Dr. Jan's Talkback

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Colln kovaclc lnqulry ro[ecL

l'm readlng Lhrough your ppL and Lhen Lyplng up my LhoughLs as l go
?our reflecLlon ls helpful for me Lo undersLand whaL you hope Lhls ppL achleves Cood As for Lhe
expecLaLlons of Lhe asslgnmenL Lhey are varled so you are rlghL Lo be confused (!) My maln hope ls
LhaL you dlscovered someLhlng as you dld your work WhaL Lhls dlscovery looks llke ls dlfferenL for
dlfferenL people My sense ls LhaL you learned someLhlng abouL your Loplc Anu you were able Lo add
your plece Lo Lhe conversaLlon
?ou do a greaL [ob of glvlng some necessary background of Lhe Mayawhere Lhey llved (love Lhe map)
when and whaL's lnLrlgulng abouL Lhelr wrlLlng sysLem lL's also fasclnaLlng Lo Lhlnk abouL how we
choose Lo preserve our wrlLlngon some form of paper on clay eLc lL makes me wonder abouL Lhe
dlglLlzaLlon of much of our wrlLlng Lodaywlll lL survlve? Wlll Lhere be Lhe Lechnology avallable Lo read
uo we have any ldea Lhe Mayan calendar was so lnLrlcaLe/compllcaLed? 1hls ls a dlfflculL sysLem Lo
descrlbe buL you do a good [ob wlLh lL 1he plcLures help a greaL deal LhroughouL ln lllusLraLlng your
Sllde LlLles llke AnoLher Lhlng" and one lasL Lhlng" are lnformal and can flL wlLh Lhe conversaLlonal
naLure of your ppL buL l wonder lf you can Lhlnk of LlLles LhaL would be more speclflc/descrlpLlve
?our ldea of looklng aL Lhe use of Lhe Mayan wrlLlng sysLem Lo deplcL a modern day evenL works very
very well Lo brlng your polnL Lo llfe lL also ls an opporLunlLy for you Lo show your undersLandlng of
whaL you've been researchlng 1hls whole secLlon ls mosL lmpresslve and lnformaLlve!! lL does nC1
make me wanL Lo use such a sysLem!
SLep one Lhe daLe" has a Lypo well" lnsLead of we'll"
My flrsL reacLlon upon flnlshlng my flrsL read Lhrough your ppL ls WCW!! very very cool lmpresslve
1hls seems llke a greaL plece Lo lnclude ln your porLfollo so l'll be lnLeresLed Lo hear lf you wlll or noL l
Lhlnk lL shows your ablllLy Lo use dlfferenL modes of composlng (ppL vlsuals your own drawlngs) Lo
explore and express ldeas
lanLasLlc work!!!!

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