: All Gur-Na-ton's Have 2d6 ISP. Other Powers: All attributes are magical, thus Physical Strength is supernatural. +2 vs. all poisons +1 save vs. psionics +1 to roll with punch Regenerates 2d6 MD every 3 minutes Cannot be turned into a vampire Average Lifespan: 300 years Habitat: Prefer Hot, Moist places. Hates cold places. Other then this, there is nothing else to note. The are omnivores, but only need - 261 -

to eat a third as much as a human. Friends: Get along well with True Atlanteans (very good friends with Undead Slayers) and are friends with Gigantes and Cernon (how this happened is not known). Enemies: Hates the Splugorth and their minions! Will attack on sight most of the time. This means the Gur-Na-ton also hate Sunaj Assassins, Conservators, and the rest of the Splugorth Minions. Size: From 7 to 10 feet tall. Weight: From 500 lb to 1300 lb R.C.C. Skills: Math Basic at 85% One Language at 90 % Lore: Demons and Monsters (+20%) 1 WP. of choice 1 Physical of choice (See notes below). +10% HTH: Expert (Can be changed to Martial Arts at the cost of 1 Other Skill.) Other Skills: Chose 5 at first level, and an additional 2 at levels 3, 5, 8, 10, and 13. Radio: Basic Domestic: Any (+5%) Basic Electronics Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Automotive Only (+5%) Military: Any (+5%) Physical: Any (+5% when applicable) Pilot: Any but Robots, Power Armor, or Aircraft. Pilot Related: Any Rogue Skills: Any Technical: Any (+5%) WP.: Any Wilderness: Any (+5% when applicable) Secondary Skills: Chose 4 from the above list without the bonuses. Gear: None. Cannot wear body armor. Usually doesn't use any type of MD or SD weapon. Rather, it relies on it's own strength. Has been known to use Vibro Blades and other Ancient MD weaponry.< Will always chose these if it can. Credits: None Cybernetics: May not receive any cybernetic or bionic implants as their biology is too alien..

The Gwanni
By: Crow Created: 970801 Crow Brand Conversions proudly presents: The Gwanni

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Loosely based on the characters from Origin System's Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle. The Gwanni are a race of humanoid creatures, vaugly reminiscent of an ape. They are On average 4-5 feet tall, with muscular builds and white fur covering all of their body, with the exception of their face. The face is humanlike, except for a deep bluish color, and totally black eyes. They have fully articulated hands with opposable thumbs, and stand upright. They are perfectly suited for life in Arctic conditions, and can survive temperatures of 100 below! In fact, they thrive in these conditions. They have arrived on Rifts Earth in Antarctica, Alaska, Northern Canada, Russia, and other areas with cold climates. The Gwanni are extremly curious, surprisingly friendly, and have accute wanderlust. They travel in tribes of 3d4x10, with the largest being communities of 1d4x100. They are civilized in a primitive manor, they have a society, they bury their dead, and are able to communicate in their own guttural language. Their society is not literate, but due to their psionic nature, which is described below, they have intense racial memory. They are not a technological society, but they do have the capacity to use it if taught. Due to the racial memory, it would take several generations of constant technological use to become totally accustomed to technology. Due to their wanderlust, during the winter months, many travellers (Travellers will travel in parties of 2d4 or so) will seek to explore south and see what curiosities can be explored. But come winter, they will return to their homelands. Gwanni are extremly powerfull psionics as a whole, and while not equivilent to mind melters, they have unique abilities and can be quite dangerous when angered. They alone are a race which can psionically control the elements of cold through their power of Cryokenesis. Magic use is normally limited to Mystics and Water Warlocks, both of which are rarerities, but not unheard of. The Gwanni Race IQ: 2d6+4 ME: 3d6+4 MA: 2d6 PS: 4d6 PP: 3d6 PE: 3d6 PB: 3d6 to Gwanni, 2d6 to others. Spd: 3d6 HP: PE + 1d6 AR: 10 SDC: 6d6x2 ISP: 2d4x10+ME, +2d6 per level Natural Abilities: 1. Immune to the effects of cold, can survive temperatures of 100 below with no ill effects. In contrast, when in climates of 10 above zero or warmer, they suffer heat stroke, and if temperature becomes 40 or over, they must roll a save vs. coma every day or they will loose 2d6 HP permanantly until they return to freezing temperatures. 2. Natural Psionics: Pick 3 from healing, 3 from physical, 3 from sensative, or pick all from one catagory. Pick 2 super powers with the exception of Pyrokenesis & Psi Sword. 3. Cryokenesis Reduce temperature in a 10 ft radius. 2 ISP per 10 degrees lowered. 5 minutes per level of experience Freeze Water. Freezes a 1 foot cubic area of water per level of experience. Costs 4 ISP per unit of water frozen. Sculpt Ice. The Gwanni can shape Ice with their bear hands, much like the atlantean stone masters. Can shape 10 lbs of ice per level of experience. 8 ISP per unit of ice sculped. MDC Ice. By expending 20 ISP points, the gwanni can make an Ice structure temporarily Mega Damage. This can effect up to 2 lbs of ice per level, and lasts for 1 minute per level. Glacial Armor. If the Gwanni enters a body of water (At least as much as is in a modest bathtub), they can freeze it around them in the form of armor. It is held together by thier psionics, and made Mega damage. MDC Is 25 per level of experience. Lasts for 3 hours per level. ISP cost is 50. Lifespan: 50 Years. OCCs Avaliable: Wilderness Scout, Water Warlock, Mystic, Mind Melter (Replace 1 super power with Cryokenesis), Psi Stalker. Possibly others at GM descrition, but these will be rare travellers with some means of containing a cool environment (Environmental

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Hacker OCC
(Scholar/Adventurer) By: FlashFire Okay, IMO the GPC came on way too fast this time. We could have used a little more time to get people into the proper mood, or at least time to get our little toys ready for the Challenge. Next time, could we wait a few days, please? Ahh well, this is probably just my suger-crazed, sleep-deprived, just-got-off-my-customer-service-job-type tired brain rattling off some half-rant... Time for me to go to bed. Anyway, I didn't have time to get my computer systems addition for this OCC ready, but its on the way. In the meantime, this was posted around the end of last year. Thoughts and flames, anyone? "We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals." "Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto." --- The Hacker Manifesto

A Hacker is more than just a simple computer expert. Any twit can learn to work an operating system or install an application. No, a hacker is a special breed of computer expert, an intelligent, quick-witted person posessing an insatiable thirst for knowledge. This thirst can lead some of them to go to some of the same lengths that a vampire's thirst for blood will. The Hacker vanished with the Coming of the Rifts, for obvious reasons. It wasn't until humanity regained some of its lost power and computers and stored information came back that the rouges who dare to take that information, for whatever reason, returned with it. For many years, the Hacker existed much as they had in Pre-Rifts times, and still does in some parts of the world. In the Coalition States, though, this occupation has taken on a slightly more dangerous aspect. Knowledge has become a rare commodity, one that certain "elements" of society would pay greatly for. Unfortunately for the hacker, getting this knowledge, wether to sell or just to know, can come at a very high price. Secret Police stalk the streets, searching for anyone who knows more than they should (which means they know anything). Computer hacking, or even possession of hacking tools, can lead to long-term imprisionment or even a death sentence! Also, few places in the CS (not counting cities) have standard communications systems, such as telephones or computer networks. In these places, a Hacker would need to break into whatever place the computer was kept in. Now more than ever, a hacker must possess skills that are outside the norm for average people. A hacker has to be versed in physical skills, weaponry, and explosives; for escaping the authorities, dumpster diving, and general theft; as well as the usual assortment of computer and rouge skills. Attribute Requirements: IQ must be 12 or higher OCC Skills: Language: Native - 98% Literacy (+10%) Math: Advanced (+10%) Computer Operation (+20%) Computer Programming (+20%) Computer Hacking (+20%) Cryptography (+20%) Basic Electronics (+15%) Read Sensory Equipment (+15%) Running Prowl (+5%) Streetwise (+10%) One WP of choice HTH combat can be selected as an OCC Related or Secondary skill. Basic counts as one skill, Expert as two, and Martial Arts as three. Assassin and Commando are not available. OCC Related Skills: Select Ten other skills, but at least two must come from Rouge skills, one from Communications, and one from physical. Gets two more skills at levels three, six, nine, and twelve. Communications: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Computer Repair and Electrical Engineer only (+10%) Espionage: Any, but Sniper and Wilderness Survival - 264 -

Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Mechanical Engineer only (+10%) Medical: First Aid only (+5%) Military: Demolitions and Demolitions: Disposal only Physical: Any, except Acrobatics and Wrestling Pilot: Any ground vehicle, plus jet pack and hovercraft. No Robot or PA combat (+5%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+10%) Science: Any (+5%) Technical: Any (+10%) W.P.: Any, but Heavy and Heavy Energy Weapons Wilderness: None Secondary Skills: Choose six from the previous list, no bonuses. Standard Equipment: Two sets of working clothes. These are usually low profile clothes, specifically chosen to not draw attention. They could also be ninja-style clothing or jumpsuits. Anything that will help them hide better. They also have a small wardrobe of "normal" clothes. Other equipment will include a Swiss Army-type knife, two weapons of choice and two clips/full loads of ammo, RMK Medical kit, a halogen lantern and various personal items. Also has a tool kit with a Wilk's Laser Wand, multi-head screwdriver, saudering equipment, lock picks, CDs with needed programs (virii, crypt and decrypt programs, ect), miscellaneous computer jacks, ect... Vehicle will tend to be something light and fast, like a hovercycle,or something that will allow them to go unnoticed, like a skateboard or roller-blades. Body Armor can be of any type, but they still go for the fast, light, and unobtrusive stuff. They love Triax PlainClothes armor, if they can get ahold of it. A hacker's pride and joy is his computer system. Currently, the best system available is the PC-3000 hand-held computer, generally upgraded to include a 5 gigabyte harddrive and at least five or ten times as much memory and processor speed. Note: Hacking from a home computer in Rifts, or anywhere else for that matter, is an incredibly stupid idea. The CS WILL track the Hacker down that way and respond accordingly. There have been rumors of a new corporation selling specialized hacking equipment, but nothing much is known about it yet. Money: 6D6x200 credits in cash. They also have 3d6x1000 credits in Black Market items, usually valuable stored knowledge. Cybernetics: Starts with Universal headjack, plus two other implants of choice including Black Market cybernetics. Once again, rumors of a new corporation selling specialized hacking tools, including cybernetics have been floating around for a few months but no one seems to know anything concrete. Xp Table: Use the Rouge Scholar XP table.

Halflings R.C.C.
By: Dan MacQueen Halflings are a race of short humanoids common to many worlds of magic (though not the Palladium world). They are sometimes confused for faerie folk or dwarves, but they are not related to either race. In fact, they appear to be closely related to humans. The main differences are in the little people's height (averaging about three feet tall), but several strains of halflings also have pointed ears, larger and hairier feet, and little or no facial hair. In many of the worlds they inhabit, halflings keep to themselves, rarely meddling in the affairs of the taller and more power-hungry races. These little people are content to live simple lives as farmers and peasants, often surviving and prospering while other races wear themselves out with struggles for power and glory. These halflings are generally friendly, hospitable, comfort-loving people with great respect for laws and morals. In some dimensions, they are held in contempt by the other, stronger races. In fact, on some of these worlds, halflings are considered little more than petty vagabonds and thieves. The rulers of other worlds use halflings mostly as slaves. These halflings tend to be roguish, furtive scavengers. Regardless of their status on their homeworlds, most of them do not consciously seek adventure or power, accepting their lot in life. Other races, especially humans and the gruff dwarves, think of halflings as soft, puny, and unimportant, but they are often tougher and more determined than they appear. They often learn how to circumvent their small size, or even turn it into an asset. Even the smallest and most comfort-loving halfling can turn into a resilient, clever, and capable adventurer -- if they have to. Alignment: any, but usually good or unprincipled: even a halfling thief tends to be selfish rather than evil. Attributes: IQ: 3D6, ME: 3D6, MA: 2D6, PS: 2D6+3, PP: 4D6, PE: 4D6, PB: 3D6, Spd: 3D6 P.P.E.: 3D6 Hit Points: Standard.

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S.D.C.: 10 plus those from OCC's and skills. Psionics: Standard. Combat: Standard. Life Span: Varies, usually around 110 years. Penalties: Due to their size, may not use large weapons: they are restricted to small and medium sized ancient weapons, such as short swords and short bows. Modern weapons are also generally restricted to pistols and medium to light rifles. Their size also causes many other races to act condescending towards Halflings, or ignore them altogether. This can be an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on how the character uses it. Magic: no natural abilities, and rarely study it. Natural Abilities: - high physical prowess and physical endurance: many races are surprised at how resilient a halfling can be. - keen eyesight and hearing - +2 to dodge attacks from large creatures (Wolfen size or larger: includes humans in most power armor) - +1 to strike with slings, bows, and thrown weapons, due to years of tradition with such weapons. - +1 to initiative - can "freeze" : by remaining totally motionless, the Halfling may hide at +20% to his or her prowl skill - +20% on prowl and cook, +10% to rogue skills other than computer hacking, +10% to escape artist Skills of note: Speak native language at 95% (60% are also literate), speak one other language (usually an elven or human tongue) at 75%, WP Archery/Targeting, Prowl +20% and Cook +20%. Enemies: usually Goblins, Orcs, and the like. They tend to distrust Giants and other big folk. Allies: Generally, Gnomes, Dwarves, Elves, and Humans are preferred. On Rifts Earth, they will tend to be allied with most downtrodden and non-violent races of generally good alignments. Height: 2'6" + 3D6 inches Weight: 80 to 120 pounds: tend to be stocky or overweight (Halflings like to eat seven meals per day, when they can, but can survive on a loaf of bread and a bottle of water for days when they have to.) O.C.C.'s: Palladium-type fantasy worlds: Any but magic users (not including mind mages and clergy) or longbowman (too short). Rifts: any but most men of magic (may still become clergy or druids) & power armor pilots (too small for the suit, but they may pilot giant robots). Halfling adventurers are relatively uncommon: they usually get swept up by adventure, rather than seek it. They also tend towards scholarly classes rather than men-at-arms, but halfling warriors can be surprisingly effective (especially since their opponents don't expect them to be.) The most attractive OCC's would be ranger/wilderness scout, thief/city rat, soldier/headhunter, healer/body fixer, scholar/rogue scholar, and vagabond/peasant farmer. The truly noble and adventurous ones (generally seen as unbalanced by other halflings) will gravitate towards cyber-knight or paladin (riding ponies rather than horses, of course). These tend to see themselves as protectors of their people and of innocents everywhere. The natural resistance halflings have to travel makes them rare on the Rifts Earth. However, a few thousand, coming from various worlds, are present, mostly in the British Isles and western Canada.

Haruchai RCC
By: Joshua Brink

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The Haruchai are a race of well-tanned people, slightly taller than the average human is, with dark hair and eyes. They are native to Rifts8 Earth (or the PFRPG8 World) and have been around since before recorded time. They are a mountainous people and only come out on missions of great importance. From millennia of living in the harsh conditions of the Himalayan Mountains the Haruchai have become stronger and more resilient than other humans. The men are born warriors and are taught the skills of war beginning at age three. The women, although tougher than most normal men, are kept "barefoot and pregnant" and they accept this without exception. At any given time there are only 100 Haruchai away from the tribe, no more, no less. These warriors are the best fighters in the tribe and are sent out to show the world the meaning of honor. If any one of them dies it is sensed by the tribal elder and a new Haruchai is sent to replace him. These Haruchai Find work as Honor Guards or personal body guards to those that they deem worthy and will give their lives so that those that they protect may live. Once a vow of protection is taken the Haruchai will stay by those that they serve until death or until such a time as they are no longer deemed worthy. A Haruchai vowed to service no longer needs to eat or sleep and does not age. The Haruchai will not back down from any challenge, no matter how suicidal. They are extreme in their word and in their justice. They will act as judge, jury and if deemed appropriate, executioner. They will never break their word of honor or die trying to uphold it. The Haruchai are a traditional people and generally disdain the use of technology. Reliance on machines denies the independence and self-sufficiency that they hold above all but honor. On rare occasion (under dramatic circumstances) a Haruchai may use a vibro sword or similar weapon but never any kind of pistol, rifle or other non-archaic type weapon. They have no problem using magic weapons or items but are suspicious of magic in general. Alignment: Principled or scrupulous only. Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 5D6, P.P. 5D6, P.E. 6D6+6, P.B. 3D6, Spd. 6D6+6, *Per. 6D6. Size: 6'+2D6" Weight: 185 to 250 lbs. S.D.C.: 2d4x10+20 P.P.E.: 1D4 I.S.P.: 1D4 Average Life Span: 80 years (when not bound by a vow of protection) Natural Abilities: The Haruchai have the following psionic like abilities: At will: Deaden Pain, Mind Block, Presence Sense, Sense Evil, Sixth Sense, Total Recall, Impervious to Cold. Three times per day: Resist Fatigue, Resist Hunger, Resist Thirst, and Summon Inner Strength. Psionic Powers: Only those listed above. Magic Powers: None. O.C.C.s: No O.C.C. may be taken until at least 5th level. After that any non-technological warrior O.C.C. may be taken (most are Martial Dragons, Ancient Masters or the like). No Magical or Psionic O.C.C.s. Money: Will carry only the bare minimum needed to survive otherwise will give it to the needy. Cybernetics: None. Will never even consider them for any reason, not even to save their own life. R.C.C. Skills: Cooking (+5%) Fishing (+10%) Sewing (+5%) Detect Ambush (+15%) Detect Concealment (+10%) Escape Artist (+5%) Tracking (+15%) Wilderness Survival (98%) First Aid (+5%) Holistic Medicine (+10%) Hand to Hand: Martial Arts Acrobatics (+10%) Athletics Body Building and Weight Lifting Boxing Climbing (+15%) Gymnastics (+10%) Prowl (+20%) Running Swimming (+20%) Wrestling Horsemanship (+20%) Pilot: Boat (sail type) Astronomy (+5%) Botany (+10%) Mathematics: Basic Language: Native (Haruchai 98%) Language: Two of Choice (+20%) Literacy: Native (Haruchai 98%) Lore: Demon and Monster (+10%) - 267 -

W.P.: All Ancient at 5th Level Proficiency Boat Building: (+10%) Carpentry (+10%) Hunting I.D. Plants and Fruits (+20%) Land Navigation (+15%) Preserve Food (+15%) Skin and Prepare Hides (+10%) Track Animals (+20%) R.C.C. Related/Secondary Skills: Choose six other skills from the following categories at +10% and four Secondary Skills with no bonus. Domestic Espionage (Except Sniper) Medical Rogue (No Computer Skills) Science Technical (No Computer or Photography)

Healer O.C.C.
The Healer's are a devout class of mystic healers. A person who joins their order swears to forsake all evil and help all good people (includes anarchist and unprincipled) in need. The Healers are enemies of the CS, who they feel has hurt to many good and honest people/creatures. The Healers should be considered a Men of Magic OCC. Use the Mystic experience table. Attribute Requirements: ME: 9, MA: 12, PE: 6 Attribute Bonuses: Give the character a one time bonus of +2d6 SDC, +2d4 ME, +1d4 MA, and +1 PE. Psionics: The character gets ALL psychic healing powers. At level 3, they can chose 1 power from any of the categories except super. At level 5, they get the super psionics of Bio-Regeneration, and a 8th level, they get the super psionic Bio-Manipulation. I.S.P.: 2D4x10+ME plus 3 per level of experience. The Healer saves as a Master Psionic. Magic: The character start with the following powers: Turn Dead, Impervious to Poison, Globe of Daylight, Negate Poison/Toxin, Cure Minor Disorder, Heal Wounds, Sleep, Cure Illness, and Purification. The character may learn two spells from levels equal to their current experience level +2 (i.e. a 5th level character can chose 2 spells from up to seventh level) at ever level after one. P.P.E.: 3d6x10+PE plus 5 per level of experience. Other Powers: Heals 4x as fast as a normal human. Are liked and recognized by all good creatures. Saving Bonuses: +2 to save vs. Horror Factor +1 to save vs. Psionics at levels 2, 5, and 7 +1 to save vs. Insanity +1 to save vs. magic at levels 1, 3, 6, 8, and 11. O.C.C. Skills: 2 languages of choice at 95% 1 Literacy from one of the above two at 85% Wilderness Survival (+20%) Paramedic (M.D. for the cost of 2 Other Skills) (+15% on either) Holistic Medicine (+15%) Athletics: General Biology (+10%) Math: Basic (+15%) Lore: Demons and Monsters (+10%) Land Navigation (+10%) Character may chose HTH: Basic at the cost of 2 Other Skills. No other HTH is available. - 268 -

Other Skills: Chose 5 from the list below. Chose an additional 1 at levels 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 14. Communication: Radio Basic (+10%) Domestic: Any (+10%) Basic Electronics (+5%) Detect Concealment (+5%) Mechanical: Automotive (+5%) Medical: Any but first aid (already knows this from OCC skill paramedic or MD) (+10%) Physical: Any but Acrobatics, Boxing, Gymnastics, and Wrestling Pilot: Any but Robots and Power Armor and Tanks and APCs Pilot Related: Any Rogue Skills: Any (+5%) Science: Any (+5%) Technical: Any (+5%) WP: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Chose 4 from the list above without the bonuses. Standard Gear: A light MDC suit of armor, one MD pistol with 3 clips of ammo, First Aid kit, Backpack, Traveling Clothes (Jeans, T-Shirt), 2 quart canteen, 2 IRMSS kits, 1 RMK kit, 3 Protein Healing Salves, Combat Boots, and a gas mask. No vehicle. Healers prefer to walk or hitch short rides. Money: 2d4x100 Credits Cybernetics: Will adamantly refuse all cybernetics and bionics.

Heavy Worlder Human Variant

By: Legate Aside from the stuff covered by the Palladium disclamer, everything else is mine, mine, mine, do you hear, mine! This race was created to colonize worlds with a higher level of gravity than normal. Alignment: Any Attributes: IQ: 3d6, ME: 3d6, MA: 3d6, PS: 5d6 (Robotic), PP: 3d6-2, PE: 4d6, PB: 3d6, Spd: 3d6 SDC: 50+Standard HP: PE +1d8/level AR: Standard HF: Standard PPE: 2d6 Natural Abilities: 1. Able to stand double the gravity of a normal Human 2. Stocky Combat: Standard Psionics: Standard Average Life Span: as per Human Skills of Note: as per Human Habitat: as per Human, but tends to settle on worlds with higher than normal gravity Enemies: as per Humans Allies: as per Humans Size: Average Height: 5' 8" Average Width: 4' 6" Average Weight: 300 lb OCCs: any, but tend to be Marines & Grunts/Soldiers Btw, think about what if the CS started using these as soldiers.

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Hellion OCC
By: Hellion OCC's do not pay attention to laws, most of the time, do things that are insane, and pick fights. They also hunt down nonhumans for bounty or just because they hate them. They rove from town to town looking for non-humans (usually dragons and monsters and such) or even humans to be killed, or brought back alive if that's the only way they'll get paid. Pretty much anything if the price is right. They usually try to find someone will pay them to kill, and the cost is usually expensive, if not already set by the one getting them killed, but there is no set cost for any one job. The more dangerous the job is, the higher the fee is. Attribute Requirements: PS of 19 or higher, PP of 17 and a PE of 17. Alignments: Only Selfish or Evil alignments. Usually Anarchist (Selfish) or Miscreant (Evil). OCC Skills: Hunting Land Navigation +30% Lore: Demons & Monsters +25% Prowl +25% Read Sensory Equipment +10% Sniper Track Animals +30% Tracking +35% WP Aimed WP Energy Rifle WP Heavy Energy Weapons Wilderness Survival +30% HTH: Expert(upgrade with 1 skill to Asassin {can't upgrade to Martial Arts}) OCC Related Skills: Select 10 other skills, plus 1 at all levels. Communications: Radio: Basic only Domestic: Cook and Fishing only Electrical: None Espionage: Any (+15%) Mechanical: None Medical: None except First Aid Military: Any Physical: Any except Gymnastics and Wrestling (+10%) Pilot : Any ground vehicles Pilot Related: Navigation only Rogue: Any Science: None Technical: Only Language and Literacy WP: Any (+20%) Wilderness: Any (+25%) Secondary Skills: Select 6 secondary skills from the previous list without the bonuses listed in the parenthesis (). Also, the skills are limited(any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: A survival knife, Infared Distancing Binoculars, Thermo-imager, Multi-Optics Helmet, Standard First-Aid Kit, Set of Camoflage clothes, street clothes, sunglasses, 10 large leash-type chains, 2 sets of 10 differently-sized large collars a Plasma Energized Whip, a vibro weapon of choice, a heavy gun, 2 handguns or pistols, a rifle, a trained ferret (understands english, does what you say), and a jeep or other such vehicle. Also, mega-damage body armor of any kind including Coalation, camoflaged or black, or a force field. Money: 5D6x100 credits and 2D4x1000cr. in black market items Cybernetics: One cybernetic foot or hand plus 1D4 other cybernetics of any kind except limbs to start. Plasma Energized Whip These whips were created by riders and trainers of exotic creatures to keep them in control. Soon after the whips where discovered to be very affective in combat, but only in the hands of an expert. Novices will surely hurt themselves. The whips are four feet long with a six inch handle. Every three inches along the length of the whip is a small joint which contain a small plasma ejector. The whip and handle are made of light MD wires entwined for a stronger substance. The whips main advantage is to entangle a limb or appendage and then activate the small plasma ejectors creating a powerful sting. The plasma can also combust flamable material. Weight: 5lb Mega-Damage: Non energized 1d8 SDC -Energized 2d6 MDC -Energized Entangled 3d6MDC per melee round - 270 -

Rate of Fire: As per HtH attacks Effective Range: 4ft Payload: 40 minutes each activation uses a minimum of 1 min. Cost: 10,000

Hexon O.C.C.
By: D B Chow The Hexon believe themselves to be the grim servants of their god. Most are devout Christians/Catholics, who chose their hard and thankless duty. They do the dirty work which no other man would do. They see themselves as sinners; they serve the rest of mankind in their search for redemption. They usually work in secret, taking no credit for their deeds. In many cases they are more devout than any priest or Inquisitor. Alignment: Any, but despite their grim nature most are good. Attribute Requirements: ME & PE 13, and must bear their suffering O.C.C. Bonuses:: + 8 vs. HF, + 4 save vs magic, + 4 save vs possession O.C.C. Skills: Language & Literacy: Native (98%) Languages: 4 additional (+ 40%) Radio: Basic (+ 15%) Detect Concealment (+ 20%) Detect Ambush (+ 20%) Climbing (+ 15%) Streetwise (+ 20%) Land Navigation (+ 20%) Lore: Vampire (+ 15%) (see Nightspawn) Lore: Demons (+ 15%) Prowl (+ 20%) Athletics Pilot: Any 2 Weapon: Any 5, archaic or modern Hand to Hand: equivalent to Martial Arts (or Assassin if evil) O.C.C. Related: select 5; one more at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 Communication: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Electical: Basic only Espionage: Any (+15%) Mechanical: None Medical: First Aid only Military: None Physical: Any (+10%) Pilot: Any (+15%) Pilot Related: Any (+15%) Rogue: Any Science: None Technical: Any (+5%) Weapon: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Select 3 at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, 13 Standard Equipment: Several sets of cheap clothing, a hat or head band (to cover their marks of their forehead. A mallet and several stakes, a silver dagger, a cross, his own library of occult books, including his own Liber Morta (described below.) Weapons: Prefer ancient style weapons. Many are proficient with a dagger or quarter staff. They will use modern weapons as well without hesitation. - 271 -

Magic: The Hexon begins as an extremely powerful magic user. At first level select a total 6 spells from levels 1-4. The Hexon also has his own copy of Liber Morta, the Book of the Dead. It is believed that this evolved from the Egyptians, who used magic to protect their tombs. They started out as tomb carvings, then the spells were written on the bandages of mummies. As more spells were invented the Book of the Dead was made. One theory is that some ambitious Roman oracle took a copy and translated the most powerful spells. It is said that each book is written on the hide and in the blood of a human. This is not true, but most editions are written on the scull of a living creature, adding to the Hexon's bad reputation. In the Liber Morta are the following spells: Domination Superhuman Strength Superhuman Speed Agony Metaporphisis: Animal 2 High level spells (player should consult GM; these spells represent what the Hexon who trained the PC gave him.) The spells in this book are not like magic scrolls, where they disappear after one use. These are more like notes on how to cast a certain spell. But, without the book the Hexon will have major trouble remembering how to cast it, as these are such high level spells. In my campaigns if the Hexon doesn't use the book, he has a (Exp level) x 10% chance of working the spell. However, when the Hexon reaches the same level as the spell, he is automatically able to cast it without referring to the book. However, many are attached to their copy of the Liber Morta, and would keep it even if they know the spells. The Hexon, when he reaches the next exp level, learns one spell intuitively of the same level. Psionics: In addition to their magical powers they get 2 psionic abilities for each category. Alliances and Allies: Not many. They consider all Catholics (and sometimes all Christians in general) to be under their protection, like the Inquisitor-Redemers, ironically. Should they visit Wormwood they will sympathize with the Cathedral and the people. However, when they find how corrupt the organization is they will be disgusted; They will work with the monsters working for the Cathedral. The Hexon will associate particularly well with the Apok. In Nightspawn they will treat the Guardians, Nightspawn and any scholars as allies. Many have befriended good supernatural monsters and even other gods! Enemies: Many. Most people will fear the Hexon due to their great power and their dark markings. Their greatest enemy is the Inquisitor-Redemers who see them as heretics. The will fight all enemies of mankind. Description: The Hexon usually starts out in the slums of their place of origin. As a child their talents manifest; some might use their psychic senses to become thiefs or con men. A passing Hexon will probably take notice, and offer to teach the child. As many accept as refuse this offer. The Hexon will respect the wishes of the child, as they do not believe in choosing the path for them. The Hexon starts firstly by training the child to be independent, like how to hunt for food and live in the wild. Then he'll teach him the lores of demons and Undead. They are trained in a special fighting form using mostly a quarter staff or dagger. When the elder Hexon decides the child is ready he will teach him magic, and teach him how to prepare his own Liber Marta, his copy of the Book of the Dead. There is no trial, as the Hexon believes that whoever accepts their fate is worthy of it. Eventually a strong scar is magically formed on the young trainee's forehead. Usually the elder Hexon will leave without a word, during the night when the trainee is sleeping. The newly trained Hexon is then forced to make his own way.

Highland Clansman O.C.C.

By: Joshua Brink The men of the Scottish Highlands Alignment: Any Attributes: Standard Human (A high PS and PE are recommended but not required) OCC Skills (+5% Unless Otherwise Stated) Horsemanship I.D. Tracks (+15%) Detect Ambush (+10%) Tracking (+10%) Trap/Skin Small Animal (+10%) Fisticuffs/Boxing Body Building Athletics Wrestling Running Wilderness Survival Streetwise - 272 -

Land Navigation I.D. Plants and Fruits Scale Walls/Climbing Recognize Weapon Quality (Swords Only) Fencing Hand to Hand: Basic (Can be upgraded to Expert Only) W.P. Black Powder Pistol W.P. Blunt W.P. Crossbow W.P. Knife W.P. Sling W.P. Small Shield W.P. Spear W.P. Sword OCC Related Skills Any Six With A +5% Bonus Secondary Skills 4+1D4 Skills (No Bonus) Standard Equipment Claymore or Cutlass 1D4 Dirks or Daggers Black Powder Pistol A Suit of Plaids (Tartans) Kilt 2 Shirts Pair of Leather Boots Water Skein Shoulder Pack Pair of Leather Breeches Honing Stone 1D4 Small Animal Pelts Money 2D4 Gold Coins OCC Bonuses/Penalties +1d6 to PS -1D4 to MA Experience Table 1 0 1900 2 1901 3800 3 3801 7600 4 7601 - 12000 5 12001 - 20000 6 20001 - 30000 7 30001 - 45000 9 45001 - 65000 10 65001 - 90000 11 90001 - 130000 12 170001 - 220000 13 220001 - 270000 14 270001 - 320000 15 320000 - 370000 + 50,000 for each additional level

Highlander Immortal R.C.C.

By: Barrett William Nuzum Immortals are humans with special physiologies, given immortality and other special powers, based on Highlander. Please view it before attempting to use this RCC. It will give you tons of campaign ideas.

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Be sure to watch the film before attempting to use this RCC. Also, check out the great soundtrack by Queen. However, under no circumstances should you view it's 1992 sequel. It sucks. And none of these ideas come from the sequel, so don't watch it. The TV series isn't too bad, and can give you ideas for NPC Immortal Villains. Enjoy, and Don't lose your head. Alignment: Any, but usually Scrupulous or Selfish. Attributes: IQ 3d6, ME 3d6+6, MA 3d6, PS 3d6, PP 4d6+6, PE 3d6, PB 3d6, Spd 4d6. P.P.E.: 6d6 Hit points/SDC: None, see MDC. M.D.C.: 10d6 MDC + d6/lvl. See also Power #2. Horror Factor: 14 (at the fall of a head) Weight/Height: Standard Human Variables. Age: Most are between 25 and 35 years old when immortality sets in, although certain elders have been known to exist. Life span indefinite. Sex, Appearance, Disposition and Psionics: Same as human. Combat Skills: 2 attacks + Those gained from physical skills and Hand To Hand (typically Expert or Martial Arts). Magic: No spell casting. See Powers 7, 8, and 9. Immortal R.C.C. Powers: 1. Does not age once immortal gene sequence becomes active. Does not need to eat, sleep, breathe, etc. Immortals are powered by The Quickening, a force related to Ley Line Energy. 2. Natural MDC and MDC Regeneration. While an immortal has MDC, he can only die by having his head severed. For this to happen, and immortal must reach 0 MDC. At this point, the immortal is vulnerable to having his head taken, but if the attacker does not make a "Lore - Demon" check, they won't know to chop the head off and once the immortal regenerates 20% of their MDC, they become conscious again, and ready to fight. Immortals regenerate 1d10 MDC every minute. (4 melees) Arms and Legs regenerate in about one year. 3. Immortality. Immortal (does not age) until dead or wins "The Prize." 4. Cannot be physically transformed by any means. See Rifts Atlantis, page 16. 5. Inflicts Mega-Damage with SDC swords. The sword becomes indestructible when wielded, and can be used to parry energy attacks (-6 to parry). For justification, see Pogtal Giant, Rifts Vampire Kingdoms. 6. Recognize and Sense Other Immortals. Range: 300 feet. 7. Ley Line Regeneration. Complete restoration of MDC/PPE/ISP. Can be used once a day on a line or at a nexus. 8. Sense Ley Line. Range: 10 miles. Chance: 30% + 5/level. 9. Can Use Techno-Wizard devices intuitively. 10. Empathy. As Psionic, but no ISP Cost. Duration: 1 melee. Trance: 2 combat actions or 1 melee. 11. Immortals are sterile. They cannot reproduImmortal RCC R.C.C. Skills: WP Sword (+4 total, special bonus) WP Of Choice Basic Math +20% Immortal R.C.C.-Related Skills: Select 9 at first level. One additional at levels 4, 8, 12 & 15. - 274 -

Communications: Any Domestic: Any (+10%) Electrical: Any Espionage: Only Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Tracking and Wilderness Survival. (+15%) Mechanical: Only Locksmith and Weapons Engineer. Medical: Any (+5%) Military: None. Physical: Any except HTH Assassin and SCUBA (+10%) Pilot: Only Auto, Boat, Helicopter, Horse, Motorcycle and Truck. Pilot-related: Any Rogue: Only Prowl (+15%) and Streetwise. Science: Any (+10%) Technical: Any (+15%) WP: Any. Ancient preferred. (+1 bonus to Ancient) Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Select six more from the above without bonus. Standard Equipment: Clothing, Traveling Clothes, Cape or Cloak, Light MDC Body Armor, Backpack, Canteen, and Sunglasses. Usually uses no vehicle, but horse or hover vehicle. Weapons: SDC Pistol, MDC Energy Rifle with several E-Clips, and a sword (roll percentile): 01 - Greatest Rune sword (GM Choice) 02-03 - Greater Rune sword (GM Design) 04-05 - Lesser Rune sword (GM Design) 06-00 - Std. Sword of Player's Choice Money: 2d4 x 1,000 credits & 2d6 x 1,000 credits in black market items. Cybernetics: Starts with none and shuns them. They interfere with the Quickening and would kill the character one week after installation. The Quickening is the force which powers all immortals and binds them together. It is related to ley line energy, which accounts for powers 6, 7, 8. Also, when an immortals head is taken, the Quickening manifests itself as a ley line storm, and the victor regains all MDC/PPE and ISP. See Atlantis, p. 12. The Gathering is a time when all immortals are drawn to a "far away land" to fight for "The Prize." There can be only one victor. The Prize (granted to The One): No Longer Immortal: Ages normally from physical age. Granted the following psionic abilities with NO COST which can be activated AT WILL: Telepathy Range: Planetary, See Aura Range: 300', See The Invisible Range: 300', Empathy Range: Planetary, Object Read Range: Touch, Empathic Transmission Range: Planetary. Xp table: Uses the Stone Master table. Rifts Atlantis, page 68.

Comazotz H-Man Priest O.C.C

By: MsgtKhaine The H-Men Priests of Comazotz Comazotz is an ancient Mayan God, a lord of shadows and Bats. He has recently returned to rifts earth and believes that it is his destiny to dominate the vampires, to this end he has recruited several priests to establish his new church. The largest of these churches is in Ciudad Juarez. The H-Men Serve as healers and exorcists, not only to the people of Ciudad Juarez but also to Vampires. These Priests are granted many abilities from their dark lords, including exorcisms and healing powers. Perhaps most interesting is the HMen's use of Blood Magic. This same magic is used by the Blood Druids of Europe. Using Blood Rituals the H-Men can remove curses and even see the future. The H-Mans abilities are not free however, and the H-men might demand for livestock, a few gold pieces, but will always demand for a pint of blood (even when Blood Magic wont be used). The Camazotz H-Men- Priests of the Bat Lord OCC abilities and bonuses 1. Exorcism: see rifts conversion book 2 2. Healing touch: see rifts conversion book 2 - 275 -

Blood magic Using a Pint of Blood the H-Man can do several things 1. Read the Blood: The H-Man can read the blood to learn about the donor by string into the blood for 1 minute the Hman can effectively read the aura of the donor (see the Blood druid powers in Rifts England) and because the donor has willingly donated his blood the H-Man can use the Donors PPE energy in a blood ritual. 2. Predict weather: By staring into the blood for 1 minute the H-Man can predict the weather of the next week/month/season accurately (60% bases chance +3% per level) 3. Predict the future: By staring into the blood for 1 minute, the Blood druid can see the Donors future. 4. Remove Curse: In a complex ritual, the H-Man boils and the blood while chanting and has the Donor inhale the steam, effects as per the spell, however PPE cost is half normal. (Remember the Donors PPE is available to the Hman. 5. Cure Illness: another Blood ritual, The Blood is boiled and the donor inhales the fumes, Same as spell but PPE cost is halved(rounded up). Note: Blood that has been used in a blood ritual can be still be used to feed vampires, however, Vampires find blood used in the rituals to be bland and tasteless. Thus whenever possible the Vampires will feed on "pure" blood. 4. Metamorphosis into a bat or tarantula: same as spell, but as this power is a gift from Comazotz, duration is unlimited and there is no PPE cost. 5. Spell Casting: These spells are granted by Comazotz to his priests. The spells are not learned and most H-men have little knowledge of actual sorcery. Spells cannot be purchased or learned but are gained through meditation when the H-man reaches the next level of experience. At first level select six spells from levels 1-2. At second level select an additional 4 spells from levels 1-3, at 3rd level select 3 more spells from levels 1-4. From 4th level on the H-man gets 2 spells from levels equal or below his own (ie a 5th level H-man can select 2 spells from levels 1-5). Spells are restricted to those Comazotz knows. 6. PPE: the H-man becomes a PPE battery through his connection to Comazotz. PPE is equal to 1D6x10 + the PE attribute. The H-Man gets an additional 10 PPE per level. 7. Bonuses: +1 to spell strength at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14. +1 to save vs magic at 6 and 12, +2 to save vs horror factor. 8. Horror/awe factor: to humans the H-men have a HF of 10, 14 while doing blood magic. To Vampires the H-men have a horror/awe factore of 14. 9. Bond of Loyalty: the powers of the H-Man are conditional. Should the H-man ever betray his vows to Comazotz the powers will be taken away. This process is horrible and feels like having your soul ripped out. For the next 1d4 hours the H-man would have no bonuses one attack per melee, and -40% on all skills. Defrocked H-men lose all their powers, and are seldom allowed to live. If not killed by Comazotz they will very likely be killed by their former brothers. Those that do survive must start a new career at 1st level. Note: the skills here represent H-man born and raised in Ciudad Juarez and/or Mexico...those born in other areas will know different languages and skills. Alignment: any evil, anarchist at best. Good creatures will not serve such a dark master. Attribute Requirements: none, although a high M.A. and M.E. are helpful. O.C.C Skills Language and Literacy Spanish or American (98%) Language and Literacy Spanish or American (whichever wasn't chosen above +30%) Language and Literacy Maya (+25%) Language Gobbely (+15%) Holistic Medicine (+20%) Basic Math (+20%) Lore: Demons and Monsters (+20%) Streetwise (+15%) Interrogation Techniques (+10%) W.P. 2 of Choice Hand to Hand: Basic O.C.C related Skills: Choose a total of 7 other skills. Plus 2 new skills at levels 4, 8 and 12. All new skills start at level 1 proficency Communications: any (+5%) Domestic: any (+5%) Electrical: basic only Espionage: any (+10%) Mechanical: basic only Medical: First aid only (+10%) Military: none Pilot: any (+5%) Pilot Related: Navigation only Rouge: any (+10%) Science: any (+5%) Technical: any (+15%) - 276 -


W.P.: any Wilderness: any Secondary skills: the character gets 5 secondary skills from the list above. These do not get the bonuse listed in the parenthesis. All secondary skills start at the base level and are limited in the same way as the list above (any only none) Equipment: 3 weeks rations, light mega damge body armor. 2 sets of ceremonial robes, 2 sets of regular clothes. 2 canteens. A knapsack, a backpack. A knife, 2 canteens, and an energy weapon of choice. More as deemed fit by GM... Money: typically 1d4 x 1000 in credits, with another 2d4 x 1000 in valubles and gems. Cybernetics: None to start, but most Priests will avoid getting them.

Hsian (shee-AN) R.C.C.

By: DaBeechMan Somewhat related to Hsiao's, "Hsian" is a Hsiao word meaning "the winged humans." In fact, the Hsian are a Coalition experiment gone seriously wrong. Their original experiment, which crossed the DNA from humans, hsiao's, and one of three species of birds (there were plans to use more breeds, but they limited themselves to 3 until the experiment was proven to work,) worked great, but the 100 Hsian that were created rebelled and broke loose. Needless to say, the Coalition no longer creates Hsian, and neither group likes the other very much. Note: There is a rumor that someone slipped a fourth species of bird into one of the experiments; the Coalition flatly denies this Requirements: IQ 14 O.C.C./R.C.C.: May not take a psychic RCC like the Mind Melter or Burster, but otherwise may take any OCC or RCC they wish. Alignment: Most are unprincipled, but any alignment is allowed Attributes: IQ: 4d6, MA: 2d6, ME: 3d6, Spd: 3d6 walking. As for physical attributes (including flying speed,) remember how I said there were 3 kinds of birds used in the experiment? Roll 1d100 to see what kind was used in the PC: 1-50: DOVEWING: PS 3d6, PP 3d6, PB 4d6, PE 3d6, Spd 5d6 flying. Has the following psionics: Healing Touch and 3 of choice from the Healing category. ISP 60, major psionic. Does not recieve psionics from OCC except for a Cyber-OCC's Psi-whatever the OCC has (Sword, Axe, Bow, or Shuriken.) Cannot fly in rain, snow, or similar rough conditions. Also may not fly if more than half SDC is depleted. 51-90: EAGLEWING: PS 4d6, PP 3d6, PB 3d6-3, PE 3d6, Spd 4d6 flying. Has the following psionics: Summon Inner Strength and 1 of choice from Physical category. ISP 35, minor psionic. Receives OCC psionics same as Dovewing. May fly in rain or light snow, but no seriously rough conditions. 91-99: HAWKWING: PS 3d6, PP 3d6, PB 3d6, PE 4d6, Spd 6d6 flying. Has the following psionics: See Aura and 2 of choice from Sensitive category. ISP 40, minor psionic. May fly in any conditions. 00: Player's choice. If the GM decides to place a fourth kind of bird in the experiment, it may be chosen but cannot be rolled normally. Psionics: See above Magic: It all depends on the OCC Skills: As for OCC with the following additions: Speaks and reads Hsian and Hsiao (the two languages are incredibly similar) at 96%. Will only speak 1 other language, even if the OCC allows more. Note that the Hsian language is not spoken per se, it is actually sung (the tones are used much like voice inflection; different notes imply mood, sarcasm, and stress. There are even "accents" among the 3 different kinds of Hsian! Note however that words (perhaps lyrics are a better word) are still used.) Thus, also gains the ability to sing at professional quality (a literal case of "before they could speak they could sing.") Gains Aerial Navigation (which works exactly like Land Navigation, only it works in the air and not on the ground.) Money: Hsian often start quite poor (assuming they are still in North America, where they are hunted by the Coalition and have been forced to construct elaborate villages of tree houses. These villages are truly awe-inspiring because of the intricacy of the various bridges and the ingenious methods of camouflage.) If the Hsian lives in North America, they start out with only half the money that their OCC is allowed. If they live anywhere else, however, they are often treated well on account of the fact that they can fly, and a few have even become "superheroes." These Hsian start out with the full amount of money their OCC begins with. Cybernetics: May get Cyber-Armor, but nothing else. A normal cybernetic or bionic will be useless; bio-systems or bio-wizardry will kill the unfortunate Hsian. Tattoos, however, are allowed (owing to the fact that their DNA does have some Hsiao and human DNA.) - 277 -

Appearance: A winged human of either gender. These wings make them easy to tell apart from humans, and thus they have a slight problem when it comes to trying to get into a Coalition city. There are 2 ways around this: a Hsian's wings are extremely flexible. They can either be simply folded and concealed under a shirt, though there will be somewhat of a bulge where the wings are (a Hsian doing this will often walk as though it has a very bad back; it enhances the appearence. Another way to conceal this bulge is to lift weights or otherwise work out enough that the bulge can look like more muscle if it is correctly shaped) or once the wings have been folded, a harness can be made out of almost anything and used to fold and keep the wings even flatter, flat enough that they are concealed beneath a shirt and the Hsian will look like a human and does not need to walk as if he or she has back trouble. One disadvantage to this way though: the harness will be somewhat uncomfortable, a problem if the Hsian cannot readjust the harness every 10 minutes. Also, when the wings are released from the harness, they will be rather wrinkled, no flight allowed for 5 hours while the wings smooth themselves out. Friends: Just about anything except the Coalition, vampires, of the Splugorth. Enemies: the Coalition, vampires, and the Splugorth. Special Note: The Hsian CAN become vampires, owing to the human DNA that was crossed in with the Hsiao and bird DNA. In this unfortunate situation, they are easily told apart from their living cousins; a vampire Hsian's wings will turn a flat black color, a color that no living Hsian's wings are (the closest they can come is a glossy black; there is no shine in a vampire Hsian's wings.)

Hsiao R.C.C. (pronounced sh-HOW)

Based in the D&D creatures, these giant owls can be REALLY annoying at times, but can be entertaining to play. Alignment: Any, but few are anarchist or evil. However, all have a personality quirk: Hsiao's know a LOT, and jump at any chance to share it, often going into long, boring speeches. Attributes: IQ: 4d6, MA: 3d6, ME: 3d6, PS: 5d6, PE: 5d6, PP: 2d6, PB: 4d6 (once again, these guys are usually cute), Spd: 2d6 walking (or should I say waddling) 6d6 flying. Strength is supernatural in terms of carrying capacity, but not for damage in combat (see below.) M.D.C.: 5d6. Add 2d6 per level Magic: Equal to a Mystic in all aspects. P.P.E.: 6d6+IQ+ME. Psionics: Healing Touch, Bio-Regeneration, See Aura, and Sense Evil. I.S.P.: 4d6, add 1d8 per level. Natural Abilities: Flight- I think this is self-explanatory. Can carry substantial amounts of gear, some even give people rides occasionally See The Invisible and Eyes of the Wolf constantly in effect. Ley Line Phasing the same as a Line Walker Impervious to all forms of poison, toxins, or harmful drugs. Nightvision equal to normal vision Limitations: First, these guys are birds. There are some things a human can do that a bird can't. Second, they're not only birds, they're owls. Therefore, they are rarely awake during the day (though a Hsiao can train itself to sleep at night and wake up in the morning; most adventuring Hsiao's do this). Third, their feathers do have some limitations. Every time a Hsiao is struck with a cutting weapon or one that utilizes heat, there is a 1 out of 20 chance that a feather is damaged. Only 5 feathers may be damaged or given away in any one month (30 days) or the creature will only be able to fly at half speed for a month while new feathers grow (roll once for every 5 MD inflicted.) If more than 15 feathers are damaged, the Hsiao will lose all flight capabilities for a month. Also, diving into water will make a Hsiao unable to fly for three days while the feathers dry. After this time, it must preen itself (proficiency of 95%) or it will still not be able to fly until it is properly preened (may try once per day, any other attempts automatically fail.) Skills: Languages: Hsiao's have their own language, speaks this and 3 others of choice at 96%. WP: Energy Heavy WP: Any, but you'll have to use common sense; a 10-foot owl simply cannot use some types of weapons (pistols, for example, are too - 278 -

small, and must have the WP to use a rifle WITHOUT bonuses.) First Aid (-20% owing to the fact that once again, these guys are BIRDS here.) Cook (however, remember this is an owl. Some foods may be, well... unappetizing to humanoids.) Hunt (good hunters, +20%) HTH Basic (cannot be upped, once again, this is a giant BIRD.) Other Skills: Select 10 other skills. Use common sense here; an owl simply cannot do some things (like gymnastics, computer hacking MD in Cybernetics, etc.) Combat: Claw 6d6 SDC Diving Claw 3d6 MD (3 actions, but can pick up victim on a natural 20) Bite 1d4 MD Diving Bite 3d4 MD (3 actions, may not pick up victim) Peck 3d6 SDC Diving Peck 3d6 MD (2 actions) Wing Swipe 1d2 MD (can only be done on the ground) Cybernetics: May be used, but must be modified for Hsiao's (which means triple normal cost.) Also, don't get too silly, NO extra wings or claws. Note: Tattoos are allowed, but area that the tattoo is to be applied to MUST be plucked first (1d4 MD from the Hsiao's MDC)

Human-Vampire Hybrid
By: Jeremy F. Lane This is a creation loosely based on an idea for a comic I have. I can't recall if vampires can reproduce, but don't care, either, so if you're a rules lawyer, you might as well stop reading. Comments would be greatly appreciated. Hybrids are uncommon. The most obvious reason for this is the simple truth that even if a vampire does have a sexual relationship with a human, the spouse rarely live longer than the original joining and therefore has little chance of bearing children. When the rare good alignment vampire comes along however, it is possible for it to not only have sex with, but fall in love with a human and have children. These children are known as Hybrids. Hybrids incorporate traits from both parents and can often live in society without fear of rejection. At least as long as their parentage remains unknown. As such, many have also been labeled freaks and monsters, and run out of town, or worse. Horror Factor: (Only comes into play when true form is revealed.) 10 Alignments: Any! This, like any human depends on how they were raised etc. Size/Weight: Varies Attributes: Roll 3d6 as per normal, but is still supernatural. PPE: 3d6 MDC/Hit Points: Like normal vampires, Hybrids are very tough, though not to the same extent (see below). Hit Point Equivalent: 5d6 x 10. Natural Abilities: See below. Psionics: same as per a normal human. Combat: As per hand to hand and supernatural strength Number of Attacks: Three plus those gained from HtH skills. OCC's: Can select any non-magic or non-Coalition OCC! They tend toward wilderness scouts and other out of doors OCC's. Some principled have been accepted as Cyber-knights. Powers And Abilities: 1. Blood Lust: This craving is lessened in Hybrids (1 pint per 48 hours). However, Hybrids do need to eat a little regualr food as well. This is about equal to the psi-stalker. 2. The Bite: The slow kill is no longer possible. 3. Mind Control: No longer possible. 4. Metamorphosis: This ability is unchanged, however, the Hybrid cannot summon anything anymore. 5. Limited Invulnerability: This is really more of a super durability. Normal weapons can damage a Hybrid but at 1/4 damage (I may change this to 1/2 damage if deemed too munchkin). Silver and wood do full damage still, and do not regenerate as quickly. - 279 -

Super Regeneration: This power is even more impressive than the normal vampires power. Hybrids can regenerate normal damage at a rate of 5d6 hit points per melee (This too may also be changed). Wood and silver is regenerated at the regular 2d6 per melee. 7. Eternal Life: Even though Hybrids are no longer connected to the Vampire Intelligence (Did I forget to mention this?) they are incredibley long lived. So much so, that none have died yet. Perhaps they are truely immortal. 8. Unless otherwise noted, the Hybrid has the "Abitlities Natural to Vampires" listed on page 26 of VK. Vulnerabilities: Hybrids are not as vulnerable as vampires, but can still be killed by staking, decapitation and being burned. When staked however, the Hybrid has a 15% chance to remove the stake before entering stasis. Death by water no longer has any effect, as well as Death by Sunlight. However, unless properly covered (shades,etc.), sunlight is uncomfortable and provides a -5 to all skills, as well as -2 to strike parry or dodge. Herbs and holy symbols are basically useless as wards. Also, Hybrids do not have to sleep in the soil of their homeland. Hybrids are still vulnerable to magic and psionics, and any spells like fireballs etc. do full damage instead of half. Hybrids are not against body armor, and sometimes wear it, but they still prefer not to, as metamorphosis is hard in it. Some have devised system that have small plates built into their garments over their chest and back covering their heart. This usually provides minimal MDC protection and will change with their personal items as per normal metamorphosis, and is used to avoid being staked. Dragons also are still dangerous foes, as are psi-stalkers and mutant dogs, if the Hybrid isn't careful. Note: Civilized Psi-stalkers and the more intelligent mutant dogs will allow Hybrids to live if deemed worthy.


The Hundred-Handed (Lesser) R.C.C.

By: Unknown to Zeus, the Hundred-Handed who helped him defeat the titans shared their world with a smaller version themselves. These "cousins" of the original giants were separated from the mainland of the planet during an earthquake of titanic proportions. This smaller group spent thousands of years apart from their larger cousins and also evolved differently. Since they never met Zeus they we not involved in the battle with the titans. Most of this race are content with a simple life on their home world, but as with most races some of them want to see the sights the universe has to offer and will leave, sometime never to return. The lesser Hundred-Handed maintained their eight-armed, heavily muscled appearance but, when they separated from the mainland the giants had not attained their full size, instead they were between 15-30 feet tall. Also since they didn't acquire the immense size of their brethren, they needed to use their minds to survive in this hostile world. This resulted in an increase in intelligence and the pursuit of occupations and technology. Alignment: Any, but most tend toward good or unprincipled Attributes: I.Q. 3D4 + 3, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 5D6+20, P.P. 3D6+6, P.E. 4D6+6, P.B. 1D6+4,Spd 3D6 (P.S. and P.E. are supernatural) M.D.C.: 3d6 x 100 Size: 15 to 30 feet tall Weight: 2000 lb - 4000lb Horror Factor: 14 P.P.E.: 1D6x50 or by O.C.C. plus 4D6 Average Experience Level: (NPC) 1D4+4 Natural Abilities: Nightvision 120ft (can see in total darkness), impervious to disease, resistant to cold and heat (half damage), magic fire does full damage, regenerate lost limbs within 2D6 minutes and regenerate 2D6 x 10 M.D.C. every six hours Combat: Varies with O.C.C. and skills Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry, +6 to save vs horror factor, +4 attacks per melee Psionics: Tend to stay within Warrior O.C.C.'s Magic: Less than 5% of this race pursue magical studies, and those tend to be the weaker individuals. Skills of note: swim 88%, climb 98%, speak/write own language 98% O.C.C.'s: The lesser Hundred-Handed can choose any O.C.C. he desires with two clauses. Number one they cannot become cyborgs (full or half), robot, juicer, crazy, or any O.C.C. that requires something that the Hundred-Handed do no posses (like psionics). Secondly if a Hundred-Handed seeks an O.C.C. that requires him to leave his homeworld he is subject to the wanderer rules set forth by the race: Wanderer Rules for the lesser Hundred-Handed: 1. Never reveal your home world to anyone. 2. Obey the Laws of the lands you visit, unless they are evil. 3. Show respect for authority but not corruption 4. Never accept a position of power over others 5. Respect life and freedom If the wanderer rules are broken then that individual is no longer welcome back to the planet. Note: Even the most diabolical Hundred-Handed will never break rule number one under any circumstance The O.C.C.'s native to their home world are any men-of-arms (warrior), shifter, and ley line walker. Average Life Span: 4000+ years - 280 -

Habitat: Any, cannot survive in a vacuum without life support (breathes air, needs water) Allies: If they ever met a greater Hundred-Handed the two would instantly recognize each other as the same race, and react as if seeing a long lost friend Enemies: World Conquering Races Standard Equipment: As per O.C.C. except sized to fit, and logical changes (i.e. no use for a motorcycle), also most Wanderers take a weapon from their home world. Select any ancient style weapon. Money: Varies with O.C.C. Cybernetics and Bionics: The lesser Hundred-Handed cannot receive either. If the character attempts to get such implants the system will simply be pushed out of the body in a matter of minutes

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-IIcer R.C.C.
Imagine the opposite of a Burster: a psionic with the power to control Ice and Snow. That's an Icer. Icers and Ice Dragons like each other. Even the most evil of each will go a bit out of their way if it will help one of the other. This doesn't apply if the two are foes or are in combat. On the same hand, Fire Dragons and Icers will often go out of their way to annoy one another. This may occasionally lead to violence, and if they are in combat, they will seek each other out. Attribute Requirements: ME 10, PE 6 P.P.E.: 2D6+1 Psionics: The Icer is considered a Master psionic. Chose 2 powers from each category but Super. Chose 1 additional power from any category but super at levels 3, 7, and 11 in addition to the following powers: Impervious To Cold: No amount of freezing temperature or Cold based attacks will ever harm a Icer. This makes them very useful when fighting a Ice Dragon. Duration: Constant, ISP: None Shield From Cold: The psionic can bring the temperature around him up to 40 degrees if he feels it necessary. All Ice will melt, and all snow will stop. This can be used on a specific object to melt all ice and snow off it if the Icer touches the object. Range: 100 feet around the Icer +10 feet per 2 levels of experience (beginning at level 3), Duration: 30 minutes, ISP: 5 Ice Armor: The Icer can form a suit of Ice around him. This gives him mega-damage protection, but reduces his attacks by 1. It also reduces dodge and parry by 1, but adds 1 to roll w/ punch. Fire attacks do 2x damage to this armor. Ice Attacks restore 1/2 their MD in MDC to the armor, round down. (i.e., an Ice Dragon does 5 MD to the armor. This REPAIRS 2 of the armor's MDC and does NO damage). MDC: 20 Per 3 levels of experience (Not available until level 3). Duration: 3 minutes per 3 levels of experience. ISP: 40 Cold Spell: The Icer can make a object suddenly surrounded in Ice. This can suffocate people! Range: 20 feet per level of experience, Duration: Until Ice Melts, ISP: 10 Snow Storm: The Icer can make the temperature around him drop to 20 degrees and have it start snowing so heavily a foot of snow will appear in an hour. Range: 1 mile, Duration: 30 minutes, ISP: 15. Ice Blast: A blast of such cold temperatures it does up to MD!!! Rng: 100 feet for SD ones, 300 feet for MD attacks. Damage: 1d6 SD, 3d6 SD, 6d6 SD, 1d4 MD, 2d6 MD, ISP: 1, 3, 5, 15, 30 I.S.P.: 2D6x10 at first level, and gains 10 ISP per additional level of experience. Regains 2 ISP per hour of activity/awake, 12 ISP per hour of Sleep/Meditation. The influence of Ley Line Energy: Within a half mile from a ley line, the Icers powers get a +50% bonus to their normal strength and range, and they cost only 2/3 the normal ISP (round up) to use. The influence of Nexus Energy: Within 2 miles of a nexus, the Icers powers are DOUBLED! Plus, it only costs 1/2 the normal ISP to use them. Bonuses: +1 save vs. Horror Factor at levels 2 and 7, +1 save vs. Mind Control at levels 3, 6, and 10. R.C.C. Skills: One Language of Choice at 85% Chose 1 Piloting Skill at +20% HTH: Basic (Can be changed to Expert for 2 Other Skills) WP Blunt R.C.C. Related Skills: Select 7 other skills from the list below. Choose an additional 2 at levels 3, 5, and 8. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic Only (+5%) Espionage: Wilderness Survival Only (+5%) Mechanical: Automotive Only Military Medical: First Aid (+5%) Physical: Any except Wrestling and Boxing Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Math and Chemistry Only (+5%) - 282 -

Technical: Any (+5%) WP: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: Choose 8 from the list above without bonuses. Standard Gear: 1 suit of light MD armor, 1 MD Pistol or Vibro-blades of choice w/ 2 clips, 1 set of ordinary clothes and shoes,one pair of combat boots, 1 2-qt canteen. Money: Starts with 1d4x100 Credits and 1d4x50 Credits in black market items. Cybernetics: Will never get them! Will seek Bio-Systems instead, and will even hate them. Will avoid any altogether unless medically necessary for living.

The Immortal R.C.C.

By: Gabriel Note: This character class is based solely on the various movies and slightly on the TV Series, but not on the animated series. "From the Dawn of time We came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you... until now." - Ramirez, born 896 B.C. in Egypt For millennia, Immortals have walked among humans, leading many lives, honing their skills in preparation for the Gathering. The Gathering is upon us, those who remain do battle until only one remains. For there can be only one. The Immortals are a sub-breed of humans, totally human in appearance, but akin to demigods in power. Their numbers are few, perhaps one in a million or less. They are born as normal humans are, able to be hurt, to grow, to die. But at the moment of their death, their Quickening blossoms inside them, healing them of what killed them and returning them to life. Once Awakened, they cannot die except by the loss of their head. No matter what injury is done to them, they will heal, as long as their head remains attached to their body. However, all Immortals are sterile and cannot have children. The Gathering is the final battle between the Immortals, where all of the Immortals will journey to a far-away land and battle to the last, contending for the Prize. The story of the Prize has been passed down for centuries. The last remaining Immortal will supposedly become akin to a god in power. Because such power would be inappropriate for a character, I'm not going to even attempt to address it. Immortals contend for the Prize their entire lives, and this contention has come to be called the Game. The rules of the game are fairly simple. You cannot fight on Holy Ground. No Immortal, even the most evil and greedy one will break this rule. Holy ground counts as an area that is sacred to a people, whether it be a cathedral in France or a pyramid in the Yucatan. This also includes megaliths, fairy rings, mounds and circles, etc. The second rule is that combat between Immortals is always one on one, no double teaming. Why? Because when two Immortals fight their Quickening charges the air around them, and all of that Quickening flows into the winner. Thus if two Immortals fight as a team, one will lose part of their powers, something that is never done. Horror Factor: 13 when witnessing the Quickening after an Immortal's death. Alignment: Any Attributes: IQ: 3D6, ME: 3D6, MA: 3D6, PS: 3D6, PP: 3D6, PE: 3D6, PB: 3D6, Spd: 3D6. Strength is NOT considered supernatural. Hit Points: PE + 1D4x5, higher than normal due to their supernatural aspect. S.D.C.: Higher than normal, base of 20 SDC

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P.P.E. (Quickening): 1D6x10+40, regenerate PPE at a rate of 10 PPE per hour of sleep or rest and 15 PPE per hour of meditation. Natural Abilities: 1.) An Immortal does not age after they are Awakened, nor do they need food and water, and they do not need to breath. They do need sleep however, just as a normal human would. 2.) Natural Regeneration: Can bio-regenerate damage at a rate of 4D6 HP/SDC per minute. 3.) Limited Immortality: Immortals can only die if their head is removed. Luckily, few people other than Immortals know of this fact. Make a Lore: Demons & Monster check at -40%. In order to remove an Immortal's, the Immortal must be reduced to zero (or less) hit points. At this point they are unable to fight any longer, and are at the victor's mercy. Nuclear weapons WILL KILL Immortals! Permanently! 4.) Recognize and Sense Immortals: Range - 100 feet, Immortals feel what they term the "Buzz", a tingling sensation that runs from the base of their spine and explodes in their brain when an Immortal comes within range. 5.) Recognize and Sense Holy Ground: Immortals can tell the moment they step foot onto Holy Ground. There is no Buzz, it's just a feeling that they get when they step onto it. 6.) All Immortals are sterile. 7.) All hand to hand weapons wielded by the Immortal effectively become magical weapons and are capable of harming supernatural creatures even if they are normally impervious to normal weapons. This includes Vampires, Were-creatures, etc. In addition the weapons will bypass the AR of Hounds, Hound Masters & Hunters. Note: The supernatural aspect only applies to hand held weapons, not modern projectile weapons or bows. Magic Abilities: None unless a magic OCC is chosen. Psionic Abilities: Standard, the same as humans. Combat: As per skill. Often trained in a Martial Art form (See Ninjas & Superspies and Mystic China). Bonuses: +2 to save vs. psionics, +4 to save vs. horror factor. In addition use the following chart: Level - Bonuses gained: These bonuses apply each time an Immortal reaches the indicated level, whether it be in their first OCC or their fifth. The only exception is that the second time they reach level one they only gain +1 attack per melee, not +2. 1 - +1 to initiative, +2 attacks per melee. 2 - +1D6 damage when using their personal weapon 3 - +1 to PE 4 - +1 to initiative, +2 to roll with impact 5 - +1D6 to hand and foot strikes 6 - Select one new WP 7 - +1 to strike or parry with personal weapon 8 - +2 to save vs. pain 9 - +1D6 damage when using their personal weapon 10 - +1 to ME 11 - Select one new WP 12 - +3 to pull strike (applicable to personal weapon), +1 to PP 13 - +3 to save vs. Horror Factor 14 - Select another Martial Arts Form which starts at first level 15 - Select another OCC. Starts at zero experience and with no special abilities of that OCC. Once the character reaches 1000 experience, roll 1D6 for each OCC skill. A roll of 1-3 means that the character has failed to master that skill and must continue practicing. A roll of 4-6 means that the character gains that skill. Continue this for each 1000 experience that the character gets. Once the character has gained all of their OCC skills, do the same for OCC related and secondary skills. For each skill slot allowed, roll as above. If the roll is successful, choose a skill for that slot. Damage: As per combat form. O.C.C. Skills: Language & Literacy: Native Language (98%) Mathematics: Basic (+30%) WP Sword (or other WP appropriate for beheading) Any Hand to Hand combat form, usually martial arts oriented O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 15 other skills. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any (+10%) Electrical: Any (+5%) - 284 -

Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Any (+5%) Medical: Any (+5%) Military: Any (+5%) Physical: Any (+10% when applicable) Pilot: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any (+10%) Science: Any (+5%) Technical: Any (+10%) WP: Any, usually ancient Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select 4 secondary skills at level 1, plus 2 additional at levels 3, 6, and 9, and one additional at levels 12 and 15. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Skill Note: An alternative to the above skills is allowing the character to select an OCC and use the skills from that class including and special bonuses granted by the class. If this alternative is used, add the following skills: WP Sword and a Martial Arts form as described under Combat. Use the Dragon Experience table instead of the class's normal table. Experience Note: Use the Dragon Experience table for the RCC and any subsequent OCC's gained after 15th level. Equipment: Immortals start with a personal, high-quality sword (see below) and personal items that would fit the character. Some Immortals (usually older Immortals) are filthy rich while others lead a less material life. The amount of equipment available to the character is up to the GM. Habitat: Anywhere, anywhen. Enemies: Other Immortals, Hunters, Nightlords and their minions. Allies: Friendly Immortals, other supernatural creatures. Size: Standard human variables - 5' to 7' tall Weight: Standard human - 100 lb to 250 lb The Quickening and Beheadings The Quickening is the life force of Immortals. It contains their essence, what some may term their soul. When two Immortals fight, the air around them becomes charged with Quickening, resulting in the sparks during fights. When an Immortal is beheaded, the Immortal that beheads the other gains the dead Immortal's Quickening, giving the victor more power. When an Immortal is beheaded the victor gains the following: +1 to a random stat (Roll 1D8), +1D10 to hit points, +1D10 to SDC, +400 Experience (alterable by GM), and the loser's PPE. In addition, roll on the following table: 01-10% Gains +1 to any 1 stat (random) 11-20% Regeneration ability is increased by 1D6 per minute 21-30% Learns one skill known by slain Immortal at loser's percentage 31-40% Gains 1D10x3 SDC 41-50% Gains +1 to parry and dodge 51-60% Gains +1 to strike with melee weapons 61-70% Gains +3 to damage 71-80% Gains +10% to any skill common to both the Immortal and the loser. 81-95% Gains +1 level in WP Sword (or appropriate WP) 96-00% Roll twice on the above table and ignore any rolls of 96-00%. A 25% chance to gain one talent that the loser had at 1/2 the normal PPE cost. Activation costs are unchanged. Example: Bubba the Immortal beheads Leon the Immortal who happens to possess the talent of Primal Empathy. Bubba doesn't have this talent, but wants it so he rolls 1D100 and gets a 12. He therefore spends 5 PPE instead of 10 PPE and now has the talent. It still costs 8 PPE to use however. Two Immortals will never attack another in unison. It simply doesn't happen. If a character does this, I leave it up to the GM to assign - 285 -

penalties. Same for fighting on Holy Ground. It ought to be something reeeealy bad though. Personal Swords and Weapons of Beheading All Immortals have a favorite weapon that they use for fighting other Immortals. Most use swords, some (rarely) use axes. All Immortals must get their hands on one of these weapons if they wish to survive. For gaming purposes, all Immortals will start with a superior weapon with the following bonuses: +2 to parry, +2 to strike, +5 to damage. These weapons are very expensive and in many cases are very old. A weapon is considered "personal" if it is the weapon used exclusively for a period of 1 year or more. Quickening Talents Immortals are sustained by their Quickening, the force which keeps them alive and heals their injuries. Everyone has Quickening, however it is only noticeable in Immortals, a bonfire of energy compared to the spark in mortals. Immortals have learned to channel their Quickening into mastering certain abilities, from concealing weapons to mastering their minds to enhancing their bodies. Immortals can select one Talent at every other level (1, 3, 5...) in addition to the 25% chance when beheading an Immortal. Blood Fury Some Immortals are able to use their Quickening to create a berserker rage that dramatically increases their combat prowess. When in the rage they will attack their enemy until one of them loses their head. If the Immortal is in normal combat and not fighting another Immortal they will attack all known enemies and then they take 2D4 melees to calm down. If they are provoked or if they even perceive the slightest threat against them they will lash out for another 8 melees. After they are calmed down they are so drained that they are -4 to all combat actions for 30 minutes. Range: Self only Duration: 8 melees Limitations: Only available at 5th level or higher Cost: 20 PPE to acquire, 25 PPE to activate. Bonuses: The Blood Fury grants the Immortal the following bonuses: +2 attacks per melee +35 SDC +10 to damage +4 to strike -5 to dodge -5 to parry Cannot pull punches or roll with impacts Primal Empathy This is the ability to sense the emotions of creatures on a primal level, to feel their life force. The user can detect whether a creature is good, evil, animal or human(oid), supernatural or mortal. When used on a wild animal the character often receives a surge of energy or adrenaline in response to the sheer feeling of freedom enjoyed by many animals. This adds +10 to the character's speed and PE and they will act carefree for the duration. When used on sentient beings the character gets a momentary feeling as if they were the other person, ie: A Principled Immortal uses Primal Empathy on a psychopathic murderer. The Immortal would think like the murderer for about 1 minute during which his two natures (the Principled and the Diabolic) would conflict. The Immortal must save vs. psionics or their alignment is temporarily changed to the target's alignment for a period of 1 minute. Every melee they get to save vs. psionics. If a successful save is made they revert instantly to their normal alignment and behavior. Range: 150 feet Duration: 1 minute per level of experience Cost: 10 PPE are spent permanently to acquire it, and 8 PPE are needed to activate it. Enhanced Awareness Level 1 This meditative state increases the distance that the Immortal can sense other Immortals. It can be used during normal activity but at a lesser effectiveness. To use it at full effectiveness one must be meditating silently without movement or distraction. Range: Increases range of 'Buzz' by 25 feet per level Duration: 10 minutes per 5 PPE spent Limitations: Only available at 2nd level or higher. When this talent is used during normal activity the increase in range is only 10 feet per level. Cost: 10 PPE are spent permanently to acquire it, and 5 PPE are spent for every 10 minutes it is in use. Enhanced Awareness Level 2 By this time the Immortal has learned to bend his senses to detect specific creatures. They are now able to detect supernatural creatures if they bend their mind to it. Range: Normal range of Buzz. Can be used in conjunction with Enhanced Awareness Level 1 to increase the distance. Duration: 10 minutes per 8 PPE spent Limitations: Only available at 5th level or higher Prerequisite: Enhanced Awareness Level 1 - 286 -

Cost: 15 PPE are spent permanently to acquire it, and 8 PPE are spent for every 10 minutes it is in use. If used in conjunction with Enhanced Awareness Level 1 it costs 18 PPE per 10 minutes. Enhanced Healing The ability to heal oneself even faster than normal is the focus of this power. Often used as a last ditch effort, this power uses up great quantities of Quickening that are slow to replenish. For each point of PPE (Quickening) the Immortal is healed of 1 HP or 5 SDC. The downside to this power is that the spent PPE is regained at 1/2 the normal rate. Range: Self Duration: Permanent Cost: 10 PPE are spent permanently to acquire it, and 1 PPE is spent for every 1 HP or 5 SDC healed. Weapon Concealment Level 1 Some Immortals have spent time learning how to conceal their weapons from normal view by their Quickening to mask its presence from others. This ability allows a character to mask the presence of their weapon from mortals by making the weapon unnoticeable. It's still there, it's just unremarkable and people won't notice it. Range: Self, can only conceal a weapon on one's person Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience Limitations: This can only be performed on the Immortal's personal weapon, one that he / she has trained with extensively (at least one year), not just any weapon they pick up. Cost: 15 PPE are spent permanently to acquire it, and 10 PPE are needed to activate it. Weapon Concealment Level 2 After mastering how to conceal their weapon from mortals, some Immortals have gone further and learned how to conceal it's presence from mechanical sensors as well. This ability takes a fair amount of skill and concentration. The basic principle is that the Immortal is able to place their sword in a state of limbo for limited periods of time allowing them to pass through mechanical sensors while keeping their sword undetected. The only person that can retrieve the sword is the Immortal who placed it there. This means that they Immortal doesn't have to worry about tripping over their sword when performing acrobatics or other maneuvers hard to do with a sheathed sword. Range: Self, can only conceal a weapon on one's person Duration: 4 minutes per level of experience. Limitations: This can only be performed on the Immortal's personal weapon, one that he / she has trained with extensively (at least one year), not just any weapon they pick up. Not available until fifth level. Prerequisite: Weapon Concealment Level 1 Cost: 20 PPE are spent permanently to acquire it, and 15 PPE are needed to activate it. Weapon Enhancement Level 1 In order to combat the supernatural so that an Immortal may reach the time of the Gathering, some Immortals have focused their energy into doing enhanced damage with their chosen weapon. This power imbues the weapon with a portion of the Immortal's life force (Quickening) that increased the damage. Range: Personal weapon Duration: 4 melees (1 minute) per level of experience Limitations: Only available at 3rd level or higher Cost: 10 PPE to acquire permanently, 7 PPE to add 1 die of damage to a melee weapon. Example: Bubba the Immortal is using a short sword (he's stupid, what can I say) that normally does 1D8 damage. For each 7 PPE that he spends, the sword will do +1D8 damage for four melees per level. Telepathy The simple ability to communicate without using words. Instead the user communicates telepathically. The telepath can send a message to one person at a time and two-way telepathic communication is impossible unless the recipient is also telepathic (whether natural, psionic or magic in nature). Range: 175 feet Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience Cost: 5 PPE to acquire permanently, 3 PPE to activate. All psionic powers can be used as Quickening Talents. In order to derive their costs, multiply the ISP cost by 1.5. This is how much it costs to gain the power. The normal ISP cost is how much PPE it costs to activate. Note: This is a makeshift method of doing it. I will update the list of talents as I get time. In addition, feel free to create your own. If you do, please send me a copy with details so I can add it to my list. Conversion Notes: RIFTS: Immortals are MDC creatures in RIFTS Earth and other MD environments. An Immortal's MDC is equal to their SDC and HP added together. An Immortal's personal weapon does MDC, and Weapon Enhancement does additional MDC damage. The - 287 -

Immortal does not have supernatural strength in RIFTS Earth. Ninjas & Superspies & Mystic China: Immortals remain mostly unchanged in this game. You may wish to add Chi powers to the martial arts, and once an Immortal is beheaded their Chi goes to the winner. Heroes Unlimited & After The Bomb: No changes that I can think of. Beyond the Supernatural: Same here, none that I can think of. Palladium Fantasy RPG, 2nd Ed: No changes, however they are rarely encountered on the world of Palladium. Some believe that the Old Ones conducted a war of genocide against the Immortals millennia ago which leaves Immortals with an uneasy feeling when they are on Palladium, a psychic imprint left from the Old One's rages. Thus most Immortals born or visiting on Palladium leave quickly if they can.

Immortal R.C.C.
[Not Highlander] By: Tiny, Dwarven Knight Well, someone asked about non-Highlander Immortals, so I guess I'll repost mine. Most of you blokes are so new, you probably don't even know who I am, much less where my Immortal is hanging out. You'll learn in time. <G> Anyway, have fun hack-n-slashing. --Tiny "Us Dwarves may be short, but I prefer to think of myself as 'In weapons range of your groin.'" Immortals. People always seem to have funny opinions about Immortals. Of course, there are always the gods; I've been through enough that I'm not even sure if the gods exist or not. There's so much that makes me mad as hell at any supreme beings that are supposed to help us. But there's so much more that is so beautiful that I don't know where else it could have come from. And there are so many things I've seen that I can't explain. And there are the ancient supernaturals. The Werewolves. The Nightbane. The Dragons. I've met them all, and I know for a fact that they all die. They're not immortal; they can just live about a thousand times longer than most other beings. The Vampires may be immortal, but look at all of the limitations: you've got to drink blood, you can't go out in the sunlight, avoid fire, garlic, silver, churches, yada, yada, yada. Even if they truly are immortal, I don't think it's worth it. And then there are those other Immortals. You know what I'm talking about; those guys that run around with swords cutting each others' heads off. What a joke. How many people do you know that just happened to carry ancient swords around with them everywhere they went in, say, the 1980s? It's a load of crap, is what it is. No, those are all farces. You want to know how you become an Immortal? You don't get bitten by a bat or a wolf, you don't get runthrough by an ancient Russian warrior, and you aren't the offspring of a supreme slut. You just are. That's it. What, are you disappointed? I'm afraid that there's nothing more. You're born normal, you grow up normally, and then you don't die. That's pretty much the only difference. I was born sometime around the year 950 BC, near what has since become Germany. I was the son of the tribal priest. I was trained to follow in his footsteps, and I did. My father grew old and eventually died. So did my mother. And all of my friends, my brothers, and everyone else in my tribe. I was the only thing that remained. The priest that no one could remember being initiated. The one that had been there since they were born. The one that their parents told stories about from when they were little. The one that had stayed twenty-five years old while they had aged to fifty from their births. Eventually, the elders of the tribe had become so suspicious that I was a demon, that they had me banished from the tribe. I wandered the wilderness for twenty years, and then I encountered another of my kind; his story much the same as mine. We then took to wandering together. Eventually, we found three more like ourselves. The five of us wandered the wilderness for decades. We were not kind individuals, either. We pillaged whatever we could. We said to ourselves that for our lives that the world had taken from us, we would exact revenge on the world. We had over four centuries of combined combat experience, and together we thought we could take on anything. Then the Romans came. We raided one of their camps for supplies, and they put up more of a fight than anything we had ever encountered. I am the only one who made it out alive. All of my friends were dead. Once again, my world was shattered; nothing has seemed the same since. Does that help satisfy your appetite for violence and intrigue? I hope so, because that is all there is to tell. I realized that day running from the Roman camp that I had died centuries before in my village. I have been dead since then. Nothing can change that. I will forever remain a walking dead man, throughout all eternity. Immortal R.C.C. for Rifts, Palladium Fantasy RPG, Mystic China, et. al. - 288 -

Appearance: The Immortal appears as any other member of his race. There is no real means of detecting who is an Immortal, other than to observe them for several decades. See Aura will, however, detect that they are of extremely high level. Immortals are forever stuck in the body of a person in their mid-twenties. An Age spell will basically have no effect, because the aged Immortal is exactly the same as the young one. Alignment: Any. Requirements: ME 13+, must be born a human, Atlantean, Dwarf, Elf, or Ogre. SDC & Hit Points: As per born race and OCC MDC: Not applicable PPE & Magic: Standard for their born race, +1D6 PPE ISP & Psionics: Standard for their born race Natural Abilities: Immortals will keep any natural abilities of their born race, such as a Dwarf's Nightvision. Combat: Same as members of their born race. Immortals regenerate damage normally; they do not have any kind of supernatural healing or regeneration. Damage: Same as members of their born race. Bonuses: +2 to initiative Available O.C.C.s: Immortal player characters are restricted the same as members of their born race. N.P.C. Immortals can be of nearly any O.C.C. And may very well be all, at one point or another. These beings can easily defy the restrictions on their races, because they may have been around since before those restrictions were placed. An example would be a Dwarven Diabolist from the Palladium world, because that individual may have been alive since the Elf-Dwarf Wars. Restrictions based on the shape of a certain race, such as Dwarves being unable to pilot Glitter Boys because they cannot fit correctly into the power armor, are still limitations that would apply to Immortal N.P.C.s. Life Span: Immortal Immortals are completely immune to poisons, poison gases, exposure, starvation, disease, drowning, asphyxiation, dehydration, illness, infection, cardiac problems, etc. The only way that they can die is for their hit points to be taken below -25. In Rifts, at the GM's discretion, they may become minor mega-damage creatures in order to save them from vaporization by a Wilk's. Also note that an Immortal won't know about any of these powers until the first time he is forced to use them. Every fifty years, the Immortal must roll on the following Immortal Insanity Table: 01-05 Alignment Change: Abberant 06-10 Alignment Change: Unprincipled 11-15 Alignment Change: Miscreant 16-20 Alignment Change: Anarchist 21-25 Alignment Change: Scrupulous 26-30 Phobia: Timepieces (clocks, watches, sundials, etc.) 31-35 Phobia: Elderly (senior citizens) 36-40 Phobia: Children 41-45 Obsession: Promptness (Love will create a person who believes that "merely on-time" is late; Hate will create a person who is habitually late, and could care less about how long anyone had to wait on him) 46-50 Obsession: Timekeeping (Love will create a person who has enough clocks and watches to open a store; Hate will create a person who will never touch or look at a timepiece) 51-55 Obsession: Helping (Love will create a superhero-type person; Hate will create a murderer or a selfabsorbed character; also note this could involve an alignment change) 56-60 Obsession: History (Love will create a historical buff who can answer any question you might have,along with a couple dozen you didn't; Hate will create a character who lives in nothing but the present, andwill likely be very angered by anyone conversing about the past) 61-00 No Change Important Note: Any character who wishes to play one of these should not know anything about them. Very little is known about these Immortals, so there is no documentation to fall back on. If a character survived a room full of poison gas, he would probably thank whatever power he believed in and not want to try it again. It will take being 25 for 20 years or so before someone would really start to wonder what was going on. Bottom line is, a person playing one of these as a character would have to role-play an ordinary human (or Dwarf, or Elf...).

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Immortal R.C.C.
By: Nick Hanson "From the dawn of time we came, moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the gathering, when the few who remain, will battle to the last, no one has ever known we were among you, until now..." Obviously if you're reading this you know who Conner MacLeod is and I don't have to explain them or their Gathering. In the Palladium Worlds, the immortals remain generally the same, although they tend to team up with other supernatural beings and often make good friends with them. Alignment: Any, only the the most skilled fighters last long if they're evil alignments. Attribute Requirements: None. Natural abilities: Last twice as long as a human without food/water/rest. Regeneration abilities: depends on the immortal's level Level 1-3: 3d6 SDC a minute Level 4-6: 6d6 SDC a minute Level 7-9: 9d6 SDC a minute Level 10-14: 2d4x10 SDC a minute Level 15+: 2d6x10 SDC a minute Note: Neck & head wounds take twice as long to heal. All wounds heal without scars unless on neck. Limbs can't be regenerated until 7th level and even then it takes a year to grow back a full limb. Wounds fatal to a human (with the exception of neck and head wounds) will not immobilize the immortal except by pain. GM Decision: In the first movie, Conner MacLeod could breathe underwater, but in the TV series, immortals drown, resurrect and drown again until they can hit air (one immortal was trapped underwater for decades in the series and went insane). I have given them the ability to breathe underwater up to 30 minutes, then they die and resurrect. GMs can use this or let them have the ability breathe without air or hold breath as long as a human. Sword link: The immortal has the unique ability to be able to inflict MDC with any SDC bladed weapon he has a proficiency in. The wear and tear on the weapon is the same as if it were used against an SDC target. (Against other immortals, damage is SDC) Attribute bonuses: +1d4-1 to all physical attributes Add 2d4x10 SDC* Psionics/Magic: As per normal human Quickening: This is my take on quickening. The quickening is the immortals acquired skills (Experience Points). When an immortal kills another immortal their "soul" becomes a personality in the other immortals brain that the dominant personality can ask questions of. The victor immortal receives the dying immortal's experience points in a quickening reservoir. By meditating and learning from the dead immortal's personality, he can gain this experience. (I recommend that for 1 hour of meditation, 500 xps can be added to their xps and subtracted from the quickening reservoir). They can learn special abilities (like Nakano's magic), but these take many hours of practice to master enough to be useful (GM discretion). By expending Experience Points, the immortal can give himself bonuses to certain skills. 500 Exp gives a bonus of 5% to that skill for 5 minutes, for each additional minute they can expend 50 xps. RCC Skills: Weaponmaste Specialize in 2 specific bladed weapons (not paired, but separately. Conner r: knows the Katana and Long sword) This is the equivalent of Sharpshooting for melee weapons. The weaponmaster gets the bonuses of +1 attack against weaponmasters and an additional attack against characters with WP Sword. Against other weaponmasters: This gives double the bonuses of WP Sword for that specific style of bladed weapon. Against people with only WP Sword: The weaponmaster has triple the bonuses of WP Sword. Pick 2 ancient WPs Pick 1 modern WP Appraise quality of sword 25% 30% of immortals know how to make swords. Roll for it, if successful, gain skills below. (Note: I'm doing this without the Palladium RPG and I have no idea what skills are in there for smithing, etc) Blacksmithin Swords 70% +2% per level for average quality swords g: 45% +3 per level for good quality swords 25% +3 per level for high quality swords (like Conner and Duncan's katana's) Appraise quality of sword 50% (ignore the 25% above) Other skills as per OCC *MDC attacks against the immortal are treated as SDC. Due to the nature of the quickening, MDC weapons (energy, kinetic, plasma, magic, etc) inflict SDC. - 290 -

Equipment: Sword (duh) Optional table: 100 - Greatest Rune Weapon (Atlantis) or Artifact (Nightlands) 98-99 - Greater Rune Weapon or Artifact 95-97 - Lesser Rune Weapon (lesser artifacts are not weapons) 70-94 - Phase Sword 40-69 - Vibro Sword 01-39 - Common SDC sword If the character rolls anything 70 or higher, make them give a good story about how they got the weapon or make them reroll until they get something less cool :P

Immortal RCC v1.1

By: Sir Tiny "It's about Immortals. Men who live forever unless they're beheaded. Men like me." Since well before recorded history, there has been a strange occurance that is kept secret from most of mankind. A few humans, an astronomically small percentage, are born with the potential ability to live forever. It is not known whether this ability comes from a genetic mutation, an alien intelligence, or any of a dozen other hypothesis. But the fact remains that they exist, unknown to most humans. Immortals are not born Immortal. They are born as normal humans, and will live and age as normal humans until they are killed for the first time. At this time, they will be effectively dead for almost a full day. After that period, they will awaken to a new life. No Immortal has ever died the first time of natural causes (old age, heart attack, etc.); whether this is because Immortals attract violence or because of the nature of the death is uncertain. After an Immortal awakens from his first death, many things will have changed. He will no longer age. He will no longer require food, water, or even air to live (although it is generally a good idea to partake of them anyway; they are not immune to hunger, thirst, or breathlessness, they just cannot die from starvation, dehydration, or asphyxiation). He will no longer be able to have children (and thoes 11 year-old Immortals can just forget about sex for the rest of their lives). He will no longer get sick from natural causes, although drugs and poisons will still run their course, to the point of "killing" an Immortal. If an Immortal is "killed," he will be effectively dead (and vulnerable to any attack) for one melee. After that time, the Immortal can stand up, just as if nothing ever happened. Immortals can be "killed" by being stabbed, shot, poisoned, or falling from a great height. Due to the MDC structure of Immortals, and their innately supernatural nature, Even an Immortal who has been killed and/or vaporized by an explosion or powerful energy blast will eventually regain conciousness. Immortals "die" at 0 MDC, although they still take all damage beyond that point. This extra damage is regenerated at a rate of 2D4 MDC per melee, no matter how much there is. After the Immortal reaches 0 MDC, he begins healing at a normal rate again, and will awaken one melee later. [Tiny's Note: I say all of that because I think nuking an Immortal is a cheap trick, and a dirty way around the beheading part ("Well, I inhale his head, but not the rest of him"). You've got to lop the melon.] Immortals are as wide and diverse a group as any race has ever been. They run the full spectrum of honor, power, morals, and mental stability. And although they are a force to be rekoned with, they will never take their fight up with ordinary mortals. They will abide by the rules of the Game until one of them wins The Prize. And there can be only one. Requirements: The character must be of a near-human race (basically any humanoid SDC race without special powers is elligible; I only currently use Humans, Atlanteans, Elves, Dwarves, Ogres, and Wolfen (and Wolfen only to appease Laserbeak)) before the Awakening. Alignment: Any Attributes: Retain the attributes before the Awakening, but add 1D4 to PS, 2D4 to PP, 2 to MA, and 2 to PE. Bonuses: +1 attack per melee, +2 to initiative, +2 Save v. Magic, +5 Save v. Poisons (including lethal, non-leathal, and gases), +7 to Save v. Possession S.D.C. & Hit Points: Not applicable. Immortals are Mega-Damage beings on Rifts Earth. M.D.C.: The MDC of an Immortal is the same as his Hit Points before the Awakening, plus 15. Immortals regenerate lost MDC at a rate of 2D6 per melee. Horror Factor: As per original RCC. +5 during the Quickening. PPE: As per original RCC, plus 3D6. Natural Abilities:

Quickening: This is the magical force behind the Immortals. It is something like PPE, but not quite. Quickening cannot be converted to spells, or used in TW items. The two real applications of the
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Quickening are to sense other Immortals, and to live forever. Up to a week after an Immortal's Awakening, the person may still have an occassional surge of the Quickening. Sense Quickening: Immortals can sense each other approaching. Range: 75 feet. There is no way to mask this. Immortals can also sense those who have not yet awakened, but unawakened Immortals cannot sense anything. Immortals can tell wether they are senseing an Immortal who has been awakened or not. Hidden Supernatural Abilities: Immortals register as normal beings of their race; they do not register as supernatural. The only ones who can detect the difference are other Immortals, and those who have seen a person return from the dead. Immortals seem to be immune from detection; to be recognized as an Immortal would greatly complicate the Game.
Rules of the Game: No fighting uneven odds. Immortals must fight each other one-on-one. If two Immortals team up against a third, the victor will absorb the Quickening of both the loser and the other person. This does not protect from unfair fights; one Immortal is still welcome to shoot or drug another before a fight. No fighting on Holy Ground. "In all of our records, there is only one mention of an Immortal killing on Holy Ground... It's never been comfirmed. It's more of a legend. About two guys going at it in a temple in Italy... It was in Pompey. 79 AD." 'Nuff said. Teach the newly Awakened. Alost all Immortals, when encountering a newly Awakened Immortal, will teach him of what is he has become, what he needs to know, and the rules of the Game. Those that do not are the most evil; they will instead kill the new Immortal on the spot. There are also those who will find young Immortals and teach them a warped version of the Game, using them as their pawns. The true teachers will not leave their students until they have learned swordfighting (WP Sword) and will also make sure they know everything they need to know about Immortals, including the Game and the Gathering (Lore: Immortal). The Prize: The Immortal will have his body and essence developed in any way he wants. A kind Immortal will recieve powers such as an enhanced intellect that would let him help mankind. An evil power-monger might very well become a god. [Tiny's Note: GMs who would actually consider letting one of their characters obtain the Prize are munchkins. There is no way around that.] Magic: Immortals cannot use magic, but they are attuned to it through the Quickening. Due to this, Immortals can use TechnoWizardy as well as any mage. Psionics: Immortals cannot use psionics. Available OCCs: Over the course of an Immortal's life, he will become many things. One Immortal could have been a warrior, a lawyer, a doctor, a pirate, a writer, a movie star, a bank robber, a pilot, and a taxi driver at different points in his life. But the one common thread is that all immortals will know how to use a sword, and how to play the Game. Life Span: Immortal. Notes: Lore: Immortal. This skill is only available to Immortals and Watchers. It includes the ability to recall simple things, such as the rules of the Game and the legends of the Gathering (+50% to these simple tasks), as well as remember certain Immortals and their habits, lifestyles, and MOs. Base Skill: 40% + 1% per level (ie, no one can really forget the rules, but it may take several lifetimes to learn enough information about a specific Immortal to do any good; Note: Watchers have an extensive collection of files to fall back on when they can't remember something specific)

Impaler R.C.C.
By: DaBeechMan The Impalers are a fierce race of dinosaur-like creatures believed to have evolved from the familiar dinosaurs of prehistoric Earth. When the ley lines started to fade, they migrated from Earth to an unknown dimension. That dimension was destroyed by several careless Fire Dragons, but a few, maybe 100, survived and escaped to their ancestral home, Rifts Earth. Alignment: Any, but usually anarchist. They mistrust Rifts Earth and all who live there, but its not like they have any choice but to stay there, so they put up with it all with the notable exception of Fire Dragons. Ooooooh, do they hate Fire Dragons! Requirements: PS 16, PE 16 Attributes: IQ 3d6, MA 2d6, ME 2d6, PS 5d6 supernatural, PP 4d6 - 3 (because of the creatures large size) PB 2d6 (hey, if you saw a gigantis T-Rex outside your door, I doubt youd find it too pretty.) Spd 4d6 but carries enough momentum that if it runs for more than 3 melees nonstop it can go up to 5d6. Both scores are rolled during character generation but can be changed by the usual means. - 292 -

Horror Factor: OK, this is an interesting case. The character saves vs HF 14. If it passes, nothing happens. If it fails, save again. If this save also fails, all horror factor effects kick in. Otherwise, treat it as Awe Factor, but the character can return to fight in as soon as 2 melees. Appearance: This guy looks like a tyrannosaurus with a few exceptions. These are: 1) a collapsible ball of spikes on the end of its tail (1d6 x 100 SDC or 1d6 MD per attack, but counts as 3 attacks. 2) bull horns on its head (1d4 MD normal, 4d6 MD running but character loses all remaining attacks.) 3) a horn on its snout (same damage as bull horns, but add 2 MD to all damage. 4) a more horizontal posture Other Powers: -Warlock Spells same as a witch -Strength is supernatural -Sonic attack roar (6d6 MD plus deafness with no save, range 500 yards. Counts as all attacks) -Can alter its height from the size of a cat to the size of a dragon (normally about human-sized.) Cannot use any other special abilities while resized. Damage done by Impaler is halved when size decreases, multiplied by 1.5 at max height. Cannot do damage at minimum size.500 MDC Limitations: -Immeditaely goes into a frenzy (like that of a Crazy) whenever it sees a Fire Dragon. -Automatically has the Insanity of Paranoia-Cold-Blooded (I dont care about the new theories on dinosaurs, this thing is coldblooded!) This means that it dies within 40 melees if placed into an environment greater than 110 degrees or less than 40 degrees. If either limit is exceeded by more then 20 degrees, dies within 20 melees. 30 degrees, 10 melees. Get the picture? Note that because of this, Fire Dragon and Ice Dragon breath do triple damage! -Cannot get psionics (EXCEPTION: All Impalers can communicate telepathically with other Impalers within 50 miles. Note that an Impaler rarely if ever gets to put this power to use.) -Daylight is painful (-2 to attack in daylight, -5 in anything brighter, -10 in Globe of Daylight spell or anything like it.) Enhancements: On a dinosaur (or any cold-blooded reptile)? Yeah, right! Friends: None, except will cooperate with anything that is the enemy of a Fire Dragon. Enemies: Come on, do I have to tell you? FIRE DRAGONS! Gear: Most tyrannosaurus do not start with or care about gear. Besides, they cant use any of it except for food (cant hold weapons, IRMSS and the like dont work on cold-blooded creatures, too heavy for vehicles, too big for armor, but why would a tyrannosaur care?) Money: None and could care less about (they don't really understand the principle of it either. They do love "sparkly things" though, meaning anything shiny. Who cares if they dont do anything with it?) Skills: Very few. Remember that these guys are dinosaurs. The only RCC Skill is Hunting (+20%) and only gets 4 other skills. GMs, feel free to disallow any skill that a dinosaur, even an intelligent one, might not be able to use. Xp table: Use the Dragon table

Inquisitor-Redeemer O.C.C.
By: D B Chow888 - Book of Redemption, Father Torque The Inquisitor-Redeemers are the champions of the faithful. They are the daemon slayers, the investigators and the preachers combined. The Inquisitor- Redeemers are usually seen as a warrior figure; the Damned, in all its forms, must be destroyed, without mercy or pity. Their dedication, however, remains solely with the church. The Bible remains their book of ordinances and guidance. They would recite passages from both the Testaments in the midst of a fight. For example, while "interrogating" a suspected heretic they might recite Revelations 9:6. However, doesn't the Bible consist of irregularities? "An eye for an eye" and " Turn the other cheek." Thus each Inquisitor has an individual code of honor, yet all remain devoted to their god. Role playing Note: An Inquisitor-Redeemer player will eventually have to ask himself if he is indeed the bane of the night or - 293 -

just a ruffian or bully, and whether his duty to the church is greater than his own self integrity. The Inquisitor-Redeemer has few powers; his great dedication and being a hard ass are his armaments of purity. Their trademark weapon has no official name (described below); however, the passage of time has chosen to call it the "Redeemer" in honor of those who wield it. The present Inquisition is described lower down the page. For many years the Redeemer Inquisition has worked underground; now with the magic eruption on Earth this is no longer necessary. Note: I never took this O.C.C. too seriously, and I don't know how they'll react to Ireland's IRA. It's up to you. Alignment: Typically Aberrant, ironically Attribute Requirements: IQ, ME & MA 13, the acolyte must be dedicated. O.C.C. Bonuses: + 8 vs. HF(special, see below), + 8 initiative O.C.C. Skills: Math, Basic (+ 10%) Language & Literacy: Native (98%) Languages: 4 additional (+ 40%) Radio: Basic (+ 15%) Interrogation Techniques (+ 20%) Intelligence (+ 20%) Detect Concealment (+ 20%) Detect Ambush (+ 20%) Tracking (+ 20%) Climbing (+ 15%) Streetwise (+ 20%) Land Navigation (+ 20%) Lore: Vampire (+ 15%) (see Nightspawn) Lore: Demons (+ 15%) Athletics Horsemanship (+ 10%) Pilot: Any 2 Weapon: Any 5, archaic and modern Hand to Hand: equivalent to Assassin + 2 attacks O.C.C. Related: select 5; one more at levels 3, 6, 9 Communication: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Electical: Basic only Espionage: Any (+15%) Mechanical: None Medical: First Aid only Military: Any (+10%) Physical: Any (+10%) Pilot: Any (+15%) Pilot Related: Any (+15%) Rogue: Any Science: None Technical: Any (+5%) Weapon: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Select 3 at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, 13 Standard Equipment: Inquisitorial robes,backpack, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, sleeping bag, 6 wooden stakes, hammer, flamethrower, canteen, rations, few extra clips, radio, rope, small axe, few knives, a personal items and some form of transportation. Also, plenty of implements of torture (there's this thing they can do with a cheese grater.) Weapons: Prefer ancient style weapons. They start with a minor magical weapon (described below) They will use modern weapons as well without hesitation. Magic: The Inquisitor-Redeemer does not know any spells, nor will he learn any. However, he is expert at identifying magical items - 294 -

and wards. He can also read spells from scrolls, equivalent to his experience level! Psionics: None. Most Inquisitor-Redeemers consider Psychics to be low level demons. Special Abilities: Special Combat: The Inquisitor Redeemer has studied as a youth on how to fight the supernatural (including the Undead). Furthermore, he will always recognize evil in whatever form it takes (Treat as Sense Evil, without ISP cost.) Thus, when confronting a supernatural creature the Inquisitor will know all its weaknesses. Furthermore, in Hand to Hand combat the Inquisitor Redeemer will always hit a vulnerable point with any weapon, so that damage is doubled. Hardened: Due to their hardened training the Inquisitor Redeemer has lost all fear of the supernatural and replaced it with hatred; when dealing with Horror Factors roll normally. If they fail (remember the + 8 bonus) they do not succumb to their horrors. Instead the Inquisitor Redeemer goes berserk and charges the monster with the H.F. that the Inquisitor failed. He gains an extra attack and + 2 to strike, but he must engage in Hand to Hand and every attack must be use to strike ie. no dodging or parrying. If unable to do so the Inquisitor Redeemer is still enraged, but attacks verbally, in demonic tongues even the monsters fear. The monsters themselves must roll vs. horror factor. It works out like this. The Inquisitors H.F. is 20 - the demon's H.F. so a monster with a H.F. of 14 has to save vs. H.F. of 6 (20 - 14 + 6). Impervious to mind control: The Inquisitor Redeemer is also impervious to the Vampires slow bite. It will do damage, but the warrior priest will not be controlled in any way. This applies to all forms of mind control. Special Equipment: The Redeemer: It is usually in the form of an inquisitorial staff, on which are inscribed runes which twist and writhe as if tormented. The staff inflicts 2D4 points of damage to a human. Against the supernatural and MDC beings it inflicts double damage in MDC! In the hands of the Inquisitor it does double that! The "Redeemer staff" also gets more powerful as the Inquisitor becomes more experienced. For every level up the staff inflicts an additional + 1 point of damage eg. a 5th level Inquisitor-Redeemer would inflict 2D4 + 5 SDC to a human and 4D4 + 10 to a demon. It also casts Exorcism at the same level as the Inquisitor-Redeemer. Once the Redeemer has reached 10th level the staff gains a new power, but no known Inquisitor has used it before. This is to be used during their darkest hour.. It is said that the staff will moan with the voices of the damned, and then drink the souls of all living things within a mile radius. All creatures must roll vs. magic of 20! The only way to survive is basically to roll a natural 20 or if you have a high bonus. As for the Inquisitor, he is doomed with no saving roll. All the souls are said to be tormented for ever. Alliances and Allies: Not many. They consider all Catholics (and sometimes all Christians in general) to be under their protection. Should they visit Wormwood they will sympathize with the Cathedral and the people. However, when they find how corrupt the organization is they will be disgusted; the Inquisition, despite popular belief, gives everyone, save heretics, equal standing. They may or may not like the monsters working for the Cathedral. In Nightspawn they will treat the Guardians as allies, till they see reason not to. Many believe them to be angels! They will not worship them, since they're such hardasses, but treat them as equal servants of the Lord. Enemies: Oh boy. They hate all supernatural creatures, in the following order: Daemons (supernatural creatures that look hellish), the Hexen (another O.C.C. by me) , the Undead, dragons. Heretics are considered as bad as they are betrayers of the faithful. In Nightspawn they will not like the Nightspawn at all, and consider them the works of the Devil. They will despise all denizens of the Nightlands, considering the Dopplegangers to be souls of the Damned. Should they enter Wormwood they will despise the Apok; they will only see them as the betrayers they once were. They consider the Unholy and his forces to be demons and will treat them as so. They will not be comfortable around anyone who has not converted to Christianity, who they consider to be heathen. Description: The Redeemers are first recruited by older Inquisitors for their willpower and dedication. They are then taken to one of the seven monasteries where the Inquisition holds power. Only a few know of such places. Here they train to be acolytes. They are taught the Old and New Testaments and will recite them by heart. They study the lores of the demons which they will fight. The Inquisition focus their hatred to these creatures and manipulate the acolytes with this focus. Then they are taught to fight the demons by the most experienced warriors. Their training ends around the age of 17, when they take a rite of passage. The acolyte is sent out to hunt a heretic or demonic creature. When he returns to the monastery they will be given their Inquisitorial robes and the Redeemer staff. Only then is he a true Inquisitor-Redeemer. Many fail in their first quest; there is a 40% rate of failure. There are less than a thousand of these preacher warriors, but each one is a power house, capable of dealing with the most powerful daemon in whatever form it chooses.

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Invisible Agents O.C.C.

By: Scotty The Invisible Agents The CIA is not supposed to operate inside the borders of the US. This is the policy which they are supposed to operate under, however they quickly found that policy much to restrictive. Thus they invented the Invisibles. Invisibles come in two varieties. One is the Spook, the other is the Blank. Spooks are agents trained to a level where they blend in with the normal everyday surroundings that they are indistiguishable from anyone else you meet on the streets. Your husband or wife, your neighbor, your best friend, anyone could be a Spook and you would never know it. They could also be a blank. Spooks (NPC Only) A spook works undercover at the deepest level. They are unknown to all but the highest levels of government security. They are trained in mental conditioning to prevent brainwashing, psionic reading, or torture from breaking them. Their primary use is in information gathering. They keep tabs on people, places, or things that they are instructed to keep watch over. They are not to interfere under any circumstance, and when they are forced into action (Rarely happens) then in the aftermath they are reported as dead, and then go into another line of CIA work, something where they won't be recognized. More often, if something needs doing, then they activate a even more deeply concealed Blank. Stats: Min IQ, ME, and PE of 12 Alignment: Aberant (But can pretend to be any to play their chosen role.) Skills: Roll and educational background as in HU or choose an appropriate one. Also automatically gets the following. Modern WP : WP Auto. Pistol WP SMG Choose 2 Others Ancient WP : WP Knife (+1 Strike) Choose 1 Other Radio Basic (+25%) Radio Scrambler (+25%) Intelligence (+20%) Interogation (+20%) Prowl (+20%) HtH Assassin Automatically starts at level 4 due to advanced training. Special Ability - Mental Training: Using various mental conditioning techniques the agents are trained to protect their minds should they be scanned or found out and captured. Surface thoughts cannot be read. Impervious to basic mind scans. +4 Save vs. all Psionics, and saves as a major psionic. +3 vs. All mind altering magic (Includes words of truth and illusions) When faced with torture, the mind shields the spook from the pain his body feels, and so cannot be broken through torture, but can die from it. Also, has the ability to cease living at will. Blanks (NPC Only) Blanks are a top secret known only to the very highest levels of security. Like the spook they are hidden throughout the land as normal citizens, but unlike the spooks, they have no idea who they are. They are trained as agents of the top class, in weapons, and other skills, then mind wiped and introduced into society. They live normal lives until called upon. Each Blank is called upon in a different way. Most are activated through some key word or sound by a spook agent or other agent from the CIA. Then they spring into action. Once a blank has completed it's mission, it either terminates itself or is terminated. Random acts of violence are not always random, sometimes a blank is activated and goes berserk killing everyone, but it's just a cover for killing their target. Stats: Normal, when unleashed they raise their PS and PE to min. of 10, and PP to a min. of 14 Alignment: Any before triggered. Aberant afterwards. Skills: Normal, Gains following when activated. HtoH Assassin WP Auto. Pistol WP Revolver WP Rifle WP Auto. Rifle WP SMG - 296 -

WP Knife WP : Choose any three from modern or ancient Prowl 98% Tracking 98% Demolitions 90% All skills are at 8th level. Other Abilites : Before being triggered, any psionics or other reading abilites will pick them up as normal everyday citizends. After activation they will appear to be a psychotic killer type of human, but otherwards normal.

Invisible Person O.C.C.

By: E/Z INC. During the the late twentieth century there were a spree of accidents causing numerous objects and people to become invisible (see movies such as Memoirs of the Invisible Man, and Invisible). These invisible people stay in perfect heath for numerous years. Unfortunately the strain on the body killed the invisible people after ten years. Now, the coalition and Triax see the potential for having the power of invisibility and have many scientists working feverishly to try to uncover the secret of it. Neither Triax or Coalition has had any success. The only cases of invisibility were exactly the same as the late twentieth century: accidents. These accidents are always varied. It might be caused by a weird explosion in a lab or somebody getting struck by lightning. The Invisible person OCC is always caused by an accident. The GM gets to pick the accident which caused the the person to become invisible. Even though the accidents are different, the victims are always the same. They are always have normal health. Also they are not invisible to info red, sonar, radar, ultraviolet light, heat, motion detector and any other human sense other than sight. Anything they ingest will be invisible until it comes out. Unlike what is previously thought, if the invisible person bleeds, the blood is invisible. Also they cannot conceal anything if they are wearing invisible clothes. One of the problems of the Invisible people OCC is that they lack hand/eye coordination. Alignment: any Attribute Requirement: It is useful for them to be strong but there is no requirement. Special Rule: Because of their lack of hand/eye coordination, subtract 5 from their P.P. and gain 1 point back every level H.P. and SDC: same as Headhunter Horror Factor: 10 if partially covered by anything visible. O.C.C. Skills: Disguise Escape Artist (+30%) Sniper Wilderness Survival Tracking Athletics-Basic Hand to Hand: Expert Climbing Prowl (+50%) Pick Pockets (+30%) Language (American) Language (Player's choice) Land Navigation Track Animals Hand to hand: Expert can be changed to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (or assassin if an evil alignment) at the cost of one "other" skill. O.C.C Related Skills: Select 6 Other skills from this list. Plus select two more at level three, and an additional one at levels six, nine, and twelve. Communications: Excluding Radio: Scrambler and Surveillance Systems. Domestic: Excluding Play Musical Instrument and Sewing. Electronics: Basic Only Mechanical: Any (-10%) - 297 -

Medical: First Aid Only Physical: Excluding Acrobatics and Gymnastics (+5%) Pilot Skills: Any Pilot related skills (Any) Rogue Skills: (Concealment is only possible when the character is wearing visible clothing) (+10%) Science: Any Technical: Any (+5%) Weapon Proficiencies: Any Wilderness: Excluding carpentry Secondary Skills: Choose 5 Secondary skills from the previous list. Secondary skills have no bonuses. Combat Bonuses: in addition to the regular bonuses from their O.C.C. skill the character gets additional bonuses because they are invisible. +5 to dodge and strike +7 to initiative Two addition attacks per melee Standard Equipment: The characters get a pair of pants, a shirt, socks, shoes, and underwear, that is invisible . If they want to, they get to pick one light energy weapon of choice and a knife or dagger of choice. If they want they could have a visible pair of clothes with a back pack. The characters usually get other adventurers to carry their equipment for them in order to stay invisible. Money: 3D4*100 credits (there pretty poor because they always on the run) Cybernetics: If the characters are happy that they are invisible there is no way they will get cybernetics. If the characters hate their invisibility, they might consider full bionic reconstruction. Xp table: Same as headhunter Note: Anybody who operates on them will have a -50% on their skill.

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-JJabbs R.C.C.
By: George Bird Background: These creatures are the result of some pretty wild magic/genetic experimentation by some creature long, long ago. They live in a pocket dimension called Morva (this I may flesh out more later). Its pretty typical of Rifts style earth but the tech level is much lower (early earth renaissance) but there is a LOT of magic! The Jabs are one of the 2 intelligent races that are native to Morva. They like bow weapons and short swords, and can use them well. They're blacksmiths are equal to a Sacath Druid (sorry about the spelling) in skill and ability. Alignment: Any, but typically good or selfish. Attributes: I.Q.: 3D4+3, M.E.: 3D6 (+4 females), M.A.: 3D4, P.S.: 3D4 (+4 males), P.P.: 4D6, P.E.: 3D4 (+2 males), P.B.: 3D6+2 (cute), Spd.: 4D6+2. M.D.C.: Minor magical creatures, P.E. +1D6 per level. Hit Points: -NAHeight: 4' +1D4 inches females, or +2D4 inches males. Weight: 80 +1D20 lb (+10 lb males) P.P.E.: 10 +P.E. +1D4 per level females, or +2D6 per level males. I.S.P.: Females Only! M.E. +2D4 per level. Note: They are capable of drawing additional PPE from a ley line or nexus like a Ley Line Walker. They can also operate TechoWizard items. Special Abilities: Jump 2 times farther than normal human, Nightvision 90', Heightened sense of hearing equal to cybernetic amplified hearing, Automatic kick attack at first level - 2D4 SDC damage. Very resistant to disease and poison. Magical Abilities: Tounges spell is constantly in effect, costs no P.P.E. Pick one elemental category for your character. eg. Earth, Fire, Water, Air. Choose 2 spells from first level. Then for each level of experience select one new elemental magic spell, in your category. Levels of spells are limited to 1-4. At third level they can also cast the Armor of Ithan spell, but it costs 2 times the normal PPE to cast. Psionics: Females Only! Select a total of 5 abilities from the Sensitive and Healer categories. Add one new psionic ability form both categories at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15. Skills: A typical Jab starts with the following RCC skills: Wilderness Survival (+15%) ID Plants and Fruit (+20%) Literacy - Jabinian (+25%) Language - Jabinian 98% (all others by magic) Basic Math (+15%) Horsemanship (+5%) Archery Additional Skills for males only: HTH Expert, Intelligence (+10%), and 2 Weapon Proficiencies. Additional Skills for female only: HTH Basic, Holistic Medicine (+15%), and 1 Weapon Proficiency. Related Skills: At first level the character can choose 6 other skills with the following limitations: Domestic - Any +10% Physical - Any except Acrobatics and Gymnastics +10% where applicable - 299 -

Rogue - Any except computers. Science - Any (except those that require computer ops. as a prerequisite) Technical - Any except computers Wilderness - Any +15% Espionage - Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Escape Artist, and Tracking Weapon Proficiencies - Any (no modern to start with) Pilot - None to start but can chose them as new skills later. Pilot Related - Navigation only. The character can select one new skill from the above list every 3 levels of experience. Average life span: 170 years. Physical Desciption: They look like humanoid rabbits. They have fully articulated hands with an opposable thumb. Their fur is various shades of, it starts out very bright in color when young (almost flourecent) and darkens as the character ages (the very old typically have an almost black coat). ALL Jabs have brilliant purple eyes! Bonuses: +2 to save vs. magic, +3 to initiative (hearing bonus), +5 to save vs. poison and disease, +3 to dodge and parry in addition to the P.P. bonus. Xp Table: Use the Dog Boy table.

Jedi OCC
By: Joshua Brink Somewhere in a galaxy far, far away... The Jedi is a warrior of exceptional mind, body and ability. They are champions of freedom and righteousness (with a few Exceptions). The Jedi has dedicated his/her life (since the age of two) to the power of the force and using that power to fight the forces of injustice and tyranny. Training The training of the Jedi Knight is strenuous at best and downright brutal at worst. But if the training were any less intense the Jedi would not survive his/her First battle and Dark Jedi would be running rampant. They must be stronger, faster and smarter than those that they oppose. The study of The Force builds both mind and body, becoming a way of life not just a philosophy. In that respect it is very much like the martial arts training of old. The ability to focus mind body and nature into one. By drawing on The Force and focusing it through his/her mind the Jedi can affect the physical world with a thought. Physical training involves years of study and practice in gymnastics, body building and hand to hand combat. Other areas of training include an understanding and appreciation of other lifeforms and openness to magic and the unknown. The Jedi recognize magic as another energy source that can be tapped and used for good or evil. This open-mindedness in this respect makes them one of the few OCCs that can intuitively understand and use items created through Tecno-Wizardry. Psionic Powers All Jedi are Master Psionisists. But due to their ability to draw on The Force they can focus on psionic abilities at half of the ISP cost. Starting ISP is 2D4x10+ME. Add2D4 per level of experience. The young Jedi will start with 1D6+4 psionic slots, minor psionics costing one slot and major psionics costing two slots. Add one minor psionic at each even level and one major psionic at levels 3,7,11,15,and 20. Jedi recover ISP at the rate of 1D6 per hour of sleep or meditation. Jedi requirements and skills Attribute requirements: ME of 11, a high IQ, MA, PS and PP are recommended but not required. What is required is a strong will, a lust for life and a good heart with a thirst for justice (Good or Aberrant, if Evil, alignments only). Special Bonuses Add 1D4 to ME.MA, PS, PE and SPD attributes Add 1D4x10 to SDC +1 to initiative Add 1 additional attack per round These are in addition to any attribute and skill bonuses. PPE Base: 6D6 - 300 -

Money: The character starts with 2D6x100 credits and 1D6x1000 in black market salable goods. As always money can be spent immediately on additional equipment or saved. Standard Equipment A suit of light personalized body armor (70 MDC or less), a set of dress clothes, and a set of black clothing for covert operations. Also a gas mask and air filter, tinted goggles, a hatchet for cutting wood, a knife (or two), a Light Saber, first aid kit with extra bandages and antiseptic, suture thread and pain killer, tent, knapsack, backpack, two canteens, emergency food rations (two week supply), Geiger counter, and some personal items. The Jedi's mode of transportation can be just about anything, but lean toward horses and either hover or modified motorcycles. They will also use magic devices but will rarely, if ever use robot vehicles or power armor. Cybernetics The Jedi will try to avoid cybernetics unless necessary to replace a lost appendage or to save their life, even then they will try to acquire a natural bio-system if one is available. Due to the nature of the Force Jedi do not suffer the normal penalties for having cybernetics. OCC Skills Literacy (+20%) Language: two of choice (+30%) Lore: Demon and Monster (+20%) Anthropology (+15%) Paramedic (+10%) Land Navigation (+12%) Horsemanship (+15%) Pilot: two of choice (+10%) Athletics (+5%) Climbing (+10%) Body Building/Weight Lifting Gymnastics (+5%) Swimming (+10%) WP Sword WP Ancient: two of choice WP Modern: two of choice Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (Assassin if Aberrant) OCC Related Skills (Choose 8) Communications: any Domestic: any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: any (+5%) Mechanical: Automotive or Weapons Engineer only Medical: First aid or Holistic Medicine only Military: any Physical: any (+5%) Pilot: any Pilot Related: any (+5%) Rogue: any Science: any Technical: any WP: any Wilderness: any (+5%) Secondary Skills Choose 4 from the above list without any bonuses. Natural Abilities Knowledge of how to build a Light Saber is part of the Jedi training. Whether or not the Jedi is able to increase the amount of damage that a Light Saber inflicts is entirely up to the GM (I personally feel that if the Jedi has the proper skills s/he might be able to do so. I do not believe that the level of the Jedi should effect the size or damage inflicted by a Light Saber. (I.e. was Luke's Light Saber any less effective when Han used it?) Special Abilities 1. Heightened sense of hearing, equal to cybernetic amplified hearing+1 to parry, +2 to dodge, +6 to initiative. 2. Heightened sense of smell: Recognize specific odors: 90% - 301 -

ID specific person or animal by scent alone: 70% +1%/Level Track by scent: 80% (-20% in cities or due to inclimate weather.) 3. Heightened sense of touch: Recognize items by feel: 66% +2%/level 4. Radar sense: Enables the Jedi to Know/sense the location of people, objects, movement and the general shape of the environment around them, Interpret shapes: 85%, Estimate distances: 95%, Estimate exact location: 75% +1%/level. 5. Gain one random minor super power from Heroes Unlimited at levels 5,10,15 and one super power at level 20. Special Weapons Light Saber: Mega-Damage: 1D6x10 Weight: 3 lbs. Length: 5' activated 1' inactivated Duration: Effectively unlimited: self-charging. Cost: Not for sale at any price! Only the Jedi know how to build a true Light Saber and will not teach anyone other than a new Jedi how to build one. Even a Dark Jedi will not pass on this knowledge to another (no one else is worthy) Anyone who is not a Jedi and has in his/her possession a Light Saber has either killed a Jedi or has a Knock-off that is not as powerful as a TRUE Light Saber (usually 6D6 MD).

Jedi Knight O.C.C.

Here is that Jedi Knight class... sorry it took so long but with the amount of material plus finals I haven't had the time to sit down and type it all out.If you have any ideas or questions I will be on the list until May 19th and will return in September when the college reopens....I encourage any responses....well enough the words of Admiral Kirk "Here it comes" They are a group of travelers (always of good alignment; evil alignments are possible but I would keep them as NPC's in role playing testing evil Jedi PC's tended to get out of hand really fast because they had no qualms about killing people) that travel the galaxy righting wrongs. The Jedi's use the force, which is created and sustained by life. The Jedi acts to preserve this life. The Jedi may kill in self-defense or the defense of others if by doing so he preserves the existence of life. The Jedi doesn't act for power, fortune or fame, just the gaining of knowledge and the preservation of life. If a PC breaks this code and doesn't atone for it (GM's choice of what atonement is) the characters powers and attributes are reduced 25% (this usually keeps PC's honest, again citing play testing). The character can take 1/2 of their earned xp and put it toward the advancement of force powers (there are 3 classes Control, Sense and Alter) as they see fit. Alignment: Good alignments only Attributes: 3d6 for all (I try to limit this class to humans only, although any race with good intentions is permissible. I was trying to keep the class balanced and with some of the greater races around it could get really ugly really quick) Hit Points: PE + 2d6+4 per level S.D.C.: 1d6x10 plus physical bonuses P.P.E.: 3d6 I.S.P./FP: 2d4x10 + ME(x2) +4d6/lvl Natural Abilities: Can stay active even at -20 H.P. with the use of force powers, other than that they are same as humans Combat: 3 attacks/melee plus those gained from hand to hand combat Bonuses: +4 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 to initiative plus bonuses from attributes and skills. Average Life Span: with the force 200+ years OCC Skills: - 302 -

Languages(x2)+30% Literacy(x2)+25% Speak & Write English-96% Demon Lore(+20%) Anthropology(+15%) Paramedic(+10%) Navigation(all)+15% Climbing(+10%) Body Building Gymnastics Athletics Swimming(+10%) WP Lightsaber WP Energy Pistol HTH Martial Arts OCC Related: select 12 skills, 2 at level 3, 3 at level 5, 2 at level 6, 2 at level 9, 1 at level 12. Communications: Any Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Automotive only Medical: None Military: Any Physical: Any (+5%) Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any Science: Any Technical: Any (+5%) WP: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Choose an additional 6 skills from the previous list without bonuses. Standard Equipment: Lightsaber, Energy pistol of choice w/ 3 clips, set of black clothing (MDC 40), First Aid kit, Knapsack, Back Pack, 2 canteens,Boots, Cloak (MDC 15). Money: 3d6x100 credits. Lightsaber: inflicts 5d6 MD and increases in power (+2d6MD every three levels, and +1d6MD per level of Control Power). They can parry energy attacks with no parry bonus (except for that gained from every level of sense power; +1 to parry per level). The character can also add 20 ISP (Force points) to boost the damage of the lightsaber 1d6MD/per 20 ISP, this effect lasts 5 min/level of the jedi. Note: For the Lightsaber WP use the WP Sword given in the book. Also a Jedi will try not to use a lightsaber on an enemy not capable of defending himself from the attack. (ex. A peasant is being mugged by a thug with no weapons, the Jedi won't lop his head off with the Lightsaber.) ******* Control Powers ******* Control Pain: Cost- 5 isp no Sdc, 10 for 1/2 htp, 20 for no htp Effect: Allows the character to ignore the pain caused by any wound and act as normal. This also works on pain inflicted through torture. Note: This doesn't heal the wound they just don't feel it. Dur: 2 min/lvl Remain Conscious: Cost- 10 for no htp, 20 for -10 htp Effect: Allows the character to remain conscious even if the blow should render them otherwise. The next action should be Control pain if they would like to do anything else. After this is done the character may act normally for the duration of the effect. Dur: 2 min/lvl Hibernative Trance: Cost- 20 Effect: The character falls into unconsciousness and for all intents and purposes looks dead. Anyone who looks at the character will believe they are dead unless they perform a complete diagnosis to prove otherwise. Listening for a heart beat will require about a minute to discover a slight trace of one. Dur: 1 month in a dry atmosphere, 2 in a moist atmosphere, 3 before the character dies of starvation. - 303 -

Note: A character can snap out of the trance at any time but they have no idea about what is going on around them in this state. Accelerated Healing Cost- 5 Effect: When using this power the character gains 10 htp or sdc plus the normal healing rate is tripled for one day. Dur: Instant Contort/Escape: Cost- Loose Bonds- 5, handcuffs- 10, serious restraints- 15, Maximum security- 20, Houdini like- 30 Effect: Allows the contortion of body parts to escape any restraints without causing damage to the character. Dur: per set of restraints Detoxify Poison: Cost- 15 Effect: Allows the character to detoxify any poison so that it will not harm them. This also includes the effects of alcohol and similar substances. Dur: Instant Control Disease: Cost- 20 Effect: Allows the character to direct the body's immune system to throw off infection or disease with a 75% success rate. Duration: Instant Absorb/Dissipate Energy: Cost- 15 Effect: Allows the character to absorb and dissipate huge amounts of energy without suffering damage. This includes all forms of energy and it maybe used to dissipate weapons fire in which case the cost is the initial 15 +the damage inflicted by the attack. Dur: 5 min/lvl or per energy blast. ******* Sense Powers ******* Receptive Telepathy: Cost- 5 for willing members, 5+ the ME of target if attempting to resist. Effect: Allows the character to read the surface thoughts or emotions of the target. For 3x the cost you can read sections of the victims mind and their true intentions. Dur: 2 min/lvl Saving Throw: vs Psionics Magnify Senses: Cost- 5 per 5 ft radius Effect: The character can sense something that would be impossible to sense otherwise. The character can sense traps, concealed passages or people, invisible objects etc. However, the character will only know that they are present not where they are (knows general location) or what they are. Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +2 to parry, and +4 to dodge while power is activated. Dur: 2 min/lvl Life Sense: Cost- 5 Effect: The character can sense the presence and identity of the person for which they seek. The user can tell how bad off the person is and if the power is kept up the character can track the target with 70% accuracy. If the target being tracked has psionic ability they will sense this and a mind block will negate it. Dur: 3 min/lvl Instinctive Navigation: Cost- 20 Effect: Adds +25% to navigation rolls and only have to check at half the normal rate when the power is in use. Dur: 2 min/lvl ******* Alter Powers ******* Telekinesis: see main book for description Note: Using this force power to injure or attack other characters is possible but is considered an evil act that must be atoned for (or suffer penalties described earlier) because the force is being used offensively. Injure/Kill: Cost- 30 plus targets PE Effect: The character attempts to alter the targets body in such a way that it will incapacitate or kill the target. Both the target and the character roll a 20 sided die, the character adds their ME att. the target adds their PE att. to this roll. If the characters roll is 2x the targets then the target is mortally wounded, if the characters roll is higher the target is incapacitated for 1 melee round (loses all attacks), and if the targets roll is higher or equal there is no effect. Dur: Instant Note: Attempting this power, no matter what the result is an act of evil which the Jedi must atone for. ******* Control/Sense Powers ******* These are combinations of the above powers giving the previous powers greater effect. In order to use these powers a character must have a level in each of these categories. Projective Telepathy Cost- 5 per 1000 ft range Effect: The target "hears" the thoughts and "feels" the emotions of the user. The target knows these feelings aren't their own. This power is not used to control only to communicate. Bonuses: Adds +10% to trust rolls if the character is projecting sincere thoughts. - 304 -

Dur: 2 min/lvl Saving Throw: vs psionics if target is not receptive. Foreseeing: Cost- 15, + 15 if looking into the past, + 25 if looking into the future. Effect: The user sees the place or person he wishes to see in their mind. The character can see the surrounding area around the target so the character can sense what is happening. This power can also be used to see into the past or the future. Looking into the past allows the character to get glimpses of what has happened in the particular area. Looking into the future the character's view rapidly becomes unclear because the future is not set. GM'S discretion on what they allow the character to see. Dur: 3 min/lvl ******* Control/Alter ******* Control Another's Pain: Cost- add 5 to Control Pains costs Effect: See Control Pain Return to Consciousness: Cost- add 5 to Remain Conscious costs Effect: See Remain Conscious Place in Hibernative Trance: Cost- 30 Effect: Same as Hibernative Trance but can only be used on a willing target. Accelerate Another's Healing: Cost- 15 Effect: See Accelerated Healing Detoxify Poison in Another: Cost- + 5 to Detoxify Poisons cost Effect: See Detoxify Poison Control Another's Disease: Cost- +5 to Control Disease cost Effect: See Control Disease Inflict Pain: Cost- 20 Effect: The target experiences a great deal of agony reducing all bonuses and skills by half for as long as the power is kept active. The target gets a saving throw vs. psionics when the power is used and at every upkeep. Dur: 2 min/lvl Note: This is considered an evil use of the force so the Jedi must atone for it. Transfer Force: Cost- 25 Effect: The Jedi transfers part of his life force (htp) into a target with a 5 htp minimum transfer. The target heals the amount channeled however the loss to the Jedi is permanent. (GM note: I suggest a hefty xp award when this power is used to save someone who was close to the character and would die without the transfer.) Dur: Instant *******Control, Sense, Alter Powers******* Affect Mind: Cost- 40 + ME of target Effect: Alter a victims perception "What was that noise", alter memories permanently so that it is incorrect or forgotten, or alter a characters conclusions so that they come to an incorrect conclusion " These aren't the droids we're looking for". Can also cause hallucinations sensed by all senses. The victim gets to make a saving throw at -3 to prevent the effects from happening. Dur: 5 min/lvl or permanent for memories Telekinetic Kill: Cost- 100 + PE of target Can't be learned until third level in all 3 categories Effect: The user uses his telekinetic ability to injure/kill the intended target. The exact method can vary: one can stir the brain, squeeze the heart or Vader's personal favorite crush the trachea. The victim is allowed the best 2 out of 3 saving throws at -3. Dur: Instant Note: This is the ultimate use of the force in an evil way so the Jedi should have good reason to use it and atonement should be twice as long. Other Notes: For those who would like to use the Jedi evilly ignore the penalties for offensive use of the force, the character has +1 lvl to control for the Dark side is easier to learn but reduce the life span to a third of what is normal because the Dark side destroys the body. For experience point tables use the ones for Cyber Knights in the main book.....the force categories can be raised every 2000 xp. Durations given under these categories are the levels that the powers are listed at (ex at first level the Jedi have lvl 1 control so the duration on resist pain is 2 min, at lvl 2 control 4 min etc).

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Jedi Knight O.C.C.

By: Joshua I. Sanofsky During the Clone Wars, a group of Jedi Knights discovered a portal deep in the jungles of a planet they were investigating. Being adventurous people, and striving to find some aid against the overwhelming odds they faced, they stepped throughSOnto Rifts Earth, roughly forty years P.A.. Sadly, the Rift closed behind them, and they were unable to return to their own universe. However, they had found a planet in desperate need of heroes. So they stayed. During the years since then, the group of Jedi spread across North America and the Coalition States, going as far north as the borders of Free Quebec and as far south as Los Alamos. A small Jedi Academy has been set up in an as-yet unrevealed location, since it has been discovered that a fair percentage of Rifts Earth inhabitants have the ability to learn to use the Force. A Jedi Knight is very similar in many ways to the Cyber Knight O.C.C. in that they are upstanding members of society. However, they tend to be a study in opposites. Often quiet and introspective, they avoid combat to an extent, but will throw themselves into it wholeheartedly if they feel the cause is just or that someone needs defending. They will NOT kill without cause, and will go out of their way to keep from killing if possible. In combat they do NOT hesitate to kill if need be. Jedi live life with a certain restrained joy which many people envy. They are not worried about death, because (as they say) they will be happy with whatever they have seen and done when the Force deems it time for them to move on. The traditional weapon of a Jedi is the formidable lightsaber. The lightsaber is a blade of pure energy which does mega-damage. The stats can be found below. Jedi can and will use other weapons under some circumstances, but prefer to use their lightsaber before they use anything else. Note: Jedi Knights use the Rifts Wilderness Scout experience table. Special Abilities: 1. "The Force" (magic knowledge): Jedi Knights are trained to tap into a universal source of P.P.E. which most magic-users and scholars deny exists. Since it is not as potent a source of magical energy as a Ley Line, Jedi Knights cannot cast as vast a variety of spells as normal magic users, nor are their spells considered "spells" as such, since they do not need to use any of the classic spell components. They are also considered minor psionics, since they appear to have Telepathic and Empathic abilities. To use a Force "power," all the Jedi must do is concentrate and expend the appropriate amount of P.P.E. (or I.S.P.). Jedi begin with the following spells: See Aura Sense Evil Levitation Telekinesis and the following psionic abilities (which are the ONLY psi abilities they get): Empathy Telepathy At each new level, they automatically learn a new spell (of their choice), and can learn new spells at any time (either through experimentation or from another Jedi). Jedi can learn spells from the following list ONLY: Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Blinding Flash Chameleon Armor of Ithan See the Invisible Climb Fingers of the Wind Concealment Negate Poison/Toxin Resist Fire Level 4: Level 5: Level 6: Blind Calling Compulsion Charismatic Aura Energy Disruption Cure Illness Cure Minor Disorders Heal Wounds Impervious to Energy Repel Animals Superhuman Strength Memory Bank Shadow Meld Superhuman Speed Words of Truth Level 7: Level 8: Level 9: Purification Locate Mute Second Sight Oracle Wind Rush Wisps of Confusion Note: To learn a new ability by "experimentation," the Jedi must make three successfull rolls on their "Lore: Jedi" skill. This indicates that they've heard of the ability, and have figured out how to use it based on a story they were told during training. 2. Initial P.P.E.: Jedi Knights have a permanent base P.P.E. of 1d4x10+10, in addition to the P.E. attribute number. Add 2d6 P.P.E. per level of experience. Jedi CANNOT draw P.P.E. from Ley Lines, nexus points, or other people...Instead, they have learned to tap into the Force. Jedi regain 1 P.P.E. per hour of activity, or 20 P.P.E. per hour of meditation! Jedi Knights have a spell strength of 12, +1 at levels two, four, six, and eight. 3. Initial I.S.P.: Jedi Knights are considered minor psionics. They have a base I.S.P. of 2d6 + M.E., and gain 1d6 I.S.P. per level of experience. - 306 -

Training Bonuses: Through their intense training, Jedi gain the following bonuses: add 3d6 to physical S.D.C., 1d4 to P.E. & P.S., and 1d4 to M.E. and M.A. 5. The Jedi Lightsaber: (Excerpt from "Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Weapons and Equipment," by Bill Smith, copyright LucasFilm Ltd., 1997) "A lightsaber's handgrip is approximately twenty-four to thirty centimeters long and features a mirrorlike concave metal disk called a blade emitter on one end. Controls include an activation lever, a recharge socket, diagnostic readouts, and in some cases blade length and intensity controls. Opening the small access panel reveals a tiny but very sophisticated power cell as well as at least one - and sometimes several - multifaceted crystals or jewels. The lightsaber's jewels focus the power cell's energy charge into a tight parallel beam that emerges from the blade emitter as a vibrant blade of pure energy. The blade is a closed energy loop. Its amplitude determines when the energy beam arcs back to the negatively charged high-energy flux aperture that rings the outer edge of the lightsaber's concave disk. The power cell can last for years because it is fed by the energy that enters the flux aperture; the weapon loses energy only when the blade makes contact with another object." The lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi. It is built at the end of a Jedi's training, and is considered a right of passage from apprenticeship to Knighthood. The essential design remains the same, but the overall look is left up to the apprentice building it. Many lightsabers are almost works of art. The focusing jewel/jewels can be any high-quality jewel or crystal, even well-made artificial ones. For each jewel used, the length of the blade can be varied by one foot (or any length between). Thus, if three crystals are used, the blade can be anywhere from an inch to six feet in length. Likewise, the color of the crystals indicates what the color of the blade will be. If different colored crystals are used, the blade comes out an odd (but pretty) silvery-grey color, with streaks of whatever colors the crystals are throughout the blade. The power cell recharges itself as the blade feeds back into the emitter, and only loses power when the blade strikes something. The rate of power loss is roughly one minute of charge time lost per contact. This explains why the lightsaber almost never needs to be recharged. While the lightsaber does an immense amount of damage, the damage is neither wide-spread nor explosive. Thus, rather than destroying things outright, the lightsaber slices cleanly through... cutting things in half, removing limbs, etc. Wounds caused by the lightsaber are cauterized instantly. However, it still does large amounts of damage to whatever it strikes, cutting through power systems, maybe damaging something explosive. Still, it is mainly a close-combat weapon. Using a lightsaber without penalty requires a special Weapon Proficiency (which the Jedi apprentice learns before building his weapon). Without the special W.P., the person using a lightsaber suffers a -7 penalty to strike, has a 50% chance of injuring himself, and a 75% chance of doing damage to anything within arm's length of him. See below for W.P. bonuses, etc. Incidentally, lightsabers make a decent source of light. when ignited, a lightsaber throws enough light to see with relative clarity in a 10' radius. Note that the clarity of vision is tinted by whatever color the blade is, which may wash out some detail. Lightsaber: Weight: 1-5lbs., depending on materials used in construction. Mega-Damage: 1d6x10 MD Rate of Fire: see W.P. Lightsaber below Maximum Effective Range: 100 feet (can be thrown, then controlled using Telekinesis) Payload: Power cell holds a 100 hour charge Black Market Cost: NOT AVAILABLE. Jedi guard the technology used to build lightsabers carefully. If one hit the market, it could go for more than 50 million, since the technology required to create a blade of energy is highly desired. 6. W.P. Lightsaber: This is a skill which ONLY Jedi Knights can learn, since the bonuses are more reliant upon the fact that Jedi draw on the Force (to a very limited extent) while fighting than on physical training. In addition to removing all of the penalties mentioned above for people without this W.P., the following bonuses are gained: - +1 to strike at level one, plus an additional +1 to strike at levels three, five, seven and eleven. - +1 to parry at level one, plus an additional +1 to parry at levels five, seven and nine. - Beginning at level 2, the Jedi can use his lightsaber to parry energy blasts (lasers, P-beam weapons, plasma, etc.) with a +5 bonus in addition to normal parry bonus. This is not so much a physical skill as an instinctive extension of the Force which allows them to determine where the shot is going. - At level 3, the Jedi gains the ability to reflect energy blasts back at their shooters. Base Skill: 35%, +5%/level Attribute Requirements: P.E. 10 or higher, M.E. 10 or higher. A high I.Q. and M.A. help, but aren't necessary. O.C.C. Skills: Climbing (+15%) General Athletics Acrobatics Language: Native at 98% Literacy: Native at 98% Lore: Jedi (+20%) Prowl (+10%) Radio: Basic - 307 -


Pilot: One of choice (+5%) Intelligence W.P. Lightsaber W.P. One of choice Hand to Hand: Expert. Can be upgraded to Martial Arts at the cost of two "other" skills. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10 other skills at level one, plus three additional skills at levels three, six and nine, and two at level twelve. Communications: Any Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Any Mechanical: Any (except Locksmith, Mechanical & Electrical Engineer) Medical: Any (except MD in Cybernetics) Military: Demolitions & Demolitions Disposal Physical: Any Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Concealment & Streetwise Science: Any Technical: Any W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select 5 secondary skill from the previous list. These additional areas of knowledge do not get the advantage of any bonuses except natural intelligence. Standard Equipment: Two suits of clothing (whatever the Jedi is most comfortable with), as well as a cloak or long-coat. A suit of light or medium mega-damage armor, sunglasses, air filter, first-aid kit, knapsack or backpack, utility/ammo belt, one large sack, 50 feet of lightweight rope, 6 iron or wooden spikes and a mallet, and six flares. Infrared distancing binoculars are also acceptable. Jedi can own any sort of vehicles they desire including robots and powered armor, but tend to avoid heavy, sluggish combat vehicles (like tanks). Weapons: The Jedi starts with his lightsaber plus one other weapon of choice. Additional weapons must be found or purchased later. Money: Jedi begin play with 1d4x1000 credits, and several black market items worth roughly 1d6x1000 credits. Jedi do not actively seek and hoard money, but neither are they averse to being rich. They spend their money freely on things which often seem frivolous because of their love of life. Cybernetics: Jedi will get Bio-Cybernetic systems as needed...But they will NEVER voluntarily modify their bodies.

Jinxian R.C.C.
By: Jeremy Puckett The probes that Earth sent out to find habitable worlds in the late 21st century were badly misprogrammed. They were slow-probes, sent out before the development of hyperdrive, so they had to be self-sustaining; that meant a hydrogen ramscoop. These probes were programmed to find worlds that matched or nearly matched Earth in climate, atmosphere, gravity, and all the other major requirements. The problem with them was that they were not really programmed to find a habitable world, but a habitable location. That is to say: if a world is completely barren except for a circle thirty feet in radius, and that spot happens to be where the probe lands, then that world is classified as habitable. This was bad for the colonists that came afterwards. They came in slowboats powered by solid fuel (ramscoops kill any organic being within 240 miles when turned on), but they were kept in suspended animation for the duration of the journey to avoid the problems inherent in a ten to fifty year space flight. Since the ships were powered by solid fuel, there was no turning back for them; once they were on-planet, they were on-planet to stay. This resulted in a number of foul-ups for the early colony program. Examples include We Made It, which was colonized because a probe landed in the spring. If it had landed in summer or winter, when the planet's axis of rotation points through its primary, Procyon, it would have detected the 1500 mile per hour winds. So Plateau was colonized. This innermost world of Tau Ceti, a small coolyellow G0 dwarf, is like Venus in size and atmosphere, save for one mountain, Mount Lookitthat. That straight-sided mountain is forty miles tall, and its nearly flat top is half the size of California. It rises out of the searing black calm at the planet's surface to the transparent atmosphere above; and that air can be breathed. So Jinx was colonized. Jinx is a planet with a surface gravity of 1.78 and two habitable bands between the oceans. These bands have too much air to be comfortable for humans, but they can survive in it. Beyond these bands, there are the Ends, where there is no air at all. Jinx is shaped very much like an Easter Egg. The colonists that put down there adapted quickly to Jinx's odd gravity and air. Within three generations, they were shorter and broader than Earth humans... and far stronger.

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Jinxian's are the strongest humans in Known Space, and probably the strongest beings in Known Space, period. The people of Jinx are never more than five feet tall and rarely less than three feet wide through the chest. Their living circumstances have also resulted in a heart condition that is usually fatal by the age of thirty, and almost always fatal before forty-five. Until then, they are super-strong, able to twist lead bars in their bare hands as though they were aluminum foil. It is said that if a Kzin got in a Jinxian's way when the Jinxain was in a hurry, the Kzin would develop a short, wide hole in its body roughly the same shape as the Jinxian. Jinxians realize that their great strength intimidates normal humans (and other species as well) so they try to make up for it by being garrulous and friendly. Jinxians rarely strike in anger, knowing that they are likely to kill anything they hit in one blow. Despite this, they are likely to act before all the facts are in; they know they have very little time, so they cannot waste it waiting around. Jinxians control themselves very tightly around less strong beings, avoiding intoxication and carelessness, again because losing control could kill whoever happens to be nearby at the time. Jinxians may be of any OCC that humans can take except for magic OCCs. Jinxians, like the other humans of Known Space, do not believe in magic--and belief is the key to power in magic. Alignment: Any. Attributes: IQ 3d6; ME 3d6; MA 4d6; PS 3d6; PP 2d6; PE 4d6; PB 3d6; Spd 2d6. Strength and endurance are considered supernatural. Hit Points: Standard; PE +1d6 per level SDC: 3d6x100! Jinxians are SDC beings with enough SDC to survive a light mega-damage weapon attack. Jinxians may be hurt with SDC weaponry, but it is difficult to do more than sting them with such devices. Armor Rating: None Horror Factor: None normally; Jinxians have an amusing appearance. If it is seen that they can shred metal with their bare hands, HF is 9. Magic: None. Psionics: Jinxians have the same chance for psionic powers as any other humans. Height: Four to five feet Weight: 200-350 lbs. Description: Jinxians are short, wide, and heavy, but their weight is in muscle and not fat. Any human of Known Space can determine one is a Jinxian just by looking at them. Jinxians look as though they have the strength to kick holes in hullmetal (and they do) and the stubborn resolve to teach tact to a Kzin (and they might). Their skin, hair, and eye colors have the normal human ranges. Jinxians are not ugly for their bulk, just exotic and strange. Enemies: Some fear Jinxians, but these would never purposely get on one's bad side. Allies: The other planets of the League of Worlds. Average Life Span: 30 years. Jinxians will always die before the age of fifty; not even boosterspice can prolong their lives. Habitat: The high-gravity, high-pressure world of Jinx. Natural Abilities: Supernatural strength and endurance. High physical attributes. Can survive in gravity and pressure up to three times that of Earth's surface. Vulnerabilities/Penalties: Jinxians are used to breathing thicker air, but can survive for prolonged periods in the thin air of Earth and other worlds. However, because of their thicker atmosphere, their senses are distorted in thin air; halve hearing range and visual acuity in any atmosphere as thin as or thinner than Earth at sea level. Also halve all combat bonuses and double all penalties in such an atmosphere. Will die of a heart condition at the age of 29+1d6 years; if a six is rolled, roll another 1d6. Do so again if this roll comes up six; this is the maximum number of dice possible. In the last year of life, the Jinxian will have a number of heart attacks and secondary symptoms that reduces their strength and endurance to normal levels. Their SDC is reduced to 1d4x10 and their hit points are halved. -3 to dodge; -2 to initiative. Bonuses: +15% vs. coma/death; +7 vs. poison; +1 vs. psionics; +1 to strike. Combat: By hand to hand skill Damage: As the supernatural strength table Cybernetics: Try to avoid them, but will take an artificial bio-system heart and lungs if they are made available. This system will prolong the Jinxian's life to 60+2d6 years and negate the thin atmosphere penalties. Skills of Note: Language/Literacy: Interworld (98%), Basic Math (98%). Interworld is the language of humans in Known Space, roughly equivalent to American/English.

Journalist O.C.C.
By: Necromancer Bob "Who has a dictionary? Let's look up joy. "Read what it says: 'A condition of supreme well being and good spirits, a feeling of extreme gratification aroused by something good or desired. Synonyms: happiness, delight.' "All right, now journalism. What does it say? 'The collection and editing of news for presentation through the media. The public press. The collection and editing of news or the management of a news media. Writing for publication in a newspaper or magazine. Writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation.' - 309 -

"All right. Well, those are good scholarly definitions of the joy of journalism. There's no right or wrong answer to joy. It's a personal thing. It's different for everyone. Now you're going to have to listen to my definition. "Joy is the first byline. For me it was. Even if it's on a story about a professor whose claim to fame is that he jogged every day for the last 20 years. My first story. "Joy is being a reporter exposing a scam company that sold gold mines, and then hiding out from the Feds, who were trying to subpoena his notes. I wasn't exactly a poster boy for upright journalism then. Hiding out from the Feds -- that's probably not the best thing. "Joy is making deadlines on the copy desk at an afternoon newspaper, even if it means you have to figure out a way to write rhyming weather captions in 15 minutes or headlines in 15 seconds. "Joy is being a city editor who gets to tell a rookie feature writer that some no-name teenager who died in a car wreck does not deserve a big obit. "Joy is watching the same feature writer turn the obit into a page-one banner story by reporting the hell out of it and writing a special tribute to anonymous teenagers all around the country who've been killed in car accidents and who got no obituaries because hardheaded editors wouldn't print them. "And joy is marrying that feature writer. "Joy is being a managing editor who stands in an empty newsroom at 3 a.m. after a huge news day, knowing that he beat every other paper in the world and that that is as good as it's ever going to get. "Joy is all the ways that news makes a difference. You print thousands of words that send a few crooks to jail, but it takes only a few words to help thousands of people who've been burned out of their homes. Major crusades can save lives, but a simple list of people who waste water will create wholesale reform of the water laws. "Joy is seeing young journalists move past "who, what, when, where, and how," trying to find out why things are happening when they do their reporting. "Joy is reading out loud. Down in the Newseum you'll see original stories like this one by Thomas Paine: 'The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will in this crisis shrink from the service of his country, but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.' "Joy is getting paid ~ getting paid!~ to help the whole human race tell itself what it does, thinks, feels. In journalism, unlike many other modern professions, you get paid not to spin it or to stretch it or to twist it, but to TELL IT, just actually tell the truth. "Journalism lets you stir things up and right wrongs and solve problems and touch people's lives. It's joyful because it matters. That is what the joy of journalism has been for me. And that is what I hope it will be for you." - Edited excerpts of remarks by Eric Newton at the 1997 Chips Quinn Scholars Orientation Weekend in Arlington, Va., via the Freedom Forum Author's Note: I apologize for editing Mr. Newton's remarks further. One of my Mass Communications professors read this speech the first day of class, and I think it says in a perfect way the motivations and loves of reporters, no matter what field of the media they're in. Journalists could be considered modern-day bards. They are society's conscience, the fourth branch of the government, watchdogs, and more. Today's reporters face an increasingly jaded public, uncooperative government officials, and more, in their fight to better mankind. In the Nightspawn world, journalists are at best pawns and dupes, and at worst hunted. The media has become a tool of the Nightlords, and with it, those few journalists courageous enough to try to uncover the truth are killed and replaced, or hunted down. Most "real" reporters either do their jobs as quietly as possible, ignore their commitment to the public, or hook up with the Seekers or Spook Squad. In 2005, it is rare to see a full news report focusing on hard news. The trend of the late 20th century towards more "info-tainment", as seen in television newsmagazines, has been continued to the point that nearly every story reported on is a feature. Even the few serious subjects are treated as melodramas, becoming a story played out for the viewer or reader. Even newspapers have been forced to join this trend in order to stay in business. The reasons behind this are simple: the public has a hard time caring. The viewing and reading public, having fallen upon economic hard times, now look for entertainment and diversion, not "bad news" to depress them more. It used to be (maybe 50 years ago) that anybody who wanted to could become a journalist just by walking into a newspaper and starting in the mail room. Now, in the modern world, electronics always play a part in the newsroom. Even newspapers are layed out by computer. The steamy, smoke-filled newsrooms smelling of glue pots and typewriter ribbon are being replaced by newsrooms filled with the hum of laser printers and the quiet click of computer keyboards. As a result, now over 90% of journalists have a degree in Mass Communications. In your average Mass Comm program, journalists recieve training in almost all areas of the media. Even those who focus on newspaper reporting receive basic training in video production, and a cameraman always has to learn page layout. This gives the journalist the wide array of skills needed to compete in today's environment. In terms of player characters, most journalists will be first or second level, a character who is fresh out of college and looking for their first "big break". They'll usually be on the lookout for a big scoop, even if it means hunting Satan to get it. Most "real" journalists left in the world are either just out to make a lot of money by exposing celebrities, etc, or they are quiet crusaders running a silent revolution against the Nightlords. For more information about journalists and their work, go to Attribute Requirements: I.Q. and M.A. must be 12 or higher. A high M.E. is recommended, and a high P.B. is recommended if the character is in television news. O.C.C. Abilities/Special Skills: - 310 -

Media Focus: The character, although trained in all aspects of the media, has chosen one field to focus on. The character has a bonus of +15% (on top of O.C.C. bonuses) to any two media skills for their focus (ie, a newspaper reporter would add the bonus to writing: journalist and page layout; a television cameraman would add the bonus to TV/video and photography, etc). 2. Contacts: The journalist starts with two contacts in City Hall/on his beat who know him/her fairly well. These contacts are likely to be low-ranking, but as the character gains experience and recognition, he may be able to cultivate new contacts higher up. Any new contacts are gained through good role-playing. 3. Nose for News: Not really a power as such, but a note here: journalists generally have an almost-psychic ability to tell when a big story is in the works. This "nose for news" gives the character a gut feeling that there is something more than he's being told, etc. This isn't psychic precognition, but it allows the character to tell if someone is lying, similar minor things. Base Chance: 10% +5% per level. 4. Enhanced Research Skill (by FlashFire): Technically no different from the standard skill, this is a list of different factors that may have an effect on one's ability to find things out. Research is more than just going down to the local library and asking for a book... This table can apply to any professional information seeker, such as journalists, private investigators, and detectives. All others suffer -10% to all bonuses and penalties. IS = Information Seeker Factor Bonus/Penalty Reputation: High-profile and loved +25% Well-known and regarded +20% Known as honest +10% Unknown but likes reporters/IS +5% Unknown Even Unknown but dislikes reporters/IS -10% Known as dishonest/sleezy -20% Generally dispised -30% Universally dispised -40% Works for a big name news agency: With a good rep (ie, CNN) +15% With a bad rep (ie, Dateline, Hard Copy) -20% Location: Library +10% News Library/Archives +15% Government Archive/Sources +15% (may be less depending on circumstances) Private Archives/Library +10% Internet -5% Word of Mouth: Firsthand +25% Secondhand Even Thirdhand -25% Fourthhand and worse -40% From a bartender +15% Government agent Even Elected official +15% Appointed official +10% Cabbie +10% Journalist +5% Children +10% Street punk +5% to -5% (depending on the punk in question) "Mysterious" Figure +20% (but may be unintelligible) Psychic +40% or -40% (depending on whether or not the psychic is real) Enemy +10% (less likely to tell the truth, so you can work back from there) 5. Other Bonuses: +2 to M.A., +1 to M.E., +2 on perception, +1 to save vs. illusion, and M.A. rolls directed against the character are at half percentage. O.C.C. Skills: Literacy (98%) Math: Basic (+10%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Computer Operation (+20%) Lore: Associated Press (see below) (+20%) Interrogation Techniques (+5%) (useful for prying information out of uncooperative sources) TV/Video (+10%) Writing: Journalistic (+20%) - 311 -


Writing: Page Layout (+5%) Performance (see Rifts: Juicer Uprising) (+10%) Photography (+10%) Research (+20%) Streetwise (+10%) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select ten other skills, but at least two must come from technical skills, and one from communications. Gets two more skills at levels three, six, nine, and twelve. Communications: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic Electronics only (+5%) Espionage: Any except wilderness survival Mechanical: basic, automotive only Medical: First Aid only (+5%) Military: Military Ettiquette only Physical: Any, except Acrobatics and Wrestling Pilot: Any civilian (+10%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+10%) Science: Any (+5%) Technical: Any (+10%) W.P.: Any civilian Wilderness: None Secondary Skills: Choose six from the previous list, no bonuses. Standard Equipment: Associated Press Stylebook (on paper or CD-ROM), laptop computer with WordPerfect and PageMaker or equivalent, a lot of blank disks, daily newspaper, notepads, pens, microcassette recorder, pica ruler (used to measure page layout; also useful for rapping someone's knuckles), proportion wheel (also used in page layout). Also has a car that's 2D4 years old (beat reporters rarely have new cars), a nice apartment with a fairly large wardrobe, etc. Money: 3D6x500 dollars in cash/credit cards, can be more if in television news. Often, an employer will provide an expense account for travel, etc., but what the character spends it on will be watched very closely. Usually, the expense account will be about 1D4x1000 dollars. Experience Table: Uses Sorcerer experience table.

Journalist O.C.C. v0.01

based on BTS By: FlashFire Ooooo... a new OCC. Like we haven't seen those before... This is based on Pal's 2nd edition rules, so my apologies to those who love 1st edition. BTS will probably get updated soon enough anyway. While this is designed mainly for BTS (and yeah, I know it should be covered under the Ordinary Person OCC), it should work in Bane as well. I'm not happy with the description, any ideas anyone? Thoughts, flames, and comments greatly appriciated, as always. "Hi, this is Gayle Weathers with an exclusive eyewitness account of this amazing breaking story. Several more local teens are dead, bringing to an end the harrowing mystery of the mass killings that has terrified this peaceful community, like the plot of some scary movie. It all began with a scream over 911..." Those who don't know what a journalist is should get their heads out of their roleplaying game books and pay attention to the real world. The specifics of the job may change, and the type of stories along with them, but the basics of the reporter are always the same. They have above average intelligence, as their job requires a certain amount of investigative ability and/or creativity. They are trained investigators and intelligence gatherers, but they don't go into the CIA, FBI, or police work as journalism pays better. They deal extensively with people, their contacts and people they have to question, so they tend to be outgoing and personable. Finally, where they go and what they report on may differ, but they all live by one rule. Sell the story. A major part of the Journalist's job is research. They must find background information on their stories, on the people and places they'll be visiting, as well as finding the stories in the first place. This could lead them to a back room in a dusty library, a computer station in their own newsroom, or a darkened corner in an inner city bar. The search may require the reporter to deal with the most unsavory of people and the dirtiest of locales. The reporter's job is to report, regardless of where the story may take them. Another element important to a reporter is their reputation. How they measure this can vary. Television reporters listen to their ratings and demographics, newspaper reporters may listen to the letters to the editor or their paychecks. Generally though, the best way for a reporter to gauge how they are regarded is by interacting with the people they report on or get information out of. If people react to the report with an instant "No Comment" or more direct responses (such as flying fists and stun guns), they can guess that they are not very popular, though at least people know who they are. Their reputation is their livelyhood, so they tend to very conscious of it. - 312 -

These characters are not the "talking heads" that most people see on their TV screens every night. Those are, usually, the paid faces who sit in front of the camera and read off whatever the tele- prompter is saying with a constant happy expression, essentially actors who work for the news companies. Sometimes, these characters will work in the limelight, as they have the acting skills to pull off sitting in that chair night after night, but most often this isn't the case. These characters are the ones behind the scences, the ones who write the stories and dig for the facts behind the headline. The typical job for player character reporters in most of Palladium's worlds is that of the tabloid journalist. Reporters may work for legitimate papers and news services, but they don't usually cover the kinds of stories that lead to adventures and player character activities. 99% of the stories written in the tabloids are total farces. How many people could aliens abduct, and how many rectal examinations could they possibly have to conduct? Every so often though, the reporter is sent out on assignment to investigate a particular story. Maybe the particulars of a police case are strange enough, or someone reports a bizzare occurance to the paper itself. A reporter is sent on location to see if there is a sellable story in the area. Once there, the reporter could find themselves poking around, looking for a story that a bunch of nutballs made up, or could find themselves in battle against the forces of darkness alongside spellcasters, monsters, and others unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the right time. Attribute Requirements: IQ of 11 or higher Attribute Bonuses: +2 to MA, +1 to ME OCC Abilities: Enhanced Research Skill - Technically no different from the standard skill, this is a list of different factors that may have an effect on one's ability to find things out. Research is more than just going down to the local library and asking for a book... IS = Information Seeker Factor Reputation: High-profile and loved Well-known and regarded Known as honest Unknown but likes reporters/IS Unknown Unknown but dislikes reporters/IS Known as dishonest/sleezy Generally dispised Universally dispised Works for a big name news agency: With a good rep (ie, CNN) With a bad rep (ie, Dateline, Hard Copy) Location: Library News Library/Archives Government Archive/Sources Private Archives/Library Internet Word of Mouth: Firsthand Secondhand Thirdhand Fourthhand and worse From a bartender Government agent Elected official Appointed official Cabbie Journalist Children Street punk "Mysterious" Figure Psychic Enemy +25% Even -25% -40% +15% Even +15% +10% +10% +5% +10% +5% to -5% (depending on the punk in question) +20% (but may be unintelligible) +40% or -40% (depending on whether or not the psychic is real) +10% (less likely to tell the truth, so you can work back from there) +10% +15% +15% (may be less depending on circumstances) +10% -5% +15% -20% Bonus/Penalty +25% +20% +10% +5% Even -10% -20% -30% -40%

Street Contacts - The character starts out with two paid informers who know the reporter by sight. Further contacts must be gained through good role-playing. - 313 -

O.C.C. Skills: Speak/Write Native Language (98%) Langauge: Select one (+15%) Computer Operation (+15%) Writing (+20%) Journalism (+20%) Intelligence (+15%) Interrogation (+10%) Research (+20%) Photography (+10%) Psychology (+5%) Streetwise (+10%) Pilot: Automobile or Motorcycle (90%) HTH combat can be selected as an OCC Related or Secondary skill. Basic counts as one skill and Martial Arts as three. Expert and Assassin are not available. OCC Related Skills: Select nine other skills. Two must come from Technical and one from Espionage. Select two new skills at levels 3, 5, 8, 12, and 14. Communications: Cryptography, Radio: Basic and Scrambler Surveillance, and T.V./Video only (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Disguise, Forgery, Impersonation, Land Navigation, Palming, Pick Locks, and Wilderness Survival (+10% to all but Land Nav and Wilderness Survival) Mechanical: Basic and Automotive only Medical: Any but Pathology and Medical Doctor Military: None Physical: Any but Acrobatics and Wrestling Basic Pilot: Any Advanced Pilot: None Pilot Related: Read Sensory and Navigation only Science: Any but Chem: Analytical and Astrophysics Stage Magic: Any but Contortionist and Juggling Technical: Any (+10%) W.P.: Any but Energy and Heavy Secondary Skills: Select Six from the previous list. No bonuses Standard Equipment: Several notepads and pens, a small tape recorder and several blank tapes, a 35mm camera and film, a small espionage-style camera and film, has a 75% chance of owning a laptop computer (1D4 years old), a home computer of average capabilities (word processing and printing level computing, no playing Quake II or hacking corporate databases. Gotta go to the research department for that kind of thing...) Also owns a pricey apartment or house, along with reasonable personal possessions. Has a 85% chance of owning a vehicle (1D4 years old). Equipment Available on Assignment: A full T.V. recording crew, photographic equipment and film, and transportation (though probably cheap) to a particular site. They will also have full use of the news agency's research department (which is probably overworked), and can get someone to track down information they may not have the time or ability to. Money: Starts with 1D4x200 in cash and 2d4x1000 in various bank accounts Salary: Starting reporters make about Experience Table: Use the Ordinary Person Experience Table.

Judge O.C.C.
The profession of the Judge was brought about by the need to dispense justice and law expediently. In the ravaged world of Rifts Earth, the need for law and civility is even greater. The role of the Judge was taken from a pre-Rifts Comic book called Judge Dredd. The Order of the Judges was formed by a man named Robert Barros, who became tired of the rampant violence and roving gangs that plagued his small town of Sandusky. Sandusky was a ghost town of 122 people. While sorting through papers in his home, Barros cam across a singular issue of Judge Dredd, and the ideal was born. After a slow starting, the Judges became more and more popular, and more and more members joined. As with any organization, problems arose with Judges abusing their power and dispensing harsh sentences for minor crimes. The entire profession was halted for - 314 -

about 6 months and rebuilt from the ground up. By this time Barros had taken over the position of Chief Justice, and had established a headquarters/training facility in what used to be Arizona, called the Hand of Justice. Underneath the surface of the Hand of Justice is the penetentary where minor offenders are sent, called The Hole. Within 6 months of it's establishment, the Hand of Justice drew people from near and far, who then established Justice City. The city is infamous for it's almost total lack of crime. The Judges live by a strict code of laws. They are loyal to a fault and will defend the law at even the cost of their own lives. All Judges undergo harsh physical and mental training. After graduation from the training center at the Hand of Justice, 75% of the Judges are assigned to specific cities or areas to protect. The other 25% are "free-floaters" that wander the countryside or can be called to a specific area in times of greater need (i.e. a large scale riot, etc.) Alignment: Only Principled or Selfish. Characters of selfish alignment who fail to adhere to the laws and morals of the Judge position are hunted down by their brothers and "judged" themselves. Attributes: M.E. and M.A. of 10 or higher. I.Q. of 12 or higher. Horror Factor: Judges have a natural intimidation of 12 O.C.C. Skills: Basic Radio (+10%) Basic Math (+10%) Language and Literacy: American 98% Computer Operation (+10%) Streetwise (+10%) Prowl (+10%) Pilot: Motorcycle (+10%) Pilot: Automobile (+10%) W.P.: Knife W.P.: Pistol W.P.: Rifle W.P.: Energy Pistol W.P.: Energy Rifle W.P.: Heavy Energy Weapon +2 WP's of choice Hand to Hand:Jujitsu O.C.C. Related Skills: Character may select 6 related skills of their choice. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic Electronics, or Electrical Engineer only. Espionage: Any Mechanical: Automotive Mechanics, or Mechanical Engineer only (+5%). Medical: First aid or Paramedic only. Military: Any (+15%) Physical: Any Pilot: Any (+15%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Any Science: Math only Technical: Any W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character may also select 3 secondary skills from the previous list at levels 5,10 and 15. These skills do not receive the added bonuses in parentheses. Standard Equipment: Two suits of Kevlar 9 body armor and Helmet (100 MDC), standard issue Lawgiver 2 sidearm, choice of personal vehicle, personal items. Money: The character starts with 2D6*1000 in credits. The Judge position pays 3,000 credits a month for stationary Judges, and 2,000 credits a month for "free-floating" Judges. - 315 -

Cybernetics: The characters start with whatever cybernetics and bionics they had before joining the Judges. There are no limits to the amounts of implants a Judge may have.

Judge's Law
1. Uphold the Law. 2. Defend the Innocent. Verdicts/Penalties for Offenses Crime Punishment Murder Immediate Execution. Rape Immediate Execution. Sexual Assault Immediate Execution. Accidental Murder Incarceration --3 years. Murder in Self-Defense Incarceration --9 months. Theft Incarceration --5 years. Theft of Government Property Incarceration --15 years. Robbery-Institutional (Banks,etc) Incarceration --15 years. Robbery-Private Incarceration --5 years. Computer Hacking Incarceration --1 year. Computer Hacking-Government Files Incarceration --10 years. Destruction of Property-Government Incarceration --12 years. Destruction of Property-Private Incarceration --5 years. Assault-Government Official Incarceration --10 months + 5,000 credits. Assault-Private Citizen Incarceration --3 months + 5,000 credits. Motor Vehicle Violations 5,000 - 50,000 credits pending violation. ***NOTE: These penalties are for first offense. Every consecutive offense doubles the sentence from the previous (a 3rd time computer hacker would get 1, then 2, then 4 years, then 8, 16, etc.)

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-KKRah Skahn RCC

By: Mike Owens The Breen are a race of peaceful beings; appearing to be no more than blobs of plasm, they had no means of defense when the Raithenor visited their homeworld. In the conflict they fought back using their minor psionic abilities, but their invaders were too powerful, the Breen population was slaughtered only a handful of their race survived the onslaught. Trying to ensure this kind of attempted genocide would never happen again, they combined their own DNA with that of human DNA (from a crashed freighter nearby). The result shocked even the Breen, A Breen/human hybrid; a being the megaverse had never seen, or even imagined. The KRah Skahn, loosely translated, meaning child of war, are a humanoid people with white skin, blonde hair, and silver eyes. But what surprised their creators even more was their ability to excrete a metamorphic plasm from their bodies. This second skin can be manipulated into many different forms, from a slippery gel, to hardened armor. This skin is literally a part of the KRah, they are in complete control of the appearance and actions of the skin. It can take on the appearance of everyday clothing, or alter its colors to blend into the background like a chameleon. But the skin doesnt show its potential until combat is achieved. With a mere thought the KRah can form spikes or blades from the armor, isolate the skin to a single place on the body to act as a shield, extend it out from the body to bind and restrain a foe, or to simply extend to out of reach places. If need be, the skin can even totally cover the KRah and change his appearance; skin, eyes, hair, even facial features can all be altered; although this does take its toll on the KRah, limiting this ability to only a once a day. KRah do possess minor psionics, but these are limited to minor telepathy, enabling them to scan the mind of a planets inhabitants and gain rudimentary knowledge of their languages and customs. Their specific type of telepathy does not allow them to communicate with the contacted being, only scan for general knowledge. The KRah will, over time, develop other psionic abilities. Once every five years the Breen will contact the KRah for a progress report, if the problems at their location are to much for a single KRah, the Breen may dispatch more to the planet in trouble. Other than this, the KRah have little, if any, contact with their homeworld. The KRah are not born in the traditional sense, but develop in incubation chamber deep under the surface of the Breen homeworld. They emerge from the chambers with full knowledge of their goal in life and are skilled in the art of combat with full control over their skin. They are not named but will choose names for themselves upon reaching their new home to enable the inhabitants to relate to them easier. The KRah travel to their new world in a type of suspended animation inside of a hibernation pod. Since magic is unknown to the Breen, they must rely on an organic-based technological means of transportation. Even with their great mental attributes; the Breen have yet to discover the means to travel faster than light, so a KRah may spend decades in hibernation on the way to his destination. All KRah look alike, but their skin armors appearance is dependent on the KRah molding it. No two armors will look exactly the same, but will have subtle to extreme differences. KRah do need to breathe, but not in the conventional sense, they breathe through the skin. The skin pulls oxygen from the air and relays it directly into the bloodstream. Drowning is no concern to the KRah for the skin can simply pull oxygen from the water in order to breathe. This ability was developed for the KRah who are stationed on aquatic worlds, but all KRah have this ability. At present only about 100 KRah are known to exist on Rifts Earth, but thousands have been scattered through out the Megaverse. Attributes IQ-3D6; MA-3D6; ME-4D6; PS-5D6; PP-4D6; PE-4D6; PB-3D6; Spd-5D6; (Strength and endurance is to be considered supernatural.) PPE-1D4 ISP-2D6x10+1D4/level HP: 2D6+PE SDC: 30+1D4x50+ skill bonuses MDC: see Metamorphic Plasm Magic: The KRah are unable to perform magic. Psionics: Limited telepathy (see above), Sense Evil, and Sixth Sense. In addition, pick one physical and one sensitive psionic ability every three levels. Natural Abilities Metamorphic Plasm: KRah can shape the plasm into many forms (see above). The plasm in any solid form has 3D6x10 MDC +2D6 MDC/ level The plasm is useless as armor in gelatinous form. --+2 to parry/dodge pins or grappling attacks Tendrils have a PS equal to the KRahs and can extend up to 10 in length. Regeneration: The plasm regenerates at a rate of 1D6 MD per round. KRah regenerate at a rate of 1D6 SDC/HP per round Needs only four hours of sleep every 48 hours. Breathes through plasmic skin: Able to breathe underwater by pulling oxygen from water. Chameleon: 90% effective if unmoving 70% effective if moving 2 per melee or slower - 317 -

20% effective if moving 2-6 per melee Totally ineffective if moving 6 per melee or faster Can alter skin tone, eye color, and hair color once a day20 min+5 min/ level Form spikes or blades: KRah can form spikes and blades from its armored skin for use in close combat. Adds 1D6 to Punch damage or Tackle damage Nightvision-100 Fire Resistant: Invulnerable to normal fire, magical and mega-damage fire does damage. Magic Knowledge: Cannot cast magic spells. However, they can use magic weapons and magical items, but not Techno-wizard weapons or items. Bonuses: +1 melee attack per round; +3 strike, parry, and dodge, auto-dodge Ive decided that these guys are pretty mean, so use the Juicer XP point chart. Refer to Juicers to determine skills also, but KRahs start with HTH Martial Arts.

Kaazar R.C.C.
By: Jason Bridgman The Kazaar are those Keltarians that show some psychic potential, and are made into an elite fighting force, much like holy warriors since only the priests also have psychic powers. They have also been physically modified in an unknown manner to make them far superior to the average Keltar. (Note: there is suprisingly more male than female Kaazar, only about 30% are female.) Kaazar have been made over with psychic powers, superior bodies, and a magic dampening field making them the deadliest of fighters. Alignment: Any, but usually anarchist or miscreant. Aberrant alignment is also common. Principled and scrupulus are very rare (only about 1%!). Attributes: I.Q. 3d6+2, M.E. 4d6+1, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 3d6+25, P.P. 1d6+20, P.E. 1d6+22, P.B. 2d6, Spd. 2d6+30. All attributes are considered supernatural (male and female Kaazar are roughly equal). Size: 9 to 13 feet tall. Weight: 350-800 lb. M.D.C.: P.E.x20+50, plus add 4d6 per level of experience. Horror Factor: 11 Base P.P.E.: 1d6 Average Life Span: 180 years. Natural Abilities: Night vision to 200 feet plus can erect a psychic force field at will. The force field has an M.D.C. of P.E.x12 and regenerates at a rate of 20 per hour (Note this is a personal force field and only extends about six inches around the body, but will cover equipment and weapons. Also note that the Keltarian cannot engage in melee combat while the force field is engage, but can fire weapons out through the shield). Limited bio-regeneration of 1d6 M.D. per hour. O.C.C./R.C.C. Abilities: Enhanced physical attributes plus has an innate magic dampening field! All magic cast at the character is nullified, except for magic that creates energy/matter to attack the character, in which case damage is reduced by 50%. Also see psionics. Psionic Powers: Unlike other Keltar, Kaazar have psionic powers! Considered a master psychic with the following powers being common to all: 1. Psi-sword! Equivalent to a cyber-knight causing 1d6 M.D. at first level and adding 1d6 M.D. at levels three, six, nine, twelve, and fifteen. I.S.P. Cost: 0. 2. Psi-shield: Same as the super psionic power but costs less. I.S.P. Cost: 10. - 318 -

3. Can choose one other super psionic power, but I.S.P. costs will be half when using this power. Other powers: Choose two powers from any of the three lesser categories (sensitive, physical, or healing) at level one, and add one power at levels three, six, nine, twelve, and fifteen. I.S.P.: 2d6x10+25+ the characters M.E. attribute (50-170), plus add 2d6 per level above first. Magic Powers: NONE! No Keltarians have any talent for magic, but may use magic items or techno-wizardry. Combat: Add two hand to hand attacks per melee. Damage: Varies with P.S. Forearm blades/claws add 1d6 M.D. to punches. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to dodge, +2 to save vs. magic, and +5 to save vs. horror factor. Vulnerabilities/Penalties: Magic dampening field nullifies all magic, including beneficial/healing magic. R.C.C. Skills: Keltarian Language (+25%) Knows two other languages (+15%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Pilot Space Fighter (+10%) Pilot Small Spacecraft (+10%) Pilot Anti-Gravity Board (+5%) Fighter Combat: Elite Detect Ambush (+10%) Detect Concealment (+10%) Intelligence (+10%) Weapon Systems W.P.: Any three Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (or Assassin) R.C.C. Related Skills: Select 6 other skills. Plus select two new skills at levels four and seven, and one at levels ten and twelve. All new skills start at the first level of proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only (+5%) Espionage: Any (+5%). Mechanical: Basic and automotive only (+5%) Medical: First aid only. Military: Any Physical: Any, excluding acrobatics. Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Any Science: Math only. Technical: Any (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select four secondary skills. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited to (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Add one additional secondary skill at level five and another at level ten. Alliances and Allies: The Keltarians have conquered/absorbed dozens of societies, and most are now willing members of the Empire. Appearance: A huge reptilian humanoid with many long horns protruding from the back/top of their heads. They also have a ridge of small horns/ spikes running down their spines. There scales range in colour from a dark black to dark green-black, with a red highlight running down the sides of their heads/necks. Kaazar also differ from other Keltarians in that they also have retractable forearm blades/claws. Standard Equipment: Heavy energy rifle and side arm of choice, a melee weapon of choice (usually a giant vibro-blade or minor - 319 -

magic sword). Wears an alien environmental body armour that is laser resistant (lasers do half damage; M.D.C. 320). Usually also has an anti-gravity board and access to a small spaceship, in addition to personal items. Money: 3d6x100 credits Cybernetics: Impossible. Kaazar physiology rejects all attempts to implant cybernetics or bionics.

XP Table: 1 0,000- 2,600 2 2,601- 5,000 3 5,001- 10,000 4 10,001- 20,000 5 20,001- 30,000 6 30,001- 39,000 7 39,001- 52,000 8 52,001- 70,000 9 70,001-100,000 10 100,001-140,000 11 140,001-190,000 12 190,001-240,000 13 240,001-290,000 14 290,001-350,000 15 250,001-520,000

Kajiran Grunt
The Kajiran grunt is the basic soldier of the Kajiran military. They go through extensive training and are excellent in the field of combat. These troops are capable of piloting most power armor and robots. These soldiers are not only trained in the fields of normal military training but extensive martial artists. They also spend a large amount of their time in the firing ranges, the more battles they go through seem to make them more cockier. These are the soldiers that never get "punished" instead if they are found to be committing a crime they are sentenced to street patrol of the underground city of Ena, or on guard of the Kajiran Dumping yards, which is enough to make any man go crazy. The only extreme cases are the soldiers that commit a crime that directly threatens the city(s) of Kajira (hiring a shifter to open a rift of deadly monsters, attempting an assassination on a government official, or something of that extreme). Requirements: M.E. 10, P.S. 12, they go through extensive psychological training and physical activities. O.C.C. Skills: Radio: Basic (15%) Surveillance Systems (10% Basic Electronics (10%) Detect Ambush (15%) Detect Concealment (10%) Streetwise (15%) Intelligence (10%) Pilot: Power Armor Pilot: Robot W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Martial Hand to Hand Martial can be changed to assassin at the cost of one "other" skill. O.C.C. Related: Select six other skills, plus select two at level four, two at level seven, and one at levels ten, eleven and twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: any (5%) Domestic: any (5%) Electrical: any (5%) - 320 -

Espionage: any (5%) Medical: any Military: any Physical: any Pilot: any (10%) Pilot Related: any Rogue: any Science: any (5%) Technical: any (10%) W.P.: any Wilderness: any Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select six secondary skills. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Standard Equipment: Two energy weapons of choice, six grenades of choice, one backpack/satchel, 50 feet of cord or rope, PC3000 computer, Set of dress clothes, goggles, binoculars: distancing and thermo-imager, choice of mega-damage body armor, and one Modified CJ-7. Money: 3D6x100 Cybernetics: Can start out with 1D4 cybernetic implants, usually stays away from partial or full reconstruction conversions.

Kajiran Scientist O.C.C.

Kajira sends a group of ten scientists and five grunts out every month and return only to return in four months, now there are expedition groups coming back every month to help Galactic Interprises and the Military to coordinate to make weapons and armor able to protect against the many monsters. They are not good fighters but can fight if needed. The scientists do research on the different species to find their weaknesses and strengths this usually involves a lot of constant contact (keeping a safe distance). The ones that stay in Kajira, usually help to better improve the weapons and medicines with the provided information given by the research team. O.C.C. Skills: Computer Operation (15%) Computer Repair (10%) Advanced Math (15%) Choice of any four languages and literacies (15%) Radio: Basic and Scrambler (15%) Basic Electronics (15%) Robot Mechanics (15%) Chemistry-Analytical (10%) Paramedic (10%) W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Basic O.C.C. Related Skills: Select ten other skills, but at least 3 must be selected from any science. Plus select two additional skills at level three, two at level six, two at level nine and one at level twelve. Communications: Any (10%) Domestic: Any (5%) Electrical: Any (10%) Espionage: Any (10%) Mechanical: Any (10%) Medical: Any (10%) Military: Any (5%) Physical: any, except acrobatics Pilot: Any (5%) Pilot Related: Any (10%) Rogue: Computer Hacking Only (10%) Science: Any (20%) Technical: Any (10%) W.P. Any - 321 -

Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select six secondary skills at level one and another four at level four from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Standard Equipment: PC-3000, portable language translator, analyzer, hand communicator, M.D. body armor, two energy weapons of choice, first aid kit, and set of travel and dress clothes. Money: 2D6x100 Cybernetics: None

The Katta R.C.C. Based on Quest For Glory 2

By: Crow The Katta are a race of feline humanoids who inhabit the desert. They are about 4 and a half to 5 feet tall, and are usually on the lean side. Their fur is dark, and tends to grow long and curly, instead of smooth like many other feline humanoid races. They are well acclimated for survival in the desert, as their bodies can hold in moisture for long periods of time, their metabolism is also such that they only need half as much food, water, and sleep as a human. The Katta are extremely good conversationalists, and among the most common professions for them to be are Bards, Merchants, and Storytellers. The Katta are not a violent race, and while they are not unheard of, Katta warriors are rare. They tend to be traveling people, and on the worlds that they have been too, they almost never sustain an empire, but merely wander around, exploring and gathering stories. Although some Katta will eventually settle down, usually to start a business. (They are also good finiancialists). For some reason, they are not adapt at the ways of sorcery, and therefore a Katta who wishes to practice mystical arts will have a long and difficult road ahead of him(or her). Although magic is not natural to them, psionics are common among them. Alignments: Any, leans towards unprincipled/scrupulous Attributes:IQ: 3d6, ME: 3d6, MA: 4d6+4, PS: 2d6, PP: 3d6+2, PE: 4d6, PB: 3d6 S.D.C.: Base of 15, Plus those gained by OCC/RCC H.P.: PE +1d6 Natural Abilities: Metabolism: Requires half the food/water/sleep that a human of the same size would require. Weaknesses: Slow Healing: Due to their slower metabolic processes, they heal at 1/2 the normal rate. This can be brought up to normal if the Katta eats 3x what he/she would normally eat in a day. Psionics: 60% chance of Minor, 10% of Major, 5% of Master I.S.P.: Standard P.P.E.: 1d6 for a normal, magic users have 25% PPE Penalty Cybernetics/Bionics: Not Opposed to getting them, in high tech worlds the average Katta Wanderer will have 1d4 implants. O.C.C.s/R.C.C.s: Most commonly Bards, Merchants, Rogue Scholars/Scientists, Wilderness Scouts, etc. Average Life Span: 75 Years Found: All over the megaverse, their traveling nature has made them find their ways to other worlds besides their home in shapier.

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Kedrian R.C.C.
By: Jackal (Jeffrey Sass) Kedrians are humanoid aquatic creatures, rather like large seals. Their hands and feet are webbed, allowing for their impressive natural swimming rating. Their skin is very smooth, and they have no body hair, except for a bristly moustache (males) or bristly head hair (females). These bristles do not develop until physical maturity, about 18-20. Kedrians live to an average age of 80. Skin colors range from jade green to dark blue green, with bristles being about two shades lighter. As a nation, they have reached an atomic age culture, not unlike the U.S.A. of today. Owing to a relatively pacifistic nature, their history is uneventful, with few territory skirmishes and even fewer wars. What land is available on their planet has been aggressively settled and developed. Their planet has only come to light because it sits on a fairly strategic system on the border of Kreeghor and CAF space. Thus, whoever manages to control Kedral 5 (or at least reach some level of accord) which is the only habitable planet in the system, will have control of the system. The Kedrians have used their primitive, by Phaseworld standards, computers to create a global link. This link allows every Kedrian on the planet a chance to vote on any issue that comes up before the Global government, the Council. Its a wacky way to run a government, but they like it that way. Note also that Kedrians DO NOT have MDC technology. Heck, even most SDC guns and armor are rare on Kedral. MDC was not even know to the Kedrians (except a select few scientist working in the field of ceramics technology...) until their first contact with a Kreeghor attache about a year ago. Kedrian adventurers (e.g. player characters) will be fascinated by the 3 galaxies environment, and will be eager to explore it. One last note, Kedrian aquatic technology, while not MDC, is far superior to anything found anywhere in the three galaxies. They have several long established underwater communities that serve as major cities. Also since the weather is so bad, generally (note the home planet description), they are some of the safest places to live. Remember, Kedrians as a people are always non-violent. (But they have no qualms about defending themselves or their planet from hostile foreign invaders. But they will always try a peaceful solution first.) Home planet: Kedral 5 in the Kedral system. Kedral 5 is 90% water, thus, the dominant life form that developed was aquatic. Kedral 5 is the last planet in a chain that circles an intensely hot and recently formed (only about a million years old) yellow sun. It vast oceans are the only buffer from rather intense cosmic heat. Thus, it is not uncommon for Kedral 5 to experience any number of hurricanes in a week. (Most will be over uninhabited ocean.) Attributes: IQ: 3D6, ME: 3D6, MA: 3D6, PS: 3D6, PP: 3D6, PE: 3D6, PB: 3D6, Spd: 3D6 / Spd x 10 in the water Hit Points: PE + 1D6, plus 1D6 per level S.D.C.: 1D6 x 10 + 20 + phys. skills bonuses M.D.C.: none P.P.E.: 3D6, unless a Magic OCC is selected I.S.P.: normal for race and class R.C.C. Skills: swim 90% speak Kedrian 98% literate Kedrian 98% basic math 98% Physical description: Size: 6-8 feet tall Weight: 200-500 lb Magic: not naturally, but can be taught. Psionics: Standard, roll on the Rifts table. - 323 -

O.C.C.s: any Scholar/Adventurer. Men of Magic are a possibility, but they are rare and have been trained off planet. Any Psychic except Psi-Stalkers and Bursters (no magic and lots of water, both bad mixes).

Keltar Engineer
By: Jason Bridgman Keltarian engineers are highly respected members of the empire. The reason for this simply is that they are the ones that made/invented many of the high-tech weapons/equipment of the Keltarian civilization. They are amazing engineers, always making modifications to their equipment to make it work better. The engineers are also usually good warriors, for they find the best way to develop and test a new weapon is in the real field of battle, and they are the only ones competent enough to use their newest and best technology. Note that male and female engineers have the same stats. This is because females with superior stats always choose other careers. Doctors are also in this class, they have an A.O.M. in Medical. An A.O.M. is the Engineers Area of Mastery. The choices for area's of mastery are communications, electrical, mechanical, medical, weapons, piloting, science, and computers. Skills per A.O.M are: Communications: any four from communications plus computer operation and basic electronics. Electrical: any five from electrical or mechanical at half the bonus. Mechanical: any five from mechanical or electrical at half the bonus. Medical: any five from medical or from science at +5%. Weapons: any four from weapon proficiencies plus weapons engineer and basic electronics. Piloting: any four from piloting plus two from pilot related at +15%. Science: any five from science plus computer operation +10%. Computers: computer operation, computer programming, and computer hacking at +30% plus computer repair and both math skills. Alignment: Any, but usually anarchist or aberrant. Principled and scrupulous are rare (only about 10%). Attributes: I.Q. 4d6, M.E. 3d6+2, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 3d6+3, P.P. 4d6+2, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd. 3d6. All attributes are considered supernatural. Size: 8 to 10 feet tall. Weight: 250-600 lb. M.D.C.: P.E.x10+10, plus add 2d6+1 per level of experience. Horror Factor: 8 P.P.E.: 2d6 Average Life Span: 120 years. Natural Abilities: Night vision to 200 feet plus can erect a psychic force field at will. The force field has an M.D.C. of P.E.x10 and regenerates at a rate of 20 per hour (Note this is a personal force field and only extends about six inches around the body, but will cover equipment and weapons. Also note that the Keltarian cannot engage in melee combat while the force field is engage, but can fire weapons out through the shield). Limited bio-regeneration of 3d6 M.D. per day. Psionic Powers: None, very few Keltarians have any psionic potential, and all that do are taken at birth to either become priests or Kaazar. Magic Powers: NONE! No Keltarians have any talent for magic. Combat: Normal. Damage: Varies with P.S. Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to dodge, +3 to save vs. magic, +2 to save vs. psionics, and +2 to save vs. horror factor. Vulnerabilities/Penalties: None. R.C.C. Skills: Keltarian Language (+25%) Literacy in Keltarian (+15%) Knows three other languages (+15%) Radio: Basic (+10%) As per A.O.M. (+25% unless noted otherwise) W.P.: Any two Hand to Hand: Basic. Hand to Hand: Basic can be changed to Expert at the cost of one other skill or Martial Arts (or Assassin) for two "other" skills. R.C.C. Related Skills: Select 5 other skills. Plus select two new skills at levels four and seven, and one at levels ten and twelve. All new skills start at the first level of proficiency. - 324 -

Communications: Any (+15% if A.O.M.) Domestic: Any Electrical: Only if A.O.M. (+10%) Espionage: Any (+5%). Mechanical: Only if A.O.M. (+10%) Medical: Only if A.O.M. Military: Only if A.O.M. is in Electrical/Mechanical/Weapons. Physical: Any, excluding acrobatics and gymnastics. Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any (+5% or +10% if piloting A.O.M.) Rogue: Any Science: Any Technical: Any (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select four secondary skills. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited to (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Add one additional secondary skill at level five and another at level ten. Alliances and Allies: The Keltarians have conquered/absorbed dozens of societies, and most are now willing members of the Empire. Appearance: A huge reptilian humanoid with many long horns protruding from the back/top of their heads. They also have a ridge of small horns/spikes running down their spines. They range in color from light green through dark green to black. Standard Equipment: Two energy weapons of choice, a giant sized close combat weapon, personal items, plus any other equipment appropriate to their A.O.M. Money: 3d6x1000 credits Cybernetics: Rare and frowned on (Keltarians pride themselves on their natural combat abilities), but are sometimes seen (none to start). Note that Keltar that get cybernetics/bionics lose their bio-regeneration ability.

Keltarian Officer/Bounty Hunter R.C.C.

By: Jason Bridgman The Keltarian Officer/Bounty hunter are the most common found in foreign space. Keltarian officers are often sent off alone or in groups of up to five on bounty hunting missions to capture/kill the enemies of the empire. When not on bounty hunting missions the officers either lead the common warriors and/or serve as an elite fighting force. Alignment: Any, but usually anarchist or miscreant. Aberrant alignment is also common. Principled and scrupulous are very rare (about 3%). Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+5 (3d6+3), M.E. 2d6+5 (3d6), M.A. 3d6, P.S. 5d6+1, (5d6+3), P.P. 6d6 (4d6+3), P.E. 4d6 (4d6+2), P.B. 2d6, Spd. 4d6+3, (3d6+1). All attributes considered supernatural (attributes in brackets are for female characters). Size: 8 to 10 feet for males, 10 to 12 feet for females. Weight: 250-500 lb. for males, 350-650 lb. for females. M.D.C.: P.E.x10+50, plus add 3d6+3 per level of experience. Horror Factor: 9 P.P.E.: 2d6 Average Life Span: 120 years. Natural Abilities: Night vision to 200 feet plus can erect a psychic force field at will. The force field has an M.D.C. of P.E.x10 and regenerates at a rate of 20 per hour (Note this is a personal force field and only extends about six inches around the body, but will cover equipment and weapons. Also note that the Keltarian cannot engage in melee combat while the force field is engage, but can fire weapons out through the shield). Limited bio-regeneration of 3d6 M.D. per day.

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Psionic Powers: None, very few Keltarians have any psionic potential, and all that do are taken at birth to either become priests or Kaazar. Magic Powers: NONE! No Keltarians have any talent for magic. Combat: Add one hand to hand attack per melee. Damage: Varies with P.S. Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to strike, +1 to dodge, +2 to save vs. magic, and +4 to save vs. horror factor. Vulnerabilities/Penalties: None. R.C.C. Skills: Keltarian Language (+25%) Knows two other languages (+15%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Pilot Space Fighter (+10%) Pilot Small Spacecraft (+10%) Pilot Anti-Gravity Board (+5%) Fighter Combat: Elite Power Armour Combat: Basic Tracking (+10%) Weapon Systems Pilot: One of Choice (+10%) W.P.: Any two Hand to Hand: Expert Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to Martial Arts or Assassin at the cost of one "other" skill. R.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8 other skills. Plus select two new skills at level three and one at levels six, eight, ten, and twelve. All new skills start at the first level of proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Any (+5% to Basic Electronics) Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Any (+5% to Weapons Engineer and Basic Mechanics) Medical: First aid only. Military: Any Physical: Any, excluding acrobatics and gymnastics. Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Any Science: Math only. Technical: Any (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select three secondary skills. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited to (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Add one additional secondary skill at level five and another at level ten. Alliances and Allies: The Keltarians have conquered/absorbed dozens of societies, and most are now willing members of the Empire. Appearance: A huge reptilian humanoid with many long horns protruding from the back/top of their heads. They also have a ridge of small horns/spikes running down their spines. There scales range in color from a light green to a dark black, with dark green-black being average. Standard Equipment: Heavy energy rifle and side arm of choice, a melee weapon of choice (usually a giant vibro-blade). Wears an alien environmental body armor that is laser resistant (lasers do half damage; M.D.C. 220). Usually also has an anti-gravity board and access to a small spaceship, in addition to personal items. Money: 4d6x100 credits - 326 -

Cybernetics: Rare and frowned on (Keltarians pride themselves on their natural combat abilities), but are sometimes seen (none to start). Note that Keltar that get cybernetics/bionics lose their bio-regeneration ability. XP Table: 1 0,000- 2,100 2 2,101- 4,200 3 4,201- 8,400 4 8,401- 17,200 5 17,201- 25,400 6 25,401- 35,800 7 35,801- 51,000 8 51,001- 71,200 9 71,201- 96,400 10 96,401-131,600 11 131,601-181,800 12 181,801-232,000 13 232,001-282,200 14 282,001-342,400 15 342,401-402,600

Keltar Priest(ess)/Psychic R.C.C.

By: Jason Bridgman The Keltarian religion is rather obscure, with the entire race worshipping a pantheon of war gods. All of the Prietesses (or priests, 90% are female) are master psychics, being the only other class of psychics in the Keltarian race (the Kazaar being the other). Their powers include a special "gift from the gods" allowing them to temporarily alter their physical structure, making them more deadly killing machines. Alignment: Any, but usually anarchist or miscreant. Aberrant alignment is also common. Principled and scrupulus are very rare (less than 1%)! Attributes: I.Q. 4d6+1, M.E. 5d6, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 3d6+1, P.P. 3d6+2, P.E. 3d6+1, P.B. 2d6, Spd. 3d6+3. All attributes are considered supernatural (female and male priests are roughly equal). Size: 8 to 10 feet tall. Weight: 250-600 lb. M.D.C.: P.E.x10+15, plus add 2d6 per level of experience. Horror Factor: 9 P.P.E.: 2d6 Average Life Span: 150 years. Natural Abilities: Night vision to 200 feet plus can erect a psychic force field at will. The force field has an M.D.C. of P.E.x12 and regenerates at a rate of 20 per hour (Note this is a personal force field and only extends about six inches around the body, but will cover equipment and weapons. Also note that the Keltarian cannot engage in melee combat while the force field is engage, but can fire weapons out through the shield). Limited bio-regeneration of 3d6 M.D. per day. O.C.C./R.C.C. Abilities: A bizaar psychic power that was developed by the Keltarians allow the priest to alter there bodies, thus making themselves more powerful. Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +2 to dodge, +3 to strike, +10 to P.S., P.P., and P.E. and +100 M.D.C. This power does have a penalty though in that the Keltar becomes more savage and less intelligent. Decrease I.Q. by half and consider the character to have the following insanities: obsession with violence (loves it, wants to kill all enemies) and becomes a borderline - 327 -

psychotic (wants to stalk and murder for the joy of it). The insanities are temporary, and vanish when the character returns to normal. (Note: the character can only change back by themselves if they roll under their I.Q. on 5d6. Otherwise they must wait for the duration to ellapse.) Gain a +1 to control rolls every two levels (starting with +1 at third level). Duration: 10 minutes plus 1d6 minutes per level. I.S.P. cost: 25. Also see psionics. Psionic Powers: Like the Kazaar, the priests have psionic powers! Considered a master psychic. Choose 7 powers from any of the lesser categories (healing, physical, and sensitive) and any three super-psionic powers. Add any three powers at level two and one power from any category at levels three, five, seven, nine, eleven, and fifteen. I.S.P.: 3d6x10+ the characters M.E. attribute, plus add 2d6 per level above first. Magic Powers: NONE! No Keltarians have any talent for magic, but may use magic items or techno-wizardry. Combat: Add one hand to hand attack per melee. Damage: Varies with P.S. Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to dodge, +2 to save vs. magic, and +2 to save vs. horror factor. R.C.C. Skills: Keltarian Language (+25%) Knows three other languages (+15%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Any two Pilot (+10%) W.P.: Any two Hand to Hand: Expert Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to Martial Arts or Assassin at the cost of one "other" skill. R.C.C. Related Skills: Select 6 other skills. Plus select two new skills at levels four and seven, and one at levels ten and twelve. All new skills start at the first level of proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only (+5%) Espionage: None Mechanical: Basic and automotive only (+5%) Medical: First aid only or paramedic (+5%) Military: None Physical: Any, excluding acrobatics and gymnastic. Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any Science: Any Technical: Any (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select four secondary skills. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited to (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Add one additional secondary skill at level five and another at level ten. Alliances and Allies: The Keltarians have conquered/absorbed dozens of societies, and most are now willing members of the Empire. Appearance: A huge reptilian humanoid with many long horns protruding from the back/top of their heads. They also have a ridge of small horns/ spikes running down their spines. There scales range in colour from a dark black to dark green-black. Standard Equipment: Any two energy weapons of choice, a melee weapon of choice (usually a giant vibro-blade or minor magic sword). Wears an alien environmental body armour that is laser resistant (lasers do half damage; M.D.C. 220) in addition to personal items. Money: 4d6x100 credits Cybernetics: Not allowed, it would interfere with their powers. - 328 -

XP Table: 1 0,000- 2,600 2 2,601- 5,000 3 5,001- 10,000 4 10,001- 20,000 5 20,001- 30,000 6 30,001- 39,000 7 39,001- 52,000 8 52,001- 70,000 9 70,001-100,000 10 100,001-140,000 11 140,001-190,000 12 190,001-240,000 13 240,001-290,000 14 290,001-350,000 15 250,001-520,000

Keltar Warrior R.C.C.

By: Jason Bridgman Alignment: Any, but usually anarchist or miscreant. Aberrant alignment is also common among those warriors in the military. Principled and scrupulus are very rare, but not unknown (about 5-10%). Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+3 (3d6), M.E. 2d6+3 (2d6+4), M.A. 2d6+5, P.S. 4d6+1, (4d6+3), P.P. 5d6 (4d6+1), P.E. 3d6+3 (3d6+5), P.B. 2d6, Spd. 3d6+1 (2d6+2). All attributes considered supernatural (attributes in brackets are for female characters). Size: 8 to 10 feet for males, 10 to 12 feet for females. Weight: 250-500 lb. for males, 350-650 lbs. for females. M.D.C.: P.E.x10+20, plus add 3d6 per level of experience. Horror Factor: 9 P.P.E.: 2d6 Average Life Span: 120 years. Natural Abilities: Night vision to 200 feet plus can erect a psychic force field at will. The force field has an M.D.C. of P.E.x10 and regenerates at a rate of 20 per hour (Note this is a personal force field and only extends about six inches around the body, but will cover equipment and weapons. Also note that the Keltarian cannot engage in melee combat while the force field is engage, but can fire weapons out through the shield). Limited bio-regeneration of 3d6 M.D. per day. Psionic Powers: None, very few Keltarians have any psionic potential, and all that do are taken at birth to either become priests or Kaazar (see below). Magic Powers: NONE! No Keltarians have any talent for magic. Combat: Add one hand to hand attack per melee. Damage: Varies with P.S. Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to dodge, +2 to save vs. magic, and +3 to save vs. horror factor. Vulnerabilities/Penalties: None.

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R.C.C. Skills: Keltarian Language (+25%) Knows two other languages (+15%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Pilot Space Fighter (+10%) Pilot Anti-Gravity Board (+5%) Fighter Combat: Elite Power Armour Combat: Basic Weapon Systems Pilot: One of Choice (+10%) W.P.: Any two Hand to Hand: Expert Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to Martial Arts or Assassin at the cost of one "other" skill. R.C.C. Related Skills: Select 9 other skills. Plus select two new skills at level three and one at levels six, eight, ten, and twelve. All new skills start at the first level of proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only (+5%) Espionage: Sniper, tracking, and wilderness survival only. Mechanical: Basic and automotive only (+5%) Medical: None Military: Any Physical: Any, excluding acrobatics and gymnastics. Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Any Science: Math only. Technical: Any (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select three secondary skills. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited to (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Add one additional secondary skill at level five and another at level ten. Alliances and Allies: The Keltarians have conquered/absorbed dozens of societies, and most are now willing members of the Empire. Appearance: A huge reptilian humanoid with many long horns protruding from the back/top of their heads. They also have a ridge of small horns/ spikes running down their spines. There scales range in colour from a light green to a dark black, with dark green-black being average. Standard Equipment: Heavy energy rifle and side arm of choice, a melee weapon of choice (usually a giant vibro-blade). Wears an alien environmental body armour that is laser resistant (lasers do half damage; M.D.C. 220). Other personal items may also be carried. Money: 2d6x100 credits Cybernetics: Rare and frowned on (Keltarians pride themselves on their natural combat abilities), but are sometimes seen (none to start). Note that Keltar that get cybernetics/bionics lose their bio-regeneration ability. XP Table: 1 0,000- 2,000 2 2,001- 4,000 3 4,001- 8,300 4 8,301- 16,500 5 16,501- 25,000 6 25,001- 35,000 7 35,001- 50,000 8 50,001- 70,000 9 70,001- 95,000 10 95,001-130,000 11 130,001-180,000 12 180,001-230,000 - 330 -

13 230,001-280,000 14 280,001-330,000 15 330,001-390,000

Kender O.C.C.
By: Nicholas Vardy During the cataclysm in Ansalon some Rifts formed. Unfortunately many kenders found some of these Rifts. Now the happy little kenders are spread throughout the palladium Megaverse. They are now everywhere and now taking everything. From now on you are going to have to keep a closer eye on your possessions! Four things make a kender's personality drastically different from that of a typical human. Kender are utterly fearless, insatiably curious, unstoppably mobile and independent, and will pick up anything that is not nailed down (though kender with claw hammers will get those things as well). The fearlessness that all kender possess gives them a strong sense of confidence about a situation, even if things look hopeless and grim. ("No sense in running away now. There's five hundred goblins surrounding us!") Kender react effectively to dangerous situations, fighting hard and fearlessly. They sometimes come up with some bizarre tactics which may carry the day in battle, and they don't let their fearlessness get in the way of self-preservation - most of the time. Kender appreciate the need for caution, but their uncontrollable curiosity gets them into trouble on adventures. They forever have to check out unexplored places and peek into dark corners. They have no desire to be the second or third persons who ever entered and left the Caverns of Unspeakable Doom; they want to be the very first. Pointing out that no one returns from the Caverns of Unspeakable Doom has no effect. In fact, describing what makes the caverns so unspeakable might even excite the kender further and make him or her determined to go to the caverns at once. ("An evil archmage and an army of ogres? Wow! Let's go see 'em!") Some kender might allow their curiosity to overcome their common sense when facing unusual opponents, such as a dragon, though they eventually learn when running is best. A kender's fellows are often in the position of having to teach him that certain things have big, nasty teeth, and that avoiding these things is often in the kender's best interests, regardless of what the kender's opinions are in the matter. Whenever a kender displays an inordinately sensible attitude about danger, it is probably because the kender realizes that performing this action will ruin any further chances of doing exciting things - ever. Kender are intensely curious about everything. Magic awes and fascinates them, as do any large, unusual, and dramatic creatures like chimeras, centaurs, unicorns, and, or course, dragons. Kender are drawn to beautiful things, but they may find certain things that others find disgusting to be intriguing or humorous in some way (even some gully dwarves). Though strong-willed, kender are not prone to consider all the possible results of their behavior. A kender may quickly and impulsively paint herself into a corner, then wait for someone else to come along and get her out of the jam. Sometimes this means that the kender's fellow adventurer's are painted into the same corner. ("I guess I shouldn't have opened that locked door with the warning signs on it, huh?") Experienced adventurer's quickly come to dread that most awful of kender sayings: "Oops!" Another important point is that kender need action - and they need it now. They thrive on excitement and yearn for new adventures. "I'm just along for the fun" is a common saying among wandering kender. It has been suggested that the worst torture that could be inflicted on a kender would be to lock him up and simply give him nothing new to do or look at. (Conversely, it is said that the worst torture one can visit on any non-kender would be to lock him up in a bare cell with a bored kender.) Some kender believe that evil creatures are condemned to an afterlife where they will be eternally bored. Most kender are encountered during wanderlust, a peculiar phase that comes on a kender in his early 20s. Apparently the kender's natural curiosity and desire for action suddenly go into overdrive at this time, and kender are driven to wander the land as far as they can go. Wanderlust may last for many years, and some kender have a habit of making maps of their travels during this time. Sadly, most kender are poor mapmakers, lacking the patience and skills to chart their travels accurately. Kender may collect other maps during this time to satisfy their curiosity about other places. This wanderlust is responsible for spreading kender communities across the continent of Ansalon. Risky deeds draw kender like dragons are drawn to gold, but risk must be combined with action or else they'll lose interest. Gambling with cards won't hold a kender's attention for long, but seeing if one can outrun a mad owlbear is another thing. Bravery is easily confused with recklessness where kender are concerned.

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Kender are natural extroverts and enjoy making new friends and seeing new places. The majority of them are very personable and friendly - perhaps too friendly for some people, who dislike their nosiness, their extreme talkativeness (which grows worse when they get excited), and their habit of pocketing everything that interests them. Kender also resent being given orders; they want to do what they want to do especially if they have their minds set on doing it. Telling them to do otherwise is worse than useless, as they will complain loudly and disrespectfully, using their taunting skills if they're mad enough. The best way to handle kender, say old adventurers, is not to give them orders, but to get them to volunteer. Kender are sensitive and can be easily hurt by indifference or intentionally cutting remarks (triggering their taunting talents almost immediately). They treasure their friends; if one's friends are injured or slain, the kender may become very depressed and upset. Death only seems to affect a kender when it comes to one that the kender knows and loves, or when it is meted out by disaster or warfare to innocent beings (including any kender). In such cases, the distress that the usually cheerful kender feels seems extremely terrible. A story is told of a human ranger in the Age of Dreams who wounded a deer that was the pet of a kender community. The sight of an entire village of small kender crying their hearts out was so upsetting to the ranger that he quested until he found a druid who could heal the animal, then retired and took up fishing. Kender are also masters of taunting, sarcasm, and outright rudeness when it suits them to use it. Their intense curiosity gives them shocking insights into the character and nature of other people, though such an awareness is generally shallow. It is acute enough, however, for a kender to forge an idea of another person's character flaws, giving the kender the ability to create the most stinging insults that can be imagined. Full-scale riots have been reportedly started by irritated kender who opened up on someone their their verbal guns. Taunting is one of the few defenses that kender have. Physically small, kender resent anyone who takes advantage of them. A kender could not imagine taunting a fellow kender; after all, they're in this together. Taunting is especially effective if a kender has others to back him up or some trap that a maddened attacker can be lured into with little cost to the kender himself. Though not very effective against the largest creatures (who will not have their combat effectiveness reduced greatly), taunting might still give a hard-pressed kender an edge in a fight. It is best used only against those who are either attacking or are about to attack; there's no sense in angering a potential friend. The kender concept of personal property and theft deserve special attention. Because many kender develop thieving talents, most people assume they are. This isn't so. The intense curiosity that kender feel feeds their desire to know how locks can be opened, how to approach people unseen and listen in on their conversations, and to reach into pockets or pouches to find interesting things to look at. Thieving comes naturally to them - so naturally they cannot see it as thieving. Kender do not steal for the sake of profit. First of all, they have little concept of value. Faced with a choice between a 2000 gp diamond and a huge, glittering chunk of purple glass, 90 kender out of 100 will take the glass. (The rest will take both but will get rid of the diamond first.) They pick things up out of curiosity and wander off with them. Sometimes the owner of an item leaves before the kender can give the item back, or else the kender becomes enchanted with the item and forgets to return it. If adventuring, a kender will regard anything found in an enemy stronghold as fair game for picking up, as such items are marvelous curios and might prove useful later on. Even if caught taking an item red-handed, the range of excuses a kender will offer if found to have something that doesn't belong to him is amazing: "Guess I found it somewhere." "I forgot that I had it." "You walked off before I could give it back." "I was afraid someone else would take it." "You must have dropped it." "You put it down and I didn't think you wanted it anymore." "Maybe it fell into my pocket." Kender, like everyone else, do not like the idea of someone deliberately taking an item from someone else without the latter's permission. To be called a thief is still considered a base insult. This assertion sounds remarkable in view of the fact that kender constantly "borrow" things from each other and from visitors (without asking) in their home communities. Kender don't regard their idea of borrowing as stealing, however. If they need something, they'll take it. If they see something interesting, they'll pick it up and pocket it. A popular proverb defines a kender heirloom as anything that remains longer than three weeks inside a kender's home. Alignment: Any (90% are Unprincipled/Anarchist) Attributes: IQ:3D6, ME:3D6+4, MA:4D6, PS:2D6, PP: 4D6, PE:4D6, PB:3D6, SPD:2D6 - 332 -

Hit Points: PE + 2D6/level S.D.C.:1D4 x10 Magic: No magic powers. P.P.E.: 1D4x10 Psionic: Just natural automatic mind block I.S.P.: None Appearance: (Hair)Light blond to deep brown usually in a decorated topknot. (Eyes) Normal rage. (Skin) Pale white in winter, golden chestnut brown in summer. (Ears) Pointed like an elves. (Voice) Kender have a wide range of pitch ability. They tend to talk in relatively high tones, but their vocal chords allow them to speak in low tones as well. They can usually imitate animal sounds very well. Older kender will tend to have lower voices. When kender become excited, kender tend to speak very quickly and ramble at the same time, making it hard to follow what they're trying to say. (Facial Expressions) One thing about kender is that they are very emotional and always tend to show it. They have intense facial expressions. A saying says that there is nothing as happy as a cheerful kender and nothing as sad as a crying one. Height: 3 ft + 3D6 inches Weight: 70 lb + 4D6 lb Lifespan: Around 100 years, Wanderlust starts around age 20. Natural Abilities: Infervision 30 ft, Immune to HF and is completely fearless, kender Taunt, Natural automatic mind block. Combat: Standard Bonuses: +3 to Parry and Dodge, +1 Attack Handler Skills: Pick Pockets +15% Pick Locks +10% Prowl +10% Concealment +5% Palming +5% Language: Kenderspeak 98% 1 other Language 5 OCC Related skills: Communications: None Domestic: Any +5% Electrical: None Espionage: Any +10% Mechanical: Locksmith only Medical: First Aid only -15% Military: Any -5% Physical: Any (Excluding Assassin & Martial arts) Pilot: Ya Right, Like they can concentrate on driving with all this new stuff around Rogue: Any +20% Science: Basic math only Technical: Any W.P.: Any (smaller weapons preferred) Wilderness: Any +5%

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Secondary Skills: 3 skills at first level and 2 at 3,6,9,12,15

Kherubim Warrior R.C.C.

This is a good natured and powerful race of people. They are the arch-enemies of the Daemonites. (email me for info on Daemonites). Comments and suggestions are appreciated. The Kherubim are a race of human-like aliens from another dimension who came upon earth by mistake. During a battle with the Daemonites, their arch enemies, a group of each race was transported to earth. The Kherubim are nearly human in appearance, and they quickly melded into earth's society. They slowly continued to grow in number and fought to destroy the Daemonite presence in our world. When the rifts came, the Kherubim gained strength. They continued to try to stop the Daemonites from reaching their home world. When the Kherubim integrated themselves into society, they found that they were "compatible" with humans. The integration of humans and Kherubim was okay until the time of rifts. When the rifts came, the magic energy was channeled through the powerful Kherubim into their children. These children were called "gifted ones." The name given by the Kherubim applies. The half breeds were born with amazing abilities. These children had a few of the abilities of the Kherubim, and they also displayed various and numerous other traits and powers. The Kherubim began to find the "gifted ones" after the time of rifts. Not every child of Kherubim became a "gifted one," and they were all different. The Daemonites somehow also found out about these amazing "gifted ones." The Daemonites began to seek out the "gifted ones." They usually chose to attack the helpless new-born children. At first, the Daemonites sought to destroy all of the "gifted ones," but later they discovered that when they possessed the children, they too received the amazing powers. Thus began the search. The Kherubim and Daemonites fought to find the gifted ones for each their own purpose. The Kherubim sought to teach them to kill the evil Daemonites. The Daemonites sought to enslave the "gifted ones" and use them to conquer worlds. Alignment: Any; usually good or selfish. Attributes: IQ: 3D6+2, ME: 3D6+2, MA: 3D6+4, PS: 4D6+5, PP: 5D6+2, PE: 5D6, PB: 3D6, Spd: 4D6. M.D.C.: 2D4x10+20 Horror Factor: None PPE: 3D6 Weight: 50-200 lb. (male); 110-140 lb. (female) Height: 6 ft. (male); 5 ft. 6 in. (female) Average Level of Experience: 1D4+1 for NPC's Natural Abilities: Extraordinary Physical Prowess*, Extraordinary Physical Endurance*, Bio-Regenerate 2D6 MDC per hour of rest, Healing Factor*, Nightvision 120 ft., See the invisible. 45% will have Energy Expulsion* powers. *Powers described in Heroes Unlimited and the Rifts Conversion Book Combat Abilities: Typically hand to hand: expert. The number of attacks varies with experience level and skills. Damage: Varies with PS attribute, but the most common range is 21-25: 6D6 SDC on restrained punch, 1D4 MD on a full strength punch, and 2D4 on a power punch (two attacks). Kicks do 1D4 MD and leap kicks 2D6 MD. Bonuses: +2 to strike and parry and dodge, +1 to roll with punch/fall, +2 vs horror factor, +4 vs Daemonite possession. Magic: None Psionics: 4D6 ISP; Telekinesis, Mind Block, and Summon Inner Strength. R.C.C. Skills Radio Basic (+15%) Basic Math (+20%) Escape Artist (+10%) - 334 -

Tracking (+15%) First Aid (+10%) Pilot Power Armor Prowl (+20%) Language: Kherubim, Daemonite, plus one of choice (98%), one other (+15%) WP Two Modern and Two Ancient Hand to Hand: Expert (Martial Arts costs one other skill). Boxing or Wrestling (choose one) Acrobatics or Gymnastics (choose one) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select eight additional skills plus two more at levels three, six, nine, and twelve. Communications: Any Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Any +5% Mechanical: Automotive, and aircraft only Medical: Holistic only Military: Any Physical: Any +10% where applicable Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any +5% Science: Any Technical: Any WP: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character gets to select six secondary skills from the list above, only without the bonuses. Can choose two more at levels three, six, nine, and twelve. Appearance: The Kherubim appear as human in visage. They are human-like in all aspects. All Kherubim have trademark white hair. Any "gifted ones" may or may not have white hair. Kherubim are typically well built and seldom are overweight or out of shape. Average Life Span: 240 years Weapons: Kherubim will use most modern weapons. They use weapons combined with their powers to create a deadly combination. The typical warrior will carry an energy rifle and pistol along with an ancient weapon of some sort (they love magic weapons). Note: Kherubim are not all warriors. The Kherubim in earth's society have chosen all types of occupations. The Kherubim in another occupation keeps his/her abilities and uses that skill and equipment category. Kherubim can receive bionics! They have powers that allow bionic augmentation. It is one of the only known powers of this type. Full conversion will 1/4 the powers, but all others have no affect. The Kherubim's psionics are reduced with bionics (normal limits), but natural abilities remain unchanged.

Killer Bunny R.C.C.

By: Allan Harrison Attributes: IQ: 2D6+4, ME: 3D6+3, MA: 3D6, PS: 4D6+6, PP: 4D6+6 (minimum of 18), PE: 4D6+3, PB: 4D6+6 (minimum of 18), Spd.: 1D6*10 Alignment:Any; Most Guardians are Aberrant Hit Points: PE*2 + 2D4/level _ S.D.C.: 1D4*100 M.D.C.: In magic rich areas they are Mega Damage creatures with: 4D6*10 + 3D6/level Horror Factor: 14 when true nature is revealed

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Combat: 4 attacks per melee; add one additional attack at levels 3, 5, 9,13, and 15. Bonuses: +3 to Initiative +2 to Strike and Parry +5 to Dodge and Roll/Pull Punch +3 on all saving throws. All bonuses are in addition to any attribute bonuses; at each level that an attack is added, also add +1 to Initiative, Strike, Parry, Dodge, and Roll; at levels 4, 7, and 11 add an additional +1 to all Saving Throws Damage: Restrained Bite/Nibble - 3D6 SDC Full Power Bite - 4D6 MDC Power Bite - 1D6*10 (Counts as two attacks) Rear Leg Kick - 2D6 MD Power Kick - 5D6 MD (Counts as two attacks) Leaping Bite - 2D6*10 (Counts as three attacks) R.C.C. Skills: Prowl(+20%) Hunting Wilderness Survival(+15%) Tracking(+20%) Identify Plants + Fruits(+15%) Land Navigation(+15%) Track Animals(+20%) Swimming(+15%) Native Tongue(Bunnese, of course): 98% 2 additional languages of choice(+20%) R.C.C. Related: None Secondary Skills: Select 4 from Domestic, Espionage, and Wilderness P.P.E.: 1D4*10 + 5/level Magic Knowledge: Globe of Daylight, Armor of Ithan, Chameleon, Fire Bolt, and Heal Wounds, plus 2 of choice from each of levels 1-5. I.S.P.: ME*2 + 5/level Psionic Abilities: Powers are PPE Shield, Telepathy, Mind Block, and Bio-Regeneration. Natural Abilities: Nightvision - 500 ft.; Polarized Vision; Can see all spectrums of light, including infrared and UV; See the Invisible; Superior, hawk-like vision; Hearing, Smell, and Taste equal to the minor powers, or to the bionic equivalent; Cold does half damage; Capable of leaping 20ft. + 3ft./level horizontally, and 12ft. + 2ft./level vertically. Xp table: Use the Dragon experience table.

By: Tim Santa Cruz I'm sure this has been done a million times, but... This can be used for pretty much any game system, but works best in Heroes Unlimited and Rifts. This is *not* an R.C.C., but an Alien Race. (Mostly 'cause I'm too lazy to do the Skills.) BTW, I hope I am not violating any dead thread laws here. :P If you don't know who Klingons are then go watch Star Trek. They are a race of Warriors, who believe strongly in honor and combat. Most Klingons are very concerned with appearing honorable before their family and their Empire. Klingons have developed incredibly advanced FTL spaceships using a technology called Warp Drive, and use a technology called a cloaking device (traded for from the Romulans) that can render their ships invisible to all scanning devices. - 336 -

The Klingons are ruled by a high council with the head of that council being the leader of the Empire. There is also an Emperor named Ka'lest, but he is more of a figurehead ruler than an actual Emperor. The Klingons have highly honed combat skills and will often fight with each other, sometimes to the death, for the purpoase of building up thier comabt skills. They often have fighting tournaments in which many competitors are maimed or killed, for the sake of honor and combat. Alignments: Usually Selfish or Aberrant, but can choose any. Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6+1, P.S. 4D6+2, P.P. 3D6, P.E. 5D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 3D6 Hit Points: P.E. + 2D6 at level one, plus 1D6 each additional level S.D.C.: 40 Natural Armor Rating: None Horror Factor: 10 P.P.E.: 3D6 Natural Abilities: Superior Physical Strength and Endurance. Heal twice as fast as Humans. Combat: 2 Attacks, plus those gained from Hand to Hand Combat and/or Boxing. Bonuses: + 2 Save vs. Horror Factor, +3 Save vs. Poison, +10% Save vs. Coma Death. This is in addition to any attribute Bonuses. Psionics: None Magic: None, The Klingons don't believe in Magic. Average Life Span: 40 Years. Most Klingons die in combat, but the actual lifespan would be about 80 years. Rifts O.C.C.s: Any Men of Arms Except for Military, Borg, Glitter Boy, and Cyber-Knight. Skills of Note: Speak Klingonese at 98%, W.P. Knife., W.P. Energy Pistol Size: 66 + 3D6 inches. Weight: 180 to 250 lb. Equipment: Klingon Battle Armor Weight: 40 lb A.R. 12 S.D.C. 60 Bat'leth Weight: 20 lb Damage: 5D6 Klingon Knife Weight: 5 lb. Damage: 2D6 Klingon Disruptor Weight: 5 lb. Range: 1000 ft. Payload: 30 Damage: 6 Settings - 337 -

1 - 1D4 Stun. (rarely used) Has a 50 % chance of knocking out victims. 2 - 4D6 3 - 1D4 x 10 4 - 1D4 x 100* 5 - 2D6 x 100* 6 - 5D6 x 100* * The last 3 Setting are generally refered to as Kill and will vaporize in an instant.

Kryptonian R.C.C.
By: Tim Santa Cruz The survivors of the planet Krypton are few and far in between. Since their planet exploded Hundreds of years ago, the survivors have been roaming the galaxies looking for a new home. The most famous Kryptonian is Kal-El, better known as Superman. He resides on the planet Earth. At this time there are only about 300 surviving Kryptonians. Most of them are living in galaxies other than the Milky Way, although some have been seen in this galaxy. Their unique molecular structure gives them great strength and speed when in a star system the has a yellow star. When in any other kind of star system, only their Psionic powers are active. Alignments: Any, but the majority are good. Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+1, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 3D6+3, P.S. 3D6 (20 + 2D6), P.P. 3D6, P.E. 3D6 (4D6), P.B. 3D6, Spd. 3D6 (670 mph). Attributes in parentheses apply only when in a Yellow star system. Hit Points: P.E. + 1D6 S.D.C.: 20 (When in a Yellow Star System add 1D4 x 100 + 40 S.D.C. from Super Abilities. Height: 5 feet + 4D6 inches Weight: 150 + 3D6x10 lb. Average Life Span: 100 years Super Abilities: When in a solar system with a yellow sun all Kryptonians have the following Abilities. Invulnerability (Major), Sonic Speed (Major), Flight: Wingless (Minor), Extraordinary P.S. (Minor), and Energy Expulsion: Light (Minor). All Kryptonians are Psionic to some degree, although 50% of them have only one Minor Psionic. Use the following table to determine Psionics: 01 - 50 One Minor (ISP: ME + 1D6 per level) 51 - 60 Two Minor (ISP: ME + 1D8 per level) 61 - 75 One Major and Two Minor (ISP: ME + 1D8 plus 1D10 per level) 76 - 00 Two Major and Four Minor (ISP: ME x 2 + 1D8 plus 1D10 per level) Natural Abilities: Impervious to Cold, Breathe without Air.

Kzinti RCC
By: Jeremy Puckett The Kzinti (plural of Kzin) are a proud warrior race of humanoid felines. They are highly aggressive and very xenophobic, but since the Man-Kzin Wars of the 22nd and 23rd centuries, they have become more open to new ideas and peaceful solutions. However, they still retain much of their carnivore nature and prefer to kill their food personally. Physically, Kzinti are huge, frightening, and very impressive to human eyes. They look like big, fat tabby cats, except that the fat is solid muscle and their tails are furless and rat-like. They spend most of their time on two feet, but can run on all fours and usually do so during the majority of their recreational time, hunting small animals. They have very sharp retractable claws on their hands, rows of needle-sharp teeth in their mouths, and large, thick legs ending in razor claws. The Kzin foot/paw has a dew claw on the ball of the - 338 -

heel, suggesting a vestigial fighting spur. Kzinti ears are as sensitive as any other feline's and can fold and swivel like a housecat's ears. The ancestors of the Kzinti were fast plains cats much like Earth's cheetahs and seem to share some sort of ancient (pre-evolutionary) relationship with humanity and Earth, because they can eat Earth food animals with no difficulty. They also like hot bourbon as a recreational drink (although it cannot intoxicate them). The only major exception to a Kzin's diet is plants; they will not eat roughage even if their life depends on it--they would sooner eat their non-Kzin compatriots! If honor is at stake, they will starve with food in reach (including friends and allies). Kzinti females are non-sentient and exist only to give birth to more Kzinti; they are not even given names, just property designations. Male Kzinti must earn their names through noble deeds unless of a noble house, in which case they are born with half a name. The remainder is taken from their profession (ex: Speaker-to-Animals [translator of low birth]; Kdapt-Preacher [noble]; Hroth [named Kzin]). Named Kzin are all considered equal, save that nobles have the right to speak to the Emperor or even challenge him. All Kzinti disputes are settled through combat to the death, even against each other, so there has never been a Kzinti population problem; when there are too many Kzinti, they just attack a neighboring star system or begin to challenge each other to gladiatorial contests. Before humanity took to the stars, the Kzinti ruled a huge empire of space that had enslaved several races and ruled dozens of systems. When humans met Kzinti in fusion powered slowboats, the Kzinti immediately attacked, their psychics telling them that humans had no weapons whatsoever. This was true--humankind had given up war centuries before--but it was then that they learned the Kzinti Lesson: a fusion drive is a weapon devastating directly in proportion to its efficiency as an engine. So the humans began using their communications lasers and fusion drives as weapons against the Kzinti, who were so confused they didn't know which way was up. Still, the Kzinti would have won had not a race known as the Outsiders made contact with the human colony on the planet of We Made It and sold them a hyperdrive on credit. With faster-than-light travel, it was no contest. The Kzinti were beaten back to their homeworld and left with a few colonies. The rest were confiscated, and the Kzinti slave races were freed. Three more time over the next two centuries, the Kzinti attacked humanity, always before they were ready and never with proper information on tactical capabilities. Their numbers were steadily whittled away until they tried diplomacy--a word that had never before existed in the Hero's Tongue (the Kzinti language, which sounds like an alley cat on the losing end of a fight). After that, Earth was surprisingly (from their point of view) accepting, considering all debts paid in full from the colonies taken, and welcomed them into the League of Worlds. While the modern Kzin is more docile than one from two hundred years ago, they are still violent, deadly hunters that have no qualms whatsoever about slaughtering humans that insult them--so don't call one docile to his face. If insulted, there are two possibilities: either the insulter apologizes (Kzinti embassies to civilized worlds always include on member whose only function is to apologize for the group's mistakes, and humans rarely insult them anyway or notice when they get insulted) or a challenge ensues. A challenge is quite simple--the combatants go at it bare-handed until one is dead. In making a challenge, there is no need to declare it; you simply leap and scream. If you insult their leaders--especially the Emperor and his family--you had better be fast as hell or in ablative armor. Or have a very good reason... not that I can think of one. While Kzinti are learning more about their neighbors in the universe, they still have some general preconceptions. They ignore females of all species, mainly because their own are not sentient, until proven otherwise. They despise "plant-eaters" and consider them unworthy of respect (thus it was doubly dishonoring when Chuft-Captain had his ribs broken by Nessus the Puppeteer). They have no place for the weak or those that won't pull their weight; they have no patience for anything that is "purely ornamental." Everything must have a purpose in Kzinti society. They don't care for artists (theirs is a militant culture), which is why they have so little art despite their internal sense of aesthetics. (Note: If you actually want to insult a Kzin, the worst curse word you can use against one is to call him or any member of his family a "sthondat." Sthondat has no literal translation from the Hero's Tongue, but the closest approximation in human language is "brainless herbivore." This may not sound terrible to a human, but to a Kzin it is a mortal insult.) Alignment: Any except Principled. The concept of mercy in combat is completely alien to the Kzinti, but they do have honor so Aberrant is very common. Attributes: IQ 3d6; ME 4d6; MA 2d6; PS 4d6+10; PP 5d6; PE 4d6+12; PB 2d6+1; Spd 1d4x10. These are the attributes for male Kzinti; females are unintelligent and never leave the world they were born on. Hit Points: PE +2d6 per level S.D.C.: 5d4x10, plus OCC and physical skill bonuses Armor Rating: 12 against bare-handed attacks and blunt weapons; 10 against edged and piercing melee weapons; none against megadamage weapons, energy weapons, projectile weapons, or vibro-blades/neural maces. Magic: None. Kzinti are terrified of "supernatural" powers--it's one of the only things they are afraid of--but remember that Kzinti act with aggression toward anything they fear. PPE: 2d4 Psionics: Kzinti have a higher percentage of minor psionics in their populace (15%), but almost no major (1%) or master psionics (0.01%). Master psionics are forced to use a drug that heightens their powers but leaves them unable to function for very long in Kzinti society (double ISP and power of psionic abilities, but -50% to skills and halve all physical attributes; effects last for 2d6 hours and addiction danger is high). ISP: By psionics Horror Factor: 13; 15 if enraged and attacking. Height: 7 feet, plus 4d6 inches Weight: 350-750 lb. - 339 -

Description: Kzinti are large, heavily muscled felines. Their fur is patterned closely to that of a calico cat: orange mottling, vague stripes, with the occasional black, brown, or yellow patch. They have naked, pink, rat-like tails and pink, furless ears. Their eyes are also cat-like, with vertical pupils for excellent nightvision. Kzinti have a powerful skeleton resembling an internal suit of armor. Very little can damage them in hand to hand combat; perhaps the greatest surprise in Kzinti history came when a mad Puppeteer named Nessus kicked a Kzinti space captain in the ribs, breaking three of them! Kzinti have an artistic side and a sense of humor that they only rarely show, and they love subtle ironies and beautiful sunsets. Enemies: Once, everything that lived was the enemy of the Kzinti people. Now, they are in a new age of exploration and peace, so most worlds recognize them as a friendly power. One of their former slave races, the Kdatlyno, still hate them and hurt them at every chance they get (the Kdatlyno are a proud warrior race as well, and they took badly to slavery). Allies: Ostensibly, humanity and the rest of the League of Worlds. The Kzinti do not really trust them though and are waiting until the League betrays them before trying anything. Average Life Span: 80 years. Barring disease and violent death (ha!), Kzinti might have a life span approaching 250 years. Habitat: Kzinti like grasslands and plains where they can run free and not worry about battles and glory. They hunt small animals for entertainment and keep large preserves in which their original habitat is preserved (like the animal preserves in Kenya on Earth). Natural Abilities: Nightvision to 350 feet. Ultrasonic hearing equivalent to that of a hunting cat, providing several bonuses (listed below). Endoskeletal armor from a thickened bone structure (AR listed above). Track by blood scent (35% +3% per level). Recognize scent (55% + 2% per level). Retractable claws on the hands for natural weapons. Kzinti have an aptitude for machines, especially space ships; +10% to any mechanical, electrical, or pilot skill selected. All Kzinti, regardless of occupation, have Hand to Hand: Martial Arts or Assassin (depending on alignment and inclination). Their native language is "the Hero's Tongue." Vulnerabilities/Penalties: Must eat large amounts of food to survive (the equivalent of three pounds of meat each day) and can only eat meat (preferably raw). Must avenge any insults to honor. Most (65%) Kzinti have the insanity of xenophobia (fear of strangers); in Kzinti, the fear response is aggression. Adventuring Kzinti can be assumed to not have this condition or have been rehabilitated. All Kzinti have the insanity of Frenzy (extreme pain and anger). -2 to save vs. magic (while good at hiding their fear beneath anger, the Kzinti are terrified of magic). Bonuses: +5 to initiative; +7 to roll with punch; +4 to strike; +2 to parry/dodge; +20% vs. coma/death; +4 vs. poison; +6 to perception; +1 attack per melee, and +1 more at level ten. Damage: Bite: 2d4 Punch: 1d6 +PS bonus Claw: 3d4 +PS bonus Kick: 2d4 +PS bonus Foot Claw: 3d6 +PS bonus OCCs: Most Kzinti are trained as front-line soldiers (equivalent to Coalition Grunt), but some are medics (Body Fixer) and a few are psychic (Mind Melter). Available OCCs are as follows: Coalition Grunt; Coalition Military Specialist; Coalition Technical Officer; Headhunter; Body Fixer; Operator; Rogue Scientist; Rogue Scholar; Vagabond; Mind Melter; Spacer; Galactic Tracer; Space Pirate; Runner; Colonist; Imperial Legionnaire; Imperial Security Agent. Were they to make it to the Phase World campaign setting, the Kzinti would be considered by the Cosmic Forge to become Cosmo-Knights, but would be almost as rare as Kreeghor CosmoKnights. Cybernetics: No way! Nope! Never! Kzinti would rather die than accept prostheses (but their medical technology can clone body parts, so they usually don't have to make the decision). Skills, Equipment, Money, XP: As per OCC Cultural Note: There is an underground society on Kzinti worlds, the only religion ever accepted by any Kzinti. It is referred to as the Kdaptist Heresy and was founded by Mad Kdapt-Preacher. After his capture and personal execution by Emperor Kchula-Rrit, most Kdaptists fled or hid. To this day, Kdaptism survives on many Kzinti worlds. Kdaptism is considered heretical because of its belief that God the Creator made humankind in His image! When it was founded, there was a good idea behind it: humans kept winning against the Kzinti, so something had to be going for them; if not the Creator, then what? Kdaptists perform their ceremonies in masks made of human skin, hoping to fool the Creator long enough to win the next Man-Kzin War (whenever it is). Amazingly, Kdaptists show an aptitude for magic! It is thought that this comes from their spiritual devotion to a belief as opposed to a deity. Kdaptists in magic-weak universes (like that of Ringworld) can do little more than illusions and tricks (Arcanist OCC from Beyond the Supernatural, with half PPE). In magic-supercharged worlds (Rifts, Phase World, and Wormwood), Kdaptists may be Line Walkers, Shifters, Techno-Wizards, or Necromancers. However, because of their intense training in magic, they lose half of their racial combat bonuses and all extra attacks from the Kzinti RCC as well as having to depend solely on their OCC's combat skill.

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-LLarrban: Optional RCC or NPC villain

By: Allan Harrison Here's the details on the creators of the Mecha-Knights. I hope they get better treatment than the Knights did. And, yes, if anyone was interested, the rules for a Mecha-Knight to leave are included. And, to most of you, or at least I assume so, the Larrban on an individual basis should be less munchkin than the Mecha-Knights. The Larrban came into being during the reign of the Old Ones. The Lords of several Gargoyle clans came bearing gifts, to meet the Old Ones and pledge eternal service to them. Most of the Old Ones laughed and bade them to leave and be thankful they hadn't been slain where they had stood. But Xy saw an interesting diversion in this offer, and took the gargoyles aside to make them an offer they couldn't refuse. He offered to infuse each with a portion of his power, making them far superior to their fellows, and in return, they would bind themselves to him for all eternity. Only one was willing to be tied so closely to such a powerful entity, and with the power he was given, he slew the others in single combat, much to the delight of Xy. This Gargoyle Lord, named Larrba, soon became an effective enforcer for Xy, until the day Xy was tricked by the other Old Ones. Larrba had grown to enjoy his superior physical and mental prowess over his people, and although evil to the core, he had some semblance of honor, and felt it his duty to do anything he could to repay Xy for such a gift. When he learned of the plan to place the Old Ones in eternal slumber, he attacked Al-Vil, symbol of envy and jealousy, just as Al-Vil was about to finish a ritual to destroy the elven mage Lictalon, who was key to the slumber ceremony. Just as Al-Vil was about to destroy Larrba, he fell prey to the mystic slumber, and Larrba escaped the scene without any of the heroes of the war knowing of their shadowy savior. Larrba eventually got sent through a dimensional portal while battling a good arch-mage about 50 years after the war, and ended up in a totally alien dimension. Only the powers he had been granted by Xy enabled him to survive, and even then it was difficult in the extreme. He eventually discovered the wreckage of what he thought was a metal sailing ship, but when he fully dug it out, it was a space cruiser, although he had no idea at that time what he had actually discovered. He studied the device for almost a thousand years before managing to really understand it for what it truly was. It turned out to be a vessel created by what is known in the Three Galaxies as the First Race, and when he managed to finally operate the computers that were still operational, he learned very quickly from the information contained there, thanks to his amazing intellect. After another 50 years of work, he had managed to repair the ship, and left the planet. The next planet he arrived at was covered in a society composed of his more primitive fellows, who had been caught in a random dimensional flux 100 years before he had finish the repairs on the ship. When he landed, he ended up wandering into the middle of a tribal gathering, and the chieftains of a dozen tribes attacked him at once. He bested them using his powers, and a laser weapon he had scavenged from the ship, and at the sight of such power, and the laser, the rest threw themselves at his feet, begging the great "god" to spare them. He took them under his wing, teaching them all he knew, and the new group renamed themselves the Larrban in his honor. The planet came to be called Larrba, and using the many metallic minerals on the planet, they built a small fleet of starships. As they explored new planets, they conquered many other races, and any who had technology saw that technology absorbed into the Larrban's. After 3000 years of conquest and superiority, the Larrban hit a new plateau of their society, genetic engineering. They managed to recreate almost all of Larrba's powers in themselves, and their timing could not have been better. Within a year of their achievement, an enormous, planet-sized rift opened a few light years from Larrba during an unusual solar flare up. Through the rift poured hundreds of thousands of Mechanoids, including one of the planetoid size motherships. The newly fortified Larrban rose to the occasion, bringing to bear all of the technology at their disposal. Whenever they could, they - 341 -

beamed large assault teams onto the Mechanoid vessels to wreak havoc on the main systems. After a 3 year war, the Mechanoids were no more, and the Larrban had a great deal of new and alien technology to experiment with. However, this came at a great price. Almost half of the Larrban race had been exterminated in the war, but they carried on as they always had, and with some new found technology. After another 300 years, they had successfully altered their DNA to the extent that all members of the race were born almost identical to Larrba, and imprinted it into their DNA, forever blessing their race to be born with these abilities forever. They continued to advance with only a few minor incidents, for the next 7000 years. In those millennia, they totally mastered genetic reconstruction to such a degree that only the Gene-Splicers are as knowledgeable in the field, they mastered nano-technology such that they have power plants the size of an Earth flea, which will power a gargoyle-sized PA for almost 100 years, they have developed weapons technology to the point of having cannons of the largest ships which can destroy a small planet or moon, developed star drives capable of speeds up to 100 light years per hour, and have sensor systems with ranges up to and including several light years! Their schooling system is such that, when combined with their superior intelligence, the Larrban know several entire skill programs by the age of 25 Earth years, when they are free to leave school and go about their own affairs. A similar system is in operation on all of the other planets in the Larrban Empire, although without the incredible intellect of a Larrban, the learning of whole programs is simply impossible. Every citizen, male and female, of every planet, is made to do 3 years of military duty after they finish school on their 22nd birthday, and are then only called upon in times of full-scale war, which has only happened once in the last 1000 years, and even then it only lasted 3 months before the enemy conceded defeat to the Larrban Empire. Membership entails the following: A willingness to follow Larrban codes of law, planetary resources of some use to the Larrban, and a willingness to become semi-subservient to another race (although the Larrban are much more benevolent rulers than the TG or Splugorth). The Larrban codes of law entail a few basic principles, and if not specifically covered in the laws, it's okay. The Codes of Law, as laid down 10000 years ago by Larrba, are still in force today, and are listed below for GM reference. Code 1: The Ultimate Crime is disloyalty to one's ruler and/or owner. The penalty for treason, betrayal, and attempting to escape (if a slave) is death on sight. Code 2: Murder, rape, and grand theft (starships, military property, large sums of money, etc.) are punishable by death, or a fine of half the criminal's property to the victim and a 35 year prison term, at the victim's discretion. Code 3: Petty thievery, non-lethal attacks, vandalism, and other minor crimes are punishable by a 50,000 to 500,000 dollar fine, or a 2-5 year prison term, at the discretion of the victim. Code 4: Anyone who owns a slave, and is proven to be, or have been, mistreating any or all of his/her slaves will be punished with half of the normal punishment for the crime. A death sentence remains a death sentence. Code 5: Anyone of non-Larrban persuasion who commits any of the crimes listed under Codes 1-3 above against a Larrban will be punished with public humiliation and execution on the spot. As long as these Codes are not broken, the citizens may go about their business in peace and security. They are not harassed by the authorities, they are not over taxed, they have good health plans on all planets, and all planets have a range of wealth from "enough that no one lives in the street or goes hungry" to "filthy stinking rich". Life in the Larrban Empire, for those who follow the rules, is as close to perfection as anywhere in the Megaverse, and for those who don't, can be a living hell. In all dimensions where they have holdings, their space is regularly patrolled by the Larrban Elite, a Marine Corps-style force consisting of a total membership numbering 7.5 billion officers! Each planet also has it's own division of the standing armed forces, which typically numbers about 1 soldier for every 500 civilians on the planet, and each has numerous municipal police forces to keep order on the individual city level. Most city police forces are about 1 to 200, police to civilians, because police and military positions are some of the highest paying in the Empire, so there are always many people willing to take up law enforcement. For those few non-member races who know about the Larrban Empire, it is a place where one can get almost anything he or she wants, for the right price and with the right contacts. On Larrba itself is a massive, multi-dimensional market, rivaled only by Center on Phase World. Products from over 1000 worlds in more than a dozen dimensions are usually available, and unusual items from nonmember worlds are also reasonably frequent in the enormous market. The market is a city in of itself, and has its own hovertrain, hoverbus, and taxi services, just to get from a booth at one end to one at the other! The market covers well over 10000 square miles, on the main level, and has two smaller levels floating above the main one, each about 2500 square miles. Hundreds of thousands of businesses offering thousands of different services are contained in the market, and the whole area has such great security that the last - 342 -

robbery of a shop was over 400 years ago, and the culprit only made it half way to the other end of the market before the authorities gunned him down for stealing a rune weapon from a Splugorth merchant. As an idea of how extensive the services of the Larrba Grand Market actually are, several of the more unique items that have passed through over the years are shown below: A Kittani Dragon Dreadnaught, the original Excalibur, 3 CS Deaths Head Transports, Thor's Hammer (although the purchaser regretted it soon after), and The Key to Limbo. Several spaceports also orbit Larrba, offering every imaginable repair or addition for spacecraft of all sizes. Each of these ports are the size of a large moon, and the next planet in the system (Larrba-B) is actually a giant space port created by the Larrban to service the 20,000 mile behemoths they own! The most well-known creation of the Larrban, however, is the Mecha-Knight. The little info known about the Mecha-Knights was leaked by two of them who had tried to turn their backs on the Larrban. When the other, loyal Knights discovered this commotion of the Ultimate Crime, they mercilessly hunted down their fellows and destroyed them outright. The Larrban will, however, allow a Knight to leave if he or she simply cannot take all of the killing anymore. To do so, the Knight must return to Larrba, and appeal his case to the Larrban Elders. If they are willing to let the Knight leave, he or she undergoes a few hours of surgery to detach the CyberSymbiote, a bit of memory erasing to eliminate knowledge of any semi-important secrets, and then the Knight is given some basic equipment and sent on his merry way. Only 100 Knights have ever appealed for resignation, and of those, only 1 was ever refused, only because she hadn't filled her Cosmo-Knight quota. The only catch to resignation is that the Mecha-Knight must have eliminated at least 3 Cosmo-Knights before appealing, or else it will be immediately thrown out until the quota is filled. At any point after 3, resignation is an option, although most Knights enjoy their power too much to give it up. Some of the other technologies which have come from the Larrban, and have been seen outside of their Empire, include: Juicers using totally non-addictive drugs, so that removal of the Bio-Comp system means no more Juicer, with no withdrawal, and lessened loss of attributes after detox (this is considered out-dated in the Larrban Empire, as they accomplished this almost 1500 years ago); bionics which simply attach to the skeletal structure and muscles at strategic points and enhance the body as would a full Earthly bionic conversion, and one man fighters with warp drives better than most large ships (around 50 light years per hour) and main guns doing as much as some Three Galaxies battleships. Although they have limited contact with the Three Galaxies area yet (other than through the Mecha-Knights), they have considered trying to trade and negotiate with some of the worlds there, and could be of enormous benefit to anyone who was willing to accept the idea. Alignment: Selfish or evil; 75% are Aberrant (genetically predisposed to act like the original Larrba), 20% are Unprincipled, 5% others. Note: There is a tiny (0.05%) portion of the Larrban population has a good alignment, but none of these are in any sort of position of power, and the fifth Code of the Larrban Codes of Law does not apply to them. Attributes: IQ: 20+2D6, ME=20+2D6, MA=20+2D4, PS=26+2D6, PP=20+2D6, PE=20+2D6, PB=2D6+3, Spd=Running:4D6+1, Flying:3D4*10+20 Hit Points (for non-MDC worlds): PE*2 + 2D6/level S.D.C. (for non-MDC worlds): 2D4*100 + 200 M.D.C.: 1D6*100 + 300 H.F.: 17 P.P.E.: 6D6 Natural abilities: All those of Gargoyle Lords, with the following changes: Stone morph 5 times/day, adding 250 MDC and 1D6+2 to damage from all attacks, fire breath does 7D6 MD and has a range of 200 ft. Combat: 5 attacks per melee at level 1, and gains an additional attack at levels 3, 7, and 11. Damage is as follows: Restrained claw attack does 5D6 SDC + PS damage bonus full strength claw/punch does 5D6 MD power punch does 1D6*10+15 MD tail strike does 4D6 MD bite does 3D6 MD fire breath 7D6 MD or by weapon - 343 -

Flying tackle does 3D6 MD (5D6+4 in stone form) and has a 75% chance of knocking down the target down if under 35 ft. (45 ft. if the Larrban is stone) causing the victim a loss of initiative and 1 attack. The tackle uses up two attacks. Bonuses: In addition to possible attribute bonuses, the Larrban receive +2 on Initiative, +4 to strike, parry, and dodge, +7 to dodge while in flight, +4 on all saves, and +10 to save vs. HF. Psionics: Select 1 super and 2 from each lesser category at level 1. Add another super at levels 3, 7, 11 and 14, and add 3 lesser from any lesser category at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Master Psionic. I.S.P.: ME*10 + 30 and add 4D6/level Magic: Doesn't exist on Larrba itself, but old (level 10+) Larrban MAY (30% chance) start to learn a magic OCC. If magic using starts, the Larrban can be a Ley Line Walker, Shifter, Mystic, Temporal Wizard, Temporal Warrior, Warlock, or Rune Smith (one of their worlds in another dimension has a magic school with 3 Asgardian Dwarves on its faculty, levels 15, 13, and 10 respectively). Starts at level 1 in the magic OCC, and experience is divided equally into both Experience Tables from then on. R.C.C. Skills: Select 5 Programs from those below. All are at +15% in addition to IQ bonus: Communications, Electrical, Espionage, Mechanical, Medical, Pilot, Pilot Related, Science, and Technical. Add another at levels 5 and 9. R.C.C. Related: Choose 6 from among Domestic, Military, Physical, Rogue, and WP. Secondary Skills: Choose 6 from among any category not listed under RCC Skills. Add 2 more at levels 4, 7, and 10. Level: If allowed as a PC, the character starts at 1st level. The Larrban Council of Elders consists of the 12 oldest and wisest Larrban, and their levels range from 12th to 15th, with the exception of the Head of the Council, the 15000 year old Larrba, who is 25th level! Xp table: Use the Dragon experience table. Average Life Span: Larrba, due to his infusion of power, has lived for over 15000 years, but the rest of the race doesn't possess his magically enhanced livelihood. The Larrban genetic wizards have managed to increase the average life span of the race to just over 2000 years, and most of the Council of Elders are almost 3000, although they are the exception, not the rule. Size: 15 to 20 ft. Standard Equipment: Player Characters start with a Larrban Hyper Projection Pistol and two extra E-Clips, a Larrban Hyper Projection Rifle and two extra E-Clips, a set of light Larrban combat armor (150 MDC), a pocket dimension projector (for storing up to 2 tons of material), three years of Larrban dust rations (when pure water is added, it becomes a 4 course, tasty, meal; one full meal per pinch, needs roughly 100ml of water) and enough water to activate all the dust rations. Any other equipment must be purchased from the lower tech societies he or she travels in. Larrban Hyper Projection Pistol: A small (for a 20 foot being, that is) pistol slightly reminiscent of Earths Wilk's series of laser weapons, but with a hand guard similar to some swords. The gun is made of a superior form of plastics, and as such is light enough for even a human to use, although it is a bit large for their hand (-2 to strike). However, beings of the same or similar (5ft. either way) size as the Larrban receive a bonus of +2 to strike because of the lightweight design and good balance. The gun takes 50 MDC to destroy. Range: 1500 ft. Damage: 5D6 MD Rate of Fire: Single shot or three shot pulse for 1D6*10 + 20 MD Payload: 30 blasts Cost: In the Larrban Empire, one can find them for about 30,000 dollars/credits (or equivalent), but in other parts, they would go for no less than 250,000 credits. Weight: 2.5 lb. Larrban Hyper Projection Rifle: Much like the pistol, but about two feet longer, and with a second handle a half foot behind the tip of the barrel. The gun has 100 MDC. Range: 5500 ft. Damage: 7D6 MD Rate of Fire: Single shot or three shot pulse for 2D6*10 + 20 Payload: 50 blasts Cost: In the Larrban Empire, one can find them for about 50,000 credits, but in other areas of the Megaverse they would go for no less than 400,000 credits. Weight: 3.5 lb. - 344 -

Larrban Light Combat Armor: A full suit of form-fitted, plastic plate armor. Uses the same super tough plastic as the Hyper Projectors. M.D.C. capacity: 150 Weight: 10 lb. Prowl Penalty: -5% Cost: In the Empire, it goes for about 50,000 credits, although only Larrban or normal Gargoyles can wear it. Anywhere else, it would be around 400,000 credits. Pocket Dimension Projector: Used in place of a backpack, and able to contain much more material (up to two tons), this device uses technology to open a rift into a pocket dimension. The device fits in the palm of the user's hand (three sizes are manufactured, one for Larrban and other beings 15 to 35 ft., one for beings from 35 up to 50 ft., and one for human-sized to 15 ft.) and when the switch is pushed forward, the rift opens, allowing the user to deposit whatever needs to be stashed. A push halfway back closes it, and a push all the way back activates the DNA encoded locking device, so that only the preprogrammed user can reopen the portal.

Laser Jockey O.C.C.

By: Randy Edwards Laser Jockey's are the creation of a Mad Scientist (some would say) by the name of Dr. Steven Crossfire. The man was a genius but was also minorly insane. He was so afraid of the dark that he decided his creation would be of light, he had planned to create an army of his "Light Crusaders" and take over the world (he was a megalomaniac too). Alas, when he began, he realized that he had nobody willing to work for him. He paid thugs to capture someone to use as a test subject. The experiment was a great success, except for one thing. The doctor had fully expected his first "Light Crusader" to be grateful for his new powers, however, the good doctor was mistaken and his subject promptly executed him and took off. But one thing remained, all of the doctor's work was saved on computers, and Pyrotech Industries retrieved it. The Laser Jockeys (sometimes known as Laser Junkies) are another mix of high technology and the unnatural. Dr. Crossfire's program instilled certain psychic abilities. Some Laser Jockeys' abilities are more advanced than others, but all have one, unusual power common only to the Laser Jockeys and it seems to take up none of their psychic strength to use, as other abilities do (no ISP cost). This power is an advanced form of light bending that is known to the Laser Jockeys as "Laser Manipulation" and to the public as "Amazing". The Laser Jockeys can manipulate light (which lasers are made of) to do things, and form shapes. However, it is very difficult to direct and control something which moves at the speed of light, so most Laser Jockeys are very smart and mentally capable (high IQ and especially ME), with a little (lot) of help from their psychic abilities and cybernetics. The extent of these abilities is amazing, the Laser Jockeys can create very intricate figures out of light, keeping the beam(s) moving at the speed of light so that the figure does not lose cohesion and appears solid. This can have very interesting effects when used with lasers, the characters can create weapons made of light to combat the enemy and shoot laser beams all around, create shields of intense light (lasers) to block other lasers or destroy incoming missiles, etc. And the intricacy of their creations increases with proficiency and practice (level). Their other strength is cybernetics/bionics. They all have a laser "generator" installed, usually somewhere in their hands (fingertips, palms, etc.). Special cybernetic computers can be used to speed the thought process and increase proficiency with the lasers. It is interesting to note that cybernetics/bionics do not interfere with their psionic powers and so some are walking arsenals of technoweaponry, but most tend to stick with the basics. One last thing, if you're thinking of just giving these powers to your character and choosing a different OCC (you're a munchkin), the first thing he/she'll do without the training is accidentally slice him/herself in half. If you still don't understand the idea of manipulating lasers, see the note at the bottom. Attribute Requirements: IQ: 13 ME: 15, a high PP and very high ME are recommended. Alignment: Any Race: Can be any race, but usually human or D-Bee, must meet Attribute Requirements. Powers of the Laser Jockey: The combination of the lasers and the unique ability of the Laser Jockeys to bend and direct light/lasers can be very impressive, and many consider their ability an art as well as a weapon. Also, as a direct result of their light-bending abilities, the Laser Jockeys can absorb light (impervious to lasers), dispersing it and soaking it up into their bodies, meaning that they can plunge a room into darkness, however, they can not absorb daylight under any circumstances. Oh, and did I forget to mention that all Laser Jockeys are minor psionics? (see Rifts pg. 12) The Laser Jockeys proficiency to use his abilities increases with level and so does the range on his abilities (note that if the lamp, etc. - 345 -

is out of range he cannot absorb the light from it). But when a laser beam is fired like a projectile and exits his range, it can no longer be manipulated but will continue in it's direction as if fired from a laser pistol. The use of this special ability as a weapon can be quite flashy, lasers twirling around like whips and such, and low-level Laser Jockeys tend to chop a few things in half, so be careful. Lasers can be of all different colors and shapes, dispersed at any time by either hitting something with the laser beam or sending it off into space (really, the characters can just make the laser disperse into light and "evaporate", but shooting it off is flashier). The higher level Laser Jockeys no longer need cybernetics and can create lasers from thin air (actually, light). So it is not uncommon to see high level masters get bio-systems. Remember, they can also control light, other than lasers, which may not do any damage but can be very useful (ever shined a flashlight in someone's eyes? Was it an MDC supernatural creature?) Bonuses with Lasers: _Level 1: +1 to strike and 1 to parry (laser shields can be created to destroy anything vulnerable to lasers and absorb other lasers, but energy beams and anything that can withstand the 4d6 MD will continue on through). Manipulation range is 20 ft., laser beam range is 1,000 ft. Character can create blobs of lasers and things that glitch a lot and are very blurry, but not much else. 4d6 MD damage from ALL laser attacks. Can create 1 laser image at a time. Lasers can be Blue, Yellow, or Red. Level 2: Learns to control movement of lasers better, can create laser whips and things, loses some of the blurriness in designs. Level 3: +1 to parry, Manipulation range is 30 ft. Can create designs that aren't very intricate (a giant 3ft hand where his own should be, slap the hell out of someone). Level 4: Can create recognizable shapes such as swords (which will do 4d6 MD damage and the player can use them) that don't glitch often and aren't very blurry. Can now create 2 laser images at a time (PAIRED swords :). Level 5: A big step. The character can now regulate the damage in increments of 1d6MD up to 6d6. Can also do SDC damage, also regulated: from 1d6 to 1d6x10. Laser Beam range is 2,000 feet. Level 6: +1 to strike, Manipulation range is 40 ft. Character can now create lasers the color of Blue, Yellow, Red or any combination (i.e. green : yellow+blue). Can also create white lasers, but not black. Lasers will ALWAYS glow and can be identified by anyone with an IQ over 3. Someone with an IQ of 2 might actually pick up a nice shiny red sword, OUCH! Level 7: No longer needs cybernetics (still has them)! Character can concentrate light from the surrounding area and create their own laser beams! Same damage, range, etc. The character is now ALWAYS armed. Level 8: +1 to strike with laser beams. Can create up to three figures at a time from the lasers. Level 9: The character is an impending master, much advanced. Laser beam range is now 3,000 ft. Level 10: The Laser Jockey is now a true master! He can create intricate figures such as statues and can use all the colors of the spectrum (that doesn't include black) and the damage can be up to 1d6x10 MD! Level 11: Manipulation Range is 50 ft. Level 12: +1 to parry with laser beam shields and the like. Level 13: Up to 4 laser figures at once (!) Level 14: Laser Beam range is 4,000 ft. Level 15: Manipulation Range becomes 600ft!

O.C.C. Skills: Math: Basic (+10%) Language: Native (98%) and 1 other ( +5%) Literacy: Native at 98% Radio: Basic (+10%) Computer Operation (+10%) 2 Piloting skills of choice (+15%) Wilderness Survival (+5%) Climbing (+5%) - 346 -

Swimming (+5%) W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. 2 of choice Hand to Hand: Basic Hand to Hand:Basic can be changed to Expert at the cost of one "other" skill or Martial Arts (or Assassin if evil) at the cost of two "other" skills. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select six "other" skills, plus one additional skill at levels 4, 8, and 12. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic Electronics only Mechanical: Basic Mechanics only Medical: First Aid only (+5%) Military: Any Physical: Any (+5% where applicable) Pilot: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+10%) Science: Math Only Technical: Any (+10% to Computer Programming and Art) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select 4 secondary skills (you know the rules about `em) plus select 1 additional secondary skill at levels 3, 5, 9, and 13. Standard Equipment: A suit of personalized mega-damage body armor (configured to allow character to use his bionic laser weapons), an NG-S2 basic survival pack (for those of you who don't have Mercenaries; it's camping equipment deluxe), RMK "knitter", PDD/Pocket Digital Disc player, nightvision goggles, hunting rifle, handgun with 1d4 extra clips, 2 weapons of choice (within reason) and 1d4 clips for each (if necessary), and some personal items. Vehicle: Can be any type of motorcycle, light hovercraft or something similar. No tanks or robots, may select light power armor if he/she can pilot it (no glitterboys, etc.), as always, GM's discretion is advised. Cybernetics: Characters start with the laser weapon systems which allow them to use their powers and 2 other cybernetic systems of choice. Can sacrifice the 2 other systems for the computer which speeds the thought process and allows better control of lasers (add 2 levels to the characters proficiency with Lasers). Further cybernetics can be purchased at a later date. One last explanation: Okay, for those of you who still don't understand how an object such as a sword can possibly be made by a laser beam, here goes. The Laser Jockey is manipulating the laser to move along a certain path, the laser is moving at the speed of light and so creates the semblance of a solid object. While it may seem as if the character is moving the sword with his hands, he is actually moving it with his mind. Xp table: Use the Cyber-Knight table

Lesser Horned Dragon R.C.C.

Inspired by the Dragons from Warcraft II
By: BJ This is something I based off the Warcraft 2 Dragon. Enjoy! These dragons are a variant on the classical, Great Horned Dragon. Generally, they are less powerful, but, their lack of magical abilities result in their ability to choose an OCC. However, their inability to change to a humanoid form severely hampers them. On the Palladium world, they are rather scarce, being a leftover from the time when said world was a seething dimensional nexus. Generally, they've settled in and around the Old Kingdom area, either taking over a small town and becoming its ruler (for good or ill), or just curling up in a cave around a large treasure horde and fenturing forth only once every ten years for a feeding frenzy. On Rifts Earth, however, they are much more active, engaging in traveling, adventuring, etc, as well as their "traditionalo/oo activities. Physically, they aren't much (at least when compared with other dragons). They only have one set of appendages (aside from the wings) which double as legs and arms, giving these dragons the general appearance of a bird. Two great horns curl back from their temples much like they do with rams, save that the horns are much straighter. There is also a line of horns down their spine, beginning - 347 -

at the tail and ending up towards their mane, which generally flows back to a length of approx. 1/2 a foot beyond the legnth of the horns. The manes are usually red, but can also be blue, white, yellow, black, green, orange, and purple. Their wings are much like those of other dragons, save their wingspans is about as proportional to their body as a bird's wings do to a bird (in other words, if you take away the horns, scales, and tail, these dragons look like giant birds). Their main ability is to shoot fire from their mouths, a much more powerful version than with other dragons. Also unlike other dragons, these reach maturity at only 6 months! Note: As such, I haven't bothered to include the stats for hatchlings. Note Parte Deux: I made this character for both the Rifts and the PFRPG games, using 1st edition rules for PFRPG. Alignment: Any, but lean towards Selfish. Attributes: 3d6, ME: 2d6+10, MA: 3d6+6, PS: 2d6+15, PP: 2d6+6, PE: 3d6+10, PB: 4d6, SPD: 2d4X10 running or 2d4X10+100 flying. Note: Physical Attributes considered supernatural. Hit Points: 3d6X10 AR: 12 (N/A in rifts) S.D.C.: (For PFRPG 2nd Ed.) 1d4X10+100 M.D.C.: 3d4X10+200 Horror Factor: 12 PPE: 2d6X10+100, add PPE bonuses if a magic OCC is chosen. Natural Abilities: Nightvision 100 ft, excellent color vision, see the invisible, bio-regenerate 1d6X5 MDC (HP in PFRPG), per hour, resistant to fire (MD fire does 1/2 damage, magic fire does full damage), Fly, Fire Breath: 1d6X10 (MDC or HP depending on RPG), 1/2 damage to a 5' radius around the point of impact. Combat: 4 plus those gained from Hand to Hand combat skill. Damage: As per supernatual strength, +4d6 to all hand to hand attacks. Bonuses (in addition to possible OCC and combat bonuses): +3 Strike with ancient weapons, +4 Parry/Dodge, +4 initiative, -2 (yes, minus) to strike with modern weapons, +5 roll, +4 on all saving throws. Magic: May learn one spell of a level equal to or less than current experience level. Starts at level 3. All this in addition to powers from a Magic OCC if chosen. Psionics: Two sensitive of choice. In addition, choose either two from the "minoro/oo categories (Sensitive, healing, or physical), OR ONE from the super category. If a PFRPG character, select Psionics as per the minor psychic. Considered a minor psionic in both RPGs. ISP: 1d4X10+20. O.C.C.s (Rifts): Any that make sense given the character's shape. For example, a glitter boy would be totally out of the question, as would an Operator or CS OCC. OCCs (PFRPG): Once again, just about any that makes sense. Thief and Assasin are out for reasons of stealth, as is a Long Bowman (no hands!), and just about all the Optional OCCs. Habitat: Just about anywhere. Average Life Span: 6000+ years, possibly immortal. Enemies: None per se. Allies: Frequently ally themselves with Great Horned Dragons, but otherwise, none per se. Size: Usually 8 to 10 feet tall. Up to 20 feet long, and a wingspan of 30 feet. Weight: 10 tons.

Ley Line Berserker O.C.C

by: Tim M The Magically empowered warrior or Ley Line Berserker is a extremely powerful type of warrior who has been given the ability to link themselves to the ley lines. The original Berserkers were created on an alternate earth, very similar to Rifts Earth but with lower magic levels, about equal to the Palladium world. This world was ravaged by demons, monsters and their ilk. For the human sto survive a counsil of mages decided that they had to create a warrior capable of charging monsters and coming out on top. After many unsuccessful (and mortal) attempts, an incredible discovery was made. One of the mages, a dabbler specializing in ley lines, diccovered that the ley lines were much more than mere lines of raw magical energy. They were the very lifestreams of a planetery intelligence known only as "The Allmother". This being , if you could call it that, had seen that the humans were losing the battle against these inhuman invaders and had decided to interveen. It made contact with the mage and made a proposition to help the humans. It told them that it would allow a select few of it's choosing to merge with it, this very essence of life, giving them vast powers in order to defeat the intruders. The mages agreed, and gathered ten of the greatest and most noble heroes in the kingdom. These heroes were then bathed in an azure blue light, merged together with the planetary intelligence, changing them for all time. When they emerged they all appeared stronger, more powerfull and more full of life than ever before. Other than that they all appeared to be normal, no different than the next human. However the powers they had inherited became evident when they were on a ley line. Blue streams of energy seethed over the earth, climbing up the warrior, turning his hair and eyes a pure azure blue and giving him a glowing blue aura, the same color as the ley lines they were now linked to. Not only was the power of the leylines now flowing through them, the warriors soon learned techniques to lead even more energy from the ley line, turning him into a major supernatural - 348 -

being and giving him a vast array of powers. These first and noble warriors quickly destroyed the demonic threat and banished them into exile in another dimension. The intelligence then informed the mages that other normal humans could be linked to it, but this had to be done with the assistance and concent of another berserker. Some of the mages became worried with these news, fearing that an evil person might learn how to link to the ley lines. That is why the mages instucted the first berserkers to create a school that was so demanding that only the strongest students would finish the training. The heroes did as the mages instructed and soon new berserkers joined the ranks of this noble class of warriors. However none of the new ones ever reached the levels of the original berserkers. It is believed that this is because their powers were granted from the original intelligence, not taught from someone else. Since then the berserkers spread out into the world, sometimes even left the planet. A small number of these great warriors made it to Rifts Earth and seeing the chaos that nearly controlled this world, decided to stay. These berserkers started setting up small schools to teach this strange and powerful art, but because of the Coalition, the number of these schools stayed rather limited, maybe about a dozen or so in all of North America and of those five are known to reside in Dweomer, the capital city of magic. One is, like a mystic, born a Ley Line Berserker. However some Ley Line Berserkers will set up small schools where they will teach up to ten Ley Line Berserkers at a time. This is all provided that so many can be found with the "gift". On Rifts Earth there seems to a large number of people capable of becoming these magical warriors, especially in the Magic Zone. The Coalition has only had a few run-ins with these mighty warriors but havent realized that they are greater in numbers than they think. These few run-ins were all of a violent nature with few survivors on either side. They are mostly considered as just another inhuman monster but should the Coalition ever find out that these wariors are capable of training others like them they will order all these creatures to be killed on sight. All Ley Line Berserkers give themselves a quest, some task that is next to impossible to complete. This is the first thing a new trainee does when he begins the training. It may be something like defeat the coalition or perhaps stop all evil in a certain area. But no matter what this task is the Ley Line Berserker will always be trying to complete it even if what he/she is doing seems to be completely unrelated underneath they are striving to complete this task. If somehow a Ley Line Berserker completes his/her task they will loose focus and seem bored with life. Some will find a new task to complete, and others will sink into normality and become typical citizens forgetting their special powers or ending up as nothing more than a common magician. GM Note: This class has som very unique powers that almost make it an R.C.C. so you should use your discretion about what races can become Berserkers. They are pushing the munchkin limit and could very well upset the balance of your game. Special Ley Line Berserker O.C.C. Abilities & Bonuses: 1. Physical Transformation: The Ley Line Berserker, through years of training, learned how to draw upon the powers of the ley lines. This ability is similar to the Line Walkers abilities only greatly enhanced. First, the constant flow of magic energy flowing through them at all times has turned the berserker int a minor supernatural being with a base M.D.C of their hit points and S.D.C combined times two plus an additional 3D6 M.D.C per level. Also the berserker heals at three times the normal rate. The appearence of the character changes, his eyes, hair and body gains a slightly azure blue tinge. 2. Other Physical Abilities: Nightvision 1600 ft (can see in total darkness), can sense and pinpoint the location of ley lines within 2 miles, nexuses within 10 miles at 60%+5% per level of experience, can leap 10 ft high and 8 ft leghtwise in either direction from a standing still position!!, double with a running start. Also, they are completely immune to the adverse sideeffects of ley line storms. 3. Ley Line Fury: This is the ability that has given the berserkers most of their notority. It consists of open a direct channel to the ley line nexuses and drawing it into their bodies, greatly increasing their already formidable powers and giving them additional ley line abilities, some similar to those of the Ley Line Walkers but much more powerful. When the berserker activates this power blue lightning appears to cover the berserker in a blue aura. During the initial seconds of the summoning the berserkers flesh seems to pulse, warp and grow as if a thousand snakes were slithering under the skin. This is the most painfull stage of the summoning and the one that requires the most and hardest training to learn to control. When the berserker gains control his hair and eyes turns azure blue, his muscles appear to swell to almost inhuman levels and he/she actually gains an additional 1D6 ft to their height. During the Ley Line Fury the Berserker gains the following powers: Ley Line Flight: The Berserker can fly at 80 mph + 20 mph at each additional level of experience. In the air the berserker gains a +3 to dodge and can do a dive bomb attack. Damage is either 2D6 S.D.C or 1D4 M.D.C (the player can adjust the force of the attack) in addition to normal damage for the attack. Ley Line Bolts: The Berserker can fire folts of pure magic energy from his eyes, hands or mouth. The damage of these bolts are variable. They can either do up to 4d6 S.D.C or 2D6 M.D.C per level of experience Note: Against magic users, supernatural creatures or creatures of magic the effects can be used a bit different. It inflicts half the victim's P.P.E. points of damage plus 5 per level of experience. This applies only to a victim's REMAINING P.P.E. (a line walker that normally has 150 P.P.E., but has previously spent 80 points on spells, will only receive 35 (70 remaining, divided by half) points of damage -- plus the additional 5 per level). The blast also depletes 2D6 points of P.P.E. with each hit (so each subsequent hit will do less damage). In addition, shape-changing creatures will assume their true form when exposed to this energy and spell-casters will lose their ability to cast for 1D4 melees (and any spells currently being cast will be dissipated, expending half the P.P.E. cost). Range: 100ft + 20 ft per level of experience Damage: Variable, see descrition above. Attacks Per Melee: Each bolt counts as one melee attack. - 349 -

Bonus: The bolts are +3 to strike (no other bonuses applicable) P.P.E Cost: 2 P.P.E per die of S.D.C, 5 P.P.E per die of M.D.C , 20 P.P.E for the disruptive bolt Increased Physical Bonuses: +10 to P.S, +8 to P.E, +6 to P.P, triple Spd (minimum of 40). Also the Berserkers P.S and P.E becomes supernatural and he/she becomes immune to illusions, diseases, horror factor, poisons and gases. The Berserkers also regenerates at the rate of 3D6 M.D.C per melee. Limitations: The Fury can only be summoned when within half a mile of a ley line. There is also a limit to how long the berserker can keep so much energy flowing thru him. It can be maintained for 5 minutes per level of experience and after that it cannot be summoned again for 1D6 hours. It costs the berserker 70 P.P.E to activate the Fury. 4. Sense Supernatural Evil. This ability is automatic and instinctual. It is more akin to a chill that goes down the Berserker back when supernatural evil is near. The power has a range of 120ft +20ft per level of experience. There are also times when the Berserker will get supernatural visions, but the Berserker has no control over them. (Note: This is a great plot device for GMs to use...) 5. Magic O.C.C. Training: The Ley Line Berserker may draw additional P.P.E. from ley lines, nexus points, and other magicians. They can draw P.P.E. from other magicians and even non-magic users. The Ley Line Berserker can draw up to two times his/her P.P.E. base, without the subjects knowledge. The Berserker regain P.P.E at the rate 10 per hour normally, 20 when meditating and 50 when on a ley line or nexus point. 6. One with the Mind: The Berserker is alert and able to concentrate and stay focused even when all hell is breaking loose around him/her. It also enables the character to keep his/her calm, ignore insults and to be tolerant and understanding of others. This is a necessity of the Berserker in order to control the Ley Line Fury. Without this training the berserker would turn into a hulking monster for the duration with little more than the alignment intact of his/her soul. Mental Focus & Bonuses: Spells, Psionic attacks, drugs and disease that cause confusion, dizziness or dull the senses are half as effective. +1 to all aimed and "called shots" regardless of weapon type, immune to possesion, +1 to save vs mind control at levels 1, 3, 5 ,7 ,9 ,11 ,13, and 15, +1 to save vs horror factor at levels 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 14 and +1 to save vs magic and horror factor at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 15. 7. One with the Body: The character knows his/her body; every muscle, nerve and scar. Thus, he or she is keenly aware of injuries, illness, and fatigue, and the full extent of any problem they represent. Every ache, twinge, and impulse tells the Berserker about himself. Thus, he/she can more accurately gauge how long he/she can perform, what distance he/she can run, what amount of injury/damage he/she has sustained, how serious and injury or illness is, how it will affect him/her, and how soon he/she needs medical treatment before it becomes life threatening. Physical Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses & skills): +1D6 to P.S., +4 to P.E., +1 to P.B., +1D6+4 to Spd, +40% to save vs coma and death, +2 to save vs disease and poison. Fatigues at one fourth the normal rate, can hold his/her breath twice as long (about 6 minutes) as the average human, has exceptional balance (+20%), and can leap 50% farther. Combat bonuses: +1 attack per melee round at levels 4, 8, 12 and 13, +3 to initiative, +4 to roll with impact or fall, +2 to pull punch and dodge at levels 2, 4, 6, 9, and 13. 8. Flaws and vulnerabilities of being a Creature of Magic: Loses a bit of humanity per every new level of experience tends to be cool, aloof and uncaring about ordinary people and their affairs. This is not arrogance, but feeling removed. Different, alien. Thus the distance between them sometimes causes the Ley Line Berserker to sometimes lose sight of his/her origins and to be uninterested in, and often indifferent about ordinary people , events and things. This also means they sometimes forget how physically and mentally fragile humans are, and tend to underestimate mortal opponents, including other sorcerers. However the Ley Line Berserker will always have a quest to fight for. Always be prepared to kill anyone who gets in his/her way of this quest. Rune weapons and holy weapons do double damage. 9. Base P.P.E: The Ley Line Berserker have an incomprehensible union with the ley lines and contains an amazing amount of P.P.E. Base P.P.E.: 2D6x10+50 plus P.E. attribute and gain additional 5D6 P.P.E. per level. The only way to replenish the P.P.E. for the Ley Line Berserker is to syphon it a ley line or nexus. Ley Line Berserker O.C.C. Also known as: Nexus Warrior, Demonslayer, Warp Beast and Demonwarriors. Alignment Restrictions: Any except Diabolic or Miscreant. Very few are Anarchist. Attribute requirements: I.Q.: 10, M.E.: 14., P.E.: 14 or higher. A high P.S. and P.P. (14+) are recommended but not required Racial Restrictions: No supernatural or MD beings can become Berserkers. O.C.C. Skills Speaks and is literate in American 98% Speaks two additional languages of choice (+30%) - 350 -

Demon lore (+20%) Lore: Magic (+20%) Basic math (+10%) Boxing Wrestling Athletics Acrobatics (+15%) Tracking (+20%) Land navigation (+15%) Horsemanship W.P. Sword W.P. three ancient of choice W.P. two modern of choice Hand to Hand: Expert. Hand to Hand: Martial Arts can be selected at the cost of one "other" skill. O.C.C. Related skills: At first level, the character can select ten other skills, plus two other skills at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 Communications: Radio Basic (Only) Cowboy: None Domestic: Any Electrical: None Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanical: Basic (Only) Medical: First Aid (Only) Military: None Physical: Any (+15% where applicable) Piloting: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Navigation (Only) Rouge: None Science: Math only (+10%) Technical: Any (Except Computers, +10%) Weapon Proficiencies: Any, including tech weapons Wilderness: Any (+10%) Secondary Skills: The character gets five secondary skills from the list above, excluding those marked "None" at levels 1, 4, 8, 12, and 15. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Standard Equipment: Begins with a set of clothes, utility belt, two canteens, backpack, knapsack, 1D4 weeks of rations, a pair of handcuffs, 100 feet of strong cord/ rope, 1D4 flares, a TW flashlight, and a pocket knife. Weapons including four ancient ones of choice (no special powers), One ancient style magic or TW weapon (sword, knife, spear, etc), and two modern weapons. Vehicle can be anything except power armor and robot vehicles. Some prefer to travel on foot. Money: Typically 3D6x1,000 credits and 4D6x1,000 in black market items. Cybernetics: None, refuses to get any.

Lifter R.C.C. Master Telekinetic Psychic

By: Spiral A physical Psychic whose powers manifest themselves in the area of telekinesis, the movement of objects through the use of psychic force, is called a "Lifter". As the name suggests, these psychics can hurl objects as playthings and are themselves on of the few people in the world of Rifts who can naturally fly. Lifter Telekinetic Powers Note: The following powers are different or more powerful than the more common telekinetic powers and are limited to the Lifter R.C.C. 1. Limited Invulnerability to Kinetics: A psionic aura radiates around the lifter, making him, and whatever he is wearing, impervious to S.D.C. physical attacks. This includes Hand to Hand attacks, bladed weapons, bullets, or any other S.D.C. forms of damage. This, in some ways, is a telekinetic force field that is effective only to kinetics. Protection against other forces is a separate power. Duration: Constant. I.S.P.: None, natural ability. - 351 -

2. Telekinetic Force Field: The character can cause a force field powered by psychic energy to surround himself or a ten foot area up to 40 feet per level of experience away. The lifter can attempt to use the force field as a parry device against attacks. A successful parry means the force field was erected in time to deflect the attack. The force field is a mega-damage structure with 50 M.D.C. points per level of experience. Once a field is created, the psionic can create as many others as his I.S.P. will allow. All must be in the character's line of vision. The force field(s) will remain in place until all its M.D.C. is destroyed or its creator dispels it. If the Lifter is rendered unconscious or killed the force fields instantly vanish. However, the psionic can leave the area and the force field will remain in place until the duration time limit expires. People may be able to move around inside a force field, but the force field itself can not be moved. The force field is actually a force bubble and is air tight. Some lifters have been known to asphyxiate foes using this airtight bubble, but someone of a good alignment would never do that. Duration: 10 minutes per level or experience I.S.P.: 30. 3. Manipulate Objects: Through focused thought the psychic can enforce control over objects, causing motion by mere thought. The extent of the control is as good as using a human hand, thus the Lifter can type on a computer, pilot an automobile, or use a sword simply by being able to see the object in question. Range: 100ft. per level of experience. Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience. I.S.P.: 10 points to lift/move/hurl an object that weighs 100 lb, +5 I.S.P. per each additional 100 lb. Damage: 1D4x10 S.D.C. per 100 lb. of weight. Note: 100 S.D.C. points equals one (1) mega-damage point. Use the same combat bonuses listed under Telekinesis. 4. Telekinetic Force Bolt: An invisible bolt of force is hurled or fired from the forehead or hands, even if an artificial appendage. Range: 200 feet (61 m) +20 feet (6 m) per level of experience. Duration: Instant. Bonus to strike: +5. Damage: Mini-bolt 2D6 S.D.C., medium bolt 4D6 S.D.C., heavy bolt 6D6 S.D.C. or mega-damage kinetic blast 2D6 M.D.C. I.S.P.: 2 regardless of the size and damage of the S.D.C. blasts and 4 to create a M.D. blast. 5. Telekinetic flight: The lifter is able, through telekinesis, to lift himself, thereby making himself airborne through thought. He moves at a speed equal to M.E.x3. Duration: 5 minutes per level. I.S.P.: 3 6. Select three minor psionic powers from the following list. Death Trance Resist Fatigue Levitation Resist Thirst Mind Block Resist Hunger The rest of the character (requirements, skills, equipment) are taken directly from the Burster R.C.C. Xp table: Use the Burster R.C.C.

Lightning Dragon R.C.C.

Here is a new class of Dragon I think you'll enjoy. The Lightning Dragon is the rarest species of Dragon known to exist. There are 1/4 less Lightning Dragons then there are Chiang Ku. The attributes below are for the baby dragon. I do not intend to make the attributes for the adult for quite some time. There are no adults on Rifts Earth, and there is only one in Atlantis perhaps once every 10 years. Use the Dragon RCC section from the rifts main book for the skills, age, levels, etc. The only difference is Claw does 3d4 MD (add to punch attacks), Bite does 1d6 MD. Attributes: IQ 6D6, ME 5D6, MA 3D6, PS 4D6, PP 5D6, PE 4D6, PB 5D6, Spd 6D6+2 MDC: 1D6x50 Natural Abilities: Fly at 100 mph, Nightvision 80 feet, See the Invisible, Electricity Resistant (1/2 damage from Particle and Ion attack!), Regenerates 1d6x5 MDC per 4 minutes. Metamorphosis: Same as Great Horned Hatchling Teleport: Same as Great Horned Hatchling, but has 35% +3% per level of experience. Electricity Breath: 4D6 MD, 120 foot range Magic Knowledge: Same as Great Horned Hatchling Spells: Same as Great Horned Hatchling, but can begin learning spells at level 2. - 352 -

P.P.E.: 2d4x10 Psionics: Major Psionic. Chose seven powers from any of the psionic categories except super. Chose an additional psionic from any level but super at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 14. Chose 1 power from super at levels 6 and 12. I.S.P.: 3d4x10+10. Size: The average Lightning Hatchling, in Dragon form, is 40 feet long, 10 feet high, 7 feet wide, and has a wingspan of 60 feet. Weight: The average Lightning Dragon weighs around 5 to 7 tons. Combat Abilities: Equal to HTH: Basic. +1 attack and +1 Dodge Average Life Span: 6200 years. Adult at 700 years

The Light Worlder Human Variant Race

[Macross II]
By: Legate As there are millions of worlds that could be inhabited, it only the gravity were higher, plus colonists of the moon. This is a Genetic Engineered being that can inhabit these places with on ill effect. Alignment: any Attributes: IQ: 3d6 ME: 3d6, MA: 3d6, PS: 2d6, PP: 4d6, PE: 3d6, PB: 3d6, Spd: 3d6 (Half in Gravity over 0.5g) SDC: Standard-20 HP: PE+1d4/level AR: Standard HF: Standard PPE: 2d6 Natural Abilities: can survive for an unlimited period of time in a zero/micro gravity environment, can only take a max of 2 Gs for a short period of time. Combat: as per Humans Psionics: as per Humans Average Life Span: as per Humans OCCs: any Skills of Note: as per Humans plus EVA & Zero Gravity Movement & Combat Habitat: as per Humans, but with a lower level of gravity Enemies: as per Humans Allies: as per Humans Average Height: 8' Average Weight: 150 lb.

Linebacker R.C.C.
By: DaBeechMan The Linebacker is a being of pure ley line energy, believed by some to be inhabited by the spirit of a person who died on a ley line. A Linebacker resembles a person in football gear, hence the name. They have some cool powers, but just as many limitations. Requirements: None Alignment: Any Attributes: Same as in life. Note that while attributes convey, powers do not. Skills: As in life Powers: All OCC/RCC powers from life are completely GONE. This is important because the Linebacker gains the following - 353 -

powers: -All the powers of a Line Walker that pertain to magic or ley lines. -The Linebacker loses all ISP and PPE. However, it gains the following psionics: PPE Shield, Telekinesis (simple) and 1 of choice from any category (Super included). Costs> Triple normal ISP cost to use with PPE. The Linebacker has 1d6x100+100 PPE! There's one catch though: Since the Linebacker is made of PPE, the Linebacker's MDC is ALWAYS equal to its current PPE and vice versa. This means that casting spells takes away MDC, and causing damage to the Linebacker takes away PPE. -Hurting a Linebacker is not easy, by the way. It can only be hurt by magic, magical weapons, or energy weapons that do more than 4d6 MD. Even with energy weapons, damage is halved (though it is not halved for a magic weapon of any sort, and that includes Techno-Wizard weapons.) The Linebacker can shoot football-shaped bolts of PPE, doing an amount of damage equal to the amount of PPE spent making it. Note that this subtracts from the Linebacker's PPE just like any other PPE expenditure. -The Linebacker regenerates 10 PPE/ 4 melees when within 100 feet of a ley line or nexus. Walking into a ley line or nexus instantly regenerates all PPE. -no need for food, drink, air, or sleep Limitations: -First, the Linebacker is made of energy, not matter. Not being matter, it cannot hold any items. The only way around this is telekinesis, and remember that this hurts the linebacker. If a linebacker is killed, nothing can bring it back, not even a Phoenix tattoo. The only hope is to get it into a ley line before it dies. Note, however, that it is otherwise immortal, and will not die unless it meets a violent end. For every week spent away from a ley line, the linebacker loses 10 PPE which cannot be regained until it touches a ley line. Remember what PPE loss does to Linebackers. Gear: Usually none, because it cannot be carried. It doesn't need any anyway. Money: Why would it even care? It doesn't need to buy any gear, so why would it need money (like it could carry the money anyway) Allies: Anybody who isn't afraid of magic Enemies: Anyone else, especially Coalition.

The Liontaur Race Based on Quest for Glory 3

By: Crow T. Robot The Liontaur are a race of centuar like creatures with one key difference, instead of being Equine they are Feline. They have the lower body of a lion, the upper body of a man, and their head is a mixture between a lion and a human, with golden fur, and Lion-like features, but with the same general layout of a human face. As a race in general they are instinctivly honorable. 90% of them are either principled or abberant, the other 10% are a mixture of the other alignments. Their society itself is highly entwined with honor, and being deemed honorless in a Liontaur society is the worst punishment, as no other Liontaur will consort with the honorless one. In their African-like homelands they built the great city of Tarna, and were generally peaceful for several centuries. Their home city became a center of trade throughout the land, and they built an empire, but unfortunatly a war with an army of deamons toppled the great city. In a final battle between the greatest Liontaur paladin and the demon high wizard, a huge rift was open in the center of the city, engulfing and displacing over 800 Liontaurs. Liontaurs to several different worlds, including Palladium & Rifts Earth. The tribe on Rifts Earth ended up in the grasslands of Africa in about 60 PA on the shores of Lake Tanganyika. Almost 500 of the creatures ended up in Africa, and after they realised they were stuck here, they began to re-build their city. They quickly made allies with several nearby tribes, bringing 3 human and d-bee tribes together, and they began to build their city, 'New Tarna' on the shores of the lake. They learned of technology quickly, and have aquired the capabilities to construct MD armor and weapons (The technoloy was aquired by travelling paladins, and took almost 30 years to acquire). - 354 -

The Palladium Counterparts of these Liontaurs ended up in the Yin-Sloth jungles, near the ruins of an acient dragonwright city. The 300 liontaurs began re-constructing their city (Also named New Tarna, hey, the liontaurs arn't extremly creative). Due to the presence of several Dragonwright temples in the area, the religion has spread to a large number of the Liontaurs, and the groups of Liontaurs are seperated by their own religion (whos gods have disapeared) and Dragonwright, whos priests have power in this land. In the past years a large number of neighboring elvish tribal people have migrated to the liontaurs cities, and for the moment Palladium's New Tarna is prospering. Alignments: 90% are Principled or Abberant Attributes: IQ: 3d6, ME: 2d6, MA: 3d6, PS: 4d6, PE: 4d6, PP: 3d6, PB: 3d6, Spd: 1d4x10 Hit Points: PE + 1d6 S.D.C.: 1d6x10 + Bonuses P.P.E.: As Human, or As OCC O.C.C.s: Any non-psionic related. Psionics: None, Liontaurs cannot be Psionic Average Life Span: 80 Years

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-MMaddalena Demon (updated)

By: Kralizec! In the spirit of the GPC, here is the updated version of my Maddalena Demon 'munchkin eliminator'... MADDALENA DEMON =============== The Maddalena Demons are another one of the twisted creations of the Gene Splicers. Based largely on the Mogaraian race, the Maddalena retain their parent race's fighting prowess as well as the Mogaraian ability to project a defensive energy field. However, due to Gene Splicer tinkering, the energy field is now bio-electrical and psionic in nature, and can be used to power the organic weapons used by the Demon. With the exception of their common genetic base, the Maddalena bear little resemblance to their Mogaraian parents. Since they are asexual in nature, the Maddalena reproduce by budding a new member of the species every 4D6 months. After six years, the young Demon will reach both physical and sexual maturity, and leave its parent's side. Due to their strong anti-social nature, once the child leaves its parent, the two Maddalena will no longer recognize any relationship between the two. Fiercely territorial, a Maddalena Demon will stake a claim to an area 1D4 x 100 miles in size, and may accost anything that enters this territory. As they are so territorial and anti-social in nature, the Demons rarely gather in even groups of two of their kind, and never more than four. As one might suspect, the Gene Splicers totally eliminated from the Maddalena the cultural and sociological values that the Mogaraians held so dear. An unexpected side effect of this modification is that unlike the Mogarians, the Maddalena are not mindlessly violent or evil. However, due to their territorial nature and great physical abilities, powerful mages often employ a Maddalena Demon (either via magical enslavement or by finding some way to tempt it into a deal) as a protector or champion of the mage's kingdom. Maddalena Demon Alignment: Always anarchist. Attributes: The number of dice rolled is as designated: I.Q.: 3D6+8, M.E.: 4D6+4, M.A.: 4D6+4, P.S.: 5D6+10, P.P.: 4D6+10, P.E.: 4D6+10, P.B.: 1D6, SPD.: 6D6. M.D.C.: 4D6 x 10 + P.E., plus 4D6 per level of experience. Horror Factor: 15 P.P.E.: 1D6 Natural Abilities: Exceptional long range vision (able to read a street sign from three miles), naturally M.D.C. body structure, supernatural strength and endurance. Energy field: The Maddalena can create, at will, an incredibly powerful bio-electrical/psionic force bubble that makes them all but impervious to attack. Since the energy field is completely air tight, it protects the Maddalena Demon from any magic or psychic attack that cannot penetrate an environmental seal, and could even be used to protect the Maddalena in the vacuum of space or deep under water. The energy bubble has an M.D.C. equal to 100 x P.E., and regenerates at a rate equal to the Maddalena's P.E. per minute. Note: The energy field's M.D.C. can be bled off to power the Maddalena's organic weapons. M.D.C. that is expended in this fashion is regenerated as normal. Combat: Three plus those gained from hand to hand combat skills and boxing. Bonuses: +8 to save vs horror factor, plus those gained from attributes and skill bonuses. Damage: Variable depending on P.S. attribute. See supernatural strength chart. - 356 -

Magic: None Psionics: Considered a master psychic. Select four psionics from the Healing, Physical, or Sensitive categories. Select an additional psychic power from any of these categories at levels two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve, and fourteen. Select a Super Psionic at levels four, eight, and twelve. I.S.P.: 2D6 x 10 + M.E., plus 2D4 per level. Bionics: None. The Maddalena never get bionics! O.C.C.: Equal to a Vagabond Skills of Note: Language: Gobbeley 98% and Mathematics: Basic 98%. Level of Experience: Player characters use the same experience table as the Dragon. Average Life Span: 50 to 100 years. Enemies: None per se. Allies: None per se. Size: 10ft to 12ft (3m to 3.6m). Weight: 450lbs to 650lbs (205kg to 295kg). Environment: Prefers forested or jungle areas, but will live in any natural area. Generally they will make their homes or nests in caves or high up in the trees. The Maddalena dislike towns and hate cities because they feel closed in and out of touch with nature. Appearance: A giant, svelte reptilian humanoid with red eyes and great icky, nasty, snaggley tusks. Note: Preferring to utilize its own natural abilities and organo weapons, a Maddalena Demon will use technology only as a last resort (such as its energy field has been depleted and it does not have any organo weapons). Once the Demon has regenerated its force bubble or created new organo weapons, it will quickly cast aside anything non- organo that it may have used. Maddalena Organo Technology The Maddalena Demon actually buds its own weapons in a process similar to how it reproduces. If the Demon needs to create a new weapon, it goes into a trance for 4D6 minutes during which time it concentrates on the type of weapon desired (Antigrav Disc, Energy Rifle, Energy Pistol, or Energy Grenade). After the trance has ended, the new weapon will begin budding from the Maddalena's body, and will grow 1/2 pound (.22kg) every hour that it is given 1 I.S.P. and 10 M.D.C. (bled from its energy field). Once it has reached 50% of its full size, it will seperate from the Maddalena and continue to grow on its own, as long as the Demon continues supplying it with I.S.P. and M.D.C. Once fullly grown, the organo-weapon will need to be fed 1 I.S.P. and 10 M.D.C. every day (over and above what is put into it to power the weapon). If the weapons is not fed within 72 hours, it will wither away and die (magic or psionic healing is useless on an organo weapon). Organo weapons are powered by a combination of the Demon's psychic energy (I.S.P.) and energy bled from its bio-electric/psionic force bubble (M.D.C.). As such, organo weapons do full damage to all targets, including those that would not otherwise be affected from an energy attack (such as a Cosmo-Knight or a mage protected with an Impervious to Energy spell). Only beings impervious to both physical and psychic attack are fully protected from the effects of organo weapons. Similarly, beings that only take damage from magic or psioncs, take half damage from organo weapons. Note: Maddalena Demons are the only beings that can power/feed organo weapons. Even fully charged organo weapons cannot be operated by non-Maddalena Demons (similar to the way even charged Techno-Wizard devices cannot be operated by non mages/psychics). Organo-Antigrav Disc This anti-gravity disc is the Maddalena Demon's primary mode of transportation, and is controlled by mental command. Maximum Speed: 200mph (320km), max altitude is 1000ft (304.8m) Maximum Weight Allowance: 1000lbs (454.5kg) Range: one hour of operation for every 5 I.S.P. and 50 M.D.C. bled from the Demon's energy field M.D.C.: 75 Weight: 150lbs (68.1kg) Organo-Energy Rifle Powered by both the Maddalena's psychic energy and the bio-energy bled from its energy field, this powerful weapon does full damage even to those beings that are impervious to normal energy attacks. Mega-Damage: 8D6 M.D. Damage Bonus: +10 M.D. on a single shot, +20 M.D. on a short burst, or +30 M.D. on a long burst, all due to the psychic-energy nature of this organic weapon. Note that the damage bonus is added last (Example: for a long burst, the Organo rifle does 8D6 x 3 + 30 M.D.). Rate of Fire: Aimed, Burst, Wild; see modern Weapon Proficiencies. Maximum Effective Range: 8000ft (2438m) Payload: 20 I.S.P. and 250 M.D.C. bled from its energy field will power the rifle for 80 blasts. M.D.C.: 50 Weight: 100lbs (45.4kg) Organo-Energy Pistol Similar in nature to the Organo-Energy Rifle, only smaller. - 357 -

Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. Damage Bonus: +5 M.D. on a single shot, +10 M.D. on a short burst, or +15 M.D. on a long burst, all due to the psychic-energy nature of this organic weapon. Damage bonus is added last (Example: for a long burst, the Organo rifle does 4D6 x 3 + 15 M.D.). Rate of Fire: Aimed, Burst, Wild; see modern Weapon Proficiencies. Maximum Effective Range: 4000ft (1219m) Payload: 10 I.S.P. and 100 M.D.C. bled from its energy field will power the rifle for 40 blasts. M.D.C.: 15 Weight: 30lbs (13.6kg) Organo-Energy Grenade Operating along a similar nature to the Organo-Energy rifle and pistol, this powerful grenade releases a massive amount of energy in one suicidal blast . Mega-Damage: 10D6 x 10 M.D. Damage Bonus: +55 M.D. due to the psychic-energy nature of this organic weapon. Blast Radius: 70ft (21.3m) Payload: 15 I.S.P. and 175 M.D.C. bled from its energy field will charge the grenade. M.D.C.: 5 Weight: 10lbs (4.5kg) ------------------------------------------------------As always, constructive input is welcome! 8) ~Dustin M. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dustin M. Ramsey Phone: (419) 372-7496 | | Coordinator, Lab Support Services Fax: (419) 372-7723 | | University Computer Services | | Bowling Green State University | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | "You should never be in the company of anyone with whom you | | would not want to die. -Fremen Aphorism | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | RIFTS by Dustin M. -- | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+

The Mailman OCC

By: Allan Cornett The Mailman R.C.C. Your typical mailman, kind of, not quite human but still slightly crazy, armed to the ears, and delivers your letters. This R.C.C. is alot of fun to play, especially if you like to play megalomaniacs, or if you just want to have fun. Alignment:Any evil Attributes: IQ:3d6 ME:1d6 MA:1d6 PS:5d6 PP:4d6 PE:6d6 PB:2d6 SPD:2d6x10(Because of all the running away from dogs) HP:1d6x10 SDC:60 plus skill and ability bonuses MDC:100 plus Abilities PPE:500+1d6x20 Special Abilities: 1) Sense Dogs Range:1200 ft. automatically senses all dogs within range PPE cost: none 2) See Inside Mail/Packages Range:500 ft. PPE cost: none 3) Empathy Range:600 ft same as psionic power ISP/PPE cost: none RCC skills: Language and literacy: one of choice (98%) 1 additional language (+20%) Math: Basic (+30%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Detect ambush (+10%) Disguise (+15%) Forgery (+20%) - 358 -

Pick locks (+15%) Sniper Basic electronics (+30%) Tracking(+15%) Mechanical Engineer(+10%) Weapons engineer(+20%) Demolitions(98%) Pilot: Mail Truck(98%) Weapon Systems(+40%) W.P.All modern HTH: Martial Arts R.C.C. Related Skills Mailmen can pick 4 additional skills from the following list at level 1, and 2 additional skills at levels 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, and 12. Communications: Any Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Any, except Escape Artist, And Wilderness Survival Mechanical: Any Medical: Any Physical: None Pilot: none Pilot Related: none Rogue: Any Science: none Technical: any WP: Any Wilderness: any Because of their broad range of selection Mailmen get no RCC Related skill bonuses Secondary Skills: Select One at every level Abilities: Roll percentage 3 times to determine abilities 01-10= +1d6x10 to SDC or MDC if on an MDC world 11-20= +2 to PS and make it supernatural 21-22= Greater (modern) rune weapon 23-30= Mind Control (unlimited) PPE cost: NONE!!! 31-99= +500 ft to sense dogs range 00= Immortality, Never dies of old age, and all weapons do 1/4 damage Bonuses: None, if you can't get along with what I'm already giving you than your a Munchkin (LIKE ME) Weapons: almost Unlimited, and supplied by the Post Office ( GM's discretion ) Starting Equipment: A Mail Suit, sunglasses, cattle prod, any optical equipment needed ( again spplied by the Post Office) Reasonable Personal items Money: As much as needed ( Post Office) Average Life Span: As human Enemies: Dogs And Dog Owners Absolutley Positively NO CYBERNETICS

Magi-Knight R.C.C.
The magi-knight is a person or thing that has tapped into the natural power of the elements. In doing this, the magi-knight has gained the ability to use a certain element's power (choose one later). The magi-knight, being charged with magical power, also has a limited amount of wizard magic at his or her disposal. Alignment: Any, mostly good or selfish although occasionally some turn evil. Attributes: IQ : 3d6 + 2, ME : 4d6 + 3, MA : 3d6, PS : 3d6 + 5, PP : 3d6, PE : 3d6 + 4, PB : 2d6 + 4, SPD : 3d6 Hit Points: PE + 2d6 + 2d4/level S.D.C.: 3d6 X 20 + 40/level Physical Appearance: Human features except for the eyes which glow a color (player's choice) and hair which is usually spiked. - 359 -

Magical Appearance: Sense magic will show the presence of a little magic. P.P.E.: 1d6 X 10 + 3d6/level Natural abilities: telepathy with elementals of character's element, night vision 50ft +5/level. Magical Knowledge: At level 2, characters know these spells See Aura, Globe of daylight, Sense evil, and Sense magic. Every other level character chooses 3 spells from that level. Psionic Knowledge: None ; all time is spent on forming magic abilities. Bonuses: +1 action/attack per melee. +1 initiative at every other level. +2 strike, parry, and dodge. resistant to fire, ice and energy (1/2 damage) Skills: By O.C.C. Control of elements: When a person decides to dedicate his life to becoming a magi-knight, he or she must choose which element to use. The character will not be able to choose a different path until level 15. Because of the limited power over the elements, the character will not be able to control and create elementals until level 10. The elemental paths and powers are as follows: Fire: Becomes immune to fire and heat. *5 PPE Level 2 : Fire Strike - 3d6 sdc used with any body part. *10 PPE Level 3 : Fire Ball - 1d6 + 4/level sdc 100ft *15 PPE Level 4 : Flame saber - 2d6 + 5 sdc/level *20 PPE Level 5 : Flame Shield - creates a body-length shield with 50 sdc/level. *30 PPE Level 6 : Fire Breath - 6d6 sdc 20ft *40 PPE Level 7 : Shape Change : Fire - knight can shapeshift into fire. Punch does normal damage + 3, kick does normal damage + 5 *50 PPE Level 8 : Fire Armour - 100 sdc/level. *70 PPE Level 9 : Fire Storm - 2d6 X 10 sdc 1000 radius around caster. *80 PPE Level 10 : Create Fire Elemental. (see PFRPG) Water: Breath underwater, swim as fish. *5 PPE Level 2 : Water Strike - 2d6 sdc (5d6 sdc vampires) *10 PPE Level 3 : Water Wave - enemy loses 1 action (3d6 sdc vampires) *15 PPE Level 4 : Water fountain - knight can created a flowing water fountain 5 feet in height for 5 min/level. *20 PPE Level 5 : Hold Water - Knight can hold 2 gallons/level of water. *30 PPE Level 6 : Water Blast - 5d6 sdc (2d10 sdc vampires) 100ft. *40 PPE Level 7 : Create Water - knight can create water from the molecules in the air. *50 PPE Level 8 : Form Change : water - knight can shapeshif into water for 10 min/level, allowing the knight to swim at 100 mpg + 50mph/level, breath underwater, and nightvision 200ft underwater. *70 PPE Level 9 : Acid rain - 1d6 X 10 1 mile radius. *80 PPE Level 10 : Create water elemental. (see PFRGP) Earth: + 20 sdc, punch and kick do + 2 damage. *5 PPE Level 2 : Earth Strike - 5d6 sdc *10 PPE Level 3 : Stone throw - 2d6 sdc 300ft *15 PPE Level 4 : Raise rock - knight can make the rock from the ground rise up from the ground to form a wall or spike. Spike does 1d6 + falling (see any main book for fall damage) sdc to a falling target. *20 PPE Level 5 : Earth Shield - 60 sdc/level. *30 PPE Level 6 : Shape Earth - knight can mold the earth as if it were soft clay. *40 PPE Level 7 : Meld with Earth for 20 min/level. knight gets + 100 sdc, and punch, and kick do +10 sdc damage. Normal weapons do 1/2 damage. *50 PPE Level 8 : Lift rock - the knight can lift rock with an effective PS X 100. *70 PPE Level 9 : Earth Quake - 4d6 X 10 sdc 500ft radius *80 PPE Level 10 : Create earth elemental. (see PFRPG) Wind: Fly as eagle, fingers of wind *5 PPE Level 2 : Wind Strike - 2d6 sdc 50ft *10 PPE Level 3 : Wind Blade - 3d6 sdc 6ft *15 PPE Level 4 : Wind Blast - 4d6 sdc enemy loses 1 attack and next initiative. *30 PPE Level 5 : Form Change : Wind - knight can become air allowing him or her to fly at 120 mph + 60mph/level and gets +6 - 360 -

dodge, and +3 strike *40 PPE Level 6 : Tornado - 6d6 sdc, duration 1melee/level Level 7 - 9 : if any one has any ideas, please tell me. *80 PPE Level 10 : Create wind elemental. (see PFRPG) Palladium O.C.C's: Usually a men of arms. Xp table: Level 2 because of intense training. (characters need to be level 2 to become a magi-knight)

Mago-Runner O.C.C.
By: DaBeechMan Mago-Runners (also called "M-runners") started to appear about 5 years after the Psi-Runners appeared. They like Psi-Runners and will do anything to help them, but the Psi-Runners are annoyed at them, believing them to be "copycats." Alignment: Starts out good or unprincipled, but may turn evil later. Requirements: IQ 15, PE 14 Bonuses: +3 to ME, +2 to PE (added AFTER the character has qualified to be an M-Runner. Sorry!) Psionics: Psi-Armor and Telepathy. Should the character be in a situation where they may gain psionics, NO healing psionics are allowed. I.S.P.: 100 permanent Magic: May choose 2 spells each from Levels 1-4 plus 1 more of any level up to 4. Gains 1 spell per level, equal in level to the MRunner's level. If the M-Runner's ME is below 15, he cannot cast spells of a level higher than the ME number (i.e. ME 13 means no level 14 or 15 spells.) NO temporal spells, warlock spells, Spells of Legend, or any healing magic of any sort, no matter what. P.P.E.: 2d4x10, add 1d10 per level. Skills: M-Runners are a loose bunch with no real formal training in the way of skills. Choose 30 skills except medical, computer hack, or pilot Robots & PA (just as dishonorable for an M-Runner as for a Psi-Runner.) However, will have these skills automatically, in addition to any chosen: Speak 3 languages WP Knife Horsemanship Cybernetics: Same story for tattoos as for 'Runners, any except for the rose or phoenix. Same story for penalties on the phoenix tattoo, but the rose halves PPE, not ISP, on an M-Runner. Would rather die than get any other kind of enhancement (Note: Psi-Armor is a little weird for these guys. If they lose a limb, that limb will still appear on the Psi-Armor. The armor that is where the missing limb should be will be animated in such a way that it may be used as a normal limb with -1 to hit and -5% to all skills. Allies: Everything that is good, especially Psi-Runners Enemies: Coalition, Splugorth, evil things. Consider Time Runners to be copycats (they're my next RCC) Money: 1d20x10 credits Gear: Same story as for Psi-Runner

Marauder R.C.C.
The is a being similar to the temporal raider in nature. It goes from dimension to dimension killing and spreading entropy in it's wake. They come from an alien dimention called Xzymoc (zig-mock) and are ruled by a being known as Diabolus who is a Lord of Chaos. They are humanoid in appearance with the exception that they are covered with mystic signals and runes and have slightly pointed ears. Alignment: Evil and Anarchist only - 361 -

Attributes: IQ: 3d6+4, ME: 3d6+4, MA: 2d6+4, PS: 5d6+12, PP: 4d6+8, PE: 5d6+12, PB: 3d6+4, SPD: 5d6+4 M.D.C.: PE x 10 plus 1d4x10 per level Horror factor: 12 when thier alien nature is exposed P.P.E.: 3d6x10 plus 4d6 per level I.S.P.: MEx5+1d6x10 plus 10 per level (concidered Master Psionic) Natural abilities: Nightvision 600ft, See the invisible, Turn invisible at will, Teleport Superior at will, Dimentional teleport 88% Resistant to fire and cold (even magic fire/cold does 1/2 damage) Bio-regenerate 1d4x5 M.D. per minute. Combat Bonuses: +2 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge, +4 on initiative, +4 to roll with impact, +6 vs all magic +2 vs psionics Insanity: Choose or roll one on the random chart R.C.C. Skills: Lore Demon (+25%) Lore Magic (+25%) 2 Espionage of choice (+15%) Tracking (+10) Demolitions (+20%) 2 Physical(+10% if applicable) 1 Pilot of choice, (+5%) Math: Basic (+15%) 2 Languages (+45%) 1 Literacy (+20%) 2 WP Modern 2 WP Ancient HTH: Expert R.C.C. Related Skills: Chose 8 from the following list. Chose an additional 2 at levels 3, 5, 7, and 13: Domestic: any Electronics: basic only Espionage: any (+10%) Mechanics: auto mechanics only Military: any Physical: any (+5%) Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rogue: any (+5%) Science: math only Technical: any (+10%) WP: any Wilderness: any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Chose 5 from the above list, without bonuses. Chose 1 additional skill at levels 2 and 8 Magic: select 4 spells from each levels 1-5 plus Agony, Compulsion, Domination, Fire Bolt, Life Drain, Mask of Deciet, Negate Magic, Tongues. Psionics: All sensitive and 6 from any of the 3 other lesser psionics Equipment: Lesser or Greater Rune weapon (at GM's discretion) Two weapons relating to applicable WP skills, magic armor of some sort in the 80-120 MDC range (or normal rifts armor), traveling clothes, and personal items Habitat: Indiginous to an alien dimension periodicly can be found anywhere. Enemies: Forces of Light, good guys, etc... Allies: Forces of Darkness, Lords of Chaos... - 362 -

Size: Generally 6 to 7 feet tall. Weight: 250 to 350 depending on build and size

The Marked RCC

By: Brice Daury Well, no one has tried to kill me yet, so I think I'll take that as carte blanche to keep posting, so here goes, The Marked- Optional RCC These beings are born from normal human stock and are genetically, nearly identical to humans. All non-psionic and non-magic OCCs open to humans may be picked by them(except CS ones, of course). What makes these beings different is the presence of their OEBirthMark'-a quasi-mystical design on their skin which not only granta them powers above and beyond normal humans, but is sentient and can speak to OEhost'. Attributes: Normal human attributes, modified both by powers/mutations and by skills. Natural Abilities: 1) can sense other marked from upto 500' away and recognizes those they know by the feeling they get. 2) All marked have an internal OEenergy pattern that is related to PPE(which they do not have at all) and which is looped throughout body through the birthmark. This energy allows them to heal at the rate of 1d6 points(SDC/Hit Points/MDC) per minute. Even if they are reduced below zero health, they will not die, unless their energy pattern is disrupted(details later). This energy pattern also allows them to OEfix' their physical age at any point in their life that they choose(once only, then is permanent) and this is the age they will remain at, the actual lifespan of these beings is unknown, as none has ever died of natural causes- they are immune to disease and aging attacks. 3) BirthMarks: IQ 10+1d6(rol extra die six on 16) Alignment: (95%) of all have same alignment as host, but about 5% can have differing one(usually the reverse) than host's. The BirthMark gets to choose six skills from the following: Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Land Navigation, Intelligence, Streetwise, Any Science and any Language or Lore. All skills atart at the +20% level and advance as the character's normal skills advance. The marks are considered part of character's for damage sake and cannot be controlled mentally or magically, have +3 vs. illusions. The marked and mark communicate telepathically. Powers: The biggest advantage of the Mark is that it imbues super powers, and while these powers are not magical, the mark is(to an extent- it cannot be negated, nor can these powers be) and the ambient energy levels of the world Marked lives in will affect their power level. Roll on following table using appropriate world to determine number of powers: ROLL(d100) Results(dependent upon world) Rifts, Heroes, NightBane, PRFPG 01-15 7 minors 5 minors 6 minors 16-35 2 major 1 minor 1 major 1 minor 1 major 2 minor 36-60 6 minor 4 minor 5 minor 61-85 2 major 2 minor 1 major 2 minor 1 major 4 minor 86-95 2 major 3 minor 1 major 3 minor 2 major 96-00 3 major 2 major 2 major 2 minor Rifts Note: Unless granted MDC by mutations or powers, they are still SDC beings(though they still will recover from MD damage by healing, although at really slow rate). Suicide attack: Most Marked will never consider this attack unless at death's door anyways and/or to save those they sworn to protect. Marked and Mark together OEvent' the energy stored in their pattern, doing damage equal to the Super Nova power of APS:Fire. They do have slightly less chance to survive though and roll on following survival table: 01-14% Lives and powers are gone for 2d6 days 15-26% Lives but Mark becomes Dormant- the charcter still heals as the normal Marked but cannot use any of his powers, there is only 16% chance that the powers will return, ever and even then, not for at least 3d6 months after suicide attack. 27-90% Marked is vaporized where they stand! 91-00% Power goes dormant for 2d6 weeks and when it returns, the powers will be different- reroll on the powers determination charts. Weakness: Any Marked can be killed if they attacker knows how(and all other Marked do, this is main reason they leave each other alone normally). The secret is the Mark; if the mark is pierced with a metallic item, it will disrupt their energy pattern until removed, rendering them unable to heal and, therefore, easily killable. However, no one except the Marked know this(GMs: A smart and - 363 -

observant character may discover this secret after observing a Marked one for awhile and with a Lore:D-Bees or Magic roll at -25%), and they don't share the secret often. One other thing, to pierce the mark, you have to know where it is- each Marked one has a different location(and design) for their birthmark, something which they will not tell others(with rare exceptions). This means that all Marked are constantly clothed head to toe and do not remove these clothes in the presence of others(except for special cases, see below). Culture Notes: The Marked are very diverse, but ther are a number of customs they all adhere to(though none really know why), namely being that they will never break their oath of honor, which they call OEgiving the hand'. The reason for the name lies in the ritual that they undergo when they give their oath to another- they will remove the glove from their right hand(whether this is where their mark is or not) and touch the person(s) they are giving oath to on the forehead(s). Ther are two slight variations on this one: A marked one, as a show of trust and friendship, will remove their mask when in the presence of those they consider their friends,but only in their presence. And, when a marked one marries or mates, they will often remove their right glove and touche their mates face with the right hand. Married or mated marked ones will go so far as to reveal their marks to one another,a process that allows them to also communicate telepathically with one another at upto 500' as they converse with their own marks. These customs mean that the marked don't form easy relationships or friendships, as these are dangerous to them in a very real way, and because of this fact, are wary of those who seem to give pledges or make promises without enough due consideration of what their saying. Also due to their customs, the touching of one's mate by another with the right hand is an offense that will likely lead to at least a severe beating, possibly death unless the two are good friends and/or the offender was unaware of the faux pas and truly sorry when they are informed of it. Many a great friendship has ended tragically with a offended Makred one ripping a former friend apart (literally!) with their bare hands. I think that's everything, let me know what you think...

Martial Warrior O.C.C.

By: Chris Watkins Although certain forms of martial arts were stifled by the coming of the rifts, as their secrets were buried in the rubble of chaos, others have bloomed since that point in time. The way of the Martial Warrior, despite its inherent secrecy, is gaining in popularity and influence. A skilled Martial Warrior uses a combination of his own chi and the PPE that saturates Rifts earth to create brilliant, destructive effects. Though some did know of the secrets of the Martial Warrior prior to the Rifts age, it is only now that the energies have been ripe enough for the art to grow. Martial Warriors are generally highly trained humans (and perhaps some non-humans, such as elves, dwarves, orcs, etc -- anyone without major natural abilities, such as MDC), whose advanced forms of martial art study allow them to perform super-human feats. As they grow in level, their range and strength of abilities also grows. Psionics: 50% of all Martial Warriors have access to minor psionic powers. See the Rifts rule book, page 12, for details. Special Abilities: A Martial Warrior has access to some very unique abilities. There are two main types: Augmentation Abilities and Power (or Chi) Abilities. Once a specific ability has been chosen, it may _not_ be selected again for cumulative effect. Augmentation Abilities -- Starting at level one, a Martial Warrior may select from the following Augmentation list once every three levels (ie: select an ability at levels 1, 4, 7, 10, and 13). These abilities are described in Rifts Conversion Book One: * Extraordinary ME * Extraordinary PS * Extraordinary PE (all previous SDC bonuses become MDC) * Extraordinary PP * Extraordinary Spd * Healing Factor Power Abilities -- Starting at level two, a Martial Warrior may select from the following Power list once every three levels (ie: select an ability at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14). These abilities are described individually -- the exact details of all must be chosen when the ability is selected, and cannot be changed: Power Abilities for the Martial Warrior OCC: * Charge - A charge takes up two of the character's melee attacks, but allows him to strike an opponent up to leaping distance away. Damage is doubled, and even non-supernaturally strong Martial Warriors inflict 1D4 MD with this attack. This attack is very difficult to parry -- the target suffers a -5 penalty to do so. (Examples: Rayden's 'Superman' Attack from Mortal Kombat, Chun-Li's Spinning Star Kick from Street Fighter II). * Distance Strike - With this ability, the Martial Warrior summons some form of concentrated mystic energy to fire at his opponent. The energy inflicts 3D6 MD when first selected, +1D6 per level there after. It can also be charged -- every additional melee action - 364 -

after the first that the character spends 'charging' his distance weapon adds 1D6 MD to its damage capacity. (Examples: just about every character in a fighting game has some sort of 'fire-ball' attack). * Entrapping Missile - Like the Distance Strike, except that this attack will entangle and render its target helpless, unless he dodges it (parrying is possible, but at a -5 penalty, because of the 'grabbiness' of the attack). Damage can also be inflicted (the Warrior must decide if his Missile does damage or not when he selects this power, and cannot change his mind later), equaling 2D4 MD. (Examples: Xavier's Energy Dragon from Eternal Champions, and Scorpion's Harpoon from Mortal Kombat). * Ground strike - The character can either physically strike or fire energy into the ground under himself, cause a shockwave that ripples through the ground in all directions. The range of the shockwave is equal to the character's level in feet. Anyone within that area who does not success fully dodge (by leaping up when the wave passes) takes 1D4 MD and must roll over the striker's level on a 20-sided die (only PP bonuses apply to this roll), or suffer the effects of a Knockdown (see Rifts Conversion Book One for details). (Examples: Jax's Ground Punch from Mortal Kombat II, Slash's ClubSmash from Eternal Champions). * Limb Extension - As the name implies, this ability allows the character to extend his limbs beyond their normal limits, allowing long range melee attacks. Limbs can extend 1 foot beyond normal when this ability is first selected, plus one half foot for every level there after. Note: tentacles also fall under this category. (Examples: Dhalsim's attacks from Street Fighter II, Omega Red's Tentacles from X-Men: Children of the Atom). * Multi-Strike - This attack form requires all of the character's melee actions in one round, but allows him to strike repeatedly in a short time period. Each strike inflicts 1D4 MD plus the character's normal damage for a strike (SDC attacks, of course, add nothing). The opponent gets one chance to dodge or parry. If he fails either, he may not defend against any of the attacks. If he dodges, the entire flurry is wasted. If he parries, half damage is inflicted for each successful strike. The Martial Warrior must roll to hit individually for each strike. (Examples: E. Honda's Hundred Hand Slap and Blanka's Head Chomp from Street Fighter II, Barraka's Multiple Blade Slash from Mortal Combat II). * Offensive Shield - Like the Chi Shield, this ability requires that the character remain stationary while it is in effect. It also has a maximum duration, equal to twice the Warrior's level in seconds (remember that one melee round is 15 seconds). Any opponent who comes in contact with the shield is instantly repelled, and takes 3D4 MD (when selected, plus 1D4 M.D. every level there after). (Examples: Blanka's Eel Shock from Street Fighter II, Trident's Spinning Trident from Eternal Champions). * Power Shield - A purely defensive ability, the Power Shield can be set up and used in one melee action. It has a special rating all its own, which begins at 1 when the ability is selected, and rises by one per level there after. This rating equals the character's AR bonus. Also, five times this number is the amount of MDC damage subtracted from any attack on the character while he is shielded. However, the shield is only in place as long as the character concentrates on it with minimal movement. (Examples: most blocking maneuvers from any fighting game). * Power Strike - Inflicts 3D6 MD (plus the character's normal strike damage, if it is also MD) when selected, plus 1D6 MD more per level there after. If the character chooses to spend all his actions on one Power Strike, it automatically inflicts double damage. (Examples: Ryu's Dragon Punch and Guile's Flash Kick from Street Fighter II). * Reflection - With this ability, the Martial Warrior can reflect projectiles (physical and energy) aimed at him. By making a successful Parry (with only half bonuses) and spending one melee action, the character blocks and redirects the projectile; he should then make another attack roll on the shooter (with NO strike bonuses) to see if the projectile hits him instead. The attacker should roll the damage before the Warrior attempts to reflect, because he can not reflect any projectile that would inflict more Mega-Damage than half of the Warrior's Hit Points (regardless of whether the Warrior has MDC or not) ie: An attacker fires a laser blast at a Martial Warrior. The Warrior has 48 Hit Points. If the total MD of the blast is equal to or less than 24, the Warrior can reflect it. Otherwise he cannot. (Examples: Fulgore and Eyedol from Killer Instinct, Nightwolf from Mortal Kombat 3). * Teleport- Although its range is limited to line-of-sight areas within 100 feet, the Teleport ability is still a powerful weapon. It takes only one melee action to accomplish (although it can be performed only once every three actions), and if the Warrior uses it as a defensive maneuver, he gains a +3 bonus to his dodge. Opponents surprised by a teleporting character suffer a -2 to defend against his attack, while he gains a +2 to strike. (Examples: Rayden and Scorpion's Teleports from Mortal Kombat, Dhalsim's Yoga Teleport from Street Fighter II). * Weapon Charge - This power is focused on one type of weapon only (scimitars, hand axes, bows, etc). The Warrior can charge a standard ancient-type weapon with Chi energy, allowing it to inflict double its normal SDC damage as MDC. Weapons that already inflict MD have their damage doubled. Bows do not need arrows -- these are created from pure Chi/PPE energy. Any thrown weapons return to the Warrior's hand immediately after attacking (requires no actions on the return). Two weapons can be charged --one in each hand -- but only if the character is high enough in level to have the 'paired weapons' talent. (Examples: Baraka's Blades and Kung Lao's Bladed Hat from Mortal Kombat II). Here's a new list of abilities: Mega-Power Abilities. One of these can be selected every five levels (ie: select one at levels 5, 10, and 15): - 365 -

* Finishing Move: Melee - Takes all actions in the melee round, and the Warrior automatically has an initiative of 1 for the round (no bonuses). The details are up to the player, but the attack itself inflicts 3D6x10 MD. * Finishing Move: Missile - This power is identical to the Melee Finishing Move, except that it is a missile of some sort, with a maximum range of 20 feet. * Transformation - With this ability, the Warrior can assume the form_ and abilities_ of any humanoid opponent of lesser level than his own, whom he has previously battled. He loses all of his own abilities when he takes a new form (except this one, of course) and the transformation last until the Warrior is killed, knocked out, or until one full melee round passes. And finally, here's a couple of clarifications/notes: - a standard Power Strike requires two melee actions to perform- all martial Warriors must select an individual combat style of their own -- this is what they train in with regards to normal combat maneuvers (ie: Karate, Tai-Kwon-Do, Thai Kick Boxing, Kenpo, etc.). These style choices really don't have much to do with game mechanics -- they're just for flavor and visualization. If you really want to go overboard, you can bring the Martial Arts skills from N&S into this, but that may make the characters a bit too tough. It's up to you. Attribute Requirements: ME, PE, PP, and PS of 12 or higher. Special Bonuses: Add +1D4 to ME. Add +1D6 to PP, PE, and PS. Also add 1D6x10 to SDC, +1 to initiative, and one additional attack per melee. These are in addition to other attribute or skill bonuses. P.P.E.: 1D4x10 Permanent. O.C.C. Skills: Language: Choice of two (+10%) Detect Ambush (+15%) Prowl (+10%) Athletics Body Building Climbing (+10%) Gymnastics (+5%) Swimming (+20%) Pilot: Choice of two (+5%) Mathematics: Basic (+5%) WP Ancient (select 3 of choice) WP Modern (select 1 of choice) Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (Assassin if an evil alignment) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8 other skills, but at least three must be selected from either Physical, Espionage, and/or Rogue. Plus select two additional skills at level three, one at level six, one at level nine, and one at level twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any Domestic: Any (+5%) Electrical: none Espionage: Any Mechanical: Automotive only Medical: First Aid and Paramedic only (+5%) Military: none Physical: Any (+10%) Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any Science: Math only Technical: Any (+10%) WP: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: Select five other skills from the previous list. Plus select one additional skill at level four, one at level eight, and one at level twelve. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parenthesis. All - 366 -

secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: A suit of personalized light or medium weight mega-damage armor (any more limits mobility), a few sets of extra clothing, sunglasses or tinted goggles, knives (1D4), hatchet for cutting wood, two or three ancient weapons of choice, a modern personal projectile weapon of choice with 1D4 extra ammo clips, a vibro-weapon or minor energy melee weapon of choice, tent, knapsack, backpack, two canteens, two weeks of dehydrated food rations, and some personal items. Money: The character starts off with 3D4x200 in credit, and has black market items that will garner another 1D6x1000 credits. Generally has little use for money, except for supplies and daily needs. Cybernetics: None. Will avoid them because they hinder their natural abilities. At most, one or two minor implants for medical reasons may be considered. Even a single bionic or cyber limb cuts all abilities in half --any more eliminates them completely.--

The MechPurr
By: Legate The MechPurr RCC The only reason they are called MechPurr is because of the fact that they like to tinker & purr at the same time. ;<) Alignment: Any Attributes: IQ: 3d6 ME: 3d6 MA: 3d6 PS: 3d6 PP: 3d6+2 PE: 3d6 PB: 3d6 Spd: 3d6+2 SDC: 10+Standard HP: PE+1d6/level AR: Standard HF: Daytime: none, Nightime: 10 PPE: 2d6 Natural Abilities: 1) Double Jointed 2) Fur Covered 3) Retractable Claws +2d4 SD to HtH Damage 4) Nightvision 60' Range 5) Prehensile Tail Combat: Standard Psionics: Standard Average Life Span: as per Human Skills of Note: as per Human plus Climbing & Prowling, +10% over OCC Bonuses: +15% to any Mechanical & Electronic Skills Habitat: as per Humans Enemies: as per Humans Allies: as per Humans Size: Average Height: as per Humans Average Weight: as per Humans OCCs: Any, but tend toward Engineering & Scientific OCCs

Mecha-Knight O.C.C.
By: Allan Harrison

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Hi. This is a new OCC I created especially for my fellow villain-players. Be forewarned that this is a cosmic-level OCC, as the description will make obvious. Any creative critism is always welcome, people who reply to me with a cry of "MUNCHKIN!" will be promptly told where to go, and those who send me puffy, cream-filled delights are encouraged to reply multiple times. The Mecha-Knights are the creation of an ultra-advanced race referred to by the Knights as the Larrban. Based on the few rumors the Knights haven't bothered to try and quell, the Larrban are at least 10,000 years ahead of any known race in every area of the sciences and technology, and from this super technology the Mecha-Knights are born. After a lone Cosmo-Knight had somehow traveled several thousand lightyears off of his planned course, he encountered a ship which utterly amazed him by the sheer immensity of it. The ship was almost 20,000 miles long, and about half that wide and tall! The ship appeared to be some sort of destroyer, and several smaller ships, each 8,000 miles long themselves, were being escorted by the planet-sized behemoth. When the Cosmo-Knight saw several Kittani ships dock with one of the smaller ships, he quickly made his presence known by attacking the Kittani freighters. When the fleet followed him, he managed to lure them through the heart of a sun and destroy them, but was so weakened by the one energy blast that had hit him, he perished just after returning to the known areas of the Three Galaxies. Two Earth months later, three Cosmo-Knights vanished while aiding the Free World Council against the Transgalactic Empire. However, even the Empire could not take the credit for the disappearance, although they quickly made the most of it by capturing the planet with relative ease. Two more weeks passed, and then another pair of Cosmo-Knights were slain, and this time within the borders of the UWW. One of the UWW's Warlock Marine platoons happened to be passing the area on a standard galactic patrol, and witnessed the attack. When they made the report of the incident, they were unable to fully explain what they had seen. They stated that it had looked like three other CosmoKnights had attacked the two who had been killed, but that the energy bolts that the trio had fired at the two dead Knights had seemed to hurt them in the extreme, when they should have been able to almost totally ignore the beams. Three months after the first incident in the FWC, a Cosmo-Knight like being sent a Cosmo-Knight into flight on the Splugorth controlled level of Center. When someone managed to ask him a few quick questions, he simply stated that the days of the Cosmo-Knights had ended, thanks to the folly of the lost Knight, and to thanks to the power of the Mecha-Knights. The Larrban were extremely angered at the loss of their fleet, and the loss of the Splugorth raw materials which they had been trading for, and decided to take matters into their own hands. Thus, they created the perfect anti-Cosmo Knight weapon, the Mecha-Knights. Alignment: Selfish or evil only; 75% are Aberrant, 20% are Diabolic, and the rest are other selfish and evil alignments. Attribute Requirements: None, just a desire for great power, and a willingness to serve and be loyal to an alien force. Special Powers of the Mecha-Knight: 1. Enhanced Attributes: Through physical training and drug enhancement techniques, the Mecha-Knights attributes, both mental and physical, have been greatly improved. IQ:+2 ME:+1D6 MA:+3 PS:+6 PP:+2 PE:+6 PB:+4 Spd:+2D6 HP(for non-MDC worlds): PE*2 + 3D6/level SDC(for non-MDC worlds): PE*10 +100 MDC: (PE*5 + 50) + 5D6/level PPE: +5D6 ISP(see below): ME*10 + 3D6/level 2. Psionic Powers: In addition to improving the attributes, the drug treatments also instill or enhance psionic powers. All MechaKnights have the powers Telemechanics, TK Force field, and 1 other Super Psionic power of choice, plus 2 powers from each lesser category, in addition to any racial psionics. All Mecha-Knights are Master psionics. 3. Mecha-armor: The Mecha-Knights greatest power stems from their ultra-high tech armor. Using an unknown technology referred to by the Knights themselves as Cyber-Symbiosis, the armor a technological symbiote is created and bonded to the knight. When not in use, the armor looks like a small silver bracelet, ring, earring, or anklet, which is totally seamless. When activated, the small item liquefies and oozes over the knights entire body like water, in about 1.3 seconds. Once sheathed in the armor, the knight still retains his or her basic shape, but the feet have no visible toes, as if wearing socks, musculature is about half as visible, and no facial features are visible beyond the basic head shape. The armor is totally smooth and seamless, gleaming with a bright silver sheen. The powers of the armor include: 1500 MDC, and takes no damage from energy attacks (they are absorbed by the armor). Magic, psionics, and kinetic attacks do full normal damage. 1000 MDC force field Interstellar flight: The Knight can fly at up to Mach 7 (4620 mph) in an atmosphere, Mach 1 (660 mph) underwater, and Mach 20 (13300 mph) for space combat. For space travel, the Knight can fly at up to 12 light years per hour. Energy blasts: In an atmosphere, or underwater, these beams of an as yet unknown form of energy inflict 5D6 or 1D6*10 MD (both hands) to a range of 1 mile. In space, the full power can be used, at the knights option, inflicting 5D6*10 or 1D6*100 MD (both hands). In space, all blasts have a 15 mile range. A full power blast with one hand earns man-sized targets a +2 dodge bonus, and dualhanded endows man-sized targets a +4 dodge bonus. These blasts, of all power levels, inflict 1/2 (not 1/100) damage to Cosmo- 368 -

Knights! The Mecha-Knight has +1 to initiative and +4 to strike, in addition to normal Hand to Hand bonuses, when using these blasts. Galactic Awareness: Thanks to the advanced sensors and star/dimensional maps in the Cyber-Symbiote's memory, the Knight has equivalent skills lf Navigation: Space at 90%, and Land Navigation at 94%. Even in a new dimension or planet, the Knight can apply these skills, but for 2 months on a new planet, or 5 years in a new dimension, both are at -40%. Sensor Suite: All of the Mecha-Knight's sensor systems are far superior to those of any known race, by at least 1000 years, and according to the few Knights who actually left the ranks, aren't nearly the best sensors available to the Larrban! The Knights who revealed this information were all assassinated by their former fellows within a week of divulging the information. The sensor include all of those normally found in PA suits and 'bots, but at 5 times the range of the best systems ever seen before. Also included is a Cosmic Energy sensor, which the Mecha-Knights use to track down the Cosmo-Knights they hunt, and which has an astounding 1000 light year range! Attribute enhancement: All physical attributes are further enhanced by the Cyber-Symbiote, as shown below. PS:+36 PP:+8 PE:+20 PB: 4D6+1 when armored up. The shining armor has an awe-inspiring, majestic look about it. Spd: 180 mph plus the previously mentioned flight. 4. Hand to Hand Combat: As per skill or race (or both), with the following additions: +1 attack, +2 to strike, parry, and dodge, and +3 to initiative and roll/pull a punch, in addition to any racial and/or attribute bonuses. Damage is per Supernatural PS When armored up, the following bonuses apply, IN ADDITION TO the bonuses shown above: +1 attack, +3 to strike and parry, +4 to dodge (+7 in flight), +3 to roll with punch/ pull punch, and +2 to initiative. Damage is per Supernatural PS + 3D6 O.C.C. Skills: Laser(+15%) Basic Radio(+20%) Basic Electronics(+10%) Disguise(+10%) Tracking(+10%) Demolititons and Demolitions Disposal(+15%) Boxing Zero-G Movement(+15%) Xenology(+20%) Lore: Galactic/Alien(+20%) Lore: Dimensional (Special; only for the Mecha-Knight. If the Knight goes to another dimension, he/she has a 30+3% per level chance of deducing what dimension it is, meaning that if successful, the dimension isn't counted as a new one in respect to the Galactic Awareness above) Literacy in 3 languages of choice(+25%) 98% skill in the languages chosen for Literacy. O.C.C. Related: Choose seven(7) from the following list: Communications: Any(+5%) Domestic: Any(+5%) Electrical: Any(+7%) Espionage: Any except Forgery, Pick Locks, and Pick Pockets(+6%) Mechanical: Mechanical Engineer and Weapons Engineer only (+10%) Medical: None Physical: Any(all bonuses DO factor into attributes) Pilot: Any(-10%; rarely use any vehicles) Pilot Related: Any(-5%; as with Pilot, above) Rogue: Any(+3%) Science: Basic Math, Advanced Math, and Chemistry only(+4%) Technical: Any(+4%) WP: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary skills: Select 6 from those listed under Related, but with no bonus except possible IQ bonus.

Mechanoid Converted Hunter Killer R.C.C.

Instead of just killing Humanoid life forms, and due to their current limited numbers, a diabolic Mechanoid Brain devised a genetic disease. The disease is transmitted to a humanoid by an infected humanoid or by a transfusion of blood. When a Hunter Killer traps or nearly kills a humanoid it then spits from it's mouth a web like fabric that soon covers the entire body of - 369 -

the victim. The victim is trapped within the cocoon for a week. If the cocoon if destroyed before three to four days have passed the only side affects for the victim will be rolling once on the random insanity table. After the four day deadline the victim will die if removed early. Once the full week has ended what emerges is no longer the person it once was. It is an insane monster bent on destruction of all humanoids. Every two weeks it gets an incredible urge to reproduced. This is when more of it's kind are created. While in the cocoon the being is slowly being transformed. All of it's previous abilities are kept. Be the magic, Psionics, or Super Powers. The creature also gets incredible smell and hearing. It grows claws that can do Mega-Damage, it becomes a Mega-Damage monster, and is programmed to obey all new Mechanoid life forms. Alignment: Miscreant or Diabolic evil only Attributes: I.Q.: 3D6, M.E.: 3D6+5, M.A.: 2D6, P.S: 5D6 (supernatural), P.P: 4D6, P.E.: 4D6, P.B.: 2D6, Spd.: 4d6+6 Hit Points: Special see M.D.C. Natural Armor Rating: See M.D.C. M.D.C.: P.E. +2D4*10 Horror Factor: 12+3 if new old person. P.P.E.: Depends on O.C.C. Natural Abilities: Swimming-92%, Estimate Distance of sound-60%, Estimate speed of sound- 50%, Recognize specific odors-70%, recognize person by scent-50%, Recognize poisons-50%, track by scent-50%, Prowl-65%, Wilderness Survival- 70%, Infrared vision, Night Vision - 200ft. Combat: 3 attacks per melee plus HTH type. Bonuses: +2 to strike, +2 to parry, +3 to dodge, & +6 to initiative. Damage: Claws- 3D6+2 M.D.C. Punch- 2D6 M.D.C. Power Punch- 5D6 M.D.C.(two attacks per melee). Web Net 16 or higher needed to dodge, webbing has 35 M.D.C. Magic: Only if original O.C.C. possess magic. one has half of old spells. Psionics: Telepathy: unlimited, Mind Block: unlimited, + old psionics if any. Average Life Span: Have only been in use for 6 months. Mechanoids guess twenty years tops. Habitat: Anywhere they're sent Enemies: Any Humanoid life form. Allies: Any evil Mechanoid Size: Varies with humanoid type Weight: Varies with humanoid type Notes: Can under go hibernation for up to 120 years if Mechanoids tell it to.

Mellor RCC
By: Acid Blue - 370 - Mellor R.C.C. The Mellor are a race of D-bees who originate from a home planet that has been under siege by the supernatural for a long time, they have madenadvancements in genetic engineering while fighting these monsters, and a as result have had the power to alter their own genes to have natural anti-magic/supernatural abilities. They have been fighting this battle for many years and when they first made the discovery into their abilities they started to turn the tide of war against evil in their favor, but it was not enough and they had to flee there home planet they disbanded through Rifts (which are very common on there home planet). As most of the population was scattered through many times and realities they have all but lost the knowledge that made them more then human. They can practice magic and some do but advancing in levels is hard requiring (three times as much exp.) three times the normal time and effort. They have natural psionic abilities (there anti-supernatural powers) and often are also known to be powerful Erupting psychics; their powers tend to manifest in the form of a Buster, Zapper, and other physical psychic powers. Alignment: Any most are good Attributes: IQ: 3D6 ME: 5D6 MA: 2D6 PS: 3D6 PP: 2D6+3 PE: 4D6 PB: 3D6 SPD: 3D6 Hit Points: as per human SDC: as per occ P.P.E. 1D6 ISP: 3D4X10+ME 1) Natural Abilities: Anti-Supernatural aura: The natural aura of the Mellor is anti-supernatural in nature, it can be thought of as a small weak circle of protection it is constant and costs no ISP. Range: 6 inches off of person. This fields causes super-natural to wince and looking directly at the person with a scry or eyes is distracting It cause a blurred scry and all super natural looking at the Mellor are 3 strike, initiative, parry. Also all physical attacks by supernatural cause SDC not MDC (to the person not there armor) (MD armor blocks this power only clothes or SD armor may be worn for it to work). 2) Magic Negation: The Mellor can stop magic from affecting them from all magic with a magic or ritual savings throw they gain +12 to save vs magic, for 20 minutes for 15 ISP (they will see through illusions and the such that are magically induced.) 3) Super natural barrier: The Mellor have the power to amplify there aura and to encompass a larger area, by spending 40 ISP they can expand a 7 ft +3 ft per level this barrier prevent the supernatural (all forms from a balrog to a zombie)(gods and alien intelligence's do not apply) from entering the sphere and also make everyone in the sphere +1 save vs psionics and magic and if any supernatural are in the area when it is activated they are expelled roughly 20 ft away almost instantly. The supernatural cannot look at the barrier long enough to shoot or even aim at it, all weapon fire from bow to gun is -3 to strike and called shots are not possible. All invisible creatures within 50 ft of the sphere are also revealed. Habitat: as per normal human O.C.C's: any, but may not be an occ if master psionic must choose a master psionic rcc/pcc. If they become a Borg they lose their natural abilities and psionics. Skills of Note: LIT and Lan Native +45%, Lore Demon/Monster +30% Psionics: NOTE: players can choose to have minor or no psionics if they do not want to be a master or major psionic otherwise roll. 155% is Master Psionics, 55-80% is Minor, 81-94% is Major, and 95-100 is non-psionic (but still posses natural abilities and ISP) Life Span: 100+ years Size: as per human Weight: as per human Note: They look almost exactly human except for the birth mark all are born with on their chest, it is a black circle (1 inch diameter .1 inch thick) with a red dot in the middle (1 cm. Round) also, there fists have red dots on the knuckles (roughly the size of a dime), and almost all have black or brown hair. Use the same experience table as per occ. Acid's Domain-

The Melnorme Traders (Based on Star Control 2)

By: Crow T. Robot The melnorme are a race of strange one eyed aliens who's origins and motives are extremely mysterious. They are solitary travelers who travel the megaverse trading away material, technology, and most importantly information. They are strange in that they are not willing to GIVE away anything, but will trade for any sort of information imaginable. - 371 -

They are aware of a vast amount of information and have thousands upon thousands of reliable sources. The cost to reveal even one of these sources is so insanely high that it would put whole planets in debt for decades to come. They travel the dimension in their strange ships, collecting information, and odd items from around the world. They appear where they know their info and items are going to be the most useful, so they never appear when you don't need anything. To trade with the Melnorme, you simply need to offer them information, items, or their favorite: Biological data on new species.. They are fascinated about this. This will translate into a number of credits, they use their own system of credits and are universal with all other melnorme. This credit system is not usable elsewhere. GMs use your own discretion with prices and payments. Finally, Melnorme are named after colors.. For example, a common greeting would be : "I am trade master greenish, commander of the Melnorme vessel 'Inevitably successful in any Circumstance' " Attributes: IQ: 5d6, ME: 12+4d6, MA: 5d6, PS: 2d6, PP: 2d6, PE: 4d6 PB: 1d6 to normal people, 3d6 to other melnorme, Spd: 3d6 S.D.C.: Base: 20 H.P.: 2d6+PE, +1d6 Per Level Psionics: Natural Telepathy And Mind Block, Auto, No ISP Natural Abilities: Able to see in all spectrums of light. Common Equipment: FF Generator: 250 MDC Force Field Universal Translator: Truly Universal Any number of Odd and Interesting Items These are great sources of information for players, and can be a valuable resource in a campaign. They can be encountered nearly anywhere, either in their spaceship, or their smaller planetary vehicle. Although they will never actually leave their vehicles, nor will they fight the players (They prefer to flee, although they have very very powerful technology). GMs, be creative when using them, and throw in a bit of humor when playing them. Have fun.

Mentat OCC
By: Matt Barnes Well, here's my first crack at this.. anyone who's read the books, please give me some input on the skills and the rest of it.. should I add something else? This probably won't be as good as I want it to be till I revise it a couple times, and I can't revise without feedback.. Shihad ---------------Before the Butlerian Revolt, there were thinking machines.. conscious robots that controlled the universe. The people reached a state of apathy, and other men with machines came and took them as slaves. Then, as the people revolted in the Butlerian Jihad.. The Great Revolt.. the people were forced to develop there minds. Mental training schools were developed, the Bene Gesserit, the Guild, and the Mentats. The Mentats are human computers, able to perform amazing feats of logic. Mentats are always seeking data, once they believe they have enough data on a subject they will go into a Mentat computation. This will take very maybe five seconds at the least, 15 at the most. They will come up with the most logic and viable solution to any problem given the right ammount of data.

Mentat OCC
Attribute Requirements: IQ: 19, ME: 18, MA: 18 +2 to initiative OCC Skills OCC Abilities and Bonuses:: Radio: Basic (+10%) Detect Ambush (+10%) Disguise (+10%) Intelligence (+10%) Interrogation Techniques (+10%) First Aid (+5%) - 372 -

Language of choice (+30%) Pilot: Hovercraft Navigation (+10%) Anthropology (+15%) Astronomy (+15%) Astrophysics (+15%) Chemistry (+15%) Computer Operations (+20%) WP Knife WP E-Pistol Hand to Hand: Assassin (Does not require evil alignment) OCC Related Skills: Select 10 other skills, but at least two must befrom Science, and Two from Technical. Plus select two addition skills at levels 4, 6, 9, 11. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Any except Computer Repair (+10%) Espionage: Any (+15%) Mechanical: Any (+5%) Medical: Any (+10%) Military: Any Physical: Any except Boxing, and Body Building Pilot: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any but Cyberjacking and Computer Hacking Science: Any (+30%) Technical: Any but Artificial Intelligence and Computer Programming (+10%) Wilderness: Any (+5%) WP: Any Secondary Skills: 6 skills from the previous list with no bonuses. Standard Equipment: Dagger (2d6 SDC), poison dart launcher (Usually under sleeve, but can be other places), five poison darts (The poison kills instantly, most Mentats use a Tleixaxu poison that stops motor skills with slightest contact), set of civilian clothes, set of traveling clothes, stillsuit (See my page for that) Money: 5d6x1000 credits Cybernetics: None, and will never consider them. Cybernetics are looked upon as sacrilegious in this Universe. ****************************************** Visit Shihad's Tree at Visit the Dune Dimension Book at

Merchant OCC
By: FlashFire,

"And I can get you that Laser Pulse Rifle for only $129.95!" A lot of buying and selling in the world of Rifts is actually done as bartering between the two people in question, rather then going down to the General Store and paying credits for what you need. This works great for cattle, furs, and used gear. But for some things, manufactered items are the only way to go. And for those, you'll have to go see a Merchant. The Merchants of Rifts are nowhere near as widespread as they were if Pre-Rifts times. With bartering being the popular method of "purchasing" goods, the need for a middle-man has died down somewhat. For things like new weapons, vehicles, manufactured clothing and armor, as well as that hard-to-get Triax or Naruni brand equipment, Merchants are the people who'll sell them to you. Some are regular dealers who are up-front and over-the-counter, guys who'll sell you all of the nice, useful toys that sit on the shelves. Others will be slightly more roguish in their dealings, hunting down contraband and illegal equipment to sell in places where the laws aren't quite as strict (or at least where the law can be bribed to look the other way.) Still others are travelling Merchants, people who load their wares into the back of their truck/wagon and move from town to town, selling much needed supplies to the rubes... er... townsfolk. As always in Rifts, these guys have gotten a little more rough-and-tumble than their Pre-Rifts counterparts, mostly because - 373 -

shoplifting has been replaced with looting, pillaging, and armed robbery. As such, they need to be able to defend themselves and their product, but without making it a major part of their lives. ATTRIBUTE REQUIREMENTS: MA 12 or better OCC SKILLS: Language: Native - 98% Langauge: Choose two (+20%) Math Basic (+20%) Haggling (NEW) (+25%) Streetwise (+10%) Find Contraband (+10%) Detect Concealment (+5%) Pilot: Choose one (+5%) Lore: Choose one (+15%) Radio: Basic (+15%) WP: Choose one HTH combat can be selected as an OCC Related or Secondary skill. Basic counts as one skill and Martial Arts as three. Expert, Assassin and Commando are not available. OCC RELATED SKILLS: Select seven other skills. Gets 2 new skills every odd level. Communications: Radio: Scramblers only (+10%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Wilderness Survival only (+10%) Mechanical: Basic only Medical: First Aid only Military: Recognize Weapon Quality only (+5%) Physical: Any, but Acrobatics, Gymnastics, and Wrestling Pilot: Any, except "military" vehicles Pilot Related: Any except Weapons Systems Rogue: Any Science: Math only (+20%) Technical: Any W.P.: Any Wilderness: None SECONDARY SKILLS: Select six from the previous list. No bonuses. STANDARD EQUIPMENT: Starts with a small shop or wagon, filled with various typical items (survival gear, food, soap, whatever). For those munchkins out there, yes its possible that the character is a weapons merchant and could carry a various selection of firepower. Ask the GM about whats available, but big ticket items; like grenade launchers, automatic defense systems, PA, ect...; won't be in there. Other equipment will include an gas mask and air filter, tinted goggles or sunglasses, hatchet, survival knife, 6 wooden stakes plus mallet, walkie-talkie radio, 100' of nylon cord or rope, flashlight, tent, sleeping bag and pillow knapsack, backpack, 1D4 sacks, utility belt, two canteens, emergency food rations (two weeks worth), Geiger Counter, RMK Medical kit, and personal items. Weapons start out with one energy weapon and one ancient weapon, plus 1D4 E-clips. Armor can be anything, but Merchants tend to be practical and probably won't choose anything that will slow them down too much. Vehicle can be of any non-military type, excluding PA and Robots. MONEY: Starts with 1D6x2000 in credit and the same in Black Market Items. CYBERNETICS: Start with none, but aren't opposed to cybernetics in general. NEW SKILLS: Haggling This is the practiced art of getting what you want for less cost then the seller/buyer wants it for. Allows the character to estimate value, argue effectively, and generally rip off whoever their dealing with. Successful rolls garner a 5-30% (5D6) discount on whatever their buying. Base Percentage - 40% + 4% per level EXPERIENCE TABLE: Use the Rogue Scholar XP Table. GM/PLAYING NOTES: This OCC may be kind of tough to adventure with since they'll be stuck at their shop most of the time. There are effective ways to relieve this problem, such as taking the shop on the road, selling the place, or have a rampaging horde of Juicers burn the place to the ground.

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Merchant/Courier OCC
By: Ok, here's another excerpt from my upcoming Florence netbook. I wan to get some of you guys thoughts on this before I put it up on my page.

Merchant/Courier O.C.C.
The other big income in Florence besides its art is its trade. Not just its own trade, but many countries hire Florentine merchants to get through rough lands, particularly the Gargoyle and Brodkil Empires. The average Merchant is a rough adventurer type, hardened by countless runs through harsh territories. They are always looking for a way to make a credit, and have a head for leadership, and know how to stay cool in the presence of royalty and high ranking people, whom they often have to deal with. Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10, M.E. 12, M.A. 10, and P.E. 10 or above. A high P.S. and P.P. are recomended but not required. O.C.C. Skills: Language: Euro (98%) Language: Three of choice (often Dragonese, Greek, Gypsy, or Wolfen) (+20%) Literacy: Euro and one of choice (+20%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Computer Operation (+15%) Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%) Streetwise (+15%) Math: Basic (+20%) Pilot Hover Vehicles (+15%) Cooking (+10%) Climbing (+10%) General Athletics Land Navigation (+20%) Hunting Track Animals (+10% Wilderness Survival (+15%) W.P. Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Basic Hand to Hand: Basic can be changed to Hand to Hand: Expert at the cost of one "other" skill, or to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (or Assassin, if an evil alignment) at the cost of two "other" skills. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select six other skills. Plus select one additional skill at levels three, seven, nine, and twelve. Communications: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any (+15%) Electrical: Basic electronics only Espionage: Any (+5%), except forgery and pick locks Mechanical: Basic and automotive only (+5% on auto) Medical: First aid (+10%) or Holistic Medicine (+15%) only Military: Demolitions, Demolitions Disposal, Camouflage, Fortification, Trap/Mine Detection only (+5%) Physical: Any, excluding acrobatics (+10% where applicable) Pilot: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Any (+3%) Science: Advanced Math, botany, and anthropology only (+5%) Technical: Any (+10%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+10%) The character also gets to select three secondary skill from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: Set of wilderness clothes; this can be anything from camouflage fatigues to buckskin. Set of city clothes, set of nobleman's clothes (usually capes or cloaks, with fine silks beneath), extra pair of boots, a set of light or medium body armor, hat or helmet, sunglasses, air filter, first aid kit, knapsack, back pack, utility/ammo belt, a couple of sacks, several short pieces of cord for tying things, 100 feet of lightweight rope, 6 iron spikes, 6 wooden spikes, a hammer and mallet, hatchet, utility knife, animal skinning knife, fishing line and hooks, animal snares, six flares, infared binocualrs with digital distancing readout, passive nightvision goggles, telescopic sight for a gun, canteen, small oil lamp, hand held computer (keeps most of their records on these), a good, sturdy energy rifle (usually laser), additional energy weapon of choice, 4 E-clips, two S.D.C. weapons of choice, and a good traveling vehicle - 375 -

(couriers who deliver messages and diplomatic communique, or small objects prefer to use hover cycles, small hovercraft, and robot horses. Merchants who trade big items like to use larger vehicles, with plent of cargo room. Some might even have caravans (not to start, player will have to earn that).). Money: The life of a merchant or a courier may be difficult, but it is prosperous. Starts with 3D6x10,000 credits, plus 5D6x10,000 credits of tradeable goods. Cybernetics and Bionics: None to start. May be purchased later, or be given as a reward. Check out my webpage at The Rifts Mediterranean Netbook is now operational with the first four nations. Also, the first four chapters of my fanfic are up. And sign my guestbook, you swine.

The Mesmerizer
By: Jeremy Puckett

Mesmerizer PCC
In the mid-1800s a new pseudo-science was developed by a German by the name of Mesmer. Mesmer was convinced that he had found a way to artificially induce a trance-state similar to that used by Far Eastern gurus to accomplish incredible feats of mental and physical prowess. He demonstrated his technique many times for the wealthy and affluent, who were astounded by this incredible power he seemed to possess. Real scientists debunked Mesmer at every turn, calling him a fraud out to connive money from his unwitting (and very rich) victims. Mesmer's technique, called "mesmerism" in his honor, was never sufficiently proven to be an effective method for anything, but that did not stop its spread throughout the relatively new psychological community created by Dr. Sigmund Freud. Freud renamed this technique "hypnosis," after the legendary Hypnos, to remove the stigma that the name mesmerism carried. He and his colleagues refined hypnosis into a (more or less) reliable method for discovering psychological trauma, regressing subjects' memories, and any number of other similar effects, but never came close to the astounding feats accomplished by Mesmer. While hypnosis spread into popular culture and became a widely accepted facet of psychology and psychiatry, what few knew was that Mesmer's original art had not died with him. A number of Mesmer's students had kept mesmerism alive and well even as the remainder of humanity believed it dead. Their refining of mesmerism and continual practice in its use made them masters of manipulation and mind-altering. Surprisingly, most of them stayed true to Mesmer's beliefs that his art should be used to help humanity. Subtly, these mesmeric disciples implanted ideas and commands into the minds of powerful and wealthy men to begin the process of ending the world's problems. In the decades before Dark Day the "mesmerizers" had great success in reducing the problem of war and increasing global awareness. It is said that the entire "hippie" movement of the Sixties was an attempt by an overly zealous mesmerizer to promote peace and love. It is also believed that the mesmerizers were behind tycoon Ted Turner's donation of one billion dollars to the United Nations. Then came Dark Day, and everything they had done crumbled like so many toy building blocks. With the replacement of most of the powerful world leaders by supernatural beings, the mesmerizers found that their subtle campaign of world change was no longer a viable option. All of the mesmerizers in the field were called back to Vienna for a symposium on the proper course of action. It was finally decided that the mesmerizers would become, in essence, a spy network, following the minions of the Nightlords and thwarting them when they could and reporting them to the other factions when they could not. About half of the mesmerizers were assigned to other factions as "moles" and informants. Their incredible abilities to fool others made this transference seamless. The few beings that suspected either had their minds altered or were inducted into the Order of Mesmer. Only as a last resort were assassinations considered to silence those "in the know," and only against the evil or corrupt. It is important to note for any Mesmerizer player characters that all of them (except for the occasional evil rogue) are members of the Order of Mesmer. They are expected to make monthly reports on their allies and whatever organization they belong to. Evil (Miscreant and Diabolic) Mesmerizers are killed by the Order whenever encountered and may be the focus for a player Mesmerizer and his group. Mesmerizers were designed for Nightbane, but are compatible with any of Palladium's other games with little or no difficulty. Mesmerizer PCC Alignment: Any, but Miscreant and Diabolic characters are hunted rogues, despised by the Order of Mesmer. Attribute Requirements: ME 14; MA 12 Special Abilities and Bonuses: 1. Altered Aura: Mesmerizers are so adept at affecting others' minds that they project a permanent field around themselves that obscures their aura. This field is virtually identical to the psionic power Alter Aura, but is always on (even when the Mesmerizer is - 376 -

asleep) and requires only a thought to change. It is so precise that any other being, even specific ones, may be imitated. This is especially useful when infiltrating a group composed of supernatural beings. The Nightbane Talent See Truth can pierce this veil, as can the psionic abilities Mind Bond and Block Breaker, but saving throws are still applicable. If the Mesmerizer fails, he instantly knows about the piercing and who has accomplished it; he is also allowed an initiative roll to get up a mind block or alter his aura again before the piercer learns the truth. Only if the piercer wins initiative is the truth revealed. 2. Powers of Illusion: The Mesmerizer can effectively create a full sensory illusion similar to the Psychic Mirage power (Between the Shadows). This illusion can be free-moving (as described in the book) or it can be a personal or immobile illusions. Free moving illusions act precisely as described in Between the Shadows, but have only half the regular ISP cost. Immobile illusions are illusions that do not move, attack, or have any other offensive application. Examples would include an illusionary potted plant (looks, feels, and smells real but doesn't actually do anything), an illusionary book (has the weight and feel of a book, but is filled with gibberish unless Total Recall is used to remember an entire book), an illusionary lamp (provides illusionary light), or any number of other similar things. Such illusions only cost 5 ISP to create and have a duration of ten minutes per level of experience. Personal illusions are useful as disguises and impromptu weapons. Simple illusions (changing hair or eye color, skin tone, etc.) cost 5 ISP and last one hour per level of experience. Mid-level illusions (wings that don't work, becoming an entirely different species, etc.) cost 15 ISP and last for twenty minutes per level of experience. Complex illusions (Nightbane stigmata, hideous or alien appearances, copying another person, etc.) cost 30 ISP and last a mere five minutes per level. At the "complex" level, fangs, claws, and other natural weapons may be grown. These do apparent normal damage (ie: claws that seem to do 2d6 SDC) but the damage is all in the target's mind. (See Between the Shadows for a discussion on illusionary damage). Illusionary weapons are an interesting case. They cannot do lasting damage to anyone and simply pass through inanimate objects, but can seem to do damage to anything with enough brains to be affected by illusions (IQ 3 or higher). Thus, an illusionary Darkmetal spear would seem to do grotesque amounts of damage to a Hound, but in reality the Hound would simply collapse at zero "illusionary hit points." Remember though that anyone that has sufficient cause to disbelieve the existence of a weapon that appears out of thin air is allowed a saving throw. A simple weapon (knife, sword, club, etc.) can be simulated with 5 ISP for one minute per level. Such a weapon does its regular damage to illusionary hit points and SDC. Complex weapons (guns, Darkmetal melee weapons, grenades, etc.) cost twice the ISP and last half as long. 3. Charisma and Trust: Mesmerizers are very likable and always seem trustworthy to others. This is reflected by a high Mental Affinity attribute (minimum 16 after bonuses). While they cannot Intimidate, add +2% to their Trust percentage at every even level. 4. Psionics: Mesmerizers are master psionics. They have the following powers at first level: Death trance; empathy; meditation; mind block; see aura; presence sense; speed reading; total recall; alter aura; bio-manipulation; mind wipe; block breaker; induce sleep; suggestion. At each third level, select an additional psionic power from either Sensitive or Physical. At levels five, ten, and fifteen, choose a psionic power from the following list: Mind bond; possession; deaden pain; exorcism; super-hypnotic suggestion; increase healing. 5. ISP: The Mesmerizer has ISP equal to the ME attribute plus 1d4x10, plus 2d6 at each new level of experience. 6. PCC Bonuses: Mesmerizers are completely impervious to mind control and possession! Add 2d4 to MA and 1d4 to ME; +3 to perception; +5 vs horror factor. PCC Skills: Language/Literacy: Native and German (98%) Basic Math (98%) Language/Literacy: two of choice (+10%) Detect Ambush (+5%) Detect Concealment (+10%) Disguise (+15%) Forgery (+5%) Pilot: two of choice (+10%) Prowl (+15%) Research (+5%) Lore: two of choice (+5%) Two Domestic or Technical skills of choice (+5%) WP: one of choice Hand to Hand: Basic may be chosen in place of one "other" skill or Expert (or Assassin if evil) for two PCC Related Skills: Select six other skills from the following list. Gain one more at levels 4, 8, 10, 12, and 14. Communications: Any Domestic: Any (+5%) Electrical: Basic Electronics only Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanical: Basic Mechanics only Medical: First Aid (+5%) and Paramedic only (the latter counts as two skill selections) Military: Strategy/Tactics only Physical: Any except Acrobatics, SCUBA, and Wrestling - 377 -

Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+10%) Science: Any Technical: Any (+5%) WP: Any Wilderness: Land Navigation and Identify Plants and Fruits only Secondary Skills: Choose four secondary skills from the above list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not receive the bonuses in parentheses. Equipment: A wardrobe of clothes, disguises, and costumes; several makeup kits; a small house or apartment; car. truck, or van (1d6 years old); any other minor equipment the GM is willing to allow. Weapons will be limited to civilian devices unless the character is a member of one of the more militant factions. They prefer not to fight anyway, relying on their powers to get them out of difficult situations. Money: 3d4x100 dollars in cash and 2d4x1000 dollars in a secured account. The character can also receive resources from the Order if they deem it necessary. XP: Use the Nightbane experience table The Order of Mesmer This organization is described above and little more needs to be said, except that their resources are near-limitless and they will do nearly anything to stay hidden. The main complex is in Vienna (hidden in plain sight), but the Order has chapterhouses in most of Europe and North America's major cities. They also have an operation similar to Spook Squad's Beachhead (a covert team hidden in the Nightlands) currently underway. The Order isn't in the least put out by the existence of supernatural beings. Mesmer had always believed in ghosts and monsters, and his development of mesmerism proved that there was more out there than meets the eye. In general, Mesmerizers (and the Order itself) treat non-humans and humans the same way. Relations with Other Factions The Resistance: The Order finds their enthusiasm a touch overwhelming. They've got the right idea though--the Nightlords must be destroyed. The Resistance, for their part, has no idea that they have secret helpers (and a number of spies) in their ranks. The Underground Railroad: Trading one extreme for the other. The Order can understand their wish to remain hidden, but cannot understand why they are willing to just hand the Earth over to the Nightlords. The Railroad doen't know anything abou them. The Nocturnes: Mesmerizers dislike vampires almost as much as the Nightlords. The Nocturnes, however, have proven their devotion to good over and over again. The Order has several spies in their ranks and are willing to trust them--for now. The Seekers: To their eternal consternation, the Order cannot seem to keep the Seekers from knowing about them. Much information about the Mesmerizers, their methods, and location of their chapterhouses has fallen to the Seekers, and the Order can't get any spies past the sorcerers long enough to recover it. In the meantime, the two groups have a nervous knowledge of each other but no real contact. The Warlords: Despicable examples of how power corrupts. The Order combats these punk Nightbane whenever the oppotunity presents itself. Spook Squad: As in so many other matters, the Squad doesn't have a clue. The Lightbringers: While the Guardians have no knowledge of the Order of Mesmer, their very existence disturbs the Order. Something about them... Order of Morpheus, Club Freak, Dream Riders, the Gray Ghost Society: Knowledge, but no contact.

Metalmorph R.C.C.
The metalmorph is perhaps one of the most unique of shape changers, because it can change its body in to any kind of metal! This has made them invaluable in the Vampire riddled mexico, seeing that they can change into pure (89%) silver! Alignments: Any Attributes: IQ: 2d6x2, ME: 3d6, MA: 5d6+5, PS: 3d6, PP: 4d6, PE: 3d6+6, PB: 2d8, Spd: 3d4 Hit Points: PEx3+6 S.D.C.: 6d6+12 Horror Factor: 0; 12 in metal form Natural Abilities: - 378 -

Metamorphosis - Metal The Metalmorph can alter its molecular structure into metal. This includes MDC alloys. When in metal form they have these stats: Iron 90 MDC, PS 28, PE 29 Steel 120 MDC, PS 28, PE 35 Gold 40 MDC, PS 15, PE 25 Silver 150 MDC, PS 25, PE 25 Titanium 300 MDC, 35 PS, PE 45 MDC alloys 350-700 MDC, PS 25, PE 35 The metalmorph doesn't have to eat, sleep or breathe in this form and cannot be changed into a vampire or affected by magical attacks (+15 to save). Stats in this form are considered supernatural. Duration: 2 hours per level Magic: Mend metal,wall of iron,all 1st lvl spells P.P.E.: 4d6x10+6 Psionics: Bio-regenerate,Telepathy,Mind block,PPE shield I.S.P.: 4d6 O.C.C.s Available: Headhunter, mystic, line walker, Techno wizard, gypsy thief, wilderness scout. RCC Skills: Communications none Domestic any +10% Electrical none Espionage any +15% Mecahanical any +5% Medical: holistic, herbology, first aid only +20% Military none Physical any +5% Pilot any Pilot related none Rouge any +15% Science Biology +5% Techinical any +15% WP any( 2 ancient 2 modern) Wilderness any +20% Note: Usually knows 2 languages at 98% and is literate in one at 98% Average Life Span: 90 years Appearance: Looks human, average 5'5 to 7'0 Looks built, average 6'6 to 9'5 Cybernetics: None! Cannot have any kind of enhancements Allies: Likes Darters, Spikers, Meknoids, all cyber people, Turtextons, humans,elves, atlanteans and kittani. Enemies: Vampires, Splugorth, Zllyphan, gargoyles, Xititcks,The host. Most of the Metalmorphs (45%) live in Mexico,(25%) are in the NGR(10%) are in the CS(10%) are in Africa (5%) are in England and 5% are on Wormwood.

The Metroid
By: Crow T. Robot Metroids are a strange race of predatory supernatural beings. Their appearance is that of a large Jellyfish. They seem to move by some - 379 -

sort of levitations and can hover 1-10 feet off the ground. They have a relatively high animal intelligence but most are driven by an urge to hunt, the splugorth often use them for shock troops as if their eggs are found and they are domesticated they can be trained to be extremely vicious. (There have been a few cases of metroids seeing a human and thinking it is its mother, and in this case they could be trained to be a pet so to speak). Metroids seem to display a small variety of psionic powers which have not been fully documented. It is not known how they track their prey but they seem to see, smell, and hear through an unknown means (There is no apparent eyes, nose, mouths, or anything on the outside of the metroid) Attributes: IQ: 1d6+2 (Considered High Animal), ME: 4d6, MA: N/A, PS: 30 (Supernatural), PP: 3d6, PE: 4d6, PB: 1d6, Spd: 1d6x10 (Hovers) M.D.C.: 2d6x10+20 I.S.P.: 1d6x10 Psionic:: Sixth Sense, Resist Pain, TK Force Field, Pyrokinesis (Equal to 3rd Level) Natural Abilities: Bio-Regenerate 1d4x10 MDC an hour, See the Invisible, Hover 1-10 feet off the ground Combat: The metroid is, in fact, an energy vampire. It has the ability to absorb energy from any source, be it biological, mechanical, or otherwise. If they manage to attach themselves to something (Be it a person, vehicle, body armor, etc.), it will begin to drain the power from it. Depending on the size of the vehicle it could take anyway between 30 seconds (For body armor sized things, or humans) to 6 or 7 minutes (For big robots). Unfortunately, however they almost always travel in packs.. Only a creature with a Supernatural or Robotic PS of 24 or higher have a chance to break this hold of death (30% + 5 per each point above 24 to a maximum of 90%) In game terms, if it attaches to an unarmored person it will kill him in 1d4 melees. Attaching to body armor will power down the batteries in the body armor. Once the power is gone (1d4 melees for normal, non powered armor), it will use its little feelers to boar through the armor and get the juicy morsel inside. (1d4x10 MDC Damage per round!) Once it breeches the armor it begins to absorb the human characters life force. Power armor is a favorite among these guys as it offers a great amount of power. It takes them 3d6+2 melees to drain most power armor completely, and then it uses its pincers to get the prey inside (each melee after the 4th start reducing energy weapon effectiveness and range by 10%). Robots take 5d6+6 melees to drain power from, use the same rules from power armor. It will attempt to boar through the armor and if the robot vehicle is large enough it may be able to enter. Weaknesses/Immunity: The metroid takes only 1/4 damage from magical fire, and no damage from normal plasma/fire. It has on the other hand a weakness to cold climates and ice. Cold based attacks will freeze the metroid, reducing speed by half and if MDC causing double damage. The metroid is also 100% immune to all forms of energy, e-weapons not only don't effect it, they are mearly feeding the thing (It would take a LOT to make it not attack a human though, they don't wanna be feed they wanna hunt). Plasma and Heat missiles do 1/4 damage (Impact damage only).

The Mexican Vampire Hunter

By: MsgtKhaine

The Mexican Vampire Hunter

One of the more recent proffesions to appear in northern mexico, is the vampire hunter. Thee individuals are often trained from a young age to hunt and slay vampires. Often these men and women have had friends or family killed by vampires. The Vampire Hunter is very much like the Atlantean Undead Slayer, they often hold many of the same ideals. The Mexican Vampire hunters live for a day when Their homeland is free of their vampiric horde. That is not to say that all vampire hunters are good people, many enjoy killing and slay vampires for the respect and power it gets them. Many villages in mexico consider the Vampire Hunters to be heroes nd saviors. They are often considered akin to the cyber-knights, whom many vampire hunters share both work and ideals with. Special OCC abilities Vampire Lore- Knows how to kill vampires and ways to ward vampires off, can tell if a person is under vampiric mind control (30% base +5% per level), Can tell if a person is suffering from a vampires slow bite (50%+5% per level) Recognize Vampires by visual identification/appearence (10% per level) OCC Requirements: M.E. of 12 or higher, P.E. and P.S. should be high as well although its not a requirement. OCC Bonuses: +4 to save vs Horror Factor, +2 to save vs Magic of all kinds. Also add 1D4 to M.A. M.E. P.E. and Spd. Add 3d6 SDC OCC Skills Speaks Spanish and American at 98% Tracking (+15%) Wilderness Survival (+15%) - 380 -

Lore: Demons and Monsters (+25%) Prowl (+10%) Hunting General Athletics Climbing Land Navigation (+15%) Streetwise (+10%) Either Horsmanship, Pilot Motorcycle, or Pilot hover vehicles (+20%) W.P. Knife W.P. Archery and Targeting W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to assasin at the cost of 1 "other" skill or martial arts at the cost of 2 "other" skills OCC related skills: select 6 other skills, plus 3 at levels 3 and 6, select 2 at levels 9 and 12. All new skills start at first level profiency Communications: any Domestic: any (+10%) Electrical: Basic Electronics only Espionage: any (+10%) except forgery Mechanical: Basic or Automotive only Medical: First aid (+15%) or Holistic medicen (+10%) only Military: None Physical: any (+15% where applicable) Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rouge: any Science: Basic math and Biology only Technical: any (+15% to languages and +20% to lores only) W.P.: any Wilderness: any (+10%) Secondary Skills Select 6 from the list above. These are additional areas of knowledge and do not receive the bonus listed in the Parenthesis above. All secondary skills start at base level and afre limited in the list above (any, only, none) Standard Equipment: 12 wooden Stakes and a malet. Crossbow with quiver of 24 bolts (wooden), Water pistol with Hip tank, 2 sliver plated knives, one large cross, and another smaller one around the neck, 1 energy pistol and 1 energy rifel with 2 e-clips for each. Begins with 2 sets of clothes, pancho, utility belt, two canteens, backpack, knapsack, three weeks of food rations, 50 feet of strong rope, and 1d6 TW storm Flares, and 1d6 TW globe of Daylight flares. Also Starts with a suit of Heavy environmental armor (usually Bushman or Deadboy types) and either a horse motorcycle or hovercycle (whichever he/she can drive) Money: Typical Vampire Hunters ave 1D4 x 1000 credits on them, with another 1d4 thousand in black market sale-able items. Most of the Hunters money goes into supplies for "hunting" trips. Cybernetics: None to start but may get them later on. Many choose only to get bionics when its nessescary (like when a vamp rips their arm off etc.) But others have no problems with bionics whatsoever.

Midrae R.C.C.
By: Miyamoto Musashi

Midrae R.C.C.
The Midrae are a race of semi-intelligent beings, not unlike humans. They appear to be almost small children, the tallest Midrae who ever lived was approximately 5'2". They also have slight features, making them look delicate. They look very peaceful, but do not be fooled. They are trained, from the age of 8, in hand to hand combat, and thus are very good at that sort of thing. The Midrae are from a dimension that is almost wholly unlike our own. The gravitational forces there are so far superior to our own, being almost 7 times greater, that they have, over a few millenia, developed a supernatural strength that allows them to run, and even to jump in this incredible amount of gravity. Unfortunately, it seems that the same force that has made them incredibley strong has also made them unbelieveably stupid. They are not very bright creatures. Ever distrustful of magic, they are under the impression that only the Gods can work magic, and it must be a god that they know, and have had exposure to. (They don't automatically think that if you can work magic, you must be a god. Actually, they would probably try to kill you.) They have a HUGE respect for technology, but, sadly, they - 381 -

have never really developed a technology of thier own. When a God went to the Midrae's dimension, he saw the potential that these small creatures had in the way of Arena battles, and took a few hundred through a rift to Earth. This God was none other than Loki, Norse god of Mischief. Loki tried to get a few of them to learn how to drive large tanks, or pilot giant combat robots, but more often than not, the Midrae would make the machine break as soon as they got into the pilot's seat. Loki then decided to train them in weapons, such as Plasma Ejectors, but if he turned around to give another Midrae help, the first one would, more often than not, turn the weapon around, and try to see when the "Pretty Lights" were coming from. Loki just gave up on them. Not one to waste energy, he simply disappeared, leaving them to fend for themselves in Rifts Earth. There were not many left from that first few Hundred, as many of them seem to have shot themselves in the eyes in target practice. Midrae have a small chance that they can be taught to fire weapons, but there is no way they will ever be able to pilot a tank, or a robot. Power armor, on the other hand, is a little different. If it is very form fitting, and they wear it like a suit of clothes, they have no problems with it. Otherwise, they cannot use it. These attribute scores are for Earth, and similar gravitations. IQ: 1D6 + 6 ME: 1D6 + 6 MA: 1d6 + 8 PS: 7D6 + 20 PP: 5D4 + 5 PE: 4D6 + 10 PB: 3D6 SPD: 5D6 + 5 MDC: 2D6 X 100 PPE: Non-existant. ISP: Now THERE'S a joke, eh? Racial characteristics: The Midrae, as we have already said, are stupid. Not frightfully dumb, but they ARE dumb. They know enough to determine Friend, Enemy, and can even make small decisions. (And are especially useful in the "Hey guys, some times a cigar is just a cigar" approach, by stating nothing but the obvious.) The Midrae have always mistrused, and not believed in magic, thus they get a +4 to save vs. magic. Because of their upbringing, all Midrae have Paired weapons. As always, it only works for ancient weapons. Midrae start out with 4 hand to hand attacks per round. Skills: All Physical skills can be chosen, but no Medical, Technical, or Espionage, Hell, most of the skills are right out. The Midrae can use ancient weapons, except cannot take WP Archery. If trying to use a gun, they get a -6 to strike. The Midrae can use Power Armor, but it is rather difficult finding power armor in their size. Because of their strength, they can take the Body Building skill twice, but only at the cost of ALL 6 of their normal secondary skills. Height: The Midrae are traditionally 4 to 5'2" Weight: Conversly, the Midrae weigh approximately 700lbs. Bonuses: (these are ALL the bonuses, If any are repeated, it is simply because I am putting everything here for easy refferance.) +4 to initiative, +4 to strike, +4 to parry. +1 to dodge, +4 to save vs. magic, and -6 when firing a gun. (As a matter of fact, 35% chance that the gun is pointed at THEM, instead of the enemy.) Experience Tables: 1 0,000 2,000 2 2,001 4,000 3 4,001 6,200 4 6,201 8,500 5 8,501 - 12,000 6 12,001 - 22,000 7 22,001 - 42,000 8 42,001 - 69,000 9 69,001 - 100,000 10 100,001 - 130,000 11 130,001 - 162,000 12 162,001 - 200,000 13 200,001 - 240,000 14 240,001 - 280,000 15 280,001 - 320,000 Special: Midrae Hand to Hand 1) +1 to initiative, 2 hand to hand attacks. Gets Automatic parry, Critical strike on natural 20. 2) +2 to stike, parry, dodge. 3) Leap attack does 1D8 plus PS damage. 4) +2 on initiative - 382 -

5) One additional attack per round. 6) Critical strike, natural 18-20, behind. 7) +3 to strike, parry, dodge. 8) Drop kick! Does 1D20 damage, plus PS. 9) +1 on initiative. 10) Gets Tsuki-No-Kokuro (From Ninja's + superspies) 11) +3 to strike, parry, dodge 12) Double Speed 13) +5 to PS 14) +3 to intiative 15) +6 to IQ.

The Midwich Children (Village of the Damned)

By: Jeremy Puckett

The Midwich Children

based on the movie "Village of the Damned" (1960 or 1995) and the novel "The Midwich Cuckoos" (by John Wyndham) In 1990, a mysterious effect struck at a number of small, isolated towns across the world. For reasons unknown, the peoples of these towns were rendered unconscious for twenty-four hours. At the end of this time they awoke, only to find that every fertile female within the city limits had become pregnant. When carried to term (and almost every pregnant woman did carry their children to term, either on their own or under coercion from their governments) it was discovered that the babies all had similar genetic structures--as though they were all twinned siblings... or clones. The largest population of these children was located in the tiny midwestern town of Midwich. As the babies grew to children, they developed at a remarkably advanced rate. By the age of five, all were masters of the written word, able to read encyclopedias at a glance and remember the contents perfectly. They had superb knowledge of the sciences, math, and virtually any other subject taught in schools. The teachers finally gave up on their young charges; most of them knew the subjects better than the teachers! They had incredible presence of mind and never seemed to be disturbed by anything; only pain could get their attention, and that only for a short time. The population of each town was evenly divided between the male children and the female, with an extra female added in; this seemed to be the childrens' leader, the one who spoke for all of them. In appearance, the children were nearly identical and seemed to strive for that "sameness" by wearing matching outfits and styling their hair the same way. Their clothing was always impeccable, prepschool uniforms and they always kept their hair short. All had pale skin tones (but not grotesquely so; closer to a healthy pink) and light eyes. Most striking, however, was their hair--which was completely white. The children paired up, one to one, a male with a female. These couples walked side by side whenever the group went anywhere, lining up behind their leader in some sort of social order. While the children seemed vastly advanced for five-year-olds, they were notably deficient in one category: none of them seemed to have any emotions. Right along with being imperturbable against intimidation tactics and unafraid of anything, they lacked a capacity to love or to be excited by anything. Their "coolness under fire" was thus actually little more than a null or dead state that they constantly existed in. And they were evil. While not strictly evil by the usual idea of that moral conception, they were most certainly malevolent. They considered themselves to be a higher species than humanity, one destined to inherit (take) the world from them. They realized right away that if the world was to have any place for them, human beings had to die; the childrens' nature made them instinctive conquerors, and it would be inevitable for them to clash with mankind. Even enslaved, humans would pose a threst to them, so humans--all humans--had to die. And they had the means to do it too. Their heightened intellectual capabilities also included vast psionic powers, far greater than any individual human. In addition, they could combine their powers, making them many times more deadly. Their psionics ranged from the simple acts of speed reading and total recall to the amazing (and horrfying) ability to completely dominate a person's mind! Whenever they used their powers (always discretely so as not to attract unwanted governmental attention), their eyes glowed with an unearthly light. The more powerful the command, or the greater the target's defenses, the brighter the glow. Relatively benign commands elicited a blue or green glow; harmful or suicidal commands, a red glow burning up the spectrum into a sizzling white. When their true nature became apparent, several attempts were made on their lives. These failed miserably when the children "sensed" the coming attack and forced the would-be assassins to take their own lives. This cowed most of the other inhabitants of their towns. The only exception was Midwich; a young doctor there (whose daughter, incidentally, was the leader of the town's children) took it upon himself to try and teach the children about human emotion and morality. When this failed, he decided that the only recourse was the childrens' destruction. But how to keep them from knowing the murder in his heart? That was the real problem. As it happened, the doctor was a latent psychic whose powers were activated by his dilemma. He managed to develop a mental shield that protected his thoughts from the children until he was ready to strike. In the meantime, the governments of the world coordinated - 383 -

air strikes against the towns dominated by the children; Midwich was last on the list for that night. A government agent warned the doctor to get out of town before the air raid hit; he ignored her warning and learned that one of the children--a boy name David--had changed somehow. Unlike the other children, he was not evil, nor was he emotionless. It became a race against time to save David and destroy his evil brothers and sisters. The doctor allowed David's mother to smuggle her son out of Midwich, and returned to the other children with a high-explosive device. They bombarded his mind, attempting to discover his plan. They finally penetrated his formmidable defenses, but it was too late. The bomb detonated and killed them all. Or so it was thought. 2005: Aftermath As he grew older, David was able to grant some enlightenment on the subjectof what the children really were. Some of the information also came into the hands of the Seekers, who were absolutely repelled by what they found. Midwich and its foreign equivalents were in truth a plot of the diabolic Nightlords! More specifically, the plan was developed and spread by the usually incompetent Lord Magog. It was, in fact, his incompetence (and the reduced power of the Nightlords before Dark Day) that caused the plan to fail so spectacularly. Instead of paying close attention to the plot and seeing it through, he abandoned the children to their own devices shortly after their creation. These beings, known commonly as Midwich Children, are the result of combining dark sorcery with an unborn child. The child is granted great power, but is stripped of its basic humanity, causing it to become cold and distant. Children are always born in pairs (not to the same mother, but somehow they always know who is whose partner) and develop fast, reaching full mental maturity at about five years of age (although their powers manifest sporadically all through their infancy). Their appearance is the result of a sick joke on the part of Lord Magog--he designed them to look like Guardians, without the uniformly blue eyes (but their "leaders" are always blue-eyed). The light that emanates from their eyes when they use their powers is another extension of that joke; Magog thought it terribly funny that he had created creatures of darkness which used light as their trademark. The secret of their creation is just that--a secret. None of the other Nightlords--including the ones that went in with Magog on the original plan--know how to create Midwich Children. Speculation ranges from the fairly reasonable assumption that they are created through the combination of a human spirit with a fragment of his essence (similar to the Create Avatar power) to the totally unfounded (and totally untrue) rumor that the Magog has a link with the Dark and is using its power to create children for it! Despite the fact that they are intrinsically emotionless, some aspect or facet of their partly human nature allows them to "learn" emotions. The most prominent of these "reformed" Children is David, the last of the original Midwich Children. He developed emotions when he realized that humans were just as valid (if not more so) a life form as his kind. This realization stemmed from his snubbing by the others of his kind after the death of his opposite number. When his kin wanted nothing to do with him, he spent more and more time with humans, developing sympathy and even love for them. David's mother smuggled him out of Midwich, and he spent years with her in learning about the human condition. David's mother died on Dark Day at the claws of a rogue Ashmedai, which David slew only a moment later. As Dark Day passed, David came out of his mourning, knowing--feeling--that his "creators" had entered the world of light once more. He took the battle to the Nightlords and their minions, battling them at every turn, and has never regretted doing so; in his mind, it is the only proper way to honor his mother's memory. David also learned in his travels that with the inception of Dark Day, Magog--ever lazy and trying to get the most out of any scheme--decided that his plan was a good one, deserving of another try. A dozen colonies of the "Midwich Children" were created on that day, all located in Magog's Earthly realm, the Midwest. With all the chaos and anarchy, few seemed surprised that entire towns had simply passed out and remained uncoscious for the duration. No one investigated for too long after the event passed--the rest of the country was too busy going to hell in a handbasket. A small number of Spook Squad members had access to the Midwich files (located under the code name of "The Cuckoo Incident"). After they discovered the new influx of Midwich Children, they made a cold-blooded calculation to kidnap several of the undeveloped infants. Figuring that such beings would be valuable tools (if trained properly) the Squad has had them raised them in relatively normal environments, instructing the adoptive parents (usually deep-cover agents) never to tell the child of his or her true heritage. Such Children are being trained for utter loyalty to the Squad and the offensive use of their powers. David has also learned of these new children. With fear in his heart, he spent time in one of their colonies. He decided that he himself was the best possible argument for keeping the children alive and has settled in that colony with the goal of teaching the children about benevolence and love. He has also made contact with two other towns of Children and visits them often. So far his lesson has been well received, and the caste/pairing system has broken down. But as the children blossom into their full power, who knows what will happen...(Note: If you wish to use David as an NPC in your campaign, here are his pertinent attributes: IQ 20, ME 23, MA 16, PS 5, PP 12, PE 9, PB 21, Spd 4; Scrupulous alignment; 3rd level Miwich Child. He appears to be a child of about eight or nine years of age, with blue eyes and blond hair. David's foster parents are members of the Seeker faction and are both 5th level Sorcerers; they know about the other colonies, but have taken no action against them yet. They genuinely care about David and his "students," and David loves them as well.) Midwich Child RCC NPC Villain and optional player character (Note: These beings are extremely powerful and inappropriate as players for some campaigns. If you as the GM decide that you don't feel comfortable allowing Midwich Children PCs, then don't.) - 384 -

Alignment: Any except Principled and Anarchist, but almost all are Diabolic. Their detached nature means that the best alignment any Midwich Child can hope to achieve is Scrupulous. Their minds are too ordered and rational to become Anarchist. Attributes: IQ 16+1d6; ME 18+2d4; MA 2d6; PS 2d4+2; PP 3d6; PE 3d6; PB 16+2d4; Spd 2d6. The small variation in attributes lends credence to the idea that all Children are cloned from a common source. Hit Points: Standard; PE +1d6 per level SDC: By physical skill bonuses only Magic: None PPE: Most PPE has been expended in the development of psychic powers; 1d6 remains Psionics: Midwich Children are master psionics. Indeed, psionics are the way they do almost everything, from communicating with their own kind to destroying those that oppose them! Powers are detailed below. ISP: see below OCCs: Midwich Children RCC only Horror Factor: Midwich Children are attractive, human-seeming children, but their cold demeanor and unnaturally white hair give them a horror factor of 9. If they use their powers in the presence of others and their glowing eyes are witnessed, this becomes 14. Height: 36+3d6 inches (child height) Weight: 55-100 lbs. Description: Midwich Children are slim, white-haired children with a cool, almost cold detachment. They are completely logical, seeing everything as actions and consequences with no moral repercussions. Considering themselves "higher" life forms, they look down on humans as little better than animals. Since humans are currently the dominant species on Earth, they must be destroyed to pave the way for the new species to take their place. It is the natural order of things. (None of the Midwich Children, with the exception of David and his young charges, are aware that they are actually tools and pawns of the Nightlords. Their desire for genocide does not extend to supernatural beings, considering them equals. Unfortunately for the Nightlords, because of Magog's sloppiness, this acceptance includes Nightbane and vampires!)"Reformed" or emotional Midwich Children are vastly different in terms of outlook and philosophy. Most of them (including David) see humans as the "parent species," a group that was treated badly by evolution and must be helped and guided wherever possible. David has instructed them to dye their hair and avoid using their powers unless necessary, so as better to fit in with the people around them and develop sympathy for them. Most receive the message well and do so, but an unfortunate tendency has been noticed by David: one out of every ten or fifteen Children not only accepts emotion, they go overboard and allow their emotions to control them. David is trying to give lessons in control, but without tampering with their minds (and he has completely foresworn this activity) it is slow going--some of them are more dangerous than their emotionless cousins! Enemies: Midwich Children destroy all that oppose them. Allies: Each other, and no one else. They may consider other supernaturals to be equals, bot will be competitive and brusque with them and never fully trust them. Average Life Span: Unknown. The oldest Midwich Child in existence, David, is only fifteen, but he still appears to be about eight or nine. This could be due to some hormonal deficiency, or it could be a sign that Midwich Children age more slowly than humans. If the latter is true, then Midwich Children have life spans that could theoretically extend as long as three or four centuries. All Midwich Children besides David are now approaching their fifth birthday (traditionally the time when they take over their towns). Habitat: Midwich Children live in various small towns scattered across the Midwest (Lord Magog's domain). Natural Abilities: Midwich Children are very weak as far as physical skills and supernatural abilities go. Their one strength lays within the realm of the mind--psionics. Midwich Children are master psionics with the following powers: Presence sense; see the invisible; sense magic; speed reading; telepathy; total recall; alter aura; nightvision; summon inner strength (triple normal cost); bio-manipulation; hypnotic suggestion; super-hypnotic suggestion (as per the vampire power); mind block auto-defense; mind bond; mind wipe; block breaker; gestalt circle; mentally possess others (possession). At levels five, ten, and fifteen, choose two more powers from any of the three lesser categories. Their ISP is equal to the ME attribute times ten, plus 5d6 per additional level of experience! Midwich Children can telepathically communicate with each other at no cost, but only with members of their birth group (ie: each individual town). This communication has a range of one hundred miles! Members of the same birth group can also mind bond at will when touching. This is used by normal Midwich Children to re-enforce the "hive-mind" and caste system, but David discourages its use by his young charges and prefers for them to develop their own distinct personalities. Normal (emotionless) Midwich Children are impervious to empathy and empathic transmission. This is not a standard immunity, but results from the fact that normal Midwich Children really are emotionless, so there is nothing to read or influence. Their newfound emotions lend "reformed" Midwich Children an increased spiritual strength and mental reserve. In addition to the RCC Bonuses listed below, the Children are +3 vs. all mental attacks, +5% vs. coma/death, and +1d6 MA. RCC Bonuses: +1 vs. mental attack and psionics (but no ME bonuses); +10 vs. mind control; +4 vs. horror factor; +2 vs. poison/toxin. RCC Skills: Language/Literacy: English (98%) Basic Math (98%) Advanced Math (+25%) - 385 -

Basic Electronics First Aid Concealment Computer Operation (+10%) Computer Programming (+5%) Computer Hacking Astronomy (+5%) Biology (+15%) Botany (+5%) Chemistry (+15%) Chemistry: Analytical (+5%) Hand to Hand: Basic may be taken in place of three "other" skills. No other hand to hand skill may be chosen. RCC Related Skills: Select ten other skills from the following list. Plus select two additional skills at levels three, six, nine, twelve, and fifteen. Communications: None Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Any except Interrogation Techniques, Sniper, Tracking, and Wilderness Survival Mechanical: Any except Aircraft Mechanics and Weapons Engineer Medical: Paramedic only Military: Strategy/Tactics only Physical: Athletics, Climbing, Gymnastics, Prowl, Running, and Swimming only (+5% where applicable) Pilot: Automobile only (-15%) Pilot Related: Any except Weapon Systems (+5%) Rogue: Any except Streetwise (+5%) Science: Any (+10%) Tehnical: Any (+10%) WP: Knife, Revolver, and Automatic Pistol only Wilderness: None Secondary Skills: Choose five secondary skills from the above list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not receive the bonuses in parentheses (penalties still apply). Equipment: Midwich Children could get just about anything they wanted through their manipulative powers. The "reformed" Midwich Children try to pretend that they are normal children with normal needs and gladly accept what their "parents" give them. Normal Midwich Children care little for possessions, except for computers which intellectually fascinate them ("It can think as fast as us and it has no emotions? There are possibilities here..."). Some are even contemplating the creation of an artificial intelligence to aid and protect them (they are still terribly vulnerable to physical dangers). Money: As equipment. Normal Children tend to keep a communal stash of 1d4x10,000 dollars for emergencies. Most "reformed" Children have trust funds or banking accounts of 1d4x100 dollars, collected and saved from birthdays and Christmas. XP: Use the Night Prince experience table

Mind-Crusher R.C.C.
By: Jonathan Willis Related to Mind-Melters and Mind-Bleeders, the Mind-Crusher is a pychic mutation that can occur in virtually any non-magical humanoid, although it is most common in humans. In essense the Mind-Crusher appears to be a pychic predator, attacking and killing with the power of its mind alone. It has a variety of unique powers that other pychics do not possess, as well as some 'standard' psionics. Psychic Powers: Select any 4 Mind-Crusher powers from below, as well as 2 each from Healing, Sensitive and Physical, and 1 Super power. At every level they gain 1 additional power from healing, sensitive or physical. At every 3rd level they gain an additionl Mind-Crusher power. At every 5th level they gain an additional Super power. I.S.P.: M.E. x 2 + 4d6. Add 2d6 per level of experience. Attributes: M.E. 12 or higher. A high P.S. and I.Q. are helpful but not required. - 386 -

Alignment: Any, but typically Anarchist. Skills: Select any 6 skills from Domestic, Physical, Weapon Pro's and Wilderness. Standard Equipment: Suit of light body armour, energy rifle of choice, two melee weapons of choice, several sets of clothing, sleeping bag, compass, back pack, sunglasses or tinted goggles, air filter or gas mask, food rations for a week and personal items.

Mind-Crusher Powers
Mind Ram Range: Touch Duration: 1d6 melees I.S.P.: 10 Saving Throw: Standard, with a -4 penalty A simple attempt to break down a Mind-Block. An opponent must be touched, but if this is successful they then must roll a saving throw ( -4, so a 14 or higher for master pychics ) and if this is failed the Mind-Block is then considered down for 1d6 melees. The Mind-Crusher will know if his/her attack worked but others will not unless they use psionic powers. Mental Crush Range: Touch Duration: 1d6 hours I.S.P.: 25 Saving Throw: Standard A powerful and useful power, the Mental Crush reduces the victim to a vegatable-like state. They will stand-still and cry if attacked, and can use no skills. Dodge is possible, but with a -5 penalty. Juicers, Crazies, Cyber-Knights and Mutants get a +4 bonus to their save, and Borgs, Robots and supernatural creatures are immune. Nega-Static Range: 50 feet Duration: 1 melee I.S.P.: 10 per melee Saving Throw: Standard The psychic creates an area of static. No psychic powers with a range will work; a Psychic must touch a subject to use the power and even then a save must be made or the power will not work. If a Psychic attempts to use a power and fails he/she still loses half the base I.S.P. cost. Mind-Block Auto-Defense, and any other powers that affect only the person using them are not effected. Mind-Barrier Range: 10 feet long wall Duration: 1d6 melees I.S.P.: 10 Saving Throw: None The psychic creates a wall of psychic interference. No psionic power can cross the barrier, however it is easily detectable to all psychics. Magical detection can cross the barrier, but the range is halved and any tracking ability is -20%. Mind-Fire Range: 30 feet Duration: 2 Melees I.S.P.: 8 Saving Throw: Standard A victim of this power feels incredible agony and pain, but only in his mind, their is no physical damage. Reduce attacks per melee by half, and is -5 to strike, parry and dodge. Spellcasting, psionics and skills use are impossible. Phobia-Enhancement Range: 60 feet Duration: 2d6 days I.S.P.: 12 Saving Throw: Standard - 387 -

This power enhances any one mental trait of the victim. A typical use is on a phobia, but it can also enhance any mental trait such as greed, vanity, overconfidence, lecherousness, bad tempers, bloodlust, laziness, an addiction, a desire, or a hatred. The victim must make a psionic save every time he wishes to ignore this affliction. GM judgement, but make this attribute a problem. This power only magnifies existing mental traits, psychics choice of which one. Phobia-Creation Range: 20 feet Duration: Permanent until removed I.S.P.: 45 Saving Throw: Standard with -6 penalty As above however this power is permanent, and does not require the victim to have the trait initially. The psychic can instill any mental trait he wants the victim to have. A successful use of Psychic Surgery and Psychic Diagnosis will remove the Phobia. Mind-Cracker Range: 60 feet Duration: Instantanious I.S.P.: 8 Saving Throw: Standard This power removes a Mind-Block but only for a split second. The psychic may make 1 psionic attack on the victim before the MindBlock is restored. Other psychics may not try unless they are aware beforehand of the Mind-Crushers attempt and can see both the victim and the MindCrusher. This power can also work on Mind-Block Auto-Defense, however the I.S.P. cost is doubled (to 16). Soul Destroyer Range: Touch Duration: Permanent I.S.P.: 50, plus the Mind-Crusher loses 2 points off I.Q. and 1 off M.E. permanently! Saving Throw: Standard Probably the most evil of the Mind-Crushers powers, the Soul Destroyer is considered the depths of depravity by most honest psychics. A victim literally has his/her soul destroyed. Reduced P.P.E. to 1d6, and the victim loses any psionic or magical abilities he/she had. Also reduce I.Q. to 2d6, M.A. to 2d6, and M.E. to 1d6. This power will work on _minor_ supernatural beings, including dragons, were-beasts, brodkil and gargoyles however the I.S.P. cost increases to 80 and the user loses 2 additional points or I.Q. and 2 off M.E. Soul Sucker Range: Touch Duration: Permanent I.S.P.: 30, plus the Mind-Crusher loses 1 point of I.Q. Saving Throw: Standard A less permanent version of the above. The person's "soul" is stored within an inaminate object. While the soul is stored the person is treated as if it had been destroyed, however the soul can only be trapped for 24 hours, or until the item is destroyed whichever comes first. The Mind-Crusher can extend the entrapment for another 24 hours by expending an additional 20 I.S.P. per day, however every day the soul gets a save (standard) to attempt to escape.

Mind Master I
By: Carla Van Wagoner

Mind Master
Alignments:ANY Attributes: IQ:4D6(3D6) ME:5D6 MA:3D6 PS:2D6(3D6) MAX 10(15) PP:3D6 PE:3D6 PB:3D6 Spd:2D6 SDC: 2D4*10 PPE: 6D6 ISP: 1D4*10+2D6+ME

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Advantages See through Magical Metamorphisis-The Mind Master can see through Dragon Metamorphisis, Changling Metamorphisis, and any other illusionary Metamorphisis. Animal Appearance-the mind masters do not look human, they take the appearance of animals on the particular worlds they are born on, earth being the most common. Attributes in the ( ) are if the creature is support to be powerful like lions or dinosaurs. They also gain the animals natural abilities (GMs don't be to nice) Disadvantages Takes double damage from magial attacks and beings Bonuses +2 Save vs psionics in addition to 1/2 ME bonus +3 save vs magic in addition to PE bonuses Psionics:Players select 2 Psionics from each of the minor areas. GMs select 2 super and 2 special psionics from Phase psionics or mind bleeders. receives 2 minor(players choice) or 1 Gm selection powers Player may substitute 4 minor, 2 super, or 2 special powers for the special ability of any PCC. Examples include Psi-Stalkers, Simvan, Burster, etc. Player may substitute all psionics but 1 minor and receive bionic augmentation. Player receives 2 limbs with 2 accessories each, 1 eye, one jawbone(if not N&SS, use on other cybernetic) and one more cybernetic. OCC Skills American, Euro, and 2 other languages of choice at 98% Literacy in 2 Languages of choice(+20%) Computer operation(+10%) Basic Electronics(+5%) Basic Math(+15%) Acrobatics or Gymnastics(+10%) Running WP Energy Pistol H to H Expert Can be updated to H to H Niko lor at the cost of 2 OCC related skills OCC Related Select 4 skills. select 2 additional skills at levels 3,6,8,10,11,14, and 15 Communications(any) Computer (any) Domestic(any)(+5%) Electrical(Computer Repair only) Espionage(ANY but sniper)(+13%) Mechanical(any but each counts as 2 skills) Medical:First Aid, Paramedic, and holistic Medicine only) Military(Any) Physical(2 MAX) Pilot(limited to ground vehicles and jet pack NO ROBOTS)(+5%) Pilot related(none) Rouge(any)(+25%) Science(any)(+5%) Technical(any)(+20%) Temple(N&SS)(any)(+10% fasting) Wilderness(any)(+10%) WP(any but heavy and energy heavy) Secondary select 5. No physical skills Starting Credits 3D6*100 + 1D6*1000 IN BLACK MARKET ITEMS Starting equipment Personal Basics CD player Audio video disc recorder 1D6 Blank discs 5 Pre rifts CDs in addition to black market items Lap top computer one energy weapon of choice 2 ancient weapons of choice 1 suit of light MDC armor

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Mind Master II
By: Hades and Greek Co. The mind master came from a technologically advanced world. Unfortunatly, being humaniod, the mechanoids hunted them down. They call themselves mind masters mainly because they are the masters of the mind. They have Castes in which they are born in. They also look like humaniod animals, like dog boys. IQ 4D6 ME:5D6 MA:4D6 PB:2D6 Flyers have their spd doubled when flying Skills all Mind Masters have Lang\Lit English 98% Basic Math 98% Lore Psionics (+25%) HtoH Expert (Only type, can not be upgraded) CASTES these are the major castes Warrior PS:4D6 PP:4D6 PE:3D6+3 SPD:3D6 SDC:6D6 ISP:5D6 Skills: Boxing Wrestling Computer operation (+15) wilderness survival (+30) Trap Construction (+40) Prowl (+30) select 3 anchient weapons Mechanic PS:3D6 PP:3D6 PE:3D6 SPD:3D6 SDC:3D6 ISP:1D6*10 Mechanical Engineering (+15) Advanced Math (+10) Computer Repair (+10%) Basic Electronics (+15%) Basic Radio (+25%) Select 1 Mechanical (+15%) select one Piloting (see limitations below)(+15%) select 3 weapons skills (Can also get more skills in the electrical and mechanical at +10 on both skill sections) Scientist PS:2D6 PP:2D6 PE:3D6 SPD:2D6 SDC:2D6 ISP:2D6*10 Select 3 Science skills (+25%) select 1 military skill(+15%) select 1 mechanical skill(+10%) - 390 -

Language\literacy Anchient Greek 98% Language\literacy technocan 98% History (NEW) (select one area)(+25%) select 2 weapon skills Special PS:3D6 PP:3D6 PE:5D6 SPD:3D6 SDC:5D6 Skills: Select 2 weapons. Also see Psionics PSIONICS: Warrior: select 2 from Physical and Sensitive. Also, gain mind block auto defence, Bio-Regeneration super, and one more super power. Also gains Psi-Bow, Psi Axe, or Psi sword. Damage is as Cyberknight. (more on the Psi bow and Axe later) Mechanic: Select 2 healer, 1 physical, 1 sensitive, in addition to Telemechanics, object read, and mind block. Scientist: select 2 physical, 2 sensitive, and one healer, in addition to Object read, PPE shield, and Impurvios to heat or cold (depending on the character) Special: The mind melter of psionics. Select 2 Phase powers, 2 mind bleeders, 3 healer, 5 sensitive, and 2 physical. Also gain 1 of the 7 super Kinesis powers.(more on the other types of kinesis later). sacrafice 2 minor or 1 major (super) psionic for one skill, player's choice. Skills can not be gained at later levels (except for normal Mind master skills, IE secondary) Regardless of caste, at every even level, gain 1 minor psionic. Also gain 1 super at levels 3,7,10,13, and 15. Special Psionics also gain one mind bleeder or one phase power at levels 3, 5, 8, 10 12, 14, and 16.. PCC Related These are for all Caste members Communications:any +5% Computers:(N&SS) any +5% (+15% to Computer operations) Domestic:any +10% Electrical:computer repair only +15% Espionage:any but sniper +13 Mechanical: Automotive only Medical:Any +10% Military:any -10% (+10 for warriors) Physical: any but boxing Pilot: Land, jet packs and boats only NO ROBOTS OR PA! +5% Pilot related:any Rogue: any +25% (Who knows why, they are just good at being thieves) Science:any -10% (+15% for Science) Technical:any +20 on lores and languages Temple (N&SS) any Weapon: any but heavy and energy heavy Wilderness:any +20% Secondary skills: select 5 from the above list. Items: Each caste has it's own section for items and credits Warrior: see head hunter Scientst:see rogue scientist Mechanic:see Operator Special:see mind melter New Skills History: This skill is the extensive study of the past. Archiology gains a +30% because of the specialisation. This includes identifying items, recognising key figures of that time, and mostly useless facts. Times you can pick from Atlantean Roman era Greek Era 1600s to 1800s 1900s to 2000s golden age time of darkness WoD Robo tech - 391 -

Nightsbane PA 1- PA 100

Mogara R.C.C.
By: Dustin M The Mogara are an extremely brutal and warlike race that is driven to conquer other species. To the Mogara, the only good way to die to die in battle for the greater good of the Mogaraian Star Empire. Having evolved into a matriarchal society, the females of the species are the leaders of The Empire. As such, they make up the vast majority of all The Empire's officers. This works out well for The Empire as female Mogara are superior both intellectually and physically, and not as mindlessly violent and aggressive as male Mogara. The males of the species comprise the majority of The Empire s Mobil Infantry grunts. At the summit of The Empire's hierarchy, the Queen. She has final say in all matters pertaining to The Empire and her orders are fanatically followed to the letter with an almost religious zeal. Mogaraian Mobile Infantry Detachments are composed of three squads of nine male Mogara, with each squad being commanded by a female Mogara. In addition to their advanced weaponry and savage cunning, the Mogara have the ability to create personal force fields, making them immensely harder to kill. These aliens are considered to be supernatural in nature. Female Mogaraian Alignment: Any, but tend toward anarchist and miscreant. All Mogara are fanatically loyal to the Queen and The Mogaraian Star Empire. Attributes: The number of dice rolled is as designated: I.Q.: 2D6+10, M.E.: 4D6+2, M.A.: 4D6, P.S.: 4D6+10, P.P.: 4D6+8, P.E.: 4D6+8, P.B.: 2D6, SPD.: 5D6. M.D.C.: 4D4*10+20 Horror Factor: 14 P.P.E.: 1D4*10 Natural Abilities: Exceptional long range vision (able to read a street sign from three miles), M.D.C. body plating, supernatural strength and endurance, and the ability to create incredibly powerful force fields (100 M.D.C. per P.E. point). Combat: Two plus those gained from hand to hand combat skills and boxing. Bonuses: +6 to save vs horror factor, plus those gained from attributes and skill bonuses. Damage: Variable depending on P.S. attribute. See supernatural strength chart. Magic: None Psionics: None Bionics: None O.C.C.: May choose from Headhunter, Special Forces, or CS military equivalents. However, the Mogara never get bionics! Skills of Note: Language: Mogaraian 98%, Literacy: Mogaraian 98%, and Mathematics: Basic 98%. Level of Experience: Player characters use the same experience table as the Borg. Average Life Span: 300 to 500 years.

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Enemies: None per se; dislike and bully those weaker than themselves. Allies: None per se. Size: 10ft to 12ft (3m to 3.6m). Weight: 450 lb to 650 lb (205kg to 295kg). Appearance: A giant reptilian humanoid with red eyes and tusks. Male Mogaraian Alignment: Any, but tend toward anarchist and miscreant. Attributes: The number of dice rolled is as designated: I.Q.: 2D6, M.E.: 2D6, M.A.: 2D6, P.S.: 5D6+10, P.P.: 4D6+6, P.E.: 4D6+6, P.B.: 2D6, SPD.: 6D6. M.D.C.: 4D4*10 Horror Factor: 12 P.P.E.: 1D4*10 Natural Abilities: M.D.C. body plating, supernatural strength, ability to create force fields (100 M.D.C. per P.E. point), poisonous bite, which takes effect in 10 minutes, causes nausea and a terrible headache. Victim is -2 to strike, parry, and dodge for 24 hours unless a saving throw is made. The poisonous effect from several bites are NOT accumulative. Combat: Two plus those gained from hand to hand combat skills and boxing. Bonuses: +5 to save vs horror factor, plus those gained from attributes and skill bonuses. Damage: Variable depending on P.S. attribute. See supernatural strength chart. Magic: None Psionics: None Bionics: None O.C.C.: May choose from Headhunter or the equivalent of the CS Grunt. However, the Mogara never get bionics! Skills of Note: Language: Mogaraian 98% and Literacy: Mogaraian 80%. Level of Experience: Player characters use the same experience table as the Psi-Stalker. Frenzy: All male Mogara are short tempered and prone to bouts of mindless violence. Select a Frenzy from the Crazy O.C.C. Average Life Span: 300 to 500 years. Enemies: None per se; dislike and bully those weaker than themselves. Allies: None per se. Size: 8 ft to 10 ft (2.4 m to 3 m). Weight: 350 lb to 550 lb (160 kg to 250 kg). Appearance: A giant reptilian humanoid with red eyes and tusks. Mogaraian Technology Giant Antigrav Disc Maximum Speed: 240 mph (288km), max altitude is 1200 ft (365.7m) - 393 -

Maximum Weight Allowance: 1000 lb (454.5kg) M.D.C.: 50 Giant Vibro-Knife Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. M.D.C.: 20 Giant Vibro-Sword Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. M.D.C.: 50 Giant Ion Pistol Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Aimed, Burst, Wild; see modern Weapon Proficiencies. Maximum Effective Range: 1000 ft (304.8m) Payload: 15 shot light E-Clip, or 30 shot heavy E-Clip M.D.C.: 24 Giant Variable-Frequency Laser Rifle Mega-Damage: 8D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Aimed, Burst, Wild; see modern Weapon Proficiencies. Maximum Effective Range: 5000 ft (1524m) Payload: 15 shot light E-Clip, 30 shot heavy E-Clip, or 60 shot assault clip. M.D.C.: 55 Mogara Battle Armor M.D.C.: 200 Weight: 46 lb (20.8kg) Prowl Penalty: -15%

Mok (also Motak) R.C.C.

By: Tony Figueroa These ancestors of the brutan are monstrous in appearance. Covered in brown or tan fur, their incredibly strong muscles still standout. They look less human than brutans in other ways as well. Their head is adorned with a golden mane, and their face is an almost featureless black save the sharp white teeth and eyes. Moks, sometimes called motaks, are animalistic and savage, yet most are gentle creatures when unprovoked. Attributed to their primitive minds is their fear of bodies of water. They can learn to swim although it is uncommon. Technology is another area they don't do well in. It confuses and frustrates them, and when frustrated, moks tend to react violently. They've been known to tear vehicles apart while trying to learn to drive them. Other disadvantages they have are a susceptibility to cold and a mistrust of magic. Their weakness to cold isn't lethal enough to merit taking extra damage from cold/ice attacks, but they do suffer more pain from it. In combat, moks prefer their fists or claws to weapons although they aren't adverse to throwing things. They can hurl rocks incredibly fast or can toss an automobile atop their enemy. Languages are also a problem for them. They are only capable of making roaring and guttural growling. The mok language is very basic. They are capable of understanding more advanced language though, and others can learn their language as it is very simple although loud. Attributes: IQ: 1D6, ME: 1D6, MA: 2D6, PS: 8D6, PP: 3D6, PE: 5D6, PB: 2D6, Spd: 4D6 Nightvision Height: 6'+4d6" Weight: 220+3d6x10 lb.

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Punches start at 1d6 SDC damage. Base Skills: They automatically get the following skills: body building, boxing, running, wrestling, sports, and hand to hand ultraviolent. Basic math isn't included in the automatic skills for them. Their carry/lift ratio is 200/400x their PS in pounds. Example RCC Mok on Race Creation Table: Attributes: IQ: 1D6, ME: 1D6, MA: 3D6, PS: 8D6, PP: 3D6, PE: 5D6, PB: 2D6, Spd: 4D6 Features: 2 arms, 2 hands, claws on each hand, head, 2 eyes, mouth, nose, 2 ears, thermal vision both eyes, 2 legs, carry/lift ratio 200/400x PS in pounds = 3 CP, RDC Body and punch with either hand(claw) does 1d6x10 MD = 28 CP, +15d6 PS, -2 IQ and ME, +2 PE, -1 PB, +1 Spd, +1 CP for unable to speak language other than native, +1 CP = +1D6 physical skills rather than +1D6 to IQ RCC Mok Warrior: Attributes: IQ: 1D6, ME: 1D6, MA: 3D6, PS: 2D6x10, PP: 3D6, PE: 5D6, PB: 2D6, Spd: 4D6 M.D.C.: 1D4x50+50 (+10 PLA) Skills: Same as OCC Capable Mok skills Carry/Lift Ratio = 400/800x PS in pounds Damage: Punch/Kick 1d6x10 MD, Power Punch/Kick (2 APM) 2d6x10 MD These moks were accepted by a Pool of Power during one of the most famous mok rituals performed by their tribes in the Gemineye Woods. To be chosen by a Pool is a great honor to them, and the Chosen Ones receive much prestige.

Morian's Gargoyles R.C.C.

By: Len Maxwell The hermited immortal wizard Morian lives in a pocket dimension created for him by a semi-powerful being named Twinsen. Although Morian has near complete control of his (Rhode Island sized) dimension, he still insisted in recruiting protection. Though he was deeply rooted in magic, Morian turned to his extensive knowledge of genetics to create guardians for his fortress/dimension/home. Morian was inspired by the image of the mythic Gargoyle, and immediately began his work. What Morian created was the best he could hope for. The winged, human-faced Gargoyles had unbreakable loyalty as well as honed instincts and human intelligence. After many years of tinkering, Morian had completed his genetic model. Morian has personally created around 200 non-procreating Gargoyles since his final revisions, each bearing deep nobility, and a sense of guardianship. Appearance: Although the Gargoyles range greatly in size and appearance, they have many common features. All are either gray (90%), red (5%), blue (3%), or black (2%) skinned. All have pupil-less eyes of various shapes. Due to a genetic (fluke?) their eyes glow when they are passionate or enraged. All have giant, bat like wings which are only strong enough for gliding. The wings are flexible enough to be wrapped around the body as a cloak when not in use. All have thick tails, mainly to balance and steer in flight. The tail is not prehensile but is strong as the legs and can be used to hit enemies (or sweep). All except very few (flawed?) have allblack or all-white hair, usually long and straight. All have particularly strong legs which have long, three toed feet. The foot has an opposable claw on the heel; because of this, the Gargoyle stands kind of on the balls of its feet, forcing it to bend its legs. The hands are three fingered plus a human-like opposable thumb. The claws (hand and foot) are hard and sharp, enough to climb with. Many Gargoyles also have a build and face which looks as if it has been hewn from stone, a genetically predisposed trait. Morian's abilities allowed him to guide the appearance of the Gargoyles to elven-equivalent handsomeness/beauty. Alignment: Alignments range from principled to diabolic, but all are loyal to Morian (genetically presupposed). Any found to be not loyal are immediately (honorably) exiled to a random dimension (like Rifts or Nexus or Phase World).

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Attributes: IQ: 2D6+2, PP: 16+2D6, ME: 3D6+1, PE: 18+2D4, MA: 2D6+2, PB: 4D6+5, PS: 20+3D6, Spd: 5D6+5 running (all attributes considered supernatural, incl. PS) Mega-Damage (In MDC worlds): 1D4x100 + 1D6x10 SDC (In SDC worlds): exactly same as MDC Hit Points (all worlds): 1D6x10+40 Natural AR (In SDC worlds): 8 (strikes below 8 do no damage) Horror Factor: 3 (not very menacing if they don't want to be, actually handsome to most humans). 8 (when enraged and not on your side). P.P.E.: 0 (Untraceable by PPE, fruitless to Psi-Stalkers and PPE Vampires see Note) I.S.P.: 0 (Same as PPE, it's because PPE doesn't exist in his dimension where he creates them) Psionics: None, can't learn. Magic: None, can't learn, but can use enchanted weapons. Height: 6' - 20' (Gargoyles above 8' are quite rare, though) Wingspan: 10' - 25' Weight: 600 - 3000 lb. Sex: Females are rare but existent, and usually very beautiful. All Gargoyles are sterile (no equipment) and personally created by Morian. They are "born" at 1/2 full size from eggs (they are warm-blooded, though). Females look definitively female, and are usually slightly smaller than their male brethren. The males usually raise male young and the females, female young. (all young are created by Morian, though) Attacks: 3 + hand to hand + other bonuses Damage: See supernatural PS chart (page 22 Rifts Conv. Book) Bonuses: +2 initiative, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +3 dodge in flight, +6 vs. HF, +4 vs. all magic. Life Span: 1000 - 2000 years natural life (don't age much biologically, though) Natural Abilities: Winged flight (gliding). Speed depends on environment and weather. Can dive pretty fast. Perfect night vision, can see 1' tall object at 1.5 miles. Can see easily in zero light conditions. Natural heat vision. The Gargoyles have uniquely engineered sight. Their vision is selective, controlled by a specialized area of the brain. If the Gargoyle can see something normally, it will appear normal. If the Gargoyle can't see the object but can see the heat, that is what he/she will see. The Gargoyle can see in different modes simultaneously. Leap 40' (50' with run), or 120' (wings, 200' with run). Thick, agile tail; not prehensile, but can be used in combat. Various lengths. Does not breathe, does not sleep, does not eat (see Night Shift). Regenerates at 20 MDC per hour. Also see random abilities. Innate Skills (Genetically implanted and/or learned): American 98% / Lit. American 98% One other language 70% / Lit 70% Track humanoids +15% Detect Ambush +10% Detect Concealment +10% Prowl +15% 1 Ancient WP (plus paired if applicable) Intelligence +10% 10 Secondary skills +5% - 396 -

Hand to Hand : Any but Assassin Night Shift: Due to some genetic imbalance or flaw, all Gargoyles can only function during night-time (however long that is). It doesn't matter to Morian because day in his dimension is 4 hours. At dawn, the Gargoyle turns to indestructible stone. In this stasis, the Gargoyle regenerates completely, and regains energy needed to survive. Even during the four hour day, Morian's Gargoyles regenerate completely. This is why Gargoyles need no sleep, food, or oxygen. They are a truly strange creature, since they are not magical by Palladium's standards. It is a natural, genetically determined attribute. &nbs Morian sees this attribute as both advantage and disadvantage, and will not tamper with it. All Gargoyles must seek an inconspicuous hiding place or habitat near dawn. The Gargoyles are bred (by genetics and common sense) not to get caught out in the open at dawn. Many find shelter upon Gothic buildings in cities or in deep caves away from civilization. Incidentally, two hours is the minimum time a Gargoyle needs to regenerate. Even though they are indestructible when stone, they can be picked up and moved (while in stone they retain their normal weight), and placed into a trap, or set for ambush. Random Abilities: Due to slight variation in genetic traits and reactions, some Gargoyles have particular strengths/weaknesses/differences. Roll on the first table, then the second. Number of rolls on second table: 01-60 One 61-90 Two 91-99 Three 00 Four Random Abilities: 00-10 Awareness - A combination of instinctive senses which allow the Gargoyle to be aware of any movement within their radius. A lot like Zanshin. Radius begins at 4' and increases by 2' per level. Cannot be surprised from behind. By judging the movements of an attacker before they attack (done automatically), the Gargoyle can dodge without penalty if being attacked from behind. Adds +3 to initiative. 11-22 Berserker Disposition - Gargoyle has an extra set of adrenal glands which are triggered only when the Gargoyle is beyond anger. The eyes will brighten noticeably, a warning to all opponents. Temporarily adds 4 to PS, 2 to PP (not likely to dodge much, though), 8 to PE, 10 to Spd. The rage usually lasts 10+2D6 minutes or until Gargoyle is sufficiently restrained and calmed, or all enemies are bloody pulp. After any rage (more than 4 minutes), the Gargoyle will be noticeably fatigued, and will not function as well until the next day. This fatigue is not extreme, just enough to take 1 or 2 from the occasional bonus. 23-28 Speed Burst - Adds 2D6+10 to Spd for bursts of 2 to 3 minutes. +2 dodge while "bursting." 29-34 Enhanced Wings - Can now fly (not glide) at Spd 1D6x10+10, faster if diving. 35-41 Enhanced Physical Attribute - roll 1D6 : 1 - PS; 2 - PP; 3 - PE; 4 - Spd; 5-6 - PB. Then roll 1D4+4 and add it to that attribute. 42-47 Enhanced Mental Attribute - roll 1D4 : 1-2 - IQ; 3 - ME; 4 - MA. Then roll 2D6+4 and add it to that attribute. 48-54 Enhanced Horror Factor - Exudes an aura of intimidation and awe, always HF 12 55-63 Weird Hair Color (player choice). 64-71 Weird Eye Color (player choice). Many Gargoyles with this have eyes which change color to suit their mood. It is instinctive and cannot be controlled unless the emotion can be controlled. The eyes increasingly glow according to how angry/passionate they are as well. 72-78 Weird Skin Color (player choice). 79-86 Elbow Spike - A short, thick, spike which sticks out of the elbow. Add 1D6 dice to normal punch damage if elbow is used (can't be used with power punch). 87-90 Knee Spike - Same as Elbow spike, adds 1D8 dice to kick damage if knee is used (can't be used w/ power kick). 91-94 Ambidextrous - All Gargoyles are _supposed_ to have this, but apparently it didn't work as expected. Means they can use both hands equally skillfully and without penalty. 95-00 Spectrum Eyes - Can see into ultraviolet and infrared in addition to heat. The Gargoyle always sees ultraviolet and infrared. Eyes will appear to chaotically change colors. The extra abilities of infrared and ultraviolet tie into his natural vision like the heat vision does. Note: Gargoyles will have an unpredictable reaction to a vampire's bite. Some will become a vampire/Gargoyle hybrid, others will die immediately, others will be unaffected. There are three known hybrids in Rifts America, all very dangerous and lethal. Second Note: Morian's Gargoyles are intended as player characters. If the Gargoyle wishes to go out and explore, Morian will usually oblige and provide him/her with the essentials, on the condition that the Gargoyle return to service for at least the last 100 years or so before the end of his natural life span. Morian, though he is a hermit, has plenty of contacts in the outside world and likes to keep tabs on his prodigies. A few of his Gargoyles were sent away because they were early creations not yet up to standard. Others were less than his standards of loyalty and/or ability and were honorably sent away. Morian can easily open a Rift/Portal to send a Gargoyle to - 397 -

nearly any known world he approves of. Adventurers: All player characters will be the ones which request to leave and are obliged by Morian. Most of the time the Gargoyle will be sent to Rifts earth (easiest portal to make). Morian will give the Gargoyle 2000 credits (cash? ); a cloak, cape, or coat ; a backpack ; 20' heavy rope ; one or a pair of ancient weapons according to their WP, and an energy weapon of choice (within reason) if they know how to use it. Gargoyles also usually have a small collection of personal items by the time they leave, and Morian always gives each Gargoyle a unique keepsake to identify them by. Morian will also lecture them at length on the attributes of the world he/she is about to enter, and many stern warnings not to get caught out at dawn. Third Note: Gargoyles have no PPE or ISP in Palladium terms. If a Psi-Stalker, PPE-Vampire, or ISP Vampire tries to take the nonexistent energy, it will result in a disorientating backlash to the drainer (because of their strange nature). The Gargoyle will then be immediately aware of the attempt. It is because of the uniqueness of the dimension (Morian's world) they were born in.

Molock Enforcer R.C.C.

By: hidari kiki This was written in response to Ruiner's observation that a "Molock Enforcer" was mentioned in the racial breakdown of Naruni Enterprises on page 44 of Phase World but never fully described anywhere. Since CJ Carella is no longer in a position to correct his omission, I respectfully submit that this could be printed either in the "oops" section of the Palladium webpage or in the Rifter. hidarikiki

Molock Enforcer R.C.C.

Molock Enforcers are Naruni Enterprises' line troops, the organic equivalent of the Repo-Bot. They do not have quite the fearsome reputation of the robots because they are very rarely sent on collection missions, but they are highly visible, serving as security forces in all Naruni facilities. They are only slightly taller than humans but more massively built and (more importantly) protected with natural mega-damage armor in the form of square scales. They are not supernatural, but are strong, tough, and well trained. The origin of the Molock Enforcers is unknown to all save Naruni. They have no homeworld, at least not in the explored regions of the Three Galaxies. They barely exist outside the employ of Naruni Enterprises Naruni seems to think that all Molock are property of the company, and rebels are hunted down by their own kin. They don't seem to have a culture of their own - ethey are workaholics who spend nearly every waking moment on the job. They don't seem to enjoy socializing or any form of entertainment not related to their jobs (they do like In addition to their function as guards and line soldiers, Molock Enforcers are also a large part of the pilots in Naruni's private navy. They also take special forces duty - it's not quite their style, but they're much better at it than the Repo-Bots are. Alignment: Abberant, with very rare exceptions. Loyalty to Naruni is a prime feature. Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+2, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 1D6, P.S. 4D6+6, P.P. 3D6, P.E. 5D6+4, P.B. 2D6, Spd 4D6+6 Size: 6 to 6.5 feet tall Weight: 225 to 325 pounds, all muscle. M.D.C.: Natural armor plating 100+5D6 M.D.C., A.R. 19 (there are seams). S.D.C.: 20 S.D.C. plus those gained from O.C.C. bonuses and skills. Hit Points: Standard, P.E. plus 1D6 per level. P.P.E.: 3D4 Average Life Span: Barring violent death, a Molock could live to be 150 years old, but their physical abilities being to degenerate at around 80-100 and they are ceremoniously killed by their kin. Natural Abilities: Exceptionally strong, tough, and fast. Nightvision 90 ft. Has natural M.D. plating. Note: This plating does not regenerate, but it can be repaired using M.D. epoxy or metal, up to its original amount. Experience Level: 2 to 5 for the average soldier, 6 to 9 for officers, higher for veteran officers. Psionic Powers: Minor only (15% chance) Magic Powers: None Combat: By training (always has training), plus one additional attack. Damage: Standard - 398 -

Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and one extra attack per melee, in addition to attribute, O.C.C., and skill bonuses. Vulnerabilities/Penalites: Not terribly bright, lousy personalities. O.C.C.s: Most are the same effective O.C.C as the Repo-Bot for the purposes of skills. See Phase World pages 46-48. Molocks are screened for flying ability during training, and those that pass become Turbo-Jockeys for the purposes of skills, although the social information is irrelevant. In addition to these skills, all Naruni-trained Molocks have Sharpshooting: Energy Rifle. Alliances and Allies: Naruni Enterprises, unless one is fool enough to go rogue. Enemies: Any enemies of Naruni. Appearance: Hairless humanoids, slightly larger than hunans, covered with square scales of varying sizes. Colors range from brown to dark green to grey, often mixed together. Weapons and Armor: Molocks favor energy weapons over melee weapons, and most often use Naruni Plasma Cartridge weapons. All Naruni-employed Molocks are issued an NE-4 Plasma Cartridge Pistol as a standard sidearm and two NE-28R Micro-Missile Wrist Launchers. They are assigned various additional weaponry depending on the mission: NE-10 or NE-95 for standard guard duty, NE-200 or NE-800R for heavier jobs, and NE-75H for sniper missions (rare). Molocks rarely wear armor unless stealth is required, in which case they are issued NE-C20 Camouflage Variable Armor (see Mercenaries page 124). They do wear Naruni Force Fields, however, usually N-F50A Superheavy.

Monochromage O.C.C.
By: Looney MONOCHROMAGE O.C.C. based on TtGD, a truly awesome book, and the polarized view of magic from history. To the best of humanity's current understanding, magic is a sort of living energy field, capable of evolution (into spells and similar effects, and sometimes even beyond that) and reproduction, but it has no intelligence, no self-awareness, of its own. And yet, throughout human history, magic has been seen as polarized in ethical directions, making it either "good" or "evil." Why? Long before humanity existed, a long, protracted series of wars consumed the Megaverse, known to some as the Wars of Light and Darkness. Limited versions of these wars have spilled over, flaring up again and again throughout recent (recent that is, in a universal time span) history. The Nightwar was one such conflict; on one side were the ascendant human sorcerers who would be called the Ba'al-ze-Neckt, and their armies (mostly magical constructs, supernatural beings, and still-human mages), and on the other, the so-called Champions of Light (supernatural creatures of a good alignment, beings like the Guardians, the Nightspawn, and the last of the Atlantean demon hunting legions). During this battle, the hideous and insane magicks and monsters unleashed by the Ba'al and the destruction they caused became legendary, and even when all memory of the ancient battle had been wiped out, the evil and horrific potential of magic demonstrated in that conflict was passed on into the annals of humanity. And as time went on, the more magic was viewed as evil, so that by the close of the Dark Ages, much of the world had forgotten or forsaken their magical inheritance, and inheritance that became less and less powerful as the years rolled on. It became even worse under the Christian dominion, with the polarized view of religion. Magic was no longer an elemental thing, coming from nature; instead, it was a power given either by God (which is Good without one of the Os) or the Devil (evil with a D at the front), and if you weren't on God's side, you were evil (which made all the people who didn't even believe in the Christian version of God, like the Wicca and other pagans, evil). The sorcerous Black and White Magicians, now commonly called Monochromages (or just Monomages), believed they drew their power from the sorcerous crap they chanted, and the intricate, but meaningless rituals they preformed. They believed that their powers came from either a source that was good, White, or evil, Black. And they were wrong. Well... they were right about some things. As ineffectual as their rituals and spells seem now when people read them just to see what happens, they served a very useful purpose to the individual mage who used them; a psychological crutch, which was a necessity in the mage they cast. And the "source" of their magic was truly Black or White, even though magic itself wasn't. Thoroughly confused? Well, lets have a little history lesson, and maybe you'll understand Monochromages a bit better. Earth is old. Old, old, old, probably older than science tells us today. Indeed, in the face of some evidence available today, the estimate of 100,000 years for Homo Sapiens and a million or two earlier for other species is quite laughable. It may have only been in the last 4,000 years that humans preserved their magic knowledge in any physical way, but that certainly doesn't mean we haven't been casting magic for a lot longer than that. The Nightwar, for example, was back 12,000 or more years before us; and the Fall of Atlantis and Nazca was even further back. And what about the creatures we share our earth with, the demons, vampire, angels, devils, and gods of our legends, you think they came here because of us? Lets be reasonable! Earth has been inhabited by sentient life, native or extraterrestrial (or extradimensional) since even before its surface cooled. And you can bet, lots of these things casted magic. And whenever you try to cast a spell, there's a chance that something will get messed up and you'll miscast it... Miscast spells have the best chance to evolve into something greater, because they frequently don't have any effect beyond a light show, or some other, lesser distraction to waste their energy on. Consequently, they can just escape, and in time, find a source of P.P.E. to feed on and grow off of; often a ley line or other source of geo-psychic energy, but something a living creature. To this day - 399 -

there exist sleeping spell fragments from the earliest periods of earth's existence. They sit, unaffected by Dark Day and purely human problems, drawing on whatever energy they can find, and wait until they can gather enough to give themselves a more permanent, corporeal state. Waiting for the power to continue... Now are you understanding Monochromages a little better? There are all these disembodied energy creatures, unnoticed by even the most trained third eye of an Immortal, masquerading as just a little bit of P.P.E. on a ley. Creatures that could be potentially good, evil, or selfish, depending on what happens to them in the future and what kind of spell they were originally intended as. Monochromages are the result of a union between a young human with a high P.P.E. base and the belief in magic, and one of these spirit-creatures. The entity is attracted by the character's high psychic level and desire for magical power, and in a process usually facilitated by the initiation of the young mage into some kind of bogus magical order and the feelings generated by such an initiation, the two bond together. The living magick leaves with enough of the character's P.P.E. base to help it live longer or assume a physical body (occasionally a neophyte Monochromage will come home to find a strange creature or a naked human living in their house. With a "thank you," the creature departs), and the new Monochromage get magic knowledge related to the original spell imprinted on their Essence. Once this first bonding occurs, the mage can begin to learn magic as most classes would, through study, or through mystical enlightenment, although the powers the Monomage gains and the course their life takes will depend greatly on the alignment and views of the creature they bonded with, for the two have left an impression on each other. Although many Monochromages after Dark Day have developed their powers the"traditional" way, usually by joining some fake "occult order" (like the O.T.O. or the Golden Dawn) or "fringe religious organization" (a cult)(G.M. Note: Both cults and groups like the Golden Dawn are being harshly, but secretly persecuted by the NSB, because of people like Monochromages, and because "occult secrets" are always going to attract the curious, including people with real magic powers, and those who would try to fight the Ba'al), there are some who recognize what has happened to them, and even a few who intentionally go courting disembodied magicks, knowing full well the personality changes that can result from bonding with one of these strange creatures... Rifts Notes: When the ley lines flared and civilization crumbled with the Great Cataclysm, the shear energy released had profound effects on the nature of magic on Earth. Not the least of which was the fact that every ancient spell that had been miscast or had survived, suddenly flared back to life and exploded with power. Overnight it seemed, the unintelligent life-fragments of aeons gone by awakened, and evolved into a much more powerful creature, usually by possessing an immature physical form, or building one out of the energy they now had access too. Many became normal people, intentionally loosing all their special powers, while others taught their structure to mages. In just a few years, all the ancient magicks were gone; evolved into a higher form, or escaped through the tears in reality. This would not have been a problem, and the practice of Black and White Magic could have gone on, but global power levels stayed high, and show no signs of abating at any time in the foreseeable future. The old spells were gone, and the new were not suitable for the use of the Monomages any longer; instead of sticking around and gathering P.P.E. for decades, miscast spells almost always found enough energy to evolve a consciousness and take on a shape. Magic was more powerful, but the consequences of miscasting it were much, much more dire; dozens of deaths occur in Tolkeen, Lazlo, and the Federation of Magic each year from the ravenings of miscast spells that assume a physical form and slay their creators for his/her mystic energy, often while they is still being cast. Now, the only Monochromages on Earth are those who have arrived from another dimension, or those who have survived since the coming of the Rifts. O.C.C. Abilities & Bonuses 1. Sense Ley Lines and Nexus Points: The same power as the one under the Sorcerer O.C.C. in the Nightspawn RPG; it begins as a vague feeling whenever the character is close to a point of geo-psychic energy, but as the Monochromage begins to understand what is causing this feeling and works to cultivate that power, it blossoms into a full-fledged ability. 2. Initial Spell Knowledge: A first level Monochromage has only basic knowledge gained from the spell s/he bonded with, but is still the match of any other first level practitioner of magic. Select a spell from levels 10-15 as the base spell; things like Metamorphosis: Superior, Wards, Curse (any of them), Summon Storm, and Close Rift work well, while Teleport: Superior, Id Barrier, Talisman, Protection Circle: Superior, and Bind Nightspawn probably wouldn't. Then, select spells based off of the general powers involved in the original spell; for example, Close Rift or Dimensional Portal would have related lower-level spells like Call Creature of Light, Time Slip, Sense Evil, and Sense P.P.E., while Restoration would have Heal Wounds, Negate Poisons/Toxins, Cure Illness, and even Breathe Without Air and Sense P.P.E. and others that might not be readily applicable. Select a total of seven related spells from levels one through four, and an additional three from levels five through nine. Note that even spells from other disciplines, like Fleshsculpting magic and Mirrormage spells can be used. At each level after the first, an additional related spell is selected from a level of magic equal to or less than the mage's current level. These spells, all stemmed from the same "base" spells, led some older mages to believe that such characters were "gifted" in a special area (summoning or dimensional magicks, or healing, for example), and in a way, they are. 3. Learning New Spells: Once Empowered, a Monochromage is capable of learning new spells from their chosen discipline, but CANNOT, EVER bond with another living spell. Once bonded, they can never go back. New spells that don't relate to the "base" spell must be bought or learned as normal. - 400 -

4. Magic Bonuses: +3 to save vs magic, +4 to save vs possession and mind control, +2 to save vs psychic powers. 5. P.P.E.: Monochromages are living batteries of mystic energy, but because they have been partially drained by a living magick, they are not quite as energized as most mages. Base P.P.E.: The P.E. attribute X2 plus 1D4X10, plus 4D4 per level of experience. Attribute Requirements: None; the disembodied spells and magical forces that empower the Monochromages are not picky, they are not intelligent enough to be. Alignment: Principled, scrupulous, unprincipled, or anarchist for a White Monochromage, and anarchist, miscreant, aberrant, or diabolic for a Black Monochromage. O.C.C. Skills: Language and Literacy: Native 98% Math: Basic Lore: Demons and Monsters (+20%) Lore: Geomancy and Lines of Power (usually picked while the character is looking for stray spells to bond with, or granted subconsciously by a spirit-force, +10%) Principles of Magic (+10%) Holistic Medicine (+15%) Hand to hand: Basic can be selected as one "other" skill, hand to hand: expert at the cost of two, or martial arts (or assassin if a Black Monomage) for the cost of three O.C.C. Related skills. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select eight other skills. Plus select one additional skill at levels two, four, seven, nine, twelve, and fourteen. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Skills should reflect the immortal's background. Game masters should feel free to disallow any skill that makes no sense given the character's history -- or allow a character to get a restricted skill if the player can come up with a good enough reason for it. Communications: Radio: Basic and Cryptography only. Domestic: Any (+5%) Electrical: Basic Electronics only. Espionage: Wilderness Survival only. Mechanical: Basic and Automotive Mechanics only. Medical: First aid and paramedic only. Military: None Physical: Any (+5% when applicable) Pilot: Any reasonable Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any Science: Any (+5%) Technical: Any (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The Monochromage also gets to select four secondary skills. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the benefit of the bonuses listed in parenthesis. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated on the list. Standard Equipment: Varies. Most Monochromages will own a small house (suburban mages) or a medium-sized apartment (urban mages), a personal computer, backpack/knapsack, mirror, portable CD player or radio, work, casual, and dress clothes, an inexpensive car or motorcycle, and other useful items. Money: 2D6X100+200 in cash, 5D4X1000 in property (probably includes things like a car/motorcycle, a computer, and other typical equipment).

The Monteverde Angels

By: Gabriel


"Raphael was an astonishingly handsome man, with strong, regular features, longish golden hair, broad shoulders and a welldeveloped body. Behind him, hooked over a chair specially built to accommodate them, his gold-tinged wings rose to the height of a man, then gracefully trailed to the floor. He was smiling, and everyone seated near him seemed to gaze at him with rapture and adoration." - Archangel, by Sharon Shinn The History of the Monteverde - 401 -

The Monteverde Angels are beautiful beings, seemingly the hand of the gods upon the mortal plane. They are not to be confused with the Spirits of Light (Cherubim, Seraph, Ariel, and Tharsis), although they may be related. In fact, upon close study of the Monteverde's background, both historical and genetic, it turns out that they were genetically engineered. The Monteverde are a cross between normal humans and an yet unknown supernatural creature, possibly an Ariel. Until recently, no one knew who created the Monteverde. It turns out that they did it to themselves! Upon a distant planet believed to be their homeworld, scholars have found temples housing statues of angelic beings. Their history has become known once more. The truth is that the humans of Monteverde wished to be like the beings they worshipped and reengineered their entire race to reflect this. They went from being normal humans to incredibly resilient demi-gods. Their wings spread across the sky and their shadows darkened the ground. Their race entered a golden age of science and peace. They spread across the Megaverse, bringing their light wherever they went. And then the Jel-Kenor struck. When the True Atlanteans' dimensional experiment went awry, it had reprecussions throughout the Megaverse. Upon the world of Monteverde, dimensional doorways thought long closed opened once more, releasing a horde of mutated demons who rampaged across the world. Nearly the entire race of Monteverde returned to their homeworld to fight these creatures, but even with their incredible science they weren't able to stop them. The Jel-Kenor destroyed everything that lived upon Monteverde and it was finally up to an armada of star ships to scorch the planet from orbit, destroying all but the most fortified sections of the planet. The surviving Monteverde Angels scattered across the Megaverse, becoming nomads. They had lost their science and their home. Many became simple people on primitive worlds. The Monteverde have always been a peaceful people, but in the violent Megaverse many have become champions of justice. In the world of RIFTS, many have become Cyber-Knights, while on Nightbane Earth a small group have joined the Lightbringers. On the world of Palladium a group fights alongside Rurga against the Wolfen tribes. There are very few Fallen Angels; most are hunted down by the Monteverde or imprisoned so that they cannot harm the innocent. Since their scattering, Angels have turned to music for consolement. Their already spectacular voices are honed from birth until they are some of the most magnificant vocalists in the Megaverse. They often raise villagers' hopes by leading them in song. Although the Monteverde Angels have beautiful voices, some have learned to play instruments. Instruments are usually limited to simple recorders or flutes because of the purity of the sound. A few have learned to play stringed instruments so that they may also sing, but the sound isn't as good. Note that the Monteverde are not creatures of magic. They are mortal creatures of flesh and blood, albeit long lived and extraordinarily resilient due to their supernatural heritige. One mundane but important facet of life for the Angels (or any winged humanoid) is chairs. With large wings sprouting from their backs, they must have specially designed chair backs to accomodate their wings. They generally take the form of a very thin chair back which projects upwards between their wings. Another is the aspect of clothing and armor. Most Angels do not like to wear billowing clothes like dresses and cloaks (their wings interfere in the case of cloaks). Instead they often wear tight fitting leathers for flying. Most armor is too encumbering to wear while flying, so unless it is magic lightweight armor the heaviest they wear is studded leather. As for weapons, most Angels prefer swords and spears over chain weapons or axes. In modern worlds laser weapons are preferred due to their light weight. Some Angels like Ion weapons because of their similarity with lightning, something all Angels respect. The Monteverde Angels Alignment: 70% good, 25% selfish, 5% evil Attributes: IQ: 3D6, ME: 3D6, MA: 4D6, PS: 3D6+4, PP: 4D6, PE: 3D6+4, PB: 5D6, SPD: 3D6 running or 2D4x10+40 mph flying Hit Points: PE+1D6 per level SDC: Varies depending on the magic level of the world. See the Conversion notes. Natural Armor Rating: Generally none, but see Conversion notes. Awe Factor: The Angel's awe factor is equal to 1/2 their PB + 4 PPE: 1D6x10 Natural Abilities: Fly for a number of hours equal to their PE, eagle-like vision (can read a sign 2 miles away), heal at a rate of 4D6 HP/SDC per day. Resistent to cold due to superheated blood (takes 1/2 damage from cold based attacks) which allows them to survive in temperatures down to -25 degrees Farenheit (their average body temperature is 125 degrees Farenheit). Nightvision slightly better than humans', 20' range. Impervious to mundane disease (non-magical). In addition, cybernetics are automatically rejected by their bodies, often leading to a painful death! Magic Abilities: None unless a magic OCC is chosen. Add the OCC's PPE to the Angel's base to reflect their higher potential. Psionic Abilities: Standard, about the same as humans. Combat: Two attacks per melee plus those gained from hand to hand training (the same as normal humans). Bonuses: +4 to save vs. horror factor, +2 to save vs. possession & mind control. +4 to dodge while in flight. All are in addition to attributebonuses. Average Life Span: Angels live for an AVERAGE of 5000 years. Some have been known to live to be 10,000 years old! It is possible that they can althouth this is simply a myth. Maybe. OCCs: Any OCC or PCC is available to the Angel, as long as it makes sense. For example, an Angel CANNOT be in the Coalition Military, nor can they be a Nightspawn Sorcerer. Skills of Note: All Monteverde have the voices of, well, angels. Consequently, they automatically gain the skill of Sing with a bonus of +30%. Most are well educated and literate. - 402 -

Habitat: Can be found anywhere in the Megaverse, although a great number have made their way to RIFTS and Nightbane Earth as well as the world of Palladium. Enemies: The Nightlords, minions of the Old Ones, Supernatural Intelligences, and other evil creatures. Allies: The Spirits of Light, priests, warriors of the light, etc. Physical Appearance: Their coloring, hair and other variables are like that of humans, but they have enormous wings sprouting from their shoulder blades with wing spans up to 20 feet across (although 15-17 feet is closer to the average). The feathers are often in shades of white, tan, or golden colors. The Angels are an extremely beautiful people. Height: Standard human, although they tend to be tall and slim (5'8" average for females, 6'0" for males). Weight: Varies, from 110-220lbs depending on size and gender. Conversion Notes: RIFTS: In RIFTS Earth the Monteverde Angels find their abilities heightened quite a bit due to the large amount of magic energy and their quasi-supernatural nature. Angels have an amount of SDC equal to 1D4x100+150 in addition to and physical skills or OCC bonuses. In addition, they gain a natural AR of 14 (not applicable against mega-damage weaponry). Any armor they wear must be specially modified to accommodate their wings. Their wings must be kept uncovered if they want to fly, so the only way to protect them is by magic or a forcefield. In addition, the armor must weigh less than 30lbs (any heavier and it is too bulky to fly in). Nightbane.: Due to the heightned magic levels, Angels have 2D6x10+30 SDC in Post-Dark Day Earth. They are actively persecuted by the Nightlords, and strangely enough, some Guardians. Why? No one knows. Or at least no one has said. Palladium Fantasy RPG.: Because of the relatively low level of magic on the world of Palladium (and for game balance), Angels only have 4D6+30 SDC plus that gained from physical skills or OCC bonuses. Heroes Unlimited.: Because of the relatively low level of magic in the HU universe, Angels only have 4D6+10 SDC plus that gained from physical skills or OCC bonuses. Angels are able to have super powers, however they are EXTREMELY rare because of the engineered genetic structure. Any powers should be manifested because of accidents or experiments.

Most Dangerous Soldier (MDS) O.C.C.

By: Hugh King The Most Dangerous Soldiers are genetically engineered soldiers who are trained experts in all forms of combat. They were developed as super-soldiers by the old superpowers, and are incredibly resourceful, cunning and dangerous in the extreme. They usually rely heavily on stealth, surprise and guile. There are many stories of a single MDS taking on an entire enemy platoon, and winning! They proved to be too good at combat, however, developing an obsession with war and combat. The MDS soldiers were found to be responsible for acts prolonging war and initiating combat with non-hostile forces. The military tricked the MDS soldiers into entering cryogenic sleep, but stored them away in secret military bunkers, in case they were needed some day as a last resort. In the world of Rifts Earth, many of these MDS soldiers have awakened to an Earth filled with conflict, war, combat, supernatural monsters and seemingly unending deadly opponents. This is an Earth they will thrive on. A few unconfirmed reports had Naruni Enterprises indirectly using a few MDS soldiers (before Naruni was driven from North America) as one way of keeping battles and conflicts active between small kingdoms. MDS soldiers never settle down, continually seeking danger and battle until they are killed. MDS soldiers also never form into groups, a sole MDS will be the most encountered at any one time, in any particular group. MDS Abilities (gained through genetic engineering) 1. Heightened intelligence, +1D4 IQ 2. Heightened endurance +4D6 SDC, +1d6 hit points, +1d4 PE 3. Increased strength, +1D6 PS 4. Increased reflexes, +1d4 PP, +1 melee attack 5. Increased speed, +2D6 Spd 6. Bonuses. +2 initiative, +2 vs psionics (iron will) 7. Insanity - All MDS soldiers have an obsession with war/combat/battle, they constantly seek it out or instigate it if none is to be found 8. MDS soldiers also gain insanities at levels 5 and 11, mainly associated with violence *optional* - if you use Horror Factor as based on reputation, to anyone who knows about MD soldiers they have a HF 10 (unlikely, info on them might possibly be in some old military computer files, under high security clearance - even then, they must recognize the MDS, most likely by dog tags)

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Alignment: Virtually all selfish or evil Attribute Requirements: IQ 11, ME 11, PS 13, PP 13, PE 13 O.C.C. Skills: Language: American (98%) Literacy: American (+10%) Math: Basic (+10%) Electronic Countermeasures (+10%) Armorer (+15%) Military Fortification (+20%) Radio: Scramblers (+10%) Detect Ambush (+20%) Detect Concealment (+15%) Intelligence (+15%) Sniper Demolitions (+20%) Demolitions: Disposal (+20%) Athletics Boxing Prowl (+15%) Climbing (+10%) Weapon Systems (+10%) WP (choose 4) Hand to Hand Commando O.C.C. Related: Pick 4 skills, plus 2 more each at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12 Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: None Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Any (+15%) Mechanical: Automotive and Basic only Medical: First Aid only (+5%) Military: Any (+20%) Pilot: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Physical: Any except Gymnastics (+10%) Rogue: Any Technical: any except Art, Photography and Writing Weapon: Any Wilderness: None Secondary: Also gets 4 secondary skills, with the above restrictions but without the bonuses; two more each can be selected at levels 4, 8 and 13 Equipment: Suit of light or heavy body armor or MDS Battle Armor, energy rifle and energy pistol of choice, 4 e-clips for each, 1D4 grenades, survival knife, both robot medical kits, utility belt, air filter & gas mask, canteen and maybe another weapon or two. MDS soldiers seldom know how to use robots or power armor initially, but can learn if they can find someone to teach them. However, they dislike relying heavily on computers and sensors, so they rarely learn these skills, instead using stealth and guerrilla warfare, and exoskeletons or heavy body armor for stand-up battles. Note that although they do not generally use sensors heavily, they are experts at fooling all manner of them. Any robots or PA learned (unlikely) will be fast, mobile units with primarily simple sensors. Vehicle will likely be either MDS Battle Armor or a small, fast vehicle like hovercycles. Money: MDS soldiers have very little value for money, rarely have more than 2D4x100 cr at any one time Cybernetics: None to start, and avoid bionics and enhancement, prefer to use "their own two hands". Generally dislikes bionic augmentation. An MDS will consider basic, minor cybernetics, typically along the lines of clock & compass. Other Notes: It can be assumed the MDS has already foraged somewhat and acquired some basic modern weapons, (see equipment) as well as familiarity with them, or it can be role-played. MDS soldiers adapt to modern weapons and the increased firepower in 2D4 - 404 -

weeks. Until then all skills dealing with technology are at -15%.

Movie Star OCC

By: FlashFire


(Scholar/Adventurer) based on Rifts "What do we have to go back to? We've no jobs, no money, no place to live, no friends, no women, no self-respect. Back there the Three Amigos are already dead. Here, we can be the Three Amigos for real..." In order to keep the gullible masses in line, the Coalition Government, and the NGR to a lesser degree, have reinstated a former method of mind control that was popular in the Pre-Rifts American Empire. To keep them away from tasks and hobbies that required actual thought, the CS Propaganda department has created Coalition Pictures, a movie-making company. This company produces mainly action and comedy films, all heavily slanted towards making the CS look good only to a slightly lesser degree than the PreGolden Age cartoon show Roger Ramjet made the American Empire look good. Action films typically show CS troops fighting against evil magic-users and massive underground organizations run by Rogue Scholars. Agents from Tolkeen/Lazlo and mad scientists are also favorite villians. Comedies are just as mindless and pretty much cover the same subject matter as their Pre-Rifts American counterparts. The only dramas ever made are historical dramas based pretty much on the Coalition's war against the Federation of Magic and CS expansion (films are just now being made on the Juicer Uprisings). The people who star in and work on these films walk a dangerous line. Being in such close proximity to the Propaganda Department, some people stand a chance of learning just what the Department is shovelling around. Movie stars in Rifts make a fairly decent amount of money, and that keeps most from asking innocent questions. There are a few stars, though, who are accidentally born with an slightly inquisitive nature that somehow makes it through the personality screening that Coalition Pictures runs on all its stars. They may ask a simple question that leads them into trouble with the brass, such as "If all these guys want is books, why are they attacking our troops first?," and will get them kicked out of the company. They'll be closely watched for a while, but the heat will die off eventually. Actors who can't work for CP can't work at all. The character will be stuck with skills that are of little use in the real world, and a background of even less use. Fans of their movies may ask them to do personal appearances, both in and out of character, but getting fired pretty much means the end of their livelihood. They must choose between learning a new trade or, insanely, trying to make their way in the real world with the skills they already have. For some reason, most movie stars aren't bright enough to realize that they can't make it and try to go on what they know. ATTRIBUTE REQUIREMENTS: MA of 14 of higher OCC SKILLS: Speak Native Language - 98% Acting (NEW) (+15%) Dance (+10%) Sing (+10%) Performance (JU) (+20%) TV/Video Disguise (+10%) First Aid HTH combat can be selected as an OCC Related or Secondary skill. Basic counts as one skill and Martial Arts as three. Expert, Assassin and Commando are not available. OCC RELATED SKILLS: Select eleven other skills. Gets two additional skills at every third level, starting at level one. Communications: Radio: Basic only Domestic: Any (+10%) Electrical: Basic Electronics only Espionage: None Mechanical: Basic Mechanics only Medical: Hollistic Medicine only Military: None Physical: Any, except Wrestling Pilot: Any (PA, Robots, and Military vehicles are at -10%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (-10%) Science: Basic Math only Technical: Any (Literacy and Writing can only be chosen at third level and up) (+10%) - 405 -

W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any, but can only be chosen at third level and up. SECONDARY SKILLS: Select seven from the previous list. No bonuses STANDARD EQUIPMENT: Starts with many sets of fashionable clothing, an apartment in a fashionable part of a large CS city, and reasonable personal possessions. The apartment will disappear rapidly, as the character no longer has a job to pay the rent with. Other equipment will include tinted goggles or sunglasses, survival knife, 6 wooden stakes plus mallet, flashlight, tent, sleeping bag and pillow, knapsack, backpack, utility belt, canteen, emergency food rations (three weeks worth), RMK Medical kit, and personal items. Starts with no weapons, other than the survival knife and hatchet. Body armor will be of some heavy type, probably a CS knockoff or Gladiatior armor. These guys have had bodygaurds for the past several years and haven't had need of big guns, but occasional assassination attempts are not unheard of. Vehicle will be of some non-military type, fast and fashionable. MONEY: Starts with 3D6x1000 in credits and no Black Market sellable items. CYBERNETICS: Starts with none, but isn't opposed to cybernetics in general. EXPERIENCE TABLE: Use the City Rat/Vagabond XP Table

Munchkin-Killer O.C.C.
By: Steven Willis Here is one of my own creations that I found. This is for all the GMs who need some way to get rid of munchkin PCs. Read it, use it in your campaign, tell me what you think. It has never been play-tested before, so feel welcome to do so.

This O.C.C. is designed to get rid of any munchkin players in your game. A WARNING THOUGH: This class is munchkin itself, but is worth it to get rid of munchkin PCs. Also, the reason for all the skills is to ensure that the Munchkin-Killer is the ultimate killer. They are transformed into psionic, mega-damage killers. They are a combination of secret agent spy, military specialist, and hunter all put into one. O.C.C. BONUSES: +3D6 to all attributes (all attributes must be a minimum of 20), +6 to initiative, +5 to strike, parry, and dodge, Automatic Dodge, +10 to save vs. psionics/mind control/possession, +10 to save vs. Magic ALIGNMENT: Can be anything, but Anarchist, or any Evil is recommended. M.D.C.: 4D6x10+10. Add 1D4x10 per level. O.C.C. SKILLS: Cryptography +10 Radio: Basic +10 Electrical Engineer +10 Detect Ambush +5 Detect Concealment +5 Disguise +10 Escape Artist +10 Intelligence +15 Pick Locks +5 Sniper Tracking +15 Mechanical Engineer +5 Paramedic +10 Demolitions +10 Demolitions Disposal +10 Climbing +5 Prowl +15 Pilot: Three of Choice +10 Streetwise +15 Chemistry +5 Language: Choose Three +10 - 406 -

Literacy: Choose Three +10 W.P.: Four of Choice O.C.C. RELATED SKILLS: Choose ten related skills, and one additional at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14. Can select any skill. No bonus. SECONDARY SKILLS: Select eight secondary skills. STANDARD EQUIPMENT: Whatever the NPC had from a former class. Plus, four energy weapons, four non-energy, and four ancient weapons of choice. Five extra clips/e-clips for each weapon. MONEY: 2D10x1000 credits, plus 3D10x1000 in black market items. I.S.P.: 2D4x10 plus any from a former class. PSIONICS: Mind Block Auto-Defense, Induce Sleep, Empathy, Telepathy, Empathic Transmission, Bio-Manipulation, and Hypnotic Suggestion

Mutant RoadRunner R.C.C.

By: Acid Blue

Mutant Road Runner R.C.C.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------While searching for super fast mutants, the Achilles project worked with roadrunners as a possible genetic source. It worked in that it gavethe resulting geneticspecimen incredible speed, but they had no "super" powers. Therefore, only a few made. One of the amazing powers of the specimens was their ability to mate with almost any species with the same reproductive system as a human. Like the other mutant animals, though, since the coming of the rifts they have manifested some unusual powers. Unlike most of the others, the roadrunnerOEs love to venture beyond their home in the Achilles Republic. They most frequently wonder the world in search of adventure and love. They are the modern day ladies man despite there mutant appearance they are quite beautiful to most people. They were originaly developed to be the genetic equivalent to the juicers/crazies but without the draw backs of insanity and a short life span. The roadrunner was chose because of its great speed agility and it was a triumph in that area and they were almost human enough to make them more easy to work into a normal military unit. Even though all this was a plus they did not work out do to their more powerful bird counter parts. There appearance is that of a humanoid with small feathers covering the body, they have a human upper body (beside the feathers) and human hands with short claws, there legs are humanoid down to the knee where there legs are bird like they have three huge claws (avg. 4 inches) and there heads are small with a long thin beak. They have no wings. Alignment: any, but lean towards honorable alignments due to their upbringing. M.D.C.: none S.D.C.: 2D6X10+2D6 a level Hit Points: P.E.+5 a level Attributes: I.Q.:2D8 M.E.:2D6 M.A.:3D6 P.S.:3D6 P.P.:5D6 P.E.:3D6 P.B.:4D6 S.P.D:1D6X10+60 Size: 5 To 7 Feet Tall Weight: 120 To 260 LBS. P.P.E.: 2D10 Averages life span: through there genetic engineering they have a long life span 145 years Natural Abilities: 1.Super charge body: By spending 10 I.S.P. the mutant can send their body into overdrive! They gain + 10 P.S. and +40 to speed they don't fatigue and can not be surprised .add 20 ft to leap and +2 initiative. Cost: 10 I.S.P. lasts 5 min per level; when it where's off the mutant feel some what tired, reduce melee attacks by half and ^strike ,parry ,dodge. 2.Harden Body: this power turns the mutants S.D.C. + H.P. into M.D.C. Cost: 30 I.S.P. lasts 2 Min. Per level. 3.Heightened senses: can hear 20% wider band of decibels can not be surprised unless successful prowls roll at -20% are made. 4.Base I.S.P. 3D6X10 +me + 2D6 per level. 5.Other Psionics: at first level the character can select six powers from any one of any categories except super. The character can select ONE new power from any category but super for each two levels after the first (ie; one at level 2,4,6,8,10,12, and 14 ) Experience Level: use the dog boy table from the first book. Combat: As per skill Damage: beak 2d6 s .d .c. ( m. d. when charged) - 407 -

Claws add 5d6 s. d. c. to open hand strike(m. d. when charged) Feet claws do 1d6x10 s. d. c. (m. d. when charged) add STR damage to all. Bonuses: +2 initiative (can't be surprised) Psionics Powers: See above Magic Powers: none Vulnerabilities/Penalties: must consume 3500 calories a day or suffer same side affects as starvation R.C.C Skills: See juicer in first book + LAN: Creole 98% Lore physchic (+20) Lore demon/monster (+20) R.C.C. Related skills: 10 skills from the categories that the wilderness scout and juicer can choose from (all +10%) Note: don't use wilderness scout or juicer bonuses for skills. + Choose 2 new skills at levels 4, 6, 8, and 15. Secondary skills: 5 secondary skills from same categories as before (no bonuses) Weapons and Equipment: starts with NG-S2 survival pack, backpack, 1 vibro-blade, 2 silver knives, 2 small sacks, 3 hand grenades, 1 rifle, 2 pistols (auto or energy),4 clips for each weapon. Money: 3d6x100 credits

Mystic Knight O.C.C.

By: Jason Bridgman The Mystic Knight was an order created by a group of Prometheans, Cosmo-Knights, and powerful spell casters of good alignment and intentions as a force to defend the megaverse against any and all threats. Men and women of all races were asked to join this force of light in an otherwise dark universe. The Mystic Knight is the product of these beings, a creation which has access to magic, psychic powers, and even phase powers, while also being highly trained in physical combat. While the Knights have access to a wide range of powers, they are the masters of none, except for perhaps there ability to utilize all of their powers for the most effect. The training the the Knights receive from many supernatural beings has allowed them to accomplish amazing physical feats, although many believe that magic and psionics are used to enhance their normal physical abilities. While not all members of the order are Mystic Knights, the majority are. Those beings that are not Mystic Knights are usually powerful beings in their own right. Very few Mystic Knights turn to evil. All those that do are hunted down and slain. The few evil Knights that exist are vastly powerful, able to repel or avoid all attempts by the order to destroy them. All races are welcome to join the order, but the requirements are harsh. The requirements include being at least a latent psychic or mystic, high physical and mental attributes, and above all, a dedication to the forces of goodness. Each candidate is probed by an unknown means, and all attempts to deceive the scan have failed (many believe a supernatural power or god of goodness supports the order). Attribute Requirements: Minimum P.S. and P.E. of 13, P.P. and M.E. of 14, and I.Q. of 12. Also, see bonuses below. Typical Alignments: Principled and Scrupulous are most common, although many Knights are Unprincipled. O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses: 1. Attribute Bonuses: +2 to P.S., P.E. and Spd. +1d6 to P.P. and +1d4x10 S.D.C. (or +4d6 M.D.C. if M.D.C. race). These bonuses are in addition to those gained through physical training and those based on race. 2. Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +5 to parry and dodge, +1 to strike. All bonuses are in addition to attribute and skill bonuses. 3. Resistance Bonuses: +3 to save vs. magic and psionic attacks, +1 to save vs. poisons and toxins. 4. Magic: Choose 8 spells from levels 1-6 or any Temporal Magic spell. Add two spells at levels 2, 4, and six. At levels 7, 9, 12, 14, and 15 add one new spell from any level (subject to G.M. approval). P.P.E.: 2d4x10+P.E.+10 per level after first. 5. Psionics: Choose 5 powers from sensitive, physical, or healing plus two super-psionic powers or phase powers! (Excluding psi-sword and close rifts which are not available to level four.) Add 1 power of any type at level 4, 7, 9, and 12. I.S.P.: 1d6x10+10+M.E.+8 per level after first. - 408 -


Supernatural Physical Feats: The Mystic Knights uses a unique psionic ability and physical training to accomplish amazing physical feats. The Knight can leap their P.P. attribute in feet from a standing position. Add 15 feet up or 30 feet across with a running start. The Knight can also parry energy and rail gun blasts with a sword (must be able to withstand the damage). There is no penalty when the knight attempts to parry long range attacks, but he only gains half of his normal bonus to parry. Mystic knights are so talented at this that they can even parry energy bursts, but must roll to parry each blast, maximum 8 blasts per burst. At third level the knight can parry energy blasts with his hands (but not rail guns). This requires 5 I.S.P. per attack parried (a single blast or a burst of up to 8 blasts is one attack).

O.C.C. Skills: Two Languages of choice (+15%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Acrobatics or Gymnastics (pick one) (+5%) Pilot: pick two (except robot) (+10%) W.P.: Sword W.P.: pick two Hand to Hand: Martial Arts or Assassin (pick one) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 12 other skills. Plus select one additional skill at levels three, six, ten, and twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any. Electrical: Basic electronics only. Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanical: Basic and automobile only (+5%) Medical: First aid or paramedic only. Military: Any. Physical: Any. Pilot: Any except robot (+10%) Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any. Science: Math only (+5%) Technical: Any. W.P.: Any. Wilderness: Any. Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select five secondary skills. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: Mega-damage body armor (any type) including magic armor (at the G.M.'s option), a mega-damage sword(s) (Laser/energy and magic are most common, but vibro, phase, and mega-damage alloy swords are also used. A lesser rune sword or simple holy weapon may also be used at the G.M.'s option. Tattoo magic swords are popular now amongst human and atlantean knights.), an assortment of weapons depending on weapon skills (psi-weapons and techno-wizardry are common). Air filter and gas mask, mini-oxygen tank (15 minutes of air), laser distancer, binoculars and/or assorted optic systems, cross/holy symbol, and additional personal equipment of choice (within reason). Also has extra ammo/e-clips for weapons. Traditional Garb: A set of robes worn over mega-damage body armor, usually black, brown, or white. Robes usually include a hood and several hidden pockets. Most common armor is a mega-damage chain and plate suit, often magical in nature. Personal force/phase fields are also common (often techno-wizard modified). Money: Usually donates most of their money to the order, but can develop a considerable amount while plundering the forces of evil. Receives most equipment and needs from the order, but has 2d4x1000 in personal funds. Cybernetics & Bionics: Varies based on race, but will never consider for anything less than medical reasons because it interferes with magic and psionics. XP Table: Uses the Temporal Raider table.

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Mystic Willow R.C.C.

The Mystic Willow is the layman's term for a tree of immense magical power. Many theories exist about the origin of the tree, the most common being that the tree is the physical manifestation of a creature existing past the Astral Plane, or that it is another supernatural being. There are also local myths about the origin of Mystic Willows (ie, a town may think a person was once so sad, they turned into a magical tree). It is important to note that Mystic Willows are created good, with all intent to make people happy, but, if they are around one being for a long period of time, the Mystic Willow will take on that being's personality. If someone who delights in pain lives near a Mystic Willow, the Willow too will delight in pain. The Mystic Willow looks like a giant shell of golden needles, some big, some small, from the outside. If the Willow doesn't like someone, it's quills become energized with a type of static electricity, which draws them toward the person, even when the quills aren't shot out. This is usually used as a warning of when the tree is nervous, and is not necessarily a hostile act. This always happens toward supernatural creatures, good or bad, and prevents them from touching the tree. If the tree approves of a person, it's branches will part, like curtains, and the person can enter the Mystic Willows. Inside the Willow's curtain of needles is an open area with a carpet of green moss, a web of light brown branches overhead, and a shimmering silver trunk, about 5 feet in diameter. The Tree needs a PPE rich environment (Earth's normal environment is enough), some sun, and a lot of water. They are usually found up north, near a lake in Minnesota. Though they could live south of Ohio, they have not been found there. Height: 20' tall + 1'/10 years (above ground) Radius: 12' branch radius + 1'/10 years Alignment: Normally Good IQ: About 5 + 1/20 years M.D.C.: Trunk: 3d6 * 10 + 10/10 years Branch: 3d6 + 2/10 years Leaf: 1 Awe Factor: 15 P.P.E.: 6d6 * 10 + 50 / 10 years Natural Abilities: Has 2 types of leaves - Quills: 3" needles covered with a wet, slippery oil. Naturally attracted to Supernatural creatures and anyone the tree wants to attack (See Above). The quills can be shot out 40 feet, as many as 20 per action, they have +2 to hit against Supernatural creatures, and act as wood against Vampires and similar creatures, doing 1d6 MDC each. Fruit: 1 foot by 1 inch Bananas, that's it, just normal bananas OK? Not Supernatural or nuthin'. Just like any other Bananas OK? Moss: The carpet of moss under the tree is actually part of the tree. It can be squeezed for water (Moss-water, mm-mm good), and releases a low altitude gas that acts as the psychic power Induce Sleep. This gas covers the floor of the tree, up to 2 feet up. Makes small animals and anyone who lies down tired. Gift: The tree has gifts it can bestow to people, if it wants (see below). Combat: 4 attacks + 1/50 years. Shoots Quills (SEE ABOVE), also PPE Shock, goes out 100 feet, 2d6 MDC, Paralyze Shock 75 feet - Save vs Fairy Magic (16) or be Paralyzed for 1d6 melee. If over 50 years, the tree can cause Lay Line Storm (See Atlantis book), 1000' radius if not near Lay Line otherwise normal. Note: if someone is attacking the tree from inside, EVERYTHING is doubled for the tree (Bonuses, damage caused by & done to tree, attacks, etc.) Bonuses: +5 vs Magic, Natural kinship with animals, Immune to Normal Fire, Cold, Poison, Gas. 1/2 Damage from other fire, cold and Supernatural creatures. Penalty: No dodge or parry! (It's a tree.) Magic: Globe of Daylight (inside tree only), Concealment, Energy Field, Call Lightning, Heal, Control Plants + 1 spell / 10 years. Psionics: Telepathy, Empathy (NOTE: Telepathy and Empathy are constant and automatic, it is how the tree "Sees", and can penetrate - 410 -

Power Armor, but NOT Mind Block.) Gifts: Gifts are what the Mystic Willow gives to people who have helped it a great deal, or it likes for some other reason. They are difficult to make, and the tree must go dormant for a few days, and can only make 1 gift at a time. The user of a gift need not be Psychic or Man of Magic. All abilities go by the user's abilities. They use the user's ISP or PPE, and level to determine their power. All items have 10 MDC for every day of the tree's dormancy, unless otherwise noted. They can regenerate within 24 hours, if they have any MDC left. _ Quill Ring: This is a simple thin wood branch twisted into a ring. With it comes 4 quills. The ring gives telekinetic control over the quills, as Super Telekinesis. One quill per level can be manipulated, using the wearer's ISP. Dormancy: 1 day Friendship Amulet: This is the most basic gift. It is a wood knot that is recognizable to all Mystic Willows, and anyone with Mystic Herbology. The Willows will treat the wearer as a friend. The wearer also has a kinship with animals (like a Psi-Stalker) and Empathy. Dormancy: 1 hour Cudgel: This is a wooden club, given to great defenders of a tree. It can become a Psi-Cudgel (Psi-Sword), and lets the user cast Armor of Ithan. Dormancy: 2d4 days. Moss Sandal: The moss can either form a shoe, or cover an existing shoe. It gives the wearer +20% prowl, and +5 speed while worn. Dormancy: 1 day Needle Cloak: This is a cloak made of the tree's quill, over a moss base. It gives the wearer Chameleon, Armor of Ithan, Charismatic Aura, +1d6 PB, and acts as a Quill Ring with 100 Quills. NOTE: It is too big and clumsy to be used as a shield, it only blocks attacks from the back. Dormancy: 2d6 days Dress of the Thief: This is not necessarily a dress, but armor or clothes covered in Moss. This gives FREE Chameleon, and Create Chloroform (quick evaporating sleep liquid used in movies, save: Non-Lethal Drug 16), and gives the wearer the ability to use: Simple Invisibility, Mind Block, Globe of Silence (4' radius), Armor of Ithan, Empathy. The Moss only has 20 MDC, which is added to all armor, but it can regenerate in one hour. Dormancy: 3d6 days Knowledge Staff: This gift is normally given by old trees to mages and scholars. It is a 6 foot, gnarled, knotted staff. It can be used as a symbiotic bank. It will form a psychic bond with whoever it was made for, and that person need only touch it to put in or take out PPE and information. The most PPE the staff can hold is half the tree's PPE, and can NOT regenerate PPE. The user can store one spell per 10 years of the tree in the staff by spending the PPE needed for the spell, and then can cast that spell in half the time. This spell can be used as long as the user has enough PPE, or until the user erases the spell from the staff to download another spell into the staff. Only spells, not Rituals can be put into the Staff. Dormancy: 2d6 days. There are rumors of other gifts, so use your imagination. One rumor especially is that of a Supernatural Creature with silver skin somehow linked to the trees. These creatures appear as every type of DB, only with silver skin, and are great travelers of the dimensions.

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The Narcomancer Optional OCC and NPC Villan

With the recent Juicer Uprisings, and the creation of the Dragon Juicer by certain Techno-Wizards in the Federation of Magic, some wizards operating within the Federation started speculating on the ability of a wizard to focus his/her powers through the creation of magical Drugs and Potions. Initial results were less than promising, but a couple escaped Bio-Wizards from Atlantis provided something which led to a solution. The Bio-Wizards suggested that Dunscon, one of those testing for the possibilities of a Narcomancy, contact Splynncryth of Atlantis and see if Bio-Wizardry could assist in this endeavor. Splynncryth, who had also been observing the events in North America, agreed readily, and the experiments were begun. 4 months later, this branch of Mysticism was introduced. The only places on earth capable of creating Narcomancers are the Federation of Magic and Atlantis. I say created, although the process comes as much from the individual as from the outside sources. In order to become a Narcomancer, the individual must have some form of mystical potential. Additionally, the character must not have major or master psionics, due to the fact that they interfere with the Symbiotes "life styleso/oo. The Symbiotes are actually a group of several Bio-Wizard organisms which are surgically implanted in the subject during the creation cerimony. The Symbiotes have been designed to completely and flawlessly integrate themseves with the subject's body, that is, blood vessels connect, nerves extend, etc. In less than 15 minutes, the character has been profoundly altered. The symbiotes are not sentient, nor do they possess any form of intelligence (for RPG purposes). They are, in effect, "organo/oo transplants, except that they are completely alien when introduced into the subject's body. The symbiotes themselves were designed specifically to allow the subject to secrete chemicals, particularly magical ones. Additional Bio-Wizard procedures are also performed, altering the person's DNA, to produce a Narcomancer, for various reasons. Splynncryth intended to use these for "funo/oo, and Dunscon intended them for his usual sick purposes. However, the Lords of Magic have also been able to recieve this information, so there are a few good Narcomancers out there. Alignments: Any, but usually selfish or evil, unless created by the Lords of Magic, in which case they are almost always good. Racial Restrictions: Creatures who can naturally Bio-Regenerate automatically cannot become Narcomancers. Not even the symbiotes can adapt THAT quickly. The character also cannot have more than Minor Psionics, and they must be Magic-Capable. Attribute Requirements: ME and PE of 15 or greater. A high IQ and PP are also helpful, but not necessary. Powers: 1. Poisonous Blood: A Side effect of the Symbiotes-possibly some left-over instinctive defense from the days when the Symbiotes were actually sentient. It doesn't harm the Narcomancer in any way, but if more than 30 MDC is done to the character's body, the blood will come spraying out. 30% chance of hitting anyone within 5ft, 60% for the attacker and those near him. The poison is black in color, and sticky to the touch. It doesn't affect inanimate structures, but to organic creatures, it burns like acid. 1d6 MDC, burns for 2d4 Melees. 2. Impervious to Bio-Wizardry and Symbiotes. A power related to the poisonous blood. Any of these that are applied will be rejected within 5 minutes, as the "newo/oo portion first dies, then shrivels up and finally falls off. 3. MDC Creature: One of Splynncryth's Bio-Wizard "Touch-Upso/oo. MDC is equal to the character's PEX3. If, somehow, there is an MDC creature that doesn't automatically Bio-Regenerate, add 200 to their preexisting MDC. 4. Secrete Chemicals: The Main ability of the Narcomancer. The Wizard is capable of spraying chemicals to distances up to 40 ft. The - 412 -

chemicals are secreted through the fingertips, mouth, and, uhm, certain other orfices. The chemicals can be designed to mimic a variety of Spell Effects. See Initial Spell Knowledge. Note: Many Narcomancers have modified their Body armor to have little "storage containerso/oo near the mouth. To the untrained eye, they appear to be air tanks of some sort. However, the Narcomacer can stor one dose of any one chemical in each of these. Then, at a moments notice, the Narcomancer can detatch any one of these and, when thrown, can douse any man-sized or larger target (up to 20 ft. tall) effectively. The exact affects of the spell in chemical form are left to the GM. Example: Superhuman strength would have to be injected somehow, then providing the effects. Globe of Daylight would have to be spread on something, whereupon it would glow for the duration. However, Narcomancy is not an exact form of the mystic arts. Every time a chemical is applied to a character, roll on the Narcomancer's Chemistry skill (Yes, I know it's 98%). If the roll is somehow failed, roll on the GM tables in the back of the RMB to determine what the character turns into. Then, roll a d4. If the roll is even, the transformation is temporary, lasting 1d4 days. If the roll is odd, then the transformation is permanent! 5. Initial "Spello/oo Knowledge: Select 3 spells from each level 1-7, for a total of 21. Every 2 additional levels of experience, the mage may select an additional spell from a level equal to or less than his current level. 6. Additional "Spello/oo Knowledge: The Mage can only be "taughto/oo new spells by another Narcomancer, or by a Bio-Wizard of 8th level or higher (provided the Bio-Wizard has access to some sort of chemical generator). The Mage must be given a sample of the chemical, and must then swallow it! One Hour later, the Narcomancer will be one spell wiser. 7. PPE: The Narcomancer's PPE is equal to 1d4X10+PE attribute. Add 1d4 PPE per level of experience. Note, however, that all Narcomancers can cast their spells at 1/2 the regular PPE cost (round down). The character can also draw PPE from other sources, including Ley Lines. 8. Bonuses: +1d4 to PP, + 1d4+2 to PS, +2d6 to Spd, +1 to Initiative, +1 to Roll with Punch, fall or impact, and +1 Attack per Melee. All of these are due to many of the chemicals which now course through the character's body, similar to a Juicer. OCC Skills: Speak American 80% 2 Languages of Choice: +15% Chemistry, Chemistry: Analytical, and Biology at 98% Pathology: +30% Botany: +20% Skin and Prepare Animal Hides: +10% Brewing: 98%-This fella makes the damn best beer in the Megaverse!!!!!!!! Marine Biology: +30% Xenology: +20% OCC Related Skills: Select 8 at level 1, plus 2 additional at levels 4, 7, 9, 13, 15. Communications: Any Cowboy: None Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Any, except Sniper Mechanical: Any (+10% to repair Chemical Drives) Medical: Any (+20%) Military: Any (+5% to skills related to chemical weapons) Physical: Swimming, SCUBA, and Vacumn Survival only Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any Science: Any (+20%) Technical: Any (+10%, +25% to Art) WP: Any, excluding the Heavier Weapons (Grenade Launcher, Heavy, etc.) Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: Select 4 at level 1, plus 2 more at levels 8 and 12. You know the drill. Standard Equipment: 12 test tubes for storing samples, 6 sets of MD manacles, backpack, 2 weapons of choice, one stun weapon of choice, one suit of Light Body Armor (Can be modified: See number 4. GM's option). Money: Starts with 3d6X100 Credits Cybernetics: NO! NEVER! Experience Table: Use the Juicer OCC experience table. Some Specific Magical Drugs: These are just some drugs I came up with for the OCC. The GM can, if they want to, convert them into regular spells, but I didn't, for fear of the Narcomancer losing its unique "flavoro/oo Inhibitor - 413 -

Upon contact with the skin of a victim (save those who have been infected with a Bio-Wizard microbe that purifies the victim), the victim is prevented from using ANY Natural Abilities (Including Bio-Regeneration, Nightvision, etc.), Psionics, Martial Arts Powers (excluding Involuntary Body Hardening Exercises), or healing (magical, technological, natural, etc.) of any kind! Narcomancers have developed an immunity to this and aren't affected by it. Magic abilities are reduced in power by 50% Duration: 2d6 Hours for Non-Supernatural Creatures 1d4X5 Minutes for Lesser Supernatural 1d4 Minutes for Greater Supernatural The Definitions of all of the above are left to the GM PPE Cost: 20 per dose. Booster This chemical operates by any number of ways. Infection, transmission, injestion, etc. It can increase any 1 physical quality of the Narcomancer's choice (including HP/MDC but not PB) by 50% (round up). Duration: 1 Hour PPE Cost: 15 Any one person can only use 3 at one time-each affecting the same attribute or different ones.

Necro-Knight O.C.C.
In the United Gateway Republic (UGR), there has been a new orientation of mystic warriors developed to defend against aggressive attacks by the enemy. This new orientation was developed by Marcus Miller, a renowned necromancer of Africa and warrior against the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse, and the Mystic Studies division of the University of Voyager City. The Necro-Knight is a specialized branch of the magic orientation of Necromancy, or the negative energy mysticism. The NecroKnights, or as they are commonly nick-named, the Death Knights, are quite similar to the Temporal Warrior in their combination of magic and combat skills. By specializing their studies the purely negative energy magic, they have made time for their more extra-curricular activities not normally available to mages, such as intense physical training and more scholarly studies. Through their extra, and divergent training, the Necro-Knights have honed their skill with the negative energy forces of the megaverse to actually create a mystic negative energy field! This field actually weakens opponents near the Death Knight, reducing their health, stamina, and speed. This nega-field of sorts is a formidable power to be reckoned with on the battlefield. The Necro-Knights are all sworn to a creed of honor and justice similar to the Cyber-Knights. Their first priority is to protect Voyager City, and all citizens and lands of the United Gateway Republic. Under this priority, all Necro-Knights are expected to serve at least three years on the defense force for the UGR military. After the first three years of enlistment, the soldier can reenlist for another three years or be put on reserve for the next 15 years. The reserve option enables the soldier to adventure and voyage on his or her own, but he or she is expected to return every other year for two months to be on temporary active service. All reserve soldiers are on call and expected to return to UGR lands to serve in the military if the UGR is under a major military attack. Necro-Knight Requirements and Skills Attribute Requirements: High I.Q., M.A., P.S., and P.E. attributes (all 10 or higher). A strong will (M.E. 12 or higher) is necessary. Special Bonuses: Add + 1D4 to M.A., P.S., P.E., and Spd attributes. Also add 5D6 S.D.C. to the usual warrior S.D.C. Magic Abilities: 1D6x10 + 20 P.P.E. plus 2D6 per each additional level of experience and can cast one spell per melee (counts as three melee actions). The Special Mystic Powers 1. Augmentation and additional appendages: Same as listed for the Necromancer O.C.C. 2. Impervious to Vampires: Same as Necromancer. 3. The visage and aura of the Necro-Knight is so powerful and frightening, that he or she has a horror factor! At first level the horror factor is 6, add one at levels three, five, seven, nine, eleven, thirteen, and fifteen. 4. Nega-Field: Since the Necro-Knights, are so strongly attuned to the negative forces of energy they can actually radiate fields of negative energy. By expending 40 P.P.E., the Necro-Knight can create a nega-field that weakens most flesh and blood life forms. The only beings that are not affected are those who are naturally energy beings (e.g., elementals), are negative energy beings (e.g., undead), beings who are electronically based (e.g., bots & full conversion borgs). Also, beings who can erect similar nega-fields such as Nega-Psychics, Null-Psyborgs, and fellow Necro-Knights are immune to its effects. Flesh based life forms, including magical ones (e.g., dragons), must save versus magic (use the spell strength bonus of the necro-knight). Characters inside power and M.D.C. body armor, robots, or military vehicles are affected. - 414 -

The field weakens all who fall victim to it, even after they leave the field. If the saving throw is not made, the victim will turn pale and feel weak. If an S.D.C. being, reduce S.D.C., hit points, AND Speed by half. Reduce attacks per melee and initiative by one. M.D.C. creatures reduce their M.D.C. and Speed by 25%, plus they also lose one attack per melee and their initiative drops by one. The proximity to ley lines and nexuses only affects the radius and duration, not the damage. The weakness lasts for 2 minutes per level of the necro-knight, once affected. The attacks per melee, S.D.C./H.P./M.D.C., Speed, and initiative all return to normal immediately after the duration time. The fields radius is 3 feet (0.9 m) per level. The duration the field is 2 melees (30 seconds) per level, it can be consciously canceled anytime before that. If the the Death Knight is knocked unconscious or killed during that time, the field remains up until the duration expires. The duration of the effects is 2 minutes per level. Spell casting Necromantic magic: Death Mask, Death Strike, Recognize the Undead, Strength of the Dead, and two necromantic spells of choice. Other spell magic: Globe of Daylight, Sense Evil, Turn Dead, Shadow Meld, Life Drain, See the Invisible, and two necromancyrelated spells of choice as listed in the Africa World Book. Learning new spells: The Necro-Knight can learn two spells per additional level of experience. The two spells can be either necromantic (e.g., Summon Vampires) and/or necromancy-related spells as listed on pg. 108, in the Rifts World Book 4 (e.g., Exorcism, Create Mummy, etc.). The Necromancer must learn the new spells like a ley line walker, the spells are not instantly known upon attaining a new level like a mystic. The Death Knight has the same spell P.P.E. restrictions as the Necromancer. O.C.C. Skills: Literacy (+15%) Language (speaks English and one other language at 96%, may select one other at + 30%) Lore: Demon (+10%) Land Navigation (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+10%) Paramedic (+10%) One Pilot skill of choice (+15%) Prowl (+15%) Body Building Cook (+10%) W.P. Two Ancient of choice. W.P. Three Modern of Choice. Math Basic (+20%) Hand to Hand: Martial Arts or Assassin, pick one. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select eight other skills, plus two additional skills at levels three, six, nine, and twelve. Communication: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only (+5%) Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanical: Basic and Automobile only (+5%) Medical: as above Military: Any (+5%) Physical: Any (+5% where applicable) Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Any Technical: Any W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character gets to select four secondary skills from those listed. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in the parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Standard equipment: typically includes an environmental body armor (usually medium to heavy), air filter and gas mask, minioxygen tank (15 minutes of air), sunglasses, knapsack/backpack, utility belt, ammo-belt, mini-shovel, some cooking supplies, lighter, flashlight, a silver knife (1D6 S.D.C.), one weapon for each W.P., and 1D4+1 extra energy clips for each applicable weapon. Death Knights also have a choice of any techno-wizard, psi-mechanic (if able), or mundane magic item/weapon of choice from Avatar Industries. - 415 -

Money: 1D6x1000 credits to start. Necro-Knights serving in the UGR military receive 1000 to 3000 credits a month depending on rank and duties. Cybernetics: Artificial bio-systems may be considered to replace limbs and organs when necessary. Mystic prosthetics will be preferred, because mundane mechanical augmentation interferes with magic.

The Nega-Vampire (N-Vamp) is a creature that is rarely known as they are commonly mistaken for True Vampires and treated as such. The start of the N-Vamps has been traced back to a rogue Secondary Vampire who somehow became associated with a god. The god and the Vampire struck a deal...the god was told the location of the Vampire's master and the Vampire, and all of it's ancestors, would live on as a mortal enemy of all True Vampires.The god was also able to grant a power to the (newly created) Nega-Vampire. This power was an incredible attack called the...The Hand of Light. It invovled permenantly killing a True Vampire without staking, decipitating and burning a vampire. Instead it involved merely wearing a vampire down to the point where the N-Vamp can plunge it's hand into a True Vampires chest, rip out the heart (thus spewing blood everywhere and giving the N-Vamp a chance to feed on the blood of a True Vampire), whisper The Word and watch the vampires turn to dust. The Word is a word or phase said by an N-Vamp as a way to permenantly destroy a True Vampire. What exactly The Word is varies for each individual N-Vamp (and is usually a phrase) and most (if not all) will not share what it is. Alignment: Any...but usually have good tendencies. Races: Any non-magical/supernatural race can be an N-Vamp. Attributes: (All are in addition to racial attributes) IQ: +2 ME: +1D6 MA: +2 PS: +(1D6x1D4)-Supernatural PP: +1D4 PE: +1D6 PB: Same Spd: x2 Fly: 1D4x10 (or +1D4x10 if can already fly) MDC: 2D4x10 (or +1D4x10 if already MDC) MHP: PE + 1D6 per level (or +1D6 MDC per level if you're not using MHPs) HF: +2 to HF or 10...whichever is higher ISP: 1D6x10 +10 ISP at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 PPE: 2D4x10 +10 PPE every 2 levels (2, 4, 6, etc..) Natural Abilities: Perfect Nightvision, Fly, Recognize Vampire by Sight: 50% + 5% per level, Track Vampires: 40% + 5% per level, The Hand of Light (special attack), Bio-regenerate: 1D6 MDC/MHP per melee but at 1/2 that when at negative HPs, Impervious to vampire mind control and bites. Vulnerabilites: Silver and wood does damage to N-Vamps (point for point: 1 SDC=1 MDC (x2 if already MD Weapon) ). Lose 1/2 parry, dodge and strike bonuses during daytime. Lose 1/3 attacks during daytime. Sunlight hurts eyes but does no damage. Vampire attacks do double damage. Must feed on blood (not as restricted as True Vampires). Water does no damage (not even afraid of it). Combat: +1 attack at levels 2, 5, 9 and 13 (in addition to racial and HTH training) Damage: See Supernatural Damage table (p. 22-ConvBk1), does damage to vampires. Bonuses: +1 to Initiative at levels 1, 5, 10 and 15. +1 to strike, parry and dodg at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. In addition to racial, attribute and training bonuses. -Special: The Hand of Light: -This is an attack that is very devastating to vampires. It invovles wearing a vampire down to Zero (0) HPs or less and then plunging a hand into the vampires chest, ripping out the heart (spewing vampire blood everywhere, this is when an N-Vamp has the chance to drink vampire blood) and whispering The Word. With the completion of The Word, the vampire begins to quickly turn to dust...permenantly destroyed. This attack can only be done once per melee. and doesn't take an attack. Psionics: Mind Block, Presense, Sense Evil Magic: Armor of Ithan at level 1. Gains Repel Animals and Shadow Meld at level 3. Gains Summon and Control Rain at level 9. Can draw PPE from objects, people and places. Average Life Span: Unknown. None have lived beyond 2000 before dying of unnatural causes Enemies: True Vampires and supernatural evil. Allies: Generally anyone willing to help fight vampires. Feeding: Like the True Vampire, the N-Vamp must feed on blood. Fortunately where this blood comes from isn't much of a problem. Almost all forms of blood can keep an N-Vamp alive. Animal blood taste like shit but is usually readily available (needs 2 pint per day). Human(oid) blood is the best tasting and the N-Vamp needs only 1 pint per day to survive. Monster/Supernatural blood is down right disgusting and can cause vomiting but it keeps the N-Vamp alive for 1 week per pint. If monster blood is consumed roll versus Non-Lethal poison, if failed the N-Vamp vomits but still needs to feed, if successful the blood is consumed with no ill effect. True Vampire blood is the most precious blood but is also the most repulsive (and danagerous). An N-Vamp can only feed on True Vampire blood during The hand of Light attack, right before The Word (doesn't count as an attack). If an N-Vamp drinks the blood of a True Vampire s/he must make a roll versus Lethal Poison. Failure means the N-Vamp vomits and passes out for 2D4 - 416 -

hours and if in battle that leaves the N-Vamp open for easy attack. If successful the N-Vamp doesn't have to feed a month!! And s/he permenantly gains 1D6 MDC! Dragon blood is poison to N-Vamps. To consume Dragon Blood means the N-Vamp must roll versus Lethal Poison or suffer 1D4 damage direct to MHPs (or 4D6 MDC)! An N-Vamp must feed or will go into a feeding frenze like that of a True Vampire. SKILLS: RCC Skills: WP: Sword, Bow + 2 others HTH: Expert Prowl(+10%) Lang: Atlantean(+15%) Other Skills: Select 5 other skills Select from the following catagories: Communication: Any Domestic: Any Espionage: Any(+5%) Medical: 1st Aid, Holistic and Paramedic Only Physical: Any Piloting: Auto, horse, motorcycle and trucks only Rogue: Any Science: Any Technical: Any(+5%) WP: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: Select 3 at level 1. Select an 1 additional skill at levels 4, 7, 10 and 14. Select from the same catagory as Other Skills but with no bonuses. Equipment: Mallet, 12 stakes, Automatic Pistol with 1D4 clips (silver bullets), 1 storm flare, water shotgun (p.30 SrcBk:1), laser pistol and 1 other weapon, 1D4+1 E-Clips, clothes and backpack. NO ARMOR (yet). Money: 1D6x1000 Credits.

By: Legate

The Neo-Chimp RCC

Alignment: Any Attributes: IQ: 3d6 ME: 3d6 MA: 3d6+2 (Friendly little buggers) PS: 2d6+2 PP: 3d6+2 PE: 3d6 PB: 3d6 Spd: 3d6 SDC: 10+Standard HP: PE+1d6/level AR: Standard HF: Standard PPE: 2d6 Natural Abilities: 1) Double-Jointed 2) Fur-Covered 3) Prehensile Feet/Toes 4) Prehensile Tail Combat: Standard Psionics: Standard - 417 -

Average Life Span: as per Human Skills of Note: as per Human plus climbing & acrobatics Habitat: as per Human Enemies: as per Human Allies: as per Human Size: Average Height: 4' Average Weight: 75 lbs OCCs: any, but tend to Pilots, Reporters, & "fun" jobs Notes: Chims = Male Chimie = Female They Love Drum Music & any music with a lot of Bass.

By: Legate

The Neo-Dolphin RCC

Alignment: Any, but tend toward Good Attributes: IQ: 3d6+2 ME: 3d6 MA: 3d6 PS: 3d6 PP: 3d6+2 PE: 3d6 PB: 3d6 Spd: Land: None Water: 3d6*10 SDC: 20+Standard HP: PE+1d6/level AR: Standard HF: Standard PPE: 2d6 Natural Abilities: 1) Double Jointed 2) No Body Hair 3) Sonar Range: 10 miles Tracking: 24 targets Combat: Standard Psionics: ISP: ME+(1d4*10)+(10/level) Powers: Impervious to Cold ,Mind Block, Telekinesis, Astral Projection, Empathy, Sixth Sense, Telepathy, Total Recall, Death Trance, Hydrokinesis (Super), Electrokiniesis (Super) Saves: as per a Major Psionic Average Life Span: as per Human Skills of Note: as per Human plus Swim at 98% Habitat: Human Worlds with water Enemies: as per Humans Allies: as per Humans Size: Average Height: 9' - 418 -

Average Weight: 300 lbs OCCs: any, but tend toward Artistic & Ship-Based OCCs

Neo-Juicer v1 O.C.C.
By: Mike Owens Seeing the rise in evil supernatural beings and D-Bees on Earth, as well as throughout the known Megaverse, a new process in genetic enhancement has been created by a new corporation known as Ardinmore Industries. Not much is known of this new organization and only a few items created by them has seen the open market. This process involves bombarding the subjects DNA code with various genetic and chemical compounds. The result was far beyond anything the scientists at A.I. were hoping for, a superhuman soldier more powerful than Earth has ever seen. These super-soldiers were dubbed "Neo-Juicers", whoever decided on the name must possess some familiarity with Earth, but whoever it they are is still a mystery. Currently there is only one known place on Rifts-Earth to undergo this process, the city of New Utopia, rumored to be located somewhere in the heart of the Magic Zone. The entire augmentation process takes about 1d4 weeks. Bonuses: -Add 1d4x100 SDC & 1d4x10 HP (if already an MDC being simply add 1d4x55 to existing MDC). -Change all SDC & HP to MDC, point for point. -Increase racial lifespan by 20%. -Increase PS by 4d6; PP by 3d4; PE by 3d6; Spd by 3d4x10; +2 to attacks; +8 vs. toxins, poisons, and gasses; +6 vs. psionics; +6 vs. all types of mind control; +4 to strike, parry, & dodge; +6 to roll; +6 to initiative; gets auto parry/dodge; +30% vs. coma/death; can leap 40 across w/ running start and 30 high w/ running start; Neo-Juicers are immune to the effects of pain and torture, and can continue function normally in combat even after being to only 5 hit points. -Increase height by 25% and weight by 50% (all muscle). -PS is considered supernatural. -Keep all previous PPE & ISP from before process, as well as all psionics and/or magical abilities. -All psionics and magic are unaffected by the process and characters will gain new spells or abilities as per their original O.C.C. or R.C.C. -55% of all Neo-Juicers has genetic anomalies. -01-20: 1 incurable insanity -21-40: 2 insanities (twice as hard to treat) -41-70: 1 random mutation (p. 109, Heroes Unlimited) -71-99: 2 random mutations (p. 109, Heroes Unlimited) -00: 1 incurable insanity and 1 random Alter Physical Structure from Heroes Unlimited. -Regenerates 10 MDC per melee round (will regenerate limbs and organs, but not the head.) -Cannot receive bionics or cybernetics, body will expel them in 2d4 minutes after implantation. -At level 10, and every 3 levels after, roll for 1d4 random insanities. O.C.C. Skills: Radio: Basic (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+5%) Land Navigation (+5%) Pilot (two of choice) (+10%) Language (three of choice) (+10%) WP E-Pistol WP E-Rifle WP (two of choice) Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (or Assassin if an evil alignment) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 7 other skills. Plus two skills at level 3, one more at level 6, 9, and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: any Domestic: any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Intelligence, escape artist, detect ambush, and detect concealment only. (+5%) Mechanical: Automotive only. Medical: First Aid or Paramedic only (paramedic costs two skills) Military: any (+10%) Physical: any (+10% where applicable) Pilot: any (+10%) Pilot Related: any (+5%) Rogue: any (+15% to Prowl) Science: Basic Math only - 419 -

Technical: any WP: any Wilderness: any Secondary Skills: Select 6 secondary skills from above list, these skills do not get the bonuses listed above. This OCC is available to all races, even MDC and the supernatural (except undead for obvious reasons) can partake in this process. Any supernatural creature with shape-changing abilities will lose these abilities, so pick a form before beginning the process. Also, this process is irreversible. There is no going back once the process is completed. This process is very expensive, 1 million credits for a normal subject and 3 million for an MDC or supernatural subject. The process is available to just about anyone willing to pay the cost. GMs Note: Unknown to the subjects or their employers, A.I. installs a type of genetic bomb in all Neo-Juicers they create. If any Neo-Juicer takes hostile action towards Ardinmore or the city of New Utopia, the bomb will activate and destroy the Neo-Juicer at the cellular level in 2d6 minutes. This painful safeguard results in the Neo-Juicer liquefying from the inside out, leaving nothing but a puddle and some slimy equipment. This process cannot be regenerated or reversed and no genetic material is salvageable. This bomb also prevents any attempts to clone Neo-Juicers, any attempt will result in triggering the bomb and destroying the clone in only 1 melee round! GMs Note 2: This is a very powerful OCC. If you have trouble controlling super-PCs or your PCs tend to be extremely imaginative, take great care in allowing this OCC. Things can get pretty hairy when youve got a really creative PC, then give him the strength to take out armies and youve got a problem.

v2 Neo-Juicer O.C.C.
By: Mike Owens Seeing the rise in evil supernatural beings and D-Bees on Earth, as well as throughout the known Megaverse, a new process in genetic enhancement has been created by a new corporation known as Ardinmore Industries. Not much is known of this new organization and only a few items created by them has seen the open market. This process involves bombarding the subjects DNA code with various genetic and chemical compounds. The result was far beyond anything the scientists at A.I. were hoping for, a superhuman soldier more powerful than Earth has ever seen. These super-soldiers were dubbed "Neo-Juicers", whoever decided on the name must possess some familiarity with Earth, but whoever it they are is still a mystery. Currently there is only one known place on Rifts-Earth to undergo this process, the city of New Utopia, rumored to be located somewhere in the heart of the Magic Zone. The entire augmentation process takes about 1d4 weeks. Bonuses: -Add 1d4x50 SDC & 1d4x5 HP (if already an MDC being simply add 1d4x55 to existing MDC). -Change all SDC & HP to MDC, point for point. -Decrease racial lifespan by 50%. -Increase PS by 4d6; PP by 3d4; PE by 3d6; Spd by 3d4x10; +2 to attacks; +8 vs. toxins, poisons, and gasses; +6 vs. psionics; +6 vs. all types of mind control; +4 to strike, parry, & dodge; +6 to roll; +6 to initiative; gets auto parry/dodge; +30% vs. coma/death; can leap 40 across w/ running start and 30 high w/ running start; Neo-Juicers are immune to the effects of pain and torture, and can continue function normally in combat even after being to only 5 hit points. -Increase height by 25% and weight by 50% (all muscle). -PS is considered supernatural. -Keep all previous PPE & ISP from before process, as well as all psionics and/or magical abilities. -All psionics and magic are unaffected by the process and characters will gain new spells or abilities as per their original O.C.C. or R.C.C. -35% of all Neo-Juicers has genetic anomalies. -01-20: 1 incurable insanity -21-40: 2 insanities (twice as hard to treat) -41-70: 1 random mutation (p. 109, Heroes Unlimited) -71-99: 2 random mutations (p. 109, Heroes Unlimited) -00: 1 incurable insanity and 1 random Alter Physical Structure from Heroes Unlimited. -Regenerates 10 MDC per melee round (will regenerate limbs and organs, but not the head.) -Cannot receive bionics or cybernetics, body will expel them in 2d4 minutes after implantation. O.C.C. Skills: Radio: Basic (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+5%) Land Navigation (+5%) Pilot (two of choice) (+10%) Language (three of choice) (+10%) WP E-Pistol - 420 -

WP E-Rifle WP (two of choice) Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (or Assassin if an evil alignment) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 7 other skills. Plus two skills at level 3, one more at level 6, 9, and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: any Domestic: any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Intelligence, escape artist, detect ambush, and detect concealment only. (+5%) Mechanical: Automotive only. Medical: First Aid or Paramedic only (paramedic costs two skills) Military: any (+10%) Physical: any (+10% where applicable) Pilot: any (+10%) Pilot Related: any (+5%) Rogue: any (+15% to Prowl) Science: Basic Math only Technical: any WP: any Wilderness: any Secondary Skills: Select 6 secondary skills from above list, these skills do not get the bonuses listed above. This OCC is available to all races, even MDC and the supernatural (except undead for obvious reasons) can partake in this process. Any supernatural creature with shape-changing abilities will lose these abilities, so pick a form before beginning the process. Also, this process is irreversible. There is no going back once the process is completed. This process is very expensive, 1 million credits for a normal subject and 3 million for an MDC or supernatural subject. The process is available to just about anyone willing to pay the cost. GMs Note: Unknown to the subjects or their employers, A.I. installs a type of genetic bomb in all Neo-Juicers they create. If any Neo-Juicer takes hostile action towards Ardinmore or the city of New Utopia, the bomb will activate and destroy the Neo-Juicer at the cellular level in 2d6 minutes. This painful safeguard results in the Neo-Juicer liquefying from the inside out, leaving nothing but a puddle and some slimy equipment. This process cannot be regenerated or reversed and no genetic material is salvageable. This bomb also prevents any attempts to clone Neo-Juicers, any attempt will result in triggering the bomb and destroying the clone in only 1 melee round! GMs Note 2: This is a very powerful OCC. If you have trouble controlling super-PCs or your PCs tend to be extremely imaginative, take great care in allowing this OCC. Things can get pretty hairy when youve got a really creative PC, then give him the strength to take out armies and youve got a problem.

Nexian R.C.C.
By: Jason Bridgman The Nexians are a race of energy beings that seem to be composed of pure and raw magic energy (hence their name refers to Nexus points). In their true form they appear as an amorphous blob of crackling energy, or they often shape themselves into a humanoid shape. Nexians can also assume a solid humanoid form in which to better interact with other beings. They can not assume just any humanoid shape, for even as humanoids they have a unique appearance. In their solid form, the nexian appears to be almost human except that they have a blue tinge to their skins, they generally stand six to nine feet tall, their eyes glow a brilliant blue (they appear to remain spheres of energy), and they occasionally have energy ripple across their bodies. The nexians do have different sexes, and they can be told apart like normal humanoids while in their solid forms. When in solid form, everything on the Nexian, including the beings themselves, radiate magic. This is because all of the possessions of the Nexians are either created out of magic energy (their clothes) or are magic/techno-wizard items. The Nexians can only transform magic items into energy form with them, they may not take mundane objects with them. While some Nexians may have some non-magic items, most will not as they like being able to change back to energy form at any time, and hate leaving anything behind. Many would think that being beings of pure magic energy, that the Nexians would be able to accomplish anything that a normal spell could accomplish. While this is true to an extent, it is not totally true. Nexians can manipulate magic to accomplish the same things that a spellcaster could, they are limited in similar ways as normal spellcasters. Nexians need to learn or figure out how to manipulate the energy around them and within them to accomplish the desired effects. This means that they have to basically learn like everyone else, they can't just do it. Nexians begin with many, but not a huge amount of spells. As Nexians advance, they learn to manipulate - 421 -

energy in new ways, and hence gain more spells. They may not learn spells from normal spellcasters as their magic is performed on a more basic level, and they can not learn them form other Nexian, as each Nexian is unique. Nexians often go amongst societies that do not recognize them as alien spellcasters or even as other humanoids if they have learned some magic to change their shape. Almost nothing is known about Nexian society including where they came from. It is a common theory that they either came from a dimension of tremendous magic energy (a thousand times that of rifts earth), but with very little rifts activity (the reason it has not been discovered). Another theory is that Nexians are born when a very powerful rift opens (this would explain their control over Nexus points and rifts).

R.C.C. Powers and Abilities 1. Automatically sense the opening, closing, and location of all dimensional rifts within 50 miles + 10 miles per level of experience. 2. Automatically senses the opening and closing of dimensional rifts, envelopes, pockets, mystic portals, dimensional teleportation, and magical time/space anomalies, holes, and portals within one mile plus one mile every two levels (+1 at 3, 5, 7, etc.). 3. Can see/sense dimensional envelopes, pockets, astral travelers, the invisible energy essence of alien intelligences and entities, and beings under the effect of magic within the range of sight or 500 feet if not in the line of sight. 4. Ley Line Phasing. Same as a Line Walker, but unlimited in number of times. 5. Fire blasts of raw magic energy from the hands or eyes (anywhere when in energy form). Light blasts cause 3d6 S.D.C., 1d4, 1d6, or 2d6 M.D. points of damage (can be regulated by the Nexian). Heavy blasts do 3d6, 5d6, or 1d4x10 M.D. damage. Range is 1000 feet for light blasts or 500 feet for heavy blasts (200 feet for 1d4x10 M.D.). One heavy blast or two light blasts can be fired per melee attack. 6. Can absorb energy at nexus points and from ley lines. Energy causes the nexian to regenerate 2d6 M.D.C. per melee round on ley lines or 1d4x10 M.D.C. per melee at nexus points. If completely healed, then P.P.E. will regenerate at 15 P.P.E. every 10 minutes on ley lines or 5 P.P.E per melee round at nexus points! They can also tap double the amount of P.P.E. than normal practitioners of magic. 7. Nexians can control ley line nexus points! Like some alien intelligences, when a Nexian is on a Nexus point, they can control the amount of energy available by channeling the energy through their bodies. This means that they can prevent all other beings from tapping the energy from that nexus point, and can also prevent rifts from opening at the nexus point. They can also create rifts at nexus points to any dimension known to them, or randomly. Chance to control a minor nexus point is 100% unless controlled by another being. To control a minor nexus point controlled by another being, or a super nexus, requires a roll of 50%+3% per level. If a super nexus is controlled by another being, it requires a roll of 25+3% per level to take control. (Note: If it was a nexian previously in control, they can try the same thing and retake control.) 8. Other abilities: Can see in all spectrums of light and radiation (including thermal radiation). Nightvision (1000 feet). Do not require food or sleep (gather magic energy from around themselves). Doesn't breathe air. Energy attacks inflict half damage when in energy form, 75% when solid. Kinetic attacks do no damage in energy form, full damage in solid form. Magic attacks can be absorbed! On a successful parry against a magic attack, Nexians heal 1d6 M.D. If the Nexian fails to parry, they suffer half damage (applies to all magic attacks even if the Nexian is not aware of the attack). Can fly when in energy form and pass through most solid structures. Cannot pass through force fields, phase fields, or magic barriers. Also cannot pass through mega-damage sealed military vehicles (robots and PA included). Regenerate 3d6 M.D. per minute. Cannot receive cybernetic or bio-wizard implants, they are not compatible. Nexian - Alien Energy Being Alignment: Any, but unprincipled and anarchist are most common (they tend to be rather thoughtless beings, with just a lust to explore). Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 4d6, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 3d6+10, P.P. 6d6, P.E. 5d6, P.B. 3d6, Spd. 4d6 (200 mph +10/level in energy form) (Physical skills only appropriate when in solid form, P.S. and P.E. are considered supernatural) Size: Six to nine feet tall in solid form, varies in energy form (One to fifteen feet in diameter maximum, can change size at will). Weight: 200-500 pounds when solid, weightless when in energy form. M.D.C.: 100+P.E.x10+15 per level. S.D.C./Hit Points: N/A. Horror Factor: 12 when they reveal themselves as energy beings. P.P.E.: 100+1d4x100+50 per level (250-550 at first level). - 422 -

Average Life Span: 5 to 10 thousand years average. Natural Abilities: See description of R.C.C. powers (above). Psionic Powers: Mind Block Auto-Defense only. Magic Powers: See description number __ under R.C.C. powers. Choose 2 spells from each of the levels from 1-6, and one spell from each of the levels 7-15 and two spells from any level for each level of experience (including first). Most areas of magic are available including normal spells, temporal magic, elemental, biomancy, african witch spells (not at first level), necromancy (not at first level), and magic chants/dances/ceremonies (same effect, but don't require ceremonies or chants). The only magic not available is wards, circles, and runes, and any other magic that requires physical manifestations. Note 1: Any normal spell that requires rituals such as Summon and Control Canines, is cast without the physical requirements. Protection circles creates an invisible barrier the same size as which would normally be drawn. Note 2: While spells from many areas are available, Nexians do not gain any of the special abilities that belong to normal spellcasters.) Combat: Typically five (5) hand to hand attacks per melee, or ten light energy blasts, or five heavy energy blasts, or three(!) by magic. Add one melee attack at levels five, ten, and fifteen. Bonuses: +5 to save vs. magic (+1 at levels 3, 9, 15), +4 to strike in hand to hand (+1 at levels 5, 9, 14), +6 to strike with energy blasts (+1 at levels 4, 8, 12), +4 to parry and dodge, +2 to initiative (+5 in energy form), +2 to save vs. psionics. Vulnerabilities/Penalties: Nil. R.C.C. Skills: Nexians have minimal training, they tend to rely on their natural abilities. Select four languages (+20%) literate in two languages (+10%) radio: basic (+10%) tracking (+5%) first aid (+5%) prowl (+15%) two pilot skills (+10%) basic math (+5%) streetwise (+10%) all lore skills (+5%/+25% if in regards to magic) two weapon proficiencies. Secondary Skills: Select 8 skills from any category except electronics, mechanical, medical, and physical. Plus select two at level four and one at levels seven, eleven, and fourteen. Alliances and Allies: None really, tend to be loners. When they do make friends, they are very dedicated. Tend to prefer magical beings and practitioners of magic. Enemies: Evil supernatural beings love to enslave and/or destroy Nexians for unknown reasons (especially the Splugorth). Equipment: A magical and/or techno-wizard weapons (including lesser rune weapons at the G.M.'s discretion), a set of light magic armor (60-140 M.D.C.), and perhaps some minor magical/techno-wizard items. The Nexian may have non-magical items, but they are generally not carried unless they are hiding amongst normal humanoids (disguise) or they have a place to put them if they want to change into energy form (Dimensional Envelopes/Pockets are common). Money: Nexians generally carry little money on them as it cannot change when they go into their energy form, but they often have a stash of funds with 3d6x100 credits. Those that can create dimensional pockets/envelopes may also carry money that way. In addition they will have 2d6x1000 credits in minor magical trinkets for use in trade. Cybernetics: Impossible! Mechanical implants are not possible in an energy being. Even when in solid form implants are automatically rejected and regenerated. Special Note: If a limb is cut or blown off of a Nexian, it is instantly reformed from the energy of the rest of the body, but the damage is only regenerated normally. Xp table: Use the dragon's experience table. - 423 -

Night Avatar OCC

By: Lord High Deathmaster

Night Avatar OCC:

At some point in their teens, something happened to force these dark warriors to accept the night as their only chance for survival and to depend utterly upon it for their continued existence. While this is not a rare occurrence on Rifts Earth, only a few instances result in an actual mystical bonding with the essence of the night. It is likely that those with the potential to become Night Avatars but don't will later become Warlocks, a similarly powerful bonding with an impersonal force, if a little less drastic. Assuming the fledgling Night Avatar survives the crisis that was responsible for his/her creation, he/she will undergo some marked changes over the next several hours. Night Avatars become stronger, tougher, and faster than most normal humans, but not to the extent of Crazies or Juicers. They develop perfect 20/20 vision and a superior form of nightvision. Their hair becomes black and the irises (the coloured part) of their eyes turn a dark, smoky grey. Skin colour remains unaffected but often becomes pale from lack of sunlight eventually. The metaphysical changes are far more pronounced. They become minor psionic sensitives which expand their senses into the realm of the supernatural. Their PPE levels greatly increase due to the mystic bond and they gain the innate ability to manipulate darkness and shadow through a limited form of spell magic. The most important ability is to manifest their mystical bond with the night as a suit of blacker than black armour. When clad in this Void Armour, they become powerful supernatural beings with the ability to grow lethal blades of solid darkness and to throw razor sharp shards of their suit to shred their enemies. Once the abilities have been gained, the choice of what to do next is up to the young Night Avatar. Some fight whatever forced them to become Night Avatars in the first place. More than a few are thus dedicated to destroying Vampires. Some believe that since they are now have part of the night inside them they have to be evil creatures of darkness, although most of these are just using this as an excuse to terrorise those weaker than themselves. Some deny their powers and continue to lead normal lives. Others lead fairly normal lives during the day but at night use their powers to fight evil creatures of the night or to be an evil creature of the night. Still others are unable to cope and tragically wander until they find a purpose or perish. -Basic Stats Alignment: Any Attributes: IQ: 3D6 ME: 3D6 MA: 3D6 PS: 3D6 +4 PP: 3D6 +4 PE: 3D6 +4 PB: 1D4 +8 Spd: 3D6 +9 Size: 5 feet 6 inches to 6 feet Weight: 160 to 200 lbs HP: PEx2 + 2D4 per level SDC: PEx4 plus bonuses from physical skills Horror Factor: None unless wearing their Void Armour PPE: PEx2 + 2D4x10 + 2D6/lvl ISP: MEx2 + 1D6/lvl Natural Life Span: 150 years (unless leading normal lives, most die in combat way before this) Natural Abilities: Described later Magical Powers: See Natural Abilities Psionics: See Natural Abilities (considered a minor psionic for save purposes) Bonuses: +2 Save vs HF at level one, +1 at levels 3,6,9, 12, and 15 +10% Save vs Coma/Death All other bonuses come from high attributes and use of Void Armour Vulnerabilties/Penalties: Daytime and especially sunlight doesn't physically hurt them but it does weaken their night powers. Also, when they are in direct sunlight they cast magic as if they were half their actual level. At level one this means that they lose all spell casting powers when in sunlight! As a result most feel vulnerable during the day (they're still better off than average humans but most don't see it that way) and much prefer to perform dangerous tasks at night. If they need to fight outside during the day and have access to technological weapons and armour, they are likely to use them instead of their greatly weakened night powers. Day or night, they are good at prowling and setting up attacks from concealed positions. They often use similar tactics at night to close to within hand to hand combat range due to being overshadowed by technology in the ranged attack area. Appearance: When not using their Void Armour or shadow magic they look like healthy humans with black hair and dark grey irises. Their movements tend to be more fluid and faster than average though and they are usually stronger and tougher than normal which may attract unwanted attention. When casting magic their eyes become entirely jet black (even the whites) and dark grey smoke surrounds the hands. When wearing their Void Armour, the armour is all that is visible. Absolutely nothing can be seen of the character's features and the voice sounds distant and cold when using their Void Armour. Starting Money: 2D4 x 100 Cr. in saleable items, 1D4 x 100 Cr. in cash Starting Equipment: One light energy pistol + 1D4 E-clips, 1 week of food - 424 -

Note: Depending on the character history, the character may have been able to steal/salvage/scrounge some extra money and/or equipment and/or an old one person vehicle - GM's call. Skills OCC Skills Speak Native Language at 98% Prowl (+25%) Set Up / Detect Ambush (+15%) Conceal / Detect Concealment (+15%) Acrobatics (+10%) Hand to Hand: Night Avatar Hand to Hand Combat Skill (cannot be changed) OCC Related Skills At level one select 9 skills from the following list. Select one additional related skill at levels 2,4,6,9, and 12. Communications: Radio: Basic only Cowboy: None Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Any (+10%) except Forgery and Pick Locks Mechanical: Basic only Medical: First Aid only Military: Camouflage only (+5%) Physical: Any (+10%) Pilot: Hovercraft, Motorcycle, and Automobile only Pilot Related: Any Rogue: None Science: Basic Math only Technical: Any except computers WP: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills At level one select 6 skills from the previous list. Select one additional secondary skill at levels 3,7, 10, and 14 Natural Abilities Perfect 20/20 vision Superior Nightvision (full visual capabilities in complete and utter darkness) Regenerate 1D6 HP/SDC per hour Always knows to within 1 minute the time remaining until sunset/sunrise Each hour spent in their Void Armour negates the need for one hour of sleep. Thus it is physically possible to lead two separate lives. The difficult part is usually keeping them separate. Night Powers: Void Armour Night Blades Night Shards Shadow Magic: Cloud of Smoke Create Darkness Shadow Meld Shadow Bolt Silent Darkness Shadow of Doom Psionics: See the Invisible and Presence Sense at level one Select one more power at levels 2, 4, 7, and 10 from the list below: Sense Evil Sense Magic See Aura Detect Psionics Empathy Object Read Night Avatar Armour (Void Armour) Takes one melee attack to summon/dismiss the armour for any length of time. Wearing other armour prevents the suit from being summoned. Triax MDC clothing is the exception and many wealthy members of this race buy nice suits (usually black of course). The character can chose the appearance of the armour each time it is summoned. This can vary from form fitting with few details or edges (for stealth) to highly stylised plate with a dragon helm (for intimidation). The armour is a living extension of the character's life force which has become one with the night and thus it is always the same suit and damage inflicted upon it remains until repaired. - 425 -

The character has a HF 12 when wearing this armour The armour is fully environmental with no prowl penalty and an effectively unlimited air supply. Damage can be repaired by infusing the suit with PPE while wearing it. Each infusion instantly regenerates 1D4 MDC but counts as an attack and costs the character 5 PPE. The character is the only creature who may spend PPE in order to repair damage to his suit. The maximum number of infusions that a character can perform in any given 5 minute period of time is 1 at level one + 1 more at levels 2, 4, 7, and 11. The suit cannot be regenerated when in direct sunlight. If the armour is destroyed, the character suffers 6D6+6 HP damage is stunned for 1D4 melee rounds. The character must wait for one day and spend 100 PPE to summon the suit again. If the character is at a ley line, the cost is 75 PPE. If standing on a nexus, the cost is only 50 PPE. The character must always wait at least 24 hours no matter what the location. When the suit reappears for the first time after being destroyed it has one tenth its maximum MDC but can now be healed and used normally. No body heat leaves the suit and it generates no heat so thermal optics and detectors are ineffective against a character in this armour The armour almost completely negates light that touches it's surface. This results in the character looking like a humanoid shaped hole cut out of reality hence 'Void Armour'. Laser sights and targeting systems don't confer their bonuses when used against a character in Void Armour. The light used by these systems is 3simply negated when it hits the Armour. Laser weapons do half damage against the armour. Bonuses when wearing the suit at night: Strength and Endurance become supernatural 30 MDC per level, triple speed rating +2 to Initiative, Strike, Parry, Dodge, and Roll with Impact +2 attacks per melee (takes effect the round after summoning) +20% to Prowl Skill Bonuses when wearing the suit during the day Strength (at -4) becomes supernatural 20 MDC per level, double speed rating +1 to Initiative, Strike, Parry, Dodge, and Roll with Impact +1 attack per melee (takes effect the round after summoning) +10% to Prowl Skill Bonuses when wearing the suit in direct sunlight: Strength becomes equivalent to robotic 10 MDC per level MDC lost/gained from day/night or shadow/sunlight changes occur at a rate of 5 MDC per melee round. These MDC gains/losses are applied to the current MDC until the armour has lost/gained the appropriate amount. Skill and combat bonuses from such changes are gained/lost on the character's next attack except for attacks per melee which only change from melee round to melee round. Night Blades Must be wearing Void Armour Takes one melee attack to grow each blade Blades can be returned to the armour by concentrating for one melee action Blades can be grown from the forearms, knees, and elbows Maximum of two blades per level Maximum of 4 blades per forearm and two per knee or elbow (max. 16) Damage is 1D6 MD per blade Shadow Blades do half damage when they or the armour are in direct sunlight. When used against Vampires, Night blades inflict HP damage equivalent to the inflicted MD. A Night Avatar cannot kill a vampire with Night Blades but he can injure them severely. More than six blades increases HF to 13 More than twelve blades increases HF to 14 Any existing blades are lost if the armour is dismissed Cannot summon Avatar Armour that already has blades on it Night Shards Must be wearing Void armour Takes one melee attack to throw Jet black razor sharp shards fly from the hands - this is a non-magical, physical attack Each Night Shard attack burns off MDC from the Void Armour Maximum MDC burnt per throw = 2 MDC per level of experience Cannot reduce armour to less than one half maximum MDC Cannot be used at all if armour is below half maximum MDC Damage is 1D10 MD per 2 MDC burned from the armour - 426 -

Range is 100 feet per level Has no effect on vampires except possible knockdown The shards dissolve into nothingness after about 5 seconds of existence Magic Spells of the Night Avatars The following spells are known to all the Night Avatars. Additional spells of any type cannot be learned / purchased. Cloud of Smoke (lvl 1) - Rifts Main Book Create Darkness (lvl 3) - See below Shadow Meld (lvl 4) - Rifts Main Book Shadow Bolt (lvl 5) - See below Silent Darkness (lvl 7) - See below Shadows of Death (lvl 9) - Rifts Africa (self only) Create Darkness Level: Three Range: 40 feet + 20 feet per level Duration: 3 minutes per level of experience Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 5 This spell creates an area of darkness with a radius of up to ten feet per level of experience. Negate Magic and Negate Magic Barriers will dissolve it instantly. This spell cannot be cast on an area in which there is sunlight. Artificial lights and Globe of Daylight have no effect and if present inside the area of effect when cast will be nullified while they remain the area of effect for the duration of the spell. Inside the area of effect, there is no ambient light so even light amplification devices and powers will be of little use. The cloud does not block the passage of heat, sound, or odours. Lasers are unaffected. Shadow Bolt Level: Five Range: 50 feet per level Duration: Instant (one attack to cast and throw) Saving Throw: Dodge P.P.E.: 8 The caster creates and hurls a bolt of darkness that inflicts 4D6 MD. The bolt should be considered to be intense magical cold as it almost devoid of light and heat energy. The bolt is +3 to strike at night/in shadows. Silent Darkness Level: Seven Range: 40 feet + 20 feet per level Duration: 2 minutes per level Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 25 The effects of this spell are the same as those described in the spell 'Create Darkness' with one exception: no form of sound including those created by magic or technological weapons can exist or enter the area of effect. Miscellaneous PPE recovery is 6 per hour of sleep, 12 per hour of meditation (doubled at nexuses, +50% at ley lines) This character class cannot draw PPE from any external source. It may only regain spent PPE by sleeping and meditating. ISP recovery is 3 per hour of sleep, 6 per hour of meditation All divisions (e.g. half damage) are to be rounded down unless otherwise mentioned. Globe of daylight does not have any effect on this character or his powers and will most likely be met with a darkness spell in order to cancel the annoyance. The only aspects of this OCC that are affected by proximity to ley lines or nexuses as explained in the Rifts Main Book are the magic spells. The effects of ley lines and nexuses upon other aspects and powers of this OCC (if any) are explained in the appropriate description. Natural Combat Ability Night Avatar Hand to Hand Combat Skill Level Bonuses / Abilities 1 Two attacks per melee, +1 Roll, Critical Strike with natural 20 WP Night Blades (+1 Strike/Parry at levels 1,3,7,10,13) WP Night Shards (+1 Strike at levels 2,4,6,9,12,15) WP Paired Shadow Blades Punch (1D4) Power Punch (2D4) Kick (2D4) Power Kick (3D6) Elbow Strike (1D6) Knee Strike (1D6+1) - 427 -

2 +1 Strike / Parry / Dodge / Roll 3 +1 Attack / Parry / Dodge / Roll 4 +1 Strike / Parry / Dodge, Critical Strike with natural 19-20 5 +1 Initiative, +2 Damage, Leap Attack 6 +1 Attack, Entangle 7 +2 Damage, Paired Weapons 8 Critical Strike with natural 18-20 9 +1 Attack 10 +1 Initiative, +2 Damage 11 +1 Parry / Dodge 12 +1 Attack 13 Critical Strike with natural 17-20 14 +1 Strike / Roll 15 Death Blow Notes: Roll = Roll with Punch / Fall / Impact Attack = attack per melee The Bonuses and abilities from the WPs only apply to those natural weapons, no others WP Night Blade applies to any Night Blades, whether they are on the arms, elbows, or knees Night Shards cannot be used as paired weapons. Only one set of shards may be thrown per attack Whenever strength inflicts MD, punches, kicks, knee and elbow strikes all inflict standard punch damage plus damage from any Night Blades present on that location. -Lord High Deathmaster Lord of the Night, I pray on bended knee, conquest by The rising moon, I'll wait for thy command with Shadow and blood at hand, glory and a broken blade I'm the master of the night, I have no fear of man Or beast born inside the soul of the World Running hard, breaking bone with shadow and blade Eternal Night I was born to wield!!!

NightCloak R.C.C.
These mysterious beings are humans born infused with mystical powers that revolve around the elements of night and their psychological focus- a cloak, cape or in modern times, long coat. Their appearance is as for normal humans, though they do have the occasional lilac eyes or platinum hair colors. During the night, they become pale in complexion and their hair and eyes both change to black, acting as an effective disguise to their identities. Alignments: Most(75%) are of good alignment, only 5% or less will be of evil alignment and most of these will be Aberrant. Attributes: Daytime attributes (# of D6 to be rolled) IQ3, ME3, MA3, PS3, PP3, PE4, PB3, SPD3 S.D.C.: 4 Hit Points: (PE+d6/ level) P.P.E.: 3d6 AR: None Nighttime attributes IQ3, ME5, MA4, PS4, PP5, PE6, PB4, SPD1d6x10 S.D.C.: 2d4x10 Hit Points: (PPE+2d6/level) P.P.E.: 1d4x10 AR:10 Horror Factor: 12 Natural Abilities: Knows the exact moment the sun sets/rises, Full Nightvision, See Shadowmelded Beings, Does not Age (see below), Night PS and PE are Supernatural. - 428 -

Cloak Powers (these powers are possible when touching or wearing their 'cloak'): 1) Regeneration: They heal 6 SDC/Hit Points per melee round at night and broken bones heal in 2d6 minutes (severed/destroyed limbs/organs regrow in 1d4 weeks). 2) Shadow Dance: By stepping into the shadows, they can teleport to any other shadow within line of sight range. This can be used as a dodge at +2 dodge. 3) Psionic Powers: Can chose any six powers from the lesser categories and has 2d4x10 (+ME attribute Number) ISP 4) Gliding-By Spreading out their cloaks and jumping from great heights: The Nightcloak can glide from heights as high as 2000' (plus 50' per level), but must glide forward 20' for every 100' dropped. Nightcloaks wearing their cloaks are immune to fear of heights and vertigo(even if they suffer from these conditions during day or without their cloaks). 5) Cloak Control: The cloak is a living extension of the wearer and can be altered in size from short-cape size to thirty foot long trailer and the wearer can use any part of the coat to strike as punch with Supernatural PS. 6) Special Powers: There are a number of different powers that the nightcloaks seem to exhibit on one-to-one basis, gets one of the following at level and a second at 6, third at 11 and fifth at level 15. Roll Power Percentile 01-18 Enhanced Psionics: Gets 4 additional powers from lesser categories and 3 super psionics, +1d4x10 ISP 19-36 Daylight Abilities: Retains all their cloak powers during the day at 1/3 strength(must still have cloak) Create Darkness: Can fill an area equal to their MEx10(plus 5' per level) with absolute darkness. Can see 37-54 through this darkness as normal. Coat Envelope:Can displace up to MEx10 lb plus 20 lb/level into dimensional hole in his cloak. Can even 55-72 displace people if the weight does not exceed their limit. +3 to use this as a parry to ANY (including energy) frontal attacks on character. Become Shadow: By lying flat against a surface, they can become a living shadow, undetectable and 73-90 immune to harm. Limit of 1 minute per level of experience. Invisibility: The character can become unseen when in any darkened area. If that area is then lit, they can 91-00 maintain this invisibility for 1 minute per level of experience. 7) Cloak Armor: Cloak acts as armor for the wearer, providing them with 100 SDC of protection that heals at 10 SDC per turn. Coat has 400 SDC itself and if destroyed, the Nightcloak will lose ALL powers(will return to real physical age at rate of one month per hour without the cloak, they will die at the 100 year-old level), which will return only if they can find an ancient Nightcloak to bond a new cloak to them. This can make a great plot hook for Nightcloak character. Combat: At night, the character gets the following bonuses: +1 attack, +2s/p/d due to superior abilities, as well as +4 initiative and +10% to all dex-based skills. +3 to all Perception rolls as well due to heightened senses at night. Other Bonuses: +5 vs. HF, +15% vs.Coma/death, +3 vs. psi/ magic/poisons and is immune to disease(these are at night only, a Nightcloak with a cold will be afflicted with it for normal duration during day but be unaffected at night). Can Train in any non-magic/psionic/sniper OCC they want, though many become fighters/champions of good.

The Nocturnal Wanderer

By: Brice Daury

The Nocturnal Wanderer- A NightBane RCC

These are fundamentally normal humans who have one odd little thing in common-they feel compelled(be it by fate, boredom or what have you) to spend the night hours wandering the streets of the city that they live in. This has other effects on the character (side effects, you might say)- they can see perfectly in almost no light at all, have phenomenal endurance and they seem drawn, randomly, to the supernatural. They also exhibit uncontrolled latent psionic powers that just occur and which the Wanderer knows nothing about. These people, who sometimes have little grasp on reality to begin with and spend all their time out night-walking, are rarely surprised and never really bothered by the fact that the world is inhabited by supernatural beings, though they will never admit(or realize, for that matter) that they are anything but normal. Although basically the same as human, they have some altered stats to reflect their unusual nature: ME 3d6+3 MA 2d6 PE 4d6 PB 3d6-2, all others are determin- ed as normal. SDC: 4d6 plus that granted by skills and training. Hit Points: Normal, PE + 1d6/level - 429 -

PPE: Not all burnt up on psionics, so has 5d6 PPE ISP: ME plus 1d6x10, add five per level after the first Appearance: Mostly normal, though somewhat more bland, they seem to OEsink' into the night world in which they wander. Age: As normal, usually they are in their early twenties, and many will frequent bars and/or pubs during their nightly sojourns. Natural abilities: Nightvision to 600' and must wear sunglasses in bright light of any kind or are -2 s/p/d due to light-blindness, Can tell vampires by sight and have 35% chance to see shadow-melded beings, Are +6 vs. Horror Factor (nothing phases them- "been there, done that), Are highly resistant to drugs/ toxins and are +3 to save vs. them(take only 75% of normal damage/effect from these chemicals even if they fail to save- many are alcoholics and/or drug dependent), Need only 4 hours sleep at night for maximum performance and can go upto 3 days sleepless without detrimental effects. Natural Latent Psionics: Can pick 4 powers from the following and save as major psychics: Bio Regeneration* Clairvoyance Deaden Pain(self only) Empathy Impervious to Cold Resist Fatigue Sense Evil Sixth Sense Speed Reading Total Recall Notes: The Gm must be fair about the use of these powers, if the character has a power that is reasonable for a certain situation, the GM should then activate that power and record character's ISP loss- the character(and possibly the player too,) should not know when the powers are working(or that they have them at all!). * Bio Regeneration can only be picked in conjunction with Deaden Pain, otherwise the character would know that they were hurt and power wouldn't work- so this way, the character heals self before he realizes he's hurt and then shrugs the damage off as a OEflesh wound, nothing major'. Special: At GM's discretion, on a roll of 01-05% on d100, the character may also pick eiother the power mind block auto-defense or hypnotic suggestion. The Character's skills and OCC are determined as normal except they also have the following three extra skills, a sort of innate knowledge related to their nature: Athletics(walking-same as general in all respects) Streetwise +20%(knows who to avoid and who to get in good with/hang with) Lore:Night +20%(New Skill) This is a general lore skill that deals with learning the basics about all the different NightBane factions but specific knowledge on none of them. However, if the character also takes a specific lore skill, this skill will add +5% to that skill due to the general knowledge the character already has. Savings and Occupations: As normal, but remember that due to their nature, these peolpe don't fit in well in the dayworld and probably have trouble holding normal day jobs. But if they're rich, then it makes no difference.

The Norns

Norns R.C.C.
Based mostly on a marvel comic book. The Norns are a race of evil humanoids who can very easily pass for human. They are rumored to be one of many races that came with the coming of the Rifts, but they are, in actuality, a race that has remained hidden for many years. Their general appearance is that of a human, except with glowing red eyes. Norns can successfuly breed with humans, producing either human (01-50) or norn (51-00) offspring. However, they are not genetically similar enough to humans for them to be able to get magic tattoos, despite the fact that many consider them a group of human mutants. Another notable difference is that, despite the above-average PPE base, they CANNOT practice magic. They are usually found in Central America, and in the southwest of the old US. As a race, they have no real agenda. But, generally, they prefer to lord it over the humans and D-Bees of the area in a style reminiscent of Vampires. However, their apparent similarities are just that, for the two are bitter rivals for Central America, since the Norns cannot be turned into vampires and are actually capable of disabling a vampire in normal combat (through the agony touch). GM Note: This race can be used as a PC Alignments: Any Selfish or Evil Attributes: IQ: 3d6 ME: 3d6+2 MA: 3d6 PS: 4d6+3 PP: 3d6+5 PE: 4d6 PB: 3d6 SPD: 3d6+5. PS and PE considered supernatural. MDC: PE+1d6 Per Level of Experience. Average Life Span: Same as humans, about 100 years. HF: 9 when eyes are revealed, 13 when using agony touch. PPE: 4d6 Weight: 250-300 lbs. Height: 6.5-7 ft. Natural Abilities: Nightvision 300ft., supernatural strength and endurance, Bio-Regenerate 1d5 MDC per 10 minutes, perfect 20/20 - 430 -

vision, super smell, as per mutant power. Agony Touch: The primary ability of a Norn is to feed upon the psychic anguish of another person! Note that the Norn doesn't eat or drink, it instead requires this psychic nourishment. All Norns must feed on one days worth of psychic anguish to be fully comfortable for a month (I'll explain all of this down below). A Mind Block or similar contraption will prevent this power from being used, but otherwise no saving throw! In order for the touch to work, the Norn's BARE hand must touch the victim's UNCOVERED head! The Norn will then experience all of the Victim's repressed/painful memories, growing stronger as the victim's anguish mounts! For Victim: Save vs. Insanity. If failed, roll twice on the random insanity table, and the victim either gets a phobia towards Norns, or an Obsession with destroying them. For Norn: +2 PS, +5 PE, +1d6X10 MDC per each "pointo/oo of psychic anguish. Note that each memory takes one minute to extract. The bonuses last for one day per level of the Norn. For Example: Biff the Rogue Scholar is ambushed by a 3rd level Norn, who triggers the agony touch, since Biff forgot to put on his helmet that day. Biff then is forced to remember memories of being abused as a child, a "ratingo/oo of about 5 points, we'll say. TheNorn then feeds on the pain, causing Biff to go insane and the Norn to get: +10 to PS, +25 PE, and +5d6X10 to MDC. The Norn then retains these bonuses for 2 days, as well as having been fed for a month (One day subtracted from the total duration so as to keep the Norn fed). Consult the following table: Trauma: 3-5 points depending on intensity. Failed Save vs. Horror Factor: 1-2 points. Alternative cause of an insanity: A whopping 10 points!!! Memories of a bad childhood: 2-5 points. Death of a loved one: 4 points. An action which caused feelings of guilt: 7 points. These are just examples. Basically, the GM should use these tables as methods to assign a "ratingo/oo to the anguish of the victim, thereby determining how much stronger the Norn gets.GMs get the idea and make up something if a specific bad memory isn't on the list. Combat: 3 APM plus bonuses. Bonuses: +6 to initiative, +7 save vs. HF, +3 save vs. Poison, disease, etc., +3 S, P, D, +4 Roll. Psionics: Mind Block and Empathy. ISP: 1d4X10, unchanging. OCCs: Any, except Magic.

Nosferatu RCC

Nosferatu R.C.C.
The nosferatu are a race of vampires, similar to the common "Mexican" variety, but also much different. It is unknown where the first of their kind came from, but it was not from an intelligence, and they have inhabited Earth for at least 1000 years, perhaps longer. Some have theorized that the first was just a very strong willed person, who simply refused to die. One of the first was Vlad Tepes, more commonly known as Count Dracula! In fact, the vampire legends were actually based on nosferatu, not true vampires, who consequently only numbered about fifty to a hundred at any time in Earth's history until now. A nosferatu can be of any alignment. Second, their powers and vulnerabilities are changed. They are impervious to water, crosses, and silver. Howevert, they cannot bring themselves over a body of water at high tide. Only in a vehicle driven by another may this be accomplished, or in bat form high enough that the water is hidden by clouds. It is not fear that prevents them from doing so, but something in their very nature. They do not have to sleep in the day. Garlic does not repel them, but consuming it will make them sick. A wooden stake through the heart will kill them immediately, no burning or anything necessary. Taking away the soil of their homeland will kill the creature after three days. However, it is not the soil of the land where they were turned into a nosferatu that is needed, but the soil of their original birth place, their true birth. Sunlight can kill them, but they are more resistant than normal vampires. Direct sunlight will kill a nosferatu in minutes. An overcast day will allow the creature to come out, but they will tire faster than usually. Protection with a wide brimmed hat or other forms of shade will have the same effect. Their blood lust is mostly the same, except they can sustain themselves on animal (mammals only) blood, but only the blood of their race (of the opposite sex) tastes good to them, and they can last a week on two pints with no ill effect. They also have a new weakness. They can not come through a door, into someone's home, without being invited in. The powers of mind control and the psionics are different than the normal vampire. They have no control over vampires or other nosferatu, but have all the other powers of the vampire, but at their own level and not at fourth level. They can recognize vampires and nosferatu by sight. Their powers of metamorphosis are identical, but if they are outside even on an overcast day, they can not transform. They are immortal, but have absolutely no link to their creator. They have all the other powers natural to vampires, as listed on page 26 of Vampire Kingdoms, except they do radiate heat. The creation process is somewhat different. Only a few originally existed throughout the world, created through unknown means. All the rest were created by other nosferatu. The way this is done is by the normal person drinking of the nosferatu's blood (yes, nosferatu bleed). The victim then goes into a trance like state, lasting anywhere from two weeks to four months. When they emerge, they are nosferatu. It is said that it is possible for a newly transformed (under three weeks) nosferatu to turn back to a normal member of their race, but only if there is something very strong holding them to that life (true love, a child, etc.). The appearance of the nosferatu is not savage - 431 -

like that of the vampire. They look no different than a normal member of their former race, and their sharp canines only come in for feeding. Alignment: Any Attributes: Indicates how much to add to their race's original stats. I.Q. +2 M.E. +2 M.A. +5 P.S. +12 P.P. +10 P.E. +10 P.B. +1 Spd. +5 Note: All attributes are considered supernatural. Size: As per race. Weight: As per race. M.D.C.: N/A S.D.C./Hit Points: N/A Horror Factor: As per race, unless known to be nosferatu, then 12, or if is already above 12, then add 2. P.P.E.: As per race, unless a magic O.C.C. Average Life Span: Immortal. Natural Abilities: As described above, plus any of the original race. Experience Level: NPC's range from first to fifteenth, average is 1D8+1. Players should start at first level. Psionics: 3D6 x 10 I.S.P., plus 1D4 per level. Has the powers of death trance, alter aura, empathy, mind block, hypnotic suggestion, presence sense, sense evil, deaden pain, induce sleep, and super hypnotic suggestion. Considered a major psionic, requires a roll of 12 or higher to save vs. psionic attacks. Plus any from before the transformation. Magic: By O.C.C. only. Hand to Hand Combat: By O.C.C. Damage: Supernatural. R.C.C. Bonuses: +1 vs. horror factor, +1 on initiative, +2 to strike, parry, and dodge, and has one extra melee action. Vulnerabilities: As described above. O.C.C.'s: As per race. Alliances and Allies: These beings are despised by true vampires, many humans, D-bees, and other creatures. It is hard for a nosferatu to gain new friends unless they keep their nature secret until the friendship is forged. Weapons and Equipment: Varies per O.C.C.

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-OOberon Gargoyles R.C.C.

By: Garry Wilson One thousand year ago superstition and the sword ruled It was a time of darkness It was a world of fear It was the age of gargoyles Stone by day Warriors by night. We were betrayed by the humans we had sworn to protect Frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years. Now in Manhattan the spell is broken and we live again. We are defenders of the night. We are gargoyles. The gargoyles were created by Oberon, Ruler of Avalon, to be one of the three races in his dimension of Avalon. These are the stone creatures seen on Pre Rifts buildings guarding their keep. Some of whom have now got a sweet deal with Disney and have become the gargoyles on TV. Alignment: Any, usually honorable (principled or abberant) Attributes: I.Q 3D6, M.E3D6, M.A 3D6+2, P.S 16+2D6, P.P 16+2D4+2, P.E 12+2D4, P.B 2D6+3, SPD 3D6 PS and PE are considered supernatural MDC: 1D4X50 + 1D6X10 ISP-2D6 PPE: 40+3d6 (vampires will have a great meal on these guys and will create one bad mama in the process) Attacks : 3 + hand to hand + other bonuses Damage : see supernatural ps chart (page 22 rifts conv. Book) Bonuses : +2 initiative, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +3 dodge in Flight, +6 vs. Hf, +4 vs. All magic. Life span : 100-150 years natural life (an educated guess) Appearance: The gargoyles are a race of humanoid creatures from 4-12 feet tall they look like their features have been cast from stone (except some clans look different; IE the Bushido). They have coloured skin ranging from black to white. They have wings either growing out of their backs of between their arms and their legs (IE Lexington). Enemies: Anyone who has crossed them and if they have had most of their clan destroyed humans in general. Allies: These guys will take any one under their wings (figuratively) who is persecuted by any one. Also seem to have an affinity with dragons Any one from their clan will be accepted but if they are betrayed (i.e. Demona) they will no longer be trusted unless they can prove themselves worthy for their trust Special abilities: Winged flight (gliding). Speed depends on environment and weather. Can dive at 3x spd normal speed, Perfect night vision (1000 feet), can see in zero light conditions. adrenalin rush get extra 2d4 PP and PS for 1d10 melees, engage in mega damage hand to hand combat (because of their claws are made from a near indestructible material still under study). Special disadvantages: Hated by many and seen as spawn of dragons and are hated like Dragons. But that is about it I could not see any thing that could be classed as a disadvantage to being a gargoyle. Starting equipment: Start off with no equipment. Most will think it is useless, but some carry a e-pistol or rifle. Money: 50 credits dont care much for money except for food and equipment but could easily get more from banks( one of these guys come into a bank no one would mess with them) O.C.C. Skills (with bonuses): American 98% / lit. American 98% One other language 70% / lit 70% - 433 -

Track humanoids +15% Detect ambush +10% Detect concealment +10% Prowl +15% 1 Ancient wp (plus paired if applicable) Intelligence +10% O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8 other skills. Gain additional skills as Follows: 2 at level 3, 2 at level 6, 1 at level 9, and 1 at level 12. Communications: any Domestic: any Electrical: any Espionage: any (+10%) Mechanical:any Medical: first aid or paramedic only Military: any (+5%) Physical: any Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rogue: any Science: any Technical: any Weapon Proficiencies: any Wilderness: any (+10%) Secondary skills: the character may also select six secondary skills from the Previous list. These additional areas of knowledge do not get the bonuses Listed in parentheses. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as Previously indicated in the list. Spells (if any):only if learned from scrolls Cybernetics: none to start but may get them (ie coldstone) Experience table: same as CS Military Specialist Note all the gargoyle clans will have a building that they associate their clan with(ie castle wyvern) and all have sworn to protect it with their lives

Out World Warrior

By: Mavrick ---------------------------------------------------------------------Based loosely on Mortal Kombat both game and movie..... ---------------------------------------------------------------------During the time before the coming of the Rifts there was a tournament. Not just any tournament, but one that would decide the fate of the Earth. Created Eons ago, it was called, Mortal Kombat. The tournament was set up so that people form all the realms would compete to see who was the best. 10 of the greatest fighters would compete. Some possessing bazaar powers, some of them alien in form and some of them normal. To the winner of Mortal Kombat came immortality, they could never grow any older then what they were and would never degenerate, to make sure they were in perfect health for the next tournament. Earth, being the greatest of the realms was sought over by all realms. Earth was known to possess a portal to ever realm, making it the perfect base of operations. This is why the overlord of OutWorld Shao Kahn sought to have Earth as his, but he made one mistake. Knowing that the chosen one (aka Liu Kang) would win the 10th Mortal Kombat, he set into action a plan which began 10,000 years ago. When his queen died, Shao Kahn's dark priests sent her soul to the Earth Realm where it would once be reborn. With this rebirth it would be possible for Shao Kahn to step through and claim his queen at the same time claiming the earth realm as well. And on that day, the Rifts came. Forcing Shao Kahn back into his realm. He awaits there, waiting for a time when he can return and take the realm. He sends his warriors to weaken earth but he has not won yet. And so was born the Legend of the Out World Warriors..... Attribute Requirements: All the characters Attributes must be above 15. Due to there extreme skill and training. (Except for MA & PB of course.) Alignment: Miscreant or the Such, small percent are of the good nature. O.C.C. Skills: All Skills have a 30% Bonus Radio Basic: Basic Electronics - 434 -

Detect Ambush Tracking Hand to Hand: Any thats available. Acrobatics Athletics (general) Running Gymnastics Concealment Prowl WP: Ancient (pick one) WP: Modern (pick one) Land Navigation O.C.C. Related Skills: Can choose 6 from the following skills at a 20% bonus. Communications Electrical Espionage Mehanical Military Physical Pilot Skills Pilot Related Skills Rogue Skills Technical (Except Art, Writing, and Photography). Secondary Skills: The character also gets 4 additional skills from the above listing but gets no bonus. Special Skills: At levels 5, 10, 15, & 20 they get a special power of the powers list. (coming soon of course.). At level 1 they get 2 special moves. Also there moves take up PPE which is increased as they advance in levels. For the base PPE roll 10d10. As there Standard Equipment: The standard equipment for the Warrior is as follows. (Note due to there raiding of earth they have a some energy weapons and stuff). NG-480 Turbo (pg. 60 Rifts Lone Star), 1 Phase Sword/Rune Sword, 1 energy pistol of choice, 1 energy rifle of choice, The Explorer: Full Composite Body Armor (may substitute for any light body armor, Full rations for 1 week, also any other little provision needed. (although Bikes, PA, RuneWeapons, and mega powerful items are not considered little). They can also get Mechs, Cyclones or any other equipment from other realms on assignment. (AKA If GM allows!) Money: All warriors start with 1d20 x 100,000 credits and 1d10 x 1,000,000 credits in black market items. As always the black market credits are not allowed to be saved. Cybernetics/Bionics: Will never get cybernetics unless absolutely necessary and then will want Bionics instead of Cybernetics. Things to note: These warriors are not from earth, and due to the fact that outworld is mostly unknown to people they will not openly tell everyone that they are from there. Some have become even more powerful than atlanteans (no kidding). In out world they, the highpriests and minions of Shao Kahn, can create Rune Armor which is very hard to come by and if a warrior happenes to have rune armor they will never give or sell it, when the warrior dies the armor is transported back to Out World.

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-PPaladin O.C.C.
By: Tyler Faulk The Paladin OCC is similar in many ways to the Cyber Knight of the Americas. The major difference lies in area of specialty other than fighting. All Paladins are accomplished warriors but are also adept in the use of magic! At first level the Paladin has just begun his adventures away from the academic life of a scholar. Most of his fighting skills have been learned by practice, not by experience. Likewise the Paladin's magic knowledge is minimal initially but grows once the character begins to expand his/her horizons. Because the Paladin needs to learn many things before he can advance as both a warrior and a mage, he goes up in levels very slowly. This is not a handicap however, because the Paladin must quickly learn alternative methods to all forms of actions. Paladins are renowned as clever battlers who, even though outmatched in many conflicts, are never outclassed. The Order of the Paladin is relatively exclusive; very exclusive if you are not wealthy. Teenage men and women of upper class British families who show quality physical prowess and a great mental capacity are sent to the Order for screening and selection. The location of the Order is kept secret from everyone, including the Paladins in training. Order representatives transport members to and from the training area by magical means. The training lasts for several years and is very intensive in order to prepare the warriors for the harshness that they will face. Many of the pampered young men and women are incapable of the training and are sent home. Only the elite are indoctrinated into the order and sent to serve and protect the kingdoms of man England. The Order of the Paladin was created for a very specific reason: To provide an elite guard of noble warriors to protect and serve the kingdoms of mankind in England. To this end the elite of the upper class were gathered together and taught the arts of war and magic. Paladins are almost entirely of good alignments as the selection process weeds out those who are unworthy of carrying the mantle. O.C.C. Powers: P.P.E.: Paladins are powerful batteries of PPE, multiply the PE number by five. Bonuses: +4 to save vs. horror factor, add 1D4 to PS, 1D4 to PE, 1D6 to Spd, 1D6x10 to SDC, +2 to save vs. magic, +1 on initiative. Spell Knowledge: The Paladin is taught of the ways of magic and how to harness the power. They are not naturally attuned to magic energies like other magic OCC's, so their knowledge does not equal that of the more powerful character classes. However, their training prepares them for the intuitive leaps needed to learn new spells. Initially the Paladin starts with six spells from levels one and two. Learning New Spells: The Paladin gains three additional spells at second level from the spell levels of one, two and three. At third level, the Paladin can choose two additional spells from these same levels. Until level four, the Paladin cannot learn new spells by purchasing them or studying them. His knowledge must be intuitive at first. At fourth level the Paladin bridges the gap between - 436 -

student of magic and practitioner of magic. At this one time the Paladin may choose six new spells from levels one through four. Afterwards he may select two new spells form the corresponding experience level. He may also learn new spells from additional studying or purchasing. Attribute Requirements: IQ: 12, ME: 10, PE: 12 and PP: 10 O.C.C. Skills: Dance - 50% Play musical instrument - 55% Horsemanship - 60% Wilderness Survival - 40% WP Sword Select three Languages, literate in two - 70% Select three W.P.'s of choice Hand to Hand Expert-Martial Arts can be selected at the cost of two 'other' skills O.C.C. Related Skills: Select eight 'other' skills. Plus select two additional skills at levels three, eight and eleven. At level six, select four 'other' skills. Communication: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any (+20%) Electrical: Basic Electronics only Espianoge: Any Mechanical: Basic, Automotive and Computer Repair only Medical: Any except pathology and cyber-doc Military: Any (+5%) Physical: Any Pilot: Any except Robots & Power Armor and Jets Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any except Safecracking Science: Any math, Chemistry and Botany & Biology Technical: Any (+10%) WP: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: Select four secondary skills at level one. Standard Equipment: First aid kit, sleeping bag, saddlebag, backpack, utility belt, matches & lighter, flashlight, 1D4 pairs handcuffs, 100ft rope, grappling hook, 1D4 +1 metal spikes, sunglasses, air filter, binoculars and 1D4 weeks of food rations. Transportation: Usually leans towards riding animals like horses or maybe a supernatural type in the area, unicorns as riding mounts are not unheard of. Motorcycles and hover bikes are also possibilities. Sticks to transportation that allows the paladin to attack from the vehicle. Weapons: 1D4 wooden stakes and mallet, silver cross, conventional or magic or vibro blade sword, sidearm and energy rifle. Armor: Starts with one set of non-powered mega damage armor. Triax suits and the occasional magical set are seen. Money: 20,000 in credits readily available (remember that 90% of all Paladins come from wealthy families and as such have access to even more money if needed, GM's discretion as to availability.) Cybernetics: Avoid at all costs because it interferes with spell casting.

Parasite RCC
By: Mr Burrito

Parasite RCC
A parasite is a D-bee that has the power to drain another's powers and knowledge into itself to make itself more powerful. - 437 -

By draining another's power, the Parasite will become a lot more powerful, but it cannot kill the "host" by doing this. The Parasite will, at most, bring the host into a comatose state. Also, after a few hours after draining another's power, all the knowledge and powers will be gone and be replaced by a bad headache, soreness, and will be tired. The Parasite's form is that of a humanoid, but completely red, and with no mouth or nose. Although their mouth is not visible as a hole, you can see it as shadows as they talk. It appears that it is just a man wearing a skin-tight red suit all over his body. Alignment: Any, but mostly selfish and evil Attributes: IQ 3D6 ME 3D6 MA 3D6 PS 3D6+4 PP 3D6 PE 3D6 PB 2D6 Spd 3D6 Hit Points: Standard, PE +1D6 per lvl SDC: 30 HF: 10 if they don't know what it is, 15 if they do PPE: 1D6 Natural Abilities: Steal Power: This is the Parasite's ability to steal one's power, knowledge, and strength. They can touch a person without stealing their power, and must will it to steal the power as well. For every melee the Parasite holds the host, one eighth (rounded down) of the host's SDC, Hit Points, MDC, and attributes will be added to the Parasite's. The host's natural abilities (none of those gained from the OCC) skills (with same proficiencies), and knowledge will be temporarily added to the Parasite's after being held for 1D6 melees. After 1D4 hours, everything the Parasite stole will be gone. After this time, it will be replaced by a sickness similar to a hangover. The Parasite cannot steal any other powers for another 24 hours. The host's skills, knowledge, and natural abilities will still be there after being drained, The attributes will be cut in half for 1D4 minutes, and everything else will come back by one fourth every minute. Magic and psionics are not learned. Note: No one is safe from being drained of its power by the Parasite. The only way to protect themself is to completely cover themself with something. The Parasite must touch the host's skin. Magic: none Psionics: Standard Available OCC's: Any, but magic, juicer, crazy or anything else that will modify them with chemicals, electronics or other because chemicals, electronics, etc. will take away their power to steal power. Skills of Note: Speak 4 languages of choice at 98% Average Life Span: 60 years Habitat: anywhere Enemies: None per se Allies: Other Parasites, mostly Size: 5'-6' tall Weight: 120-200 ft Note: Reguardless of alignment, Parasites will not hesitate to steal power they've never experienced before. They don't necessarily steal powers to hurt or kill someone, but they are simply power hungry. They especially like stealing HU heroes powers.

Phase Dragon R.C.C.

Alignment: Any Attributes: IQ: 3D6+8 (4D6+12 FOR ADULT), ME: 3D6+8 (4D6+12), MA: 3D6+8 (4D6+12), PS: 3D6+8 (4D6+12), PP: 2D6+6 (3D6+10), PE: 2D6+4 (3D6+8), PB: 2D6+4 (3D6+8), SPD: 3D6+10 (4D6+12) M.D.C.: NONE! Hit Points: PEx20 (PEx50) S.D.C.: 1D6x1000 (2D6x1000) Horror Factor: 11 (15) P.P.E.: 2D6x10+20 (2D6x100+200) I.S.P.: MEx10+15 per level Natural Abilities: Phase Bodies: They are in a permanent state of phase. The energies from most weopons pass right through th phase dragon.SDC weopons do half damage and MDC weopons do SDC.

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Phase Teleportation: The dragon can step out of phase and travel at incredible speeds in an intangible state.Same as the first stage promeathean, but range is two miles, Base Skill: 65%+5% per level. Sense Dimensional Anomolies: As per the first stage promethaen. Range: 2 miles or line of sight Metamorphosis: Into a first stage promethean only. Duration: unlimited Ley Line Phasing: Equal to a ley line walker ability Vulnerabilities: As per promethean Breath Weaopon: Phase Cloud: All creatures caught in cloud (20'x20'x20') will become phased (no save). No damage can be recieved or inflicted while phased. Duration: 2d6 minutes Phase Abilities: Equal to phase adept powers. Damage: Claws, exibit phase weopon peculiarities. They go through armor to damage the body inside. 4D6 SDC/MDC. Bite inflicts the same phase abilities 3d6 SDC/MDC. Magic: Choose four Temporal spells at level one and one spell per each additional level. Combat/Bonuses: Same as Chiang-Ku dragon R.C.C. Skills: same as Chiang-Ku dragon Appearance: The dragon' natural form is that of a misty grey four legged,winged lizard with a long tale. The head is wide and angular. The mouth filled with sharp spiked teeth. The front legs can be used as arms and hands. They have six digits, four fingers and two side by side thumbs. The eyes are electric sapphire blue. Size: 20' to 50' long,15' to 25' tall (in promethean from they stand 8-10ft tall) Weight: N/A Average Life Span: Unknown, Possibly 10,000 years.

Phoenician Guard O.C.C.

By: Acid Blue cbhaskett@MINDSPRING.COM

Phoenician Guard O.C.C.

The Phoenician Guard O.C.C the warrior/grunt of the Phoenician Empire which covers the pre-rifts area of Phoenix, Glendale, Tempe, Mesa, Scottsdale, Deer Valley, Sun City, Peoria, Buckeye, El Mirage, Avondale, Goodyear, Gilbert, Chandler, Queen Creek, Rio Verde, Youngtown, Surprise, Cavecreek, Paradise Valley, Carefree, Litchfield Park, Salt River Pima, and Apache Junction which all became the Phoenician Empire, a giant metropolis of sky scrapers armed with air defense missiles and underground cities. Attribute Requirements: Most have a high PS/PE but none required.All you need is the spirit to fight for human/oid life. O.C.C. Skills: Lit English (+25%) Lan English (+25%) Lore Monster/Demon (+10%) Radio Basic (+15%) Pilot Hovercraft (+15%) Pilot Tank/APC (+20%) Horsemanship (+10%) Robot Combat: Basic Read Sensory Equipment (+15%) Weapon Systems (+15%) Navigation (+15%) Math: Basic (+15%) Wrestling - 439 -

Boxing Running Climbing (+5%) W.P. E-Rifle W.P. E-Pistol W.P. Knife W.P. one of choice Hand To Hand: Expert O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8 other skills. Plus select 2 additional skills and a W.P. at level 3, 2 and level 6, 1 at level 9, 1 at level 12. All new skills start at level 1 proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only. Espionage: Intelligence, Land Navigation, and Sniper only. (+5%) Mechanical: Automotive only. Medical: First Aid only. (+5%) Military: Any (+15%) Physical: Any except Acrobatics. Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: See O.C.C. Skills. Rogue: Any Science: Math only. Technical: Any (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Carpentry, Hunting, and Land Navigation only. Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select 7 secondary skills from the previous list. These additional areas of knowledge get none of the bonuses in the parenthesis (). All secondary skills start at base level. Also skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list above. Standard Equipment: Medium to Heavy MDC Armor, Energy rifle and energy sidearm of choice, 4 extra e-clips for each, SDC weapon of choice, 2 extra clips with silver bullets, 2 grenades, 3 signal flares, survival knife, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, combat boots, and vibro-weapon of choice. Equipment available upon assignment: Any weapon types, extra ammunition or vehicles. NOTE: All weapons and equipment are given out on an as needed basis, with the commanding officer deciding weather or not the item(s) is really necessary or not. If the officer doesn't like the character(s), the availability of items may be extremely limited. Money: The Grunt gets a roof over his head, food, clothing for him/her and family free as part of pay, as well as military facilities plus a monthly salary of 1,850 credits. Starts with 2 months pay. The soldier's quarters is a nice dormitory arrangement shared by 4 other individuals, each gets a private bedroom/study, complete with CD/Stereo system, television and VCD, mini-refrigerator, desk, dresser, and comfortable bed. The soldier's family receives similar accommodations, only solitary (no roomies). Cybernetics: None to start. Usually restricted to medical implants and prosthetics, not augmentation. Experience Table: 1 0,000- 1,950 2 1,951- 3,900 3 3,901- 8,800 4 8,801- 17,600 5 17,601- 25,600 6 25,601- 35,600 7 35,601- 50,600 8 50,601- 70,600 9 70,601- 95,600 10 95,601-125,600 11 125,601-175,600 12 175,601-225,601 13 225,601-275,600 14 275,601-325,600 15 325,601-375,600

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Pierson's Puppeteer RCC

By: Jeremy Puckett

Pierson's Puppeteer RCC

When Pierson first met the Puppeteers there was a revival of the early 20th century's TV programming in vogue. Thus it was widely understood what he meant when he described the Puppeteers as "three-legged centaurs with no head and Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent puppets for arms." Of course, everyone thought he was drunk at the time. They found out very different a few days later when the Puppeteers again approached him and asked him to speak to his "Hindmost" (translated roughly as "leader") and open up trade negotiations. The Puppeteers have a vastly superior civilization to humanity, but all they wanted really was trade negotiations. The Puppeteer front company, General Products, set up shop in human space quickly and promptly began to set up a trade monopoly. The reason they were so widely accepted was two-fold. First, Puppeteers are amusing to look at; they have a strange rolling gait that seems unnaturally graceful. Add to that their beautiful contralto voices (a cross between Marilyn Monroe, Kathleen Turner, and Fiona Apple--all Puppeteers sound female) and their intriguingly bizarre looks and they seem completely harmless. The second reason is far more solid: Puppeteers are cowards, morally, socially, psychologically, and physically. They will never consciously or unconsciously place themselves in danger for any reason, no matter how good. Within a generation, General Products was the linchpin of the economy for Earth and most of its colonies. The General Products hull, available in four styles, is the safest spaceship hull in Known Space, being completely impervious to any attacks except antimatter (which will completely obliterate the hull), visible-light lasers (which will kill the crew and destroy machinery but leave the hull unharmed), and inertia/gravity (which will utterly crush the crew within but again leave the hull unharmed). Other General Products products were also staples of Earth's stock market. Puppeteers are known throughout the galaxy as shrewd businessmen whose favorite method of negotiation is blackmail. Puppeteers themselves were a major mystery until little more than a generation ago. They apparently evolved on an Earth-like planet with a G-type star, but no one could ever find it. This was because it long ago went nova! Puppeteers are the oldest sentient race in Known Space, with the exception of the Jinxian bandersnatchi and the sessile Grogs, having had a Space Age civilization before humanity had yet learned to use antelope thigh bones as clubs (over 500,000 years ago). They developed vast technologies and finally had to contend with the problem of overcrowding and, more importantly, overheating. The answer was simple to the Puppeteers: set up farm worlds on the other four planets of their system (all of which were terraformed for that express purpose) and then move all five planets! These five, in a stable Kemplerer Rosette pattern, began heading for the edge of space to stay away from any that might hurt them. Puppeteers are herbivores and herd animals that like each other's company, so they built close together and imported all their food, and finally decided to build a corporate empire to support themselves. Puppeteers cannot practice chemical birth control, so their only options are surgery or abstinence; most pick abstinence--Puppeteers have incredible personal wills except where danger is concerned. Because no sane (cowardly) Puppeteer would ever risk their lives in a spaceship--even one as safe as their own General Products ships--the emissaries of the Puppeteers are always the insane of their race! Insane Puppeteers are occasionally dangerous to be around because of their drastic mood swings but are generally more amusing than dangerous. They also have a lot to gain or lose, because the mad are not permitted to breed except by the express permission of He-Who-Leads-From-Behind, the Hindmost of the Puppeteer race. If they do a major service to the Puppeteer race (protecting their system from invasion, finding a new technology, etc.) then they are given a set of mates. (The Puppeteer race has three genders, one of which is non-sentient, and none of which correspond exactly to human male or female. Puppeteers generally refer to themselves and all other members of their race as "he.") Puppeteer names are impossible for any other race to pronounce, as is the rest of their language, because of their unique vocal construction. Puppeteers can hit literally any note they wish, even ultra- and subsonic ones, and have beautiful singing voices when they wish to sing. Their language sounds like orchestral music focused in one place, creating an unreal sound. The Puppeteers' two heads (on the end of neck stalks, one eye to each, the brain is in the torso) can operate and even speak independently. The mouths, which are surrounded by dry, fleshy knobs, double as hands. Puppeteers have three hoofed legs, two under the torso and one behind. The natural instinct for a frightened or startled Puppeteer is to turn his back to the opponent, ostensibly to run. Upon seeing a mad Puppeteer kick a Kzinti in the ribs, breaking three, one human postulated that the turn was not to run away but to put the third leg in position for a killing blow. The Puppeteer told him no and added that since the rest of his race turned so they could run, he was the one who was wrong. Puppeteers have an even white coat of short fur over most of their bodies, except on the hump beneath which their brain rests. This hump sports a mane that is cut and dyed to designate status in Puppeteer society. Mad Puppeteers have straggly, brown manes which they are socially forbidden from grooming. Under the mane and hump is a thick plate of bone protecting a large, powerful brain. Despite their incredible intellects, Puppeteers (at least the sane ones) have no sense of humor. Puppeteer scientists have also run tests for thousands of years until they have determined that Puppeteers have no souls. This makes them even more terrified of death, knowing that there is nothing after it for them. They will not speak for humans, Kzinti, or any other species, because they have not known them long enough. Humans are their favorite sapient race because of their ingenuity and curiosity, as well as the drive to take risks that Puppeteers will - 441 -

not. From the Puppeteer standpoint, humans make good (albeit unpredictable) tools. For a while, they entertained the notion of secretly exterminating the Kzinti--too dangerous, too unstable--but dropped it when the Man-Kzin Wars began. Instead, they (secretly) supplied humans with a way to defeat the Kzinti and make them more docile. The Puppeteers lured the Outsiders, another galactic trading race, to We Made It, where the Outsiders sold a hyperdrive to humankind, allowing them to win the war. (Note: The Kzinti still don't know about this. If they did, they would mindlessly attack the Puppeteers, who would completely exterminate their entire race--just to be safe.) Puppeteers decided that the survival factor of humanity was not intelligence (other species are smarter), cunning (animals have cunning too), strength (compared to the Kzinti? ha!), or speed (took 100,000 years to get out of the Stone Age!)--they decided it must be luck. Literally. Puppeteers believed that humans possessed an unconscious psychic ability to manipulate probability. They found this to be true after a generations-long breeding experiment in which most of humanity were the subjects. A young woman name Teela Brown was the end product (along with a few thousand others) of this hidden experiment. Her luck manipulated the Puppeteer Nessus and the crew of his ship, the Lying Bastard, like puppets on a string. As the other human crew member told Nessus later, "You've finally met a real puppeteer, and it is the luck of Teela Brown..." Nessus' agitation became a thousand times worse when he was reminded, "The laws of physics are just luck on the subatomic level..." The breeding experiment was dropped, along with the project to breed a more docile Kzin (the four Man-Kzin Wars were part of this scheme). About two centuries ago, the Puppeteers packed up and left Known Space, except for a few insane members of their race who stayed behind to finish business. This withdrawal and the sale of the secret of the General Products hull to the highest bidder caused Earth's stock market to collapse, paving the way for the luck breeding experiment (which was discontinued a generation ago). This withdrawal was due to the discovery that the galactic core had exploded and the radiation would eliminate all life in the Milky Way... in about thirty thousand years. The Puppeteers, great cowards that they are, started early because their rosette worlds can only move at about half the speed of light. They gave humans and the Kzinti the secret to a super-fast hyperdrive in exchange for services rendered in the discovery and exploration of the Ringworld. Which means that when the Puppeteers get to the Clouds of Magellan, they will have a market waiting for them. Pierson's Puppeteer RCC Alignment: Any except Principled and Diabolic. Puppeteers do not have the moral courage to take a firm stand for good or evil. Most sane Puppeteers are Unprincipled; most insane Puppeteers are Anarchist. Attributes: IQ 3d6+15; ME 4d6; MA 3d6; PS 3d4; PP 4d6; PE 3d6; PB 2d6; Spd 1d4x10 Hit Points: Standard; PE +1d6 per level SDC: 3d6 Armor Rating: 17 for the brain hump; none for the rest of the body. Magic: None. PPE: 1d6+1 Psionics: None. Horror Factor: 8; Puppeteers are more amusing than scary. Height: 3.5-4 feet at the shoulder Weight: 250-500 lbs. Description: Puppeteers are herbivorous entities with two flat, brainless heads at the ends of long, sinuous necks. Each head has a single eye, a mouth with square, heavy teeth, and a forked tongue. The mouths of the Puppeteer function as hands, aided by sensitive, finger-like knobs on the lips. The Puppeteer's brain is located in a bony hump between the two necks. This hump is covered by a thick mane of hair, which ranges in color from golden to dark brown. The rest of its body is covered with short, creamy-white fur that feels like suede. Enemies: No race would dream of killing a Puppeteer, however much animosity they have toward them. Any hostile race has trade relations cut off; while the Puppeteers don't trade much anymore, when they do it's best to be on their good side. Allies: None. The Puppeteers have no friends or allies, just trading partners. Average Life Span: With the processes Puppeteers have developed, a Puppeteer could theoretically live as long as a millennium. Habitat: The Puppeteer planet's location and climate was once the most jealously guarded secret in the universe. Now it is known that the Puppeteers come from an agrarian world that used to circle a G-type star, but has since moved off into space with the rest of the system's planets. Natural Abilities: Imitate voices (45% +5% per level). Imitate sound (55% +3% per level). Sing at professional quality (88%). Determine pitch, frequency, distance of sound, and decibel level (55% +5% per level). Excellent color vision; can read a road sign at a distance of one mile on a clear day (can change perspective far easier than humans because eyes are mounted on separate necks). Automatic dodge (may dodge without using up an attack). Puppeteers are so silly looking that it's impossible to mistrust them without prior knowledge, thus all Puppeteers are considered to have at least the base MA trust percentage (cannot intimidate). All Puppeteers have an incredible salesmanship ability; double the trust/intimidation percentage when attempting to sell something. Vulnerabilities/Penalties: All sane Puppeteers have an incredible phobia of danger. It is locked into their evolutionary makeup and nothing can prevent its effects. When threatened with danger or even the thought of danger, a sane Puppeteer will run for its life (double Spd attribute for duration of perceived threat) or curl into a fetal ball, its heads tucked beneath its torso. Insane Puppeteers are not paranoid like their sane brethren, but instead suffer from an incredibly severe form of manic depression. In the manic phase, the Puppeteer will take terrible risks to achieve its goals and have all the standard bonuses of the manic phase (as described in the insanity section of the Rifts RPG). It is in this phase that a Puppeteer may actually attack a hostile force. In the - 442 -

depressive phase, the Puppeteer will be completely incapable of any action except feeling sorry for itself and being terrified unless actually threatened. Then the Puppeteer will take any and all measures to get as far away from the danger as possible (all the while being as careful as possible under the circumstances). Unless the Puppeteer is insane and in his manic stage, no hand to hand attacks may be used. The best hand to hand skill possible is Basic, and that is used only for dodging. Manic Puppeteers only have one attack per melee, and it must be a kick with the rear leg. All other actions are used for things other than attacking. Bonuses: +1 to perception; +2 to initiative; +2 to parry; +5 to dodge; +1 vs. poison. Damage: Kick does 2d6 +PS bonus SDC. It is the only attack Puppeteers--even insane ones--will ever use. A weapon might be allowed, but it would take several minutes of "psyching up" to even pick it up; afterwards, the Puppeteer will suffer 1d4 weeks of depression, double if he actually killed anyone. RCC Skills: Language/Literacy: Puppeteer (98%) Language/Literacy: Interworld (equivalent to American/English; +25%) Language: three of choice (+15%) Basic Math (98%) Advanced Math (+15%) Basic Radio (+15%) Basic Electronics (+15%) Basic Mechanics (+10%) Detect Ambush (+25%) Paramedic (+10%) Running Prowl (+15%) Anthropology (+5%) Astronomy (+5%) Space Navigation (+5%) Computer Operation (+20%) Hand to Hand: Basic may be selected in place of four "other" skills. No other Hand to Hand skill may be chosen. RCC Related Skills: Select twelve other skills from the following list at first level. Gain an additional two at levels 3, 7, 10, and 14. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Any except Robot Electronics Espionage: Any except Sniper, Disguise, and Wilderness Survival Mechanical: Any except Robot Mechanics Medical: Medical Doctor only Military: Strategy/Tactics only (+5%) Physical: None Pilot: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any except Streetwise Science: Any (+10%) Technical: Any (+5% to Literacy; +15% to Language) WP: None Wilderness: None Secondary Skills: Choose six from the above list. This are additional areas of knowledge that do not receive the bonuses in parentheses. Equipment: Virtually any non-offensive equipment that the character wants. Almost all insane Puppeteers have their own spaceship. This ship uses either a #2 or #3 General Products hull which is completely impervious to physical harm (except as listed above) and uses a second generation hyperdrive. This ship is stocked to the brim with sensors and defensive equipment (but nothing that is solely a weapon). The ship uses either a fusion reaction drive or a reactionless motive drive for real-space propulsion. Money: Every Puppeteer has a personal fortune of 1d4x100,000 credits. Cybernetics: Puppeteers don't need such primitive methods of physical restoration. For any but the most grievous injury, a Puppeteer's automated medical bay in his ship (or on the homeworld) can repair them. XP: Use the Techno-Wizard experience table

Plague Monk
By: D B Chow The Plague monks are vile magic users, but most of their powers are based on spreading disease and corruption through the world. - 443 -

The magical powers are from the God of Pestilence, the Beezelbub, who sends a daemon who is in fact an Avatar of himself to every Plague Monk monastery. The Plague monks worship this Avatar, feeding him large amounts of PPE through prayer and sacrifices. In return, they are given spells woven to spread the joy of the plagues through the planet. The image of the Plague monk is disturbing. From a distance they seem to be robed Vatican monks but on closer inspection you see that their robes are unwashed and foul, and around their girth they wear totems of rotting goats' heads. Alignment: Any, but most are evil. Attribute Requirements: ME & PE 13, and must bear their suffering O.C.C. Bonuses: + 8 vs. HF, + 4 save vs magic, + 4 save vs possession. - 3 PB. O.C.C. Skills: Language & Literacy: Native (98%) Languages: 2 additional (+ 40%) Radio: Basic (+ 15%) Detect Concealment (+ 20%) Detect Ambush (+ 20%) Climbing (+ 15%) Land Navigation (+ 20%) Lore: Vampire (+ 15%) (see Nightspawn) Lore: Demons (+ 15%) Prowl (+ 20%) Pilot: Any 2 Weapon: Any 5, archaic or modern Hand to Hand: equivalent to Expert O.C.C. Related: select 5; one more at levels 3, 6, 9, 12. Communication: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Electical: Basic only Espionage: Any (+15%) Mechanical: None Medical: First Aid only Military: None Physical: Any (+10%) Pilot: Any (+15%) Pilot Related: Any (+15%) Rogue: Any Science: None Technical: Any (+5%) Weapon: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Select 3 at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, 13. Standard Equipment: A single robe which can never be washed, a totem, usually a goat's head, a few rusty and old weapons, two modern weapons in bad repair and the Liber Bubonicus, Book of Disease. The Staff of Rot and the Death's Head are given to heroes (see below.) Weapons: Prefer ancient style weapons. Many are proficient with a blunt weapon. They will use modern weapons as well without hesitation. Magic: The Plague Monk begins as an extremely powerful magic user. At first level select a total 6 spells from levels 1-4. The Plague Monk also has his own copy of Liber Bubonicus, the Book of the Disease. The acolyte is given an edition of the Book, and use it when casting the foul magic of the Beezelbub. They also make their own totem, with which they focus their magic. If they are casting a spell without the totem, there is a chance that the magic might turn on themselves ( 100 - xp level x 10)%. Above ninth level the plague monk can cast spells without the totem, in which case the totem is used for another purpose (see below). The spells in the Liber Bubonicus are different in that when cast, it reflects on an aspect of disease. Eg A plague monk casts Agony on an Inquisitor-Redeemer. The Inquisitor fails to save against magic, and his body breaks out in oozing boils. Then, the monk casts Strength on himself, and a thousand maggots and worms surround his arms, as a sort of exoskeleton: - 444 -

Superhuman Strength Superhuman Speed Agony Metaporphisis: Insect Miasma of Pestilence (see below) Stench of the Zl'bub (see below) Steam of Corruption (see below) Unlike the Hexon, the Plague Monk will not be able to cast these spells without the Book, disregarding their xp level. Psionics: In addition to their magical powers they get 1 psionic abilities for each category. Additional Powers: 1. Plague Bearers: All plague monks carry a disease similar to the Bubonic plague, but do not suffer the effects, but will try to spread it. The monk must claw at his foe's skin to spread it in hand to hand combat. If he strikes, the foe must save against poison. If he fails, all his attacks and bonuses are halved, rolling down, as boils grow on his body. In 1D4 hours he'll slip into a coma, with 0 health, and he'll stay in this state for 1D6 weeks. He will not die from this alone, but in his coma state he is defenseless against physical attacks and diseases. When he recovers there may be some scarring and minor brain damage. Though clumsy, Plague Monks are feared by most combatants because of this power. This works less efficiently with the supernatural. They simply suffer from sickness, all bonuses halved, for 1D6 weeks. 2. Immune to disease: Or rather, its effects. When a virus or disease invades his body, the monk will be immune to its effects, but can spread it to others. 3. 4. Spells of the Lord of the flies (Zl'bub magic): All plague monks are immune to this magic. Miasma of Pestilence: a cloud of filth floats 1 + xp level feet around the caster. Anyone walking into the area feels diseased and sick. Half all bonuses and attacks, rounding down. Range: 1 + experience level feet Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience P.P.E.: 15 Stench of the Zl'bub: Before engaging in hand to hand combat a plague monk may cast this. When locked in hand to hand, the opponent must save against poison or lose all his attacks for that round, as he is coughing and up chucking. Range: within hand to hand distance Duration: for first melee round only P.P.E.: 15


Steam of Corruption: the plague monk breathes out a jet of pus and blood. The victims must either dodge or save against poison, otherwise, they choke on the putrid mixture and fall into a coma. This is a wide steam, and has a + 5 to strike. Range: 10 feet Duration: Instant P.P.E.: 40 Special weapons of the Plague Order: Some worthy acolytes are given gifts from the daemon of Zl'bub at each monastery. Staff of Rot: The staff is made from a rotting tree, and looks tumerous and twisted. The head of the staff is shaped like a person suffering from the bubonic plague, his mouth screaming in pain. The staff can cast all the spells of the Zl'bub with half the P.P.E. cost, as it acts as a direct focus. It can also be used for hand to hand combat. If it strikes an opponent on bare flesh he sill suffer from the same penalty as the power Plaguebearer. Death's Head of the Zl'bub: The head of a fallen plague monk is used as a weapon of war in honor of the deceased. The skull is covered in wax and blood (watertight seal) and is filled with the pus from the daemon of Zl'bub. When thrown like a grenade, the Death's Head will explode and inflict 1D6 x 10 damage is a 100 feet radius. Also, all in the blast radius must roll to save vs poison or suffer from the Plaguebearer power. I'm working on other "gifts" of the Z'bub. If you email me I will give you some other "gifts" and the stats for the obese daemons of Zl'bub. I am at Alliances and Allies: Very few. The daemons of the Zl'bub use them. Even the Undead consider them unhygienic. The Hexon don't want anything to do with them. They are not related to the Darklord, but it seems that they know of each other, and may be allies. Should the Horseman of Apocalypse known as Pestilence come upon the daemons of Zl'bub they will become allies. Enemies: Many. Most people will fear the Plague Monk due to their great power and they're reluctance to clean themselves. Their - 445 -


greatest enemy is the Redeemers who see them as heretics. Description: The Plague monk is trained in one of the Monasteries of Disease, located in Romania and central America. It is believed they started the Bubonic Plague, and some scientists claim that they also started the HIV virus (aye?). There monasteries are massive constructs of stone, covered by years of filth and fungus. In the center of each monastery is a giant hall, reserved for the obese and slimy daemon of Zl'bub. Each one is a lesser version of the God of disease, and act as a medium between the mortal pane and his realm. If you want to see what I think the daemon looks like, see the Yucks (or Fat F*cks) in Bullfrog's Dungeon Keeper.

Plasma Dragon R.C.C.

By: Chris Gath "It flew into out camp at the dead of night tripping ever heat sensor we had. It's breath hit the troops like napalm burning through their armor like a blow torch through paper. The Lt. ordered the Super SAMAS's to engage the beast, while the rest of us ran to cover. The SAMs had all the advantages save one. They were faster, more maneuverable, and the had the numbers. They just couldn't hurt the beast. I've been in the service for ten years. I've seen less fire power take out a Thunder Lizard. After the Dragon took out the SAM's it laid waste to the Platoon. I hid under the smoldering remains of a SAM. "After it devastated my group, it started collecting pieces of metal. Not the burnt or singed pieces, but the shiny ones. It even buffed up a few of them. When it's back was turned I ran. Big mistake. It pounced on me like a cat!! It then let me go, and pounced again. It didn't hurt me, just stunned. Even through the armor I could feel the heat of it. "If the strike force of Demon Locust hadn't shown up, I'm sure I'd be dead."-Part of Sgt. 1st Class John Boulder's report. The Plasma Dragon is a rather unique dragon in that instead of gaining power with age, it gains power with experience. All Plasma Dragons are immortal, they cannot die from natural causes. They prefer hot climates, but can be found periodically anywhere e. They are fascinated with bright and shiny objects and their cave will reflect that (sort of like a a crow's nest). They are naturally curious and playful and have been compared to cats in that regard. They have a habit to jump into random rifts for the sake of seeing what's on the other side. Plasma Dragons don't mate for life. A female and a male will meet, have sex, and then the male will leave. The female will then have a gestation period of 20+1d6 months and will give birth to one first level plasma dragon (10% of twins, 1% chance triplets). Plasma Dragons do not lay eggs. The instinctively "know" all their skills, natural powers ect. Once born the female will leave and the baby is expected to survive on it's own. A female remains fertile through her entire life. Alignment: Any, leaning toward selfish Attributes: IQ: 3d6, ME: 4d6, MA: 2d6, PS: 3d6+10, PP: 3d6, PE: 2d6+6, PB: 3d6, Spd:6d6 running M.D.C.: 8d6x10 Horror Factor: 3 (+1 per level, 18 maximum) P.P.E.: 2d6x10 + 8d6 per level Natural abilities: Nightvision equal to dayvision, dayvision equal to that of a hawk (can read a sign from 2 miles away), excellent color vision, can see in infrared and ultra violet, see invisible, bio regenerate 2d6 MDC per melee per level (2d6 at level one, 4d6 at level 2 ect..), impervious to all fires, plasma, lasers and energy: they do no damage, even immune to mega damage, Teleport self 5% per level; range 25 miles per level, dimensional teleport 2% per level but only to dimensions previously visited, metamorphosis at will 4 hours per level once a 24 hour period. Naturally hot body temperature in natural form only: 100 degrees at first level plus 5 degrees per level. Combat: Has equivalent of Hand to Hand Assassin, but gains an extra 2 attacks (starts off with three instead of one), each breath attack counts as 1 melee attack, each spell counts as 1 melee attack, each psionic attack counts as 1 melee attack. Damage: Punch as supernatural strength, kicks add 2d6 to full strength punch and 5d6 to power punch, tail swipe is half of full strength punch, breath weapon is 2d6 per level. The breath weapon is super hot plasma that will effect everything, even creatures immune to plasma, heat energy, spell ect. (Even another Plasma Dragon). Nothing is immune to a Plasma Dragon's breath weapon (will hurt and kill all vampires and were creatures). Range of breath weapon is 300' per level. It is fired in a stream. Bonuses: +1 strike, +2 parry and dodge, +6 initiative, +3 to roll with fall/punch/impact and pull punch, +2 to all saving throws, in - 446 -

addition to HtH and possible attribute bonuses. Magic: Has all fire warlock spells up to and including the dragon's level. Also has the ability to learn Ley Line magic. A Plasma Dragon does not start out with any Ley Line spells nor to they automatically gain them for level advancement, they must be taught or purchased. Psionics: Pick any 6 powers from any category. Gain 2 powers from any category per level. Same restrictions as a mind melter. Considered a master psionic. I.S.P.: MEx10 +20 per level. R.C.C. Skills: Basic Math 98% Speaks and literate in Dragonese/Elf 98% speak any 6 other languages at +20% demon/devil lore +10% R.C.C. Related Skills: Select 14 skills from the categories of Communications, domestic, espionage, rogue, science, technical, wilderness, and weapon proficiencies. Gains 2 skills from any of those categories at every odd level. Habitat: Any, from an unknown dimension. Average lifespan: Immortal, but can be killed in combat. Enemies: Varies per dragon Allies: Varies per dragon Size: About 4 foot at shoulder and 12 feet long. Gains 2 feet in height and 5 ft in length per level. Weight: Depends on size Bonus from level advancement: 1: As above 2: Gains the ability to fly without wings: Spd 1d4x10, add 2d6 to running speed, add 1d4x10 MDC 3: Add 1d4x10 to flying speed, add 5d6 MDC, add 4 to PS, PE, PP, and PB 4: Add 4d6 to flying speed, 1d6 to IQ 5: Add 2d6 to ME and MA (30 maximum), add 4d6 to running speed 6: Add 3d6x10 MDC, add 2d6 PE 7: Add 5d6 MDC, add 1d6 to PS 8: Add 6d6 to flying speed and running speed 9: Add 1d6 to PP, add 2d4x10 MDC 10: Add 6 to IQ and MA, add 5d6 to MDC 11: Add 2 to PP, PS, PE, add 1d6x10 MDC 12: Add 6 tp PB, add 2d4x10 to flying speed and MDC 13: Add 1d6 to PS, add 2d6 to running speed, add 2d6x10 MDC 14: Add 1d6 to PP, 1d4x10 flying speed, add 6d6 running speed, add 5d6 MDC 15: Add 5d6 MDC, add 1d6 to PS, add 2 to PP, PE, PB (HtH Assassin stops here) 16: Add +1 to strike, parry, and dodge, add 2d4x10 MDC 17: Add 2d6 to PS, add 3d4x10 MDC 18: Add 1 attack per melee, add 1d6x10 MDC 19: Add 1d6 tp PP, add 1d6x10 MDC 20: Add 2d6 to PS, add 2d6x10 MDC 21: Add 1d6x10 to running speed and flying speed, add 2d6x10 MDC 22: Add 1 attack per melee, add 3d4x10 MDC 23: Add 1d6 to all attributes except running and flying speed (Note: IQ, ME, MA, PB all have a maximum of 30 and PP has a maximum of 45), add 1d6x10 to running and flying speeds, add 4d4x10 MDC. mega damage, Teleport self 5% per level; range 25 miles per level, dimensional teleport 2% per level Xp table: Use the dragon experience tables.

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Pod People RCC


Pod People R.C.C.

The mysterious race known only as Pod People come from a planet far from earth. They have an odd way of travelling through space, namely on hurtling asteroids with a mega-damage metal shell inside that acts as a pilot and passengar compartment. They then crash the asteroid onto a planet, climb out of the shell, and try to colonize the world, never able to return to their home. Once crashed, this shell always glows a bright red, for now apparent reason, and the actual exit is covered in a red gelainous material, that, strangely enough, tastes like Smuckers (TM) Rasberry Preserves, which as we all know, taste more like real fruit. This makes the shell resemble the gates of hell, which, incidentally, always compel people to wander into them. It has been theorized that this is because of Smuckers (TM) Rasberry Preserves. They always send a lone female of the race in the asteroid, who is pregnant, and give birth after crash landing. They lay about 40-50 eggs, half of which end up being females. They then inbreed, and multiply. A Pod People asteroid crashed on Rifts Earth in what was once Nova Scotia, Canada about 99 P.A. They grow to full size quickly, and are ready to mate within a week after birth. But each one may only mate once every 5 years. However, they have already reached a high number, around 4,000. Some become adventurers, and travel with other creatures. A group of Pod People tried to colonize the Earth in pre-Rifts time, circa 1982, but were stopped by a pair of hunters and their renaissance festival pal, a crappy pop band, an old drunk man, his sister, and her lunatic kid. They are short, furry beings, somewhat resembling small bears in body, but have articulated hands. They have small black eyes and leathery skin (their head and hands do not have fur), and a snout/trunk about one to one and a half feet long. They have large pointy ears, and and their heads end in a point. Interests of Pod People include lively games of Simon (TM), making student films, Peter Gabriel videos, producing episodes of Pee-Wee's Play House, food, eating, the theater, etc. They also show a strange affinity for potatoes, and occasionally, murder. They like to use their psionic powers for zany antics. Alignment: Any Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 5D6+4, P.P. 2D6, P.E. 5D6, P.B. 1D8, Spd. 2D6; Note: Attributes are considered supernatural. Size: 3 ft, 6 inches to 4 ft., 6 inches. Weight: Between 75 and 110 lbs. M.D.C.: 2D4x10, plus 1D6 per level. S.D.C./Hit Points: N/A Horror Factor: 10 P.P.E.: 2D6, unless a magic O.C.C. Average Life Span: 100 to 120 years. Natural Abilities: Nightvision 60 ft and see the invisible. Can make eyes glow with an intense white light, as bright as car headlights on high beam. Also has the ability to reverse the polarity of gravity on himself or others by touch, allowing him to walk upon ceilings. Unlimited duration and no cost. Psionics: 1D6x10 I.S.P. plus M.E., and 2D6 per level; has the powers of bio-regeneration, deaden pain, detect psionics, healing touch, levitation, telekinesis (super), telepathy, electrokinesis, hydrokinesis, and telemechanics. Considered a master psionic. Magic: Pod People come from a magicless world, and hence never study magic. Combat: Generally basic or expert, if any. Damage: As per supernatural strength. R.C.C. Bonuses: +3 vs. horror factor Vulnerabilities: None. O.C.C.'s: Any man of arms, or scholar/adventurer. Alliances and Allies: Most beings distrust thes small, quiet, strange looking little beings. They are always desperate for companions. However, many of the evil Pod People, especially the diabolical and miscreant, have multiple insanities, and many are homicidal maniacs. Good ones tend to like children, and be very friendly. Weapons and Equipment: Varies per O.C.C.

Pointman OCC+
By: Jeff Brawley -----------------------------------------------------------------I've been using OCC+'s INC for a while, Paladium has got something close to the concept in CB4 in the Naval Infantryman (Marine) OCC where there are the little add on sections for Recon and other sub units. This OCC+ thing works the same way. Any man at arms OCC can take it. It amplifies their OCC skills and OCC related skills. It is usually reserved for those in the military (a formal training - 448 -

military) but that is not to say that these cannot be totally self-learned. -----------------------------------------------------------------RULE OF ENGAGEMENT #6 -Honor thy boundary breakers as much as thy boundary makers, for they are your point men. Pointman: The one daring soul that takes it on himself to be the units eyes and ears. The one man solely responsible for seeing that the team gets to the objective. Navigator and watchdog. They are know to be intensely alert andkeen of all six senses. Pointmen report having hairs on the back of their neck stand up when combat gets near and can just "feel" and ambush. But this might not be psionics, they can sometimes just tell from taking in every bit of information around them. The slightest wiggle of weeds, or rustling of branches, the chirping of insects, and tweeting of birds; or the lack there of. Many point men are also very lucky. Walking down a trail and hearing a loud 'CLICK' then realizing that a M-16 mine leaping up off a foot to your left. Reaching out to grab it is instinctive, but your squad is diving for cover, assuming that you'll be turned to hamburger. After three or four seconds one will realize that it is a dud, and just throw it as far as possible away from the team. These soldiers, professional or otherwise, focus intensely; after a mission they are completely drained. They are known to loose five to ten pounds each mission just from the mental exertion of being so keenly aware of all that is around them. Attribute Requirements: Perception (whatever attrib is used in your campaign) 12, PP 13, a high Spd, PE and ME are also highly suggested. OCC Bonuses: 10+2D6 SDC (they are often in harms way.) +3 Initiative. OCC Skills: as per Men at Arms OCC modified below. Most Pointmen are very skilled, but few reach past seventh level because of the naturally hazardous type of duty they endure. If any skill is already given, use the higher bonus, not both. Detect Ambush (+25%) Detect Concealment (+25%) Trap/Mine Detection (+30%) Tracking (+20%) Prowl (+30%) Loose one OCC skill of choice as a result of focus on the above. OCC Related Skills: as per Men at Arms OCC, categories modified as below. If any skill is already given, use the higher bonus, not both. The following skills are required to be taken by the point man as soon as he has available slots: Acrobatics, Camoflage, Intelligence, Trap Cons., Land Navigation. Physical: as per OCC, plus Acrobatics is available. Military: as per OCC, plus Camoflage (+20%), Trap Construction (+25%) Espionage: as per OCC, plus Intelligence (+15%) Wilderness: as per OCC, plus Land Navigation (+20%) Secondary Skills: as per Men at Arms OCC. OCC Powers: The term powers is used lightly, there are things a point man develops to stay alive. 1) Luck: Once per six hours of game session the point man can describe the results of one encounter. (Good for not having things blow up on you.) Cost: -5% to experience point awards. 2) Reroll ability: Every hour of game session the point man can reroll two checks/rolls called for by the GM. The results of the second roll are binding. (Good for not being ambushed--basically a reroll free.) Cost: -10% to experience point awards. 3) Observation Bonus: Whatever is used in your campaign for perception, the point man gets up to a +30% to it (or +6 on D20). Cost: -5% to experience point awards for each +10% bonus above +10%. i.e. +10% (or +2) is free, +20% is -5% XP, +30% is -10% XP 4) Sixth Sense: Many point men are psionic, other are just good. 45% of point men have sixth sense. Treat as a minor psionic, but only gets one power. Figure ISP normally (see RMB) Cybernetics: Favor sensory inplants. Usually the motion detector/sensor hand, and multi-optic eye. Money: Just as crappy as the Men at Arms OCC they were before, maybe gets additional hazardous duty pay. Equipment: Same as OCC but many Pointmen favor light easy to use weapons that don't get hung up on brush and growth. They tend to keep other gear light, the easier to get the hell out fast. And particularly like small deadly weapons that have high ROF's or big payloads to spray lots of lead if they are caught in the kill zone of an ambush. Grenades of many types (smoke, frag, plasma) and in numbers are usually carried.

Predator: Alien R.C.C.

By: This is the Predator as seen in both movies and countless comic books. Self-described as "Hunters," these alien beings live their life - 449 -

for the Hunt, where they prove themselves to be the best of the best. They hunt and kill the most powerful creatures/people in an area until they are the ultimate champions. They also follow an elaborate set of rules designed to govern how they are to go about the Hunt, although there are Rogues, who are deemed unworthy of participating in the Hunt and are killed on sight, without honor. The Predators also fight amongst themselves for status in their clan. Aside from that, Predator clans get along very well, as do their constituent members (for the most part). They are effectively a military society whose sole purpose in life is to hunt. Note: These are NOT humans. they do NOT have human standards and have NO regrets about killing ANYONE. Players and GMs should keep this in mind when determining if they should be allowed - this type of antisocial character can REALLY screw up a campaign (if played properly [grin]). Alignment: 98% are Aberrant (they follow their Code of Honor and have little else in the way of emotion), with the remaining being Unprincipled, Anarchist, or Miscreant. Anarchists or Miscreants are ALWAYS Rogues. Attributes: IQ: 3D6, ME: 3D6+3, MA: 3D4, PS: 4D6+6, PP: 4D6, PE: 5D6, PB: 2D6-2 (Minimum of 1. Note: All Predators appear male without inspection of the genital area), Spd: 4D6 Requirements: IQ: 7, PS: 16, PE: 16 These are not natural necessities, but reflect the fact that stupid or weak Predators die. Invariably. Horror Factor: 10 unmasked HP: 1D6 x 10 + PE SDC: 1D6 x 50 ISP: None Permanent Base PPE: 6D6 - Their Code of Honor is like a religion to them, and has been passed on for generations. They are very attractive to PPE. However, they can have NOTHING to do with magic - no techno-wizard devices, etc. They rely on technology and themselves and dislike magic in the extreme - it is not an honorable weapon. They do not get along with mages and will kill them without hesitation if provoked in the least. Average life span: 10 - 20 years Natural life span: Anybody's guess. They invariably die before getting there. They are fully mature at age 3, and extremely old Predators (80+) show signs of weakening (-2 to all physical attributes except PB). Height: 7' + 2D6" Weight: 240lbs + 4D6lb. Natural Abilities: Thermal vision to 600'. Blinded for 1D4 melees if surprised by a heat source as large or larger than a torch. However, this does give them the same vision in the night as in the day. And no, coating oneself with mud does not hide you. (Arnie got away the first time because he had been in freezing cold water and was about the same temperature as the surrounding jungle. The second time was just ridiculous.) Track by heat 90%, -10%/10 min (NOT -1%/minute, you math geniuses out there... this is by design) Heals 2D6 HP/SDC every hour. Mimic Sounds/Speech: Predators instinctively understand ALL languages. They can also perfectly mimic any sound they hear, and understand the meaning of what they say. Their speech generally comes out in snippets, clips of language from various people. (GM's note - you might want to make your PCs write down language strips that they want to be able to say... hey, even Predators can't remember everything...) Their proficiency in a given language is related to the number of hours they have heard it spoken - 10% per hour, max 60%. This refers to SPEAKING - they always UNDERSTAND at _100%_ proficiency! Hear a whisper up to 30' away. Leap 15 feet across (25, if running) or 10 feet straight up. Damage from Hand-to-Hand Attacks: Restrained Punch: 1D6 (SDC) Punch: 3D6 Kick: 4D6 Claw: 1D6 Bear Hug: 3D6 Flip/Throw: 2D6 Jump Kick: 1D6 x 10 (all also receive PS bonus) Bonuses: +1 attack +3 Roll with Punch +2 Parry/Dodge +4 initiative - 450 -

+40% Save vs. Coma/Death +2 Save vs. Poison +7 Save vs. Horror Factor +3 Save vs. Insanity R.C.C. Skills: Detect Ambush (+30%) Tracking (+30%) Wilderness Survival (+20%) First Aid (+5%) Hand-to-Hand: Assassin (treated as if they were 2 levels higher then they actually are) Acrobatics Athletics Boxing Prowl (+40%) Pilot: Small Spacecraft (Phase World, Base skill: 60%, + 3% per level) WP - Pick 3 ancient and 4 modern Hunting Land Navigation (+10%) Skin and Prepare Animal Hides (+30%) Other Skills: Pick 5 from the following list. Gains 1 at 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, and 15th. Communications: Any Domestic: Cook and Fishing only Electrical: None Espionage: Detect Concealment, Escape Artist, Pick Locks, and Sniper only (+15%) Mechanical: None Medical: Holistic Medicine and Paramedic (counts as 2 skill selections) only (+10%) Military: Any (+20%) Physical: Any (+20%) Pilot: None to start (may be added later) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: None Science: Any except Archaeology, Chemistry, Chemistry: Analytical, and Mathematics: Advanced Technical: Literacy and both Lores only WP: Any Wilderness: Any (+15%) Secondary Skills: Pick 3 from the above list, without the bonuses. Standard Equipment: Predator Hunting Armor*, Predator Battlearmor*, Plasma Caster*, Collapsible Spear*, Boomerang Disc*, Hunting Mask*, Net Gun*, 1D4 pouches, 1D6 skulls/bones from humanoid creatures - typically worn as a necklace, RMK, IRMSS, First-Aid Kit (part of Hunting Armor), may have 2 E-Pistols/Rifles and 1 ancient weapon of choice, but if so, the forego the Hunting Armor and First Aid Kit. (* These items are described in Appendix 7). Vehicle: Starts off with no vehicle. Money: None - do not need or want any Cybernetics: None, and will not willingly get any, even to save their own life. They prefer to be crippled - battle scars show honor. If they cannot fight, they die. Note: All Predators (except Rogues) must follow the Code of Honor (described below). To seriously break the Code is to become a Rogue. Predator's Code of Honor (does not apply to Rogues, and to severely break is to become a Rogue) When fighting an honorable opponent, match the weapon as closely as possible (no long-range weapons vs. melee weapons, nor vibro-blades vs. SDC swords, etc.) Always take a trophy and keep it FOREVER! If it is lost or stolen, recovery is IMPERATIVE TO KEEPING ONE'S HONOR!! Invisibility is not fair in Hand-to-Hand combat with an honorable opponent. In death, take your enemies with you. Never back down from an honorable challenge. Be submissive to greater warriors. Fight until death or victory. Equalize the odds by any means possible (this means that parties are not protected by the Code - a Predator will pick them off, one by one, until one remains)

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An honorable opponent is defined as one who obeys the Code, more or less. In addition, MOST Predators will not kill opponents (honorable or not) who are helpless or too easy a target (will not kill an unconscious victim, nor an honorable opponent who is merely standing in the open, unawares). Note: There are NO rules when it comes to actual COMBAT. They fight to win, and will not hesitate to use dirty tricks or unsportsmanlike attacks (i.e. - kneecap or groin) These CCs were created by Please do not call them your own, as they are not. Anyone found in violation of this policy will be taken behind the building and tickled until they can no longer breathe. Predators and their likenesses are most likely , , , (ugly), and (property of) Paramount Pictures. Use them at your own risk, fully realizing that giant tomatoes can fall out of the sky and crush your house at any moment, thanks to the Greenhouse Effect.

Predator: Human O.C.C.

By: Sometimes, if a humanoid proves worthy, a single Predator or a group of them will take the person under their wing, teaching them the ways of the Hunt. The change in these people is remarkable; however, they are still only human. They often DO feel regret for those they kill, and are never treated as full members of Predator society, though one or two Predators will often form a close bond with the individual. They are all formidable opponents, and have earned the right to Hunt. Alignment: Scrupulous, Any Selfish, or Aberrant. Most are Scrupulous or Unprincipled. Bonuses: +3 ME, +6 PS, + 1D6 PP, + 4 PE, + 1D4 Spd, + 10 HP, + 6D6 SDC (Considered to be a Man of Arms) Requirements (after ALL bonuses): IQ:7, PS: 14, PE: 14 I.S.P.: None Permanent Base P.P.E.: 4D6 Note: Their weight is slightly above normal. Add 1D6 x 10 lb. to a normal human weight. Bonuses: +1 attack +2 Roll with Punch +1 Parry/Dodge +3 initiative Quick Healing: Heals 1D6 HP/SDC per hour. O.C.C. Skills: Detect Ambush (+15%) Tracking (+30%) Wilderness Survival (+5%) Hand-to-Hand: Assassin Athletics Boxing Prowl (+25%) WP - Pick 5 Hunting Land Navigation Other Skills: Pick 8 from the following list. Gains 1 at 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, and 15th levels. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Any except Pick Pockets and Forgery (+10%) Mechanical: None Medical: Holistic Medicine, First Aid, and Paramedic (counts as 2 skill selections) only (+5%) Military: Any (+10%) Physical: Any (+15%) Pilot: Any except Robots and Power Armor, Robot Combat Basic and Elite Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any except Pick Pockets (+5%) Science: Any except Archaeology and Chemistry: Analytical Technical: Any (+10%) WP: Any Wilderness: Any (+10%) Secondary Skills: Pick 6 from the above list without bonuses.

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Standard Equipment: Predator Hunting Armor*, Plasma Caster*, Collapsible Spear*, Boomerang Disc*, Hunting Mask*, Net Gun*, 1D6 pouches, RMK, IRMSS, First Aid Kit (part of Hunting Armor), E-Rifle and 2 clips, knife or short sword (non-vibro). (* These items are described in Appendix 7). Vehicle: Starts off with no vehicle. Money: 1D4 x 100 credits Cybernetics: None; if they ever receive ANY, they will be rejected from Predator society. If they ever hunt again, they are fair game for other Predators - they've gone Rogue. Note: Must follow Predator's Code of Honor. Predator's Code of Honor (does not apply to Rogues, and to severely break is to become a Rogue) When fighting an honorable opponent, match the weapon as closely as possible (no long-range weapons vs. melee weapons, nor vibro-blades vs. SDC swords, etc.) Always take a trophy and keep it FOREVER! If it is lost or stolen, recovery is IMPERATIVE TO KEEPING ONE'S HONOR!! Invisibility is not fair in Hand-to-Hand combat with an honorable opponent. In death, take your enemies with you. Never back down from an honorable challenge. Be submissive to greater warriors. Fight until death or victory. Equalize the odds by any means possible (this means that parties are not protected by the Code - a Predator will pick them off, one by one, until one remains) An honorable opponent is defined as one who obeys the Code, more or less. In addition, MOST Predators will not kill opponents (honorable or not) who are helpless or too easy a target (will not kill an unconscious victim, nor an honorable opponent who is merely standing in the open, unawares). Note: There are NO rules when it comes to actual COMBAT. They fight to win, and will not hesitate to use dirty tricks or unsportsmanlike attacks (i.e. - kneecap or groin) These CCs were created by Please do not call them your own, as they are not. Anyone found in violation of this policy will be taken behind the building and tickled until they can no longer breathe. Predators and their likenesses are most likely , , , (ugly), and (property of) Paramount Pictures. Use them at your own risk, fully realizing that giant tomatoes can fall out of the sky and crush your house at any moment, thanks to the Greenhouse Effect.

The Pretender P.C.C.

By: Attributes: Roll all attributes as per a normal human, but add the following bonuses: +2D6 to IQ, with a minimum of 18, +1D6 to ME, with a minimum of 15, and plus 2D4 to MA, with a minimum of 16. I.S.P.: ME+1D6/level P.P.E.: PE+1D4x10 P.C.C. Skills: (All PCC Skills are at 98%) Math: Basic and Advanced Language and Literacy: American (or native language) and two others Computer Operations Computer Programming Computer Hacking Mechanical Engineer P.C.C. Related Skills: Select 6 related skills from ANY category at a bonus of +30% plus IQ bonus. Note: Double the normal rate for skill advancement (eg, a +5%/lvl goes to +10%/lvl Secondary Skills: Due to the unusual nature of the Pretender, he/she receives no secondary skills. Special ability: The Pretender can learn a new skill of any variety given sufficient time and exposure. The base proficiency for any new skill is 30% + 5% per hour spent exposed to it. This exposure can be from reading a book on the subject, watching a detailed television show, observing an expert, etc. If the Pretender is attempting to improve his ability by teaching himself (without the benefit of a book or other aid) the skill increases at 5% per day. - 453 -

Psionics: The Pretender is considered a minor psionic, with limited, and fairly standard psionic abilities. Mind Block and Alter Aura (normal psionics) Automatic Total Recall and Automatic Speed Reading (the effects of these powers are the same as the normal psionics, but cost NO ISP, and have unlimited duration.)

Protector Wizard OCC

By: satterle

Protector Wizard O.C.C.

The Protector Wizards are a group of elite mystics that are trained by an ancient group of Chiang-Ku dragons known as The Protectors. Protector Wizards are trained in mythical arts by a group of eight Chiang-Ku dragons, ten Mind Melters, ten Bursters, five Mind Bleeders, five Cyber-Knights, twelve Ley-Line Walkers, nine Mystics, four Shifters, and six Temperal Wizards. The Protectors select people of various races once every eight years for training as Protector Wizards. Protector canidates are not even aware that they are in training until two years after they are selected, this time is used by the Protectors to observe the canidates to make sure that they have the values that are required. The next six years of a Protector is spent under the tutelege of the Protectors learning various mystic and psychic arts. After training is complete the new Protectors go out into the world to begin their deeds. Protectors are often times responsible for protecting villages from tyranny and combating evil supernatural forces, others traverse the Megaverse exploring new dimesions and studying new lifeforms, and a few even begin campaigns of justice through out the world. The most famous of all Protectors is the human Jeremy Satterlee who gathered a force of mages to confront Mrrlyn himself, although they failed they continue to traverse the Megaverse and Rifts Earth fighting the supernatural wherever they are needed. GMs be warned the Protector Wizard is quite powerful and have abilities that are unlike any other and it is solely left up to the Game Master if he/she wishes to incorporate the Protector Wizard into their game. The Wizard has many of the spells found in the new magic section and are quite possibly the most powerful Men of Magic known to exist on Rifts-Earth. Players remember that a Protector Wizard will always be of Scrumpulous, or Principled alignment only and will never coporate with the supernatural evil unless lives are at stake. Even then the Wizard will constantly be looking for ways to undermine their plans. Psionic Powers The Protector has the following psionic abilities. 1. Sense Supernatural Evil. Same as the Mystic Mage(Rifts RPG pg. 85) except that range is increased to one mile plus 10 ft. per level of experience. 2. Psi-Sword. Same as Cyber Knight O.C.C.(Rifts RPG pg. 63) except does 2D6 M.D. at level one, increases same as Cyber Knight. 4. See Aura. Same as psionic power except it costs no I.S.P. 5. See the Invisible. Same as psionic power except it costs no I.S.P. 6. Sense Evil. Same as psionic power except is automatic and costs no I.S.P. 7. Sense Magic. Same as psionic power except is automatic and costs no I.S.P. 8. Other Psionic Abilities. Select eight other powers from healing, physical, and sensitive. Also select two super-psychic abilities. 9. I.S.P.: Roll 2D4x10 plus the charcters M.E. number to determine the base Inner Stength Points. The Protector is considered a master psionic so he or she recieves a additional 2D6 I.S.P. per each additional level of experience. 10. Saving throw versus psionic attack: As a master psionic, the character needs a 10 or higher to save vs. psionics. However, the Protector also recieves a bonus of +2 to save vs. psionics at experience levels four, eight, and twelve. Magic Powers 1. Teleport: Lesser. Same as magic spell except that it does not cost any P.P.E. 2. Teleport: Superior. Same as magic spell except that it does not cost any P.P.E. 3. Mystic Portal. Same as magic spell except that it does not cost any P.P.E. 4. Dimensional Portal. Same as magic spell except that it does not cost any P.P.E. 5. Sense Rifts. Same as the Shifter ability(Rifts RPG pg. 87). 6. Tatoo Magic. Can endow magic tatoos on humans, elves, orgres, and themselves. Can endow themselves with one tatoo for each level of experience and can start with 2D6 tatoos if the player wishes. 7. Additional spell knowledge. The Protector's spell knowledge is quite expansive and starts with the following spells: Globe of Daylight, Chameleon, Energy Bolt, Armor of Ithan, and six other spells from levels 1-6. 8. Learning New Spells. The Protector instinctivily learn four new spells per each level of experience. New spells can be selected from any level of experience. Spells can also be purchased as normal and can use magic scrolls and use techno-wizard devices in addition to being able to perform riturals. 9. P.P.E.: Like all men of magic, the Protector is a living battery of mystic energy that he can draw on to create magic. Permanent Base P.P.E.: 6D6x10 plus P.E. attribute. Add 4D6 P.P.E. per additional level of experience. Of course, the Protector can draw P.P.E. from ley lines, nexus points, and other people. - 454 -

10. Magic Bonuses. +8 to save verseus horror factor. +4 save verseus magic at level one and an additional +1 at levels three, six, nine, and twelve. +2 to spell strength(the number others must save against when you cast a spell) at levels four, eight, and twelve. Attribute Requirements: I.Q.=12, M.E.=12, M.A.=12, and P.E.=16 and must be a good alignment when they become a Protector. O.C.C. Skills Language-American and Dragonese at 98% Select 1D6 additional languages(all +15%) Litercy-American, Dragonese, and one of choice(+10%) Math-Basic(+15%) Lore-Demon(+20%) Lore-Faeri(+15%) Lore-Magic(+20%) Lore-Psionics(+10%) Land Navigation Wilderness Survival Two physical skills of choice(+10%) Steetwise(+10%) Three W.P. skills of choice Hand to Hand-Martial Arts O.C.C. Related Skills: Select eight other skills. Plus select two additional skills at level three, six, nine, and twelve. Communication: Any Domestic: Any(+5%) Electrical: Basic Electronics Espionage: Intelligence(+5%) Mechanical: Basic and Automotive only Medical: Holistic Medicine and Paramedic only(+5%) Military: None Physical: Any Pilot: Any except robots and power armor Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any(+5%) Science: Any(+5%) Technical: Any(+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The charcters also gets to select six secondary skillswith the same limitations above and without the skill bonuses inparenthesis. Stanard Equipment: Set of clothing, set of traveling clothes, light body M.D.C. body armor(seldom wear heavy armor because it limits reduces speed and mobility), knapsack, back pack, 1D4 small sacks, one large sack, pocket mirror, silver cross, 2D4 cloves of garlic, six wooden stakes and mallet(for vampires and other practical applications), salt, canteen, binoculars, tinted goggles or sunglasses, air filter and gas mask, pocket laser distancer, pocket digital, disc recorder/player for recording observations, hand-held computer, silver plated survival knife, hand axe, energy pistol and rifle of choice, 3D6 extra E-Clips for each, 2D6 grenades, two vibro-weapons of choice, and a conventional S.D.C. weapon of choice. Can use techno-wizard weapons and rune weapons. Money: The Protector starts with 1D6x1000 in credit and 2D6x1000 in black market items. Cybernetics: Starts with none but may get minor sensor augmentation such as sensor eyes, ect. but will never get more than four total.

Psi-Arkana - Tele-Pur RCC

By: Chiang-Ku Part two of the Psi-Arkana thread... The Tele-Purs... The Tele-Pur is a species native to the worlds of Psi-Arkana and Arkana-Psi - though it is not known which of the binary planets they evolved on, they have become the dominant species of both worlds, with an estimated population of eight million. The Tele-Pur looks like a snow leopard which can walk upright. Their silky white fur with it's yellow and black patterns is distinctive to each tribe within the Tele-Pur society and each tribe member has a specific sub-pattern of spots or stripes on the tail which signifies rank or bearing within the tribe itself.

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Tele-Purs are one of the most naturally psionic species found to date within the 3 Galaxies and are being studied by all governments who can actually reach them - the difficulties in doing so are significant due to their system's location. The Tele-Pur use their Psionics as their tools and have a very exact control over these abilites, but are also excellent escape artists, and cannot be captured. They appear to have some ability which enables them to slip from nets, containment grids, sticky-nets, and even full force-fields. From observations of their society, Tele-Purs have a very structuralised society, but it's rules seem to be extraordinarily complex to our views on society - such as; it appears that any Tele-Pur can mate with any other Tele-Pur, but if the mate is within the same tribe, must undergo some form of ritual combat - for a mate outside the tribe, the Tele-Pur must give a gift of some type to each member of the other tribe before the mating can take place. Tele-Purs imprint their young while still within the womb, and appear to have good control over which psionic abilities their young are born with. The most dramatic evidence of the Tele-Pur's uniqueness is in combat with off-worlders. The Tele-Pur use their escape-artist ability to get into very close combat, then use their MDC claws to slash their opponents necks or bellies open. This ability can even seem to get the Tele-Pur into MDC body armor, as opponents in full EVA suits can still be killed by a tele-pur in hand-to-hand combat without injuring a single member of this unique race. Fortunately for the Tele-Pur, this ability also makes it very difficult to capture them, so even with the many races looking for bioweapons or armies to help them in their combat-happy raids across the region, the Tele-pur seem unlikely to become embroiled or coerced into joining any side. They have no interest in communicating with outsiders, and avoid outsiders with apparent ease. All observations of Tele-Pur life have been done with remotes, there are no known first-hand observations on record, no matter what the Kreeghor tell you!!

Tele-Pur RCC
Alignment: Any Attributes: IQ 2d6+3 ME 4d6 MA 4d6 PS 2d6+6 PP 4d6+3 PB 3d6+3 PE 3d6+3 SPD 4d6 Size: five to six feet (1.5 - 1.8m tall) Weight: 120 - 160 lbs (50 - 75kg) MDC: Natural MDC Creatures - PE x 5 MDC plus 1d6 MDC per level HF: 8 PPE: 4d6x10 + ME per level Average Life Span - Unknown Natural Abilities: Prowl 80%, See Invisible, Night vision (90 ft), side-slip Ability Tele-Purs seem to have the ability to slip sideways through a spatial location to avoid capture. This appears to be a sudden winking as their body twists into a two dimensional shape and them slides away for a distance of up to 10 metres before reforming into it's normal 3d shape. This ability ensures that a tele-pur can escape from any net or containment field as long as it is not magical in nature. It appears that they actually become a 2d creature, and can therefore sidestep any 3d object. Psionic Powers: choose any six from any category save Super. Add 1 per level. Magic Ability: none - the Tele-purs have no understanding of magic and are psionic in nature. OCCs: None, the Tele-purs have no society to speak of that can be understood by any other race. They simply desire to be left alone and will avoid contact with any outsiders, even to the point of abandoning their homes to avoid contact. Money - NA Cybernetics - NA

Psi-Bartender v1.2
By: No Beard Pete

Psi-Bartender O.C.C.
Being a bar tender in the New West is interesting work. One hears all sorts of stories from various adventurers, heroes, or just plain drunks looking for a friendly ear. The threat of a bar fight is ever present, and sometimes gun fights even break out. A good barkeep knows how to defuse these situations, by being able to identify people who are likely to cause problems, calm them down with a free drink, or just by having a big honkin' shotgun behind the bar. The Psi-Bartender has developed his or her psychic abilities to better do this, as well as a few other things. Attribute requirements: ME 13+ MA 13+ (before bonuses) Attribute bonuses: +2D4 to MA Alignment: Typically unprincipled or anarchist, can be any Psionics: Alchokinesis - This ability is similar to hydrokinesis, but a bit more specialized. It will only work on liquid substances with that are at least 10 proof alcoholic beverages. Anything over 150 proof can be affected at double range, and anything over 180 proof can be affected at quadruple range and for half cost. - 456 -

Alchoholic manipulation - 30 ft + 5 ft/level - 2 ISP 1 minute/level The Psi-Bartender can telekinetically manipulate alcoholic beverages. This can allow him or her to mix a drink, cause someone's beer to spill, or make a bottle come flying off of the shelf and into his hand. Alcohol can be splashed into people's eyes or into fires for good effect in a fight. Potency boost - 6 ft + 6 "/level - 5 ISP - 1 hour/level The Psi-Bartender can make alcoholic beverages twice as potent and intoxicating. This can be used to make drinking someone under the table a lot easier, to allow skimping on the alcohol content in beverages, or just to make it easier to take advantage of people who are drunker than they think they are. At third level the Psi-Bartender will be able to affect the alcohol that is already in a person's blood stream for double the ISP cost. Potency decrease - 12 ft + 1 ft/level - 4 ISP - permanent The Psi-Bartender can make alcoholic beverages one fourth as potent and intoxicating, by converting a large portion of the alcohol to water and carbon dioxide. This can be used to keep people from getting drunk, to impress customers with one's incredible capacity for booze, or to keep bar fights from breaking out amongst intoxicated customers. At third level the Psi-Bartender can use this ability on the alcohol in a person's blood stream for double the ISP cost, having the effect of instantly sobering them up by quite a bit. Sense alcoholic content - 24 ft + 2 ft/level - 1 ISP 1 minute/level The Psi-Bartender can sense the alcoholic content of a beverage, allowing him or her to determine the proof, the type of alcohol, the source of the alcohol, and the quality of the beverage. Impurities associated with the brewing and distilling process can be detected (ie, the lead in moonshine), and approximate age can be determined. At third level this can be used to determine the alcoholic content of a person's blood stream for the same ISP cost. Empathic Transmission: trust The Psi-Bartender can only perform the version of this that instills trust in the target. This allows them to get mines of information out of customers, and also to help defuse fights and get big tips. Bio-manipulation: thirst - 30 ft + 2 ft/level - 3 ISP 10 minutes/level This allows the Psi-Bartended to subtly make people thirst, so as to encourage them to buy more drinks and/or consume the ones they have more quickly. If the target fails their savings throw and has a drink in front of them, they will most likely not notice their thirst, but will consume the drink 4 times as fast as they normally would have. Many a Psi-Bartender has made a fortune selling drinks this way. The Psi-Bartender also picks 2 minor psionic categories. He or she gets 2 psychic abilities from each of these categories at level 1. Each level after first they get one more ability from one of their minor categories. On levels 4, 8, and 12 they get one major of choice. This Psi-Bartender is considered a master psychic, and has 2D6X10 + ME ISP to start, and gets 2D6 ISP each additional level. Additional Abilities: Can hold 4 times the alcohol as an ordinary person without problems Excellent night vision - able to see perfectly in dimly lit bars Warning shot - can fire a weapon (usually a shotgun or rifle style heavy energy weapon such as a particle beam rifle) and shout in such a way as to cause those participating in bar fights to stop for a moment and maybe for good. This will not affect those who are really determined or who are fighting for their lives - just those who've gotten into a bar room brawl. Everyone in the fight must make a save vs. HF equal to the Psi-Bartender's MA. OCC Skills Cook Cook - drinks: +30% Sing Sing - drinking songs +20% American: 90% Spanish: 85% Language of choice: +20% Literacy of choice: +10% Basic Math: +20% Streetwise: +25% WP Shotgun WP Heavy Energy H-H Basic (can be upgraded to expert for one skill, or MA for two) OCC Related Skills The Psi-Bartender gets 8 "other" skills at level one, and can learn 2 new skills at levels 3, 8, and 12 Communications: Radio: Basic only Domestic: Any (+10%) Electrical: Basic only (+5%) Espionage: None Mechanical: Basic only (+5%) Medical: First Aid, Paramedic, and Holistic Medicine only (+10%) Military: None Physical: Any except Acrobatics, Boxing, or Wrestling - 457 -

Pilot: Any, except for RV and PA Pilot Related: Any, except for weapons systems Rogue: Any (+10%) Science: Any (+5% to chemistry and botany) Technical: Any (+10%) WP: Any Wilderness: None Secondary Skills The Psi-Bartender gets 6 secondary skills from the above list at level one, without any of the listed bonuses. Starting equipment There is a 50% chance the Psi-Bartender own his/her own small hole in the wall bar, worth approximately 300,000 credits. However, this will not be easily liquidated. If the Psi-Bartender doesn't own their own bar they will almost certainly have a good job at a larger more well established bar. In either case, the Psi-Bartender will have 2D6X1000 credits on hand, and another 4D6X10,000 credits in various belonging (home, car, possibly weapons and/or armor, etc). The Psi-Bartender automatically starts with an SDC shotgun, 100 rounds of ammo, and an energy weapon of choice with 5 e-clips. Experience The Psi-Bartender uses the Dog Boy experience table.

Psi-Chef PCC
By: Zhorn Well, after talking about such "flavor" OCC's as the Barmaid and the Saloon Bum I came up with another PCC that might not be terribly useful campaign wise but has some fun abilities and rounds out your average group of cowpokes. I hope you like it and if you find time try to reply.....don't feel bad if you don't though cause I haven't recently.:) Without further rambling here it is....... Note: This write up is intended to be humorous(that doesn't mean it is) but the class itself is meant for real use in a campaign. Just ignore the funy(or wanna-be funny) stuff in real use. Or leave it if you want....just respond damn it.:) ****************************************************************************** The Psi-Chef PCC - a.k.a. Cookie, Psi-Cookie, and occasionally The Gas Man (but that's only when he eats his beans...) ****************************************************************************** With the coming of the rifts and the return of The West to it's glorious past, groups of Cowboys, Lawmen, and Bandits once again drift along the great American plains like tumble weeds blowing in the wind. All that rolling through the country side and and desert can really make a man hungry. After a hard days work of herding the cattle, smoking the bad guys, or pillaging villages, raping the horses, and riding out on the women a man(or woman as the case may be) doesn't want to bake his own beans. With the demand for bean bakers way up a new class of men(or women again...) began to rise from the gutters of western towns to be immortalized and romantisized by silly people who have nothing better to do than convert everything under the sun to RPG format. These great men were cooks. They began traveling with groups of cowboys and the like in their covered wagons and prepared meals for them, very often of the baked and/or bean variety. Well, to make a long story short some of these cooks are a little more than just cooks. They have learned to harness the powers of their minds to do as one gold miner once put it..."rustle up the best dang grub this side of the Lone Star complex...". These are the psychic cooks of the New West. These are the Psi-Chefs..... _______________________ Psi Chef Powers: 1.) Similar to Bursters Psi-Chefs have limited control over the element of fire. Their powers are not honed as well as the bursters resulting in more limited abilities and higher ISP cost. -Fire and Heat do 1/2 damage: Due to the cooks close proximity to fire his mind and body have developed a special toughness against it. This includes magical fire, but not other forms of fire like energy like plasma. Only to fire and heat no matter what it's source. -Extinguish Fires: The power to instantly without the need for chemicals or water. The fire is just instantly put out. Range: 20 ft + 3ft/level ISP cost: 6 Note: Although chemicals or water are not needed the Psi-Chef can reduce the ISP cost by half and increase the range by 1.5 by peeing on the fire to put it out. -Flame Bolt: Not so much as a flame bolt as it is with a burtster as the ability to throw a small flame in order to catch things on fire. The Psi-Chef can throw a flame 10 ft. plus 2ft/level. He has a bonus of +3 to strike with the flame and anything combustible the flame hits will automatically catch on fire. ISP Cost: 4 -Super Simmer Power: Much like the Burster's power to fuel flames the Psi-Chef can control the size of fire by a small degree. Just enough to really regulate the flame size to mean the difference between simmering and trying to boil. This way he can do a variety of

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things around his campfire to keep his boys happy.(Have you ever tried sauted baked beans? Mmmmmm Mmmmmm.....that's good eat'n.) ISP Cost:5 ISP 2.) Takes 3/4 damage from cold: During the Psi-Chefs intensive training at a restaraunt or Chef's school he would have had to walk from in front of the scorching stove into the freezing walk in refrerator. The transition could make the walk-in temperature feel as low as 15 degrees Fahrenheit. The Psi-Chef now only takes 3/4 normal damage from cold attacks and is not fazed by transitions from hot to cold(or vica versa). In other words he could be in the Sahara naked and be dropped teleported to the North pole and still not give a damn that he's naked. 3.) Cooks like a professional. He has the cook skill and in addition he may choose one of three(or roll a 3 sider) specialties that will be described a little later. He gains cook at 90% He is very good at what he does and although he may be able to cook lots of fancy stuff he very often sticks to simple if not wierd things involving baked beans such as Buffulo Ball Casserole. 4.) Automatically gets the WP knife skill. It also starts at second level. Besides that it advances as normal 5.) ISP: 1d4x10+15 in addition to the ME attribute. Considered a major psionic. Attribute Requirements: None really, but should hopefully have a high PP. Spilling the baked beans on Mongo has never lead to anything pretty. OCC Skills: American 96% Spanish 86% Cook 90% WP Knive(special) Skin/Prepare Animal Hides +20% Horsemanship: General* Pilot: Covered Wagon +15%(use the Pilot:Truck percentage) Brewing +15% Lore: Food +20% (knows about different recipes and dishes commonly served in that time period) Identify Plants/Fruits +15% Math: Basic +20% Literate: American +5% HTH-Basic** *Horsemanship: General can be changed to Horsemanship: Cowboy at teh cost of one "other" skill. **HTH-Basic can be upgraded to expert for two "other" skills OCC Related Skills: The Psi-Chef may pick a total of six(6) "other" skills from the following categories with the following bonuses. They also get an additional skill at levels 4,7,11 and 15 Communications: Radio: Basic and Scramblers only Domestic: Any (+10%) Electrical: Basic and Kitchen Applience Repair(treat as comp. repair) only (+5%) Espionage: Any Engineer: Basic only (+5%) Medical: First Aid, Paramedic, and Holistic Medicine only (+10%) Military: None Physical: Any except Acrobatics, Boxing, or Wrestling Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Any (+10%) Technical: Any (+10%) WP: Any except heavy/ heavy energy Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character may choose an additional 5 skills from the previous list of categories but does not recieve the bonuses. Specializations: These are three areas of cooking that the chef may decide to specialize in. The Psi-Chef should choose (or roll for) one of the following specialization. Treat everything in the OCC as normal unless specifically mentioned in the specialization that there is a change. 1.)Flambe- This Psi-Chef uses his cooking fire like a paint brush. Everything he cooks is a work of art. A slightly charred work of art, but art just the same. He only takes 1/4 he damage from fire now and gets all of the burster powers from the Rifts main book at half the range/duration, double the cost. In addition for the flame bolt, they only roll half the normal amount(burster's normal)of dice for damage and the Psi-Flambeist can not do MDC attacks. His MDC ttack does 5d6 SDC. As for the Flame Eruption the Psi-Flambeist - 459 -

still can't do MDC. Being a Flambe master also has it's draw backs though/ Your mind and body have become so accustomed to the flame that the flambeist no longer gets a bonus vs. cold. In fact he/she takes 1.5 times damage from cold attacks. 2.)Hibachi- This Psi-Chef revels in feats of juggling, throwing, and playing wiht food. Cooking is just a job for these guys. It's an entertainment form. These characters get WP Paired Knives(just knives) anf WP Thrown. In addition the characte gets a Moo Gi Gongesque ability to cause 1d6 sdc to someone with any object catapulted from a spatula(or flung from teh end of a fork, etc.). The Psi-Hibachiist also get s the juggling skill at 90% At the cost of all of his secondary skills the Psi-Hibachiist may choose Zanji Shinjenkin Ryu as a martail art form. He does not get the Martail Arts abilities and does not get any Chi abilities. He also only recieves the skills given to him from the martial art that satisfy his related skill categories. As a result he will begin following Bushido to his greatest ability and have a strict code of honor. Since he spends more time juggling his knives than cooking he also takes 3/4 damage from fire instead of half. 3.) Anachronistic Cooking- This Psi-Chef is fascinated by the food served from times long ago, especaially Pre-Rifts earth. He feels a lot can be learned by looking at what people eat. He gets an additional 3 "related" skills, 2 secindary skills, and automatically gets archeology, anthropology, and lore:pre-rifts cuisine. Unfortunatly for this book worm he spends too much time researching and not enough practicing. He no longer gets WP knife, and can only have HTH basic. He also doesn't spend enough time in the kitchen so he takes full damage from heat and cold. Equipment: Gets all the ussual stuff including light armor, canteen, crosses. In addition he gets cooking supplies like pots, pans, coffee pots, spatulas, 2d4 cooking knives. He gets 2 energy weapons of choice and 2 SDC weapons. He also has 2d4 e-clips for the energy weapons and 2 "boxes" of ammo depending on what his SDC weapons are(2 dozen arrows for a bow, 2 boxes of shells for a shotgun, and 2 dozen rags to clean the blood off of the baseball bat). If already situated with a group of people he has a covered wagon too. Otherwise he just has a robot or real horse. Money: 1d4x1000 credits adn 2d6x100 in black market items Use the Saloon Bum Experience Chart

Psionic Overlords
O.C.C. Skills: Radio: Basic +25% Pilot Automobile +20% Basic Electronics +40% Basic Mechanics (see Triax) +20% ALL Domestic Skills +30% Intelligence +25% Pilot Hovercraft +30% Mathematics: Basic +25% Anthropology +30% Fluent (90%) in American, Euro, Spanish, and Dragonese Also literate in the above languages (+30%) Computer Operation +35% Writing +20% WP Energy Pistol O.C.C. Skills: Select 12. Skills can be chosen from any category, but lean toward academics. (Hey, they're royalty!) Communication:+15% Electrical:+25% Espionage:+10% Mechanical:+30% Medical:+15% Military:+10% Physical:+10% Pilot:+20% Pilot Related:+20% Rogue:+15% Science:+50% Technical:+30% Wilderness:+15% Psionic Powers: At first level, has: Alter Aura, See Aura, Sixth Sense, Mind Block, Telepathy, Telekinesis, telemechanics and empathy. Five powers can be selected from each of the three common categories. I.S.P.: 4D6x10. At second level, select two powers from each of the three categories. Add 5D6 ISP. - 460 -

At third level and at each additional level, choose one power from each category, including Super. Also add 3D6 ISP per level. Special Powers of the Overlords: Immune to possession and mind control of all kinds. Duration, Range, and damage of all powers is doubled. Other's saving throws against psionics are at -3. An Overlord can draw ISP from any electrical power source. The rate of exchange (Electricity to ISP) is one ISP per volt of electricity. After the ISP is drawn, the energy source is depleted. If it is a generator, rather than a battery of some sort, it merely needs a little time to produce more energy. All Overlords have a bonus of +10 to their MA, +3 to their IQ, and +5 to their ME. They are +3 to save vs magic.

Psi-Pilot O.C.C.
By: Jason Bridgman The psi-pilot is a pilot which has had his latent psychic powers developed into an affinity for vehicles. These are the greatest pilots in the three galaxies, being able to get the most out of any vehicle they fly. Attribute Requirements: P.P. and I.Q. of 12 or higher, also see attribute bonuses. O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses: 1. Attribute Bonuses: Psi-Pilots have a +1d6 to P.P., +1d4 to M.E. and +3d6 to S.D.C. (or +2d4 if M.D.C.). 2. Innate Telemechanics: A limited, but special, form of telemechanics is developed allowing the pilot to partially control their vehicle using their minds. The psi-link requires no I.S.P. (Note: they have no other psi-powers). This amazing ability allows them to react more quickly, and fully utilize a vehicle to its maximum potential. The power also allows them to pilot vehicles for which they have not been trained, including alien vehicles. Vehicles for which the psi-pilot has not been trained is at 60% of the normal base + I.Q. bonus if any. (e.g. Psi-pilot finds a helicopter, but he is not trained. After linking into the vehicle (one melee action) the pilot can now fly with a skill of 21% plus his I.Q. bonus, if any. (60% of 35%)). If the psi-pilot is trained in the type of vehicle, but it is an alien vehicle, the pilot may use it at no penalty after one melee (-10% until then). 3. Bonuses for Psi-link: When linked to a vehicle, the Psi-pilot gains the following bonuses- +4 to initiative, +2 attacks, +3 to strike, and +3 to dodge. All bonuses are in addition to training bonuses. O.C.C. Skills: Language: Native language (98%) Language: Select one additional (+30%) Literacy: Native language (98%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Basic Math (+10%) Pilot: Space Fighter (+30%) Pilot: One air/space vehicle (+30%) Pilot: Any two (+20%) Fighter Combat Elite [one type] Fighter Combat Basic EVA (+10%) Weapon Systems (+15%) Read Sensory Equipment (+15%) Computer Operation (+5%) W.P.: Any two Hand to Hand: Expert Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to martial arts (or assassin) at the cost of one "other" skill. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 7 other skills. Plus select two additional skills at levels four, and seven, and one at levels nine, twelve and fifteen. Communications: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only (+5%) Espionage: Wilderness survival only. Mechanical: Automotive and basic only. Medical: First aid only. Military: Demolitions only. - 461 -

Physical: Any, excluding acrobatics. Pilot: Any (+15%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Streetwise only. Science: Any (+5% on math) Technical: Any (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Land navigation and hunting only. Secondary Skills: The character can select four secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. Standard Equipment: Space capable M.D.C. body armor suit, two energy weapons and an S.D.C. weapon. Also has ammunition/Eclips for all weapons, knife, hand-help communicator, as well as personal items. Will always have access to some sort of fighter or ship (either owns one or is in military). Money: 4d6x1000 for an independent or 1d6x100 for military pilot. Cybernetics and Bionics: None to start with. Will avoid them because they interfere with the link. More than two cybernetic implants or any bionics totally destroys the psi-link power.

Psi-Tek Lord T.C.C.

(Transformed Character Class) By: ART@MCHOICE.COM Alignment: Aberrant Attributes: Normal human but usually have high M.E. Hit Points: P.E. +1D6 per level S.D.C.: 30 + Skills M.D.C.: See Special Armor Size, Weight: Normal Horror Factor: 17 (in armor) P.P.E.: 1d6 Combat: By skills only Special Bonuses: None Magic Powers: None Psionic Powers: Telepathy, Mind Block Auto-defense and Mental Dominance*. +1 Psionic Power of any kind a level. I.S.P.= M.E.x10 + 14 per level. *Special: Mental Dominance only works against Psi-Tek Warriors who have a -5 to save. Skills: Select 14 O.C.C. skills from any category (+10 to Military, Espionage, Rouge, Piloting), Space +5, Navigation +15. Secondary Skills Select 9 skills, same as above but no bonuses. Psi-Tek Lord Armor Size: 8' 2" Weight: 650 Lb. - 462 -

M.D.C.: 1000 + 100 per level Spd: 50 Flight: Mach 1.5 atmosphere, Mach 8 + 1 every 2 levels in space. Teleport: 1000 Miles once every hour Force Field: 75 per level! Costs 20 ISP to Activate. Special Bonuses: +8 attacks, parry, strike, +1 to dodge, +5 to dodge while flying, +7 to initiative, +45 to P.S. (Supernatural), +8 to P.P., Energy immunity (same as Cosmo-Knight in Phase World except that it adapts to the situation. Within 2 melees all energy attack inflict 1/100 the normal damage.) Weapons: Hand Energy blast: 6d6x10! Can be used at will and always inflicts half normal damage to Cosmo-Knights, Psi-Tek Warriors, and Mech-Knights (Sorry Alan, got to have somebody who could scare a Mecha-Knight even slightly) These are the Generals of the Psi-Tek armies. Very rarely will they deem it worthy to enter a physical slug fest. Schemers and tacticians, they use their advantages against their foes. Suspected of being the most strong willed and intelligent of the local life forms assimilated, they are totally dedicated to the Psi-Tek. Only a strong relationship, such as a loving son or daughter, can even hope to break these mental bonds. A Psi-Tek Lord usually has at least 3 or 4 Psi-Tek Warriors that do his bidding. In addition he commands the army of the SI/SAO (Spider Infantry/Space Assault Organism) that number in the thousands, if not tens of thousands. *I really need to think of a better name for the Venomiod Spider Craft* They commune with Psi-Princes on matters of taking over the physical reality. The Psi-Princes are a high ranking Psi-Tek, rumored to be composed of psionic energy, as are all the true Psi-Tek. The Psi-Tek Lords are almost never outside of their armor. This is imposing black armor with large black capes. Always has a presence that you can feel, even if you have your back turned to him. If you do use him, try to play him like Darth Vader. Imposing and powerful, with the fates of planets hanging by his twisted desires and commands of his Over-Lords. Play up his horror factor and have him give Doctor Doom'ish pronouncements of the characters final fate (Broadcasted of course!). Have fun!!

Psycohistorian OCC
By: Galahad Okay, it's more of an MOS for a Rouge Scientist... well, that's actually EXACTLY what it is. Anyway, whatever it is, here it is. Attribute requirements: An extraordinary IQ (17+) Skills (take the place of traditional "other" skills): Anthropology (+20%) *Psychology (+15%) 2 Lore Skills (+10%) 1 Science skill (their minor) (+15%) Psychohistory (see below) An additional +20% on Advanced Math 7 Other skills All OCC and secondary skills unchanged *Psychology- Is their one in BTS? (Not Parapsychology) If so, use that. If not, how about 20%+5 per level? Psycohistory This is a delicate science involving using probability equations to predict possible futures. The base skill is 15% + 5% per level, but there are minuses listed below. This skill is only available to this MOS. Predicting the course of (K=1000, M=million, B=billion, T=trillion): ----------------------- 463 -

# people penalty ----------------------1 -50 10 -40 100 -30 1K -20 10K -10 100K -5 1M base skill 10M -5 100M -10 1B -20 10B -30 100B -40 1T -50 Special minuses: Characters with Clairvoyance or Empathy are -10% (each... these are cumulative) because the psionics interfere with the logical nature of their work. Specialized equipment: A hand-held Statistics calculator/computer adds a +10% bonus to a psycohistory roll. So, obviously this guy (or girl, for our fellow players of the finer sex) is not for everybody. Regardless, this character tends to be a real doomsayer, constantly working on formulas determining the end of world. Quebec, or especially Tolkeen could find one of these scientists to be extremely useful in developing strategy.

Puppet Master O.C.C.

This O.C.C. was inspired by the Pinnoccio and Puppet Master movies By: " A strange old man came into town tonight. He claimed to run a puppet show with puppets that moved on their own. He asked to be allowed to pay for his room with a puppet show. I agreed for some reason I can't fathom. " " I took my children to the puppet show tonight. It was wondrous. The puppets, they really did move without strings. It was awe inspiring. At first I refused to believe it, looking around for some source of manipulation. Seeing none, I thought that a wizard was moving them, but there was none. I don't know what motivated those puppets, but there was something. Most strangely, even for their wooden bodies, there was something about the puppets, something almost human. Later, I went to see if the old man needed anything. Stopping outside his door, I could hear him talking, to his puppets I guess. I looked through the keyhole, and what did I see but the puppets moving about as if alive. Suddenly one of their wooden little faces appeared in the keyhole starring at me with a look most sinister. Scared out of my wits, I ran down the hall as fast as I could. I fear it would be best to usher this old man and his odd puppets " -Unfinished journal entry found next to dead hotel manager The Puppet Masters are an odd lot. Part craftsman, part showman, and part wizard, they are among the most mysterious of magic practitioners. While most arcanists have a thirst for adventure, knowledge or even power, these individuals seem to care only about entertaining, and bringing life to their beloved puppets. Their whole lives revolve around traveling from town to town putting on shows with their little puppets, often in exchange for room and supplies. There are two groups of arcanists, Gapetoans and Toulans, named for two Pre-rifts Puppet Masters who are believed to be the first Puppet Masters. The Gapetoans carve the body and then pray over the new puppet. They believe that it is a benevolent being that infuses their puppets with life but in reality, the puppets come to life because the Puppet Master has transferred some of his own life into the puppet. The Gapetoans are unique among Puppet Master in that they can actually bring their puppets not just to life but also to flesh and blood. However, this needs an enormous amount of power often requiring a nexus. What many Gapetoan Puppet Masters realize is just how much magic energy they have. In fact few arcanists start with the power Gapetoan Puppet Master do. The Toulan Puppet Masters are almost as strong, though their practices don't require them to be as strong. The Toulan Puppet Masters use a different method of animating their wooden actors. The Toulan Puppet Master will often find a volunteer or victim, though they prefer the words candidate or subject, kill them, and transfer the life force of the dead into the puppet. While they can not bestow flesh on to their puppets as the Gapetoan Puppet Masters, they also do not suffer from reducing their life force. - 464 -

Puppet Master Abilities: I. Gapetoan Abilities 1. Animate Puppet - The Gapetoan Puppet Master, having fashioned the body, prays for several minutes, 1D20, over the puppet asking for it to be infused with life. There is no particular individual that Gapetoan Puppet Masters must pray to, although many prefer to pray to Gapeto. During this time of prayer, the puppet will begin to glow with growing intensity. At the peak there is a bright blinding flash, -5 strike, parry, and dodge for those looking at the puppet, -3 for those within 5'-10' of the puppet, and the Puppet Master expends 200 PPE while transferring 10 SDC or 5 HP into the puppet. MDC creatures transfer 5 MDC. A few minutes, 1D4, after this culmination of prayer the puppet will begin to show signs of it's new life. 2. Flesh Puppet - A Gapetoan Puppet Master has the ability to cause a puppet to become flesh and blood. That is, it will no longer be a animated wooden puppet, but a living, creature of flesh. To do this, the Puppet Master prays for his creation to become real. However this time the experience is much more intense and the Puppet Master must pray longer, 2D20 minutes. -10 strike, parry, and dodge to those watching and -6 to those within 10'-15' of the puppet. If the Puppet Master is praying for an already animated puppet, he only expends 400 PPE and transfers 20 SDC or 10 HP into the puppet. MDC creatures transfer 10 MDC. If the Puppet Master is praying for a puppet not yet animated, he expends 600 PPE and transfers 30 SDC or 15 HP / MDC into the puppet. Within several minutes, 2D4, the puppet will undergo a transformation where it's body turns to flesh from top to bottom although it will retain the size and shape of it's puppet form. 3. Generate Creation - Perhaps the most awesome of a Gapetoans abilities is the ability to have a puppet not just come to life, but to come to life at it's real size. This is perhaps the most taxing of abilities for the Gapetoan and is rarely preformed more than once or twice in a lifetime by them as that few have the strength to endure more than one or two. The Gapetoan starts his prayer which may last as long as an hour, 3D20. The culmination flash of this Gapetoan prayer is strong enough to harm, 1D10 SDC / 1D4 MD, most creatures damaged by sunlight and blinding to those without proper eye shielding, -15 strike, parry, dodge to those looking at the puppet and 35% chance permanent blindness, -9 to those within 15'-20' of the puppet. It is at the time of the flash that Gapetoan expends 600 PPE and transfers 40 SDC or 20 HP / MDC for a puppet that is flesh and blood, 1000 PPE and 60 SDC or 30 HP / MDC for an animated puppet, or 1200 PPE, 70 SDC or 35 HP into the puppet. Soon thereafter, the puppet will begin to grow to real-life proportions. Because of the amounts of energy need, this prayer often said on or near a Ley Line Nexus. Because many Gapetoans have noticed that this prayer seems to work better in groups, they have organized a calender of gatherings at various places and times of the year where Gapetoans may come together to assist one or more of their kind in this ceremony. 4. PPE - 1D6 x 100. Increase by 1D6 x 10 every other level II. Toulan Abilities 1. Animate Puppet - In order for a Toulan Puppet Master to animate his puppets by infusing them with life, he must capture a persons soul and their PPE as well as remove a gland from the back of their neck. Then he creates a solution with the gland, PPE, and life force which is spread over the puppet. At the same time the Puppet Master expends 150 PPE and completes the transfer of life into the puppet. The puppet will come to life soon thereafter, 1D4 minutes. 2. Capture Life Force - The Toulan Puppet Master has the ability to capture a persons soul and life force. Capture Life Force: 45% + 5% per level. If fails within 5% of skill level, captures either PPE or life force but not the other, GM's discretion. 3. Store Life Force - The Toulan Puppet Master that has capture someone's life force and PPE can store it indefinitely in an airtight container. 4. Telepathy - The Toulan Puppet Master can communicate with his puppets telepathically. 5. PPE - 1D4 x 100 + 50. Increase by 1D4 x 10 every other level. III. Puppets 1. The Puppets can be made out of any material but most often are made of wood or soft metal. 2. Attributes - NPC Puppets: Gapetoan puppets attributes reflect their puppet master. Toulan puppets reflect the attributes of the dead person whose soul inhabits the puppets body. Players who wish to play a puppet use the attributes of the race that most closely resembles their puppet character, i.e. A dragon puppet would use dragon attributes (hatchling in most cases) and a human puppet would use human attributes. 3. SDC / HP: NPC Puppets: Gapetoan puppets have whatever SDC or HP that was transferred to them from their puppet maser plus the SDC of the material they were fashioned from. If MDC was used instead of HPs, convert each MDC into 1 HP or 2 SDC. Toulan puppets have as much SDC as the material their bodies were formed from. Players with Gapetoan puppets use the SDC and HP of the race that most closely resembles their puppet. If a MDC race is picked, SDC equals MDC and HPs equals half of MDC. For example: if the race had 300 MDC, the Puppet would have 300 SDC and 150 HP. Players with Toulan puppets use the SDC of the material their bodies were made of. 4. Magic & Psionics: None. 5. Combat: Starting number of attacks is half number of limbs Example: 2 arm puppet starts with 1 attack, 4 arm puppets start with 2 attacks, etc. 6. Skills - Domestic: Dance & Play Musical Instrument; Military: Demolitions; Physical; Technical: Art; Weapon Proficiencies. All skills are at toy equivalent. For instance, the toy equivalent of Demolitions would be using firecrackers and the toy equivalent of Weapon Proficiencies as seen in the Puppet Master movies (Six-Shooter is one example), however, modern - 465 -


weapon proficiencies can only be used with weapons designed for the puppets. Also if a vehicle is designed for the puppet, then the puppet gets appropriate Piloting skill and any Pilot Related skills for that vehicle only. Toulan Puppets (NPCs) get any of the above skills from the dead whose soul inhabits their body. Gapetoan Puppets (NPCs) can learn any of the above skills by choosing any Men-of-arms OCC but without bonuses and half the skills. Players Select any four skills at level 1, and another skill Equipment - Start with 1D6 toy items. may tend to collect small things from time to time.

O.C.C. Skills: Dance - (+10) Play Musical Instrument - (+10) Sew - (+10) Disguise - (+10) Anthropology - (+10) Chemistry - (+10) [Toulan Puppet Masters only] Math: Basic - (+10) Art - (+20) 2 Language Skills - (+15) 2 Literacy Skills - (+15) Lore: Demon & Monster - (+10) Lore: Faerie - (+10) Writing - (+10) Carpentry - (+25) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 5 skills and another two at levels 4, 7, 10, & 13. Radio - Radio: Basic only Domestic - (+10) Electrical - Basic Electronics only Espionage - Wilderness Survival only Mechanical - None Medical - First-Aid only Military - None Physical - All except Acrobatics, Boxing, Gymnastics, & Wrestling Pilot Skills - All Pilot Related - All Rogue - All Science - (+5) Technical - (+10) Weapon Proficiencies - All Wilderness - All Secondary Skills: Select 5 skills and another two at levels 4, 7, 10, & 13 without bonuses. Equipment: A few sets of clothes, a toolkit for fashioning puppets, paint kit, 1D4 non-living puppets, 1D4 living puppets, combination storage case and stage set, backpack, tent, notebook, digital disk audio / visual recorder / player, sunglasses, heavy SDC or light MDC body armor, 1 energy weapon with 1D4 E-clips, 1 ancient weapon, 10% of all Puppet Masters have a vehicle like a car or jeep. Money: 1D4 x 100 credits, 1D6 x 1000 Black Market Items Cybernetics: Tend to avoid cybernetics.

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-QQuantum Sorcerer
By: Steven C. R. Israel The quantum sorcerer represents a spectacular renovation to the world of magic. Quantum magic works on the most basic of levels, manipulating atomic energy and quantum particles directly! In the quantum sorcerers perspective, the entire world can be simplified into the base parts of protons, electrons, and neutrons. And since they have such an incredible understanding of these particles they will never hesitate to explain at length to anyone who asks how their magic works! As can be imagined, many an amazed spectator have found themselves visited upon by a lecture in quantum physics. Quantum Sorcerer Magic Abilities: Listings for Quantum Sorcery Spells and Other Spells see appendix 5 1. Initial magic knowledge: Starts with the spells Blinding Flash, Cloud of Smoke, and Create Water, and select 5 from the quantum sorcery spell levels one and/or two. 2. Learning new spells.: The quantum sorcerer will be able to sense when he or she has gained enough mastery to learn new spells (has reached a new experience level). At second level of experience, the player may choose three new spells from levels one or two. For every additional level beyond two, they may choose two spells from levels up to their current level of experience. Only Principled or Scrupulous characters may learn spells above 9th level. 3. Magic Bonuses: +5 vs. magic at first level! They also gain an additional +1 vs magic at levels 4, 10, and 15. +5D6 S.D.C. and +2D4 hit points. One of the most interesting aspects of quantum magic, similar to their psionic abilities, is that the magic works on such a base level and their P.P.E. is stored in such an odd state that it is almost undetectable! All attempts to detect their magic powers either when dormant or in use are at -80%!! 4. P.P.E.: Like all men of magic, the quantum sorcerer is like a living battery of mystic energy, but they have managed to make their body much more efficient at storing the energy. Of course their explanation of it is much to complicated for anyone else to understand. - 467 -

Permanent Base P.P.E.: 2D6 10+60. Add 3D6 P.P.E. for every second level of experience starting at level two. Quantum sorcerers also regain P.P.E. at the rate of ten times the average human! This means they regain lost P.P.E. at the rate of 50 points per hour of rest! Unlike other practitioners of magic, however, they cannot meditate to restore P.P.E. faster. Their mastery of controlling energies also allows them to perform a rejuvenation of mystic power once every 24 hours. Meditating for 75 minutes, they can completely restore their P.P.E. up to its maximum level! At 5th, 10th, and 15th level there rejuvenation takes 15 minutes less. 5. Conversion: Quantum sorcerers may convert their own I.S.P. to P.P.E. or vice versa at an exchange rate of two to one. Thus 2 I.S.P. could be transformed to 1 P.P.E. or the other way around(2 P.P.E. to 1 I.S.P.). This intermingling of their personal energy base makes it impossible for any other to drain either their P.P.E. or I.S.P. 6. Quantum Sight: Quantum sorcerers have the innate ability to identify specific elements and compounds known to them by sight. Base Skill: 55% +5% for every additional level of experience. They also have the ability to see into the submicroscopic range. Thus for no cost in P.P.E. they can focus their sight down to see the very particles that make up atoms. When using this sight they receive a +20% bonus to identifying elements and compounds. Quantum Sorcerer Psionic Powers The quantum sorcerer, through some incomprehensible process that is kept as a strict secret, has the ability to generate psionic powers within themselves! 1. The quantum sorcerer possesses the following psionic powers: mind block, and three of choice from any one category OR one from the super category (excluding mind-block auto-defense, psi-sword, or psi-shield). 2. I.S.P.: Roll 4D6 plus the character's M.E. attribute. They are considered a minor psionic and receive 1D6 I.S.P. per additional level of experience. 3. Temporary state! The quantum control of sorcerers above 3rd level is such that they can actually remove their own psionic powers and store them in the quantum structure of their brain! Once every two hours, they can remove or return their psionics. 4. Psionic saving throw: Whether their powers are removed or not, quantum sorcerers have a saving throw of 12 or higher vs psionics. O.C.C. Skills: Basic Chemistry 98% Basic Math 98%Analytical Chemistry 65% Advanced Math 85% 2 Sciences of Choice(+20%) Literacy 98%Cryptography 40% Basic Electronics 50% Hand to Hand: Basic O.C.C. Related Skills: Select nine other skills. Plus two additional at level 4, two at level 7, one at level 10, and one at level 13. Communications: Any Domestic: Any Electrical: Any (+5%) Espionage: Detect Concealment and Forgery only (+8%) Mechanical: Any, except robot and weapons Medical: First aid only Military: None Physical: Any Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: None Science: Any (+10%) Technical: Any (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character may also select five secondary skills. Standard Equipment: Set of clothing, set of traveling clothes, light M.D.C. body armor,knapsack or backpack, one large sack, six wooden stakes and mallet (not necessary for vampires), canteen, binoculars, sunglasses, air filter and gas mask, often wear bright clothes and robes. Weapons will include an energy rifle, and an energy pistol and 2D4 E-clips. Money: The quantum sorcerer starts with 1D4 100 in universal credits and 1D6 1000 in gold and other precious metals. They tend to ignore credits for more substantial and universal forms of currency such as gold. Cybernetics: Starts with none and will avoid getting major cybernetic or other forms of physical augmentation.

Quickening Junkie O.C.C.

By: Peter Finin - 468 -

"I had just defeated the immortal who had been stalking me for weeks. I had just finished absorbing his Quickening, and stood there, slightly dazed as my wounds closed, and the blood on my blade, clothes, and face cooled. Scenes from the vanquished immortal's memories where still flashing through my head, when I noticed a figure step out of a darkened doorway and into the alley, a large axe gripped tightly in his hands. At first I thought he was another immortal, hoping to take me out while I was still weakened. He wasn't an immortal though, I am sure of that now. He hadn't had the aura of an immortal, and he released no quickening when he died. "In any case, I saw that he was acting strangely, his face pale and beaded with sweat. A strange, unhealthy tension lied across his face, and a thin line of drool across his chin betrayed the fact that he was salivating heavily. He mentioned something about it being too long, I don't remember his exact words. The next thing he said, though, has stuck in my mind for years. He said, 'If you think there can be only one, you are deceived. There will be none, your kind is doomed, for now I am here, I have come to this earth.' "Fortunately, he couldn't handle his axe too well. I don't know what he was strung out on, but that encounter chilled me like no other has, before or since. I hope there aren't many like him." -An immortal, recounting an encounter with a Quickening Junkie "You've heard heroin described, haven't you? Take the best sex you've ever had, multiply the peak moment of that by a thousand, and you have an idea of what heroin is like. I know, I've used heroin. Heroin doesn't even begin to compare to this, though. My best hit wasn't even a thousandth as good a the feeling you get when you take one of these guys out. If you want the best that life has to offer, go after one of the prey. If you want to become a god amongst men, take out one of the prey. If you manage to get enough of them, you may even become immortal yourself." -Quickening junkie, attempting to hook a friend

Occasionally an Immortal will die in some way other than being killed in a duel with another immortal. Throughout the ages, many immortals have died either by accident, or at the hands of other mortals. During the French Revolution several immortals died at the guillotine. During various wars, a handful of immortals have lost their heads due to cannons or explosives. Immortals have been known to die due to accidents with farm machinery, large vehicles, and even in collapsing buildings. While this is relatively rare, it does happen. When one immortal dies and there is no other immortal present to absorb the quickening, the quickening is released into the immediate area and will be absorbed by any mortals who are present. When a mortal absorbs quickening, many things happen. The absorption of an immortal's life essence is very pleasurable, and will produce a period of euphoria lasting for a number of minutes equal to the Quickening points (PPE) of the immortal who has died. This is accompanied by a feeling of almost godlike power, which fades slightly after the euphoria ends, but will continue on for a number of days equal to twice the square root of the PPE score of the immortals. For this period of time, the character gains some of the healing abilities of the immortal (but is never immortal himself), and will not age (this makes it possible for a junkie with good reflexes or a high level of skill to live a very long time). Some Quickening Junkies do not realize that they are not actually omnipotent, and act as though they are. This is what gets many of them killed. The Quickening Junkie will heal at a rate of 4D6 SDC per minute. Although they will lapse into a coma if their hit points are reduced below zero, they will not die unless their hit points are reduced to below -30, and will quickly recover unless killed. For this duration, the Quickening Junkie also gains bonuses to attributes, heightened senses, and feeling of heal, vitality, and well being. Most quickening junkies will do anything to get their "fix". After the feeling of power wears off, they have feelings similar to those of a juicer who has detoxed. This will drive even the most principled character to attempt to kill any immortal who they can find, producing rationalizations later as to the morality of their actions. Quickening junkies often claim that the immortals are perversions of nature and must be eliminated, that they do not deserve to live, or that they are not human and don't posses souls. Many more quickening junkies do not even bother trying to defend their actions, to themselves or to anyone else. Many quickening junkies end up coming into contact with at least one other junkie somewhere. They spread rumors about weaknesses of immortals, how to gauge the "quality of the prey", etc. One rumor that is particularly prevalent is that if a certain number of immortals are killed, the junkie will become an immortal themselves, or will reach a permanent high. There has yet to be a documented case of this actually happening. (Note for GMs, I don't envision this as actually being possible, although you should feel free to lets any quickening junkies strive for this, I wouldn't let them reach it). Alignment: Typically selfish or evil, with the rare good character. Note that a good aligned Quickening Junkie is likely to either be wracked with guilt over slaying Immortals, or view them as demons, devils, witches, unnatural or somehow evil. - 469 -

Bonuses: +2 PS, PE, and Spd. +1 PP. +10 SDC. +4 vs drugs, +2 vs HF, and +2 vs mind control and possession. Natural Abilities: 1) Recognize and sense immortals: Range - 100 feet, junkies can sense the presence of an immortal, recognize them on sight, and even approximate the number of quickening points they may have. 2) Immune to the euphoric effects of other drugs: After absorbing the life essence of an immortal, other drugs just don't cut it. Drugs like marijuana, heroin, alcohol, cocaine, etc will have no mind altering abilities on the junkie. Alcohol and marijuana will still slow down the reactions of the junkie and make them sleepy, and cocaine will still have an a stimulant effect, but nothing more than a pot of coffee. Hallucinogens will still make the junkie hallucinate, but without the usual euphoria and intense happiness. Many quickening junkies are former addicts of various drugs, and this means that their old drugs no longer do much for them, driving them to hunt down immortals with an intense sense of urgency, seeking to replace their old drugs. This can also be useful, as they do not need to worry about being adversely affected by these drugs very much, and can often lure immortals into using with them, only to behead the immortal once thoroughly whacked out. 3) Gains the powers of the prey: During the period after recovering from the immediate euphoria, the junkie feels a sense of being awesomely powerful. Senses are heightened, the junkie feels more virile, stronger, faster, and tougher. They heal at awesome rates, and often assume that they are immortal, omnipotent, or gods. They get an additional +1 to PP, +2 to PS, PE, and Spd, and get +10 more SDC. They heal at a rate of 4D6 SDC per minute, and will temporarily fall into a coma, but not die, if reduced to below zero hit points. Only reduction to -30 HP or less will kill them. They also receive an additional +2 to initiative. 3a) There is a 10% chance of the junkie permanently gaining some of the immortal's skill for each kill that is made. The GM should pick one skill (almost always combat related) that the immortal has at a higher level than the junkie. If the junkie did not previously have this skill, they develop it at 0th level proficiency, otherwise they gain one level of proficiency in it. This can be a hand to hand skill (including a martial arts form, although only bonuses and moves are gained), a weapons proficiency, or a physical skill such as prowl, gymnastics, a weapons kata, a martial arts technique, etc. 3b) There is a 10% chance of the immortal permanently gaining a bonus to an attribute, SDC, or HP. Roll 1D6: 1) +2 PS 2) +2 PE 3) +1 PP 4) +2 Spd 5) +10 SDC 6) +5 HP O.C.C. Skills: Native Language (+30%) Basic Math (+10%) Streetwise (+15%) Streetwise: Drugs (+30%) WP Axe (or occasionally sword) Hand to Hand Basic (can be upgraded to Expert for one other skill, or martial arts or assassin for 2) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10 other skills, limited as below. Gains one addition skill at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15. Also note that the junkie may gain skills from immortals that they kill. Communications: Any (+10% to Surveillance Systems) Domestic: Any (+5%) Electrical: Basic Electronics only Espionage: Any (-5 to intelligence, tracking, or wilderness survival) Mechanical: Basic and Automotive Mechanics Only Medical: First Aid Only Military: None Physical: Any (+5%) Pilot: Automobile and motorcycle only (+10%) Pilot Related: Navigation Only Rogue: Any (+10%) Science: None (other than math basic) Technical: Language, literacy, computer operations, and photography only (+5) WP: Any Wilderness: None - 470 -

Secondary Skills: Select 4 from the above list, no bonuses. Enemies: Immortals, police, and most good people. Allies: Will sometimes side with nightlords, evil mages, or alien intelligences to gain power and the ability to kill more immortals. They commonly loose their scruples soon after being hooked. Everyone let me know what they think. I am open to suggestions, and will happily make changes if people think I should, as this is still a work in progress. In case you hadn't noticed, it goes along with Warlocks Immortal RCC.

-RRAGES: Retro-Actively Genetically Engineered Soldiers

By: Aproximately fifteen years ago, the Coalition saw the world around them going to hell. They decided to bio-engineer some soldiers to, in their words, "Destroy these inhuman invaders!" The RAGES are the result of these experiments. Created about 3 years ago, they're just now beginning to make their "rounds" in society. Most RAGES are quite loyal to the Coalition, but some are hostile, for due to the great changes in their genetic structure, they are quite inhuman themselves and are cut off from Coalition society. Appearance: The RAGES is a humanoid being with what looks to be lizard-like plates on his or her skin. The coloration is usually green, though some purple and white colorations have been identified. Bonuses: +2 PS, +3 PE, -2 PP, Spd is halved. +4 Roll, -1 Initiative, +100 MDC. O.C.C. Skills: Radio: Basic(+10%) Piloting: Hovercraft(+10%) Piloting: Tank and APC(+14%) Read Sensory Equipment(+5%) Weapon Systems(+15%) Body Building W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle - 471 -

W.P. Heavy Energy W.P. Archaic Weapon of Choice Hand to Hand: Expert Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to Martial Arts or Assassin (if Evil), for one "other" skill slot. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8 Other Skills, plus select 2 additional skills and 2 W.P. at levels 3 and 6, and one of each at level 9 and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic Electronics Only Espionage: None Mechanical: Automotive Only Medical: First Aid and Paramedic Military: Any (+20%) Physical: Any, except Acrobatics and Gymnastics Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Any Science: Math Only Technical: Any (+10%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Carpentry, Hunting, and Land Navigation Only Secondary Skills: Select seven skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge, and don't receive the (+%) Bonuses. Secondary Skills start at Base Level, and are limited as All, Any, None, as listed. Special Abilities: 1. The character is turned into a humanoid dinosaur, for all of humanities genetic past is locked into his genetic structure. All SDC is MDC, and can take physical skills to increase MDC. Regenerates 10 MDC per Minute. 2. Once per day per level, the character can breath out a cone of fierce cold, doing 1d4x10 MDC to all targets in a 10' area of effect. It's unknown where this genetic blueprint came from. 3. Strength is considered Supernatural. 4. Can NEVER learn Magic or Psionics. The abilities are lost when the RAGES changes occur, due to the 'snipping' off of certain genes, and 'snipping' on of others. Can't use Techno-wizardry and other types of magic. 5. Has eyes of a cat, and can see 90' in the dark, and is +1 to strike due to aiming. 6. Can go berserk, or 'RAGE!' in battle, which gains the character +10 PS, +5 PE, and -10 IQ, and -15 MA(Min 1 for both). If his enemies are destroyed, he must roll under 30%+4%/Level or attack the closes person. This roll can be made 1/Round. He can only use Hand Weapons at this time. Equipment: Can start with 2 Pistols, 1 Rifle, and 3 Archaic Weapon (Vibro or not) of choice. Can start with Light Body Armor(Around 70 MDC). No Techno-wizardry, of course. Can't use power armor(body too weirdly shaped.) Has a vehicle of choice, laser-disc player and 10 discs, Gyro-Compass, and at least one flask of alcohol(most RAGES have some type of mental illness due to the depression that inevitably occurs when they're cut-off from society. 80% Chance.) Money: Pay is 2d4x500 Credits a month, and has 1d10x1000 in Black Market Items. Can Spend money for any equipment character wishes at creation. Xp table: Use the Techno-Wizard table.

The Rangers O.C.C.

Based on Babylon 5 By: Nathan Taylor Here's a new O.C.C. I'll be honest, I stole about 90% of the description from Voltayre's page. Its about 90% accurate and it was already all written out so I decided to use it with some modifications of my own on things we've learned since Voltayre wrote the - 472 -

article and changed some things he said that I didn't agree with. I'll be honest, I pretty much just took the Cyber-Knight, Palladium Warrior Monk, Sohei Warrior Monk and a few other things and mixed them together to come up with this. Call me a hack. I don't care. Suggestions, requests or comments? Feel free to ask. E-mail: Here's that bloody disclaimer. Oh well its not as bad as having your orifices probed by a bunch of lawyers... Babylon 5 is copyright Warner Brothers Entertainment and Babylonian Productions. A big thanks to J.M.S. for creating an awsome series. Don't let the lawyers get me. The Rangers/Anla-Shok Men of Arms Optional O.C.C. "I am a Ranger. We live for the One, we die for the One. We go to the dark places where no one else dares venture! We stand on the bridge and no one passes." - Ranger Motto History: The Anla-shok (meaning "the application of force") have a thousand year history. Shortly after Valen appeared to the Minbari, some within the warrior caste were organized into an elite corps to combat the Shadows. Since that time, the Rangers (as they are called in Standard English) dwindled in number until 2258 C.E. when the Shadows were discovered to be on the move again. The group was revitalized by Ambassador Jeffrey Sinclair shortly after he opened the first Earth embassy on Minbar. Aiding the Rangers are the Vorlons and certain sympathizer states. Prior to Sinclair's taking command, Ranger movement was confined to Minbar and loosely organized. Once Jeffrey Sinclair was declared Entil'Zha (or Ranger One), the Rangers were directed to patrol the frontier, gather information, and act as couriers of sensitive and vital information. Membership increased dramatically. Realizing that the warrior caste was unwilling to commit to the coming Great War, humans were allowed to join this group. While membership is not gender exclusive, it is species exclusive (humans and Minbari only). Training bases were established. Their main base is located on Minbar, however, not all Minbari are comfortable with the aims and fraternity of the Rangers. To ensure continued support by the Minbari-at-large and the safety of the organization, additional bases were established on other worlds whose governments are sympathetic to the Cause. One such base was located in Drazi space on the planet Zagros VII. It was financially supported by the Minbari. That base has since been abandoned; its personnel evacuated before the Shadows could capture it in January, 2260. Following the decimation of the Narn by the Centauri in October, 2259, Captain John Sheridan gained co-control of the Babylon 5 division of Rangers with Minbari Ambassador Delenn. By March 2260, all Rangers were ordered to withdraw from Earth Alliance space and were placed on a heightened state of alert. After Sinclair's departure in August, 2260, the Rangers needed another leader. While former Grey Councilman Rathenn was a good choice for Entil'Zha (he was assistant to Sinclair throughout the reactivation and training of the Rangers), it was felt that Delenn would be a better choice. She accepted, despite objections from the Warrior Caste headed by Neroon. Neroon felt that this was another part of her bid for power; with the Grey Council disbanded, he felt she vied for military power to counter the warrior caste. While no Minbari has killed another for a thousand years, for the good of his people Neroon would break the law. Ranger Marcus Cole, upon the bidding of Lennier, stalled Neroon's strike by calling upon Den'Sha, the fight to the death. Neroon was the better fighter, but in the end, the fight was to the death: Neroon's. A mere human was willing to die in for a cause, for Delenn, and called upon Valen's name, where Neroon's aim was to strike one of his own kind down. For a human to be more minbari than he at that moment brought a revelation and a new respect. Marcus was critically wounded, but was soon healed in the Babylon 5 Medlab. Delenn was installed as the new Entil'Zha without incident. Recently with the departure of the Shadows and Vorlons as well as the establishment of the new Interstellar Alliance, the Rangers have adopted a new role as the protectors and enforcers of the Alliance. They are responsible for the protection of all members of the Alliance and travel wherever needed. The Rangers form the crews of the entire White Star fleet consisting of approximately onehundred and twenty ships. They are not exclusively posted to White Star ships however and Rangers can be found just about anywhere within the Alliance. As part of the new Alliance treaties the Rangers' membership has also been modified and members of all races within the Alliance now have the right to train as Rangers in the interests of equality amongst the worlds of the Alliance. The balance of power and peace is a fragile one that the Rangers are charged with maintaining. The main base of operations for the Rangers is currently situated on the space station Babylon 5 where Entil'Zha Delenn Sheridan and President John Sheridan of the Interstellar Alliance currently reside. A new Ranger headquarters is under construction on Minbar and when completed operations will be moved there. Already some concern has been voiced by Alliance members about situating the Ranger headquarters on Minbar, citing it as a conflict of interests and a form of favoritism. Debate continues but it appears unlikely that plans will change in the near future. Training Rangers, whether human or Minbari, are taught the same. Humans require more training since they must also learn the Minbari way of doing things. They are taught delight, respect, and compassion. They learn that for one's actions to be pure they must proceed from direction, determination, patience and strength. Rangers are taught how to live, breathe, fight, die and taught how to face and use terror. Martial training includes learning the art Denn'na, or pike fighting. F'hursna Sech Durhan, a legend with the Minbari Fighting Stick, teaches only those students he deems worthy. Those who pass his high standards are awarded their own pike. - 473 -

Uniform The uniform of a Ranger is very similar to that of the Minbari warrior caste; A design to reflect that Minbari and Humans are working together. The center point of the outfit is a pin. A stylized Human and Minbari frame an aqua-blue gemstone. The figures blend in the middle to signify the two halves of their souls joined to battle a common enemy. The figures are worked into the same metal and hold the gemstone. The jewel is called Isil'Zha; meaning the future, birth, beginnings, and dawn of a new age. It is forged in white hot flame. The pin is then cooled in three bowls: First in ancient holy water, next in Minbari blood, and lastly in Human blood. It is said that when a ranger dies the two figures each shed three tears; one of water, two of blood. Note: The pin on the Ranger uniform is actually an Amulet as per the twelfth level spell. Invested with magic in the forging ceremony it provides its wearer with a bonus of +2 vs. horror factor. Special Ranger Training 1. Denn'na, Minbari pike fighting: The art of Minbari pike fighting is an ancient practice dating back to the warring clans on old Minbar. The pike is considered an extremely prestigous weapon that requires great skill to be used effectively as a weapon. A warrior who is proficient with the pike is far greater than any swordsman. Pike Power Strike: A powerful thrust with the point of the pike to the temple. The blow is so painful and jarring that it inflicts an extra 1D6 damage and, for a moment, everything goes black: the victim of the pike power strike loses initiative, loses one melee action and there is a 01-50% chance they will drop whatever weapon they were holding (only drops one if using a pair - victim's choice of which). The Ranger must focus and deliberately aim at and strike the temple. A roll of 18 or higher (including bonuses) is necessary to have full effect. Any roll that hits the opponent, but is under 18 misses its mark and only inflicts normal damage. Parry Arrows with Pike: The Ranger can attempt to parry arrow attacks! He/she is -2 to parry arrows, darts or thrown objects, and -6 to parry gunfire. The character can only attempt to parry the projectile attacks of one opponent at a time. +2 at level three, and +1 at levels 4, 6, 9, 12, and 15! Denn'na Bonuses: One extra attack per melee round when using a pike or staff, and +1 to parry in addition to hand to hand and possible attribute bonuses. 2. Spirit Strike: A death blow that draws on the character's inner spirit with mega-damage and mystical effect on supernatural beings and ancients like the Shadows. This blow counts as two attacks and converts the character's regular S.D.C. attack to M.D.C. when facing a supernatural opponent. The use of this power drains the character of 5 P.P.E. regardless of whether the attack hits or not. The blow is so devistating that the creature cannot regenerate the damage for 1D4 hours! 3. Permanent P.P.E. Base: P.E. x3 plus 1D4 per level of experience. Rangers have no spell casting or other unusual abilities, their high P.P.E. base is the result or rigorous spiritual training and inner strength. 4. Other O.C.C. Bonuses: +20 S.D.C., +2 to M.E., +2 to P.P. +1 to P.E., +1 to save vs horror factor at levels 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15, +1 to save vs disease, +1 to save vs illusions and mind control, and +4 to save vs possession. 5. Minbari Temple Skills: Fasting: The ability to go for long periods of time without food. So long as the character has sufficient water, two weeks without food will be pretty easy. After that, the character will have to roll under the fasting skill to avoid becoming weak or sick. Base Skill: 40%+3% per level of experience. Deep Meditaion: Involves engaging the mind and body, so that the body remains motionless, but without fatigue or pain, and the mind stays in a clear, calm and rested state. While meditating a character recovers I.S.P., P.P.E. and other internal resources at an accelerated rate (three times as fast as normal). Although it is not a substitute for sleeping, characters will usually feel alert and refreshed after any period of meditation. When in a meditative state, the character is, at a subconcious level, well aware of what is happening in the environment and can instantly leave the meditation position with no combat penalties. Base Skill: 20%+6% per level of experience. Base Meditation Time: The amount of time that a character can continue to meditate: one hour at first level, plus one additional hour per level of experience. Attribute Requirements: M.E.: 11, P.P.: 11 and P.E.: 11 or higher. Alignment: Any alignment, but typically good. Racial Requirements: Initially only human and minbari, by 2262 all races within the Interstellar Alliance can train as Rangers. (R.C.C.s coming soon) O.C.C. Skills: Languages: Native Tongue at 98% and two languages of choice (+20%). Note: All Rangers must speak Minbari. Literacy: Native Language (+20%) Literacy: Minbari (+15%) or one of choice if Minbari is their native language. Basic Math (+20%) Climbing (+10%) *Lore: Ancients (+15%) - 474 -

*Lore: Minbari Religion (+20%) Land Navigation (+15%) Swim (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+15%) W.P. Staff W.P. of choice Hand to Hand: **Martial Arts *See new skills below. **Martial Arts can be exchanged if desired for any martial art in Ninjas and Superspies or Mystic China that allows the use of a staff. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select a total of eight other skills, but at least two must be from physical. Plus select two additional skills at levels four, eight and twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Basic and automotive only Medical: First Aid or paramedic only (paramedic counts as two skill selections) Military: Any Physical: Any (+10% when applicable) Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any Science: Any Technical: Any (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+10%) Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select five secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of study and do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in paranthesis (). All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: Ranger uniform including the Isil'Zha medalion, a dark travelling robe, gas mask and air filter, first aid kit, bedroll, backpack, 30 feet of rope, 2D4 weeks of food rations and some personal items. A Ranger's means of transportation can be just about anything but most prefer a small, agile, non-descript vehicle or travel on foot. Armor: Rarely wears armor though the uniform does provide some protection (equivalent to NGR plain clothes armor, A.R.: 12, 10 M.D.C.). If armor is needed they prefer light types that don't hinder stealth and movement. Weapons: Minbari fighting pike, two ancient weapons of choice and one energy pistol of choice. Money: 3D6x100 credits. Rangers have all their needs provided for by the organization, consequently they have little need or desire for wealth. Cybernetics: None. The Minbari Fighting Pike The Minbari fighting pike is unique in that it can take two forms. Normally a small tube like object about an inch in diameter and six inches long when quickly shaken the pike can extend virtually instantaneously into a full sized 6 foot long staff-like weapon. It is composed of durable Minbari alloys and is extremely well balanced. Minbari fighting pikes are extremely valuable and personal passed down from generation to generation many are hundreds of years old. Being granted one's own pike is a great honor and a show of confidence not to be broken. Used in combat it inflicts 2D6+2 S.D.C. damage and provides a +2 to parry and strike as well as a +2 on initiative for the first melee when it is first drawn. New Babylon 5 Related Skills: Lore -- Ancients: Includes as much knowledge about the Shadows, Vorlons and other ancients as any of the younger race knows. This skill allows the character to recognise ships, technology and powers of the ancients as well as a general knowledge of early galactic history. Base Skill: 25%+5% per level of experience. Lore -- Minbari Religion: Covers Minbari religious beliefs and customs from early feudal days to the age of Valen and the generations afterwards. Includes the teachings, ceremonies and rituals of Minbari religion throughout recorded history with a particular emphasis on Valen and his age. Base Skill: 30%+5% per level of experience. - 475 -

"They are my eyes and ears. Where you see them, you see me." - Entil'zha Jeffrey Sinclair, 2259

New Republician Legionnaire O.C.C.

By: Arch Mage Hadrian Here is the posting of the New Republician Legionnaire O.C.C., this is my first attempt to create a Rifts O.C.C., and I would like any comments on it, but please make the comments constructive and not flames, also please mail them to me and not the list, then I will reply to the list with the summary of the comments I receive, with my answers to them and maybe a modified O.C.C., this way bandwidth is saved.Still to come is the Power armor Bots and Tanks used by the New Republic, but to make things easier they tend to use Pre-rift designs or versions of Kittani and NGR Bots which they can reproduce in their factories. Some view from the New Republic on the Rest of the world Triax: The Republic, understands the reasons behind the treatment of non-humans in the NGR , and the current policy is to aid they non-humans in the NGR covertly, plus they support the NGR campaign against the Gargoyle Empire. On the other hand the NGR will leave the Republic alone, but is considering a treaty with the republic, as it would provide the NGR with secure facilities for attacking the Gargoyles from the south. The Gargoyle Empire: The New Republic is against the empire, but for the time being are keeping things quiet, so as to not provoke the Gargoyles or their Brodkil allies into attacking them. Atlantis: The New Republic is totally opposed to the Splurgorth and all they represent, including the New Phoenix empire in Egypt A note on the Mafia: Mafia agents in the NGR have made contact with CS officials in the NGR, and are currently arranging for CS backing of the Mafia (training, some weapons and the like), these talks are likely to be successful. Equipment and Weapons of the New Republic Republican Legionnaire Environmental Body Armor: Resembles Classical Roman Legionnaire armor with the addition of arm and leg armor, with the addition of a face plate this armor can become full environmental body armor. Comes in two standard sizes Wolfen and Human. Wolfen Size: 100 MDC Weight: 25 pounds Cost 50,000 Cr Human Size: 60 MDC Weight: 17 pounds Cost 30,000 Cr -15% penalty to prowl Republican Legionnaire Scout Armour: This armor resembles the Roman Legionnaire armor more closely the laminated armor than the Heavy Environmental suit. Wolfen size: 80 MDC Weight 18 pounds Cost 25,000 Cr Human Size: 45 MDC Weight 10 pounds Cost 15,000 Cr No Prowl Penalty Scutum Shield: This is a 60 MDC (human)|90 MDC (Wolfen) shield issued to all Legionnaires Gladius short sword 2D4 M.D. Pilum Energy Spear: The energy spear is constructed using stolen Kittani Plasma technology. Weight: 10 lb Mega-Damage: 2D6+4 MD per strike or Plasma blast doing 6D6 MD, each plasma blast drains 10 minutes from the e-clip. Rate of Fire: Standard Payload: The Energy Clip contains enough power for 2 hours of constant use, a maximum of 12 plasma blasts (the Wolfen design uses a extra large e-clip design) a standard kittani e-clip can also be used with the Pilum but a 60 minute power supply. Maximum Effective Range: 100 ft. Market Price: 35,000 Cr. Note: The New Republic has unearthed pre-rift weapon factories and technical specifications, the weapons produced at these retooled factories will instantly be recognized by any resident of North America as Coalition weapons New Republican Legionnaire O.C.C. This O.C.C. is a general O.C.C. covering all aspects of the New Republic Legionnaire training, the Legions also accept foreign trained personal or train specialists (select standard O.C.C. from the books). All Legionnaires undergo basic training, with all soldiers receiving the same skills, the soldiers are then assigned to specialist training facilities based on the aptitude, where they undergo further training in their chosen field, before being assigned to their sections. - 476 -

Attribute Requirements: P.E. 12 O.C.C. Skills: Radio Basic (+10%) Running Climbing (+5%) Language Wolfen or Italian (+20%) Language Native 98% Literacy Wolfen (+10%) W.P. Spear W.P. Energy Rifle W.P. Sword One W.P. of choice Hand to Hand Expert Select 1 M.O.S. Speciality from the ones listed below: Tormentia/Rifleman Training: First Aid Pilot Truck Sniper Swimming (+10%) W.P. Grenade Launcher W.P. Auto & Semi Auto Rifle Ballistia/Artillery training: W.P. Heavy W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons Read Sensory Equipment (+10%) Weapon Systems (+10%) Pilot Truck (+5%) Pilot Tanks and APCs Scutaria/Tank/Bot Crew Training: Weapon Systems (+10%) Read Sensory Equipment (+10%) Pilot Tanks and APCs (+20%) Pilot Robots and Power Armour (+15%) Robot Combat Elite Bot (no Power armor can be selected) Robot Combat Elite Bot (no Power armor can be selected) Cataria/Power Armour Training: Weapon Systems (+10%) Read Sensory Equipment (+10%) Pilot Robots and Power Armour (+15%) Navigation (+15%) Robot Combat Elite Power Armour Selection Robot Combat Elite Power Armour Selection Clibania/Mobile/light Infantry: Pilot Jet Pack (+15%) Pilot Hover Vehicle (+10%) Pilot Motorcycle (+15%) Read Sensory Equipment (+10%) Weapon Systems (+5%) First Aid (+10%) Comitia: Scouts or Escort troops Wilderness Survival (+15%) Intelligence (+15%) Detect Ambush (+10%) Detect Concealment (+10%) - 477 -

Tracking (+10%) Navigation (+10%) Hastaria: Anti-Armour Training Pilot Tanks and APCs (+5%) Demolitions (+15%) Weapon Systems (+15%) W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Heavy W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons Dolabria: Engineers Advanced Mathematics (+10%) Electrical Engineer (+15%) Mechanical Engineer (+15%) Weapons Engineer (+15%) Camouflage (+10%) Read Sensory Equipment (+10%) Imperia/Officer Training skills package cannot be selected until 5th level, only experienced soldiers become eligible for officer training. To see if the character is selected for officer training roll a D20 adding any I.Q. bonus if applicable to pass the officers candidates tests, if the roll is 17 or better, the character can take the officers skill package, they also graduate to the officer experience tables), if the roll is failed, they cannot retake the exams until they reach the next level (a bonus of +1 is added to the roll to pass the test for each level beyond 5). Intelligence (+10%) W.P. Energy Pistol Language Dragonese (+10%) Literacy Dragonese O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 6 from the following list. Communications: Any. Domestic: Any. Electrical: Any. Espionage: Any. Mechanical: Any. Medical: First Aid or Paramedic only. Military: Any (+10%). Physical: Any. Pilot: Any. Pilot Related: Any. Rouge: Any. Science: Maths only Technical: Any. Weapon Proficiencies: Any. Wilderness: Any. Secondary Skills: Select 7 secondary skills from the above list. Equipment And Weapons: Legionnaire Body Armour (Environmental/Heavy or Light depending on training). Scutum Shield Gladius Vibrosword Pilum Energy Spear Republican Survival Pack (similar in content to the NG-S2 survival pack) NR-10 or NR-12 Assault Laser Rifle 3 Grenades Officers, Engineers, Pilots and Anti-Armour troops are issued NR-18 Laser Pistols Anti-Armour troops are issued NR-27 Heavy Plasma Cannons or NRR-1 Rocket Launcher instead of the laser rifles.

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Heavy Infantry can select the NR-14 "Firebreather" instead of the NR-10 or NR-12. Power Armour Pilots can select 1 power Armour suit Tank Crew training allows one tank or bot to be used. Light Infantry can select any small light and fast hovercycle or motorcycle. Engineers also receive a portable tool kit Money: The character gets room and board at a barracks or subsidized off base accommodation as part of the pay package. Monthly pay package is 2,000 cr. Character starts out with 1,500 cr from basic training. Cybernetics: The character starts off with none, most will only get cybernetics or bionics for medical purposes, though some areas will consider augmentation (Anti-Armour and Riflemen training mainly) Xp table: Use the CS Military Specialist.

Ricean Vampire R.C.C.

By: Joshua-Aaron Haskett Tis a joyous occasion my friends, I've released another R.C.C. (not the one I've been discussing with Legate either, I'm still working on that). But before flames are tossed my way, note the following. I tried to make the backround as short as possible, because I don't really feel up to posting most of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles onto the list. Also, I really need suggestions with this one (from people familiar with the books), because I'm not sure I remembered everything from the books (it's been years since I've read them). ---------------COPYRIGHT NOTICE! If something mentioned in this post looks like it might be owned by Kevin Siembieda or Palladium Books, it probably is. ---------------Several millennia ago, in the kingdom of Kemet, a spirit known as Amel entered the body of the queen, making her a vampire. Over the next few millennia, the queen, known as Akasha, had killed several people and made several vampires. Until her untimely death, at the hands of one of her children, Makare, in 1993A.D. Over the next thousand years, several vampires have been made, passing the Dark Gift, the name for vampirism, among mortals. The actual act of giving the Dark Gift is called the Dark Trick. When the Dark Gift is given, the mortal's skin becomes a pale, and their eyes change color dramatically. Eye color table is below: Mortal Eye Color | Vampire Eye Color Brown Light Grey Green A Very Light Green Blue A Very Light Blue Black Grey Grey No Pigment Hazel Light Grey All others Light Grey Additionally, most (75%) vampires follow the 5 Laws of the Vampires, a code which has been in effect for several millennia, which can be found below. The 5 Laws of the Vampires 1. Never reveal your vampire nature to a mortal, unless you plan on giving him the Dark Gift or killing him. Punishment is Fire. 2. Never give the Dark Gift to the sick, the elderly, or the crippled. Also, never give it to someone who wouldn't be able to survive on his or her own even with the Dark Gift. Punishment is Fire. 3. While a member of a coven, only the Coven Lord may deliver the Dark Gift. Punishment is imprisonment until the Coven Lord deemed you worthy of release. During imprisonment, you will be starved of all blood. 4. While a member of a coven, you must never kill another vampire of the same coven. Punishment is Fire. 5. Never reveal your nature through literature or song. Punishment is Fire. For more information on the Ricean Vampire, read the following books by Anne Rice: Interview with the Vampire, The Vampire Lestat, Queen of the Damned, Tale of the Body Thief, Memnoch the Devil, Pandora (soon to be released), and Armand (soon to be released). Alignments: Any except Principled. 60% are Aberrant, 30% are Anarchist. - 479 -

Height: as human Weight: as human Average Life Span: Immortal, can only die by special circumstances. See below. P.P.E.: 3d6 Attributes: I.Q.: 3d6, M.E.: 4d6, M.A. 4d6+3, P.S. 5d6 (supernatural), P.P. 4d6+4, P.E.: 4d6, P.B.: as human +2d6, Spd: 5d6 (also see below) Hit Points: As human, x10 S.D.C.: As human, x10 Horror Factor: 11 when nature is revealed Ricean Vampire Abilities: 1. Psionic Powers: Once the Dark Gift is given to a newborn Vampire, he gets the following psionics: Sixth Sense See Aura Presence Sense Object Read Total Recall Other Psionic Powers are gained by the following: Resist (blood) Thirst at level 2 Wingless Flight (costs no I.S.P.) at level 3, Spd attribute is x2 while flying. Resist Fatigue at level 4 Mentally Possess Others at level 5 Pyrokinesis at level 6 All psionics gained after level 6 are as follows: Level 8: Pick 3 from any category except Super Level 10: Pick 1 from Super (excluding Psi-Sword and Psi-Shield, and 1 from any category except Super Level 14: Pick 1 from any category (including Psi-Sword and Psi-Shield) 2. Thought Reading: The Vampire can at any given time read the thoughts of any humanoid, non-supernatural creature (unless they have Mind Block or Mind Block Auto-Defense), this includes vampires of other families. A vampire cannot read the thoughts of the vampire that gave him the Dark Gift or vampires that have gotten the Dark Gift from him. Also, the vampire can turn the Thought Reading off, if he so chooses. 3. Closing the Mind: The vampire can close his mind off from any kind of scrying or detection (See the Invisible, See Aura, Telepathy, etc) whenever he chooses at the cost of no I.S.P. 4. To Fast for Humans to See: If he chooses to, the vampire can perform actions and gestures at speeds to fast for humans or humanoids to see. While doing this, Spd attribute is x5 (i.e. Spd 20 would be Spd 100). 5. Healing Blood: If he so chooses, the vampire can give his blood to mortals, without draining them of any, which can heal any sickness, disease, affliction, etc. NOTE: While doing this, the mortal must make a save vs lethal poison at -8 or become addicted to the blood, causing the mortal to become restless. If the human gets addicted, he will not sleep, eat, or drink until he gets more blood, and he will do anything possible to get the blood. Also, there is a 50% chance per drink of the blood that the mortal will become obsessed with getting the Dark Gift. 6. Blood Swap: If the vampire so chooses, and if the elder vampire allows, the vampire and an elder vampire can drink from each other, giving the younger vampire the following abilities: 1. +1 to all physical bonuses (damage, strike, dodge, etc) and +2 attacks per melee per every 100 years of age difference between the two for a 24 hour period. 2. +2 to all saving throws (+20 vs Coma/Death) per every 100 years of age difference for a 48 hour period. 3. S.D.C. becomes one-fourth M.D.C. (i.e. 200 S.D.C. would be 50 M.D.C.) for a 12 hour period. 7. Regeneration: The vampire regenerates 4d6 S.D.C. and 3d4 Hit Points per melee. 8. Hardened Skin: For every 50 years of the vampire's existence, the vampire gets an additional 30 S.D.C. 9. Hibernation: A vampire at any given time may enter Hibernation, a state in which the vampire sleeps for 2d4 years without the need for blood. 10. Nightvision: Vampires have perfect 20/20 Nightvision. 11. Saving Throw Bonuses: Immune to any and all Mind Control, Immune to all poison, +4 save vs Magic, +8 save vs Psionics. 12. Combat Bonuses: begins with 3 attacks per melee, +2 damage, +2 initiative, +3 parry/dodge, and +4 to strike. Bite (1d6M.D.) and Claws (2d4M.D.). This is not including physical bonuses. Penalties: 1. Cannot Drink Dead Blood: If a vampire drinks the blood of a non-living host, he will become pained and dizzy. -1 attack per melee, -2 initiative, -3 damage, -4 parry/dodge/strike and all saving throws are at -2 for 4d6 melees. 2. Sunlight: When sunlight touches a vampire, the following will happen (roll percentile): - 480 -

01-70: The part of the vampire being touched by sunlight turns to ash, regenerating at one-forth the normal rate. If the entire vampire is touched, he dies. No saving throw. Nothing. 71-00: The vampire gets sunburnt, his skin turning from white to dark brown, and all saves are at -2, -1 attack per melee, -2 initiative, -3 damage, and -4 parry/dodge/strike. 3. Fire: When fire touches the vampire, the part touched turns to ash, regenerating at one-tenth the normal rate. However, if the entire vampire is burnt, he will regenerate completely, unless the ashes are scattered. If the ashes get scattered however, the vampire is forever dead. 4. Blood Drinker: Since it is a vampire, it must drink blood. How much blood per age of vampire is as follows: 1. Newborn - 100 years old: One victim a night (usually a pint of blood is extracted). 100 - 200 years old: 3 pints (victims a week). 200 - 300 years old: 1 pint a week. 300 - 500 years old: 3 pints a month. 500 - 1000 years old: 1 pint a month. 1000 - 5000 years old: 2 pints a year. 5000+: Blood is no longer necessary, but if it isn't drank at a rate of 1 pint per year, the vampire loses all physical bonuses and saving throw bonuses until it does. 5. Insanity: A save vs Insanity must be rolled once at the following ages: 100 years, 300 years, 500 years, 1000 years, 1500 years, 2000 years, and 5000 years. If this save is failed, the vampire gets an insanity, due to the pressures of living so long. (Note: The insanity will never be Claustrophobia; fear of enclosed spaces). R.C.C. Skills: Prowl (+30%) and Climb (+20%), otherwise as per O.C.C. Related Skills: as per O.C.C. Secondary Skills: as per O.C.C. Available O.C.C.s: Any, Except Coalition and Magic. For some unknown reason, vampires cannot utilize magic. Lean toward highly skilled classes. Weapons of Choice: Any Equipment: as per O.C.C. Bionics and Cybernetics: None. They can get them, but their bodies will reject them in a matter of minutes. Money: as per O.C.C. Experience: As per O.C.C., otherwise use the Dragon's Experience Tables (page 17, Rifts Main Book)


Rift Aegis O.C.C.

By: Zach Jackson "Long ago when the stars began to burn, the first race stepped out into the cosmos. They were the greatest race, due to their position as the first. Many things soon came to be in their grasp. Time, space, magic and all of reality were under their understanding. Soon, they began to create artifacts that would change reality as they knew it. Why was this done? No one alive today can answer this old question, as the first are no more. Perhaps they grew tired of knowing the answers and wanted to create a new question to life and reality. In a planet, the First created an artifact that was one of the steps to their greatest invention, the Cosmic Forge. Deep in the core of a volcano, the First tapped the power of the entire planet and focused it into a rift. This rift was not the ordinary sort, for this was the result that the ancient Atlanteans had also tried to accomplish. But, unlike the doomed Atlanteans the First were able to accomplish the impossible. Ten volunteers gave their lives to the magic, so that the mega-rift would have a soul to guide it and to keep it whole. The ten merged into one mind and one soul, so that the one could keep sane in the infinity of space and time. The rift remained open, however, there was a flaw to the creation of the First, one which prompted them to leave their creation. The rift was a one way door to alternate dimensions, and the First could not imagine leaving all that they knew forever, for as much as they desired new ways, they could not leave the old. In time, short time to the First, eons to all others, the Cosmic Forge was finished. The First were pleased with their work, until their fall by the one who would rule all. And then, the First were no more, but their legends, and artifacts still exist. These wonders of the times gone by are all that is left of the ancient glories of the First. Forgotten for years, the mega-rift, still pulsing with the power of a planet, and the infinite energies of beyond, was found. - 481 -

And unless we, the shields of the rift fail, the secrets of the First will remain hidden, until the universe is ready to accept them, once more." -passage from "The book of one thousand worlds" by: The Guardian During the early days of the CCW, about 1500 years before current era (BCE) exploration of the known universe was being conducted to find new planets and peoples. The crews of these explorations were smart and tough, willing to fight and die, if need be for their cause. On the small planet of Axis-5, in the Thundercloud galaxy, the ship Muratic found life forms that needed study. The crew of the Muratic was a group of scientists, ex-military and spacers who all found the prospect of space travel extremely entertaining. The various races of the crew also did not matter to them, relatively. Upon the surface of the planet, the crew found a race of green-skinned humanoids who were just coming out of the primitive hunter and gatherer stage of their evolution. normally, this would cause the crew to make a few readings, log in a report and return to the ship. This planet held more surprises for the crew, however. a standard geologic survey discovered a strange reaction inside of a dormant volcano. Intreaged, the crew investigated. Inside they found a remarkable thing. A shaft of purple light, that came out of a pit that descended for miles, yet did not register any volcanic or seismic activity. Even stranger, was the fact that the light flowed like water, upwards to a height of thirty feet above the floor that the crew stood upon. Further study by the only magic inclined member of the team showed that the light was indeed a rift of some sort. All devises and probes that they sent into the rift were rendered useless, or vanished without a trace. Finally, one of the crew accepted the task of entering the rift himself. He too vanished. The team was ready to leave this planet and report on this event, when on the last night, the magic using explorer was struck by a dream. A image of her entering the rift and imagining her destination as the rift itself entered her mind as she slept. Upon waking, the mage, Kara Upanishads, decided to enter the rift as shown to her in the dream. She did so, despite the cries of the others to stop and think her action over. As she entered the rift, and imagined the destination as shown, incredible power entered into her body. Leaving the rift Kara was surprised at the feelings she had. It seemed nothing was out of her reach, distance was nothing to her. The rest of the team was surprised at her new level of skill, but to Kara, a price to this new power soon revealed itself. Her days as a mage were over, as even the simplest of spells failed her. Despite the cost, all of the rest of the exploration team entered the rift as Kara had. Not all of them survived. Out of the twenty people who crewed the Muratic, only six survived. These six vowed to remain until the secret to the rift could be found out in time. During a crisis, when a unwanted monster came through one of the new Aegis' rifts, a new person entered the volcanic home of the exploration team. With the help of the stranger, the monster was defeated utterly. The new person introduced himself a Rift Aegis, sent back in time to help the founders at a time when they needed it the most. Unfortunately, he found himself unable to return to his own time. Under his knowledge, and some skill, the team was able to master their powers. the time traveler renamed himself the Guardian and began the task of guarding the mega-rift from all who would exploit it, as tales would surly begin after the Muratic failed to return or report. Time passed to the peoples of Axis-5 and every once in a while a new recruit, with the 'right stuff' would be allowed to enter the rift and help to guard the power. In recent times much has changed on the planet of Axis-5. The current war between the Transgalactic Empire and the Free World Council has rendered the planet to a virtual wasteland. However, the volcanic home of the Aegis has never been discovered by either army, who has no idea of the incredible treasure that the planet holds. In the volcano, the Guardian (now a lv 15 Aegis) and the Aegis have constructed a temple/home for themselves. Known to them at the temple to 100 worlds this is a haven to the Aegis, immune to sensory probes (one toy the Guardian knew to build, his own invention) Rift Aegis occasionally wander the cosmos, as the Guardian wants his people to know more of the universe. There is a practical side to this, all wandering Aegis search for new candidates. Presently over six hundred Aegis are known to exist, with over half in the Megaverse, somewhere.

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Results of entering the Mega-Rift and attempting Kara's trick % 01-30 Instant teleport to a random dimension 31-60 Disintegration 61-82 Driven out of rift (1D6*10 damage) -40% to attempt again 83-88 Absorbs all powers, magic, psionics, chi (even RCC powers) 89-93 Same as above, but grants null aura ability 94-00 Same as 83-88 but gives Rift Aegis powers Note: any powers absorbed by the rift can never be regained Attributes: use these stats or racial stats, whichever are higher. IQ 3D6, ME 3D6+3, MA 3D6+3, PS 2D6+20 (SN), PP 2D6+18, PE 3D6+8, PB 3D6, Spd 5D6 P.P.E.: 1D4*100 (+PE) add 6D6 per level M.D.C.: 6D6*10 (3/4 this amount SDC in non-MD worlds) +2D6 per level Hit Points: Standard: PE +1D6 /level Lifespan: Unknown. The Guardian is still alive after 1500 years and several of the original 6 are too (some died during adventures) Powers: 1. Teleportationist: Once per melee plus one 'port per melee at level 3,5,7,9,11,13,15. This ability allow the Aegis to teleport objects and himself to and from the cosmos. The amount of energy needed to teleport is based on the distance and the complexity of the teleportation. Also, in order to teleport to a far away place, the Aegis must meditate on the coordinates of the destination. (see power #4) This power can be used on living beings to bring them to the Aegis, or to take them away. However, if the person is unwilling to cooperate with the Aegis, a save vs. magic will nullify the teleport. Base save 14 plus one at lv 3,7,10,13 Maximum Weight 500 lb at lv 1 +100 lb per level Teleport time/power chart Places PPE Meditation Time needed Same Planet 10 1D4*5 melees 'Next' Planet 20 1D4*10 melees 'Next' Star System 40 2D6 minutes 'Next' Dimension 80 6D6 minutes Cosmic Anomaly 100 1D4 hours (Phase World etc.) Simple objects (knife, bicycle etc) same as place People PPE Time close friend = to place place *2 casual friend = to place place *3 person seen a few times =to place place *4 has photo only = to place place *10 totally unknown person: Not possible (note: if the Aegis has a personal object of the person reduce multiplier by 1) Complex/Magical objects PPE Time less than 100 total place *2 place *3 only 1 or 2 total place *4 place *5 simple magic place *6 place *8 complex magic place *10 place *12 high magic place *20 place *25 Note: For the complex list, the place used is the next higher up on the chart ie from the next planet goes to next system. For the last place multiply PPE by 2 for 200 needed) Combat teleportation: By not really focusing on any object or place, a Aegis can 'toss' objects at their opponents. this can range from missiles to teddy bears appearing (GM desecration) to strike with this teleport, do not add strike bonus, but teleport bonus only - 483 -

Teleport bonus: PP bonus plus 1 at lv 4,8 and 12 2. Attune object/place: By meditating for the amount needed plus one hour, the Aegis can attune one object or place (Not person) to himself. The advantage is the teleport to/from this place or object to the Aegis requires no meditation time afterward. the Aegis can attune one place/object per level (At lv one the Aegis has the temple of 1000 worlds attuned) 3. The Aegis have the ability to survive in any environment, including space. Aegis do not need to breathe eat or drink. However, the Aegis still require the normal amount of sleep that their species requires (if not more, some Aegis can be very lazy) 4. Cosmic Awareness and navigation: Allows the Aegis to find their teleport locations. Aegis teleport without fatality, thanks to this power. The time needed to meditate on the 'port is listed above. When meditating on a 'port, no action at all can be taken, the Aegis must close his eyes to see inward. Once the meditation is done the Aegis has 10 seconds to teleport or he loses the location, and must begin again. Note that this power cannot be used to track people, it is too tiring to the Aegis. Awareness also gives the skills of Navigation at 92% and Space Nav at 75% 5. Bio regeneration 3D6 per five minutes (plus additional 3D6 at lv 5,10,15) 6. At level three the Aegis can use the power equal to the close rifts spell with all of the details (loss of PPE etc) 7. At level 5 the Aegis gains the null aura ability. This power renders the Aegis immune to all sensory magic and psionics. (Good and Bad types) -Range: self -For a cost of 10 PPE per melee can extend null aura in a 1 foot radius per level after 5 (ie lv 7 2 feet) -Penalty: all means of psionically or magically rendering the Aegis invisible do not function at all. 8. At level six the Aegis gains the ability equal to the incantation of Time Warp: Fast Forward and Time Warp: Time and Space at 3/4 PPE cost. (see Rifts England for explanation of spells) 9. At level 12 the Aegis gains the ability to teleport back in time. At a cost of 90 PPE plus place (meditation *3 for this) the Aegis can teleport one twist in the past. For 300 PPE plus place (meditation *10) the Aegis can teleport 1 cycle in the past. For both his additional weight is 1/3 max to carry with him. 10. bonuses +3 on perception 11. vulnerability: Aegis take double damage from all magic weapons (including TW items). Triple damage from Rune weapons. Skills: Speak native language 98% Speak two other languages (+20%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Prowl (+10%) Lore: monster and demon (+15%) Lore: magic (+15%) Movement: Zero Gravity (+10%) Wilderness survival (+10%) WP: ancient WP: modern Hand to hand martial arts O.C.C. related skills: Choose 7 from the following list. add one skill at lv 4 and 10. Communications: any Domestic: any Electrical: any Espionage: none Mechanical: any (+5%) Medical: First aid only Military: none Physical: any Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rogue: any (+10%) Science: any (+5%) Technical: any (+5%) WP: any - 484 -

Wilderness: any Secondary skills: Select 4 from the previous list, without bonuses. Standard equipment: One suit MDC armor (any type), one energy weapon of choice with three clips. Two ancient weapons of choice. three suits of clothing. Aegis tend to travel on the light side, and pick up what they need along the way. Money: Starts with 1D4*500 in savings. Aegis are expected to give donations to the temple every year to remain in good standing, mostly as a show of respect. Cybernetics: None to start, cannot receive implants, body rejects them.

Rising Knight O.C.C.

By: Splynn A Rising Knight is someone who was offered to become a Cosmo-Knight but decided to take a slow path there. At about 10th level or so they become true full cosmo-knights...increase everything as needed. Also...fallen knights can become Cosmo-Knights again (if they recognized their wrong doing and are trying to fix it/be forgiven). At level 10 or so (if the player announced when the char was created that he/she watns to become a knight again) then they can become Rising Knights...and 10 levels after becoming a Rising Knight they become Cosmo-Knights again. Fallen knights that have become Cosmo-Knights again are not looked down upon...just the opposite. They are considered strong people who saw their errors, fixed them and started and completed a long, hard journey to fight for the force of good once more. *GM Note: Reborn Cosmo-Knights will never betray their Code or fall...ever again. So if a Reborn Knight wants to do something that will cause it to fall...don't let it. You're the conscious of the character, unless you have good players.* Fallen Knights that are in the proces of Rising will be cheered on by their fellow Rising and Cosmo-Knights. Alignment: Same as Cosmo-Knight Attributes: Same as Cosmo-Knight Size: Varies with race M.D.C.: 2D6x10+30, plus add 2D6 MDC per level of experience. Their Comsic Armor adds an additional 250 MDC. -Half that of a Full Cosmo-Knight Horror Factor: Same as Cosmo-Knight P.P.E.: 5D4x10 +100, plus 5D4 per level of experience Average Life Span: Same as Cosmo-Knight Powers of the Cosmo-Knight: Weakness: Same as the Cosmo-Knight 1. Resistance to Energy: Same as Cosmo-Knight but dramatically reduced. Fire, plasma, etc... does 1/20 damage and all other energy blast do 1/2 damage. 2. Superluminal Flight: Same as Cosmo-Knight 3. Cosmic Blasts: Reduced version of Cosmo-Knight power. -DAMAGE: In an atmosphere, these beams inflict 1D6x10 MDC at level 1 and an additional 1D6x10 at levels 4, 8 and 12. Same in space, cannot be increased like a normal Cosmo-Knight. -RANGE: 2000 feet, plus 200 feet per level of experience in an atmosphere. 2.5 Miles (4 Km) in space, cannot be increased. -BONUSES: +3 to strike, in addition to normal hand to hand combat bonuses. 4. Galactic Awareness: Same as Cosmo-Knight 5. Bio-Regeneration: 1D4x10 MDC per minute

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6. Cosmic Armor: Same as Cosmo-Knight except with less MDC. Only provides 250 MDC. 7. Cosmic Weapon: Same as Cosmo-Knight, but cannot have any extra powers added to it. 8. MDC Conversion: Same as Cosmo-Knight 9. Bonuses: Same as Cosmo-Knight O.C.C. Skills, Other Skills, Secondary Skills, Damage, Combat, etc...are the same as a Standard Cosmo-Knight. Xp table: Use the Cosmo-Knight table.

Road Rats O.C.C.

By: The so-called "Road Rats" are a new breed of the infamous city rats. Both are outlaws and undesirables who thumb their noses at the law and are always searching for illicit adventure. Both are feared and hated by the majority of law-abiding citizens. Both are wise to the ways of the streets, and know things about civilization's seamy underside that no civilian would know. However, there is a very major difference. The city rats cling to the streets and the sewers of their home cities, and fear and mistrust the outside world. They're perfectly happy in their little chunk of paradise. But Road Rats are driven by a mad wanderlust and a contempt for being closed up and trapped. They roam the roads and the airways in great packs, with the wind whistling in their hair and the bugs getting caught in their teeth. Amost every Road Rat has some degree of claustrophobia. (Note: If the player takes the Confining Enclosures phobia during character creation, then the character gets a bonus of +5% to all of his or her OCC Skills. Many of the best Road Rats are claustrophobic, and became Road Rats for the heady freedom that they enjoy.) They can not stand being cooped up in one place, and the thought of holding a steady job has caused more than one to wet his pants with fear. They are reckless outlaws, hard-drinking, law-breaking ruffians who live life to the fullest extent, with no regard for the consequences, much like Juicers. Road Rats travel the countryside in large "Rat Packs" which can have anywhere from 4 to 200 members, as well as dozens of hangerson (girlfriends, children, etc.) who travel with the Pack. These Packs often attack cargo shipments, and eat, use, or sell the stolen goods. If they can not find any to rob, then they will often pull into a nearby town, loot as much as they can, and then drive off. When robbing, they prefer food, weapons and fuel to credits or valuables, mainly because they can't use credits while they're miles away from any stores, as they often are. However, no Road Rat has ever refused to take money. The Coalition is of two minds about these bandits. On one hand, the Road Rats are an obvious menace to the smaller CS towns, and have stolen from CS merchants in the past. However, the outlaws share many of the Coalition's views on psychics and D-Bees, and some packs are quite brutal to any non-humans that they come across. Currently, there is an unspoken agreement that the Road Rats will not invade CS towns or attack CS troops or outposts, and in return, the Coalition will not persecute the bandits. Alignment Requirements: None, but almost all Road Rats are Selfish or Evil. Good Rats are a rarity, but many have become great and popular folk heroes. Attribute Requirements: PE: 9 or higher, ME: 9 or higher. High PP is recommended, but is not a requirement. O.C.C. Skills: Streetwise (+10%) Pilot Motorcycle (+20%) Pilot Hovercraft (+15%) Pilot Automobile (+15%) Wilderness Survival (+5%) Automotive Mechanics (+5%) WP Knife WP Sub Machine Gun WP Energy Pistol O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick 5 skills from the following list. Plus, pick 3 more at level 3, 2 more at level 5, 1 more at level 7, and 1 more at level 9. Communications: Radio: Basic only Domestic: Any Electrical: None - 486 -

Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Weapons Engineer only (+5%) Medical: None Military: Any Physical: Any except Acrobatics and Gymnastics Pilot: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: None Technical: Any WP: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: The character gets to select 5 additional skills from the list above. These skills do not get the bonuses listed, and begin at first level. Plus, select another 2 at level 3, 1 at level 5, and 1 at level 7. Standard Equipment: Grungy Clothing (much of it covered by drawings and logos), Suit of Black Clothing (for covert operations), Flashlight, 2 Flares, Backpack, Knapsack, Utility Belt, Saddle Bags, Combat Boots, Portable CD Player, 4 Audio Disks. Weapons: The character has a knife, an SDC firearm of choice with 2 extra ammo clips, and an energy weapon of choice with 2 extra E-Clips. Armor: The character has a suit of non environmental MDC body armor, adorned with all sorts of logos and decorations. They almost never wear full environmental body armor, because it is too confining. Vehicle: The Road Rat's vehicle is his or her most prized possession, and is always cared for and kept in good working order. Damage is always repaired as soon as humanly possible! The vehicle can be anything from pages 226-227 in the Rifts RPG, or a motorcycle or car with MDC conversion and one additional weapon (see Golden Age Weaponsmiths in the Mercenaries sourcebook). Money: The character will have 2D6 x 100 credits, and 1D4 x 1000 credits worth of black market goods. Cybernetic: Some Road Rats see cybernetics as a good and wonderful thing, while others shun it like the plague. The player must decide whether or not the character is opposed to cybernetics. If not, then the Road Rat may have 1-2 cybernetic implants. Xp table: The Road Rat character uses the same experience table as the City Rat OCC.

Robot Master O.C.C.

By: Killah Alignment: Any, Usually Good Attributes: IQ: 5d6 + 2, ME: 6d4, MA: 6d4, PS: 6d6 +5 (REALLY STRONG!), PP: 6d4, PE: 5d6 +2, PB: 5d6 +2 (Almost always handsome), Spd: 5d6 +2 S.D.C.: 5d10 M.D.C: 0 (Without Armor) Magic Knowledge: None P.P.E.: 0 Psionics: None I.S.P.: 0 Weight: Standard Height: 5-7 feet tall Age: 18 - 25 - 487 -

Hand to Hand: Martial Arts Weapon Proficiencies: Energy Rifle, Energy Pistol + 5 more Bonuses: +2 to attack when in Power Armor of some type O.C.C./R.C.C. Powers/Abilities: Refer to Head-Hunter O.C.C. Skills: Electronics (+10%) Robot Combat : Elite Martial Arts Robot Mechanics (+10%) Refer to Head-Hunter for rest O.C.C. Related Skills: Refer to Head-Hunter Secondary Skills: Refer to head-hunter Description: A handsome strong young character, most likely grew up around robots. Spent most of his/her life training as a robot pilot. They know the robot inside and out, they can fly it, fix it and even redesign it to their likings. As well as training in robots these breed of fighters also trained in the gym. A Robot master is basically a cross of a Head-Hunter, A Glitter boy and someone you don't want to fight in a bar. If Robo master is a Female most ALL men will "RISE" to her occasion. If Robo master is male most all female will be madly in LOVE with him. Robo Training Camp: Most all Robo masters were sent to a special training camp by their parents when they were in the ages of 1215. At the camp their were taught Nature survival , Robo Mechanics and Of course Advanced Robo piloting. Please REFER to the HEAD-Hunter Section in your Rifts book for any additional information(i.e Gear). Cybernetics/Bionics: Pick 3 Xp table: Same as the Glitter Boy O.C.C.

Rock Troll R.C.C.

By: FlashFire And now, the reason why nuclear material is so abundant in Rifts Earth. Comments, flames, suggestions are greatly appreciated, as always. And now, Pratchett fans... ROCK TROLL RCC based on Rifts robot descriptions and some Terry Pratchett "But, I don't have any billy goats!" In a secondhand set of dimensions, on a world that proved that the gods love a good joke as much as, if not more so, than anyone else, there lives a race of creatures. Good thing for a planet to have, eh? Creatures. Makes the place much more interesting... but back to my point. An entire city of these creatures was lounging around one day, drinking in the total lack of sunlight, when something decidedly unpleasant happened. This second hand set of dimensions had always been linked to another little universe. Up until that point, the two universes had gotten along together quite nicely, with only a little bit of fussing over who got what person at what time. An accident in one of the universes changed all that. In one fell swoop, the barrier between the worlds disintegrated, causing parts of one world to flow into the other. The first dimension beat a hasty retreat, managing to recover most of its important parts. That did not include one city-sized group of trolls. These trolls found themselves trapped on Rifts Earth, a land of turmoil and death. They appeared out of random rifts, in the first ley line surge of the Coming of the Rifts, all over the world. They prospered in this land, spreading out far and wide, living and dying as best they could. As some of the older ones aged, or younger ones wandered around in the heat too much, some fell into a dormant state, a kind of long sleep. During this sleep, they appeared to be ordinary rocks. Some of these rocks were inadvertently (or on purpose, depending on the conditions) broken open to reveal the treasure of all treasures. Uranium. A troll has a heart of stone, literally. That stone is made up of nine pounds of pure, radioactive uranium (see Natural Abilities). This treasure made dormant trolls a hot commodity for a long time. Their bodies naturally produced significant amounts of the most needed - 488 -

material in the Dark Ages, the fuel for a nuclear reactor. Dormant trolls (and occasionally not-so-dormant ones) were broken open for their valuable guts. Worse, some were trapped and had only most of their heart removed. These ones would then grow the heart back, only to have it removed again. The trolls became a renewable natural resource. This has made trolls somewhat resentful of pretty much everyone on Rifts Earth. These days, trolls are hard to come by in the wilds, mostly residing in high mountains and arctic regions, or pretty much anywhere normal people won't go on a regular basis. The rock trolls are a race of beings composed of... you guessed it! Rock. As a silicon-based life form, they possess a remarkable toughness, great strength, and an IQ that is based more on room temperature than some messy system like biochemical energy. The trolls' nervous system is made up of conductive materials laced throughout the body. As the temperature drops, the conductivity of these "nerves" increases, allowing greater and faster flow of electricity through the body. This can cause a significant jump in a troll's brain power, should the temperature drop far enough. Unfortunately, this special nervous system leaves them, for some reason, unable to possess psionics. Outside of these abilities, plus the troll's own hideous strength and usual mental simplicity, they possess no real talents or powers. They're big, they're tough, and they like to hit people with blunt objects (including other people). Alignments: Any Attributes: IQ: Special! ME: 2D6 MA: 2D6 PS: 5D6 PP: 3D6 PE: 5D6 PB: 2D6 Spd: 2D6+6 Hit Points: PE + 3D6 + 1D6 per level Armor Rating: 13 S.D.C.: 2D4 x 100 M.D.C.: N/A Horror Factor: 8 P.P.E.: 2D6 Natural Abilities: Changeable IQ: The Rock Troll's IQ is controlled not by biochemical forces and neurons, but by electrical signals that are sent throughout the creature's conductive body. Since conductors increase their efficiency in the cold, the troll's IQ goes up as the temperature goes down. Every 9 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius) change in temperature generates a one point change in IQ in the opposite direction of the temperature change. IQ 1 comes at 138 degrees Fahrenheit (7[] Celsius). This puts them at IQ 6 at room temperature (75 F/46 C). Body Composition: The most important resource the Trolls possess is their heart. No, not their emotions (which are pretty straightforward, mad or happy), but their physical heart. Its not gold or silver or platinum. Its uranium. Nine pounds of solid U-235. Fortunately, the rest of their body is laced with boron, lead, and other radiation-absorbing/reflecting materials. The heart pumps valuable energy into the rest of the body, serving as both a digestive system and a heart. As the uranium decays, it is slowly flushed into other parts of the body, resulting in growth. Consumed rocks and other earths are then transformed through a sort of natural particle acceleration into new U-235, replacing lost material. This "bio"logical fact is what makes trolls so valuable to advanced societies. Prospectors may go out and find a small group of dormant trolls. They hack them open and are suddenly richer than Midas. Some of the more sadistic and evil nations specially breed trolls for this purpose, cutting out most of the heart and then feeding the troll mass quantities of food, bringing the creatures heart back into shape. Doctor Bradford and his crew of loonies secretly practice this technique (saying they found a "stash" in the lower levels of Lone Star), as does Atlantis, the Pheonixi Empire, and some European Gargoyle communities. Other Powers: Cannot digest biological materials (this doesn't stop them from trying, though). Trolls are not immune to cold. At -100 degrees Fahrenheit, a troll's body slows down (half Spd, PP, APM). These stats are divided in half again for each 10 degrees F below -100. Death comes at -150 degrees F. Combat: Mostly, they hit things with other things. Start with one attack plus any gained from HTH skills. Damage: Punch - 2D6 + PS : Kick - 4D6 + PS Magic: By OCC. Psionics: None. Troll minds don't work that way. Bonuses: None. Average Life Span: Unknown. Unconfirmed reports place them as technically immortal. Rather than die, they just go to sleep. In their dormant state, they resemble ordinary rocks. It takes a great deal to awaken a dormant troll (full blown attacks, pretty much). O.C.C.: Trolls in warm climates tend towards OCCs that don't require a great deal of thought, such as grunts and City Rats. Cold climate trolls can pick any reasonable OCC (so no CS military OCCs) Skills of Note: None Habitat: Prefer the cold when they are there, but if they leave the cold, they forget how good it was to be smart.

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Enemies: Dwarves and other subterranean races, mainly. This list has also come to include humans and advanced cultures on Rifts Earth. Allies: No real allies, other than other trolls. Have a fondness for tectonic entities and non-carbon based life forms (supernaturals not included). Physical Appearance: A walking, talking, and usually very craggy, statue. Size: 6 foot 6 inches (2.33 meters) + 4D6 (x2.5 for centimeters) inches. Weight: 300 lb. + 3D6x10 lb. (can anyone do kilos for me?) Notes: They don't write notes. They hit stuff.

Rogue Artist OCC

Scholar/Adventurer By: FlashFire Okay, so I can't spell Rogue. It's not a word that comes up a whole lot in normal conversation... <g> As always, thoughts/improvements/holy flame wars are gratefully accepted. The Rifts Rogue Artist is pretty much what you've come to expect from the Rogue character classes. Rather than the stereotypical artist working in a studio on sculptures or venturingout into the field to paint a particularly evasive subject, the Artist in Rifts Earth has become a hunted character. The Coalition States have branded all forms of visual art not relating to CS propaganda illegal! No scultping, no painting, no metalworking (artistic that is), no photography, not even documentary filmmaking. If it doesn't make the CS look good, it'll get the maker thrown in prision. Or worse. So, as with the scientist and the scholar, this occupation has gone underground. More than just pack of grafitti "artists," the Rogue Artist has made it his/her profession to create the beautiful and the provocative in a world that treats the expanding of one's conciousness like a migraine. And contrary to what you might think, a decent living can be made at it. The Black Market will pay for underground art, as well as running bookmaking operations on wether or not a certain artist can pull off certain stunts, such as setting off explosives to create a pattern in the ground inside a CS military base or painting "Prosek Sucks" in thirty different languages on the walls of Chi-Town. Rogue Artists come from all different backgrounds and may go to extreme lengths to increase the experience generated by their art. Some may spend years learning the magic arts just to combine supernatural effects with their art, much like the Techno-wizard does with technology. Others may take Juicer or MOM implants to make themselves better dancers. Psi-talents may use their powers to make themselves bait for the subjects of their next film documentary on the hunting tactics of wild Psi-stalkers. Regardless of background, powers, or training, all must be ready to run from pursuing troops or defend themselves if need be. Most are trained in armed and/or unarmed combat and are usually physically fit specimins, as capable of running or fighting as any City Rat or other Rogue occupation. Art is art, but you have to live to create more and the CS Government will stop at little to prevent that from happening. After all, we can't have people starting to think what's different might be good. Attribute Requirements: None O.C.C. Skills: Art (+25%) Running Prowl (+10%) Streetwise (+15%) Language: Choose two (+20%) WP: Choose one HTH combat can be selected as an OCC Related or Secondary skill. Basic counts as one skill, Expert as two, and Martial Arts (or Assassin if evil) as three. Commando is not available. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select Eleven other skills. Two must come from Technical and one from Domestic. Gets two more skills at levels three, nine, and fifteen. Gets one more skill at levels six and twelve. Communications: Radio: Basic and TV/Video only (+5%) Domestic: Any (Dance and Play Musical Instrument get +20%) Electrical: Basic Electronics only Espionage: Disguise (+10%), Impersonation (+10%), and Wilderness Survival only Mechanical: Basic Mechanics only Medical: First Aid Only (+5%) Military: None Physical: Any, but Acrobatics and Wrestling (+10% where applicable) Pilot: Any ground vehicle, plus jet pack and hovercraft. No Robot or PA combat or Tank/APC Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Math and Anthropology only (-10% except Basic Math) Technical: Any (+25%) - 490 -

W.P.: Any, except Heavy and Heavy Energy Weapons Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: Select seven from the previous list. No bonuses Standard Equipment: Two sets of travelling clothes, one set of work clothes, and at least three sets of fashionable clothes for presentations. The character will also have appropriate tools for whatever their art requires, such as hammer and chisels for a sculpter or paintbrushes and paint for a painter or a camera and film for a photographer and so on. The character will also have some sort of device for taking notes, such as an audio recorder or notepad. Other equipment will include an gas mask and air filter, tinted goggles or sunglasses, hatchet, survival knife, 6 wooden stakes plus mallet, walkie-talkie radio, 100' of nylon cord or rope, flashlight, tent, sleeping bag and pillow knapsack, backpack, 1D4 sacks, utility belt, two canteens, emergency food rations (two weeks worth), Geiger Counter, RMK Medical kit, and personal items. Weapons include one energy rifle and pistol, with 2 clips/ full loads for each weapon. Also has a semi-auto firearm with two clips/loads of silver bullets. Body Armor can be of any type. Vehicles can be of any non-military type, preferably something fast and/or inconspicuous. Money: 2D6x200 in credits. 2D4x1000 in Black Market items, presumably works of art. Cybernetics: Start with none, except by variants. Isn't really opposed to cybernetics, unless it would degrade possible magic and psionic effects of their particular art form. Variants: A Rogue Artist Variant is an an artist who has, for one reason or another, decided to undergo some form of augmentation or is some form of super-human. In these cases, the Rogue Artist becomes more of an alternate skill package than an individual OCC. Take the OCC of choice, complete with powers, and use these skill and equipment. The only real limitation is that the Variant can't use some kind of power that has to be learned. For example, a Mystic can be a Rogue Artist but a Line Walker can't. Rogue Artists can get Crazy, Juicer, or Bionic enhancements but they can't be a Cyber-Knight or Headhunter. The only exception is the Techno-Wizard, and that's only because TW magic lends itself to art almost naturally. XP TABLE: For the typical Rogue Artist, use the Rogue Scholar/Scientist XP Table. If you're using a Variant class, look up the Rogue Scholar and the OCC/RCC Class tables you are using, and apply the one that takes the most XP to make a level. The reason for this is because the character has to split his learning from the normal skills of the occupation. It can be hard getting information on interpretive dance for Juicers.

Rogue Time Lord P.C.R.

By: Joshua I. Sanofsky NOTE: Doctor Who, Gallifrey, TARDIS, etc. all belong to BBC International Ltd. Let's all thank them for continuing to release to video one of the greatest SF programs ever filmed. I've tried to make this as accurate as possible...Which, considering the mass of inconsistencies in the TV show, is a difficult job at best. If it gets a bit silly, well...So was the show. That's part of its charm. Enjoy! Also...Please don't accuse me of creating a munchkin race...It's not my fault they can be so powerful. :) BTW...More Doctor Who stuff to follow, specifically information on the Type 40 TARDIS and a Dalek R.C.C. Comments, as always, are welcome. Time Lords come from a world called Gallifrey, far on the other side of the Galaxy. They tend to be an eccentric bunch, given to odd personality quirks and even odder habits. They consider themselves to be the chroniclers of all events across time, but have a code of non-interference which keeps most of them from becoming involved in the events they watch. Which is where Rogue Time Lords come in. These are Time Lords who have chosen (for one reason or another) to willing become exiled from their homeworld in order to follow their own paths. Some of them "meddle" in the affairs of minor worlds, helping the natives along as best they can, or untangling the meddlings of other time-travelling beings. Others go completely rogue and take over worlds, feeling themselves to be so superior to all other life forms that they should, by right of evolution, be in charge. The President of Gallifrey (currently a Time Lady named Romana) and her Council tend to quietly ignore the actions of benevolent Rogues, occasionally even praising their actions. However, they tend to call on Rogues for aid only when another Rogue has become dangerous... Which is probably the only reason Rogues are allowed to wander. Gallifreyan names are complex, being no less than seven syllables and (in the case of the Doctor) in excess of thirty! If the word of the Time Lords is to be believed, the various syllables of their names indicate lineage, family trees, etc. This information is, as with everything else pried out of Gallifreyans, suspicious. Most Time Lords will introduce themselves with their whole name, then give a shortened version if they intend to be friendly. Some, such as the Doctor and the Master, use titles instead, since their names don't abbreviate well. All Gallifreyans can regenerate twelve times, for a total of thirteen "lives." Each regeneration can, barring violent death, live as long as 200+ years (so we are led to believe, at any rate). See below for rules governing regeneration. The oldest living Time Lord, Rassilon, is several thousand years old, though he is currently in a state of suspended animation (he DOES wake up once in a while, just to keep an eye on things). A number of Time Lords seem to have developed a fondness for Earth, and humans. It has been suggested that they consider humans pets, but it has also been suggested that they see an early form of themselves when they see humans. As such, a fair number of Rogue Time Lords can be found on Earth in any given time period. Alignments: Any, but most player characters will be of Good or Selfish alignment, though Aberrant works just as well. Attributes: I.Q. 5D6, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 4D6, P.S. 4D6, P.P. 3D6, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd. 3d6 Hit Points: P.E. attribute plus 1D10x10, plus 2D6 per level of experience starting with level two. S.D.C.: Standard; see determining S.D.C. and physical skills. Average P.P.E.: 5D6 - 491 -

Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s): Rogue Scientist, Rogue Scholar, Techno-Wizard or similar. Horror Factor: Not applicable Physical Appearance: Varies radically. Most Time Lords choose a humanoid form when they regenerate, but can appear almost any way they desire, and can change from regeneration to regeneration. Height: Variable Weight: Variable Average Lifespan: See Special Abilities Special/Natural Abilities: 1. Regeneration: A Time Lord can apparrently choose to regenerate at any time without penalty. However, if they are forced to regenerate, they suffer a -7 penalty to all attributes for 1D6 hours. For a Time Lord to be forced to regenerate, their S.D.C. must be reduced to zero, and their H.P. must be reduced to below -50. Death only comes if the Time Lord is at the end of his 13th life, or if his body is completely obliterated by the events which caused his injury (unless he is within a TARDIS at the time, in which case his body will reform within 1d4 days). Each regeneration has a lifespan of 200+ years, barring violent death, which means that a Time Lord could conceivably live as long as 2600+ years. 2. Physical Differences: Additionally, a Time Lord's body is very resiliant. With two hearts, four lungs, etc., they are fairly resistant to poisons, toxins and diseases (+5 to save), and can hold their breath twice as long as humans. To top this off, Time Lords posess exceptional regeneration abilities. Their bodies regenerate 1D4x10 S.D.C. or H.P. per minute. 3. Personality Quirks: Each time the Time Lord regnerates, his personality changes slightly, though the essential being remains the same. Roll 1d4 to determine the number of quirks, then again on the following table to determine which quirks. 1. Clothing: The Time Lord wears archaic Earth clothes, none of which make him look particularly out of place anywhere, but which may draw attention. 2. Language: The Time Lord speaks in a rather archaic manner, making him difficult to understand at times, usually at bad times. 3. Esoteric Knowledge: The Time Lord has a 80% chance of knowing everything there is to know about any given topic...But only a 20% chance of knowing something useful at any given time. 4. Selective Hearing: The Time Lord will often pretend to ignore or dismiss the suggestions of those around him, only to later claim them as his own. However, he does it in such a charming way, that it's impossible to remain annoyed with him for long. 5. Technical Incompetence: The Time Lord is completely inept with all technology. -20% to appropriate tech skills, plus all technology has a 25% chance to not work properly if he is operating it. If #6 already rolled, roll again. 6. Technical Genius: The Time Lord has an extraordinary knowledge of all technology. +20% to appropriate tech skills, and all technology works to its maximum effect (including weaponry) if he is the operator. If #5 already rolled, roll again. 7. Absurd Charisma: The Time Lord is disgustingly charismatic. Charm/Impress: 98%, Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 98%. If #8 already rolled, roll again. 8. Abysmal Charisma: The Time Lord is a complete boor, horribly arrogant, and almost impossible to get along with. Charm/Impress and Invoke Trust are at 15%, but Intimidate remains normal. If #7 already rolled, roll again. 9. Literacy/Language: The Time Lord can read, write and speak EVERY language at 50%. 10. Combat Skills: The Time Lord gains Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (unless he already has it) and an instinctive universal proficiency in all weapons. If #11 already rolled, roll again. 11. Combat Moron: The Time Lord is reduced to Hand to Hand: Basic, and all weapon proficiencies are nullified (not gone, just loses the bonuses). If #10 already rolled, roll again. 12. M.D.C.: For some reason, the Time Lord becomes an M.D.C. creature. Add H.P. and S.D.C. to get M.D.C. score. Regeneration works as normal (1D4x10 M.D.C. per minute). Magic: By available O.C.C.s only. Psionics: The Time Lord is a minor psionic, and can choose 1D4 permanent powers from the Sensitive section. Base I.S.P. is determined by adding the M.E. attribute to 2D6. Add 1D6 I.S.P. per level of experience. Enemies: Most sentient races that are aware of the Time Lords are wary of them, but very few are outright hostile. Of these hostiles, only the Cybermen and Daleks are watched, and only the Daleks are considered enemies. Allies: See Enemies. If a race is aware of them, they have a 60% chance of standing with a Time Lord if his purpose is noble. Those humans who are aware of a Time Lord will always side with him if they consider him a friend. Habitat: Just about any, but never found far from a TARDIS. Favorite Weapons: None as such. Time Lords are, as a generality, unwilling to engage in combat. They will do so only if there is no other choice. Other Notes: 1. Always carries a Sonic Screwdriver, and knows how to build another if his is lost or destroyed (requires roughly 150 credits worth of common parts). The Sonic Screwdriver is a universal tool which uses sonic waves. Roughly the size of an old manual tire pressure gauge, it can do almost anything (except damage). If the player can explain why it'd work, go with it. Standard functions: removing screws, bolts, etc.; cutting steel (non-M.D.C. only, unless it's a plot device); detonating land mines. 2. Always has a recall device for his TARDIS, which will land it within 10 yards or in the nearest spot into which it's outward appearance will fit. - 492 -

3. 4.

For the most part a laid-back, mellow people, who value their traditions above all else...Even if that just means having tea at the same time, every day, no matter what. Most Time Lords won't start play while still in their first regeneration. Roll 1D4 to determine how many times they have regenerated, and 1d6 to determine their level. If still on their first life, they will likely be nearing the time when they'll need to regenerate.

Romulan R.C.C.
By: Tim Santa Cruz Romulans are distant cousins to the Vulcans. Some would even consider them to be the same race. Possibly the Romulans left the Vulcans in a dispute over the addition of logical thinking into Vulcan society. Whatever their roots are, the Romulans as a race are a force to be reckoned with. They are magnificent Starship builders and have some of the most advanced FTL ships in their galaxy. They are a warlike race, constantly seeking to add more planets to their Star Empire. They are the inventors of Cloaking technology in their galaxy, a technology that they traded to the Klingons for Warp Drive. Their Military vessels are by far the most superior in the quadrant. They have the utmost confidence in their military to the point of sometimes being overconfident. This can lead to problems, but has generally led to the growth of the Star Empire. On Rifts Earth, they will seek to make alliances with seemingly powerful entities in order to advance the Empire. Alignments: Any Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+6, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 5D6, P.P. 3D6+2, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 2D6+1, Spd. 3D6 Hit Points: P.E. +1D6 per each level S.D.C.: 30 Natural Armor Rating: None Awe Factor: None P.P.E.: 3D6 Natural Abilities: Excellent Vision (3 times better than human) Combat: 2 Attacks, plus those gained from Hand to Hand Combat and/or Boxing. Bonuses: +2 Save vs. Poison, +1 Save vs. Horror Factor Psionics: None Magic: None Average Life Span: 200 Years (Not sure about this one?) Rifts O.C.C.s: Any except for CS Military Skills of Note: Speak Romulan 98%, +5% on Science Skills, +10% on Engineering Skills (Mechanical or Electrical) Size: 60 + 3D6 inches Weight: 150 to 220 lb. Equipment: Romulan Body Armor Weight: 25 lb. A.R.: 10 S.D.C.: 75 Romulan Disrupter Weight: 5 lb. Range: 1500 ft. Payload: 40 Damage: 4 Settings 1 - 1D4 Stun. Has a 50 % chance of knocking out victims. 2 - 3D6 3 - 1D6 x 10 4 - 2D6 MDC* * This last Setting is generally referred to as Kill and will vaporize in an instant.

Rune Caster O.C.C.

By: Jason Bridgman Attribute Requirements: Minimum P.E. of 10. Note: Only S.D.C. races may become rune casters. Also, races with scales or natural armor cannot be rune casters as the runes must be inscribed on the skin. (As an interesting note on humans and other races which normally have body hair is that they lose all body hair on their arms, legs, and torso. Wolfen have a particular dislike for this a - 493 -

property, and hence only a handful have become rune casters.) Only humanoids are allowed (because body runes only work on humanoids). True Atlanteans and any beings with magic tattoos may not become rune casters because the tatoos interfere with body runes. Typical Alignments: Scrupulous and unprincipled are most common, although any alignment is available. Evil rune casters are extremely rare. O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses: 1. Mega-damage transformation! By inscribing the body with runes, the caster becomes a mega-damage being. Base M.D.C. is 3d6x10, plus 2d6 M.D.C. per level of experience. Note some runes and rune spells may add to the M.D.C. of the caster. 2. Attribute Bonuses: +2 to P.S. and P.E. +1 to M.E. Also the rune caster gets any normal bonuses do to race and skills. 3. Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +2 to parry and dodge, +3 to parry with rune weapons (including long range attacks, which means only a -1 penalty -- +5 total parry bonus). All bonuses are in addition to attribute and skill bonuses. 4. Resistance Bonuses: +3 to save vs. magic and psionic attacks. Immune to poisons an toxins (a side effect of the runes). 5. Rune covered bodies. All rune casters have almost their entire bodies covered with runes. Only the head, palms of the hands, and bottoms of the feet are free of runes. The runes go as high as the base of the neck in the front and the hair line in the back of the head, as well as on the fingers until the first knuckle, but not on the toes. The runes have assorted functions ranging from protection to attack to healing. All rune casters have the following body runes: heart rune, basic protection rune, healing rune, and the warning rune. Also select three more body runes at first level. Also see below. Note some of the more powerful runes DO require being drawn on the face (greater healing) and many rune casters have meaningless symbols drawn on their faces for decoration. 6. Rune Magic. The rune caster is a master of rune magic, and as such has the following abilities: (See appendix 4} Recognize real runes and rune weapons 80% + 2%/level Identify runes, wards, and symbols 60% + 3%/level. Cast rune spells: Knows a total of 10 rune spells, two augmentations, and they have seven slots for more spells/abilities or body runes. (A rune caster may learn two spells per ability slot.) Add one new rune spell/ability or body rune at each level after first. Also, all rune casters can create rune weapons, but the time, materials and P.P.E. required makes the skill of little practical use. Base P.P.E.: 2d4x10 + 20 + P.E. attribute + 15 per level of experience. (First level ranges from 55-115 in addition to the characters P.E.) Rune casters can gain additional P.P.E. from the same sources as other practitioners of magic. O.C.C. Skills: Three Languages of choice (+20%) Literacy in the same three languages (+15%) Basic Math (+30%) Lore: All (+5%) Wilderness Survival (+10%) Two ancient W.P. of choice One modern W.P. of choice Hand to Hand: Basic Hand to Hand: basic can be changed to Expert at the cost of one "other" skill or martial arts (or assassin) for the cost of two "other" skills. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8 other skills. Plus select two additional skills at level three and one at levels six, nine, and twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any. Electrical: None. Espionage: Escape and Intelligence only. Mechanical: Basic only. Medical: First aid (+10%). Military: None. Physical: Any except gymnastics and acrobatics. Pilot: Any except robot or power armor (+5%). Pilot Related: Any (+5%). Rogue: Any. Science: Any (+5%). Technical: Any (+5%). W.P.: Any. Wilderness: Any (+10%). Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select five secondary skills. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: Tend to avoid technology. Will have one greater and one lesser rune weapon (created while an apprentice, the greater weapon is the test to become a full rune caster)! Will also have a suit of mega-damage armor (often enchanted by runes), a - 494 -

modern or techno-wizard weapon appropriate for their weapon proficiency, and usually some minor rune enhanced objects depending on their rune skills. Will usually dress in clothes designed to hide their runes (only some require touch) including deep robes, capes, and gloves. Money: Will usually accumulate a small fortune by selling minor rune objects, in addition to the fortune in items they keep. Will usually have 1d6x10,000 credits and 1d4x5,000 in gems and precious metals. May or may not carry them on their person. Cybernetics and Bionics: Most would not consider these even for medical reasons. Any implants reduce magic the same as other practitioners. Xp table: Uses the same experience as the Temporal Wizard.

Rune Weapon R.C.C.

By: DaBeechMan Actually, this is a lot like a Bot. The character literally is transformed into a rune weapon! This RCC is way powerful, with serious limitations. For one thing, the character must be Level 15 to make the transformation. Requirements: ME: 20 Attributes: Unchanged, but drop PS, PE, PP, and Spd. You' re a weapon; you don't need them anymore! Alignment: Roll 1d100. On a 1-50, the character reverts to Principled. On a 51-00, alignment is unchanged. HP/SDC: None! Impervious to everything except the Magic Cauldron of Destruction (which they cannot escape from, which makes these cauldrons a serious threat.) Magic: Same as before. Rituals and circles may not be performed unless the owner is controlled. P.P.E.: Same as before. Psionics: Only these may be kept, assuming the character had these: Psi-Sword (now equal to a Cyber-Knight's), any kind of -kinesis, healing touch, any sensitive, and induce sleep. All psionics now function at the level of the USER, not the player. I.S.P.: Same as before. Note: May be commanded to use magic or psionics. The weapon may not resist this command! Powers: At Level 15, automatically has indestructibility and Mind Control, as well as any magic and psionics possessed before. Mind Control: The weapon may control its user at certain times. This may happen when: 1) the weapon is first handled 2) someone who the weapon thinks is more worthy comes along 3) These weapons are intelligent, and may get into arguments. To check for control, add up the weapon's IQ, MA, and ME. The user must beat this number on 3d20 or be controlled. While under the control, the user will do ANYTHING the weapon commands. In fact, many a sword has used this to get a few more jewels on its hilt (each 10,000 credits worth of jewels increases the weapon's PB by 2) Every 2 levels, the sword may gain a new power, although Principled swords may not soul-drink. This starts at level 16. Standard Damage: Double normal damage, then convert it to MD. Add 1 die every 4 levels. If a rune gun (like that one that looks like a dragon in the shape of a pistol) is created, the weapon starts shooting 2d6 MD pulses of force. It may shoot other things later on (fire, ice, etc.) but each new projectile counts as a power. Limitations: The weapon may not move under its own power. The weapon only gets experience for killing things, and then only if it deals the death blow (it only has to strike the death blow, otherwise anything else can attack whatever the weapon must kill. Note: The weapon gets NO EXPERIENCE for soul-drinking! If the weapon should happen to get stuck in a cauldron of destruction, it may NOT try to get out. Roll percentile dice every 10 minutes. On a 1-10, someone walks by, but runs away. On a 00, someone pulls the weapon out of the cauldron. Note: for every hour spent in the cauldron, the weapon loses a level of EXPERIENCE. - 495 -

Increase the chance of being rescued by 2% every time someone walks by. If the weapon in the cauldron less than an hour, no damage is done. Otherwise, round fractions up. May not use skills. Totally dependent on its user in this field. If the user is controlled, the weapon may use its skills through the user, but not the user's skills. Average Life Span: Indefinite OCC/RCC: Any OCC or RCC may be a rune weapon, so long as it was 15th level in that OCC or RCC when it was transformed. Gear: None Cybernetics/Bionics: On a weapon? I don't think so! Xp table: Uses the Ancient Chiang-Ku experience table (levels 16-26). After this, the weapon must double their EXPERIENCE to get to the next level. May rise as high as it can, until it gets all the powers (which takes a while.) After this, raise the MD of the weapon 1 die every level. Note: These weapons are INCREDIBLY rare! Currently, there are known to be: 3 swords (one each in North America, Ireland, and Phoenix) 1 staff (in the NGR somewhere) 1 axe (Triax found it, but they can't seem to find a way to duplicate it; they think it's some kind of technology) 1 sharpened boomerang (where else-it's in Australia) 5 daggers (scattered all over the place).

Rykarian R.C.C.
The Rykarian race is a humanoid race from another dimension. Only within the last 2 years was the first sighting of a Rykarian reported. It is likely that they have been here longer, only hidden from most due to their appearing only in the regions of what used to be southern California and Arizona. It is unknown exactly how many Rykarians are dispersed throughout that area, but their numbers are estimated between six and seven thousand. They seem to have a preference for warm, dry, wide open spaces. A peculiar talent of the Rykarians is the innate ability to "burrow" into sand, seemingly merging with the sand and transforming into sand themselves. This talent seems genetic and consistent throughout the race. They have only been spotted though chance encounters. They seem only marginally territorial and will allow travelers through their areas unharmed, and will even aid those in danger from more savage D-bees. They speak no known Earth language, but seem to understand simple sign-language. They have been found to be savage enemies of Xiticix and will attack them on sight. In battle, Rykarians are fierce warriors, but are wise enough to understand when they are outclassed. They adhere to a strict code of honor and will fight for loved ones or friends, no matter the odds. The Rykarians seem to reproduce the same as humans, which brings to mind the possibility that the two may have similar origins. The males stand between 5 and 8 feet, while the females stand only slightly smaller. They have developed slightly heavier body weights than humans, possibly because of environmental factors in their home dimension. Their most frightening features, however, are the long bone spikes that grow from their shoulder-blades. There seems to be no set number of spikes, with the least being 2 and the most being 6. It is possible that some Rykarians have more, and just have not been seen. They have been observed using these MD structure spikes as weapons and they have seemingly developed their own special fighting form revolving around the spikes. Alignment: Can be any. Attributes: I.Q.:3D6, M.E.:3D6+5, M.A.:3D6, P.S.:5D6 (never less than 20), P.P.:3D6, P.E.:4D6+5 (never less than 18), SPD:3D6 I.S.P.: 1D4X10 P.P.E: 1D4X10 Hit Points: P.E.+1D10 MDC: 1D10X10 + 1D4X10 per level of experience Natural Armor Rating: 12 Horror Factor: 6 Natural Abilities: Nightvision-100ft.; Immune to toxins/poisons/gasses; Do not need to eat or breathe; Sense Magic-automatic 1 mile; Extreme temperature resistance (fire does 1/2 damage); MDC Body Spikes-between ages 8 and 12 MDC spikes grow from - 496 -

Rykarian's shoulder blades-1D4+1 spikes; Sand-meld (see below). Shape Changing Power:Sand meld-Rykarians can instantly merge with sand or loose gravel. Their bodies seem to transform into sand themselves. This ability allows them to hide undetected in sand, or travel through sand as if they teleported from one point to another. The only limit of this ability seems to be the availability of sand or loose gravel in the area. Magic: As adept at magic as any human. Can be any magic class, but tend to rely on physical strength. Psionic Abilities: Sense Direction-automatic Combat Skills: 4 attacks per melee; +1 strike/parry/dodge Damage: Kick:1D8 MD -------------Leap Kick:3D8 MD -------------Ram/Body Block w/ Spikes: 1D20 -------------Punch's as per Supernatural Strength R.C.C. Skills: Climbing +20% General Athletics Wrestling Land Navigation +35% Identify Plants +20% Prowl +20% Track animals +15% Wilderness Survival +20% W.P. Spear W.P. Knife W.P. 3 of Choice Martial Arts: N.P.C. Experience Level: 1D6+1 Player Character Experience: Starts at level 1; use the Wilderness Scout exp. table. Average Life Span: 350-400 years Habitat: Dry, warm, sand climates. Wide open areas. Enemies: Xiticix Allies: Most humanoids depending. Size: ----Males:5-8 ft. ----Females:5-6 1/2 ft. Weight: ----Males:150-400 lb. ----Females:125-300 lb. Eyes: White (no pupils) Skin: 25% White ------25% Grey ------40% Bronze ------10% Gold

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-SSage OCC

Sage O.C.C.
The sage is a very interesting character, like a cross between a Mystic and a Headhunter. They know some psionics, a bit of magic, and a little fighting. One is, like a mystic, born a sage, and very often it runs in the family. Which is good, because someone needs to instruct the young sage in the ways of battle, or, the promising child will end up either losing most of his/her powers (doesn't develop them) or as a mystic (50-50% chance). The Sage is a fairly rare occupation. Psionic Powers 1. Initial Psionics: I.S.P.: 1D4x10+M.E., add 1D8 per level. Deaden Pain, Exorcism, Healing Touch, and Death Trance. Learns Increased Healing at level two, Bio-Regeneration at level four, Psychic Purification at level five, and Psychic Diagnosis and Psychic Surgery at level seven. 2. Saving throw versus psionic attack: As a major psionic, the character needs a 12 or higher to save vs psionics. However, the sage also receives a bonus of +1 to save vs psionics at levels four, eight, and twelve. Magic Powers 1. Initial Spell Knowledge: P.P.E.: 2D6x10+10 plus P.E, add 3D4 per level. Globe of Daylight, See Aura, See Invisible, Sense Magic. 2. Learning New Spells: Pick two from levels two and three at level two, two from levels three and four at level four, three from levels four and five at level six, three from levels five, six, and seven at level eight, and three from levels seven, eight, nine, and ten at level ten. 50% (01-50) chance of learning one spell from levels eleven-fourteen. Roll at each level. - 498 -

3. Magic Bonus: +2 to save vs. horror factor, + 1 to save vs. magic at levels three, six, nine, and twelve, +1 to spell strength at levels four, eight, and twelve. Attribute Requirement: I.Q. 10 and P.P. and P.E. 12 or up. O.C.C. Skills Sing (+5%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Detect Ambush (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+10%) First Aid (+10%) Horsemanship (+15%) Astronomy (+5%) Basic Math (+15%) One Language of Choice (+30%) Literacy: Native (+20%) Lore: Demons and Monsters (+10%) W.P. Knife W.P. Modern of choice Hand to Hand: Expert Hand to Hand: Expert can be change to Hand to Hand: Martial Art (or Assasin if an evil alignment) for the cost of one "other" skill. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select nine other skills. Plus select three additional skills at level three, and two at levels five, eight, ten, twelve, and fifteen. All skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any (+10%) Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Automotive only (+5%) Medical: Any except Medical Doctor (+2%) Military: Any (+10%) Physical: Any except Wrestling Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any Science: Any (+10%) Technical: (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select ten secondary skills from the list above. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parenthesis. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: Suit of light M.D.C. armor, dress clothes, knap sack, backpack, camouflage clothes, sunglasses, canteen, binoculars, air filter, gas mask, flashlight, RMK, IRMSS, 100 ft. of light weight cord, pen, notebook. E-Pistol and Rifle, survival knife, hand axe, sub machinegun, 3 E or ammo clips for each gun. Vehicle can be anything. Money: 1D6x1000 credits, 3D6x1000 in black market items. Cybernetics: Starts with none and will avoid them like the plague. Experience Table: Uses the Mystic experience table.

Saiyan R.C.C.
By: Leslie Llewellyn Saiyans R.C.C. A very belligerent and warlike race, the saiyans come from a world exposed to high amounts of gravity. As such, when their warriors are trained in the martial arts, they tend to fare better in a fiht then people that train in lower gravity. These people engage in a process known as planet pirating, where they dispatch a team to "cleanse" a world of its indiginous life, and sell the world to the highest bidder. The saiyans are not a nice people. However, there have been saiyans who fought off their aggressive instincts and became champions of light. Goku is one example. The saiyans are super strong, tough and fast, but they have two possible weaknesses. one: Saiyans tails are incredibly vulnerable to a good squeeze. Squeezing the tail will put most saiyans on the ground moaning in pain. second: The full moon causes saiyans to transform into a giant ape creature that fires off bolts of energy powerful enough to demolish whole mountains.

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Alignment:generally miscreant or diabolic. but can be scrupolous or prinipled on rare occaision. I.Q. 3d6 M.E. 3d6+3 M.A. 3d6 P.S. 6d6+6 supernatural P.E. 4d6+6 P.P 5d6 P.B. 3d6 S.P.D. 1d4x10+100 M.D.C. 3d6x10+300 P.P.E. p.e. X2 + 50 I.S.P. none. natural abilities fly mach one, fire energy bolts: 5d6 m.d. per level., martial art "sixth sense" bonuses included in bonus section. bonuses: automatically recieves h/h martial arts. +4 on initiative +6 to strike +6 to dodge +8 to parry +12 to save vs. poisons/toxins +20% on coma death Ape transformation to follow later, as well as the saiyan warrior o.c.c. Commander Ikari

The Saiyans Reborn!

By: Rabbit,

The saiyan R.C.C.

Alignment: Diabolic or miscreant (G.M.'s can authorize the super rare good saiyan) IQ 2D6+6 ME 3D6+4 MA 3D6 PS 4D6 (SUPERNATURAL!) PP 3D6 PE 5D6 PB 3D6 SPD 1D4X10 MDC 3D6X10 PPE 2D6X10+PE (Will be explained later.....) Natural abilities: Battle sense: All saiyans are inherintly born with the fighting sprit. As such, they get some bonuses in h2h combat. A belligerent race, the saiyans will fight massive #'s of fighters to prove their prowess. bonuses: +2 attacks per melee round +2 on initiative +2 to dodge +4 to parry +3 to roll p/f/i +2 to pull punch Psionics: None, but an exception could be made in rare situations. Either a minor or major as presented in rift MB. Magic: Their powers may appear magical, but they are gained through martial arts training. However if the G.M. wants the saiyans could learn SOME low level spells. O.C.C.'s available: Saiyan Warrior (coming soon!) Saiyan Scout (coming soon!) Saiyan martial arts (automatically available to a RAISED saiyan) This martial art form stresses winning and killing your oppenent as fast as possible, but is flexible enough to allow a small bit of bragging before annihilating yor oppenent. - 500 -

bonuses: +3 to initiative +2 to strike + 3 to dodge +12 roll p/f/i 1: 4 attacks per melee, +2 to initiative, +3 to strike, +2 to dodge, +2 to parry, +3 to roll p/f/i. 2: additional 1 power from saiyan table. disarm, entangle. 3: critical strike on nat. 19 or 20, additional attack. 4: new power from saiyan table, jump kick (critical), tripping foot technique 5: critical strike on nat. 18 or better. additional attack, +2 to strike 6: auto dodge, +3 to dodge, +2 to parry 7: new power from saiyan table. critical on nat 17 or better. 8:double natural speed 9: add 15 to PS critical on natural 16 or better. 10: +4 to strike, +2 to parry, +5 to dodge 11: new power from saiyan table, +1d6x10 m.d. 12: new power from saiyan table, +3 to strike 13: combo parry! can parry and strike at the same time, no loss of attacks! +3 to parry! 14: SUPER SAIYAN!!! +2 to attacks, +5 to p.s., + 10 to p.e., +6 to p.p., double p.p.e. 15:double MDC, NEW ATTACK FROM SAIYAN TABLE!!!!!! critical strike on natural 14 or better. Saiyan table coming soon! compliments of rabbit =:-)

Sasquach and Silver Oak

By: Vinh Dao

Sasquach RCC and Silver Oak

In approxmitaly 50 PA, The Sasquach race appeared in the pacific northwest of Rifts Earth. They were there for millenia before but appeared more commonly recently. There are at least 30 villages with 1D4*25 Bigfoots in each. The Sasquach have only one wish in life: to live in peace with nature. There are three major divisons in the tribe: Warrior, Shaman, and Healer. The Warriors protect the tribe, stoping monsters and invaders. Healers heal both the land and people. Shaman are wizards, casting powerful spells to help the tribe any way possible. Sasquach R.C.C. Alignment: Any, tend toward selfish and good. Attributes: I.Q. 4D4, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 4D6 + 3, P.P. 4D6, P.E. 4D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd. 4D6 M.D.C. 4D6 + P.E. S.D.C. bonuses from physical skills do NOT apply Natural Abilities: Chameleon at will as per Spell but always at least 20% undetectable; Supernatural P.S.; Nightvision 100ft, as good as day vision; Impervious to Fire and Cold (1/2 damage); Can use TW devices Horror Factor: 10 P.P.E.: 6D6 Combat: 2 plus training Bonuses: +1 Initiative, +2 Parry\Strike\Dodge Psionics: 01-70 minor Psionic ISP: 1D4*10 + ME 71-00 major Psionic ISP: 1D6*10 + ME Life Span: 500 years average. O.C.C.'s: Sasquach Warrior, Sasquach Shaman, Sasquach Healer Skills of note: (Note: O.C.C.'s do NOT get these skills unless otherwise noted) Speak Bigfoot 98% Land Navigation +20% Identify Plants and Fruits +20% Wilderness Survival +30% Habitat: Pacific Northwest of Rifts Earth Enemies: Anyone who defiles nature Allies: Anyone who respects nature Size: 6' to 10' Weight: 200lbs - 400lbs Note: this is the local villager - 501 -

Sasquach Healer Healer Powers: 1. Psionics: Pick 5 Healing, 3 Sensitive, and 1 Physical. Gets 1 Healing every level, 1 Sensitive every 2 levels, and 1 Physical every 3 levels. At level 6 gets Bio-regeneration (Super), level 10 Bio-Manipulation, and level 14 Group Mind Block. A Master Psionic. ISP: 2D6*10 + ME. PPE: 3D6. 2. Healing: Can heal the land and others by by absorbing the damage to himself. The damage, which the transfered to the healer, can not be healed through psionics and will heal at half normal healing rate. This process also regenerates lost limbs. The Healer loses all feeling in his corresponding limb for 1D6 days. The healer can the land from polution by taking 1 point of damage for every 10 sq. ft. /level. ISP cost: 10 ISP 3. Bonuses: +1D6 ME +1D6 PE +4 vs. Poisons +5 vs. Drugs +5 vs. Insanity +4 vs. Psionics +3 vs. Coma/Death +4 vs. HF. Heals at 5 times normal rate Alignment: Good only! Attribute Requirments: I.Q.: 10, M.E.: 12, P.E.: 12 O.C.C. Skills: Speak Sasquach (98%) Land Navigation (+20%) Identify Plants and Fruits (+30%) Wilderness Survival (+25%) Holistic Medicine (+35%) Paramedic (+30%) Botany (+20%) Biology (+10%) Land Navigation (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+10%) Hand to Hand Basic can be selected for 1 "other" skill, Expert for 2 "other" skills, Martial Arts and Assassin are not avaible O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 7 related skills Communications: any Domestic: any (+10%) Electrical: None Espionage: None Mechanical: None Medical: any, except MD Cybernetics (+25%) Military: None Physical: any, except Wrestling or Acrobtics (+10% where appicable) Pilot: any,(+5% for Horsemanship) Pilot Related: Navigation, Radar/Sonar Operations, and Read Sensory Equipment only! (+10%) Rogue: any Science: any (+20%) Technical: any (+15%) Weapon Proficiencies: any Wilderness: any (+15%) Secondary Skills: Select 6 other skills Standard Equipment: Personal effects, light Silver Oak armor, 1 Silver Oak weapon of choice, backpack, assorted rare herbs for healing, 1D4 sacks. Money: 6D6*1000 cr in sellable jewels and Silver Oak wood. Cybernetics: None, will only use Bigfoot Healers Sasquach Shaman Shaman Powers 1. Sense Ley Lines and Rifts: Justs like a Ley Line Walker. 2. Initial Spell Knowledge: The player may choose two magic spells from each level one through four, for a total of eight spells. The - 502 -

Shaman also knows Lighting Bolt, Reduce: Self, Metamorphosis: Animal, Metamorphosis: Human, Metamorphosis: Insect, Summon and Control Animals 3. Learning New Spells. Sasquach Shamen instinctivily learn 2 new spells per each level of experience. New spells can be selected from any level of magic up to their current level of experience. Spells can also be purchased as normal and can use magic scrolls in addition to being able to perform riturals. 4. PPE: 3D6*10 + PE + 5D6/Level 5. Bounses +2 vs. Horror Factor +2 vs. magic and psionics +1 magic strength at 3, 5, 6, and 7 Alignment: Good or Selfish only. Attribute Requirments: I.Q.: 11, M.E.: 10, P.E.: 10 O.C.C. Skills: Speak Sasquach (98%) Lore: D-Bees(+25%) Lore: Demons & Monsters(+25%) Lore: Faerie(+25%) Lore: Magic(+25%) Identify Plants and Fruits(+10%) Land Navigation(+20%) Wilderness Survival(+15%) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 6 related skills Communications: any Domestic: any(+10%) Electrical: none Espionage: none Mechanical: none Medical: any except MD cybernectics(+10%) Military: none Physical: any(+5%) Pilot: Horsemanship only Pilot Related: any Rogue: any except computer hacking Science: any Technical: any except computers Weapon Proficiencies: any Wilderness: any(+10%) Secondary Skills: Select 4 Secondary Skills Standard Equipment: Personal effects, light Silver Oak armor, 1 Silver Oak weapon of choice, backpack, assorted rare magical regents, 1D4 sacks. Money: 1D6*10,000 cr in sellable jewels and Silver Oak wood. Cybernetics: None, will only use Bigfoot Healers Sasquach Warrior Warrior Abilities 1. +5 initiative, +1 at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13 2. +1 attack, +1 at levels 6, 11, and 15 3. +3 strike, parry, and dodge, +1 at levels 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 13 4. Attribute Bonuses PS +2D6, PP +1D6, PE +2D6, Spd +4D4 M.D.C. +6D6 5. +2 vs. drugs, poisons, and coma/death, +3 vs. Horror Factor, +1 vs. magic and psionics Alignment: Any. Attribute Requirments: P.S.: 12, P.P.: 11, P.E.: 13 O.C.C. Skills: Sprak: Sasquach(98%) Tracking (+25%) Wilderness Survival (+30%) Camouflage(+20%) Acrobatics (+10%) Athletics General Climbing (+25%) Prowl (+25%) - 503 -

Hunting (+20%) Identify Plants & Animals (+15%) Land Navigation (+20%) Track Animal (+20%) Martial Arts 3 Ancient WPs 2 Modern WPs O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8 related skills Communications: any Domestic: any Electrical: none Espionage: any (+10%) Mechanical: Basic Mechanics only. Medical: First aid only Military: any (+20%) Physical: any (+15% where appicable) Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rogue: any (+10%) Science: any Technical: any Weapon Proficiencies: any Wilderness: any (+15%) Secondary Skills: Select 6 Secondary Skills Standard Equipment: 3 Silver Oak weapons of Choice, 1 Energy Rifle of choice with 2D6 e-clips, medium or heavy Silver oak Armor, and personal effects. Money: 5D6*1000 cr in sellable jewels and Silver Oak wood. Cybernetics: None, will only use Bigfoot Healers Silver Oak These trees are related to Millenium trees. They look like oaks but are silver in color. They are mega damage and can be used in mega damage armor and weapons. Walls made of Silver Oak wood provide 100 M.D.C. per inch, armor for vehicle 50 M.D.C. per inch. These trees are 3D6*100 ft tall and 4D6 * 5 ft inches in diameter. Silver Oak armor used for high tech vehcials tends to disrupt electronics so full enviromental armor is not possible. Cutting this down is not easy but well worth it. The trees MUST be pulled up from the roots, otherwise the tree will heal itself. Cutting it with a laser will not work, the bark reflects laser fire and makes it one of the most valuable materials in Rifts Earth. Also the trees grow only in the Sasquach forests of the Pacific Northwest in groves of 2D4X10 and can only grow under the care of Sasquach Healers. Armor avaible from Silver Oaks: Note: all armors are laser resistant(lasers do 1/10th damage) and are not full enviromental Light Armor: M.D.C.: 100 Weight: 11 pounds Prowl Penality: 0%! Cost: 75,000cr. Medium Armor: M.D.C.: 200 Weight: 15 pounds Prowl Penality: -5% Cost: 100,000cr. Heavy Armor: M.D.C.: 300 Weight: 20 pounds Prowl Penality: -10% Cost: 150,000cr. Weapons : Any ancient weapon can be fashioned from Silve Oak wood. For their own use. Sasquach prefer to use swords, clubs, staves, maces, and bows and arrows. Sword: 3D6 M.D. Cost: 15,000 cr Club: 2D6 M.D. Cost: 10,000 cr Mace: 3D6 M.D. Cost: 15,000 cr Staff: 3D6 M.D. Cost: 15,000 cr - 504 -

Bow: Varies with arrow type. Cost: 10,000 cr Arrows: 1D6 M.D. Cost: 1,000 cr each Giant Weapons: Note: These are the weapons used by the Bigfoots Sword: 4D6 M.D. Cost: 25,000 cr Club: 3D6 M.D. Cost: 20,000 cr Mace: 4D6 M.D. Cost: 25,000 cr Staff: 6D6 M.D. Cost: 30,000 cr Bow: Varies with arrow type. Cost: 20,000 cr Arrows: 2D6 M.D. Cost: 5,000 cr each

Schattenjager O.C.C.
By: Kevin Lee This character class is based on after the Schattenjagers of Sierra's Gabriel Knight Mysteries. The Schattenjagers of Germany have been around for centuries tracing their heritage way before the time of the Rifts. Schattenjager in English is translated into "Shadow Hunter". And that is precisely what they do. If there is evil abound, their job is to hunt through the shadows and destroy it. The title of Schattenjager is passed through generation after generation from father to son and occasionally from father to daughter. Originally, in the Pre-Rifts era the Pantheon of light took pity upon the suffering humans of Europe. Plagued by Vampires, Werebeasts, and other supernatural evils, these people lived in constant fear. Finally, the the Pantheon intervened and bestowed special gifts upon one of the more prominent and god-fearing families in the area. The Ritters. For 3 Centuries the Ritters fought the darkness. Eventually, the Schattenjager title was passed down to an heir by the name of Gabriel Knight. And this has been the name of the Shattenjagers since then. The gifts that were bestowed upon the Ritters were two very powerful instruments to be used against the forces of Evil. The first was the talisman. This talisman was supposed to protect the bearer from evil and give an edge over them. Upon it's face is the picture of a lion battling a giant snake. The second gift was the ability to enchant daggers. This dagger is the preferred weapon of the Schattenjager. Early in their training, the Schattenjager chooses a dagger in which to use. Upon receiving their title, blade becomes a magical weapon perfect for destroying evil. Attribute Requirement: None. The title of Schattenjager is generally passed down through family ties. Most Schattenjagers have the last name of Knight. People from other families may also become a Schattenjager, but they will never wear the Talisman unless the Ritter/Knight line dies out completely. Alignment: ALWAYS either Principled or Scrupulous. Most are Scrupulous. Character Bonuses: The Schattenjager is often well trained in the physical ways of fighting evil as well as the mystical ways. They receive the following bonuses: +1d6 PP +1d6 PE +1d6 ME +3d6 Spd +1d6 MA +2d4*10 SDC P.P.E.: 1d10*10 + P.E.x2 Schattenjager can learn magic and therefore can tap into ley lines and use Techno-Wizardry Equipment. I.S.P.: The Shattenjager is considered a Master Psychic. ME + 1d4*10 ISP. Powers & Special Equipment: 1. When one becomes a Schattenjager, they receive a few psionic abilities: Clairvoiance(None) - In the form of dreams... Mind Block Auto-Defence(Varies) Presence Sense(none) - Automatic. Will get a watched feeling. Object Read(6) Sense Evil(none) - Automatic. Will get a feeling in a general area. Summon Inner Strength(4) Exorcism(10)

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2. The Schattenjager is familiar with spells and magic. Can pick up a few as they go along. Only ONE magic spell can be learned at the levels 2, 5, 9, and 14. 3. Special combat against supernatural creatures. Often, when a Schattenjager combats supernatural demons, they are do not have enough in the way of armor to defend themselves. Fortunately, the Schattenjager have a way around this. Due to their inherent mystical nature, all supernatural attacks by supernatural beings only do SDC damage. This does not include attacks done through rune items though. In addition to that, any SDC weapon attacks can be treated as MDC attacks in the hands of a Shattenjager if he/she is combating a Supernatural Evil. 4. The Talisman: There is only ONE Talisman. Usually it is in the hands of the senior Schattenjager. Often the case is that there is only one Schattenjager living so this is usually not a problem. The Talisman is an artifact of great power. It's following powers are: - When worn by someone of good alignment, it gives the same bonuses as the Super Power: KARMIC POWER to the wearer when in proximity of Supernatural Evil. - When spotted by Supernatural Creatures, it is immediately identified as a source of great power. If Evil, this power has the effect of giving a HF of 18. With vampires, it keeps them away similarly to a cross although without it's damaging abilities. - When worn, the wearer cannot be cursed. This includes vampire's slow bite and any other magical curse. Of course if the Talisman is taken off, it's a different story. - When worn, the wearer cannot be possessed. 5. The Schattenjager Blade: This is the preferred weapon of the Shattenjager. Each Schattenjager chooses their own blade to be enchanted and these special damages only work for that Schattenjager. The dagger does normal 1d6 damage when anybody else uses it. It's following powers are: - Indestructible. Will always stay sharp. - Damage: To normal human beings, 3d6 SDC. Supernatural Creatures: 3d6 MDC. Supernatural Evil: 1d4*10 MDC. Vampires & Splugeth: 2d4*10 MDC. - Can dispatch Vampires if plunged into heart. 6. Bonuses: +4 vs. Psionics, +8 vs. Horror Factor, +4 vs. Magic., +5 vs Possession. O.C.C. Skills: Languages: Euro & English at 98%. Literacy in both. Lore: Demons & Monsters (+25%) Lore: Vampires (+15%) Tracking (+25%) Prowl (+15%) Interrogation (+10%) Athletics W.P. Knife Any 2 Ancient WP's Any 2 Modern WP's Any 2 Pilot Skills (+15%) Any 2 Physical Skills (+10% when applicable) Hand to Hand: Expert (can be upgraded to Martial Arts if one Related Skill is discarded). O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10 other skills. Select three at level three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one at level twelve. Communication: any Domestic: any (+5%) Electrical: Basic Electronics only. Espionage: any (+10%) Mechanical: Basic and Automotive only. Medical: First Aid only. Military: Any Physical: Any Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any (+15%) Rogue: Any (+10%) Science: Any - 506 -

Technical: Any (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+10%) Secondary Skills: The Character can select six secondary skills from the previous list. The bonuses in the parentheses do not apply. Standard Equipment: Extra Set of traveling clothes, and boots. A set of light Mega-Damage body armor, personal gear, sunglasses or tinted visor, backpack, air-filter, bedroll, first-aid kit, utility belt, a few small bags, 100ft light weight rope, 6 iron spikes, 6 wooden spikes, hammer and a mallet, small utility knife(swiss army), a small cross of either wood or silver. Weapons: Their Schattenjager Blade. An energy weapon of some sort. Often e-pistols, but e-rifles okay. One Modern SDC weapon. 3 extra clips for each weapon. May have a few other personal weapons. GM's please use your desecration. Vehicles: Most Schattenjagers walk. If they do have a vehicle it is either a live mount, or a very sporty and fast vehicle. Money: Although the Knight and/or Ritter family has always been well to do, when out traveling, the Schattenjager normally does not bring along very much in the way of cash. 1d8*100 credits on hand. Can easily raise 5d6*1000 in cash due to fairly wealthy background. Cybernetics: The Schattenjagers have always disliked the use of cybernetics. They will not use them unless there are life threatening situation. Rittersburg, Germany: The home of the Schattenjagers. In Germany, deep in the forests and only a few hours drive from the former city of Munich is the small town of Rittersburg. In this town lies the grand castle known as Castle Rittersburg which was built by the famed Schattenjager Christian Ritter before the coming of the Rifts. The people of Rittersburg, although wary of the forest and the demons that inhabit it, do not fear for within the walls of Castle Rittersburg, the warriors known as the Schattenjagers dwell. In general, the small village is a very hospitable place. Friendly D-Bee's have be known to take refuge within it's protected walls. The Militia of Rittersburg is a small yet surprisingly effective force when in defense of the village. This is especially true when a Schattenjager is in the lead. So far, the Gargoyles have not taken too much interest in the town. And of the few stray Gargoyles who have entered the area to wreak havok, only a meager handful have ever returned.

Seer OCC
By: Anna Brink The Seer is a psionisist of the highest magnitude, with powers and abilities unlike any other psychic. They are one of the few characters that automatically attains psionics from any category including super! Like most psycics in the world of Rifts, the Seer relies on his/her super psychic powers more than anything else. Seer's of good alignments make excellent diplomats and advisors, whereas those of selfish or evil alignments may choose to use their special abilities to become a criminal mastermind or an advisor to a viscous dictator or even mislead and confuse a well intentioned leader into starting a war just for laughs. The Seer can be a powerful and influential character and an evil Seer is one that should be feared. All Coalition Seers are registered psycics and bear the IC bar code and implant. Criminal Seers are hunted by Psi-Stalkers and DogPacks. Psionics The Seer is a master psionisist with 2D4x10+ME ISP at first level. Add 2D6 additional ISP per level. The character starts with the following psionic abilities. Detect Psionics Clairvoyance Empathy Object Read See Aura Sixth Sense Mind Block Auto Defense 1D4+1 additional sensitive psionics of choice and one each from the healing and physical categories. - 507 -

The Seer also gains an additional sensitive power at each level and two powers from either the healing or physical categories at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15; they also gain one super psionic at levels 3,7,11 and 15. Special Bonuses +1D6 to ME +1D4 to MA +6 vs. insanity +4 vs. mind control/possession OCC Skills Like most psychics the Seer has had minimal education, having spent most of their time learning and mastering the complexities of their psionic powers. The individual has come to rely on those powers, their wits and experience. Language: Two of Choice (90%) Literacy: Native (98%) Literacy: Two of Choice (+15%) Pilot: Two of Choice (+5%) OCC Related Skills Choose six "other" skills at +10% from the following list. Communications: any Domestic: any Electronics: Basic only Espionage: none Mechanical: Automobile only Medical: First aid and Holistic medicine only Military: any Physical: any but Acrobatics, Boxing or Wrestling Hand to Hand: Basic only Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rogue: any Science: any Technical: any Wilderness: any Weapon Proficiencies: any Secondary Skills Choose 8 skills from the above list with the same restrictions (any, only, none). No bonuses apply to these skills. Special Abilities 1. See through the eyes of others ISP: 12/melee This is the ability to actually see through someone else's eyes. This ability does not give the Seer the power to read the persons thoughts on what it is that s/he sees or to be able to read any language that the Seer does not know. The base percentage for using this ability is 20%+5%/level. Add the following bonuses for personal knowledge of the subject +5% for someone that you have met only once or twice. +10% for someone that is a casual acquaintance. +15% for someone that you know well. +20% for a close, personal friend. +25% for someone you know intimately. Range: At first level line of sight only At second level 1000'+1000' for each additional level. 2. Object Read: Superior ISP: 20 At fourth level the Seer can read the entire history of an object by touching it and totally focusing all of his/her concentration the object. No other actions can be taken. The Seer will get a mental picture of everything that the object has been through. For every melee the Seer spends concentrating s/he will be able to view six hours of the objects history. If the Seer wants to view a specific point in time the percentage chance for finding the exact moment that s/he is looking for is 30%+5%/level. If the object being read is a weapon or other implement of death or extreme violence the Seer must make a roll vs. insanity if it has been implemented in three or more deaths. The Seer will experience all of the deaths at once and suffers a -1 penalty to his/her saving throw for each 10 deaths associated with the object.

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Sentinel RCC
By: Tiny, Dwarven Knight ******************************************************* "If I'm correct, Detective Ellison, you're a behavioral throwback to a pre-civilized breed of man!" In all tribal cultures, every village has always had what has become known as a Sentinel. This Sentinel would serve as the Watchman of the tribe, watching for approaching enemies, changes in weather, and movement of game. these sentinels are chosen because of a genetic advantage that sets them out above the rest of the tribe. Sentinels have an accute sensory awareness that can be developed far beyond that of other memebrs of their race. These skills are brought out and honed by time spent alone in the wilds. With the advent of the Rifts, nearly the whole Earth has become "the wilds." Due to this, the Sentinels are appearing with increasing regularity, and many are beginning to do more than protect their tribe. many have taken to wandering tghe landside to better utilize their powers. Requirements: The character must be of a near-human race. Alignment: Any. Sentinels are generaly honorable, but they may be evil, as well. Attributes: Retain the attributes of the respective race, but add 2D4 to PE, 1D4 to ME, and 2 to PS. Bonuses: +20 SDC, in addition to those bonuses gained form the Special Abilities. SDC & Hit Points: As per original RCC. Horror Factor: As per original RCC. PPE: As per original RCC. Natural Abilities: All Sentinels have the minor super powers of Heightened Sense of Touch, Heightened Sense of Taste, Heightened Sense of Hearing, Heightened Sense of Smell, and Super Vision: Advanced Sight. These powers are not always "on." The Sentinel at first will be very disoriented by the powers, because he will not be able to control them; they will come and go at random. After the Sentinel has learned to control his powers, he can easily tune one sense in to one stimulus (one scent, one sight, one sound, etc.). Zone-Out Factor: The problem with these powers is that when they are in use, the Sentinel becomes completely oblivious to everything else around him. He could be focusing on the sounds of footprints in the west hallway, and not know that the room he was in was being taken over by armed mercs pouring in from the east hallway. Due to this, Sentinels are almost always found with at least one other person serving as a partner and protector. Magic: Sentinels cannot use magic. Psionics: Sentinels cannot use psionics. Available OCCs: Most Sentinels seem to be Men of Arms or Adventurers, although they may be scholars as well. Sentinels cannot be magic or psionic, because this would disrupt their natural abilities.

Sepic Warrior RCC

By: Jeremy Puckett Here's something new... sorta. I was watching National Geographic's special on dealy predators, and in it they had a section on the Sepic tribesmen of Papua New Guinea. They revere crocodiles as brothers and have a special ceremony (called the Ritual of Crocodile Skin) in which a young warrior has his flesh impaled dozens or even hundreds of times by tiny barbs to create a pattern of raised scars which resemble a crocodile's skin. My only thought was "Cool!" Of course, these days, anything I think is cool immediately becomes a new race or class for Rifts/Nightbane. Instead of "in one ear and out the other" I suffer from "in one ear and down the writing arm." So here it is--my conversion of the Sepic tribal warrior for Rifts. Comments, maggots! For once in your stinking lives, comment! (Those of you that have commented before are exempt from the "maggots" declaration, but are still advised to comment.)

Sepic Warrior RCC

Living in the jungles of Papua New Guinea since time out of mind, the Sepic tribesmen are one with their world. Living in one of the deadliest areas of the planet--a place filled with poisonous snakes, huge saltwater crocodiles, and vicious wild beasts of all kinds--they have had to be just as deadly to survive. They are powerful hunters and expert warriors that respect strength above all things. However, they are not monsters, but honorable and noble people with a strong sense of morality. The Sepic tribe lived relatively primitively before the coming of the European settlers, but adapted quickly. They managed to coexist with the settlers without losing any of their own rich and varied culture, and several important ceremonies survived through the years. Even after the modernization of the island nation, the Sepics (for the most part) stayed in their small villages and lived as hunters and sugar cane farmers. Throughout the modern age, their rituals and ceremonies remained a comfort to them. The most important of these was the Ritual of - 509 -

Crocodile Skin. This semi-mystical ceremony was the initiation rite for young Sepic warriors. In it, through a process never revealed to outsiders (or even the non-warriors of the tribe) a young man would have his flesh pierced hundreds of times with a small blade to simulate the markings of the crocodile, a highly respected and loved creature in their culture. It was believed that this ritual made the soul of the warrior and the spirit of the crocodile one; their strength, speed, and endurance (both mental and physical) would be joined forever. To accomplish this, the young warrior (usually male, but a few female warriors have been known) would have to sit utterly still and silent for hours on end while the incisions were made--without anesthesia. Afterwards, a natural antiseptic would be used to cleanse the wounds, one that hurt almost as much as the cuts themselves. Even through the age of super-technology before the Coming of the Rifts, the Sepics remained the same. This resilience and reliance on tradition meant that when the Rifts came, the Sepics were as unaffected as ever. With the breakdown of the few modern luxuries they had enjoyed, they went back to the land, hunting and gathering as always. They did keep several fields of sugar cane as snacks and flavoring (raw sugar cane is tough but very sweet). There were some effects to the rest of New Guinea, however. The island is rich in ley lines, and it was little time before monsters and D-Bees of all sorts were migrating to it (whether purposely or not). A few enclaves of humanity survived, but most were either wiped out by monsters or reduced to barbarism when their technologies failed. The highest level of technology that currently exists on New Guinea is roughly equal to the 17th century (black powder weapons, swords, horses, etc.). And thus, the Sepics are in a unique position, one that they have not been in for over seven centuries: the single most powerful force for humanity on New Guinea. This is not because of technology or magic--the Sepics spurn both in favor of their natural abilities. Because of their long affiliation with (and near-worship of) the crocodile, the Sepics have developed great powers. These include the strength and speed of the crocodile, empathy with reptiles, and even a limited transformation into their animal brother! Those that undergo the Ritual of the Crocodile Skin (almost all tribe members anymore) become mega-damage creatures with hunting prowess to rival the toughest and most skilled opponents. (Author's Note: The Sepic tribe of Papua New Guinea and their reverance for the saltwater crocodile are both very much real! While they are real people, everything relating to Rifts in this context is made up. If you want to learn more about the Sepics and their Ritual of the Crocodile Skin, look them up in your local public library or see the National Geographic special on deadly predators.) Sepic Warrior RCC (Note: Until adolescence, Sepics are considered normal humans. It is not until the Ritual of Crocodile Skin that they use the attributes listed below.) Alignment: Any. Most are either Scrupulous or Aberrant, both alignments with a strong sense of honor. Miscreant and Diabolic Sepics are outcasts and never trusted by another tribesman. Attributes: IQ 3d6; ME 4d6; MA 2d6; PS 4d6+6; PP 4d6; PE 4d6; PB 2d6+4; Spd 5d6. PS and PE are supernatural. (The low PB and MA result from the scarring that all Sepics go through and the fact that most people consider crocodiles evil and untrustworthy.) MDC: PE +2d4 per level Horror Factor: 9 (from the scars and apparent supernatural power); 13 if seen in crocodile form; 16 if the transformation to crocodile form is seen. Magic: Sepics distrust magic and only a very few practice it. (These latter do not receive the Ritual of Crocodile Skin, and remain normal humans, but keep the reptile empathy power and their psionics. The only available classes for magic-users are Shifter and Mystic.)PPE: 1d4x10. Sepics have a large spiritual reserve from their link to the spirit of the crocodile. (This PPE is a bonus to the few Sepic magic-users.) Psionics: Sepics are considered minor psionics. They are limited to the following powers: Bio-regeneration (self; trest SDC as MDC); sixth sense; mind block auto-defense. ISP: ME attribute +3d6 OCCs: Almost all Sepics are members of the Sepic Warrior RCC; they do not consider any other occupations worthy of a warrior race. However, they can become members of the following classes if they give up the Ritual of Crocodile Skin, staying normal humans (except for the reptile empathy power and psionic abilities): Headhunter; Body Fixer; Wilderness Scout; Shifter; Mystic; Burster; Mind Melter. Other OCCs may be acceptable by GM permission, but all must give up the Ritual of Crocodile Skin before accepting another class. Height: Human size Weight: Human weight Average Life Span: The power that courses through them gives them a life span approaching that of the crocodile they revere--250 years. Enemies: Evil supernatural predators and those that would kill the crocodile. Allies: Fellow hunters and any goodly being. Description: Sepics are dark-skinned humans with scars of their chests, face, and back that resemble the scales of a crocodile. They wear little clothing in the hot, humid jungles of Papua New Guinea, but are not opposed to clothing. Their weapon of choice is the spear, and they often have the tribal shaman ensorcel the weapon to withstand the punishment of hunting supernatural monsters. This is one of the few approved uses of magic in the tribe. When their hunts take them into more "civilized" areas, they will often wear a suit of regular clothes and perhaps even use a megadamage weapon, almost always a vibro version of an archaic weapon, like a vibro-knife or vibro-sword. These toys are usually discarded as soon as the warrior returns to his natural jungle habitat. Sepics never give up a hunt for anything--not bad weather, not impossible odds, not even the prey going out of their usual habitat. Sepics have been known to chase especially difficult prey for years on end, and a few have even ended up in Asia, Australia, Africa, and North America. (Note: Plot device! Plot device!) - 510 -

Sepics may be driven, but they are not fools. If an opponent is obviously beyond their formidable abilities, they will not hesitate to enlist help (from the player characters, perhaps?). Sepics are nothing if not practical. Habitat: The jungles of Papua New Guinea. Natural Abilities: 1. Nightvision: 100 feet. 2. Reptile Empathy: While believed to be a psionic ability, this actually transcends the mental aspect of psionic powers and seems to tap directly into the spirits of the two beings (Sepic and reptile). Because of their association with the crocodile spirit, no reptile (animal) will ever willingly attack the Sepic. Nor will they react to the Sepic's presence, treating him/her as though they were one of the animal's species. If under mind control and ordered to attack the Sepic, the reptile receives a saving throw with a +5 bonus to refuse the command. If a natural 20 is rolled on the save, the reptile actually attacks its controller! Large reptiles, including dinosaurs and silonar, (but never the crocodile) can be ridden at a skill of 85% +2% per level. Reptile riding beasts will always be docile and gentle to their rider, following his orders willingly (unless suicidal, but no true Sepic would ever kill or allow to be killed a reptile cousin). Intelligent reptilian beings (including the Eandroth and Lyvorrkians) will instantly like and respect the Sepic warrior, treating him as though his MA were 20! Through some sort of semi-telepathic link, Sepics can understand and be understood by all reptilians as though they were proficient in the listener's language at 98%. Sepics, in their turn, will never intentionally harm or allow to be harmed a reptile or reptilian D-Bee/mutant/alien. If forced into a confrontation, they will avoid killing their opponent, instead trying to disarm or subdue the creature. If nothing else is possible, they will kill the creature to save themselves (unless it is a crocodile), but will spend weeks atoning for its death (praying to the crocodile spirit, making offering into bodies of saltwater, etc.). Crocodiles consider Sepic Warriors to be blood kin! They will never harm a Sepic for any reason unless mind controlled, and then they have a +10 bonus to break free. If the save is a natural 18, 19, or 20, then the crocodile turns on its controller. Crocodilians, Tautons, and similar beings will adore Sepics and do anything within their power to protect them. Sepics feel the same way, and will gladly sacrifice themselves to save their "brothers." 3. Crocodile Transformation: This is the most devastating power of the Sepic Warrior and the one that their opponents fear most. Once a day, for five minutes per level, the Sepic Warrior may set free the portion of the crocodile spirit housed within them. The transformation takes one melee (15 seconds). At the end of it, the Sepic is gone, replaced by an enormous crocodile. The beast is twenty feet long from snout to tail and weighs in at nearly half a ton! The downside to the transformation is that the release of the beast makes the Sepic's mind become more bestial as well. Things seem black and white in this form: friend or foe, food or not food, attack or stay still, kill or die. Bonuses in Crocodile Form: +10 PS; +5 PE; +350 MDC (damage is taken from this bonus MDC first and only carries over to human form if is exceeded). Bite inflicts 3d6 MD plus supernatural strength and engulfs any creature smaller than man-size on a natural 1820; claws cannot be used; tail lash does 2d6 MD and knocks down any creature of man-size or smaller (50% to knock down creatures 10-20 feet tall); running ram does 4d6 MD plus supernatural strength, but takes two actions to use. +4 to strike; +1 to dodge; +1 attack per melee; +4 vs. magic; impervious to poisons, toxins, gases, radiation, disease, possession, and mind control; half damage from energy attacks. Can run at double Spd for one melee, but Spd is half on the following round. Can swim at three times the Spd attribute (+5 to dodge underwater; can hold breath for duration of change). Penalties: Reduce MA to 0 and IQ by half. If the IQ is reduced below 6 in this manner, the beast is no longer intelligent enough to distinguish friends from enemies. It will attack enemies first, but must save vs. psionics with no bonuses to avoid turning on friends when the enemies are finished. The crocodile-warrior fights to the death! It does not know retreat, surrender, or cowardice--nothing short of death can stop it from reaching its prey. Reduce land speed to 75%. The beast has no skills except Hand to Hand: Expert, and only uses it to determine combat bonuses. No combat moves except bites, tail lashes, running rams, and (in the water) entangle can be used. 4. RCC Bonuses: +3 vs. poison and disease; +1 vs. magic; +1 to strike, parry, and dodge; +2 to roll with punch; +2 vs. mind control. Impervious to physical transformation and the vampire's slow kill bite. RCC Skills: Language: Sepic (98%; there is no written component) Language: two of choice (+15%) Sing (+5%) Detect Ambush (+10%) Detect Concealment (+5%) Wilderness Survival (+25%) First Aid (+5%) Camouflage (+15%) Trap Construction (+10%) Athletics Climbing (+15%) Prowl (+20%) Running Swimming (+15%) Pilot Boat (+5%) - 511 -

Land Navigation (+5%) Lore: Demons and Monsters (+20%) Boat Building (+5%) Hunting Identify Plants and Fruits Skin and Prepare Animal Hides (+10%) Preserve Food Tracking (+15%) WP Spear WP Knife Hand to Hand: Expert (cannot be changed) RCC Related Skills: Select five other skills from the following list. Gain one more at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12. Communications: None Domestic: Any (+5%) Electrical: None Espionage: Any except Forgery (+5%) Mechanical: None Medical: Holistic Medicine only (counts as two skill selections) Military: None Physical: Any except Boxing and SCUBA (+5% where applicable) Pilot: Horsemanship only Pilot Related: None Rogue: Any except Computer Hacking, Find Contraband, and Streetwise Science: None Technical: Art (+5%), Language (+10%), Literacy, and Lores only WP: Any ancient at first level; any at second level and beyond Wilderness: Any (+10%) Secondary Skills: Choose five secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not receive the bonuses in parentheses. Equipment: Sepics carry little with them when they hunt, usually only a knife, a spear, some dried fruit and meat, some sacks, and an outfit of outworlder clothes. The knife and spear have been ensorceled by tribal magic-users to be indestructible. The knife does normal damage to mortals and SDC structures, but inflicts 1d4 MD plus the user's supernatural strength to supernatural beings, creatures of magic, and MDC materials. The spear acts in the same manner, but does 2d4 MD plus the user's supernatural strength. Money: Sepics have tradable items worth 1d4x100 credits. Cybernetics: None ever! Sepics cannot receive them, as they interfere with the link to the crocodile spirit. A Sepic who did not receive the Ritual of Crocodile Skin could take bionic implants, but they have the same effect on reptile empathy as they do on psionics. XP: Use the Dragon Hatchling experience table

Sex Fiend RCC

By: Ashlar

The Sex Fiend R.C.C.

By Saint Ryan The Sex Fiend is a demon from the twised dimensions of the Funk Daddy King. In it's natural form it is a grotesque reptillian creatrure with gigantic horns and scaly skin. The demon has intense eyes that resemble a revolving disco ball. Greenish-brown in color, the demon walks on two eagle-like legs. However, the demon only rarely, and when in great distress manifests itself into this form. The Sex Fiend ecology is sick and twisted. Instead of eating food to survive, the Sex Fiend sustains it's bodily functions by draining the sexual energies of it's victims. The emotions and concerns the victim feels feed the monstrosity. Not surprisingly, reproduction is a primary concern of the creature and fortunatly for the races of Rifts Earth, is not achieved easily. First, all true Sex Fiends are males. When a Sex Fiend unites with a female of almost any race, offspring are produced. Females become carriers of the Sex Fiend genes and become unusually lusty while males become actual Sex Fiends. Only first generation offspring may become Sex Fiends. (i.e. artificial insemination won't do the trick!) On very rare occasions, a normal male and female carrier of the Sex Fiend genes will produce a actual Sex Fiend but the odds are approximatly 1 in 10,000. Only 1 in a 100 offspring from true Sex Fiends become males. Unions between a female carrier and a true Sex Fiend produce males 1 in 10. Fortunatly, very few Sex Fiends have made it to Rifts Earth, and those that have are ruthlessly hunted not because people know of their true nature, but because they have a bad habit of knocking up other peoples wives. Alignment: Any . . . . but usually chaos orientated. - 512 -

Attributes: IQ-2 (limit of 1) ME:+1d6 MA:+1d6 PS:+1d4(supernatural) PP:+2d6 PE:+3d6 PB:(see special abilities) Spd:+2d6 Fly:1d4*10 MDC: 4d4*10 MHP: PE+1d6 per level (or just +1d6 MDC if not using MHP) HF: 13 in demon form ISP: 1d6*10 =10 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 PPE: 2d4*10 + 10 PPE every two levels Natural Abilities: 1) Limited Telepathy allows Sex Fiend to see victims most inner fantasies. 2) Shape changing allows Sex Fiend to morph into most desired features of the intended victim by utilizing aformentioned telepathy. This gives the Sex Fiend the highes rating possible for PB to all members of that race and 1/2 that to all other races. 3) Ability to reproduce with any sentinent race. 4) Enhanced Genital Region. Nuff said. (Goes along with #2) 5) Complete immunity to Venerial Diseases. 6) Immune to mind controlling or affecting psionics, magic, and other special abilities. 7) Sexavore. Nuff said. Vulnerabilities: 1) Allergic to Laytex. Any laytex comming into contact with the Sex Fiend calls for an immediate save versus toxins at -5 or death results in minutes. Extended contact means instant death. 2) If the Sex Fiend is not allowed to feed for 1 week, he instantly reverts to his true form and resorts to bestiallity and other such nonsense. After 2 weeks of starvation, the Sex Fiend dies. Influx of good beer may stop this for 1d4 days. 3) Irrevocably stuck in the seventies. Reveres Superfly as God. It's Disco or nothin'. 4) 1/2 PB attribute when not wearing a leisure suit or somthing of equal sleazyness. Combat: The Sex Fiend usually tries to charm any female opponents and then tries to convince them to attack any none-female opposition. Otherwise the Sex Fiend has no enhanced combat abilities beyond standard skills and it's special attack. The Sex Fiend does recieve 1 additional attack at levels 5, 10, and 15. Damage: Standard for supernatural creatures. Special: The Volcanic Ass Once per day, the Sex Fiend may ignite a large pocket of intestinal gas to shoot flame in a cone, 1' at the beggining, 6' at the end and 20' long. This supernatural fire does 2d6*10 MDC to anything caught in the blast radius. Alternatly, a projectile no larger than that of a Gerbil may be fired at a speed approaching Mach 7 to do 4d6*10 MDC to one opponent. Psionics: Mind Block, Sense Disgruntled Husband (same as Sense Evil but against Husbands only.) Magic: 6 of your choice! Average Lifespan: Unknown, none have survived more than 100 years due to nasty husbands and post office workers. Enemies: Disgruntled husbands and Post Office Workers just because theyre mean to everybody. Allies: Pimps Skills: RCC: WP: 4, your choice HTH: Expert Prowl: +20% Lang: 4 at 99% Other: Select 6 from any category except demolitions Secondary: Select 3 at level 1 Select 1 at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 Any categories without bonuses Equipment: 2 Weapons with 2 clips each when applicable. 1 pimped out street cruiser. clothes and backpack. 1 Swedish-made penis enlarger. Several Disco albums on vinal. Silken underpants and a movie camera. Money: 1d6*1000 Rumor has it that a Female version of the Sex Fiend exists named originaly the Sex Fiendess. If this is true, Earth is screwed but if you need me, I'll be waiting at the nearest Nexus with a high number of Sex Fiend(esses).

ShadowBorn R.C.C
By: Amos Barrows - 513 - The ShadowBorn: ------------------------The ShadowBorn are creatures from any species that were born with an affinity for the Shadow World. They can possess minor Shadow Magic, but not as natural abilities that they cannot explain. Most ShadowBorn are unaware of their powers until after they've started a life beyond childhood...particular if that life puts their life in danger (adventurers). Over time, their natural Shadow Power will manifest themselves and the ShadowBorn will grow closer to the Shadow World. Many ShadowBorn join one of the Shadow Orders...the good ones usually join The Nightsabres, while the bad ones join Kastur's Claw or Shade's Arcane. Almost every species can be a ShadowBorn..even dragons. It's not a matter of breeding, it's a matter of magical circumstance. ShadowBorn Abilities and Bonuses: +1D4x10 SDC or MDC +1 PE +50 foot Nightvision +1 save vs. HF After a ShadowBorn has chosen a path of life (OCC), roll of the followingtables to determine if Shadow Powers manifest and what they are. Chance Of Shadow Power Developing: Level 03: 50% Level 06: 65% Level 09: 80% Level 12: 95% Level 15: 100% If Shadow Power develops roll on table to determine which power develops (percentile): -All powers are equal to Shadow Spell of same name and start at level 1. -If a power is rolled twice (ie: same powered rolled at level 3 and 6) then just double the power of the spell. Blinding Flash: 01-10 Darkness: 11-15 Dispel Darkness: 16-20 Globe of Daylight: 21-25 Nightbringer: 26-30 Nightvision: 31-40 See Through Shadows: 41-50 Shadow Armor: 51-55 Shadow Bolt Greater: 56-58 Shadow Bolt: Lesser: 59-63 Shadow Meld: Greater: 64-66 Shadow Meld: Lesser: 67-71 Shadow Shield: 72-76 Shadow Spray: 77-81 Shadow Steed: 82-85 Shadow Weapon: 86-90 Shadow Whip: 91-95 True Light: 96-00

Shadowcaster OCC
By: Amos Barrows Shadowcaster OCC: -------------------------The Shadowcaster is a new type magic-user that was created by Shade. Shadowcasters are one of the only normal magic-users that also has access to spells from the Elemental Plane Of Shadows. The Shadowcaster is one of more prominent magic-using classes in Shade's Arcane. The Shadowcaster is a mix between a Line Walker and a Shadow Warlock. Abilities: 1. Sense Ley Line And magic Energy: Very much like normal Line Walker abilities. -Sense Ley Line: range: 1 mile per level of experience, locate: 15% + 5% per level - 514 -

-Sense Nexus: locate: 20% + 5% per level -Sense Rift: range: 5 miles + 1 mile per level -Sense Magic In Use: range: 50 feet per level of experience, twice range is magic is Elemental Shadow in nature 2. Ley Line Transmission: Same as #3 on page 83, RMB 3. Ley Line Phasing: Same as #4 on page 83, RMB. except: -Maximum number of phasings per hour is 2 -Maximum number of phasings per 24 hours 2 + 1 per every 2 levels of experience 4. Ley Line Rejuvenation: Same as #6 on page 84, RMB 5. Speak Elemental: same as #6 on page 60, Conversion Book. Except proficiency is at 50% + 5% per levek of experience (+ any IQ bonuses). 6. Sense Elementals: same as #7 on page 60, CB. Except range is 60 feet, sense presense at 15% + 4% per level of experience, 50% chance of seeing invisible elemental creatures. 7. Sense The Nature Of The Life Sign: -Can sense when night will fall, regardless of position (inside, outside, in cave, etc..) -Sense Shadow Creatures: range: 100 feet per level of experience 8. Initial Standard Spell Knowledge: Initial spell selection is based on apoint system. The Shadowcaster gets a number of selection points equal to his or her IQ. For every level gained, the Shadowcaster gets some many additional points equal to the level they just attained (ie: from 2nd to 3rd means 3 points). A spell has a point value equal to its level (ie: fireball has a point value of 6). The Shadowcaster much 'purchase' spells from the number of points they have available. -Ex: new shadowcaster, has IQ of 15, that's 15 points. He can choose all the 1st level spells, and 3 2nd level spells, or 7 2nd level spells and 1 1st level, or 1 15th level, or 1 10th level and 1 5th, and so on. Future spell selections are made the same way. These 'spell points' can be saved for future use. 9. Learning New Spells: As above. Shadowcasters CANNOT learn spells from scrolls, or boons, or the like. They must figure them out themself. The only way a Shadowcaster can learn a new spell other than by normal means is to go to a higher leveled Shadowcaster and have him or her teach it. 10. Shadow Spell Knowledge: Shadowcaster can actually cast Elemental: Shadow spells! They must learn the spell on their own, and cannot be tough it by ANYONE..even fellow Shadowcasters. A Shadowcaster gets 1 spell per level of experience, equal to but not exceeding his or her current level. IE: a 5th level Shadowcaster will have 5 Shadow Spells, with none being above 5th level in power (infact only 1 could possibly be equal to 5th level). 11. Casting Shadow Spells: It takes a Shadowcaster more energy to cast Shadow Spells. The PPE requirment for the spell is the listed PPE of the spell times 2. Ie: a 5th level spell that takes 20PPE for a Warlock will take 40 PPE for the Shadowcaster! 12. Magic Bonuses: +2 save versus Horror Factor, +4 against Shadow Creatures, +1 save vs. magic at levels 4, 8 and 12, +1 save vs. shadow magic at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15, +1 spell strength at levels 4, 8 and 12. 13. PPE: Base: 2D4x10+20 + PE, +2D6 PPE per level of experience. 14. Restrictions: ONLY ShadowBorn can become Shadowcasters. All alignments except Miscreant and Diabolical are allowed. Those two are banned. Attribute Requirments: IQ: 12, PE: 12, ME: 12 OCC Skills: Speak 2 additional languages of choice (+10%) Literate in 1 language of choice (+10%) Lore: Demon (+15%) (+25% when dealing with shadow creatures) Land Navigation (+5%) Wilderness Survival (+10%) 1 Piloting skill of choice (+5%) Math: Basic (+5%) 1 Ancient WP HtH:Basic can be selected for 1 other skill, Expert for 2, Martial Arts for 3 (or Assassin if appropriate). OCC Related Skills: Select 8, 1 must be from domestic, 1 must be from wilderness, 1 must be from technical, 1 must be from science. Plus select 2 additional at level 3, 1 at level 6, 1 at level 9, and 1 at level 12. Communication: Any Domestic: Any (+10%) Electrical: None Espionage: Any (+15%) Mechanical: None Medical: Any Military: None Physical: Any Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+10%) Science: Any (+10%) Technical: Any (+5%) - 515 -

WP: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: select 5 Standard Equipment: clothes, black hooded cape, light MDC armor, knapsack, backpack, 1D4 small sacks, 1 large sack, canteen, binoculars, mallet, 6 wooden stakes, tinted goggles or sunglasses, air filter/gas mask, flashlight, 1st aid kit, flint and charcoal, writing equipment Weapons: survival knife, automatic pistol or sub-machinegun, energy rifle, and 1 weapon that matches 1 of the character's WPs. Vehicle of choice: Dark Horse, or other Shadow Creature that can be ridden. Or hove craft if nothing else. Money: 3D4x1000 in credits, 2D4x1000 in black market items Cybernetics: None, ever. Prefers some form of Bio-Magic replacements/enhancements.

Shadow Wolf R.C.C.

By: Amos Barrows Shadow Wolves are an interesting derivative of Werewolves. They were created by the an arch-mage of great power, many centuries ago. The arch-mage created and activated a powerful magic circle, where the mage summoned and merged a wolfen, a shadow beast and a human, and endowed it with magical abilities to shift between a human form and a wolfen form. The arch-mage further enchanted the new creatures giving them an amazing array of powers, and making them bigger and stronger than normal werewolves in were/wolfen form. The result was a powerful creature of magic and shadows. Shadow Wolves are some of the greatest prowlers, and can sneak up on anything in nighttime. These creatures of much so that sunlight weakens them. In wereform the creatures coat is coal black, and the eyes are pure black, but shiny. When angered the creatures eyes glow red or blue depending on the creatures persona and tendency (alignment). In human form the eyes are still pure black and shiny, but never change color. Shadow Wolves usually wear sunglasses in human form, no matter where they are (unless amongst friends/allies/fellow Shadow Wolves/etc..). The eyes are the typical main way to identify a Shadow Wolf, but black eyes doesn't always mean Shadow Wolf. Instead the best and most reliable identification for a Shadow Wolf is, its shadow. IT HAS NONE! Regardless of conditions a Shadow Wolf NEVER casts a shadow. This can scare someone half-to-death if it catches them off-guard (Horror Factor 14...they have no idea what kind of creature would not cast a shadow). Most Shadow Wolves have a strange preference for black clothing, specifically trench coats or cloaks (hooded preferred). In human form all Shadow Wolves have black hair. The arch-mage didn't make too many, but it doesn't really matter because that was long ago. Though it may be worth noting the first one was neither male nor female! The arch-mage merged a male Wolfen with a female Human on the first attempt at Shadow Wolves. And there is some rumor that this original Shadow Wolf may still be alive. If easily be more powerful than ANY other Shadow Wolf in existence. Especially considering no one is quite sure how old the Shadow Wolf species really is. Human Form: Daytime (Base) IQ: 3D6, ME: 3D6, MA: 2D6, PS: 4D6, PP: 4D6, PE: 3D6, PB: 3D6, Spd: 3D6 Human Form: Nighttime (In addition to Daytime stats) IQ: -, ME: -, MA: +3, PS: Becomes supernatural, PP: +2, PE: +3, PB: -, Spd: +6 Wereform: Nighttime (In addition to Daytime stats) --Note: Cannot transform to Wereform during daytime IQ: -, ME: -, MA: +6, PS: Becomes supernatural and is +12, PP: +6, PE: +6, Spd: x2 Damage Capacity and Invulnerabilities and Regeneration: Human-Daytime: --MDC: (PE x 1D4+2) + (1D6 per Level) --Regenerates: 1D6 MD per Hour --Invulnerabilities: None (Beyond non-MDC weapons). --Vulnerabilities: Silver does normal damage Human-Nighttime: Include modifications --MDC: DaytimeMDC + (Adjusted PE x 2) --Regenerates: 1D6 per Minute --Invulnerabilities: ALL non-magical/non-psionic/non-silver MDC weapons inflict half damage. - 516 -

--Vulnerabilities: Silver does double damage, magic and psionic attacks/weapons inflict full damage Wereform-Nighttime: Include modifications --MDC: (Nighttime MDC x 2) + Adjusted PE --Regenerates: 1D4 per melee --Invulnerabilities: EVERYTHING...except silver, magic and psionic weapons/attacks --Vulnerabilities: Silver does triple damage, magic and psionic attacks/weapons inflict full damage Damage Capacity, Damage Taken and changing of forms (willing or not): --When a Shadow Wolf changes from one form to another, the actual damage taken DOES NOT transfer. Instead the percentage of damage that was done transfers. ex: Wereform has 100 MDC and takes 50 points damage. If the Shadow Wolf transforms to any other form, whatever the MDC of that form is is now at 50% of normal. This applies to all transformations. Natural Abilities: Human Form: Daytime (base) --Horror Factor: If the lack of a shadow is noticed: 14; If the eyes are noticed 16; If it is known the person is a Shadow Wolf: 18 --Shadow Meld: Unlimited duration, Prowl: +15%, -5 to be struck, detected by Infrared and Thermal Optics. --Night vision: Can see in total darkness --Bonuses: +2 save versus magic, +2 to save versus psionics, +4 to save versus horror factor. Human Form: Nighttime --Horror Factor: +1 to above --Shadow Meld: -6 to be struck, unlimited duration, can only be seen with Thermal Optics, Prowl +25% --Night Vision: Can see in total darkness, Can see person shadow melded, +5% Detect Concealment/Ambush, +1 perception, +3 to save against Illusions. --Combat Bonuses: +1 attack/action, +2 Dodge, +2 Strike, +2 Parry, +2 Roll, +1 save vs. magic and psionics (in addition to base), +2 save vs HF (in addition to base). Wereform: Nighttime --Takes one action to transform to Shadow Were. --Horror Factor: +3 to base --Super Shadow Meld: -7 to be struck, unlimited duration, cannot be seen even with thermal optics, Prowl +35%. Doesn't even need a shadow! Can shadow meld INTO the darkness. --Night Vision: Can see in total darkness, can see invisible (any..including those with shadow meld), +15% Detect Concealment/Ambush, +5 Perception, can see through illusions. --Combat Bonuses: +2 attack/action, +2, Initiative, +5 roll, +5 Dodge, +5 Strike, +5 Parry, Autododge (no bonuses ever), +3 save vs magic and psionics (to addition to base), +4 save vs HF (in addition to base). --Special Powers (Optional): At 5th Level the Shadow Wolf develops a Talent a la Nightspawn(bane)! Must be related to shadows. Can only be used in Wereform. Damage: See appropriate tables Wereform: --Claws: punch + 12 MD --Bite: punch + 4 MD O.C.C.s: Scholar and Adventures...with HEAVY preference toward Wilderness Scout/Ranger types for wilderness-based Shadow Wolves, and City Rat/Assassin types for City-based Shadow Wolves. Skills of Note: Detect Concealment: +5% Tracking: +10% Prowl: 45% (increases normally) HTH: Basic. Psionics: None Magic: None P.P.E.: 1D4x10 Height: --Human Form: 5-7 feet - 517 -

--Wereform: 6-9 feet Weight: 200-300 pounds (not ever fat though) Average Lifespan: 300+ Breeding: Shadow Wolves are an interesting species to say the least. They can breed with humans or wolfen, as well as themselves!! For a Shadow Wolf to breed (and produce an offspring), it must breed with a Human in human form and a Wolfen in a wereform. But...there are problems. First off there is only a 25% chance of producing an offspring, then there is only a 50% chance it will be a Shadow Wolf, else it'll be a normal Human or Wolfen (depending on form mating occurred). When a female Shadow Wolf is about to give birth, she will transform to the appropriate form depending on paternal species (Wereform for Wolfen father, Human for Human father). She has NO control over the transformation and will go to Wereform even in daytime! As for inter-Shadow Wolf breeding there is no problem...child will be a Shadow Wolf and will be delivered without a forced form change. As for birth appearance...if the child is by Human or Wolfen mother and is not a Shadow Wolf, then birth is normal..and the child is basically normal. But for Shadow Wolf children, when they are born they appear to be an odd mix between Wereform and human form. Non-Shadow Wolf Offspring: Shadow Wolf offspring that were not Shadow Wolves, still have a chance to be Shadow Wolves! After a non-Shadow Wolf child reaches maturity, it may become a full Shadow Wolf on a full moon night, Full Solar Eclipse or Full Lunar Eclipse. On a full moon night, the child will be racked with headaches and may become a Shadow Wolf (roll versus Insanity with a +5 bonus in addition to ME bonuses, failure means becoming a Shadow Wolf). On a Full Solar Eclipse, being in the shadow of the moon (thou still in daytime) the chances are more likely to become a Shadow Wolf (roll versus Insanity with ME bonuses only, failure means becoming a Shadow Wolf). But Full Lunar Eclipses are the most powerful, with chances being even greater! (roll versus Insanity with NO bonuses at all).

Shield Knight
By: DreamSmith

Shield Knight (An alternative to Cyber-Knights) O.C.C.

(Based loosely on the CyberKnight O.C.C. by K. Siembieda, and very much on a comic book character who shall remain nameless) A few years before the coming of the Rifts, the world was in a period of near chaos. Radical new technologies were being developed at a feverish pace, and put into full-scale production before they were fully understood. The Juicer and Crazy conversions were examples of this; incomplete technologies, producing powerful warriors, who then became dangerous madmen or lived briefly and died horribly. In the United States, a little-known series of projects designed to produce Super-Soldiers had been quietly making progress for over a century. First used during world war II, the program suffered many setbacks, but was repeatedly renewed = for funding by various Presidents and influential military leaders. After all, they KNEW the project could produce extraordinary fighting men, they had a living legend for proof. Finally, the ultimate breakthrough was made. Latent psychics were = subjected to a program of drug therapy and Genetic Manipulation that turned them into fighters of amazing strength, speed and resiliance. The Super-Soldier fell short of the Juicer in raw physical ability, but this conversion extended their lifespan instead of = shortening it, and granted 20 them psychic powers rivaling those of a Crazy, and without the annoying insanities. Additionally, their ability to absorb physical punishment surpassed any conventional Juicer. After the government began to produce the Super-Soldiers in numbers, the veil of secrecy around the project became impossible to maintain. Soon thereafter the research underlying the Super-Soldier conversion was stolen, but in incomplete = form. This flawed=20 version became the basis for the Mega-Juicer conversion. The United States government began to deploy Super-Soldiers in critical = security areas, as well as using them to control rioting by rogue Juicers and Crazies. Armed with High-Tech weaponry designed expressly for them, they were extremely successful, and gained great popularity with the civilian population. When the Rifts came, many Super-Sodiers and their support personnel were stationed in fortified military installations. Despite the incredible destruction that followed, many of these individuals survived. The PPE rich environment only increased their powers, transforming them into MDC beings. They labored tirelessly to protect the survivers of the cataclysim, and over the ensuing decades they were responsible for saving tens of thousands of lives. Eventually the surviving members of the program made contact with each other, and established a base of operations in the least damaged and most extensive military installation that remained. They designated this location "Stronghold". Their technical personnel rebuilt the equppment for the Super-Soldier conversion, and were able to duplicate most of the special weaponry as well, including the all-important Shields. Over the centuries, the Shield Knights (as they have become known) have striven to protect civilians by countering monster incursions, as well as battling bandits and evil warlords. In recent decades, the Coalition has become the most frequently battled foe, with Shield Knights fighting individually, and in groups of scores and even hundreds against this tyrannical empire. The Knights fight - 518 -

the battles they can win, refusing to commit suicide by taking their enemy head-on. Some few dozen Knights have turned away from their code to become mercenaries or evil tyrants, but an overwhelming majority stay true till their deaths. Thanks to their conversions, these warriors can remain in their fighting prime for a century or more! Many Shield Knights have been protectors of a given village or town for generations. Most Shield Knights are found in North America, but individuals roam every continent on earth. Alignment: Any, Usually Principled or Scrupulous, some few are Aberrant, rare individuals are Selfish or Miscreant. The Super-Soldier Process bestows the following enhancements, and the training that accompanies his indoctrination grants the mental attribute bonuses. ISP: 3D4x10+25, +2D6+3/Level Recover 5D6 ISP/Hour MDC: PEx2, +2D4 MD/Level Attribute Bonuses: +3D4 PS (Minimum 18)=20 +3D6 PP (Minimum 21) +3D4 PE (Minimum 18) +1D4 MA +2D4 ME +2 Initiative One additional Attack +2D4x10 on Spd The process can only be performed upon Humans, and near-Humans such as Ogres and True 20 Atlanteans (Atlanteans do not gain increased lifespan). Only those whose bodies have reached physical maturity can safely undergo the conversion; Humans must be at least 17 or 18 years of age. As a result of the alterations to the individual at the cellular level, he receives the following benefits: He has five times the endurance of a person with the same PE He ages at one-fifth the normal rate for someone of his race He regenerates 1D4 MD per Hour Immunity to all conventional Disease Able to Lift double the weight of a normal person with his PS +2 on all Saving Throws, +5 to save vs. Toxic Gases, Poisons, Drugs Leap 10' Vertical, 20' Horizontal Effectivly Immune to climatic extremes of heat and cold, though the Knight still needs to eat, drink and breathe. Side Effects/Limitations The Knight requires a daily food intake of around 8,000 calories, more if extremely active. The genetic alterations to the body render the Knight less fertile than a normal human. In rare cases they have fathered (or mothered) children, but in all such cases the child is a normal, SDC human. Armor Encumbrance: Mobility is life for a Shield Knight. Wearing any armor with rigid plates will cancel the Knight's Extra Melee attack. Additionally, heavy armor will impose penalties on the Knight's fighting style. Treat the Prowl penalty of the armor as the negative penalty to Strike (in Melee), Parry, Dodge and Block. Power Armor can be used, but: Armor in which the Knight has only Robot Combat; Basic, will result in the loss of 2 attacks/melee, as well as halving the Knight's bonuses to = Strike, Parry, Dodge and Block. Armor in which the Knight has Robot Combat; Elite, will not impose any = of=20 these penalties. Special Abilities The Shield Knight's fists inflict damage as if the character had a supernatural strength. Damage is SDC vs. SDC beings, and MDC vs. MDC beings. The power will inflict damage to the body armor of living beings, but has no effect on power armor, Borgs, or robots. This ability requires no PPE or ISP to use. Psionic Powers: The conversion process awakens the latent psionic powers of the individual, resulting in the following: 2 Sensitive powers at first level, plus one additional sensitive power at third, sixth, ninth and twelth levels. Automatic Psionic Powers Telekinetic Shield Resonance Isp Cost: 2/Melee (Base), Additional cost for Special Attacks This power is a combination of minor telekinetic effects, tuned to the unique material of the Shield. Effectively, the Knight is adding his telekinetic strength to that of his muscles, allowing him to strike harder and more swiftly. Also, the material of the Shield itself alters when the Knight's power infuses it, becoming something that resembles (at least from the receiving end of the damage it inflicts,) a Psi-Sword. Melee Attacks with the shield inflict 2D6 MD per level of Experiance, + 1/2 Strength Bonuses Attacks with the Shield "Cold" (Non-Resonating) inflict 2D6 SDC, plus strength bonus. Special Attack: Increase Damage; +1D6 MD per 1 ISP, or +1D6x10 SDC per 1 ISP. Maximum Enhancement: Up to 2 extra dice per Level of Experiance Throws backed by TK can inflict up to 1D6 MD per level ofExperiance, Range: 100'/Level.

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Attacks made with a "Cold" Shield inflict 1D6 SDC, + Strength Bonus. Propelled by Telekinesis, the shield travels at (Knight's Level x50) feet per phase. Special Attack: Increase Damage; +1D6 MD per 2 ISP, or +1D6x10 SDC per 1 ISP. Maximum Enhancement: Up to 2 extra dice per Level of Experiance Regeneration (Shield) Damage to the Shield will regenerate at 10 MDC per melee round while the Shield Resonance power is active. Expending extra ISP will increase the rate of Regeneration. For every point of ISP, the Shield will recover (Knight Level x10) points of MegaDamage. Willing the Shield whole requires concentration, costing the Knight two Melee actions each time it is done. The Knight can choose to intentionally tune the frequency of his telekinetic resonance to counter that of his Shield. This will Decrease the MDC of his Shield by (Knight Level x20) per ISP point expended. This is only used to suicide in a truly spectacular manner. Telekinesis, Minor, Duration 1 Minute/Level, (LevelxLevel) Pounds per ISP, Range: 20'per level Telekinesis, Self: Duration 1 Melee Action, ISP Cost: Special Allows the Shield Knight to telekineticly lift/hurl his own body, allowing the character to leap farther and higher, and/or Dodge more effectively. (Allows the Knight to change directions in mid-air, achieve octuple somersaults, etc Level Requirement 1st 2 ISP: 15'vertical, 30' Horizontal; +1 Dodge, +2 Roll w/Impact 2nd 4 ISP: 20'vertical, 40' Horizontal; +2 Dodge, +4 Roll w/Impact 3rd 6 ISP: 25'vertical, 50' Horizontal; +3 Dodge, +6 Roll w/Impact 4th 8 ISP: 30'vertical, 60' Horizontal; +4 Dodge, +8 Roll w/Impact 5th 10 ISP: 35'vertical, 70' Horizontal; +5 Dodge, +10 Roll w/Impact T-K Barrier, 10 ISP, Duration: 1 Minute/Level, Surrounds the Knight with a MDC Force Field, 10 MD/Level Re-Manifesting the shield once knocked down doubles the ISP cost each time. Fighting Style W.P. Shield (Melee): +4 to Strike/Parry/Block with shield at first level, with an additional +1 to Strike/Parry/Block with the =09 Shield at Levels 3,5,7,9,10, and 12. AutoBlock with Shield, no more than one block per combat phase. +2 Initiative when using the Shield, plus an additional +1 Initiative for a PP of 22, and for every two additional points (24, 26, etc) +1 Attack when the Shield is used for the first two strikes that round. =20 +1 to Strike (in Ranged Combat) for a PP of 18, and an additional +1 for a PP of 20,22,24,26, and 28. These are in addition to the normal bonuses. Experiance Table: As Cyber-Knight O.C.C. Skills: Literacy (+20%) Language: American (98%) Dragonese/Elf (98%) Language (+30%) Math, Basic Computer Operation Demon Lore (+20) Paramedic (+10%) Land Navagation (+10%) Horsemanship (+15%) Climbing (+10%) Body Building Gymnastics (+10%) Swimming (+10%) Weapon Systems (+5%) W.P. Shield W.P. Ancient (Select One) W.P. Modern (Select Three) Hand to Hand Skill of Choice O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10 other skills, but at least three must = be selected from the=20 physical skill list. Communications: Any Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic Only Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanical: Automotive only Medical: None, other than Paramedic - 520 -

Military: Any Physical: Any (+10% where applicable) Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Any Science: Any Technical: Any W.P. Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character also begins with 6 additional skills = from the previous list.=20 These skills do not receive the bonus in parenthesis. Training The training of the Shield Knight will typically begin when the character is 15 to 18 years old. He or she can ask a wandering Knight to take them in for training, and provided the situation (and the kid's parents) allow it the Knight may accept. They will then hang out, or travel, or whatever, while the Knight trys to gauge the kid's temperment (Alignment). After a couple of months, he should have a fairly clear picture of the person's attitudes. Should he feel the youngster shows promise, he can then take steps to begin training on his own (provided the Knight is based in a town or city, and feels that this is relatively safe), or he can take the initiate to StrongHold, to be trained by the resident Knights. The initial training concentrates on education, and can last between one to three years. Languages, mathmatics, and basic technological and medical skills are the main courses. Also undertaken is a discipline of mental training designed to increase the power of the individual's will, and to awaken any latent Psionic abilities. During this period, the student is carefully monitored, his or her physical, mental, and emotional condition evaluated by experts. Those who "wash out" of the program are given a series of treatments to erase their memories of StrongHold (99.4% successful). They are then released in a town some distance away, with 5D6x1000 credits in their pocket. They are watched for several weeks, to insure they adjust to their mysterious loss of time. If they have trouble, some kind of help will probably "happen to turn up". Those who do well, and who seem to genuinely want to help and protect others, move on to the next phase; the conversion. During a period of 3 months, the individual is subjected to th conversion process, and their body undergoes radical changes. Physical strength, agility and endurance are greatly enhanced. The body becomes a MDC structure, able to heal injury with remarkable speed. His Psionic abilities manifest in full, granting him all the powers of the O.C.C. After the individual has come to accept his new body and mental abilities, he is shown how to use them, with an intensive period of physical and combat training lasting not less than one year. The initiate learns the use of weapons (including, of course, the Shields), as well as gymnastics, horsemanship and martial arts. At the end of this period, the Initiate is officially a Knight, and is presented with his Shield. At this point the Knight is free to do as he wishes. He may decide to travel as a lone wanderer, or to join a group of adventurers. The only thing he is absolutely forbidden to do is to reveal the location of StrongHold. As he travels he will frequently encounter other Shield Knights, usually those who have established themselves as the protectors of a village or town. There they can exchange news, rest in safety, and re-equip themselves from the caches of gear these Knights maintain (supplied by secret shipments from StrongHold). These Knights usually maintain at least a tenuous link to their superiors, and can pass along general information and orders from StrongHold. Shield Knights who, after departing StrongHold, change alignment to something Selfish or Evil will likely find themselves without these sources of support. Word of any attrocities WILL spread, as such behavior is known to be out of line for a Shield Knight. Any Knights met will be likely to demand an explanation of such behavior, and refuse the character any aid. Only by going before the Knights at StrongHold and pleading his case might such black marks be removed from his record. The Shield The Knight's symbol and primary weapon is The Shield. The Shield is the result of a Quantum Theory breakthrough shortly before the coming of the Rifts. It was discovered that a portion of subspace could be transformed into an energy matrix, that when overlaid upon normal matter, enhanced the strength of the molecular bonds, making the material even more ultra-tough than the Glitter Boy armor. Unfortunately this process was flawed. The energy matrix proved unstable, rapidly deteriorating over the course of a few days. Worse, once the energy matrix dissipated, the molecular bonds of the treated material weakened, then shattered spontaineously, creating a small nuclear blast! Through pure coincidence it was discovered that the psionic powers of individuals altered by the Super Soldier program operated on a similar "frequency" as the energy matrixes created by the scientists. Only a Shield Knight, periodically reinforcing the energy fields with his Psi powers, could safely bear objects created with this process. Even better, that same Psi-Energy causes the material to regenerate, allowing the Knight to restore the Shield to perfect condition despite the wear and tear inflicted upon it by combat. The secret of the process involved in creating these items is a closely guarded secret, known only to a handful of individuals within Stronghold. Incidentally, the Knight can change the color of the shield, altering the surface on the molecular level by using their Psionic Resonance power. Most Knights have some form of personal symbol on their Shield, though some go with plain silver or black. MDC: 2D4x100, +100/Knight's Level Size: 40" in Diameter Weight: 15lbs - 521 -

Damage Form Effect on Shield Kinetic 1/10th Normal Damage Energy 1/10th Normal Damage Heat No Damage Psionics Full Damage Magic 1/2 damage, Knight saves vs. Magic for 1/4 damage Rune Weapons Full Damage (from melee attacks, for magic or energy = effects, see above) Each 12 hour period during which the Shield is not resonated it loses = 10 MDC. A Shield which is reduced to 0 MDC cannot be repaired or regenerated. A Shield which drops to 0 MDC because of neglect will explode, inflicting damage equal to its maximum MDC in a radius of 500', then half, quarter and eighth damage to each successive 250' radius ring. A Shield which is reduced to 0 MDC in combat is rendered a mass of mangled metal, useless in combat. 1-10 hours later it will explode, as above. Needless to say, thieves who manage to steal a shield will seldom live to tell the tale. If the shield is used to block a Kinetic Mega-Damage attack, 25% of the initial damage (not the 1/10th inflicted TO the Shield) will transfer through the shield to the wielder's arm and body (A= normal man blocking the fist of a giant with an indestructible shield would still be crushed like a bug). Only a Shield Knight, with his Telekinetic Resonance with the Shield, is able to block attacks safely. Kinetic MegaDamage will transfer thru the shield when held by a Shield Knight, but when his TK Resonance is active, his power will negate 5 points of MegaDamage bleedthru per level of experiance. Damage in excess of the safe maximum will cause injury to the character, typically to his shield arm and torso in equal amounts. Each point of damage to the arm will cause a penalty of -1 to Strike and Block in melee, or -2 to strike with Shield throws. Shield Knight's Level Maximum Safe Block (Kinetic Only) 1st 23 MDC 2nd 43 MDC 3rd 63 MDC 4th 83 MDC 5th 103 MDC Standard Equipment: The Shield, Two Battle Gauntlets (choose type), A = suit of light MegaDamage Armor, A modern pistol or rifle of choice, 3 ammo clips for it, one Ancient Weapon of choice, Backpack, 7-Day supply of High-Calorie food concentrate, a 2liter canteen, Robot Horse or HoverCycle or Motorcycle, First-Aid Kit, RMK Robot Medical Kit, Compu-Drug Dispenser (Loaded with various Antibiotics, Pain Killers and Anti-Venoms), 3 Tubes of Protein Salve, a coil of rope, and a shaving kit. Money: The Knight starts with 5D6x1,000 in Credit and 2D6x100 Gold Coins. Cybernetics: Identification Implant; a tiny device which responds to RF (Radio Frequency)challenges, transmitting hardwired passcodes which give the Knight clearance to enter both the defensive perimeter and structures of StrongHold, and other, Pre-Rifts United States military installations. This would include such locations as The Lone Star Complex. These clearances are hardwired into the equipment of such installations, and cannot be eliminated by reprogramming. This ability to enter does not give the Knight the ability to order the complex in any way, that requires a normal attempt at computer programming. Also, the clearance of the Shield Knight does not prevent the facility from attacking other, unauthorized individuals accompanying him. Mnemonic Protection Implant: A device implanted in the Knight's brain, as a protection against the possibility of torture. The Coalition has captured a dozen Knights over the years, but despite long and imaginative sessions of torture, they have not learned the location of StrongHold. The reason is the Mnemonic implant, which, when triggered, irrevocably erases all memory of certain subjects. Mental conditioning, administered during their initiation, groups all reference to classified material in the areas of the mind that will, if necessary, be eliminated. The implant is triggered by an act of will, by any attempt to remove it, or by a period of unconciousness lasting longer than 48 hours. If the Knight survives the situation that triggered the implant, he remembers what happened,(his capture, or torture, or whatever), and he recognizes that certain events and information have been forgotton. He must then find another Knight, convince him/her that everything is cool, and have them fill him in on what he forgot (which might take some convincing; thi= guy might be a Coalition agent, after all). Many Shield Knights will also have a Multi-Optic Eye, which serves to augment their only-human senses. More invasive cyber implants will impair the Knight's Psionic Abilities. Standard Equipment for a Shield Knight includes several weapons whose designs date from before the time of the Rifts, when the original members of the program were intended to battle enemy agents and protect civilians. These weapons are custom-made by the Armorers of Stronghold, and presented to the Knight by the leader of his order. BattleGauntlet: Designed in the Pre-Rifts era by Government contractors specifically for the Shield Knight program, this is a multifunction weapon intended to give the user a variety of responses to varying levels of threat. The Gauntlet covers the wearer's hand and forearm, custom-fitted with such precision that there is no loss of dexterity. Mass: 4.6 pounds, MDC: 25 The systems which use energy are powered by an Energy Cell that is recharged by small solar collectors on the Gauntlet. The Cell holds 50 "Units" of power, and recharges 5 units per hour it is exposed to sunlight. There are two types of Battle Gauntlet. Most Shield Knights use one of each, but many use two of the same type. A few use neither, preferring to rely on more common weaponry. The weapon systems of the Gauntlets are as follows: - 522 -

Dexter (Right) Neural Stunner: When active, this system can incapacitate SDC beings without harming them. Any melee strike which touches bare skin or SDC armor requires the target to save vs. PE at -10. Failure indicates the person is stunned senseless for 5D6 Minutes. (Juicers save at +6, and if stunned they recover in 1D4 Melees) Energy Cost: .2/Hit VTR Cannon: A projectile weapon whose double barrels are mounted on the wearer's forearm. The VTR (Variable Threat Response) Cannon can fire single shots, or bursts of 5 rounds. Ammunition is stored in 15 chambers, each holding 5 rounds (75 total). The wearer can switch the ammo feed with a flick of his fingers, = allowing him to choose the appropriate level of force for any given encounter. Range: 1,000' Ammo Type Single Burst Stun (Rubber) 2D4 SDC 6D4 SDC Standard or Silver 5D4 SDC 3D4x5 SDC Ramjet/AP 2D6 MD 6D6 MD A bandolier can hold 30 of these mini-clips, each holding 5 rounds. Laser Sword: The gauntlet can generate a static phase-field of high-density photonic plasma (laser energy). This is manifested as a straight shaft of light emerging from the clenched fist. The sword's length can be adjusted from 12 to 36 inches, and it is solid to impacts from other weapons. Damage: 6D6 MD Energy Cost: 5 per Melee Round Sinister (Left) Neural Stunner: When active, this system can incapacitate SDC beings without harming them. Any melee strike which touches bare skin or SDC armor requires the target to save vs. PE at -10. Failure indicates the person is stunned senseless for 5D6 Minutes. (Juicers save at +6, and if stunned they recover in 1D4 Melees) Energy Cost: .2/Hit Variable Intensity/Frequency Laser: The gauntlet contains a high-enery laser system. The intensity can be adjusted from that of a small flashlight, to that of a starfighter cannon. The laser is variable-frequency, and can be adjusted to have full effect upon laser-resistant armor. One drawback to packing a weapon of this power into something as small as a gauntlet is that there is no room for proper heat dissipation systems. As a result, the wearer will suffer a burn injury equal to 1/100th of the damage the weapon inflicts. (MegaDamage beings will suffer damage only on 20 the highest setting). Illumination Charges Used 20'Beam or 5'Radius 1 per Hour 50'Beam or 15'Radius 1 per 30 Minutes 500'Beam or 100'Radius 1 per 20 Minutes 5000'Beam or 500'Radius 1 per 10 Minutes Laser Effects Range Charges Used 1 SDC 10' 1 per 10 Minutes 1D6 SDC 500' 1 per Minute 5D6 SDC 500' 1 per Melee Round 1D6x10 SDC 750' 1 (per shot) 5D6x10 SDC 1,000' 2 per shot 1D6 MD 1,000' 2 per shot 5D6 MD 1,500' 10 per shot 2D6x10 MD 2,000' 50 per shot Armor: One common type of Shield Knight armor is a MegaDamage scale mail.20 AR: 16 (Covers Torso,=20 Arms, and Legs to the Knees) MDC: 25 Weight: 12 Lbs Excellent Mobility, no Prowl Penalty! SA-75 Body Armor This armor is a combination of light padding and layers of scalemail/chainmail. Protection and mobility are maximized, resulting in a fairly heavy = suit. AR: 16, 19 with cowl up MDC: 40 Main Body 16 Arms Weight: 30lbs 8 Head 20 Legs ForceField: 75 MDC; Modified Naruni System. Powered for 10 Hours per E-Clip. Mobility: Individuals with a PS of 17 or less suffer -10% to climb and Prowl.20 Those with a PS of 18 or higher suffer no penalties.

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Shining Ones RCC

By: Brian Joyce All Right. Since nobody has told me that a copy of this already exists, I'll assume its one of a kind and post it. Just for the record, the idea of this was taken from the trilogy called"The Tamuli" by David Eddings, so he owns the concept. The Shining Ones or "Delphae R.C.C. For use with the Rifts RPG The Delphae, or "Shining Ones as they are more commonly known, have become somewhat of a children's horror story, like the Vampire or the Werewolf. They were said to be beings which glowed brighter than the sun, and whose touch caused death and decay, and they loved to prey on children, etc.The Delphae were, in fact, originally Humans who worshiped a powerful god named Edaemus. But because they worshipped this particular God, they were outcast and hunted. In order to protect his worshippers, Edaemus gathered them all into a valley, and concealed it with magic. They, he enchanted the waters of the Delphae's only source of water, giving them a number of spectacular and powerful magic abilities. The Delphae now live in seclusion, with only an occasional traveler going out, and of these, only a small fraction finding their way to other worlds. All Delphae are constantly journeying towards a state of enlightenment, with Edaemus leading the way. When the Delphae eventually reach this goal, they will transform into pure light, vanishing into the cosmos, never to be seen or heard from again. In game terms, this means, when the character reaches 15th level, bam, he's gone. In the meantime, the Delphae wander the land, using their abilities for good (contrary to rumor, they are almost never evil). The Delphae R.C.C. Alignment: Any, but never Miscreant or Diabolic, and almost never Anarchist or Abberrant. Horror Factor: None when not glowing. 13 when glowing, and 16 when using the death touch. Average Size and Weight: Same as Human Average Life Span: 500 Years Attributes: IQ: 3d6+2, ME: 4d6+3, MA: 3d6, PS: 3d6, PP: 3d6+1, PE: 4d6, PB: 3d6+4, Spd: 3d6 PPE: 2d6X10+30+4d6 per level of experience. MDC: 2d4X10+20+1d6 per level of experience. Natural Abilities: Nightvision 300ft, See the Invisible, Sense Rifts, Ley Lines, and Nexuses (Same as Ley Line Walker), Bio-Regenerate 1d4 MDC per Hour. Manipulate Light: The Delphae can control the way their Body emits light. In their normal state, the Delphae emit as much light as a couple good torches. However, they can control this emission, with varying effect. By expending 20 PPE, the Delphae can, for 1 hour, becomeinvisible. This form of invisibility is so potent that creatures who can normally see the invisible will find that this is NOT the case here. However, this only applies to visual light. Thermo Imaging, Radar, and other modern sensory methods will reveal the character (who is, in fact, just bending the light around him/her self). All the other usual restrictions to invisibiliy apply. At the opposite end, the character can emit as much light as the sun. It costs no PPE, and is, in fact, very comfortable for the character. In the middle, the character can manipulate light in such a way as to change the colors or him/her self, and any objects within 10 feet. This color change costs 5 PPE per hour. To prevent the character from emitting light, it costs 2 PPE per hour. Death Touch: If the Delphae so wills it, his touch can cause living or once-living substances to decay! Damage is 1d6 MD, plus another 1d6 MD at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. This damage CANNOT be regenerated for an entire year, except through the restoration spell. Limited Telepathy: The Delphae can read the thoughts and memories of others within the Delphae's line of sight. Mind Blocks will NOT stop this probe. However, it requires 5 minutes of meditation per ever 3 levels of the victim. In order to get coherent thoughts/memories, the probe must last for 10 minutes per level of the victim, +20 minutes if the victim is drunk. Insane people cannot be probed coherently. PPE cost: 5 per minute (including meditation time and duration of probe). Mystical Invisibility: The Delphae CANNOT be detected by any psionic or magical means, TW devices included. This ability always extends in a 5 foot radius around the character. (Also Note, the "Holeo/oo in mystical detection isn't in and of itself visible, so smack any PCs that try to be this clever). Psionics: None Combat: 3 + Hand to Hand Skill and other bonuses. Magic: Starts with 3 spells selected from each of the levels 1-4, for a total of 12. The Delphae selects 1 additional spell per each - 524 -

additional level of experience, of a level less than or equal to the characters current level. RCC Skills: Literate American 98% 2 Languages of Choice +20% Basic Math 98% Advanced Math 2 Domestic Skills of choice +10% Detect Ambush +10% Detect Concealment +10% Wilderness Survival +10% Holistic Medicine or First Aid +15% Demon Lore +10% Faerie Lore +10% Magic Lore +10% HtH: Basic HtH: Basic may be upgraded to expert at a cost of 2 "othero/oo skills, or Martial Arts at a cost of 3 "other skills. RCC Related Skills: Select 5 "other skills. Select an additional 2 other skills at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. Communications: Any Domestic: Any (+10%) Espionage: Any Physical: Any (+5% where applicable) Pilot: Horsemanship only Pilot Related: Navigation only (+5%) Rogue: Any except Hacking Science: Any Technical: Any except Computer Programming (+15%) WP: Any Wilderness: Any (+10%) Secondary Skills: Select 3 at level 1, 4, 8, 10, and 12, from the categories above. Standard Equipment: Wilderness equipment (tent, flint and tinderbox, etc.), 2 weeks' worth of rations, 1 weapon of choice. Money: 2d6X100 credits worth of tradeable goods. Cybernetics: Never!!!!!

Shocker R.C.C.
You've all seen the Buster, and his psionic control of fire and heat. You may have seen my Icer R.C.C., with his psionic control of ice, snow, and cold. As you may have guessed, here is the Shocker. This R.C.C. has psionic control of electricity. Attribute Requirements: IQ 6, ME 11, PP 7, SPD 7 P.P.E.: 3D6 Psionics: Chose 2 powers from each category but Super, and get the following special powers: Impervious to Electricity: Even MD damage bolts (Particle Weapons) do NO damage. Ion weapons do only 1/2. Laser weapons do 3/4 damage. Shield from Electricity: A shield can be erected that blocks electricity. It has the same effect as the above power on MD weapons. RNG: 20 feet +3 feet per level of experience. ISP: 5 Duration: 3 minutes +1 minute per level of the Shocker Lightning Storm: The ability to create a freak lightning storm. This makes the weather turn nasty and a storm to appear. It's just a normal lightning storm, but they're still lethal. RNG: 50 feet or 2 miles ISP: 3 or 20, Duration: 3 minutes or 30 minutes. Electric Blast: The ability to shoot a bolt of lightning at an opponent. RNG: 200 feet for SDC, 700 Feet for MD, DMG: 3d6 SDC, 5d6 SDC, 1d4 MD, 2d6MD, 4d6 MD, 1d6x10 MD, ISP: 3, 5, 6, 9, 13, 25. I.S.P.: 3d4x10 ISP (+7 per level of experience) Regains 3 ISP per hour of activity, regains 10 ISP per hour of rest/meditation. Bonuses: +1 vs. psionics and magic, +2 to Dodge, +1d6x5 to SPD, +1d4 to PP, +1d6 to SDC. R.C.C. Skills: Language: Chose 1 at 85% - 525 -

Radio: Basic (+20%) Basic Electronics (+40%) General Athletics HTH: Basic (Can be switched to Expert for 4 Other Skills.) 1 WP of choice R.C.C. Related Skills: Chose 4 Other skills. Chose 2 more at levels 3, 5, 8, 11, and 14. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Any (+20%) Espionage: Wilderness Survival (+10%) Mechanical: Automotive, Mechanical Engineer (The latter Counts as 3 skills, not available as a secondary skill.) Medical: First Aid or Paramedic (+5%)(Paramedic counts 2 skill selections) Military: Any (+5%) Physical: Any but Acrobatics, Boxing, and Wrestling Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue Skills: Any Science: Chemistry and Basic and Advanced Mathematics (+5%) Technical: Any (+10%) WP: Any Wilderness: Land Navigation (+5%) Secondary Skills: Chose 3 skills from the list above without bonuses. Standard Gear: Light MD body armor of choice, MD laser pistol or vibro-dagger. Clothes, boots, sunglasses or tinted goggles,canteen, backpack. Credits: Starts with 1d4x50 Credits. Cybernetics: Will never get cybernetic nor bionic augmentation. May consider cybernetics to replace lost body parts or for other medical reasons. Xp table: Use the same table as the Burster.

Silver Ball R.C.C.

The Silver Ball is a race of highly intelligent sphere-shaped bipeds that are powerful psionics. They have no home world and are megaverse explorers. They seem to have no real love, they just like to wander and explore. Silver balls have no sex, cannot reproduce unless they are at least 3000 years old, and have no features except a silver ball shaped body with a slant on the front for an eye, and two thin arms and two thin legs with bird like feet. Alignment: Any, but few are evil and most (about 70%) are Unprincipled. Attributes: IQ 5D6+3, ME 4D6+4, MA 3D6, PS 2D6, PP 2D6+2, PE 3d4, PB 4D6, Spd 1d6x10. M.D.C.: 1d6x25 +5 per level of experience Awe: 7 Magic: When rolling up your Silver Ball, roll 1d10. On a 1-3: The character has no magic and only 2d4 PPE. Add 10 MDC and 1 to PS and SPD. On a 4-8: The character can chose 3 first level spells, with an additional spell at levels 3, 7, and 10. The levels you can chose from are: at level 3, spell levels 1 and 2, at level 7, spell levels 1-4, at level 10, spell levels 1-6. The character has 1d4x10 +10 PPE to begin with and gains 3 PPE per level of experience. On a 9 or 0 (10): The character can chose 5 spells from levels 1-3. At level 3 and 5, chose 2 spells from levels 1-5. At level 7, chose 1 spell from levels 1-8. At level 12, chose 3 spells from level 1-11. Base PPE is 2d6x10 +5 per level of experience. -1 PS and -5 MDC. Psionics: When creating your silver ball, roll 1d12. On a 1: The silver ball may only chose 1 psionic from the sensitive category and only has 1d4 ISP, +1 per level of experience. Add 1 - 526 -

to PS and 5 to MDC. On a 2-4: The character may chose 2 psionics from all categories but super. The character has 2d6+ME ISP to begin with, and gains 2 per level of experience. On a 5-10: The character may chose 3 psionics from all categories but super. Plus the character gets PSI-SWORD at level 5. Base ISP is 1d4x10+ME. Add 3 per level of experience. Note: That on both the above two, that's 2 and 3 from each category as in you chose 2 from Sensitive., 2 from Physical, and 2 from healer. Note: You only get 2 from all three. Thus, a 2-4 really has 6 psionics, and a 5-10 has 9 (10 with psi-sword). On a 11 or 12: The character may chose 4 psionics from each category but Super (In the same way as described above, so a total of 12). The character also gets 2 super psionics at level 1. Base ISP is 2d4x10+ME, add 5 ISP per level of experience. At level 3, 7, 9, and 12, chose 1 psionic from any category but super (This means 1 from each, for 3). At levels 2, 6, and 13, chose 1 psionic from super ONLY. Saves vs. Psionics as minor if you rolled a 1-4, as a major if you rolled a 5-10, as a master 11 or 12. Other Powers: Immune to gases and poisons (Except MD corrosive) Regenerates 1d6 MDC every 3 minutes. Cannot be turned into vampire. If a vampire bites a Silver Ball, the same thing happens as with an Ironoid, they permanently lose 3D6 HP. Average Life Span: 500 years Habitat: None. Does not need anything, and could care less what its environment is. Can be in temperatures as low as -130 degrees to as high as 500 degrees without discomfort. Allies: Dragons and Titans seem to like Silver Balls Enemies: Metztla hate Silver Balls for reasons unknown (there is no reason, really) Size: The main body (Ball) is about a foot in diameter. Height: 3 to 7 feet. Weight: 230 to 700 lb. R.C.C. Skills: Math: Basic at 98% 1 science skill of choice at +30% 2 Languages at 96% 1 Literacy at 92% HTH: Basic R.C.C. Related Skills: Chose 7 at level one, 2 more at levels 3, 6, and 12. Communications: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Electronics: Any (+5%) Espionage: Detect Ambush (Only available to ones with the least psionic power), Detect Concealment, Forgery (+5%), Intelligence (+5%) Mechanical: ANY (+5%) Medical: First Aid only (+10%) Military: Any Physical: Climbing Pilot: Any but Robots or Power Armor (+10%) Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue Skills: Any (+5%) Science: Any (+10%) Technical: Any (+10%) WP: Any Land Navigation (+5%) Secondary Skills: Chose 3 from the above list at level one with no bonuses. Gear: None: can't wear armor, and has no use for anything. Isn't strong enough to use many weapons, but may use some pistols. Likes Swords and Spears. - 527 -

Money: None. Cybernetics: It is not possible to design them for their strange biology. Xp table: Use the dragon experience table, but add 500 to reach level 2, 1000 to reach level 5, and 3000 to reach level 10.

Silver Dragon R.C.C.

Hatchlings Alignment: Usually Principled or Scrupulous, occasionally Unprincipled. Attributes: IQ: 5d6, MA: 4d6, ME: 4d6, PS: 5d6, PP: 5d6, PE: 4d6, PB: 6d6, Spd: 4d6 P.P.E.: 2d4x10+40, +3d6 per level M.D.C.: 1d6x50+100 Special Abilities: Fly at 60 mph, bio-regenerate 1d6x10 MDC/5 minutes, metamorphosis at will (minimum size is about that of a cat, maximum size is its own), speak with any intelligent life form, night-vision 90', see the invisible, 1/2 damage from cold. Teleport 18% + 2%/level, 5 mile range. Horror Factor: 10 Ice Breath: 3d6 MD, 80' range. Psionics: Major Psionic, select 8 powers from any of the psychic categories (except super). Select an additional four at fifth and tenth levels. I.S.P.: 1d6x10+20, plus 1d6+1 per level. Magic Knowledge: Full understanding of magic, but knows no spells. Can intuitively use techno-magic devices, read magic, use scrolls, and recognizes magical circles and enchantment. Can sense ley-lines, nexuses, and other dragons within 20 miles (general distance and direction only; no specific locations). Spells can be learned beginning at third level. Combat abilities: equal to HTH: Basic, plus an additional attack. Claws inflict 2d6 MD, bite 2d4 MD. Average life span: 600 years, after which they quickly develop into adults. Adult Alignment: Usually Principled or Scrupulous, occasionally Unprincipled. Attributes: IQ: 2d6+18, MA: 2d6+18, ME: 2d6+18, PS: 2d6+40, PP: 3d6+18, PE: 3d6+12, PB: 4d6+10, Spd: 2d4x10/2d6x10+100 (walking/flying) M.D.C.: 2d4x1000+500 Horror Factor: 18 P.P.E.: 2d6x100+200, + 1d6x5 per level. Special Abilities: Night Vision 100', excellent colour vision, see the invisible, turn invisible at will, bio-regenerate 1d4x10 MDC/minute, impervious to cold (including MD cold), resistant to heat (1/2 damage; no effect on lasers), speak with any intelligent creature, teleport self 78% +2%/level (5 mile range), dimensional teleport 52%, metamorphosis at will, cloud walking (the character can walk or sit upon clouds as if they were solid; this does not prevent her from passing through clouds, however). Combat: 8 attacks per melee. Damage: restrained punch: 1d6x10 SDC plus bonuses, full strength punch: 6d6 MD, power punch: 1d6x10+20 MD (counts as two attacks), kick or tail attack: 6d6 MD, bite: 6d6 MD, ice breath: 5d6 MD (200' range), nerve gas breath: 200' range, paralysis for 2d6 melees. - 528 -

Bonuses: +3 strike, +4 parry/dodge, +4 initiative, +4 pull punch, +4 roll, +4 on saving throws. Magic: Knows all spell magic from levels 1-15. Psionics: All sensitive, physical, and healing powers, plus hydrokinesis. Considered a major psionic. I.S.P.: 3d4x10+80, plus 1d6+1 per level. R.C.C. Skills: basic & advanced math: 98% literate in Dragonese, Spanish, and four other languages at 98% demon lore: 98% monster lore: 98% faerie lore: 90% and four skills from each of the following: communications, domestic, electrical, pilot, and pilot-related. Average Life Span: Usually 6000 years of corporeal existence (those who choose to live longer add 1000 MDC and +1 to their HF); some dragons are known to have existed for over 30,000 years! Those who choose to "end" their lives are generally assumed to have become minor or obscure deities, or reborn as hatchlings. Reproductive Note: Female silver dragons can mate successfully with males of human or elven stock (this includes Atlanteans and Palladium Ogres). The result of such a union will always be female, full-blooded silver dragons. A pregnant silver gestates for ten months, then lays 2-4 eggs that hatch two months later.

Siren O.C.C.
By: The Black Man (It's really more of an R.C.C., but the fact that it is not restricted to any one race sort of makes that a difficult concept) Siren's are psionics that can augment there psionic abilities by using sounds, specifically, their voices. They also have a few unique ability's, not found in other psionics. They have the power to control minds, and to deflect bullets with their voices, and can perform feat's unheard of by most other psionics. Most sirens are human, although elves and true atlanteans make a sizable proportion. There have been report's of mermaids also exhibiting siren-like abilities, along with the isolated rumors of ogre's. Attribute requirements: IQ 8+, ME 12+, Female, and related to human. Bonuses: + 1 to save vs psionics. +1D4 to MA. I.S.P.: 3D4*10 + ME P.P.E.: 3D6 (Usual reasons) H.P./S.D.C.: Racial O.C.C. Abilities: 1. Perfect Pitch. The siren has perfect pitch, can hold a note perfectly, almost indefinitely. The can sing a tune after only hearing it once, and have a very large range of notes. They can, if musically trained, tell what a note is, exactly, just by listening to it. I.S.P. cost: none. Duration: constant. 2. Sound control. The siren can cancel out sounds, by singing the "anti sound". This requires the siren to stand still, and concentrate on what she is singing. (Note: It is obvious that the siren is singing, despite the fact that nothing can be heard). At low levels, the siren can block all sound, whilst at higher levels, she can selectively block certain noises. From level one, the siren can block all noise within a 10ft per level radius. Starting at level 4, she can selectively tune out one distinct source of noise eg a piece of machinery, a person talking or something similar. However, this halfs the range that the siren can block to, only 5 ft per level. For every 2 levels after that she can tune out an additional object. eg a level 8 siren could tune out the voice of a person, and a piece of machinery, out to a distance of 40 ft. I.S.P. cost: 5 per minute - 529 -

3. Sonic attacks: There are 2 types of attacks that the siren can make. 1. Mind control. The siren can attempt to take over someone's mind, to force them to do what they want them to do, or to encourage them to do so. This is the same as the the hypnotic suggestion psionic power, except that the siren must sing to do so, and the target must be able to hear her. It is possible to direct this, so that a siren can only effect on person out of an audience. The target does not need to be in eye contact, just in hearing distance. I.S.P.: 10 per melee. Duration: As hypnotic suggestion (don't have the books to hand ATM!) 2. Sonic shocks. The siren can break down the physical structure of an object. This is done by focusing psychic energy into sonic energy, using the singing of the siren as the focal point. This requires concentration, and time to get the best effect. The amount of damage done is proportional to the hardness of the target, so an MDC target will take MDC, and an SDC target will take SDC damage. In the first round the target takes 1 point of damage. in the second round the target takes 2 points of damage, in the third 3 etc... To increase the damage takes 1 melee action, so if they parry or dodge, then they cannot increase to damage done. If the siren takes hit point damage, or is stunned/knocked down, they she will be unable to continue. I.S.P.: 5 per melee round. If the siren is prevented from singing, or takes H.P. damage, etc., then the ISP is lost. 3. Vibro blades. As sound is just vibration, and the siren's can control sound, they can affect vibro blades too. The siren must focus her voice on the blade, causing it to vibrate. The experienced siren can also cause a vibro blade to stop vibrating, by canceling out the vibrations with her voice. I.S.P. to turn a blade into a vidro blade: 10 ISP per minute. I.S.P. to stop a vibroblade from working: 15 ISP per minute. (Must be 4th level or higher). 4. Defense against sonic attacks: Slightly different from the sound control above. The siren can block sonic attacks. This is resolved as a skill roll. The siren must roll 50% + 5% per level to block it. This is the siren singing at the attack, to neutralize it. This cannot be used at the same time as any other ability (except see below..) 5. Multiple uses. In general, a siren can only use one of these ability's at once. However, once the siren get's to 7th level, she has ability to perform 2 of her abilities at once, but only those that that involve her voice. Conventional psionics: Select 2 from each category except super, plus one from any, except super, every 2 levels (3,5,7 etc). At fifth level select one from super, but not psi sword or psi shield. O.C.C. Skills: Speak American 90% Speaks two other languages at 90% Select two piloting skills (+5%) Singing (+40%) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select six skills each with a +10% bonus. The only combat skill is HtH: Basic. Communications: Any Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only Mechanical: Automotive only Military: Any Medical: First aid only Physical: Any, except for acrobatics and wrestling Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any Science: Math only Technical: Any Weapon Proficiencies: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: Select eight secondary skills. At third and eighth levels an additional four secondary skills can be selected. As Mind Melter but add singing at +40%

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The Siren PCC

By: Gabriel -----------------------------------------------------------------------

The Siren
"Beware the banshee, for when the she wails, men die..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------Sirens are women gifted (or some might say, cursed) with a magical voice. The most famous of the Sirens are the Banshee (Bean Sidhe, literally "Woman Fairy") of Ireland and the Sirens of Greek myth. Banshee still exist to this day, but they are rare and often hide their powers. The Banshee are the portion of those sirens with precognitive powers. They often see the death of others and wail at the visions. This has led to their being hunted, for many thought that they caused death rather than foretell them. These women (and the extremely rare male) have the voices of goddesses (or gods). While their voices are beautiful, they are also extremely deadly. Sirens are able to do wondrous things with their voices, from mesmerizing people to destroying a building. In ancient times, a person was able to neutralize their powers by simply plugging their ears. In post-Dark Day Earth, their abilities have increased to the point that they are a force to be feared, even by the minions of the Nightlords. As a small side note, Sirens are also known to have a talent for spoken languages. Siren P.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses: 1. The Voice of the Siren: The voice of the Siren is capable of a variety of things. It can be used to destroy or to heal, to protect or to attack. All Songs last as long as the Siren keeps singing (unless otherwise noted). The usual tactic of a Siren is to begin singing and then simply change their Song to accomplish different things. They may sing the Song of Destruction, and then a short burst of the Song of Protection to ward off incoming gunfire, and then switch back to the Song of Destruction. Be aware however that a Siren cannot undertake serious physical exertion and keep singing. This means that in order to defend themselves they usually use the Song of Protection. GM Note: You may wish to have Sirens roll against their Singing skill to use these Songs. The following Songs are automatic to all Sirens. Song of Destruction: A loud, high-pitched Song. It sends out powerful sonic waves which disrupts matter that it comes in contact with. As a Siren gains in experience, they are able to control this power better, until they are able to target a single object. Against living creatures this power is most likely to rupture blood vessels in the brain or head, and possibly rupture eardrums. Damage: 3D6 + 1D6 per each even level (2, 4, 6, etc...) per action Duration: The Siren can maintain this Song for three times their Mental Endurance in minutes. Range: 200' + (ME+50') per level. Area of Effect: Varies. At first level, the Siren affects a 360 degree area. They cannot focus it any more than that. At second level, they can narrow the sonic waves to a 90 degree area in front of them (note that the Song is still heard by others, however they are not affected by the sonic waves). At third level, the waves can be narrowed to a 10' wide 'beam', and at fourth level the Siren can affect a single, man-sized target. At fifth level, the control is refined to the point that they can affect a small, 6" object. Note: Even if you are fifth level, you can still affect a 360 degree area. Song of Healing: A soothing, quiet Song that is very calming. Those nearby (within 25') will start to drift into a light trance unless they make a save vs. 12 (mental endurance bonuses do apply). This is the most passive Song that the Sirens possess, and cannot be used during combat. Some say that this relaxing Song is one of the most beautiful things in the Megaverse (an awe factor may be applicable depending on the situation, consider it to have an awe factor of 17). While the Siren is singing this Song she channels positive healing energy into her target, increasing their natural healing to incredible rates. While the target is healing, they are put in a deep trance. They will awaken 3D4 minutes after the Song is ended, or if they experience great pain (at least 2D6 SDC damage). The Song can be restarted, uninterrupted, as long as the target does not awaken. Healing Powers: At first level, the target heals 1D6 per hour. At second level, the rate is increased to 1D6 per half hour. At fourth, 1D6 per 15 minutes. At sixth level, 1D6 per minute. At eighth, the target heals 1D6 per melee. Duration: Because this is such a quiet and relaxing Song, it relaxes the singer as well. They can maintain it for (ME+PE/2) hours at a time, as long as they takes short breaks to drink water and eat. If they wish to continue past their limit, they must roll against their singing skill with cumulative penalties. -10% for the first hour, -20% for the second, -30% for the fourth, -60% for the fifth. It is impossible to continue for more than five hours past their limit.

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Range: Maximum of 10', however if there is not physical contact, reduce the amount healed to 1D4 rather than 1D6. Area of Effect: At first level, only a single person can be affected. However, at level 7, all the people in a 50' radius can be affected. Song of Mesmerism: The Sirens are known for their seductive voices, voices which men (and women) will die for. This is sort of a super-hypnotic suggestion. As long as the Siren keeps singing, the target remains mesmerized. The only time they get a second save is if they are told to do something which is contrary to their alignment, like a principled person killing an innocent, etc. Duration: As long as the Siren keeps singing. They can see for three times their Mental Endurance in minutes. Range: 300' + MEx10' at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 Area of Effect: At first level the Siren cannot specify a target, rather they affect a radius equal to their range. At second level, they can effect everyone in a 90 degree area to their front for a distance equal to their range. At third level, they can target a specific person. Note: Everyone will hear the Song, but the power will only be targeted against an area as noted above. Saving Throw: Save at a 14 or higher. Mental endurance bonuses are applicable. Song of Protection: A vaguely soothing, persistant Song, mostly composed of the lower notes of the Siren's particular octaves. This Song forms a protective shield composed of psychic energy. The shield form a strong barrier against all physical, energy, and magical attacks. AR: Not applicable when the SDC reservoir is full, but gets an AR of 18 when the reservoir is depleted 50%. Reduce that again to 15 when 75% of the SDC reservoir is gone. SDC Reservoir: Mental Endurance x10 + (Mental Endurance + 10) per additional level. This SDC regenerates at a rate equal to the character's Mental Endurance per half hour. Duration: This Song will only last as long as the SDC reservoir holds out. The SDC is an indicator of the mental strength of the Siren. As the SDC is depleted, the Siren's control begins to waver (see AR, above). When all of the SDC is depleted, the Siren is stunned for 1D4 melees. The Siren can sing for three times their Mental Endurance in minutes. Range: 100' + ME' per level (starting at level 1) Area of Effect: At first level the Siren can only create a two-dimensional protective screen 10'x10'. This screen must be within the line of sight of the Siren. At second level the Siren is able to create a protective bubble surrounding the Siren for a 15' radius (cannot be created around someone else, unless the Siren is also inside the bubble). At third level, the Siren can make temporary shields which are used to parry attacks. They simply snap up to block an attack and then disappear. Note: These are not automatic parries and each parry costs one attack (these parries are a short burst of Song). When parrying using these shields, roll for damage as usual and take it off of the SDC reservoir. This SDC cannot be used to create shields until it regenerates. At fourth level, the Siren can create protective bubbles around other people, as long as the targets are within their line of sight. Song of Sleep: The Song of sleep is similar to a psychic lullaby. This is the only Song which the Siren does not need to continue singing in order for its effects to be felt. When the Siren begins singing her target(s) begin to feel drowsy (-5 on initiative, -3 to strike, parry, and dodge and they will be somewhat disoriented and confused as their mind approaches the Dreamstream). At the end of one melee, they must make a save vs. psionics or fall into a deep slumber. Those that make their save must make another save at the end of the next melee. After the second save, if they remain awake they must make a save every melee in order to remain awake. During this entire time they remain drowsy (see penalties above). Duration: The Siren can maintain the Song for a number of minutes equal to his/her Mental Endurance. If they attempt to continue singing past this time limit, they must make a save vs. psionics or fall prey to their own Song. If they fail, they fall asleep for 1D6x10 minutes. For every minute past their limit that they sing, apply a -1 to save. Eventually, they _will_ give in. Once the Siren stops singing, his/her victims will remain asleep for 3D6x10 minutes. Range: 75' + (ME+25') per additional level Area of Effect: At first level the Siren can affect a radius equal to their range. At second level, they can affect a 90 degree area in front of them with a radius equal to their range. At fourth level, they can target a specific individual. 2. Psionic Powers: In addition to their special abilities (see below) all Sirens can choose four powers from the sensitive or healing psionic catagories. 3. ISP: ME attribute plus 1D4x10. Add 2D6 per level of experience. 4. Bonuses: All Sirens are +3 to save vs. Dream Manipulation / Combat and +1 to save vs. possession and insanity. Alignment: Any Attribute Requirements: IQ and ME of 13 or higher. Note: 90% of all Sirens are female. Males are also called Sirens. Attribute Bonuses: +1D4 to MA and PB PCC Skills: Native Language and Literacy (98%) Basic Mathematics (+30%) Sing (+40%) - 532 -

Pilot: Select 1 Domestic: Select 1 (+10%) Technical: Choose 2 Languages Hand to Hand skills must be chosen. Basic costs 1 skill, Expert 2, and Martial Arts 3 (or Assassin if an evil alignment). Other Skills: Select 8 other skills. Communications: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any (+5%) Electrical: None Espionage: Any except sniper and tracking Mechanical: Automotive only Medical: First Aid and Holistic Medicine only Military: None Physical: Any except Acrobatics Pilot: Civilian vehicles only Pilot Related Skills: Navigation only Rogue: Any Science: Any Technical: Any WP: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character also gets to choose 4 secondary skills at level one. In addition, the character can select 1 skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. Equipment: Varies with background and setting. May have an old car or motorcycle. Money: 1D10x100 dollars in cash in addition to 4D6x1000 in various possessions. Conversion Notes: RIFTS: The Song of Destruction can also do MDC at the Siren's discretion, but they can only maintain it for half the duration. The Song of Protection provides an MDC barrier, BUT the AR still applies as the MDC is depleted. Palladium Fantasy RPG.: No changes After the Bomb: No changes that I am aware of Heroes Unlimited.: No changes Siren Experience Table: 1 0000 - 2500 2 2501 - 5000 3 5001 - 10000 4 10001 - 20000 5 20001 - 30000 6 30001 - 50000 7 50001 - 80000 8 80001 - 120000 9 120001 - 170000 10 170001 - 225000 11 225001 - 275000 12 275001 - 350000 13 350001 - 420000 14 420001 - 520000 15 520001 - 700000

Sirrush RCC
By: hellsAngel

Sirrush R.C.C.
Desceiption: 18 feet long, silver or bronze metallic scaly skin. This dragon has lion's paws instead of the traditional taloned feet on it's forelegs. It has a long neck with a horned head, and a forked tongue. - 533 -

The Sirrush is a guardian dragon, one who attaches itself to a region, normally around a small village, and will act as the defender of that region against all intruders that would attempt to do evil there. Sirrush are normally of good alignment, but some have been known to be anarchist. The Sirrush has no metamorphic ability, but is naturally a very stealthy dragon, and can creep up on almost any other creature without being detected. They have excellent nightvision, keen sense of hearing and smell, and are excellent trackers. They are also very good teleports, and can easily teleport to any location they have been, or have heard of, with little chance of failure. Sirrush RCC Alignment: Good or Anarchist only Attributes - Hatchling: IQ: 3c6 ME: 3d6 MA: 3d6 PS: 4d6 PE: 4d6 PP: 3d6+3 PB: 2d6 SPD: 2d6+6 Adult IQ: 4c6 ME: 4d6 MA: 4d6 PS: 5d6 PE: 5d6 PP: 4d6+6 PB: 2d6+6 SPD: 4d6+6 MDC/Hit points Hatchling: 1d6x100 Adult: 2d6x100+400 Horror Factor: 8 for Hatchling 14 for Adult PPE: 2d6 x 10 Hatchling 2d6x100 Adult atural abilites: Impervious to poisions, toxins, drugs and gases Nightvision 120 feet, see invisible Fire and cold resistant (does half damage) Bio-regenerate 1 MDC per ten minutes Teleport self 98% accuracy Telepathy - surface thoughts only - only within line of sight ISP: 1d6x10 Magic Knowledge: Sirrush are born with an innate understanding of the basics of magic and Rifts. They learn new magic as per standard rules, and can acquire any spells available, with no limitations as long as they can find a teacher. Sirrush cannot use tattoo magic. Spells: The typical sirrush is as experienced as it can be in one field of magic, with minor abilities in other fields. Combat abilities: All sirrush encountered which are not hatchlings will have hand-to-hand: Martial arts at their level. Average EXP. level of adult: 2d6+5 Combat attacks per melee: Adult: varies, but average is 1d4+4 Bonuses: +5 initiative, +2 strike, +4 parry, +2 damage, +2 roll/pull punch, +3 save vs. psionics, +2 save vs magic, immune to horror factor Sirrush have no fear.

Sisters of Mercy
By: Reeves Clippard The Sister of Mercy is a war hardened field medic that is completely neutral during battles and will attempt to heal anyone that comes to her for aid. The Sister is well trained in hand to hand combat and certain ancient and modern weapons when working or traveling through certain hostile environments. The training into the Sisterhood is so rigorous that many of the trainees drop out. 10% drop out with some sort of psychosis (look out, psycho with a scalpel), 35% quit from not being able to hold up under the pressures of working in the tent, 15% are thrown out after the Prioress or Abbess discovers that the Sister has a motive beyond that of the Sisterhood, another 10% never make it into the field because of failed test and such, but they still hold "desk jobs" within the Sisterhood, the remaining 30% are field medics. From studying the innards of hundreds of humans and D-Bees the Sisters are immune to all horror factors (visual not magical though). The Sisterhood is maintained by funds from unnamed officials in several governments. Often funds become so thin, that Sisters have been known to warm their hands in the guts of those they are operating on when in cold environments. The tents were surgical operations are conducted nearly always reek of festering wounds and strong disinfectant. The Sisterhood is not a religious group, but they do set up a neutral shrine in each of their tents for patients and Sisters alike to use. Most also learn to sing or play a musical instrument to calm not only their patients nerves, but their own. Even though the Sisters of Mercy is for women only, men are often found working along side them in and around their tents. The Sisters always welcome help from body fixers, cyberdocs, mages and - 534 -

psychics with healing powers, and most other people. Often previous patients are found near the tents helping move victims and remove bodies, or preventing fights from breaking out too close to the camp. The Sisterhood is very respected around a battlefield, and there are unwritten rules among patients that in and around the Sister's camp that all fighting stays on the battlefield. Note: The Sister suffers a penalty of -20% when dealing with extremely alien physiologies, but they have studied the most common D-Bees on Rifts Earth. Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 11 or higher; M.E. 11 or higher, a high P.E., P.P., and M.A. are suggested but not mandatory. O.C.C. Skills: Medical Doctor (+5%) Paramedic (+20%) Anthropology (+5%) Biology (+15%) Math: Basic (+10%) Language: American (+30%) Language: (2 others +20%) Literacy: American (+30%) Lore: Demons and Monsters (+5%) WP Knife WP (one other) HTH: Basic* *Can be raised to Expert at the cost of one "other" skill and to Martial Arts at the cost of two "other" skills. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 6 other skills, but at least two must be from technical or the sciences. Plus select two additional skills at level three, and six, and one at level 9 and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Radio Basic only (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: None Espionage: Wilderness survival only (+5%) Mechanical: None Medical: Any (+15%) Military: None Physical: any except boxing, wrestling, and acrobatics Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: None Science: Any (+5%) Technical: Any W.P.: Any Wilderness: Skin and Prepare Animal Hides and Preserve Food only Secondary Skills: The character also get to select eight secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parenthesis. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Standard Equipment: A surgical gown, half a dozen pair of disposable surgical gloves, two pair of reusable surgical gloves, emergency surgical kit ( scalpels, suture, needles, etc.), first aid kit, 3 unbreakable vials, and other basic survival items (canteen, flashlight, etc.) The Sister is also likely to have a very lightweight suit of MD body armor that won't impede on many medical operations (preliminary first aid/stabilizing etc.), select one automatic weapon, a MD rifle or pistol, 2D6 extra clips for each. The sister is very skilled with a scalpel and often has a few combat knives with her. Sisters of Mercy rarely travel alone so almost never have their own vehicle, but hitch rides with other travelers or ride in a Sisterhood issued vehicle with several other of the nurses. Money: A Sister of Mercy will have only 4D6x100 credit and 3D6x100 in personal items.

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The Sisters of the Sightless Eye

Based on the computer game Diablo By: Crow T. Robot The Sisters of the Sightless Eye are a loosely organized guild from the land of Khanduras. This female only organization trains its members in many skills, including archery, the ability to disarm traps, a basic training of magic, psionic development, and other ' skills to help them survive. The 'sisters' travel the land disguised as simple travellers, each with her own motives. Some of them use their talents for the good of the people in that land, while others use them to further themselves, or to make a quick buck. The organization is very loosely organized, with no center or leaders. New recruits are trained by verteran sisters (Usually at least level 8 or so), and thus the organization is not as large as other guilds, but much more spread out. Meetings among the veterans, while rare, are held occasionally when a situation that needs a resolution presents itself. The sisters are no longer limited to their homeworld of Khanduras, many have made the travel to other parts of the megaverse, and quickly adapted to technology in worlds such as Rifts Earth. The sisters have grown fairly widespread (for them, at least) in places such as Phase World, Rifts Earth, and even Wormwood. Race: Any (Female only) Alignment: Any, but lean towards unprincipled Attribute Requirements: IQ 10, PP 12 O.C.C. Skills: Speak Native Language - 98% Speak Aditional Lang (+15%) Hand to Hand: Basic W.P. Longbow W.P. 1 of Choice Pick Locks (+25%) Detect Traps/Secret Doors (+25%) Prowl (+15%) Pick Pockets (+15%) Streetwise (+15%) Tracking (+8%) Lore: Magic Other Skills: Select 2 from Rogue, 2 from wilderness and 7 from any catagory. Pluse select another 2 skills at leves 3, 6, 9, 12 & 15. Communications: any Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Any Mechanical: Any Medical: Any Military: Any Pilot: Any Pilot Releated: Any Rogue: Any (+10%) Technical: Any W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+10%) Secondary Skills: Select 4 from any catagory. Plus pick another 1 skill at leves 4, 8, 12 & 15. Magical Abilities: Pick 1d4 Spells from Levels 1-3 at level 1. Can be taught other spells P.P.E.: 1d4x10+PE + 2d4 per Level Psionic Abilities: All Sisters (Unless from a psionically incapable race) get an automatic sixth sense. Roll for psionic abilities afterwords. Equipment: Old Travelling Clothes, Backpack, 1d4 Bags, 2 Weeks Rations, 1 Waterskin/Canteen. Weapons & Armor: On Fantasy Worlds: Long Bow, Quiver of 6d6 Arrows Dagger - 536 -

1 Non Magical/1 handed Sword (Players Choice) Soft Leather Armor, 3d4x10 Gold Pieces On Rifts/High Tech Worlds: Light MDC Body Armor Vibro-Knife/Sword High Quality Long Bow, 4d6 arrows. 2d4 Explosive Arrowheads (-2 to hit (Heavy), 1d4x10 MD to a 10 foot radius on impact) 2d6 Vibro Arrowheads (Armor Piercing, Short Battery, Re-Usable) 4d6 MD to MD armor/creatures, 60% chance of piercing Body Armor 30% of Power Armor - Damage to target inside if penetrates Automatically penetrates SDC AR, does 6d6 SDC/HP to SDC targets 1 Light Energy Weapon Money: 4d6x10 Credits.

The Slayer
By: Necromancer Bob

Slayer O.C.C.
Based on the TV show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer The Slayers are a rare and dangerous kind. They are chosen from among their generation to be the protectors of mankind from the supernatural. Chosen by whom isn't known; perhaps God or Allah or whatever deity you want to suggest. The greatest enemy of the Slayers are vampires, people who have been corrupted by the spirits of an ancient demon (or so the legends say). Although demons and other supernaturals are also to be stopped, it is the vampire -first and foremost- that is to be destroyed. In centuries past, there was only one Slayer in a generation; most of the supernatural denizens of the world were asleep or in hiding. But now, after Dark Day, with the explosion of Nightbane, new vampire incursions, and the gates of Domhain Dorcha again opened, there is a greater need for Slayers than there has ever been. As a result, whatever deity is behind the Slayers has chosen perhaps hundreds of them to join in the fight (O.C.C. Note: Some Slayers chosen can be of other O.C.C.s, such as men of magic or psionics. This O.C.C. represents the most common, straight "physical" Slayer class. Other classes chosen to be a Slayer do not get any of the special powers or abilities of this O.C.C.). Slayers are approached when they are young (in their teens) by one who will become their teacher. Sometimes, the teacher is a Slayer herself (or himself, maybe- I still haven't gotten it confirmed); more often, the teacher is a member of the Watchers, the guiding hand of the Slayers (a bard or parapsychologist). The Watchers are not fighters; instead they are only teachers. They are an ancient sect of the Seekers who have existed for centuries, watching and compiling lore (especially about vampires) and teaching neophyte Slayers the arts of the kill. The student is trained and immediately sent into the world on their mission; the teacher usually remains by their side as an adviser. Slayers are gifted with an in-born prowess and skill that enables them to go toe-to-toe with vampires and, with luck, succeed in ridding the world of them. Training, including the martial arts, helps to hone this innate ability to make the Slayer what they are. Vampires have their powers; a Slayer must make do with honing their human body to physical perfection. Slayers are not men of magic nor psionics; they instead make do with skill and knowledge. In the modern world, Slayers tend to be very principled people. They see the world as very black and white: the supernatural is evil and must be destroyed. Their mission is to protect the weak and innocent (meaning normal humans) from the undead. This includes only rarely allowing others to accompany the Slayer on excursions into vampire territory. Another part of the Slayers' traditional creed is not making friends (or even allies) of supernaturals. There are humans and there are others- only humans are to be trusted. Recently, some Slayers have broken this creed by trying to understand and even help the Nightbane- no harm has come to them, although their teachers usually give them hell about it. Most Slayers of the early 21st century are members of the Lightbringers or Spook Squad factions. The Lightbringer Slayers have been convinced (for the moment) that the Guardians really are angels and humanity's salvation (little do they know). The toughest part about being a Slayer is coping with everyday life. Like the Nightspawn, Slayers are usually young people (in their teens and early twenties) who must contend with having both their normal school lives or jobs and their...real profession. Sure, a Slayer may be a hunter of undead, but she still has to go to class. The odd behaviour (ie, disappearing from class when a vampire threat comes up) often causes people to misunderstand. - 537 -

Ironically, Slayers are often labeled as slackers and "bad kids" by the very people they are protecting. A sad predicament that often frustrates the young vampire hunters. Necromancer Bob's Note: I think that this is something that we forget in role-playing- everyday life. Sure, your character may be able to turn into a huge, hulking monster, but where does he get the money for his trips to Wal-Mart? The mundane side of our characters' lives isn't something we want to think about when indulging in escapism, but it's still important. GMs, take the idea and run with it. Alignments: Any, but usually (90%) good. Evil Slayers will usually be aberrant. An evil Slayer is indicative of one who has seen too many horrors and become callous to human suffering, but is still obsessed with their duty. Attribute Requirements: A Slayer is born, not made, so there are no attribute requirements. However, most Slayers have an M.E. and P.P. of 14 or higher. Also, most (if not all- I'll ask about it) Slayers are female. Powers/Abilities of the Slayers: 1. Martial Arts: All Slayers know some form of martial arts. They have found this gives them a real physical edge in their fights with the undead, hence it is part of the traditional training The Slayer gets one martial arts form (including Exclusive) from Ninjas & Superspies RPG. Ninjutsu is excluded. 2. Quick-Draw and Throwing Initiative (Knives and Stakes): A special P.P. bonus similar to that of the Tribal Warrior (see Rifts: Spirit West). It enables the Slayer to draw and throw wooden stakes or knives (only when throwing them). The Slayer is +1 on initiative for every 2 P.P. points above 16 (maximum P.P. 30 for a bonus of +7). This bonus only counts when throwing one of these two weapons. 3. W.P. Sharpshooting (Knives and Stakes): The Slayer can throw wooden stakes and knives with deadly accuracy. The Slayer is +1 to strike with a P.P. 20 and +1 for every 5 points above 20. Only applicable when throwing either of these weapons. The usual tactic for killing a vampire is a called shot to the heart. 4. Sense Vampires: This ability is one part psionics, one part instinct, and one part luck. The Slayer can sort of "smell" when vampires are nearby. Range: 30 ft. Success Rate: 15% +5% per level of experience. 5. Other Bonuses: +2 on perception, +1 to save vs. magic and psionics, immune to vampire mind control (but not the Slow Kill), +3 to save vs. horror factor. The Slayer's strength also becomes supernatural. 6. Mentor: Not really a power as such, but sort of an extra note here. The Slayer's teacher is usually around and can be called on for advice or aid. The teacher is usually a parapsychologist, bard, or similar. Role-play this to the hilt. O.C.C. Skills: Native Language & Literacy 98% Lore: Demon and Monster (+15%) Lore: Vampire (+20%) Research Basic Math (+20%) Computer Operation (+10%) Streetwise (+15%) Prowl (+15%) W.P. Archery & Targeting Two science or technical skills of choice (+20%) O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 8 other skills from the following: Communications: any (+5%) Domestic: any (+10%) Electrical: any Espionage: any (within reason) Mechanical: any Medical: first aid only Military: none Physical: any Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rogue: any (+10%) Science: any (+10%) Technical: any (+10%) W.P.: any Wilderness: wilderness survival and land navigation only Secondary Skills: Choose 4 from the above list, but without the bonuses listed. Equipment/Money: 1 dozen stakes, a couple of small throwing knives (silver and otherwise), a quality crossbow or bow and arrows, a water gun, a silver cross, a pistol with silver bullets, other vampire-slaying equipment. A junker of a car, a small apartment, casual clothes, a black trench coat (to look like Vampire Hunter D), etc. 2D6x1000 dollars in property (car, etc) and 2D4x 100 in cash. Experience Table: Uses Sorcerer experience table.

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Smurf Faerie R.C.C.

By: Jason Stephenson Everyone knows the Smurfs, those lovable little blue-skinned faeries of pre-Rifts legend. They cannot fly and live in deep forests far from larger folk. They can communicate with all woodland creatures and all wild animals will obey their commands. They usually go around naked or wear clothing of spun spider silk. Alignment: Tend toward selfish. Attributes: IQ 3D6, ME 2D6, MA 2D6, PS 1D6, PP 3D6, PE 2D6, PB 4D6+6 (minimum of 16), Spd 3D6 (remember, they can't fly). Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 ft., see the invisible, keen normal vision, sense the location of water 60%, sense ley lines 80%. Magic Spells: Charm, love charm, grow plants, animate plants, sense evil, summon & control animals, tongues, and the faeries dance. Combat: 3 hand to hand or 3 with magic. Additional Bonuses: +1 to save vs. magic. R.C.C.: creature of magic and nature/woodland faerie R.C.C. Skills: Speaks Faerie and Gobblely 98% player characters can learn two additional languages at the base skill +10% bonus identify plants & fruits 80% land navigation 82% wilderness survival 90% preserve food 90% track animals 60% faerie lore 90% sing 60% dance 74% pick pockets 50% prowl 80% climb 80/70% and one ancient weapon proficiency of choice. Skills do not increase! Size: 6 inches (152 mm) tall Weight: 6 ounces (250 grams) Notes: Never wear armor and don't trust most big folk. Use typical faerie weapons. Smurfberries: Turns the victim blue and causes them to become obnoxiously cheerful and friendly to the point of losing all aggressive qualities. The victim will be unable to engage in combat except in self defense and then will lose all bonuses to strike, parry and dodge due to joviality and a sudden lack of concern for their personal safety. In addition, the character will begin to "talk Smurf" (that is, saying everything is Smurfy and appending Smurf to every other noun). The effects of Smurfberries last 2D6+2 hours, unless a remove curse spell is used first.

Snow Ranger O.C.C.

By: Arch Mage Hadrian The Snow Ranger is a version of the Wilderness Scout, trained to survive in the Antarctic wastes. The duties of the Snow Rangers involve escorting convoys, scouting, hunting. The Snow ranger is a independent occupation, involving living apart from civilization for months on end, and teaches self reliance. - 539 -

Attribute Requirements: I.Q.: 8, and a P.E. of 12, a high P.S. and M.E. is helpful but not mandatory. Special Bonus: Add 3D6 + 10 to the characters S.D.C., plus 1D4 to P.E. O.C.C. Skills: Cooking (+5%) Climbing (+20%) General Athletics Language Select 2, (+15%) Land Navigation (+20%) Horsemanship Exotic (+20%) Hunting Fishing (+10%) Prowl (+15%) Track Animals (+20%) Winter Survival (+20%) Skiing (+15%) Pilot Dog Sleds (+10%) Pilot Snowmobiles (+15%) W.P. Knife W.P.s of choice: select 3 Hand to Hand Basic Hand to hand Basic can be changed to Expert at the cost of 1 other skill or to Martial Arts or Assassin (if evil), for 2 other skills. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10 other skills, at least 3 skills must be selected from physical and one from physical. Plus select 3 additional skills at level 3, 1 at level 6, 1 at level 9, 1 at level 12. All new skills start at level one. Communications: Any Domestic: Any (+15%) Electrical: Basic Electronics only. Espionage: Any (+10%), except forgery and pick locks. Mechanical: Basic or Automotive mechanics only. Medical: First Aid (+10%) or holistic Medicine (+20%), holistic medicine counts as 2 skills. Military: Camouflage only Physical: Any except Acrobatics, (+10% where applicable). Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any Science: Maths: Basic, anthropology, biology, and botany only. Technical: Any W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+20%) Secondary Skills: Select 8 skills from the above list, they start at the base level, and no bonuses apply (except I.Q.) Standard Equipment: Set of warm clothing, extra pair of boots, set of M.D.C. armor (probably light armor to maximize mobility), warm hat or helmet, sunglasses or tinted visor, air filter, first aid kit, knapsack, backpack, utility/ammo belt, a couple of sacks, several short lengths of cord, 100 ft of lightweight rope, 6 iron spikes, hammer and mallet, hand axe, utility knife, skinning knife, fishing line and hooks, snares, and 6 flares, IR distancing binoculars, passive nightvision goggles, and a telescopic gun sight. Weapons, the player can choose any reasonable amount of weapons to carry (subject to GM approval). Vehicles can be any snowmobile or snow tractor, or could the Snow Beasts that the Federation has tamed. Money: The typical ranger will have 4D6 x 10 in credit, and another 3D4 x 1000 in black marketable items. Most rangers and employed by the federation, but there are some hardy individuals who choose to live in the wastes from the cities. Cybernetics: Most rangers will avoid cybernetics, but some will see some cybernetics essential, for survival such as Cyber optics, and hands and feet. Xp table: As Wilderness Scout O.C.C.

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Sonic Dragon R.C.C.


Sonic Dragon Hatchling

Description: The sonic dragon is an incredibly hyper supernatural being. They have much less P.P.E. or I.S.P. than other dragons, this is because they have a higher metabolism and the mystic energy they absorb is used to fuel their active nature and extreme speed. In addition to being the equivalent of a human with the Crazy-man insanity, they are incredible dare devils. Often one will see a sonic dragon rush towards something at full speed and veer off with only inches to spare(full speed is about 670 mph!!!). Players should remember this when playing a sonic dragon. Attributes: The numbers indicated under each attribute is the number of dice to be rolled for each. Speed attribute is roughly MACH 1. I.Q. 4 M.E. 3 M.A. 4 P.S. 3 P.P. 5 P.E. 5 P.B. 4 Spd 3D6 +1000 These attributes stay pretty constant until the dragon reaches full maturity at about 400 years old. At that time the physical attributes increase dramatically(except speed). Skills: At first level the Hatchling can select six skills, but is automatically literate in dragonese and one additional language and also knows basic math. Each of these skills are at 98% proficiency. Also the player should choose a hand to hand type, either martial arts or expert. At fourth and Eighth levels an additional four skills can be selected. Available skill categories are limited to: Communications: Any Domestic: Any Physical: Acrobatics, Climbing, Gymnastics, Prowl, and Swimming only Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any Technical: Any Wilderness: Any Ancient Weamagic skills, and learning about the cosmos to concentrate on mundane human skills. Also, because of their hyper nature sonic dragons get -10% on all skills other than physical, piloting and weapon proficiencies. Add +10% to prowl, climbing, swimming, gymnastics, and dancing skills. Mega Damage/Hit Points: 8D4 x10 +200 Natural Abilities: Fly 670 mph, Run 670 mph, Leap 60 ft straight up, and 100 ft across. Nightvision: 1000 ft, Vision TEN times greater than a humans(can see an 18 inch object with perfect clarity at two miles away), can bio-regenerate 1D4 x5 M.D. points every five minutes, and immune to the effects of sound(sonic booms ect...). Hear Wider Spectrum of Sound Range: 1000 +100 ft per level of experience Estimate the distance of sound: 50% +10% per level Estimate speed of approach/departure: 40% +10% per level Recognize the type of sound: 50% +10% per level Pinpoint the exact location of the sound: 22% +8% per level Minuses to strike, parry, and dodge while blinded or attacking the invisible, are all reduced by half. Emit High Pitched Whine Range: 180 ft Area affected: 60 ft radius, with dragon as focal point. Damage: 2D6 per melee The dragon emits a high pitched whine which will hurt, deafen, and distract all who fall prey to it. Victims are -6 on initiative, and -6 to strike, parry, and dodge. Victims also take 2D6 damage each melee round. The only defense is to plug both ears. Methods of plugging: Fingers will reduce damage and bonuses by half, but no attacks are possible using those hands. Cotton, tissue, or cloth will reduce the damage by half and the minuses by 1. Ear plugs will prevent all damage and reduce minuses by half. Note: While body armor may come with its own air supple, it is not designed to prevent a character from hearing, and offers little or no protection from the sound(reduce damage by 1). Sonic Boom or Blast Range: 300 ft Duration: Instant Damage: 1D4x10, +10 underwater Attacks Per Melee: Equal to hand to hand. Sonar Range: 400 ft +100 ft per level of experience Used underwater! Interpreting Shapes: 50% +8% per level - 541 -

Estimating Distances: 60% +8% per level Estimating Direction: 50% +8% per level Estimating Exact Location: 34% +8% per level Metamorphosis: Is another natural ability. The dragon can completely alter his physical shape, transforming himself to look like any living animal, from a human being to a raven. There are some limitations; the dragon can not metamorphosize into inanimate objects or insects. The minimum size is about the size of a cat and maximum size cannot exceed his own. The transformation can last up to two hours per level of experience(an adult dragon can maintain the transformation for 48 hours).If on or near a ley line/nexus point(within two miles), the time is tripled. Note: Regardless of his shape, a dragon is a dragon, with all its natural powers and abilities. So a hatchling metamorphed to look like a bunny rabbit can still talk, cast spells, and kick with the strength of a dragon. The metamorphosis does not instill any of the abilities of the animal, only its appearance. Teleport: 35% +2% per level of experience. Teleportation is a special power common to most dragons. The character can teleport, at will, up to 5 miles away. At the hatchling stage, he can only teleport himself. The percentage number indicates the likelihood of being able to activate the teleportation. A failed roll means the teleport does not happen. The hatchling can attempt a teleport once every other melee round. Only a mature dragon can perform a dimensional teleport without using a ley line nexus. A sonic dragon generates a sonic boom whenever he teleports. The sonic boom causes deafness for 2D4(1D4 if character has some protective headgear) minutes, -8 on initiative and -3 to parry and dodge, shakes buildings, and shatters S.D.C. windows within 300 ft of the boom. Psionics: Minor Psionic; player can select a total of four abilities from sensitive, physical, or healer. An additional one ability may be selected at level 3, 6, and 9 with two selected at levels 12, 15, and 18. I.S.P. base gains 1D6 per level of experience. I.S.P.: 1D6 x5 Magic (spells and knowledge): Full understanding of magic, but knows no spells yet. However, can intuitively use all types of types of Techno-Wizardry devices without instruction, can read magic, use scrolls, and recognize magic circles and enchantment. Can also sense ley lines and nexus points and other dragons; range: 20 miles. Note that this sensing ability can not pinpoint specific locations, only nearness and general direction. Learns three spells at level four and an additional one at each level. The level of all spells learned is equal to or less than the current level of the dragon. Ley lines, nexus points, and any other high P.P.E. phenomenon will cause the dragon to get high. This is because the dragons metabolism will automatically metabolize 25% of the available P.P.E. and only 75% will be available. The details of the experience are left up to the player, this can lead to some pretty wild trips. A sonic dragon will never become addicted (but can become obsessed see insanity) to ley lines, nexus points, or other phenomenon, this is a completely harmless high. P.P.E. base gains 2D4 per level of experience. P.P.E.: 2D4 x5 Instinctive Combat Abilities: Attacks per melee: 5(+1 at level 3), +2 to strike(+1 in air), +5 to parry(+2 in air), +8 to dodge(+6 in air), +10 on initiative, +10 roll with punch, fall, or impact, Fast Punch: 1D6, Super Fast Punch: 4D6(2 attacks), Fast Kick/Claw: 2D6, Super Fast Kick/Claw: 6D6(2 attacks), Fast Bite: 2D4, Super Fast Bite: 6D4(2 attacks), 400 mph ram: 1D6x10(5D6 to self)(3 attacks), Sonic two fisted flying ram style punch at 400 mph or greater: 1D4x10(3D6 to self)(2 attacks). Average Life Span: 4,000 Insanity: Sonic dragons are wild, flamboyant, and jocular. One might consider them a cross between Daffy Duck, Errol Flynn, and a stand-up comic on speed. Zany, dynamic, caustic, and hyper. These dragons seem to be as cocky and carefree leaping into the jaws of death as they would be at a tea party. They will batter opponents with sarcastic quips, bad jokes, and silly observations while socking it out or facing the barrel of a gun.These dragons are always fidgeting. Tapping claws, cracking knuckles, tapping feet, wringing hands, pacing, flapping wings, standing on ones head, doing cartwheels, suspended by rope, balanced on ones tail, bouncing a ball, flipping a coin, ect. They are extremely hyper and cant seem to sit still. In combat, they are usually the ones bounding into a group of baddies, hanging out the window, or displaying dazzling footwork.Sonic dragons seem to have a consistent habit of laughing, giggling, or snickering at the most unusual times. Usually this occurs during combat, under high pressure situations, or when triumphant. Sometimes this can be extremely effective in rattling ones foe. Other times it is downright annoying. They also tend to come up with inane battle cries.In combat, a sonic dragon usually appears to be fearless, leaping into battle with a joke on its lips and armed with its bare claws and a rune sword(thats a joke, son). They tend to be reactionary, believe themselves to be indestructible, take needless risks, and have a complete disregard for personal safety, especially when an innocent life is at stake. Bonuses and Penalties: These dragons tend to be physically and action oriented, thus they are usually too impatient to master skills that require sitting still and/or intense contemplation or study. Note: As a reactionary, the sonic dragon tends to be naive and a sucker for a sad tale, good cause, or pretty face. Also roll once on the obsession table found in the insanity section of Rifts or Heroes Unlimited.

The Sons of Ether

By: Crow T. Robot

The Sons of Ether

Based on White Wolf's "Mage the Ascension" - 542 -

The Sons of Ether are an institution of eccentric scientists that origonated in the victorian era. Thier goal, to create a better tommorow using new and odd sciences that no one had yet discovered. Little known to them at the time was the concept that what they were dabbling in was magic. The society continued into the present day, practicing what they came to call Science (always capitalized, the mundane form is referred to as lowercase science). In their existance, they have tended to scoff and riducule so called 'magic' instead insisting that it was indeed a form of advanced Science powered by an invisible substance called Ether (This could potentially be ectoplasm or PPE, it is up to the particular GM). With this marvelous Ether they were able to empower wonderous devices, and explore strange new worlds (The sons of ether stumbled upon the astral domain, and were also the first 'known' humans in outer space. Not that anyone would believe them.) The ideology of the Sons of Ether origonated from an ancient text known has the Kitab al Alacir, an ancient text that was found in both Arabic and Greek scrolls, and is believed to have been written by Aristotle, although it is hardly known in the 'true' scientific community. What is presented here is the theory of Ether that the sons are built on, and this document contains the basic theory that brought this collective together. (In reality, this document was a falsified creation that was sent to Earth by the Nightlords eons ago when human civilization was new. It was hoped that this would send humans away from true understanding of magic and make them more vulnerable. Ironically, this plan backfired and enabled a human sect to learn the secrets of magic. In reality, it was the Nightlords who created this clan, although they fail to see the humor - they only suceeded in making a new enemy.) New Sons of Ether are recruited throughout the world at Universities by professors. An elder Son of Ether will let a copy of the Kitab al Alacir fall in the laps of the student, and if a true interest is taken, the professor will take further steps to determine the viability of that particular student. If there is hope, he will bring the student to a meeting and the initiation will begin that professor will become a mentor to the student for a period of 1-4 years. Within the clan there is both much differentiality and much conflict. No two Sons are alike and each have different ideas about Science. One of the primary movements is that of the younger members, who hope to make the society more up-beat, while the elders still cling to a victorian style. A key conflict currently in the clan is the issue of sexism - a common factor in the Sons. Many female members want to change the name to something more 'Politically Correct.' Dark Day brought the sons together, forcing them to all agree on one thing That the Nightlords had to be fought. Since the Sons recognition of the Nightlords, they have wholeheartedly began to assault the invasion in every way possible. Low numbers make this difficult, but the group is not without resources, many members are rather wealthy, and their unique abilities make them an asset to any group. They are amazed by all supernatural creatures, and are curious to get there hands on any possible to 'Dissect' it. For this purpose, they have established a small hideout in the Nightlands, where the bodies of many Nightlord minions and Nightspawn stay to where they can be cut open. They will not murder a being in cold blood, but corpses are collected by the more Morbid Sons. All information is shared through the headquarters of the Sons, which is an Astral domain which has about 12 major portals throughout the world. The Sons of Ether OCC -------------OCC Abilities: 1) Cast Magic Spells with Foci: The Sons of Ether have a unique method of casting magic (or in their terms Science). Instead of actual casting spells, they use physical devices to act as a sort of foci that collects PPE (or Ether in their eyes) and creates a certain effect. That has several distinct advantages. First - the spell has one half the normal PPE costs, allowing the Son to get more spells off than your average spellcaster. Second, the effects always look connected to a technogical item - making them much more believable and therefore more trustworthy then the average mage. Third, the items themselves are not magical, so therefore they do not register on any magical detection. The disadvantages are also there, though, and the most obvious of these is the fact that without these Foci the Son is powerless. 2) Creation of Foci: The Son of Ether has the base ability of 45% + 5% per level of experience to create a foci. This number is - 3% per level of the spell that he wishes to be emulated. The time taken to create a foci is 2d6 days times the spell level for simple spells (levels 1-4), 4d6 times the spell level for intermediate spells (5-9), 1d4x10 times the spell level for difficult spells (10-13), and 1d4 months times the spell level for extremly difficult spells (14-15). The time is spent wether sucessfull or not, and at the end of this period if the roll was sucessfull the player will have created a new foci that allows him to cast one specific spell. (If the Foci is lost, the Son may create the same one again in half the time and without the skill roll, providing he kept the blueprints.) Foci from levels 1-6 are simple and common enough to be shared among the sons, although it is not common practice. However higher level spell foci are different for every Son and cannot be shared. Sons can create new spell effects as per the rules in Through the Glass Darkly, but use the Foci Creation rules instead of the Principles of Magic Rules. 3) PPE Base: 2d4x10 + PE. Add 4d6 per level of experience. This may seem high but keep in mind the sons can NEVER gain PPE from blood sacrifice, ley lines, etc. 4) Initial Foci - 8 different devices that emulate any spells from levels 1-4. 5) Bonuses: +2 to save vs. magic, +6 to save vs. horror factor (its simply Science!), +2 to save vs. mind control. OCC Skills: Read/Write/Speak Native Language - 98% Math: Basic (+25%) Computer Operations (+20%) Research (+25%) Four Technical or Science Skills (+20%) (Except Lore: Magic) - 543 -

Speak one additional Language (+10%) Hand to Hand: Basic (Expert can cost one other skill, Assassin/MA costs 2, and N&SS forms cost 3-4 GM descretion) Other Skills: Select ten other skills from any catagory, except for Military. Also excluded is magic lore. +10% for science skills, +5% for Technical skills, and +5% for Communication skills. Secondary: Select 6 other skills from above catagories with no bonuses. Standard Equipment: Varies a lot, but will include foci, a modest labratory, a laptop or desktop computer, a small car and apartment, and 3d6x1000 dollars in other equipment. Money: 1d6x1000 dollars at hand.

Sorcerer O.C.C.

Sorcerer O.C.C.
Generally, we refer to all magic users as magicians, wizards, witches, warlocks, etc. as being the same type of being. However, we definately do know better. This particular O.C.C. showcases the specialization of magic using the Will and the Word. If you liked my Will and the Word piece, this will be a perfect add-on to it. The sorcerer is one of the most powerful of the magic O.C.C.s; he/she has the ability to do almost anything by using the will & the word. (Described elsewhere) They are the only class (right now) that is more or less solely dedicated to the study and use of their power. In many cases, the sorcerer is a magical scholar, as he must have great knowledge of the world around him to apply his powers. Because the will and the word is limited only by the imagination/knowledge of the user, or vice versa depending on how creative you are. Above all, these people are teachers, and they are an even greater threat to the CS than rogue scholars are. For they possess and use both knowledge and power, where one can diminish or enlighten, the other can destroy or change. This is why the CS deems sorcerers (above all others) the deadliest and most kill-worthy of their enemies. (Only one is known to reside in Tolkeen, but the CS doesn't know this. Several more however, do make their home in Lazlo. The CS is in for some very unexpected surprises when they start their campaign.) The sorcerer is more than a P.P.E. battery, they are a conduit for the magical power which creates and maintains the ley lines, nexuses, and the such. They actually mainline the power and are far more attuned than any other magic user. Sorcerers are different from other users of the will and the word because they are far more powerful, more knowledgeable in most cases, and know the most about the power which they use. Sorcerer magic powers, bonuses, and abilities: 1) Knows of the will and the word (Lore: Will and the word, Base skill-25%, +5% per level. Sorcerer automatically gets plus 50%) 2) Knows all "spells," see the section on the will and the word. 3) +5 vs. horror factor, +1 vs. magic at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, and 14, +1 to spell strength at levels 1, 3, 7, 10, and 13, +1 to magic rolls (spell table) at 4, 8, 12, and 15. 4) Starting age of training can be any age. But pick a starting age and add 1d10x10 years to it. This is the training time of a sorcerer. During this period, he is more of a trainee or disciple. During which, none of the bonuses of his power are in effect. Remember, a sorcerer is effectively immortal. 5) Can do virtually anything with his/her power. (GMs, this can be a great munchkin dispenser) 6) PPE: Take M.E. and P.E. numbers, add them together and multiply by 5, this is the base P.P.E. Add 1d10 PPE per level of experience. Of course the sorcerer can draw from ley lines and nexuses. Just not people. Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 12, M.E. 13, P.E. 13 or higher. These particular attributes are mandatory. Alignment: Any O.C.C. Skills: Literacy: 2 languages (+50%) 3 additional languages of choice (+30%) Basic Math (+25%) Computer operation (+20%) Lore: Demon (+20%) Lore: Magic (+20%) HTH: Basic O.C.C.Related Skills: Select 14 other skills, but at least 4 must be from technical and 2 from science. Plus select 2 additional skills at level 3, two at level 6, two at level nine, and 1 at level 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any (+10%) Electrical: Any - 544 -

Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Any Medical: Any (+10%) Military: Any Physical: Any Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Any Science: Any (+10%) Technical: Any (+20%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: The character also gets to choose 7 secondary. Additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parenthesis ( ). Select 1 additional skill at levels 4, 8, and 13. All secondary skills start vat the base skill level. Standard Equipment: Robe or cape, set of clothing, set of traveling clothing, may or may not have light M.D.C. body armor, knapsack, back pack, 1d4 small sacks, 1 large sack, 6 wooden stakes and mallet, canteen, binoculars, flares, a hunting knife, pens or pencils, other standard equipment. Either take a vehicle matching the piloting skill or prefer to walk, or use other means. (Think Belgarath or Belgarion) Weapons are pretty much the same. Either they have them or they don't. I leave it to the gamemasters to decide if and what weapons the character gets. Money: Starts with 1d4x100 in credits and 4d4x1000 in black markets items. In a pinch, the character can literally create whatever they want. Again I dropped it into the laps of the players or GMs. Obviously they don't get, nor want cybernetics.

Soul Merchant RCC

By: Brice Daury

The Soul Merchant RCC

These beings, who can be of various races and appear to be normal members of their race, excpet for greater personal charisma and ability to inter-relate with others. They have no racial ties with one another and the only thing that they always have in common is the desire to sell weapons, vehicles, souls, whatever else that they can seel, they will. While it is this innate desire and ability to sell that makes them merchants, it's their racial ability to deal in souls that makes them what they truly are- powerbrokers, pure and simple. These characters have very little inherent combat ability and do not go out of their way to gain more, they are salesmen who usually have as their protection any number of beholden beings who owe them in one way or another. It is this power, the ability to barter services and to get whatever they need through trade or amass fortunes through sale, which allows them to accomplish whatever goals they set for themselves. Attributes: all are the usual for their race, except that they automatically gain a bonus of +2d6 to their personal MA, allowing them their ability to sell snow to eskimos or buy gold from misers at dirt-cheap price. These characters are not only not built to be combat monsters, but are intended as the exact opposite- amerchant who has his OEclients' protect him. Special Abilities of the Soul Merchant: 1)Create Soul Drop- the OESoul Drop' is an organic crystal that the merchant can create within his body and store for upto two days without OEselling' it, then it is reabsorbed(but not the PPE for it) back into their body. The efects of the Soul Drop on clients is described below. Range: Must be touched to clients skin to bind to them, usually at the forehead or near the spine, but can be anywhere. PPE Cost: 10 per soul drop created Duration: As noted above, they can be stored for up to two days. Effects of the Soul Drop:Binds to the body and OEsoul'(or magical aura, if you will) of the client, granting a few powers over the client to the merchant; a)The merchant, not the client, has final say on PPE expenditures and use. Since the client has signed an arrangement giving his PPE to the merchant, the merchant can allow or disallow its expenditure(mages cannot use spells if the merchant won't let them- something they rarely are let in on before signing the pact), can stop it from being regenerated and can be taken from the client at any time, to be stored in the "Merchant's Jewel a large multi-carat gem that looks more valuable the more PPE stored in it. It is this ability to take PPE from clients and then OEsell' it to others that allow these beings to get powerful mages beholden to them. And while - 545 -

merchant cannot force client to use their magic or control what spells they cast, they can remove casting ability. b)The merchant has certain controls over the body of clients, he can do one of three things to them with but a thought- Can do 1d6 HP or 4d6MD damage to client for each melee action expended, Can paralyze the client by shutting down their central nervous system for as long as the merchant concentrates or for 2d6 minutes and finally, the merchant can send the client into Narcoleptic-like coma that renders them unconcious for 1d4+2 hours, though they can be awoken by outside stimulus after half sleep duration. *These powers insure that the clients are (rightly so) protective of their merchant, if merchant dies, they have no idea whether it will kill them or what(this will be dealt with in future post). It also insures that the client cannot openly attack or attempt to harm merchant. Because these powers are freely granted to the merchant when the soul drop is accepted(see below for details), the clients get absolutely NO save vs. these attacks. 2)Sense Clients and Communicate Telepathically with them: Range: The merchant can psionically sense any client of their within 500 miles range and the client cannot in anyway hide themselves from their merchant, nor can anyone else. The Merchant can telepathically communicate with their clients at upto 1 mile away, bu they cannot read the clients thoughts unless the client chooses to OEspeak' to them, though the client is forced to hear the merchant's words to them. This power costs no PPE or ISP to use and cannot be blocked or OEpeeked in on' psionically. 3)See PPE and OESoul' Range: line of sight, this is actually a part of their normal sense of sight, anyone they look is seen in terms of appearance and also as a battery that shows both current PPE total and what percentage of full PPE they are at. This is the ability that most determines who the merchant will try to arrange a Pact with. Soul Drop Note: this one is important, any removal of the drop will kill the client, no exceptions! Once the client signs the pact, it can only be broken by consent of merchant or by inability of merchant to uphold their end(see below). Limitations of the Soul Drops And Soul Merchants: * The drops also have a maximum range of 500 miles for the transmission of PPE to the merchant and if client dies outside this range, their PPE is doubled and released as normal, otherwise it goes to the merchant at the point of death when the power doubles. ** The soul drop can only be bonded to someone who has signed aPact with the mercahnt of their own free wil and they must then cut themselves(one point SDC minimum) and touch blood to the soul drop, which is then adhered to the client, usually at the forehead or spine, but coulld be hidden anywhere on their body. ***Soul Merchants cannot themselves ever learn to utilize magic, nor do they get the use of psionic powers. Their own PPE stores are only usable in three ways: 1-They can OEsell' their own current PPE to mages in need of more power. 2-They can empower TW devices, this is the extent of their own mystic ability. 3-PPE can be burned to heal damage at the rate of 1 HP/SDC/MDC for every 2PPE spent. Starting PPE for merchants:2d6x10 PPE plus PE attribute, gain +10PPE at level 3, 6 9 and 12 only-they have high initial amount but don't increase much over time. RCC Skills: Brokering/Sales +20%(New Skill-see below) Basic Mathematics 98% American 98% and two other languages(+15%) Literacy +30% Advanced Mathematics +20% Lore:Magic +15% Writing(pacts/Business Contracts) +25% Computer Operation +5% Lore: Demons and Monsters +15% Radio:Basic +5% One modern WP of choice *HtH:Basic costs the user two OEother' skill and Expert costs three, no other possibillities Must choose one of the following Field Of Sales(FOS) orientations: Weapons:Recognize Weapon Quality +15% Any three WPs Vehicles: Piloting(any two non-military or one military)+15% Any two Pilot-Related +15% Computer/Electronics: Computer Operation +20% Computer Programming+15% Any two Electronic skills of choice at +5% to the base skill level Black Market Items: Streetwise +20% Streetwise:Drugs +15% FindContraband/Weapons/Cybernetics+10% Any one WP RCC Other Skills: Pick six from the following at level one and two more at level 4, 8, 12 and 15. Communications:Any(+10% TV/Video- they like to make commercials) Electrical:FOS only Espionage:Intelligence and Forgery only(+10%) Mechanical: Basic and Automotive only - 546 -

Medical: Paramedic only Military: None Physical: Any except Acrobatics/Boxing/Gymnastics/Wrestling Pilot: Any(+5%) Pilot-Related:Any (+5%) Rogue:Any Technical: Any(+10% to literacies and languages plus photography) Weapon Proficiencies:Any Wilderness: Boat Building and Carpentry only Secondary Skills: Six at level one from previous list and gains two new ones at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. Equipment : Start with Expensive wardrobe of all top-notch fashionable clothes for all occassions Suit of Light MDC armor Two Weapons of Choice(must fit WPs) 2 weeks rations PC-3000 computer with 2d6 discs worth of info on prospective deals Personal PDD-V with 5 blank CDs Backpack Knapsack and Briefcase/Portfolio Bag(either way, it's lightly armored to have 15MDC, to protect contents) Starts out with 1d6x1000 dolloars in credits and 2d4x10,000 in blackmarket items(this is what they do...)

Space Bum OCC V.01

By: Matt W Penn

Space Bum O.C.C

Inspired by Dave Lister from RED DWARF, And Lone Star from Spaceballs. "So just because I haven't written any symphonies or painted the Sistine Chapel, that makes me prunable? No. Being a totally worthless, unwashed space bum, that's what makes you prunable." -Lister & Holly, Red Dwarf 'The Inquistor' From the dawn of time there has existed a certain breed of individuals in the Megaverse, a breed willing to put themselves on the line to make sure justice will prevail for all and have truth and liberty for all! No less impressive is the person who is so hard-working, so industrious, that with only large amounts of caffeine products to aid them, will drive themselves into an early grave to enhance the quality of life everywhere for man/wolfen/dwarf/elf-kind. Then there's the man or woman who wishes only to work hard and provide for themselves and their familes and succeed in their chosen profession through hard work and dedication. The Space Bum is none of those people. This particular breed of intergalactic floatsam simply wishes to coast through life with as little exertion on their part is possible, while trying to avoid the mythical beast called 'work' of which they are deathly terrified. They are perfectly content to let CosmoKnights or what-have-you run about like avians that have been decapitated saving the world while they sit on the sidelines drinking cheep domestic beer. Or, if it's too far to drive, they'll simply watch it on cable, which they're probably stealing anyway. Unfortunately (for the galaxy at large) Space Bums are also possessed with a wanderlust that drives them off their homeplanet (note:, sometimes wanderlust can be substituted with things like 'creditors, enraged fathers and horrible slug-like criminal overlords) and explore the galaxy, seeing new sights and meeting new people. If the Bum is very lucky, these new people will even take one of their checks. Unfortunately (for the Bums), it often costs money to do the things like travel the spaceways. So this means they might have to work. This isn't to imply Bums are lazy (well, maybe it is), it's simply they have panic attacks and curl into the fetal position at the mention of working. To them, 'Manual Labor' is the president of Mexico. Strangely enough, many of this unique class of people manage to get their hands (or paws, or tentacles or whatever) on small ships that are nearly always in bad shape, and on which cleanliness is something that happens to other people. In these, they wander about the Spacelanes doing odd jobs, becoming the equivalent of really lazy runners. A recent poll found that the primary hobby of these people was getting stoned drunk on the aforementioned cheep domestic beer, more than likely Natural Light. A close second is a strange talent for getting indebted to gangsters and being forced to do an inane task to raise the ungodly sum of credits to pay the individual off or risk being reduced to component atoms. Tasks of this sort include rescuing obnoxious princesses, who if not for their looks, who be better off free-floating particles anyway. It also should be noted the gangsters who have Bums in their debts wind up dying, normally through odd means such as strangulation or eating themselves to death. As such, the CCW has considered deputized Bums who are probably the greatest deterrent to organized crime in the galaxy, but then the CCW got a whiff of the Space Bums and decidedunanimously against it. Alignments: Normally Unprincipled or Anarchist, but can be any. Diabolic Space Bums are a true rarity, coming up with evil schemes they don't have the paitence to make work (I gotta go all the way over THERE to get the last component for my Death Ray? Bugger that. What's on the vid?) Attributes: None, though as always, having the IQ of toothpaste limits the chances of continued breathing. - 547 -

Natural Abilites: Dumb Luck: 5%+5% per level of experience. Due to some odd cosmic occurrence, Space Bums are preternaturally lucky. In circumstances when they are being threatened, the GM should roll to see if something bad happens to their antagonist, such as the villain's E-clips all being empty. Note: that this doesn't mean the Space Bum will be uninjured when Dumb Luck takes effect. Getting knocked into next week by a Chrysler 1976 LeBehemoth will hurt and injure bones, but it's better than being fried by a Dominator death-ray aimed precisely where the Bum was standing before the car hit him. Dumb Luck should never be relied on to save one's carcass. Bums who do are now laminated across the landscape. (Hey! Game Masters! Feel free to be 'creative.') O.C.C. Skills Able to speak Galactic Trade Tounge Three or Four (pick one) at 98%, and literacy in the language at -15% Basic Mechanics (+5%) Basic Electronics (+5%) Cook (+10%) Pilot EVA (+5) Pilot Hovercraft (+10%) Pilot Small Spacefraft (+10%) Movement Zero Gee (+5%) Hand to Hand Skills must be selected as an 'other' skill by trading in O.C.C. related skills. One for Basic, two for Expert and so on. Most Space Bums, when in a fight, prefer to hide behind the nearest Glitter Boy. O.C.C. Related Skills. Select eight at level one, plus select two additional at levels two and three, plus one more at levels six, nine and twelve. All skills start at level one proficiency, but you already knew that. Communications: Any except laser and cryptography Domestic: Any (+10%) Electrical: None (besides the skill they already have) Espionage: None Mechanics: Basic, Automobile and Spacecraft only (+10%) Military: None Physical: Any except acrobatics, boxing, gymnastics and wrestling Pilot: Any except jets, robot combat: elite and tanks Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rouge: Any (+2%) Science: Basic and advanced mathematics only Technical: Any W.P.s: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: May select four secondary skills at level one and two at level three, and do not get the benefit of skill bonuses. Equipment: Old jumpsuit, hat, thick boots, leather vest, driving gloves, unique odor, bandoleer loaded with beer cans instead of grenades, one energy weapon with an extra clip of ammo, knife, pack of cigarettes, high-fat snack foods, I.D. card with bad photo of the Bum, 1D4 sacks and 1D4 wooden stakes. May also have a rusted out junker of a small spacecraft (GM's discretion). Credits: 3D4 x 1000, tends to spend money freely.

Spatial Mage O.C.C. and Spatial Magic

By: Steven Trustrum

Spatial Mage O.C.C.

What is it that makes this person one with the the multiverse and not another? Fate? Astrology? Divine intervention? Favorite cereal? Nobody knows. What is known is that some people are born attuned to the dimensional energies that comprise the multiple dimensions of the multiverse. These beings are very few in number and even then, the chances of this person realising that he has this attunement are even rarer. However, for those few that are found and trained by another or who have the raw talent to learn on their own, the path of the Spatial Mage is theirs to tread. The Spatial Mage is a master of spatial energies, able to warp and bend the reality of both physical and universal dimensions to his will; he can sense dimensional energies as easily as the rest of us feal hot - 548 -

and cold. A Spatial Mage, like a Shifter, is more aware of the workings and energies of rifts than other men of magic. However, where as the Shifter might be considered students of such energies, Spatial Mages are its master. Because the Spatial Mage is a fragment of the multiverse itself, they are able to open and close rifts more easily than nearly any other being in existance, gods and alien intelligences included! This also allows the Spatial Mage the ability to control the energies of the multiverse so far as to create a small dimension of his own, known as a "Dimensional Realm". These beings tend to be either wandering scholars or adventurers, equipped with this-and-that from all manner of dimensions. Their travels through the multiverse and the knowledge they gain from such wanderings also result in them usually being very eccentric. Those Spatial Mages that decide to use their powers for the accumulation of wealth and power instead of knowledge are deadly foes indeed and are the distorted mirror images of their more benign brethren. 1. SENSE THE OPENING AND CLOSING OF RIFTS As per the Ley Line Walker ability, only all ranges are tripled. 2. LEY LINE PHASING As per the Ley Line Walker ability. 3. CREATE DIMENSIONAL REALM Spatial Mages, at any time, may create a "realm", a pocket dimension of their own design. This is done by the creator permanently sacraficing some P.P.E. from his permanent P.P.E. base. As the creator of such a realm goes up in levels, thus gaining more P.P.E., he can improve his realm by sacraficing more permanent P.P.E. into it. More than one Spatial Mage may co-operate upon the creation of a realm, each sacraficing some of his P.P.E. into its developement. However, each of those who contributes is considered the "creator" with regards to accessibility to that realm. Thus, none of those who have contributed to a realm's creation can lock out any of the other contributors as each has equal control (no matter each person's actual amount of P.P.E. sacraficed). 4. SPELL CASTING At first level, the Spatial Mage can learn Spatial Magic or regular spells. Some of these spells operate the same (and have the same name) as their regular counterparts, yet are represented separately under the "Spatial Magic" section because their statistics differ, representing the Spatial Mage's greater ability to control dimensional energies. The Spatial Mage can learn the following regular spells without any change to their description or statistics: tongues, see the invisible, dispel magic barrier, energy field, seal, summon familiar, summon greater familiar, sense magic, detect concealment, fool's gold, chameleon, befuddle, armor of Ithan, negate magic, eyes of Thoth, protection circle: lesser, fireball and ward. 5. P.P.E. Beginning P.P.E. is 3D6x10 plus his P.E. The character gains 2D6 P.P.E. per level. Note that if the character's racial P.P.E., either at the beginning or per level, is greater, use that instead. BONUSES: +3 to M.E., +2 to save vs. horror factor ATTRIBUTE REQUIREMENTS: none, the character is either born with the abilities or not. RACIAL RESTRICTIONS: Nearly any race can be a Spatial Mage (Gamemaster's discretion). O.C.C. SKILLS: Lore: Megaverse: The player is knowledgeable in the workings of dimensions, multiple planes of existance, theories on parallel worlds, etc. Base Skill: 25% + 5% a level. Lore: Magic (+15%) Basic Mathematics (+25%) Languages: Speaks 5 languages from any dimension(s) (+20%) Literacy in native language and 3 others from any dimension(s) (+20%) Astronomy (+10%) Hand to Hand Basic can be bought at the cost of one "other" skill, Expert at the cost of two and Martial Arts at the cost of three. O.C.C. RELATED SKILLS: Select 8 other skills. Plus select two additional skills at levels three and six, and one at levels nine and twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Basic Radio, Surveillance Systems and TV/Video only. Domestic: Any (+10%) Electrical: Basic Only Espionage: Intelligence, Wilderness Survival and Tracking only Mechanical: Basic Only Medical: Holistic Medicine or First Aid only (+5%) Military: Camouflage only Physical: Any Pilot: Any except Robots Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Any (+10%) Technical: Any (+15%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any - 549 -

SECONDARY SKILLS: The character gets to select six secondary skills from the previous list. These skills do not get the advantage of the bonus listed. All secondary skills start at the base level. STANDARD EQUIPMENT: Items are limited to several changes of clothing, a backpack, a few pens and pencils, notebook, a pistol (energy or otherwise) with 1d4+1 extra clips, travelling shoes / boots, 50 feet of rope, a crucifix, a survival knife and several other common items. MONEY: 2d4x100 in cash and 2d4x1000 in possessions CYBERNETICS: Avoids cybernetics and bionics as it impairs their magic. Spatial Mage (1) 0,000 - 2,240 (2) 2,241 - 4,480 (3) 4,481 - 8,960 (4) 8,961 - 17,920 (5) 17,921 - 25,920 (6) 25,921 - 35,920 (7) 35,921 - 50,920 (8) 50,921 - 70,920 (9) 70,921 - 95,920 (10) 95,921 - 135,920 (11) 135,921 - 185,920 (12) 185,921 - 225,920 (13) 225,921 - 275,920 (14) 275,921 - 335,920 (15) 335,921 - 295,920 Spatial Magic Level 1 Spells ALTER ENVIRONMENT Range: 10 foot radius per level up to 35 feet away; affects one object or person Duration: 2d6 minutes plus 2 minutes per level Saving Throw: Standard (if saving vs. the affects of the altered temperature). P.P.E.: 3 per 5 degrees or 5% lighting altered The caster of this spell can cause changes in the environment around the target. These changes can be in either light level or temperature. The degree to which these changes take place depend upon the caster's level, as shown by the chart below (effects are not cumulative): 1st - can raise or lower the temperature by 10 degrees celcius or faintly dim or brighten the existing light levels. 3rd - can raise or lower the temperature by up to 25 degrees celcius or dim or brighten the existing light levels by up to 25%. 5th - can raise or lower the temperature by up to 50 degrees celcius or dim or brighten the existing light levels by up to 50%. 5th - can raise or lower the temperature by up to 75 degrees celcius or dim or brighten the existing light to create white light (utterly blinding) or complete, pure darkness. 7th and every 2 levels beyond - can raise or lower the temperature by up to an additional 25 degrees celcius. ASTRAL PROJECTION Range: Self Duration: 20 minutes per level of experience Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 2 This spell is essentially the same as the spell on page 172 of the Rifts book. BANISHMENT Range: 300 feet Duration: 5 weeks per level of experience Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.: 15 This spell is essentially the same as the spell on page 183 of the Rifts book, except the "immediate area" which the entity must leave is one mile instead. D-PHASE Range: Self only Duration: 30 seconds per level Saving Throw: Not applicable P.P.E.: 15 Same as the Temporal Spell in the England World Book, pg 74. However, unlike the temporal spell, the caster's movement rate is not reduced. - 550 -

EXPEL DEMONS Range: 20 foot area per level of the caster Duration: Immediate, 3D6 hours Saving Throw: Special P.P.E.: 20 This spell is essentially the same as the spell on page 51 of Conversion Book 1. FEATHERLIGHT Range: touch or up to 10 feet away Duration: 10 minutes per level Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 6 Same as the spell on pg. 136 of the "Federation Of Magic" worldbook. IMPLOSION NEUTRALIZER Range: Can be cast on one explosive item up to 50 feet away per level of experience or two by touch. Damage: Reduced Duration: Special; varies Saving Throw: Not applicable P.P.E.: 8 Same as the spell on pg. 137 of the "Federation Of Magic" worldbook. MYSTIC PORTAL Range: 50 feet Duration: 2 minutes per level of the caster. Size: Up to a 30 foot wide and 60 foot tall portal / opening. Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 8 This spell is essentially the same as the spell on page 184 of the Rifts book. SPATIAL SENSES Range: Self; 15 foot radius per level. Duration: 1 melee per level Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 8 This spell results in the caster receiving a sort of 3 dimensional radar sense that surrounds him. The caster is aware of all senses within that area, be it textures, scents, sights, sounds, what have you. Of course, this makes it very difficult for others to sneak up on or attack the caster, thus the spell confers the following bonuses: +4 to initiative, +2 to parry and dodge, -35% to anyone trying to prowl within that area against the caster. TELEPORT: LESSER Range: 15 miles per level of experience; touch. Duration: Requires 1/2 a melee Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 3 This spell is essentially the same as the spell on page 177 of the Rifts book except the sucess ratio is 99% and the weight able to be transported is up to 150 lbs. Level 2 Spells D-SHIFT PHANTOM Range: Self only Duration: 30 seconds per level Saving Throw: Not applicable Limitations: Cannot move, speak, use psionics or cast magic in this altered state. P.P.E.: 10 Same as the Temporal Spell in the England World Book, pg 74. D-SHIFT TWO DIMENSIONS Range: Self only Duration: 30 seconds per level. Saving Throw: Not applicable Limitations; Cannot move, spek or cast magic while in this altered state, but can use psionic powers that don't require speech or movement. P.P.E.: 17 Same as the Temporal Spell in the England World Book, pg 74. D-STEP Range: Five feet - 551 -

Duration: One melee per level Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 30 Same as the spell on pg. 147 of the "Federation Of Magic" worldbook. D-WARP Range: 35 feet per level to a path up to 5 feet wide per level Duration: 1 melee, plus one melee per every 2 levels Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.: 10 This spell alters the spatial perceptions of beings caught within its area of affect if they fail to save. The victim(s) can no longer tell what is up and what is down, how far away something is, what colour is which, etc. Essentially, the spell creates an EXTREME sense of vertigo like affects. For the duration of the spell the victim loses initiative, is minus half his actions/attacks, and is -2 to strike, parry, dodge and roll. Also, the character must save vs. poisons every melee at -8 or throw up. Any skills requiring physical dexterity, such as acrobatics, are performed at -30% IGNORE 3D CONSTRAINT Range: Self only Duration: 2 melees per level Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 14 This spell allows the caster to ignore the laws of 3-D movement, thus making him able to walk on ceilings and up or down walls as if moving horizontally. Also, should the character be knocked off a wall or ceiling, he will fall back towards that plane (the last that his feet touched). The character can jump between two planes (such as from a wall to a ceiling) so long as it is within his normal jumping range; once his feet touch the new plane, that plane becomes the one towards which he will fall (his sense of "down"). Level 3 Spells CLOSE RIFT Range: 250 feet Duration: Instant results Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.: 45 This spell is essentially the same as the spell on page 189 of the Rifts book, except the spell does not drain any permanent P.P.E. However, despite the Spatial Mage's incredible control over dimensional energies, permanent rifts such as the St.Louis Gateway STILL cannot be closed by them. This leads many Spatial Mages to believe it was created by a very powerful member of their brotherhood or by a being whose dimensional control dwarves even their own! DIMENSIONAL POCKETS Range: Self only Duration: Varies. Temporary pockets last up to 2 hours per level of the caster. Long-term pockets can exist for years; 1 year per level. Saving Throw: Not applicable P.P.E.: Temporary 10, long-term 70 Same as the Temporal Spell in the England World Book, pg 76. FOLD OBJECT Range: by touch Duration: 1 hour per level of experience Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 5 per 10 lbs. This allows the caster to turn another object into a 2-Dimensional object, thus allowing it to be folded like a piece of paper. The caster may fold up to 50 lbs. of a single object, per level of his experience. Note that living objects are not affected by this spell. WARPED SPACE Range: Can be cast a distance of 250 feet away Radius: 20 feet radius per level of experience Damage: None per se; varies Duration: Two melee rounds Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 60 Same as the spell on pg. 152 of the "Federation Of Magic" worldbook. WORLD BIZARRE Range: Can be cast up to 200 feet away; radius affect Duration: Two melees per level of experience Saving Throw: Special P.P.E.: 30 Same as the spell on pg. 145 of the "Federation Of Magic" worldbook. - 552 -

Level 4 Spells ALTER PERCEPTION Range: 35 feet per level of experience Duration: 1 melee per level of experience Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.: 18 per person affected This spell can affect one person per level of the caster. Altering the way which reality is perceived by the target's senses, the spell makes it appear to the victim as though reality around him has become warped. For instance, vision seems to be all out of proportion and constantly in flux, tastes, smells and sounds seem to be too loud or too soft for what they are (ie: explosions only as loud as a whisper) and not coming from the direction of their source and touch is the exact opposite of what it really is (ie: touching a rabbit would feel sharp instead of soft). The victim's belief in these altered perceptions is so great that he can actually be affected by them. For instance, in the case of the rabbit, the G.M. might say the character takes 1d4 S.D. from the "sharpness" of the rabbit's fur or might cause the character to be deafened (in a similar manner as a Boom Gun) when someone tries whispering to him. This spell creates such a sense of disorientation that the character suffers the following penalties: -5 to initiative, -8 to strike, -4 to parry, dodge, and roll with impact. All skills requiring physical dexterity, such as gymnastics, are at a penalty of -30%. CURSE OF THE WORLD BIZARRE Range: 50 feet or by touch Duration: 1d6 days per level of the caster Saving Throw: -1 to save P.P.E.: 65 Same as the spell on pg. 153 of the "Federation Of Magic" worldbook. DIMENSIONAL ENVELOPE Range: Self only Duration: Varies. Temporary envelopes last up to 5 hours per level of the caster. Long-term envelopes can exist for decades; 30 years per level. Saving Throw: Not applicable P.P.E.: Temporary 40, Long-term 250 Same as the Temporal Spell in the England World Book, pg 75. PLANE SKIP Range: Self and up to two others by touch Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 50 Same as the spell on pg. 151 of the "Federation Of Magic" worldbook. REALM OF CHAOS Range: Up to a 200 foot radius around the caster Duration: One minute per level Saving Throw: -3 to save P.P.E.: 55 Same as the spell on pg. 148 of the "Federation Of Magic" worldbook. Level 5 Spells ASTRAL HOLE Range: Self Duration: One melee per level Saving Throw: Not applicable P.P.E.: 80 Same as the spell on pg. 152 of the "Federation Of Magic" worldbook. BOTTOMLESS PIT Range: 50 feet The portal/hole appears to be about 5 feet in diameter Duration: 5 minutes per level Saving Throw: Dodge P.P.E.: 65 Same as the spell on pg. 153 of the "Federation Of Magic" worldbook. PHASE OUT OBJECT Range: By touch Duration: 1 melee per level Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 12 per 10 lbs. affected - 553 -

This spell allows the caster to cause an item to go "out of phase". What this means is that the object can be seen but it cannot be touched save by those objects or people that are themselves "out of phase" (such as through Phasetechnology). All attacks made against such objects merely pass through, as do people who would otherwise walk into the object, etc. Only 10 lbs. of object may be phased out, per level of the experience and only one object may be affected per casting of the spell. REDIRECT DAMAGE Range: Self; 25 feet per level of experience Duration: 1 melee per level of experience Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 85 This spell causes any damage from physical attacks, such as missiles, swords, lasers, punches, that are directed at the caster to have an affect on this spell's target. For instance, if the caster uses this spell (targetting his attacker), when his attacker goes to punch him, the attacker would suffer the damage from his own attack. The effects of this spell are caused by the caster warping a part of space around himself and the target, thus misdirecting the damage. Magic and psionic attacks of a non-physical nature are not misdirected by this spell. There is also a maximum of 10 M.D.C. (1,000 S.D.C.) of damage which can be redirected per level of the caster; if the damage total is greater than the caster's maximum, it does only the maximum amount instead. WARP OBJECT Range: 40 feet plus 10 feet per level of the caster Duration: 1 melee Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 8 per 5 lbs. of object An object upon which this spell is cast becomes warped and its shaped drastically altered. The affect that this has on the object is up to the G.M. For instance, warped armour may only now offer half the protection they once did, arrows may only fly one-fourth as far as normal arrows, coins will not fit into coin slots, etc. Only one object may be affected per casting of this spell and even then, up to a maximum of 5 lbs. of object per level of the caster. Level 6 Spells DIMENSIONAL PORTAL Range: 15 feet Duration: 6 melees per level of the caster, or 3 minutes per level when performed as a ritual. Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 100 This spell is essentially the same as the spell on page 190 of the Rifts book. While the Spatial Mage can traverse the dimensions without the use of the spell, he must use it in order to take others with him (his dimensional travel ability affects only him). FORCE REALM ENTRY Range: Self and possibly others Duration: 1 melee Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: depends upon the realm which is being entered. This spell allows the caster (and others if he decides to expend the additional P.P.E.) to enter a Dimensional Realm that has been sealed. To determine if a realm may be successfully entered, add the spell caster's level to 10 and then subtract any penalties due to the barrier strength of the realm as well as the level of the creator of the barriers at the time of their creation. Roll a D20 and if the roll is less than the target number, the realm has been successfully entered. For example: a 6th level spatial mage is attempting to enter a restricted realm created by a 4th level spatial mage. The target number is 10 + 6 (the caster's level) - 3 (restricted access) - 4 (the level of the realm creator) = 9. If the spatial mage attempting entry rolls a nine or less, he gains entrance, otherwise the barriers successfully repel his attempt. RE-OPEN GATEWAY Range: 35 feet Duration: 2 melee rounds per level Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 100 Same as the spell on pg. 155 of the "Federation Of Magic" worldbook. SWAP PLACES Range: 75 feet per level; line of sight. Self or one other person by touch. Duration: One minute per level Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 170 Same as the spell on pg. 157 of the "Federation Of Magic" worldbook. TELEPORT: SUPERIOR Range: Self or others; distance of 1,000 miles per level of experience. Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None - 554 -

P.P.E.: 110 This spell is essentially the same as the spell on page 190 of the Rifts book except the sucess ratio tables are as below and the amount of weight that can be teleported is 2,000 lbs. per level. Chances of a successful Teleport: 1. Teleporting to a familiar location or a destination visible from one's starting point: 100% 2. A place seen only a few times before (2-6 times): 99%. 3. A place seen in a photo/video (the photograph / video image is being looked at during the moment of teleportation): 90% 4. A place never visited before, but described in detail: 70% 5. A place never visited before and known only by name or brief description: 40% Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport: 1-30: Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location, 3D6x10 miles off course. 31-85: Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location, 1D6x10 miles off course. 86-99: Teleport several feet above the ground; everybody falls, suffering 1D6 damage. 00: Teleport into an object; instant death. Level 7 Spells DIMENSIONAL TELEPORT Range: Another dimension Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 150 This spell is essentially the same as the spell on page 51 of Conversion Book 1 except he can transport 3,500 lbs. While the Spatial Mage can traverse the dimensions without the use of the spell, he must use it in order to take others with him (his dimensional travel ability affects only him). FOURTH DIMENSION TRANSFORMATION Range: Self only Duration: 3 minutes per level Saving Throw: Not applicable Limitations: Distortion of space and time which can result in temporary disorientation or permanent insanity. P.P.E.: 200 Same as the Temporal Spell in the England World Book, pg 76. However, the Spatial Mage only has to roll on the possible side affects table if he fails two consecutive saves vs. insanity first. SANCTUM Range: 100x100 foot room; can be created up to 1,000 miles away. Duration: The lifetime of the mage or until cancelled. Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 130 This spell is essentially the same as the spell on page 189 of the Rifts book. Level 8 Spells ANNIHILATE Range: 500 feet +100 feet per level Damage: Special Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Dodge P.P.E.: 300 Same as the spell on pg. 158 of the "Federation Of Magic" worldbook. CIRCLE OF TRAVEL (RITUAL) Range: 1,000 miles per level of experience Duration: Indefinite - as long as both circles exist undamaged and the user has sufficient P.P.E. to activate it. Saving Throw: Not applicable P.P.E.: 400 and 15 to activate (30 if taking others) Same as the spell on pg. 158 of the "Federation Of Magic" worldbook. DIMENSIONAL VORTEX Range: The vortex can be created up to 20 feet per level away from the caster Duration: up to a melee per level of the caster Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: Varies, see below This spell creates a vortex that draws all loose objects within its area of affect into it. Anything entering the vortex is thrown into the dimension to which the vortex was randomly opened to. The vortex itself appears as a swirling whirlpool of blue energy. The size and power (chance of certain objects being drawn in) depends upon the amount of P.P.E. the caster decides to spend on it. Obviously, an object larger than the vortex cannot get sucked into it, even though it may be pulled towards it. - 555 -

** Vortex Size ** Tiny vortex = less than a foot in diameter Small vortex = a foot and a half in diameter Average votex = five feet in diameter Large vortex = 10 feet in diameter Huge vortex = 25 feet in diameter Enormous vortex = 50 feet in diameter + 5 feet per each additional 10 P.P.E. spent with a limit of an additional 5 feet per level. ** Object Size ** Small objects = objects smaller than man-sized Man = man sized objects (including power armour) Large = robots and regular sized vehicles Huge = large robots (40 feet plus) and similiar The percentage beneath the object sizes is the chance that an object of that size will be drawn into the vortex if it isn't restrained. If an object is restrained (nailed down, held onto, etc.) then the percentage is reduced by 1/2. VORTEX SIZE P.P.E. SMALL MAN LARGE HUGE ------------------------------------------------Tiny 100 64% 24% 2% --Small 130 76% 38% 6% --Average 160 88% 48% 16% 2% Large 260 99% 64% 38% 16% Huge 340 99% 88% 48% 38% Enormous 480 99% 99% 64% 48% For each additional 5 feet of size added to the enormous votex the P.P.E. cost goes up by 10 and the chance of being sucked in goes up by 2% to a maximum of 99%. The dimension to which the vortex opens up is random and cannot be controlled by the caster. The GM can either pick the dimension or roll on the table below (note that if the dimension rolled is the same as that in which the object is already in, the object will simply be teleported elsewhere). 01-07: Wormwood 08-14: Rifts Earth 15-21: Heroes Unlimited Earth 22-28: Nightbane Earth 29-35: The Warspheres 36-42: Phaseworld 43-49: Hell 50-56: The Nightlands 57-63: The Astral Plane 64-70: The Manhunter Universe 71-77: Robotech Universe (Macross) 78-85: Robotech Universe (Southern Cross) 86-92: Robotech Universe (Invid Invasion) 93-00: Macross II Universe ID SELF Range: Self Duration: Varies Saving Throw: Special Limitations: Can summon only one id self per every 2 levels of experience, starting at 2nd level. P.P.E.: 260 Same as the Temporal Spell in the England World Book, pg 77. SANCTUARY Range: 75 foot radius per level of the caster Duration: 2D6 hours per level of the caster Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 500 This spell is essentially the same as the spell on page 53 of Conversion Book 1. Dimensional Realm Creation (Based on ideas by C.J.Carella) A dimensional realm is a (relatively) small dimension which is created through the sheer will and expenditure of mystic energy by a being that has the ability to manipulate dimensional energies like they were toys (such as spatial mages are capable of doing). Another oddity about the realms created by spatial mages is that, should they choose to do so, more than one can combine their efforts and P.P.E. in their creation. - 556 -

Size and Creation Points: When a realm is being made by a Spatial Mage, he or she must first determine how big it is to be (in actual size, not in appearance). The larger the realm's actual size gets, the more P.P.E. must be spent in order to create it. However, the larger the realm, the more speciality points there are to spend on special features. All of the following can be selected as often as desired, to create either multiple realms or to add on to a previous one, provided P.P.E. are permanently spent. 1. TINY REALM: This is as small as it gets as far as dimensional realms go. It is typically the size of a single bedroom apartment. Permanent P.P.E. Cost: 10 Available Specialty Points: 50 2. SMALL REALM: Slightly larger than the tiny realm, this one is more along the lines of an average sized house. Permanent P.P.E. Cost: 20 Available Specialty Points: 100 3. AVERAGE REALM: The most common kind of realm created by the Spatial Mage, these realms are about the size of a single city block. Permanent P.P.E. Cost: 40 Available Specialty Points: 300 4. LARGE REALM: About the size of a small town, this realm is created by those Spatial Mages who have chosen to settle down or have lots of power to spend. Permanent P.P.E. Cost: 100 Available Specialty Points: 500 5. GREATER REALM: Usually restricted only to those who are very powerful, these realms are comples in their design and abilities and usually cover miles in area. Permanent P.P.E. Cost: 250 Available Specialty Points: 800 6. GRAND REALM: Only those beings with extreme power at their fingertips are capable of making these huge and magestic realms. Ranging in size from a single city to that of a small country, this realm is capable of containing its own civilization or society! Permanent P.P.E. Cost: 1000 Available Specialty Points: 1200 Characteristics and Features of a Realm (A) Accessibility: This feature of a realm denotes how easy it is to enter the realm. 1. FREE: The entrance is out in the open for all to see and can also be used by anyone, thus it is possible that people will accidently just wander into it. Specialty Point Cost: None 2. HIDDEN: There is some form of secret which must be performed in order to enter the realm. This could range from a secret knock on the door before opening, a password, going in backwards, etc. However, this secret method will only keep out non Spatial Mages. Any being attempting to use the "Force Realm Entry" spell must do so at a cost of 20 P.P.E. per person being brought through with no penalty. Other Spatial Mages will notice that the entrance is there on a moderate perception roll though the exact means to enter need not be known, their spatial power alone allows them access. Specialty Point Cost: 10 3. ENERGY BARRIERS: Surrounded by dimensional energies which have been channelled into forming mystic barriers with 200 M.D.C. (S.D.C.) per 10 square foot section. The barriers regenerate at a rate of 20 M.D.C. (S.D.C.) per melee round. Only people the creator specifies can cross the barriers without problems. Any being attempting to use the "Force Realm Entry" spell must do so at a cost of 40 P.P.E. per person being brought through with a penalty of -1. Note that the energy shields do not have to be brought down first. Specialty Point Cost: 15 4. RESTRICTED: Similiar to the Hidden selection, but the barriers will keep out Spatial Mages as well. To enter unbidden, the Spatial Mage must use the "Force Realm Entry" spell. The energy barriers are 300 M.D.C. (S.D.C.) per 10 foot section and regenerate 30 M.D.C. (S.D.C.) per melee. Any being attempting to use the "Force Realm Entry" spell must do so at a cost of 60 P.P.E. per person being brought through with a penalty of -3. Note that the energy shields do not have to be brought down first. Specialty Point Cost: 25 5. FORBIDDING: Similiar to the Restricted selection, except any being attempting to use the "Force Realm Entry" spell must do so at a cost of 80 P.P.E. per person being brought through with a penalty of -5. Note that the energy shields DO have to be brought down first. Specialty Point Cost: 40 6. FORTIFIED: Similiar to the Restricted selection, but the energy barriers are 400 M.D.C. (S.D.C.) per 10 foot section and regenerate 40 M.D.C. (S.D.C.) per melee (double both if number 6 is taken twice). Any being attempting to use the "Force Realm Entry" spell must do so at a cost of 110 P.P.E. per person being brought through with a penalty of 7 (-14 if selection 6 is taken twice). Note that the energy shields DO have to be brought down first. Specialty Point Cost: 55 (B) Size In this section the Spatial Mage chooses the actual size of his realm. The same size can be purchased more than once to make the realm bigger. - 557 -

1. TINY: 100 cubic feet Specialty Point Cost: None 2. SMALL: 300 cubic feet Specialty Point Cost: 5 3. AVERAGE: 1000 cubic feet Specialty Point Cost: 10 4. BIG: 1 cubic mile Specialty Point Cost: 20 5. LARGE: 10 cubic miles Specialty Point Cost: 35 6. HUGE: 100 cubic miles Specialty Point Cost: 50 (C) Portals or Gateways: Access to all dimensional realms MUST be achieved through some sort of permanent entryway, such as a door, a chest, or a tunnel in a hillside. Multiple portals can be bought, giving more than one entrance as well as diversity of types. 1. FIXED PORTAL: This is a stationary point that cannot be moved, nor can the entranceway be changed to another place. Specialty Point Cost: None for the first, 5 for each additional. 2. ASTRAL PORTAL: The dimension can only be accessed from a specific point in the astral plane. Any astral traveller may see the portal no matter its defenses (though gaining access is another matter). Specialty Point Cost: 10 3. MOVABLE PORTAL: Through means of some portable device, the character can enter his realm. Note that the item's opening must be large enough for the character to pass through. If the item is destroyed, so too is the portal. Specialty Point Cost: 20 4. AUTOMATIC TRANSPORTATION: The character can teleport into his domain at will. This ability has a base chance for success of 55% +4% per level of experience. It takes 3 minutes of concentration and only those who created the realm may use this ability (no P.P.E. cost) Specialty Point Cost: 50 5. INSTANT TRANSPORTATION: Same as number 4, above, but only takes one action of concentration. Specialty Point Cost: 80 (D) Landscape The dimension can take on any appearance that the creator(s) imagination wishes but is restricted by the amount of P.P.E. he spends upon it. 1. FEATURELESS: Lacking of any features whatsoever, the realm creature most decide how this "nothingness" will appear (mist, fog, complete blackness, etc.). Specialty Point Cost: None 2. SINGLE STRUCTURE AND SIMPLE LANDSCAPE: The entire realm exists within one building which looks out onto nothing. If anyone attempts to leave the single building by any means than the portals attached to it (through a window for instance), they will encounter the realm's barriers. The number of rooms in the realm and their size depends upon the total size of the realm. Specialty Point Cost: 10 3. MULTIPLE BUILDINGS: The realm exists as several structures upon a simple landscape (nothing, a field, wasteland, etc.). This landscape extends only a few feet (2 to 30) from the buildings but appears to be infinite. The realm creator must decide whether attached portals will deposit people upon the landscape itself or within one of the buildings. The size of the buildings on the outside has no bearing upon how big they are on the inside (that depends upon the total size of the realm) yet each building must be exited in order to enter the rooms within another, same as any other type of building. Specialty Point Cost: 20 4. LIFELIKE: The realm has been detailed completely so that it takes on the existance of a complete landscape (with sounds and plants, as desired). Although it may appear to be real, the realm's plants (if any) are fakes but have the same appearance and S.D.C. as their real counterparts. In order to create a realm with real plants, see "G", later in this section or rules. However, the sky still remains featureless, detracting from the illusion of the realm being a "real" world. The creator can deign to put buildings within the realm or not, as he sees fit. Specialty Point Cost: 30 5. COMPLEX: Same as the lifelike selection, but with more detail. Items such as clouds (fake) and a lifelike sky, making the realm appear as a part of a "real" world. All constructs have double the amount of S.D.C. as their real world counterparts. Specialty Point Cost: 40 6. HIGHLY COMPLEX: Multiple kinds of landscapes can be created along with the sky. For instance, part of the realm may be a mountain range with the creator's castle while at the base of these mountains is a sandy beach upon a body of water. All constructs have triple the S.D.C. of their real world counterparts. Specialty Point Cost: 50 (E) Special Defenses While it may be hard for intruders to enter a realm, it is not impossible by any means. When those defenses which are meant to keep intruders out have been breached, it is up to the following special defenses (if purchased) to deal with such intruders. Also, beyond the defenses mentioned below, it is possible for the realm to be guarded by simpler means (such as explosive mines and - 558 -

tripwires or mystical wards) but because such methods do not require the permanent expenditure of P.P.E., they are not looked at in this section. 1. NONE: The realm itself has no other defenses than its barriers. It is therefore up to any beings within the realm to deal with such invaders. Specialty Point Cost: None 2. ALARMS: If anyone except the creator(s) or those who are there by their [the creator(s)] leave enter the realm, a mental alarm goes off in the creators' head. This alarm will alert the creator anywhere in the megaverse that his realm is being intruded upon. Specialty Point Cost: 5 (+5 to allow the spatial mage to mentally designate guests which will not set off the alarm). Alarms can be set in various parts of the domain. 3. TRAPS: These are traps built of the creator(s) mystical sacrafice and are thus apart of the realm itself. Any trap envisioned can be created and only intruders with skills such as detect ambush and detect concealment may notice them; for all others, a successful challenging perception roll may allow them to avoid the traps. The maximum damage a trap may do is 1D4x10 S.D.C. or M.D.C. (one or the other, as determined upon the trap's creation). Specialty Point Cost: 25 per trap (+5 to allow the spatial mage the ability to mentally designate guests who shall not be attacked by the traps). 4. DIMENSIONAL TRAPS: These are dimensional portals that simply "shove" the invaders out of the realm. The destination of the intruder that is successfully attacked by one of these moving portals is dimensionally teleported, as per the table given with the "Dimensional Vortex" spell. As many as 8 intruders can be teleported away at once per single trap! Afterwards, it becomes inactive until a new group of intruders enters the realm. This trap may be purchased multiple times by paying the base cost. Each additional purchase increases the amount of people teleported by six. The portal attacks intruders with the following statistics: 3 attacks per melee, +3 to strike, immune to damage as it is not substantial and there is nothing to damage. Specialty Point Cost: 35 per portal (+5 to allow the spatial mage the ability to mentally designate guests who shall not be attacked by the traps). 5. SPATIAL MAGE SPELL SPHERES: These appear as jet black sphers, about one foot in diameter, which seem to absorb all light. They float through the air and attack any intruders within the realm. This attack is achieved by the creator of the realm, upon making the sphere, instilling it with a spell that he knows. When purchased, by type, the spheres are granted a P.P.E. base from which it will power that spell (note that the chosen spell cannot cost more to cast than the sphere's P.P.E. reserve). The sphere can take damage, some of which it can regenerate each melee, and if destroyed it is gone for good. SPHERE P.P.E. M.D.C. M.D.C. TYPE RESERVE TOTAL REGENERATION -------------------------------------------------Weak 30 45 1D10 Average 60 90 2D10 Strong 120 180 1D4x10 Powerful 240 360 2D4x10 Deadly 480 720 3D6x10 Specialty Point Cost: 5 for the Weak, 10 for the Average, 20 for the Strong, 40 for the powerful, 80 for the Deadly. (F) Physical Laws Because the Spatial Mage's realm is a dimension of his own creation, he may deign what laws of physics apply and which do not. 1. SAME AS HOME DIMENSION: The physical laws of the creator(s) home dimension apply within the realm. Specialty Point Cost: None 2. TESSARACT: Any surface is considered "down", thus walls and ceilings may be walked upon and objects dropped will fall towards the nearest such surface. This affect is very confusing and disconcerting and thus those who are not used to it will suffer the following penalties (save flying creatures): -2 on all combat moves/bonuses when fighting creatures who have lived in the realm for several months (no modifiers if both sides are equally disoriented). Furthermore, characters with the skills of navigation, land navigation and tracking suffer a skill penalty of -30%. Specialty Point Cost: 15 3. SPECIFIC TECHNOLOGY NULLIFIED: A technology of the creator's choice, such as energy weapons, gunpowder, etc., will not work within the realm. This selection may be made multiple times to cancel out multiple technology types. Specialty Point Cost: 25 4. NO MAGICS or PSIONICS: This selection must be made separately for each, magic and psionics, and stops that particular choice from working within the realm. Note, however, that Spatial Mages have such a great control over their powers that the "No Magics" choice must be bought TWICE to stop Spatial Magic from working as well. If this is done, the creator's own spells will not work within his own realm. Specialty Point Cost: 40 per category cancelled and can be bought for psionics, magic, superpowers, nightbane talents, and supernatural P.S. 5. POWER CONTROL: The crator of the domain is unaffected by any of the restrictions purchased. Thus, he can, for example, use magic or lasers while nobody else can. Specialty Point Cost: 50 6. OTHERS: Other changes, as desired by the player or G.M., are possible as well. Specialty Point Cost: Varies, though should range between 20 and 100 points, depending upon how powerful they are. - 559 -

(G) Living Conditions Until certain living conditions are met, all within the realm is false and merely for appearances sake. In order to make the realm a truly self-sustaining pocket dimension, capable of supporting life, certain provisions must be made. 1. NONE: The realm is made up entirely of showpieces which are not equal to their "real" world counterparts. In other words, the fruit of the realm does not grow back and contains no nutritional value or taste, the water will slake no thirst, etc. Specialty Point Cost: None 2. SOIL NUTRIENTS AND WATER: The earth of the realm is real, as is the water. Thus, seeds brought from elsewhere can be planted and an entire ecosystem can be transplanted into the realm. However, to make sure this transplanted environment is created properly so that it will not destroy itself, a skill roll of both biology and botany at -30% must be made. It is also up to the character to determine how he will get the plants and animals to his realm. Specialt Point Cost: 15 3. ENERGY: The massive P.P.E. fields of the Megaverse which exist outside of the pocket dimension are tapped as a source of electrical power and can thus be used to power modern appliances and electrically powered equipment. Specialty Point Cost: 30 points to supply power to one building, 40 for the equivalent of a city block, +10 per additional city block equivalent. (H) Special Abilities A creator may bestow upon his realm certain special ablities which help to define its reality. 1. P.P.E. SOURCE: The realm grants its creator(s) the capacity to draw P.P.E. from the sprawling megaverse beyond its borders. This energy source will regenerate completely every 12 hours. Specialty Point Cost: 1 per every 2 P.P.E. points in the source. 2. I.S.P. SOURCE: Similar to the P.P.E. source only the megaversal energies manifest in mental, not magical, energies. Specialty Point Cost: 1 per ever 2 I.S.P. points in the source. 3. MAGICAL PROTECTION: The mystic nature grants its creator(s) added protection from magic so long as he is in his realm. Specialty Point Cost: 3 points per +1 save vs. magic. 4. PSYCHIC PROTECTION: Similar to magic protection except it is affective against psionics. Specialty Point Cost: 3 points per +1 save vs. psionics. 5. ENHANCED ATTRIBUTES: Drawing upon the energies of his realm, the creator(s) physical attribute(s) is enhanced while in his realm. This ability can only affect P.S., P.P., P.E., P.B. and Spd., with the specific attribute which is to be enhanced chosen when this special ability is created. The enhancement occurs automatically as soon as the creator enters his realm. Specialty Point Cost: 5 points provides +1 to any 1 physical attribute or +5 to S.D.C. / M.D.C. All attributes other than P.S. cannot be raised higher than 30; P.S. can be increased to 60 and S.D.C. / M.D.C. up to 200. 6. MAGICAL ABILITIES: The creator(s) allows himself to have the ability to "cast" a magical spell at no P.P.E. cost. The spell is cast as if the character were 5th level in strength and can be used as often as twice per melee. As many as 20 spells may be purchased in this manner, each separately. Each creator has access to these spells. Specialty Point Cost: Equal to five times the cost in P.P.E. to cast the spell. 7. PSYCHIC ABILITIES: The same as number 6, above, only it pertains to psychic abilities. Specialty Point Cost: Equal to five times the cost in I.S.P. to activate the power. 8. INSTANT TRAVEL: The creator(s) has the ability to appear anywhere within his realm, instantly and with no cost in P.P.E. Specialty Point Cost: 25 (I) Inhabitants Any beings that the creator may wish to have live in his realm must be brought there under his own means.

Spawn R.C.C.
Creature of Hell
By: Joseph W House The Spawn are not a race unto themselves as much as they are a mystic hybrid of what thy once had been and a bit of the mystic power that is Hell. Spawn are created when a creature dies, and yet ihas such a desire to live that they instead of going to whichever plane of existence they are expected to go to they instead roam the Nega-Planes of existence until they are found by the scouts of Hell and are offered the chance to live again. As in all cases when dealing with Hell the benifits are outwieghed by the consequences. When sent back to whatever planet they choose to return to, the character is not returned as what they once were but as a Hellspawn (or Spawn for short). Hellspawn appear to be a partailly decomposed version of what they formally were. While they might be happy with their newfound abilities (they can even make themselves to appear human yet they never will be able to appear as they once were) and seeming invulnerability they will soon find that their power is limited. With the waining power comes the limited time that they are ably to spend within the realm of the living as when they run out of power they will return to the realms of Hell to the troop housing facilities to begin their training as footsoldiers for the Leviathai.

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The only chance of not being ultimately signed over to an eternal existance of servetude in Hell is to find and destroy the intelligence whom is the contract holder. Though many can remember the appearance of the intelligence none know it's name as though it is on the contract it is written in an unintelligeable rune sequence (Cthullu?, a Splugorth?). It is interesting to note that most Spawn (57%) are characters from both of the alignment extremes, a character who was a truly dedicated Cyber Knight will be just as likely to come back as a Spawn as the coke dealer at the end of the block. The reason for the frequency of these extremely honor aligned (pricipled) characters signing away their souls to this supernatural evil is that they may have been in the midst of fighting their ever worst enemy and might totally disregeard the fact that they're dead. Though then again they're sense of duty may be so powerful that they may be totally knowledgeable of the fact of their being deceased yet they still fight on to find a way to return and destroy this evil of evils. The simple fact of the matter is this, for a Palladin or Cyber Knight to sacrifice themselves (and even their immortal souls) seems to be a little price for them to pay to make the Megaverse a better kinder place for the people that they've sworn to protect. And then there is the second school of thought which is simply this, if you were a truly evil and vile alien intelligence who was seeking to take over both the Underworlds and Heaven AND Earth wouldn't you be perversily gleeful in knowing that a full half of your army is consistent of truly good characters whom through your knowledge of decete abd cunning have personally tricked into serving in your army for eternity? Notes: If creating a Spawn character the character will only remember key portions of their past and then they will only coe during dreams and flashbacks. A Spawn does not have to be a former adventurer and may be a small child who had some reason to come back (Gms have fun with this). If a Spawn is being created newly then you may want to roll 1D4 and select an O.C.C. / R.C.C. /P.C.C. to see what the Spawn was in it's past life and how high it advanced. Alignments: Any though most are evil Attributes: I.Q. as before death, M.E. +1D6, M.A. as before death, P.S. +2D6 (Supernatural), P.P. +1D6, P.E. +1D6, P.B. Reduce to 2D4, Spd +3D6 Average Lifespan: Varies, how much do you want to do? Average Size: as before death Weight: as before death Hit Points: na S.D.C.: na M.D.C.: 200 +1d6x10 per level, or if already M.D.C. +210 +66 per level Horror Factor: 16, or if already possessing a H.F. +6, if in costume drop this by four. P.P.E.: 5000 (it may be sugestable to drop this total to 1500 if the character seems too powerful).Note: This P.P.E. does not and can not regenerate through any means at all. Natural Abilities: As before death plus Spawn abilities (Note: the Spawn abilities work only while the P.P.E. is being expended. I.S.P. may be used as well but at twice the cost) Enhanced Immunity towards HF: The Spawn is going to be harder to scare than another character simply because they are extremely driven, and hell, they're already dead. +4 vs Horror Factor Immune to Vampires: The Spawn is imune to all of the Vampire's special abilities as they're another form of undead. So the only way for a vampire to kill a Spawn is to either pummel them or to blow 'em away. Flight: The character is able to fly at a certain cost of P.P.E. which is directly associated to the speed attained. Speed: 5mph, 10mph, 50mph, 100mph, 200mph, Mach1, Mach5 P.P.E.: (this is per every five minutes at the speed indicated) 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320 Power Ball: The character can create a devastating glowing orb of mystic energy approximately the size of a softball that may be thrown at a target. Note: This spell is a one use per casting spell. M.D.: 4D6, or 3D6x10 Range: As a thrown object (1 pound of wieght) P.P.E.: 10, 25 Minor Teleportation: This applies to all teleports from the smallest fraction of an inch up to two hundred feet. Range: 200 Feet P.P.E.: 10 Greater Teleportation: A little bit stronger than Minor Teleportation. Range: 2 Miles P.P.E.: 30 Major Teleportation: The strongest of the teleportation abilities. Range: Spacefold (anywhere in the realm of the living) P.P.E.: 1000

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Instantanious Regeneration: This instantaniously repairs/heals any and all damage done to the Spawn. Note: If the character has sustained any heavy damage, 65% total M.D.C. is gone, (ie limbs are hanging, there's large hole through the center of the body) body parts will be torn from the main body (and at times the main body may rip apart) if there is anything over 100 lb. lifted by the Spawn. P.P.E.: 30 Mystic Charge: Charges an M.D.C. weapon with mystic energy for mystic combat. It can also be used on an S.D.C. weapon making it both an M.D.C. weapon and capable of mystic combat (though it'll cost more). Duration: 5 melees per level P.P.E.: 15, 40 Psionics: As before death Magic: As before death Combat: As before death, except combat is now M.D. Available O.C.C.s: As before death and may continue to advance yet now at the Dragon table of advancement. Starts as 1st level. Weapons and Equipment: As before death, plus a simbiotic Spawn armor. Bionics and Cybernetics: As before death, yet weapons are now P.P.E. powered. Money As before death Spawn Symbiotic Amor The Spawn Symbiotic Armor (from here on out it'll be called the SSA) is more than a mere suit of armor to be worn to protect oneself. The SSA is a seperate living entity who's one goal in life is to keep their partner alive and well. Though the Spawn can command the SSA to attack and to do various other tasks (though nothing whicvh requires a skill check) the SSA does have it's own mind and is capable of independent thought and action. The SSA has the following attributes and any bonuses or penalties which may apply: I.Q. 4 P.S. (supernatural) 18 P.P. 22 M.D.C. 100 the Spawn may purchase additional M.D.C. protection for the armor at the initial character creation at the rate 50 M.D.C. for evry 30 P.P.E. spent from the characters P.P.E. base (Note: this expenderature is permanent) The armor regenerates at the rate of 40 M.D.c. per hour. Weight: NA the SSA is a part of the Spawn itself Prowl Penalties None Number of Attacks the suit can attack a number of times per mellee equal to the number of chains it has (these do not count against the Spawns attacks) Weapons and Equipment 1. Hooked Chains The SSA has a number of chains equal to 2 chains on each of the character's rists and ancles (so the basic humanoid character has eight chains. And no these cannot be lost as they are a part of the armor (limbs)). These do Mega Damage! M.D.: 1D6 per striking attack Optional attack entangle (see N&SS or Rifts) Range 20 Feet

Speaker for the Dead

By: Galahad As Taren stood before the ever-gathering crowd, she once more thought through her introduction. She wasn't nervous, but she never got used to it. After she was through everyone in this small farming community would hate her, but at least they would know the truth. When the hour struck, she waited for the last whispers of the crowd to cease before she started. She began in the usual way, stating the obvious statistics. "Laren Ghin. Born 42 PA, died in 104. He was a priest in the local church. He told you all every day that faith would make these barren plains grow bounty galore and that the gods would protect you. The plains are still barren, but he gave you hope." Up to this point was simple. They all thought she was going to tell a glorious tale of his life. Taren looked down at the priest's daughter who had called her here. She was going to be heart-broken. Taren continued. "You gave tithes, food, sacrifices. He built a magnificent temple from which he could talk to the gods and help you. It took everything you had, but you built it." Taren took a deep breath. "I'm afraid all was in vain. You did not build a house for the gods, you built a palace for a thief. Laren Ghin was no servant of the gods, and was no saint." Taren went on, perfectly calm while telling about how it was he who had poisoned the land. The fertilizers that they were supposed to be spreading by Ghin's divine orders were actually salt and herbacides, therefore ruining the crop and making his position of faith much more potent. At the end, everyone was crying. The huge building, the temple, in front of which he was standing was torn down by an angry mob. Taren knew she was safe. She had spoken the truth and the people knew it. She went back to the house where she had - 562 -

been staying, packed her small bags, mounted her old horse, and headed out into the wilderness. I couldn't seem to build a whole OCC on The Speaker for the Dead, but I realized that I didn't need to. Ender (reference to Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card) was a military guy who just "became" a Speaker because he had a traumatic event in his life (that's the year's biggest understatement.) So, here is the deal. anyone can become a Speaker. It doesn't cost any skills or anything, just the commitment to the truth and the blunt telling of it. Regardless of last occupation, they will commit their lives to speaking the deaths of anyone when called. They continue to advance as normal. SFD skills increase starting at level 1. The speaker is well versed in many languages and studies them excessively. After all, you can't speak if you don't know how. They have also had great tradgedy in their lives and are usually very compassionate, never so much, however, as to interfere with the truth.

Speaker for the Dead

Alignment restrictions: Good or Aberrant only Attributes: MA of 13+ and IQ of 11+ Additional skills (in addition to original OCC): Anthropology (+20%) or 10% bonus if character already has the skill 2 Languages (+15%) 2 Literacy's (+10%) Public Speaking* (+10%) Streetwise (+5%) Plus any secondary or OCC skills taken get a 5% bonus, due to the character's affinity for languages *Is there a public speaking skill? If not, use 30% + 5% per level. Sound good? Additional equipment: none to speak of. they tend not to have much because they constantly travel. Also, a speaker will never accept pay for their services outside of room and board for the duration of their investigation.

Spider Warrior R.C.C.

By: Gothix "ds" "Bris/Joshua-Aaron" Haskett gothixtech@GEOCITIES.COM

The Spider Warrior R.C.C.

Black as night and as quick as a bullet, the Spider Warriors are a race to be reckoned with. As beings that are technically half-spider half-human, the Spider Warriors can be a threat indeed. They have been known to raid small villages in packs of 40-50 (1d4x10+10), eating the local inhabitants. No one knows where the Spider Warriors came from. It is rumored (among the Spider Warriors as well) that they are a result of a Gene-Spicer's madness. Other rumors hint at DNA transfusions gone haywire. Some have even suggested that they are "demons sent from hell to purge the land of all that is holy". Weather any of these accusations are true, no one knows. The Spider Warriors have dark-gray to black skin, dark gray to black hair (always worn long), eyes without pigment, and muscular builds. Lend to wear clothing and body armor that is dark in color. Once per year, a female Spider Warrior will find a mate, go through the mating process, then instinctively kill the male. About 3d6 days later, the female will lay 1d4 eggs, which she will mother until they are about 6 years old. The eggs will hatch 2d4 days after being laid. Alignments: Any. (70% of them are cannibals) Attributes: IQ: 3d6, MA: 3d6, ME: 3d6, PS: 2d4+20 (supernatural), PP: 4d6+2, PE: 4d6+2, PB: 2d6, Spd: 3d6+40 Average Size: 8-10 feet tall Weight: 215-350 pounds Average-life Span: 120 years Hit Points & SDC: A mega-damage being MDC: PE attribute plus 1d6 MD per level of experience, and/or from body armor or magic. Horror Factor: 13 PPE: 3d6 Special Abilities: 1. Leap: The Spider Warrior can use his spider legs to leap 30 feet up and 30 feet across, add 1d8 feet per level of experience. 2. Wall Climbing: The Spider Warrior can use his legs to climb on walls and ceilings without suffering Spd penalties. Base percentages are as follows: Smooth (like glass) surfaces: 20% +2% per level, Stucco and Brick-like surfaces: 40% +4% per level, All other surfaces: 60% +5% per level. 3. Immunity to Poison: Due to its spider nature, the Spider Warrior is immune to all non-magical poisons. Has a +4 save vs Magical Poisons. 4. Poisonous Bite: The Spider Warrior has a bite that secretes a non-lethal non-magical poison into its victim's bloodstream. The victim must save vs Poison or fall asleep in 2d4x4 rounds for 3d6x4 rounds. 5. Immunity to Falls: The Spider Warrior cannot be hurt from falling. Damage tables are as follows: 1-50 feet fall: No Damage, 51- 563 -

100 feet falls: 1 M.D. of damage, 101-150 feet falls: 1d4 M.D., 151-200 feet: 2d4 M.D., 201-250 feet: 3d4, etc. 6. Hold Breath: The Spider Warrior can hold its breath for 20 rounds, +1d4 rounds per level. Penalties: 1. Water: Spider Warriors cannot swim. When in water, they can hold there breath as the ability above suggests, but if they don't reach a source of oxygen afterwords, they die. All skills and bonuses (except saving throws) are at half when underwater. RCC Skills: One Earth Language of choice at 89% Mathematics: Basic (+15%) Climb (+50%) Prowl (+50%) Wilderness Survival (+30%) Track Animals (+30%) Track Humanoids (+30%) Hand to Hand: Expert (this can be changed to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts or Assassin (if evil) for the cost of one "RCC Related Skill" point) RCC Related Skills: Select 8 other skills. Select 2 additional skills at levels 3, 6, 10, and 14 Communications: Any Domestic: Any Electrical: None Espionage: Any Mechanical: None Medical: First Aid only Military: any except demolitions/demolitions disposal Physical: Any, (+5% where available) Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Any Technical: Any WP: Any Wilderness: Any (+20%) Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select 6 secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Available OCCs (optional): Any except Magic (can have Juicer and Crazy conversions) Weapons of choice: Most will use natural attacks over anything else, but can use any weapon. Equipment: Whatever they can find or as according to OCC Bionics and Cybernetics: Can have cybernetics and bionics. Money: Scavengers mostly, whatever they can find. Experience: Uses the Dragon's Experience Tables (see RIFTS page 17), or as per O.C.C.

Spiker R.C.C.
Picture a human with spikes all over his body. Now make him about 7 feet tall. Now color him (or her, they have no sex) silver. You have the Spiker R.C.C. A genetically engineered Bio-Warrior designed as a Gargoyle killer. You'd think the NGR would like these things, but they kill them just like any other creature. Currently 157 reside on Earth. 58 are in a community in the Rocky Mountains, 69 are in a community in Poland, and the rest are lone or paired wanderers. Alignment: Any, but mostly (83%) good. Attributes: IQ: 3d4, ME: 3d6, MA: 2d6, PS: 5d6, PP: 4d6, PE: 4d6,PB: 2d6, SPD: 6d6.On a roll of 17, add 1d6 (or a roll of 11 or 12 on the IQ)

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MDC: 1d4x1d6x15 (Pretty cool, eh.) Horror Factor/Awe: Equal to PB + MA Divided by 2 rounding down P.P.E.: 2d4x5 Natural Abilities: Has all the normal senses of a human (Note: The hands are NOT covered in spikes, nor are the feet). Including vision (although there are no apparent eyes, ears, etc.), Hearing, Smell, etc. They do have 3 powers of note: 1. They can sense ALL movement within 30 feet, regardless of walls or barriers. 2. the effects of DU rounds are negated and U rounds DO heal, just takes 3x normal time. Bullets need not be removed. 3. the spike's on the characters body can all be launched. This causes 1d4x50 Damage to all within a 20 foot range, but does 1d4x20 damage to the Spiker and the Spikes take 1d4x2 days to regrow. Until then, permanently reduce 10 MDC. All spike bonuses are canceled. Combat: See HTH but add +1 Parry. Damage: Strength has no effect for the Spikers. Punch: 2d6 MD Spike Swipe (Forearm): 4d6 MD Kick: 2d6 MD Knee or Elbow with Spike: 1d6x10 MD (counts as 2 attacks) Power Punch or Jump Kick: 3d6 MD (also count as 2 attacks). Bonuses: +3 vs. Magic, +2 vs. Insanity, +5 vs. Mind Control, +2vs. Psionics, Immune to all toxins. (Cannot and does not eat, breath, or sleep.) Double all damage to Gargoyles (the whole family) and Vampires Psionics:. Chose 3 powers from any of the three major categories (Yes, McFly, this does not include Super.) I.S.P.: 1d4x10 Magic: Chose 1 spell from level 1 and 1 spell from level 2. This is the FULL effect of the characters magic knowledge and they use it as more of a natural power then a Magic Spell. Healing: The creature heals 2d4 MD every 5 minutes. R.C.C. Skills: Chose 3 languages at +35% Chose 1 Literacy at +15% Detect Ambush (+20%) Detect Concealment (+15%) Tracking (+20%) Athletics: General (ignore SDC bonus) Prowl (+10%) Climbing (+5%) Lore-Demons and Monsters (+15%) Chose 3 ancient W.P. Chose 1 Modern W.P. Land Navigation (+15%) HTH: Basic (Cannot be changed, but is 1 level above character's level. A first level character would have Level 2 HTH: Basic.) Other Skills: Chose 2 from the following list: Communications: Radio: Basic Only Domestic: Any Electrical: Electronics-Basic (+5%) Only Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanical: Basic Mechanics Only Medical: First Aid only Military: Any (+5%) Physical: None Pilot: None Pilot Related: None Rogue Skills: Any - 565 -

Science: Math Basic (+5%) Technical: Any (+10% on Lores and Languages, +5% on Literacy) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+5% when applicable) Secondary Skills: Chose 1 skill without the bonuses listed above. Chose an additional one at levels 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14,and 15. Size: from 6' 5" to 9' 8" Weight: From 300 to 780 lb. Habitat: None, lives freely anywhere. Including vacuums and underwater. Average Lifespan: 600 years. Maximum is about 3000 years. Reproduction: They cannot reproduce. There are currently about 2 million in the megaverse (although about 1,800,000 live on just one world (their home world). Allies: Get along (perhaps designed by) True Atlanteans, Undead Slayers, Psi-Stalkers (share a close bond with these), and Dragons. Enemies: Gargoyles and their kin! Gear: Chose 1 ancient weapon that is magical and has 10 MDC and does it's normal SDC damage in MD. Credits: 1d4x5 Cybernetics: Cannot accept Bionics or Cybernetics, but I think you're all smart enough to figure this out by now. Xp table: Same as Dragon

Spirit R.C.C.
By: Christopher Watkins There was pain. There was horrible pain. Not from the death as much as from the life -- the regret. But now... now you have a second chance... of sorts... If you can overcome your own pain, you might just last long enough to see your enemies destroyed... your love requited... your life remembered. Spirits are the ghosts of men and women who died in extremely emotional situations which left them with some earthly thing left undone. An uncomplete Spirit cannot let go of the material world -- it fears what the afterlife might truly be like. And it yearns for completeness. Unity. Spirits are further classified into three main groups by parapsychologists: wraiths, haunts, and spectres. Wraiths are commonly good beings that serve as protectors of some sort. Either they protect a person they knew in life, or a treasure they kept hidden. Haunts seek remembrance. They want to be known to someone for some specific reason -- an unrequited love or a playwright who never finished his final masterpiece are examples. Spectres are by far the worst. Some may be good -- seeking to bring their killers to justice -- but many are evil, tormenting a specific individual or group that scorned them in life. And all spectres are violent and hostile. Spirits may have lived as any sort of being in any sort of occupation, but they start their class advancement over after death. It's a new state of life they are entering and, even though they may remember some old skills, all experiences are new to them. (Note: new Spirit characters can be made from old, deceased NPCs or PCs; keep skills and attributes as they were, but add RCC bonuses, including the extra D6 to SPD and ME. All other aspects change -- even magic is lost to the change.) Alignments: Any Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as designated:IQ 3D6, ME 4D6, MA 2D6, PS 3D6, PP 3D6+1, PE 3D6+1, PB 3D6, SPD 4D6 Hit Points: ME +3D6, plus 1D8 per level. Horror Factor: Equal to 20 minus PB with a minimum of 7. P.P.E.: 1D4x10 - 566 -

Natural Abilities: Nightvision 60'. See into both the physical and astral planes simultaneously. Detect magic, the supernatural, and psionics within 100'. Spirits are naturally invisible and intangible (note that this means Spirits can pass through walls and other obstacles -- only magical barriers and walls made of pure iron will stop them). However, this also means they can't normally interact with the physical world. They must use their psionic powers to contact the material world. All Spirits can become visible for a time, if they spend 5 ISP -- the duration is ten minutes per level, and the clarity of the image also depends on the level (a second level Spirit appears as little more than a hazy cloud, while a tenth level Spirit is almost indistinguishable from a living creature). No matter how high the Spirit's level, however, there are two unsolvable problems: when someone films or takes a photograph of the Spirit, the image always comes out blurred and ghostly, and Spirits cast no shadows. Note that exorcism spells and effects will drive a Spirits from the area for the extent of the duration. Damage and Spirits: Ordinary attacks do not damage Spirits in their natural form. Non-physical psionic and magical attacks do harm them, as do rune weapons, holy weapons, and weapons forged from pure iron. When they have taken a physical form (usually via possession), any damage done to the body does half damage to the spirit. All damage that can harm the body, regardless of whether it is SD or MD drains from the Spirit's Hit Points equally. Spirits heal Hit Points back at the rate of 1 every minute (4 melees). Spirits are also obviously immune to poisons, toxins, fire, disease, etc. in their natural form. If a Spirit loses all of its Hit Points, it is dicorporated (and ejected from any body it may be inhabiting). It must then make a saving throw versus coma/death. If the roll is successful, the Spirit will reform within 1D4 hours. If not, it is destroyed forever -- sent into eternal torment in an endless limbo dimension. Combat: One attack without any training, or those gained from Hand to Hand combat and/or boxing. Psionic attacks equal the number of Hand to Hand attacks per round. Bonuses: +1 to initiative, plus those gained from attributes and skill bonuses. Psionics: All Spirits are considered master psionics. I.S.P.: ME +40; add 2D4 per level. Spirits can also draw off of the ISP and PPE of those around them. Living creatures get a saving throw versus psionics to avoid having their energy drained. One point of PPE equals 4 points of ISP. At first level, Spirits have the following abilities: see aura, mind block, empathy, see the invisible, and mentally possess others (in which their soul takes total control, actually entering the host body; duration is raised to 10 minutes per level). In addition, Spirit characters may select one new power from the following list at each new even numbered level: healing touch increased healing induce sleep psychic diagnosis psychic purification psychic surgery alter aura ectoplasm levitation resist fatigue* resist hunger* resist thirst* summon inner strength* telekinesis clairvoyance object read sense evil sixth sense telepathy. Those powers marked with asterisks function only on a possessed body. Spirits also gain one Super-Psionic at third level (but cannot pick Bio-Regeneration: Super, Psi-Sword, or Psi-Shield). R.C.C. Skills: Speaks native language at 98% plus one other at +10% Hand to Hand combat is none -- Basic cost 1 other skill selection, Expert costs 2, and Martial Arts or Assassin cost 3. - 567 -

Other Skills: Select 7 from the following list: Communications: any Domestic: any (+10%) Electrical: any Espionage: any Mechanical: any Medical: any (+5%) Military: any Physical:any Pilot: any (+5%) Pilot Related: any Rogue: any Science: any Technical: any (+10%) WPs: any Wilderness: any Secondary Skills: Select 4 more from that list (without the bonuses listed in parenthesis), and select one more at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. Equipment and Money: none. Cybernetics and Bionics: Obviously, they can't acquire these themselves. Spirits can possess borgs, but the victim gains a +2 to save if he is partial conversion, and +5 if he is full conversion.

Starfleet Commando O.C.C.

By: Tim Santa Cruz Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 11, M.E. 10, P.S.. 13. Starting Rank: Lieutenant O.C.C. Skills: Athletics Boxing Computer Operation (+15%) Demolition (+10%) Demolition Disposal (+5%) Intelligence (+5%) Language: English (98%) Literacy: English (98%) Math: Advanced (+15%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Sniper Weapons Engineer (+5%) W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle W.P. Heavy Energy Hand to Hand: Starfleet (See Below) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select Eight from the following categories Communications - Any Domestic - Any Electrical - Basic Electronics Only Espionage - Any (+10%) Mechanical - Any Medical - First Aid and Paramedic Only Physical - Any (+5% where applicable) Pilot - Any Pilot Related - Any - 568 -

Rogue - Any (+5%) Science - Any Technical - Any Weapon Proficiencies - Any Wilderness - Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Select 8 at level One, and Two at levels Three, Six, Nine, Twelve, Fifteen Standard Equipment: One suit of Medium Armor, One Type II Phaser, One Type III Phaser Rifle, 2D6 Flash Grenades, 1D6 Plasma Grenades, One SF-10 Disruptor, Tricorder, Universal Translator, Communicator, One Carrying Bag, One Standard Starfleet Uniform, One Standard Starfleet Dress Uniform, Five weeks of Ration Pills, Binoculars, Medical Kit. Money: Standard Salary is 6000 Starfleet Credits a Month (Equal to 3600 Rifts Credits). Starts off with One Months Pay Cybernetics: None. Would not necessarily be opposed to cybernetic implants, but Starfleet generally frowns upon them. Definitely no Bionic limbs.

Starfleet Special Operative O.C.C.

By: Tim Santa Cruz These guys are Starfleets equivalent to the CIA. These operatives are extremely skilled and dangerous. Any job that can not be handled by diplomacy and the Prime Directive is handled by them. They are a highly secret agency, with a nearly 100% success rate. They work under direct control of the Military and do not have to answer to the Government. Most are not Academy Graduates and the few that are were may have served a small term in the Starfleet. Recruits are chosen for their leadership qualities, Intelligence, and a will to fight for the UFP. They must spend 3 years in training, and only the top 5% of all recruits graduate. The rest are sent back to Starfleet with a promotion and a raise, or sent on their way. The ones that do graduate, must go through another 4 years of training before becoming field operatives. A tour of duty is 5 years, and all operatives must serve at least two terms. They are then given the option to remain in the service, or retire at the ripe age of 35 and enjoy luxury the rest of their lives. Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10, M.E. 11, M.A. 13. A good P.S. and P.E. are helpful but not necessary. Starting Rank: Lieutenant Jr. Grade O.C.C. Skills: Astrophysics (+5%) Computer Operation (+15%) Demolition (+10%) Demolition Disposal (+5%) Intelligence (+5%) Laser (+10%) Language: English (98%) Literacy: English (98%) Math: Advanced (+15%) Navigation: Space (+10%) Pilot: Shuttlecraft (+10%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Radio: Satellite (+5%) Read Sensory Instruments (+15%) Weapons Engineer (+5%) Zero Gravity Movement & Combat W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Starfleet (See Below) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select Eight

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Communications - Any (+5%) Domestic - Any Electrical - Basic Mechanics Only Espionage - Any (+10%) Mechanical - Any Medical - First Aid and Paramedic Only Physical - Any (+5% where applicable) Pilot - Any (+5%) Pilot Related - Any Rogue - Any (+5%) Science - Any Technical - Any Weapon Proficiencies - Any Wilderness - Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Select 6 at level One, and Two at levels Three, Six, Nine, Twelve, Fifteen Standard Equipment: One suit of Espionage Armor, One Type II Phaser, One Type III Phaser Rifle, 2D6 Flash Grenades, Tricorder, Universal Translator, Communicator, One Carrying Bag, One Standard Starfleet Uniform, One Standard Starfleet Dress Uniform, Three weeks of Ration Pills, Binoculars, Medical Kit. Money: Contrary to popular belief Starfleet Personnel are given a salary. For a Special Operative it is 5000 Starfleet Credits a Month (I know that's not what they use but who gives a damn). The exchange rate to Rifts credits is 5/3, meaning 5 Starfleet Credits for every 3 Rifts credits. Cybernetics: None. Would not necessarily be opposed to cybernetic implants, but Starfleet generally frowns upon them. Definitely no Bionic limbs. Hand to Hand: Starfleet Level: 1. Two Attacks per Melee; +3 Pull/Roll with Punch/Fall, Body Flip/Throw, +2 to Save vs. Horror Factor 2. +3 Parry/Dodge 3. +2 to Strike, +1 to Initiative Level 4: +1 Attack per melee, Disarm 4. Kick attack does 1D6 damage, Critical body flip/throw 5. +1 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Initiative, +2 to pull/roll with punch, fall or impact 6. +1 to Strike, Knockout/Stun on 17-20 7. +1 Attack per melee 8. +2 to Damage 9. Critical Strike on 18-20 10. +2 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Initiative 11. Critical Strike from Behind 12. +1 to Strike, +1 to Strike with Body Flip/Throw 13. +1 Attack per melee 14. Death Blow on Natural 20

Statisti R.C.C.
By: Dustin M Often called Stats, because of their phenomenal ability with mathematics, these beings look virtually identical to humans, despite being D-Bees from another dimension. They are a race of beings who take honor quite seriously. Alignment: Any, but most tend toward the honorable alignments of Principled Good, Unprincipled Selfish, and Aberrant Evil. Attributes: The number of dice rolled is as designated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6+10, M.A. 2D6+2, P.S. 3D6+4, P.P. 3D6+2, P.E. 3D6+8, P.B. 3D6, Spd 2D6 M.D.C.: 3D4*10+40 on RIFTS Earth, plus 1D6 M.D.C. per level of experience. Horror Factor: None - 570 -

P.P.E.: 4D6 Natural Abilities: Exceptional mathematics (see skills), high physical and mental endurance, superior sense of hearing equal to cybernetic amplified hearing (see skills), and superior tactile sense (see skills). Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +1 to parry, +2 to dodge, and +2 to save vs Horror Factor in addition to those bonuses gained from attributes, O.C.C., and skills. Magic: By O.C.C. Psionics: None O.C.C.: Any O.C.C. (except Glitter Boy), including equivalents to the CS Military. However, while not opposed to bionics and cybernetics, the Statisti never go for more than partial conversion. Note: reduce the number of Secondary skills by one-half to reflect the time spent honing the character's natural abilities. Skills of Note: Speaks and is literate in Statisti at 98%, speaks one additional language at 90%, plus select one additional W.P. Exceptional Mathematics: A natural ability to automatically understand and perform advanced mathematics in one's mind with the accuracy and speed of a calculating machine. This includes simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, percentages, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and so on. Base Skill: 80%+4% per each level of experience. Remember Numbers: Part of the phenomenal mathematics skill is the ability to picture and remember numbers instantly and permanently. This includes phone numbers, addresses, combination lock sequences, and so on. The total recall ability is restricted exclusively to numbers. Base Skill: 76%+4% per additional level of experience. A failed roll means the number is forgotten. Additional Bonuses: Mathematical: +10% Cryptography, +5% Pick Locks, +5% Locksmith, +10% Chemistry, and +10% Chemistry: Analytical. Estimate Distance of a Sound: 60%+5% per level of proficiency. Estimate Speed of Sound's Approach or Departure: 50%+5% per level. Recognize a Sound Through Intense Concentration: 40%+5% per level of experience. Imitate a Voice: 35% + 5% per level of experience. Additional Bonuses: Superior Sense of Touch: +10% to skills that require a delicate, light touch. For example: Demolitions, Pick Pocket, Pick Lock, Palming, etc. Average Life Span: 150 years. Habitat: Can be found anywhere. Considered an alien or D-Bee on RIFTS Earth. Enemies: Non per se. May associate with anyone. Allies: Non per se. May associate with anyone. Physical Appearance: These D-Bees are virtually identical to humans. While their skin color tends to be more ashen in shade, the most obvious difference between Statisti and Humans is the fact that the Statisti have an additional opposable thumb on each hand. Size: 6ft (1.82m) plus 1D6 inches. Weight: 150 to 300lb (68 to 136kg).

Stone Troll R.C.C.

By: Sir Tiny Stone Trolls are a race of rock-like beings that were apparently rifted in from an alternate dimension called Discworld. They look like tall hunch-backed humanoids with thick, leathery skin. These Trolls are cold-blooded creatures. Their body temperature equalizes with whatever the temperature around it happens to be. The one extremely odd problem with this is that, because the troll's silicon-based brain works better in the cold, they get dumber in the heat. The attribute given for a Troll's IQ is at 50 - 60 F. they get -1 for every 5 above 60, and +1 for every 5 below 50. At 70 F (my accepted value for room temperature) the maximum a Stone Troll's IQ can be is 9. Note that these Trolls feel very uncomfortable in temperatures most humans accept as the normal. They cannot function in temperatures over 100. The maximum - 571 -

temperature low that the Trolls can survive is around -50. At this point, Trolls begin to freeze to death. Note that upon death's door, a Troll may surpass the genius of Einstein. But he usually dies. Alignment: Any Attributes: IQ 2D4 +3, ME 2D6, MA 2D6, PS 4D6, PP 3D6, PE 4D6 +3, PB 2D6, Spd 2D6. Strength and Endurance are supernatural. Size: 7-9 feet. Weight: 350-500 lb. M.D.C.: 2D6 x10 +100 Horror Factor: 12 P.P.E.: 2D6 Average Life Span: 150 years. Natural Abilities: Nightvision: 90' (from spending so much time in caves) Psionics: None. Magic: By OCC only. Few Stone Trolls choose to study magic. It takes too much patience and intelligence, two traits these Trolls are not generally known for. Combat: Standard. Damage: Standard Supernatural Strength. RCC Bonuses: +2 to Damage bonus, + 1 Attack per Melee, +3 Save vs. Psionics Vulnerabilities: Slab. Slab is a powerful psychoactive drug to Stone Trolls. It is their equivalent of LSD. To a normal human, Slab is lethal in relatively small doses. OCCs: Any Men of Arms, except Glitter Boy. No Scholars (Men of Brains); they don't like to think too much. the same problems go with magic OCCs. Stone Trolls cannot be psionic. Habitat: Stone trolls prefer the cool mountains of the North American Northeast and lower parts of Europe. It helps them think. Alliances and Allies: Stone trolls and most Giants. They see humans as neither friend nor enemy, just there. Enemies: Dwarves. Stone Trolls hate Dwarves. The feeling is mutual.

Stormtrooper O.C.C.
By: Shawn Merrow Stormtroopers are used by the Empire as its shock troopers. They are in a way a cross between the U.S.A. Army and the Marines. They are trained and equipped to perform a wide range of mission ranging from garrison duty to planetary assaults. These are the most trusted and loyal of the Emperor troops. Attribute Requirements: A P.S. and P.E. of 10 or higher. Alignment Requirements: None, though most Stormtroopers will start to move to the evil side of the spectrum after a while. Racial Requirements: Due to the Empires extreme Xenophobia only Humans are allowed to become Stormtroopers. O.C.C. Skills: - 572 -

Radio: Basic (+15%) Wilderness Survial (+20%) Boxing Climbing (+10%) General Athletics Swimming (+10%) Running Computer Operations (+5%) Language: Galatic Standard (+20%) Literacy: Galatic Standard (+10%) Math: Basic (+10%) W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Expert Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to martial arts (or assasian if an evil alignment) at the cost of an one "other" skill. Specialized Stormtrooper O.C.C. Skills: Below are the skills taught to the specialized Stormtroopers. Standard Stormtroopers don't get any specialized training. Aquatic Stormtroopers: Are deployed on planets mostly covered in water. They are used to garrison such planets and assault them when necessary. Demolitions: Underwater (+15%) Demolitions Disposal (+10%) S.C.U.B.A. (+10%) Swimming (+20%) Pilot: Advanced Deep Sea Diving (+15%) Undersea Salvage (+5%) Undersea & Sea Survival (+15%) Cold Assault Stormtroopers: Are used to assault and garrison cold weather planets. They recive special training to fight and work effectively in sever artic conditions. Tracking: Artic (+5%)* Wilderness Survival: Artic (+15%)* Demolitions (+15%) Demolitions Disposal (+10%) W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons Land Navigation: Artic (+10%)* * All skills with an astrick are the same as the standard skill except they are geared toward the savage conditions in the artic. The base skill number is the same. Scout Stormtroopers: They are used to scout out hostile planets before and during invasions. They are also quite often used as garrison troops. Radio: Scramblers (+5%) Detect Ambush (+10%) Detect Concealment (+10%) Intelligence (+5%) Tracking (+5%) Prowl (+15%) Pilot: Repulsorlift (+20%)** Navigation (+5%) Read Sensory Navigation (+5%) Land Navigation (+5%) ** Pilot: Repulsorlift is the same as Pilot: Hovercraft except that it covers all vehicles that use repulsorlift as a means of propulsion. The base skill number is the same. Zero G Stormtroopers: Are used to board other ships and space stations through the deadly environment of space. Demolitions (+15%) Demolitions Disposal (+10%) Combat (Zero Gravity): Advanced Movement: Zero Gravity (+10%) - 573 -

Oxygen Conservation (+5%) Vacuum Survival (+5%) EVA (+15%) W.P. Sword W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons O.C.C Related Skills: Select four "other" skills, plus one additional skill at levels six, nine, and twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic Electronics only Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: None Medical: First Aid and Paramedic only Military: Any (+10%) Physical: Any Pilot: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: None Technical: Any W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character gets to select three secondary from the list, excluding those marked "none" at levels four, seven, ten, and thirteen the character can select another secondary skill. These are additional areas of knowledge and don't get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at base level. Standard gear issued to Stormtroopers: Aquatic Stormtroopers: Aquatic Stormtrooper body armor, underwater propulsion pack, blue-green blaster rifle and blaster pistol with six extra e-clips each, 1D10 miscellaneous grenades, laser cutting torch, rubber raft, flashlight, first aid kit, backpack, utility belt, and two weeks field rations. Cold Assault Stormtroopers: Artic Stromtrooper Armor, blaster rifle and blaster pistol with six extra e-clips, 1D8 concussion grenades, terrain-grip boots, utility belt, and two weeks field rations. Scout Stormtroopers: Light Stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle and blaster pistol with six extra e-clips, 1D4 concussion grenades, distancing binoculars, canteen, utility belt, and two weeks field rations. Standard Stormtroopers: Stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle and blaster pistol with six extra e-clips, utility belt, and two weeks field rations. Zero G Stormtroopers: Heavy space Stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle and blaster pistol with six extra e-clips, repulsorlift propulsion pack, 2D6 miscellaneous grenades,laser cutter, back pack with magnetic attachment pad, utility belt, plus a assortment of heavy weapons. Equipment available upon assignment: Extra equipment and weapons can be issued to Stormtroopers for the duration of special missions. Note: This depends if the local commanders deems the extra equipment and weapons are necessary. Money: The Stormtrooper gets a roof over his head and all his basic needs provided free as part of his pay. The Stormtrooper gets a monthly salary of a 1,000 credits. Stormtrooper quarters will vary quite a bit between different assignments. Cybernetics: None to start. May only get them for medical purposes only. Xp table: Use the New Navy Marine table. Imperial Stormtrooper Gear 1. Blaster Pistol: There are dozens of types of blaster pistols, below is a generic blaster pistol. Weight: 4 lb. Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. - 574 -

Rate of Fire: Standard. Effective Range: 500 ft. Payload: 20 shots per e-clip Black Market Cost: 10,000 credits. 2. Blaster Rifle: There are dozens of types of blaster rifles, below is a generic blaster rifle. The user of the rifle can chose from a stun setting or a mega-damage setting. Weight: 8 lb. Mega-Damage: 5D6 M.D. Stun Setting: Use the effect of the Neural Mace from the main book to handle the stun setting. Rate of Fire: Standard. Effective Range: 2,000 ft. Payload: 30 shots per e-clip. Black Market Cost: 24,000 credits. 3. Automatic Blaster Cannon: This is a tri-pod mounted heavy field weapon used by Stormtrooprs when they need that extra punch (Snowtroopers try to set one up in time in the Empire Strikes Back to take a shot at the Millennim Falcon). Weight: 50 lb. Mega-Damage: Single shot 1D4 M.D., Full burst 1D6x10 M.D., half burst 3D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Standard. Effective Range: 2,400 ft. Payload: 100 full burst, one burst shot equals four single shots. Black Market Cost: 54,000 credits. 4. Light Stormtrooper Armor: Has all the properties of body armor described in the main Rifts book. M.D.C.: 20. Weight: 10 lb. Mobility: Full, no prowl penalty. Black Market Cost: Illegal to own, 20,000 credits. 5. Standard Stormtrooper Armor: Has all the properties of body armor described in the main Rifts book. M.D.C.: 35 M.D.C. Weight: 20 lb Mobility: Fair, -15% prowl penalty. Black Market Cost: Illegal to own, 25,000 credits. 6. Aquatic Stormtrooper Armor: Has all the properties of body armor described in the main Rifts book. It also has magnetic pads on the back and the chest for the attachment of varies items. The underwater propulsion pack is attached to the main pad on the back. There is two pads on the back and four on the chest. The suit can be taken to a depth of a mile. M.D.C.: 45. Weight: 35 lb. Mobility: Underwater: Full, no prowl penalty, Above Water: Poor, -20% prowl penalty. Black market Cost: Illegal to own, 50,000 credits. 7. Underwater Propulsion Pack: The pack is attached to the main magnetic pad on the back of the Aquatic Stormtrooper armor. It can propel the suit up to 40 mph under the water. M.D.C.: 10. Weight: 25 lb. Mobility: Underwater: No change, Above Water: Fair, another -10% to the prowl penalty. 8. Zero G Stormtrooper Armor: Has all the properties of body armor described in the main Rifts book. It also has magnetic pads on the back and the chest for the attachment of varies items. The repulsorlift propulsion pack is attached to the main pad on the back. There is two pads on the back and four on the chest. Uses a basic exoskeleton to aid the Stormtrooper (+2 to P.S. and P.E.). M.D.C.: 100. Weight: 70 lb. Mobility: Zero G: Full, no prowl penalty, In Gravity: Good, -5% prowl penalty. Black market Cost: Illegal to own, 80,000 credits. 9. Repulsorlift Propulsion Pack: The pack is attached to the main magnetic pad on the back of the Zero G Stormtrooper armor. It can propel the suit up to 100 mph in zero gravity. M.D.C.: 25. Weight: 50 lb. Mobility: Zero G: No change, In Gravity: Fair, another -10% to the prowl penalty. - 575 -

Black market Cost: Illegal to own, 40,000 credits. 10. Grenades: Just use the Grenades form any of the Rifts books.

Street Fighters O.C.C.

By: Jeremy David Balsley Once, long before the Rifts, before even Victor Lazlo...there were the masters of the Arts of Unarmed Combat. Background: _The Street Fighters_ The Street Fighters are men and women trained in the ancient martial arts to such a level of perfection that they have learned to channel their very spirit (ISP, PPE, Chi) into their styles. The trademarks of the Street Fighter are his or her flashy style, the devastating techniques, and...with the most advanced Fighter, the ability to throw projectiles composed out of their very spirit. _The Grand Tournament_ Every year, the best of the best of Street Fighters fight for the title of Grand Master. For the last two years, the young martial artist known as Ryu Hoshi has held that title... Bonuses: 3D6 SDC P.P.E.: PE+1D4 Chi: PE+1D4 I.S.P.: ME+1D4 Attributes: As per R.C.C. 95% of all Street Fighters are humans. Skills: Language: Native (98%) Literacy: Native (+10%) Language: English (+10%) Literacy: English (+5%) Math: Basic (+10%) Lore: The Grand Tournament (Base: 25% +5%/Level, +10% bonus) Select 6 Skills (All at +5%) Hand-Hand: (Street Fighter) Select one Style Secondary Skills: Select 4. SFH-H: Shotokan Karate ***This Form is only available to Street Fighters!*** Key to Symbols Punch-Hand Attacks Kick-Foot Attacks Focus-Ranged attacks Parry-As usual Dodge-As Usual Roll-As Usual +: 'And' |: 'Or' +2(Punch+Kick) means +2 to Punch and +2 to Kick +2(Punch|Kick) means +2 distributed between punch and Kick - 576 -

Beginning maneuvers Basic Defenses: Parry, Dodge, AutoParry Advanced Defenses: Circular Parry. Basic Hand Attacks: Select any 3 Basic Foot Attacks: Select any 3 Advanced Hand Attacks: leap attack Advanced Foot Attacks: Leap Kick (any 3 above) Advanced Maneuvers Level 1 HaDouken Level 1 ShoRyuKen Level 1 TatsumakiSenpuuKyaku 1000 points in MA Techniques Level Advancement Chart: +2 (Punch+Kick+Focus), +3(Dodge+Parry+Roll), 2 APM, Select any 2 Techniques from MA Powers, Chi 1st: Mastery, or Special Katas. 2nd: +1 (Punch+Kick+Focus), +2(Punch|Kick|Focus) 3rd: +2 (Parry|Dodge|Roll), select 1 MA Technique from the above list 4th: +1 Attack per Melee 5th: +2 (Punch|kick|focus) 6th: +1 (Parry+Dodge+Roll+Punch+Kick+Focus), +1 APM 7th: Select 1 Zenjorike Power, +2 (Punch|Kick|Focus) 8th: +2 (Parry|Dodge|Roll) 9th: +2 (Punch|Kick|Focus) 10th: +1 (Punch+Kick+Focus+Dodge+Parry+Roll) 11th: +1 APM, +2 (Punch|Kick|Focus) 12th: +2 (Parry|Dodge|Roll) 13th: +1 (Punch+Kick+Focus+Parry+Dodge+Roll) 14th: +2 (Parry|Dodge|Roll|Punch|Kick|Focus) 15th: Select 1 Zenjorike Power SFHH: Shotokan Karate Special Maneuvers Ha Dou Ken The Infamous Wave Motion Punch The Fighter pulls his/her arms back, gathers his/her Chi, then cuts loose. Level 1: (100 points) A Dan style 'GaDouKen' Range: PE inches Damage: 2D4 Level 2: (250 points) A Sakura style "HaDouKen" Range: PE feet Damage: 2D4 Level 3: (400 points) A Ryu/Ken/Gouki Style HaDouKen, the most advanced one Range: PE Meters Damage: 2D6 Enhancements: Charging: (20 points) The fighter can spend extra attacks, to increase the size of the projectile, making it more likely to strike the intended victim. Sakura's HaDouKen is an example of this in action. _Number of Attacks_ _Range_ _Damage_ _Strike_ 1 Attack Full Normal Normal - 577 -

2 Attacks 3 Attacks

1/2 1/16

+4 +


Elemental: (20 points) The fighters projectile inflicts damage of an elemental nature. The most common element is that of Fire, followed by ice or electricity. Range: Normal Damage: Normal + 3 Effects: Target suffers the effects of a knockdown, and looses an attack Fast: (20 points) The fighters HaDouKen gets a +1 Initiative for each time this power is selected. Heavy Damage: (30 points) The fighters HaDouKen is more damaging. Damage: Normal +2 Knockdown: (10 points) The fighters Hadouken inflicts a knockdown on its target

Street Punk OCC v0.01

By: FlashFire -----------------------------------------------------------------------STREET PUNK OCC (Scholar/Adventurer) based on Rifts and the City Rat OCC -----------------------------------------------------------------------"Carjackers have got to be the worst. Mooks too stupid to boost a parked car, they gotta have the keys in the ignition and the engine running..." Street Punks are a sub-class of the City Rats that live, and some say plague, the lower class section of most post-Rifts cities. City Rats are relatively "normal" person, a teenager who lives in a degenerate world, forced to make do with what he has. Sometimes, they do what they do for money and food. Other times, they do what they do because they're being run down by rape gangs and rogue D-Bees. But what they do is almost always outside the law. The Street Punk is a variant of this character type. Unlike their "normal" cousins, though, these idiots do what they do because they think its cool. Not smart enough to make something of themselves, they satisfy their urges by commiting crimes "just for the hell of it." These are the teens who go out and steal hovercars, joyride around in them, and dump the then trashed car in a ditch somewhere. These are the idiots who go out of their way to make racist/sexist/otherwise insulting remarks just to start a fight and then pull out weaponry because they're neither skilled nor tough enough to make it in a hand-to-hand fight. In fact, cybersnatching, the "removal" of cybernetic and bionic attachements, is a favorite hobby of these losers. A great many of the crimes attributed to City Rats are actually commited by this class. But, all is not lost with this class. It is possible, though not likely, that a Street Punk will live to his early or mid-twenties and finally figure out that what he's doing with his life is actually insanely stupid. At this point, the character can try to get out of the world he's made for himself and find other things to do with his time. Unfortunately, the character has spent the better part of his life learning how to be a go-nowhere-do-nothing human monster, so his options will be fairly limited (the CS military seems to pick up most of these characters and use them as Grunts.) Alternately, something horrific could happen to the character that would shock him out of his lifestyle, such as a sudden and unexpected trip to Wormwood or Atlantis. Enforced punishments, like "tough love" and trips to Grandma's House, won't help these nearly lost causes, but a good near-death experience could get him to kick his bad habits. ATTRIBUTE REQUIREMENTS: IQ of less than 10 ALIGNMENT RESTRICTIONS: Anarchist and Evil only OCC SKILLS: Speak Native Language - 65% Local Slang - 90% Unintelligable/Insulting - 98% Streetwise (+15%) Streetwise: Drugs (+15%) Pilot: Motorcycle (+10%) Hovercraft (+10%) Running General Athletics - 578 -

First Aid (-5%) Concealment (+5%) Pick Pockets (+5%) HTH Basic can be selected as an OCC Related or Secondary skill at a cost of two skills. Expert, Assassin, Martial Arts, and Commando are not available. OCC RELATED SKILLS: Select twelve other skills, but two must be from Rouge and one from Physical. Can select two more skills at every third level. Communications: Radio only Domestic: Any (+5%) Electrical: Basic only (-10%) Espionage: None Mechanical: Basic and Automotive only (+5%) Medical: Hollistic Medicine only Military: Demolitions and Demolitions: Disposal only (-25%) Physical: Any, except Acrobatics, Wrestling, and SCUBA (+10% where applicable) Pilot: Any (+10% on all but military vehicles) Pilot Related: Any, except Navigation Rogue: Any, except Computer Hacking Science: Math: Basic only (-10%) Technical: Any, except Computer Programming W.P.: Any Wilderness: None SECONDARY SKILLS: Select eight from the previous list. No bonuses STANDARD EQUIPMENT: Street Punks start with a few sets of clothes in whatever style is popular on the street, or at least whatever the Punk thinks is popular. Examples of twentieth century favorites include cheap trenchcoats and clothes that are at least three sizes too big. Other equipment will include an gas mask and air filter, tinted goggles or sunglasses, 6 wooden stakes plus mallet, walkie-talkie radio, flashlight, backpack, 1D4 sacks, RMK Medical kit, and personal items. Armor is a prized possession and will be the biggest and best looking type the Punk can get his hands on, regardless of weight and penalties. Juicer Assassin armor and Dog Pack spiked armor are common types. Weapons will include one MD pistol, with 3D6 EClips, and a largish knife (switchblades and paratrooper knives are popular), whether the character can use them or not. MONEY: 4D6x50 in credit, 1D6x100 in Black Market item(s). Punks can rarely hold on to money for very long, as they'll either blow it on something pointless or have it stolen by another Punk. But that's okay, the Punk can always steal more. CYBERNETICS: Starts with two cybernetic implants of choice, illegal cybernetics allowed. After that, they'll get whatever the rage is, or replacements for whatever body part they've had blown off. EXPERIENCE TABLE: These characters live fast and die young, and the ones that live tend to change their OCC quickly. As such, they go up in levels quickly. 1.) 0,000- 2,000 2.) 2,001- 4,000 3.) 4,001- 6,000 4.) 6,001- 9,000 5.) 9,001- 13,000 6.) 13,001- 18,000 7.) 18,001- 25,000 8.) 25,001- 31,000 9.) 31,001- 39,000 10.) 39,001- 48,000 11.) 48,001- 58,000 12.) 58,001- 69,000 13.) 69,001- 81,000 14.) 81,001- 94,000 15.) 94,001-108,000 At level 16, change the OCC. The old skills freeze at their current levels. The character starts out at Level Zero. It takes twice as much XP as it does to reach the new OCC's Level 2 to reach Level 1. Once there, the character gets all of the new class' OCC skills (not Related or secondary), duplicate skills unfreeze from their Punk percentages. As the character goes up in levels, he can pick OCC Related Skills from the new class as normal for that OCC. The character can do this any time he wishes.

Street Surfer OCC Data

By: Roy G Bunting - 579 -

Street Surfer OCC

OCC Requirements PP 12+ (prefably 16+) Alignment, Any, Usually Anarchist, unprincipled and Miscreant OCC Skills: Lang of birth 98% (in proper worlds Lit as above 98%) (In Arcopolis, Computer Operation +20%) Streetwise +20% Pilot Fav St Surfer vehicle 98% Either 1D4 other St Surfers vehicles at +15% Or 1 per 10 IQ +15% Basic Math +5% Running WP of choice (see limitations) HTH Basic Note: HTH Basic Can Be upgraded to HTH Martial Arts at the cost of 1 skill (High PP) OCC Related Skills: Choose 10, 2 must be Rogue, 2 Psychical. +1 WP at 5th level, + 2 skills at 3rd level Communications: Any but Radio Scramblers, Electronic Countermeasures, Laser, Microwave, Sattlite Relay Electrial: Any except Robot Electtonics, electornics engnneer <sp> Mechianal: Basic Mechanics (+5%) and Auto Mechanics only Esponge: Disguise Only Medical: First Aid Only (and usually taken) Milatary: None, unless something is CWC is really cool 8-) Psychical: Any (+15% where applicable) Pilot: St Surfer (+5%) or Motorcycle (-20%), Jetpack (-10%) (yes those are minuses) Pilot Related: None Rogue: Any (+15%) Domestic/Cultural: Any (+10%) Science: Adv Math, Basic Chemstry, (+5%) Technical: Any, except Lores not found in the City Wilderness: None (maybe Carpentry) Anichient <sp> WPs: Any, except weapons longer than a Short Sword/Machete (excluding chain weapons) Modern WP's: Anything smaller than a Carbine/sawed off shotgun Energy WP's: As above Secondary Skills: Choose 7 at first level, 1 at every 3rd level from there, Restrictions as above, no bonuses Money: 1D4x100 credits and 2D4x100 Black market goods, rathole apartment in the worst part of town, often shared with 1 or two other St Surfers/City Rats, or wherever they may slip by living (parents house, friends house). In $areas $1500 to start Standard Equipment: Fave mode of transport, best quality. 1 other St. surfer vehicle, 2 Weapons of choice, survival knife or cheap swithcblade/butterflty (Etc) knife, either lots of 'Punker' clothes (surplus and salvation army, miltary boots), or 3D4 "fashion" outfits (Fila, Rebok, etc), they usually wear their pants baggy witht a chained wallet, and expensive sneakers. Backpack, a lighter, and other sundry personal items. Cybernetics (when appiclble) 1D4 Minor Cybernetics, Same resstirctions as City Rats (In Arcopolis +Headjack)

The Subahl
By: Intensity

Subahl (soo-BAHL)
A subahl is a strange creature which exists in all dimensions of the megaverse. In all outward appearance it is a harmless creature, as harmless as small six-legged creatures are. Bearing a striking resemblance to an armadillo, these little beasts are naturally inquisitive and at times, easily frightened. They are omnivorous but seem to prefer fruits and other vegetation, eating meat only about once every two weeks. Apart from the obvious differences between a subahl and an armadillo, the truly astonishing thing about them is not obvious at all. Anyone who spends any more than a few days observing one is likely to see some remarkable events as the subahl in question appears to dematerialise and rematerialise at random. During this time the subahl has passed through the delicate barrier between dimensions and back again! Moving from one dimension to another is no more difficult for a subahl than it is for a child to giggle. To a subahl it is - 580 -

as though some cosmic `Fade' has been used to fade out one dimension and fade in the other. Xenobiologists and shifters who have studied them have reached a collective opinion that each one is, in fact, a living rift! This opinion is supported by the evidence of events which take place when a subahl is involved with, or close to dimensional magic. See Natural Abilities for more details. Alignment: Animal; generally considered to be anarchist or miscreant. Attributes: I.Q.: Animal intelligence: 1D6+1, M.E.: 2D6+3, M.A.: 3D6+4, P.S.: 1D6, P.P.: 4D6, P.B.: 2D6, P.E.: 3D6+2, Spd: 3D6 Hit Points: Considered to be a M.D.C. creature in a magic-rich environments such as RIFTS Earth. Elsewhere will be P.E. + 4D6 S.D.C.: See M.D.C. for magic-rich environments. Elsewhere will be 2D4x10 Armour Rating: 14 in a non-magic environment. M.D.C.: In magic-rich environments 1D4x10+20 Horror Factor: None P.P.E.: 4D6x10 I.S.P.: 4D6 Chi: equal to P.E. Natural Abilities: 1. Dimension walk. This ability allows a subahl to meander from one dimension to another without external assistance. It is achieved effortlessly and requires 1 action. 2. Dimension sight. A subahl can see between dimensions as clearly as a human might see the bottom of a pool of water from the surface. Dimensions which are further away cannot been seen as clearly. They also are aware of other dimensional and temporal anomalies. This ability tends to limit how far they can perceive in their current dimension. Normal vision is only 50 feet. 3. Other dimensional effects. While subahl hold a great deal of P.P.E. they don't use it for any known reason. It is not depleted when they travel from one dimension to another. It is their capacity to hold such large amounts of P.P.E. which has indirectly caused a number of accidents. Mages who have sensed the magic energy and have decided to use them as sacrifices for their spells have been the victims of terrible P.P.E. feedback loops. If a subahl is used as a sacrifice for a spell, roll percentile and consult the following table. Add 50% to the roll if the spell in question is dimensional or 30% for temporal magic. 01-15 The mage(s) loses 50% of remaining P.P.E. and the spell does not work. 16-30 The mage(s) loses all remaining P.P.E. and cannot recover any P.P.E. for 1D4 days. The spell does not work. 31-40 The remains of the subahl explode, not only providing the surrounding area with the delights of their grey intenstines but inflicting 3D6 points of damage (M.D.C. in magic-rich environments, S.D.C. otherwise) to the spellcaster(s). The spell does not work. 41-45 Superspell! All effects of the spell are doubled. 46-60 The spell backfires on the caster. Any spells which the caster meant to cast on someone else are cast on the mage. Any spells which were to be cast on the mage have the opposite effect. For example, Teleport Superior may send the mage in the opposite direction, send the mage to another dimension or cause the teleport to act in reverse, bringing the destination to the caster! 61-75 The inner rift of the subahl opens and 1D4 "things" come through per level of the spell being cast. The spell does not work and the caster suffers 1 hit point of damage per 50 points of P.P.E. being released for the spell This includes any excess P.P.E. not required for the spell. 75-95 As per the previous result except that 2D6 "things" come through the rift per level of the spell, and the caster suffers 1 point of damage per 10 points of P.P.E. being released. 95-00 The subahl does not die but transforms into a being of living P.P.E. which absorbs all P.P.E. within 50 feet per level of spell being cast. After absorbing this energy at a rate of 20 P.P.E. points per round the creature will only attacked if provoked and when it has no more reason to stay will leave the dimension, revelling in its newfound power. The caster suffers damage as per the previous result and must save vs coma or will be in a coma for 2D6 days. Killing a subahl for any other reason than to glean their P.P.E. will not have any of these effects. 4. Excellentsenses of smell and hearing. 5. Sense psychic and magic energy Range is twice that of the Psi-Stalker (see RIFTS, page 105), in addition to its other psychic powers (see Psionics). Vulnerabilities: None. Combat: 3 attacks per melee. Damage: 3D6 claw attack, 1D6 biting attack. All damage is in S.D.C. Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry, +4 to dodge, +4 to save vs. psionics, +3 to save vs. magic (immune to dimensional magic), +6 to save vs. horror factor. Psionics: Detect Psionics, Presence Sense, Sense Evil, Sense Magic, Sixth Sense. Average Life Span: 8 years. Skills of Note: Track by Smell 42%, Climb 80% Habitat: No fixed habitat although they aren't common in cities. Enemies: Carnivorous predators.. Allies: None per se. - 581 -

Physical Appearance: Very similar to an armadillo but larger and with six legs. Size: 18 inches (45cm) tall. Weight: 20lbs (9kgs). Notes: 1. No, it can't roll up into a ball. 2. These creatures are not well known at all. Make all Lore rolls at -40%.

*Rifts Style Summoner O.C.C.*

Attribute Requirements: IQ:12+, PE:12+, ME:12+ P.P.E.: 3D6*10 + PE, + 10 per level of experience. S.D.C.: +25 Bonuses: +5 vs HF, +1 save vs ritual magic at lvl: 1, 5, 10 & 15, +1 save vs spell magic at lvl: 2, 6, 11 and 14. +1 Spell Strength at lvl: 3, 7, 9 and 13 O.C.C. Skills: Math: Basic(+10%) Lore:Monster(+25%) Lore:Faerie(+15%) Language:Select 3(+15%) Language:+ 1D6 more(+10%) Wilderness Survival(+5%) Running Ride:Creature(+10%) WP:Knife HtH:Basic O.C.C. Related Skills: -Select 6 at first level, then 2 at levels 3 & 6 and 1 at levels 9 &12 Communications: Radio Basic Domestic: Any (+5%) Electrical: None Espionage: Any (+5%), except Forgery & Disguise Mechanical: None Medical: Holistic & First Aid only(+10%) Military: None Physical: Any Pilot: Any (+5%), except RV & PA Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Basic and Advanced Math only (+5%) Technical: Any (+10%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Select 6 Money: 2D4 X 1000 in credits ; 2D6 X 1000 in Black Market Items Cybernetics: None! Equipment: MDC Armor, clothes, knapsack, back pack, 1D6 small sacks, 2 large sacks, ritual equipment, pocket mirror, silver cross, 4 cloves of garlic, 2D4 wooden stacks and mallet, salt, canteen, binoculars, tinted goggles, air filter/gas mask, lighter as well as other stuff Weapons: Ornate ritual dagger( worth:1D4 X 1000 credits), .45 w/ 2 silver bullet clips, Energy Rifle w/ 1D4 clips, Energy Pistol w/ 1D4 clips, 1 other weapon of choice and 1D4 + 1 additional E-clips

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Vehicle: A good riding animal of choice( tamed) Spells: All summoning, Armor of Ithan, Familiar Link, Repel Animals, Expel Demons, See Aura, Sense Magic, Sense Evil, Magic Net, Seal, Domination, Constrain Being, Control Entity, Create Golem, Lightning Bolt and Fire Ball --- Plus select 1 additional spell every other level --- Level of spells to be is limited to level of chooser Xp table: Same as Techno-wizard *NOTE*: Change this as you wish, it is your game.

S.W.A.T Team O.C.C.

By: Matthew C. Cutter Alignment: Any Requirements: ME 11, MA 9, PS 13, PE 14 SDC: 1ds4 x 10 OCC Skills Math: Basic 98% Literacy (Native Language) 98% Native Language 98% Skill Programs Medical Program - Biology, Criminal Sciences/Forensics, (Chem, & Chem: Analytical prerequisites not necessary) Paramedic, Pathology. +20% to all skills Police Program - WP Auto Pistol, WP Shotgun, WP Automatic Rifle or Submachine Gun, Hand-to-Hand: Expert, Radio: Basic, Pilot: Auto. (+20%) Select 1 other skill program, excluding Espionage, Pilot: Advanced, or Stage Magic. +20% to all skills. OR Math: Basic 98% Literacy (Native Language) 98% Native Language 98% Biology (+20%) Criminal Sciences/Forensics (Chem, & Chem: Analytical prerequisites not necessary) Paramedic (+20%) Pathology (+20%) Radio: Basic (+20%) Pilot: Auto (+20%) WP Auto Pistol WP Shotgun Hand-to-Hand: Basic Other Skills: 5 Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Espionage: Any (+10%) Electrical: Basic Electronics Mechanical: Basic, Auto Mechanics, Locksmith (+5% on Locksmith, Mechanical Engineer prerequisite not needed) Military: None Medical: None (see skill programs) Physical: Any Pilot: Any ground, air, sea. No Power Armor, Robots, or spacecraft. Pilot Related: Any Science: Chemistry, Chemistry: Analytical, Math: Advanced, Psychology (+10%) Technical: Any (+5%) - 583 -

WP: Any Secondary Skills: 8, +2 at 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 Xp table: Use the Genius/Natural from Beyond the Supernatural

Sword Mage O.C.C.

By: I swung at the beast. It was a clean shot, right through its right eye and across its body. My sword never fails me when I need it; it always strikes true. But something was wrong this time. The beast roared a blood-curtling scream that made me quake in my boots. And then it stood back up. There was no damage done at all. "What is going on?!" I screamed at my mentor. "It should be dead! I cannot kill something that will not die!" Calmly came his reply. "*Will* not die? Or merely dies slowly? Could it be that there is something more needed? Something more than your fabulous sword?" And with that, the monster fell to the ground. Its entrails were scattering across the grass. "Now then," he began, "it is time for you to learn the next level of the Order." There has recently arisen a new order of Knights. The Sword Mages are trained in the ancient mystic arts and the most modern fighting techniques available. The combination is a quite formidable one. Sword Mages are highly prized in slave markets, gladiatorial events and mercenary outfits because of their versatility. Most Sword Mages are found in England, but they have been seen in Europe, North & Central America, and even Japan. O.C.C. Skills: Detect Ambush (+5%) Pick Locks (+10%) Escape Artist (+10%) One Pilot Skill (+5%) Prowl (+15%) Two Languages, or One Language/Literacy (+20%) Lore: Demon (+25%) Lore: Magic (+30%) Two Physical Skills H to H: Expert (Martial Arts for one "other" skill) WP Sword Two Ancient WP Two Modern WP O.C.C. Related Skills: Select Six with the following restrictions: Communications: Radio: Basic & Cryptogarahy Only. Domestic: Any (+10%). Electrical: Basic Only. Espionage: Any (+5%). Mechanical: Auto Only. Medical: First Aid or Paramedic Only. Military: Any (+5%). Physical: Any. Pilot: Any (+5%). Pilot Related: Any. Rogue: Any. Science: Any. Technical: Any (+5%). WP: Any. Wilderness: Any.

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Secondary Skills: Select four at level one, and two every other level, all with the same restrictions as above, but without the bonuses. Psionics: None Magic: Starts With 3 spells from Levels 1 & 2. Each additional Level, add two spells from the new Level Plus one (i.e., At Fifth Level, Choose two from Levels 1-6) Special Powers: All Sword mages begin with a lesser magic sword with the following abilities: 1) Indestructible blade. Cannot be destroyed. If you want to shoot a fireball down the blade, go for it. 2) Mega-Damage. Strikes by the blade do mega-damage. 3D4 MD normally, 5D6 to supernatural creatures. 3) Magic Focus (Tip o' the cyber-hat to Jason Bridgman). Focuses the Magic powers of the wielder. Effectively reduces the PPE required to cast any given spell by 10%. 4) Cost. Generally not available for sale. Those that are are almost always stolen. Average black market cost is 20,000 credits. P.P.E.: 2D4 x10 +2D6 per Level. Equipment: Set of Black clothing, set of utility clothing, Light & Heavy MDC armor, sunglasses or tinted goggles, laser distancer, First aid Kit, Air Filter & Gas Mask. Weapons: Two Ancient weapons and two Modern weapons (should reflect WP skills). Also, 6 plasma grenades and 2D4 clips for each energy weapon. Ancient weapons may be SDC, Vibro, energy or magical, at the GM's approval. They like TW. Also see the Special Powers. Vehicle: Anything the character can pilot. Also, GM's discretion. Xp table: Use the same table as the Headhunter.

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T.C.C. (Transformed Character Class)

By: This is loosely based on the TV series TECHNOMAN. Could work out as a protagonist to Cosmo-Knight, or ally. As a villain in charge of a fleet of monsters invading a world, it would be a great Cosmo-Knight villain, considering they work in small groups (2-4). This is part of my effort to work out a "cosmic" level character to have in the same group as a Cosmo-Knight. Individual Ps-Tek Warriors would always have the danger of psychic reprogramming reinstating if they stay in the Armor too long. Alignment: Any Attributes: Normal human but usually have high P.S. and P.P. High M.E. is recommended for renegade Psi-Tek Warriors. Hit Points: P.E. + 1d6 per level S.D.C.: 30 + Skills M.D.C.: See Special Armor Size, Weight: Normal Horror Factor: 10 (in armor) P.P.E.: 1d6 Combat: By skills only Special Bonuses: None Magic Powers: None Psionic Powers: Telepathy and Mind Block Auto-defense. I.S.P.: M.E.x2 + 6 per level. O.C.C. Skills: Select 14. Communications: Any Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanical: Any Medical: First Aid and Paramadic only Military: Any (+10%) Physical: Any Pilot: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any, Navigation +15% Rogue: Any (+10%) Spatial: Any (+5%) Technical Weapon Proficiencies Wilderness Secondary Skills: Select 9 skills from the same areas as above without the bonuses. Psi-Tek Armor Size: 7' 6" Weight: 510 lb. M.D.C.: 450 + 5d6 per level Spd: 150 Flight: Mach 1.5 atmosphere, Mach 3 + 1 every 2 levels in space. - 586 -

Special Bonuses: +2 attacks, parry, strike, +3 to dodge, +5 to dodge while flying, +4 to initiative, +30 to P.S. (Supernatural), +11 to P.P., Energy immunity (same as Cosmo-Knight in Phase World) Vulnarbilities: -3 to save versus mental domination, 1 insanity, and reinstatement of mental reprogramming if in Psi-Tek mode for more than 1/2 hour. Weapons: Double Sword\Spear: 4d6 + P.S. (Supernatural), Can separate to become two swords that inflict 2d6 + P.S. Energy Whip: 3d6 and can snag and return the spear. Energy blast: 4d6x10 to 2 targets per level! Wide area of affect, designed to take out small fighters. Once per hour only. Psi-Tek Crystal: Abilities: Able to summon the Psi-Tek armor

Tattooed Weapon Master O.C.C.

By: Brad Skibinsky The tattooed weapons master is an elite class of tattooed warrior slave. This T-man is taught the art of melee combat using hand-held weaponry. These slaves are popular in arenas and sometimes as personal bodyguards or assassins. This is a sub-class of the tattooed man OCC. to create this character, use the stats for creating a t-monster man, and apply the following modifications: T-weapons master creates magic weapons at normal PPE amount. Replace all wilderness skills with WP skills. Exotic WP skill selection : WP paired weapons, WP net, WP grappling hook, or any other weapon proficiency found in any palladium book. HTH selection: any, including from other games (NO NINJAS & SUPERSPIES; however, can choose the art of sword drawing from the martial arts powers if a martial artist or gladiator HTH) These skills are from the palladium book entitled adventures on the high seas... i'm only including them for completion of this character's description. Author: Kevin Siembieda. HTH Gladiator (from adventures on high seas) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. +3 parry (3 apm to start) +1 Attack Per Melee +2 damage (counts as MD when supernatural strength engaged) disarm opponent on nat 18-20 +2 strike +1 a.p.m. +2 parry +3 dodge stun 17-20 kick 1d6

10. +1 a.p.m. 11. +2 parry/dodge

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12. critical strike 18-20 13. +1 a.p.m. 14. +2 damage(see above) 15. critical strike from behind (3x damage) WP net (see high seas, p 8) 1. snaring an opponent's weapon (disarm opponent on nat 18-20) unless opponent parries successfully w/ NO BONUS. 2. snare opponent-opponent must dodge or is snared (the net, if magic , is indestructible).

+1 strike @ lev 1,4,6,9,12,15 +1 parry @ lev 2,5,7,10,13 +1 throw @ lev 3,6,8,11,14 Change all 'animal' tattoos to 'simple weapon' tattoos and vice versa Change all 'monster' tattoos to 'magic weapon' tattoos and vice versa ** note that WP skills should reflect weapons tattoos given to the slave. Insanity: see T-man insanity table. Xp table: character advances as per t-monster man occ

Techner R.C.C.
Not too long ago (to their standards), in a galaxy not too far way (also to their standards), there is a planet called the Technon. There lives a humanoid being that calls themselves the Techners. History says that the World Leader that discovered other life form on other worlds renamed themselves this. During that time, the Techners were supposed to be the most advanced being in the Megaverse. However, because of the benevolent temper of the people, they did not colonize other worlds. Now, when other worlds find their way to the Megaverse, the Techners are "rediscovered" by them. During those years of improvements, the Techners has a technology level that surpass the rest. All the planetary residents were happy about their current situation and does not wish to change. All families has security bots, highly advanced computers, etc. However because of this comfortable life style, the people start to disevolve the physical aspect of their life, but getting smarter and smarter. (GM note: The GM should create new equipment for the character or use existing equipment with a +20% to all aspects compared to an "average" one.) An average adventuring Techner is usually bored about his/her life style, and lives on his/her cunning only. Alignment: Any, but have a tendency to be good. Attributes: All 3D6 except IQ, which is 4D6. Size, Weight: a smaller sized human. M.D.C.: by armor or magic only. Hit Points: Standard S.D.C.: 20 SDC at first level, plus 1D6 per level. P.P.E.: 2D6. Average Life Span: 180+ years. Ultra-tech health care has more than doubled the Techner's natural life span. Psionic Powers: None. Magic Powers: None. Combat: See Hand to Hand combat. - 588 -

Damage: See Hand to Hand combat. Bonus: +5% to all skills in additional to other bonuses. R.C.C. Skills: Basic Radio (+10%) Native Language & Literacy (Technian/Trade Four) 98% Basic and Advanced Math (+20%) Computer Operation (+20%) Computer Programming (+15%) Pilot Automobile (+10%) One W.P. of choice Hand to Hand: Basic Hand to Hand: Basic can be changed to expert at the cost of one "other" skill or martial arts at the cost of two "other" skills. R.C.C. Related Skills: Select eight other skills from the following list. Plus select two new skills at level three, six, ten, fifteen. All new skills start at the first level of proficiency. Communications: Any Domestic: Any (+10%) Electrical: Any (+10%) Espionage: Any Mechanical: Any (+10%) Medical: Any Military: None Physical: Any Pilot: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Any (+10% on computer hacking) Science: Any (+20%) Technical: Any (+15%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: None (may be selected later) Secondary Skills: Select an additional ten skills. Plus one additional at levels three, five, seven, nine, and eleven. Alliance and Allies: Almost every beings that are good. Appearance: A shorter and slimmer human. Standard Equipment: Suit of mega-damage armor, choice of one pistol, hand computer, portable translator, first aid kit, and other clothing. Money: 2D6x200 credits Cybernetics: An option of two at level one. Xp table: Use CAF scientist

Techno Shooters R.C.C.

By: Brice Daury The Techno-Shooters are the warrior arm of Techno-Fuser society, training more on the combat applications of their psionic powers than the building of devices. Thus, they are unable to build their own TF devices and must rely upon TF allies and/or employers to build these devices for them. Due to their extensive arms training, they get the special Techno-Shooter Hand to Hand combat skill as well. Attribute Requirements: PP 13 or higher, high ME and Spd are beneficial, but not required.

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Skills and Training of the Techno-Shooters: American 98% Techno-Can 96% Literacy: American 96% Detect Ambush +15% Demolitions +15% Dem. Disposal +10% Radio:Basic +10% Read Sensory Equipment+10% Weapon Systems +10% Pilot Robots/Power Armor +10% Pilot Jet Packs +10% Land Navigation +10% Pilot (Two of Choice) +10% HTH: Shooter (see description below) Other Skills:* at first level and 2 additional at level 3, one at level 6, one at level 9 and two at level 12. Communications: Any(+10%) Domestic: Any Electrical: None Espionage: Any Mechanical: None Medical: Paramedic Only (two skills) Military: Any (+10%) Physical: Any except Acrobatics or Wrestling Pilot: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Lockpicking or Streetwise only (+10%) Science: Math only Technical: Any (+10% on literacy or computer skills) WP: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: Select any six from previous list without benefit of bonuses. Techno-Shooter Powers: Have all the Techno-Fuser powers number 1-8, but they cannot create TF devices! I.S.P.: Equal to the Techno-Fuser, saves vs. psionics as a major psychic, as does the TF, 12 or better. Creation Points: Although they have no ability to make the TF devices, they do have their own CPs, which they 'pay' TFs to make their devices for them, 2d4x10 CPs at level one plus 8 CPs per additional level of experience. Their relationship to their TF benefactor determines how much the device will cost them, roll on following table: (roll 1d6) 1-Friends, can go back to TF and get new devices at cost. 2-Not Friends, but on good terms, can get new devices at cost+10%. 3/4/5-Ambivalent, future devices will require some service or period of service plus the cost of device +50% CPs. 6-Hostile, must go elsewhere for new devices. Note: Any debts a Techno-Shooter acquires to TFs will be repaid usually by period of service as a bodyguard, guide, etc., solely at the TF(GM)'s discretion. New Skill-Hand To Hand: Shooter Attacks per Melee: 3 to start Escape: Roll with Punch/fall/impact, Backflip Defense: Automatic Parry, Dodge Advanced Defenses: Armor Auto Dodge*, Circular Parry, Combo Parry/Shoot Basic Hand Attacks: Palm Strike, Knife Hand, Power Punch Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Snap Kick, Crescent Kick Jump Foot Attacks: Jump Kick Special Attacks: Technodeath Blow*, Bodyflip/throw, Body Block/tackle, Liquid-Metal Punch* Weapon Katas: WP Energy Pistol, WP Energy Rifle Modifiers to Strike: Pull Punch, Knockout/stun, Critical Strike,Critical Strike from Rear - 590 -

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

+2 parry and dodge, CS from behind, +2 roll with p/f/i WP Sharpshooter with either E.Pistol or E.Rifle, +2 I +1 attack per melee round, +2 strike (hth) and CS 19-20 with modern weapons Gains WP paired Energy Pistols, +1 damage (hth) Knockout/stun on 19-20, CS on 19-20 (18-20 w/ modern weapons) +1 attack per melee, Automatic Roll w/P/F/I Add Uppercut Punch (1d8 damage), Technodeath Blow* Body Flip/throw does 2d4 (instead of 1d6), victim knocked down +1 p/d, Overdrive Kata* acquired automatically

10. +2 strike with modern weapons, +2 initiative 11. +4 HTH damage,+1 strike(hth) 12. +1 attack per melee round, +1p/d 13. Liquid-Metal Punch gained 14. Knockout/Stun on 18-20 15. Critical Strike on 18-20 in hth or 17-20 with modern weapons Note: Use the Modern weapons CS level for hth when in armor. *New Techniques: Armor Auto-Dodge: Just as it sounds, this is the ability to automatically dodge attacks when in power armor. Combination Parry/Shoot: Once per melee this attack can be used against target in hth combat range. Normal roll to parry and simultaneously rolls to strike WITH NO BONUSES to strike roll (since this is generally a point-blank attack, the bonus is pretty much moot anyways). Counts as one melee attack/action. Technodeath Blow: Character must inflict a minor (minimum 1 sdc) wound to own hand and then strikes the technological target with bare hand. The pain of blow allows the user to focus their fusing power to damage the target, doing 1d6x10 MD to any mechanical/technological targets(including borgs bionic components). This costs the user the sdc lost in wound, 2 attacks and they are -3s/p/d and -2 initiative for 2d6 melees afterwards. Overdrive Kata: This could be called Zen and the Art of Shooting. Essentially, it is the temporary doubling of the user's number of AIMED shots per melee round! These are Sharpshooter aimed shots and the kata lasts for one melee only, leaving the character at -2 initiative for 2 melees afterwards. Maximum use of once every 5 minutes due to the strain on nervous system. Liquid-Metal Punch: This is actually usable with any hth strike and costs two melee actions/attacks. Allows the user to fuse THROUGH the target's armor/robot/vehicle/etc., doing normal hth damage for that attack directly to the target without affecting their equipment! This allows high level TS to wear down armor pilots without even denting their PA units. Cannot be used more than once every two melee rounds(30 seconds). Standard Equipment: Has the normal equipment listed for the headhunter except for any applicable TF devices.

Technos R.C.C.
By: Shawn Merrow

Technos R.C.C.
The Technos evolved on a deserts world. A low gravity field led to them being a tall race. In their legends there are stories that when they were still hunter gathers a group of powerful magical beings visited there planet. It is believed these are the beings who - 591 -

changes their genetic structure to give them magical abilities. The common belief is that some members of one the pantheon of Gods are the ancient visitors. The ones who actually did it were a group of Gene-Splicers with a generally good streak who wanted to help out younger races. After the alien involvement they started to evolve science and technology at a very fast pace. Within fifty years they had given up wandering the countryside and lived in cities getting there food from farming. In about five hundred years they had started using steam powered machines and were still rapidly advancing. At this time there were a couple of small wars between small countries but they tended not to last very long. It then took them only another hundred years to develop the early stages of nuclear power and the beginning of space travel. This was also a very sad chapter for their race because what started out as small disagreement between two small countries went nuclear. Only about five nuclear bombs were used but it was enough for their race as a whole to step back and contemplate what happened. This led to a ban on nuclear weapon on the home planet and the forming of a world government. They still advanced in science but at a somewhat slower pace to hopefully prevent the problems that came from the rapid advance of nuclear energy and bombs. The Technos eventually discover that a rare mineral that there planet had in large abundance could be used to make dimensional engines. This led to reckless charge into the megaverse to find out everything they could about the many alien sciences and technological achievements. This became their golden years and lasted for several thousand years. During this time they discovered more advance ways to make item ranging from power armor to kitchen appliances. It was at this time the New Tech company was formed to research and make the newly discovered technological products. Unfortunately for them one of their group of explorers came across a small group of Mechanoids. The research team fought for their lives and defeated them or so they thought. It was unknown to them a Mechanoid Brain survived the battle. In the battle one of the small scout ships of the research team was shot down and could not be recovered. The remote self destruct was activated but for some reason malfunctioned. The surviving Mechanoid was able to study and copy the dimensional engines of the scout ship. The Mechanoid Brain sat on the engine design till it was able to gather a large force of troops. The Brain then led his army to the home dimension of the Technos. It was good fortune for the Technos the Brain did not fully understand how the engines worked and made a miscalculation on the jump. This mistake caused them to appear a hundred thousand light years off target and destroyed the dimensional engines trapping them in the Technos dimension. The Mechanoids then proceeded to spread out conquering or destroying every race between them and there target. The Technos did not know what was approaching them till it was almost was to late. There home planet was in a quiet corner of a small galaxy so they did not bother much to explore the local neighborhood very often . When the Mechanoid threat was discovered they had only a month to prepare for it. The Technos navy reinforced with ships from New Tech tried to stop the Mechanoids but were defeated time and time again by their superior numbers. When the Mechanoids were only a week away it was decided the only option was to try to escape to another dimension. This when the hard choices had to be made since there were not enough ships to evacuate everyone on the planet. They made sure a large enough cross-section of their race survived so they could start again in a new dimension. The fleet did their best to hold off the Mechanoids but was destroyed to the last ship but they did gain enough time for about two million of the planets billion inhabitants to escape. They would not have last that long if it wasn't for the last minute work by the New Tech R&D department to come up with new weapons. The refugee fleet fled to the Phase World dimension and popped out in C.C.W. space. They found a nearby planet that was similar to their home planet and landed there. They found it to be a nice planet also rich in the mineral they needed to make their dimensional engines. They then named there new planet Acme in honor of a old joke about a company they made everything When one of the New Techs V.P. was younger he came to Earth of the mid twenties and saw some Roadrunner cartoons. He liked it so much he pushed Acme as the name for the new planet. He is the only person who knows the true joke behind the name. It was not long before C.C.W. found out about them claiming the planet Acme for there own. At first the C.C.W. was outraged by this and blockaded the solar system. It took a couple of months but a plan was worked out that left both parties happy and laid the ground work for Acme to join the C.C.W. and to prosper in their new home. The early years in the new dimension were rough and sometimes dangerous. One of the first explore ships sent out to explore the new dimension unknowingly wandered into the Transgalactic Empire and the crew was brutally massacred. Because of this at this time Transgalactic Empire space is of limits to all ships from Acme and New Tech. They also bumped into the Naruni for the first time. After a few small clashes it was deemed best if they ignored each others existence. At this time there is not a formal state of war between Naruni and New Tech but industrial espionage is quiet common. It has took them some time to get back on their feet but they are exploring the Megaverse again though with greater care then before. There are about twenty million Technos living on Acme at any time plus a large group of aliens. The Technos are a race of thinkers. They tend to be a rather tall race with a slender build. The Technos have four slender fingers and opposable thumb on each hand. Their hair tends to be long and brightly colored. The most popular fashions tend to favor also bright colors and long robes. A average Techno women will have about two kids in her lifetime. These kids stay at home till age four then they start to attend school. The school period last all year long with about thirty days off spread out during the year. There is very little in the way of team sports in their schools because academics is considered much more important. Technos on average will hit puberty about age ten but will not usually become sexually active till their mid twenties. The school system is not divided into subdivisions (grade school, middle school, high school), but instead it's one fourteen year program. When they finish they will then go on to college for about another four to eight years. The cost of college is paid for by taxes to make sure all Technos can get a higher education. At this point they will either join the military or enter the public sector. The ones who join the military will stay about ten to twenty years and then leave for a civilian job. Because of their long life spans they - 592 -

will stay in the work force till their mid two hundreds. It also common for Technos to change careers every thirty to fifty years to add a little variety to their lives. When they retire they will get a generous pension to live out the rest of their lives in peace and relaxation. Alignment: Any, but tends to lean towards the good side of the spectrum. Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+6* M.E. 3D6 M.A. 3D6 P.S. 2D8 P.P. 3D6+4** P.E. 3D6 P.B. 3D6 Spd. 3D6 * They have a higher I.Q. because education is highly valued among there race. ** Their slender build make them a little more agile then normal. Size: 6' to 6'7" tall. Weight: 150 to 190 pounds. M.D.C.: By armor or magic only. S.D.C./Hit Points: 4D6 / P.E. plus 1D4 per level of experience. Horror Factor: None. P.P.E.: 4D6 Average Life Span: Their life span has been increased to 300 years through the use of advance medicine and medical cybernetics. Natural Abilities: 1. Their eyes each have two special eyelids and one normal eyelid. If the first of the special eyelids is closed. It will magnify objects like a microscope at 10x magnification. If they close both lids it will go up to 25x magnification. This ability evolved because there original homeworld had very small parasites and this was the only way to see if they were on you. Note: When the special eyelids are closed only object no farther then four feet away can be seen clearly. 2. They have very agile and slender hands. Because of this they get a +5% bonus to skills the evolve the delicate use of the hands. For example skills like Electronics, Pick Pockets and Sewing would get the skills bonus because of the frequent use of delicate movements of the hands and fingers. Psionic Powers: When the Technos technology advanced to the point they started using electronics. A dormant gene in their DNA became active. This active gene give all Technos a low level version of Telemechanics. Their best scientist tried to figure out what was happening but could not come up with any explanations. Their were a few who said it had to do with the old legends about powerful magical beings who visited there planet thousands of years in the past. These beings supposedly gave them a gift that would help them one day in the future to face a great threat. Whatever the reason within five years all Technos had the ability. The evan stranger thing was one year later five percent of all Technos developed a stronger version of Telemechanics. At this point there has not been anymore changes and the stronger version only shows up in five percent of all Technos. Below is the changes in their version of Telemechanics to get the full text look in the main Rifts book on page 127. 1. Telemechanics (low level version) Range: Touch Duration: Five minutes plus one minutes per level. I.S.P.: 10 Savings Throw: None Text: Same as in the book. 2. Telemechanics (strong version) Range: Touch or ten feet away Duration: Thirty minutes plus four minutes per level. I.S.P.: 15 Savings Throw: None Text: Same as in the book. I.S.P.: 1D4x10 plus M.E. attributes, plus 1D4 per level for those with the weak version of Telemechanics and 1D8 for those with the stronger version. Technos with the weak version of Telemechanics are considered to be minor psionics those with the stronger version are considered to be major psionics. Magic: It's vary rare for a Technos to pursue a study of magic. Only about on in fifty thousand will evan think about studying magic at all. Of all the magic O.C.C. Techno-Wizard is by far the most popular with eighty percent of all Technos who go into magic studying it. The remaining twenty percent will chose from Ley Line Walker, Warlock, etc. Combat: Normal, all bonuses varies with the skills of the character. Bonuses: +10% to all Science and Technical skills, +5% to all Electrical and Mechanical skills. Vulnerabilities/ Penalties: Technos are used to being surrounded by technology. If they are on a planet with no advanced technology they will be rather edgy and tend to jump at shadows. Because of this they get a -10% to the wilderness survival skill. Also for every week they are on the planet apply a -5% to all skills to a maximum of -20% this show the effect of their nervousness when not surrounded by technology. O.C.C.: Below are the varies O.C.C. Technos can get. Rifts Main Book: Borg, City Rat, Headhunter, Line Walker, Operator, Shifter, Techno-Wizard. Note: They get literacy at +20% if the O.C.C. does not normally have it. Coalition Navy: None. - 593 -

Vampire Kingdoms: None. Atlantis: None. England: Temporal Warrior, Temporal Wizard. Africa: None. Triax and the NGR: None. South America 1: None. Underseas: Salvage Expert. Note: the underwater related skills are replaced with similar space related skills. Japan: Police Officer. Note: The only differences are the language and literacy skill are changed to Techno and Trade Four. South America 2: None. Juicer Uprising: None. Coalition War Campaign: None. Lone Star: None. New West: None. Spirit West: I have yet to get this book. Though it will probally be none. Mercenaries: All. Conversion Book 1: Warlock Conversion Book 2: None Wormwood: None Phase World: Colonist, Cosmo-Knight Galactic Tracer, Runner, Spacer, Space Pirate. The Technos standing military use O.C.C. similar to the ones the CCW use. The ones they use are CAF Fleet Officer, CAF Scientist, CAF Trooper, CAF TVIA Inspector. Phase World Sourcebook: Turbo-Jockey.

Temporal Master P.C.C.

By: Drakkon A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... Ok, so it might have been sometime in the future, or even the past, and who cares about the actual distances involved when space is a set of dimensional coordinates easily mutilated... The Temporal Master is a Psychic who, for one reason or another, is a member of the gifted elite. he is capable of percieving time itself, and understanding its dimensions. Far from being liniar, and most assuredly not something navigable in only one direction, the Temporal Master can step from one line to another, and move backward and forward along its flow with ease. When the first group of Temporal Masters discovered each other (they were strangely attracted to the same anomaly), they decided that since none of them would gain the upper hand in a conflict against another, that they would be better suited to creating a sort of organization. They focused their powers, and constructed a special temporal bubble. It exists outside of all time/space, and is effectively impenetrable, except to a Temporal Psychic. Dubbed 'Temporia', the Static Temporal Bubble became their new home. They became known as the Grand Masters. Together they founded the Academy of Temporal Science, to train the young Psychics attracted to Temporia. As new psychics enter, they give up a portion of their energy, and Temporia is made more grand. Such is the fee for services rendered. The Temporal Master is a Master Psychic, trained at the Academy to fulfill his psychic potential. He is a master of time, and Lord of his own Temporal Domain. In many ways similar to the Astral Lords of the Astral Plane, the Temporal Master is a major player in the Timestream. Each Master is given, upon graduation (not a set period of time, but a level of maturity), a certain number of timelines to monitor. His domain is setup at a junction that allows him to see all that happens within his temporal domain. Temporal Masters have their own Temporal Psychics, and TYMECops to make sure that evens within those timelines are not comtaminated by random interferance from external sources. Abilities and Bonuses: 1. Temporal Ascendancy: This power is possessed by anyone with the ability to transcend the time/space barriers of their timeline, and move outside of time. It creates a Temporal Bubble around the user, and allows him to take 1 person each level. A 1st Level Temporal Psychic can only move himsef out of time/space. A 2nd Level can take one other. Etc. Etc. The Temporal Bubble has a few special properties. Firstly, if cannot be attacked by conventional means. This means all weapons, including Phase Weapons, do NO DAMAGE. Temporal Bubbles can only be attacked by Temporal Weapons and Temporal Powers. Secondly, the Bubble can only be seen by those who can See the Invisible. Those inside the Bubble are percieved as if shrouded in fog, and the bubble itself is a translucent silver in color. Those who cannot See the Invisible, cannot detect the Psychic, nor anyone in the Bubble. The exception is a Psi-Hound or Stalker, who will know that Psi-Powers are in use, but not where, nor how powerful the Psychic is. - 594 -

Thirdly, the Bubble immediately shifts the Psychic out of phase with the reality, rendering the occupants insubstantial, though subject to local forces like gravity, and surface tension. This permits movement (half normal speed of the Psychic), but not interaction with the lifeforms in the given time/space. Perfect for observing, but not interacting. The Temporal Bubble is free, if used as part of another power. If used by itself, to travel out of time/space, the Temporal Bubble has the following costs: 1 ISP per 10 TDC (Temporal Damage Capacity) 5 ISP per passenger (up to the max granted by level) These costs are paid per minute (personal time) maintained. 2. Temporal Longevity: Due to the inordinate amount of time that Temporal Masters spend outside of time, they appear to have no maximum to their lifespan. This is not exactly true, as a Temporal Master will age, if subjected to realtime. however, most Masters spend their days inside their Domains, where they rule as absolute gods. They do not age, nor are they subject to attacks, nor disease. Temporal Domains: Temporal Masters all maintain and rule their own personal Domains. These Domains are set at the nexus point of several Timestreams, to provide easy monitoring of the flow. Temporal Masters may pump as much of their ISP base into their domain, but starting Masters are required to sacrifise atleast 1/3 their total ISP into their Domain. From then on, they may increase their Domain as they see fit. (See Building a Temporal Domain, in another post) Other Psionic Powers: Besides these formidable powers, the Temporal Master may select 2 powers from each cataegory (Sensitive, Physical, Healer, Super, and Temporal: see appendix 8) for a total of 10. At each additional level, the Temporal Master may select 3 additional powers from any category. They may not select Psi-Sword before 3rd Level, nor Mind Wipe and Mentally Possess Others before 5th. P.P.E.: Temporal Masters have all burned away most of their PPE in gaining their fantasytic powers. This leaves them virtually drained of all PPE, possessing only 1d4 PPE. I.S.P.: Temporal Masters are considered Master Psychics, and possess 2d4X10+ME ISP at 1st level. After that, they increase their ISP 2d6 per level.



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Alignment: Any, but rarely Diabolic or Miscreant. P.C.C. Skills: Language:(native) @ 98% Language: Temporian @ 98% Lore: Temporal (new Skill) (+25%) 3 Technical Skills (+10%) 2 Science Skills (+10%) 2 Communication Skills (+10%) 1 WP Hand to Hand: Expert (though Martial Arts may be purchased at the cost of 1 other skill. HTH: Assassin may not be learned by Temporal Masters) P.C.C. Related Skills: The Temporal Master may select 8 other skills from the following categories. Standard rules apply to Any/None/(specific) ratings. Communications: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Any Mechanical: None Medical: Any Military: None Physical: Any (except Acrobatics) Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any Science: Any (+5%) Technical: Any (+10%) WP: Any Wilderness: Any - 595 -

Secondary Skills: The Temporal Master may also select 3 Secondary Skills, but these are without the special bonuses of the Related Skills. We all know how this works. Standard Equipment: Whatever the GM and the player think is fair. As the Temporal Master has almost free reign thruout all of time/space, anything is possible, though certain items will not be looked upon with favor by the Grand Masters. Choose, but choose wisely. Money: None to start. They can usually find what they need when they need it. Go fig.

Temporal-Mechanic O.C.C.
By: Wade Gulbrandsen The temporal-mechanic is an offshoot of the techno-wizard. Temporal-mechanics can make and use TW devices as well as TM devices. TM devices are just specialized TW devices and can be used by anyone who can use TW devices. TM devices have a focus on dimensional effects and time. Temporal-Mechanic Psionic Powers 1. The temporal-mechanic has the following psionic powers: mind block, speed reading, total recall, and Telemechanics. 2. I.S.P.: Roll 4D6 plus the character's M.E. number to determine the base Inner Strength Points. The temporal-mechanic is considered a minor psionic so he or she receives another 1D4 I.S.P. per each additional level of experience. 3. Saving throw versus psionic attack: As a minor psionic, the character needs a 12 or higher to save vs psionics. Temporal-Mechanic Magic Powers 1. Initial Spell Knowledge. In addition to his temporal-mechanic powers, the character has a solid understanding of spell magic and how to tap into ley lines and nexus points for additional P.P.E. The temporal-mechanic is not the master of spell magic the Ley Line Walker or Shifter are, but is still pretty capable. It is not a lack of understanding in magic that limits the temporal-mechanic's spell casting abilities, but his orientation. That orientation is magic used in conjunction with machines. Consequently, his spell casting abilities are not the same as other spell casters. Spell Casting Penalty: All spell ranges, duration, M.D.C./S.D.C., and damage are half when cast as a spell or ritual rather than channeled through at TW or TM device. A temporal-mechanic is primarily interested in energy spells needed to power mystic devices and temporal magic used to manipulate space and time. The temporal-mechanic spends much of his time building and tinkering with new devices rather than seeking out new spells. At level one experience, the character knows the following spells fundamental to his needs for empowering TW and TM devices! Blinding flash, globe of day light, ignite fire, fuel flame, fire bolt, call lightning, energy bolt, energy field, impervious to energy, and telekinesis. The temporal-mechanic also knows six spells from magic levels 1-4, but half of these must be Temporal spells (see Rifts England) or have a dimensional or time related aspect. Each additional level of experience, the character will be able to figure out/select one new spell equal to his own level of achievement/experience. Note: Other spells can be used to create other devices. For example: Wink out can be used to create a vehicle or suit that can disappear for a few minutes. 2. Learning new spells. Additional spells and rituals of any magic level can be learned and or purchased at any time regardless of the temporal-mechanic's experience level. The temporal-mechanic's area of interest will first be in energy spells, followed by dimensional and time manipulation that can be applied to devices, such as D-phase, see dimensional anomaly, S-Dep, T-Dep, time warp: fast forward, teleport, dimensional portal, and related. The character is not usually interested in other areas of magic and never acquires summoning or circle magic. 3. Magic Bonuses. +3 to save versus horror factor. +1 to save versus magic at levels three, seven, ten, and thirteen. +1 to spell strength (the number others must save against when you cast a spell) at levels four, eight, and twelve. 4. P.P.E.: Like all men of magic, the techno-wizard is a living battery of mystic energy that he can draw on to create magic. Permanent Base P.P.E.: 2D4x10, in addition to the P.E. attribute number. Add 2D6 P.P.E. per each additional level of experience. Of course, the mage can also draw P.P.E. from ley lines, nexus points, and other people whenever available.

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Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 12, M.E. 12, P.E. 12 or higher. A high P.P. is also suggested but are not mandatory. O.C.C. Skills: Literacy (+10%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Carpentry (+10%) Computer Operation (+5%) Computer Programming (+5%) Computer Repair (+10%) Basic Electronics (+15%) Automotive Mechanics (+10%) Read Sensory Equipment (+10%) Math: Basic (+20%) Land Navigation (+5%) Language: Two of choice (+15%) Hand to Hand combat must be selected as an "other" skill. Hand to Hand: Basic costs one skill selection, Expert counts as two, and Martial Arts or Assassin (if evil) count as three skill selections. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select seven other skills. Plus select two additional skills at level three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one at level twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Any, but each skill counts as two skill selections. Espionage: Wilderness Survival only. Mechanical: Any, but each skill counts as two skill selections. Medical: First Aid only. Military: Any Physical: Any, except, Boxing, Wrestling, and Acrobatics. Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Any (+10%) Technical: Any (+10%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select five secondary skills from those listed, excluding those marked "None." These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Standard Equipment: Work overalls, set of nice clothes, biker clothes, sunglasses, multi-optics band, magnifying glass, pocket flashlight, large flashlight, six signal flares, mini-tool kit, knapsack, back pack, 1D4 small sacks, one large sack, packet mirror, silver cross, six wooden stakes and mallet (for vampires and other practical applications), canteen, distancing binoculars, air filter and gas mask, pocket digital disc recorder/player for recording his observations, and a hand-held computer. Note: Favorite clothing is pre-Rifts biker clothing, leather jackets, jeans, chaps, boots, finger-less gloves, etc. Currently considered to be high fashion among temporalmechanics. Light M.D.C body armor (seldom wear heavy armor, because it reduces one's speed and mobility by half) that has two special magic features of player's choice, excluding invisibility and impervious to energy. Weapons: Will include a survival knife, magic energy converted energy rifle and pistol. Vehicles: One magic energy converted vehicle of choice with one additional magic feature, excluding invisibility and impervious to energy. Favorite types of vehicles tend to be souped-up motorcycles, and hover vehicles. Money: The temporal-mechanic starts with 1D6x100 credits, 1D4x1000 in black market items and 2D4x1000 in quartz crystals and gems. Cybernetics: Starts with none and will avoid getting cybernetics except for medical reasons.

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Special Temporal-Mechanic Powers Techno-Wizard Powers: A temporal-mechanic possesses all techno-wizard powers (see Rifts RPG pg. 91) with the following additions: Features that can be added to power and body armor Not applicable to robots or cyborgs. As many as four powers can be built into one armor. D-Phase: This spell is activated by thought and 20 P.P.E. or 40 I.S.P.; works the same as the spell. Duration is subject to the level of its creator. Initial Creation Cost in P.P.E.: 400. Cost: 100,000 credits for each level of the creator. D-Shift Phantom: This spell is activated by thought and 20 P.P.E. or 40 I.S.P.; works the same as the spell. Duration is subject to the level of its creator. Initial Creation Cost in P.P.E.: 400. Cost: 100,000 credits for each level of the creator. D-Shift Two Dimensions: This spell is activated by thought and 25 P.P.E. or 50 I.S.P.; works the same as the spell. Duration is subject to the level of its creator. Initial Creation Cost in P.P.E.: 500. Cost: 125,000 credits for each level of the creator. Sense Dimensional Anomaly: This spell is activated by thought and 30 P.P.E. or 60 I.S.P.; works the same as the spell. Duration is subject to the level of its creator. Initial Creation Cost in P.P.E.: 600. Cost: 150,000 credits. See Dimensional Anomaly: This spell is activated by thought and 30 P.P.E. or 60 I.S.P.; works the same as the spell. Duration is subject to the level of its creator. Initial Creation Cost in P.P.E.: 600. Cost: 150,000 credits. Time Warp: Fast Forward: This spell is activated by thought and 70 P.P.E. or 140 I.S.P.; works the same as the spell. Duration is variable. Initial Creation Cost in P.P.E.: 1400. Cost: 1.4 million credits. Wink-Out: This spell is activated by thought and 20 P.P.E. or 40 I.S.P. for one minute and 10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P. for each additional minute, up to five minutes; works the same as the spell. Initial Creation Cost in P.P.E.: 400. Cost: 250,000 credits.

Terror Child OCC

By: Andrew Brookins The Terror Child is a person who has been abused sexually, physically, or [not often] mentally as a child. Most [60%] are women between the ages of 12 and 25. When they suffer the traumatic event (or events) of abuse, they are numbed emotionally. To the point where they need to mutilate their bodies to remind themselves they are still "alive." The mutilation can be in many different forms; burning, tearing, cutting, piercing, etc. In most cases the self mutilator only does these things for a small period of time, then they go on with their lives. But for some, it becomes an addiction. These few people (less than 15% of all self-mutilators) are usually born with a high amount of PPE. When they mutilate themselves, they start to feel a "buzz" or "rush". This is because when they cut, tear, rip, or burn things into their body, their internal PPE is activated. After 1d6 months of mutilation, the person will observe that he or she can harness the "buzz" or "rush" that they get off mutilation to enhance themselves temporarily and gain magical power. The more damage to their body they do, the more power they are able to harness. These special individuals are known as Terror Children. In order for the Terror Child to harness the energy the mutilations give her (I'll be using 'her' because the majority of Terror Children are female) she has to create patterns that she cuts or burns into herself to get different powers. These patterns are created by the Terror Child when attempting to gain another power and will be larger and more complex depending on how much power the Terror Child is trying to attain. It is a fact that many Terror Children accidentally kill themselves during power attainment. Usually this happens when they underestimate the damage the pattern or burn will cause. Terror Children will usually try to cover up their scars and wounds. The Terror Children will usually become rogues and outlaws of society, robbing and stealing to make a living. Of course, there are many who do not follow this path and become protectors. More to come on the Terror Children's position in the world of Nightbane (maybe), as well as more powers. Special Abilities and Bonuses of the Terror Child: Powers gained through Self Mutilation - 598 -

1.) Enhanced SDC... sort of The Terror Child uses physical pain to gain magical powers. That means the more SDC/HP he has, the more power he will be able to attain. The Terror Child starts off with 3d6 SDC. Each level the Terror Child gains, add 1d4 SDC. The use of physical skills will also raise the Terror Child's SDC. 2.) Mutilation Patterns There are hundreds of different possibilities when it comes to the patterns the Terror Child will carve/burn into her arm. To determine what temporary abilities she gains from the pattern, roll for damage and look up the amount of SDC the wound causes in the number of tables below. This will give you a listing of skills from which the Terror Child can choose from. The number of mutilation patterns the Terror Child can have active at one time is equal to her ME divided by 4, rounding down. Note: it would be very wise to use the optional damage rules found in most of the main books. Very, VERY wise :) Power Level 1: Minor Patterns 1-3 points of SDC: Choose ONE of the following abilities a. +1 to PS, lasts 1d4 minutes b. +1 to PP, lasts 1d4 minutes c. +1d4 SDC to punch attack Time to carve/burn pattern: 1 round 4-8 points of SDC: Choose ONE of the following abilities a. electric shock from hands does 1d6 SDC (1d6 MDC in Rifts), range: touch, lasts 1d6 minutes, ignites flammable material (70% chance) b. +2 PS, lasts 1d6 minutes c. +2 PP, lasts 1d6 minutes d. make her eyes glow red, +1 HF, lasts 2d6 minutes Time to carve/burn pattern: 1 round 9-14 points of SDC: Choose ONE of the following abilities a. shout attack does 2d6 SDC (2d6 MDC in Rifts) and shatters windows within 15 feet, lasts 2d4 minutes b. run at 20 mph, lasts 2d4 minutes c. fly (20 MPH, -3 strike/parry/dodge), lasts 2d6 minutes Time to carve/burn pattern: 2 rounds Power Level 2: Major Patterns 15-20 points of SDC: Choose ONE of the following abilities a. 20 SDC (20 MDC in Rifts) shield, lasts 3d4 minutes b. PP increased to 18, lasts 2d6 minutes c. flaming hands do 3d6 SDC (3d6 MDC in Rifts), lasts 2d4 minutes, ignites flammable materials (90% chance) d. evil eye averts glances and is +5 to HF, lasts 2d4 minutes Time to carve/burn patterns: 3 rounds 21-27 points of SDC: Choose ONE of the following abilities a. +5 ME, lasts 1d6 hours b. +3 strike/parry/dodge, lasts 6d6 minutes c. 30 SDC (30 MDC in Rifts) shield, lasts 2d6 minutes d. PS increased to 18, lasts 1d4 hours Time to carve/burn patterns: 3 rounds 28-33 points of SDC: Choose ONE of the following abilities, and ONE ability from ONE minor pattern category a. impervious to poison, toxins, drugs, gases and disease, lasts 1d6 hours b. invisibility (normal sight), lasts 1d4 minutes c. fly-major (100 mph, -5 strike/parry/dodge), lasts 1d6x10 minutes d. weapon appendage does 2d6 SDC (1d4 MDC in Rifts-because it's supercharged with life energy)(arm morphs into a sword, club, etc.-no mechanical weapons are possible), lasts 2d6 minutes Time to carve/burn patterns: 6 rounds 34-40 points of SDC: choose one of the following abilities AND ONE ability from ONE minor pattern category, or choose THREE abilities from one minor pattern. a. cause pain does 1d6 SDC and sends victim into epileptic seizure (works only on humans), seizure lasts 1d4 rounds (saving throw vs. magic at -6 to avoid attack-range is in the line of site, and see able) b. +3d6 SDC (+2d6 MDC in Rifts-even if to an SDC weapon) to any ancient weapon's damage, lasts 2d6 hours c. +5 strike with any weapon, lasts 6d6 minutes d. blinding light causes blindness to everyone within 10 feet of the Terror Child, except the Terror Child, lasts 1d4 rounds e. power punch does 5d6 SDC (3d6 MDC in Rifts), lasts 1d4 rounds Time to carve/burn pattern: 1 minute Power Level 3: Super Patterns 41-45 points of SDC: choose one of the following abilities a. +2 PS, lasts permanent (all permanent spells can only be used once; nobody would be able to put themselves through the same - 599 -

amount of pain more than once) b. +1 ME, lasts permanent (special, see above) c. +2 PP, lasts permanent (special, see above) d. choose one minor pattern ability. This ability can now be activated once a day without expending SDC. Time to carve/burn pattern: 1 hour 46-50 points of SDC: choose one of the following abilities a. +3d6 SDC, lasts permanent (special, see above note about permanent pattern usage) b. sense evil, breath under water, see the invisible, lasts permanent c. +1 to all attributes, lasts permanent (see note about permanent pattern usage) 3.) Psionics ISP: 5d6 ISP + ME attribute. All Terror Children are considered Minor Psionics. They have 1d6x10 PPE, but they don't use it. 4.) Impervious to Pain This ability allows the Terror Child to remain conscious and moving, no matter how much damage has been applied to her body. The limit is, of course, once she reaches 0 HP she clinically dies and her heart stops. See, even if her left leg is snapped off and she has a gaping hole in her abdomen, she will be able to hobble around or whatever she wants to do until she reaches 0 HP. There are logical limits to the use of this ability, of course, like the character would not be able to speak if her jaw has been shot off (though she would still be able to kick the ass of whoever shot it off). This ability only works when the Terror Child knows she is going to be injured (she has to be able to 'turn it on') and if she is surprised she will not be able to deaden the pain. The ability takes 1d4 rounds to activate (as she hypes herself up). Bonuses: +2 horror factor, +3 save vs. psionics/magic, +2 save vs. possession Weaknesses: Heals twice as slow as humans. -10% on all skills requiring precise hand movements and delicate touch. (due to scar-tissue) -5% on all skills. (due to lack of concentration) Inanities: Roll twice on the Psychosis table. Roll once on the Random Insanity table at levels 4, 9, and 13 Roll percentile dice. 50% and above, the character is an alcoholic. Rolls of 49-20% means you get to pick a drug and be addicted to it. Below 20% means you start out with no substance abuse habits or alcohol problems. Nice rolling :)

Terror Child
ALignment: Any (tend to be selfish or evil) Attribute Requirements: ME: 15, PE: 14 Racial Restrictions: Humanity is the only society in the megaverse to show signs of the mental disease that leads to the Terror Children. Therefor, only humans can be Terror Children. Horror Factor: 8 if arms or skin of any kind on their body is showing. OCC Skills: Native Language (98%) Basic Math (+10%) WP: one Ancient of choice Computer Operation (+15%) Radio: Basic (+5%) Streetwise (+10%) OCC Related Skills: Select 10 other skills, plus select 2 skills at level 2, two at level 5, one at level 8, and one at level 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Radio: Basic only Domestic: Any Electric: Basic only Espionage: None Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Auto Mechanics only Medical: First Aid or Paramedic only Military: None Physical: Wrestling and Boxing, as well as all contact-related sports and skills cannot be chosen (the wounds all over their body do not feel to good when they are punched) Pilot: Any non-millitary vehicles Pilot Related: Navigation and Read Sensory Equipment only. Rogue: Any Science: Basic and Advanced Math only Technical: Any WP: Any "civilian" type weapons. - 600 -

Secondary Skills: Secondary Skills: Also, the character gets to select 5 secondary skills from the above list. These skills are additional areas of knowledge and do not get the bonus indicated in the parentheses. Terror Children also get to select an additional 2 skills at level two and four. All secondary skills star at the base level. Standard Equipment: BTS/NB: The Terror Child will start out with a small vehicle of choice (an automobile), one ancient weapon of choice, a couple sets of clothing, a radio, sunglasses, one bic lighter package, one small knife (1d6 SDC) and personal effects. Other things can be purchased. Rifts: The Terror Child will start out with a small vehicle of choice (most often a motorcycle-unless the Terror Child is below the age of 15, then she doesn't get a vehicle), wilks laser wand, a small knife, an ancient weapon of choice, another weapon of choice, light MDC body armor (something that exposes her arms, unless she doesn't want to use her special abilities), flashlight, first aid kit, a pack of cigarettes and a lighter (easy remedy for that pain-craving), and some personal items. Note: to use armor, she must have some kind of protection covering her skin, or else she is at half her normal speed, -2 to strike/parry/dodge, and -10% on all skills requiring MOVEMENT. The Terror Child is VERY uncomfortable in armor, as it irritates her skin. Money: the Terror Child starts out with 2d6x100 in cash. Or 3d6x100 credits in Rifts. Cybernetics: the Terror Child avoids ALL external cybernetics. Only small internal bionics and cybernetics can be chosen.

The Uhr: Time Demon R.C.C. Optional Player Characters

By: HellHound The Uhr, among the most infamous beings to ever walk the Megaverse, have returned. Called time demons by some, the wretched by others, they have lived with a horribly accurate reputation throughout their entire history. As enforcers of the Old Ones, they were truly ruthless; an estimated fifty races faced extinction at the hands of the Uhr, and countless others were devastated by their 'lessons in humility.' The swath of destruction they cut in the Dark Crusade will never be wiped from the Megaverse's mind, and a vast number of races still speak in abject terror of the monsters from beyond Time and Space. As enemies of the Old Ones, they were no less brutal. It was through the assistance and arcane influence of the time demons that the ancient masters of gods and men were finally sealed away into the Netherdark. And only the Uhr were able to hunt down and annihilate their most hated enemies, Netosa's nosferatu. The home world (if 'world' is an accurate term) of the Uhr is an insane place known as Overtime. This dimension seems to exist somewhere beyond the influence of normal time, and even space is severely warped there. It is not uncommon for a single time demon to be born dozens of times, or to be in several places and/or ages simultaneously there. It is possible to meet versions of oneself from other planes of reality, to travel into the past, or far into the future, to relive entire days, years, or even lifetimes, and suffer other equally disconcerting effects. At the age of around 137 Earth years (which can pass in the blink of an eye, or a geologic age, in Overtime), all Uhr undergo a metamorphosis into what the demons call 'Labryne' form. It is in this stage that the demons' powers begin to truly manifest. Prior to the Labryne stage, the Uhr possess only minor magical and psionic powers, and are unable to change shape (half P.P.E. and I.S.P., minor psionics and non-temporal spells only). With the Labryne stage comes an intense, totally irresistible sense of wanderlust. Virtually no force can prevent the Labryne from going out to explore the Megaverse. This period of wanderlust lasts until the demon has reached the tenth Plane of Enlightenment (experience level eleven). At this point, most Uhr will desire to return to Overtime, to take their places as Armidores, members of the overlord class. However, some time demons may wish to travel the Megaverse for even longer, seeing more of the ways of the beings who live in linear time. A powerful artifact, known as the Ain-Amarth by the Uhr, prevents intruders from entering the Overtime dimension. Any attempts by a non-Uhr to dimensionally teleport to Overtime will result in imprisonment in the Ain-Amarth's pocket dimension, a realm where time does not flow. Then, the Uhr overlords, called Armidores, decide what to do with the intruder. This will most likely include brutal torture and interrogation, and intense psionic probing. If the intruder requests the presence of a specific Uhr, or claims to be an ally of the race, he or she will be given more leeway, and will probably be dimensionally teleported to another world, away from - 601 -

Overtime, to discuss his/her reason for entering Overtime. The Ain-Amarth was designed and created by the Old Ones, to protect their enforcer race, and to keep them in line. The Old One Erva's last act, as she was placed in the cold of the Netherdark, was to seal the Uhr into their dimension, by forbidding the Ain-Amarth to allow any beings to leave Overtime. Only within the last thousand years have the Uhr determined how to control the Ain-Amarth themselves, and thus, how to free their race. The return of the Uhr to the Megaverse will surely have some profound repercussions on the infinite worlds. They will attempt to regain a foothold in the games of power, and will attempt to make allies of other time/space twisting species (Temporal Raiders, Prometheans, and the In-Betweeners, specifically) as quickly as possible. Rifts Earth and Phase World will be especially attractive to them, being incredible energy nexuses, and the large numbers of Temporal Raiders will eventually draw them to Wormwood as well. Culture and Personality Uhr culture is literally choked with rituals and formality. A simple greeting may take as long as five minutes, while the conversing Uhr exchange names, titles, brief family histories, and schools of training. More complicated ceremonies, such as weddings or naming rites can stretch on for days, with an alarming complexity and smoothness. Many non-Uhr have commented that Uhr culture resembles a play or a dance; everyone has a part, and nobody ever screws up or gets the words wrong. There are nearly 150 different social 'ranks' or castes in Uhr culture, each rigidly defined and based on achievement, family history, age, and to a lesser degree, wealth. Despite the ranking system, high ranking demons do not speak down to or degrade those of lower rank. It is seen as rather crass to insult ones lessers, and monstrously stupid to insult those of higher rank. The Uhran language has 72 separate cases, used depending on the station of the speaker, and the station of the audience. It is one of the most difficult skills in the Megaverse to master (non-Uhr may study Uhran, but base skill is 15%, plus 3% per level of experience; use of the tongues spell is recommended). However, a non-Uhr capable of speaking the language without magical or technological assistance will command the highest respect from even Armidore-level Uhr, providing the speaker is not actively hostile or insulting. As for personality, the Uhr are the very embodiment of 'cool.' They are nearly unshakable, believing (often quite correctly) that nothing in 'Undertime,' their term for the rest of the Megaverse, can compare to the awe and majesty of their home world. It is impossible to cow an Uhr, as they will die sooner than degrade themselves. Gods and alien intelligences will rarely even attempt to impress a time demon, unless the deity does not know the reputation of the Uhr. Those who are ignorant of the Uhr may become truly infuriated at the indomitable time demon's willpower and self-control. Another peculiar aspect of the Uhr personality is that all Uhr, even villainous scoundrels, are nice guys. They will be unfailingly polite, jovial, social, fun-loving, and helpful, even to their enemies. This is a personality trait many beings find insufferable, has earned them the ire of more dark and brooding species, and is likely the reason for their animosity with the nosferatu. For the same reason, the Uhr get along amazingly well with the necromancer demons known as the Veraxi (see Rifts Hades). However, when extremely somber situations arise, the Uhr can become more grim than one would think possible. The destruction of beauty causes them great sadness, no matter the nature of the beauty. A group of Uhran paladins will vanquish an evil dragon with the same heavy heart of an Uhran assassin strangling a lovely elven maiden. Thus, the Uhr will always try to avoid unnecessary destruction, especially of works of art or great beauty. For this reason, many of the races lost to the Dark Crusade were able to leave behind their cities, monuments, and art works as reminders of their existence. If beauty must be destroyed, a short ritual of apology will be performed, to atone for the act. All Uhr, even those not of the Labryne stage, are natural wanderers, and their time- and space-twisting powers perfectly compliment these tendencies. However, the wanderlust of the Labrynes far outstrips that of any other race seen yet. A Labryne will become anxious and unruly if he or she remains in the same place for more than a day or two. Forcing the Labryne to stay any longer than three days will drive the demon crazy. If fact, the Uhr's normally unshakable cool will begin to fade, to quickly be replaced with open hostility and anger. Imprisonment will prompt a Labryne to take literally any means necessary to escape. If imprisonment persists, permanent insanity may result (Game Master's discretion), and the Labryne will eventually begin to ignore even the restraints of his/her alignment in the need for escape. Friends may be abused or slain, loved ones may be sacrificed, and possessions may be given up or destroyed. The player of a Labryne may make a saving throw versus psionics every six hours to avoid losing his/her sanity to wanderlust. A successful save means that the urge to escape has been quelled for six more hours. But it can't go on forever... The Uhr Labryne R.C.C. Formerly Minions of the Old Ones Also Known As: Time Demons, Beyonders, the Red Ones, the Wretched, and the Traitors, among other insulting terms. Alignments: Anarchist, unprincipled, Taoist, or miscreant only. - 602 -

Attributes: I.Q.: 4D6, M.E.: 3D6+10, M.A.: 4D6+4, P.S.: 4D6+6, P.P.: 4D6, P.E.: 4D6+4, P.B.: 3D6+4, Speed: 4D6+10. Armidore-stage Uhr will see each of their attributes increased by 5 (five) points. Hit Points (in S.D.C. environments): Equal to three (3) times the character's P.E., plus 2D6 per level of experience. Armidores will have twice as many hit points. S.D.C. (in S.D.C. environments): 4D6x10, in addition to any from skills and other training. Armidores have an additional 400 S.D.C. points. M.D.C.: Equal to the character's P.E. attribute multiplied by ten, plus 1D4x10 points per level of the demon's experience. (2D6x100, plus 50 per level for Armidores) Horror Factor: None in a human or semi-human guise, 14 in true, monstrous form. Once the Uhr have had a chance to reestablish their former reputation in Undertime (the Megaverse), average horror factor will become 16. Weight in Demon Form: 3D6x10+120 pounds (68 to 136 kg) Size in Demon Form: Six feet, plus 4D6 inches tall (1.9 to 2.4 meters) Average Experience Level: Labrynes vary widely in experience (roll 2D6 for level). Player characters should start at level one, and advance slowly from there. Armidores are always at least eleventh level, and can achieve incredible levels of experience (roll 8+3D6). Natural Abilities: See the invisible, night vision 200 feet (60.9 meters, can see in total darkness), bio-regenerates 5D6 M.D.C. every minute (2D6x10 per minute for Armidores), completely regrows limbs within 1D4+2 hours. Metamorphosis into a humanoid shape (always the same form; the time demon must choose one humanoid shape and stick with it), unlimited duration. The features of the human-like form will resemble the natural features of the Uhr. Unconsciousness or coma will not cancel the metamorphosis; only death can reveal the true form of the Uhr. Powers Granted by the Old One Master: When the Uhr were in the service of the Old Ones, they possessed the ability to slip between dimensions, to pass through solid matter at will, and to dimensionally teleport to or from any Old One. The S.D.C. and hit points of the demons were also 25% higher than the current levels. Note: These powers were possessed only by those who served the dread Old Ones. No Uhr who are alive today have the powers granted by a link to the Old Ones. Combat Skills: The Uhr are all trained in a form of martial arts as Labrynes, which is equivalent to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts. Each magic or psionic action counts as one physical melee action. Prefer to use natural abilities, but will use weapons when the need arises. Damage: Varies by supernatural physical strength, psionic power, or magic attack. The hand attacks of Uhr demons affect vampires, werebeasts, and all creatures of magic. Bonuses: In addition to attribute bonuses, +3 to strike and dodge, +1 to parry and roll with a punch, fall, or impact. +6 on initiative, +3 to save versus magic, +8 to save versus horror factor, +2 to save versus mind control. (Armidores have an additional +2 on all combat rolls, and +3 on all saving throws) Penalties: The Uhr have no bonuses to resist/save versus the attacks of Old Ones, their Spirits, or Avatars, and are vulnerable to all things which have adverse effects on true demons. Exposure to true daylight reduces the Uhr's spell strength by two, and attacks per melee by one. The demon is not affected by the globe of daylight spell, or other artificially created sunlight. Magic: Innately knows the basics of magic, and can use techno-wizard devices and scrolls without instruction. Starts with knowledge of the following spells: time maelstrom, sense dimensional anomaly, time warp: fast forward, time warp: slow motion, time warp: age, time warp: send, metamorphosis: four dimensions (suffers no insanity from using this spell), close rifts, impervious to energy, fire bolt, energy fist, tongues, time slip, teleport: lesser, teleport: greater, close rifts, dimensional portal, armor of Ithan. Additional spells may be learned at any time, regardless of experience or skill. (Armidores will typically know all spells from levels one to level 2D4+2, and 2D4 spells from each additional spell level, will know all temporal magic spells) Note: If using the Mystic China Sourcebook, all Uhr can also begin the game with the following chi magic spells: enter tung tien, reverse chi, and any three animus-creating spells. P.P.E.: 3D6x10, plus 4D6 points per level of experience. (Armidores will have 2D4x100+100 P.P.E.) - 603 -

Psionics: Considered a master psionic, with the following psionics and phase psionic powers: d-shift: distance, fast draw, multi-phase, dimensional leap, mind block, sixth sense, astral projection, and super-telekinesis. (Armidores have all sensitive and physical psionic powers, super telekinesis, six other super psionic powers, and all phase powers) I.S.P.: 3D6x10, in addition to 10 points per level of experience. (Aridores have 1D4x100 I.S.P.). Weapons: Labrynes start equipped with one greater rune weapon or one psionic crystal weapon. The demon may also begin play equipped with one medium-powered suit of magical armor (minor techno-wizard modifications, or Millennium Tree bark armor, etc). Experienced demons (most N.P.C.s) will have access to several magical or technological weapons of medium to great power. Rune weapons and phase-tech weapons are prized greatly. Bio-Technology Devices: None! Most will never consider any sort of artificial modification, although implants may be Time/Space Bound in the normal manner, preventing the item from being rejected, or displaced when the Uhr shape shifts. Appearance: Most appear in the form of an attractive human or elf. However, use of their time/space twisting powers causes them to lose control of their disguise. Every melee round in which time or space altering powers are used, the being's horror factor is increased by 2 points (beginning at H.F. 0), until the natural H.F. is reached. At horror factor 5, the demon is noticeably deformed, and above 10, looks more like the character's true form than a human. Concentrating for one melee round (and not using time or space warping powers) restores the Uhr to fully human form. Alternately, the Uhr can assume his/her true demonic form in only half a melee round. The natural appearance of the Uhr reflects what they are called in legends: the time demons. A large (6 feet plus 4D6 inch tall), powerfully built humanoid frame, with extremely dark red skin. The hands and feet sport huge black claws, and the eyes are pitch black. The demon's facial features are sharp, but still very attractive. The ears, nose, and chin come to noticeable points, and the teeth are long, curved, and pure white. The hair of the being is extremely black, and frequently (but not always) grown very long. Average Life Span: At least 100,000 years, maybe effectively immortal. Habitat: A transdimensional being which can be found, periodically, anywhere. Overtime, to most normal beings, is an incredibly distorted plane, shifting constantly in both time and space. Enemies: The Old Ones, and many of the races assaulted in the Dark Crusade. The Uhr have always had a strong hatred for Netosa's nosferatu minions, and will therefore not care for vampires or ellal much, either. Allies: The Uhr feel a strong kinship with the beings who call themselves High Humanity, and have a great respect for the Grimalkin, and their creations, the Clockwork Warriors. Wurm Dragons are also respected and feared by the Uhr. Once they reenter the games of the Megaverse, Uhr will definitely try to befriend Temporal Raiders, Prometheans, and In-Betweeners. Slave Market Value: None. Uhr are nearly impossible to restrain, and due to their intense wanderlust, useless even when restrained. R.C.C Skills: Language & Literacy: Dragonese, Runic, Uhran, and Demongogian (98%) Language: Two of choice (+15%) Math: Basic (+20%) Lore: Demon (+25%) Lore: Powers (+10%) Lore: Magic (+10%) Land Navigation (+10%) W.P.: Three of choice Hand to Hand: Martial Arts R.C.C. Related Skills: The character may select five skills as limited by the following skill list. Communications: Cryptography and Radio: Basic only Domestic: Any (+10%) Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Any Mechanical: Locksmith and basic only Medical: Any (+10%) Military: Any Physical: Any except hand to hand combat Pilot: Any except robots and power armor (+15% for Horsemanship) Pilot Related: Navigation only Rogue: Any except Computer Hacking Science: Any (+10% on Math or Astronomy) - 604 -

Technical: Any (+10%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: The character may select five skills as limited by the list above. Secondary skills do not get the bonuses listed in parenthesis. Standard Equipment: Modern adventurers and newly-awakened ancients will usually be equipped with two suits of clothing, 1D4 minor magical items (herbs, amulets, etc.), sketch/note pad and pencils, as well as personal items. Money: 1D6x10,000 credits worth of precious metals, gems, and other objects of value. (Armidores typically have access to vast wealth and resources.) Special R.C.C. Abilities Unique to the Uhr 1. Slow Others: This can be thought of as a modified form of the time warp: slow motion temporal magic spell, and is a natural ability of the Uhr. By concentrating the Uhr is able to "bubble" the time stream around a specific target, which has the effect of causing the target to slow down. This attack requires one melee action, and can only be used once per melee round. Duration is 1D4 melee rounds. Victims of the time distortion will see the world around them accelerate, and cannot catch up no matter how hard they try. Attacks per melee, speed, bonuses, and all damage from slowed vehicles or individuals are reduced by half. Range is 50 feet (15.2 meters) per level of experience, and can affect 400 lb (181.4 kg) per level of the demon. Only temporally sensitive beings (Prometheans, Temporal Raiders, Phase Mystics, Temporal Warriors/Wizards, Shifters, Travelers, Time Worms, etc.) are able to resist this attack, by making a magic saving throw versus the Uhr's spell strength. Each use of this power costs the Uhr 8 P.P.E. points, or 10 I.S.P. 2. Instant Acceleration: This power pushes the Uhr slightly ahead in time, causing him/her to speed up for a second. Use of this power allows the Uhr to determine the movement of a rolling die or the path of a punch, or to hit an opponent with an ultra-fast punch or kick. This means the Uhr can dodge even volleys or energy blasts, or parry single projectiles/energy blasts. Counts as one melee action, and affects only the Uhr himself. Using this power in conjunction with a dodge or parry still counts as only one melee action, and adds +2 to the dodge or parry roll. Used in combination with an attack, it takes up one additional melee action (a normal punch would take two melee actions, a leap kick would take three), and the roll to strike is made at +3 to strike. Such an attack inflicts critical damage on a roll of a natural 14 or higher! Cost of this effect is 3 P.P.E. or 5 I.S.P. per use. 3. Ley Line Phasing: This power is identical to that of a Ley Line Walker or Temporal Wizard. See the Rifts Role-Playing Game, page 83, or Rifts England, page 67, for exact details of Ley Line Phasing. 4. Dimensional Flicker: The Uhr is able to push him/herself forward in time for an instant. The result is that the demon disappears from the universe for just a second or two, to reappear in exactly the same place he/she vanished from. Used to dodge, this power provides a bonus of +6 to the dodge roll. Each time this power is used, the Uhr must pay 8 P.P.E. or 10 I.S.P. 5. Sense Dimensional Distortions: As temporal beings, the Uhr are extremely in touch with the fabric of space and time. All major spatial disturbances, such as dimensional rifts, astral bridges, and ley line storms, can be sensed as long as they are within one mile (1.6 km) per level of experience of the Uhr. Smaller-scale anomalies, such as four-dimensional beings, dimensional envelopes, and time holes can be sensed within 100 feet (30.5 m) per level of experience. The demon will know the general direction and approximate distance of the distortion. This is a constant power, and cost the Uhr no I.S.P. or P.P.E. to use. 6. Time and Space Binding: This power is similar to the temporal magic spell attune object to owner. The Uhr may fuse any object to his/her life essence and dimensional energy pattern. The bound objects may be summoned to the Uhr with the fast draw phase power, and any special abilities of the object cannot be used by any except the Uhr attuned to it, just as with the attune object spell. The attuned objects cannot be object read, and no other beings may attune themselves to any object attuned to an Uhr. Another effect of the binding is the physical link between the Uhr and the object. A sword or energy rifle bound to the Uhr changes shape along with the Uhr if he/she uses metamorphosis, or any shape changing magic; a katana blade will lengthen and change to a red color, becoming large and jagged when the Uhr assumes his/her natural form, cybernetic limbs and implants bound to the Uhr will grow and toughen with the demon, healing as if they were normal body parts. All bound weapons do an additional 2D6 M.D. while the Uhr is in demonic form, and any bound weapons are considered to be magical weapons. The cost for using this power is special. Each item bound permanently reduces the character's P.P.E. base by 12, or I.S.P. by 15 points. The only way to regain the lost I.S.P. and P.P.E. is by canceling the link to the object or by destroying it. Either - 605 -

way, the invested I.S.P. and/or P.P.E. instantly returns to the Uhr. Attuned objects may not weigh more than 75 pounds (34 kg), and living creatures cannot be bound. 7. Cancel Magical Energy: This is identical to the power of a Phase Mystic, allowing the Uhr to shift his/her dimensional energy signature to prevent a magical spell from affecting the Uhr. Any spell that directly targets a time demon can be negated! Spells that create energies which attack the target (fire bolt, energy fist, etc.) are not affected by this power and inflict full damage, as do rune weapons and other types of magic weapons and beings. 5 I.S.P. or P.P.E. must be spent each time this power is activated, per spell to be negated. 8. Phase Form: By concentrating for one melee round, the Uhr is able to shift himself out of dimensional phase temporarily. In this state, the Uhr automatically reverts to his/her natural demonic form, instantly recovers all I.S.P. and P.P.E. (and, incidentally, chi), and heals half of the damage he/she has taken at the time of transformation. In energy form, the demon is surrounded in a cloud of sparks, and becomes semi-transparent. As an energy being the Uhr takes no damage from physical attacks, and takes half damage from energy attacks. Psionics, magic, and phase attacks do full damage to the time demon. In this state of phase, the Uhr cannot touch anything in the physical world, although magic and psionics may still be used to attack solid beings. The phase transformation lasts one minute per level of the Uhr, twice as long for Armidores. Use of this power costs the Uhr 50 I.S.P. or P.P.E. points. Additionally, once the Uhr has transformed back into corporeal form, all of his/her I.S.P. and P.P.E. is expended for 1D4 hours. After that time, the demon's personal energy slowly recovers as normal. Experience Levels and Advancement of the Uhr 0-4000 Level One: All powers and information are as described above. 4001-8000 Level Two: +1 spell strength, select one additional psionic power from super, healing, sensitive, or physical, and select one additional temporal spell. 8001-12,000 Level Three: +1 to save versus magic, the character gains one additional phase psionic power, and one traditional magic spell from any level. The character gains two additional R.C.C. related skills, which begin at level one proficiency. 12,001-24,000 Level Four: +2 to save versus horror factor, inflicts critical damage on a roll of a natural 19 or 20, select one additional psionic power from super, healing, sensitive, or physical, and select one additional temporal spell. 24,001-36,000 Level Five: +1 spell strength, the character gains one additional phase psionic power, and one traditional magic spell from any level. 36,001-50,000 Level Six: +1 to save versus magic, select one additional psionic power from super, healing, sensitive, or physical, and select one additional temporal spell. 50,001-80,000 Level Seven: The character gains one additional phase psionic power, and one traditional magic spell from any level. The character gains two additional R.C.C. related skills, which begin at level one proficiency. 80,001-120,000 Level Eight: +2 to save versus horror factor, select one additional psionic power from super, healing, sensitive, or physical, and select one additional temporal spell. 120,001-170,000 Level Nine: Critical damage on a roll of a natural 18 or better, +1 spell strength, +1 to save versus magic, select one additional phase psionic power, and one traditional magic spell from any level. 170,001-230,000 Level Ten: Add one attack per melee round, select one additional psionic power from super, healing, sensitive, or physical, and select one additional temporal spell. 230,001-300,000 Level Eleven: +1 to save versus magic, select one additional phase psionic power, and one traditional magic spell from any level. The character gains two additional R.C.C. related skills, which begin at level one proficiency. At this experience level, Labrynes will begin to feel the call of Overtime, and will desire to return to the homeland. Most (98%) do so. Player characters who choose to do so become N.P.C. Armidores, and are not under the control of the player any longer. Time to roll up a new character! Characters who do not return to Overtime continue to advance as follows, instead of becoming Armidores. 300,001-380,000 Level Twelve: +2 to save versus horror factor, +1 attack per melee round, select one additional psionic power from super, healing, sensitive, or physical, and select one additional temporal spell. 380,001-470,000 Level Thirteen: +1 to save versus magic, the character gains one additional phase psionic power, and one traditional magic spell from any level. - 606 -

470,001-570,000 Level Fourteen: +1 to save versus magic, select one additional psionic power from super, healing, sensitive, or physical, and select one additional temporal spell. 570,001-700,000 Level Fifteen: Select one additional phase psionic power, and one traditional magic spell from any level. The character gains two additional R.C.C. related skills, which begin at level one proficiency.

Tleixaxu Face Dancer R.C.C. v0.2

By: Matt Barnes

Tleixaxu Face Dancer

Some of these mysterious entities have been showing up all through-out the Megaverse, not just in it's home dimension. They are feared by those who now they exist, and the ones that are oblivious to them, they're the lucky ones. Their masters are mysterious and no one can figure out their motives. They are usually arrogant and surprising in that they always give their opponents a way of escape, no matter how abstract, vague or completely obvious. They have more nerves than humans in their skin, and that allows them to manipulate their features. They cannot turn into another being, like going from humanoid to a Gargoyle, merely change their features, voice, and every facet of another person perfectly. Only those with clairvoyance MAY be able to tell them by a flash from the future warning them of the Face Dancer. Their changes are fluid and in a crowd will probably not be noticed. Tleixaxu Face Dancer R.C.C. Alignment: Any Attributes: IQ 3d6+5, ME 2d6+8, MA 3d4+10, PS 3d6+2, PP 3d6+1, PE 3d6+6, P.B. (Constantly Changes), Spd 2d6mph, supernatural being Size: Constantly Changes Weight: Constantly Changes SDC/HP: 6d6 SDC and PEx3 HP Horror Factor: To those who know what they are 4, otherwise none PPE: 2d6x10 Average Life Span: 100-150 Natural Abilities: Can change into any human form with no cost, the change is fluid and most will not notice it in a large crowd. The Face Dancers can change their eyes, physical appearance, voice, and the well trained ones will even slip into the person their imitating thought patterns. The transformation takes only a few seconds, but complete transformation (Voice etc..) will take up to two minutes of preparation. Experience Level: 1-15, Average: Rouges (Don't serve their Tleixaxu Masters) 1-4, Trained and Conditioned Servants 3-7 Psionic Powers: Use OCC/PCC stats ISP: Use OCC/PCC stats Magic Powers: Use OCC/PCC stats (OCC PPE + Base PPE (Above))

Tolkeen Hedge Mage O.C.C

By: Ross Payton After reading the Tolkeen vs CS debate I thought up this O.C.C to give Tolkeen a helping hand. Think of it as mystic vagabond or Non Citizen Soldier with magic. The Tolkeen Conscript Hedge Mage (Hedgehogs) It is common knowledge that it takes years of study and training to become a mage. In fact it was so taken for granted, that no one ever took the time to find out if it was true or not. Until now. Facing a siege by the Coalition War Machine, the Tolkeen High council appointed an elven scholar named Asinius Mortus the task of finding a quicker way of training mages. This was 16 years ago. Now Asinius has presented his results to the council and the council has hastily approved of his plans. Already over 2,000 recruits have been molded into hedgehogs and more are to follow. Tolkeen can now churn out approximately 6,000 recruits every year with their current facilities. They have already proven effective against CS infantry and work well as support troops against bots and borgs. However CS psi-stalkers are already hated by every Hedgehog in the Tolkeen military, as the psi-stalkers find hedge mages an easy and delicious meal. Every hedge mage is just a normal person before their training, usually an eager and young recruit eager to learn magic and to serve their country. They come from all backgrounds, some being rich (some would say spoiled) boys who burn to get the one thing money - 607 -

can't buy, young orcs looking for some quick power, and naive human farm boys who just like the name Hedgehog. In any case, each 'class' of recruits is taken to a secluded site (usually a ley line nexus). Then a single high level sorcerer (usually Asinius Mortus) performs a twenty minute ceremony that requires 400 P.P.E (from any source). Every non spell caster within eye sight of the sorcerer is 'awakened'. After the Awakening, the recruits are hustled away to a 8 week boot camp where they receive training in basic grunt work and among other things, the use of TW weapons and a few spells. The graduates are put on 4 month active duty, and if they survive, the new hedgehogs are given a few more spells and a promotion. From then on, the Hedgehog is given a review by a superior officer to see if the Hedgehog deserves promotion and additional training. Hedgehogs serve in a variety of capacities, making most of them a jack of all trades. They usually are assigned to a platoon of 'mundanes' for magical assistance when real wizards are too scarce. They also pilot many of the mystic war machines that surround Tolkeen. A few even are put together in teams to use the new TW crew served weapons (hints of things to come >:). Tolkeen Hedge mage O.C.C info Requirements: none. Any non supernatural race may learn this O.C.C. Powers: 1. Sense magic/supernatural evil: By concentrating for one minute the character may detect any magic or sources of supernatural evil with a 100 foot radius. The character may take any NON offensive actions and still detect magic/evil but once he or she attacks, is attacked or decides to break the concentration, the character must start over again to detect magic/evil. 2. Use TW devices without any penalty. P.P.E cost is normal. 3. Spellcasting. The character may cast spells equal or lower their current level without penalty. When the character casts a higher level spell in times of stress (combat included), the character must roll under their I.Q if the spell is mental/divination spell, M.E. if the spell requires conjuration or illusion or P.E for all other spells. If the roll fails, the character rolls on the following percentile table. 1-35 Spell fizzles, P.P.E is spent, nothing happens. 36-51 Spell is at 1/5 normal power, range duration etc. 52-89 Spell hits someone else within range (GM pick). 90-00 Spell backfires, causing a minor curse on the character (GM pick) 4. P.P.E : 7D6 plus P.E at first level. Add 1D6 + 4 per each level. 5. Spells: At level 1, the character picks 1D6+2 spells from level 1-3. No additional spells per level although the Hedgehog may learn them later. Limitations: 1. Character's number of spells learned and their maximum level is limited by I.Q. (Chart to come later) 2. Hedgehogs may ONLY take P.P.E from ley lines and Nexuses and a few non living P.P.E batteries (like amulets). Nothing else, not even the P.P.E of dying beings. 3. Hedgehogs are universally disdained by 'true' wizards who refuse to admit that Hedgehogs are actual wizards. Skills: Radio:Basic (+5%) Pilot:one of choice W.P. Energy rifle W.P one of choice Athletics One technical skill of choice (+5%) Skills Available: Pick 9 at level 1, plus two more at level 3, 5, 7, 10, and 12. Communications:Any except laser and cryptography Domestic:Any +10% Electrical:Basic only Espionage:Intelligence, and sniper only Mechanical:automotive,basic or ship only +5% Military:any +5% Physical:Any except gymnastics and acrobatics Pilot:Any +5% Pilot related:Any +5% Rogue:Any except computer hacking Science:Math only Technical:Any +5% W.P: Any Wilderness:Any Secondary skills:6 with standard limitations Equipment:Light to medium body armor, three M.D.C weapons, one of which can have a TW modification. Salary is 1600 credits a month.

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The Transcendent PCC

By: James Calder --------------------------------------------------------


-------------------------------------------------------The transcendent is cursed with a kind of immortality. The "soul" or "consciousness" of the individual never fully dies, but instead moves on to inhabit a new body. These memories and experiences (as well as individual conciousnesses) move to the current life's subconscious, where they come to life when triggered. This character is proof that past lives and deja vu exists, however the transcendent doesn't know it. They may suspect it, but can never entirely prove it. What does this mean for the character? The character have years (maybe centuries of past knowledge that seems to manifest itself at the most unusual of occasions. A character with an arcanist in a previous life, may suddenly find themselves with the power to cast a globe of daylight when confronted by a vampire. Once the danger has passed, the character suddenly forgets the knowledge and cannot recreate it for the life of them. A character with a psychic past life, may receive premonitions just before an attack by a creature that killed the previous life. The lives may or may not be related, that is, ancestral. There is no explanation for these phenomenon. The transcendent is *not* a psychic or a practitioner of magic. Luck or whatever has made the character what s/he is. BASE PPE is 2D6. DETERMINING PAST LIVES First, determine the number of past lives. GMs are free to determine where such a limit should be placed, but rolling 3D6 will give between 3 and 18 past lives. Second, determine the number (or proportion) of the past lives that are significant in the development of the current character. Roll percentile, and multiple the result by the number of past lives (rounding down). For example, if a character generates 12 past lives and then rolls 46% on the percentile dice, the character has 5 (12 x 0.46 = 5.52 => 5 after rounding) significant past lives. Third, determine what role the significant past life played (if the roll results in another Arcanist or Psychic after one has already been assigned, that significant past life gets molded into the other and the total number becomes reduced - *do not* reroll for another past life). 01-15 Special: Arcanist or mystic. This past life was involved in the mystical arts. The character gains the following abilities: Sense Magic, Sense PPE, and Understand the Principles of Magic at -30% (not really "understanding," just has inklings and insights). The character may also gain the same spells as an Arcanist, but cannot learn or purchase new spells (I don't know how I know, I just do). Whether or not the spells are available is calculated this way. Take the (100 / (spell level)) +(100 / number of past lives)) - (100 / (level of experience))is the percentage that the character will know the spell. So, for instance, a 4th level transcendent character with a mage past life is trying to determine if he knows Globe of Daylight. It's a first level spell and he has 9 significant past lives. Therefore, he must get under (100/1) + (100/9) - (100/4) = 100 + 11.111... - 25 = 86.11 This character gains a one time bonus of 3D6 to PPE. 16-30 Special: Psychic. The past life was a psychic of some kind. The character gains the following abilities: Sixth Sense, See Aura, and Sense PPE. The character may also check to determine if the character knows a particular psychic ability. Use the same calculation as above, substituting ISP cost for spell level. The base ISP is the same as the latent psychic and increases at 10 ISP per level. 31-50 Professional. The past life was a professional individual of some merit. Select one skill from any skill category at +40% (do not include skill bonus from education or high IQ). Other skills selected from this category receive a bonus of +35% (do not include skill bonus from education or high IQ). This knowledge is inherited not taught, so the prerequisites are not necessary. So, for instance, if a character had a medical doctor in a past life, the character can perform the same skills as a doctor (doesn't know why), but will not be able to become a practicing doctor without the proper education. The character will also attempt to take charge when his or her expertise are needed. 51-75 Aristocrat. The character really did not necessarily have great training in life, but instead was of strong character and / or upbringing. The character may add 2D4 attribute points to I.Q., M.E., M.A., or P.B. in any combination or in any quantity. In addition, the character will be fond of rich, extravagant things despite current situation. 76-00 Child. One of the past lives died as a child. What does this mean? Essentially, the character receives the same bonuses as applied to the optional victim character. Optional Additions to this character: * The character has multiple personality syndrome. The character's past lives actually come to the surface on behalf of the individual instead of surfacing at random. The player may, with the support of the GM, create separate characters to be housed in the one body. The true character does not know the others exist (or does). * Other past life possibilities that I didn't think of. * Random skills from insignificant past lives. Perhaps a past life was an expert seamstress who lived a happy, productive life. Character would gain Sewing at 98%. Bonuses and Vulnerabilities: * The character gains all the bonuses and vulnerabilities of all the significant past lives divided by their number rounded up. So, if a

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past life would have a +4 vs. magic and the character has 3 significant past lives, that becomes +2 vs. magic. * Must roll a 13 or higher to save vs. psychic attack if there is a psychic in the past. Otherwise, the standard over 15 is used. Notes This PCC was created with the 1st edition Beyond the Supernatural in mind. If you intend to use this creation for Nightbane or Rifts, the GM should use his/er judgment as to how to allot OCC skills and Related Skills. One suggestion, is to use the Psychic PCC from the Nightbane main book.

Transformers R.C.C.
By: Necromancer Bob I've actually had the chance to use this RCC in Rifts and it actually worked well (granted, it was a medium-high game- the other characters were a Highlander Immortal, an NGR 'borg soldier, and an NGR Glitter Boy)... I had a guy playing as a Junkion (not Technobabble, BTW) and he was nuts. Lemme know what you guys think, and I'll work out a few more example characters. This RCC could easily be used in a HU, N&SS, or Robotech (some would consider the Transformers to be anime) game... for HU & N&SS, you'd need the robot character generation tables in HU for the SDC (make 'em SDC rather than MDC).... A quote from "The Return of Optimus Prime": Hot Rod: The wisdom of the ages, it's lost?! Optimus: No, I think we're all a little wiser now. Yes, this is it! A Rifts character class based on that old cartoon (and the toys and the comic book and the underwear and...) THE TRANSFORMERS. Yeah, I know, it sounds like a munchkin's wet dream, to be able to play a 30-foot robot with heavy ordnance that makes Triax look like Northern Gun and no need for a weakling human pilot who has to do such annoying things like eat, sleep, and occasionally empty his bladder and/or bowels. To foil those munchkins, every Transformer has to have a personality quirk or flaw if you will that makes them...well, human. (For player-created evil characters, a roll on the phobia/obsession table would probably be appropriate). And not to mention, with most of the big guys, it'll take them 2 melee rounds to change forms, during which NO actions can be taken (For other, smaller ones, it's only 1 melee). And, of course, robots don't heal like carbon-based life forms do. Any damage they take can seriously hurt them in the long run, especially considering how few places have facilities to repair robots, especially such alien ones. That being said, I just hope you people won't think I'm a total munchkin for creating this class (like poor Allan Harrison and his Mecha-Knight thing). I just thought it would be a cool class. I have based this work on the OLD stuff, not the new stuff they've been coming out with. (Beast Wars? What in the name of God is that?) Not much post-movie stuff is in there, either, as everything changed once Prime died, but I possibly will be including Junkions, maybe a few other movie ones.... If you want references, check out the old comic books and the TV series (which is still on in some places in unbutchered form), and the movie is great. The Sci-Fi Channel sometimes shows the old TV series in cut-up format, too. I apologize if this takes forever to load, as I tried to put in as much detail and cool background about the Transformers I could think of and/or find, along with putting in several example characters. How the Transformers got to Rifts Earth and their origins: (BTW, this is a combination of the origins told in the comic books, the TV series, and some other sources, some of which I can't remember just now. What I couldn't find, I bullshitted.) If you wanna skip this, even though it is really interesting, I won't feel offended if you just scroll down to the Skills section now. After the Big Bang which created the cosmos, three major humanoid races emerged long before mankind in three different star systems. One, the Micromen, hailed from Alpha Centauri. The second, the Acros, hailed from the Andromeda System. The third, the Waruders, hailed from the "Great Darkness Nebula." All these races, despite their different solar systems, independently developed transtechnology. Transtechnology mecha run on a plasma-like substance generally known as Energon (more about Energon later). A group of Transtechnological scientists from the Microman, Acro, and Waruder races decided to abandon this galaxy and seek another. On their way to what would later be known as the Quintesson galaxy, they found another galaxy right next to theirs, inhabited by the Romulans (no relation to Star Trek) and the Casmozoner. These scientists were disgusted with their pathetic humanoid bodies and decided to create artificial Transtech bodies. They also discovered a method of increasing their intelligence by merging as many as five minds--one from each of the five races (Microman, Acro, Waruder, Romulan, Casmozoner) with artificial neural/computer interfaces. They became the Quintessons, driven insane by the merger of minds. Only one of these scientists, their leader, refused to become a Quintesson, and through unknown means became the god known as Primatron or Primus (no relation to the band). - 610 -

The Quintessons built the Sharkticons as their slaves, who in turn built the supercomputer Vector Sigma, with enough memory to memorize the soul patterns of billions of people and could therefore create new mechanical beings from that. The Quintessons constructed Cybertron (about the size of Mars, but much heavier as it is entirely metal and air) and its twin moons around Alpha Centauri, vast laboratories for research in creating new mechanical beings. Vector Sigma, the ultimate computer, was the only way to control the Plasma Energy Chamber (the central power source for Cybertron) and other parts of the planet. The Quintessons, mistrustful of even their own creations, made the Plasma Energy Chamber give off too much energy, so that all robots trying to use it would overload. The Quintessons, being partly organic, had no such problem with the Plasma. In order to protect themselves from volatile experiments, they built a gigantic asteroid-ship, Quintessa, as their mobile headquarters. The asteroid Junkion (Also called the Planet of Junk) was built from the remains of mechanical being-slaves destroyed by failed experiments. Eventually, there evolved a race on the Planet of Junk, the Junkions, who were rediscovered by the Autobots in 2005 after the assault on Autobot City. Apparently, junk (for lack of a better word) kept collecting there from various sources, including Earth (Wreck-Gar's rather weird quotes in the movie; e.g. "Kill the Grand Pooh-bah! Eliminate even the toughest stain!") and Cybertron, giving the Junkions a constant if irregular stream of information about what was going on off-planet. In this new universe with few other life forms, Energon was plentiful --but the Quintessons soon expended Energon quicker than they could collect it, and so before the situation got any worse, they used their remaining Energon to create a huge, sentient robot the size of a small moon called Unicron. Unicron's mission was to seek worlds and devour them to produce Energon, and then return to the Quintessons to deliver mass Energon shipments. However, Unicron, seeing that he was WAY bigger than everybody else, revolted and made himself the leader of the Quintessons, who cowered in terror and became his slaves. Eventually, Unicron moved on, away from Cybertron, searching for worlds to use for energy. The Quintessons eventually shared part of their knowledge with a younger race known as the Robotech Masters. The Robotech Masters took these ideas and linked them to the use of protoculture as a power source rather than Energon. The Robotech Masters, rather than using Transtechnology to create sentient mechanical beings, used it in piloted mecha that could link with a pilot's mind more efficiently than any others (and still are, for the most part). The Quintessons' later experiments included new beings, smarter than the Sharkticons, who were purely robotic in nature, later to be called the Transformers. The robots developed true sentient 'souls' and, sick of fighting and dying in mock wars for the Quintessons' pleasure, the Transformers revolted (a lot of revolution going on here; that tell you anything about how the Quintessons treat beings?), freeing Cybertron from their Quintesson masters. Thus began the First Cybertronian War. A scientist robot named A3 was one of the leaders, with a female scientist called Beta as his second-in-command. A3 managed to make a controller device to override the Quintessons' Guardian enforcer robots. The Quintessons were forced to flee Cybertron. Thus began "the Golden Age of Cybertron", a time of pure science and self-discovery for the Cybertronian self-willed robots. A depository for the greatest scientists' and leaders minds' was made, and called the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. As time progressed, this Matrix was found to have strange powers of remote energy-matter transference. Only certain Autobots who have both the proper mind and body shape can use the Matrix. A tradition of calling the Autobot leader "Prime" was started. Vector Sigma was (and still is, for the most part) the only computer that can program new robot bodies. As asked by the Cybertronians, each robot is given a personality at "birth". The Quintessons and Unicron were least until 2005 (and the movie). Thousands of years later, the world of Cybertron was wracked by the Second Cybertronian War, this time between two factions of Transformers, the (good, selfish, mostly) Autobots and the (anarchist and evil) Decepticons. Over the next 5 million years different Decepticon and Autobots ruled Cybertron, their home, with the losers fleeing the planet or "jailed" (their AIs held in stasis), or outright killed. A3, now known as Alpha Trion, was a still a scientist Autobot at the end of the Third Cybertronian War. He inherited the Autobot Matrix when the last Autobot leader fell, but did not accept the mantle of leadership. When the current Decepticon leader Megatron damaged warehouse-worker Orion Pax and two others, Alpha Trion recreated them into Optimus Prime, Elita One, and Ironhide. He gave Optimus Prime the Autobot Matrix of Leadership, giving new life to the Autobot cause against the Decepticons. Thus the Fourth Cybertronian War begins. The force of this thousands of years-long war was so great that it actually tore Cybertron loose from its orbit to send it hurtling through space. As the planet careened through the cosmos, it happened to pass through an asteroid belt that would certainly destroy it. The Autobots, seeing this happen (and being the heroes, of course) built a spaceship (The Ark) to take them out there and blast the asteroids to dust before one crashed into the planet and sent all of their asses to mechanical hell. The Decepticons found out about their plan and, seeing the opportunity to crush the Autobots once and for all, built their own ship (unnamed) and followed them. - 611 -

After standing by and watching the Autobots destroy the asteroids and save their world, the Decepticons treacherously attacked, boarding the Ark and slaughtering the weakened Autobots in short order. Optimus Prime decided to send the Ark on a collision course into the nearest planet (which just happened to be Earth). All on board, both Decepticons and Autobots, died. But that was not the end of the Transformers, of course. The place where the Ark crashed just happened to be in a volcano. (Mt. St. Hillary aka Mt. St. Helens) A few million years later, in 1984 ad., the volcano erupted. Somehow, the force of the eruption reawakened the Ark's computer, Teletram One. Teletram One sent out a probe to examine the world around it. Much had changed in four million years. The indigenous, dominant life forms had a primitive technology. Teletram One scanned several native transportation and military vehicles, and used its' onboard repair units to reactivate the Autobots, giving them the form of these Earth vehicles (and other stuff). Unfortunately, the ship's memory banks were damaged and it accidentally revived the Decepticons too. The Decepticons, true to their nature, decided to take over the world. Prime & Co., regretful at bringing the menace here, decided to help to defend the world (being the heroes, it's their job) and find a way to get back to Cybertron. Ok, now to span the time between 1984 and Post-Apocalypse. The Decepticons created an early dimensional rift generator (sometime around 1986?) called the Space Bridge that allowed them to access Cybertron. The Autobots shared Cybertronian technology with the people of Earth, eventually helping them develop Exo-Suits, (as seen in the movie) an early form of power armor. This technology was instrumental in developing later power armor and manned robot vehicles. The Decepticons eventually left Earth for Cybertron as FTL starship drives were developed, allowing a short time of peace there. The Autobots built Autobot City, using it as a base and a gigantic Transformer warrior, Metroplex (a major munchkin). Autobots also set up bases on Cybertron's moons as a stepping-stone to attack the Decepticons. One of them was later eaten by Unicron. Unicron? He returned, tried to eat Cybertron, but Hot Rod, a brash young Transformer, took the Matrix and used it to blow him up, to put it shortly. The Autobots then re-conquered Cybertron. And this brings us to the Cataclysm. Somehow, these beings survived, having (barely) enough Energon. Remember; they're robotsthey're immortal if they don't run out of juice or get stepped on by a Dinobot or melted by Megatron's 5D6x10 MD fusion cannon. With the colonies up there in orbit playing hell with anybody attempting to reach Earth orbit or beyond, their spaceship technology is almost useless. Anyway, seeing the Rifts erupt, the Transformers have found a possible way to get home (note: this will probably be covered later, if I ever get the time to finish a Quintesson NPC RCC). Despite being a race of sentient mechanical beings, the Transformers still haven't discovered 25-year nuclear power plants. Instead, they subsist on a form of energy stored in Energon cubes (which the Quintessons were always hungry for). Basically Energon is pure electrical/plasma energy formed into a translucent plastic-ish box. Transformers absorb these to power their circuits (even though some do have the ability to tap into other energy sources) and energy weapons such as Mirage's electro-disruptor (something like the Triax Lightning jet's Arc Blaster combined with a holographic projector) or force fields like Trailbreaker's, laser rifles and the like. (NOTE: Most hand-held energy weapons tap directly into the Transformer's power supply via a link in the robot's palm and the weapon's handgrip. The handgrip link is pretty much universal, meaning that any Transformer can, if necessary, use any other's weapon. Very few Transformers have adapted their energy weapons to use E-clips, although some, Wheeljack especially, like using Triax-style giant `bot weapons. Wheeljack has even modified a Triax VX-180 Maxi-Rail Gun (the one from the Ulti-Max robot) to link into himself, a definite plus. Energon can be produced by a conversion process from the energy of a star (something like the way the Mechanoids produce their power crystals, but less devastating to the star) or from other less powerful means, such as from highoctane gasoline, fusion reactors, even regular house current. Energon made from stellar matter is the best, and a single cube will last the average Transformer from three to six months, depending on use. However, an Energon cube made from fusion energy or gasoline will only last about a month at most. It takes (I think) about 100 gallons of gasoline to form one Energon cube. Regular old house current turned into the polymer-ish power source will only last a week, and it tastes like shit besides. Currently, there are only two plants built to make Energon cubes on Rifts Earth (one under each faction's control). Okay, now to put the characteristics of the Transformers into Rifts terms. The Transformers are entirely robotic beings, meaning that they are not cyborgs like the Mechanoids or Quintessons. Though they have PPE for some odd reason, there is no organic brain inside their bodies. Instead, a Transformer's brain is more like ARCHIE-3, something akin to a neural intelligence/positronic brain kind of thing. Each has their own personality, with human flaws, quirks, etc, programmed into it by Vector Sigma. Perhaps a roll on the phobia/obsession table would be appropriate, especially for evil characters. Their bodies are heavily armored (read in that: mega-damage) and give them the ability to change from the form of a car or truck, jet fighter, handgun, whatever, to a large robot being. For creation of the body of a Transformer player character, see the Robot Character Class in Sourcebook 1. That has things like MDC, size, speed, etc. Just remember, the robot has two separate forms, and even sometimes three modes (two vehicular; reduce main body MDC by 1/3). GM's, use your good judgment. What I have done here is work out some of the basic skill packages for different roles like warrior, leader, scout, inventor, mechanic/doctor (remember, the two are the same thing to them) and others. - 612 -

Note: Skills DO NOT grow. Experience levels are all but irrelevant. However, at 500,000 XP pts, two new skills may be chosen. Attributes and skills by primary function: Primary skills (note: all Transformers have these skills, plus their function skills): speak/understand and literate in American, Euro, and native language (94%, 94%, 98%) mathematics: basic (98%) land navigation (90%) radio: basic (92%) hand to hand: basic basic mechanics (94%) computer operation (98%, note that since they are robots, most have a standard headjack and can link with a computer in this way) read sensory equipment (95%) WP energy pistol. If vehicular in form, have the ability to pilot themselves at 98%. P.P.E. for all is minimal, 1D4, and they cannot use spell magic. Exactly why they have PPE is a mystery, but can perhaps be explained by the fact that ley line energy (which includes PPE) is very similar to the plasma energy found in Energon. Leader (note: there are only two leaders, Megatron and Optimus Prime, and I DON'T recommend using them as player characters, as they are VERY powerful. The skills are just here for reference.): All engineering, pilot related, computer, and communication skills, astronomy, both chemistries, and mathematics: advanced, all at 94%, hand to hand: martial arts (Megatron has HTH: assassin), WP heavy, WP heavy energy weapons, WP blunt, three others from list. Warrior: IQ: 3D6, ME: 3D6+2, MA: 3D6 PP:3D6, all other attributes N/A. Skills: all pilot related, all communications except surveillance & cryptography, basic electronics (all at 80%), climb 70%, detect ambush 80%, advanced math 70% (can be changed to 98% at cost of one other skill), Hand to Hand: Expert (can be changed to HTH: Assassin if evil at cost of one other skill), WP energy rifle, WP heavy, WP heavy energy weapons, WP blunt, plus three others at 90%. Cannot prowl. Sentry/Guard: IQ: 3D6, ME: 3D6+6, MA: 3D6, PP:2D6, all other attributes N/A. All standard Warrior-class skills + surveillance, detect concealment, intelligence, and two more, all at 90%. Scout/Spy (ex: Hound, Bumblebee): IQ, ME, MA, PP all 3D6+bonus. all pilot related, all communications except cryptography, basic electronics, detect concealment, detect ambush, and intelligence all at 90%, advanced mathematics 97%, tracking 76%, climb 80%, prowl 35% (may be made higher or lower by individual bot), streetwise (base proficiency at first; gradually increases as knowledge of area does- it's the one skill that actually grows) WP Energy Rifle, WP Knife (most Scout-class have a vibro-dagger), and three others at 85%. Note that Scouts will generally have better optical and auditory equipment than other classes. Healer/mechanic (ex: Ratchet): IQ: 4D6, ME, MA, PP: 3D6. all pilot related at 90%, all mechanical except locksmith, all electrical, laser communications, optic systems, computer programming, all science except anthropology, archaeology, biology, and botany, all at 96%, WP Energy Rifle, WP Knife (scalpel), and three other skills at 90%. Unlike other classes, Healer/mechanics can learn first aid, paramedic, and medical doctor skills. (Most, Ratchet included, want to heal all races, not just mechanical ones). Note that healertypes usually have medical-type cybernetic equipment, as well as similar to those used by human mechanics. See Triax & NGR for reference on these. Transport (note: rare. Ex. Astrotrain, Gears): IQ, ME, MA: 3D6, PP: 2D6. All warrior-class skills+detect ambush and detect concealment at 85% Engineer/Inventor (ex: Wheeljack. Note: usually tinkering with some new weapon or gadget or something. Think gnomes from Dragonlance): IQ 4D6, ME, MA, PP, 3D6. all pilot related, all mechanical, weapons engineer, all communications except smoke signals (just threw that one in to see if you were paying attention) computer programming, and three others at 96% WP Energy Rifle, WP heavy, WP heavy energy weapons. Dinobot Warrior: This particular class is dumb (IQ 2D4-1, ME 2D6, MA 3D6, PP 1D8) so they don't get many skills. But in terms of hitting power, this is a munchkin's wet dream! +200 main body MDC, the basic skills plus WP heavy, WP heavy energy weapons, WP sword, WP battle axe, WP blunt (Dinobots love the giant electro-maces carried by the Triax Black Knight! In fact, if Triax makes it for their giant bots, the Dinobots will use it!) No other skills! Remember, Dinobots are dumb as hell (can end up with an IQ of one), but if you play in character (and use bad grammar), they are cool! Alignment is limited to good or selfish. The real problem is, of course, that Dinobots tend to get distracted by shiny objects. Junkion Warrior Mechanic: These are a variant of Transformers that evolved independently on the Planet of Junk. Their race makes its living as scavengers, so most of them are basically walking discard stacks. Mostly, to outward appearance, they appear to be cobbled together from discarded parts of other Transformers into a barely-functional bot. This is deceptive, however, as they are extremely fast and agile. Most of the time, two Junkions will work together as a team, one in bot form and the other as a motorcycle. - 613 -

(Like in the movie) When one gets hit, they will just change forms and continue attacking. They're not really endurant, however, but can usually fix themselves up quickly on the battlefield, cannibalizing parts from fallen Transformers. This character class is basically a mechanized Crazy, and limited to good or selfish alignments (the Junkions have a loose alliance with the Autobots; most are unprincipled- they kinda just look out mostly for themselves, but they're not really bad). Junkions are always hyperactive, talk incessantly (even to themselves, if it comes to that) and natural mechanics. They usually tend to prefer the forms of motorcycles, skycycles, sports cars, and the like. A typical non-motorcycle Junkion would be a beat-up old heap of a car with a huge engine sticking out of its hood. Fast and loud. Skills and attributes are the same as warrior class with +2 to IQ and +1 to PP. They get the basic warrior skills plus all electrical, mechanical engineer, and weapons engineer at 90%, and two others at 90%. Note: all skills other than fixing or modifying machinery that require sitting still for more than five minutes are at -20% because of the Junkion's inability to pay attention for long periods of time. Working with extremely alien machinery (not TW items) can be done with NO penalty (a natural affinity with machines). Roll on the following table for wacko characteristics, like a Crazy, or pick one or two. Even combine `em, like with Technobabble. Random Junkion Crazy Element Table 1-30 Phobia or Obsession (Roll on table below) 31-60 Multiple Personalities (create as for Crazy; Rifts p.59) 61-95 Crazy Man (Just like Rifts, p.62) 96-00 Frenzy (ditto) Junkion Phobias & Obsessions 1-5 Phobia: Humans (Scared that human beings will attempt to haul the character off to a junkyard or something.) 6-10 Obsession: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Always doing impressions, quotes, making references, etc. Will listen to the soundtrack incessantly; usually owns the boxed set of CD's (most likely, a built-in CD player, too) and the movie on vid-disc. Will have seen the movie several dozen times and will watch it again every chance they get. Will most likely have a name like "Riff-Raff".) 11-20 Obsession: Old (pre-Rifts) TV Show (Roll as follows) (Always doing impressions, quotes, making references to the show, etc. Will even take a name in idolization of one of the characters.) 1-10 Star Trek (any series) 11-20 Seinfeld 21-30 Cheers 31-40 The Brady Bunch 41-50 Car 54, Where Are You? 51-60 The Muppet Show 61-70 The Flintstones 71-80 Looney Tunes 81-90 Beavis & Butthead 91-00 Speed Racer 21-30 Obsession: TV Commercials (Always reciting commercials. Plop, plop, fizz, fizz...) 31-35 Phobia: heights 36-45 Obsession: Movies (Will have seen at least two hundred pre-Rifts movies. Is always doing impressions, making quotes, playing sound bites, etc.) 46-55 Phobia: Anything bigger than them (They're Transformers. Anything bigger than them and they've got a right to be scared.) 56-60 Phobia: Rust (Note that Junkions are basically made of junk; they always rust) 61-70 Obsession: Super Mario Brothers (Enough said.) 71-80 Obsession: Weapons (either loves collecting them or is scared shitless of them) 81-90 Obsession: Danger (either loves taking risks or never takes them) 91-00 Obsession: Appearance (either a slob or is constantly polishing themselves) Gestalts/Headmasters/Targetmasters: Gestalts are generally normal robots (although slightly less armored than usual) who have a third form, that of combining with other robots, their team members, to form a single large humanoid robot. The first and most famous of the gestalts were the Constructicons (who I would really like to run a campaign involving, but it would take six people to play the Constructicons and at least a few others to balance them out). Generally, gestalts are made up of teams of multiple classes (one of each, sometimes) whose skills are all able to be used when in combined form. When in combined form, the separate characters must all agree on what action for their combined form to take; if they don't, they will automatically separate. I don't know if anyone would actually be able to use these as player characters, although it would be very cool. Headmasters and Targetmasters are another form of combining Transformer quite different from the gestalts (and probably quite a bit more useful than the gestalts). Headmasters and Targetmasters are Transformers with human or Nebulan secondary operators. Nebulans are a race of human-looking D-Bees who have learned a psionic power of super-telemechanics and use this to communicate with machines. Generally, for the -Masters, the human or Nebulan pilot wears a suit of power armor (usually about the same stats as Coalition SAMAS, but without the wings) or is a full-conversion borg. With the Headmasters, this power armor or their cyborg body transforms into a head for their Transformer companion. This provides enhanced targeting and agility, but, as with the gestalts, both of the binary-bonded pair must agree, or they will separate. Note that a Headmaster Transformer cannot function in robot form without the head PA pilot linked onto them (blind, no bonuses, -60% on all skills, -7 to strike, parry, and dodge). Headmaster bonuses for a human binary partner are as follows: gain all skills the human has at same percentage, +1 melee attack for - 614 -

the Transformer (note that the bonded human cannot take any actions when combined; remember, they're just a head.) +1 to strike, parry and dodge, and +1 to strike against targets smaller than the robot's size. Because of the additional power of super-telemechanics, binary-bonded Nebulans gives an additional +1 to strike against small targets. Targetmasters are another variation of binary-bonding Transformers with humanoid pilots. With a Targetmaster, the human's power armor or cyborg body transforms into a powerful giant bot-sized gun which the otherwise normal Transformer carries, resulting in improved targeting. Bonuses from a Targetmaster union (only apply when the PA pilot's suit is in gun mode and the bonded Transformer is the one using it) are +1 to strike on all shots and gain sniper and WP Sharpshooting skills. The type of weapon the human's PA turns into is up to the characters to decide; most are rail guns, ion pulse guns or lasers. Damage is as for normal giant-sized weapon. Human binary partners of Targetmasters or Headmasters can be of any normal human (or D-Bee) OCC except for magic classes. Usually the OCC of the human corresponds somewhat to what class the Transformer is, although psi-operators, headhunters, and rogue scholars tend to be the most common. For a full-conversion borg partner instead of a PA pilot, I recommend using the Cyborg Soldier OCC in Triax and NGR. Note that the human advances in levels normally, although requiring 25% more xp. pts. to gain levels, as they are essentially a split-class. Skills available: Communications: any Domestic: any except cook and fish Electrical: any Espionage: any except wilderness survival and disguise (note: natural disguise!) Mechanical: any Medical: none except criminal science & forensics (disregard Biology required) Military: any Physical: only hand to hand, boxing, prowl, climb, and swim Pilot: none except spacecraft and jet pack Pilot Related: any Rogue: any except palming Science: any except archaeology, anthropology, and botany Technical: only computer operation and programming, languages, literacy, and photography Weapon Proficiencies: any Wilderness: none General Combat Bonuses (WPs added separately): Leaders: +6 to strike (HTH combat only; WP bonuses for ranged weapons), +5 to parry, +4 to dodge attacks from bots/beings of similar size; no strike/parry/dodge bonus against HTH attacks from smaller things (under 10 feet), +2 to roll with impact Warriors, Sentrys, & Junkions: +4 to strike, +5 to parry, +4 to dodge attacks from bots/beings of similar size; no strike/parry/dodge bonus against smaller things, +2 to roll with impact Engineers/Transports/Mechanics: +1 to strike, +5 to parry, +4 to dodge; same limitations. +2 to roll with impact. Scouts: +3 to strike, +4 to parry, +5 to dodge, +3 to roll with impact. Unlike the other classes, they actually get the bonuses of +3 to strike and +2 to dodge against smaller targets. Dinobots: only bonuses from WP's apply. Some Example Transformer Characters (for use as both PC's and NPC's): I had to do Bumblebee because he's one of my favorite Transformers. So, of course, in homage to him, he is here. He was also the first Transformer toy I got as a kid. I wonder if that has something to do with my choice of putting him first on this list. Hmmm.... Code Name: Bumblebee Function: Espionage/Scout Group Affiliation: Autobot Quote: "Outta gas, but not outta luck!" Alignment: Scrupulous Earth Form: A yellow VW Beetle Description: Bumblebee acts as a messenger, spy, and saboteur. Due to his small size, he dares to go where others can't and won't. He idolizes the bigger Autobots, especially Optimus Prime, and strives to be accepted. He is the most energy efficient (can go twice as long on the same amount of Energon) and has the best vision of all the Autobots. He can go underwater for reconnaissance and - 615 -

salvage missions. Although physically one of the weakest Autobots, his stealth more than compensates for this inadequacy. Height: (robot form) 12 feet Width: 5 feet at shoulders Length: 5 feet Weight: 3 tons Speed: 120 mph car mode 60 mph running robot mode 5 knots/hr driving underwater (on bottom) Flying not possible without a jet-pack. IQ: 18 ME: 20 MA: 16 PP: 11 PS: 25 Skills: All Scout-class skills + prowl at 50% robot mode/60% car mode, pick locks, demolitions, and swimming. His tracking skill is at 35%, due to his lack of experience in that particular field of scouting, but he is slowly learning more about it from Hound. M.D.C. by Location: *Hands (2): 50 each Forearms (2): 70 each Upper arms (2): 120 each Legs (2): 120 each Feet (2): 80 each *Head: 75 Main Body: 250 (Car mode:) Windshield: 20 *Windows (3): 10 each *Headlights (2): 5 each *$Wheels (4): 10 each *As usual, anything with a * beside it is small and hard to hit, requiring a called shot at -2 to strike. $Wheels are made of an MDC composite similar to mega-damage Spandex. Systems/sensors: Same as most power armor/robot vehicles; Weapons: Laser Pistol: Sorry, but the only weapon this guy has (or ever used on the show, for that matter) is a dinky little laser pistol; of course, it's not a bad weapon... Purpose: Defense Secondary Purpose: Offense Damage: 3D6 MD Range: 1000 ft. Rate of fire: equal to HTH attacks Payload: Unlimited, due to hand-link. Backup internal (non-removable) clip holds 20 shots. Internal clip can be recharged by handlink (24 hrs) or by plugging into a power source (8 hrs). Weight: 15 lbs. Note: This weapon is still giant-sized, although somewhat smaller than most, and cannot be used by normal humans (possibly by borgs, tho). And, of course, here's the chief munchkin himself... Code Name: Grimlock Function: Dinobot Leader/Head Munchkin Group Affiliation: Autobot Quote: "Good thing me Grimlock have hard head. Otherwise would now be Dinosplatter." Alignment: Unprincipled Earth Form: A metal Tyrannosaurus Rex Description: Dumb but the brightest of the Dinobots (which isn't saying much). Grimlock functions as leader of the Munchkin Pack, as they have become known over the years. Actually, Grimlock is pretty smart; he just has problems with grammar and expressing himself (the speech center of his 'brain' is severely lacking). He is gruff but lovable, sometimes overprotective of smaller, weaker Autobots. Basically, he's just a good guy to - 616 -

have at your side to smash a door in or something. Height: (robot mode) 36 feet (dinobot mode) 30 feet Width: 12 feet Length: (robot mode) 10 feet (dinobot mode) 20 feet Weight: A lot. Speed: 40 mph running, robot mode 70 mph running, Dinobot mode Flight not possible IQ: 9 ME: 12 MA: 18 PP: 5 PS: 50 (note: in dinobot mode, Grimlock's T-Rex forearms are weaker than his normal robot arms, limiting lifting/carrying weight to that of a PS 25) Skills: All standard Dinobot Warrior skills M.D.C. by location: Head 220 Arms (Dinobot) 250 Arms (Robot)/Legs (Dinobot) 350 Legs (Robot) 400 Tail 350 Main Body 770 Weapon Systems: Heavy Blaster Rifle (robot mode) - 4D6 MD Not a bad gun...has a reserve internal e-clip for if the palm link is damaged. 20 shot capacity. Mouth Blast (dinobot mode) - 1D6x10 MD A plasma ejector mounted in Grimlock's mouth. Giant-Size Vibro-Sword - 4D6 MD HTH Combat: Bite (Dinobot mode) - 4D6 MD Stomp (against foes 10 ft. or smaller)- 3D6 Tail Swat - 3D6 Punch (robot mode)- 3D6 Forearm Punch (Dinobot mode; remember the T-Rex weak forearms) 1D6 Kick (either mode)- 3D6 + 4 (counts as 2 attacks when in Dinobot mode) Body Block/Ram - 2D6 + has 80% chance of knocking over opponents between 20-40 feet tall. 98% chance for those under 20 feet. Special Attack: Knockdown & Trample (combined Body Block/Stomp) If an enemy is knocked down by a body block attack, the Dinobot can use his next two melee attacks to run them over, trampling them. The combined attack does a total of 3D6x10 and will generally push the enemy about five feet into the ground (ouch!). A rather brilliant, if I do say so myself, Junkion of my own creation: Code Name: Technobabble Function: Junkion Warrior Mechanic Group Affiliation: Junkion/loosely affiliated with the Autobots. Quote: "He's dead, Jim." (Yes, I know Bones said it first) Alignment: Unprincipled Earth Form: An orange, red, and yellow motorcycle. Several rust spots. Description: A typical Junkion. Technobabble is, like all others, hyperactive and talks incessantly. He is obsessed with Star Trek (the original series). Needless to say, a Trekkie `bot having full audio/video recording and playback capability is an annoying thing. For some odd reason, Technobabble is always imagining Star Trek things are real, and putting himself into the roles of various characters (a combination of his obsession, schizophrenia, and multiple personalities). An example: right before transforming into his motorcycle mode, Technobabble will say something like "Warp 6, Mr. Sulu." in the voice of Captain Kirk. As he transforms, in the voice of Sulu, he will answer himself with "Aye, aye, Captain." or something similar. If he's having some mechanical failure or something (he's a Junkion, breakdowns are inevitable) he'll say in a flawless imitation of Scotty, "Aye canna hold it much longer." When talking on the radio, his voice will probably be that of Uhura. It only gets weirder from there. For some reason, Technobabble always refers to Coalition troops as "Romulans", as in "Captain, the Romulans are attacking!"- a phrase inevitably heard when Dead Boys show up. Optimus Prime and Wreck-Gar (the leader of the Junkions) are generally known as "Starfleet Command." The Splugorth and their minions are, to Technobabble, "Klingons." Note that Technobabble rarely talks in his own voice; always in that of the original Star - 617 -

Trek characters. This can be VERY annoying to anybody traveling with him. Height: (robot mode) 10 ft. Width: (robot mode) 5 ft. (motorcycle mode) 2 feet Length: (robot mode) 3.5 ft. (cycle mode) 6 ft. Weight: 1 ton. Speed: 65 mph running robot mode 140 mph cycle mode Flight not possible IQ: 18 ME: 9 MA: 8 PP: 10 PS: 28 Skills: Standard Junkion-WM-class +computer programming and computer hacking at 90% M.D.C. by location: *Hands (2): 50 each Forearms (2): 70 each Upper arms (2): 120 each Legs (2): 120 each Feet (2): 70 each *Head: 75 Main Body: 250 (Cycle mode) *Windshield: 20 *Headlight: 5 each *Wheels (2): 5 each * as usual, anything with this * beside it is small and/or hard to hit. Called shot at -2 to strike.

Trash Collector O.C.C.

During the D-bee wars and the building of Kajira City, the amount of junk being produced grew foot by foot every minute. The junk got so deep, people were waist high in garbage. After seeing all the garbage the city decided to do something about it. So they hired people to clean up the garbage, these people were not trained for all the had to do was take the garbage from one place to another. These people tried to find every possible way to free themselves from the boredom of their job, so they started fiddling around with weapons they cleaned up and the electronics and power armor. Some of the more advanced workers made vehicles out of the garbage to make the job easier. These vehicles are made of loose junk lying around, and look like a rolling pile of junk. Most of the Trash Collectors now live in the junkyard, they are usually strapped down with weapons and wear body armor because of the creatures that rome the junkyard. They find pleasure in working with the tools and weapons, some find their way out and turn to valiant warriors (to their thinking at least). Some of these "warriors" end up dead at the first alien encounter with a dragon, vampire, or other M.D. creature. Requirement: P.E. of 12, high P.S. suggested not required. O.C.C. Skills: Speaks two languages of choice (20%) Literate one language (10%) Basic Mathematics (5%) Lore: Monster and Demons (15%) Climb: (15%) Land Navigation (10%) Wilderness Survival (10%) Identify Plants and Fruits (10%) Holistic Medicine ( 15%) Palming (5%) Cook (10%) Preserve Food (15%) W.P. Archery - 618 -

W.P. Sword Hand to Hand: Expert O.C.C. Related Skills: Select six other skills, plus select two at level four, two at level seven, and one at levels ten, eleven and twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Surveillance Systems (+5%) Domestic: Cooking Electrical: Electrical Basic Espionage: Sniper Mechanical: Automotive Repair Medical: Military: Demolition (5%) Physical: Boxing, Athletics Pilot: Pilot Related: Weapon Systems (10%) Rogue: Streetwise Science: Technical: W.P.: Wilderness: Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select six secondary skills. These are areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Standard Equipment: Two weapons of choice with one modification, one personalized suit of body armor, rope, and a back pack full of miscellaneous items of choice.

The Traveling Merchant

By: MsgtKhaine Haggling note: in my campaigns anyone can haggle, I use the half the character's MA rounded down as the maxium they can knock of the list price +1% per level of exp. Uteni and those whos livelyhoods depend on haggling get the haggling ability as below.

The Traveling Merchant

While the coming of rifts did change many things, it did not change mans quest for profit. From the fortress cities of the NGR to the wild towns on the rio grande men and woman travel and sell their goods. Many travel in huge caravans protected from bandits and monsters from the rifts. Others travel alone, preferring to take greater risks for greater profits. These traders also vary in technology. In industriatrialized areas they drive hover trucks while in backwater areas they may work out of a wagon. No matter how high-tech their operations are, these merchants are vital to the survival of many small kingdoms. For it is these merchants who often sell nations weaponry and goods from other kingdoms. Traveling Merchants are a welcome sight in many towns the world over. The Traveling Merchant O.C.C. Special O.C.C. Abilities Haggle: The traveling Mechant is an expert trader and realizes that the priceis not how much it cost, but how much someone is willing to pay. Because of this the merchant can often get items for lower than list price. Take the merhcants MA, this is the maximum percent a merchant can "knock-off" the list price. In addition add 3% per level to this maxium, to represnt the characters increasing haggling ability. GM Note: feel free to make the merchant role-play this to the hilt and remember that the percentage is the maximum, not the norm. Note 2: This represents haggling in a marketplace where haggling is common and expected, most stores prices are set in stone. The Traveling Merchant Alignment restrictions: none, although most are unprincipled or anarchist, very few are diabolic or miscreant. Attribute requirements: M.A. 12 or higher is the only requirement OCC Skills: Literacy: One of Choice (+30%) Language: two of choice (+20%) Streetwise (+15%) Find Contraband, Weapons, and Cybernetics (+15%) Land Navigation (+10%) Basic Math (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+10%) Radio: basic (+5%) - 619 -

One piloting of Choice (excluding power armor/robot) (+15%) WP: 2 of choice Hand to Hand: Basic O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 9 Skills, these will often represent the merchants common merchandise (ie, an arms merchant would select recognize weapon quality). Select 3 mores skills at level 3, 2 more at levels six and nine, and 1 at level 12. New skills start at 1st level proficency. Communications: any Domestic: any (+5%) Electrical: Basic Only Espionage: none Mechanical: basic and automotive only (+5%) Medical: First aid only Military: recognize weapons quality only (+10%) Physical: any Pilot: any (+10%) Pilot Related: any Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: any Technical: any (+15%) WP: Any Wilderness: any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Select 6 secondary skills from the list above. These are additional areas of knowledge and do not get the bonuses in the parenthesis. All secondary skills start at base skill level. Standard Equipment: 2 sets of traveling clothes, utility belt, ammo belt, 100 feet of rope, 2 canteens, portable language translator, flashlight, 2 weeks of rations. Weapons include 1 energy rifle and 1 energy pistol with 1d4 e-c;ips for each, a knife, and 1 modern Sdc weapon with 2 clips of ammo. The Merchant begins with a Horse-drawn wagon (or tamed monster driven) or a hovertruck or an apc depending on what the merchant knows how to pilot. The wagon/apc/truck is filled with merchandise. Starting Money: 3d4 x 100 in credits with another 4d4x10,000 in merchandise,(exact Merchandise should be figured out by GM and Player) however most (at least 80%) of the profit from selling those items must go into buying more merhcandise. Cybernetics: none to start but may opt to get them at a later date. Note: uses the smuggler Experience table from rifts mercs.. Why Be a Traveling Merchant? The character is entirley self sufficent by himself, provides a good backdrop should the group fall upon hard times. Not to mention the travel oppratunities and lower cost on goods.

TreeCat R.C.C.

Tree-Cats are an intelligent, six limbed, cat-like race found only on the world of Sphinx, in the Manticore system. They are empathic and occasionally form bonds to humans/humanoids who visit their world. The Tree Cats are an intelligent race, with human-level intellect. However, their vocal apparatus is unsuited for any humanoid languages. They do, on the other hand, have an extremely wide range of calls that humans have learned to identify. Most tree cats remain on their homeworld, in the wilds of Sphinx (A tree-cat colony has been recently established on the planet of Grayson). The rare one will form a bond with a human (ME of human/humanoid must be 15 or greater), and leave their world with their partner. The two are in an empathic bond in which each can sense the emotions of the other. When speaking to someone bonded to a tree cat, often the humans true emotions will be reflected in the tree cat. When tree cats leave their homeworld, they adapt quickly. A tree cat can learn to operate simple machinery, understands the purpose and use of life support systems and suits on starships, and so on. Treecats are fully telepathic with one another, capable of communicating over wide areas. Alignment: All are available, however, those bonded to a human/humanoid will shift their alignment to be closer to that of their partner by one level. Wild ones tend to be anarchist or unprincipled. Regardless of alignment, all tree cats are more primal than their partners (Example: threats are in 2 categories for tree cats: Dead, and those not yet dealt with) Attributes: IQ: 3d6, ME: 4d6+6, MA: 3d6+4, PS: 2d6+3, PP: 3d6+6, PE: 3d6, PB: 3d6, Spd: 8d6+10 running, Per: 3d6+2 HP: PE +1d6 per level Natural AR: 8 due to small size (base roles of 8 or less miss the Tree Cat entirely) SDC: 2d4x10 SDC + physical training PPE: 3d6 Natural Abilities: Nightvision 400 feet, keen vision/hearing, extra set of arms, claws (+2d6 SDC), can leap up to 25 feet standing, +10' if running, can - 620 -

vertical 15' standing, +5' running. Prowl 70%, Climb 98%, Swim 65%, Track by smell 75%, acrobatics 80%, gymnastics 80% Combat: 5 attacks per melee Bonuses: +4 Initiative, +5 strike, +3 parry, +5 dodge, +4 vs HF, +6 vs psionics, give their partner a +5 to save vs psionics/insanity, +3 vs disease/drugs/toxins, autododge (straight 1d20, no bonuses. If they spend an action, they get the bonuses). Damage: Bite 1d6 SDC, Claws (middle hands): 4d6 SDC. A special attack of Tree Cats is to leap upon the head of a humanoid sized opponent, plant feet on the shoulders, grab the hair with the upper sets of hands (true-hands), then claw the eyes or throat with the middle set (this sort of attack does double damage in my campaigns). This takes one attack for the Tree Cat. Magic: None Psionics: Major psionics, automatically get the following: Sense supernatural, mind block, sense magic, sense psionics, empathy, 6th sense, and telepathy with other tree cats only, at no cost. The tree cat can select 2 other minor psionic powers, +1 additional power every 3 levels. The tree cat also has a 1% chance of getting one super-psionic power - this is limited to some form of empathic or telepathic ability (no treecats with psi-swords :- ). ISP: 4d4x10 +4d4 per level RCC Skills Identify Plants and Fruits +25% Land Navigation +20% Track Animals +15% Preserve Food +10% WP: Throwing, small Lore Faerie +20% (you never know whats in those hills...) Basic Math +10% Detect Ambush +10% Detect Concealment +10% Wilderness Survival +25% Hand to Hand: Basic equivalent Secondary Skills: The Tree Cat can learn 4 skills from the following categories, +1 skill at levels 5 and 10. Domestic: Any Espionage: Escape Artist, Tracking only Medical: First Aid (2 picks) or holistic medicine only Physical: Athletics, SCUBA (limited) Pilot: Jet pack/contra-grav pack only Rogue: Concealment, palming Technical: Art, any Lore WP: Knife or Blunt (weapon must be smaller than 6 inches) Wilderness: Any Average Life Span: 80-100 years. The age of a treecat can be determined from the bands in its tail Habitat: Arboreal. The Tree-cats evolved in the forests of a high (1.35 G) world. However, they are adaptable enough to survive in virtually any terrain. Size: Average 65 cm in length, +30 cm of tail (2 ft +1 ft of tail). Approximately the size of a large house cat. Weight: 8-10 kg (18-22 lbs) Appearance: Tree cats can best be described as large, 6 limbed cats. They are furred, with red, grey, tan, brown, or black coats being the most common, although the rare albino is known. The first set of arm, the true-hands, are fully functional hands. The second (middle) set of arms, the near-hands, are semi-functional hands (about the same as a chimpanzee), but contain the claws that the treecat uses for defense. The hind legs also have claws, but these are primarily used for climbing. Notes Tree cats are arboreal hunters who have developed a complex culture based around their empathic abilities. Tree cats are of human intelligence, capable of tool use, and enjoy their bonds to humanity. The Tree Cats who form empathic bonds to others are often more daring than most tree cats (explorer types). The empathic bond is for the lifespan of the pair. If the partner dies, the Tree-Cat will rarely (5% of the time) form a new bond, however, most will wish to return to their homeworld. The treecats have been observing humanity ever since they came to Sphinx. Because the treecats initially did not trust the humans, they decided to remain in hiding. The few who bond to humans are scouts; their job is to study the human society and report back to the treecat clans on Sphinx periodically. The treecats are good enough actors that they have kept humanity in the dark about their intelligence for over 500 years. Based on what has been observed, the treecats made several cultural advances - they learned agriculture from observing humans, and the knowledge of planetary disasters and the current intergalactic war that the Manticore system is involved in led to the formation of the first treecat colony on another world. Treecats have an extended clan structure lead by a group of elders. The elders make the major decisions for the tribe and have their own heirarchy based on support from parts of the tribe. If a lower elder makes a challenge againstan elder higher up, and the tribe supports the lower one, they will replace the higher up elder. The clans are generally centered in picket tree groups (a species of Sphinxian tree that reproduces by sending out runners - much like a Terran mangrove). The center of the clan holdings is well defended by the treecats. Even the dangerous hexapumas (look almost identical to a treecat except the size of a grizzly bear) will not enter the center of clan territory, despite the fact the hexapuma will kill any treecat it finds outside the clan territories. - 621 -

Mindsingers are an important occupation for treecats. They fulfill the clan historian/peacemaker role for the treecats. The mindsingers are responsible for remembering the telepathic mindsongs and creating new ones. Mindsongs are memories transmitted telepathically from one treecat to another. These memories eventually fade over time, but it allows the treecats to maintain their history. One of the reasons celery is so beloved by treecats is that mindsongs created while "under the influence" appear to be much clearer and realistic after transmission of the mindsong. Tree cats go into a mating season once every 2 Terran years. The males will mate with a chosen female. If the pair decides not to have young, they will separate, often not seeing each other again. If the pair decides to have young, they will stay mated for live. The new kits(1d4+1) will be born 6 months after mating. The kits are raised in a communal environment, with mothers watching over all the young. This is why pregnant females always return to Sphinx. The Empathic link between a Tree Cat and their partner is (90%) of the time,one way to the cat. 9% of the time, both partners will be able to sense the emotions of the other, and occasionally be able to send each other images (ME role -10). The rare 1% of the bonds becomes a much deeper link, at least for the humanoid partner. The humanoid partner can dimly sense communications between tree cats (limited empathy), can sense the emotions of others through the TreeCat, and gains a limited 6th sense through the TreeCat. If the humanoid partner is anything capable of emotions, they get the effects of 6th sense. Robots, accidents, etc, will NOT trigger the 6th sense. The empathic bond is unlimited in range between the partners. However, if the tree cat is separated from their partner for more than 1/2 ME days, the separation will cause intense pain for the Treecat (-10 to do anything). The humanoid partner will feel uncomfortable during this time (-2 S/P/D, -5% to skills). Both will want to reunite very quickly. TreeCats absolutely love Terran celery, almost to the point of addiction! A quick way of making a friend with a treecat is to give them a few stalks. TreeCats love the taste, but can not digest celery properly. The treecat is also designed as a predator, and as such, really does not have the teeth to eat celery (they tend to turn it into wet, stringy green strands). The plant is similar to a native species, however, it was unknown before human appearance. Celery boosts a treecat's natural psionic ability by a substantial margin. It also triggers a powerful mental "rush" when this occurs. After eating celery, a TreeCat's psionics are 3x normal range and the 'Cat gets an additional 1d4x10 ISP. However, this is counterbalanced by the "Rush" - the treecat is -2 to perception (if you use that attribute) for 3d4 minutes. The psionic boost effect lasts 1d4x10 minutes. The standard riding point of a treecat on their partner is the partner's shoulder. The TreeCat will sink their claws into the shoulder (get padding put there), to anchor themselves. The plant is similar to a native species, however, it was unknown before human appearance. Celery boosts a treecat's natural psionic ability by a substantial margin. It also triggers a powerful mental "rush" when this occurs. After eating celery, a TreeCat's psionics are 3x normal range and the 'Cat gets an additional 1d4x10 ISP. However, this is counterbalanced by the "Rush" the treecat is -2 to perception (if you use that attribute) for 3d4 minutes. The psionic boost effect lasts 1d4x10 minutes.

Treent R.C.C.
By: George Bird These creatures are composed of living plant matter. They look like walking trees that have legs, hands, arms, and a face. They are magical/elemental in nature and therefore are Mega Damage creatures in Rifts earth. Alignment: Any, but typically anarchist. Attributes: IQ: 3D4+3, ME: 3D6, MA: 3D6, PS: 20+4D6, PP: 3D6, PE: 10+ 3D6, PB: 2D6, Spd: 3D6. Note: PS and PE are considered Supernatural. M.D.C.: 100 +PE +3D4 per level. S.D.C.: For none MDC worlds 200. Hit Points: -NA-, for none MDC worlds 40 +PE +2D6 per level Height: To 20 ft tall. (minimum of 7 ft tall) Weight: 300 lb to 2 tones. P.P.E.: 65 +PE +2D6 per level Special Abilities: Nightvision 120', Supernatural physical strength and endurance. Impervious to normal fire and cold, half damage from magic fire and cold. The ability to sense any water within 100 ft, includes water underground. Impervious to normal gases and disease, but attacks (both conventional and magic) that destroy plants does damage to these creatures. They don't eat normal food but they must "root" (stick their toes into the ground to suck up water and nutrients) for 8 hours per 24.

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Magical Abilities: Natural Warlocks, get all the abilities of a warlock, including the extra skills, and the ability to summon elementals. But not the OCC skills. Skills: The following RCC skills are known by all Treents. All Wilderness Skills (+20%, +30% for Land Navigation) Language: Dragonese (+15%) Basic Math Singing (+20%) Dance (+20%) WP Blunt HTH Basic Wilderness Survival (+30%) Select 4 skills from the following list: Archeology Any ancient weapon proficiencies Anthropology Detect Ambush (+10% in wilderness) Astronomy Detect Concealment (+10% in wilderness) Prowl (-5%, there big) Language: Any (+5%) Botany (+10%) Select 1 other skill at levels 5, 10, and 15. Average Life Span: 1800 years Xp table: Use the dragon experience table. Bonuses: +2 save vs magic, +5 save vs possession/mind control.

True Immortal
The true Immortal is an offshoot of the human race that has been "blessed" with the inability to die. The only way for a true immortal to die is by being beheaded or by having their body completely destroyed. They can heal from almost any wound in minutes and only scar when hit with bladed weapons. They are MD beings and as such are incredibly tough, but they can be harmed by the ordinary combination of steel and a keen edge, a metal blade of any kind, S.D.C. or M.D.C., will damage them severely. True Immortals are unable to procreate and are borne at random to random parents. They can have mutant powers, magic or psionics, or do anything else a normal human can do, with the exception of cybernetics and bionics, or any other means of physical transformation. The one force that drives all true immortals is the desire to be the last remaining true immortal alive! This instinct is not so strong as to override the true immortal's common sense though. Alignment: Good or Selfish, evil Immortals are usually NPC's Attributes: IQ: 4D6, ME: 4D6, MA: 4D6, *PS: 4D6, PP: 5D6, *PE: 4D6, PB: 4D6, SPD: 4D6 *are supernatural M.D.C.: 500 Natural Armor Rating: Immortals are immune to the effects of poisons, toxins, gasses, drugs, and alcohol. They take no damage from cold, fire, heat, and electricity. They can not drown or suffocate, are immune to the effects of long term exposure to zero-G and are unaffected by hard vacuum. The only way to kill a true immortal is by separating their head from their neck! (total destruction of the body counts.) Horror Factor: None P.P.E.: 8D6 Natural Abilities: Sense True Immortals (general location) 500 ft range.

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Special: Any bladed weapon that strikes a true immortal's body does double damage, bladed weapons that strike the neck do triple damage. If a True Immortal ever looses a limb it will not regenerate, nor can it be replaced by cybernetics or bionics. The only alternative is a cloned replacement, but because of the "unnatural" nature of the cloned replacement the True Immortal will lose 75 M.D.C. from his/her permanent base. The True Immortal's M.D.C. regenerates at a rate of 1D6*10 per melee. Shape Changing Power: True Immortals can not be physically transformed by any means (magic included) Magic: By O.C.C. only Psionic Abilities: Roll on the same table as normal humans Combat Skills: Automatically get W.P. sword at 5th level proficiency Damage: Physical attacks from a true immortal damage werebeasts and vampires (although vampires may heal much to quickly to be killed by punches from a true immortal.) And do Mega Damage R.C.C. Skills: None, by O.C.C. only. N.P.C. Experience Level: 1D6+4 Player Character Experience: Usually start at 1st level. Average Life Span: Immortal, they could live for millennia. Habitat: Anywhere Enemies: Most other true immortals. Allies: Anyone could be an ally. Size: 5'6" to 7' Weight: 100 to 300 lb Notes: When a true immortal kills another true immortal they experience a burst of energy that heals them totally. In addition they gain all of the other's P.P.E. and I.S.P. added to their own permanent base. There is also a 3% chance per level of the surviving immortal that they will gain one power/ability/skill/spell from the deceased. The newly acquired ability will be at the same level of experience as the deceased and will be an ability that the survivor didn't have before (typically the deceased party's most powerful or most used ability).

True Seeker O.C.C.

A seeker is a person that is looking for something. A seeker is, in many ways, a holy man. The item that a seeker is looking for is generally an item of extreme significance for a particular culture that could potentially change the face of humanity for the better. Common items that seekers look for include the Holy Grail, and the sword Excalibur. Most people hold great respect for seekers and the purity with which they conduct their quests, as a result, they will often try to help seekers in any reasonable way that they can. Seekers generally don't train to become what they are, they just gain their calling one day and begin their quests. Before they begin their quests, most seekers lead unassuming normal lives and don't have any psychic powers, but once they begin their quest, their powers start to manifest. Scholars are at a loss to explain why these powers manifest for no particular reason. Some scientists speculate that the fact that seekers are so driven on their quest trips some "mental switch" which lets them tap these powers that have been there all along. Many mystics say that the seeker's purity in purpose clears his mind so that these powers become obvious. Most seekers don't care. They just accept it and continue on with their quest. It should be noted, that seekers are always Good in alignment. Their purity, it is said, is what drives them. As a result, a seeker will never harm an innocent, even if they have to give up a once-in-a-lifetime chance at acquiring the object of their obsession. Psionics: Seekers are considered master psionics, and have the following powers: Resist Fatigue, Summon Inner Strength, Death - 624 -

Trance, Mind Block, Deaden Pain, Healing Touch, and Induce Sleep. At fourth level, they get to choose three additional powers from the Sensitive category, at second and sixth level, a seeker can choose two powers from the Healer or Sensitive categories, and at levels 5, 8, and 11, the seeker can select one power from the Super category. I.S.P.: 2D4x10 + M.E. Add 2D6 ISP per level. Mental Endurance: Seekers get a bonus of +1D6 to their M.E. Aura of Protection: This is another power of the true seeker. In essence, it allows the seeker to protect another person from harm. The seeker simply places his hand on the individual, and announces that "this person is under my protection." Once this is done, no one will attack the individual while the seeker is within ear shot. It should be noted, however, that this power will not protect the seeker from attack, just the individual he is protecting. Horror Factor: Seekers have a peaceful horror factor of 10. This horror factor differs from normal ones, however, in that if someone fails their horror factor roll, they won't want to attack the seeker. It's not that they fear the seeker, it just doesn't feel right to attack such a holy man. O.C.C. Skills: Speaks native language 98% Speaks one language +20% Cook +10% Pilot Automobile +5% Other Skills (general): Select eight other skills at level one. Plus, select four additional skills at levels two and three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one at level twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency. These selections get the benefits of any bonuses that may be noted. Communications: Any, except laser and cryptography Domestic: Any (+10%) Electrical: Basic electronics only Espionage: None Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Automotive only Medical: First aid only (+5%) Military: None Physical: Any except acrobatics, gymnastics, and wrestling Pilot: Any except jets, ships, and tanks Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+2%) Science: Any Technical: Any (+2%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select six secondary skills from the previous list, at first level and another four at level three. There are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantages of the bonus listed in parenthesis. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: The clothes on his back and an extra set, baseball cap, jacket or coat, knife, flashlight, backpack sleeping bag, wallet with I.D., a couple of bandages, pack of aspirin, comb, toothbrush and paste, a bar of soap, several pieces of candy, a sturdy plastic bag for extra stuff, and an old rusty junker of a car or motorcycle. Most seekers also carry a walking staff of some kind which doubles as a defensive weapon. Money: Starts with 2D6x100 credits. Cybernetics: None to start. May get them for medical reasons, but generally won't for any other reason.

True Vampire R.C.C.

By: Sir Tiny I had been chased across town by the cursed thing; it had been at my heels the whole time. Finally, I came to what I believed to be my salvation: the river on the edge of town. I waded to the middle and turned, expecting to see the creature standing at - 625 -

the bank, cursing me. Instead, it was standing in the water behind me. "Fool," it said to me. Then my life was over. There has been a frightening emergence in Europe of a new sect of Vampire. These vampires serve no mastering entity, but are creatures of free will, doing whatever they please. Since these creatures are not creations of a vampire intelligence, they are believed to be the beings that the alien intelligences imitate. There has been no evidence of these new creatures' emergence from a rift or any other kind of dimensional anomaly. This, coupled with the fact that the creatures seem to be effectively immortal, can lead only to the conclusion that these Vampires did not come from another plane, but have in fact been living on Earth since before the Time of the Rifts and are just now deciding to show themselves. Although these Vampires can function in a society without causing too much trouble, they are never comfortable around the living. Their irresistible thirst for blood drives them on a conquest of all living creatures. Some Vampires have learned to overcome this urge and lead a life as a normal being of their race, but it is much harder for them than trying to quit using drugs. To kill a Vampire, their body must be reduced to ashes. To do this, the vampire must be exposed to either fire or sunlight. A Vampire at Ground Zero would be reduced to ashes, but usually they have to be restrained first, as few people have the means to go around nuking every Vampire they come across. Hog tying a vampire will work, but it is not advised. The best way is to stick wood or silver into the heart of the vampire. This will put the Vampire into stasis until it is removed. At this point, just leave them out in the open and wait for sunrise. Garlic, Turn Dead spells, Globes of Daylight, and Judeo-Christian symbols (Crosses, Stars of david, etc... It is believed to be linked to a fear picked up from European Vampires in the late Middle Ages) will repel the vampire, but do no damage (i.e., A laser with a cross-shaped shadow would just be stupid). Lasers do no damage because they are artificial light. The only things that can damage a Vampire are silver, sunlight, and fire. Wood must be through the heart to have any effect, but silver burns a Vampire on touch. Garlic will cause a great deal of pain to a Vampire on contact, and serious agony if accidentally ingested, but will deal no physical damage. Note: Vampires cannot reproduce sexually. Attribute Bonuses: PS +2D4, PB +1D4, MA +1D6, ME +2D6 Note: The Vampire cannot use a Charm or Trust on anyone that recognizes it as a Vampire. Intimidate works well, though (If the target has retained control of his bodily functions, that is), +15%. Horror Factor: 12 if known to be a Vampire. R.C.C. Skills: Only those present (RCC / OCC) before the transformation. Hit Points: Same as the character's SDC (Not counting Hit Points) or MDC before the transformation. +1D6 HP per additional level. Magic/Psionics: If the Vampire was previously a mage or psionic, he will keep his former abilities, but they will never advance in level, and he can never learn any more. R.C.C. Powers: Upon transformation into a Vampire, the new creature instinctively knows how to use certain powers. This instinctive knowledge also comes with the urge for blood (i.e., Vampires are "born" hooked). A Good-aligned character will have to seek out a Vampire that is living a normal life in order to learn to fully repress this urge. Control. The Vampire can mentally control a victim he has bitten within the past week. Save v. Magic of 17. This can be a victim of any bite (including the Bat's Bite). A victim of the Slow Death must still be alive, and the victim of the Transformation must not yet be undead. While doing this, the Vampire is completely vulnerable, with his body in stasis. This can only be stopped by killing the Vampire... or the victim. Metamorphosis. Can shift between a humanoid and a bat in 1 melee. NO STOPS IN BETWEEN! ("AAAAAAHHH!!! There's a giant Man-Bat attacking the city!") Bat's bite does 1D4 HP/MDC and has no lasting effects. Bite. Vampires can damage even mega-damage creatures with their bites. A simple bite does 1D6 HP/MDC (HP to SDC creatures, MD to MDC creatures), takes one attack, and has no lasting effects. "Specialty Bites" are described below. Life Drain. The Vampire gains 4D6 HP upon completion of this bite. If this is more than the Vampire's base HP, the additional points will wear off in 2D6 hours. This bite takes 1D6 x10 seconds and kills the victim. There is no save for this bite, as the effect comes from the victim's blood being completely drained from his body. Unless the Vampire is stopped in 1/4 the time it will take to complete the bite, the victim will be in a vegetable-like state from having his blood drained in such a manner. he may never recover. Slow Death. This bite takes two attacks from the Vampire and does 1D8 HP/MDC immediately to the victim. Save v. magic at 16. the next morning, the victim feels very sluggish. he will be nauseous the next morning. the day after that, he won't be - 626 -

able to move at all. He will die at sunrise the next morning. The victim must have a Remove Greater Curse preformed or the Vampire that bit him must be killed in order to stop the process (And it should be done *before* he dies). Transformation. This costs the Vampire 4 melee attacks. The victim immediately takes 2D6 HP/MDC. Save v. magic at 17. He cannot eat the next day, and cannot sleep that night. Fangs grow in and the skin pales slightly. The next day, he cannot face the sunlight. That night, he must drink blood or he will die. At sunrise, the creature is a Vampire. To stop this procession, a Remove Greatest curse must be preformed, or the Vampire who bit the character must be killed, *before* the transformation is complete. After the third sunrise, there is no return. Note that the character *can* learn to live as a human, but will always be a Vampire.

True Warlock R.C.C.

By: Wraith The so-called "True Warlocks" are something akin to the Earth and Star children of England. The True Warlocks are born to human parents and have human thoughts and emotions, but physically and magically are more akin to elementals than to mammals. A True Warlock is born when two warlocks of the same element mate and have a child. At birth, the child appears to be nothing more than a misshapen lump of his or her element (fire babies appear to be smoldering coals and air babies are semi-solid globs of a bluish gas). At the end of the day it will begin to shape into a human form, and by the end of the month it will look like a completely normal human child, although it will shift into its true form (a minature elemental) when distressed. The baby will be of the element that its parents are of. True Warlocks can shift between their dual forms at will. As a rule of thumb, urban TWs are usually most comfortable in human form, and rural or traveling TWs tend to prefer their elemental form. They can cast a few spells of their element, and speak the Warlock language as their native tongue. True Warlocks are revered by human warlocks, as a perfect blending of magic and man. The TWs, in turn, cherish their warlock friends, and treat them all with courtesy and grace. The True Warlocks live in many magical communities, often leading congregations or adventuring parties of normal warlocks. TWs are also found in the elemental planes of existence. True Elementals look at True Warlocks the way a boy might look at his little brother; the smaller child is not seen to be very intelligent or strong, but is beloved all the same. True Warlocks are often the escorts and servants of elemental intelligences. In recent years, many True Warlocks have been sent to Earth by both human warlocks and elemental intelligences. Some factions are taking interest in the up-coming war between the Coalition and Tolkeen. It is feared that the wizards of Tolkeen might try to summon and enslave some elemental intelligences for use as powerful cannon fodder; this would be of great concern to the intelligences, who would try to avoid that if at all possible. While the elementals feel pity for Tolkeen, they value their independence and free will. True Warlocks Powers: 1: Dual form: A TW has 2 shapes, that of his or her element (the being looks like a miniature elemental) and human form. Switching between the two is automatic but takes one melee round to complete. 2: Elemental Kin: TWs are on very good terms with elementals of their element, who will come to their aid if possible (and vice versa). This is the same as with normal warlocks. 3: Spells: The TW can pick 2D6 spells from levels 1-4 of his element at level 1. Other spells must be learned normally. True Warlocks can only learn spells from their element. 4: Meld with Element: While in elemental form, TWs can meld with their element, as long as enough of it is around. They may move through it at their speed rate. 5: D-Port: TWs can travel to their elemental planes instantly. This requires a skill check, though. Success rate is 25%, +5% per level of experience. 6: Language: All TWs can speak the warlock language at 98%. 7: Sense nature of element: Same as warlocks. 8: Special skills: Same as warlocks. - 627 -

Alignment: Any. Attributes: IQ: 3D6, ME: 4D6, MA: 3D6 (18 to warlocks), PS: 5D6, PE: 6D6, PB: 3D6, Spd: 3D6+6. M.D.C.: 1D4 x 100 +200. Horror Factor (when in elemental form): 10 P.P.E.: 2D4 x 10 +20 Natural Abilities: Described above Combat: Depends on hand-to-hand skill, usually 3-6. Damage: Restrained punch: 3D6 SDC + PS bonus Normal punch: 1D6 MD Power punch (uses 2 attacks): 3D6 MD. Psionics: None. RCC Skills: Demon Lore (+20%) Faerie Lore (+10%) 4 Languages of Choice (+15%) Wilderness Survival (+10%) 2 WPs of Choice Piloting Skill of Choice 4 Other skills from any category. Habitat: Pretty much anywhere. Average Life Span: 400 years. Natural Enemies: None. Natural Allies: Warlocks and elementals. Size: 10-16 feet tall in elemental form. Weight: 1D4 x 100 lb. XP table: Uses Dragon Hatchling table.

Turtextron R.C.C.
A rare race of humanoids, the Turtextron get the first 2 parts of their name from their ways. The Tur is for Turtle. They have heavy armor plating all over their body and it looks like that of a turtle, and their head is shaped like a turtles. The Texis for Tech. TurTextron's don't use technology. There is no exception to this rule. The only Tech they may use is MD ancient weapons (VibroBlades, etc.) and MDC shields. NOT MDC armor, unless it is primitive in design. The reason is that, centuries ago, technology killed their race. Use the Techno Wizard experience table. Only a Turtextron can tell the sex of another Turtextron. They may mate only after they have reached 500 years, and then sex is pretty much like a human and they mate for life. When one partner dies, the other loses, permanently, 1d4x50 MDC and reduce all 8 attributes by 1 point. Alignment: Any good, selfish, or Aberrant. No Diabolic or Miscreant. Attributes: IQ 4D6, ME 4D6, MA 3D6, PS 4D6, PP 1D6, PE 3D6, PB2D6, Spd 1D6. Attributes are supernatural M.D.C.: 4d4x100 +25 per level of experience - 628 -

Horror Factor: 7 Magic: All Turtextron posses a small amount of magic, although they cannot learn new spells. Chose 2 first level spells and 1 second level spell. P.P.E.: 2d6 + PE. Add 2 PPE at levels 5 and 9. Psionics: All Turtextron posses a fair amount of psychic power (considered a Major Psionic). Chose 4 spells from any category but super at level 1. Chose 1 super psionic at level 5. Chose 3 spells from any category but super at level 10. I.S.P.: 1d4x10+ME. Add 2 per level of experience. Average Lifespan: 2000 years Habitat: Vegetarians. Have a turtle like beak which does 1d4 MD on a bite attack. They must eat at least 20 lb. of plants per week or starve and die within 36 hours. During this starved period, divide EVERY skill and ability by 1/2 in all areas. They prefer swamps where their is plenty of algae and moss and fern for them to eat. Friends: None to speak of. Earth Elementals seem to like them though. Tend to have a mutual friendship with Silver Balls and Ironoids. Enemies: None to speak of. Gargoyles dislike them more than other races. Size: 7 to 12 feet tall Weight: 700 to 3000 lb. Bonuses: +1 to save vs. insanity+3 to save vs. all poisons Add 2 MD to all kicks and punches because of small nails. Natural Abilities: Nightvision (100 feet) See the invisible Regenerates 2d6x10 MDC per 2 minutes until level 10. At levels 10 and above, they regenerate 3d6x10 per 6 melees (1 and 1/2 minutes) Can not be turned into a vampire Can survive in extreme temperatures (needs no oxygen, and can survive in temperatures as low as 20 degrees or as high as 400 degrees). Fire (including MD plasma and magic) does only 1/2 damage. Envelope: Twice a day, the Turtextron can form into a black ball about 3 feet in diameter. The ball has 1d6x1000 MDC and lasts for 5 minutes or until it is destroyed. If the time expires or it is destroyed, the Turtextron appears unharmed and has totally regenerated and healed all damage. Poisons are stalled but not cured while in the Ball. At 12th level and above, the ball becomes 3d4x1000 MDC and lasts for 30 minutes. R.C.C. Skills: Language: Speak 3 at 98% Literacy: Chose 2 from the above at 85% Play Musical Instrument (Chose One): 70% Math: Basic: 90% Horsemanship (+20%) (Most horses can't carry a Turtextron, but many other animals can.) 2 Sciences of choice (Excluding Archeology, Chemistry-Analytical,and Math-Advanced) (+30%) 1 WP Ancient of choice Land Navigation (+20%) HTH: Basic Other Skills: Chose 3 Other skills from the list below. Chose 1 additional at levels 2, 4, 7, 9, and 13 Domestic: Any (+10%) Detect Ambush (+10%) Detect Concealment (+15%) Tracking Wilderness Survival (+30%) Holistic Medicine (+15%) - 629 -

Physical: Any but Gymnastics, Acrobatics, and SCUBA. (+5%) Pilot: Only Boats-Sail Type is available Rogue: Any but Computer and Pick Locks (+5%) Technical: Any but the Computers and Photography (+10%) WP: Any Ancient only Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: Chose 3 from the list above without the benefit of bonuses. Gear: None Credits: None Cybernetics: Will NEVER get a cyber system. Would rather die. Will only get a biosystem if absolutely necessary to save their OWN life.

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UUltimate Martial Artist O.C.C.

By: Jason Che-han Yip Whether through inherent talent, dedicated study, or more likely a combination of the two, some practitioners of the martial artists gain the insight to attain a superhuman level of ability. Attribute Requirements: None Starting Age: Varies, current age is usually in the 20-40 range Base SDC: 50 Base Chi: PE + 3D6*6, +1D6*6/level Base P.P.E.: minimal, 1D6 Xp table: Use Fox Spirit RCC table Martial Art Forms: Choose any one (1) form including "exclusive" forms Education Level: Varies but usually around High School Level Superspy Modifications Available: None Basic Minimum Skills: Basic Mathematics Speak/Read/Write Native Language Skills: Like the Worldly Martial Artist but change the Basic: Military skill program to either Basic: Cultural or a Basic: Oriental skill program (choose 5 from Mystic China skills (+5%)) Note: Ignore the special Martial Arts Bonus of the Worldly Martial Artist Money: 1D6*1000 The key to the Ultimate Martial Artist's supernatural combative ability is his/her understanding of how to channel and manipulate Chi. This is common to all of these practitioners whether their fighting style is traditionally external or internal. Note: The following martial art abilities, which are exclusive to the Ultimate Martial Artist, are in addition to any more mundane abilities gained from the martial artist's form. Basic Martial Art Abilities: - Zanshin (10 m +1m/level) --------------------------Note: Martial Artists with over a 1000 Chi will be "felt" by anyone with Chi Awareness at 10 km/1000 chi. Advanced Fu Zhensong, Mending Chi, and Body Chi ----------------------------------------------At level 1, the Ultimate Martial Artist learns how to draw on the life energy in the surroundings and automatically channel it to restoring his/her own chi as well as augmenting his/her attributes. Without any need to focus, the martial artist will draw in the maximum amount of Positive Chi from the surroundings and channel at least five(5) points into attributes (one point for each of ME, MA, PS, PP, Spd). This gathering and channeling will slow down in Negative Chi areas (refer to Mending Chi Kata in Mystic China). In addition, maximum Positive Chi gathered in any area is double normal and will increase by one(1) point/level (before doubling). Note: Negative Chi masters will instead have Charkuri Chi, a modified Mending Chi, and a modified Body Chi, with the ability to live on Negative Chi. Advanced Chi Overcharge ----------------------At level 3, the Ultimate Martial Artist learns to double the amount of chi energy that his/her body can contain. This ability is essentially the same as normal Chi Overcharging but the excess chi is gathered instantaneously. Just like the normal Chi Overcharge, the excess chi immediately drains away when the martial artist is unconscious. At level 6, the practitioner gains the ability to Chi Supercharge (ie. chi capacity is multiplied by 4 rather than 2). A side effect of the Chi Supercharge is that the martial artist will glow with a yellowish, sunny aura of light and even his/her hair will turn bright yellow. Note: Negative chi masters will be surrounded by a dark vortex-like aura and his/her hair will turn pitch black. For both, hair and clothes will float up as if being blown by a breeze. Even the Ultimate Martial Artist cannot maintain this amount of chi in his/her body for long and excess chi will immediately drain off at a rate of four(4) per melee. After one minute, all unused chi will dissipate into the surroundings, including the martial artist's base chi. Note: At this point, the martial artist usually focuses all chi gathering solely to replenishing his/her stores of chi. Advanced Hardened Chi Ball ------------------The chi field has a spherical radius of 1 m/level and only uses the first 10% as a maximum but chi must be pumped in to maintain it. It - 631 -

also prevents the target from approaching roll 1D20 plus PS vs 1D20 plus number of chi points). The victim can however flee in the opposite direction. The first type of chi beam is similar to the chi disc but with longer gather time, greater range and damage. The second type is similar to the chi ball but is not as easy to redirect and has only one initial strike bonus equal to the practitioner's bonus. After that, there are no strike bonuses with a maximum of one melee of repeated attacks. The beam also dissipates 10% per attack. Note: Just like normal chi combat, characters can nullify the chi attack even though it is hardened chi. One negative chi point will destroy 3D6 points of a positive chi ball and one positive chi point will destroy 1D6 points of a negative chi ball. Advanced Chi Weight Control and Chi Polarity Control -----------------------------------------------------------At level 2, the Ultimate Martial Artist combines Karumi-Jutsu and the practice of Chi Weight Control solely to decrease weight in order to gain the Karumi-Justsu abilities except with a 20x jumping distance. The cost is 1 chi/melee. Note: Without other training, characters can normally jump 4 ft high and 4 ft across +2 ft/level Once the martial artist has a minimum of 400 chi, s/he is able to use chi to fly! This costs 8 chi/melee for 80 km/h flight + 1 chi per 10 km/h. Maximum speed is 350 km/h +35 km/h per level. Once the martial artist has a minimum of 1000 chi, s/he is able to use chi to teleport! It costs 20 chi for a maximum 100 m teleport. This ability is usually used to defeat the opponent's Zanshin or other augmented awareness abilities. Penalties to opponent for first attack after teleport: -6 initiative, -2 parry, -4 dodge At level 5, the practioner uses a combination of external chi weight control and chi polarity control to develop a type of chi-controlled telekinesis. The same as Rifts Telekinesis(Super) ability except each ISP is equivalent to 6 Chi.

Undead Werewolf
By: FlashFire Note: Were means "man." In this, I'll sometimes refer to the Werewolf as a Were. This means the Werewolf in its human form. There are a great many types of lycanthropes in the supernatural world. Ancient cultures are practically plagued by the beasts. Halfman, half-wolf creatures would attack settlements, slaughter whole families, and prey on little girls who were on their way to Grandma's house. Most of these attacks were made by normal wolves and natural werewolves, creatures who were born able to change back and forth between states. But, there is a small subsect of the werewolf population, a legend even among the lycanthropes themselves. The Undead Werewolf is a rare creature, due to its abnormal status in the natural order. For most of the time, the Werewolf lives a normal human life, eating, sleeping, going to work, ect... They look, act, and talk just like any other person on the street, until the night of the full moon. Once the full moon rises, the person begins to transform. This is an incredibly painful and traumatic ordeal, as one can imagine. Once the transformation is complete, the human that the Wolf was is gone, replaced by a monster. As with all other lycanthropes and Undead, the Werewolf's only true physical vulnerability is to the Element of the Moon, silver. Steel and lead will bounce off the Wolf's supernatural hide. The creature can walk through walls of fire and stalk its victims through an Alaskan blizzard. Some forms of magic and psionics have been known to work, though physical attacks of any kind will have no effect, unless they involve silver in some way or fashion. Werewolves also posess massive regeneration abilities on top of their nighinvulnerability. These powers essentially make the Werewolf immortal. The reason there aren't more of these demons running around is the fact that they are Undead. People naturally despise and kill Undead wherever they are found. Plus, Undead are made, not born. A Werewolf attack is similar to a Vampire's slow kill, but far more powerful. Regardless of the attack, if the skin is broken a Werewolf victim is doomed. Anyone who survives such an assualt becomes one of the Undead. At first, it will seem as though nothing is wrong with the victim. The wounds caused by the attack will heal somewhat faster than normal, but not abnormally so. The victim will go on as they have before, the only indicators of a problem being a slightly reduced appitite and a lower need for sleep than normal. This will continue until the next full moon. For that first month, the victim will still be human, and can be die just like any other mortal. But once the moon rises one month from the attack, the victim will die in the horribly painful transformation into the Wolf, becoming one of the Undead forever. Legendary cures are supposed to exist, spells and potions that will prevent the change. There are also rumored to be hidden temples in the Orient that house the power to keep a victim from becoming a Werewolf, but there seem to be one of those for every disease and curse ever known to man (how many hidden temples could there be?). Then, there's the ones who don't survive the attack. The Werewolf pounces out of the shadows and rips its victim several new orifices in places where there shouldn't be any. The poor sap dies. With most attackers, this would be the end of it. Not so with the Werewolf. A victim that dies from a Werewolf attack gets three days of Rest. After those three days, the victim comes back to life. Not as a Zombie, not as a Werewolf, not as a Wraith, but as a Ghost. (PLUG! See my Traditional Ghost for this rundown on this. If it's not out there anywhere, use the Haunting Entity's stats with the assumption that its actually the person's spirit.) The dead victim will want revenge on the monster that killed it ("Unfinished Business") and will do everything within its limited power to kill it. Once the Werewolf is dead, the Ghost goes on to his Eternal Rest. - 632 -

The other Undead look at the Werewolf with disdain. This Undead has advantages over the others in that they don't look dead. They can pass as normal for most of the month. Also, some aspects of the Werewolf are more powerful than the others, especially the attack. Other Undead have to invest time in making another of their race (from six days to months, depending on the species) where the Werewolf only have to break the skin of their target to make another. In fact, Werewolves are the only Undead that can actually be made by accident. This leads to the assumption that Werewolves are more of an "honorary" Undead, rather than a full living corpse. These feelings aren't mirrored by other supernatural forces. The Werewolf can make wonderful foot soldiers and spies. They can easily infiltrate a city, keeping a low profile in their Were form. Then, when the full moon rises, the Wolves strike and can destroy entire cities. The only problem is that in their Wolf state, the Werewolf are rather difficult to control. This presents a problem in breeding an army of the beasts. Stat Note: The stats presented apply only during the transformed state. During the Were periods, use the Ordinary Person OCC or the character's normal stats for skills, attributes, and experience levels. Attribute Bonuses apply to the character's normal stats. Alignments: Lean heavily towards Miscreant or Diabolic, but can technically be any. Attributes: IQ: 2D6 (high animal intelligence), ME: Same as Normal, MA: +1D6 (in a snarly, huge gaping maw full of fangs kind of way), PS: +3D6 (supernatural), PP: +1D6+6, PE: +2D6+6 (supernatural), PB: 4D6 (in a stark, dangerous way), Spd: 5D6+30 (24 mph to 40 mph) Natural A.R.: 14 (applies to silver weapons as well) Hit Points: PE + 3D6 per level SDC: 2D6x10 Horror Factor: 14 once transformed, 16 during transformation process. P.P.E.: 2D6x10+10 Natural Abilities: Limited Invulnerability: Werewolves are impervious to all attacks by all modern and ancient weapons, from saftey pins to C-4 plastique, as well as poisons and toxic substances/energy of all kinds. Regenerates all damage at a rate of 3D6 Hit/SDC per hour. Any wounds inflicted during the Wolf state will scar and be visable on the creature's Were body. They are subject to normal knockdown rules for supernatural targets. Explosives will stun the Werewolf for 1D6 melees. This applies to the Werewolf at all times after its first change, whether in Were form or Wolf, due to its Undead nature. Immortality: Undead Werewolves live forever, not counting death by violent means. They stop aging at the point of their first change. This does not gaurantee long life though, as most living creatures tend to hunt these monsters down and destroy them. Transform Self - Wolf: After sunset on the night of the full moon, the Werewolf changes from its Were body to that of a large Wolf. This change is unstoppable and irreversable until the sun rises. The Were cannot control this change, and cannot change at any other time. The rest of the time, the Were appears to be a normal member of its original race. Transform Others - Werewolf: This is the Werewolf's most feared power. Any sentient creature which is attacked and wounded by a Werewolf becomes one of them. The victim will remain normal from the time of the attack until the next full moon, at which time they will transform into the Wolf. During that first month, the victim is not yet undead and can still be killed by normal means. It is also possible that magical means exist to remove the curse before it sets in (remember the Dim Mak cure from N&SS?). Once the first transformation occurs, though, the victim is a member of the Undead and is beyond all hope. Transform Others - Ghost: This is the Werewolf's second most feared power. Any sentient creature with a PPE over 10 which is attacked and killed by a Werewolf, well, dies. Unfortunately, this isn't the end of it. After three days of peaceful death, the dead victim will rise and become a Ghost. They will instinctively know that the only way they can return to the afterlife is to see the Wolf that killed them dead ("Unfinished Business") Once that is accomplished, they can finally rest in peace. Other Abilities Nightvision - 300 ft, track by smell (roll per 200 yards, -20% in cities) - 70%, Identify smells (at up to 1000 yards) - 55%, and Prowl - 90% Vulnerabilities: Silver, Magic, and Psionics inflict full damage/work at full effect. This does not include physical or energy Magic/Psi attacks, unless they somehow involve hitting the Werewolf with silver. The only exceptions are hits from Rune and Magic Weapons, which work at full effect (spells from weapons don't count as hits). Hand to hand strikes from other supernatural creatures, including other Undead, inflict damage but cannot kill the Werewolf for good. Silver is still needed for that job. Combat: Six attacks per melee. In addition to attribute bonuses, the Wolf gets +4 to strike, parry, and dodge, +25% vs Coma/Death, and +6 vs HF Damage: Kick - 3D6 + damage bonus; Claw/Bite - 4D6 + damage bonus. Magic: As per normal OCC/PCC. Can't use them in it's Wolf state Psionics: As per normal OCC/PCC. Can't use them in it's Wolf state. Average Life Span: Effectively immortal Habitat: Go wherever the eating's good. Cities and rural towns are favored spots. Enemies: Anything alive - 633 -

Allies: Most forms of the Undead will tolerate the Werewolf. Greater supernatural beings like to use them as foot soldiers and spies. Appearance/Size: During the normal state, the Were looks just like they did before they were changed. This is exceptional, as most undead look slightly rotten. During the Wolf state, it will look like a very large wolf. About 6-7 ft long and around 3-4 ft tall at the shoulders and weigh around 160 lbs with a grey to black coat of fur. The eyes will have a red, and slightly glowing, shade. Fangs will be slightly longer than normal as well. Experience Table: Use the character's OCC skill chart as normal. The character will also get an additional 100 XP per kill made as a Werewolf. Notes: The Werewolf's change is linked to lunar cycles, not to the fact the the moon is full. For example, suppose a planet had a moon that traveled around the planet in an orbit with such an angle that caused a lunar eclipse every revolution. The moon would never be full. The Werewolf would still change every month, when the moon was on the opposite side of the planet from the star. Should a Werewolf be made on a world that has more than one moon, they will change once per lunar cycle of the moon they were created under. This can lead to different "tribes" of Werewolves, one for each moon. Werewolves on these worlds have been known to take the place of Werewolf Hunters during the off full moons, using their Were form to track down the Wolves of the other moons and attempt to destroy them. Werewolves that are transported to other worlds will still change, but according to the lunar cycles of their world of origin. Should their moon be destroyed in some fashion, they will never change again. In fact, within one month, they will degenerate into a Zombie. Most will seek ultimate destruction before that fate comes, though.

Urban Vigilante O.C.C.

By: When men first banded together to hide from the creatures of the night behind walls, they invented the city. With the city came crime. Crime eventually necessitated a justice system and keepers of law and order. But when that system and those police officers become unable to stem the flow of darkness and corruption from the underside of the city, there sometimes emerges from the ruins of the lawabiding homes and businesses a champion of good, a fighter of evil, sworn to destroy crime in its many insidious forms. Though sometimes called superheroes, these brave men and women usually possess no extraordinary powers other than a burning desire to forge their bodies and minds into keen edged swords of good. These vigilantes are part City Rat, Headhunter and Justice Ranger. They are often fantastic acrobats, actors and masters of disguise. While battling for the greater good, most of these people ignore the laws and conventions of the crime-fighting systems that they often supplant, although they may cooperate with some non-corrupt police forces when they deem it necessary. Though mighty, Urban Vigilates are by no means perfect. They can be as prejudiced or abrasive as the next man. Some hate and revile D-Bees, seeing them as the root of the evil that has infected their fair town. Others will kill criminals without mercy, while some will not take life or allow it to be taken. There is no such thing as an "average" Vigilante. Some use high tech gadgets, power armor and wear elaborate costumes designed to strike terror into the hearts of evildoers. Others believe justice is best dispensed with brass knuckles and steel-toe boots and wear nothing fancier than a trenchcoat and fedora. Some are minor magicians, others powerful psychics, and yet others possess phenomenal physical attributes. A small number of these brave folk possess much wealth in their alter-egos, while others have no alter-egos at all. Though most are tied down to a particular city, many Urban Vigilantes travel, seeking mercenary jobs that allow them to fight evil and make some money at the same time. Others steal from criminals or the CS to support themselves, as few have substantial day jobs. What all Urban Vigilantes have in common, however, is an unstoppable urge to stem the flow of crime that victimizes innocent citizens. Bonuses: +4D4 SDC +2D6 HP +2 PP +1 PS and PE +1 attack per melee. P.P.E.: 2D6 Alignment: Usually Scrupulous, sometimes Abberant or Unprincipled, rarely Principled and never Anarchist, Miscreant or Diabolic. Attribute Requirements: ME 14 or greater, PE and PP 12 or higher before O.C.C. bonuses, of course), a high IQ and PS are recommended but not required. Horror Factor: The Urban Vigilante in full costumed regalia has a H.F. of 8, +1 at levels 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13 and 15

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O.C.C. Skills: Speaks native language at 98% Speaks three other languages +25% Radio: Basic +20% Surveillance Systems +30% Electronics: Basic +15% Literacy: Native tongue and one of choice +30% Computer Operation +5% Detect Ambush +10 % Disguise +15% Escape Artist +20% Pick Locks +10% Urban Survival +10% Interrogation Techniques +10% Paramedic +10 % Find Contraband, Weapons & Cybernetics +16% Streetwise +20 % Streetwise: Drugs +15 % Prowl: +20 Acrobatics OR Gymnastics +10% where applicable Lore: One of choice Physical: Four of choice WP Ancient: two of choice WP Modern: three of choice Pilot: Three of choice Hand-to-Hand: Expert H-H: Expert can be changed to H-H: Martial Arts or H-H: Commando at the cost of one "Other" skill, or to a specific martial art of choice (From Rifts: Japan and other sources) at the cost of two "Other" skills. O.C.C. Related Skills: The player may select six other skills from the following list at first level, plus two other skills at levels two, five, seven, ten and fourteen. Communications: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanical: Any, except Aircraft and Robot Mechanics Medical: Criminal Sciences and Forensics only (+15%), must have all prerequisite skills Military: Any Physical: Any Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: None Rogue: Any (+15%) Science: Any Technical: Any (+5%) WP: Any Secondary Skills: The character can select three skills from the above list, excluding those marked "None," at level one, plus two skills at levels 3, 6, 8, 9, 12 and 15. These are additional ares of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonuses in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base level. Standard Equipment: Three sets street clothes, one set dress clothes, one heavy SDC/light MDC costume of choice, one set lightmedium highly customised/costume MDC armor (lean towards light), gas mask and air filter, passive nightvision goggles, IRMSS medical kit, infrared distancing binoculars, portable language translator, 2D4 sets of heavy SDC (90 SDC) handcuffs and/or manacles, 1D6 sets of heavy MDC manacles (15 MDC), 1D4 50 foot lenghts of strong rope/fishing line, grappling hook, utility belt. A cityspecific Vigilante has a small to medium sized apartment and a medium to large and very well concealed lair or hideout located outside the city or in a run down area of town. Vehicles can include practically any fast MDC vehicle, up to and including light SAMAS power armor. Most vehicles will be customised to fit the Vigilante's costume motif. Weapons can include almost anything, but usually stick to the character's WPs. As a rule of thumb, three ancient weapons and up to five modern weapons are standard Vigilante armament. Remember, the Vigilante is not a conventional mercenary, but rather a crusader against evil. He or she will not accept missions or jobs that do not have to do with fighting crime or evil in one form or - 635 -

another and will usually try to capture the criminal before killing him (Not always, however. Some will just as soon rid the world of scum by blowing them away than capturing them, especially in places with corrupt justice systems). Credits: 5D6*1000 in credits and stuff (Ya gotta have some cash if ya don't have a steady job, plus those fancy equipment and hospital bill run high) Specific Vigilante Types (pick one) Note: These are only guidelines. Players and GM's, please feel free to modify or alter any of these types, or even create your own. 1. Millionare playboy (or playgirl): Almost always a city-specific Vigilante with an alter-ego. 2D4*250,000 credits that can be saved or used to purchase cool gadgets, hi-fashion (and MDC) costumes, scientific equipment or other trinkets during character creation. Mansion or large penthouse in a high-class area of town. Staff of 1D4 domestic staff - may or may not know of Vigilante's secret life 2. Outstanding Physical Specimen: Possesses the following attribute bonuses. Increased Strength - PS 20 +1D6, NOT considered supernatural, but can lift 20 times PS in lbs and can carry 40 times PS in pounds Increased Prowess - +2D4 to PP attribute, +2D4 to speed, one extra attack to melee and +5% to physical skills that require dexterity and prowess, like acrobatics and prowl. PE 20 +1D6, not considered supernatural, and +3D6 to SDC and +1D6 to HP 3. Supergenius: Possesses the following attributes Increased Intelligence - IQ 21 +1D6 (note skill bonuses) Scientist - Choose 1D4+1 science and 1D4 technical skills at +20%, OR Criminal Sciences and Forensics and all skill requirements at +15% 4. Mystical Hero: Possesses limited magical and psychic abilities Penalties: Reduce all skills by 15%, all combat bonuses by 2, attacks per melee by 1, SDC by 20 (minimum 25), HP by 1D6 PPE: 3D4*10 + 10 ISP: ME*4 + 10 Spell Knowledge: 1. Cloud of Smoke Sense Evil Fear Climb Chameleon Carpet of Adhesion Magic Net Shadow Meld Escape Superhuman Strength Superhuman Speed Words of Truth Protection Circle: Simple Negate Magic The Mystical Hero can learn new spells, but is restricted to spells of level 7 or lower and only 2 spells can be learned per level of experience. Psychic powers: 2. Bio Regenerate (self) Resist Fatigue Mind Block See Aura See the Invisible Summon Inner Strength The Mystical Hero can select one additional power from any category except Super at levels 2, 4, 7, 11, and 14.

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-VValarian R.C.C.
By: Cozy Bear The Valarian's are a supernatural race from the Astral Plane. They are the product of an experiment made by the Old One Xy. He created a race much like the elves in a pocket dimension within the Astral Plane. He nurtured them and cultivated their minds. He had forbidden war or any act of aggression. Then he evolved the race millions of years with a great spell, but to them time moved normally. They evolved into beings of energy. He left them and took note of the changes. This experiment was only a part of his great transformation spell that went wrong and turned him into Thoth. The rest of the Old Ones never knew of this new race that Xy had brought into being. Years later Thoth found them and asked for help against the Old Ones. They came and saw the horrors of war and were changed. They learned combat and war by the example of the other races. They became great warriors. After the defeat of the Old Ones, they went back into their world. Only recently have they come out again. But they only do this because they know of another race like them has come back from the abyss. They too were once servants to the Old Ones. They just as evil and cunning creatures as anything the Old Ones ever nurtured. The Valarians are once again preparing for war but this time in secret. They are subtly placing people in areas so that they may call on them when the war comes. Attributes: IQ:6d6, MA: 6d6, ME: 6d6, All other attributes are not applicable! Alignment: Must be good or selfish, but never evil! P.P.E.: 5d6 I.S.P.: M.E. x 5 plus 10 per level of experience. They regenerate a rate of 6 ISP per hour. 20 per hour is not in a shell or in the Astral Plane. Hit Points.: 1d6x10+10, they gain 5 per level of experience. Average life span: 2000 RCC Bonuses: They start with 5 psionic attacks per melee and gain an additional +1 every 4 levels. Natural Abilities: They have the ability to see in all spectrums of light, Telekinesis (500 lbs, +100 lbs per level of experience), Telepathy (Range is 10 miles, send and receive thoughts). Regenerates 3d6+6 Hit Points per hour. They also radiate their emotions just as psychics from Psycape. Immune to possession and mind control of all kinds. Due to the nature of the Valarian's, they have developed an ability to interact with the real world. It is based off of the psionic power of ectoplasm and ectoplasmic disguise. They have developed the ability to create two solid shells in which they can interact with the real world. The first is a physical body that resembles a olympian physique with wings (A physically toned Angel, and can form clothing on the shell) and then an armored version for combat (picture a Cosmo-Knight Angel!). The regular body costs 5 ISP per hour and the combat form costs 10 ISP per melee round. The regular body has a P.S. of 20, PP of 20, and a SDC value of 50 while the armored version has a P.S. of 40, PP of 30, and a SDC value of 150. All physical attributes are considered supernatural. ISP can be used to repair both shells at a rate of 1ISP per 2 SDC. Psionics: Bio-Manipulation, Possession, and Dream Manipulation (special). In addition, the Valarian must choose 8 regular psionics and 4 more supers with the Mind Melter limitations. They gain 2 regular psi powers and 1 super every two levels of experience. Dream Manipulation: (Author's Note: I don't have Nightbane so I don't know if this power exists as I have created it!). The Valarians do not do things directly and so they prefer to manipulate people through their dreams. By using the memories of places, events, language and people, the Valarians make their intentions understood. They usually do not directly appear in the dreams but rather as some one close to the person that they are communicating with. Duration : One dream per night. Range : 10 feet ISP: 25 if already dreaming or 35 to force a "day dream" - 637 -

Possession: This is a modified power of the standard psionic listed in the books. This power does not render control of a targets body, but rather just a place to dwell. The Valarian usually use this power as a means of traveling with out being seen. They can only use Telepathy or Dream Manipulation while in this state. Duration: As long as they want. Range: Must be within 2 miles of target Save: Save vs Possession with a -5 penalty. ISP: none if willing or 25 if unwilling. Magic: Rarely any Valarian will ever take the time to learn Magic. R.C.C. Skills: Languages and Literacy: Select 7 languages, all at 98% (just 'cause it's easier) Lore: Demons and Monsters (+20%) Math: Both (+20%) R.C.C. Related/Secondary Skills: Choose 16 other non-physical. No physical skills can be chosen. Standard Equipment: They have no need of physical things. So they start with no equipment or money!

Valerian Dragon Knight

By: Dragoon

Valerian Dragon Knight O.C.C.

The Dragon Knights of Valeria are the elite forces of the Stormhalls. They have paired with a previously unknown species of dragon with phenoenal powers of teleportation and telepathy/empathy. Note: Here are the missing things from the Sky Knight. 1. Due to the teachings of the Cyber-Knight, one out over hundred Sky Knights possess the ability to create psi-swords identical to the Cyber-Knight. 2. Psychic powers. Can select 2 powers from each of the lesser categories or those given by their race. 3. The saddle. It is enchanted with a carpet of adhesion spell. Saying the proper word activates for 10 min. Can be used 3 times a day. Sticks to both the rider and mount making them literally inseperable. On to the Dragon Knight! Psionic Powers. All Dragon Knights have psychic powers. The dragons pick a partner at the time of their birth and only choose those with psychic abilities. They choose the same as the Sky Knight. Requirements and Skills: An ME of 14 or higher. The rest as the Sky Knight. OCC Skills: Identical to the Sky Knight. Related Skills: Identical to the Sky Knight. Secondary Skills: Identical to the Sky Knight. Standard Equipment: Same as the Sky Knight. Abilities: Telepathy with Dragon mount. Range: Indefinate on the same world. If separeted to different worlds, all that is sensed are strong emotions. Cost: None. Psi-Lance This ability is believed to be the emergence of the Cyber Knights power brought about by the strong bond between the Knight and Dragon. It was first discovered by Bren Pendragon (the first Dragon Knight (from the first 2 known eggs which were found on the Palladium World)) when he activated his Plasma Lance. The energy field extended about 30' (about twice as far as usual)! By experimenting, he discovered that he could create it without the plasma lance and it lasted indefinately! Damage: When used with the plasma lance add 3D6 MD to the jab or charge. When used by itself it inflicts 2D6 MD plus 2D6 MD at levels five, seven, ten and fifteen. (A whopping 1D6x10 MD at level 15!) PS bonus is added to all damage. Duration: 15 min when used to enhance the lance, Indefinate when used by itself. Cost: Same cost as the Plasma lance when used to enhance it (15 ISP or Fire Bolt Spell.) None when created by itself.

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Vampire Hunter O.C.C.

The Vampire Hunter is a character driven fanatically to the goal of destroying all vampires. The character sees vampires as a creature from the depths of hell who pose the most serious threat to humanity, humanity has ever seen. They may be right. Vampire Hunters focus on physical and mental strengths to defeat their foes. The longer they live the more knowledgeable they become about their enemy, yet as they grow older they often are not strong enough to carry on their crusade. The Vampire Hunter can be of any alignment. Just because the vampires that they seek to destroy are evil by no means indicates that their Hunters must be Principled! Some characters will attempt to overcome any boundary in-between them and their goal, even if it means hurting or killing a human being. A Vampire Hunter will work alone if need be, but they tend to like to work in groups. They feel that there is more safety in numbers, and frankly they are confronting an evil that has much more power than they, so having other people with them increases their chance of survival. However most Vampire Hunters do not like to work among their peers. They dispute and bicker over methods and targets, but this is a smoke screen to cover up their clashing ego's, Reids Rangers are an exception... They are bound together by Reids leadership abilities. But other hunters will often find or assemble a group of hearty adventurers to help them further their cause. These characters are usually relatively naive about vampires, and the Hunter takes great enjoyment on acting as a strange kind of mentor. A Vampire Hunter also often takes an apprentice, a person he or she can teach to carry on the good fight, in case they fall in battle, or for some other reason cannot continue their quest. The Hunter treats this apprentice as a loved son or daughter. One of a Vampire Hunters greatest dangers is the distinct possibility that he or she may someday become what they loathe. Some Vampire Hunters who become vampires themselves commit suicide if they can, yet most become the most ruthless creatures of the night, as if their fanaticism for the destruction of vampires has transformed to a lust for blood most vampires cannot even comprehend. Vampire Hunter Powers: Some people say these powers don't exist, that they are just rumors created from the rantings of Vampire Hunters... Others say that these powers area special sort of psionics, and still others say a deity granted the Vampire Hunter these strange powers. The real answer? Nobody knows not even the Vampire Hunters themselves, but never the less they DO work. 1. Smell Undead: When a Vampire Hunter is within 1 mile of a vampire (or other undead) they smell something in the air. Its common to see a Vampire Hunter take a deep breath and say something like "Yep there's vampires here" 2. Immune to ghoulish horror: Vampire Hunters face horror so often they have become numb to it. They can be surprised but any HF from an undead creature affects a level 1 Hunter at one half its normal value, and at level 5 not at all. 3. Faith: A Vampire Hunter's greatest weapon, the one that makes their strikes ring true, and their flee in terror, can simply be called faith. 3 times a day Vampire Hunters can call upon their faith to add a + 2 bonus to any roll against undead, or exorcise a demon, or be a minor help for many other actions. However the player must declare its use before the action (not after the roll.) 4. Induce fear in undead"Undead who realize the Vampire Hunter for what he/she is have to check against a HF of 12. Vampires will have unpredictable reactions to this. Some will flee in terror, others will attack like a raccoon that's been backed into a corner. But the reaction will always be extreme.* Note a vampire cannot tell a Vampire Hunter like a Hunter can detect a vampire, once the Hunter is approaching with a stake in one hand and a water gun in the other, bearing a silver cross.... 5. Weapon MakingVampire Hunters know how to create vampire killing weapons, and they commonly modify guns, crossbows, make water pistols. A Vampire Hunter will give these weapons to other people in town, hoping they will protect themselves Requirements: IQ:12 ME:14 PE:10 O.C.C. Skills: Radio: Basic Basic Electronics Detect Ambush Detect Concealment Pick Locks Tracking Wilderness Survival Athletics (general) Climbing Prowl Language Lore (Vampires, Demons & Monsters) W.P. Archery and targeting W.P. Automatic Pistol W.P. Special (self designed weapons) Carpentry Hunting Hand to Hand Basic - 639 -

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 5 other skills. Plus two at level three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one at level twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any Domestic: Any Electrical: Any except Robot Electronics Espionage: Any Mechanical: Weapons Engineer only Medical: First Aid or Medical Doctor only Military: None Physical: Any except Body Building or Boxing Hand to Hand (cost ex=2 , mar=3 assassin=4) Pilot: Airplane, Auto, Boat, Horsemanship, Motorcycle and Truck Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any Science: Any Technical: Any W.P.: Any except Heavy Energy Weapons Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: The PC may choose 4 Skills from those available above. Money: 1D4x500 credits. Starting equipment: A vehicle (usually large enough for 1 - 2 people to live in) OR a small home. Numerous guns, crosses, stakes, water pistols, garlic,and 1 techno-wizard made weapon. Xp table: The same as a Cyber Doc.

Vector-Man R.C.C.
This is one of the main populous among the Kajiran Empire is Vector Men. These men are human looking in general, but not totally human. They have great magic potential because of an magic filled world. Their eyes turn different colors when using magic or psionic abilities. When they reach the age of 350 (which is considered adult hood) they go into a cocoon for one week (cocoon is 500 M.D.C.) in which they go through a massive change. They grow wings out of their back, get a long prehensile tale, grow 15 ft and gain massive amounts of P.P.E. and I.S.P.. They become very agile when on all fours after transformation. Most adults turn to intellects or supreme warriors. Child (before 350 years): I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6+2, P.S. 6D6, P.E. 3D6+7, P.P. 5D4, P.B. 3D6, Spd. 4D6 H.P.: 1D4x10 S.D.C. P.E.+1D6x10 Adult (after 350 years): I.Q. 5D6, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 4D6, P.S. 6D6+4, P.E. 3D6, P.P. 5D4+5, P.B. 2D6, H.F. 15, Spd: Running 4D6+1, Flying 1D4x10 M.D.C.: P.E. x 10 + 50 P.P.E.: 2D4x 10 +3D6 per level, when reaching adult hood or level 12 which ever comes first, add previous P.P.E. with 3D6x100 I.S.P.: 5D6+10 for both R.C.C. Skills: Basic and Advanced Math (15%) Languages: 2 of choice (20%) Literacy: 2 of choice (10%) Lore: Demons and Monsters (10%) Basic Electronics (15%) Mechanical Engineering (15%) Weapons Engineer (10%) Intelligence (15%) Concealment (20%) - 640 -

W.P. any 3 Hand to Hand Basic R.C.C. related: Select 2 new skills at levels 2,3,5,8,10,and 12 Communications: any (5%) Domestic: any (5%) Electrical: any (10%) Espionage: any (10%) Mechanical: any (10%) Medical: any (5%) Military: any Physical: any Pilot: any (5%) Rogue: any Science any (5%) Technical (10%) W.P. any Wilderness: none Secondary skills: Character gets 6 skills from any category above without any bonuses. Equipment: Dress clothes and travel clothes, energy rifle and sword, mess kit, four grenades, survival knife, hand communicator, goggles, distancing binoculars Money: 3D6x1000 credits to start with and 4D6x10000 credits in black market items. Cybernetics: Starts with none and usually won't get them unless it means death

Vulcan R.C.C.
By: Tim Santa Cruz ; ;Vulcans are a logical race of humanoids from the planet Vulcan. They believe in logic as the only way to live a complete life. Thus, they have no crime, violence, or other social problems, because those things are, illogical. ; ;Vulcans at one time were an extremely illogical race, given to barbarism, war, and the like, but in order to save their race, they adopted a logical way of life. They have developed FTL spaceships, but their craft are designed mainly for science and exploration, with minimal weapons and shielding. They are the opposite of their cousin race the Romulans who are a warlike and illogical people. The Vulcans want to learn all that they can about the universe, and thus, are very interested in exploring Rifts Earth. (As well as other RPG settings). Alignments: Most Vulcans will be of good alignment due to their logical outlook on life. Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+6, M.E. 4D6+6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 5D6, P.P. 3D6+2, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd. 3D6 Hit Points: P.E. +1D6 per each level. S.D.C.: 30 Natural Armor Rating: None Awe Factor: 7 I.S.P.: M.E. +2D6 plus 1D6 per each level (starting at level one) P.P.E.: 1D6 Natural Abilities: Superior Physical Strength, Vulcan Nerve Pinch (Special, See Below), Resistant to Radiation (1/2 Damage) Combat: 2 Attacks, plus those gained from Hand to Hand Combat and/or Boxing. - 641 -

Bonuses: +1 Save vs. Psionics. +1 Save vs. Poison, +4 Save vs. Horror Factor Psionics: Mind Meld (Special, See Below), Empathy Magic: None Average Life Span: 250 Years Rifts O.C.C.s: Mostly Scholarly, but any O.C.C. may be chosen. The only exception is CS Military, and Borg Skills of Note: Speak Vulcan 98%, Speak English 60%, +5% to all Science Skills Size: 60 + 4D6 inches Weight: 150 to 250 lb. Equipment: Only Equipment that is available to the O.C.C. The Vulcans to not build their own weapons so the only ones available will be the ones purchased or traded for. Vulcan Nerve Pinch (Available only to Vulcans): Vulcans use this to incapacitate a victim. Since the vulcans generally don't believe in violence, this is a suitable alternative for them. The victim will be completely unconscious for 1D6 minutes. There is *no* savings throw. ; ;Range: Touch ; ;Duration: 1D6 Minutes ; ;Damage: None Vulcan Mind Meld (Available only to Vulcans): This power allows the vulcan to experience a telepathic transfer of thoughts with another of any race. This includes all humanoids, aliens intelligences and unintelligent animals. This can be very useful to extract information from an individual. The vulcan can also transfer his thoughts to another person. Once a Vulcan has mind melded with someone, the it can never be taken back. The vulcan will remember all information extracted, and the other person will remember all information received. Telepathic Extraction: The vulcan can use this power to extract any thoughts or emotions from an individual. The savings throw is standard, but the vulcan can raise it by adding 10 I.S.P. per Point. ; ;I.S.P.: 10 ; ;Range: Touch ; ;Duration: Permanent Telepathic Transmission: The vulcan may use this to transfer his own thoughts or emotions to another person. The savings throw is standard. ; ;I.S.P.: 10 ; ;Range: Touch ; ;Duration: Permanent Mind Transfer: If a vulcan determines that he is going to die, he will attempt a transfer of all mental functions to the nearest individual. This is a grueling process that takes it's toll, not only on the vulcan, but also on the recipient, who will automatically lose 1 M.E. point, and 2 P.P.E. points. ; ;I.S.P.: All remaining ISP + the loss of 2 M.E. points ; ;Range: Touch ; ;Duration: Permanent

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-WWampyr: Stoker Vampire RCC/CCE

By: Joshua Brink This is a C.C.E. (Character Class Extension) Split all future experience points with 2/3 going to your O.C.C. and 1/3 to your C.C.E. To advance in a C.C.E. you must acquire 1/2 of the experience points that you needed for that same level in you O.C.C. i.e. if you needed 2200 EXP to become 2nd level in your O.C.C., you need 1100 EXP to become a 2nd level Wampyr. This version of the vampire is taken straight from the pages of Bram Stokers 1897 book Dracula. Alignment: Most are Evil, but there are a handful of Selfish. No good alignments are allowed (A Wampyr of a good alignment would commit suicide to protect others from themselves.) Attributes: These do not change upon becoming a Wampyr, other than physical stats are now considered Supernatural. Add 1D4 to P.S., P.P., P.E. and 1 to M.E. and M.A. for each level as a Wampyr. M.D.C.: None. Character is now a Hit Point Creature. If formerly M.D.C., convert M.D. to H.P. If formerly a S.D.C. creature, add H.P. and S.D.C. This is your new H.P. total. H.P. increases, as would your S/M.D.C. H.F.: None normally, 10 if recognized as a Wampyr. Average life span: Effectively immortal. Can only Die if decapitated and heart is either pierced or burnt. Natural Abilities: Any natural abilities that the character may have had previous to becoming a Wampyr are lost. The Wampyr have the following spell like abilities. As Per Spell: Thunder Clap Befuddle Invisibility: Simple* Shadowmeld Calling (Victims Only) Reduce Self: 6" Metamorphosis: Animal* (Bat, mouse, rat, owl, and wolf only) Wisps of Confusion Metamorphosis: Insect* (Moth only) Summon and Control Canine (Non-domesticated only. Wolf, fox, dingo, ect.) Summon and Control Rodents (Mice, rats, and bats only) Summon fog Metamorphosis: Mist* Summon and Control Rain Summon and Control Storm As Per Psionic: Induce Sleep Empathy Presence Sense (at will) Sixth Sense (constant) Telepathy (at will with victim) Total Recall Empathetic Transmission (at will with victim) Hypnotic Suggestion (at will with victim) As Per Super Ability: (Heros Unlimited) Healing Factor (against mundane weapons)(constant) Night Vision (Constant) Shrink* Control Elemental Force: Air (except Call Lightning) Growth* *Cannot drink in these forms (except bat). Each of these abilities can be used once per day per level (unless otherwise noted). - 643 -

Vulnerabilities and Hindrances: Can be harmed by mundane weapons (takes M.D. as H.P. 1 for 1). Wounds caused by wood or the thorn of a wild rose are unaffected by healing factor (must heal normally and will scar). Wounds caused by sacred items (cross, star of David, or any other Deific symbol or other item that has been blessed by a true priest or God (holding up two sticks in the form of a cross does not work, but shooting a Wampyr with a blessed bullet will)) are unaffected by healing factor and heal at 1/2 of the normal rate. Cannot enter a dwelling without first being invited in (after that they may come and go as they please). Held at bay by sacred symbols and artifacts, garlic, and wild roses. Has no reflection or shadow (can come in handy for prowling, but makes for easy identification). Has no power during the day, except at the stroke of noon (yes, they can move about freely during the day), but all powers, regeneration and supernatural strength is lost (H.P. becomes S.D.C. even if formerly a Mega Damage creature and a normal bullet or laser can kill (still suffers all normal vulnerabilities). Must sleep on consecrated ground (earth that has been blessed for burial (it's blessed in the name of man, not the name of God)). Eyes glow red when reflecting light or when angry. Harry palms. Pointed ears and teeth. Very light sensitive, -3 to s/p/d in bright light (can be countered by sunglasses). All I.S.P. and P.P.E. are lost. Cannot cast spells or use Psionic abilities except for spell and psionic like abilities listed above. Juicers and other augmented characters go through instant detox (see Rifts RPG). All flames and fires within 120' of Wampyr burn dim and blue, including magic fires like fireball spells ect. Cannot voluntarily cross running water except at high or low tide. Skills of Note: As per O.C.C. O.C.C.s: Any, but mage and Psionisists are S.O.L. (see above). R.C.C.s: Any humanoid non-supernatural race can become a Wampyr. The Wampyr's bite: Anyone bitten by a Wampyr (see R.C.C. restrictions), and not sucked dry or killed by a broken neck or by taking twice their S/M.D.C. in fire or acid damage, will, two nights after their death, arise as a Wampyr (unless the Wampyr that bit them is killed first). Anyone bitten by a Wampyr will be sluggish for 1 - 4 days (-4 to s/p/d) and if blood is not transfused or given a chance to replenish itself multiple bites will result in death by blood loss. Wampyr gain one H.P. for each victim sucked dry (must be at least 90% uninjured) If only ingesting the minimum amount of blood for survival the Wampyr will continue to age normally (will not die of old age but may become more feeble). By drinking twice the minimum amount the Wampyr will cease to age. And by drinking 4X the minimum the Wampyr can rejuvenate his/herself up to one year per day. Minimum Blood Intake: Level 1 - 5: 2 pints per day 6 - 10: 1 pint per day 11 - 15: 1 pint per 3 days 16 - 20: 1 pint per week 20 + : 1 pint per 2 weeks Drinking less than minimum will cause the Wampyr to slowly weaken (-10 H.P. and -3 t o s/p/d)for each infusion missed. At 0 H.P. the Wampyr goes into a coma until force fed at least 8 pints of blood. Sleep: Sleep is equivalent to a death trance (see Rifts RPG) and automatically awakens at sunset. A Wampyr must sleep the day following feeding, otherwise thy may stay awake as long as their endurance (P.E.) allows. Note: Wampyr will almost always kill their victims to prevent competition for food and to reduce the risk of a Wampyr presence being noticed. The only exceptions to this are if the Wampyr is creating a companion or if they are stopped from finishing the job.

Weapons Engineer OCC

By: Joshua Brink Attribute Requirements: IQ 10 or higher. A high MA and PP are recommended but not required. OCC Skills Laser (+15%) Optic Systems (+10%) Radio: Basic (+15%) Electronics: Basic (+20%) Electrical engineer: (+15%) Mechanical Engineer: (+15%) Weapons Engineer: (+20%) Demolitions (+15%) Demotions Disposal (+10%) - 644 -

Read Sensory Equipment (+15%) Weapon Systems (+20%) Chemistry (+10%) Chemistry: Analytical (+5%) Mathematics: Basic (+20%) Mathematics: Advanced (+15%) Language: Tecno-can (+20%) Literacy: Native (98%) Literacy: Tecno-can (+20%) Computer Operations (+15%) Computer Programming: (+10%) Carpentry (+10%) Weapon Proficiency: E-Pistol Weapon Proficiency: E-Rifle OCC Related Skills - Six of Choice Communications: any (+10%) Domestic: any (+5%) Electrical: any (+15%) Hand to Hand: Basic only Mechanical: any (+15%) Medical: any Physical: any Pilot: any (+5%) Pilot Related: any Rogue: any (+5%) Science: any (+10%) Technical: any (+15%) Weapon Proficiencies: any Wilderness: any Secondary Skills - Four of choice from the list above (except Physical) with no bonuses. Cybernetics The Weapons Engineer usually starts with 1D4 cybernetic implants to aid in his/her work. I.e. cyber eye for magnification. They may add more as need and money allows. Standard Equipment Any tools and/or electrical components that s/he needs. Two modified energy weapons of choice. Vehicle of choice (Non - Military). Money 2D6x100 Universal Credits 4D4x1000 in store credit 3D6x1000 in tradable goods Psionics 40% chance of minor psionics 3D6 ISP +1D4/level Choose 3 powers from: Mind block Object read Resist Fatigue Sense Magic Speed-Reading Sixth Sense Total Recall Or Telemechanics Only! Special Skills Improve weapon efficiency, damage and range by 10 - 100% (1D10x10) Invent new weapons Create explosives

Weapon Mage OCC

By: Galahad

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The origination of the Weapon Mages is a mystery. It is said that these champions came from a planet or dimension torn by war and evil. In an attempt to vanquish these evils in other places, many mages turned to more combat orientation and the study of enchanting objects. These masters in turn taught others, who taught others until the origin was lost. Only a few still possess the true power of the Weapon Mages.

Weapon Mage OCC

Attribute Requirements: PP and PE of 12 or higher Racial Requirements: must be able to use magic and magic items PPE is 2D4x10+PE+2D4 per level Bonuses: +1 attack per melee, +1 strike and parry with their own magic weapon Skills: Literacy: One of Choice (+10%) Language: Two of Choice (+10%) Magic Lore (+15%) Demon Lore (+5%) Land Navigation (+10%) Horsemanship (+15%) Wilderness Survival (+10%) WP's: 3 ancient and one modern of choice Acrobatics HTH: Martial Arts Select 6 other skills (use same restrictions as Cyber Knight) Select 6 secondary skills Special skills: Blacksmithing: the skill to create beautiful weapons from scratch. This can be used to make both ordinary weapons and weapons to be enchanted. This skill also includes woodworking. 25 + 5% per level Read, write and recognize runes: the ability to distinguish between true and false runes as well as read and write them correctly. 30% + 5% per level At level 15, a master Weapon Mage will seek out the character and teach him the lost art of creating magic weapons. This spell of legend is quite powerful and is only given to a mage once he or she reaches that peak in their ability. Forge Magic Weapon Spell of Legend Total time: 2 hours Total PPE: 300 + that of the spells being induced The Forging process is basically the same, but with some magical additions. The forging must take place on a ley line and the flame must be created magically. At special points in the ritual, fuel flame is used to increase the temperature of the flame and massive amounts of PPE are pumped into the weapon. After the weapon is forged, any spell can be put into that weapon, provided the forger knows it. Up to six spells may be put on any one weapon. The most common are spells such as call lightning, fire bolt, Armor of Ithan, and Superhuman Strength. All spells may be used as many as once per melee. If a spell is added more than once, it may be used as many times a melee as it has been added. Through this process, the weapon is made indestructible and its wielder always has +1 strike and parry while using it. Magic abilities: 1 spell per level less than or equal to the level of the spell caster Sword of Power A solid silver, indestructable broadsword covered in Runes. Length: 3 ft. Weight: 20 lbs Damage: 6D6+6 (this is the original damage... it went up later) Properties: *Paralysis Lesser, affected those with flesh exposed, save as usual *Invulnerability, same as spell *fireball: 5D6+6 *Fly as the Eagle, 50 MPH *Magic Forcefield, 100 MDC --------Gauntlet of Strength A guantlet with two blades made of silver. Indestructable. Damage: 3D6 Properties: *Fear: basically the spell, gives wearer HF of 16 *Armor of Ithan: 50 MDC - 646 -

*Superhuman Strength *Superhuman Speed Use Cyber Knight Experience Table

Wandering Laborer OCC v0.01

By: FlashFire -----------------------------------------------------------------------WANDERING LABORER OCC (Scholar/Adventurer) based on Rifts Vagabond OCC -----------------------------------------------------------------------"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those that wander are lost." The Wandering Laborer is just that, a wandering laborer. These characters are people who's lives, for some reason, forbid them from staying in one place for too long, similar to the Vagabond. Unlike those characters, the Laborer is not interested in roaming the world or going on adventures in search of lost gold. They are interested in staying alive. All they want is to make enough money to build their own little place somewhere where they can stay away from all the death and destruction taking place across most of the world. Life has dealt them a crummy hand, though. They haven't yet been able to get enough money together to build their little place in the sky. Not only that, but every town they go to seems to find some reason to distrust them. Violence and "adventure" seems to find these people wherever they go. No place will take them in because of the fact that they are wanderers, and therefore untrustworthy, and their history of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Usually skilled in construction, carpentry, and farm work, Laborers are tough as nails though not combat-orientated. They've spent most of their lives moving from place to place, working long hours at thankless jobs. They have little in the way of money or possessions, but they still have the hope of a better life. ATTRIBUTE REQUIREMENTS: None ATTRIBUTE BONUSES: +1D4 to PE and PS OCC SKILLS: Speak Native Language at 98% Cook (+10%) Basic Mechanics (+5%) General Repair/Maintenance (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+5%) First Aid (+10%) Pilot: Automobile, Truck, Hovercraft, or Horsemanship: Standard (+10%) Choose Two: (+15%) Boat Building Carpentry Skin and Prepare Animal Hides Farming (NEW) Automotive Mechanics Basic Electronics HTH combat can be selected as an OCC Related or Secondary skill. Basic counts as one skill and Martial Arts as three. Expert, Assassin and Commando are not available. OCC RELATED SKILLS: Select eight other skills. One must be from Wilderness and one from Physical. Choose two more skills at levels two, five, eight, eleven, and fourteen. Communications: Radio: Basic only (+5%) Cowboy: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any (+10%) Electrical: Computer Repair and Robot Electronics only Espionage: Tracking only Mechanical: Locksmith, Automotive (+10%), Aircraft, and Robot Mechanics only Medical: Hollistic Medicine only Military: None Physical: Any, except Acrobatics and Wrestling (+10% where applicable) Pilot: Any, except Tanks/APCs, Jets, and Robot/PA Combat (+5%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any - 647 -

Science: Math: Basic only (+10%) Technical: Any W.P.: Any, except Heavy and Heavy Energy Weapons Wilderness: Any (+10%) SECONDARY SKILLS: Select five from the previous list. No bonuses STANDARD EQUIPMENT: Starts with two sets of work/travelling clothes, a cape/cloak or coat/jacket, two pairs of leather work gloves, a handkerchef, and a wide-brimmed hat.Other equipment will include an gas mask and air filter, tinted goggles or sunglasses, hatchet, survival knife, 6 wooden stakes plus mallet, 100' of nylon cord or rope, flashlight, tent, sleeping bag and pillow, knapsack, backpack, 1D4 sacks, utility belt, canteen, emergency food rations (two weeks worth), Geiger Counter, RMK Medical kit, and a few personal items that mean a great deal to the character (specify what they are and how the character came by them) Vehicle will be an old junker car or hovercraft, probably salvaged and maintained by the character. Has a 70% chance of owning a patched Huntsman/Bushman body armor. Weapons include an SDC hunting rifle and an energy sidearm, one box of bullets for the rifle, and 1D4 E-clips for the sidearm. MONEY: Starts with 1D4x100 in credits, and a Black Market item worth 1D6x100 credits. CYBERNETICS: Starts with none, but the character works an accident- prone trade. Will probably end up getting cybernetics for medical reasons. EXPERIENCE TABLE: Use Vagabond XP Table

Wandering Tribe OCC - RIFTS Australia

By: Chiang-Ku Wandering Tribe OCC Attribute requirements - none Alignment - good or selfish only Restricted to Aboriginal RCC Only OCC Skills First Aid (+10) Languages & literacy - Dragonese-elf, regional dialect, both at 98% Languages - Speaks 3 other languages of choice (+10) Basic math (+10) Lore: Demons & Monsters (+20) Lore: Faerie (+5) Land Navigation (+20) Wilderness Survival (+25) Swimming (+5) WP: Blunt WP: Archery & Targeting WP: Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Basic (May be changed to Expert at a cost of 1 'other' skill) OCC Related Skills - 10 total. Plus 2 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 - all new skills start at level 1 proficiency Communications: Radio: Basic and Radio: Scrambler only (+5) Domestic: Any (+20) Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Any (except Forgery & Sniper) (+10) Mechanical: any (except Robot mechanics) Medical: Any (except criminal and cybernetics) Military: any Physical: any Pilot: any (except Robot & robot combat) (+10) Pilot related: any Rogue: any (+5) Science: any Technical: any (+10) Weapon Proficiencies: Any Wilderness: Any (+15) Secondary: Any five skills from the above list, but do not receive the bonus in parenthesis. - 648 -

Standard Equipment: Energy Rifle and weapons related to WP, survival kit, MDC body armour. Magic Tattoos: Marks of Heritage plus two others Money: 2d6 x 100 in gems. Cybernetics: none

The Wanna-Be
By: mickstar Well now hopefully this has never been done before. Also hopefully I included everything that is needed. If not forgiveness is requested. Wanna-be's are not a true stand alone OCC they are kind of like the punk kid who saw too many Kung-Fu movies and believes that since they believe they are Shoa-Lin <sp> they actually are. BTW since this is my first attempt at an OCC it is a V0.01 and as such may be in need of several modifications.

The Wanna-Be
"The young child had been following Lord Coake and his fellow Defilers for several weeks. Certainly he was handy with a pistol, but he lacked the raw talent to make it as a Cyber-Knight. Even though he had told the men to leave the child alone they persisted in teasing him (although in a way that the child did not seem to notice). Lord Coake took a deep breath and called out to the boy, "Boy stop lagging behind. If you insist on following us from town to town at least stay close enough so that we may protect you.". "There be no need my lord I will guard the rear from the foul fiends we seek to purge from the land. You may not see it yet but at heart I am a fellow Knight.", the small boy chimed. The sigh that escaped Lord Coake's lips was as much from his tiring of this child's pestering as from his dedication.... Everyone has had some experience with a wanna-be. Wether it be a kid always wanting to be "in" with the crowd or your little brother who wants to game. Well since you all should have some idea of what this character is like here are the rules and such. But first a few things. Here are some examples of how a Wanna-Be should be equipped as depending on the different OCC that is being adored/admired/mimicked. A G.B Wana-Be: Has set of light MDC Power Armor. Taught Pilot Robot Basic somwhere. I suggest the terrain hopper or something like it. No more than 120 MDC main body A Borg Wanna-Be: Two limbs replaced with Bionics. Maybe a weapon somewhere. Possible future recruit for full-conversion. But not yet old enough. A Mage Wanna-Be: One-Four spells. All first level. Possibly has a book to teach them higher level spells but unable to understand it so far. Psychic Wanna-Be: Has the powers just not at full strentgh. Level of X.P. won't change that only time. Juicer Wanna-Be: This one is the exception to the rule. PC has a harness nd posibly even the armor. Only problem no drugs. Player should role-play to the max the childs desire to get the drugs and no amount of convincing should make the kid change his mind. After all as a teenager we plan on living forever. Also Character has the laser rifle. Barely any idea how to use it but at least he has it. etc... you get the idea. The Wanna-Be Attribute requirements: None, but cannot meet the attribute(s) needed for t he OCC; If the OCC has more than one attribute requirement then character may meet or even exceed some of them as long as the fall short of the last one. However either a High ME to put up with the constant teasing they should receive or a *very* low IQ to not realize it. SDC Bonus: 1/2 that of the "real" OCC. With the exception of Juicer. Charecter gets the ability to go past pain and can surivive to -3 H.P. Unfortunately without a Docotrs care at this point the PC shall curl up and die after three mellees. If doctor is present must save vs. Coma twice but PC has the bonus of +10% if conscience and +15 if idol is present and tells him he'll make it (after all these guys (the Idols)seem like a god to the Wanna-Be's). O.C.C skills: Okay not too tricky here. OCC gets the skills that the "real" OCC would get, minus the ones requiring formal education. For a GB pilot Character would not get the Robot Combat Elite but may have Basic taught to him by relative who gave him a Vehicle or more likely a weak PA. **NOTE**: H-2-H can ONLY be Basic. No chance of expert or M-A!!! OCC related Skills: Choose from those listed for City Rat if from the City, or from Headhunter with the exception of no Energy Heavy. Use some common sense here Characters should be no older than 15 and as such will not have all skills available. Secondary skills: - 649 -

Choose from those available for Vagabond. Standard Equipment: The clothes on back, and one extra set if on the move. Near home town has up to twelve sets at home. Some type of cap, a jacket or coat (for some reason trench coats are popular with this OCC something about looking cool), 1D4 SDC knife, a SDC or very low MDC gun and one extra clip, flashlight (batteries maybe dead first time needed), back pack (and I mean a school type back pack), sleeping bag, toothbrush, three sets clean underwear, one set marbles/jacks/cards, locally made ID card if applicable, couple bandages (maybe sterile or not), bottle of aspirin, soap, bag of candy (5% chance of bubble gum otherwise some form of hard candy), 55% chance of hand-me-down vehicle. Money: 3D6*10 in credit, and up to 1D4*1000 in Black Market items Cybernetics: None, unless a full conversion borg Wanna-Be is chosen. If so then at least one pair of limbs should have been replaced. And up to 5 implants as GM allows. Bionic armor may be made available having been modified to be work with a fleshy (but at the cost of losing 20-60% of MDC). Uses the Wilderness Scout X.P table. Not too hard to advance. But then again where they gonna go. It will take time and formal education for them to ever stop being a Wanna-Be.

Warloch (Oath-Breaker) P.C.C.

By: Necromancer Bob -------------------------------------------------------

Warloch P.C.C. (aka the Oath-Breaker)

-----------------------------------------------------Author's Note: This all began with the "True" Bard P.C.C., an adaptation of a bard class I created for a series of fantasy stories I wrote, set around the fallen country of Starhaven. The next part of the bardic lore came from the Black Horse Society, a group of mystics who channeled their spells through music and art. Between these two, I got to thinking about bards and druids and that kind of stuff, and before I knew it, ideas were floating around for a couple more bardic P.C.C.s, along with more of the history of the secret society of bards, etc. The Winds of Change The life of any bard revolves around the Winds of Change. Ancient bardic lore has it that the Winds were set into motion by the World-Singer, Dagda the Swift Sure Hand, at the creation of the world. These psychic "winds" encircle the world with the ley lines, gathering impulses from the world's minds via the Dreamstream and their waking hours, shaping and twisting the worlds awen, its spirit or soul. In the Winds of Change, the world's history can be read as a book, with the names of the fallen recorded there. Also, in the Winds of Change the future is written, although, like the mystic energies of the earth, a living thing, always fluid and changing. Only the bards can "see" the Winds; only they can "smell" the changes brewing therein. And only the bards can read the long memories of the Winds, delve into the Earth's youth. The Winds of Change have been equated by parapsychologists and other researchers with ley lines. But the Winds are more than that, for the bards can see the Winds flowing even where mystic forces are at their smallest. The magic energy of the lines of power only serves to enhance and clarify the bards' visions and impressions; the lines are not the focus of them. Warloch P.C.C. "For centuries, we have been called the Oath-Breakers, the Shamed Ones. Our brothers have made us outcasts even among those few who would seek the truth. Why? Because we are the few who see in the discord of the Winds a pattern, a fate for our kind that the others are too fearful to accept. The Black Horse? They are close to learning it, but they are arrogant, insufferable little snots. They require more discipline.Perhaps with our guidance..." -Sean Broman, one of the Oath-Breakers I have told you of the bards, my kind, the soul that guides the world. But there remain others to be spoken of. In the days of old, when mankind's civilization was young and times were dark, Dagda came down from above. Times were dark because man's heart was dim and faltering, and we were but savages lurking in the wilderness, because we could not call upon the Dreaming to guide us. In the land that would become known as Avalon, Dagda called those few dreamers of a new day to him. The Swift Sure Hand marked us, called us "bards" and "druids". We were to serve as the emmisaries between the Dreaming and man. There were the artists of the Black Horse, gifted to call upon the dreams in their arts and music, to enlighten and inspire men. The druids, the mystics of nature, were given their power, to worship and heal. The astromancers cast their bones, read the future, and foretold great events. And we, the bards, were given the powers to teach and to remember, to tell the tales of fallen heroes. But much time has passed since our charge was given us. Bards have died and new bards have been born, the awen passed on to each new generation. And among us, there is a new corruption. Not just the waning of the Winds, but also a corruption from within. Bards have heard their charge, to protect, to warn, and to remember. Some, now, have taken it to be that they are to lead man, to affect the fates and bend it to their will. They are the Oath-Breakers, the Warlochs. The warlochs are the newest of the bards, only appearing in the early 20th century. They have one thing in common: that they have been trained as bards and choose to manipulate reality. Most believe themselves to have at - 650 -

least the potential to be great leaders of men, and seek their own gain. They believe that our fates are not pre-ordained, but can be altered. To them, mankind has no limits to their development. Unfortunately, this philosophy is seductive to many people who are greedy or power-hungry. Thus, in turn, most of the Oath-Breakers are selfish power players, behind the scenes, using their abilities to alter men's perceptions and manipulate them. Their abilities made them the only bards that have ever been economically prosperous, with many being leaders in business and in the stock market. Some also became prominent sponsors of the Seekers. With the coming of Dark Day, the power base the warlochs had built up over the years was shattered. The Ba'al takeover nearly wiped these social predators out; the few Oath-Breakers that survived have, like their brethren, become recluses and wanderers. Only a few have joined in the secret war against the Nightlords, most of these with their progeny in the Seekers. Alignments: Any, but usually (90%) selfish. Evil Warlochs will usually be aberrant, still retaining at least a little bit of their bardic training and heritage. Most warlochs are manipulative and ruthless, but not necessarily evil. Attribute Requirements: A bard of any kind is born, not made, so there are no attribute requirements. However, most warlochs have an I.Q., and M.A. of 10 or higher, and an M.E. of 13 or higher. P.C.C. Powers/Abilities: 1. Sense Winds of Change: Like the "true" bard, the warloch has the innate ability to sense changes brewing in the world. This is similar to the psionic power of clarvoyance, but deals more with impressions and feelings than real images. To do this, the character must be alone, and in a quiet place, and meditate for a few (1D4) hours. Being closer to the natural earth, such as on a high mountaintop, or in a place heavy with mystic energy, increases the link between the corrupted bard and the Winds, making it easier to gather impressions from the winds, even inducing visions. Being in places of foul spirits, such as the Nightlands or an astral domain controlled by an evil being, makes it more difficult to contact the spirit winds. Using this ability costs no I.S.P. or P.P.E.. Due to the willful nature of the Oath-Breakers, their ability to listen to the Winds is somewhat more limited than that of other bards. This is because of the orientation of the warlochs towards manipulating their own fates and those of others, rather than predicting and riding with the flow of change like the other bards. The base chance of successfully gaining insight from the Winds of Change is only 10% +4% per level of success, but can be changed by the following (all are cumulative): The bard is on a mountaintop/hilltop, where he can look over the land, etc: +20% Character is on a ley line: +10% Character is at/near a ley line nexus: +10% Character is in the Dreamstream or in the Inner Plane (of the Astral Plane): +15% Character is away from nature/in a city: no bonus/penalty Character is in the Nightlands or the astral/dream domain of an evil person/being: -20% Character is in the Void: -25% 2. Manipulate Random Events: These corrupted bards have developed the unique psionic ability to control random events. This is a fairly difficult abilty to use, and its effects are usually minor. Things like dice rolls, card shuffling, etc. fall into a pattern that the warloch wants them to (if the ability works, that is) The warloch must concentrate (counts as 1 melee action/attack, as usual) and expend 5 I.S.P. (or higher for bigger things- GM's discretion), while thinking of the desired effects. The object being effected must save vs. psionic attack or be bent to the Oath-Breaker's will. Ex.: Bob the Warloch is playing cards with Gargoyle. It's Gargoyle's turn to shuffle the cards, and Bob wants to get some good cards this time, so he concentrates (while Gargoyle is shuffling) and spends 5 I.S.P. The deck of cards gets to save and fails. Bob ends up getting a full house, and wins the hand. For bigger random events (like some stroke of luck saving the warloch's ass), the object or person being affected will have anywhere from a +1 to a +6 to save vs. this ability and will at least triple the I.S.P. cost. Living beings (people) automatically have a +3 to save vs. this ability. Note that the effects of this ability are always minor, with nothing big. 3. Shift Winds of Change: The warloch has developed the ability to actually shift and warp the Winds of Change. This power can be used to make it easier or harder for other bards to pick up impressions from the Winds, with either a +10% bonus or a -10% penalty. To use this power, the bard must meditate and make sweeping motions with his arms, as if to tangle the Winds. The range of the effect is 1 mile, duration: 10 minutes +5 minutes per level of experience. I.S.P. Cost: 20 If using Mystic China and the concept of Chi, the warloch can also perform the psionic equivalent of the Draw Alternate Line of Natural Chi geomantic spell, at a cost of 15 I.S.P.. 4. Mind Trip: Same as the Mind Bleeder psionic power (see Rifts: Africa or Psyscape). 5. Sense & Read Ley Lines: Fundamentally the same as the ley line walker ability. 6. Dream Travel: Like the "true" bards, the Oath-Breakers have the ability to explore and enter the world's subconscious via the Dreamstream. This ability was intended to be used in the bard's role as explorers of the human mind and spirit potential, but now the warlochs use this powerful ability to influence men's dreams. Same as the Dreamdance: Major ability (see Between the Shadows), with the usual I.S.P. cost. 6. Other Psionics: The bard also starts with the psionic powers of empathy, mind block, bio-regenerate self, presence sense, and two other sensitive, physical, or mind bleeder abilities. I.S.P. is M.E. attribute +5D6. Gains 2D6 I.S.P. per level of experience. The warloch saves as a major psionic (12 or higher). The warloch also gains one new sensitive or physical power every three levels of experience (ie, levels 3, 6, 9, etc...). - 651 -

P.C.C. Skills: The character was probably trained as another kind of bard to begin with. Choose the P.C.C. skills of either the "True" Bard or the Astromancer P.C.C., but add the following: Gambling +10% Gambling: Dirty Tricks (+10%) Two other rogue skills of choice at +5% to reflect the Oath-Breaker's choice of path. P.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8 other skills with the following limitations and bonuses: Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic/Cultural: Any (+10%) Electrical: Any (+5%) Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Any Medical: Criminal Science & Forensics, Paramedic, or First Aid only Military: None Physical: Any Pilot: Civilian vehicles only (+10%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any (+10%) Science: Any (+10%) Technical: Any (+10%) W.P.: Civilian weapons only Wilderness: Any (+10%) Secondary Skills: Select 6 secondary skills from the above list. Equipment: Usual stuff; the character might own, work for, or have access to an occult bookstore or similar establishment, allowing him to borrow research materials (or buy them cheaply). In addition, the character starts with an apartment or house, a personal computer (laptop or at home), a car that's 1D6 years old, etc. The warlochs have few compunctions about using technology, seeing it as another tool to use. The only exceptions are technology that alters the body, such as cyberware and Juicer augumentation (interferes with their link to the Winds). Money: 1D6*1000 dollars/credits in cash (savings) and 5D6*1000 in possessions. Experience Table: same as the Sorcerer (see Nightbane RPG, p.233).

Watcher OCC
By: Tiny, Dwarven Knight ******************************************************* "I am a Watcher. Part of a secret society of men and women who observe and record, but never interfere. We know the truth sbout Immortals. In the end, there can be only one." -Joe As long as there are Immortals, there will be mortals that discover their existance. Those that do must either keep the knowledge a secret or be killed. If word were to get out that Immortal men and women walked the Earth, they would be hunted like animals, especially within the CS. And since the only way to find an Immortal is to "kill" them, there would be mass carnage not unlike the ancient Salem Witch Trials, but on a much larger scale. Most of those that find out about Immortals are contacted shortly thereafter by The Watchers and are given the opportunity to join. Note: that this is not like the opportunity to get on a mafia boss's good side, but an actual opportunity. Because of this, Watchers can be a multitude of occupations and cover identities; the stats listed here are only for those that discover the Immortals at an early age and spend their time training under a Watcher. Other popular OCCs for Watchers are Headhunters, Rogue Scholars, Knights, Cyber-Knights, Lawmen, Cosmo-Knights (oh, sorry; how did that get in there?), Wilderness Scouts, and, well, anything else. Some Watchers are psionics or mages, but this is a very small percentage. Also note that not all Immortals know about the Watchers. In some cases, this is for their protection; quite a few evil Immortals would not look kindly on all of their actions being recorded. Alignment: Due to the dedication of Watchers, only those that are honorable enough to keep the job ever sign on. Attribute Requirements: IQ: 10, ME: 12, PE: 10 Bonuses: +1 to Initiative, +3 to Save v. Horror Factor. PPE: Standard. - 652 -

Magic: None Psionics: Standard. OCC Skills: Cryptography (+10%) Radio: Basic (+25%) Radio: Scramblers (+10%) Surveillance Systems (+15%) One other Communication Skill (two if Nightbane, HU, or N&SS): (+15%) Intellegince (+5%) Tracking (+10%) Prowl (+20%) Pilot: Two of choice (+10%) Computer Operation (+15%) Lore: Immortal (See Note) Photography (+10%) Writing (+10%) Hand to Hand: Basic (Expert for one, Martial Arts for two) OCC Related Skills: Choose seven other skills at level one. Choose one additional skill each new level. Communications: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any (+5%) Electrical: Basic and Computer Repair only Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Basic only Medical: First Aid or paramedic only Military: None Physical: Any Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any Science: Any Technical: Any Weapons Proficiencies: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: Choose two secondary skills at Levels 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, and 15. Equipment: Starts with a portable CD recoder/player, vid disc recorder/player, laptop computer, language translator, notebook, blank paper, many pencils and markers, a half-dozen pens, binoculars with multi-optic readout, set of travelling clothes, dress clothes, black clothes for covert observing, back pack, utility belt, carrying case for reports, hand-held long-range radio. All electronic equipment can be linked to the computer for information storage and transfer. Weapons: Starts with one E-weapon of choice and two e-clips, and one mega-damage bladed weapon (just in case those evil Immortals ever spot them...) Vehicles: Any vehicle which will help the character observe his assigned Immortal. Experience Table: Use the Rogue Scholar table.

Water Dragon (or Shui Long )

By: Jeremy David Balsley Alignment: Any Attributes: (See Serpent of the Wind for data) IQ: 2D6+10 ME: 2D6+10 MA: 2D6+10 PS: 2D6+18 PP: 2D6+10 PE: 3D6+10 PB: 5D6 Spd: 1D6*10+10 PPE: 2D4*100 CHI: 2 * PE + 100 MDC: 1D4*1000 MHP: 2PE + 2D6/Level Horror Factor: 12 Natural Abilities: 1. Expel Cloud of Pearly Chi Range: 200' Area Duration: 1Min / Level Effect Victims in cloud must save vs. 16 (PE bonuses are valid, or be knocked out for 3D6 rounds. )

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-orThe Dragon can condence the Cloud to allow him to apply 40 MDC per melee round to a stationary object in the cloud. 2. Spit Dragon Pearl Range: 50' spit, or as per PS thrown. Damage: 1D6 MDC per Chi point spent 2D6 Chi per Chi point spent (when _first_ spit) Bonuses: +8 when spit. As thrown object when thrown. 3. Change to pure positive Chi. The character discorperates into pure positive Chi. He can fly as per the Fox Spirit at incredible speeds (at about 500 MPH) He becomes invulnerable to physical attacks, but he still is hurt by Magic and Psychic Effects, as well as by Chi. His strongest weakness in Chi form is negitive Chi. He will be Chi-attacked by the negitive chi as per the chi combat section in Ninja's and Superspies. 4. Sense Flow of Chi. She can sense the flow of Chi in an area, and determine whether those she looks at are charged with positive or negitive chi. Effectively, the dragon is constantly using the ability of Chi Awareness on everything within 100' of her. 5. Sense Magic As per the spell, but with a range of 200' 6. All Sensing Leyline powers as per a Line Walker. 7. Metamorphosis: 5 Hrs/Level Damage: As per Supernatural PS and Combat technique. Combat: Select Gui Long Kung Fu (Dragon Spirit), plus one additional CHINESE style from Ninjas and Superspies or Mystic China. Bonuses: +3 Save versus Magic, +1 APM, and +3 save versus Psyonics, in addition to Attribute and Hand to Hand bonuses. Magic: All Spells Levels 1 through 11 from Mystic China (INCLUDES Geomantic and Living Chi spells), plus roll or select one of the below. 01-30 All Chi Magic from Levels 1 to 15 31-50 Select Three Mudras from each of the Mudra Classes. 51-70 All Western Spells up to Level 2+1D4 71-90 A Level D4+2 Shifter 91-00 A Level D4+1 Warlock Psionics: Due to this Dragon's link to Chi, the Dragon has no natural Psionics. He saves at a base of 14. Chi: Select 2 powers from Positive or Positive/Negitive Chi Mastery Skills. These are in addition to any extras the Dragon may have aquired from a Martial Art. Skills: Language: Chinese (Max), Literacy: Chinese (Level 4: Classical)(Max), Basic and Advanced Math (Max), Lore: Demons and Monsters (Max), Lore: Faeries (90%), Language/Literacy: Dragonese (+20), Language/Literacy: Select Two Others (+10%), in addition to theskills provided by her martial arts. She is effectively a Dedicated Martial Artist when it comes to skills)

Water Master O.C.C.

By: Jeffrey Sass Although Kedrians do not have any magic arts per se, there are a few rare true masters of the psionic arts, like mind melters (a possibility on Kedral.) However, since Kedral is 90% water, a Burster seems like a pretty ridiculous class for a Kedrian. Thus, the Water Master. Water Masters are hydrokinetic specialists, supreme manipulators of liquid. Note: This OCC is also available to any other race that can be psychic, and the modifications for such a character are noted. Powers: Sense water: range 4 mi. ISP cost: 0. automatic ability. The Water Master can sense any water exposed to open air within range. They can also detect and identify water elementals. Sense Chemical Impurities: range 3 ft. - 654 -

ISP cost: 0. automatic ability, but must concentrate for 15 seconds (1 melee) to use it. The psychic can sense if the water is pure or drinkable (70% + 5% per lvl) and can also sense the general nature of the pollutant (50% + 5% per lvl). e.g., chemical/drug or poison/toxin. Water Empathy: Can detect, as per Rifts empathy, any surface emotion of a sentient creature touching water that the Water Master is also touching. Example, a Water Master standing in a puddle can sense that his foe, also touching the same puddle, is afraid and unsure, possibly ready to flee... (Note, the water must be touching the skin, etc. of both the Water Master and the person being scanned.) range 100ft + 10ft per lvl. ISP cost: 0, but the Water Master must concentrate for 1 melee (15 seconds) for the power to work. Boil water: 1 gallon per lvl can be affected. Takes 1 minute per gallon to bring to a boil. range 40ft + 4ft per lvl. ISP cost: 3. Freeze water: 1 gallon per lvl can be affected. Takes 1 minute per gallon to freeze completely. A thin layer of water freezes in on melee round (1/8 of a inch thick or less.) range 40ft + 4ft per lvl. ISP cost: 3. Water spout: can hurl 4 gallons per lvl of liquid (at least 75% water) at a time. See Rifts hydrokinesis for a full description of this power, but note the changes in range, etc. range 60ft + 20ft per lvl. Bonus to strike: +3. ISP cost: 5. This power can also be used to create a wall of water around the psychic or another opponent, etc. The wall causes all attacks fired through the wall to be -2 to strike, and all damage is halved. The size of the wall is 8ft tall (max) and it has a radius of 2ft + 1ft per lvl of experience. duration: 1 minute per lvl. Lastly, the water spout power can be used to create an actual spout of water, but only if the psychic creates it over or in a larger body of water. This geyser/spout is 4ft per lvl of the psychic high. It can carry 100 lb per every 5 ISP spent. duration: 1 minute per lvl. Object read water: This unique power can be used as per the Rifts object read power with the additional ability to glean an area history or area scan. Example, the psychic can scan an area of ocean to search for predatory fish, or the same psychic could touch a puddle of water and get a mental image of who last stepped in it. Use the same rolls as for normal object reads, dependent upon what data the player wants. range touch. ISP cost: 6. Other psychic powers: (Choose 5 from the following list) resist thirst bioregeneration telekinesis mind block death trance resist fatigue empathy resist hunger summon inner strength impervious to cold impervious to fire ALSO, at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 choose an addition psionic power from the following list, or the previous list. increased healing alter aura ectoplasm see aura see the invisible detect psionics Attribute Requirements: IQ 10+. A high ME is also suggested. O.C.C. Skills: speak two other languages: 40% pilot boat: +10% pilot any other: +5% land navigation: +10% HTH Basic Basic can't be upgraded if you're going to play a Kedrian, there just aren't any other fighting styles on the planet. For a Rifts Water Master, its 1 other skill for expert and 2 for Martial arts of Assassin. - 655 -

O.C.C. related skills: Select 6 other skills. Communication: any. Domestic: any (+5%) Electrical: basic or electrical engineer (costs 2 skills). Espionage: Any except for sniper and intelligence. Mechanical: any but robot. all cost 2 skills. Medical: first aid, paramedic (costs 2 skills) or holistic medicine (also costs 2 skills). Military: none. Physical: any except boxing. Pilot: any but hovercraft, robots related (that includes powered armor) and jet pack. Rogue: any (+10%) Science: any (from the regular Rifts list) Technical: any but the lore skills. WP: any but the modern energy weapons. Secondary Skills: select 4 more with no bonuses. Also, at levels 3, 7, 9 and 12, select one other skill. Note: This list is for a Kedrian Water Master. Modify it as your GM sees fit for a normal Rifts Water Master. Equipment: several sets of clothes, back pack, canteen, sun glasses or goggles, food rations, personal items. Weapons: a knife and easily bought and easily concealed gun or other such concealable weapon. (A Rifts Water Master would also have a light suit of MDC armor.) Money: 2D6 x 10 Kedrian dollars (for Kedrian Water Masters) OR 4D6 x 100 universal credits 4D4 x 1000 credits in black market items. Notes: A Water Master is a wild, rough and tumble sort who loves a good adventure. They are generally part of the outcast crowds on Kedral, if they are Kedrian. Water Masters tend to be cocky and self assured, like a Mind Melter, but they are not fools, and know well the extent and limitations of their powers.

Wemic R.C.C.
By: Stephen Dragoo

Wemic RCC
Redclaw looked at Dewpaw with new reverence after her creation of the doorway. Not only was she the tribe's shaman and the prime advisor to the chief, she had a head for opportunity as well. In her turn, she deeply loved and admired her mate, not just because he was the war leader but also out of a genuine affection; that was rare in an arranged mating. "This doorway," began Dewpaw in her address to the tribe, "is the key to our tribe's prosperity. I and my honor guard have been through, and we have found it to be a beautiful and bountiful land, a land filled with prey galore and open spaces as we are used to. The skies are blue, and the fields are green, and the animals' blood is red as any we have here." She paused. "Listen well, my kinsmen, my sisters, my friends. This land is bountiful, but it is not tame. There are many races, beings without number, that inhabit this world. Some we have spoken to -- they are as diverse in attitude as they are in appearance. Some are good and honorable, some are cruel and evil. Some are strong and some are weak. Never before had I imagined such a thing possible; even now the magnitude of it stuns me." There were quiet murmurs throughout the tribal enclave. If the wise one was amazed, what chance did the rest of them have in this strange, new world? "Quiet!" commanded Dewpaw. Her voice was commanding and forceful but contained no malice, only tenderness and caring for her people. She crackled her vertebrae in the silence and sheathed and unsheathed her talons in a nervous gesture completely unbecoming of a shaman. "While odd and new to us, I believe that this world will be good to us -- better than this one has become at any rate." Her voice nearly broke, and she could see her people's eyes filled with tears. Even the faerie folk affiliated with the tribe could not remain unmoved by this heartfelt outpouring.

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"I could order you through, blissfully ignorant of the dangers involved; my mate could maneuver you into the doorway by appealing to your honor; your chieftain could simply say 'Go,' and you would. You are an honorable, true people. However, this decision is far too great for any one member of the tribe, or even we three, your appointed leaders. Therefor, we have decided to let you decide whether you will go or stay. While splitting the tribe is dangerous at this point in time, it is far more dangerous to explore a new home with bad blood amongst us. "Here are your options: "First, stay here and face the metal invaders, the murderers of our fae kin; fight the last good fight, and die with honor. While we can injure them, we cannot beat them; you have all seen that firsthand. With the death of the entire Flame Talon tribe in under a sun's passage, I think it self-evident that we cannot win. We also cannot turn over our little cousins, for then we would be without honor, and not deserving of life. "Second, we run. While dishonorable in the strictest sense, I do not feel that the gods would be angry for turning away from a vastly superior force. Surely, we could travel far enough and fast enough to find a secluded homeland, someplace where our children may live without fear and our cousins in their usual manner -- happily and carefree. "Finally, we can go through the doorway our combined force of spirit has summoned. If it were possible, I would suggest a delay in this decision; it is not one to be made lightly. However, despite my personal feelings, we cannot delay, we cannot dawdle, we cannot laze about as though it were a summer highsun. The doorway will last for but the span of one width of the moon in its passage across the sky. We have neither the time nor the strength to summon another one. "Now is the time for decision. Now is the time for action. "All those at the age of decision may vote; additionally, though it is awkward, our faerie brethren may also have a say in this matter -it is their fate we decide here too. The choice is simple: stay or go. Those who stay may choose their own path after we depart. Raise your voices so that the gods of earth and sky may hear your decision. "All for staying here, declare!" The cavern, lit only by fennel torches and the glow of the rift, was utterly silent, not even broken by the cooing or crying of cubs. It seemed to Dewpaw that the gathered assemblage was even holding their breath as a whole, so as not to mistake their intent. "And those for the new world, declare!" The roar shook the cave to its stony roots and the fennel torches wavered from the sudden intake of air. Dewpaw's tears rolled down her furry cheeks in love and admiration... The Wemic are a centauroid race from an alternate universe. While centauroid, their component parts are blended much more smoothly than in a true centaur. A Wemic has the lower body of a lion and a humanoid upper body, which is covered in short fur. All Wemics have tails, and males have manes as well. Their fur, short on their bodies and bristly on their torsos, ranges from bright golden to dark brown. Although they are technologically primitive, Wemics are far from stupid. They are highly curious and and learn easily, acquiring new skills quickly in the proper environment. In their natural terrain, plains and grasslands, they are nomadic hunters and gatherers that travel in tribes of 1d6x10 to 2d6x100. Males traditionally occupy the position of hunters, war party leaders, and chieftain of the tribe. Females gather fruits and herbs to supplement the tribe's diet, occupy the position of tribal priest (shaman) and healer, and act as diplomats to other tribes (and other races on Rifts Earth). A single tribe of nearly five hundred members dimensionally teleported to Rifts Earth in a time of utter desperation. A monstrous hoard of metallic invaders -- the Mechanoids -- began systematically destroying the many tribes of Wemic inhabiting the vast grasslands of their homeworld. While far enough from humanoid to not attract the ire of these beings in and of themselves, their allies and friends, the faerie folk, were. Unable to reconcile their sense of honor to sacrificing their "little cousins," they stood by them and were wiped out tribe by tribe. The Sunrunner tribe, led by the shaman Dewpaw, her mate and the party war leader Redclaw, and the chieftain Blackmane, managed the tremendous feat of opening a random rift on a low-magic world (not unlike Earth between the accident at Atlantis and the end of the last age of magic). The rift was drawn to Rifts Earth (which is something of a cross-dimensional nexus), on the plains in the old American state of Kansas, which delighted them to no small end; Kansas is almost exactly like their homeworld but without the freshwater oceans. By the post-apocalyptic calendar, the year was 79 P.A. By an accident of fate, nearly a quarter of the tribe was separated from the main body in transit and dropped right at the border of Kingsdale. These Wemics were confused by the new locale, by the strange sights, and by the sudden lack of a motivating force or - 657 -

leadership. Despairing of finding a new home, or even surviving, they sent a diplomatic envoy to Kingsdale to petition for citizenship. The Dictator of Kingsdale, taking pity on the dispossessed people, admitted them to the city and offered them a deal: full citizenship rights, an education in the ways of their new world, and a home inside the city walls in exchange for all adult members of the tribe serving ten years in the Kingsdale army and the usual requirements of their descendants. The tribe instantly agreed, feeling that by far they got the better of the deal. After all, what was an army but a larger hunting party? The Kingsdale Senate was absolutely delighted when they discovered that the females' mystical and psionic powers had risen to nearsupernatural levels in the magic-rich environment of Rifts Earth; even more so when the Wemic demonstrated a knack for machines. Kingsdale made good on all of their promises and then some, and the Wemic division has become a staple of the armed and magical forces of Kingsdale. The plains Wemic have had no knowledge of their brethren for the past twenty-six years and believe them lost forever. However, if ever confronted with their existence, they will gladly open their arms to them, despite the many differences between the tribal branches. It is unlikely for them to ever become a single tribe again, or even to cohabit (Barbarian Wemic don't like Earth cities), but they will remain amicable. Wemic RCC Alignment: Any except Miscreant or Diabolic, but most are Principled or Scrupulous. Attributes: Males: IQ 3d6; ME 4d6; MA 2d6; PS 4d6+6; PP 2d6+3; PE 5d6; PB 2d6; Spd 6d6. Females:</b> IQ 3d6; ME 4d6; MA 3d6; PS 3d6+4; PP 2d6+3; PE 5d6; PB 3d6; Spd 6d6. Wemic Abilities: Females are innate spellcasters and major psionics. Males are minor psionics. See below for details. The one thing that has contributed most to the survival of the wemics on Rifts Earth is the ability of the males to transform themselves into supernatural beings for short periods of time! When using the transformation, they manifest into a form representing their tribal name. The Sunrunners, the only tribe currently on Rifts Earth, manifest as their basic shape, but appearing to be made of pure sunlight. This acts on vampires as the globe of daylight spell with a thirty foot radius. The transformation may be achieved once per day, for one minute (four melees) per level of experience. The male Wemic becomes a mega-damage being with MDC equal to his SDC plus hit points, multiplied by two. The character's strength becomes supernatural for this period of time (see Rifts Conversion Book One for the supernatural strength damage table). Wemics are immune to mind control and possession. Nightvision to 50 ft (15.2 m). Bite for 1D8 SDC, claw with front paws for 2D6 + PS bonus SDC, and kick with rear paws for 1D8 + PS bonus SDC. This damage becomes MD for males during the transformation. Faerie Folk instinctively like and trust Wemics, treating them as relatives and dear friends. They also have a deeply ingrained respect for Wemics and play few tricks on them, and none that could possibly be dangerous. In their turn, Wemics adore their "little cousins" and will ever betray or harm them. The only exceptions to this rule are the evil Faerie Folk (pucks, unseelie, etc.), who hate and are hated by the Wemics and their gentler cousins. Most Wemics of adult age will have a group of faerie "kinfolk," 1D6 small, similarly aligned faeries that accompany the Wemic virtually everywhere, aiding when they can, cheering on when they can't, and generally lending friendship and moral support. It is considered the greatest disgrace possible (other than an outright betrayal of the tribe) to allow the death of even a single faerie kinfolk. Hit Points:</b> PEx2, plus 1D6 per level. SDC: 2D6x10, plus skill bonuses. MDC: by armor or magic only. Height: Females are three to three and a half feet tall at the shoulder, and are just under six feet tall from front paws to head. Males stand nearly a foot taller. Weight: Females weigh from 300-450 lbs.; males weigh between 400-600 lbs. Horror Factor: 14 for males; 10 for females. Add two to HF when enraged. Average Life Span: 120-150 years, with females generally living 30 years longer. Wemics reach physical maturity at the age of six to seven years, and achieve emotional maturity soon after. Magic: Females may select six spells from spell levels 1-4 at first level; at each new level, the character may choose a spell from her own level or lower. They cannot purchase or otherwise learn new spells, gaining their spells through meditation and prayer, much like a mystic. PPE: Males have 4D6 PPE; females have 1D4x10 plus the PE attribute, plus 1D6 per level. Psionics: Females may choose three psionic powers from the healing and sensitive power categories. They may also select one lesser power at every even level (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, etc.) and one super psionic power at each fifth level (5th, 10th, and 15th). Males have only the powers of sixth sense and mind block auto-defense. Civilized males also have the power of telemechanics. Males are minor psionics and females are major psionics. ISP: Males have 2D6 +ME attribute ISP. Females have 1D4x10 + ME attribute ISP, plus 1D6 per level. Combat: Males have the equivalent of Hand to Hand: Expert; females have the equivalent of Hand to Hand: Basic. These skills may not be changed. Bonuses: Males: +4 save vs. poison/magic, +2 vs. HF, +1 vs. HF at each third level; +2 to strike and parry; +1 attack per melee. - 658 -

Females: +4 save vs. magic, +1 vs. poison, +3 vs. HF; +2 to parry/dodge; +1 to spell strength at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Vulnerabilities/Penalties: Wemics cannot wear normal armor (centauroids have that problem); special armor costs two to four times normal but has double MDC. They also have difficulties in climbing and cannot rappel. If a Wemic were to (foolishly) claw an MDC structure, they lose 1D4 claws from the paw that attacked and suffer one HP damage for each claw thus lost. Finally, Wemics take +1 damage per die from normal fire due to their fur. Barbarian Wemic Skills Male - Female Language: Faeriespeak (98%) - Language: Faeriespeak (98%) Language: one of choice (+5%) - Language: one of choice (+5%) Hunting - Hunting Fishing (+10%) - Fishing (+10%) Swimming (+5%) - Swimming (+5%) Track Animals (+15%) - Cook (+5%) Athletics - Lore: Faerie (+15%) Body Building - Holistic Medicine (+15%) Wrestling - Identify Plants and Fruits (+15%) Land Navigation (+10%) - Preserve Food (+10%) Detect Ambush (+15%) - Skin and Prepare Animal Hides (+10%) Prowl (+10%) - Lore: Religion (+5%) Wilderness Survival (+15%) - Wilderness Survival (+15%) WP Speart - WP Spear WP Archery - WP Archery WP Targeting - WP Targeting WP: two ancient of choice - Language: two of choice (+10%) Hand to Hand: Expert - Hand to Hand: Basic RCC Related Skills: Select eight of choice from the following list, but females must select two Domestic skills and males must take two Wilderness skills. Communications: None Domestic: Any for females (+10%) Electrical: None Espionage: None Mechanical: None Medical: None (except RCC skills) Military: None Physical: Any except Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Climbing, and SCUBA (+5% where applicable) Pilot: None Pilot Related: None Rogue: Any except for Computer skills (+5%) Science: Botany only Technical: Any except Writing, Photography, and Literacy (females receive +10% to Art) WP: Any ancient Wilderness: Any (+10%) Secondary Skills: Choose four secondary skills with the previous restrictions, but without bonuses. Civilized Wemic Skills Male - Female Language/Literacy: Faeriespeak (98%) - Language/Literacy: Faeriespeak (98%) Language/Literacy: two of choice (+10%) - Language/Literacy: two of choice (+10%) Basic Math (98%) - Basic Math (98%) Basic Electronics (+5%) - Basic Electronics (+5%) Athletics - First Aid (+10%) Advanced Math (+5%) - Paramedic (+5%) Wrestling - Art (+10%) Body Building - Cook (+15%) Prowl (+5%) - Lore: Faerie (+10%) Land Navigation (+10%) - Sing or Play Musical Instrument (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+5%) - Wilderness Survival (+5%) WP Energy Pistol - WP Energy Pistol WP Energy Rifle - WP Energy Rifle WP: two modern of choice - WP: two modern of choice - 659 -

Hand to Hand: Expert - Hand to Hand: Basic RCC Related Skills: Select twelve of choice from the following list at first level, but three must be chosen from Mechanical or Electrical, and two from Espionage or Technical. Add two skills at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Any (+5%) Espionage: Any except Disguise and Pick Pockets (+5%) Mechanical: Any (+10%) Medical: Females may select Pathology, Medical Doctor, and MD in Cybernetics, but the latter count as two skills each (+15%) Military: Males may select any (+5%) Physical: Any except Acrobatics, Gymnastics, and Climbing Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any except Computer Hacking and Pick Pockets Science: Females may select any (+15%) Technical: Any except Lore (+5%) WP: Any Wilderness: Track Animals and Identify Plants and Fruits only (+5%) Secondary Skills: Choose six secondary skills from the previous list without the bonuses listed in parentheses. Standard Equipment: Barbarian Wemics have very little to call their own; usually just a family tent, a few weapons (all made of stone, bone, and wood), and some preserved meat and hides. They do like shiny stones and precious metals as decorations and have quite an eye for aesthetics. Civilized Wemics will have a customized suit of non-environmental medium or heavy MDC body armor; an energy pistol; an energy rifle; one other weapon of choice (GM's discretion); six E-clips; a few sets of clothes (dress, common, and camouflage); food rations for one month; and a few personal items. A vehicle is usually not selected because of their great pride in their natural speed. Money: Barbarian Wemics do not understand the concept of money and work on a barter system for the few needs that they cannot provide for themselves. They are good artists, gemcutters, and metalworkers (although they do not use metal in their weapons), and it is likely that any given Wemic will have artworks and precious gems that may be sold for 1D4x1000 credits, but money will still take quite a bit of getting used to. Civilized Wemics have more in the way of money and valuables. Those employed by the Kingsdale military have a salary of 3500 credits per month and start play with three months' pay. Mercenary Wemics (those no longer employed by Kingsdale) will have 3D6x100 credits and 2D4x1000 credits in black market items. Cybernetics: Barbarian Wemics know nothing about them, but would never consider them even if they did. They are too proud of their natural abilities to ever consider augmentation. Civilized male Wemics may have 1D4 cybernetic implants if they wish, and will consider having more added throughout their lives. Females will only accept bio-system replacements due to the detrimental affect of bionic implants on magic and psionics. XP: Male barbarians use the Wilderness Scout experience table. Female barbarians use the Mystic experience table. Civilized males use the Headhunter experience table. Females use the Body Fixer experience table. Final Notes: This RCC is based on the Wemic race from AD&D, which is in turn based on the legendary centaur (but a lion instead of a horse).

Werecheetah R.C.C.
Alignment: Any, but usually selfish or evil. Attributes: I.Q.: 2D6+2; M.E.: 3D6+2; M.A.: 4D6; P.S.: 4D6 (never less than 15); P.P: 4D6+1 (never less than 17); P.E.: 4D6; P.B.: 4D6; SPD: 8D6 (see special under abilities). Hit Points: 6D6+10 plus 1D6 per level. Natural Armor Rating: The werecheetah, like all werebeasts, is immune to damage from normal weapons including MD energy weapons, explosives, bullets, fire, wood, steel, poisons and toxins. However, werebeasts are vulnerable to ordinary silver. Weapons composed of 50% or more silver do double damage directly to the creatures hit points. Horror Factor: 12 in their natural half human/half animal form or as a huge Cheetah. Not applicable in human form.

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P.P.E.: 2D4X10+10 Natural Abilities: Speak while in animal form; Prowl 70%; Swim 60%; Climb 85%/75%; Track by smell 65%; Leap 30 ft. high or lengthwise from a standing position; Nightvision 300ft.; Keen colorvision and hearing; and Bio-regenerate 2D6 hp per hour. Special: The werecheetah is especially fleet of foot. In it's natural hybrid form it can maintain a running speed of 70 m.p.h. indefinitely and can sprint at 140 m.p.h. for up to 1 minute (4 melees) once every five minutes. In it's cheetah form the beast can run at 140 m.p.h. indefinitely and can sprint at an impressive 300 m.p.h. for one minute every five minutes. Shape Changing Power: The werecheetah can shape change at will any time, day or night. The metamorphosis takes 15 seconds (1 melee) and there is no limit to the number of time the creature can change or how long it can maintain any particular form. Magic:Metamorphosis: Animal; Metamorphosis:Human; Summon and control felines; Repel Animals; Sense Evil; Sense Magic; Tongues. Psionic Abilities: Sixth Sense; See the Invisible; Presence Sense; and Mind Block I.S.P.:5D6 Combat Skills: 5 attacks per melee in hybrid or cheetah forms; 3 attacks in human form. Bonuses: In addition to attribute bonuses the werecheetah is +2 to initiative, +2 to strike and parry, +3 to dodge, +4 to pull/roll with punch, +6 to save vs. Horror Factor, +2 to save vs. psionics, and +2 to save vs. magic. Damage: Varies depending on form. Human shape: Punch-2D6 SDC plus damage bonus; Kick-3D6 SDC plus damage bonus. Hybrid and Cheetah forms: Restrained claw-5D6 SDC plus damage bonus; Full strength claw-2D6 MD; Power punch/claw-4D6 MD; Normal bite-2D6 SDC; Power bite-1D4 MD (counts as two attacks) Note: All physical attacks from a werecheetah do full normal damage to Vampires and other werebeasts. R.C.C. Skills: The werecheetah can speak Euro at 98% and one other language at +20%; Track animals +10%; and select 7 "other" skills plus 3 additional at levels 4,8,12,15. Available skill categories include: ; ;Domestic ; ;Espionage ; ;Science: Basic Mathematics only ; ;Technical: Language, Lore, Photography, Literacy only ; ;Pilot: Automobile, Truck, Motorcycle, Hover vehicle and Boat only ; ;W.P.: Any, but lean toward ancient weapons ; ;Wilderness: Any +10% N.P.C. Experience Level: 1D4+1 Player Character Experience: Player characters start at level one and follow the Psi-stalker experience table. Average Life Span: 350 years Habitat: The werecheetah is almost exclusively found in the light jungles and flatlands of Africa. Only the occasional adventurer or outcast can be found elsewhere in the Megaverse. They tend to prefer warm and arid climates with wide open spaces. Enemies: Supernatural predators, and vampires, leery of humanoids. Hate werewolves and will attack them on sight without hesitation. They will continue to fight until killed or subdued or the werewolf is killed or removed from the range of the werecheeta's senses. Allies: May join forces with Supernatural creatures who have proven themselves to be true friends. Extremely loyal to friends. Size: 6 to 7 feet tall in Human and hybrid forms, 3 to 4 feet tall as cheetah and 7 to 9 feet long from nosetip to rear, plus another 3 to 5 feet of tail. Weight: 200 to 300 pounds - 661 -

Notes: Gather in packs of 1D4X10+5 and are very community oriented. Hunt alone or in pairs. Love open spaces and exploring. Very playful, almost to a fault. Very curious about most things. Love to run and prefer their Hybrid form above all others.

Werewolves R.C.C.
By: Gabriel "...four cubits in height, and his face was like unto the face of a great dog, and his eyes were like unto lamps of fire which burnt brightly, and his teeth were like unto the tusks of a wild boar, or the teeth of a lion, and the nails of his hands were like unto curved reaping hooks, and the nails of his toes were like unto the claws of a lion, and the hair of his head came down over his arms like unto the mane of a lion, and his whole appearance was awful and terrifying." - The Contendings of the Apostles Walking amongst mankind for millennia, the Were have always been here. Tales abound of men capable of changing their form by moonlight, transforming into the form of a giant wolf or wolf-man. Canines are the predominant species represented in these stories, however other species do exist. The concept of werewolves, or lycanthropes, is possibly based on the myth of Lycaos. He was the king of Arcadia, and in the time of the ancient Greeks he was notorious for his cruelty. He tried to buy the favor of Zeus by offering him the flesh of a young child. Zeus punished him for this crime and turned him into a wolf. They are known all over the world. In areas where the wolf is not so common, the belief in werewolves is replaced by folklore where men can change themselves in tigers, lions, bears and other fierce animals. In gaming terms: Werewolves are supernatural predators able to change their form in order to blend into human society. Their true form is that of a halfman, half-wolf. Their most deadly ability however is their power to change into a completely human form. This allows them to hunt among the masses, usually undetected. In addition they can change into a giant wolf, larger than the normal specimen. Unlike most myths, werewolves can change their shape at will and are not limited by the phases of the moon. However they are strongest during a full moon. The werewolf is common to Europe, North America, and Eur. The legends of werewolves have been told since the ancient Greeks and brethren, but still fairly intelligent. They will hunt any living creature, but prefer humans and humanoids. Horror Factor: 13 in the true form, a wolf-man, or 12 as a giant wolf. Alignment: Any, but usually Anarchist or miscreant. Attributes: IQ: 3D6, ME: 3D6, MA: 2D6, PS: 4D6+3, PP: 4D6, PE: 4D6+6, PB: 3D6, SPD: 4D6 in human form or 50 as a wolf / wolf-man. Supernatural physical strength. Hit Points (special): 1D4x10+25; see natural armor rating Natural Armor Rating: The werewolf is invulnerable to all mundane weapons, except for those that have 50% silver content. In other words, whether it be a .38 special firing exploding rounds, or a heavy plasma ejector, it won't hurt them. This includes all known poisons and drugs. However, use a weapon made of silver and the werewolf is in trouble. Due to their relationship with the moon, ordinary silver hurts them, inflicting double damage to hit points. Magic and psionics will affect them, doing normal damage. Attacks from supernatural creatures, such as Nightbane or Vampires, do normal damage to hit points. Wolfbane will keep them at bay. P.P.E.: 2D6x10+20 due to their mystical nature Natural Abilities: Speak while in animal form and beast form, prowl 75%, swim 60%, track by smell 70%, track by blood 90%, nightvision 500 feet, bio-regenerate at a rate of 1D4x5 per hour. Limited invulnerability, see natural armor rating. 1.) Shape-changing powers: The werewolf can change from beast form to human form or to ejector, it won't hurt them. This includes all known poisons and drugs. endurance save is made (12 or higher on a D20, can add ME bonuses). +1 to save at levels 1, 4, 8, 12, 15. - 662 -

2.) Moon Powers: The powers of werewolves usually do not change with the waning and waxing of the moon, except for full moons. During the full moon the creature gains 1D4x10 hit points, and is +10 to PS, +4 to PP, and +15 to speed. In addition, they regenerate at a rate of 1D10 HP per melee round. Magic Abilities: None Psionic Abilities: None Combat: Use Hand to Hand: Assassin with the following modifiers. 1.) Human Form: No modifiers. 2.) Wolf Form: No kick attacks, Add one attack per melee, cannot use weapons. 3.) Beast Form: Can use weapons, but at -3 to strike with modern weapons, and -1 to strike and parry using ancient weapons. Add two attacks per melee. Bonuses: +5 to save vs. horror factor in addition to attribute bonuses. Damage: As per supernatural strength table, with the following modifiers 1.) Beast Form: +6 to damage, bite does 4D6 SDC 2.) Wolf Form: +3 to damage, bite does 3D6 SDC O.C.C.'s: And that don't require psionics or magic. Tend towards gang-related occupations, warrior types. Habitat: Anywhere, but most commonly found in Europe, North America, and Eurasia, and to a lesser degree, Australia. Enemies: Hunters of the supernatural, rival packs, the Nightlords and their minions, etc. Allies: Pack members, other supernatural creatures Size: Standard human in human form, 6'6" to 8' in beast form, 4-5 feet at the shoulder in wolf form. Weight: 200-500 lb depending on form.

Western Warrior R.C.C.

By: Allan Harrison Alignment: Any, but as stated under Eastern Warriors, no Warrior will EVER fight another for any reason. Attributes: IQ: 4D6+12, ME: 4D6+12, MA: 3D6, PS: 3D6, PP: 3D6, PE: 4D6+6, PB: 4D6+6, Spd: 3D6 M.D.C.: 3D6*10 + 2D6/level Note: All Western Warriors are totally impervious to kinetic attacks. Magic Knowledge: The whole race is one with Superhuman Magic Capabilities (Phase World, pg. 108), with every member equal to a Techno-Wizard, and with a 50% chance of being able to pick up a magic OCC on the side! P.P.E.: 1D4*100 + (PE*5) +1D6*10/level Psionics: All are minor psionics with the powers of Empathy and Exorcism I.S.P.: ME*2 + 2D4/level Western Warriors are Enlightened Imperialists (Phase World, pg. 108) R.C.C. Skills: Intelligence(+20%) Tracking(+10%) Wilderness Survival(+20%) Holistic Medicine(+20%) - 663 -

Horsemanship(+20%) Prowl(+15%) Botany(+15%) Astronomy(+20%) Math: Basic and Advanced(+20%) Literacy: Western Warrish/Sioux: 98% Lore: Faerie, Demon and Monster(+20%) WP Archery and Targeting WP Knife Hand to Hand: Expert Plus the necessary skills of a TW. R.C.C. Related Skills: Select 9 from the following categories Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Any Mechanical: Any Physical: Any Piloting skill (Warr Machines) Pilot Related (Warr Machines). Science: Any Technical: Any Wilderness: Any (+8%) WP: Any Secondary Skills: Select 7 from those under Related, with the usual restrictions. Standard Equipment: Normal long bow and knife, Magic long bow (2D6 MD and 2x range) and knife (1D8 MD), buckskin leggings and vest (AR:17 MDC:50 works like Cyber-Armor), 1 month rations, and 1 lesser Warr Machine. Xp table: Use the Dragon table, except for those who learn an OCC on the side, in which case they must use that table, but at 2x normal amount.

Wild Child OCC


Wild Child OCC

Throughout history, there have been legends, stories and myths of children, abandoned or lost by their parents in the wilderness and raised by wild animals. Legendary figures, such as Tarzan, Mowgli and Sheena, were such people. Generally the Wild Child lost all contact with humans at an early age, less than 18 months. They were adopted by a mammalian animal (or more likely, a pack of animals) and taught the way of Nature. Many also learn something of Man, like some basic rudiments of language, the use of some some weapons and often some primitive lore, but they are creatures of the wild and do not react well to being separated from their homes. Prime physical specimens, these rare, naive men and women know little of guile or deceit and are often used as theives or warriors by the unethical. Once in the outside world, however, the average Wild Child will be quick to learn new skills from the modern world and will take often advatage of modern equipment. Special Wild Child OCC Bonuses and Penalties +1D6 to PS +2D4 to PP +1D4 to PE - (yes, minus) 1D4 MA +1D4 ME +3D6 to SPD +1 to roll with punch, fall or impact +1 to initiative +3D6+6 to SDC +1D6 to HP OCC Abilities Commune With Animal: The Wild Child can commune with a certain type of animal (Pachyderm, Ursine, Canine, Feline, Bovine, Equine, etc) of the sort that raised them. They can call these creatures from up to 2 miles away and can sometimes cause them to do their bidding. This is not a form mind-control - the Wild Child merely asks the animal or animals to do them a favor and the animal(s) - 664 -

will usually agree. This does, however work both ways the animals may call upon their human cousin to help them with some problem they are having with humans (or demons, or robots, or other animals...that's a great plot device right there, GMs). The Wild Child will not ask the animals to give up their lives (though the animals may choose to do so), and the animal probably will refuse to do anything against their nature. Furthermore, the Wild Child cannot communicate purely telepathically with the creatures - they must use a combination of body language and sounds to communicate their meaning. The communication is fairly limited no complicated instructions. It goes without saying that the Wild Child will not tolerate any harming or mistreating of the animal that they were raised by. At levels 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 and 15 the Wild Child may select another type of animal they can communicate with (Tarzan could communicate with apes, elephants, panthers (Yep, panthers, read the books) and monkeys, at very least) Psychic Abilities: The Wild Child possess the following minor psychic abilities (they are considered minor psychics): Sixth Sense Sense Supernatural Evil See the Invisible Nightvision Summon Inner Strength ISP: 1D4*10 + 2D4 per Level of Experience OCC Requirements ME 14 or higher, PE 14 or higher. High PS, PP and IQ are recommended but not required. Alignments are restricted to Principled, Scrupulous and Abberant only. Racial Restrictions None, really. Be reasonable, though. OCC Skills Speak OR write language of choice at (- (yes, minus) 10%) Acrobatics (+ 15% where applicable) Climbing (+20 %) Prowl (+25%) Swimming (+15%) Track Animals (+25%) Identify Plants and Fruits (+15%) Land Navigation (+14%) Wilderness Survival (+25%) Hunting Cook Holistic Medicine (+10%) Lore: Animals (+25%) Trap Construction (+20%) WP Knife Two other ancients WP's of choice Hand to Hand: Expert OCC Related Skills : The character may select four additional skills from the below list, plus two additional skills at levels 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15. Hand-to-hand skills may be upgraded as a Secondary skill. See below. Communications: None Cowboy: None Domestic: None Electrical: None Espionage: Detect Ambush and Concealment only (+10%) Horsemanship: General and Exotic only (+10%) (Tarzan could ride Triceratops, for example, and Mowgli could ride panthers) Mechanical: None Medical: First aid only (+5%) Military: None Physical: Any except Boxing, Wrestling SCUBA and all Juicer sports Pilot: Small (sail and canoe type) boats and Horsemanship (see above) only Pilot Related: None Rogue: None Science: Anthropology only Technical: Limited to one additional language/literacy (-10) and all lore (+10) WP: Ancient only Wilderness: Any (+10%) Secondary Skills The character may select 4 skills from the above list at first level (without benefits of skill level), and 3 additional skills from the below list at levels 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 All skills start at base level, except as noted below. Hand-to-hand combat may be upgraded to Martial Arts at the cost of one secondary skill or Commando at the cost of two secondary - 665 -

skills. This cannot be done until second level, where the H-H starts at the character's current level (character discards all previous bonuses and skills from H-H combat and adds bonuses from new combat skill from first to current level) Communications: Radio: Basic and TV/Video only Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Any Horsemanship: General and Exotic only Mechanical: Basic only Medical: Any (yes, any) Military: Any, except Parachuting, Find Contraband and NBC Warfare Physical: Any Pilot: Any, except Robots and Power Armor and Jet Fighters Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any except Computer hacking, Streetwise and Find Contraband Science: Any Technical: Any, except computer skills WPs: Any Wilderness: Any Cybernetics: Nope, except for medically-necessary bio-systems Standard equipment: Basic clothing, a knife, a grass rope, two weeks worth of food, personal keepsakes, and perhaps some skins or hides. Also, 1D4 animal companions, usually (but not always) of the type that the Wild Child was raised by. That's it. Weapons: Two ancient weapons of choice, typically a spear or staff and a bow and arrow. Usually non-metal items. Money: 1D4*1000 in skins, plants, and artifacts

Wildrunner R.C.C.
By: With the advent of psionic powers came into being the Wildrunners, beings whose mental powers developed toward the control of beasts. In this regard, they are extremely powerful individuals, capable of mentally dominating even the mighty dragons! These are uncommon beings who generally dislike contact with civilization, spending most of their existence in the wilderness. They are sometimes sought out by Coalition forces for their ability to control supernatural creatures, and used to help eradicate their threat to humankind. Wildrunners in the wilderness tend to be solitary beings, except for a gathering of befriended animals who accompany them. As a Coalition soldier, a Wildrunner will generally be assigned to work with a Search and Destroy team of Dog Boys, Psi-Stalker, and Duster. Wildrunners are a valued asset of the Coalition in its campaign against supernatural creatures. Wildrunner Powers: 1. Psionic Empathy/Control of Creatures: Wildrunners have an affinity with animals of all kinds. Domesticated animals will always take an immediate liking to a wildrunner and will do their best to please him; +20% bonus to ride a horse and work with all domestic animals. Wild animals will react to the wildrunner as if he was a fellow woodland creature, allowing him to walk among them without fear. This allows the wildrunner to operate in the wilderness without causing animals to react to his presence; birds do not fly away, animals do not run, and therefore do not indicate a wildrunner's approach. Even watchdogs will not bark at the presence of a wildrunner. Wildrunners not only have an empathy with animals, they can psionically control animals. This ability requires a saving throw to negate, otherwise the animal will be under the wildrunner's mental domination. Controlling an animal (or supernatural beastie) costs 4 I.S.P. for every 10 minutes of domination. Supernatural beasties are allowed a saving throw every 10 minutes, other animals are only allowed the initial save. Intelligent supernatural demons (including vampires) may also be controlled at the cost of 8 I.S.P. for every 10 minutes of mental domination. Note: this ability also applies to attempts to control dragons, although this is an extremely risky proposition. Attempts to control dragons must be made when the wildrunner is in actual, physical contact with a dragon, and the following conditions apply: Saving throw is at +4 (every 10 minutes!), I.S.P. cost is 12 points per 10 minutes of control. Also note that when a dragon comes out of mind control, he is very disturbed and willing to shred the wildrunner! Special Note: because of his special rapport with animals, a wildrunner will try to never unnecessarily kill any animal. He will hunt for food, however, and shows no compassion for amoral supernatural beings. 2. Other Psi-Powers: Wildrunners also possess the following psionic abilities: Empathic Transmission (super), Presence Sense, Empathy, Nightvision, Bio-Regeneration, and Mind Block. Wildrunners also have a +2 bonus to save versus mind control. They can also use items of Techno-Wizardry, and especially enjoy TW weapon types. - 666 -

3. Physical Bonuses: Enhanced senses make it difficult to surprise a wildrunner, giving a bonus +2 to initiative rolls. +10 to S.D.C., +1d6 to P.E. and M.A., +1d4 to M.E. Attribute Requirements: P.S. 10, P.P. 11, M.E. 16. P.P.E.: 2d6. I.S.P.: 2d4 x 10 + M.E., plus 10 I.S.P. per level of experience. Considered a master psionic. O.C.C. Skills: Detect Ambush (+15%) Detect Concealment (+15%) Acrobatics (+10%) Climbing (+20%) Prowl (+20%) Wilderness Survival (+20%) Identify Plants (+15%) Tracking (+15%) Land Navigation (+15%) Horsemanship (+10%) W.P. Sword W.P. Knife W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Bolt Action Rifle Hand to Hand: Expert (can change to Martial Arts at cost of 1 "other" skill) O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 8 other skills. Add 3 skills at level three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one at level twelve. Communications: Basic Radio only Domestic: any (Fishing +5%) Electrical: none Espionage: any Mechanical: none Medical: Holistic Medicine or First Aid only (+5%) Military: none Physical: any (+5% where applicable) Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Rogue: any (except Computer Hacking) Science: Basic Math only Technical: Art, Language, Literacy, and Lore only Weapon Proficiencies: any Wilderness: any (+5%) Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select 6 secondary skills from the previous list. These additional areas of knowledge do not get the bonuses listed in parentheses. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Equipment: Wildrunners usually have equipment very similar to that possessed by the Wilderness Scout, and should refer to that list. Weapons: Usually include: energy pistol and a couple of spare E-clips, S.D.C. knife, bolt action hunting rifle and S.D.C. ammunition. Vehicle: Generally will be some form of riding animal, be it horse or some similar creature befriended by the wildrunner. However, mechanical forms of transportation may also be used. Coalition Wildrunners: will have PSI "Dead Boy" body armor, a C-18 energy sidearm, and a vibro-blade in addition to whatever equipment they possessed before coming to work for the Coalition. Availability of other equipment depends, as usual, upon the relationship between the Wildrunner and his superiors. Money: 2d6 x 100 in credit, and 1d4 x 1,000 in black market items. Coalition Wildrunners earn 2000 credits per month for their services. Cybernetics: Wildrunners will generally avoid cybernetic implantation except to replace missing body parts. - 667 -

Xp table: Same as Psi-Stalker

Witchblade OCC v1.3

By: Albert

The WitchBlade Wielder O.C.C

Description: The Witchblade itself is an organic glove construct with special powers, usually worn on the right hand. The high levels of SDC and HP are the only reason I can think of to explain why Sara (from the comic) is still affected by pistols and guns, as well as being able to survive powerful magic beams. It seems to have the user predestinied for it. How the user is chosen or how they come into contact is up to the GM. It rips apart the clothes of the wearer when activated, and leaves the clothes ripped, until the user reaches level two, at which point the clothes can be repaired. When not activated, it is in a small bracelet like form. There is only one user for it at any given time, and anyone who is not the user and tries to use it gets his/her arm cut off. The wielder of the Witchblade is a human woman with high M.A and M.E, generally smart, and in the Rifts setting means a vagabond woman with the desire and drive to achieve something great for herself, although so far she has had little success because of her low physical attributes or lack of resources. Somehow the Witchblade will come into contact with her. What follows is basically a Vagabond O.C.C merged with the Witchblade. This is mainly due to some complains that the Witchblade makes the character too powerful when merged with an established powerhouse like a magic user. Now, hopefully, it should be just about as powerful as a Mega-Juicer or similar with very very good high - tech equipment. The reduced P.P.E means that power expenditure should be carefully planned, as it shuts down when all P.P.E is used, a very deadly situation when in the middle of combat. Racial Restrictions: Human females only Note: Males and females who were not meant for the Witchblade, but forces it on them, may be allowed by the GM, but uses personal P.P.E rate instead of the Witchblade's. This means that only a few of the powers may be used. Very rare. The low personal P.P.E is why Ken Irons from the comic who forced the Witchblade on himself can only use some of the powers and the powers are weak too. P.B is also reduced to 2D6, all other stats are rolled standard 3D6. Shouldn't be allowed except under extremely exceptional circumstances, like maybe godly intervention. The Witchblade doesn't like being forced unto someone and will not defend the wielder automatically, nor give warnings or advice from its lore skill, and will try to sabotage the wielder and kill him/her at every oppurtunity. GMs, this can be fun, role-play the Witchblade itself. Considered a greatest rune weapon for all intents and purposes Alignment: Any, but usually good, unprincipled or aberrant Witchblade Alignment: Effectively Anarchist for itself and its user Attributes: The Witchblade itself has I.Q. 10 (very high animal intelligence) The wielder's attributes are rolled up as such: I.Q 3D6+2 M.E 2D6+10 M.A 2D6+10 P.S 3D6+10 P.P 3D6+10 P.E 3D6+10 P.B 3D6 Spd 6D6 (all attributes are considered supernatural) Average Lifespan: The Witchblade itself is immortal, but does the user become immortal, has a lengthened life span, or has a normal life span? I think its a normal life span, but GMs can change it. Hit Points: P.E attribute +2D6x100 to HP, plus 1D6x10 per level. S.D.C.: 1D4x10 + 4D6x100 + 500 to S.D.C, plus 1D6x100 per level. M.D.C: The construct itself has 1,000 M.D.C and regenerates at a rate of 1D6x10 per melee round. Takes a called shot at -8 to hit it. The wielder is not an M.D.C creature, although one of its powers can change that. If blasted below 0 M.D.C it will disappear only to reappear far away (the other side of the world) awaiting its new wielder. P.P.E: 3D6, cannot learn magic. I.S.P and Psionics: Roll as a standard human Magic: Special: The Witchblade knows all the necromantic spells at 20 level proficiency, which was used to resurrect Michael Yee in the comic. However, like the Lore skill, it is only used when needed or specifically asked for by the wielder. Cannot resurrect the wielder! Uses Witchblade P.P.E base. Witchblade P.P.E.: 250 (+ 3xM.E attribute + 2D6 per experience level after the first) For the Witchblade only! Cannot be drawn by any one, including its user, in any way for any purpose whatsoever, and used to power - 668 -

its abilities, nor can any other source of P.P.E be used to power its abilities. It regenerates at a rate of 20 per hour, 40 near a ley line, 50 near a ley line nexus. Once this P.P.E is used up, the Witchblade "switches off" for 24 hours while it recharges. Nothing can affect it, or cause it to activate until this 24 hour period is completed, by the end of which all P.P.E will be restored to maximum. Natural Abilities: Witchblade abilities only. Black Market Cost: The only one of its kind, almost never found or sold. If it is, would cost somewhere between 20 billion to 40 billion (or more, depending on the buyer and seller) Insanities: The wielder is eventually drawn closer and closer into the bond with the Witchblade, and gets some of its basic, primal feelings. At levels 3,8 and 12 roll once on the obsession table. Also, the wielder has multiple personalities, 2 of them, which is in fact the Witchblade which attempts to assert control over the body from time to time. Exact details are the same as the Crazy, see the Rifts book. However, the second personality is always a "Blood Thirsty" character with a Diabolic alignment. The only difference is that the wielder may attempt to regain control by rolling 5D10 and adding the results. If the resulting number is under the wielder's M.E score, she succeeds in regaining control. She may try as often as once per minute. In the "Blood Thirsty" persona, the I.Q of the Witchblade takes over (I.Q 10) Witchblade bonuses and abilities: The Witchblade has a life and intelligence of its own, and attacks of its own will anything which the wielder does not see and which might present a threat to her. See the powers, below. +2 save vs. Horror Factor. +3 on all combat bonuses, in addition to the ones given by the enhanced stats above. Also gets an additional +1 at levels 3,6,12 and 15. Can parry energy and laser blasts, as well as bullets and rail guns (not missiles) but does so at -2 to parry. Fatigues at twice the normal rate (can do twice as much before tiring) Also takes twice as long before she requires food, rest, drink, etc, although they are still required. Also twice as long without oxygen, so she can go underwater for a longer while. Perfect 20/20 vision, keen hawk eye vision (can read a book a mile away) +45% recover from coma/death +4 to save from insanity, psionics of all kinds, magic, and mind probes etc. Immune to poison and disease Enhanced healing: Heals at a rate of twenty times the normal rate. Lost limbs take 300 P.P.E from the Witchblade to replace, as well as taking 12 hours of sleep or unconsiousness. This period of time must be unbroken, a straight 12 hours, if it is interrupted, the P.P.E is spent, but the limb only returns the next time 12 hours is spent sleeping uninterrupted. This 300 P.P.E must be spent the moment the limb is gone, which can lead to a great disadvantage in combat due to the high cost. Sense Rifts, ley lines, ley line nexus's within a 160km range. See the invisible, see astral beings, sense evil, sense magic, all constantly on with no cost at all. The wielder does not actually see them, but the Witchblade does and lets the wielder know. The Witchblade also possesses LORE - Everything at 98% but will only tell the wielder when it is required. For example Sara has to fight a vampire, which she has no previous knowledge of. When preparing for the fight, the Witchblade tells her nothing. However, when it comes to the actual confrontation, she will instinctively know that they are affected by sunlight, etc. However, if Sara had asked, she would have been given the knowledge when and where she asked) Considered a magic weapon, does damage straight to H.P to vampires, etc. Also, the wielder cannot be surprised, and can be woken even if she is sleeping. The Witchblade also can change form, to become a small bracelet, or full gauntlet, or full body armour. The last one is only when power number one is activated. Eyes and body glow pink/purple with energy when angry. SPECIAL: When meeting its old enemy, a wielder of The Darkness (does anyone read the Witchblade and / or The Darkness comics?) it will attack it and ignore every other enemy, gaining the bonus equivalents of a frenzy (see Rifts Crazy O.C.C) The wielder can select 3 of the below special powers at first level. She can gain one more at levels 3 and 6. Note that the Witchblade controlled abilities "This power automatically kicks in whenever an attack that would otherwise be fatal would hit (i.e a dodge attempt failed, etc) whether the wielder wills it or not", will not work if the power has not been selected. 1) Special M.D.C If 50 P.P.E is spent, the wielder of the Witchblade can become a M.D.C construct, with a base of (HP + SDC divided by 10) M.D.C and 3 more for every extra P.P.E point spent above and over the base 50 P.P.E cost. For example, Sara has 1000 HP and 1900 SDC. Once she invokes this power, and spends 60 P.P.E, she would have 290 M.D.C as a base, and an additional 30 M.D.C for a total of 320 M.D.C. This power automatically kicks in whenever an attack that would otherwise be fatal would hit (i.e a dodge attempt failed, etc) whether the wielder wills it or not. There is no chance of the blow getting in before the M.D.C armour is created. This lasts until the M.D.C is depleted, or until retracted by the user. This M.D.C can be created as many times as desired, and allowed by P.P.E reserves. Thus, if one suit is depleted, it can be retracted and another one created immediately, with full M.D.C. It lasts until depleted or until retracted. 2) Power Blast A blast that is pure power, doing 1D4 M.D. or 1D4x100 S.D for every 1 point of P.P.E put into it. The range is 100 metres + 20 metres - 669 -

per level of experience. A +4 to strike, when using this blast only. It also has a blast radius, 3 metres +1 per level of experience. This blast comes out from the hands, presumably generated by the 2 small gem-like things in the Witchblade itself. 3) Psi-Blades An energy construct resembling a two pronged fork appears out of the hand the glove is worn on. It does 2D6 M.D at first level, and an additional 1D6 per level of experience. The power can also be boosted by 1D6 M.D per every 10 extra P.P.E put into it. The basic blades cost 30 P.P.E to activate, and lasts for ten minutes every level of the user, or until retracted. OR can be created as a physical weapon that is created and retracted as needed. No difference. 4) Magical and Psionic Dispersal The Witchblade can construct a field that negates any hostile magic or psionics that is incoming. It costs 150% the cost in P.P.E, the cost in I.S.P or P.P.E it took to cast the spell that is incoming. It will only appear when the wielder wills it, but will also appear when the spell incoming is fatal, during which the Witchblade disperses it to the best of its ability, regardless of the wielder's wishes. If P.P.E is unavailable to fully disperse the spell, all remaining P.P.E is used up and the spells effect, duration, etc is reduced to a quarter the normal. There is no way to get the spell in before this field is created. This field is a one use thing. 5) Barbed Tentacles These are created by the Witchblade to deal with enemies the wielder might not have seen, or might have trouble handling on her own (even with the other Witchblade powers) As many of these can be created as desired, up to a maximum of ten + five per level of the wielder. If a situation like above, the Witchblade will automatically create what it feels is necessary to handle the problem. (for example 1 to deal with a normal human, 10 to deal with a human in light body armour, etc). If really powerful, then the current full amount is created, to the maximum amount of P.P.E available. They cost 20 P.P.E per tentacle, and last for 10 minutes per level of the wielder, or until retracted. Each tentacle can strike once. So if there is ten tentacles, each can strike once every melee. M.D.: 1D6 + 4 per striking attack Optional attack entangle (see N&SS or Rifts) Range 200 Feet Combat: Hand to Hand Combat: Assassin with +2 attacks O.C.C experience table: Uses the Dragon experience table. Weapons and Equipment: Any, but only light armour may be worn. Prefers to use natural abilities over others. Bionics and Cybernetics: Cybernetics can be used, but only bio-systems, and cannot be the arm on which the Witchblade is on (right). Symbiotes: No other symbiotes may be used. Special: Vampires. The wielder is NOT immune to the vampires powers, such as mind control (although has the bonuses against them) etc, but CANNOT be turned into a vampire in any way. Others, standard equipment, and skills: The same as the Vagabond O.C.C (which was probably what she was before she found the Witchblade) except that the wielder gains a W.P Ancient Weapon of Choice, which is what the Psi-Blades are considered (they appear in the form of the wielders favorite weapon, a spear, etc. The weapon formed is likely to be determined by the user, i.e an axe if user is impressed by strength, or a rapier if impressed by speed, etc.)

Wolfen Legionnaire O.C.C.

By: Paladin

Wolfen Legionnaire O.C.C.

The legionnaire is the backbone of the Roman Army. There are only five thousand troops in the army that are not legionnaires. The legionnaire is generally a well-trained warrior, trained in both the use of sword and energy weapons. They are respected by the common people and are well paid and treated. All Wolfen males are required to join the army at age 16 (females are not required to join, but may if they wish). All must serve for a minimum of four years. At that point, the warrior can return to civilian life, or reenlist for six years. At age 44 all Wolfen must retire from service. They receive a bi-weekly pension, which is 1000 credits plus five hundred for each additional enlistment, so any Wolfen who serves from 16-44 will receive a pension of 3000 credit every other week. Anyone who returned to civilian life after the first four years does not receive a pension. Other races are not required to join the army, though they can. They do not receive training (must have another O.C.C.), and receive half pay and pension. Attribute Requirements: A high P.S. and P.E. are suggested but not necessary. O.C.C. Skills: Language: Euro (98%) Language: Wolfen (+20%) Language: One of choice (+10%) Literacy: Euro (+10%) Math: Basic (+10%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Detect Ambush (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+5%) Pilot: One of choice (+10%) - 670 -

Running W.P. Energy Rifle W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Sword W.P. of choice Hand to Hand: Expert Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts at the cost of one "other" skill, or assassin, if an evil alignment, at the cost of two "other" skills. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select six "other" skills, plus select one additional skill at levels three, seven, ten, twelve, and fifteen. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic only Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Basic only Medical: First Aid only (+5%) Military: Any (+10%) Physical: Any (+5%) if applicable Pilot: Any except Robot and Power Armor (+10%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Math only Technical: Any (+10%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+10%) Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select six secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Military issue for Combat Soldiers: As listed above, plus survival knife, flashlight, distancing binoculars, canteen, utility belt, backpack, air filter, gas mask, walkie-talkie, two standard uniforms, and one dress uniform. Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Additional equipment and weapons, portable language translator, Naruni force fields (generally light), jet packs, and other exotic vehicles. The character also has access to most military bases (low level clearance) and military doctors, hospitals, and facilities. Note: Availability of equipment and resources may be dependant upon the local commander, supply stock, location, casualties and combat conditions. The combat soldier is typically at the bottom of priority lists. Money: The soldier gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, medical care, and all other basic needs provided free as part of his/her pay. The character also receives a monthly salary of 1200 credits (the savings of a first level character is 1D4 x 1000 credits). High ranking soldiers (9th level and higher) get 3000 credits a month. Soldier's quarters are a nice, dormitory style barracks in Rome. Three Wolfen share one dorm area. Each has a private bedroom, and share one bathroom, a sitting room, and a living room. Other features include a stereo, video system, and a personal computer. Or the soldier can opt to live off base at his own expense. Rank: The ranks of a legionnaire starts at the lowest rank in the Roman Army, hastatus posterior. They progress to hastatus prior, then princeps posterior, followed by princeps prior, then pilus posterior, and finally, pilus primus, the highest rank a legionnaire can attain. Note that centurions use the same ranks, but a centurion would be a centurion hastatus posterior and a legionnaire would be a legionnaire hastatus posterior. Cybernetics and Bionics: None to start, but can be purchased later with the soldier's own money, or may be awarded to them for a job well done. Experience: Use the CS Grunt experience table. Wolfen Centurion O.C.C. The centurions are the elite members of the Roman army. They are generally part of the upper class, trained in a special academy in Rome. They act as the commanders and officers of the army, and are more well trained than the legionnaires. Only Wolfen may be centurions, or take a commanding role in the army. The highest rank a non-Wolfen can attain is legionnaire pilus primus. Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10, M.A. 12, P.S. 12, and P.E. 10 or higher. O.C.C. Skills: Language: Euro and Wolfen (98%) Language: Latin and one of choice (+20%) Literacy: Euro, Wolfen, and one of choice (usually Latin) (+15%) Radio: Basic (+15%) Radio: Scrambler (+10%) Computer Operation (+10%) Read Sensory Equipment (+10%) Weapon Systems (+10%) - 671 -

Wilderness Survival (+10%) Pilot: Hovercraft (+15%) Intelligence (+10%) Running W.P. Energy Rifle W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Sword Hand to Hand: Expert Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (or Hand to Hand: Assassin, if an evil alignment) at he cost of one "other" skill. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select two skills from military, two from espionage, one W.P., and seven "other" skills. Plus selects one additional at levels four, six, nine, twelve, and fifteen. Communications: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Any Espionage: Any (+15%) Mechanical: Any (+5%) Medical: Paramedic only Military: Any Physical: Any (+5%) if applicable Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any Science: Anthropology, Archeology (+5% on those), and Math only. Technical: Any (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select seven secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Military issue for Combat Soldiers: As listed above, plus survival knife, flashlight, distancing binoculars, canteen, utility belt, backpack, air filter, gas mask, walkie-talkie, RMK, disc recorder, pocket computer, additional energy weapon of choice, two standard uniforms and one dress uniform. Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Additional equipment and weapons, portable language translator, Naruni force fields (generally light), jet packs, and other exotic vehicles. The character also has access to most military bases (mid to high level clearance, depending on rank) and military doctors, hospitals, and facilities. Note: Availability of equipment and resources may be dependant upon the local commander, supply stock, location, casualties and combat conditions. Money: The soldier gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, medical care, and all other basic needs provided free as part of his/her pay. The character also receives a monthly salary of 2500 credits (the savings of a first level character is 2D4 x 1000 credits). High ranking soldiers (9th level and higher) get 4000 credits a month. Centurion Primuses get 5500 a month. The centurion's quarter is a private apartment with a private bathroom, living room, bedroom/study complete with CD stereo system, personal computer, large screen television and VCDR, mini refrigerator, desk, dresser, and comfortable bed. Rank: Centurions use the same ranks as legionnaires, most centurions never attaining a rank higher than centurion pilus primus (see Wolfen Legionnaire O.C.C.; rank). However, the most talented centurions may become a Centurion Primus. This is generally the highest rank ever attained directly, because most will leave the army at either centurion pilus primus or at Centurion Primus, become a consul, and then become General. Cybernetics and Bionics: Select one cybernetic augmentation, and one bionic weapon. Experience Table: Use CS Military Specialist table. Praetorian Guard O.C.C. The Praetorian Guard acta as both a police force in the city of Rome, and as a Secret Service who protect the consuls, the praetors, and members of the Senate and the Comitia. There are currently 850 members of the Praetorian Guard, 73% percent of which are Wolfen. Of all the enlisted services of Rome, the Guard has the highest percent of non-Wolfen. They are well trained and have a high success rate. Unlike most police, the people like and respect them. Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10, M.E. 10, P.S. 10, and P.P. 10 or higher. O.C.C. Skills: Language: Euro (98%) Language: Two of choice (often Latin and Wolfen) (+20%) Literacy: Euro (+20%) Radio: Basic (+10%) Surveillance Systems (+10%) Computer Operation (+15%) Streetwise & Streetwise Drugs (both are at +20%) - 672 -

Biology (+5%) Chemistry (+5%) Chemistry: Analytic (+5%) Criminal Sciences and Forensics (+15%) Intelligence (+10%) Math: Basic (+20%) Pilot Hover Vehicles (+10%) Prowl (+10%) First Aid (+15%) W.P. Sword W.P. Energy Pistol W.P. Energy Rifle Hand to Hand: Basic Hand to Hand: Basic can be changed to Hand to Hand: Expert at the cost of one "other" skill, or to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (or Assassin, if an evil alignment) at the cost of two "other" skills. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select five other skills. Plus select one additional skill at levels three, seven, nine, and twelve. Communications: Any (+10%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Basic electronics only Espionage: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Basic and automotive only Medical: Paramedic only (+5%) Military: Any (+5% on demolitions disposal) Physical: Any, excluding acrobatics Pilot: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: None Technical: Any (+5%) W.P.: Any Wilderness: None Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select two secondary skill from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Standard Military issue for Praetorian Guardsmen: T-41 Riot Suit, hovercycle, ancient weapon of choice (generally a sword or a bow and arrow), vibro-blade (generally a gladius), TX-43 Light Assault Laser Rifle, billy club (1D6 S.D.C.), two pairs of M.D.C. handcuffs, two tear gas grenades, flashlight, distancing binoculars, utility belt, sheath for the vibro-blade and the ancient weapon if a blade, air filter, gas mask, walkie-talkie, portable language translator, automatic lock pick, four standard uniforms, and one dress uniform. Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Additional weapons, equipment, E-clips, and vehicles, T-40 "plain clothes" body armor, power armor (cheaper kinds), medical equipment, surveillance equipment, and other supplies. Use of police stations, files, and databases, access to many military bases, and the use of local jails and prisons. Note: This equipment and resources are provided on a "as needed" basis. Availability may be dependent upon the commander, supply stock, location, casualties, and combat conditions. Money: The Guardsmen gets a small, four room apartment in Rome. Free meals are served in the three large Guard Stations in Rome. Weapons, ammunition, vehicles, and equipment are provided by the government. The Guardsmen also receives a monthly salary of 3000 credits (the savings of a first level character is 1D6 x 1000). High ranking officers (princeps prior and pilus posterior) get 4500 a month, and commanders (pilus primus) get 6000 a month. Rank: The Guardsmen use the same ranks of the army. The first three ranks would be like a modern "beat cop", a princeps prior and a pilus posterior would be a detective, and a pilus primus would be a commander. Cybernetics and Bionics: None to start. May be purchased later, or be given as a reward. Experience Table: Uses Headhunter experience table.

Wookiee R.C.C.
By: Tim Santa Cruz ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wookiee R.C.C.
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Wookiees are intelligent, arboreal creatures from the jungle world of Kashyyyk. They are considered to be one of the strongest intelligent alien species in the Star Wars galaxy, yet also exhibit an uncanny knack for repairing and altering technology. They are known for their loyalty to their friends, short tempers and cleverness. While Wookiees have a reputation for hostility, and are known to smash objects when angered, they also possess the capacity for great kindness and an appreciation of the qualities of loyalty, honesty and friendship. Wookiees have developed much of their own technology, constructing huge cities in the trees of their homeworld. They also have their own tools unique to their culture, the most famous being the Wookiee Bowcaster. The Wookiees were enslaved under the Empire, and since being freed by the New Republic, have become strong supporters of the new government. Alignments: Any, but usually good or Selfish. Attributes: I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 3D6+2, P.S. 5D6+6, P.P. 3D6, P.E. 4D6+2, P.B. 2D6, Spd. 3D6 HP: P.E. + 1D6 per level, SDC: 1D6x10 PPE: 2D6 Average life span: 250 years Natural Abilities: Climbing Claws, 2D6 Damage, 30% climbing + 5% per level. Berserker Rage: If a Wookiee becomes enraged he goes into berserker mode. Bonuses: +6 to Damage, -1 to Strike, Parry & Dodge. Must make a save vs. Insanity roll to calm down. Combat: Hand to Hand Basic Psionics: None Magic: None R.C.C. Skills Language - Wookiee (98%) Language - Understands Basic, but cannot speak it (+20%) Basic Math - (+10%) Pilot one vehicle of choice - (+5%) Wilderness Survival - (+10%) Track Animals - (+10%) Hunting - (+5%) W.P. Bowcaster W.P. One Additional WP of Choice Hand to Hand: Basic R.C.C. Related Skills: 10 plus 2 at levels 5, 9, and 11 Communications - Any Domestic - Any Electrical - Any (+5%) Espionage - Any Mechanical - Any (+5%) Medical - First Aid Only Military - None Physical - Any (+5%) Pilot - Any (+5%) Pilot Related - Any Rogue - Any Science - Any Technical - Any Wilderness - Any (+5%) Secondary Skills: 2 at levels 3 and 7 Standard Equipment: Shoulder Pouch, 4 weeks worth of Wookiee Food, 1D6 Extra clips for BowCaster Weapons: Wookiee Bowcaster, Damage: 5D6, Range: 500 feet, Ammo: 30 rounds Money: 1D6x200 Imperial Credits Cybernetics: None. Experience: Use Experience Table for Head Hunter

Woowari R.C.C.
By: Dustin M.

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A friendly and peaceful people, the Woowari are indigenous to forested world in another dimension where they live in harmony with their environment. Alignment: Any, but the vast majority are unprincipled or anarchist. Attributes: The number of dice rolled is as designated: I.Q.: 3D4+4, M.E.: 2D6, M.A.: 2D6, P.S.: 3D4+6, P.P.: 3D4+6, P.E.: 3D4+6, P.B.: 2D6+2, SPD.: 3D4. Hit Points: P.E. + 1D6 per level. S.D.C.: 20 plus those gained from physical skills. Horror Factor: none P.P.E.: 1D6 Natural Abilities: heal at double the normal rate. Bonuses: +2 to save vs poisons and toxins, plus those gained from attributes, O.C.C., and skill bonuses. Magic: By O.C.C. only. Psionics: One in one hundred Woowari will be a psychic healer with eight psionics from the Healing Category. O.C.C.s: May choose from Wilderness Scout, Vagabond, or the equivalents of Druids. Skills of Note: Language: Woowari 98%, Mathematics: Basic +10%, and Horsemanship +15% Average Life Span: 60 years. Enemies: None per se. Allies: None per se. Size: 6ft to 7.5ft (1.8m to 2.3m). Weight: 100lb to 220lb (45.4kg to 100kg). Appearance: A tall, thin rather average looking humanoid, their thoughts are usually as simplistic as their looks. Ranging from a pale pink to a light gray in color, the Woowari have large, dark eyes and light colored hair. Their hands have three fingers with two opposable thumbs.

Wyvern R.C.C.
Wyverns are small, fire breathing dragons that are inherently selfish (anarchist), but there are some kind Wyverns (Unprincipled or Scrupulous). They are various colors, from gray to red, never green. They have small but powerful wings and short arms with wicked claws protruding from their fingertips. They are generally mischievous, stealing and attacking travelers, however they love to metamorphisize into humanoids (especially humans and elves) and walk among them, this has led to many friendships between humans and Wyverns (rarely are the two companions good). They hoard gold just like any other dragon, but rarely do they keep lairs as they enjoy traveling, most will carry their wealth in the form of extremely valuable gems and magic items. Some use magical weapons, but most tend to rely on their natural abilities. Cannot teleport or turn invisible, but can metamorphisize. Wyverns imitate humanoids so often that they may select an OCC! Adult Wyverns may not be Player Characters Alignment: Any, but lean toward selfish Attributes: IQ 2d6+10 ME 2d6+10 MA 2d6+10 PS 2d6+20 PP 2d6+10 PE 2d6+10, PB 2d6+8 Spd 4d6 running but 2d6x10+40 flying (reduce bonuses by half for hatchlings, i.e. PS 2d6+10, except for PB and IQ) M.D.C.: 5d6x100 (1d4x100 for hatchlings) Horror Factor: 14 (12 for hatchling) P.P.E.: 2d4x100 (1d4x100 for hatchlings) Natural Abilities: Nightvision 500ft (can see in total darkness), excellent vision equal to an eagles, see the invisible, bio-regenerate 1d4x10 MDC per minute (hatchlings bio-regenerate 4d6 MDC per five minutes), metamorphosis at will (unlimited duration!), breathe fire (1d4x10 damage for adults, 4d6 for hatchlings). Combat: Seven attacks per melee, favorite weapon is fire breath Damage: As per the supernatural damage table on page 22 of Rifts: Conversions, bite/kick is equal to punch and tail slash does punch plus 1d6 MD. Bonuses: +4 to strike, +5 to parry and dodge, +4 on initiative, +4 to pull punch, +5 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +3 on all saving - 675 -

throws in addition to attribute bonuses. Magic: As per OCC, if a magic OCC is not selected, adults know all magic spells levels. Note: all magic is cast at the wyverns experience level. 1-4 plus: 1-65 knows an additional 1d6 levels of spell magic 66-80 knows all fire elemental magic levels 1-6 81-90 a 1d6 level necromancer 91-100 a 1d6 level techno-wizard Psionics: None O.C.C.: Wyverns may select an OCC! Any, excluding Coalition (obviously) and certain other obvious OCCs (like NGR cyborg, etc.). They are commonly practitioners of magic, in Palladium, a wyvern will probably a mage or man-at-arms. Rarely clergy. Do NOT give the wyvern any hand to hand combat skills. Regardless of OCC, use the Dragon experience table. R.C.C. Skills: Speak Dragonese/Elven 98, plus 2 other languages of choice in addition to OCC skills, Faerie Lore 98, and Demon and Monster Lore 98 Habitat: Anywhere, particularly fond of England and Japan (especially Hokkaido). Average Lifespan: Relatively short compared to most dragons, 1000 to 2000 years, reach full maturity at 200 years old. Allies and Enemies: Almost anyone (enjoy the company of the prettier humanoids, will often have a polite conversation with them, rob them, and leave). Size: 7 to 8 feet at the shoulder if on all fours, 15 to 20 feet long, 6 or 7 feet of which is tail. 30 to 40 foot wingspan. Weight: 500-600 pounds

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Xiticix Slayer
By: Steven Trustrum I don't know about you guys, but I got tired of my players just walking all over the Xiticix, so I decided to even the playing field a little ... hehe... my players still haven't figure out what is going on ;) The Xiticix are a surprisingly resilient race, as proven by their quick adaptation to Rifts earth. This resiliency has led to some shocking new developments, namely the evolution of a fourth type of Xiticix: the Slayer. Essentially advanced warriors, they started to appear in the last few months in areas where hives are located close to ley lines and nexus points. Apparently, the abundance of P.P.E. energy has caused some sort of mutation in some warrior eggs, causing them to appear as taller, bulkier versions of their normal warrior brethren. Appearance is not the only changes, however. The Slayer is smarter, faster, stronger and far more deadly than their more mundane brothers. Also, this new breed has shown far more independence than the regular drone mentality, actually causing some to disobey queen orders and some have even gone rogue!! (rare, one in 200 goes rogue and even then, most are still evil; good or unprincipled Xiticix Slayers are the rarest of the rare). Still extremely uncommon, as their birthing is an unforeseen freak of evolution and not a controlled process, only about 1 in 100 warriors is actually a Slayer. Alignment: Considered anarchist or evil. Hate humans and most other intelligent life forms. Horror Factor: 10, or 12 for a swarm of 10 or more. Size: 9 feet Weight: 750 lb. Attributes: The number of 6 sided dice are as follows: I.Q. 3d4 and functions more intellectually than does his brethren, M.E. 5, M.A. 1d6+2, P.S. 8, P.P. 4d6+2, P.E. 5, P.B. 1, Spd 6 running, 2d6x10 flying. Hit Points / M.D.C.: Like true insects, the aliens wear their skeletons on their outside. The exoskeletons of the Xiticix are natural mega-damage structures; 2d6x10 + 20 M.D.C. The exoskeleton will slowly regenerate any damage they may sustain at a rate of 4d4 M.D.C. per day. Combat: 7 attacks per melee, +3 to parry, strike, dodge and initiative Weapons: 1. TK rifle (as normal Xiticix) 2. Short Sword (as normal Xiticix) 3. Spear (as normal Xiticix) 4. The Slayers have taken to making a special polearm out of the armored remains of the body armor, vehicles robots, etc. of defeated foes. These weapons appear as a 12 foot tall pole with a foot long blade, made of sharpened M.D. armor, at each end. Each blade inflicts 3d6 M.D. per strike and can be used to parry M.D. punches and the like. The slayer is +2 to parry and strike with this weapon (no bonus to throw as it is not weighted properly for it; 150 ft. range). 5. Hand to Hand Combat: Normal Punch or Kick does 1d6 M.D. Power Punch inflicts 3d6 M.D. but counts as 2 attacks. A powerful leap kick does 5d6 M.D. but counts as 2 attacks. Fighting style is similar to human martial arts. Critical strike on a roll of a natural 17-20. Add one extra attack at levels four, nine, and fourteen. Bite attack with mandibles inflicts 6d6 S.D. plus secretes a poison. The poison causes immediate nausea, vomiting and convulsions unless a successful save vs. deadly poison is made. Poison damage is 6d6 S.D. per each bite. Note: Xiticix often coat their weapons with the toxin. Natural Abilities: 1. Poor clarity of vision, making close work and literacy impossible, about half as clear as humans, but is equal to human vision in distance and can see into the infra- red and ultraviolet spectrums. 2. Natural homing sense equal to land navigation skill at a 92% skill proficiency. 3. Heightened sense of smell. Recognizes its specific hive, queen and fellow hive dwellers by scent. Also can track by smell at 30% +4% per level of experience. Can smell the scent of human blood up to three miles away. P.P.E.: 1d8x10+15

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Xurulian Warrior R.C.C.

By: OELTJEN ANDREAS FB7 The warrior caste is the backbone of the Xurulian empire and their number even overtakes the countless worker drones. From all the subspecies of Xurulux the warriors are the most likely to go adventuring. The warriors have kept their original individualistic nature and have strong, indomitable wills. They are fierce fighters and good comrades. While most rely on the Xurulian technology, their 'natural' powers are much better and far more usable. But somehow they tend not to use them while they have sufficient technology at their side. Appearance: see first mail or ask for illustrations (see below) Home world System: M-14 Myrion Number of satellites: 5 World: Xurulux Gravity: 2.13 G System Position: 4 of 7 Land area: 72% Planet size: Jupiter-like Planetary conditions: Length of day: 34 hours Atmospheric density: Terrestrial General Climate: Terran medium For Rifts: Attributes: IQ: 3 +1 ME: 3 MA: 3 PS: 4+2 PP: 3 PE: 5 PB: 3 SPD: 5 MDC: 1D8 x 10 + 100 + 1d6 pro level Height: 1.4 - 1.6 m Height. Add about 1.2 m length (abdomen) Weight: 80 kg - 120 kg Average Life Span: 500 years!! Natural abilities: All Xurulians have the ability to control gravitational forces and are also able to store stellar energy which they can fire from hands or eyes. Same as the powers from HU and CB1 (All these powers are a result of long-term genetic engineering which produced this evolutionary mutation) Special weapons: Plasma pistol 5D6 MD Range 200 m 10 shots AM-Rifle 1d8 x 10 MD Range: 400 m 15 Shots (AM as in antimatter) All weapons are single shot (no burts!!) Preferred armor: Issued plate armor 150 MDC Weight: 12 lb. The Xurulian armor is made of interlocking plates, but allows its wearer unhindered mobility Skills: Choose either wilderness scout OCC (called Rim Scout) or the Grunt OCC (standard military) Can choose any military or warrior OCC if GM allows (but should be careful not to create munchkin) Experience Table: Use alien from HU. Familiarity with earth: Some familiarity by now. Enemies: Kreeghor, Kittani, N'Gai, Skariah and Atorian Empire Allies: Rygloth, T'Golth, View On Life: We are the rulers of the universe. Let none stand before us and our friends, for we are the best. General Occupation: Depends on the caste in which the individual is born. War: Empress Nai put it this way:' War is the last choice of settling a dispute, never the best. Although we fight to expand our borders, our task is only to defeat the enemy not to (ausrotten) him.' Sadly the current empress sees this differently. Universe: The universe constantly expands. So must we, for stagnation means to disappear in its vast reaches. Alliance: It means that the outsider has become a member of our race. Honor him and treat him as you would any member of your caste. Favorite Item: Family crystal: A crystal ball in which all the individual's family history is stored, as well as the thoughts and feelings of the matriarchs. Dress: The insectoids have rather few interest in clothes. They usually only have a poncho-like cloak, which covers their upper bodies. Only the clerical caste always wears long, flowing cloaks. Color ranges wildly, but the clothes is usually single colored. - 678 -

Hangouts: varies Favorite Foods: Trilarian cavernroach. Best served cooked with xurulian beans. Family: My caste is my family. They gave me life so I may protect them. Self: I live to serve my matriarch and my empress (if male) I live to serve the empire (female). Notable Xurulian Statements: Foolish mammal. We are the rulers of this part of the Galaxy. Withdraw! You were warned! We are allies from now on. My word is my bond. Our hives shall aid each other for the rest of existence. Ohh, I forgot to mention. Those interested in illustrations should mail me and I sent them directly pictures of the race, subspecies, weapons, whatever you want. Since one of our group plays a warrior I have made extensive illustration material over the years.

Xurulian Worker R.C.C.

By: OELTJEN ANDREAS FB7 Hello folks. As I promised, here is the Xurulian worker. I had planned these little buggers to be only cannon fodder at the best, but the game directed me differently and so some of them became permanent (and important) NPCs for our group. You people have to decide what will become of them. As always, anyone who wants illustrations, mail me and I'll sent them specifically to you. ----------------------------------------------Insert the legal stuff -------------------------------------------"Servants we are. Work we do. Glory to the Empress." -Worker proverb. The workers of the Xurulians are small, hard-shelled humanoid-like insectoids. The greencolored workers are much like drones, smaller without spikes, more humanoid in appearance (bipedal) and without much sense of individualism. The legs a thin, with four joints, the upper arms thin, the lower arms thick and end in crablike claws. Their heads are small. On each side of the mouth is a long mandible, which hold their live food when they eat. They have three compound eyes. Two larger (one on each side of the head) and a smaller one on the forehead. Two small antennas are located right over the smaller eye. The workers have extensive mechanical knowledge and a knack for machinery of all sorts. They are not stupid, they just act as one which may seem somewhat strange to most other races. Allthough their arms end in thick claws, they commit unbelievable acts of engineering with these crude hands. Only those who see it, can believe there incredible manual dexterity. The workers seem to be unintelligent drones, but this is not true. The workers original species was based on a telepathic hivemind. Allthough the lost their original hive they still contain the link to their brothers. This means, the workers act as one. One mind, one action. This link goes so far that the workers combine their intelligence and knowledge if close to eachother. Still, they often show a rather naive world perspektiv and childlike temperament. The little green workers are comparetively small, considering the other Xurulians, but strong and they number among billions throughout the Empire. While the warriors are most numerous on the homeworld, the workers are evenly dispersed throughout the empire. Combing their number, they would outnumber any other subspecies one to five. A player should play three workers, who share their knowledge and personality quirks. Each of the workers can have different skills. Remember: They have simple minds and react accordingly. Attributes: IQ: * ME: 2 MA: 1 PS: 5+3 PP: 3 PE: 5 PB: 2 SPD: 1D6x10 (min 30) *The intelligence of the worker depends on how many workers are linked together. One worker on its own has the equivalent of an IQ of 5, two have 10, and the maximum linked possible have 20. The intelligence of the workers is especially strong in mechanical knowledge. In all other areas it is average, even when linked. MDC: 1D3 x 10 + 4d6 pro level Height: 0.9 - 1 m Weight: 30 kg - 45 kg Average Life Span: 20 years Natural abilities: All Xurulians have the ability to control gravitational forces. The workers use these powers as a tool. Empathic/telepathic link which allows them to use the knowledge/skills of their fellow workers (range: 5m (about 16 ft)) R.C.C. Skills: Basic Electronics (+15%) - 679 -

Mechanical Engineer (+25%) or Basic Mechanics (+15%) Electrical Engineer (+25%) Other Mechanical or Electrical skill of choice +10% (should reflect his/her main area of work) Pilot Shuttle 60% +5% per level Pilot Industrial Exoskeleton (Treat as Pilot Robots and Powerarmors) Radio:Basic (+10%) Lore: Geology 30% +5% per level Literacy: Xurulian 98% Language: Two of choice (+15%) H-To-Basic can be bought as OEOther skill' (Remember: They were designed to be non-combatants) O.C.C. Related Skills: Chose 3 at level one, 2 at level three, one at five, seven, nine and eleven. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: Any Electrical: Any (+10%) Espionage: None Mechanical: Any (+10%) Medical: First Aid and Paramedic (counts as two) only Military: None Physical: Any except acrobatics, gymnastics and boxing (+5% to all other) Pilot: Only Auto, APC & Tanks, Shuttle and Truck. Pilot-related: Any except Weapon Systems Rogue: Only Prowl (+5%) and Streetwise. Science: Any (+5%) Technical:Any, except art, photography and writing (Languages +10%). WP: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary: Chose two from the list above Standard Equipment: A suit of personalized enviromental armor (40 MDC). Gas mask and air filter, tinted goggles. Plasma torch, tool kit, one energy weapon of choice, backpack, utility belt, walkie-talkie, binoculars, molecular analyzer and canteen. (This is the equipment for workers who crashed on earth. Workers of the Empire at active duty have access to anything they need for their work)

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-YYautja Hunter R.C.C.

By: Dustin M. [Creator's Note: The Yautja Hunters are my rendition of the Predator, as based on the Dark Horse comics and the Bantam/Spectra novelizations of those stories. Detailed description of the Yautja and their culture may be obtained from these books.] Alignment: Any, but the vast majority are aberrant or anarchist. Attributes: The number of dice rolled is as designated: I.Q.: 4D6, M.E.: 4D6+2, M.A.: 4D6, P.S.: 2D6+20, P.P.: 4D6+10, P.E.: 2D4+20, P.B.: 2D6, SPD.: 6D6. M.D.C.: P.E. plus 6D6*10+100, and 2D6 M.D. per level Horror Factor: 14 P.P.E.: 1D6*10 Natural Abilities: Natural M.D.C. body structure, supernatural strength and endurance (can carry 100 times P.S. in pounds, and can lift 200 times P.S. in pounds), heightened sense of hearing (equal to cybernetic amplified hearing), superior eagle-like vision (able to read a sign from three miles) heals ten times faster than normal. Combat: Three plus those gained from hand to hand combat skills and boxing. Bonuses: +3 to strike, +5 to parry and dodge, +10 to save vs horror factor +2 to save vs poisons and toxins, plus those gained from attributes and skill bonuses. Damage: Variable depending on P.S. attribute. See supernatural strength chart. Magic: None Psionics: None R.C.C. Skills of Note: Language: Yautja 98%, Literacy: Yautja 98%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Climbing 90%, and Prowl 80% +5%. Skills gained from the heightened sense of hearing: Estimate the distance of the sound: 60% +5% per level of experience; estimate the speed of the sound's approach or departure: 50% +5% per level of experience; recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration: 40% +5% per level of experience; imitate a voice 35% +5% per level of experience. Hunting skills are as follows: Wilderness Survival: +30%, Land Navigation: +30%, Tracking: +35%. Additionally select six espionage/military/wilderness skills, four ancient W.P.s, two modern W.P.s, four physical, and a hand-to-hand combat skill (any), all with a bonus of +15%. Also select six secondary skills from any of the categories. Xp table: Use the same table as the Techno-Wizard. Average Life Span: 200 to 350 years. Enemies: None per se. Allies: None per se. Size: 6.5ft to 9.8ft (2m to 3m). Weight: 350lb to 550lb (160kg to 250kg). Appearance: A giant reptilian humanoid.

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Yautja Shift Suit This suit of body armor gives the Hunter the incredible ability to blend in with his environment. In also has a shoulder mounted plasma ejector. M.D.C.: 100 Weight Class: Medium Weight: 17lb (7.7kg) Prowl Penalty: Excellent mobility; no prowl penalty! Features: 1. Chameleon: A truly unique power that allows the hunter to blend into and adapt to his environment, the Shift Suit enables the individual to change color and texture to blend into his environment. Movement destroys the effectiveness of the chameleon ability. Chances of being unseen: 90% Undetectable if completely still. 70% Undetectable if moving 2ft per melee or less. 20% Undetectable if moving 6ft per melee. Totally ineffective if moving any faster. Duration: Indefinite as needed. 2. Burner: this shoulder mounted weapon is a short range, but devastatingly powerful weapon. Mega-Damage: 1D6*10 M.D. per blast. Range: 1200ft (365m) Rate of Fire: Aimed, Burst, Wild; see modern Weapon Proficiencies. Payload: 20 blasts; one blast can be recharged every ten minutes. 3. Optics: the Shift Suit has the full range of optical enhancements found on power armors. 4. Other Features: - Insulated, high temperature shielding for up to 200 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage. - Radiation shielded. - Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor. - Helmet face plate is removable. - Wrist Mini-Comp: A multi-purpose miniature computer and display that will indicate system errors within the armor, damage levels, and oxygen supply, as well as direction (compass), time, and date.

Yi-Xian C.C.C. (Complete Character Class)

By: Nighthawk Many thanks go out. To my friend Kurt, who helped me with it. To Morephus for his book. All the players that created theire own. And last but not least, to the rifts crew. For the good work. The Yi-Xian Alien (The 'One Immortal' Alien) The Yi-Xian is an alien from another planet very different from Rifts Earth. This alien is now present on Earth and on various other locations in this galaxy by complete and utter mistake. The first Yi-Xian alien was brought to Earth when some rogue scientists were experimenting in a small labratory in a city in China, somehow a chemical reaction was triggered and mixed with some of the local ley line energy with opened a rift. A matter of seconds after the rifts opened an alien was passed through and into a was at massive speeds. The alien got up and ran outside (leaving a large imprint in the wall) into the streets. It ran through the streets of the city and ended up being gunned down by one of the local Triads. Later the alien got to it's feet and escaped outside the city. The locals that witnessed this branded the alien the Yi-Xian, chinese for 'One Immortal'. Since the first accident, scientists, assisted by some Techno-Wizzards and a few shifters, have re-opened the rift in attemps to send researchers with a small military force through, however the is some force preventing the reverse pass through the rift. Only travel from the dimension to Earth is possible. Since the first, many more Yi-Xian aliens have been appearing throught the world for reasons yet to be determined.

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(Creators Note: The reason I came up with is that the aliens from the homeworld want to find out more about the other side of the rift.) Alignment: Any Attributes: IQ: 2D6+3, ME: 3D6, MA: 2D6+5, PS: 5D6+6, PP: 5D6+4, PE: 3D6, PB: 2D6, Spd: 4D6. PS & PE considered supernatural P.P.E.: 4D6 I.S.P.: 4D6 Size: Height: 6' to 8' Tall Weight: 200 to 500 lb Description: The Yi-Xian alien is a very big, well built creature it moves with the swiftness and speed of a bird, stikes with the precision of a tiger, and with the strength of an Ox. They are dark in colour, smooth rock like substance, but warm to the touch like humans. Usually black, Dark blue, Red, Grey, or a blend of colours M.D.C.: 50 + 1D6 per level Horror Factor: 5 Average Life span: Unknown (Creators note: Can live forever not affected by aging) Natural Abilities/Weapons/Notes: 1. Retractable 'spines' on forearms does 2D6 MD for a forearm strike 2. Regenerates 1D6 MDC per melee 3. Master Swordsmen and Combat artist +2 Attacks, +4 Strike/Parry, +2 Roll, +2 Initative Custom Hand to Hand style WP Paired Swords 4. Can use both hands with equal skill 5. Limited invulnerability: One MDC is reduced to 0, the regeneration process is not over the alien begins to heal all wounds and is ready to fight after a matter of minutes. If dismembered, and killed will form together and heal with no visible scars. Can re-attach missing/removed body parts in one minute. If placed in an oxygenless atmosphere, it goes into a hybernation (no healing) and will not come out until placed back in an oxygen atmosphere (even if a little). TO KILL: Simply remove the lungs. 6. Note: Breathes through mouth but also absorbs oxygen through skin. Translation: Can live in water and other oxygencontaining materials 7. Can create a Psi-Sword at will with no PPE/ISP expenditure Damage is 4D6 MD + 1D6 at all even levels (2,4,6,8,10 etc) 8. Does damage to vampires. 9. 100 time normal damage to Alien Intelligences & Gods Psionic Powers: Roll % 1-80: None 81-00: Minor Psi-Powers Select 2 Psi Powers from any One Catagory excluding Super Combat: See Natural ability #3 and #7 Vulnerabilities/Penalties: See natural ability #5 O.C.C.'s: This is a Complete Character Class, meaning that it is an RCC and OCC in one. An OCC may be Picked --BUT-- then they lose the following: - 683 -

-Natural Abilities #3,4,7,8,9 -Lose 2D6 from PS,PP -Lose 1D6 from Speed -Is considered a Traitor and will be attacked TO DEATH by any and all other Yi-Xian aliens that see it (they can just tell). -Colour continually changes -Character glows (-10 prowl and related) Allies: None known. Enemies: Mei-Long alien clan. Aliens from same planet. Dislikes: Gangs (from first encouter), Reptilian creatures (reminds them of Mei-Long) Money: 3D6 * 2000 credits in alien gems (1D12 gems at 1000 each). Cannot be used to buy when creating character MUST be converted first. Starting Equipment: 1 Energy Pistol of Choice*, 1 other Energy Weapon of choice*, 4 E-Clips for each, Casual set clothing Chi-Jen Energy Sword (stardard Yi-Xian weapon) Variable length 1-8ft long 1 ft long control handle 5D6 MDC Damage * Black Market items included, any selections much be OK'ed by GM Saves: +5 Save vs and Magic. Saves as Minor Psionic (regardless of Psi present or not) Cybernetics: NONE, will be rejected as fast as they are put in. Xp table: Same as Cyber-Samurai from Rifts Japan C.C.C. Skills: WP Sword Paired Prowl (+24%) Hand to Hand: Xian (see below) Body Building (No SDC/MDC bonus) Tracking (+10%) Pilot: One of Choice (+10%) Language and Literacy: Yi-Xian (98%) Language: One of choice (+15%) Understand English (50% + 5% / level) Zero Gravity Combat and Movement Computer Operation (+5%) WP Sharpshooting: Energy Pistol Basic Electronics (+10%) Intelligence (+10%) C.C.C. Related Skills: Select 10. Espionage: Any (+10%) Physical: Any (+10% where applicable) Pilot: Any (+5%) Pilot Related: Any (+5%) Technical: Any (+5%) Mechanical: Any (+5%) Rogue: Any (+10%) Medical: Paramedic or First Aid Military: Any Secondary Skills: Select 8 Secondary Skills Hand to Hand: Xian (The Immortal Hand to hand style): Exclusive to Yi-Xian aliens but can be taught by master at 10th level plus but level limit is that of teacher (student cannot surpass teacher) (Creators Note: I used Ninjas and Superspies combat tables for examples as well as the ones in Mystic China, both Palladium - 684 -

Trademarks) Defensive moves: Automatic Parry, Parry, Dodge, Roll with P/F/I, Backflip: All Disarm, Circular Parry, Maintain Balance Hand Strikes: Punch, Palm, Power Punch, Knife Hand, Forearm Foot strikes: Kick, Snap, Cresent, Round-House/Round Kick, Backward Sweep, Knee, Axe Kick, Reverse Turning Kick, Combination Grab/Kick, Tripping/Leg Hooks Other Stuff: Body Flip/Throw, Critical on 20 & from Behind, eventually death blow, Critical Flip/Throw *Sword Throw (special: The Character has learned to throw their sword as straight as an arrow (like in the movies) 5ft per point of PS over 8. Damage is as normal strike) *Blunt end KO (special: Using the hilt of the sword, the character makes a knock-out attack. Roll to strike, if success roll 1D20 14+ is a successful Knock-out for 3D6 melee's If attempted from behind, roll strike, KO is automatic if hit) Backflip: All, choke Automatic hold: Arm, Body, Neck Automatic lock: Wrist, Finger, Elbow What I did for the damages in Ninjas and Superspies is just took normal SDC damages and converted them directly to MDC (1D6 SD does 1D6 MD) Pick 2 Martial Art Powers from Special Katas, Martial Art Techniques, Invisibility Techniques, Pick 1 Atemi Ability (excluding Dim Mak) or 1 Advanced Atemi (excluding Long Range Dim Mak) Advancement Table: 1. Critcal on 20, Behind +2 Parry/Dodge, +3 Roll 2. +1 Strike, +2 Disarm 3. +1 Strike on Body flip Does 2D6 now 4. +1 Attack Critical on 18-20 5. Death Blow on 18-20 +2 Strike 6. +1 Attack Pick One Martial Art Power from Mystic China or Ninja's & SuperSpies 7. Automatic Body Flip/Throw @ 2D6 MDC +2 Damage 8. +1 Attack, Blunt end KO on 10+ 9. +2 Roll, +1 Damage +1 Maintain Balance 10. +1 Parry/Dodge +1 Disarm 11. +1 attack Pick One Martial Art Power from Mystic China or Ninja's & SuperSpies 12. +2 Roll, +1 Maintain Balance, +2 Damage 13. +1 Parry/Dodge +1 Strike 14. +1 Attack, +1 Strike 15. +2 Damage

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Appendix 1 The "official" OCC/RCC submission form. For direct submission for this Netbook send the file to or you can send it to the for peer review first. Appendix 2 Coalition data for use with Demoniac's OCC's and RCC's by Demoniac Appendix 3 The Keltarian Race by Jason Bridgman Appendix 4 Rune Magic for use with Jason Bridgman's rune OCC's Appendix 5 Quantum Magic for use with the Quantum Sorceror O.C.C. Appendix 6 Martial Arts Techniques for use with the Ultimite Martial Artist. Appendix 7 Equipment for the Alien and Human Predator R.C.C. Appendix 8 Temporal Psionics for use with the Temporal Master PCC Appendix 9 Equipment listing for the Battle Angel OCC Appendix 10 Battle Angel Martial Arts for the Battle Angel OCC Appendix 11 Heres the Tool lists for the Collectors. Its kind of small right now, but the authors working on a larger list. Appendix 12 Special Elite Seal Weapons, Armor and Equipment. Appendix 13 New Lightsaber for the Jedi Knights OCC's Appendix 14 Elven Magic for Lee Casebolt's Nightbane Elves Appendix 15 New Exuipment & Psionics for the Etherials R.C.C. Appendix 16 Xurulian Race and History

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Appendix 1 "Official" OCC/RCC Submission Form

The "Official" OCC/RCC Submission form (when submitting an OCC or an RCC please make sure it as complete as possible) OCC/RCC title: By: Your Name and e-mail address here Usual Alignments: Attribute Requirements: Description: Appearance: Special Abilities: Special Disadvantages: OCC Skills (with bonuses) OCC Related skills areas # of OCC related skills: Secondary skills areas # of Secondary skills: Psionics (if any): Saves as: Magic (if any): Cybernetics: Races available to (if OCC): Allies: Enemies: Starting Equipment: Vehicles: Weapons: Money:

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Xp table:

Appendix 2
Excerpts From A Coalition Campaign: Welcome, True Believer! This file contains information about the Coalition States that I used while running a Rifts campaign. I haven't been actively playing for a couple of years, but I still keep up on the products and I look forward to to the time when I can sit down and play again. Anyhow, I was wandering through AOL the other day and found out that so many people had been uploading Rifts files and I decided to upload a few and see if people could use the stuff. I previously put up a file which has a complete listing of all "official" OCC's and RCC's from Palladium games that I have in my possession. Obviously, whatever I don't have is not in that file, but I believe it is fairly comprehensive. Some of the information given below is from my own imagination, but some of it was inspired from different sources. The Wildrunner is an adaptation of the "Beastmaster" character class presented in Dragon Magazine. The Duster came from my desire to inject "Jedi Knights" into my campaign (It didn't turn out the way I'd planned...). The Gomer Boy is obviously derived from "Gomer Pyle, USMC," and the Sea Wolves are an adaptation of US Navy Seals The Coalition chain of command I took pretty much straight out of Robotech, but I inserted some ranks from Twilight: 2000. The composition of the Extermination Units is modeled after the list of Coalition strike forces found in Rifts Source book Number One. Last, but definitely not least, I have to give credit to Kevin Siembieda and all the folks at Palladium Books who have given all of us such a great Megaverse in which to spend our free time. If you ever get a hold of this, Kevin, my hat is off to you! If you enjoy these characters and information, or if you just absolutely hate them, feel free to comment on them to me. My email address is, and I'd be happy to hear from anyone about Rifts. Coalition Experience Tables: Occupation ----------------------------Centurion Commando Duster Entertainment Specialist Extermination Specialist Inquisitor Oceanic Specialist Coalition Military Chain of Command: Heads of State: Emperor Head of Propaganda Military Counsel Special Advisors Individual Coalition State Governors Commissioned Officers: General Lieutenant General Major General Brigadier General Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain First Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Appropriate Table ----------------------------CS Military Specialist CS Military Specialist Mystic CS Grunt Psi-Stalker Techno-Wizard CS RPA Elite

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Non-Commissioned Officers: Sergeant Major Master Sergeant Sergeant First Class Staff Sergeant Sergeant Enlisted Personnel: Corporal Lance Corporal Private First Class Private Military Specialists Not Within Chain of Command: (those who take orders from officers, but cannot issue commands) Mercenaries Civilian Urban Guides Equipment Analysts Coalition OCCs ------------------Dog Pack * Extermination Specialist Duster Psi-Stalker % Borg Grunt Oceanic Specialist Entertainment Specialist RPA Elite Technical Officer Commando Glitter Boy & Centurion Military Specialist Inquisitor Crazy Headhunter Juicer + Wilderness Scout % @ I.P. = Internal Police * Coalition Dog Packs are not used by CS Free Quebec, however, the other members of PSI units are somewhat common. In CS Lone Star, the mutant dogs may be trained as RPA Elite or Military Specialists. % CS Iron Heart has a massive force of psi-stalkers and wilderness scouts.& Glitter Boys are used solely by CS Free Quebec. + Juicers are technically illegal to hire, but at least one is known to be working for the Coalition in Chi-Town, they may be more common in Free Quebec. Non-Military Coalition OCCs: (OCC to use for stats) Archives Scholar (Rogue Scholar) Bionics Specialist Cyber-Doc) Civilian Urban Guide (City Rat) Equipment Analyst (Operator) Medical Doctor (Body Fixer) Research Scientist (Rogue Scientist) Vagabond % % Vagabonds are simply the uneducated Coalition citizens. - 689 Initial Rank -------------Private Private Private Private Private Private Private 1st Class Lance Corporal Lance Corporal Corporal Corporal Sergeant Sergeant Lieutenant ----------Status -----------PSI unit PSI unit PSI unit PSI unit Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier I.P.@ Soldier I.P.@ Mercenary Mercenary Mercenary Mercenary Nickname -----------Wildrunner

Sea Wolf Gomer Boy Sam Swift

Note: The non-military OCCs are listed mostly for reference only. Players might find the Civilian Urban Guide or Equipment Analyst interesting for playing, but the others are mostly for the GM's use. Typical Deployment of Coalition Extermination Units Light Extermination Unit: (7) 1 Wildrunner 1 Duster 1 Psi-stalker (unit leader) 2 Dog Pack soldiers 2 Dog Pack heavy weapons Heavy Extermination Unit: (10) 1 Wildrunner 1 Psi-stalker (unit leader) 1 Duster 1 Swift 3 Dog Pack soldiers 2 Dog Pack heavy weapons 1 Dog Pack second in command Special Forces Extermination Unit: (22) 2 Wildrunners 2 Dusters 2 Psi-stalkers (unit leaders) 2 Swifts 4 Dog Pack soldier trackers 4 Dog Pack soldiers 4 Dog Pack heavy weapons 2 Dog Pack seconds in command Note: Extermination units of the Coalition States are primarily composed of the psionic specialists in the Coalition military. Even the Swifts which serve on the units tend to be psionic in nature, whether possessing minor or major ability levels. These units are usually dispatched to counter supernatural, psionic, or magical enemies which threaten major urban areas within the Coalition States. With the combined abilities of Psi-stalkers and Wildrunners, these units enjoy a high rate of success in their deployments. Another facet of the units is to field-test the Swifts. It is said that any Swift who can survive a tour of duty with the extermination units is able to handle any assignment given him, and that those who cannot handle the tour are not seen as truly competent. Some of the Swifts even go so far as to request a permanent assignment to the units. These few emblazon the "PSI" mark upon their body armor as a sign of their duties, even if they themselves are not psionic.

Appendix 3
Keltar Aliens By: Jason Bridgman [This race is based on the Toogarth aliens in the Villains Unlimited book, converted to Rifts/Phase World (see pages 188-190 of said book).] The Keltar are a warlike race with vast technology, especially in the areas of war and space travel. They have a small empire consisting 39 planets in 5 solar systems, in a nearby galaxy. The Keltar have a matriarchal society in which the females hold most of the positions of power. This is simply because the females are usually larger, smarter, and more "cool tempered" than the males. The males make up most of the common work force as well as most of the common soldiers. There are very few males in the upper ranks or in postions of power. The Keltar Empire is ruled by a Queen, who is advised by a host of advisors, many being from worlds that the Keltar have conquered. Possible Classes include: (Note: most Keltarians do not get to choose their own careers, as they are chosen for them either at birth or at an early age based on there attributes/skill.) Warrior/Soldier-65% Bounty Hunter/Officer-20% Engineer-5% - 690 -

Mystic Priest-5% Kaazar Warrior-2% Other-3%

Appendix 4
Rune Caster, Rune Lords, and Rune Magic
By: Jason Bridgman The original rune magic was created by the Old Ones of the Paladium world, which they taught to several races, including the dwarves. Durring the Time of Chaos on the Palladium world, there was a race of human-like beings that possessed the secrets of rune magic known as the Ean. The Ean fought against the Old Ones in the war that ended the Time of Chaos, and were thought to be among the races that were destroyed. In truth, the Ean had begun to develop rune magic unlike anything any other being had done, including the Old Ones. The Ean fled the Palladium world near the end of the war, creating a pocket dimension using rune magic. In their new dimension, the Ean developed rune magic into an art which combined concepts of conventional rune magic, tattoo magic, and spell casting. The Ean became the Rune Lords. Conventional rune magic while powerful, is rather simple. It consisted of creating ultra-powerful weapons by trapping a life essence into a weapon or item. Now the powers of the Rune Lords included augmentation to their bodies in addition to objects, and even a form of spell casting. No other race has ever accomplished anything similiar to that of the Ean, except for perhaps the Splugorth with their tattoo magic, which is similiar to vastly inferior rune magic. For thousands of years the Ean were content to remain in their dimensional realm and develop their magic, only occationally venturing from their homes into the rest of the universe. The Ean eventually became restless. They were essentially good beings, and were upset by the evil that they saw. Creatures like the Splugorth, evil gods, and demon lords struck fear into them. These beings were growing in power, power like that of the Old Ones. Their were little in the way of forces of good to combat these forces of darkness. Hence the Rune Lords journeyed forth to do battle against the forces of evil. While the Rune Lords were powerful, they knew that they could not face their enemies alone. Thus they began to teach the secrets of the runes to a select few. Each Rune Lord usually only takes on one or two apprentices in their life time, and hence the number of rune casters remain low. Most rune casters are of good alignment, but some have turned to evil. To this day, the Splugorth do not know of the rune casters, Rune Lords, or even of this form of rune magic. All rune casters, even the evil ones, will go to extraordinary measures to ensure that the Splugorth do not find out about them. If the Splugorth ever found out about them, they would do whatever was necessary to learn this new magic, and then destroy all others who possessed it. Today most rune casters and lords live in the Nexus, the dimension created by the Ean. The dimension is known as the nexus because the entire dimension is like a giant nexus point. Anywhere in the dimension practitioners of magic receive the benefits of being at a nexus point. Also, while it is like a nexus point, no rifts have ever opened to this dimension. Therefore most beings do not know of its existence, and none have ever found it. The only way to travel to the dimension is via magic runes. Very few beings other than rune casters have even seen the dimension. Those who have were either friends of rune casters or criminals being taken before the elders for judgement. The elders are extremely powerful rune casters with 90% being Ean, 5% human, and the remaining being other races. Most rune casters when they draw near the ends of their lives choose to become rune weapons. This is so that they can spend the rest of eternity helping the forces of good. Note: Most, and all good rune casters, will only make rune weapons from willing beings. Their are a suprising number of powerful beings of good that volunteer to become rune weapons. Most of them are near the ends of their natural life spans, and choose to continue to serve the forces of good rather then simply waste their life forces.

<--== Rune Magic ==-->

The powers of runes are varied, ranging from physical augmentation to effects similiar to conventional spells. There are two different classes of Rune Magic. The first is body runes while the other is rune spells/abilities. Body runes are runes that are drawn/tattooed onto the body of the rune caster. The body runes then augment the body in some way, either by increasing physical attributes including M.D.C., or by affecting the body like a spell effect (invisibility, flight, metamorphosis, etc.). Most rune spells/abilities are similiar to conventional spellcasting, but they are cast differently. Other rune spells/abilities include object augmentation (rune weapon creation is done like this), and effects similiar to wards and circles. Body Runes: Body runes cover almost all of the body, and all are connected. While all of the symbols may not cause an effect, they are all magical and connect all of the runes in a network of magic. When adding a new rune, the connection symbols are modified in the creation process in order for the rune to fit into the latice of symbols. Only some of the body runes require P.P.E. to activate, as many are permanently active. All runes are activated by thought, except those which are specified in their description. The body runes are drawn in an azure blue colour. The Heart: This symbol is the first rune any rune caster receives. It is a symbol drawn over the heart of the being that receives it, and all other runes are connected to it. The heart rune is required to cast any rune spells. In addition to forming the basis or heart of the rune system, this rune adds 5d6 M.D.C. to the person receiving it. P.P.E.: None.

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Healer: The healer rune must be drawn on the back of the hand. In order to activate this rune, it must be touched to the heart rune. Touching does not necessarily mean flesh contact, it will work through clothing and MAGIC armour. This rune simply heals damage to the body, healing 3d6 M.D.C. per application. P.P.E.: 10. Basic Protection: This is actually a series of six runes, with one being placed in each location of each leg, each arm, the chest, and the back. If the being has more than two arms then they only need the runes on two of them. The basic protection rune system adds 1d6x10 M.D.C to the wearer. P.P.E.: None Advanced Protection: This is a modification to the basic protection runes, and requires the basic system first before these runes are added. This system adds an additional 2d4x10 M.D.C. in addiotion to the protection provided by the basic protection runes. Strength: This rune may be drawn anywhere on the body. This rune increases the wearers strength by six points and makes it supernatural, minimum P.S. of 16. Duration is 2 minutes per level of experience. This strength increase allows the user to inflict mega-damage in their attacks. Damage varies based on strength as follows: P.S. 16-20 -> 1d6 M.D. P.S. 21-25 -> 2d6 M.D. P.S. 26-30 -> 3d6 M.D. P.S. 31-35 -> 4d6 M.D. P.S. 36-40 -> 5d6 M.D. P.S. 41-50 -> 6d6 M.D. The maximum strength for a humanoid character is a 50. P.P.E.: 15. Speed: This rune must be drawn anywhere on the legs. The wearer of the rune has his speed increased to 44, or ten points added to his speed if he already has a 44 or heigher speed attribute. Also, the wearer gains a +4 to dodge while the magic is active. Duration is one minute plus one minute per level of experience. P.P.E.: 10. Flight: This rune may be drawn anywhere on the body. The rune allows the wearer to fly at 60 mph + 10 mph per level of experience. Maximum height is 4000 feet and duration is 15 minutes per level of experience. P.P.E.: 15. Defence: The defence rune creates a magic shield around the wearer. The M.D.C. of the shield is 20 M.D.C. per level of experience. The duration is 10 minutes per level of experience or until destroyed. This rune may be drawn anywhere, but is usually drawn on the chest or arms because it must be touched by the fingertips to be activated. P.P.E.: 20. Super Healer: This is an enhancement on the healer rune and must be drawn on the forehead of the user (the person usually has runes running up the sides of the face). The healer rune must be possessed before this rune can be created, and it is activated by touching the healer rune to it. Flesh contact must be made (the two become one). The rune instantly heals 100 M.D.C. points, and doubles the normal healing rate of the user. P.P.E.: 100. Enhanced Healing: This rune must be drawn near the heart rune. It increases the normal healing ability of the body allowing the user to heal 1d6 M.D.C. per hour. The healer rune must also be possessed for this rune to work. P.P.E.: None. Body Weaponry: This is another rune set, consisting of four or more runes. The runes are drawn on the top of each of the feet, and on the back of the hands or on the wrists. These runes energize the wearer allowing him to perform megadamage attacks. The runes can be used in one of two ways. The first is to enhance the users hand to hand strikes. When used in this way, the users inflicts 2d4 M.D. for a punch or kick. A power punch or jump kick does 3d6 M.D. If used with the strength rune, or if the being natually causes mega-damage in their attacks, this power give them a +10 M.D. to their damage. Duration in this form is 2 melee rounds per level of experience. The other form allows the user to release the energy in one long range blast. Range of the attack is 1000 feet and causes 2d6+1d6 M.D. for every level of experience. P.P.E.: 10 or 15 for a blast. Invisibility: The rune of invisibility is a very rare rune. It may be drawn anywhere on the body. The rune grants the user invisibility, similiar to that of the invisibility: superior spell. The user can not be detected by any means including infrared, ultraviolet, heat, motion detection, and smell. The user leaves no foot prints and makes little sound (prowl 80%). Like other invisibility powers, the user becomes visible when they take a hostile action. Otherwise the power last for 5 minutes per level of experience, or until it is disengaged by the user. P.P.E.: 20. Energy Resistance: This power reduces the damage of energy attacks to 75%. The rune must be drawn on the torso. P.P.E.: None. Metamorphosis: This is one of the most rare runes in existance. It must be drawn on the spine of the user. It allows the user to shapechange into any animal or humanoid. The user can also change into inanimate objects but it requires double the P.P.E.. While the user is in the other form, they retain all of their normal attributes and abilities, but gain none of the form they change into. The only thing they gain from the transformation is the appearance and means of locamotion (flight for birds, swim for fish, etc.). Maximum size is three times as tall for humanoids, or the size of an elephant/melech for animals. Even monsters can be imitated including things ranging from centaurs to gryphons to melech (about the biggest) to gargoyles. Inanimate objects have a maximum size of 100 cubic feet (5x5x4 box). Duration is 10 minutes per level of experience for creatures, 5 minutes per level for inanimate objects. P.P.E: 50/100. Psionic Defence: This rune, which must be drawn on the head or neck (usually the top of the neck/base of the skull or forehead), makes the user impervious to mind control, possession, and mind reading/probes. It also grants a +5 to save vs. other psionic attacks. Duration is one minute per level of experience. P.P.E.: 20. Breathe Without Air: The breathe without air rune must be drawn on either the chest or the neck. It allows the user to breathe while under water or in a vacuum. It also allows the user to breathe in atmospheres that are poisonous and while in poisonous gases clouds. An additional effect is that if the user has a protection rune set, they may operate in outer space without an environmental suit. Duration is 5 minutes per level of experience. P.P.E.: 8. Hiding: Hiding runes are common for those people that must go amongst beings that may recognize the runes as such. When activated, the hiding rune masks the runes on the body of the user. It is a simple magic that just makes the runes less obvious and makes people think that they can't see it. Chance for noticing runes by casual observation -- 5%. Chance of - 692 -

noticing the runes under close examination is only 50%. Duration is one day per level of experience. This rune may be drawn anywhere on the body. P.P.E.: 20. Warning: A simple rune drawn connected to the heart rune, this rune warns the wearer when they are in danger. When anything hostile to the wearer is within one mile, all of the runes on the body begin to glow. The brightness depends on the closeness and degree of danger. An extremely powerful demon lord standing near the wearer will cause the runes to glow so bright that they can light up a room through his clothing! The warning system can be turned off with a thought, so that the wearer is not so obvious. This rune is always active. P.P.E.: None. Note: Other body runes exist, but are very rare and are not usually available. many Ean families have a special rune which is like a family heirloom and only passed down through the family. Also, rune casters can develop their own runes/effects through research and experiments.

Rune Spells/Abilities:
Rune spells are like conventional spells, but are cast by drawing runes either on an object or in the air. Special spells/abilities are used for such things as augmenting objects. Augmentations Note: In all rune sequences with temporary and permanent forms, temporary runes may be drawn with anything, and in anything. Permanent runes must be drawn in a more permanent material, hence the runes must be carved or engraved into the object. Most rune casters also fill the runes with silver (if not their is a 5% chance that the runes do not hold, and the enchantment will only last for five years per level). Create Magic Weapon: This spell/ability allows the rune caster to change a normal S.D.C. weapon into a mega-damage weapon. Their are two forms of this power. The first one only grants the power temporarily. The second form makes the weapon permanently magical. Whether permanent or not, the weapon now inflicts its normal damage, but as mega-damage instead of S.D.C. (a weapon which did 1d6 S.D.C. now does 1d6 M.D.). The rune caster must have something with which to draw the runes with (anything will do, the magic makes it stick; in desperate times rune casters have been known to draw with their fingers in blood). The weapon, like true rune weapons, becomes indestructable. Creatures that are vulnerable to rune weapons are affected in the same way with these weapons. Duration for a temporary enchantment is 30 minutes per level of experience. It takes 2 minutes to do a temporary enchantment or 30 minutes for a permanent enchantment. P.P.E.: 10 for temporary, 100 for permanent. Supernatural Slayer: This is similiar to the create magic weapon ability, only it does normal S.D.C. damage to most creatures, but does double normal S.D.C. damage in mega-damage to creatures of magic and the supernatural including dragons, demons, etc. (a weapon that does 1d6 S.D.C. does 2d6 M.D.). Those creatures that are vulnerable to rune weapons are affected in the same way with these weapons. These weapons can be temporary or permanent, the same as with the previous power. Duration for a temporary weapon is 30 minutes per level of experience. It takes 3 minutes to create a temporary weapon, 35 minutes for a permanent. P.P.E.: 15 for temporary, 120 for permanent. Flying Weapon: When a weapon is inscribed by these runes, it can be thrown, or if a bow fired, three times as far as normal. Also the weapon or arrow automatically returns to the user whether it strikes or misses. This enchantment can be used in combination with either the create magic weapon or supernatural slayer powers, but in the case of bows, each arrow must be enchanted, not the bow. These weapons, unlike other rune weapons, are NOT indestructable unless they are combined with one of the previous powers. This power can be temporary or permanent, similiar to the create magic weapon power. If this is combined with one of the previous powers, the P.P.E. cost is cumulative. Duration is 30 minutes per level of experience for temporary weapons. Note: When combining with other enchantment forms, you must use the proper form; ie. temporary with temporary, permanent with permanent. You may not mix. Enchantments take 1 minute for a temporary, 15 minutes for permanent. P.P.E.: 5 for temporary, 50 for permanent. Imbue Weapon with Spell Ability: By using these rune enchantments, the rune caster can grant weapons with spell abilities. This power like all of the other abilities has two forms, but this one must be inscribed in conjunction with either create magic weapon or supernatural slayer. In the temporary form, this power allows the user to use the ability once. The user of the weapon has until the other enchantment ends (either create magic weapon or supernatural slayer) to use the imbued power, or it is lost. In the permanent version, the power can be used a certain number of times per day, depending on the power. The number of uses may be doubled, but at triple the P.P.E. cost. Powers, the P.P.E. costs, and the number of times per day they may be used, is as follows: Blinding Flash; 2/20; 5/day. Circle of Flame; 12/60; 3/day. Energy Bolt; 7/50; 3/day. Fire Ball; 12/80; 3/day. Fly as the Eagle; 30/80; 2/day. Globe of Daylight; 4/40; 3/day. Invisibility: Superior; 25/75; 2/day. Levitation; 7/40; 3/day. Superhuman Strength; 12/70; 3/day. Superhuman Speed; 12/70; 3/day. Teleport: Lesser; 20/100; 3/day. Other powers may be available, but are rare. The temporary version of this power can be used with either the temporary or permanent form of the base enchantment (create magic weapon or supernatural slayer). The permanent form can only be used with the permanent - 693 -

version of the base enchantment. All enchantments require 3 minutes for temporary runes, 40 minutes for permanent runes. A maximum of three powers may be added to a weapon, and they all must be drawn durring the same enchantment. ie. You must draw the runes for create magic weapon, fire ball, and levitation must be drawn in one sitting. You may not add another power at a later time. (Unless it is temporary cating in which case you simply start again from scratch). Note: An increase in the number of uses counts as a second enchantment. Enchanted Armour: These runes, when drawn onto armour, either change S.D.C. armour into mega-damage, or increases the M.D.C. of mega-damage armours. Like most object augmentation runes, this series has both temporary and permanent versions. When making an S.D.C. suit of armour into mega-damage the base M.D.C. is 80. It costs 25 P.P.E. for a temporary enchantment, 150 for permanent enchantments. The M.D.C can be increased for 2 P.P.E. per M.D.C. point for a temporary enchantment, or 5 P.P.E. per M.D.C. for permanent enchantments. If a suit of armour is already mega-damage, then it costs ten points to begin a temporary enchantment, and then 2 P.P.E. per M.D.C. point. For a permanent increase, it costs 50 P.P.E. to start and 5 P.P.E. for each M.D.C. point added. Maximum M.D.C. for S.D.C. armours is 200. Maximum additional M.D.C. for mega-damage armour is 200 or plus 100, which ever is more. Temporary enchantments last for twenty minutes per level of experience. It takes 10 minutes to draw temporary runes and one hour for a permanent enchantment. Add 1 minute for each M.D.C. point added in a temporary rune structure, 5 minutes per point in a permanent. This counts for both S.D.C. conversions and M.D.C. increases. The legendary rune armour is created using the process. It is a natural mega-damage alloy chain and plate armour, with 100-200 M.D.C. and often has special features as per the next enchantment. Imbue Armour with Special Ability: This enchantment requires the enchanted armour rune sequence as a base. After the runes are drawn for the echanted armour series, these runes may be added to increase the power of the armour. (Note: Powers do not have to be added all at once, but each time a power is added, the enchanted armour runes must be redrawn in order to allow the armour to accept the magic.) Each power is described below. All powers may be permanent or temporary. Temporary powers may be activated once. Armour Increase: Adds a temporary increase to the M.D.C. of the armour. Add 10 M.D.C. per level of experience. Duration is one minute per level of experience or until depleted. May be used five times per day. Requires 5 minutes to draw the temporary version or 30 minutes to inscribe the permanent form. P.P.E.: 12/80. Breathe Without Air: Allows the wearer to breathe while under water, in a vaccuum, or in a hostile environment. Duration is 5 minutes per level of experience. For 200 P.P.E. the effect can be made to be constantly in effect. This power may be used five times per day. Requires 2 minutes to create the runes for a temporary spell or 25 minutes for either of the permanent versions. P.P.E.: 6/45/200. Chameleon: This rune sequence causes the effects of the spell of the same name. The effect can be made to be constantly in effect for 200 P.P.E., otherwise it lasts 5 minutes per level of experience. This power may be used four times per day. It requires 4 minutes to draw the temporary runes or 30 minutes for either permanent forms. P.P.E.: 8/65/200. Spider Climb: This power allows the armour wearer to climb up any surface, even across ceilings. Speed is equal to half of the characters speed attribute. For 200 P.P.E. this can be made into a constant power. Duration is 5 minutes per level of experince, and it may be used five times per day. The runes require 2 minutes to draw the temporary or 25 minutes for the permanent form. P.P.E: 5/60/200. Energy Shield: The energy shield created by this rune sequence forms a energy field around the wearer of the armour with 100 M.D.C. plus 10 M.D.C. per level of experience. The shield also takes only half damage from all energy attacks including electricity, fire, lasers, particle beams, etc. Full damage from physical attacks. May be used 3 times per day. Duration is 3 melees per level of experience, or until destroyed. The temporary runes require 5 minutes to draw or 40 minutes for permanent runes. P.P.E.: 20/95. Fly: This rune series allows the user to fly at 100 mph plus 5 mph per level of experience. Maximum height is 4000 feet and the duration is 2 minutes per level of experience. This power may be used three times per day. Temporary runes require 4 minutes to draw and permanent runes require 30 minutes. P.P.E.: 25/100. Silence: This power simply makes the armour completely silent. It does not rattle and does not clang when struck. Lasts for 30 minutes for the temporary version or is always active in the permanent form. This rune series requires 2 minutes for temporary runes or 15 minutes for permanent runes. P.P.E.: 10/50. Impervious to Energy: This rune sequence makes the armour impervious to all energy attacks including fire, heat, electricity, lasers, etc.. Physical attacks still do normal damage. This power may be used twice per day, and lasts for 2 minutes per level of experience. This power can be made constant for 350 P.P.E.. It requires 8 minutes to inscribe the temporary version and one hour to draw either permanent form. P.P.E.: 30/120/350. Shadow Meld: These runes work identical to the spell of the same name. Duration is the same as the spell (2 minutes per level) and the power may be used 5 times per day. The power can also be made limitless for 250 P.P.E. points. It takes 4 minutes to inscribe temporary runes and 30 minutes for either permanent form. P.P.E.: 15/75/250. Other powers do exist, but are rare. These are the most common abilities. (GMs and players may use these powers as a basis for developing more powers. Enchant an Object: This power allows the rune caster to grant magic to normal objects. This power only has a permanent form. Any of the powers from enchanted armour, imbue weapon with spell ability, and imbue armour with special ability are available. Note: For objects larger than 8 feet increase P.P.E. costs and time by 50% (ie. 100 P.P.E. and 30 minutes becomes 150 P.P.E. and 45 minutes). Special objects are as follows: - 694 -

P.P.E. Battery I: This object usually takes the form of an amulet or charm. The object can hold up to 300 P.P.E. at a time, for an indefinate period of time. In order to add 1 P.P.E. point to the battery the user must expend 2 P.P.E. points. On ley lines the battery automatically charges at a rate of one point of P.P.E. every five minutes, or at nexus points at a rate of one point every two minutes. This item takes three hours to enchant. P.P.E.: 250. P.P.E. Battery II: This battery is similiar to the type one battery only it is not charged by the practitioner of magic, it charges itself. These batteries have a much smaller amount of P.P.E. available. This item has a maximum of 80 P.P.E. points and it recharges itself at the rate of 2 points per hour. At a ley line the battery recharges at a rate of 10 per hour or at a nexus point they recharge at a rate of 20 points per hour! It takes a rune caster 5 hours to create this item. P.P.E.: 350. Using this enchantment the mightiest of rune casters have created rune ships! Rune ships typically appear like normal sailing ships, but they are covered by runes. They typically are mega-damage, possess the power of flight, and may have other powers of attack and defence built in. Rune Spells: Note: These spells are identical to the spells of the same name presented in the assorted rifts books, except where noted. P.P.E. costs may differ (some spells are easier to cast with runes, others are more difficult. Costs are listed beside each spell. Rune spells are cast by drawing the runes in the air and by speaking runes at the higher levels (8+). Those spells that may/must be cast by using rituals are cast by enscribing and carving the runes into the ground and or objects. Two spells may be learned for each slot available. (Note: The runes are actually drawn in the air. Glowing azure blue lines follow the casters finger forming the symbols. When the spell is complete the rune either vanishes or flies out changing into the spell effect.) Animate/Control Dead (15): Invulnerability (25) Levitation (5) Drawn on the dead bodies, 2 minutes per Magic Net (8) body Mask of Deceit (20) Metamorphosis: Mist (200) Amulet (250) Metamorphosis: Human (35) Apparition (20) Metamorphosis: Insect (50) Armor of Ithan (14) Metmorphosis: Superior (90) Banishment (60) Metamorphosis: Animal (20) Befuddle (3) Multiple Image (10) Blind (4) Mystic Portal (55) Blinding Flash (1) Mystic Alarm (4) Breathe Without Air (7) Negate Poisons/Toxins (10) Call Lightning (15) Negate Magic (30) Calling (10) Paralysis: Lesser (5) Calm Storms (200) Protection Circle: Superior (275) Carpet of Adhesion (12) Protection Circle: Simple (40): Chameleon (8) Circle of Flame (10) Both circles consist of a circle of power Climb (3) runes (hence less magic for same Close Rift (300):

This spell costs more, but doesn't permanently anything.

Cloud of Smoke (3) Commune with Spirits (30) Compulsion (25) Constrain Being (20) Control/Enslave Entity (85) Create Zombie (225) Create Mummy (145) Create Golem (650 or 900) Create Magic Scroll (90) Cure Illness (25) Curse: Phobia (45) Dimensional Portal (950) Dispel Magic Barrier (20) Energy Field (14) Energy Bolt (6) Energy Disruption (14) Exorcism (26) Familiar Link (85): This spell does not summon a creature but is cast subconsciously when the caster is with an appropriate animal (GM's choice when this


Reduce: Self (20) Remove Curse (150) Repel Animals (8) Resist Fire (8) Sanctum (360):

All of the walls in the sanctum are covered with runes. Takes one hour to complete the casting.
Seal (6) See Aura (6) Sense Evil (1) Sense Magic (3) Shadow Meld (10) Sleep (8) Speed of the Snail (50) Stone to Flesh (30):

This spell requires runes to be drawn all over the surface to be transformed. Requires five minutes per 50 pounds of stone to draw the runes.
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Summon Shadow Beast (140): This spell costs only 120 P.P.E. when cast in ritual/inscribed form. Summon and Control Canine (40) Summon and Control Rodents (60) Summon and Control Rain (185) Summon and Control Lesser Being (400) Summon and Control Storm (285) Summon and Control Entity (230) Fingers of Wind (6) Summon and Control Animals (115) Fire Ball (10) Superhuman Speed (12) Fire Bolt (7) Superhuman Strength (12) Float in Air (5) Swim as a Fish (8) Fly (12) Swim as a Fish: Superior (15) Fly as the Eagle (30) Talisman (460) Globe of Daylight (2) Telekinesis (10) Globe of Silence (??) Teleport: Lesser (20) Heal Wounds (12) Teleport: Superior (625) Id Barrier (600) Thunderclap (5) Impenetrable Wall of Force (575) Time Hole (225) Impervious to Fire (5) Time Slip (25) Impervious to Energy (20) Tongues (15) Invisibility: Simple (6) Turn Dead (5) Invisibility: Superior (20) Wards (75) Wind Rush (25) All elemental spells are available, but they cost 50% more P.P.E. to activate. Note: Like all other rune magic, there are spells not listed hear. Other spells are rare and are usually researched by the owner. Some of the more powerful rune casters even have rune spells for temporal magic, but this is rare and nobody has all of the temporal spells coverted (the most common is dimensional envelopes and pockets). happens, will usually link with a pet). In addition to the normal benefits the animals I.Q. is raised to 7 (high animal) and the range for telepathic communication is unlimited, though not across dimensions. The animal can also teleport to the casters location at will, even across dimensions! The caster CANNOT consciously cast this spell.

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Appendix 5
Quantum Sorcery
Alter Matter State Range: 10 ft Duration: 1 hour + one hour per level of experience Limitations: Cannot affect living matter. One cubic foot of matter can be affected perlevel of experience. P.P.E.: Varies This spell can alter the basic physical state of matter. From solid to liquid and so on. The P.P.E. cost varies on the complexity of the change. To change form by one state is 5P.P.E. To change form by two steps, it costs 10 P.P.E. Conform Range: Self Duration: 10 melees/level P.P.E.: 8 Alters the color and reflectivity of the caster's clothing and skin, so they are almostcompletely invisible! Someone actively looking for him or her has only a 1% chance offinding them! Other quantum sorcerers have a 50% chance. Create Water Range: 5 ft. Duration: Instant P.P.E.: 3 This is a very basic spell and is one of the first taught to apprentices. It creates up toone quart of water per level of the caster. This water is pure and uncontaminated andcan be deionized if desired.

Increase Friction Range: 60 ft. Duration: 2 melees per level of experience P.P.E.: 18 P.P.E. per cubic foot Increases the friction between molecules within a limited area. This increase can begeneral or specific (liquid only, certain objects, etc.). If gas friction is increased, objectsmoving through the area have a 50% decrease in speed and fast action is impossible. Objects moving through at over 50 mph have a 75% chance of burning! Solid-to-solidfriction may increase speed (traction). Radiance Range: 250 ft +10 ft per level Duration: 15 min. per level P.P.E.: 15 This spell affects any non-living object or section of an object. The affected objectbegins to emit electromagnetic radiation as visible, ultraviolet, or infrared light, or anycombination of the three. Vaporize Range: 5 ft. Duration: Instant Limitations: One lb. of material per level P.P.E.: 7 This inaccurately named spell destroys every particle within an object, quickly andcleanly. This can only be used on relatively small objects(don't even think about using iton an S.D.C. house), non-living, S.D.C. objects. - 697 -

Cellular Reconstruction Range: Self Duration: Instant and Permanent P.P.E.: 10 Through an intense bio-regenerative process, the sorcerer can heal his own cells as ifthe wounds had never occurred! This spell heals 2D6 Hit Points and 3D6 S.D.C., or5D6 M.D.C. if a mega-damage creature. Add 5 P.P.E. to remove foreign objects. Noscar tissue is formed and the body is as good as new. This spell even negates the effectsof U-Rounds! Graviton Surge Range: 1000 ft. Duration: Instant, one melee attack Saving Throw: Dodge P.P.E.: 10, 20 This spell creates a directed surge of graviton particles, generating an immensepressure. The surge can cause 5D6 S.D.C. for 10 P.P.E. or 4D6 M.D. for 20 P.P.E. Thegraviton surge is +5 to strike and can not be parried in any way. Instill/Remove Magnetic Properties Range: 120 ft. Duration: 1 minute per level if temporary, or permanent Limitations: 1 cubic foot of material per level of experience P.P.E.: 15 P.P.E.-temporary 115 P.P.E.-permanent This spell can either instill or remove magnetic properties in ANY non-livingsubstance! This can be used to render rail guns useless, or can be used on rail gunammo to make it useless.

Atmospheric Armor Range: Self or 5 ft. Duration: Varies P.P.E.: 5 P.P.E. for creation and 5 P.P.E. per minute of use. This spell binds the molecules of the air in such a way that it creates a completelyinvisible M.D.C. shield around the caster. The shield is psycho-responsive and forms ashell one inch thick around the sorcerer, moving with him at all times. The shell has anM.D.C. of 80 and regenerates 4 M.D.C. per melee, and is impervious to fire and cold! As an alternative, the shield may be placed up to five feet from the caster and covers amaximum of 10 square feet. Bond Restoration Range: Touch Duration: Instant and Permanent P.P.E.: 20 This spell restores the molecular bond in inorganic mega-damage substances such asarmor. For each casting, 10 M.D.C. per level of experience is restored to the object. Render Inert Range: 25 ft. Duration: 15 min/level Limitations: One cubic ft. of material per level, must be in sight. P.P.E.: 38 Renders a substance completely inert from chemical reactions 'Nuff said.

Deanimation Range: 250 ft. Duration: Instant and Permanent Saving Throw: Standard -4 P.P.E.: 28 This spell is very simple in its objective. It simply eradicates the animating forcewithin animated dead and the undead! This completely destroys animated dead, anddoes the equivalent of 2D6x10 +10 points of damage to undead! Any undead destroyedin this way are completely killed and may not regenerate! Particle Stream Range: 3500 ft. - 698 -

Duration: Instant, one melee attack Saving Throw: Dodge Limitation: May not be used within a vacuum. P.P.E.: 30 This spell absorbs loose particles in the surrounding area and focuses them into asuper particle beam! The beam is +6 to strike and causes 1D6x10 M.D. to whatever itstrikes. Simplify Element Range: Touch Duration: Permanent Limitations: Can only affect one cm3 of substance per casting. P.P.E.: Varies With this ability, the quantum sorcerer can reduce the number of quantum particleswithin an atom. The P.P.E. cost is 15 points to remove a proton, 10 points to remove anelectron, and 5 points to remove a neutron.

Alter Light Reflection/Refraction Range: 25 ft. Duration: 10 minutes per level/temporary, or permanent Limitations: 1 sq. ft. of surface area per level of the caster P.P.E.: 15 P.P.E. to change color, 20 P.P.E. to change reflection/refraction. +100 for permanent. This spell alters how a specific surface reflects light, either temporarily orpermanently. This can be used to alter which colors of the spectrum are reflected andin what amount. Also, it can alter how a surface reflects or refracts light in general. Gravity Well Range: 150 ft. Duration: 2 melees per level P.P.E.: 25 This spell increases the gravity factor of a 100 sq. ft. area of land. Gravity can beincreased by up to 50%, slowing speeds down by 25%, unless the mover has a P.S. of 25or greater. Flying objects such as bullets will drop to the ground and scales will register50% more than normal. In combat, victims with a P.S. of less than 25 are -5 to strike, -8 to parry and dodge, and have only one melee attack. Those with P.S. 25 or higherlose only one melee attack and are -1 to parry and dodge. Increase Element Range: Touch Duration: Permanent Limitations: Can only affect one cm3 of material per level of the caster. P.P.E.: Varies The exact, but slightly more complicated, opposite of the Simplify Element spell, thisspell adds newly created particles to a atoms, completely defying the laws of physics aswe know them! The increase costs 20 P.P.E. to add a proton, 15 P.P.E. to add anelectron, and 10 P.P.E. to add a neutron.

Anti-Gravity Range: 100 ft. Duration: 1 melee per level of the caster P.P.E.: 31 This spell completely abolishes gravity within a 10x10 foot area of ground or theequivalent (100 sq. ft.) Objects will only stay on the ground if firmly attached, andothers will simply float with nothing holding them down. Those floating are -5 to strike,parry, and dodge and loose half of their melee attacks. Reduce Mass Range: Touch Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience Limitations: 1 cubic foot of material per level of the caster P.P.E.: 40 This spell's effect is not visibly evident, but it temporarily reduces the overall weightof an object. The weight can be reduced down to 10% of its original! Again, no specificrules apply and it is up to the GM. Shift Temperature Range: 500 ft. Duration: Permanent - 699 -

Limitations: 1 cubic ft. of material P.P.E.: 49+ Alters an object's temperature by up to 10 degrees per each additional P.P.E. inaddition to the base casting cost.

Cellular Reconstruction: Superior Range: SelfDuration: Instant and Permanent P.P.E.: 199 This is a much more powerful version of the 3rd level spell Cellular Reconstruction. It is similar to the standard magic spell Restoration. All broken bones are healed,bullets and foreign objects are removed. Hit points and S.D.C. (or M.D.C.) are healedto their maximum. No evidence remains of any wounds. U-rounds have no effect on theefficiency of this spell. Combine Range: Touch Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience Limitations: 2 lbs. of material (total) P.P.E.: 95 Combines two or more substances into a single compound, even creating impossiblecombinations such as metal-to-metal ionic bonding! If the compound is physicallyfeasible, an additional 10 P.P.E. will make it permanent. Molecular Bonding Range: Touch Duration: 45 minutes per level of experience Limitations: 10 lbs. per level of experience P.P.E.: 58 This spell alters the molecular structure of a non-organic object and makes it mega-damage! The base M.D.C. of an object is 2 per lb. of material. Additional M.D.C. canbe added at the rate of 5 P.P.E. per M.D.C. point. After the M.D.C. of an object ispenetrated, its normal S.D.C. is affected.

Animate Humanoid Structure Range: Touch Duration: 24 hours per level of experience Limitations: 200 lbs. +10 per level of experience P.P.E.: 250 This spell is similar to the Create Golem ritual, but will work with any existingstructure of any non-living substance that is within the weight limitation(i.e. the LincolnMemorial. He he). The statue must be humanoid as this animation and motionsequence is the only one familiar to the human quantum sorcerer. The M.D.C. of theanimated structure depends purely on the material, but the rules for the Golem can beused as a loose guide. Destroy Planar Disruption Range: 3000 ft. Duration: Permanent, or 1 hour per level of the caster Saving Throw: Standard -10 P.P.E.: 175 This spell stabilizes the vibration of certain quantum particle which are instrumentalto teleporting, dimensional teleporting, and time travel. This can be used to close a rift,destroy a temporal anomaly, or prevent the casting of a specific temporal magic spell. Also, the spell may be cast on a 200 sq. ft. area to temporarily prevent all teleporting,dimensional magic, and temporal magic from being cast! Also, others may not teleportinto this area. Spell casters may attempt to save against this effect, but it is at -10. Lead to Gold Range: Touch Duration: Permanent Limitations: 1 g per level of experience P.P.E.: 155 A "packaged" spell that became so popular the sorcerers became tired of manuallyrearranging atoms all of the time, so this spell simply changes the structure of lead intogold all at once.

Anti-Matter Range: 750 ft. Duration: Instant and Permanent - 700 -

Limitations: Can only be used once every 48 hrs. Can only affect one cubic centimeter of substance per casting. P.P.E.: 500 This ultra-powerful spell reverses the charges and rotation of the particles within theatoms it affects. This reversal creates the ultimately deadly substance known as anti-matter! When the particles of anti-matter come into contact with their normal matterparticle counterparts of opposite charge, both are utterly annihilated with a burst ofgamma radiation! (Note: This can only be used on base elements) One interesting thingthat the sorcerers don't even attempt to explain, is that they are completely immune toannihilation by anti-matter! Nuclear Fusion Range: Touch Duration: Charge lasts three hours, instant once activated Limitations: The object must remain within 1/2 mile of the caster in order for thecharge to remain. In addition, as long as the charge remains the P.P.E. used to cast thespell is not regenerated by the caster. P.P.E.: 300 P.P.E. per 1/2 ounce of substance! This spell represents one of the ultimate powers of the quantum sorcerer and onlythose dedicated strictly to the following of the path may ever learn it! Nuclear fusioninvolves the instantaneous melding of one or more atoms to form a single, larger atom. In the process, an incredible amount of energy is released, but very little radiation. The caster may set the object up to react to any event of his choosing, such as beingpicked up, being damaged, movement within an area(max. area of 15 ft.), etc. When thecharge is activated, the object explodes with energy! The resulting explosion bothcompletely destroys the object and causes 1D4x100 M.D. per 1/2 ounce to a 15 ft. blastradius around the object!

Chaos Range: 100 miles +10 miles per level Duration: Varies Limitations: One square mile area P.P.E.: 1000 This spell is just as it sounds. The particles and molecules of the area of effect arethrown into utter chaos!! Atoms break apart and reform, loose quantum particlesabound, perception of objects is distorted as their reflectivity changes. Basically, all ofthe normal quantum sorcery spells, excluding combat spells, can and do happencompletely at random! (GM's, get out your percentile dice.)

Other Spells Usable by Quantum Sorcerers

Level One: 1. Blinding Flash 2. Cloud of Smoke 3. See the Invisible 4. Thunderclap Level Two: 1. Climb(self only) 2. Extinguish Fire Level Three: 1. Ignite Fire 2. Impervious to Fire(self only) Level Four: 1. Carpet of Adhesion 2. Seal Level Five: 1. Energy Disruption 2. Sleep Level Six: 1. Impervious to Energy Level Seven: 1. Dispel Magic Barriers 2. Globe of Silence 3. Invulnerabilty(self only) 4. Purification Level Eight: 1. Negate Magic(always works on 12+) 2. Spoil 3. Stone to Flesh Level Nine: 1. Water to Wine - 701 -

Level Eleven: 1. Anti-Magic Cloud 2. Remove Curse(+8 to save always) Level Fourteen: 1. Impenetrable Wall of Force

Appendix 6
Martial Art Techniques
By: Jason Che-han Yip [Strangely enough, this one is a Shao-lin thing but following the rules, a Shao-lin character can never get this] "There was someone I knew back when I was still working on my black belt, or Chamber One as they called it. He had spent nearly 15 years training what's called Bird-man technique. Well, I went with him the first and last time he entered a tournament. He set up with this guy and BAM! jumped up, left front snap kick, right crescent kick, spun around for a left back kick, and back... BAM! locked in a left crane. All the strikes were pulled a millimeter off this guy's face. But the judges don't call it. And so he goes, "Don't I get a point for that?" And they go, "A point for what? All we saw was you jump up and down." So he thinks, "No problem", turns to his opponent and asks him... because even if he didn't see it, he certainly felt those strikes stop just short of his face. And so this guy is just recovering from his daze and puts on this face like it was nothing and says he didn't feel anything... So they set up again, and he dropped him. The next thing those judges knew, that guy was sailing out of the ring. My friend just got out of the ring and we left. That was the last time I ever went to a tournament..." - My recollection of something said by Shao-lin Master B.K. Leishman Bird-man Technique - Multiple jumping/flying attacks. The character develops the ability to attack multiple times while in the air against ONE opponent. All attacks happen at once, meaning the opponent can only use Automatic Parry against the first attack and then must spend attacks parrying the rest. Like all jumping/flying attacks, Bird-man will use up all attacks of the melee round and the character can only parry, dodge, or move into position with his/her remaining actions. At first level a character can do 2 attacks in the air, both critical strikes, with additional attacks added at level 3, 6, 10, and 15. Bonuses: +1 PP, +1D6 Speed Note: This does not provide the ability to do a jumping/flying kick or leap attack. The Body Hardening ability of Kick Practice is also required to do multiple kicks when jumping/flying. Body Hardening "There was this other instructor and he did a lot of kicks... you know a lot of high kicks and all that. Kicking was *his* thing, you know. So he starts thinking, "What do I need this Leishman guy for? I got this stuff down." So he starts bothering Master Leishman right... wants to spar with him... see where he's at... So finally, Brian decides that this is not going to stop until they do this. The guy sets up, all ready to do his kicking thing. Next thing we know, Master Leishman's got his foot millimeters off the guy's chest and just lightly taps him.... When we took a look at the guy's back.... footprint shaped bruise. Hydrostatic shockwave..." - My recollection of something said by my instructor Gary Braniff. "How do I know you can't see it? Because I can't see it either... and I'm doing it." - Gary Braniff on No-Shadow No-Shadow - To strike as fast as humanly possible. Through awareness of muscle tension and the limiting of thought, the character can strike out a - 702 -

speed that even s/he can barely follow. Note: Because of the advanced nature of No-Shadow (and the bonuses), characters need to be at least level 3 to choose it. No-Shadow Kicking requires the Body Hardening ability of Kick Practice. Bonuses: +2 initiative, +2 strike, +3 parry, +3 dodge, +2 damage, +1 attack, +1 to PP, +2D4 to Spd Weighted Clothing Training - A combination strength/endurance/speed exercise. The practitioner wears weighted shirts, pants, wristbands, ankle bands, footwear, even headwear, during training and even during actual combat. Bonuses: +2 PS, +2 PE, +1D4 Spd Note: Characters can choose to continue training beyond the initial bonus period. The weieath blow. Note: The character must already have the death blow ability to take this kata. However, to even have a successful strike requires a roll of 14+ with bonuses, and the attacking character can neither dodge nor roll, only parry. Unsuccessful death blows that are not parried or dodged, inflict 1D4 damage plus bonuses to SDC. Successful death blows inflict the following (roll percentile): [All blows also have a 30% chance of instant coma and possible death within 1D6 minutes, except for snake hand to the eyes] 00- Dragon claw to the throat. Crush and tear out throat. (1D6+damage bonuses)*4 to hit points. Additional 4 hit 20 points lost per minute. Equivalent to double superior damage and shock. Crane forearm to the temple. Potentially lethal if the attacker breaks the temporal bone. (1D6+damage 21bonuses)*2 to head SDC and another half of that to hit points. Speed, attacks, and skills reduced by 25%. 40 Equivalent to medium injury and shock. 41- Tiger palm to the nose. Drive the cartilage into the brain. (1D6+damage bonuses)*3 to hit points. Additional 60 2D6 hit points lost per minute. Equivalent to triple heavy injury and shock. Snake hand to the eyes (or crane hand or mantis hand etc.). Poke out the eyes. (1D4+damage bonuses)*2 to hit 61points. Additional 2 hit points lost per minute. Blindness with all its penalties! 50% chance of irreparable 80 damage to the eyes. Equivalent to triple medium injury and shock. 81- Panther paw to throat. Crush the throat. (1D6+damage bonuses)*3 to hit points. Double medium injury and 100 shock.

- 703 -

Appendix 7
Predator Equipment
By: Predator Hunting Armor M.D.C.: 45 A.R.: 12 Wire mesh covers body, armor plates on both shoulders, forearms, shins, thighs, as well as the groin area (5 MDC apiece). However, the mesh emits a field which dissipates energy attacks. This provides an AR of 17 and 80 MDC against Plasma, Ion, and Laser weapons, as well as vibro blades (which do inflict SDC damage, if they roll between 12 and 17). The mesh's MDC regenerates at a rate of 1D4 MDC per minute, recharging via a standard 20-year nuclear battery. The mesh itself is an SDC structure, and can take 30 SDC before tearing and reducing the amount of MDC output by half and dropping the AR to 15. If it takes 80 SDC, it is basically destroyed. However, it is EXTREMELY hard to hit - called shots are -8 to strike. There is a chance that an attack accidentally hits it, as well any roll of 24 or higher (obviously modified), or any natural twenty does damage to the SDC of the mesh. Note: The mesh does not protect the Predator from SDC damage - all damage done to it is taken by the Predator as well. It DOES prevent MDC damage. The forearm portions of the armor (5 MDC ea.) contain various interesting implements. In the right forearm are two claws. These can be extended and used as a weapon to deal 2d6 x 10 SDC + PS bonus, or their vibro-component can be activated, making them megadamage weapons which deal 3D6 MD (total - the two blades attack together, and cannot be used one at a time). The left forearm contains the Predator's most deadly tool: The cloaking device. When activated, it bends electromagnetic energy around the Predator, effectively rendering it invisible. It can in fact be seen, as it has a shimmering outline - Detect Concealment has a -50% penalty if it is not moving, and a -25% penalty if moving. If the character does not have Detect Concealment, their base percentage to spot a MOVING Predator is equal to their IQ divided by two. See the Invisible has NO EFFECT. In addition, Lasers do NO damage - the light is bent around the Predator to reform on the other side, continuing on to hit whatever is behind it. Ion and Particle beam weapons do 1/2 damage, but all attackers are -8 to strike. Invisible Predators have Prowl values of 95%. Fortunately, there are limitations - it can only be active for 1 hour before it must recharge - recharging takes a time equal to the amount of time it was active. However, it is constantly recharging, so it can be used briefly for long periods of time (30 minutes an hour indefinitely). Lastly, on the left forearm there is a keypad which is used to detonate the nuclear power pack, in the event that the Predator is mortally wounded or captured with no hope of escape. The explosion does 1D6 x 50 MD to everything within a 200' radius, 1/2 that to everything within 300', and 1/10 that to everything within 500' (Note: these are not cumulative - imagine 3 concentric circles. Inside the first does 1D6 x 50 MD, between the first and the second does 1/2 that, etc.). Note: The cloaking device/detonator can be disabled by doing 4 MD to the left forearm. This is a called shot and is -3 to strike in melee, and -3 for every 50', long-range. The left shoulder contains a first aid kit which has tools that can be used to perform first aid on a Predator (not all standard techniques that work on humans work on Predators, since their physiology is different) Note: The human Predators will have human first aid kits. Predator Battle Armor: M.D.C.: 150 Prowl Penalty: -20% Weight: 25 lb A.R.: 19 (Does not include head protection) Heavy Battle Armor specifically tailored for each individual Predator. It is NEVER worn in the Hunt. Even Rogues will not CONSIDER using it in the Hunt. It is used in an all-out attack, typically in the company of many other Predators. Thus, it has no cloaking device, nor does it have a nuclear detonator. In addition, Plasma Caster (see below) cannot be attached to the Battle Armor, since there is no nuclear power source for them to draw upon. Most often, E-Rifles are the weapon of choice to accompany the Battle Armor. Note: It is VERY rare to see a Predator in this armor. I've seen it in ONE comic book that I've read (Aliens vs. Predator: War #1). It is really only used in all-out war. - 704 -

Plasma Caster: This weapon is attached to the right shoulder and is hardwired to the Predator's sight. This, in combination with the triangle-shaped laser-targeting system give the Predator a +3 to strike with the Plasma Caster. Damage: 2D6 MD Range: 500' Ammo: Unlimited (connected to power source in armor) Rate of Fire: 3 per melee (15 seconds) Falls under WP: E-Pistol Collapsible Spear: A 3' long pole which telescopes to a 6' spear, pointed at both ends. Damage (+ PS bonus): Club (not telescoped): 3D6 Spear (held): 4D6 Spear (thrown): 6D6 Max Range: 150', - 1 to strike per 10' beyond 100' Falls under WP: Blunt (Including handheld spear) and WP: Archery/Targeting Boomerang Disc: 10" in diameter, this small, basically circular disc always returns to the thrower. It is somewhat collapsible - it collapses in the middle, becoming ellipsoid with a minor radius of 5" (and a major radius of 10") Damage: 5D6 (does NOT get PS bonus) Max Range: 200' Hunting Mask: 10 MDC, adds 3 to AR of both previously mentioned armors. Provides following abilities: -Has its own, self-contained air supply. Predators CAN breathe air, but it is difficult, halving the amount of time they can exert themselves. The air system provides air for 8 hours, but replenishes itself, when possible with components of the outside air. Note: Predators breathe mostly methane, with a few other gasses mixed in. (Flammable? You betcha.) -Amplifies user's natural vision: adds 1000', provides passive nightvision to human wearers. Net Gun: This is a small, handheld weapon which fires a titanium-alloy wire mesh to capture and hold prone an opponent. When the mesh is fired and scores a successful hit, the target must roll higher than the attack roll on a 1D20 to avoid being knocked down. If they attempted a dodge, however, they do not get this roll - they are automatically pinned, either to the ground approximately 20' away or to the nearest vertical structure that will support their weight. The initial attack does 2D6 SDC due to the tearing the mesh does against the body; in addition, struggling against it, or the impact with the ground/wall will do damage (even in MDC body armor, as per the tables in the RIFTS Rule book, page 12). Treat as a high speed crash at 50 mph or a fall from 10 feet, depending upon whether they were propelled into a wall or into the ground. In addition, struggling against the mesh does 1D4 SDC per round (# of chances to break free = # of attacks per melee). It takes a combined PS of 25 to break free (most characters will need someone else's help). Predators use this to hold their prey immobile while they either dispatch with others or advance upon the helpless victim. The net gun is not used with tremendous frequency by Predators, but is one of the many weapons available to them. It falls under WP: Revolver. Other useful info: Ammo: 1 net (takes 1 minute to reload) Range: 200' Damage: see above The mesh has a total of 100 SDC, but only 20 SDC must be dealt to it to cut a hole in it big enough for a human to escape through.

These CCs were created by Please do not call them your own, as they are not. Anyone found in violation of this policy will be taken behind the building and tickled until they can no longer breathe. Predators and their likenesses are most likely , , , (ugly), and (property of) Paramount Pictures. Use them at your own risk, fully realizing that giant tomatoes can fall out of the sky and crush your house at any moment, thanks to the Greenhouse Effect. - 705 -

Appendix 8
Temporal Psionics
By: Drakkon "At first glance Temporal Psionics and Temporal Magic are going to look exceedingly similar. This is a mistake all newbies make, so don't be upset when a upperclassman laughs at you for comparing the two." The professor, Temporal Master Freedon Rand, paced back and forth across his lecture stage. "Temporal Psionics, unlike Temporal Magic, can be used only by those few gifted psychics who possess the enlightened understanding of the universe, and how they move thru it. Temporal Magic can be used by any joe on the street who has the right training. Now you may think of this as elitist, but let me assure you that it is. Temporal Masters, and those among you who fall into the slightly less endown Temporal Mystics, are among the most Elite Psychics in the known Megaverse. "So, without any further bantering, I'll begin versing you in the glories of Temporal Psionics." The Powers: Like the man says, the powers of Temporal Psionics, unlike those of the Temporal Wizard, are brought forth in the enlightened mind of a psychic who has had his mind expanded to understand the flow of the Megaverse. Temporal Raiders, Wizards, and Warriors are simply men/beings of magic who manipulate PPE in such a way as they seem to affect time in certain ways. Temporal Psionics, however, creates an actual warping of the temporal dimensions, creating a sort of 'nulltime bubble' around the psychic. Inside this bubble, time has no meaning. The psychic does not age, nor hunger, nor thirst. His wounds do not grow worse, nor does he feel their pain. And he can move away from a problem site without hinderance, moving at the speed of thought. (Speed of Thought: Long since thought to be equal to the speed of light, it has been discovered by Temporal Psychics that thought moves infinitely faster than that.) The very basis of Temporal Psionics is the creation of this nulltime bubble, and, without it, the Psychic cannot focus his mind in the proper ways to affect the local flow of space/time around him. NOTE: A *see below* in the Effect column indicates that the direct game benefit cannot be summed up in the space provided, and should be examined in closer detail. All powers have a description to follow the chart. The chart is provided for ease of viewing only. All damage from temporal psychic powers is based upon the nature of the target that is wounded. For SDC creatures, the damage is SDC/HP, while MDC creatures take MD damage. POWER Effect Range Duration ISP Save Damage Augury *see below* Self 2 min/lev 6 None None Cellular Death -4 S/P/D 160' Instant 4 Standard 1d4 pts/level Close Rift *see below* 100' Instant 50 None None Control Rift *see below* 100' 2 min/lev 25 None None Eternal Flame *see below* 20' Permanent ALL None None Open Rift *see below* 100' 2 min/lev Var None None Misfire *see below* 140' 4 min/lev 8 None None Retro-Harm Pain, Damage Touch Permanent 6 Standard 1d10 pts/lev Retro-Heal Healing Touch Permanent 10 Standard 1d6 pts/level Sidestep *see below* Self Instant 16 None None Step Forward *see below* 10'r Instant 30 Standard None Step Back *see below* 10'r Instant 35 Standard None - 706 -

T-Bolt T-ForceField T-Shield Temportation Time Distort Timestop Time Warp Warp Distance Weakening Weapon Bind

Damage Protection +6 Parry *see below* *see below* *see below* *see below* *see below* *see below* *see below*

200' 100'r Self Self 100' Self 100' Var 100' Self

Instant 2 min/lev 1 min/lev Instant 1 min/lev 2 min/lev 1 min/lev 2 min/lev 2 hrs/lev Permanent Descriptions

10 12 4 20 10 8 36 4 40 2

Dodge None None None Standard None Standard None None None

1d4X10 pts 50 MDC/level 20 MDC/level None None None 1d4 pt/lev/min None None None

Augury: Using his nulltime bubble to temporarily step outside of time, the Temporal Psychic can divine the possible paths an object, person, or situation might take. Then, he can determine which is the most likely to be the accepted 'true' path. Cellular Death: By causing the cells in a being to age prematurely, the Temporal Psychic can inflict both great pain, and severe damage upon a creature. Use the standard pain rules from the Conversion Book, and inflict an additional -4 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge. Cellular Death also causes 1d4 points of damage per level of the Temporal Psychic. A successful saving throw vs Psionics will negate the damage effect, but the pain effect remains. Close Rift: Time has dimensions of its own, and the Temporal Psychic is sensitive to disturbances in these dimensions. When a Rift opens, he can sense it, track it to its source, and close it again. This closure isn't just from the time the Psychic closes it forward, but is rather as if the Rift never opened in the first place. This is a very costly endeavor, and is not to be attempted lightly. It also will not prevent another Rift from opening in the same Spacial location, only in the same Temporal location. For all intents and purposes, that Rift no longer even exists. That time/space location is non-potential. Control Rift: Instead of closing a Rift, a Temporal Psychic can hitch a ride, and make the Rift take him where he wants to go. The Temporal Psychic MUST know his destination time/space, and there must be the potential for a Rift to go there . Once the duration is over, the Rift returns to its previous dimensional destination, and collapses after its normal duration. Eternal Flame: By expending all of his current ISP, the Temporal Psychic can create a pillar of flame (or whatever) that will stand for all time. The pillar exists outside of time/space, and will be present in every variation of the location across the entire Megascape. This pillar cannot be removed, nor destroyed, and even another Temporal Psychic cannot delete it. Open Rift: Knowing the flow of time thru an area, the Temporal Psychic can cause a Rift to spontaneously open, even in an area where no Rifts are known to occur. The cost to open a Rift varies with the potential of the area to have a Rift. At a Ley Line Nexus: 10 On a Ley Line: 20 In an Open Area: 35 In a City: 50 Misfire: By creating a nulltime bubble inside of a weapon, the Temporal Psychic can cause its internal workings to cease responding to external stimuli. Triggers no longer cause weapons to fire, systems no longer react to keystrokes, internal servos no longer react to movement inputs. This can cause incredible havok. The power was developed to minimize combat situations encountered by the Temporal Psychics, but has other applications, as well... Retro-Harm: The Temporal Psychic can manipulate the timeline of the very cells of a being, causing that being greivous harm, even greater than cellular death, and possible organ failure. The only real failing of this power is that it requires skin to skin touch. Without actual touch, the Psychic cannot gain enough information about the cell's timestreams to cause them to mutate and die. Apply all Pain Rules as with Cellular Death, but reduce all bonuses to Strike, Parry, and Dodge a further 6, and negate the bonus to damage. Also, reduce all attacks per melee to 1. Damage is 1d10 points/level. A successful saving throw will negate the damage aspect of this power, but the pain effects remain. Retro-Heal: As with many things, the ability to heal is often harder than the ability to harm. So is it for the Temporal Psychic. As he can harm with a touch, so can he heal with that touch, too. Use of this power restores all bonuses to normal levels, an heals 1d6 points/level. A successful saving throw prevents the Psychic from healing the wounded person, but the removal of penalties and pain remain. Sidestep: In a split second, the Temporal Psychic can step out of phase with the current timeline, and move himself to a timeline that is adjacent to the one he was experiencing. In game terms, he gains a +8 to Dodge for one attack per melee. This power, though taxing, can be used multiple times per melee, provided the Psychic has both the action to use the power, and one to utilize the dodge. To the outside observer, its as if the Psychic is suddenly in another place. - 707 -

Step Forward: Using this power, the Temporal Psychic is able to travel outside of time/space, and journey up the timelines, monitoring the flow, until he finds a spot he likes. Then he can suspend the power, and re-enter the timeflow at the point he has selected. This power is a radius effect, allowing the Psychic to take everyone within a 10' radius with him. Those who are unwilling to leave may make a standard saving throw to avoid being displaced. Step Back: Using his powers, the Temporal Psychic can remove himself from time/space, and travel backward, down the timestream, to a point of his desiring. This is an area effect power, allowing the Psychic to affect all those within a 10' radius of himself. A successful saving throw will allow the individual to remain in his correct Timeline, instead of being displaced. T-Bolt: Possibly the only truely offensive psychic power in the Temporal Psychics arsenal, the T-Bolt causes a focused burst of Neutrinos to move from the Psychic, thru his target, stripping away excess electrons and causing accelerated nuclear decay in the very atoms of his structure. This power affects all targets, including those in armor. The damage caused by the blast can be dodged, but not rolled with, nor can it be saved against. The damage is applied to the target and his armor (if any). Therefore, you see, armor offers no protection against this power. However, a normal ForceField, Phase Field, TK Forcefield, or T-ForceField/Shield will stop the T-Bolt. Not only that, but the T-Bolt will inflict NO DAMAGE on the Field. The exception is the T-ForceField and T-Shield, both of which take full damage. T-ForceField: This is an area protection power. By concentrating the Temporal Energy in an area, the Temporal Psychic can cause a forcefield to spring into temporal existance around the people in this area. It will absorb all damage directed at it, taking no damage from SDC weapons, normal damage from MDC weapons, and point for point damage from Temporal damage. T-Shield: This is a smaller, more persona version of the T-ForceField. It manifests as a small disc of focused Temporal Energy hovering around the Temporal Psychic. It negates all SDC attacks it intercepts, and absorbs MD and Temporal Damage on a point for point basis. It can move at the whim of the Psychic, and enjoys a +6 to parry all incoming attacks. Once the damage capacity or duration of the T-Shield is exhausted, the Temporal Psychic may create another one. Not before. Temportation: Temportation is the ability to teleport thru time. This is similar to Step Forward and Step Back, except that its range is SEVERELY limited. It cannot exceed 2 hours per level of the Psychic. This is either forward or backward. Also, unlike the Step Forward/Back powers, the Psychic must already know what is there, or risk damaging himself upon re-integration. Temportation is also personal, so others cannot be brought with the Psychic. If the psychic re-integrates in an area that is occupied, he suffers 1d6X10 points of damage (either SDC or MD, depending on his nature) to the area of his body that is occupied. Also, he may suffer a lack of mobility, and collateral damage from attempting to free himself. If more than 50% of his body ends up in an occupied area, death is instantaneous (no save). This makes temportation the last resort of a desperate Psychic who has lost all other courses of action. Time Distort: This power is an ansty effect that causes time to distort and dilate around its target. The target will lose the ability to keep track of time, time objects moving to and from him, and will even misjudge his own steps. In game terms, the target will lose all bonuses in combat, including damage, and will be at a further -4 to dodge and parry, and -6 to strike. The effects can be completely negated with a successful save. Timestop: The Temporal Psychic can cause Time to literally freeze for EVERYONE, except himself. It is similar to the nulltime bubble, except that he is not taken outside of time, but rather he removes time from himself. He is free to move around and examine the situation he is in, allowing him to escape, if he chooses, from combat, or pursuers. To those outside the timestop, he will appear to have disappeared, if he leaves. The duration of the timestop is based upon the perceptions of the Temporal Psychic. Time Warp: This power is a NASTY NASTY effect. With it, the Temporal Psychic is capable of Warping the threads of local time, possibly severing them. The landscape of the local area begins to puddle and run, looking like something from a Dali nightmare. Anything can happen, including permanently closed Rifts spontaneously opening. Because of its power, its use has been outlawed by the Time Council, and any instance of its use is subject to summery termination. Those caught within its effects suffer 1d4 points of damage per level of the Psychic PER MINUTE OF THE EFFECT! Anyone who dies from this damage is a dead timeline, and all possibilities of that person die at the same time. A successful save will only half the damage from this power. Warp Distance: This is a travel power, allowing the Temporal Psychic to use time to distort the distance he has to travel. During its effect, speeds are tripled, and even vehicles can be made to move faster. Distances don't really change, but the time it takes to cross them is cut short. Weakening: This is a variation of Cellular Death that affects only inanimate objects. Objects caught within the area of the effect lose half their current strength, be this MDC or SDC. Joints become brittle, walls become flimsy, barriers lose protective strength. This power does NOT affect 'Borgs, which are not considered inanimate objects for the purposes of this power. Any mechanical lifeform is not affected by this power, but armor, as well as weapons, are affected. Any object that is destroyed by this power is instantly reduced to dust. After the duration of the power, MDC and SDC levels return to normal. - 708 -

Weapon Bind: This power binds a weapon, which can be of any type, to the Psychic. From that point forward, the weapon is his, and cannot be stolen, lost, and is never truely out of his grasp. With a mere thought (no actions required) the weapon can be in his hand, and ready to use. Modern and Energy weapons must still have ammunition in them, but they will always be available to fire. Further, Misfire cannot work on these weapons. Bound weapons stay with the Psychic from the point he binds them, thru his entire life. They can be unbound, and another weapon bound in their place, but this is unusual, and rarely happens.

Appendix 9
Battle Angel Equipment
Arena Battle Armor
Arena battle armor is a lighter set of armor than the cyborg armor, but has several abilities/concealed functions that the cyborg armor does not. 1. Internal radio. Range: 2 miles 2. Autodoc: 20 doses of various drugs -- will administer with voice command. 3 sets of repair nanites -- will repair 4d6 MD in 2 melee rounds. 3. Speed: 240 mph maximum on flat, even terrain. On uneven terrain (country), the character has a max speed of 80 mph in the suit and even then will have trouble driving the suit (the arena armor is built for city/urban use only!) 4. Vibroswords (2): There are two vibroswords mounted on the arms of the armor. These do a base of 3d6 MD and can be used to rake/impale targets when moving at high speeds (+1d6 MD for every 20 MPH).< M.D.C.: *Helmet -- 25 *Hands (2) -- 10 Arms (2) -- 25 Legs (2) -- 35 Main Body -- 65

BA-29 Rail Pistol

Weight: 4 lbs Mega-Damage: 3d6 MD single shot, 1d4 x 10 MD 6 shot burst Rate of Fire: Aimed or 6 shot burst Maximum Range: 1200 feet Payload: 30 rounds (5 bursts) The BA-29 rail pistol has a special undermount sensor system, capable of linking directly to the Battle Angel, giving them a +2 to strike with a single shot in addition to normal bonuses, and a +1 with burst in addition to normal bonuses. With the onboard sensors, the cyborg can fire blind with the weapon at 1/2 normal penalties.

Battle Angel Cyber-Modules

Battle Angel cyborgs can not have permanent additional cybernetic systems put into them, except by the cyber-docs who created them. However, the cyborgs have 6 open "cyber-module" compartments. These compartments can have specialized, limited use cyber systems essentially plugged in. There are both lower power permanent modules, and high power, limited use modules. If the main body of the cyborg takes more than 50% M.D.C., the modules have a 40% chance of being damaged beyond repair. If the cyborg goes to 0 M.D.C., the modules are totally destroyed. The nano-repair system can not rebuild the cyber-modules. Combat OverDrive: The combat overdrive system is a hypercomplex combat computer which temporarily overrides the onboard tactical computer in the cyborg. The combat computer programming gives the cyborg hand to hand: Martial Arts at 10th level; however, the cyborg loses all bonuses except those for P.P. in combat. The onboard tactical computer defenses will kick in if the combat overdrive system is used too often. After the 3rd consecutive use, the tactical computer will penetrate the security systems of the overdrive computer, causing a permanent crash. Micro-gravity Maneuvering System: The micro-gravity maneuvering system is a small gravity manipulation system that is designed to allow free movement in zero-G environments. The system will give the cyborg normal movement in zero-G, with no modifiers in combat. The character can fly at 25 mph in 0 G to .1 G environments. The system retains some effectiveness in underwater environments, allowing the cyborg to move at 1/2 modifiers underwater. The cyborg can also move themselves with the maneuvering system at 5 mph underwater. On land, the only effect the system has is doubling of leaping distance when active. - 709 -

ECM Module: The ECM module is a short range jamming system, designed to interfere with missile tracking and weapons systems within 100 feet of the cyborg. The module takes 5 charges from the cyborg's internal power supply to activate. The ECM system is active for one melee round before needing to be reactivated. It has a 01-25% chance of causing each missile within range to self destruct; 26-50% of causing the missile to randomly lock on a new target. 51-00% chance nothing happens. The jammer system affects all missiles within range; it also scrambles all radio communication within range. The jammer also has a 20% chance of temporarily affecting the Battle Angel's internal systems for 1d4 melees. If so, the cyborg is -3 to S/P/D for the duration. Energy Absorber Module: This module allows the cyborg to tap into external power sources for a faster recharge of power cells. When linked into a high power source (reactor, high power line, etc) the cyborg can recharge powercells at 1 charge per cell per melee round. External System OverRider: The overrider system allows the cyborg to override external computer systems. The overrider system is a one-shot computer module that cracks the normal computer protection to allow the cyborg to temporarily assume control. The module transmits and receives data through the hand electrical projector system. The excessive power fuses the overrider module into scrap. The external computer must make a save vs psionics ( + 1 for every 100 M.D.C of armor between the cyborg and the computer) or be taken over. The module can maintain control for a maximum of 4 melee rounds, but someone with computer hacking or headjacked into the same computer may be able to countermand the overrider module (opposing computer hacking skill roles). The overrider control system can shut down the onboard computer, shut down onboard sensory systems, feed in false data to the onboard computer, etc. Forcefield OverBooster: The forcefield overbooster module has 10 "charges". Each charge will increase the onboard cyborg forcefield by 100%. Each charge is cumulative, for a maximum increase of field strength of 1000%. Each charge burns out part of the module's systems, so when the last charge is used, the module is fused junk. The forcefield overbooster system lasts for 10 melees if one charge is used. Each additional boost of the forcefield (additional charges) reduces the time the forcefield is active by one melee round, to a minimum of 2 melees at maximum power. Oxygen Extension System: The oxygen extension system is effectively an advanced rebreather system. This system allows the cyborg to extend the normal oxygen stores in the bionic lung from 2 hours to 72 hours. The rebreather system filters are used up after 72 hours of use and can be replaced, extending the life of the module. If replacement filters are not available, the whole unit is usually pulled and replaced. Plasma Ejector System: The plasma ejector module allows the cyborg to fire plasma bolts. The cyborg can fire a 5d6 M.D.C. plasma bolt from one hand for 1 shot. The cyborg can fire a plasma bolt from each hand at the same target, for 1d4x10 +8 M.D.C. for one melee attack. The plasma ejector module has an internal payload of 20 shots. Sensory System Booster: The sensory enhancer module adds in the following:


Micro-radar: Can identify and track 24 targets. Speed, direction, and location are indicated. Range: 1 mile. +2 to dodge airborne attacks


Sonar system: Can track and identify 24 targets. Speed, direction, and location are indicated. Range: 1 mile. The cyborg can use this system as an echo-location system. The system has a 72% chance of accuracy. If the character makes the accuracy role, the effects of blindness are negated and the character can fight as normal. However, excessive explosions and loud noises will reduce the effectiveness of the system (-20% for excessive noise, -40% for boom gun firing). Also, magical spells can affect the system, including silence and thunderclap.


Motion detector: Registers vibrations in the air indicating movement. Range: 100 feet. Adds a bonus of +1 initiative and +1 to parry and dodge attacks within the range. Each of the subsystem runs off its own internal power supply, with a maximum operational time of 120 hours for each system. Strength MegaBooster Module: The strength megabooster system has a total of 10 charges. Each use of the megabooster module increases the base cyborg strength to 28 for 30 seconds. However, each use of the megabooster system also causes 2d6 M.D.C. to the limbs and main body of the cyborg as overloaded systems arc and burn out. Teleportation Module: This module allows the cyborg to teleport short distances. The cyborg can teleport up to 100 meters per use, with a maximum of 10 charges in the module. Even if the cyborg teleports less than 100 meters, the charge is used - 710 -

up. The teleportation system is not exact, unfortunately. The cyborg takes 2d4 M.D.C. to all sections each time they teleport, due to their molecules not being in exactly the right place when the character returns. More dangerous, the character takes 1d4 HP damage directly to hit points as well, which can kill a cyborg character in short order. Communications System: This module includes a short-range radio with multi-channel capabilities Range 25 miles. Onboard scrambler/descrambler system (radio: scrambler skill at 75%). Psionic Scrambler Module: The psionic scrambler module projects a specialized EM field which distorts psionic and telepathic probes. Psychic opponents find it difficult to read the thoughts and emotions of the cyborg when this module is active. Bonuses are +1 to save vs psionics, +2 vs possession, and +1 vs magic illusions and mind control. The psionic scrambler system links directly into the cyborgs internal power, making it a permanent module. However, it draws so much power, it reduces the recharge rate of the powercells by 25% when present. Magnetic Adhesion Module: This module enables the cyborg to modulate their electrical blast system to produce an intense magnetic field around their hands and feet. This field allows the character to effectively walk up metallic walls without climbing gear (+30% skill role). If the cyborg is climbing items that are not primarily metallic (less than 80% metal), the character needs normal climbing gear, but is still at a +15% to their climbing skill. Tactical Computer Subprocessor: The tactical computer subprocessor ties into the onboard tactical computer, giving it more memory and more processing capability. This effectively doubles the bonuses the cyborg gets from the tactical computer. Power Regulator Subprocessor: The power regulator subprocessor allows the cyborg to get more power from both the main reactor and the powercells in the cyborg. The regulator doubles the recharge rate of powercells, and allows the cyborg to get 25% more power from each powercell. Secondary Nano-Repair System: The secondary nano-repair system is a slightly smaller version of the internal system. The secondary system can have a maximum of 3 "doses" of nanites, capable of repairing 3d6 M.D. to one section of the cyborg. The secondary system takes 24 hours to regenerate 1 dose of nanites. The secondary nano-repair system takes 5 minutes to repair a section of the cyborg; it does not improve over time. Emergency Nano-Repair Module: This is a one-shot module that administers a massive dose of repair nanites to all systems. The cyborg can allocate the nanites to certain sections, making sure those areas are repaired first. The nanites can repair a maximum of 3d6x10 M.D., as allocated by the cyborg. The emergency nano-repair module releases a much more massive burst of repair nanites than normal, so the the the repairs are almost instantaneous. The emergency module takes 1 melee round to effect repairs. Internal Forcefield: The only function of this module is to generate a series of internal forcefields around the nano-repair system, internal life support, the brain containment system, and itself. This reinforcement by the module allows the main body to go to -150 M.D.C. before the nano-repair system is rendered inoperative. It also allows the head to go to -100 M.D.C. before being destroyed. The forcefield around itself means that this is the only module that can survive to below 0 damage. The additional forcefields do not activate until below 5 M.D.C, and are active for a total of 1 hour before the module exhausts its internal power. Stealth System: This module alters any technological scanning signals to read that the cyborg is fully human. The stealth system can run on internal power for up to 36 hours. The cyborg can allocate power to this module to extend the maximum lifespan of the module to 72 hours, however, the cyborg can not recharge any powercells during the entire 72 hours. "Tuned" module: The "Tuned" module is provided only by the sky city of Tiphares to it's selected cyborg agents. The module gives the cyborg the following abilities: 1. Satellite uplink: The cyborg can link into and receive information from satellite systems in orbit. The cyborg can also relay information through the link as well. 2. Hacking computer: The cyborg has a mini-computer with a number of hacking programs designed to penetrate computer security. Gives the cyborg computer hacking as 70%. 3. Lock picking system: The cyborg has a number of microtools integrated into the hand, allowing the cyborg to pick physical locks as well as override electronic locks. Lockpicking skill at 80% for physical locks, 70% for electronic. 4. Short-range radio: Range: 50 miles. The range can be extended by bouncing the messages through satellites from the uplink system. 5. Scrambler system: Gives the character radio: scrambler at 95%.

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Long term life support module: The long term life support module extends the duration of the life support system, literally to centuries! The long term support module projects a "stasis" field about the integral life support systems, including the organic tissue of the cyborg. This "stasis" field slows the passage of time for the life support system so that, baring destruction (the remains can be destroyed by physical means, however they will not suffer any effects from ageing), the cyborg can survive up to 450 years in this state. However, the character does suffer some side effects from the stasis. For each 30 years in the field, the character effectively loses 1 level as far as skill/knowledge based increases are concerned. This means the character loses all level increases to all non-physical (except where %'s are present in physcial skills) skills. The character does NOT lose weapon proficiencies or physical skills. All skills will recede to a minimum of 1st level, they do not disappear. HP gains and PPE gains are notaffected. The character also loses memories during the stasis, so that after 200 years in stasis, the character has only a 1% chance of remembering flashes of old memories, never more. Once the character is re-activated, the cyborg is at whatever level they end up at. If they have skills that were gained from higher levels, those skills do not advance until the cyborg catches back up to that level, then they advance as normal.

Battle Angel Cyborg Body Armor:

Battle Angel cyborg body armor is a set of light M.D.C. armor that connects directly into ports on the cyborg's body. There are concealed ports in the armor itself to allow attachment of items that need to connect direct to the Battle Angel, or to allow concealed items to be released without destroying the armor. The battle angel armor is an environmental body armor, complete with helmet and standard body armor functions. M.D.C. *Helmet -- 40 *Hands (2) -- 15 Arms (2) -- 35 Legs (2) -- 45 Main Body -- 85

Battle Angel BattleStaff Modules

The BattleStaffs used by the Battle Angels can also have additional modules placed into it as well. The battlestaff can have 4 additional modules placed into it. There are both lower power permanent modules, and high power, limited use modules. The battlestaff modules are added one at each end and two in the middle. This means that when the staff is broken down into sections, each section can have a module mount at each end. However, depending on function, some modules can only be mounted on what would be the ends of the full battlestaff, while others can only be mounted in what would be the center of the battlestaff. Some modules can be mounted at either end or center. Each module has 20 M.D.C. ForceField OverBooster: The forcefield overbooster module has 10 "charges". Each charge will increase the onboard forcefield by 200%. Each charge is cumulative, for a maximum increase of field strength of 2000%. Each charge burns out part of the module's systems, so when the last charge is used, the module is fused junk. Center mount only. EM Pulse OverLoad: The EM pulse overloader module is an extremely small capacitor system that provides additional power to the pulse system. This additional power reduces the amount the cyborg needs to activate or boost the pulse system. While the overloader is active, the EM pulse system power requirements are reduced 50%, so that only 5 charges are needed to activate or to boost the pulse. The EM OverLoad module has a dedicated power supply of 100 charges. Each time the pulse system is activated, 1/2 of the power comes from the overload module. Center mount only. PowerCells: The Battlestaff can have additional powercells added to it in place of other modules. 2 additional powercells can be added into each module slot. Either center or end. Plasma Ejector Module: The plasma ejector module converts the ion blasts that can fired normally into plasma bolts. The power effiency is reduced, taking 2 charges for every 1d6 of M.D.C., but range is increased. Range is 2000 feet in section mode, 3500 feet when in full battlestaff mode. Damage maximums remain the same. This is an end mount only module, and when the staff is broke down, only the section with the plasma module may fire plasma bolts. Power Regulator Subprocessor: The power regulator subprocessor allows the cyborg to get more power from the powercells and recharge them faster within the staff. The power regulator doubles the recharge rate of powercells, and allows the cyborg to get 25% more power from each powercell in the staff only! This system can not affect powercells in the cyborg. ForceShield Module: This module amplifies the battlestaff forcefield until it can form a 200 square foot barrier directly in front of the cyborg, or form a sphere 10 foot in diameter. The wall and sphere both have 200 M.D.C. The system can be activated a total of 3 times before system burnout, but it requires a minimum recharge time of 2 hours between activations. Center mount module only. Grapple Gun: The grapple gun module is a mico-grapple with 200 meters of ultra-thin line. Tensile strength 1000 lbs. End mount only - 712 -

Teleportation Module: This is a two-part module. The main part is a center mount unit on the battlestaff; the second part plugs into a special port in the palm of the cyborg. This allows the cyborg to teleport the battlestaff to their hand from up to 1 km away. Each use of the teleportation function takes 5 charges from both the staff and the cyborg. ECM Module: This is a much more powerful version of the ECM system than the one that mounts in the cyborg. The ECM module is an end mount module that plugs into the EM pulse system. The power from the EM pulse is shunted directly into the ECM system, giving it much greater range and power than the other system. The ECM system has a 01-40% chance of causing each missile within range to self-destruct; 41-75% chance of causing a missile to loose track of the initial target; 7600% no effect. The ECM system has a range of 500 feet. The ECM system also jams weapon systems in mechs and P.A. as well, giving a -3 to S/P/D to all within range. For every additional charge pumped into the ECM system, the range extends 50 feet. This ECM system jams all radio communication within double the ECM range. As this is not an internal module, the cyborg has only a 01-04% chance of being affected by the jamming system. The ECM system is active for 1 melee round.

BattleStaff, Heavy Combat (WarStaff)

The warstaff is a much heavier version of the battlestaff, used for major battles, or if the cyborg is going into very rough conditions. Length: 6 feet Width: 2.5 inches Weight: 29 lbs M.D.C: Staff sections (2): 120 (80) The staff is composed of 2 separate sections, both 3 feet in length. The sections can be used on their own, but have access only to the power cells within those sections, or power fed through the cyborg. The two sections must be combined to access the EM pulse, but otherwise all functions are possible. 1. Power System: The battlestaff issued to the Battle Angel cyborgs is designed to integrate fully with the cyborgs own systems through palm induction system. This allows the cyborg to feed power into the staff for it's systems, or in an emergency tap the power available in the staff. The staff contains 8 power cells (4 in each section) that must be recharged by the cyborg, or tied into a recharger system. 2. EM Pulse: For 5 charges, the staff can emit an EM pulse. The victim of the EM pulse must save vs psionics or be rendered inoperative for 2d4 melees. For each 100 M.D.C. the target has, it has a +1 to save (0-99 M.D.C. -- no bonus, 100 M.D.C +1 bonus, 400 M.D.C. +4, etc). Shielded circuits also give a +2 to save. The cyborg can increase the power to the EM pulse to increase the chances of it's functioning. For each additional 5 charges, the straight save shifts up 100 M.D.C. For example, 15 charges are pumped into a EM pulse. 5 charges go for activating the pulse, the additional 10 increase the power. Now, a target with 200 M.D.C. must make a straight save, while targets with more M.D.C save at a +1 for each additional 100 M.D.C. The other end of the spectrum is that the targets that have less M.D.C., make their saves at a -1 for each 100 M.D.C. below the straight save range. In the example, a target with 85 M.D.C. would save at a -2. Range: Touch or 10 feet 3. ForceField Reinforcement/Penetration System: Identical to the cyborg system, except the reinforcement can be active with any of the other staff systems. The reinforcement is activated by 2 charges in the individual sections, or 3 charges when combined into one staff. The forcefield can stay active for 30 minutes maximum before having to be repowered. 4. Ion Blasts: The two staff sections can fire ion blasts, using 1 charge per 2d6 M.D.C of the blast, to a maximum of 1d6 x10 M.D.C. When connected together, the staff can fire ion blasts up to a maximum of 2d6x10 M.D.C. Range is 1400 feet as staff section, 2600 feet in full battlestaff mode. 5. Light/Flare: The staff can glow as a globe of daylight for 1 hour per charge, or emit a blinding flash of light, equal to the spell, for a radius of 100 feet per charge. The light can also be emmited from the ends, acting as a searchlight for a distance of 200 feet per charge. 6. Homing Signal: Range: 800 miles 7. Size Shifting: The warstaff can extend out to a maximum size of 9 feet per section, 18 for the total warstaff, or reduce itself in size to 2 feet per section, 4 foot total. Extending the staff beyond 6 feet per section causes the forcefield around it to reduce in power to 1/4 normal power. Collapsing the staff has no effect on the forcefield. 8. Module Extension: Systems within the warstaff are more rugged than the identical systems in the battlestaff, allowing internal systems to take more of the powerload from any modules integrated into the staff. Modules integrated into the staff extend their functional uses by 20%. 9. Integral Grapple Gun: There are micro-grapples with 100 meters of high tensile (1000 lbs) cords integrate into each section of the staff. 10. Melee Damage: Restrained: 6d6 S.D.C + P.S. Power: 3d6 M.D.C Regular: 2d4 M.D.C

BattleStaff, Light
The light battlestaff is a smaller unit, designed mainly for exploration use. - 713 -

Length: 5 feet Width: 2.5 inches Weight: 11 lbs M.D.C: Staff sections (2): 30 (20) The staff is composed of 2 separate sections, both 2.5 feet in length. The sections can be used on their own, but have access only to the power cells within those sections, or power fed through the cyborg. 1. Power System: The battlestaff issued to the Battle Angel cyborgs is designed to integrate fully with the cyborgs own systems through palm induction system. This allows the cyborg to feed power into the staff for it's systems, or in an emergency tap the power available in the staff. The staff contains 2 power cells (1 in each section) that must be recharged by the cyborg, or tied into a recharger system. 2. Seismic Sensors: When one end of the staff is placed on the ground, the staff acts as a seismic sensor system. The staff can detect movement of man-sized objects within 100 meters, P.A. up to 350 meters, and mechs up to 1 km away. The staff feeds the information directly through the palm induction system to the cyborg. When in hand, the system acts as a motion detector in melee combat. 3. ForceField Reinforcement/Penetration System: Identical to the cyborg system, except the reinforcement can be active with any of the other staff systems. The reinforcement is activated by 1 charges in the individual sections, or 2 charges when combined into one staff. The forcefield can stay active for 30 minutes maximum before having to be repowered 4. Ion Blasts: The two staff sections can fire ion blasts, using 1 charge per 3d6 S.D.C of the blast, to a maximum of 1d6 x10 + 20 S.D.C. When connected together, the staff can fire ion blasts up to a maximum of 2d6x10 + 30 S.D.C. (inflicts M.D. if high enough). Range is 600 feet as staff section, 1000 feet in full battlestaff mode. 5. Light/Flare: The staff can glow as a globe of daylight for 3 hours per charge, or emit a blinding flash of light, equal to the spell, for a radius of 10 feet per charge. The light can also be emmited from the ends, acting as a searchlight for a distance of 50 feet per charge. 6. Homing Signal: Range: 200 miles 7. Size Shifting: The staff can extend out to a maximum size of 9 feet per section, 18 for the total staff, or reduce itself in size to 1 feet per section, 2 foot total. Extending the staff beyond 6 feet per section causes the forcefield around it to collapse. Collapsing the staff has no effect on the forcefield. 8. Module Systems: The light battlestaff can have a maximum of one module integrated into it at any time. The systems will blow out if any more are plugged in. 9. Integral Grapple Gun: There are micro-grapples with 100 meters of high tensile (1000 lbs) cords integrate into each section of the staff. 10. Melee Damage: Restrained: 3d6 S.D.C + P.S. bonus Power: 1d4 M.D.C Regular: 8d6 S.D.C + P.S. bonus

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Appendix 10
Battle Angel Martial Arts
These martial arts evolved on the alternate Earth that the Battle Angels come from. That alternate Earth is an example of extremes. It ranges from technology several hundred years in advance of Triax or Japan, to primitive nomadic scavangers roaming the land. The entire solar system was settled at one point, however, a series of wars has caused the collapse of much of civilization. There may still be humans on the other worlds of the solar system, but they have no trade, or no known trade with Earth. The sole center of high technology on the Battle Angel Earth is the massive sky-city of Tiphares. Hand to Hand: Panzer Kunst Literally, "armour art". The ultimate cyborg combat technique. This ancient martian craft exploits the various abilities that characterize humanoid robots, such as faster reflexes and superhuman strength. In particular, it takes advantage of the fact that the brain controlling the mechanical body is capable of blocking pain. Self-mutilation is thus a viable option during a confrontation (although clearly as a last resort), and retaliation can take place even after severe body damage, such as loss of limbs. The Panzer Kunst encompasses a series of sophisticated fighting maneuvers. Note that these skills do not necessarily depend on the cyborg's physical body, they are knowledge engraved within the cyborg's psyche. The Panzer Kunst also provides a definite tactical advantage, since it gives it's user the ability to analyze an opponent's fighting style and to retaliate accordingly. Gally will therefore rarely be defeated in a second combat with a given enemy. Panzer Kunst can only be learned by the Battle Angel O.C.C. Panzer Kunst was developed on Mars over a three thousand years ago, before the collapse of civilization in the Battle Angel solar system. Panzer Kunst is a lost cyborg martial art now, the only ones that know it are the rare Battle Angels who have appeared in the Scrap Iron cities and the sky city of Zalem. Techniques known at first level: Body flip/throw, disarm, holds, roll with punch/fall/impact, pull punch, maintain balance, kick attack (8d6 S.D.C), power punch/kick, break fall Bonuses: +3 M. E., + 2d6 PPE, damage is increased by 6 times due to the much greater strength of the cyborg. Level 1. 2 attacks at first level, snap kick (6d6 S.D.C.), knife hand (8d6 S.D.C.), +2 dodge and parry, +2 roll with punch/impact/fall, +1 disarm 2. +1 strike, backflip (attack/escape/defense) (1d6x10+6 S.D.C.), axe kick (1d6x10+6 S.D.C.) , drop kick (special) 3. +1 attack, jump kick (5d4x10 S.D.C), cartwheel (forward flip) attack (1d6x10+6 SDC) 4. leap attack (special), roundhouse kick (3d4x10 S.D.C), elbow/forearm strike (6d6), +2 maintain balance 5. Critical on 18-20, +3 damage, +2 strike when doing backflip/cartwheel attack 6. +1 parry/dodge, +2 break fall, Hertza Haeon, wheel kick (1d6x10+6 S.D.C.) 7. crescent kick (1d6x10 S.D.C.), remaining jump kicks (2d6x10 S.D.C.), +1 attack 8. Death blow on natural 20, Critical from behind, Penetrating Strike 9. Auto flip/throw, +2 initiative, +1 roll with punch, +1 pull punch 10. +2 dodge, +1 strike, Einzug Rustungen 11. +1 attack, leg hook, backward sweep 12. Death blow on natural 18-20, double PPE 13. +1 attack, +2 damage, +1 dodge/strike 14. +1 pull punch, +2 break fall, +2 maintain balance 15. +1 attack, Death blow!

Hand to Hand: Maschine Klatch

A similar technique to Panzer Kunst, is the Maschine Klatsch ("machine clash"). Maschine Klatsch is another cyborg fighting method, much more common than Panzer Kunst. Any cyborg OCC can learn the Maschine Klatsch. Techniques known at first level: Break fall, roll with punch/fall/impact, pull punch, kick attack (1d4x10), karate kick (1d6x10), karate strike (1d4x10), knee/elbow strikes (5d6), body flip/throw, disarm Bonuses: +1d4 M.E., +2d4 PPE, damage is 5 times base due to greater cybernetic strength Level 1. 2 attacks to start, snap kick (5d6), knife hand (1d4x10), +1 initiative, +2 roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 parry, +1 dodge, +1 break fall, +2 disarm 2. +2 strike, tripping/leg hooks, backward sweep kicks 3. +2 damage, wheel kick (1d6x10) - 715 -

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

+1 attack, +1 initiative, +1 disarm, leap attack Power punch, power kick, critical flip on natural 19-20 Critical on 18-20, critical from behind, +2 pull punch Roundhouse kick (2d4x10+10), axe kick (1d6x10), +2 roll with punch +1 attack, Hertza Haeon, crescent kick (1d4x10+10), Jump kick (3d6x10), Death blow on natural 20 Double PPE and leap attacks, +1 parry +1 attack, +1 strike, +1 dodge Penetrating Strike, +1 initiative, +3 damage Death Blow! +1 attack, +2 punch attacks Final Blow, +2 disarm, +1 break fall

Hand to Hand: Koppo Koppo was developed by in reply to the rise of cyborgs in the Battle Angel universe. It was created in the early eighth period (~ 1200 years ago) by the Japanese general Yamato Shin to allow normal humans a chance when facing cyborgs in combat. The art drew much of its background from Aikido (to keep the cyborg away long enough to do something else), as well as several other martial arts. Techniques known at first level: Body block/tackle, body flip/throw, break fall, disarm, holds, roll with punch/fall/impact, pull punch, kick attack (2d4), karate strike (2d4) Bonuses: +4d6 SDC, +1d3 ME, +1d2 PS, +2 PP, +1 PE Level 1. Two attacks per round; +3 break fall, +2 roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 parry, +1 strike, palm strike (2d4), knife hand (2d4) 2. +2 body flip/throw, +1 initiative, +2 parry/dodge, snap kick (1d6) 3. +1 attack, +2 damage, +2 pull punch, backward sweep, leg throw 4. Autododge, +1 body flip/throw, roundhouse kick (3d6) 5. Penetrating Strike, power punch, critical flip on 19-20 6. +1 parry/dodge, +1 body flip/throw, +2 pull punch 7. +1 attack, critical on 18-20, critical from behind, crescent kick (2d4+2) 8. Hertza Haeon, auto flip/throw, death blow on natural 20 9. Double PPE, leap attacks 10. +1 attack, jump kick(6d6), wheel kick (2d6) 11. +1 parry, +2 break fall, +2 dodge, +3 strike with knife hand 12. Final Blow, +1 attack, +1 body flip/throw 13. +1 initiative, +2 parry, +2 strike with punches 14. Death Blow! +2 damage, +2 pull punch 15. +1 attack Special Moves Hertza Haeon: PPE: 3 The Hertza Haeon is a technique in which the cyborg focuses their internal power to a frequency that will disrupt electrical impulses within living beings, causing additional damage. The Hertza Haeon allows the cyborg to do double damage with the attack, but the cyborg themselves take 1 HP damage each time the attack is used. The Hertza Haeon will not work through armor, however, it does work through forcefields, doing 1/2 damage to the field, and 1/2 damage to the target. The Hertza Haeon is fully effective against partial conversion borgs, but only 50% as effective on full conversion borgs. Einzug Rustungen: The Einzug Rustungen is the most secret technique of the Panzer Kunst martial art. The technique is the matching of the opponent's rhythm and striking when they are off guard by studying the the opponent's fighting technique during battle and retaliating. The cyborg gets a cumulative +1 to strike/parry/dodge one opponent per level the character has in Einzug Rustungen per melee round fighting that opponent. If the character stops fighting that opponent, they lose the bonus at a -2 strike/parry/dodge per round until the bonus is gone. Final Blow: PPE: 4 Base +1 per 1 PS The Final Blow technique allows the character to do supernatural damage, but at a potential of killing the character! By spending the base 4 PPE, the character can do damage as though their PS is supernatural. For each additional PPE spent, the character's effective PS increases by 1. The downside of this attack is severe. For the base 4 PPE, the character takes 2d6 +4 damage directly to HP. For each additional point of PPE, the character takes an additional 1 HP damage. The Final Blow is active 1 melee round. Penetrating Strike: PPE: 4 Penetrating strike enables the character to penetrate armor, including power armor and the bodies of cyborgs! The character does normal damage to the armor and 1 point of SDC to the target in the armor or the organic portion of the cyborg for each 1d6 the attacker does in SDC damage (if the attack does 5d6 SDC, the target within the armor takes 5 points SDC, 1 MD point means 15 SDC - 716 -

to the target within the armor). Add 1/2 the normal SDC P.S. bonus to the damage done through the armor as well. If the damage gets through the SDC and starts affecting HP (in the case of cyborgs, it immediately affects HP), the target must save vs psionics or be knocked unconscious by the blow.

Appendix 11
Collectors: Tool List
By: Argh23 Heres the Tool lists for the Collectors. Its kind of small right now, but I'm working on a larger list. A note about the Collectors and their tools: Collectors use the tools mainly to assist in exploring and not as weapons. however, if faced with a threat, they will resort to force. Some of these might seem unbalanced, but they were designed as construction devices rather than weapons. Minor 1-8 Cloaking Device: This device bends light so that the Collector becomes invisible. it only affects light, though, so the Collector will still show up radar or any other sensor that doesn't rely on light. 9-17 Holographic Projector- Projects an exact duplicate of any image the Collector has scanned. It can be used to imitate a person or animal, equal to Impersonation skill 45%. The unit can be used with the Cloaking Device to allow the Collector to disguise itself. (Note- the use of a Cloaking Device for disguise is needed only when the Collector is too big to be covered by the holograph) Range: 5 feet The largest possible image is 50 feet tall by 10 feet wide Duration: Up to Five hours per day 18-27 Buzz Saw: A buzz saw mounted on a small arm. Range: 2 feet Damage: 4D6 SDC 28-36 Bio Scanner: Scans area for life forms. Can detect and locate life as small as an ant. Range: 1000 feet 37-45 Chemical Analyzer: Analyzes and identies chemical compounds. Equal to Chemistry skill 60%. Range: 20 feet 46-54 Targeting Computer: Adds +5 to strike, adds 300 feet to optics range Motion Detector: Adds +1 to initiative, +1 to parry and dodge. Range: 100 feet 55-63 Computer Interface Port: Adapting interface port that can hook up to most computers. Equal to Computer Operations 50% 64-70 Force Shield: An invisible shield that adds 40 MDC Duration: 2 hours 71-79 Small Laser Torch: A small torch capable of cutting through most SDC materials Range: 5 feet Damage: 4D6x10 SDC Payload: Effectively Unlimited 80-87 Additional Utility Arm: Same stats as the basic utility arm 88-93 Spotlight: Think about it. Range: 2000 feet 94-100 Mini ECP Launcher: A smaller version of the ECP Launcher. ECP stands for Electrically Charged Pellets, highly-energized particles red at high speeds to stun threats. Range: 600 feet Damage: 1D6 MDC, plus the victim must make a Saving Throw vs. Non-lethal poison or be paralyzed for 1D4 melee rounds. Payload: 10 shots; requires one full day to replicate 10 more shots at a cost of 5 ISP Major 1-10 Particle Accelerator: A beam of magnetic charge that causes molecules to speed up to point that they dissipate, effectively disintegrating an object. It has two settings- organic and inorganic. If combined with the Chemical Analyzer, the beam can be set to affect specic substances; for example, the Collector could set the beam to a tumor without harming the patient, or destroy the sugar in food while keeping the rest intact. Range: 20 feet Payload: 5 shots per day 11-20 Particle Decelerator: A beam of magnetic charge that causes molecules to slow down to the point that they no longer move at all, causing the object to become solid to the point that the object shatters with a mere touch. It has two settings- organic and inorganic. If combined with the Chemical Analyzer, the beam can be set to affect specic substances. Range: 20 feet Payload: 5 shots per day 21-30 Magnetic Field Disrupter: A beam of magnetic charge that either increases or decreases the magnetic pull on objects. The beam has three settings: light- the gravitational pull of the object is increased or decreased by 1/3. If increased, those affected loss 1/3 of their speed and gain 1/3 of their PS/ if decreased, they gain 1/3 of their speed and lose 1/3 of their PS; medium- the gravitational pull of the object is increased or decreased by half. If increased, those affected loss 1/2 of their speed and their PS is doubled/ if decreased, their speed is doubled and their PS is reduced by half; heavy- the gravitational - 717 -

pull of the object is either too great for the object to move or reduced to nothing. Those affected will either be stuck at on the ground or oat away, completely at the mercy of the wind. Range: 50 feet Duration: 2D4 hours Payload: 3 uses per day. 31-40 Micro-replicater- Can replicate small, uncomplicated weapons (normal MDC swords or knives..), small foods, even clothing. The Collectors often use this to gain help from other beings Payload: Can replicate up to 200 pounds before it needs a recharge; recharge requires two full days Rate: Each 1/4 pound requires 1D6 melee rounds to replicate. Requires 1 ISP per 2 pounds replicated. 41-50 ECP Launcher: Electrically Charged Particle Launcher Range: 1200 feet. Damage: 4D6 MDC plus victim must roll Saving Throw vs. non-lethal poison with a -3 modier or be paralyzed for 1D6 melee rounds Payload: 10 shots; requires one full day to replicate 10 more charges at a cost of 10 ISP 51-60 Advanced Cloaking System: Same as the Cloaking System above except this system leaves no energy traces of any kind; the Collector is totally invisible (with the exception of magic or psionic sensors) Duration: Up to 5 hours 61-70 High Powered Laser Torch: Able to cut through most MDC materials. Range: 5 feet Damage: 4D6x10 MDC Payload: Up to 10 hours per day 71-80 High Powered Buzz Saw: A buzz saw made of super-tough MDC metal mounted on a small arm Range: 2 feet Damage: 4D6 MDC 81-90 Null Force Field: A eld of null for that stops all physical attacks, but not magic or psionic assaults Duration: up to two hours; requires 30 ISP to recharge before further use. 91-100 Storage Compartment: An internal storage compartment. The compartment is 15 feet high by 10 feet wide by 20 feet long. There is no air or communication with the outside world within the compartment, so transporting living beings inside isn't a good idea. When i rst created the tools, there were a bit more than this. However, while play testing, some of the tools turned out useless or insanely unstoppable. I just haven't taken the time to come up with more tools for the time being; however, creating tools is rather easy and leaves the character a lot of room to be creative. Enjoy.

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Appendix 12
Elite SEAL Equipment
By: Chris Gath With input and help by Brighton Hammer Here's the SEALs equioment for anyone who cares. It's strong, powerful stuff. Enjoy... Special Elite SEAL Armor, Weapons, and Equipment: This represents the very best the New Navy can produce. Many of these weapons, while having been throughly tested, have not seen any actual field use. Also, there is not a huge surplus of these weapons. They are harder and more costly to build then anything else that the New Navy makes. While the New navy has made some great advances in technolog, they have also stolen technology from other cultures they have incountered. None of these items has yet to be lost, but after a few years the Black Market will have acquired one or two. The bullets made for the SL-4, SL-14, SL-15, and the SL-60 are specially made and not easily reproduced. With minor modifications the energy weapons can be converted to use most "alien" or "foreign" type of E-clips. An Elite SEAL will use this tactic if those are the only type of E-clips availible. A typical six person squad will have one person with a LAWS-4 and one person with an SL-60. the other four members will have a variety of weapons sutible for the mission. Of course the actual weapons assigned to a squad can vary according to the need of the mission, and the weapons availible. Expereinced SEALs might have a better choice on what they are able to take. Note: In some of the weapon describtions it will say that the weapon resembles another weapon that exists now. Those weapons and many others can be found in Palladiums Compendium of Contemporary Weapons. Seal-1 Frogman Armor: This is basically the same as the TXD-8 (pg 193 Rifts: Undersea) with a few added features. The underwater attachments (the flippers, the O2 tank, and the large helmet) can be removed for easy land based movement. Allows the wearer to swim twice as fast for three times as long Provides the user with six hours of oxygen Has an underwater jet propulsion system allowing the user to travel at 8mph MDC: 100 Weight: 50lb (15lb without underwater attachments) Fair Mobility: -15% (None without underwater attachments) Maximum Depth is 3000ft The Exo-Skeleton provides +6 PS and +12 Spd Ultra mini torpedoes (10) -Damage: 5d6 4'r -Rate of fire: one or two at a time -Range: 1000ft Note: this item can only be used underwater Forearm Vibro Blade Shields (2) Vibro Blade: 2d4MD Each arm can hold either an additional UM-torpedo or a flashlight Tri Particle Beam Blaster Attachment -Weight: 40lb -Damage: 1d4x10 single shot, 2d4x10 double shot, 3d4x10 triple shot (Each counts as one attack) -Range: 300ft underwater and 1200ft above water -Payload: 30 single shots, 15 double shots, or 10 triple shots (uses 2 E-Clips to power this weapon) -Reduce speed by 10% in the water and 25% out of the water Medium and Heavy Propulsion Systems Attachment -Weight: 30lb for the medium and 50lb for the heavy - 719 -

-Speed 30 MPH for the medium and 50mph for the heavy -Reduce speed by 10%(M) or 20%(H) in the water and 25%(M) or 40% (H) out of the water Forearm retractable vibro claws -Damage: 4d4md SEAL-2 Wet Suit This is a wet suit made from MD fabric similiar to what Triax makes their Plainclothes Armor out of. It is solid black and skin tight. It protects the whole body, except for the face, but a MD facemask has been designed to cover that AR: 19 MDC: 25 for the suit, 5 for the facemask Weight: 15lb. Prowl Penalty: none (GMs may want to have a small bonus if trying to prowl in the dark since the suit is solid black. On the flip side, if trying to prowl in a light forest setting the GM may wish to have a slight penalty. I'd say no more then +/10% depending on the conditions.) Optics: The face mask offers perfect vision underwater equal to above water and can also use thermo-imaging sight. SCUBA Gear There are three different sizes of SCUBA gear availible to the SEALs. The Basic system consists of 3 tanks (2 filled with oxygen and one to be filled with carbon dioxide so no bubbles give away the SEALs position). It has a weight of 25lbs and has three hours of oxygen. The second version is the compact one. It is only 18 inches long and has a 4 inch diameter. It holds sixty minutes of oxygen and weights 5lbs. The final version is the mini SCUBA tank. It's only five inches long and has a two inch diameter. It holds only twenty minutes of oxygen and weights 2 lbs. It is used exclusively for espionage missions. SL-12 This is a variable Blue-Green laser that resembles an 9mm Weaver PKS9 Ultralite. It can fire either a single shot or a short burst of five. This weapon can fire equally as well above the water as it can in the water. It is the most common weapon used by the SEALs. Weight: 5lb Mega Damage: 4d6 per single shot Rate of Fire: Single shot or five round burst Range: 3000ft Payload: 30 (short E-clip), 55 (long E-clip) SL-14 This is a double barrel shotgun. It can only function above water and looks like a Smith and Wesson. A shotgun weapon was never going to be designed for the reasons that it is really loud, has minimal range, extremely small payload, and cannot function under water. Due to the popularity of shotgun weapons, however, it was manufactured. Without a doubt the most popular weapon among the SEALs, it is rarely used do to its many drawbacks. Weight: 8lb Mega Damage: Solid Slug does 4d6, Exploding Rounds 3d6 12'r, DU Slugs do 6d6 Range: 300ft Rate of Fire: Single or Double Shot Payload: 2 SL-16 This is a heavier version of the SL-12 with an over/under barrel design. The top barrel is the same as the SL-12, but the under barrel does the same as a Sonic Blast Spell. This weapon is only issued when the SEALs are operating only in water and against other senteints in armor. The New Navy is currently working on a way to copy the effects of the Sonic Stun spell and add that to this weapon as well (At the GMs option this could have already have been accomplished. The character would then be able to either use the Sonic Blast or the Sonic Stun. The weapon would have both capabilities. The Sonic stun performs exactly as the spell with a range of 300 ft.) Weight: 8lb Mega Damage: Laser:4d6 Sonic Blast: 6d6 (1/3 damage SDC to pilot in body armor or Power Armor) Range: Laser-3000ft -Sonic Blast: 600ft Rate of Fire: Laser-Single Shot or five round burst -Sonic Blast-Single Shot only Payload: 30 (Short E-Clip) or 55 (long E-Clip) LAWS-4 This is basically a LAWS-3 but it has the ability to fire off all six mini-missiles in a single Volley! This weapon is always given to one person in every squad. He/she or another member will carry extra ammo in a sathel (8 clips). On really dangerous missions more then one person could be issued a LAWS-4. Unlike the L.AWS of today, this weapon is reusable. SL-4 This weapon is based on the Ingram. It comes equipped with a silencer and a flash suppressor. It also has a newly designed anti-recoil - 720 -

system that make the weapon more accurate (+2 strike on single shots or bursts). It uses DU hollow point rounds. This weapon cannot be used underwater, but is a favorite for the pointman. It's light, accurate, and quiet. It is a very common weapon for land based missions or missions to infultrate a ship. Weight: 4lb Damage: Single Round 1-2, burst of 20 4d6, burst of 40 8d6 Range: 1400ft Rate of Fire: Single shot, 20 round burst, or 40 round burst Payload: 40 round clips SL-12B This is an SL-12 with a harpoon gun attached underneath it. Another rare weapon ussually reserved for underwater use only. The exploding harpoons are great for scaring off animals (HF 18) and some monsters (GMs option on the HF, average about an eight). Weight: 7lb Mega Damage: Laser: 4d6 -Harpoon: 1d6 conventional, 6d6 exploding Range: Laser 3000ft -Harpoon 300ft Rate of Fire: Laser-Single shot, or five round burst -Harpoon-Single Shot only Payload: 30 (Short E-Clip) 55 (Long E-Clip) -Holds 4 harpoons. Quivers can hold 4, 12, or 24 SL-12C This is an SL-12 with a gernade launcher attached undeneath it. The gernades can be used underwater, but this is more of a troop support weapon designed for land use. Another favorite among the SEALs. Wieght: 14lb Mega Damage: Laser: 4d6 -Gernade: High Explosive 4d6 20'r (8' on land) Fragmentaion 2d6 10'r (24' on land) Range: Laser 3000ft -Gernade Launcher 1200ft Rate of Fire: Laser-Single Shot, or a five round burst -Gernade Launcher-Single shot, or volley of 3 Payload: 30 (Short E-Clip) 55(Long E-Clip) -Holds 3 gernades. Gernade Bandolier can hold 18 Underwater Grenades Each SEAL is issued 6 gernade of his/her choice. The gernades below function both underwater and on land. The SEAL does not necisarily have to be limited to these gernades. The New Navy does have a limited supply of most gernades made on Rifts Earth. High Explosive: 5d6 25'r (10'r on land) Fragmentation: 3d6 15'r (30'r on land) SL-60 This is a multiple purpose Railgun modeled after the M-60. It can only be used on dry land. This is only issued if the SEAL team is expected to meet heavy resistance. Another person will typically carry 3 spare belts. This weapon comes standard with a bi-pod and must be fired with the bi-pod braced on the ground, a wall, or other stable fixture. Weight: 20lb, a 200 round belt weights 8lb Damage: Single shot 2d6 - 10 round burst 5d6 - 20 round burst 1d6x10; spray does 4d6 to 1d4 targets - 50 round burst 2d6x10; spray does 6d6 to 2d4 targets - 100 round burst 3d6x10; spray does 8d6 to 2d6 targets (-3 dodge)(Both counts as 2 attacks) - 200 round burst 4d6x10; spray does 1d6x10 to 2d8 targets (-5 dodge)(Both counts as all attacks in a melee round) Range: 4500ft Rate of Fire: Single shot or burst of 10, 20, 50, 100, or 200 Payload: 200 round belts (5lb each) SL-1 This is a variable blue-green laser. Looks like an Auto Mag. This is the side arm of chioce for the SEALs. It offers a very good range (for a pistol) and damage (again for a pistol). It can function above and below water. Weight: 3lb Mega Damage: 4d4 Range: 1000ft Rate of Fire: Single Shot Only Payload: 30 (short E-Clip) - 721 -

SL-22 A variable, blue-green, single shot, sniping rifle. Comes with a laser targeting system (+3 to strike when activated) and the gun is very well balanced (+1 strike). It looks like a 7.62 mm RA1 Convertible Long-Range Rifle Model 300. Comes with a telescopic sight (20x Magnification), passive nightvision, and thremo imager (range of all is 5500ft). This weapon will only be issued to SEALs with the sniper skill package and there will only be (at most) one sniper per squad. More then one SEAL can have the sniper skill package, but only one SEAL will be given this sniper rifle. -Weight: 14lbs -Mega Damage: 2d6+2 x5, (20-70 Mega Damage) -Range: 5000ft -Rate of Fire: Single Shot only -Payload: 15 (Short E-Clip) 22 (Long E-Clip) SL-9 This is a particle beam version of the SL-12. This weapon is well balanced (+1 to strike). Not near as popular as the SL-12, but a few SEALs use this exclusively. Offers quite a punch for a single shot. Weight: 5lb Mega Damage: 1d4x10+10 Range: 2200ft Rate of Fire: Single shot only Payload: 10 (Short E-Clip), 25 (Long E-Clip) SL-15 This is a more practical version of the shotgun and could also be classified as a gernade launcher. It's modeled after the old AAI C.A.W.S. (Close Assualt Weapon System). It fires the same type of rounds as the SL-14, but has only one barrel. It does have superior range, superior payload, and automatic capabilities. Still most SEALs perfer the SL-14 and the SL-15 is ussually only used when a SEAL is required to have one. The 3 round burst is designed with solid slugs in mind. It's a short burst for maximum power. The 6 round burst was designed for exploding rounds. This let's the SEAL inflict damage on many targets at once. Of course both the solid slugs and the exploding rounds may be fired as a single shot, three round burst, or a six round burst. Wieght: 10lb Mega Damage: Solid Slug 4d6; Exploding shell 3d6 12'r; DU slugs 6d6 Range: 750ft Rate of Fire: Single shot, 3 round burst (double damage for the slugs, exploding does 5d6 to 18'r), 6 round burst (takes 2 attacks; slugs do triple damage, exploding does 6d6 to 40'r) Payload: 12 shot magazine SL-17 This is a large, four barrel napalm rocket launcher. Modeled after the United State's 66mm M202A2 Multi-Shot Portable Flame Weapon, this four shot weapon fires super hot plasma missles like napalm that when they hit explode into a large fireball. The rockets are bigger then mini-missle, but don't have the range or damage potentional. What they do have is a larger area of effect (bigger explosion). Wieght: 30lb Mega Damage: 6d6+12 to a 50ft radius Range: 2500ft Rate of Fire: Single shot only Payload: 4 shots (one per barrel). Reloading takes 1 action per round reloaded. The Elite Seals also have access to most weapons and equipment made on Rifts Earth. They have their own version of the SNARLS Sensor System (pg 116 Rifts Japan), the NG-S2 (SL-S2; pg 101 Rifts Mercenaries), NG Plastique and Mines (pgs 100-101 Rifts Mercenaries), Fusion Blocks (Rifts pg 204), any and all types of SCUBA gear and equipment (see Rifts Undersea pgs 137-144), and Multi-optic Helmets (Rifts Page 245)

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Appendix 13
New Lightsaber
By: hidari kiki My apologies to Josh Sanofsky... The lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi, a sword with a blade of solid energy capable of cutting nearly anything. The construction of a lightsaber is taught to a Jedi only when he or she is ready to make the transition from apprentice to Knight. The material components are for the most part fairly simple and inexpensive, although the precise requirements for the placement of certain pieces make massproducing them by machine impossible. The two components not readily available to even a Jedi are the power cell and the gem, the focusing device for the blade. The power cell is a self-contained fusion reactor or a size and shape not manufactured anywhere on Rifts Earth of in the Three Galaxies (or Wormwood or Manhunter or anywhere else for that matter) except the Jedi Academy, more on which will be said later. The unavailability of this component makes the building of a lightsaber by anyone not trained in the academy nearly impossible. The other rare component is a finely cut, high-quality gem. The length of the beam depends on the cut of the gem, not the size, but the stone must be at least four carats, and must be a precious stone (see Rifts Atlantis page 102 for a listing of stones and prices; stones suitable for lightsabers have prices listed as credits per carat). The stone also must be custom cut, which can be expensive. Any flaws whatsoever make the stone worthless as a focusing lens, so prices may be higher than those listed, which can have minor flaws. Artificial gems cannot be used. The acquiring of a gem to complete a lightsaber is often the focus of the first quest of a young Jedi Knight. Weight: 1-5 pounds. Mega-Damage: 1D6x10 M.D.C. Rate of Fire: as per the number of had to hand attacks of the Jedi. Maximum Effective Range: varies by blade length; can be used in combination with telekinesis. Payload: Each specialized power cell will last for several years, on average. Market Price: Not available. If one were available, it would sell for several million credits, easily. Note: I know that some details in this depiction do not correspond to those in various Star Wars sources, such as the nature of the power cell and the usefulness of artificial gems. These were altered for the purposes of making lightsabers harder to acquire.

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Appendix 14
Elven Magic
Lee Casebolt

Elven Spells
Rustmetal Level: 8 Range: Touch, or within 5 feet per level of experience Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 40/60 Given that one of the Elves major weaknesses involves a vulnerability to iron, it is not surprising that they would develop a countermeasure. A Rustmetal spell will immediately, permanently, and completely oxidize 5 pounds of metal per level of experience of the mage casting the spell. The metal structure's SDC is halved, and it's AR is reduced to 4. If cast as a ritual, the experience levels of all mages involved may be combined for purposes of determining the quantity of metal affected. In this case the second, higher PPE cost is used. As a note, this is the only known Elven spell to which iron has no noted resistance (for obvious reasons). Changeling Level: 10 Range: Self and special Duration: Roughly 70 years Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: One Hundred This spell is part of the reason the Elves were able to defeat the human armies so quickly. In essence, this spell replaces the "soul" of an as-yet-unborn human baby with that of the sorceror. The spellcaster retains his mind, thoughts, skills, and spellcasting ability, and essentially has a human lifetime to learn additional human skills. The body remains human in all respects, and when the body dies, the elven spirit returns to its original body. Psychics and others able to read auras will see a strange double aura when looking at the Changeling; one represents the Elven sorceror, the other the human body s/he inhabits. Faerie Forge (Ritual) Level: 10 Range: 10 ft Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 130 This spell is neccessary for the creation of virtually all unique Elven magic items, particularly weapons and armor. Once cast upon a forge, all items produced there have (at the least) the potential to be items of power. Weapons and armor will be of the lowest quality unless additionally enchanted; likewise, amulets and other items will require additional enchantment to gain powers. The ritual takes at least 24 hours to complete; additional enchantment will increase that time. Creeping Doom Level: 11 Range: 500 ft Duration: 1 hour per level of experience Saving Throw: vs Horror Factor of 13 P.P.E.: 135 One of the most feared of Elven war spells, Creeping Doom creates a swarming mass of crawling insects over a 10,000 square foot area. The creatures spontaneously generate, then swarm over anything and everything in the area. Those in the area with exposed skin - 724 -

take 1d6 damage per melee round, with no defense except to escape. In addition, the insects rapidly invade any opening they find, including gun barrels, air ducts, and so on, causing appropriate mischief. At the spell's end, the creatures die where they are, though their bodies remain. The insects may be killed as usual, though as a practical matter it is difficult to make a dent in their seemingly infinite numbers. Open flame will keep the swarm at a distance. Hungry Mist Level: 12 Range: Up to 100 ft per level of experience Duration: 1 hour per level of experience Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 210 A modification of the Summon Fog spell, devised for use in war. In most respects it operates similarly to Summon Fog, including its effects on movement and vision. In addition, however, the Hungry Mist attacks organic substances caught within. Anything caught in Hungry Mist takes 1d4 damage per melee round, directly to hit points. Those able to filter the Mist out of the air they breathe take 1d6 S.D.C damage per melee round if any skin is exposed. Those with complete enviornmental protection are immune.

Elven Magic Objects

On first glance, these may seem fairly powerful, perhaps too powerful. Keep in mind, this is what the Elven culture developed in place of the machine gun, the tank, the ICBM, ect, ect. Powerful? Yes. I feel they're very well balanced, though, when considered in terms of their development. Without further adoo... Elven Blades While as a rule, Elves disdain direct physical combat, they recognize a certain elegance to be found in certain weapons - among them, the sword. As such, the sword has become one of the primary weapons of the Fey; a weapon for which they have developed many improvements and variations. Common Traits: Weightless - All Elven blades are virtually weightless, yet retain their apparent mass. This results in a +2 to parry and +1 to strike, due to ease of movement. Eternal Sharpness - The blades never dull or rust, and are of such sharpness that they reduce a defender's AR by 2. Base Damage - 4d6, unless otherwise noted An elven blade will generally have one or more of the following special features included; the number depending generally upon the rank of the Elf in question. Specialized Blades: Flame Blade - In addition to the common traits, a flame blade can be sheathed in a magical flame. This flame adds 3d6 damage to the blade's base, as well as igniting flammable materials it comes into contact with, and providing a considerable amount of illumination. Igniting the blade costs the wielder 5 P.P.E.; it remains aflame for five minutes. Penetrator - With a very few exceptions (pure iron, God-level magic), this blade ignores ALL armor ratings, mundane and magical, dealing damage on any successful strike. Absorber - Of somewhat less use in the war against humans than it was in previous intra-elven conflicts, an absorbing blade absorbs an amount of P.P.E. from the victim equal to the amount of SDC/hit point damage done, and makes this P.P.E. reserve available to the blade's wielder. Slayer - Created via an unknown (to humans) process involving a Life Drain spell, this blade acts as a normal (Elven) weapon against structures and non-living targets. However, when it does damage to a living target, the damamge roll (plus bonuses) is halved, and this result is subtracted directly from hit points, bypassing SDC altogether. Elven Archery: In addition to fencing, Elves have a deep and abiding respect for the art and science of archery; hence, they have developed a number of enchantments for both bows and arrows. The standard Elven bow should be treated as a long bow, with double the listed range and damage, and a +2 to Strike. In addition, the arrows fired may have one or more of the following enchantments placed upon them: Fire Arrow: Identical to the Flame Blade (Elven Magic Vol 1) Penetrator: Identical to the Elven sword (Elven Magic Vol 1) Seeker: The arrow has an additional +3 to Strike; in addition, if it misses it will eturn to attack its target again twice per melee round until it hits, or until three rounds have passed Slayer: Identical to the Elven sword (Elven Magic Vol 1) Elven Armor Elves, it should be noted, have a distinct aversion to personal injury, wounds, and pain (theirs) in general. With such in mind, they have been most interested in developing methods of avoiding such unpleasantness. Elven armor is of a uniform chain mail styling, uniquely high quality, and comes in three varieties Elven Warrior's Armor - The most common variety of elven armor, worn by frontline soldiers in the field. It has an AR of 16* and 250 SDC. Like all Elven armor, it does not interfere with movement in any way, and is virtually silent (no prowl or other penalties). Elven Ranger' Armor - Less common than the Warrior's armor, this might be considered the "commando" suit of Elven armor. It is less protective than the Warrior's suit (AR 14* and 200 SDC), but has the added benefit of containing three - 725 -

Shadow Meld spells which the wearer may activate at will; the spells regenerate daily. The spells operate as if cast by a fifth level mage. Elven Officer's Armor - Reserved for the elven commanders and elite troops, the Officer's suit is more protective than the Warrior's suit (AR 18* and 300 SDC), and has one of the following features installed (which may be engaged by the wearer at a cost of 10 P.P.E.) - Charismatic Aura - Superhuman Strength - Superhuman Speed - Time Slip The spells behave as if cast by a fifth level mage. - Iron weapons ignore the AR of Elven armor completely.

Appendix 15
New Equipment & Psionics
By: I. Major Some of this information is duplicated in new Psionics, but here goes...

New Equipment & Devices

PSI-AMP: This device was created in an attempt to level the playfield in battles between Etherials & Sectoids and Humans. This device enhances the psionic abilities of the being using it. Thus, even a non-psion who has been through psi training can use the device, albeit with extremely low power. All users gain the psionic powers: Panic, a modified version of Mentally Possess Others. 1. Panic: This is an attack on the target's morale. The effect of this is that the target must roll to save vs horror factor 10, however add all applicable bonuses to saving vs psionic attacks. If the attacker is a minor psion, add 2 to the Horror Factor; if the attacker is a major psi, add 4 to the HF; and if the attacker is a master psi, add 6 to the horror factor. Use the same numbers respectively for the defender. A mind block adds 5 to the defender's roll. If the victim successfully saves, then for each subsequent attempt, add 2 to the Horror Factor. If the target fails to save, they will becomed panicked, and will not be able to attack during that melee, and will instead run away from all visible enemies. The victim also loses 1 attack the next melee. This failure also leaves the target at increased vulnerability to Possession. 2. (2) Mentally Possess Others (Note: this cannot be used against beings allied to the user): This is an attempt to take over the body of the victim. If the victim has been panicked that melee, the attempt automatically succeeds. Otherwise, the victim rolls against psionic attack of 8, adding all previously stated bonuses respectively. When the victim fails, they immediately come under the control of the attacker, with all their attacks for that melee restored. Due to the remote nature of the control, the victim will attack after all other attackers. The controller cannot access the victim's memory, and thus cannot use their skills, with the exception of Physical and Weapon Proficiencies. The controller can also use his Weapon Proficiencies through the victim as one of the victim's attacks. The subsequent melee, the victim must save vs HF 18, or be Paniced. Even if the controller is killed, the reminents of their mind still remains in control until the end of the melee. The range is a maximum of 4000 feet, but if the target is not within the user's line of sight, subtract 5 from the Horror Factor. Rate of Fire: Equal to the character Hand to Hand attacks. Power supply: On Rifts Earth, esentially unlimited due to the high PPE level. Cost: If the builder has all the exotic materials at hand, the cost of construction is approximately 6 million credits. Availibility: unavailibily to normal markets, and irreproducible with Rifts technology, due to alien materials used to build it. Weight: 5 lb. Length: 2.5 feet. Construction: The Psi-Amp is built using metallic alloys not native to Earth, known rather unimaginatively as Alien Alloys, and a substance known as Ellerium-115. Ellerium is an incredibly power element not native to Earth. It has roughly 100 times the potential energy yield as terran nuclear substance, and the energy produced is "clean" (ie no negative radioactive by-products). It requires 4 pounds of Alien Alloys and 4 ounces of Ellerium. Mind Probe: This is another device of alien origin powered by Ellerium, except that this one has a very different purpose. With this device, a user can scan any being within range and determine that being's race, class, level, alignment, total HP/SDC/MDC, current HP/SDC/MDC, current and total ISP and PPE, and their total and current number of attacks, as well as if they are a psi or not. Rate of Fire: Using the Mind Probe takes up half the character's number of attacks. Weight: 10 lbs Height: 2 ft radius. Cost: 4 million credits, not including exotic materials. - 726 -

Availibility: None currently on Rifts Earth. Construction: see Psi-Amp.

New Psionics
Panic: This is an attack on the target's morale. The effect of this is that the target must roll to save vs horror factor 10, however add all applicable bonuses to saving vs psionic attacks. If the attacker is a minor psion, add 2 to the Horror Factor; if the attacker is a major psi, add 4 to the HF; and if the attacker is a master psi, add 6 to the horror factor. Use the same numbers respectively for the defender. A mind block adds 5 to the defender's roll. If the victim successfully saves, then for each subsequent attempt, add 2 to the Horror Factor. If the target fails to save, they will becomed panicked, and will not be able to attack during that melee, and will instead run away from all visible enemies. The victim also loses 1 attack the next melee. This failure also leaves the target at increased vulnerability to Possession. Mentally Possess Others (Note: this cannot be used against beings allied to the user): This is an attempt to take over the body of the victim. If the victim has been panicked that melee, the attempt automatically succeeds. Otherwise, the victim rolls against psionic attack of 8, adding all previously stated bonuses respectively. When the victim fails, they immediately come under the control of the attacker, with all their attacks for that melee restored. Due to the remote nature of the control, the victim will attack after all other attackers. The controller cannot access the victim's memory, and thus cannot use their skills, with the exception of Physical and Weapon Proficiencies. The controller can also use his Weapon Proficiencies through the victim as one of the victim's attacks. The subsequent melee, the victim must save vs HF 18, or be Paniced. Even if the controller is killed, the reminents of their mind still remains in control until the end of the melee. The range is a maximum of 4000 feet, but if the target is not within the user's line of sight, subtract 5 from the Horror Factor.

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Appendix 16
Xurulian Race and History
By: OELTJEN ANDREAS FB7 Created: 971022 Hi folks. Second attempt at selling you the Xurulians. The Xurulians have proven to be one of the greatest threat in our Rifts campaign. We've used them as the dark cloud on the horizon, slowly creeping closer. They are technological advanced and utterly ruthless. Make good villains...and some of them even good friends. I'll start with a general description of this race and will sent more supplements for them in the following days. I hope you enjoy them. (Insert all the leagal stuff.) The Xurulian are an ancient race. They were old when the Splugorth were young. On their homeworld the Xurulians were only one marvel among a world filled by wondrous beings. They weren't the first intelligent beings on their world. As their evolution moved from low intelligence insects to higher social beings another race was already reaching for the stars from their homeworld: they called themselves Myrions. These intelligent beings were creatures of vast beauty and intellect, but also slaves of their emotions and petty squabbles. At their prime they disappeared over night. Some terrible weapon wiped them from the face of the planet. Xurulian historians suspect that the Myrions had developed some kind of doomsday weapon, a biological agent that only attacked being with the genetic code of the Myrions. The different factions of Myrion society were locked in a constant battle for power. And then the weapon killed them all. Only their magnificent buildings are proof of their once proud work. The Xurulians had just acchieved the equivalent of the Bronze Age when the Myrions died out. Allthough they had developed several humanoid characteristics (now looking like a cross between a mantis and a centaur which soon proved their endform except for small allterations) they were still unable to use most tools left by the ancient Myrions. But fate intervened. One of their kind, a psionically talented female named Nai qu Chan, stumbled over a ruin which contained an indoctrinator, a learning machine. It shouldn't have been possible but Nai was able to activate the machine and learned the secrets of the ancient in a matter of days. Her mind almost shattered in the process, but after she was done she set out to become the ruler of her people. Armed with Myrion weaponry and their secrets she defeated all clan chiefs and united her people. Within a few cycles the Xurulians had taken over most of Myrion technology and became the advanced society. Nai created an elite with the indoctrinator and soon she and her servants expanded their domain from the main continent over the whole planet. After one hundred cycles Nai had become Empress of Xurulux. The inbred hivemindedness of the insectoid people prevented rebellion. Strong individuals were extracted and either turned over to her side or exiled to a small island called Bra'Quivin, Island of the Lost. Under Nai's rule there were no death sentences. With her psionic power she unified her people. Their giant home planet was soon to small for the quickly expanding insectoid race.So they set out and created an empire which has become larger and more powerful than any other in the known universe. (Which isn't saying much since the Xurulians themselves come from a world over 50,000 lightyears from earth). The Xurulian society consists of several different castes. These castes have different tasks to fullfill in the society. But what is more important the members of the different classes have different physical attributes and appearances. The warrior castes' member are violett colored mantislike insectoids. All of them have the ability to store cosmic energy and disperse it from their hands or eyes, giving them a natural energy weapon. They have lost their originally large claws. Only a small rest reminds them of their ancestory. But don't underestimate them. They are formidable warriors. Within the warrior caste strong personalities have developed, much because of the fact that those members of the Xurulian race originated in praying mantis, which, too are individualistic insects and do not have the swarm mentality.

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The greencolored workers are much more like drones, smaller without spikes, more humanoid in appearance (bipedal) and without much sense of individualism. They have extensive mechanical knowledge and a knack for machinery of all sorts. They are not stupid, they just act as one which may seem somewhat strange to most other races. The royal familly is much larger than the rest of the population with bright marking on their dark red exoskeleton. Their exoskeleton has long spikes on arms, legs and back. They too are centaurlike. The queen or matriarch of the Xurulian race, although once a member of the royal familly, differs greatly from the rest of the insectoids. After it has been determined by the high council which female is to become the new queen, this individual undergoes the ritual of ascension, an operation on genetic level which changes her physis. She becomes a gigantic imitation of a preying mantis with a grotescally enlarged abdomen. The abdomen looks much like that of a terran ant queen or similar insect, white, wet and soft. The female is now the mother of the next generation of the royal familly. Her once fully articulated hands have been devulutionized back to the state of the claws of the preying mantis and her second pair of legs have been reduced to uselessness. Her psychic powers have increased tenfold. The clerical class' member have a white exoskeleton with a black mark on their chest. Their physical appearance is most striking of all of Xurulux inhabitants. They look like a cross of a scintillating dragonfly and a human. All Xurulians show great respect toward these members of their race. As a caste the clerics have probably the greatest power, because they influence their people's belief, much more than the empress would like. Strangely, none of the clerics has had any ambitions of overthrowing the goverment. The scientific community on Xurulux is not really a different caste although there is another subspecies of the insectoids in it, but rather a conglomerate of the best thinkers of the empire. The reason for the strong diversity within the Xurulian race lies on the one hand in the number of species, which have been united into one race. On the other hand has the development of these people undergone severe changes within the last 30,000 years because of the vehement use of genetic manipulation. An increased lifeexpectancy has been another main result. The original appearance of each subspecies has been lost due to the genetic manipulation. Even their thoughts/minds have changed during the course of time (e.g. Individualistic Insects like the Mantis have been integrated into the hive system). The genetic manipulation didn't stay confined on the Xurulians, but was expanded on the native mammalian races. The Ursastris, a cross between bear and gorilla, was genetically changed into horrible machines of destruction and integrated into Xurulian military. Many other species of animals and plants were changed, to meet the needs and hungers of the quickly expanding population. The Xurulians even created microorganismen, who are used in medical applications as well as in the military. Xurulian spacetechnology is quite advanced. Their great starships are almost all spherical with a diameter of 60 (the small corvettes/shuttles) to 1400m! (Stardestroyer). These ships possess a formidable arsenal of weapons and acchieve the speed of light. For greater distances the Xurulian use what they call OETransition system'. The ship dematerialises (combined with the so called OETransitionshock') and materialises at its destination only seconds later. Maximal distance for a transition is 10,000 lightyears. The jump calculations are difficult and timeconsuming. Thus the Xurulians controll only a rather small part of the galaxy. Xurulian history has been quite the same for the last 200 years. Exploration, colonisation, minor frontier wars and so on. But recently, the empress has been assassinated and a new one took her place. Under her rule the Xurulians changed much. While originally war was their last choice of action, it is now their first. Many wars have errupted. Trade has come to a standstill and the Xurulian Empire has become a tyranny. Rebellion is in the air. Comment if you like Next will be: Xurulians in Rifts and some stats for the warriors or 'Where did this purple insect come from, anyway?' Popular last words. Andreas

Appendix 17
Back Ground for the Neo-Chimp, Neo-Dolphin,
By: Legate After the end of the T'Sentreadi War, Earth was in tatters & Mankind was about to lose the battle for survival. Even with the use of T'sentreadi cloning technology & the help of the T'sentreadi it would not be enough to rebuild the Earth. So a new department of the government was set up, the Department Genetic Research & Devolopment. Their job, breed new humans & other life forms to help rebuild Earth, colonize the solar system, & colonize other worlds. To this end four new races were created, the Neo-Chimp, the NeoDolphin, the Neo-Dog, & the Mech-Purr, as well as three new human races the Light Worlder, the Heavy Worlder, & the GenHum (coming soon). The first race created was the Neo-Dolphin to help farm & mine the oceans for food & metals. The second race was the Neo-Chimp to help farm & mine the Earth. Next were to Neo-Dogs to hunt & fight with man to protect his home. Finnally the MechPurr were created to maintain the machines of man. In space the Light Worlder was devoloping on its own, but needed be stabilized so that future generation could enjoy the benifits of Low & Micro- Gravity. - 729 -

After several exploration missions were sent out & worlds were found that were inhabitable, but with a higher than normal gravity, the Heavy Worlder was created to live on those worlds. In these same exploration missions were found several worlds that had lighter than normal gravity & as such the Light Worlders were used to colonize these worlds. The final race to be created was the GenHum, what we want to be, but there are defects in the way they are raised. Note: I have kept this background light as to let other GMs fight them into their games with very little problem, plus the fact that I do not feel like typing up all of the background I have for these races. RCC Location Found Neo-Chimp Posted Neo-Dolphin Posted Neo-Dog RMB MechPurr Posted Light Worlder Posted Heavy Worlder Posted GenHum Soon to be Posted

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