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Ashley Baughman

Mr. Borrero
ENGL 1101-058
24 August 2011

In my past as a writer and reader I tend to Iavor Iictional pieces oI literature. This is
because Iictional literature can send your imagination to a whole new level. Two types oI
Iictional literature I really enjoyed and learned Irom are the Harry Potter series, and the Twilight
AIter reading the Iirst Harry Potter book, I instantly realized that I wanted to read the rest
oI the series. I absolutely loved these books because oI how they pulled me into a completely
diIIerent world Irom the one I know. J.K Rowling, the author oII all the Harry Potter books, did
a great job oI getting me hooked onto the series. She done this by being so descriptive and the
more imagination she put into her novels the more I was hooked. One way she sparked my
interest was by giving the characters inhumanly powers, such as magic. This really got my
attention because; I would love to be able to use magic on a daily basis to make liIe easier.
Another way J.K Rowling intrigued me was by putting creatures such as goblins, dragons, and
elves into her novels. I liked that she did that because when I Iirst seen the goblins and elves and
dragons I thought to myselI how amazing it would be iI those creatures were to really exist.
From these books I learned to value Iriendship, and I now understand what true Iriendship is. I
learned this because, throughout the whole series Harrys` best Iriends Ron, and Hermione risk
their lives countless times to save him. Only true Iriends could do this Ior each other, and this
has made me a better Iriend and a better overall person today.
Another Iictional series that I absolutely love is the Twilight series. Stephanie Meyer is
the author to this book and she also got my attention by giving her characters inhumanly powers.
Her series are based on vampires, and werewolves; however, these vampires aren`t your typical
predators. They can read minds, see the Iuture, and make others Ieel pain just by looking at
them. I really enjoy this because it`s nice to take a break Irom reality and think these abilities are
possible Ior humans to attain. While Stephanie is doing a great job in creating these creatures
she also has a marvelous love story taking place. Through all oI the ups and downs and two
close to death experiences Bella, the main character, wants nothing more than to be with Edward,
the vampire. This book shown me the meaning oI true love, because she did not care what
obstacles stood in her way she loved him and was going to be with him no matter what. AIter
reading this book I have realized iI you have true love nothing else in the world matters.
In my past experiences with writing I never enjoyed writing non-Iiction because unlike
Stephanie and J.K you cannot use your imagination. You have to stick to the Iacts and you
cannot really be as entertaining. However, I did complete a seven page paper on how cigarette
production has change the U.S culture. AIter writing this paper I Ielt so accomplished. Though it
was extremely hard Ior me to write, because it is my least Iavorite type oI writing, it was worth
going through all the trouble when I got an A on it.
In the end I believe the only reason I enjoy reading and writing Iictional stories is because
I have a very active imagination, and love putting it great use. When writing non-Iictional
papers I Ieel like I am limited to what I can say and I do not like that Ieeling. When I Iell
limitless I can expand my thinking and make a more outgoing and interesting paper.

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