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Clussl CenLlle

LnCL 1101
Ms Caruso

llnal 8eflecLlon
l do feel llke l have llved up Lo my expecLaLlons ln Lhls class CLher Lhan my 8A paper l feel llke l
have been dolng well ln Lhls class My expecLaLlon ls Lo recelve an A ln Lhls class l have worked for lL
and my flnal porLfollo ls good enough Lo recelve Lhe A noL only dld l work hard on Lhe porLfollo buL also
puL a loL of efforL lnLo lL 1hrough Lhe semesLer l honesLly do feel llke l have become a beLLer wrlLer l
can geL my polnLs across more clearly buL l sLlll can lmprove wlLh LhaL WhaL l have noLlced ls LhaL l can
express my feellngs beLLer on paper now WhaL l do need Lo work on ls revlslon l geL preLLy lazy when l
come Lo LhaL aspecL of Lhe paper l feel llke my flrsL drafL ls good enough even Lhough my paper can
always be edlLed and perfecLed lor Lhls porLfollo l revlsed Lhe 8A paper and Lhe Cenre 8eCreaLlon ln
depLh 1hey are a loL beLLer Lhan Lhe flrsL drafL ?es l dld play lL safe 8ecause college ls new Lo me and l
dld noL wanL Lo Lake any chances lL made me a beLLer wrlLer by [usL followlng Lhe guldellnes and as a
sLudenL lL made me more dlsclpllned Pow l played lL safe was by followlng Lhe rules whaL was expecLed
of me ls whaL l dld
My sLrengLh are my ldeas l have hundreds of ldeas whaL l could poLenLlally wrlLe abouL lL ls
lronlc how my weakness ls expresslng my ldeas My sLrengLh works all Lhe Llme because no maLLer whaL
Lhe sub[ecL ls l can make up ldeas and know whaL Lo wrlLe abouL My weakness hlnders me a loL ln
some momenLs l geL sLuck ln my paper l don'L know how Lo conLlnue l can'L express whaL ls golng on ln
my head well on paper !usL because lL ls hard for me Lo conLlnue wrlLlng when l'm sLuck does noL mean
l glve up ln Lhls class l also learned Lo look up add on words" or sLarL a new senLence word" l llke Lo
call lL Lhe sLarL a new senLence word" because lL really helps wlLh Lhe conLlnuaLlon of Lhe ldea 1he
revlslon of my papers helped me ouL Lhe mosL l was never used Lo dolng lL ln hlgh school lL was easler
Lo geL a beLLer grade ln hlgh school Lhan ln college So l dld noL Lhlnk lL would be necessary Lo revlse my
paper ln college 8uL l was wrong all of my professors look aL my papers very closely and lL puLs more
pressure on me Lo wrlLe beLLer 1hls ls deflneLly noL a bad Lhlng 1he polnL of Lanklng Lngllsh ln college ls
Lo become a beLLer wrlLer and a beLLer reader
My Lhlnklng has sLayed Lhe same l Lhlnk l am a creaLlve person and l come up wlLh a loL of
dlfferenL ldeas 1haL ls for sure my sLrengLh ln wrlLlng l menLloned Lhls earller buL l really need Lo
emphaslze on lL LhaL my ldeas are my sLrengLhs 8uL anoLher weakness LhaL l suffer from ls SLLLlnC!!!!
unforLunaLely l have a llLLle blL of a language barrler buL lL has goLLen a loL beLLer over Lhe pasL Lhree
years 1o be honesL l dld noL have any expecLaLlons aL Lhe beglnnlng CLher Lhan achlevlng Lhe hlghesL
grade whlch ls an A 8uL l LhoughL lL was golng Lo be llke a hlgh school Lngllsh class 8elng a peer
revlewer ls deflnlLely beneflclal WrlLlng skllls 8eadlng evaluaLlng and helplng peers maklng Lhelr paper
beLLer ls a good way of becomlng a beLLer wrlLer lL has helped me personally become a beLLer wrlLer
(More ln depLh) 1he 8A asslgnmenL was deflnlLely dlfflculL l dld noL undersLand Lhe asslgnmenL very
well and l was noL clear wlLh whaL was expecLed lL would have been easler lf l acLually knew whaL had
Lo wrlLe abouL l Look care of Lhe asslgnmenL poorly buL ln my defense l had soccer whlch hlndered me
a llLLle blL 8uL sporLs should noL be an excuse for my grades Lo suffer 1o conclude Lhls year l have many
LhoughLs 1oo many Lo wrlLe down on paper buL puLLlng a long sLory ln a nuLshell l have learned a loL
from Lhls class 8evlslon ls key Lo belng successful ln wrlLlng papers eer revlewlng ls beneflclal for
everyone ln Lhe group noL [usL Lhe paper geLLlng revlewed l sLlll have many Lhlngs Lo learn buL l have
made a blg sLep ln becomlng Lhe besL wrlLer l can posslbly be 1hanks Ms Caruso for helplng me along
Lhe way!

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