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Axia College Material

Appendix B Research Methods Matrix

A psychologist is planning to conduct a study that would examine pathological liars and the quality of their romantic relationships. You have been asked to provide the psychologist with a recommendation for which research method should be used to gather data on the pathological liars and their spouses. Using the table below list each research method and its advantages and disadvantages for use in this study.

Research Method
Naturalistic Observation Behavior that is observed in a natural setting.

Information is being taken down as it happens, rather than afterwards when things may have been forgotten. People are more natural, and spontaneous, whereas in a laboratory, people are more nervous. Brings in a large amount of descriptive information, useful in forming a hypothesis. Large amount of data can be gathered quickly and inexpensively

When an observer is present the participant may not act as they normally would. The observer may have a preexisting bias.

Case Studies Behavior of one person is studied in depth. Surveys Large number of participants are asked the same set of questions.

Very time consuming and expensive. Poorly constructed questions can result in answers that are not so clear. Accuracy depends on the willingness of the participants to answer questions accurately. Researchers cannot draw conclusions regarding cause-and-effect relationship. Many variables cannot be controlled or manipulated; unexpected and uncontrolled variables may confuse results.

Correlational Research Examines the relationship between two variables. Experimental Research One or more variables are systematically manipulated, and the effects of the manipulation on other variables studied.

Allows for prediction of behavior. Clarifies relationships between variables that cannot be examined any other way. Strict control of variables offer researchers the opportunity to draw conclusions about cause-and effect relationships.

Make your recommendation to the psychologist and explain the rationale behind your choice. Your response should be 100-200 words.

BEH 225

I think that first the couple could be observed using naturalistic observation. This would show how the couples act while at home and acting like themselves. Then afterwards I think that they could be observed using the correlational research.

BEH 225

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