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BY V P Bhagat

Importance of Communication

Communication is a necessary condition of human existence and social organization. Every organization is a society. Communication first of all to be given due recognition as an integral part of the process of change.

Importance of communication

the communication system is properly devised. It is most import tool of the management. Communication involves a systematic continuous process of telling, listening understanding.

Factors responsible for importance

of communication

size of organization Growth of trade union The human relation aspect Public relations aspect Technological advancement Advances in Behavioural aspect

Factors Responsible for Importance of Communication


size of organization We are living in the age of mega-organizations. Modern organization are indeed very large in size as compared to yester years. Growth of trade unions Associations or unions of workers, have been emerging as a force to reckon with.

Factors Responsible for Importance of Communication.


human relation aspect has been widely changed from master-servant relationship to partnership relationships. Public relations aspect The managers are held responsible to various sections of society, specially the customers, govt., suppliers and public.

Factors Responsible for Importance of Communication


Advancement Often leads to problem as subordinates resent to support these changes. Advances in Behavioural Science Management today is profoundly influenced by the advances and thrilling discoveries.

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