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It makes me Ieel better to know I was supposed to be conIused (my, isn`t that conIusing!) and I
did discover something! I learned about the linguistic aspect oI Maya glyphs but also about their
cultural value and signiIicance. It was something I haven`t ever really covered, despite the
languages I`ve studied. I really enjoyed getting to make up` my own glyphs too. I always
thought invented languages were kind oI interesting.
I thought I needed the background inIormation. When I Iirst started brainstorming Ior the
PowerPoint I wanted to start right into the linguistics, but then I realized that the topic is already
rather conIusing and thus without any context it would be 70,conIusing.
To be honest, I don`t really know a lot about Maya culture, at least not much below the surIace. I
didn`t do a lot oI research into the calendar system so I don`t really know much about that either,
but maybe I should look into it more. I don`t know, it might make all the date glyphs I used make
a little more sense (I know they`re a little conIusing).
As Ior the titles... I guess I was trying to make it like a high school presentation and, well, maybe
that isn`t really where the presentation ended up. I think it became a little more proIessional than
that and perhaps I need to revise the slides to Iit the new Ieel.
I have to say I`m quite proud oI the Obama inscription.` It was a lot oI Iun (Ior me) but also a
lot oI work. I think it really came together well. I personally would enjoy writing with glyphs,
but I understand that the system doesn`t Iit with the needs oI modern society. Still, I would
deIinitely enjoy learning to use a hieroglyphic system, or even a language like Chinese or
Typos: yeah, I read back through it and Iound a Iew more that just that one. I need to work on
my prooIreading skills.
I`m glad you enjoyed it! It is deIinitely going in the portIolio (probably as the progression piece).
It`ll be revised oI course, but I agree that it incorporates many modes oI presentation and I want
to show that in the portIolio.
With the semester almost up, I`m happy that my last project turned out so well and I`m looking
Iorward to compiling all my work Ior the semester into the portIolio. Again, I`m glad you
enjoyed the project, I`m sure the skills I developed in creating it will served me through the rest
oI my college career as well.

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