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8y lbll looJlo lbu Asslstoot 1tock coocb uolvetslty of Mlooesoto
looJlo qlves o vety complete tevlew of tbe lltetotote oo tbls popolot ttololoq metboJ os lt opplles lo tbe
ttololoq of yootb ooJ beqlooets ne locloJes speclflc stteoqtb ooJ motototloo tepoltemeots os well os
soqqesteJ volome qolJelloes fot jomploq looJs
kPklN1u lkOM 1k4ck cO4cn #101 {lo// 1987)

lyomeLrlc Lralnlng has been demonsLraLed Lo lmprove [umplng ablllLy (8osco eL al 1979 8laLLner
noble 1979 olhemus 8urkhardL 1980) Such bounce" Lralnlng ls wldely uLlllzed ln sLrengLh
programs deslgned Lo develop power or speedsLrengLh
AlLhough Lhe Lralnlng effecLs of plyomeLrlcs are noL compleLely undersLood Lhe lncrease ln
muscle sLrengLh and power may be aLLrlbuLed Lo an lncrease ln muscle elasLlclLy and adapLaLlon ln
neuromuscular funcLlons lmproved elasLlc poLenLlal ln muscle may also be due Lo an enhancemenL of
Lhe sLreLch ref ex whlch ls sLlmulaLed durlng sLreLchshorLenlng muscle acLlvlLy
Many quesLlons remaln however as Lo whaL consLlLuLes an approprlaLe Lralnlng load WlLh youLhs
and beglnners Lhe varlables of maLuraLlon and experlence compound Lhe problem of deLermlnlng
Lralnlng loads lollowlng ls a synLhesls of research and programs Lo ald Lhe coach ln lmplemenLlng
a plyomeLrlcs program for youLhs and beglnners

1he maLuraLlon and sLrengLh requlremenLs for beglnnlng plyomeLrlcs Lralnlng have noL been
lnvesLlgaLed Lo any greaL exLenL reparaLory sLrengLh Lralnlng of leg exLensor muscles wlLh bables
and oLher reslsLance forms has been recommended as a foundaLlon for plyomeLrlcs work such as
depLh [umps (u!) A maxlmum squaL of132 Llmes body welghL (8W) has been recommended by
some LasLern 8loc auLhorlLles as a prerequlslLe for plyomeLrlc Lralnlng (8adcllffe ! larenLlnos 8
1983 verkhoshanskly v Chornovsov C 1974)
1hls goes along wlLh LradlLlonal Lralnlng paLLerns whlch normally follow Lhe sequence of maxlmal
force developmenL precedlng speed or plyomeLrlc Lralnlng ln Lhe yearly cycle 1hls paLLern however has
been shown Lo be less effecLlve Lhan Lralnlng boLh componenLs slmulLaneously LhroughouL Lhe year
(8osco 1983 verkhoshanskly v 1aLyan v 1983)
LasLern 8loc llLeraLure concernlng prepubescenL and pubescenL sLrengLh Lralnlng uLlllzes varlous
forms of bounclng" acLlvlLles sLarLlng as young as 78 years (lrlLzche 1977 Loffler 1979 Mekhonoshln
1983 ushkevlch 1983) Lxperlence seems Lo lndlcaLe a naLural lncllnaLlon and adapLaLlon by chlldren Lo
varlous forms of hops sLeps sklps and [umps lf properly admlnlsLered A squaL of 11/22 Llmes a chlld's
body welghL as a prerequlslLe for such Lralnlng ls hlghly quesLlonable and was probably never lnLended
for such a populaLlon
Lven among maLure aLhleLes a mlnlmum sLrengLh level necessary Lo begln a plyomeLrlc program
has been quesLloned (8adcllffe ! larenLlnos 8 1983) 1hls ls noL Lo say LhaL maxlmum sLrengLh
Lralnlng ls noL necessary for lL occuples a very lmporLanL parL of power developmenL 1he role lL
plays ln Lhe Lralnlng scheme ls golng Lo be alLered dependlng upon Lhe blologlcal age of Lhe aLhleLes
Maxlmum sLrengLh acLlvlLles are noL recommended or prepubescenL or pubescenL aLhleLes (nSCA
poslLlon paper 1983 uvorkln L 1983) yeL plyomeLrlc acLlvlLles can be uLlllzed LhroughouL chlldhood
varlous plyomeLrlc drllls for prepubescenL and pubescenL aLhleLes can be vlewed as lmprovlng leg
power Lhrough an lncreaslngly lmproved Lakeoff mechanlsm (!urlsma 1980) 1he key 9o all of Lhls ls
proper Lralnlng loads dependenL upon age and sLage of blologlcal developmenL

1yplcal problems or mlsLakes ln plannlng a plyomeLrlc program for any level concerns approprlaLe
Lralnlng loads 1hls ls dlff culL aL besL because of Lhe llmlLed research concernlng Lhe pracLlcal aspecLs of
lmplemenLlng a plyomeLrlcs program
WhaL research has been done has prlmarlly focused on maLure aLhleLes ln a depLh [ump (u!) formaL
LlLLle lf any research has been aLLempLed concernlng Lhe myrlad of mulLlple [umps of a verLlcal or
horlzonLal naLure whlch comprlse Lhe bulk of many plyomeLrlc programs
WlLh so llLLle Lo go on ln reference Lo proper Lralnlng loads Lhe coach musL proceed wlLh a
conservaLlve blas ln developlng a plyomeLrlcs program for beglnners chlldren and/or youLhs Such a
program should conslder Lhe followlng polnLs (lLlLzsche 1977 Mclarlane 1983)
1 roceed from general Lo more speclflc [umplng exerclses
2 1he cholce of exerclses musL correspond Lo Lhe age and blologlcal developmenL of Lhe aLhleLes
wlLhouL endangerlng due Lo overload
3 1he cholce of exerclses should allow for a gradual lncrease ln load durlng Lhe year

roceed from genera| to more spec|f|c [ump|ng exerc|ses
Ceneral drllls would lnclude doubleleg (uL) mulLlple [umps and hops of a verLlcal or horlzonLal
naLure Also lncluded ln such a caLegory would be verLlcal mulLl[umps over medlclne balls hurdles
boxes eLc And horlzonLal mulLl[umps of a hopplng sklpplng and/or sLepplng naLure wlLh slngleleg
(SL) Lakeoffs
Speclflc [umps closely resemble or correspond exacLly ln speed and movemenL Lo compeLlLlve [umps
1rlple long or hlgh [umps from a half Lo full approach or repeaLed sLepplng or hopsLep acLlvlLy
from a 36 sLrlde approach appear Lo correspond hlghly wlLh compeLlLlve Lakeoff acLlon
Accordlng Lo Lohman (1983) speclflc power ls developed vla verLlcal horlzonLal and depLh [umps of
maxlmal lnLenslLy up Lo 6 reps ln a serles wlLh horlzonLal mulLl[umps preceded by a 33 sLrlde approach
Cenerally Lo exceed he above loads leads Lo an acLlvlLy whlch ls no longer speclflc Lo Lhe
compeLlLlve [ump Lakeoff mechanlsm buL ls deflned as powerendurance" or [umplngendurance"
(8oase 1983 Lohman 1983) As prevlously dlscussed general [umplng drllls emphaslzlng Lechnlque and
volume or [umpendurance Lralnlng preceded speclflc power Lralnlng
8oundlng or long" [umps over 30200m ls anoLher exerclse advocaLed by verkhoshanskly (1973)
whlch may be caLegorlzed as a speed or [umpendurance acLlvlLy Such long" [umps are characLerlzed
by an exaggeraLed sLrldlng acLlon accenLuaLed by horlzonLal drlve of Lhe free leg MovemenLs should be
of supple llghL and f owlng naLure LengLh of boundlng sLrldes and dlsLance covered ls deLermlned by
phase of Lralnlng year and Lralnlng age and ablllLy of Lhe aLhleLe
laLlgue and Lhe accompanylng Lechnlque flaws may be avolded by uslng common sense and Lhe
llmlLed guldellnes menLloned Lven Lhough long" [umps and [umpendurance" exerclses are noL
speclflc Lo compeLlLlve efforLs such Lralnlng does allow Lhe beglnner an opporLunlLy Lo learn Lhe
varlous [ump movemenLs and adapL Lo plyomeLrlc Lralnlng Lhrough general or exerclses
1o ldenLlfy breakdowns of Lechnlque a coach musL undersLand proper movemenL characLerlsLlcs of
Lhe Lrlple [ump 1he hop sLep and [ump phases of Lhe Lrlple [ump used lndlvldually or ln comblnaLlons
comprlse Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of horlzonLal mulLl[ump and long" [ump exerclses lor Lhls reason a
manual descrlblng Lhe Lrlple [ump or uslng Lhe Lrack coach as a reference wlll help ln undersLandlng
proper Lechnlque
Cenerally faLlgue ls ldenLlfled by Lechnlcal flaws such as 1 8educed verLlcal helghL and/or
horlzonLal dlsLance covered ln verLlcal and horlzonLal mulLl[umps 2 8educed range of moLlon of
exLremlLles 3 Loss of verLlcal Lrunk poslLlon or 4 Loss of synchronlzaLlon (Llmlng) of arms and legs
urop or depLh [umps (u!) are noL speclflc so much ln reference Lo Lhe moLor acLlon of Lakeoffs
ln Lhe compeLlLlve [umps 8aLher Lhey allow Lhe posslblllLy for lncreaslng Lhe load on Lhe leg exLensor
muscles over and above whaL varlous forms of mulLl[umps may offer lL seems reasonable LhaL Lhe use
of u! wlLh beglnners should be lndlvlduallzed and preceded by Lhe varlous forms of mulLl[umps
A suggesLed progresslon of exerclse from general Lo more speclflc naLure mlghL proceed accordlngly
1 uL sLralghLleg ankle hops ln place 2 uL sLralghLleg ankle hops over ob[ecLs (2040cm) 3 uL ln
place verLlcal hops and [umps 4 uL horlzonLal hops and [umps 3 varlous forms of horlzonLal hops
sklps sLeps and [umps wlLh loadlng (conLacL) of slngleleg (SL) naLure 6 CompeLlLlve forms of hlgh
long Lrlple [umps from parLlal approach 7 uepLh [umps (u!) or 8 CompeLlLlve forms of hlgh long
and Lrlple [umps from full approach
1he progresslon ls from general Lo speclflc ln respecL Lo lnLenslLles encounLered and complexlLy of
moLor Lask
1he cho|ce of exerc|ses must correspond to the age and b|o|og|ca|
deve|opment of ath|etes w|thout endanger|ng due to over|oad
1he ma[orlLy of [umplng exerclses used wlLh chlldren and youLhs from 813 should be of a general
naLure 1o deLermlne Lhe Lralnlng load noL only Lhe Lype of [umplng
Lxerclse musL be consldered (general or speclflc) buL also Lhe number of [umps Lakeoffs or conLacLs
1he approprlaLe resL lnLerval beLween seLs ls dependenL on Lhe purpose of Lhe sesslon lf [umplng
endurance ls Lhe ob[ecLlve Lhe resL lnLervals may be shorLer Lhan sesslons devoLed Lo [umplng
power Mclarlane (1983) recommends a resL lnLerval of 11/23 mlnuLes beLween repeLlLlons and 8
10 mlnuLes beLween seLs for acLlvlLles (sprlnLlng) explolLlng speed (93100 of maxlmum) over
dlsLances from 2060m
ln [umplng power sesslons mulLl[umps hops and bounds should remaln ln Lhe 330 meLer
range or noL exceed 68 conLacLs 1hls allows Lhe aLhleLe Lo explolL Lhe power necessary ln
compeLlLlon speclflc exerclses by allowlng adequaLe recovery so Lhe workouL remalns power or speed
orlenLed Loffler (1979) also recommends 13 mlnuLes beLween seLs for recovery durlng [umplng
power sesslons 8eLween all seLs llghL runnlng and sLreLchlng ls recommended Lo enhance recovery
lf [umplng endurance ls Lo be developed Lhe recovery lnLervals may be shorLened Lo place a
greaLer load upon Lhe sysLem !ump endurance ls developed Lhrough Lhe use of general [umplng
exerclses Lhe lnLenslLy belng submaxlmal due Lo Lhe greaLer volume (30400m 720+ conLacLs) Loffler
(1979) recommends 43 seconds beLween reps and 12 mlnuLes beLween seLs as recovery Llmes
Mclarlane (1983) vlews speed endurance as requlrlng efforLs from 90100 of maxlmum over dlsLances
from 60130m 8ecovery beLween reps should be 23 mlnuLes wlLh 810 mlnuLes beLween seLs
Mclarlane's suggesLlons may be mosL appllcable Lo long" [umps as advocaLed by verkhoshanskly
(1973) whereas Lhe recommendaLlons of Loffler are more appllcable Lo horlzonLal and verLlcal mulLl
Cenerally Lhe number of sesslons devoLed Lo plyomeLrlc ls 23 per week AcLlvlLles of speed
endurance or aeroblc naLure should follow ln Lhe nexL day's Lralnlng Lo allow for recovery from a heavy
plyomeLrlc sesslon
Loffler (1979) suggesLs LhaL general [umplng ablllLy should lnlLlaLe a [ump program wlLh Lhe
number of conLacLs per sesslon ranglng from 130220 ln serles from 720 8ecoverles beLween serles
should be 43 seconds wlLh 12 mlnuLes beLween exerclses 1oLal workouL Llme should be 1320 mlnuLes
Speclflc [umplng drllls should follow Lhe developmenL of general [umplng ablllLy enLalllng 26
conLacLs ln 34 serles per exerclse wlLh LoLal work equal Lo 80100 conLacLs and 2023 mlnuLes 8esL
lnLervals should be lengLhened Lo allow recovery from speclflc [umplng exerclses Loffler sLresses Lhe
lmporLance of Lechnlcally correcL performance wlLh body welghL (8W) Lhe only reslsLance encounLered
Such Lralnlng loads represenL maxlmum levels so lnlLlally wlLh beglnners lL may be more prudenL Lo
sLarL wlLh 330 conLacLs As adapLaLlon occurs greaLer workloads may be aLLempLed
ushkevlch (1983) reporLed on Lralnlng loads of 1413 year old youLhs ln Lhe second year of long and
Lrlple [ump Lralnlng Loads ln a slngle sesslon conslsLed of anywhere from 23120 conLacLs and/or 120
200m (broken lnLo serles noL Lo exceed 30m) of mulLl[umps Some form of [ump Lralnlng was lncluded
four Llmes/ week wlLh gradual lncreases ln volume and speclflcally Lo Lhe compeLlLlve Lakeoff
Mekhonoshln (1983) reporLed LhaL Lhe Lralnlng of Lhe Lakeoff (amorLlzaLlon phase) may sLarL ln 3rd
grade (911 years) 1he Lralnlng conslsLed of u! lmmedlaLely followed by 33 hops over medlclne balls
1he u! helghL for 3rd graders ranged from 2333cm and for 4Lh graders 3343cm wlLh uL conLacL SL
conLacL u! conslsLed of dropplng from 1323cm and 2030m for 3rd and 4Lh graders respecLlvely no
more Lhan 13 repeLlLlons of Lhls drlll were repeaLed ln any sesslon along wlLh oLher drllls of a
general and speclflc naLure Also Lhe uP drllls were employed only afLer 36 weeks of oLher [umplng
lnvesLlgaLlons by 8osco (1983) of muscle elasLlclLy have lndlcaLed LhaL Lhe breaklng polnL" or
maxlmum Lolerance of sLreLch loads Lo exLensor muscles of Lhe leg lncreases Lo ages 2023 and Lhen
decreases ln eccenLrlc work (amorLlzaLlon phase) chlldren were unable Lo achleve slmllar values as
relaLed Lo maxlmum lsomeLrlc force as adulLs 8osco reporLs ln some cases eccenLrlc force ls less
Lhan maxlmal lsomeLrlc force among 46 year old chlldren
Such flndlngs suggesL LhaL Lhe CenLral nervous SysLem (CnS) aL LhaL age ls noL maLure and Lhe f
rlng Lhreshold of Lhe C1C ls relaLlvely low ln conLrasL wlLh adulLs Lo proLecL Lhe body agalnsL hlgh
sLreLch loads 1hls seems reasonable aL Lhls age when muscle and parLlcularly bones have noL yeL
reached maLurlLy
!usL when Lhe CnS and C1C reach adulL maLurlLy and f rlng Lhresholds ls dlff culL Lo assess lrom a
pracLlcal vlew Lhe besL depLh [ump (8u!) or maxlmum rlse of Lhe CenLer of CravlLy afLer a drop
from helghL was achleved from a u! of approxlmaLely 20cm for 46 year old and 40cm for ages 1013
1he ranges appear Lo fall wlLhln Lhose recommended by Mekhonoshln (1983) who was prevlously
lL appears Lhen LhaL deLermlnlng 8u! ls a means of lndlvlduallzlng u! Lralnlng regardless of age 8u!
represenLs a sLreLch load whlch allows Lhe neuromuscular sysLem Lo maxlmlze avallable forces u!
from helghLs whlch lead Lo a decrease ln verLlcal [ump performance are overloadlng Lhe sysLem and
among beglnners chlldren and youLh may lead Lo posslble overload
resenLly Lhls meLhod of deLermlnlng Lralnlng loads vla 8u! appears Lo clear up much of Lhe
conLroversy concernlng approprlaLe u! helghL Also such an acLlvlLy allows Lhe coach Lo monlLor
adapLaLlon lncreaslng verLlcal [umps from a 8u! helghL lndlcaLe lncreased Lolerance Lo sLreLch loads and
a necessary lncrease ln Lralnlng load MeLhods of deLermlnlng 8u! are nlcely explalned by 8adcllffe and
larenLlnos (1983) and CosLello (1984)
1he number of conLacLs recommended for maLure aLhleLes ln u! Lralnlng ranges from 40100
generally ln a serles of 810 conLacLs wlLh resL perlods of 13 mlnuLes whlch lnclude llghL runnlng and
sLreLchlng 1ralnlng loads for beglnners should be 30 conLacLs per sesslon Lwlce weekly accordlng Lo
verkhoshanskly (1973)
lor chlldren and youLhs Lralnlng loads are noL compleLely undersLood lL appears however LhaL
conservaLlve [umplng programs whlch follow accepLed Lralnlng prlnclples may enhance leg exLensor
power among chlldren (Mekhonoshln 1983)

1he cho|ce of exerc|ses shou|d a||ow for a gradua| |ncrease |n |oad dur|ng the
1hls can be accompllshed by 1 Cradual LranslLlon from general Lo speclflc [umplng exerclses 2
Cradual lncrease ln Lhe number of conLacLs per sesslon per week eLc 3 lncrease ln number of sesslons
employlng [umplng exerclses per week and 4 1esLlng for 8u! on a regular basls allowlng lnLenslLy
(helghL of u!) Lo lncrease as adapLaLlon occurs
lL musL be remembered LhaL u!s are lnLense and should be used sparlngly among beglnners chlldren
and youLhs MulLl[umps appear Lo develop leg sLrengLh and lmprove moLor efflclency ln [umplng
movemenLs lL seems reasonable LhaL such acLlvlLles should consLlLuLe Lhe bulk of exerclses for such a

Atbo I (% 5tteoqtbeoloq moscle lo xetclse ooJ 5potts 5cleoce kevlews Ac5M lblloJelpblo
ltookllo lostltote ltess
2 Asmosseo 8ooJeletetsoo l (% 5totoqe of elostlc eoetqy lo skeletol moscle lo moo Acto
lbysloloqlcol 5cooJloovlo (% 26 265
J 8oose C (J% xploslve powet fot botlzootol jompets MoJeto Atblete coocb 2(%
8osco c (5% AtletlcostoJl llJol ceotto 5toJl klcetcbe J
5 8osco c (2% 5ttetcbsbotteoloq cycle lo skeletol moscle fooctloo wltb speclol tefeteoce to
elostlc eoetqy ooJ poteotlotloo of myoelecttlcol octlvlty 5toJles lo 5pott lbyslcol Jocotloo ooJ
neoltb5 uolvetslty of Iyvoskylo Iyvoskylo llolooJ
6 8osco c koml l (% ltoteotlotloo of tbe mecboolcol bebovlot of tbe bomoo skeletol moscle
tbtooqb ptesttetcbloq Acto lbysloloqlco 5cooJloovlo 6 62
8lottoet 5 Noble l (% kelotlve effects of lsokloetlc ooJ plyomettlc ttololoq oo vettlcol jomp
petfotmooce keseotcb Ooottetly 5(% 5J5
covoqoo C ulsmoo 8 Motqotol k (6% losltlve wotk Jooe by o ptevloosly sttetcbeJ
moscle Iootool of ApplleJ lbysloloqy 2(% 2J2
covoqoo C komotek l Mozzoleol 5 (% 1be mecboolcs of sptlot toooloq Iootool of
lbysloloqy 2 2
covoqoo C kooeko M (% Mecboolcol wotk ooJ eff cleocy lo level wolkloq ooJ toooloq
Iootool of lbysloloqy 26 6
costello l (% 8oooJloq to tbe 1op los Altos 1AlNw5 ltess
2 uvotklo l5 (J% 1be yoooq welqbtllftet 5ovlet 5potts kevlew (2% 6
J ltltzscbe C (% leq powet exetclses fot yoooq otbletesMoJeto Atblete ooJ coocb 5(% 22
Iotlsmo v (% A Jevelopmeotol potteto fot yoooq otbletes MoJeto Atblete ooJ coocb (2%
5 koml l 8osco c (% utlllzotloo of stoteJ elostlc eoetqy lo leq exteosot moscles by meo ooJ
womeo MeJlcloe ooJ 5cleoce lo 5potts (% 26265
6 lofflet n (% oooq otbletes ooJ stteoqtb MoJeto Atblete ooJ coocb (% 2J
lobmoo w (5% ltloclples of beqlooets ttololoq lo jomploq eveots 1tock 1ecbolpoe 2
Mclotlooe (% 5peclol stteoqtb botlzootol ot vettlcol? 1tock ooJ llelJ Ooottetly kevlew (2%
Mekbooosblo 5 (J% xecotloo of jomps fot belqbt 5ovlet 5potts kevlew(2% 656
2 Notloool 5tteoqtb ooJ cooJltlooloq Assoclotloo posltloo popet oo ptepobesceot stteoqtb ttololoq
(5% N5cA Iootool (5% 22
2 lolbemos k 8otkbotJt (% 1be effects of plyomettlc ttololoq Jtllls oo tbe pbyslcol stteoqtb
qolos of colleqlote footboll ployets Notloool 5tteoqtb cooJltlooloq Assoclotloo Iootool 2(% J5
22 koJcllffe I loteotloos k (5% llyomettlcs xploslve lowet 1tololoqcbompolqo nomoo
kloetlcs lobllsbets loc
2J usbkevlcb 1 (5% 1be looq ooJ ttlple jomps ttololoq fot yoooqstets lo tbe secooJ yeot of ttololoq
5ovlet 5potts kevlew 2(J% JJ5
2 vetkbosbooskly v (J% 5tteoqtb ttololoq fot sptlotets 1tock 1ecbolpoe 5 2
25 vetkbosbooskly v cbotoovsov C (5% Iomp exetclses lo sptlot ttololoq 1tock 1ecbolpoe 6

26 vetkbosbooskly v (J% ueptb jomploq lo tbe ttololoq of jompets 1tock 1ecbolpoe 5 66

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